1l i LmuU. vert mucareaenv FaUelT men in Biehram, " For example: ue seta down the Y.n Bareo aia in Irea.lt t 600, when the whole vote, for Van Bursa ia that canty was 337! He represents the Van Huron gain in the 8uta at about 'eight thou vi 1 vote, when the truth U h has received 1,91 1 ate-lei than did Governoi 8pight A ujual! Let any one compare the vote in A; gust and i!t November, and" he will see, what ery intelligent men know, to be tfiiS fact, that . decided majority of h "oleU ?f " St.te ere wriM &':n- J k f?wFlJ!;nLM. MARYLAND HTILL A STATE. A sufficient number of the conspirator to ouerthrow the Government of.tlii patriotic ren friende atyled them, have been driven into iho pe-formance of their duty. A Senate ba been elected,, and anarchy and revolution pre sented. A hioat daring and inCiraou attempt thiathat of these recusant elector, to suhsti tite the wiH of a few arch demagogue i for that of the sovreign people of the State, i not to be found in our history. They exhibited a spirit of Jacobinism, which, taken irfcoqnection with the movement of the Pennsylvania agita tora, was weU cair.olatoj U excite alarm for the security of" property and the. exUlence of or der. .The signal rebuke, the overwhelming defeat; of theso corrupt- d'wwrinlrers, srue -wall fur the. eound elite of the puhiic mind, hiwevatcircuniatance mv bnv led aometo afrivei Tf . .n Bu-fa tsin W , Several M iui iwiTf wjwnw njramwp iiiv rrcmcim wuavai miiii ihjuij, . - i. , .1 ...l. , i. ....... . -n i i i - r i - i lit. inform n " w . or even a lung uepcrssion oi dm neauii, ... .i .: ... .r .r r . u k I r smo w.eTCw vi iu w uuimin s .swa.y.-sa,-.. - . j trlODC Of xi.tntl y. . The fffusiori dT blood from the n. a .,t . k. fmTiM . nnm. Presnlent'i Innw - ha ceaset!.- Htt Wt of aioaller counUea which will ive White! phisicUa now anticipates a apeetl j re baiulrue imj uity. Then to match, and it coTerj. S3(Z ltf miTHe wore man maicn, an tneee. ww '. tit more tiiaii ne -Stlw". LeituHrea mereoi to ivou - " istfnsvd tit the tat ioh. The Hmmetlrkte ratificaBJt!9: FJ in ,h ; neishbwh u,. Carroll county wa. an object with r.yit'tlut doubt It. Hie f.ur or Cv treat Van Buren eouhtiee in fWk-AI!im to be heard from.. It U time thr retime wero in. We ahall eoon know the reniiltj , - : TKNJCESSEE. ' . Wa have return from 31 eountica in Ten- i neaee, which eihibil the Jbllowinj reaulU For the While Uckct I7.U00 ""'TaUtfTa-B UUfett tickrt"""" 11,57 Maioritv thus far, - " 6,626 The miiority in Teniwweee will be from 10. to 15,000, and would have been much greater but rerthet , f Httrhhtrt. ajain.i Im Knoa comi ty, where Jo'lg V una reatnea, IU6I vei were taken, x vawa ne reeeivea yoa. . in, uiiwa eeealv. where Urn. , Jackeoa reaidea, udire W htie reeewed ITJI toiee, ana Jecaaoa a oiber aelf, 9SS. Put tbit and iht tofcther. -.yiicioery tirgituan. it safe a IFllZ tCHOtt tlecltd. , . God has sent me good state oi MarvUml a sale deliveraiicet - . . ... r A It will be teen uv ounewrairom ah- """i - ...... ., " i . i.-. .u - fiits i:iitrnAM nfrhftot- The oeoUe know? i nauuiis mat tne , von that Judue White was certain of aucceaa,, frienda tif tlie' State have' been trio m did not ifcneially turn out White beat Van I .,Untlv accomplished 4n ths re'ectloh in the Hermiuge precinct 3 to U hfl Senate, evert member of which ii akraasas. . .ffssrHer.ifinii. firm and unctimm'oinu ricturni irom only one or two coum.r. . . .Vu; Tt.:. mn.t Immn tant vint k. - k I Tk .re faor- 'S " "'a- ." . ' hie to White, though no one doubt that the debei ves more than a simple record- m Slate has gone for Van Buren' lini -i -he tri Mentor, arnvra i uam- wre in 30 d?y fron Ml 'Jt-.1 repvU Wiei aff JVart rcapecttne? the approa-U of the Carliat - Vint - that nutv. JtaJ. imtteiilffiL.llraJLfcuiN having been oblitflrd to return toward the. mountain in order to prev.