jMewage tr tHe Senate rbnt or the lintel State. ...Iuh Hirw r tian ye c ia 1 f tenner Tcasinnej b j,jwriinj tr- 7:'.) V IzJ&T&fby the rVnate ofthe afl4n1H2imHly of North Carolina, Tbt we if ieW who deerascet ad nnfeigoed wmt of lb deatn of lioiu jim " genator elect of this body, from th firatSans (nrut District ofthe Slain, and that, in eowfnao iiklho .MnmanW i. large, .u i-Jln. nUa ,,f the .lenomi MiVifyityimer, from the Commit. ti ub l'ri:riiition nil Grievance, wale a report the petition l K.lw-:tet-r I'etterew ami other, ofTyr rirll cirnjf v which, on .Mr, Mel.a tie's inn'im. u Ji laul nil the tav.ile. .;The Te(illMin- ta n-fer so tniich of t!; G vcr;MH-Vineag;e a Mate t rep r( of the public Treasurer, revenue laws, ami the Tcasurer l -nJ. t.i the Committee of Finace, was ukii up atxl ailnptrtl. Mi. liivauYf Carteret ami J0"' pr-cn!f a bill to atiM-nd the act au thorUinjr the Ouvernnr t appoint to. take ihe arknowl rjgeinriitaml pt( of devil ami in uV,,.,,..... utitlerseal ami deposition! which, n-.tsaed ita first resiling, and, op .Mrvlosy'a mttutn, Pale the smler f thola., for HKrr,uv5 , a Jl?ccrc eJ a roese from, the Oarer, tin tnnsinluiiij-lht' report of W. II. 'liaywnnil. jnii. the Commissioner p ouitn nrotiafe a Wn of four huu lretl houssn.l,lulUr for ihe State. riiititrfr-tKi-iva4 - a4 -orilfxeil t tranf.ilittt t tk Hoaae of Cmmonf. Tli Senate agreed to tfi .propVi tion of the other House t-traWe a jint covnml!ti on public bu'ilJiiis;. ir. nnmcwin however, that aai'l commit tee nival! conit of five on the part of a e n7 1 111""!"" " T;- - ,'I'lie llulei. Joint Rule. Amemled CotiAtiiufion of the Stat. an l'oti f utinO ofthe LVitcd 8Utc. were onler td t be piinted. M fc-R-ioharil t intml nr t a rel u -Tmrt in tructTn jj the ) lidTnar wiUee to emittire int the espediencr tf amending the Road law. The Senate proceeded the Orelera ofthe da, and took op the bill re u-itnE)V-taking .. jnf Mm ffiVbonr!, Nr. P.itkerr prrtpoed an amendment therein, when the hill and amendment w eraf : Tcrrert tr we 1 ctry .m- ti if thai tnlanlA 't VtftU A' wtnh which, hy hi. i!th. wfc all " KmoIwI, Thai Iho Jv will ul haJc of moumiPT k" rf l" nuret lh Heaf Ui hU memory. " Mr. MoRtgomer, from the Tom n.ittee.M ion a" Gnevanciea, reporfed a rrtNtn directing the Lrtrr of Stare to ie a duplicate vm rant for land in faeorofCapt. Will-J iam Uilliams or ni repreaeniauwca, wliirh was read the first, fecond and rhfrd times and pnsaed. A bill to incorprate the" Milton Manufactorin; Companj, rere'iTed from the Commons, passeil its, first i eadin. Made the order of the day for Mondar next. The act "to amend the act aothoris- 1it in thrr rontlC- Pa.'.pjfleJ un til Wednesdaj. . . - Tlie reaolutiwi on the aobject of 'inonefr received t'ieeMttk ales uf Cherokee lands, winch was amended on Mr. Brraira (of Carteret and adopted, authorises l'uu motion lie Treasurer to receire Georgia and ur.ttce.. . A report wa made and adopted n the rco'uli'n in favor of S. M.' Smith witk & the blank filled with &S8 40. I10CSK OF COM MOMS. Mr. Satterthwaite. from the Commit tee n Cliima, tr wVom was referred the Resolution direttiiiR the Treasu rer ta vec'eiVe certain deoeripiiaoa of rnnnee fur the prchase f Cherokee Jaadit, reported favorably to ia aa sases whereupon, it passed ita second H?td third reading, and was ordered to njjronaed. The bill to divide Orange cnunT, , ,j f..rn a new countv bv the naihr or jHjrson. xc-" " time. Mr. Graham noticed, at tme length, the objections which had been raised to the bill on Constitution Hi ground, allowing clearly that no provision of that instrument conies in conflict with the division of a county, t'ie representation not being at all in creased thereby. " Mr. Moore, of Halifau conceded the anundness of the Constitutional .l.irtiine advnced br Mr. G. but op- pnisd tho bill on ground of eipedieu cy. The grievance complained of . were Jiot, he aaid. of that character wti1c& jatied legislative relier, m tna iiimtwr prareii. , . . M l t Til its aeeomf readingf-lhe Ayes ana Ke were demanded, -and-stool as f,1!Aw.i For the pasage of ihe bill 7nT- A TtiHit-it -6h r S-th4ill-wai ing the appointment of commissioners by ihe Governor to take the acknowl eiljment of deeds &c, read the second and third times, passed, and ordered to br njrossed. '. -A bill erect a new countyjit the uma of Gaston., out of a part of Mont- gnimery-j wa presented by Mrl' "KelTf passed its first reailma;. ueierreu ,w , the Committee on Propositions- and Grievanries. ' HOUffK OF COMMONS. . Mr, Courts, frtnn tbeu Cmnmi ttee of Propositions and Gnevances.hiade i laviirahle rermrt on the petition of J Miles Howard, ol Halifax. Concur red in. Mr. Jorilan, wno voteu yenieroaj with the majority en the question of rejecting the- bill to divide Orange, with a view to the erection of a new county. moved fr a re-consideration of that votei He said that his vote a gainst the passaje of the bill proceed d frjim but, on more mature reflectioii; lie had changed his opinions, ail was now prepared to po for it. The House, however, refused to re-consider. Mr. Sat-erthwaite introduced a bill to drfinr what-is' meant by the word Returns" in the Constitution of the State, in the clause which treats ofthe election f Governor and. alsn, to compensate Sheriffs for attending to the election of Governor, kc. Mr. S. ex plained the objects ofthe bill, when it passed its first reading. Mr. Jordan, from the Joint Select Committee, to whom was referred the Resolution directiug them to report a bill for tlie acceptance o1 that portion of Ibtr 8rplm Rerrnue. wmrti tony b co-.iing to North Carolina, under the pmvisfnn of the Deposit Act. reported a bill for that pupn which had its first reading. TThe bill direct the Governor forthwith to notify the Scc- rtrv f Ihe Treasury, that the State accepts, and our Fuulic 1 reasurer is instructed to receive it, ami uepuu the s-imeln Mirh Banktas he way e lect.l The Committee were also in structed to repnrt on the best plan tor investing the same, uut Horn tnis ciuiy they begged to be reiieven, on me ground that there were so many con flicting nninions. as rendered it'almost 'mimsiiible to agree. The Committee 1 I . I' -I I . .1 a. were acconiingiy uicoais;", member, therefore, will ubmit his nmn ditinct oronosition on ttte sub- lect, and leave the whole Legislature -1 - i t 11.. to reconcile ana iiaroiuu&ic . flictinr schetnes. - Twelve o'clock having arrived., the knur fir Pit nn hv a iuint vote of both iTinia fur roinf into an election of i tr H. "feena tor .'vice M r. Mangom. T signed, the House proceeded to that hmlnrM. The result will be found under the Raleigh head. nation otfnve Hollars aim upwarus alrtaJy received by the Commissioner. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Mr. Graham," from the Committee on the Judiciary, reported unfavora bly on the resolution proposing to in crease the compensation to witnesses, where they attend Court in other coun Concurred inf-'- -".MrrGrfrom'"the"ame committeei reported a bill declaring that the shares of stock in incorporated Companies shall be deemed and taken as personal estate, with sundry amendments. The bill was read the second and third time, and ordered to be engrossed. Mr. G. from the same Committee, who were instructed to enquire into the expediency of amending the law so as to affix the penalty of whipping to the crime of malicious mischief in cer tain cases, reported against any Legis lation ipn'thejujiecr;.uCpncarred in. -! 11e Speaker laid before" the House the" report rHf President-, of , the, aleigtr anGastoa" RaiF Iload Com rany. Referred to the Committee on nternal Improwmcnt. . MrTPetfy" presented a bill limiting the time within which certain offences ahall ;Wprce the duties of Grand Jurors in relation thereto. Read first time. The bill increasing the liabilities of Sheriff's, was read the third time and mdercd to be engrossed. A resolution from the Senate, in f aver-of James Hart -of Cartere t, was read the first time. ..? Tle bill to receive the proportion of the Surplus Revenue to Which Biate is entitled under the act of Congress to regu!a'ethe peposite of the public innney wa read the second time. On the passage of-lh bill, -the Yeas and Najs were demanded, and not a dis senting vote was given against it. It was then read the third time,' and or dered t o be engrossed." ' " ' A resolution trom tne benate pro- ' . 