... i. i ex, 1 1 nmmsmmwmttt wgsw-t-aJL3. jj "'"" 1 ; .'DAVID OVTI.7 Editors. I1AI.BIGH, IT. 0. THTJIISDAY, FEBZlUAItlT .10,1636 VOL SSVIL ilO D. I II n f . i r n r i THOMAS ,JJ. IESI.ir, - rUOPRIETOR AJfD PUBLISHER. -i ' - .Kit VIS. 9eecirrt jv, three itotlar per annum fti balft 4u. Sn(nerilwF in other Siatet tsnnnl ill l to remain in nriears Imirrr than mw V tot , t HTnntriHlrnl wi)limiiilii Sl.tr, rh iwav tlesirelo become tuhteriltri. will he strictly required to pay the hr. -nil nTPflltr yUlii'iiliiMii in mil inr. AartlTltlllin', ! exceeding filiet-ii Ihws. tn-rrti"! thrre limes for one dollar, n(l ten """"t fi r -Hi tiffwh con I inw!eir-y-"'''"'- ,sTr to the Kditor mo-t lie post paid. KPEECJI OF JIU, H'ISE, s Tim eaeM or tj von of rat porti rrcATiov im. or iH j.T sxssios. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. . . . . - Prida v.Jan. 82. ATfiTTiTr. .Va i" enhcTuitcd fthr'TsprecbrMr. I WISE addeased the House Id Uio following.ef- feet: . . Mr. Speaker, I did not expert thi disruss:on to arise to-day. I wa in preparation for-it on k aiiothcr occasion, end if my farts, and infer- encesfrom them, bit not presented no well ar ranged a they nii-jitt tie, niiil as if iiewirame Uicvshoiild he, I hop I js'mll be excused on the question Who is rexpnnsible for the failure of tlie forti fication Bill to suporsn matter how deeply, pr'4ii(rty,"nd tmmnliale- IV itmay involve the most important public in teresta for the future. I readily confess that we A motion was then made by Mr. Cambrelong tact which I wish bome along in our remrm that the House do adhera to their aoid ainend- beranee, when approaching other facts.which mcnt i""1 " WHM not -111 Oruer lO cull niuniwra. ij fi!iiijinu vi cuiunvurv wm BjrjMuiim iun)( w name on the floor. Mr. Wne replied that be tora the rote on the Cumberland road bill, and waif raiding from th Jaurnai f 4h 4 Con---iime -fciough tir them to hare reported Ijelbre jrew.) .--iB-- - the hour expired. - Upon motion tlien to reeeJn, he previous Remember that the committee of conference question was dcniandid, and upon the question, retcrnod just before or at the time of tlo vote rtiH- Tri"lll" r-'-' '1'' Y""' ;mherland rnn.) h, nr jnl h,-fr,rP fr at (J8; JVays 107. Number of vote, 1JJ5. the time of the voto on tlie Moore and Letcher A motion was then made by Mr. Hubbard reflations. I care not which. : thaTthe lfotdo enifeincetwbu4-4o..'T Qf,.tb6.Mrrf.m7V'i. tion was carried, and Mr. Camhrelehg, ?.(r. amrndmcnt tmtil tit nmberland radb'iU,uh Lcwis and Mr. Hubhard were appointed man- cluttive, the yeas and nays were called fivttimr, apers to conduct thoauid C9niereur on the part showinjatthediirerenttiinea 186V !7S, 197, 195, of the House. 'd, immediately preceding the Moore and Hero, sir, permit me to remark that the Hon. Letcher resolution Jf 174 members preterit and Dixon II. Lewis, of Alu'ama, has not yet ar- veting.' . , ' rived, from indisposition,- and ho is not here to Mark now the namn of thnscwho voted on iictifyJJLjh1.fojrjhsaJ;a of a full develoji- the Cumberland road bill knowingly and wit- ment, ho was in his place. Hut, Sir, Air. Cam- xnigTy-,-wrn-T7roct3itjaittm-o nmwy-njsr-ii hrclcns is now in this House, and Mr. Hubbard o'clock at niijht. Among the ayes in favor of is now in the Senate. , that bill we find the name of Samuel Ittcrdt- Here the Srnma ayuin interposed, and l-'i' gentleman who, in a breath afterwards, said the gentleman was out of order in calling excused himself from votingr the reason jfhtleme)! 1 th,ei' names. r j ''that the term for which the . members of the " Mr. Wiw asain replied that ho vnn reading 23d Congress had been elected bad expired!' fi'Tlliy Jmnnal uf ilu) I ml i-'rm -rc , ":'e'l Iff t!K TOlf, "eh the rraion f.T Dcmljer. lluiM.jUlcjwy.i" '! room "inning bills after that time of . Ths 8ieakiir s:iij ihd "entlcm!n named are voting, as tho primal shows beyond dispute. . ..lIJktt air,JleMWy..lIU .thai byi. watS and should he m ennidr- The on ration i f & Oonjrrcsil, is not here; Mr. I'aml.re- the rumlyrbnJ road till -was taken. tonot.t!ie ho!,r caino tent. Ol tlio .-Ml t;nn"Tsfl. is now 1 Ihii Hillue. : raimn iro.uirai v3 a u..imii u. u,u.un a- than 70 enrolled bills. The President, this proves, was in the cipeaker's room after It o' clock, at night, signing bills. It is notorious he mliCa1UT'rrnc pnto.mki? it v ...I...:-.; -r -. i..'. ..,, " r.i i r .l. t .1... - i " i 'ySL'r'''.tSkv-. resolution of Mr. Jarris to adjourn- 4TheJiLcuaJutcaui'MJIt(r mentioning namos.j , . , Mr. Wise asked what names! .' - -The Chair. The name of M.r. Jarvi. Mr. Wise. I am reading from the journal. ra Chair. 1 Uid"TH5f vrim&mtmtiHhv- gentleman. MrWise.