mm RALEIGH, N, C. THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1236 TllOS.J.l.E.tlAl, 5 VOLS2VII. IJO. 17 THOMAS J. LEMAV, fUOPfilETOU ASD rCBMSlIER. iDluum) threv.lnllart per annnm mr h dm Iranae. Swhteribert in ef Arr Staler eansot beallei ti remain is arrearalonrer 111 an one Tear, tt pertmitirtidrnf VMhoul lid Xj Slate. ho may detirela become anbtet ihert. ' wilt be airiettv rennired to pay Ihe hnle -w,H,.nnl!orita i ad.nee,J AnvsSTMtsitsTa, not eeee"ic"1WeW1Wev;' intertril ihrre timet fnr one dollar, and tn- Ltrrss't lo Ihe r'.ilitnr muM Ge pntT irW" I.KTrKllV. j?Artn , W. 15', 1834, To 'He lion. Manin yn Korea your seat as a member of the Senate, in the tables against them admirably. Governor Tomnkins. in his meesage. lie told them that ther hal nretended announced, that since tlie last session to discover a good deal of that kind of wa'nuKTTSeWTlwara he consisting of Messrs. AVilkins, Van looked quite knowing atjhe VTce Fre- Buren; ' and Piatt, were api'iij'el t sideut) i but that th. ir resolution a- tfraft a. "respectful -answer. That an- gainst the President was a thousand swer is laconic, cold, nd heartless. It times more" non-coiiimitiid than any contains no sentence approbating the thing they had ever alleged against that ii5uSe nothing- and the 'who hod the firmness to assert thy'n4jrelsLolO MtJLXUKi,r,lt Jt"iVa,n no tleoun- to allege. let the henaie. he went on cialiort of that GIemoniiTTl plundered our property, incarcerated ins; this subject, backed ami directed in floating dungeons our defenceless by the United State Rink, for the citizens, and who by their wrongs had sake of getting up a panic pressure Sir- During the year 1812, and driven -us Intake up arm in selfde- which should makefile people feel, and lejiceAjuiiljet with tins vllicial iloc- hy Inghlening thein a little, should lor sometime nrevious. Ton was a resident of HoiUon. Mr. JamesTA Hamilton was also a resilient of the sameplace. Congenial spirits, .an intimacy was funn-'d.' whirh has ri pened into a must fleet innate and ten tier friendship. The ties which now hi -id you together areiitdissnlub"e. TtieV are te fTes Vd jv itEjBx ' .'!,-. feAM...t "" wnM .'" u. ...... ' lV.V?..... lint ri'.-.' j'.--w.i.:..,T.:r'..fV'?!if(. rallying -on ter diftvrent 'standards? Injt renli, had the same object in viow. If wan the design if both lo uineiit, stari'ijj us in the Tac.-, vou are bring them into the war, wherein they unblushingly pronounced a friend lo should walk. Then did the Senate ai .i. a . r ie iare war. iv - , , i.jiauiner resouni wipi panic memori- v I hv following is your cbrHwg Ian- als, panic sp-cclic-, pamc prophecies. guix':' an.i tne whole time oi (he Senate was "The Senate fully concur ,wit'i spent, said Mr. Kenton, in panicking, your Excellency in the sentiment, ,AV4s..alLiwteiiitHl.jii;Jieac.pitt.tthe. at a period like the present, when our elecfi mis. he argued, in Pennsvivania thought, and the subsequent banish- dence in addressing the Senate oh this to him no examples but those which " mentpf the Consul, and cond miiatioti question. The honorable Senator were exhibited by the virtues of anti- of the Prei leuf, made it still tnure from Missouri has, with his usual in quity if it did not show lu him the ?rJct' . 0ne hin5 Iy was wanted idustrjr, pronounced an elaborate aru- errors and vices and factions by to niakc it complete and that warhittfmHt4ppar4 has onvred to the senate. I suppose well as the simplicity and patriotism it to be theXyesult of long meditation by which they ettabfisheil it?. None, . V and much preparation. Neither the sir, hone, " or here would our jour- " time allotted me since this diicussioir nals ' be of any value, if they did not; cnininenj;ed, U' the . t.a) "tf JP.C njLl1?' ! '?P?