sj. i '.. '.jm " 'j-m'js '"3 l 1 VI I Ol'TLAW, I Edltrt. T1IOS. J. LCJIAY, S - ' IlALEIGHi N. C. THURSDAY,, DE0BI3BilIt22 183G "VOL 220711. NO 53. ' iniinif 4 s' - t.wMAV. :- l8T.llfrlJV,"eU0,,a, per annum inw V?l.?iim. Sub.criber.ia.MerAlar.-. MTIITIUIIht., n. cru.., i o (... 1 inserted three times for one dollar, aedtwen. ij-uT. -. ...... NEW GOODS. The subscriber tnkei IliU method of informing hi. Customer and lUe Publier-tbt lie lis. jut returned from N.w York, and i. daiiy reclaim hi hie purchase of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Shoes, Hals, tie. which be will dispose, of on tb. ninat liberal terms for "Ua or Paonccs. 1 lie public are respectlully invited taeall and examine hi sleek, a. be i . ever reudy lo aliew hit GoMta, and e-iviipsr. rie iih mr similsr KstaMithnwnl in il MMiliern Stales, and Halter, i himsrlf Ibat the i untitjr af ipialiiy of bit limits, and the low prier. which lie it disposed -4Brr-bem t-,.witl satisfy the 'Tritiu iaiuiuu- '. SUIlif llU-ittirJiliuU. Id-Sell Jfe,s;;.-5-w;rr3 ;?'r; DeeemW-r 10, - it im .-JlL-U-JUt-pej-auua JtaUK atapnnl. aiih th. subscriber, aie ieitieitd to Ball and aellle iheut IIILI..SSIOBOIGII ACADE.TIT. Til. Kali Scision will end on llie lilli intraul 1'h. Spring St.tion will brgiu on.tbc lGlh of Jintiary. The I'rincipai, conrmted of the impm.ibilily ol doing jiitlice tu nia achoul itliuut a t It it d tt-achrtv b MiBfcd tliw-ierTier of lr. Julia A. II 1 5QH a , hiae h cyiou ti amhig in 1 tin AeidemT and tubH'(iieiit experience in teach ing pceulmrly quality hint lor the utun. bucb if hi. pafon. a. admit the reonnmy ol firing a higher pi i tor bi tter woi k, will, a. he it at. imeil, cheerfully meet (lit netcuary ail ranee in the iii iue of clinical liitunn. Tuition in U CUawcal Ueparluest fSI per r.Mon, In the Knslih ri'l'weblJll Xo etti elM'g'-.. ryr. t; tbixgham, piindimi Drromber t. lSJfi 53 Sw SYI.VESTtlt SJIITIf, 3IER C1I.1.YT--TA I LOR Ttiree door below the Medicine Store of Al-Hr If'UHamt, Haywood 4' Co. Faye tti'iiUat. Maroceivcd ami (inteniliiipf to be prepar ed at all time to meet tSe ilt mand. nf the public )--wHl tp?itirtly-m rianrlniTlch mA tluwiu wmettHPiGRhl GOOn.S, compriiunfr Clot lis, Canimcres iul Vslinga, t( every q-tality and color, logelh er willi erery article nrceMary for Gentle men'. (Jlotliiiiff i which lie will cll on a gno4 tenna aa can be had elsewhere In the Ciiy,r - have made to order, lit the fittest and moat approved fashion., by experienced and faith ful workmen. la jihu It.. r -ayrry full awortmect ol --RKADY MAUK CLOTniNC,tnn(te 1 test atyle, of gimd. mate rial, coimtlinff. in ' part ol Cloaks, Ovcr-Coati, Ureas and Frock Coats rantaloon, WaUtcoats, Di-jwers, Shut!. Uosonn, Collart, Stocks, So.penders, &c. All of which will oq sold on moderate term; Raleigh', Nov. 30. 1 036.; 50 3w. """ '' lytJST ItCi:iVEl Direct fi'rh Liverpool,' via New Vork and Newhemiu jfirrt rHa.a ttkit, -An. elcjrant assortment of GolJ Lever Wiilches. ' For sale, low for Cash, by U LIMIKMAN. y Ttalclgh, Wo.'38. 1836 ' 50 3w. . Ilai t, Patterson & Wills, PETERSBURG, l a. Are now receiiing tb fwltuwing Article, which, together w rth ihote previoutly on band omptlM newly erv arliclu- in llitir line, viz: 40 1 1 lull. St. k PiMIO IticO Sili;:ir, 15;) H. Laguii a, Jaa and Uio CurTer, . ii llhda. Mulakr.,: 80 ll'iica Loaf Su.r, diffe cut qoalitlas, . 4'J 'I'dih S tde and Exlih Iron, ,.: Jl..-,.!vhUb Irot i,, ,!l,,iliitil and .Geimsu Sleej,.. . - tfaattwgwatserwt, "" 100 Kegs cut Nail., " 5( Hieee. Coltmi INgsiff;, 100 Coils UU Rope,:,'. -jH.JJ,hda-lilU-Vtliitfcryt 40 tWrls do ' do mtdsnfeTHr-Otd Whiikey, 60 H int!. Old Apple llrandy, , SS Qr. Csks .Malaga k V' bei ifle Win, 8 l'ipe Supe-iinr Old Malaga Wine, JO Hnxr. Candle., , 51 Hone. Soap, i Ton. Shot.a.wrteil, 2i'J Keg. Ditponl's anil Illa.ting Powder, All of which w. will Sell upon our utual terms. HCrilATJEU3UJitVVUJJi. ' 'Xov. IS, 4S38. . '- ' : .. ',, : ' MJw . "" ?," notice. 't eontiuue, as lirrclolure, ! attend strietlj I o i lie tale of all Hodne entrusted lo as.