- yir, sir, those names which I am reading from the journal divd' according to conscience, on the 3d of March lal ; mT' Mr. Mercer aaid his colleague (Mr. . Wisf-) must of necessity refer to the names of mem bers of the last Congress. ' Mr. WUe. v I claiin the rfsj'it to do sa, and protest against this interruption of the Speaker! The Chair disclaimed any inienliou to intcr ruftthe. acntliiajaafrom. Virginia. Mr. Wise. I hope I may proceed then wliu out in erruption. A motion was received from the Senate a to enrolled bil's, signed by the President. How enulJ wafecfve tlii mewajje if wc were dead! ,,A,niQtLin was. oguia waile by Mr. Jarvis to adjourn, lime it was that Sarmtel R'ardsiv. of Xcw York. Winar-called. .TecSiled to aiisv sijn had expire !! Ht was called and c'amo not," II of the lost sessson!" U now made j nnd Mr- Hub'mr.1. of the ltt C.ngrw, is new bout t ic lnur de aim every oilier question, no toutc; mO,Ir.Cambr?Jcng,tHe l.!; w'dVlir.'pririiii 1mmediM4 fKrean A-r tell the whole truth, and ln one t oliCA -.4 . ..i.i.;.,,. .i,.i- k Tt.it m iiia I of tlii tnSnlsniuniineA from'tlw' commTi-.'1'' i ...u- i c. ,.. "II,:. . . tee of conference of the last session with n wit- 1 .! -. i;i:.i it u. ness of all tho facts, who can. if he will, dis- c 4 political ed in all the public prints, particularly in that which is ths organ of the Administration, is made the most prominent subject of discussion in Coniircw, the most wofol misrepresentations oncoming it have obtaineil mrimey and. xr.Cr.j deuce; the innocent are maun to bear the sins of the cuiliv; truth and justice hoth have been violated; a presidential canvass is made, in part, j t depend upon tills (jiicstion; the puhlfc minJ i-'itn'i'inir.itvnhriiir'rtUimttand I am deter- rnineJ lliatthe w.Wc mi.V shall be tohf, mT,,l Mnnly that alL tlie liiht which I can shed upon it shall nou-u ".mJ u J ui-i"os tiven to the world. The 3ik,usMoh'"thiisTwvi bt civ far his liecn perfectly blindfold. By one party the Senate, by anotb-tr the Houe of Rcprewn- eman has sened In mire tie -ever know nv di. Mr. Hubbard, of the List Conircss, cn tell ftn versity of opinion, any qucsUoa about tlm hour, whole truth in his place, if the gentlemen will, before tho lait niffht of the la-t session! I Mr. ucarjdicy sau.no couiu noi suuinii know, sit, froin childhood up that cafe. iismtf"are unpleaiunt, but when truth is suffer- clnse the real truth of this whole trans.utioii. ! vulcnce we mu.-st all submit patiently to Will they ' tell what they know! Will they j b questioned, and the nation must know all the satisfy the public mind? Wiil they disclose i f-u and tho whole intent in this case. But all, and conceal nothin-! I dmy them to speak! V?riP by Mnt gentleman s waU-h it wa r,ot out, and hold nothing back, for the sake of truth ' " 13 o ilvrngti t was soon aflenvard niidjustkv! - Sic, -could not in my scat 1 know it was 13 o clock aud past, tor 1 r--n?m-calmly and coolly, and suffer the torture of this . h"r ths C'cl HlXtr. thtmct; whose em controversy, much lesa rise and ?ik, l"i.-wiiig 'nrnee did keep a atnrt watch over his time the whole truth, without diHosinir fully. I P;',- ntinnunced it to tho House, and departed could not permit bnoccncejn my si-jht to impe i u V"si- whicTl he nPVC' dU unless com- for its defence, tliotli tult I eould not sea vtilcJU- - Jaue. Ui truth and just'cc whilst I was present ready with tlio means of vindicating both. Let the witnesses, t... Iwt, eh.we.l iih tha I, of fhnt : the best witnesses the caseadmhs of, come fur- rbiXNofr7 sif,Tltw-miw fact wbkk i riM tor W'"R,', My fully as to a!! tlio fuels, known establish is, that neither the Senate 'nor the j or unknown! Wilt they do ti!"r'l House of Representatives is justly chargeable "with its -fcihir,-- -.: ; I say, sir, let all crimination and recrimina tion between the Senate and House of Repre sentatives, Iwth innocent, forever cease, for I can prove by this journal (holding up the jour nal of the bWlIoosc)' alrrtie"andby other In duWtnble testimony beside, that nrither the , Senate nor the Huwte was responsible or cen surable for tha faihrra of that bill. The Senate did its duty, the House did its duty, and both were not only. wiHing bnt anxious for its pas- a!j."Nai blame for its failuro is fairly attribu table lo etth'-r. Cal'cd upon to say upon whom "the" blame should fa1d, Tsayraa'Wal1taii'"s!duhv , to David, "thou art the nmn!" (pointing direct ly at Mr. Cambrelcng.) Fir, let not the gentleman from New York (Mr. C.) lake this as personally unfriendly or unkind. ,'J'hst gentleman has always been courteous and kind to me, and I desire ever to be courteous, kind, and respectful to him. But truth and duty impose a task upon me on this occasion, which I must perform, regardless of ell personal considerations. I his subject is in troduced by himself, the question is up, it is fair to discuss it, he is here present to defend himself, "eye to . eye, and far to face;" this House is the place for the trial, before the eyes of the whole nation, and the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth So help us God! should go forth to the People from this " Capttol! x I hero charge him as being wholly, or in part with pther hit party, responsible for the failure of the fortification bill at the last ses sion of the last Congress, Aud, sir, the gen- - tlemaW froSFffrth Carolina (Mr. Btwc.) who spoke a