-'Jr, Jll?r v nr 'd our faults and " has enabled me to give to the questioS our ttilUeV as faiihfully as they dn that' " " " thFa'tterrttftrr4rmmts'i iwTTtrdfSpoWiah'nT'a should not Jii sullered to iiiiede or nrevfllf unr iltiif cil and viiriirnu nun. IiHcret the war) ol botii, to -bringj pi f f cnitu'ed authority of the mj4i&f wr , C. baUuJlJijdcjjt j S'utlii'rn menva'id Southern meas ure; of both, lo destroy the well cuttua-yacttgyjjOT the re- 'tiflT-rence "of opinion on absii art points,' jiritpt Ir nm'iaifyitT"tnmiSS'C9 earned popularity of ins. Madison, and thus defeat his re-e-rtion. Oil th- 8th of July. 181-2. and ad - dres--f tlw "- Huilui federhUsts. was published. The ohjeet was. t con vene a meeting uf the party in jhe county, for the purpose of denouncing the Prednt and the war. Among oiher federalists, it was signed by . James A. II nnilton, and the conven tion referred to, Itesotveil. I hat- fte vat is tmnn- nation." Consummate nimlestv war in 1 81 2. lint" in 1 8 14 you had abandoned your late friends. You was again on a committee to answer the Governor's message. How hnnfd your tone. Speaking of Mr. Madi-Ron-and.Jii...cabinet. you sny ".AHL administration, selected for its itiitlnm iin-l if virtue will, in our opinon, prucute the war till our mttll'ipl'iril wfxitzn are aomtsriK '.and our r2: "i-ff." Indeed! how patriotic. nut why was not this cliroverv made in 18l"2?Vhy did you opposed an ailminislralmn 'elerled forlts wis.lo n its virluev ' A hy did vob al- o (Dose elections, in lorm verv (lit ferent from that in which it was origin ally reported, and uhiih was the re sult of much consultation and. plotting the public voce should remove the stigmi in. the one rase as in the other., Mr. Porter has the floor to-m rrnw! - Nothing iinjHKtant in the House. reuuan uay...-. u... Mr. Piri!ertminfHfl tollable iiirh cninlilt'l (Irmoli Jii-il llir Kxpunprr. Iiliiwn hit arvumi'iii, iKr-hhih, ami lell him n.4 Irit ol Ml m iiiwn. ri p1 loito ill 'I not . emtli In tn lnrrn mintlwrs at nier! I m nnlhhiv of II lair an. I llir elie rful tier of Mr ltiH ul lvliani. I lie' fi'iis iiilrllveinalm "lirMr. Siniili of Msiitr7 ! llir pii itv finre l Ittr KmcrPit Me" Van- fc-rnool, l Kiii'lii himV., n.m llir mit- mi. llr, ill On- Unite was nn ihr iIiht. ami Kvnir. I lie wrker after iin hr will iimi liiiil, jr ilulv ruacoiinl ai II 'nl'iii', i l'inw a,n. nal. Mr Wall rrail lltkwnil, MNiinr. titltiMil Imiiiir' rrr llir lrar oflru ) lii. rrnor lil prirn lnl ml In ii, an l lor (Kr iTlt iiper,kiie . Senatwt anil aieliencs miirr the lledre I in soine ih nintrarril our Cotmlitalion. anv mnr than thr yesterday wiili the Sen ile, I shouhl ,' is in its letter, which can be tortured iiecline addressing it to-day. Hut into the slightest support or the alarm mil ess I have lot all perception of ins and dangerous proposition which ji utlu and mn utterly inisiak n as to ' the Senator proposes for our adoption, it effort -wIwt-pr-eiWHtesI to tha wiiwjTLjiMght-JhetCoreL Bir, .welljirare- ot others,.! cannot be deceived in bei myself the task of following the hon lieviog that no want of atrei'g'h on my . nralde Senator f om Missouri through part can prevent me from exposing, the labored examination which he hat the utter feebleness of the which fhe Senator has assumed. It is not surpris'in''. Mr. President. position i m ule orThe-yote ot the teenate i the (f f irming a u l nf il i il iil. ami Ii ivhij al'lrrot Kilj'Mirmrt'-nl pr tlitxiltuinu jiq unrr nrrr in iloinift ,m m ike II a elrar oinl to tru er iiii'kriiaii ii"x le arifiie l thai il h die I'ltr nf the Senate AH This wis givenlri"ffi courteous and elegant i . : : ' --T iuir.unnrre9fn, ana iw.'roiai.. ; . iiTri imi iiw it. ir i . iii i imiw i. i . . 