1 i : - - -- - . a ,1 posing that tne U?neaKerajtneiwn. CHilL I L Jl LU U I L lUiJJlliLU.- JBW TBEAStltEll'Si 21EPCKT. ,v Treasury Department, - 1 ;,,T. V; .V. . 1830. . To the Honorable tin General Jli$em V Uy of the Sate of: North Carolina. In obedience to the directions of an Act of the General Assembly, passed at the Session of 1827, entitled an Act concerning the Public Treasury the Public I reaanrer Tespectiutiy ut mit the following Report: Ul. Of the Public runupprtpriatedRevttnit ana txpttuuiurtf. Th Ulnoec of cah in lh Publia TreaMtrr owllia trt oJ ol ftov. :a.-u , "iCt.M3Jl Tha receiiiti of Ihe rnis'wr fitcat " Year cmlme on Ilia 91 tt IT V tkiUji, a.uodbtro - rio-.toy w Makine an tgtreirata of $!. 7 The libarcmcn diiring the same period amotiuted to 171,686 67 Public Prlnlw-, tw w ; Slock in Dank ftt lUW, - S;i.sOO 00 latere Oa lb deferred pav neoi 01 -- Stork. - - - ConrrioBl EtrclMui, " -W 4 1 reiry uoan. w SltenlTt foe aeuling . Wl K' Ditto for cainiutrine Senatorial riny" 1 linrrcM oa Suae Uau, .' Ultii UrJ. Attlmri '.a Jbm ILK a i .j -1 lio waeltetl from liue. fraicl.t. It beine il oefl mmwm 4 lata si lk : . reo4ii, saacl. at w pee. 5S9,OiS tt n. rnmnill.r', Statement. rrnuireJlO ba furnitiittt fur Ike m ot the roenitieTSfthaf aeral A'seemMr, ill b. '" w""" Uiled eshib pi each anil every itMlitiiloal tliav Lartetneut ntaile at the Trrawiry Dcpartmrnl tlurinn Ihe part year. It it iherelore retpeatlal ly rcteired la fur Mr6e. 2nd. Of the Literary fund. The Mce i i "e lumda of Hie rulilia Treawtrer, at 1 reawirer Ol Uic uterary runn, on the Sltl of Oe. 1855, a reported to the tieaoral Aaarnfchayi "es M Whieh, aitdett te the balanea itioea taieil, forma an aRgreaMe ninam t4 jff ,4U tl The dislinraemeiili Irnni the fond for lutrrnul Impmermml, during th . erion, ire a imiuw,, n, Thi Mint naid James WTehe. (inner. - ary atiil eiientea, - - Jjj jt -Do taid Wm. T. Coleman, for li w aemret at seerelary to the Uoird tu prracnl year, 00 Houses notify the Hon. Robert Strange of his election as Senator concurred in. A message was received from hi Excellency, the Governor transmitting the returns of the several Sheriff's of the State of votes given for Elertors f President and Vice President of the United States, and announcing the re sult. The message was read," and, on mortun, aL5atei-- SENATE. a rjeeiei. , . , Mr. Clayton introduced a Resolu tin iBavor of Joh Miller. Refer ( i ha rnmmittee on claims. . The Resolution in favor of Eliakin r-i and Til man -Vestal, was reported r. tha r.noiieittee of Claims without -amendment, pied nd ordered to be tnrolltJ, . : SENATF . Saturday, Dte. 3. - message wat received from the lipase of Common, proposing that the , twi House vote this day at U o'clock for Senator to aupply the vacancy or " A h Mr. Mancum resigna- 4rrrad to and Hon. Thorns I Settle, -n wHn f Mr. Bryan, of CaHeret tnd Jone. wa added to the Btvninatiorr, 1 ' ' ': i m"t . , ' The petition of Daniel McDonald, prayinj the Legislator, to grant hint .a Lrant for land. wa. presentrd by ' Mr, Kelly. Bffrr 10 th V0" Hiiltec on "Claims. 1 1 P"Mr. Carson preented resolution, , . j rtuvernftf to draw on Vie Public Treasurer for money to de fray, tU contingent expense f the Chirokee Und .Sale. . Referred to ih Cramttt on Claim. Mr Jlrytn, of Carteret, presented a h.n tm enf to leor of land lien spon the crep of their Icaier. for rent. PasaerJ its firat readme. ' r tl. l.