few days ago on the increase of Navy appropriations, need not bare been so particular to throw a stumbling-block in the myoT freedom of speech and of inqniry-en-thia subject, by repeatina emphatically so often that "Tt:wa. - rW? 4latUC .House of Rcpresen- tatives was rei-ponsiblo for the 'Inilurcnf "tha bnV"No min who know the truth of the esse wil I prMnmb orprctcnd 10-charge the HeuW f l(cpresntative wtth tnat lailiire. wneiner " ' the House of Representatives was guilty or n,ot guilty, (s nfjt the true issue. No ono will join ' that issue with tho gentleman, and no one who knows the truth of the ease will accuse the Senate. " '. ' . " '. I liere' nfake The -rhartrn a-Ibelio-re it, ftnm theMotn-nal.'ttir wro rvidemir and that of oth- tiiin it. To the facts, then! U the facts! ' j On the night of Tucsdayj tlie" 8d of Mareh,-! - 1835, the three miUian amendment to bill No. 00. "An act makinir appropriations for certain fortification of the United Stales, heretofore commenced, kt the year 1835," was reported h the Committee of the Wholo House on the Biata of the Union. That amendment treads a follows! Here Mr.Catiibrclenxsaid he would tell c.'. I am frlad to limir it, and I shill con-rrntulatc Uie t,.itmtryatmd- -tho"fren!bi of WHtli n.l jo. tice, u all be told, lint to proeijod. The Senate woarotiticd of tho request for a conference. . -'The House then proceeded to the considera tion of the bill to render permanent the present mode of Fupplytng the Army, Ac. which took up considerable time. Mr. LlnsTS, from the Joint Committee on Enrolled Bills, reported the examination of two enrolled bills, and Mr. I)iekcron reported that forty-four bills had been presented to tho President, the titles of which -were named, - Mr, Aliky,f ilissuuri, during this time also made several motions, which oc cupied considerable lime, to take up a harbor j bill, which does not appear on the journal. j And at this and every point of time the Hou'o I wns delayed by continual efforts to tako up particular subjects not in order. The House then proceeded to tho considera tion of the Cumberland road bill. Previous to. the vote on this hill, tlie con force on the three millions amendment bad returned into the Hct;e. " Mr. Cambrcleng here said, No, ne; ho had remained in the House aArr being appointed on the committee of conference until the vote on the Cumberland road bill, and voted on that bill; that the committee did, not return to the House until about the time of tho vote on the Moore and Le'tcher resolutions, which was sometime after twelve o'clock. Mr. Wise proceoded. Sir, the gentleman must be mistaken, or he was guilty ol a neglect of duty in delaying so long to attend the com mittee "of conference. From the time' of the appointment' of the conferees until the vote on the Cumberland road, bill, more than an hour elapsed, and if the gentleman was so conscien tious about the time of pis lit he legislated, he should have hastened to do hi duty on the com mittee of conference, lest the House should ex pits before J,his precious bill could in conscience be savedt'IS'Oe'3rrnoT1K6u until th hoiir baii-me, ho sliouULon thatli, ground, u on no other, be ncu responsible. J . uui, sir, my rccouccuon is, mai me rommuim of conference returned into the House Acore thVvote on the Cumberland road bill; and just before or at the time of that voto; the first no tice that I heard was- given of tho hour. ' The pllej by sickness or a sense ot duty, ana I tflovr that I- was hcW- m my seat by tbontron arm of a strong friend of tho Cuiiiberlaiid road iViifrTha'nrifne" tt--that' gentlnwn -nat the only hamo which I wish tho House to remember among tho votes on this bill after 12 o'clock at nii'ht. Among the nays,. sir, we find the name of Churchill C. Catnbrelewr. . rif era the 8caker again interrupted Mr. Wire, for raliin;; memkers by name. Mr. Wise acain s;ii I, I cJuim the risjht to read tho journal of the 'Ja'fit sesUon rif Cdngress; Names,dates, persons, facts, are what are wanted, I cannot got alotig urilew I am permittsd to call tilings by their right namrt.' It is impossible for me to cp't alon? wilii any thinr like a con nected relation of facts, if I am thus to bs inUr run!Hi. The Fpeakrr aaid tha gentleman has t'.ic right to read tVqm tho journal. I thought he was naming a gentleman in this House. , Mr. Wiso replied, I have told you, Mr. ! Rpeakcr, repeatedly, that. I was reading from tthe journal, arid I claim "the right Id read plain ly out the name of Chur-ch-ill C. Cam-bie-ieng! Cries of "go on! go on!" As soon as Churchill C. Camlirelon? gave thit vote and all the votes were told, after 12 o'clock at night, Churchill C. Canibrcleng, the Chairman of tlie committee of ennfurence, might as well havo done his duty and made his report to the House. But this is ho'lalt-" e.irollcd bills were next reported, one of which the Speaker signed after 12 o'clock at night confessedly. Mr. J.irvit (of Maine) then moved the fol lowing resolution: "HesilveJ, That the hour having arrived when the term for, which