1. a. ' . a - . n oflfMw; ( .n il is ,o enier ua.ia-,. W) y Jid nt ; j8 12, p-ak of ft was wi(h surh men thaf you were acting dining the summ-r and autumn nf 1812. in 'opposition to James Madisxin jand yet. . your. -alhe-reiils hive inipndonil v represented you as thera ly friend of the war. It is not a'o"e the policy which you' pur sued in 1812, that I am anxious to hold up to condemnation; but the ... profligacy, also, of assailing and tra ducing the opponents of (lie war. alter having aned in concert with them at its romoienrementj and -not having abandoned the-n until they and vou, were defeated in the presidential con-tet. The summer d aninmnof 181?, the ene-nies of Me. Madison srere indi-fai'iraUle, throogbout the tate of New York, in their efTorls to prevent his ie-electin. Nor was vo-i sir, a calm or an idle speetaior. Vour d -nunciations of the war, and i's aul'iors. were loinl and strong. The papers which were siiiorted by yon and yone friends, 1 do not al. Imle to acknowledged ft 'fru'joornahi were in the-constant habit of using l.mguaie. surh as the following, which is extracted from one of them: ATj1isF.'Slir-ffrtOTVr-H- itonifthirh en'rts ia'n war, wilhmt' revenue, fi'iout pfpnra'ton, , anL Million' plan, or w h preparation worse than noit", p nuts a miserable toa e,M: 5'f. Again. Octiiber.!? JS JMifrfyj'Jif'. fr" gat wnr, tour Aee't arhYiTffelftfge7' taxrit laxr h?et b-nknp c,' 4r- -?dintm -with btztpcttrtf peae1e--ge'$ rirhtn an- property; property be- gtts mruian y," f-ry I ii v mil you not in oi, p'K oi a--jjeogioaj iiurj.'miiltipliedu'roiigs' and se-ecurmg our nghtsf -' In 1816 you was op n imiar com mil fee. Peace hail no w.4ww pm Thuined. In your reply to the Gover nor, you sir "The war in which tf,e nation has been invled, wan not onhi riiUteo til ' origin, but surressOil in its prnseou'ion " D-d vou. or did not, know in 1812, thit "'he war was -righteous in .its origin?" 'hy was vou dumb" fnnnded on the sub ject at that time? ' Mv n-xt lel'er will no'ire your course in the canrns of Nijvember. 1812. when ron npnosed the rom:na fion'it rot. ir-nry HHTgrs and oih"is. as Jiresidt'ntijil electors, aed then vour vote in the Senate, on this nom instion, will be reviewed. Thee aets are f ne snecimenf of your tarty zeul in favor ot tee war. PATRICK HENRY. Stieh was the language of the pub- 1 a stvie oi 31 r. nenton. while his friends Lane, Alex ander. Kverelt, Ulair, an.i the rest sat m ar him in wrapt and applausive ad miration. And they'aTroT Thein Turft'd up the whiles ol their eyes, "And all of them cried 'oh law!" Mr. B-nton said that the language of the Senate towards I he President during that famous debate, on Mr Clay's resolution was paralleled only by that of t ube towards Jlnlcizh, by Jefftritn on his western tircuTfs. ahdby i'effc1mmlKtTrrantirthwici I tins. "I know something of the histo ry of nations, Mr. President, ami ran draw comparisons trm is pages.'A M'isi acturaie ami classical 31 r. lien Ton! " This celebrated nra'or took occasion uiirh defeature and disi 'usini'ss ci.'iimunity. that alltfle lo ontiiiieiiiiial iirorrnliiie, ii mcliutei III ilikr, wliellirr rintiiiitinxt or oilie wir altlii, were nllirrwi-, thr Journali ol Cmireu w mi Ul iirrscnt a ii-t niEillar aiiiM-araiwe. Iltil llirf were iiitrmleil not merelt at Kiiulea li llir melrralMvh'iK "I the enact neiita ul l;oni;r bnl at Imrnn,, warienu afainal error. . ins tlim all tlie rxdini-om viiliieet iiirnitucil ini'i inn ilrh'tta, nir'H'h1ti-ifie-t!meT4epr..urri hank nli "lo'irT, llir iirriilril',Vliii, an 4 lli-nl'l f. iler "lul. Mr I'lirirr aii he Imiilil iliv cuatllie qnoHion nion it merits. He aonwilietl I he Cimaiinilion, anil thnwril thai it -rquirr llir Senile "m keei a reronl of H prncreili;ii" ami he ilirn went into an inniiirv a lo hit mrnnt er ally, by tliia n'qiiitiiiiiii A"jr um Irllrreil man or wmnan (nut M:iine