-r of 1 having atnyed. Xesf. Kelly and Arrington were ap-, pointetl t MP"""'". " jZT.Z Tut t day, Dtcbnbtr 0. Mr. Krllv, from tha committee, on rlaima, re- pnrted s bill to Ganrga Williamnon, one hunilred and thirty-nina dollars (or 4 inolvent polla, r the year 18X6, '27, 'XS, is, '30, ana .11, to be paid out of th traaaury Pawed ita firat reading. ' Mr. K: from the name eommittr. reported a woltition authorizinc the Coremor to draw for expenaea of Cherokee land aleav-8o amenrleil. on Mr. Uaraon motion, that ma amount anouia not ox wed $180. Read threa timea, and order- en to be engroarcd. Mr. Careon introdured a raaoluuon. direcltnc a Krant for one hundred and twenty-eight aerea of land in Rutherford, to faaot to Samuel Gal- ney an a previous entry and aotwey, po pay ment of the purchaae money and fee. Pawed thteo timea, nnd ordered to be engrossed. Committee on enrolled bill r tha preaent week Meeara. Moor and Bunting. Mr. Edwards made a report from ths K,nt mmmittre, on the auhjert of counting ths olea for (Jorernor, Ar.which waa ailopted. i ne, tw Itouaea are to aawmhle in the Hall of the Common on the 15th inat-t one teller to be sp puintnt on. the psrt af th Com.mona two on the part -of "rheSenataf Sa-makaa Jistof votoa. Theae to he delivered to tha Speaker of tha Sa nste, wto shall announea tha teuh to tha two Houaea, . R. Mr. MoreheaJla reaoluUon lo pay Tur- niilanee Itt. Nor. 1835. at rrr.nil ed to the last General Aaaenibly 46.856 30 The rceeiptf at the Treaiury le- parttnvnl lr lite last aaeai year, that it, from Ihe Stal Oct. 1835, to Ihe lit Nov. 1 S36, amount U 6 re tmndreil and thirty nine Ihouaand five hundred and Ally nine dollar anil ninety four aentt, (539,559 91)- and eon aim of Wlallawing itemi, vis: Cath rreeived from the her ft for publie las ot 1 835, lie. "" log ' the ordinary revenue pay : ble into tlie Treaiui-JF oa the I at .j n. tl tr. muji nut niHcMll mam - appOBrneil "" ' ?P,M;'S- Cath rraeiveil from flitnfU On -count of ailditiinial returns ol uxetaee itatemenl A.) . 517(1 Oilto rearired trom the llnk' of Newbern for liilenil of 7 per cent on IltS ihare of ihe cani- Ui alok declared in Jan. 1836 11,726 00 fiiiioreeei the State of North Carolina, for iliviilc .d of 4 per rent prt'fit en Simi .k.rr. ol the annilal ftlttck ilecUreil in Dt-ceniUer, 135, 1,500 00 Ditto, received from the liai.k ol Cape Fear, fi dividmd ol 3 per aeut pmfit on 10 share ul tuck' uiiaiiiiraoriatcd. declared t iaHr. IS36. .. 3 00 Ditto rrceited hiiin the Bank of the State fur diviilrtid, (Ne. I,) ri ner eenl on 9'2t bare. Mlb- crihed 331 of Much. 1836, t;30t 50 Ditto recriinl from do.' for livi. Irml No. 9 of 4 ner cent on tha - ne hara tuburibud a abone, - 3 684 00 Ditto rrct-id from ttitr for ttirt- den4- No 3 of 3f per . cant on 1921 aliaiet ol Mock, declared in June, 1835. , 81 Ditta rceeited from the Bank of Cape Frar, for ditHlend of 4 per cent on 10 cliarrt ol Hock uiisp nrniiriatrd. tltclared in June. i8S6. 40 00 t)iilo i reeeivrH frnm the llank ol 4hv Slate, forutnulend AO. I 0T f J ier eenl. nn tW hare of tnek ubtctibed 2d tf Aujuit, 1836. Ditto received from do. for dii dend Nn. It of 4 per cent on tha ame iharel, ubicribcd a a bore, Ditto received trro do. for Hiti dend Nn. 3 ol 3J prr emt. nn the me aharei, lubxribtd a above, Ditm received from the lluncnmbo ol It per vcm. the anarca ewnrrt by- the Slate, declanul in Uctnber. 1 S35. Ditto rreeived Iromdn. for balance of divid' nrt due the State, lor the vear 1835, itiofroca II II C vk. la full lor hi trennd band sien for pail nf tbe Uuthv Hunch Tract land. Principal W 00 lulcrcil ! 47 873 00 500 00 00 Tbe receipt at iheTresmry Depart mrt nt nmnrv faelniieinr to thi fund, rorlh last vear. that i, from Ihe 311 of Oct. 1SS5, to tlie Itt Nov. I8..6. amount to lhirty-to thnuaand til hundred and torty-lS dollar and aeventy-one cent, (32,. 6)2 71.) and coaurt of the lullww int item, vix. CmIi received from ntndrv auelion- rert. lor ta on aalet at auctii-a, 1,139 00 Do recited fur entric id vacant land, 1,682 71 Do. reeeited Iron) the Itoaunke N- ien'ioii CnmpMir, for dividend of I I net cent, on 800 diarea ol nock, jiiropriaieit to thi tund, declared in Nov. 1833. Do. frura dj. lor t!ividend f percent oa the same tharea, lelar4 Nov. I8J4. . . D.i: reeeitefi from the Hinh of the Rtt : of N'orAli;CiMWwe:.bed Nik."" rf 2 per cent, oo S aharea ot atock ;s i HibtciibcdSVh Nov. 1835, , 15 Dn. received from ditto, lr divulend No. 2tf 4 ner ernt. -on I7W tnare nf clock owned br 'hit fund, declar ed Dee. 1855. o,uu u Do. received from ditto, for ilirnleml Vu,-.iiL, .uuL.1111 luu hare "v ' . .: aubaanbrd bib Jaliuarv. ISOU, ju w Dn. rceeivod from ditto, for ilmdrnd No. 4 ol 4 per cut on the usu titarct ubei ibed at above, Do received from ditto, lor ilulilenm Nn. I and 3 nn 40 tharet ol Muck, ubteiribrd III r'tb 1836, Do received from the llnk ol I, ape Jpetr, for.doi'leiMl ol 3) peraest. on 7,li i nrri ol tlocK aituropriaieii nr thit fund, drclared Itt Jan. 1836, .4C4 00 Do Vreeivcd from do. for divklrnd of Si her cent, on SO Miarea oi aincn -.