this House was c- lected has expired, we do now adjourn.'; Mr, note that here t a rwlutfon oITcrod to the Houve, giving additional notice to that of Mr. Gilmer, that the hour had come, note by whom this resolution wits offered: by a gentle man who afirftoardi voted. ."lThoiyhair.. again. intorposd forxatliiig proper names. Mr. Wise. I read from the journal. I call the attention of tho House to the fact that here is a resolution to adjourn far the reaton of the time-of nigh!, that the hour had come--tht we were dead. Mr. Jones (of Georgia) also imme diately moved to adjourn, for the purpose of trvinir whether the House thought it could sit ;t r-mcrrr;rioirr scruples. It wana eVC vv iicn was the want ol a quorum to do this! A motion was then made to suspend the rules to tako up tho Moore and Letcher resolu tions. tatted in the affirmative,- Where fcreca on the part of the House, then rose, and tatcdvthat be declined to make report of the proceedings of the committee of conference aforesaid;" and, sir mark the -rnon j, and coh the ground that; front the vote an the re sol u- ltaagranUtic.ftnpciiiation.toKal cr, which vote was decided at the time the com mittee returned into tha House from, the con ference, it was ascertained that quorum was not present; and further, that lie declined to Tnaks.Uioiwid' ii'jnut, t IllP'gWUtwl that Ore constitutional term for which the House bad becii chosen had expired." -i- TTp' 16' ttis niouient ihff JToft'te haj beeti pourly waiUng for the. report of the committee of conferenceiSind- not until this moment hail the least intimation been given that the chair man uf tho committee would decline to make the report! , Ho gave . two seasons: First, 'it was ascertained that no qunnnwas present." How was this ascertained! Why waa "not a qitoruni present!" - That is what I wish tho gen Uemaif "to answer Sic! TpTTl givfiH"slntof ! time -up to the vote on the Moore and Letch-j cr resolutions; ami, if that was the time when i the committeo.of conference returned, tip to the .very moment who that committee did return, tlwre were. 174 membcra present and votinir S3 more than a quorum: What became of this fliiiiTryatn'mnTrfi'TO-'at wtir-"wfr;'ar-tiit; nmndtf the whistlo, at the wink of the k'ailers, the "faith- . Mr. Lewis il'i J make the rep w whet'ier it was received or not, and it w,t entered on the journal. - I wa siltinff l v him hei hejnade tli report. He took it fio:n Mr. was thenanf of a quorum to prevent doing this! i th vote -on the cumticrianu rsan hjll was lattsn up ( AftwtlBbate. the nrevi.wis ou.tion was moved fi tsiAli'?Ba.W.4W .WI..alssiMsWiaUittaa-. Qticstiort Wilt.thtr pirrcrMiv Ciln gs to tm, reslutinn a h8roin fecit- whom mo man wwimuMt; ma more-df jf y unaSccteury. .acrupulotu :on ponjts or . .con- j-r Voie9.J13- " ' science, when bis nsme was called rose, pulled j -a .,l9rum buVamong '""ye" I finTttie mjt tu watch, ana anawiy announces K to uie nlm of Jon o,rinPy Adiirom 8d Churchill """ g. J:unbrelniif! i e. sir.bf.th voting lonir al- and vote, for the reason that the hour of twolve had arrived. He immediately left the House. He practised ftsmrrfrwhat he professed. He gave mc the first not$. of th trn, and of thjj "And le lit faiiKetifiriWT)m lh anm of question whether iu.lot-wa...wr..jflfHnct.j.JIo three million of dollars be, and Uie same is did not depend upon mat laioe ciock tace (point! hereby, appropriated out of any money in the ing to the clock above the Speaker' chair,) the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be ex- handsof which were made that night to point ponded, in whole or in partr und the direction : uaciwarus. u was me nrsi nmo in my nio i of the President of the U. Htatca, for the mili- ever saw old Time flying backwards; the old tary and naval service, including fortification and ordnance, ana increase tlie navy: pro- ' vided auch expenditure shall be rendered ne cessary for Uie defence of the country prior to - the next meeting of Congrest."' On the question that the house do concur with tlie committee in' this amendment, th vote stood: Yeas 100; Nave 77. Number of - , 188. - - --.'7-- - I beg of the Honae to ma:k the number of vote given, a I pwreoV On the bill to establish br-irtches of the Mint, the next vote, upon a call of aye and noes, waa. Yea 1 15; Nay 60. Number of voles, 175. A messaire was aferwarda received from tlie Senate, informing the House that they dita greed to the thre nalL'ont amendment A mo. tion was Uitb tnarta by Xlr.