la Uia Sa bine, he eonleniletl, wnnlil anawrr that iir,iion as aoon akril, ami rnrrrell) : but tlie law- mikeri. anil at llir Kenlleman finnt Mitvinii rsllrft themr-th i'Ku-UiUi!rs." of j.he.Siniur cnulil not anawrr it to rraililv. Aa fur at lir emil'l niiileratanil it. to keep" in ant In rerinl ami prrterre, in.lhe;ariise uteil by Hie (;.imiiin. lion; n'h'T liTiiiiii"ii ilimlnl. cmhl tutml lh lent The eerileinan from twaonrt -hn itt 4-no-tleHl4',lM.4iu--t'l aal'l-wJtBt-lt ew- frtt4 man, but hid lurtntlird nn ilrliiiiiion tn Ktibj lanil il mrana bai h; Iteen Hated, anil ill Srnl. in Ire- Rifffe, In iniicreil. ess lo 1 lie . "inw the l.niiIHiilnm require, llir -ilia ...IiK . nniler their nih,, in umleiaiaml thai to remark, when alluding to these pro-; !"' !""-" '." !"rT' r r .1 o 9 i- . 1 I land, nenoiia tnr i't pvreiiinn in Ihmei Ceed tlgS ol the Senae. pr. dlCllllg 8.i k ,, ,jH,,n,l it in reronl ami preere H th Mi.,uulAiit nf lli. mil.!.. . 1 ... ' . " --...ii. ii inr inline the eenlieman nom iiniiii anmoil. ilt Im d-nosits from the United Slates li.-tnlc , mean 10 tbhtmiie n tUfur " llethrn im w.s no more ralcul-.itedtn nnxluce a -i di.iiiie,rr,ij ..fa i.mjreni d.i.i..rt.. . ,, i .i '"!! rtiaiduiieii. in llie niirniilMm 01 mlv. tlir j.mi iml, ol lltr lft bniiart will. I be li.iMe In :.. .1 . .1 Fi j'Uir i l nil- iiiiihi lllillM", IIIJII lllg fossmg ot a pea into llie CIlCSpeaLe e'intlMiil erawirei mil allrr.iiona. aro..nlni( .tv was likely to raise temp --t in r- ' ,ram ,"K",n 'I"" w",''', .il " ..i r i, oi i i ... , mHlimt lull riiir( and ,eqiar the A'hintlC Urean !" Shade of lilail ! t l ,ia, Mr. I'.irler aaiil. h.l been uti.ij.ate.l b hat a burst of rhetorical xSlden lor! . Ilenmnat tiecial pl.-adin: the reavin i.f tint And vel tliA'. i nlne mn.i.iu.l i t Ibai Hut Senaior arat asrire that the lour . '" tll.,1 lie . ... a .... .1. ...I I : I .1 i i i. . iniTr wniii.i ne minium aKHiiiM mr a miirnU. should indulgem nosuch loltv imag.n.l.n i jtb, nuld tWei.;. irel ibe o.b.r Cwr?fntteHce of the Jtaflimare Patriot, ff'uthingfon, flarrt, 2J, 1856. KXPUNGING. A FARlE Sckke Second. Mr -Benton gave us the conclusion of his introdurtrov speech to-dav. It was in the hand of the printer of th- Globe mi-Thttisdav-iifJast..w.ff k Though less brilliantly attended to-day, the Sen ate : Chamber bore witness to the real of this firm, ronMstent, long tried, faith ful, honorable friend of the President's for his honor, fame and 'ftlorv I f Rexto lie not President if the United Stated 8fr Mstrrt Vxx BfBne.whv hen Republics tvre ungrateful." let wh-will gainsay ui Mr. B commenced his labor nf love tirtlay-'wi'h-a -detailed examitiRtwn i -f nart nf I lie Piesl.lenl'a ea.lii lie prints fin this. Slate; which adyo- which furnished the Senate with the ,ftelyottwewft,aHtl ywr ot..tiniiu, in inirr imit tf'tiMimn i ne maioiaineu ...mere -;was tiiine oy your a . your app'O'iation? 'These references- are ma tie. for the several extracts to prov p'irptise f shewing how the war, in not so, from the pro'rnt jif the Ptefi- 1812, "absor'ted your whole soul." It Tias alreadv been reinarked. I hat MroC!Mton was nomina'ed at a cau- eus held in tin ilyhn "the 119 of May. 1812. Mr. Madison was nominated in ings, tvo soch inainTirent fii"l)is! ; """'"K " Ivintl soul! To re-COI.Rillcr a resolu'-J M) . . nouaneM an.1 i.r,,.!c iron;, . r .1. -,i . c . Ipendurlo tbal illy and I denied Senainr, r. Hon. Ilil'lght Willi so much disappoint-jIWiei-then rm onto (ire aonia (trwtiral II llie it to thy atllllil illg auditors! l.iMrnlinn, i.tlli- latkmlr claiined l) Henlnn In Thru ra'ved he against the Bank for "J V'' "lo k"v;" l,1!'"',ce,l ,b . . ? ' r w inanSeari-yings boiaelo alinrv liable gei'ingup the panic, then recapitulates mi kept. iUak.u.rttr.H.ra m krrp"inm, lie tlie old Storv about the su ha 1 torn nd on askinxh.iwtbitbat been done. Iirrerriv. i part played bv (he Senate, then winks ;f"r "J'.'''"' ibiny-tia ' ni . - . ' " neeor ln in Wediier'a il.itm.iaiy, ami thai at lie a I IJ.air Who ffn, awl at Clay jnneiillbrarm'iiinf(iwatloentcloMly,"and ; bnnkr-tnpiiOMr-Hie Senator Innn Vlittmn i who tries as hard as a gentleman ever ,h0 '" ""ld nt di. iimt web ibe hould to keep his eyes iinen then b" Wn ""! " ' idd ihr .