-..-I hv thiafund. declared a above Do received from do lor ilividrml ul S ntr ernt on "0.4 tliarea ol Moca appro i.btj iu i In, fundi decUrcd in June Do. received from ditto fordivnlend ol 4 prr cent, on 50 thare or Mock own. cd ! V thi fund, dec I ami a above, Do. tereived Imtn Ihe Hank of Ncw- bri n, Inr divnlend id T per celtl. cap ital nn 141 tharr nl slock nvnrd hy thi Umd. ih-clarrd Junuai v 4. 1836, 987 t0 Do. j-tcr ivrd Irom the Hank of lb St.i 400 00 (80 00 173 00 800 00 7,093 50 11,348 00 9.340 31 350 00 fur dividend Noc. 1, a4-1 on 66 thare 'ibtcrilM-d in behalf of this fund Sill of July, 1830, Dn received trom do. for dividend No, I, 2 k 3 nn 36 Miaret, tubicri-h-d in behalf nl thit fund July 1 1th, 1536, Do. received trom Ihe taH! rear Mv. itaiiou tJoinpany, belfg a part nl iliv i.lend No. 12. 13 and 14 ol 650 dol lar racli, declared by sid cumpauy per account rendered. Pn teeeived tram Sheriff for las OS r tmAmwai aiiiritnua llqaor. Ditto reeeivril from n nmc. State ot N O. far dividend ol 3 prr emt. on 1840 abtre ownrd by thi fund, declared in June, 1836, 643 SO 331 00 417 32 3.S97 32 T e. 16,194 95 vi nicn aninmii. ncuucveo, leave a -nominal balMtee ht the hand f tha I'uhlie Treawirer, a Tieaturer of ihe fund for lulervwl Improvement, From abuiU 4 edurt he amount hicli haa brrrt p(ilKi lo tbe purpotet of the public fund, 36 33 sriri9 3.670 38 Ileal balance i a tbe band nf the Pub lic I lecturer Itt No 136. 34,747 51 All tlie diiliursomonU made at tha Treatur. Departmenl, during the year, U l believed, are uttaiiird by tha proper and appropriat voucher, which will be found on file in tha Comptroller" "olTiee. KEUAI'II ULATIO-V. Tha foregoing eUtamenta hw lialincMof raah nn hand, at tha cloae of h buainea of the fiscal year, andinjon ih Slat of Oct. 183v, a follow. vi : Amount as Treeatwe af Inlamal " Do. a Trcauror of tha Litorary Makinir an auirreffaJo amount of 3859 6f With jsrhteh the Pulilie rreaaurer, as 1 re. aurer ( tha Internal Improvement and Litentrr- Funda, (tand rharged on tha book ol Una Da piutment. and for which ha ia therefor account-. able on the I at day of Nov. 1 886. I n loreo;oinil amnuni i uw nwu ui ractad by lr) in lha following manner, to wit: A meant derionited in the Unn. or in rciata or N. Carolina, nt Ralaisrh, and ramsininf at ih credit of the PubHe Traaaurar, on the 81 at dy of Oct. 1836. Do do in the ?ankof Cap rear at Fayettvillo, on the a,mo ' fayr':.:': - .- - - Trnaaury nata redeemed and in the vault of tha Treuury unfit for circulation, Specie ehango and eaah ia tha Treasury, SI 1,354 88 i4,Ta- 1,308 it 989 78 400 oo I 5 90 on 31 043 71 Which adJrd In the balance above. tlalcd, make the afereialc turn ol 3.S,i' J'J t mm.. a.-.M.A Ju.metal4Ml tat s . - ' a m . rm enatat in v c m nd,here:UwW derttJieRalelgitP""- . LA.. .UUM SH CI tut to the Com- lr SKNATK. Monday, nee. 5. Mr. Edwards presented a resolution to have a railing constructed between the Senate Chamber and the Lobby, and that ten table be procured for the use of the Senate. Adopted. Mr. Marstcller, a resolution direct ing the Finance Committee t burn the Treasury note in the hands of the Public Treasurer. Adopted. Mr. Bryan of Carteret, in putiu ance of the memorial from the bar of ihe 6th Judicial Circuit, referred to the Judiciary Committee, reported a bill, which p'assed it first reading. On Mr. I'olk motion, a joint rci- Wtion, directing the Speakers to in form Judge Strange of hi election a a Senator in Congress, and to trans mit him a certificate of his election, was adopted, and sent to the House for their, concurrence. ' Mr.' Bryan (of Carteret) introduced a resolution for the appointment of a committee of two. to define the dis- tinction between public and private act whir li was a.voptea. "The bill to iiitorjMirate the Milton Manufacturing Company, which wa ihe onler ol the dar, passed its second and third readings, and wa ordered te be enrolled. , The fottowins bills wereNreceived from the House of Commons and pass ed their first reading: A bill allowing publie officers or their deputies in cer. tain cases to administer oaths t a bill concerning-bwlrs-eorforat-la-ah Stat. - fad the Order ef the da; for iA-morrow. v " ".