- VV. eautitiao nor charge of only 5l) eenr Oafe for Onion, and pledge oursetves lo oh .way li in lo promote the interest of ail lliusn whs iitiu.1 iheH protlitre lo nur care. UUItr, fATlEUSON k WILUS TUB U.VDERSrGJVIiD; In behalf of Ih Cornmitie of ll.e Welsh Neck llapiisl Clturcb, Society Ililt.Ui) Ca Will receive proposal, lor buililii.g their llou.e of Wnrthip until the fiiat ly of January feet. Th. building to be 70 by 45 feel, from out .ids n out.ide. A. Portico ol 11 feet, 4 Teet rese.t in n-onl projecting Into the Portico, over which will be plaaed a Cuimln Two Ai.lcs five feet wide. Tlire. rowsol Pews. with division in the centre raw. (iallai W three sides, on the sules lo be 12 feet deep, lb. end 16 feet, the whofe rising threw fret. The -external elevation to he H teet. A dvubl. row of windows on each side, fiie in each row, with aeml-cireulartop., the lower row in be Si lights, the upper 13 light. Glsrs 10 by li. 1 bs Pul. pit to be placed in lh front recess, in which ihers will be two aid. light. entrance on each side ol the reee.. with folding doors. Entrance to the gallery bi two doors and staircases from the rear. 1 ho building in be of wood, resting on brick pillars. The walli lo be plastered, and overhead either ceiled or pUttere'd. The n. (i-aelor lo furnish all tb materials they mutj he cl the best q ialiir, anil the work done in sub stantial, next and wotkmsulike manner. The buildiag to be fi iiJied by the fir. ol Oelohcr next. Perscm disposed lo" eontret will for. wsrd their lowest ratesnnne need apply who r sn not eome recommended, as men of iiuliitlri. ous and sober Imbil.; and fully competent In g-rfurra the Woik in satisfactory manner. r further pxnkalart aH.lrrss. . p , JOHV F. WILSON, f-v . . ALKX SPARKS (. Sub-CoiuV. . JOHN K. JlclVKIt, J - P. 9. Una r ,k :.l. 1 - . .... ... HMtll Hll. FMIV 10 tM,t. c. Sot. 15. iix it 0le allowed toremsininarresr.toiiree my batmen in (hi place. With lln. m View, I j thi one year ,k persons lesident without ibis, retniit la lb. eit'wens of Kateie.h, and lo my flaxseed, gte, who rel)y.Jttrclobccoiutiibciiber., Iiieutl. in the country,, my grateful llianki foriFloyft f will be strictly reowired tnpaylhe whole a. J Uieir part liberal patronage, and invite them Matron,..'.. mahte.fiheyer,.tibs.rpliBla advance, call and net GRE.1V B.fRC.II.YS. It i. ol Molwn, i fiOODS! GOODS! GOODS!? T:,wilk l tf specified time. Wttil. w in. eny ew ir, i roauc cer. tain mimmii wbk-h compel. me lo do.. Utile csmn mvc me nscanwu pnniif mil Gotda. ba.llv bought, are eve. dear at thai. and tome, no doubt, ill have to be .old for leu f than tost for I niut gel ml uf Micro, suffcdily.. !I U jet-tlieir-Tir3rmiTr rpptentittl;"tor ine i.ooiu mil it oe aoiii. aeriber, bring them forward ty ibefir.lof .March, i 8.17 ( and any perfbn inuebled lo In in by note or open account, will call and pay the tame by that Inn. JUHS rUIMKOSB, Kuleh.N'oT. in, U3i. AT 6w jC7"We think the following one of tne most awlul instances or dfpiavitjr, that it. has ever fallt-n to our lot to re rortl. The loul'sickens at the recital. Hanging is too gentle a punishment for such a wretch who, forgeUing all-the tTes of blood, could thus copHgij4i!i.v ru.;n.--V, Y,: Stufi 7- Soucrioy, Dr-smiTtox and Attr 'ft est.-YeatcrJaj morning, Mr. Mc-' Giathi lireet laspectw- of tliliVaid, arrested in a houscofill fame, kept by lrs. Ulanchard, comer of Litile Wa ter and Anthony street, a young, hand some and innocent looking girl namsij Phebe Bedford, who had long attracted hi attention, and whom he determined to rescue from utter ruin if possible. He carried her to the Police Office, where she stated that she was the daughter of Aaron IJedfoid, -late of MorrUtown, N. J. deceased, her wid owed mother, now residing in the town ship of Chatham,' in Morris county that she had been ihout ;-'t year ice nci iiiuiuvi i c,Ku,Kuiiriirrii cle,her iuothe.r's brotlicr,Levis AVhitf r head, who came into her chamber at DtgKtr and persevered until he accom plished his designs, and some time af ter brought her to New Vork, and pla cing her in the houseof infamy of .Mrs. Miller, alias Funnan, No. 44 Orange street, deserted her and left her to !.ei lateiTttathethi'cwas-oupeHKl XSujgueXnTeTTosTTru living, and was some time after takea under the protection! of a silversmith, now of Newark, New Jersey;: whouaf.