-nt hi retreat being cut off by the Queen' troop, who were eaid to ke Brpr hmf Kwitiv Uttdjf&.iciU point. The Captaio General of the Province (tJrana ,U ) td arrived at Malaga, with a body of a bout 600 cavalrv, for the purpoae of restoring wJe ad (waMUfoWUfih. MMMiMj.steA Mn gtiiity of riotou?andinulonlinate conduct. Tk. t!niil State friqalo PoroMac, Cap. t.in NiraeLM) v. came Titers fm-Girartat-- tUm Mih ulL at the requeal of the American Mr. H.aaai.1.. and remained until tho k..l ntMiiUid. when ahe iniled for the BraiUULiMrfa, Officer end crew all welf, Ein."-kPnhin paper of the, 2.5th Oct, .i.i. that tha money market wa a htti eaiuer. Tb LivefpooXJtt,:9!kL5,- ilwwWW--;--"-' ELECTION UKTUBXS. LOUISIANA. We give what new we have inthe way of electiona. - All the Parihea in Louisiana but three, MaU-bitochea, Clai borne and Concordia, have been heard from and. thev eive Van Buren an asnrreffata majori ty of 301 votee. ; There i a faint hope that the three Pariehe yet to be .heard from may have given White a majority eumcieot to inaure mm the State. The New Orlean mail due yeater dav noon, haa not Yet arrived. We have been csixM'ttuff the new of lhreuU of the three Parishea in queation everr -day foruhe psit week but a yot nothing u here knowti how1 tlieyllavi gomr. . . ... IJiUIAji A. from 49 countie, which give, in the abro gate, for Harrison 1 1 ,879, Van Buren 6,Z 1 1. W fL.vn.-lilf Tnnrm from tbia tate. but they are not eullicient to warrant a leci.U?df ncrforihance of their duly opinion aa to the result oi tne election. UtUKUIA. iJEtaicluniaJxOT four . to be heard from) give White 84,336, Van Buren 81,893 majority for While 3.04. For 0nffHr Dawaon Staio ttighu) 3JJ!S3.i Sandford (Fed.) 81,038 majority lor vawaon 8,9J5. -.4 MISSISSPPI. " The reluma from Miaaiaaippi art) deci3edly favorable. Twenty-one counliea heard frdin which give WJiite H7 majonty. ConaTia. Anaoii Ashe, rTr' Buncombe,- Bertie, - .,. - Bladen, Brunswick, . Beaufort,' Burke, Cabarrue, " Colurabua, . Coitcrct, Currituck.l. Chatham, Chowan," Cumberland, Camden, Caaweil, Craven, Duplin, " Davidson, EJgecomJiO,. Franklin, Granville, (SaCie, Greena,'" Guilford, Halifax. Hertford, Hyde, Haywood, Iredel!, Johnston, Jonea, Lincoln, lienoir, - '; Macon, ; Moore, Montgomery, Mecklenburg, Martin,. ., New Hanover, Naah. . Northampton. Onslow, Orange, Person : Paequolan't, Pitt, , P'.rouimone, Rowan, Randolph, Rockingham, M Robeaon, ' Richmond, . Rutherford, . Bampeon, Surry, -j Stokea, ; Tywlt, : Waahington, Wilkes, ; Warren, Wayne, Wake, .Yancey, ir-iUtaJ.-.33 . T2 101 i 383) 336 11451 ra 100 376 m300l U hit?. 692 318 in 130 2Gl , 8C4 m800 886 . 6721 120 1674 389 t-r 605 1237T 424 699 109 m260l ... 67 241 268 - 1133 860 511 665 138 368 108 180 660 478 979 "SOU 662 our columns. ' It is the moat signal triumph of public opinion , and public virtue over political pronigacjr in n-a- tiers anu nisgusnus; eiur" in toid, that the history of the . world presents- V e hare heretoiore awar- ,lfl to un. &V.LI.MAS- tne nraiae iu which we thaut him entitled, for. his early, prompt and manly acquiescence iii the will ol hi. 4 coiistuuents. e nre not disnosed to find fault with the rrth-rs wh. at ' Ut iiuur," ilh, lji moc lamaium of tho Goveinur hanxiiiR ' . . r . it: aver litem, ai mo siniws puimi. iwdiifnatuirt Liwe4m2.and WafKn'"K and threatening to burst upnn their h:ivt i-ptuctantlT. alovdr and i EBPIBlJAjf.Lj:cjn - -. Ascertained ?,; ; ; . ... . . ... Statea. Maine, A'ew UampiSire,! Vermtnt, MauachHtett,' Rhode Jilandi , S'em Yrk, AVw Jertey, Prnniytvanta, Delaware, Maryland, tririma, , JV'ertA Caria, South Carolina, Georgia Mini" ifpi Louioiana, r