-ii..r l ,... ..11 ...i. ... 'i . . R'"'-"1'' ''-om Miwhmi hke thai? Ami t iih .J . . 1'. Ml1 i"r niiiiiKeys wim a long noTe." lv tiirnliiriinVlTiV where they sit wiih gapi,,, admiration 11 ot him. and telling them lhat the Bank I nn, W,.,,i u,w at the l..,k bad rei.j, ,i" folks kept the Senate panicking here u,,"ncei l l'd m" been kepn hnv wmii.i wllethey werel.ughingin their blevesJlh bin.ling on us to preserve them? lliuintr tllfiild a nnml en.,.., ..l.,.H ..... . C .1.... , i c:. . i . , ' TTf .r.t-! . '. ' i V--r . . . .....,.. . i,.,.... .tr 1,11100 iimi ni m juara wmn uir.i nan 1 1 i-aure oi neiore, iiiereiore, an much time ami in a public recnriU tif the roimtrvt t adler and render ohsi ure tlie journals of a lormrr Lonsrrem., 'widen are now the public prnperty, and with which we JlO-Vft itd sm slilutjonarconc in in tins ii is an nuenipi 'o ooitter ate the truth. - Yes, sir, to obliterate it. For Whether (he vote ot the Senate wa or was not correct on the occasion to which the Senator desires toapply his expunging pro. es Whether it was live snlemnexpressutn 4Imte.0Dinion. extorted from Senators under the high obligations of dutv or. o he will have it, ihe effusion of heated ami blind party spirit, still the fact i un double t that such a vote was giveo, ami the obiect of the Senator is to have ihe record ofJiat ytitejestrovel ed-ihis is. to erase ihe irtnh from yoiir record.", Sucirapiw'eng, 'ti.r, is well calcu'ated to excite, solemn roTtsttHTatiiinranica1lstorrhirexfir; eise of every higb nn:ility. whirh ia- triolTsin iSn exnect at our hands. Mr, Presi lent, if dol strike me while the . honorable Senator wns speaking as must remarkable, that he should take such vast pains to show thi vote of the Senate wa .erroneous and uocontinilional. in the instance which he has sel-rted lor this new pi ocss f ; Idsr-A - srnger,-5r, n tern? these halls at the time h" wis indnlgmg his x-al. nnd prarlis'ng li;s ep'jhets on fh conduct of Ihe S-nnfe which formed a part of ihi last Con gress, would, I am regain, have im.v gined that there was nm provision in the ConstiMition'of t''e country whiih renuir-d a record to be kent of all the proceedings of this body w hich we're constitutional, and fmbad anv rerord being bept of fhne which were in. vial'ition of the Constitution. But. sir. that insfrumenf may be searched in vain, and nn such distinction ran be found in it, - The only norlion which relates to our record . makes none. I open, it sir, and what do I see? . The imperative mandate "that! each Il nise nhial keep a rtro'4 of i$ "roceefmgt." Vetr,, sir," if ifc votes ano its resolutions are unrnntiti'ion al are they not still iy prowtinen? and Is the obligation less solemn and at year 1834, in relation to the removal of the deposites bv the President, or or nonemg tne neatea aiur exaggeratea HcfHnriiairtTrfwir TUi,of thoe bv whom it was given. Such tiiscussiiin cno nave no n'oiuaoie ei- '(tKCjtw?jW the power of ihe Sena te to alter and- Ie fare .the public rerord. It may, it is true, inci ease party spirit, and flush it to the peri etratmn of an act which.4 1 believe will bereaTle.fwnenrrea"4'll resumes it swa v) be a source of deep mortifu ation to. all who now partici pate in it but it ran do nothing more. However, sir, some of the assertions and reasonings ol the honorable Sena tnrjn this part of his speech to the Senafe7inghr noticed, ami I may, perhaps, speak a little to a few of thein before I ait down. My present purpose, however, is with ike mmt of the question, and ' leavii'g to f he,r honorable Senator for' 1 time, the banks, and the panic.s&nd ' the ftsiile irater, ratrd Presidenrack- 'n-irrd h't?lorr,-nd thffld: Yeder"" a'ist v who. by the way. if ther hava M . removal of the tleposits! TJie .'"ft" w.,l"7 ? hf f'?w b'nsi' so much energy were exhibifed i "i'ri -y--.