- Giuilaon that ths House do recede from It amendment Tlie ' previous question wa then called, and on the - main question; "Will the House recede from the said amendment!" tlii vote.slood: Ya S7; Nay 110.' Number f votes, J97. - ' -TheHonse flwii iircrf on its smendirtent, and sent a niracnge to inforin the Senate. The tvnate then returned ft mswsag that the Senate "auLcr to their difsgirsibeiit to the amrpd- IMBt u" tv K8aW. ' --" ' m'urht soon have returned to thoir youth -ain I wuh that clock wa all that is raise which is fair about thi Capitol! He relied on hi own watch, which was regulated by his conscience. Thus reminded of the hour, and struck by the ter all had been thrtct notified that the hour had comet Where were their tonuieneet? TThe Chair hcra sd"1rwirTiot in order to indulge in personalities or to refer to JnotiTcs. - Ms. w9, whyir, thegcatlcm-ni bcfom me (Mr. C.) is eantinually assuring rmrthat hx doe not object to be named, and why should the .Sneaker! No member call to order, and I hope I shall be permitted'to proceed. . The geis. tlcman from Massachusetts ha aaid that gen lie. men refused to vote after 12 o'clock, for rea onol"centcientievttcntptet." I put the ques tion, then, In more charitable phrase: nhrre .n their -templet?" Not only had Mr. f.ilmer retired, annnnneintr beforehand bis rea- conduct of Mr. Gilmer, npon whose watch, and jtIli ,ul w, resolution had been expressly of whose conscience I could rely, I wa on the . fer to aJjoum.jasiBning th reason tliat the point of making opposition to the bill before n0 a-jnJ expired notice given verbally and in the House, for reason of In hour, a well or j wriUnir before thi voto wa taken. Where constitutional objections, when I was prevented J wtP tlie scruple of tlie gentleman then -who by my friend from Pennsylvania (Jlr. at fcen- tni, fftv, , on, rejon for not reporting bill! Was not notice rriven to all, by Mr. Gil mer, that tho hour had theh come! Mr. Beards- ley's name was paaieiovcr, and he did iut su- svver again that night.--;" here .were many others who did not come aimin, that nijht, Who were here, but had a call from bsTuhd the cm- T hiin who shrunk from their portvahd kalfc 4eUsitWisyh -1 pcarcd and disappeared t'3toou"iiT'WTS'T whistle,' and who should have shrunk Lvtj non-entity! ' 1 he question was t.iken on ai'imrnment, mot'fd then; notoriously after twelve u'clock. by Mr Jarvis, who had alir-iJy said by hi res.jui- tnn, wo wora douJ. T-ho vote sitoodi Id to; XayslC3. Numiicr of vote IIS. - Here, ir only Av- imbct4 ffi -wanting to make a quorum; and I know I will make oath to the tact that there wore wiorc .'. r.n three members in the Houre whi did not vntc. Mr. Bcardsley was present, Mr. MaYin, of New York.waa iire.jcnt, and I was present mvsclf. and neither of us vo,ed. I will account, ir, for not votmg;-fnyself. I wisli verygcni!cuiaiL. wrould do so, and bad done as Imd atrrrwartts- answered when called. But who did voW! Mr. Jarvis voted in the affirmative, and Churchill C Carjibrekng voiejl hi the jKiftt'JSfcrrifSlsl against adjournment after he 1ii;t ih hour had com-:' After every kind of notico which he could have had of tho ex pint ion of tiiehourt he voted etfaintt or(oiirn;--Virt'irt!ly lo-riartngi--ticcessarily voting that- liio. House might titt wa competent to lcgislute, and tught to continue in session. Now, sir, gentlemen may excuse themselves, those who pretend to have had "contcientiout templet," for volinir in the affirmative, for that irlny havo expressed their tcrupltt about continuing to sit; but I am uiieny ai n ios.v lo soe wiuu ran jusu y iiuwe who had "contaentiout templet, m voting a irainit adjournment Why vote to sit if they could not sit! If the House no longer existed in Tav7 aiid or power, after tho hour of tW4, what object wa there in veliiig to continue its session! Will the gentleman from New York (Mr. C.) say that )o changod his opinions; that his "tcrufilet" were begotten between thi point of time and the moment he refused to report the proceeding of the committee, for the reason that the hour of twelve o'clock had expired! But, six, I must proceed; I am determined ti travel over the whole journal, and point out every (act, even to the crossing of the t't and the dotting of the ". After Mr. Jarvis last resolution failed, for want of a quorum, Mr. Wm. Cost Johnson, of Maryland, from the o lect committee on establishing a national foundry, made a report, toliich via read, and the resolution therein recommended, was a; frrcod toby .the House! How could this re port be inailo, and this retoluiion be agreed to by tlie House, if there was n-auorum aud no Jeute? If a quorum and .if a House to re ceive and agree to a report and resotirtiotr-bf a select committee, why wa there .not a qtio- rum and a House to receive and agree to the report of the committee of conference! Why did its chairman, Churchill C. Cambroleng, not l7rn make its reportl HeVa voting atraintt adjournment, though ho knew, all knew, Uie hour had come, and so far from being a dead body, the House wa a living,, legislating, act in$TOsrMwbodvw',"-. 