Tennente, Kentucky,, Ohio, Indiana, Illinoi; Mirioiiri,""" " Arkanoa, Tan Buren. Fors. Mafy: 10 7 42 30 "83 .IS 8561 26,000 . - l 4364 7000 3660 Whig. I'er. 139 - 14C necessary to a choice. Mat y. 6951 3 10 11 IS ' 14 81 9 841 588 3CC9 3900 8 lie! The rice Pretidency-Vi think it proba ble there ha been no election of Vice presi dent by the people, and that Col. Johnson and Granger will go up to the 8enate of tha United for their decision. Alfekd Cuihbeht has been re-elected a Senator from Georgia in the Congress of the United States.1 The voters -u followarrtr, Pirmt llulUttinr. Second BalrttiWt- Alfred Cathhcrt. 107 Alfred Uulhberi, 12S J. W Vmnlll. 107 J W. Cami.bWl. 0 Jsaob Wood, Si Jacob Woo.!, 16 .:.,"SUratIrina J: 'l.i,5VtKriug..,-. 1 , - r - Ccaa. A letter received in New York tat- d that-Governor Taeon ha -ant hameXto Spain) hi reignaIion; and that the Creole and free black of the ialand are preparing a revolu tion, which ijy cauW ariaingoi tha atavea, and mueh bloodshed. ; 1 The Government of Meiico ha olicited a renewal of the friendly, feeling between Mexi co and Cuba. The Mexican Commissioner endeavored to treat with Governor Tacon. who peremptorily referred them to Ilia Spaniau Uor ' T . . wilh snetikinn; paee,hotl)Ieil Jtri .the We leave them to eitract from their act or al most ilcath-hed renentame, all tlie coWSita fTohwtirc1r1t-1S-vfa1cutated"trr hff.inl them. With them we have done fr ever. - AVe are willins that Fame' neglecting hand shall constjjn them an4 ibiie memories to that ODlivion irom which such twinklin5 tiny ,Utr the land" ,UU never have Dcen drawn. .. . . "'. " Batlor their associaies! those who tihittiflatcly-persi't t!'r -end?a- vors to eonsummate Ue evw tney . uau rommnced with them the. people.)! Mar v I tnd have yet an account to set tle, if the law be now . inauequate to reacTHhem. let it, : with special refer ence to their caae, beso amendcu, tnat the offence of which they have been guUtaha.MTr.lrflJtit9TL.tine3ead; judged High treason against the " sov ereign State of Maryland. They, -t may be, will not tipiate their pQence as it deserves hut let ample provision be made for the condign punishment of the authors of similar transgressions in future. It is a dutv we owe to those who are to come after vjsj to protect thewjsgavrr! sW-reewrren-ce or sucii an atrocious at tempt to destroy the peace and iiappU nes of society In. all human proba bility centuries will elapse before an uffciice Of so great enormity will again - seriously, meditated.- buU we trust, seoulifit be repeated, whether soon or late, the vengeance of the law, swift and sure, will be visited upon the head uf the offend' rs. Cnron. LEGISLATURE OF MARYLAND. Proas Ann-no'" Kepiiblieai oj Nee. 'i . . THE EXTRA SESION. , The Electoral College having final ly succeeded in choosing a Senate, the principal occasion for convening the Oekebai." Assembly" wai thereby ob viated, but not until a considerable nwWr of the-membrs -summoRed by-; the Governor's proclamation had readi ed the seat of Government. The Sen ate was elected on Saturday night; by tfiatBCt." thethembers of the Md Senate ceased to bo members, and of. course the 'new ones were not apprized of tli eir sppoin I ment." Tlie members ''of the House of-Delegates convened in of the - membersl T It was- also urged that, as the Executive had convened thelegislature by" proclamation, yihey were bound to obey the injunction, and an opiftiuor that the occasion no longer required their attendance by no means authorized a non-atter.dance. An evasion might be setting a most disastrous precedent.