- ..-. joflJUHilinlinil river, lii llie Ui.iI.i. ,.i ... . rro rt'iiuiirn Rank sa'tl Benton 'should liave sent rV:i .e. i th-a. contrary lo ihe Constitution, He read p.?,0' , , ... , are made for the several extracts lo prove that it was , ' Bank was ilemolish-tl. .'iLQ.,.tftjlsj."jyant here,, ami told kern." in of her trieuhii,anil at- acta, Ft1tlinnWA'"'fh1et)a4inM4onw' them that the panic was all over,. nil .'V; tnat if waa iniie to give over panick- i,i trMI , ,ni,i, .in,, her i,h k. . h"i ! mjs of the rhurarfer h- sunnoses these ing." Us. TiarVaTiT JTane. ireTneTewTmrtT at wesw-tirjo be. Until he did thisrJilTexiHnina4 grinned Blair. Ilo ho ! gaspetl Cu'h- f"? fl"-: .".lim, A.eril.t h;0 nt0 their rnnsfitutinnalitv wn. ..... in nmiii -'o n'.tattirm na. it., i ...Mnj . i. . . . . . k , - ' , .1 ik. I . " i .- : : i e.. " i ol Imir mil lo irtn!.. VimiIi the not in- nih a I "et-Bry anil irumess. b-rt, while all ihe restJoined inJhe AJarntts Congressional , caucu, ' nn the 22d of May, 1812 and here I have a word fr your fr-end and' champion, Mr. Ritchie, of Richmond. The o tl man is good at a somerset. His present support of you js evidence of the fact. Do you believe, as he evidently does, that Virginia ran be made to follow his bidding? While you were thus op. poting, Mr. Ritchie was.with equal xeal, tuppor'insr Mr. Madison. On the '12th. f Fifbruary. 1812, the Vir ginia legislature held a caurus to nominate electors. It continued, du ring the evenings of fhe ISih and 14ih, Andrew Stevenson, was Chairman; Thomas Ritorfe, was secretary, i - After giving the ticket the Editor oi the Enquirer remarks, "It is prop er to say, that but one sentiment reign ed, through the meeting, and that the owy r laui oown, whether they and will doubtless relinquish their tlent. and entered ini.i -n i..! new-ChartervJ He senate was slrairk hlw,w ih i.... .. .. r- i. dumb wuh delight on one side, and in ........ ...u. ,M, .'",3 t.W fHMU IWI .JIirj . .. ... .i , - . ., . . , accusation Contained in the relminn PXriCilt)le COtlfUallW the OtlteTf IHld fhe a.tnnred on .....ilnn ..r f e TU h. ,i.- Gn at Kxpunger was the idol -of the ...... V.. W. ..... WI. T. II , IIIC 11 a , .... Sehate. r - J. J hour: those who tlul, not worship him TKn h. UZrTiti tU I001 of I6ve,. wed before hrm tol lu.ionV Hid i, was .S;,u;7n V'W J its terms. Blaming the President fur lhe" f.''wl laborrJ ..Wafory an impeachable office, it sliJ not wet. f J ""'7 ?J' shuw the grounds ol , the accusation. PT" f the National deb ! the i. .it., i-.r .:,u :e . orginator!! of a plan for he uniform tl Biiuoeu, niiiuiui Biicbim aiiun, to r. . e.i hi .1 . r .n,i,.M .i.k- p.;.i... defence of the nation!!! ihe saviour of vu.iuv ... ... a ....v..i, . .,, f .... n .. and passed a grave censure upon thatCVT A . r . 0ir1ceV.witl.out ,,. akingout a case against fK U r It" "I m'.w'?Jom him. V attempting to do n AuU a 1 peculiarity id illustration that may,,. " . . '. V I well be called Benttiman, he said the i5 "V "Lfr61 fi,?n "n'1 p,H,ser. of the President in the Senate u.SlT'ZZT. had made ud a oony nurse of guilt." II. Fv:",r7,.,V,,"rv . ..-. .. anu linn vinuniir mil lie nail into it, and all .u.i o" con lalentt oi tek a.,,1 .o sesWl'io think H.e7geneinah lias insde, 7fr lahgullge Senate and nlnlieiice who were sotmilard with . t t . "J.""'