1 he Riiekee" laid befo-tho Jlousc uO lew than nmr! communication froin the Jbte cutive UcpartmenU, among which was ths let ter or the I'ostmaster uencrat, wiucn was read. and Mr. White, of Florida, laid upon the laMe an act of the legislature of that Territory. In a word, sir, evory specie of legislative, action was performed. W were invested with all the fumTtianstribtttes, rwvrrv jMrd; pphfrnalia of a House ol KepresentaUvs..UJ w were, not well M the semblance of an organized body Uie Speaker aitUng in tlmt chair, Hie member here in their seats, long after it was notorious that the hour of t welve o clock wa past and gone forever. Thus formed, thus acting, living, vo!ed, or refused to vote, a circu instances di rected them, or as the leadc'ijlejwed!; Who were Uiey who wit-.ld not vote! Kead the journal for yourself he who run nrry rca. fifwik at tho names of "the parly!? It wa net the House, or a majority, .which waa to blame. A majority of the House was ready, and wiilmir, l and aii.xi'j.u to psss the bill; but a veryemail handed it to the. messeinrer of it. fttVliS"" has put it iijion record. Ha made the repoit - -V thniighthc hour 'hail come! And, -ir, I ' could not biit ohsene his astonishment when Mr. Cambrelenrr refused to make the report. No quorum! 1)3 we ever count the llu lln T n-rfitietha renort nfi rnmrnm,..! How know there wat not a nuorum before a count f- Sir, it wa; notorious there was a qorinn it was, known to -vefy wun - f. would say, if there wa one, there were IS) members at Icatt in the House when that report was made. They were in the Lobby. they were skulking In every direction an I refused to rote . They knew their Own mo . tivcs. I will nut dive into their heart, but uc'i i the f.ct! - After Uie yea an4 nav on lb, motion la isU'l'irn ff rccei y ed anot he mesKige from the Scnat', by Mr. LowrieV " Mr. Speaker: J am directed to inform tha House uf Rcnresenlative 'that the Senate has finidied the legislative business before it. nt is ely to a'ijourn." " No', sir, n.i man will accuse me of lieinar the advocate or the apo'ogUt of tle Senate. "'"'VeTTWra nnim ?.l'i!lL10!a ..i.t Jn:ixV.iuj4,R-h'W 'i wi-1 lux wu4w)Cl!rX&tt3iiAul!tml n,tf JTsj?; 'T'tlrtTiiiiVitirrrhwresTjcciful int'.m.i'ion tithe House to act, on"tIie Fortification bill. Sal considered, it aHlio tim. Tlie Senate eo ild no', with prinriety, have renewed the " fiMt .rneaa,c, without eemlii(r to arrvne It was not becaiiKO thev wir not here, but becaure, being hero, they would not vote wero ordered not to voto, that there wa no quo- ruin. -1 put it t the ri'iit!:-')nii if he tiid uot know," and does fiq'iWwiiowV -tfiwt .there! ihe prero.nif i.f ,r. U,x ti1f' l"H'r. Of - wa mafd than a noTttm ptcsrnt! r- Hove many I wrthmtt utrmio tohe gi4 o tho ioulenc were prcseni rcHisinsr in tw.a, wiirn uui mrec wiucn Ws Ctl;irs-t-il Hum the fi"t mrum JKtgttJstlat Mis Adams.) I ly then-lore said tU Senate has'. riiuhcir Toe "TeiTaTO'liuaTISOsTliorn'r)'" it!" Aivl wa thi not the fact f Wa the FuHlflfttmi b 11 there . No, sr, it whrre, in thi II 'inc.. and here tinseled on! Yc. sir, nntAitliatamli ii j Jhl bdl was si ll unacted (lit in the House, Mr. F., . ,1, Smith, (of Miiiic.) one ol "the faithful." nlTeretl a ri se. ; lution, "tnat a committee bjupiiiBiited to minority could reduce u Ulow"fi?nunlVf ofB quorum. A myontv ol the lloue mainlntncd their post and dJ their duty that nTJht. Sonic, it is true, left from anxiety lo get home, ac-m were sleepy, soma were I ucr .pardon, I was nulls ne may nave further coinnviincatiim to mskrtltwf11.iue of Congress, having completed. the : huniness before them, are r lv to close the present esion." Al- n-boWtosnV-! IhattbeJiesvott HiuT "not ctoserfr, yet -wa-- rt trim ..that hotli JIjusc. hiul enmph ted the busine before aolieA lIcy wcre ready to vole and pa the hill; ,t l,tt.n.l.airmn.n it-1 i .rknmttl toA iir'V.rtnfi.i'AHMi (Mr. C.J would not make hi report, because there was no quorum! Now, bow diil h know there w as uo. . quorum wuhout-o eil f the House! " '""" " a Mr. CjimbreVnff. I knew it. Ma,. Wie. .,, Yt-1 -know - yo-kew aletc. would be no q'torum witnoul a ctiil; no n:an k no w.lt ro well ay y ow did! ;P:'f hnw- yon know it! Did yon not Wow where !ue were who were ordered Jo be "deficit" on the occa sion of a call! So much for tS want of a quo rum! . : . - ' '.... The second roason of the gentleman was, "that tha constitutional term for which thr House had been chosen had expired!" Now, air, "please comparer this reason with the gen tleman's own vote. Thrice, previous to this excuse, the gentleman himself had voted- on- call f the yM and HRjrarrtiWninWrT' ill from the Cumderland ronS bKI up to this pidtry excuoo, repeatedly after' IX o'clock st night! He voted against lb Cumberland read bill, then in favor of a resolution to pay money out of the House fund to Robert P. Letcher, and actually airiiinst an adjournment, after the hour of 13 o'clock, lforo he gave in thi ex cuse for not reporting from the committee of conference; and, sir. will it be believed that the gentleman did actually vote npon a call of tho yen and nays, even after he "gave-this reason, that tho term of the House had expire!! Hir, I cannot understand tho consistency of t3 con duct with these excuse for failing to do an act of duly. Can the gnn'.lemanexulain thi! " Mr. C.1 Yes, I will ". T .;' Mr. tVis. You wllljttempt l, but you cannot explain it. Yes, sir, after thi ej cuse was otTcred, a mnticva was -made to ad journ, and on the call of yen . jnt nnvs Mr. pCanbrelentf