- - .' Nearly all the expense that would be incurred- 4ta4 wlreittly -Ueeay- inr" red. V hether they coulil claim iline. rant expenses unless they, in due form, attended and made" a House, would be verr doubtful. ' If was finallv concluded to appoint a corarai! tee Cjpe from each county, to have an informal interview with the Governor n the- aubjecj and Itojcon sider and report. Som difiVrence arose on this, and on a tormer question as to how tne committee should be appointed. It was '"agreed - that the clerk, who generally conducts proceeding until presiding oilirer i chosen, snouia name the committee. He name ! the person highest pn the return from each county, of courte. to ennstitute sanl cpmmittee, after which TTTe mem'jei odjoiirnpil till. 4 o'clork. At that hour ths House aosembled. T'ac. Tommitfee reported ' in favor of qtSalirymg," which report, aTTct ConslU erawe iieoaie, was atiopteti. N - Sevenfr members quafiued accor di n gl y, ami -foofc their-sn t s. --.- MARYLAND LKGISLA l UIvK. COatlKSPONDENCE OF THE BALTIMORE when tAtneein the County of Mecilenbnrg, Several of theawonth it wo a military Camp, moat of them he a he si anMher. and perbap. no mwV , mea ' coni leu more irom experience ol j- jha our Tevolutionarv hi'ort than Gener.HU We ara aware that the deceased wa a Boorf deal in the habit of literary composition, and we dare aay no naa wit among hi papers valu able information on the matters. Tha deceased was a m-t worthv eitiien, Sublic spirited, liberal and ii!n ta the verj ay Dcforo hefie3.,; Vari'ltnd 7iiu"chmu"" i --T.rrRiot. ' tiinapolitrJoVrM, 1856. Bcniamin L, Gantt was this morn ingjdictcOpeakeijjf .ihtJl!i5..9.C D'Megatest weorge u. jjrewer aim r.u Duval), Chief and Assistant Clerk respettlvel it Btnla'roin See gar. It V Carter, Vf.' B. Nichuison, J. C. Tal bnt, and It t. Jlickall, Coee VJlerKs; u. J. urammer. nenreani-at Arms; and John Q'lynn, Door-keeper. Of the Senate," Messrsr Becker, Ki csud,nd Golilnborouch, arm Cil t'Ci and qtiafifu'iL It I supposed tff-i . ."' ; 31,889 28,823 81,818 24,878 t. - --Wrs i ' aassaaaaaassBsi Majority, 3,660 ' ALABAMA. Tho Mobile Advertiser say: The return from our election com in very alowty, owing to the miserable arrangement ot the mails, and tho low stale of the rivers which prevents the steamboats from running with the dispatch! W extract tho following from our paper of this morning: " Mobile, city and county, Baldwin, 4 precinct Washington, Clarke, , .; . . Monroe, .. T . . Montgomery,. . Autauga, Dalraa, "" Bejttrr, Wilcox, Loundes, Oreeno, , Tuscaloosa, ' Fayette and Jefferson, White, t, Buren, 739 : 866 . v 4S . -: 72 ' 186 .. . 00 - ,153 384 , ... 267 msj, 44 723 616 tat' 806 457 311 144 v 8S3 maj. , 600 rep maj. 700. " 80 1000 - JHuhama. The Legislature of Al abama convened at ruscaloiS;t on the 7tU ult. Atithur P. Baghy. Ey. fV; BJ was elected Siiaker of thiTllouse ol.'Representatives without opposition. aniH. Jluglr Mvay fiewiient oi iue Senate, by a majority of 4 votes over Samuel B. r Moore both, candidates Van Bureuites.-"-j-fro- Gov. Clay's Message is very long, a large portion" of tr being devoted to a history of the late Creek War, and the circumstances attendant thereupon. He advises that Alabama ahall accept her portion of the. Surplus Revenue, and appropriate it to the consummation te Important worka of internal im- ot the impn provementin gaged. v which that State ts en- Thi PrttUen 'i jWA.Two nights go the President was taken with a cough, which was succeeded by a con-sidi-rahle bleeding from ' the lungs. He had suffered for some time previ ously with severe pain in his side. He was relieved froth both unpleasant symptoms, in some degree, by the lan cet Night before last the hemorrhage from the lungs recurred, ami was a gain sioppd by the same process and other applications.:: ' lie is ;now ex tremclv weak, from the elTect. of 4he !ie. h?it w better, itiaorder anil r"mete. CJil-4;-.K'f:fl '." 