. lankier. k. iienton rM Ta tvL. ' "tfectly, palpably opposed to itt so 1 each putting' something into it aTn l all Tlft uToS"5 e,t 0PS rate,ga,nhtrof h' popularitVAnd with honor Next he fell into a strain of irony. 1 If ever any man was absurdly ridicul ous when attempting to be jocose, Ben ton, the Eipunger, is that man. He !a like a tnonkev avlin k ll I.U tail - l.,,T.I.,l.t.l . - . ; . ........-, intia .ulTe,0-ncnatwxeelj-tfie higher heUmbs,andthMevotedness;andilhatwaaihe -Copso! ..vumiorvu,, , w.--w.ieiner ne would i more triskv he erows. the more na 1 a- of Rume. vhn had ..niinj ,1.. r-... jble he shows his defect.. Most lugnbti-1 linian conspiracy, ami savetl the State tooB mirth U Benton's. He was for Ifrom its machinations. Jackson and ami love by a people who would never be satisfied till the former had expung ed the stigma they had dared to throw upon mm from their records! lie said there waa only one parallel in history tn this most exalted instance of patriotic or would not vote for James Madison as7 President of the United States." - Ofl th "SuV Novemberrl 8t 2rthe 1 f s'atttre - met ia f hi city for th p- t of choosing electors. Yo took making-out all thropposition the mo- th-C9ntfVRmiendoioontiTr4A,r m of 'i1- KSt a ui tiar uivMos vvsiu tuucsu im tain- fiaTaUlf I Ul IUU comparison, OCHTOp nnie, annnuK'l emietill, Heenlr rhavi ne.l In t-e bit iet d. finiiion id -re.,g a jnurnal" lair- ly lnlieil mil nf ciiMrnc . "Hm ihe (renilemas l.nm Mitouri.",ail Mr. t nnrr, "na great ictouiera. He !. frmrity also, sir, is its spirit. It isirivin-r'tne enlightened fr'amers of that instrument credit indeed for little wisdom to sup nose that the v contemn!! ,! mat inn. Ini. mwmrm J.rT,-..l.- ..... ... . .' . " ' .. I " " remember, nn Ihe fact that there ar- thmi.and . ,,e """""'i ! "'IS Constitutional prmird co,.i, i of the Journal iiitn it.uieii by i T i njomj fiorr- wef e- many, -Z. They wit I m!i:rltL,,r.rn'DJ''vr""'' "r1' readily Suggest themselves to Senators, mamHcettH, -kepi b4 lli SeereUry beinc on l . i ! . 1 one it no im,.nH.,H k.. ii. and it is unnecessary to enumerate dear eluei iiH bin of Mr. p ti.i, iaiiat laded a- them. " Among the most imnortatft rjV'mo th,ull,,wV,,,"ulw,,"rt" waH ,he Pt wrvaiion of the evi.lence The iTcnmen, f nenton lh.1 ihe parliament.-" of , f,he PU.b,ic Concerns and val- ry ut;.e ol (irral Hi iiian. frum which we hae uable private interests which depend 'r iHirlamenlar, rulr, 'mna.l .....!... nrt .1. A r r . ' . mA-iV; ""FN"-' Another nd b. an antwer u..i .i.:i.f ui ... .ul scarcely less important obteet was to lorce. ihe and irrciMable(tnw. Secure to the People BreCOrd of their JlLZ .T V ,nm ","'MM,m .nf servants' acts and votes, so that a eor. ' 1'niBn nn intt munitHst oi "Kataninar mc . ... - - jnn-nalt nf ihe lrKi,i.,urr: hit there mere lex Tecl l,,lgnt might be formed oflheir p-iruimmuarta. In Ihn eonntry, it la a eonVHii-, conuuct, ami s justice dealt to them iwnal reniiitHiont and e Inline. Ilr.iith parity .when the r term of Service etnireil menlary usage Only vhen sol limited by the Con- ! ,, . . ,C'm ,erv,f expireil. Mitmion. . 1 I he illiistrioos men by whom the in- n... - k. ... .' . . . . . . .. . . Lt 1 . . .tr. rnner tntittru Wai 11 ine preeenrnie ritimtme cnanrr Ol OUf Unillll WSS f.iraited by Rritith hitt.iry are 1 be tollnercd, formed knew tvall Ika kl.i... ,L:., tbey klhoroUblfb)lo.;dihro.uxh.K.. He llieo ,0rmea w" lh history whirh attertetl lhat Ihe limits of Commons had netrr PfOteSSet to teach, anil does teach by toted to espnnre anv Ihlnv Imiej their Journal the lishts which etnerienee fueniatiea. soaeemin, the Fieautiv.. When lhat bad been WAU1. h. . f,!...