wa found still volinfj, And, air, among the list of navs nn thi last vote, st the fair end of the night labors, I found the name ol John itumcy Adams. . ate. Adam here explained. Mr, te wa proceeding to rn!vi when Mr. Mercer aaul In col Irs rue bad tolsllv misapprehrnded the gentleman from M.is aacUusrtt and repeated in aubstance Mr. Adams explanation.' - ".. y ' ....l,hr,alu"e w.itindenrtooa -jsr a;tiiuijMu- t ttfioisti m aii-:ucett-:- ac fruing all the tune that the. louse was a dead Hector at 12 o'clock that ntzht. The di. moving, and having our being, we received a message from the Senat to notify the- House that the sonate wa waiting for us to act upon ti-.e Jouibcauun bilu "A message from the Senate, by Mr. Low rie, their Secretary i - Mr. Speaker, I am directed to bring to this House resolution passed by the Senate, and which ie as follows: "Iletolved, That a message be sent to the honorable the House of ReprcsentsUves, ret- peetfully to remind the House of the report of the committee of conference eppoinled on the disairreeinir vote of the two House on the a- mendincnt of the House to the amenJme-4 of the Senate lo the bill respecting the forilAca- tirtn.Hrii.. nH:i.4 ai.i.." - Sir, , what did thi message mean or aay, which could have been offensive! It is ex. nnw&lv m.A. !i, tla IfliuritsTS and in ita nlw nan,) who held me down, inaplayful way in ifrom th rommUtce of conference Uiat the hour, jeet The Sonata was wailing for the action of my scat, which cirrumstancs he may recoliect. j1vi ithe House on this bill, which alone delayed Thus I am certain, Uiat when thevoleoqlhe Jjut, sir, the nw important fact at tills point of; the termination of the session, an which re Cumberland read bill was tokon, the hour had time to be noted is, that at one moment you see . mained unacted npon by Hie House; whilst it wa come and wis past! I voted on toat bill on ac- j 197, Bt another 195; immediately preceding ; acting upon a grout variety of other businee of count oi my eunsiuuiionai omeciions 10 m pna tlUs moment 1 74 member present and votinr. much les importance. To my mind, the occune several yoiee aiterwaras, nniu my coi- thrmf ttwf-'the ilmtsti -f 'Ae'ps-eseiitativea "' "- " acted on and completed the fortification bill iiich.w;ii.UtLt ..it . It hud nit..Tl Senate tis.l e impletcd t buinci the House had not, t t:- --rr--- :"The House piti proceeded to take oj tTiiTrcuef tesiitiitlon. There wjur'wf-qnos ? rum answering, thmic'i one Drsenti llr. -Smrttrrirew- Tnnve(tii - mevsirpe to notify "thai r- Scnate trial the House, "bad eompletnl 1 he !isine He fure it," whilst the foiiiiication . ' bill vs stilt unacted on, so l nfter the two messagva from the Sennte iliri'ct'uig our U , - v tenium. reipiestnif; our attention to it! Fend ing tin motion a:ta a caH of the House, Mr Masm movea to adkmrn. brcause the Sen ate had adjourned, and hi motion passed in the affirmative, without even the usual In- trrchailpeof - courtesy - between -Ihw - twa - - - Hoiieftd ite"rtlcnrwciirW'ihTOwrn!"' ' .1 . men! Such was tha termination of the last Onnjfreas," and I do s.iy, sir, it wa one of the most ilisTtsccful scene I ever witnessed, it era unbeeominr barbarian and aarages, much more the representative of eirilaci nation! Sleepy, tired, diniik ,'".'" V - Mr. By nun. Is the gentleman In oru f when apeskmjr lhi t th last Congres Mr. Wise. I d-i not prrtrml tn say Mr.' SpcakiH-, that all Congn-ss wa drunk, or tha one-half, one-third, 'or one-tenth of the mem bf r were dnmkf but I knoer that some fere fltn!c tbjt I . wss rtrrt of. the n-imbcr and . r , so it was, that what with manoeurerm, be ing tired, opposeil to aome measures, sleepy, ilioy, ai"l di ouk, no quorum could tm ' " had nnlete it anited certain individuals' Mr. Lane said he should like to hear the name of those who were drunk . , . Mr, Wise "The gentleman might feel ; unhappy, ir,if I wero to mention name. " I have nov, fr," jriven'Tybii the facte' iipon . the jonrnali but tliere are other important 5 f.eti-fctiiin written, a well as fact writ. v ten. Out with them!- Cmne! riia in your high p)ce all, hce ami e Ucwhcre, an l tell tlie troth tlie whole truth.' Sir, it Wl ' aaid that bill failed in the. House. That is not ' trnet it failed before it gut to tlie Hons from the cmfcrence room! It dropped like a spent bull before it quite got here it drop. 4timre':tlfirflu ment atxmt the maltcn ihey maybe eon- ' " Jeclumlil cannot vouch fr 'lhrm, I mean tance of the pentlemaii' seat prevent my jtn put interrojrsior'. : I pift it lo the fen. and of a sn.lden. in the twinklintr nf an m a. .. Renatu Itv this measairfl. an mnrh abuatwl in the league (Mr. MercVr) waI0eouv1ScaJ 'Hisl hff,y waoic' word", there Tsg q1ioraiBtrMiitgi)MetBliot of itr agid totlie Hu "tftspecU there wa no foundation for the obj ction to voting after twelve o clock. On the question "Khali the bill pas!? tha vote, stood: Yea 94; Nay 80.' Number of .vote 174. This, sir thi -was the .Inst bona fldf vote of thi lasrllotl of ' Represertativesi - Here - it