1-.. y 'py rvis,.' pbysician'S in f their 1I'atHih"MondayfanWffielk- calling fiie roll, members answereil to their names. Several other mem bers came in during the day. ; Considerable discussion arpse ns to the expediency' of organizing at all. Some of the members maintained -that as the occasion of ennvening them had passed away, it would be advisable to incline forminarl House, and at onee leive the seat" f Government. If they formed a House, it was admitted on all hands that they rould not ad journ without, the coiu urrence of, the . a nil sTl I.-.- other branch, ilie uovcnmr na no luthority to prorogue the Legislature of this State. . -On the other hand, it was contend. ed that, ? though the material object for convening had passed, there were other very "erioUs considerations, which, though they would not have in duced a call of th'e Legixlature, yet. as they were on the spot, it would be highly improper now to neglect. A nioiigst those objects, was thaf chM sing a United States Senator in rooin of the lamented Gold-borough. '! Con- fres would be in session in a few ays, and Maryland would be depriv ed, for one-third of its session, ol one half ojfher representation in the Sen ate, unless the vacancy was now filled. The Power, of the Governor to fill the vacancy would be-disputed is such a case as this) and, even ; if it could, it ought never to be resorted to when the Legislative power could be so conve niently resorted to- . . . - Se'veral other phjtrJ f. itnniwilltfe n;teret were miittoiica, ...Aum"! iWi th?i Tfea"ur. to rtiie .-ine. surplus the Senate will organize in the course of a d.if or so. It is said here that vour worthv and able towhmiinrMr. VlcIahott.-is-unwilltnjiltojervf .: Senator, 3ng averse to engaging a- gain in public life. I .trust it is not so. i-. The report has -created a great deal of anxiety here, and is a smirce of much regret to our friends. Aniie'y is on lip-toe as to the course he will take, and tlit friends of the Govern ment express the most earnest hopes that he will not decline. In the sta tion which ,ias been ; assigned him his irai ah'dU woatd redound 'greatly tttiiio advantage1 of the State', and the Joss of them would be a source uf much pain to tho friends of the Constitution al Government. Maryland has just passed unscathed through a fiery or deal, and now occupies a proud stand among her sister Statet of- this-greal Confederacy! for her tons have eahib ited to the world, in a manner that can not be mistaken, that virtue and devo tion to a written Constitution will ever gWiouslyJriumph here, over political profligacy and jacobinism that her Gonr.imeit is invulnerable to the mercenary assaults of desperate dem- agngues and disorganizes . Ma. McMauo.-We regret to be compelled to say that the apprehen siotu expressed, by ;our AntinpoJil. cor respondent, in regard to the rumored refusal of this gentleman to serve in the post of Senator, to which he has bet-n called, re probably -wlWiiiio-ded.i?a. Chronitle. ; ATTfiimoKTlCTnTOl-The Amended' Constitution of th'e State re oiiircs. that 'the T Returns ""ofeverr tip and tran$mU'ed to the Seat of Gov ernment by the returning Officers, di rected to the Speaker of the Senate, who shall open and puUIUh them in the prcsenre of a majtirity of the Members of both. Houses t the General Assemb ly.'.