-,! none, it hal alw,tt been ilone by Ibe hand of ihe Exreeiiee iiimteif. ; o. recorded only the rood deeds nf - l-SaaaaaaaaaaBaW W8S of equal in- SPEECH OF Mil. PORl'EB, , portance it should enregister their ' " or KoriarAvi. ' . A..n.a ii..:- .v . , "r' if-'--- , . . . . c.ivi, ,1111 n.c.r vnrn. t u ineT in- UZTLl tended, theree. , that thereS hich f iey made provision fo: ton to Eipunge from th Joarne4 of th 8o- aw the Kneolution of t4th afareb, 1834, wa evui wtutu, a Jrw9 a . . diaapprovinj of th Removal of the Pepoa- De PaCon fo wam as Well as a llgllt w aiiurei air. cniiM anv man am..:.. 1 J t- i .. i. . n . , . , y v...., vj me pr - naioi your- proceeuingst anu il you joined-tl present Adinluistiation. .re - jiIJLiiui-imiiieU mto-tre -aemotratt of -ht ald uckool- khall proceed to dis cuss the sul j-ict upon tl o-e enns'dera 'ions, and tl os-, by which, ' in ' iiiv-jew of ibe matter, a eorre t eon elusion raitgbe obtainetl. ';. 5 Ami, proceeding to do so, sir, I find it writ ten in the fifth section of the !irt article of the constitution, that e tch H iue sha'l keep a journal of ' n prtvceeitings7"aridr"froin 'time - fo tiine, publish the same, excepting such partus may, in their judgment, r quire secrecy." Now,, sir, the first question which noggests itself in llf . inquiry is, what is meant by thrwort'. -''keep a journal of i $ proceeding?' To that question I know of but one . answi r that cai be giv. n and it is that ' , whiih instantly suggests itself to everr one, learned and unlcarnedwhoreafi them, namely, that each House should7 recoid its proceedings, and preserve tie record so made. If this be not the true meaning I know not what answer ran. be eiven. No other will satisfy the object contemplated by Ihe Constitution. For, without recording there would be no journal, and, without p.reseryii.ff the journal would not bv kept. The lioiiorable Sehator ha not"" furnished us with his reading of thir clause. He: has, ; to be sure, talked, and talked correctly, of a variety of meanings which befopg o the word leepf but viewetl in any' other light , than as a handsome exercise of in genuity, I could not see what practt. ' carTesulf la trttir'ktraiheitffotrt th.'' d-squisilmnj Isr. aner alllieXiTleiT to ' tell us what meaning he precisely at- TactiuinhOf pressronsiteep a tour fin. in mis, Bir ne ilia wisely. They have one, and one only meaning. .thewnmun sense -M aU. tiwitvkii, 1 heV . have . n,vir lml (r,i .". s.. .:' r.ngiano,or in Scotland nor'tn anr ot ibe twenty four 0Ter- 1 eignties which rompoge this Union, 1 The understanding. of ihem has been uniform,' whether applivd to courts of- j''sfife:pr; legislative. bwUey v , 77i Home than kern a teurnah the Clerk nhall kerp a rteori, in .11 times, and in: all countrirt wtiee the lanenaro . prevails, have been understeed to wrfta down what is don, and to firtierva -: what is writ'tn. The einressioti. it is true, js idiomatie, bat fr that very reason is the tense unembarrassed and perfect. It never was qneati(aaad nor denied until the honorable Sor, in this rash attempt, found it neressary s to perplei and mystifr what utitil rtow every one considered clear and in- -telligible, ;; '. If then. Mr. President, tha plain meaning of the words keep a journal of its proceedings . ha that the Seftaf shall cause a record of ,it procdipgs ' to be made, end preserve them, ia there an impartial man wlto ran tlnuht or deny that the resolution, off-red by tne aenator is a raatnfest violation f the Constitution? I think there i notj for the effect of that rWatio ' will not be t. preaei-ve but to destroy. ' Doe it make an diirorenc. that only ' part of these - proceedings, not fA whote, is to ba blotted, or obseured, or '"' defaced? It makes none. The in junction Is, that yoo shall keep a Jour- " i.iLany other in - -i; orYftr'elaf. 5P 4 i

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