- tcr removing her to the house of Mrs. Blanchard, also abandoned her. She said her uncle, who ,had seduced and ruined her, was niarri.d about sis months '. tail U JiTt,vtierc he carries on business as a shoemaker. She expressed a wish to be restored to her friends,, arid was accordingly de tained in custody to be sent to 'them, as soon as J he. uecessaryarrange mefl t can be made. Courier. . Jldjoumxnent of Ihe Legiita'ure. . The House of Delegates, after wai- tinj; for a week for the organization of the Senate, adjourned on Saturdav ast, to the day fixed by law for com mencing the sessions of the General Assembly. A sufficient number of the Senators ha J not arrived to form a quorum of that body but, as the re cusant Electors whose perverse con duct had occasioned the convocation of the Assembly, had, some of them, returned to their duty7and their infa tuated followers were utterly prostrate, overwhelmed and in the dust, in every count of the Sf ate"i t was " though t unnecessart to ifrtthe--efroir.L We understand lliat in the inlerchange of opinion w hich took place aniongst the members of the House, a disnosi tion to unite the represeii'Ativei I'L ail parts of the State, opon reasonable measure of Reform, was distinctly avowed, and that'a fair compromise of conflicting views upon that question may be calculated upon with great certainty. The Jacobins will be left without the slightest pretext for raisins a storm. -mtu. Liiton. aov. z . -rt ---'r "- -'rr -- a fjC7 In announcing John C. Cal houn at the probable .President of the Charleston-and Cincinnati Rail road, many of the papers express great satis faction." ltowever (fsays the Baki more American tome of his country men may diRer from him in politics. the bolief in liis intelligence is univer sal, and perhaps , an individual in the Southern country could be designated whose weight of character as a man would enable him to be more success fully the pioneer of a system of extend ed internal improvement. -1 . Other papers,' not heretofore coin ciding with his political views, have not hesitated to express the hope that ai higher destiny is in store for Mr. Calhoun. ff'hig. Godd!U is said that Gen. Jackson recently remarked to the celebrated Mrs. Rorall.ln an angry tone, "Mad am, you 'have umexed vourseif." "So have you,'11 said tlie ofd woman to the old man. lb. The Legislature of South-Carolina assembled on Monday, the Sth ulr. Patrick Noble was elected President of the Senate, and D. L. Wardlaw, Speaker of the House. ' , What tune is must likely io capti- vate a young lady? A forir, to be atlr. ........... laze? ' Her tatrriaet:' ' . . cttgyilte,31arkt Ztca 16 a 17:. L J 3; Coffee, 12 Hi Loaf, ump, 19 1 50;,; CO w90-, ,." f iffi.iKl C,(nir) 161.16 Salt. Corn, 60 a 651 1 50 58 a?;. 6i a 6 45 50; Whwkey, 37 a 40; Nail., cut, 71 8d Wool, 0,S5, Sugar, brown, lOf UJ 1),...iim.. - m mm ToRAcro (3 f 10, as in quality. Whijit In good demand receipt very light. We quote: ' Red, $1 601 95; White,190af15. Ftoca Fsmily.ltJ. , . j Suporflne, 10 J. ,i HEFOUT Of the Commiionen for rebuilding the VaptloU ' it,l nn in tTir f meantime by tirenmsitarices, not with in tlu'i" control, and which could-4ol ti .. t - I :. a "ill a.,c ii.Vra.i ine , eo""""! ment-tUfre ws suipcntled, us 1 inglhe MatelKapiJol.iluiing the nio-ias wmk Wotrldadmif, witt tttahaiTOtbeeiiasg..iLaiw.wTls0et,l a fsH iwtt9We Uir b antrcipa ej oy tfttf .i,oinnhionet,.1t.f4l;1f ,i.