-'- .. i s-"- Our notice has been drawn-to thw suhject, from the circumstance of some Very intelligent Sheriff having sent on Turfiicatt of the number of vote given for the several candidates for Govern ofj'instead of the "Return" them- selves kept by the poll-keepers. '7ie Jtem;llu is ta Compare the Path and declare " who 1st elected,' and 'must of course; have the Polls or lists as they were returned from the different Pre cincts. TheSlierifT arc not authorized tt declare the rtnull in the several Coun ties or give any Certificate about it. They are t sr'a! up and transmit the Returns to the Speaker of the Senate, &. " i These Ret urna - m ust be mad e, under Jieavy pcnaltiea, iii time for the result to be made known, so that the Governor elect mar qualify and enter on his tlutiea on (he fint of Jfytuary next. :. -- . r ueguer. Another Tatrht the Revolution gone.' I Died suddehly in Lincoln County, on 12lb inst.. Cen.i Jescra Uasaax, at S very advan ced age. W leave to some one better arqnaint- ad with the deceased, to anuerUKe tne tasa of a more extended memoir of the deceased, Waean only say, that be wa connected wilh many of the most interesting and important scenes of tho Revolution. Ha wit a witness to the firat Declaration of Independence ni itrti.iuai'i'y uwini'j . . . . t i i .. hiff: ,UT. LOtHSl.VNA. Mr. Garlnnd. member of ConBrea from Lou isiana, arrived at Mobile S4th ult brought ofli- riut return from all the Parinhes except one, ami pnoflic al from that, winch give the bite tickct'a unjortty of 33 vote in Louisiana. . IMPORTANT FRO.tFLQMpA. ; The brin General SMrr, Cant. B!tTT, arrived laat evening from Jacksonville, E. F.) whence aha aailed on Wednesday evening laat The O. 8. had 16 hours run from light to light. -- : y ' 1 A passenger in the f. Simtet inlorma u that an e.t press had arrived at Black Creek, on Monday night last- bringing Inrormsliun that two fevere engagement had taksn place be tween, paft of 111 tutted Males: Army, consis ting of the Tennessee Volunteers and the Flor ida Mdilia, under the command of Gen. Calt, an1 tlie HeniiiiKlc liuiiaris. i no rrguiara anu thw firemllv Iudwn.eparatcd from the volun- teer. pntttoiiaJo tha ai tlon, and proceeded op Inwards the Wahaw 8wsmp, on one side of tho river, and the volunteer on tTie clhc'r." "Wlicd tha loiter had nearly reached tho swamp, they fylLinJaUUiJi body of lmkiia,whnTrirovel to be about one half of ibeir whole force, and im mediate! v gave them battle. In about one hour the Inuians retreated, bav ng sum-red a loss ol twentv killed and a numtx-r wounded; I he latter thejr Tarried- -off withtherm t ttHMtwleef pursued Ihem closely, anil encamped lor tne niiiht. the enemy continuing on tho niarch. Tho following day (Saturday) they roiitin- ITed tliepirsut,- ai near nightfall, when another severe 'engage ment took place, which lusted more- than an hour, when they again gave way, carrying oil their woundod. The number of killed could not be ascertain? J, owing tn the darkness of the niffht. 'I'll etnress It-It early on Sunday morning, previous to tho relni-n oT'lTi olTi'-eri Irom an .etaminatinn ofthe fid.l. . l.ho.loae of the whites, in the tnro eng'emcnta, was five killed and ten woundod. 'i'lu-y took pris oner a negro, who stutcj that the Indiana were divided into twipartw the engagement are anxious lor peace, anu win probably make an overture so soon as they ean escape the vigilance of tha war party. whose Ihreots they tear. Doth parties are short of sinuiiitioh; and it ts ei peeled, sh u'd they receive no further supplies, they vti I shortly surrender- Gen. Call, intends keeping his men movinir in pursuit, and using every exertion to annihilate tl i savage horde. Great nrnise is awarded to Gen. AaxaTaoso, of the Tennesaco Volunteers, for hie roolneaaand bravery; and also to Col. Rian, of the Florida Volunteers, who commanded in person. -They had not heard an? thine - of the Regular and friendly Indians, but supimae they coo Id not wave reached the ersiiips. penor qualifications and lona; v neriews wants a a.tuation. Apply to tho Krfitora of thia Paper. . . ;s . .. 