-. but ..awrwl returned , f,M.ntr.--esolattoM wcte ner A- Hnehe 84 dollars far book and pamph i.i. r,.rn-,.hd tha Senate. Read three tfiTie A- n.rAmA In ba eneroMieil. Mr ftrean a naolntion to inatruet the. Ju ciry enmmittet to report a bill provirlinf for h-..,n;.I elminn of Comntroller and Treaau- ! rer, and praaeribing the mode of satJ election. Adopted. . . , rh-Jet mf ihe Dav. A bill concerning bo dies corporate, from the House of Common, re jected on ita secomi reading. Mr. flrvan of Carteret preeented a bill an thoriaingClerka arid Maalera in Equity in thi Sii.i, to make title lo real or peraonsi property, aold by decree of a Court of Equity. Paaaed ita r.t mdinc Mr. To preaented a reaolution an tha atth ject of the aurplua revenue. Direct the com mittee on that uljectto inquire into the expe diency af dividing among tne counure in pro- rui in la noou anon anu miuoo. '" tne table, on r. ouwniu. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Mr. U.r-lin. from the Committee on Ciainta, . . .... v reoorted the Keaolouon m favor ol wm. v. ' . ... . 1 . 1 2, Alexander, wiinmw anrenunwoH au read the aeeond time. Mittt freent'it.Vy Mr. Gilliam", to amend an aetetabliihing a department for adjudicat ing and liquidating tha public account, of Una Sut". and for appointing a Comptroller, and tor other pnrpoaea. fThe object of the bill la to lect the Comptroller bUnniallg, inttead of an nually, so a to conform to tna amenuca w" titulion. By Mr. Holltngawortii, a om rea- tricting the term of vuraoeruroo oufn Court to one week. By Mr. Moore, frm tha Committee on RevUed 8talulea, a bill ascer taining tbe mode of proving Book debtatalao, a bill concerning Wreck alto, a bill concern- l.a P,iM a Thirninenta. . Keaa Ural inrr. n-h. tiMAintinn from tha Senate, ia favor ef Kmn Kmithwick, pand itt final reading, and wa ordered lo be enrolled. . , . ' The bill to emancipate the children of Miles Howard waa ordered la ha enirroaacd by a vote nf to 39. and cent te the Senate. ' Tba Houta refucod to concur in the Meaaae) from the Senate to go into tba election of Pub- Dittn received from Mi V. K. rtayaond, Inr rent of Publia Lola, tor the year 135, Ditto from Jvtae II l-indty, be. ir,g amount over dren by him at a member nf tbe latt Lefia lature, owing to a mistake in hi certificate. Ditta received trom Charlr Mn- y, Treasurer ol the Utuerity ol N. (!. in anmplianre with a contract entered into with him by Wn. ll lliywnexl, Jr. Commi, (ioner nn behall f the Slate, ne goiiatrd in obedience to n Set ot the latt General Attrmbly, Ditto received trom the Hank ol the Stated N -v-rm loan, oy -virtu of lha anthnrity givt n by rctolulinn ot the lt (iencral AwcmUljL, ajuLJur. . hie. h .ejr'.. tificale of loan wa eietuled. Ditto received from the Treaturer Ol tne u. sv. in eomiiiano 1 contract entered into with lha Secietarv of tba Trcatury of tha fX"8; bf -W ntr H.- 4lya4 Jr . Cominitionrr on behalf ol lha Slate, negotiated in conformity with the act of tail aettinn. tin received Irotr Ihe. Hank ot CajujKcar, lor las ol cent on eacn Miara oi nnt, j individual a saul llank, tut 1833, Di'lo received from ibe Merchant' llank of Xewbern, for lav of 33 aentt on each thare ef ttnek own ed by individual ia tcid Uank, lor 1835-6 -- ; Ditto rreeived from Ihe Bank of lb Stale, for lax of 3 ami on each ahore of lok owned b) in dividual m wild llank, lor I83S, Ditta reerived from ihe llank of Cap Fear, for las of 35 eenl oa each bare of tok owned hy in dividuate in said llank, lor tha year 1836, 333 4r 10 00 5 00 100,000 00 10,966 63 The ditbnrtemenl from the Literary rui.o. rbir4g Die direcoing period, are at tullow. vis: Thi mm paid Jhai lev Dewc), Ch- " irr of the llai.k "I le 9iie ni n. C. lor 31 hare of iock, uibtarik- ed fur nn the 34lh Nov. 18.15, Ditto paid do. for interest on deterred pat i -lent on do. Dilta tuid Wm. T. Coleman, Seere. . .. . . . . . tary to the lloanl Ol lliiecinrt, n a alry for the year omling 31 tl De cemlter. 