died, stranirled bv fraud and foul ptay! ." f1 teg of ie Hons tev etop diere mctnent twits me,-wniJt I eeiieet teyetharand group ti. hearing him distinctly, I am happy to be corrected, firtherenlleman opinion ione t regard higniy on ouch questions, But, sir, there is that other name which Mtnt. k.,-wjBnJ.itM id Bf ill lO. eiine name of the rentlenian. from Mass. ejtlr;:lh...fl esicnsed - himself from- reporting, because in ni conscience ne wa flcidi - To go back little. ; Mrv-Cambreleng, with suclt rxentes nd such of hi own con. ddct to rebut thorn, declined to make the report of the conferees, and Mr. iwi had to make the repoi t long, tnii"ifteT4he con fereevliad fcliirned to the Jlou, Here Mr. Camhreleng aaid tie rtnort wa not made by Mr. Lewis Mr. Wise. He did make it! Here it i inanthe rccortl, (holdine un the journals thi journal say ao 1 ' , . f' Mr. Lww, frnm tho conferees, then made a report, a follows. ' . That the conferees had arreed to recom mend to the respective House that the House 01 representative recede from t ameiulnient, containing ar, appropiuitioii of three million or dollar to be expended in wnoie or 111 pan umier in direction of the President, for the mditary and navy service including fortifications m oirlinance, and increase of the Navy, ami that in lieu thereof, the bill be amended hyinseriinH; therein the fullowinir. viz: ' ' . A an additional approprlatioo, tlie stun of three hundred thousand dollars slintj he tp. propriutrd for rmiiig thefortihcationi of the United State, over and above the aom pre. vided in thie actt and thit the sum - of hve hundred thousand dollars shall be, and the sound of the whistle tho Rhoderick Bhu , fully:" "We do not wish thi bill to lail, and we men dicappeared! - Where did they go-uwby ' respectfully ask that you wiil act npon it, end for whatl ' ' , - ' .' " 1 ! ' v save the intrrrat of die country involved in it Two erirofleo' hill wrre neTt reported ashnv. ' passage Thi meesage waa received; it was ingr been presented to the President for hi sig- not scut back with an insult to the tenute, ss ttotwai and meswtgo wa next received t-ora. the, 'gentle man .from .MassachoseU (Mr, Ad the Provident notifying the House th Howe .ama) would have derhed it on their (ioorr and of cirse theii in being, ?ev, long afhr 13 what then transpiredt ; The journal states, hereby W pprialed.Jiit.lhviepaii,i..aud- eouipmrnt ol (he vessel 01 wai eel ouiet,'" Miiii"n ' xuo prevmus p. "war of the Unil- e'vi lWhlwul apptovtdjaad aigneJ aof j- U.- Caiabu Ung, lh chairtaatt el tue pt4 lM)ruai nii juusisV pmpriatioiMi the said Minn to be paid out of y money In Uie 1 rtasury not Klhetaiso sppropriatid." .. f)n tle)ietion to adopt this report, it wa objected there: was no quorum, awr tilTersjirfthat iwiulafnl atjhe f ine t vavingueeu iMmru. llicy rt ported lhat no llemani (Mr. C. ) d.d no buwr bivl whisnrr aught in hi esr as he w on li way to re. . poriio ine i router um nn one temnt him 4 he patted, to . tran(.:!e tlie bantling tinder ' rfi4,..jvainsr mm;maem-J,v.iitt.. , lt anil 11; impsj , Ami, if tin, miy he Alt , ie,L,.t B'U it io ,,; tJ.e jhoHnrai&t'elileaW rf . the cbmai':ttesf'Soii7rri if no mem'icr of t' commi tee .ree ive'd a billet, doux after ho re-umed Ilia eat h;d ih honorable chalnnan, after he left the car terence roii ti not inten.1 to make the report f ia no not, alter he returned lo the Houi witn It, inform a ntteman fism Tennessee (Mr. Forestei ) tliougli it wasihen after 13 o'clock, at- night - tliat he Mrfeiided to make the report? Hid he not sit down by a rrn. tlem in from O'lio f Mr. Vfiirfosey.) and give him to iindt-mtiiil, eritlt the report on tho dcsVHtrVire him, that the repot t wa to he tnailjt? Why did Ihut intention fail' What preventfld' Sir, there were pirit haiititin" the Cnp;tol lhat "awful night" there ei trange whisperings chattering elfs ghosts a I am told, I did not see them blue devil and im! f it t.'iie, wa there any dJalimf with the iiifcriml"kthst nrght.' Tell us I piy t:';l ut, and let the 0014 fall the nr. cromaiicer, not 011 tte victims ol the hornd pell! - . -...-' - Mr. Cambrelcnj. I can tell von. ' Mr. Wise. Ay. v:t en tell us can you There is another more important fact, vt'lieli must come out. Out witii il all. any I. you, Mr, Speaker, ay, '.you, sir, are deeply con- cerneil m that inatler, deny rt if yn can. Hefore I disclose that fact, I must premmo ' that I voted for the thre millions amend ment. There were U9 yotes for it, the , name of John Quincy Adami lirnt and my . noma Jitiitiht! Jiat jul. vaVu JL .. Jju.U lo a strict accountability for that vote by my " constituents, with whom I have settled it, o a k'eii'.U'liuu who 11 I now see (Mr,. Tyler) ' carl attest, for i fuiieve he heard my restono anil my apofogie' bt-forc, 4he People. Sir, I lu- e no to iiy, t)i.it, under the hnnressiona t itiml.i enl atjhe t'-ine t te titat voly, I wool,! givo the arne vote a ; w tr Utsj;iUiie.iiiforiii Uuti I tit. .ii...-.. Ami MlMu-V ' j W.'SKikwH jKt WMV VU 'SsW'SWw WiSit?li ils"j-nifc,Vi