50 tC. - - WEW AN EtCOIJIT POODS, ' '' ' VO TO ' r Fall A Tiatr sales of 1 30 '3T, The undersiimeiL hsrin ,..u heCityofKew Tork with hi rati h . thatTW:" ' Sraeia c Faact Dav Cne-na, er had UieHf"!6 A"' rsa.A-nee, community, a richer!'' variety he ner. ; ateni, embracing mil. thsWsenlirijr to this iaaioi.4aj.aa-f Si mnstmajs' srs . upon" inspection and comparison wiritart selections, in reference to ftrtcet, qntUtiiri oao- oty'tt, lie think cannot fail to pleas th dis- creet and intelligent purchaser, llie mem ber of the Legislature, and other strangers, . during their anjnurn in the city, and who in- . lend to treat themselves and to present their familiraand friends, with something rare and '. beautiful, will find that they tan be rirwisL no accotnodat;ug terms, at the fathtonnaM asrf or - n. IS. SMI I tt. Raleigh, Nov, 30. 1836. - SO 6. BROAD CLOTHS, CAMHEItES A !s I TESTIJIOS. - 50 Piecea,"Aer rroad Cloths of every ,. thaiie oual'tf unef pnte. , r 33 do., ieantiut, plaid, ribbed ami plain . Cassimerra ... 30 do. - ila, fine Satlinvts and Cash mere. . ' , . 30 do. Rica etrr sua atrrr, SaTia, Silks and Mm no vesting, . for sale bv B. B. SMITH. Raleigh, Nor. 28, 1835 i SO 6w. ' statin pjiiaors. 30 " ditto, ditto fancy Silica, 10WrUiiR bl!tCllatin mil QUKr. 10 lo. Splemlid Ciut, STI Lo- : oaa F.srniraldnei sad Itrilliantin Xilka, ' for sale at tlte store of B. D. 8M!TH. Raleigh, Nov. 30, 1 83tf 50 6w , FfenevaiidJEislU IS Pieces, iti cotoas, Surtaioa rial a and)' rioiato French Mcrini es, , 30 ditto do- English ditto, tO du..F'me.ai,ra;t.?awv, and oastf Vrench tlombaaine k Psramatta Cloths, -for Lalies Cloaks and winter presses, . at the store of - - ' . n. o SMITH. : Raleigh, N'ov. 38, 1836 '30 6w. ' . Charteolin Mertnry J"v. 8. JliST RECEIVED Fine Dai, Fanes; and Ovbcsth, Gnats-hair Csmlilrt Wrappers sn.1 Cloaks, Cluth and Caasimere Patitalonns. Cut VeIvet,.t'orled 8'iik and Merino Vests, tine Linen anil Cotton: Shirts f - -- Merino, and f -anrbtwonl Shirts ami Drawers, - I jidirt run and riacasn miuo Ci.ok. Stocks, Handkerchief! it Olovea. 10 dot. bVk and colored rut VstvtT, Sartv ami llnmbat'.ne Strick, , ' ,v 10 dnx: Bam'ana Handkerchief, snd black silk cravats, -l" , ' , - -, - 10 'Jo. Riiekskin, Kkl, Casvoii and Meri. . - no Gloves, - : .. - ,. ,. 10 do, fin iJiwn Collars and Bosom, ' for sal by , U. II SMITH. V. l lUleigh, Nor. 3fV, 1838 ' 40 6. r " " " - ' "' " ' Dank of llie fiintA of JVorib Cnr - -elina. The Annual meeti f of the RtnekholJVs of this Bank, will be held at their Hankie; Home in thi City, on the Hnst Monday ia January nest, at 10 o'clock A. M. . .C. SEW CY, Cashier Rale!gli,Iv4 V IS3w- JO -4lMw. Direct from Liverpool, via New York and Neam-rn, in rirrr-Ttiniis aava, An elegant assortment vf GolA I.ver WotcIse, For sale, low for Gash, by LIXUKMAN. Raleigh, Nov. 28, 1836 S3 3w. The sulMscriber proposes to give lesson In this useful art, for a short time lit tlie city of Ralcigtir H-TetpeetfnHy iimte h tmentron of members of ilia LegisUturs and others de sirous of writing an elegant hand. ! iva or six Imons on hi admirable-ay stem are' gencr ally aufficient to accomplish this. V hue years insv have been spent in fruitless cltrt to attain itrosa-sdiaiuLVtlK failed, are assured, there Is no wt'i-e in tins. Their succes will be guarantied, if the requi site attention ba given. Those wishing to Uke lessons,' are requested to make Immediate ap plication to (lie 8oascaiaa at hi room op)o sile the City Hotel where hi specimen rosy be exsmined, and terms known, Private lessons given if requested. S. M. H0WE7. " Haleigh, Nov. 88, 1838 ' 60 Isr. A TEACIICU WANTED. I wish to employ a teacher bo aa some welt rrcnmmsitdeil lo uk charge of a (malt wheel 10 mitrt inuih F., of U.lrigh. The sIIosUbsi 11 mired and bealihy. It Is Sotirsble lb Sell sol should somisieaee tsrlr lu Janasry, it. s. mTov. . Sit. f.;S 5 A so 4w. , , SYLVESTER S .Y1STII, MEUCHA.YT