1835. Ditto paid Jxine Iredrll ani Wm. Itoliatili. on account ot me aarj of J.dinK. Campbell, Secretary la the B.rd of Direct ar for ibe jrart i.7 od 1828, per tioter nnir'a warrant. Ditto paid Cnailrt Dewey, Ctvhier . ihe Hank of the State of N. C for 100 tharvt nt alork, tobteiibcil ihr Tib nf JamiarvJ lH.Vi. Dirtw paid dK hw fitierctton deterred 3.400 00 319 33 35 00 50 00 300.000 00 797 10 Sit 50 3,350 00 797 10 . pvmrnt oi no. Dilto paid dn. for 4 abate af atock (Ubtci ilinl Itt Oi rewrnarj, io.iu. Ditto paid do. tor interest on liefcrad nav mcfit of do. "IViir.V ivsfet dir "for4-abara .Bl..stosk,. . 1 .. . . , r .... lo tulitcrilird inc Jin oi jui. n,ra, Ditto paid .do. for interett on dcler- lerreil pavmrnl id lio. Ditto paid do Tor 36 loire of lnk, tubeiibedlhe lllh J'llv, 18."'6, Dion paid do. for inlerert oa defer red pa) mcnt of do. 10,000 00 71 69 4,000 00 3t 93 6 ,'u b o oo eoo r 3,600 00 -JCS03 Makiiig an ssregte amount of 7" 533.359 94 fr rent wa taken apiVwhfiifOrJj: wanl moved the following is a pre it joTthat they tliould rr0e coU Which, s'dded to the balance abac ttaicd. will make the mm ot 518,418 94 To Ibi nm ld tba amount tem- porarily trentferrea trom iaa ia ternal Improvement fund, and applied to lha pay meat of claims againrt thit fund, . 3,670 33 f 589,088 63 Tbe diabareemenl at lha Trvato- - ry, Irom the publi fund, for tha tame period, that U, from the 31 tt of October, 1835, to ibe Itt of Kovembcr, 1836, amount to tbe torn of 589,080 63 The bill iwglors of lan.1 ajjen I J1 renorsecL with aundrev SIMad mania, the bill to imwporato ih Norfotk and Edenton SU goaaV, Reel tba second nteet 39.645 63 86,443 95 33,441 81 3.3H7 56 3,1 SK) 00 800 00 l.tWO 00 - S0J 00 673 31 US 35 I.W 66 1.511 98 And enaits of lb lollowing gene ral item, vis. General Awenibly, Kebuilding Capitol, Judiciary, Ktecutive Department, Trcatury do Department ol Slate, Comptroller' Department, , Adjutant General' Office, tToir'.Tatcie, - Inlrrct on Treatory Loan,' PuMi Ulirary, , f!.Mvenltia. tb for making Conveulion relat), 38 40 rUnrrer. t 'i 00 Whirh deducted trom ihe srarunt s hove iated,1ravr a balance in the h.nda at tlie Public Treaturer. Treaturer of the literary Fund, on tha lt day of Nu. 1836, of 3,t45 09 5f. Of the Fund for Internal Improve t.??'; ment. ., .-: ' The balance af catli ia lha band ef the Pahlie Trenmrer, a Tira Mi rer pf the Fund lor Internil Iro- . trovrment, an the .Sltt of Octo er, 1835, at reported lo the Gen eral Attrmbly ol that vrSr, wa 31,349 SI Tbe receipt t tit) Ttwury Drpartmei i on account of ihe Fund for Internal ntroement for the lart year, that i. from tlie S1H of Oct. 1835. la the Id No. 18.16, amount la tiHern thou tand oar hundred and ninety lone dollars and ubiety three eenl, (16,194 93.) aad aontiM of tli lollnwing item: Cath reeeived from Jonathan Phil- .-. lip. Chairman of Macon Ccunty Court, ia lull tor the lit intl.l- menl due tar tba purcnato nf the v balance of the 400 acre Irart of tand on which the Iowa ol Franklin it located. 7 D.i received Irom oadry pertoa ' on Clierokee bond, . S.630 70 Do reeeived from Ike Hank ot Cap Fear lor dividend r.f 3 prr Sent oa 1358 tlitret ol Mock appropriated lo tin fund, tlcctaicd Jan. I, 1836, 4,753 00 Do reerived Irom John Itutkeilord, jr. trratuier ol Ihe Hoard ol Com- mlttinner nf Ihe twnno (Jap , ' Turnpike Koad, m toll ofthe prin cipal and inlrretl nt a bnd eseeut ed hv aaid Conimittiimer. in aou- fiirmily to the ietitiitnr of art " of AatrmbU. ncvted at fte cexinii ol IJi9,hap. 14. IVinl 9.000 00 - lutei'it, 16 3- Makinr a corwponiliriK amt.,of S3S.SS tl One of the firat object, which aliould neceiti. rily engage the attention of the General Awea Sly ia the condition of the public revenue. It wilt therefore be arert nn refcrenca to thefornrmtie- alalrincnt that the amount received from tbe r dinar f courcea, fr the last fiacal yesr.ji! bort by ihe auin of $875 19 nf the amount r-.