TAILOR, v Tltrre doori It low thi Ifrdicint Star of Mrtry If'ilHamt, I lay wood $ l o. J-a Faye tevilt it. . CHEAP CASH STORE, . Tlie Mfcerilee , b weeived bi ifk of FALL U H IXTEIt GOODS, om(.riieg an eaeellenl assnHmeiil ot every srtisle ttsusll) IihiihI in a liy Good and Gmeery Siorei and as he ia determined lo sell low f. h, pneehs sen would (to well lo aaH and supply them- , EDWAItn 5. BROOKS. " Patlonsvaie, Granville o. Nov. 84. IS36. ; .... ,; SO If. . Jtearoen, Ncgroca for Sale The subscribers, hasing qualified as Ex- eoiitnrs to the will of ElixabetH Uurclisw, lU-ccased, will offer for sale, on Thursday 1 5lh Decembt-r nrx, al tha residence or u. v. Goldston, in t;hatham couniy, 15 mile wjest of Piitsboroiigh, sis likely NegroescoMist. ing of two fellows, two boy a. woman and girl belonginr to saia F.le. Also, some hoi.rhol4 furniture. Ni month.' credit will b given,, end bond with 'hk! security -will be reojuired.i' -' '' - ; ; G. W. GOI-nsTOXJ neewtors.' J. J, G0L0310N, .5 , - Nov. 19, 183 . , 50 aw. ,- Chsil.iUe.,ln 1775, si.. 1 I iir-T.isl !'i rttseiimg t rtnm u: rtljt a'i'l ?ei ift& snuletvoi S.,. i 'it cn'il.e firvM!" lid h'-ri'pr. lilt u:e u .ri.v lirf ii 14 RcthsnontrcninleAetuIenix. , ' The exercises nf this Institution will com mence on the first Monday ia January. Tin Aeatlemy is situated a very healthy vicinity, 13 miles from HilUboroughi on the road lead- - i.J vM. . . H..-P.1 s tie hail in 1 ing to nuw iiniii . 1 .1.- nw.i ir.pctable" fiim bea a alioU ! tare- from the A;admy at 5 dollars moi.th. A lhr.i..iUcnls has been engaged fir some ttra's iiitlM- instruction 0 ..youth, she dei-tns it ;ie:u.i!,e:t-y4oaJdr.ore Kf.ia . list received, and (intending to be prepar ed at all time to meet the demand of tha public) will keep constantly on band, a rich snd extensive" assortment of Fashionables GOOfl.V, comprising Cloth,' Cas-merti and; Vesting, of every quality snd color, togtb er with every ankle necenaary for Gentle- -men's Clothings which lie will sell on agood .. terms a can be had elsewhere in the Cily.ar , have made to order, in the latest and moat -' inaaaLa iui wsisnirn. - . r- - He alto keeps a very full Mirrnect of READY UAUK CLOTHING, made in tha best style, uf food rnaterials, consisting, In .... part 01 Cloaks, Ovor Cost. Urra nd Frock , Coals, Pantulooiis, Wsistcesta, Drawers, ' Shiita.'Rosnins Collar; Blocks, Smpender, ' fce. All of which will be sold en modcrat terms . . Raleigh, Nov. 3X1338. f - 50 3w." h" tiio.mpsoSv ir.ircn Jisn clock Maker, -:''.- i i . Retpreirully iaforrai th public, that lie has located kimst-lf m the eity or Halriglt, on Pay rtteville alreet. on iloorbeloo th omse l 1L0' , Nerlb Carolina SianJard, and eflrrt for sale a, small bur ano atsortsaent ot th (ulloviug -. ' aiong olber srtickti - .(j ,t Laities' and Genllemen's Gold Iver vstsbv. - Silver Lever and Vertwa! Wsthe,7T 1 Colo, Silr and Plated Guard Chsms, ' .. Hold Fob Oalm, Srall and Kej, i r T Gold sml Silver Fensll Cases, - ; -i -,r t Guld and Hdvee Spetlsslrt, -; ' - " UistaatMt, Pasta and Gold Itresst-aiat, . ..n. - (Weel'an Coral and Geld Fr-rii.s, 1 - Pesri, "I'opsa, Fsnev and Pla'm Ftoger-rirgs, Plated ttastors and Candlesticks,! . s t Kegel's' Itrsors and Kaivea. Its. Ii ; : v : i. He tolle'rts employment hi slrsnlng sad repsfri ' Ing Waiches and Cloekt, and place moraeW pendente nn the exhibition. of. bi wnikmantlrtp,! , than a pompon display of word h att Advor Iwement. II fiimhed 1.1 pmfessloo m London,.; anil hnpes lh;t bis long exerieie jmayjhtur bimtshtu-e of r-tiMie narrauage. '.kiv; fry All wtnk 'lone by Mo will rranlr( fur the Ipr.grh of time enfcicai7 iih ill tr'la,.' -. Kalaigh, Ncr. , 1330 . " ," W 4r ' i j s'Vhs wfr; e;T.-ri3'i v. thi n?tt cane(ijc:w "a v-;j!Ticcan-'r' (-iu