-cerred fnm the aamc source nt the nracadicf -yenr. Thi apparent decrea, however, will b eonvrrted into an aetnnl increase of more thaw that mm. when we take into consideration tha fact that the ls received fiom gamin; UlJee. for the year 1834, haa been almoet sniinrly x eluded by the prohibitory act of last ), from the receipts of 1835. It will be readily d mitteJ that the revenue of the Stole is a uh irct of paramount importance. It i not mty important Wlien conaiiieren aa me mm. which give motion n4 impart ,'.,,'a.'J, importance tliat the ourre from which tbi life blood i drawn, tlioulil be pore tha lnror ruptnl; that the tyttem adopted for iuawra nvnt and collection, thoulj 0eratatrnprlitl.r upon tho whole people; o that ait who pi. take of the bleamnac and beneriSa. of lb Vf vernment, ahould be msde lo contribute a fair and rateable proportion of lha Dream tieceiavy to ita aupport. ;; !' Home of tha defoct and' fneqiialilica af the preii'ent iyafehS'liaV lie WSolore bran polar ed out, and it ia belied they are too general!); known to rmpiire repetition Uut a the Iia.'a. lure lis convened under a neve ar(jiiim'uin of the fundamental law, adopml in part ripreanlr with reference to the ubjeer of tatation. l-i deemed lo lie a peculiarly appropriate perod ft rrmedying thiwe defccla, awfaupplt ing thow J firirncr which the eipeticnce 61 yean ha made o clearly manifest. ; On rcferrine, to the Uhular part of thtt TU port, it will lie ecen that a retort to thaMuitnori ly given the Publie Treauror, by a tcaidiilias of the lt raion, to borrow money on brutlf of the Slate, ha hern renjererf neceaaarv. Is the proaecttti'in of the work itpon tTie Capitol, ml in the discharge of the ordinary r ipentrt of tlie government, tl e fund, ht the Trretarr were entTfety' et Sautfed ibdue the IkiluiPs of MY. .... ... ..- :- ' '.' In Oie eieFctfew the auitiort glva af" 1 to in.ia.wt of borrowm a pecific amount and placing ft to ilie creditw' ttio P-uWte.TjMMUr.eiJ rent demand on tho Treasury portioi which, at least, muat have re main rj for Hot inactive, I succeeded in making an armntrmcai with the Umk ofthe Slate, by which lb B sgrred to discharge frnm time- to lime, S nT were preenle.l, nil the claim againrt the, i re urv, noling upo each the day "a'cn ." wa paid, and charging inlereat only Jlom reective periods ol paymcnf. 'Tha'i ly dopting a courae at once librral oa t)w part 1 : i ii- ih- Hiaie nt f.nn.iiirBnii. ixviii. ... . tin, i rVvtfttnncv . f reatwry N carat. , Uercrwer's Hvu, 4T3 39 Do reeeivtd from the Bank of Cape. Fear fur tin rim-wiHf 4 pee ent. -1358 abate of tok spirrepramw 3.011 33 " 7 ... .1 br III" way rrintereel ns Deen e:iccic, . arrangement also, the Stale wa eMWcu, - -v rarlieat po.ible !" 1 of ita accruing mean, and of spf';'"- 1 tion of ita revenue, lha moment . to the payment of the debt the Im 1 imm.nrrffrl.lhu.pbyh. the 24ih day of June, ?0"T".ni(,,,,4w nine hundred and dxty-s dolUmsn snv rent, (0fi 63;) at which f of tha June dividend, due front the Br.8 S,e. and ,h. Bank ed, aofnra they wouw go, cour, wa. eonUnued Ivy lb Bank "f J the 2d d.y of September, on wluea ' ekt,j firirnt sum bsving been rcceivcu riff on account oi m ""-'' " whola amount due ths Bank was paM. '"" ' . . wtitlfi ... S -a m.W lava V SWSSaSlvriaf Under ma - " . jihiD ideforth.payn... .d; fN' capital woes oi int. -- , j Carolina," 1 received, on tne bt tl Last, from the cammi-ioner iWJ, Governor to negotiate loan ij)m 8Ute, the um of "ond,IlSwJTta T which, en tba asm day, I V?1". ' f M ment of the principal ana m9l .hare, of the renrrved u" .wrs narec; anu - ,nmmi": ing I .1 received &XZ1 r;.i ih. further snmof three n," 1 nd dollars, which, on the t applied to the pV-ient. MttL hood, Juttmereat of two .StW' .hix ahsre lb .auiailier .wamv -- g.... -..ot. on the aharea reaerved lo tne ? -

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