-re u-d no i.m tare increased hiaSe WaVlateTy uiaJe at the current amount of disbursements bevond their expectalicns, 1 o ilimcultv winch was apprehend ed in arriving at any thing like accu racy, as to tlia time it would take to complele tlie Portico, and main entab- liture tif the Building embracing car vings, extensive and intricate, upon whieh the hands fur the last fifteen tnontliS have been principally engaged, has been fully realised in the resulU while the severity of -Weast winter, and loss of hands in the -spring,- tend- inent of this part of the woik to the point, at which the Commissioners had indulged the hope of its arrival by this time. -The demand for Rock Cutters to the North, particularly in the City of New YoVky at the close of the win ter was so great, as to compel the Commissioners to commence the sum mer pay as early as the first of March, twaJMte:ind:iw And even at this rate, so large a por tion of the hands, enticed by the pros pects in that quarter, left the Job in May, as to threaten an entire suspen sion of the work,: To supply the de ficiency, it became indispensable to commission the Supertntemiant to pro ceed tu the Northl and io V"plov handstand pay expenses of their tiaiistLtnrt.i iUI lOI It'll IV 11110 UIAVV A IIO VWjVVt was effected, and the 6ervice perfurtn. ed in a most satisfactory manner to the Commissioners. By the time of the arrival of the new hadr a further increase of wages had taken place in New York, when the Board, to avoid a similar dilemma, to that from which they had just escaped, and which would undoubtedly have been experienced, were unuer me necessity oi mailing a further inrrease of twenty five cents per day, from the first nt June to the first ol November; 1he time ol the ter mination of summer rates bein-' the same allowed ih New York, including the t xtra bouriii the ttayTiver the tune of working there. A raise of the par of labouring bands from fifty to sixty two and a half cents per day, both ai (he Quarry and Capitol, had .lso i be come indipensible to rctaift-f'tompisi;" tent force at these places, in cons?- quence ol the demand for hands of this description "upon the rail road, now constructing . betwrvn this and the ITo"anoke, together withihe high price iif provisions in the iieighboihooti. Upon relerence to the tacts and cir cumstances connected, with the opera tions of the work, as detailed iu the preceding lines, its progress ami cost within this year, compared, with the la&Vexlubit ho essential difference not accounted for according to the above views of the subject. . ; : I Towards the close of the w inter, the CoinmiionertwereTiiotified-bythe Raleigh' Rait Road Company, of their unwillingness to continue longer to Iranspnrt Rock to the Capitol, on the terms at which they had been pel form ing that service since the commence? meot of the : works- and p oposed that the Commissioner! take the entire con Irol of the road,; and allow tbcm a civ en sum by the year for its use) unfor tunately for the State, no contract had been ent red into at the beginning, which would put it out of the power of the company, had they been so dispos ed, to exact whatever price for hauling, they - might 4 require. xThutv circum stanced, the Commissioners did not hesitate to make the best terms' they could, to avoid such contingency. I hey accomplished,- finally, a perma. neut arrangement with the compiny, allowing them at the rates of one thou sand dollars per annum for, the use of the road, as long as the Commission, era should deem its use essential to the interest of the State, in the prosecu tion of the work on hand. , t ,;g The State had in the first year paid the company for hauling fihree thousand two hundred dollars,) in the second year, S2G00 (two ihousind six hundred doIlar.T By ihisrarrange- is believed, there wil coqsi.dejrauje saving to tlie State, a the bau ling can tie., per farmt d - by tlie hor- which may be re- quire I to keen it in condition to an wer the purpo es ot the State, can be .!,. i. ,L k.n.l. ...r tl.. &.. .n.l Cotton bW'g'so a 2V principall hj the common labirei, of Bala Rope, 1Q 1 2; which olass, the Commissioners are Wheat, fl oorcoinpelletl to ierp, for handling; the rock of immense weight, required on the part of the building in execution during the preseut year, a JargerXcce,, iii.i:i i qii uc ' wiiiiaii.Kijsutiituwtf . wTu!eThe work"will be freed from riiik of exliurliitant exaction, which nt uny nine couiu nave men cniortea uy me company The Commissioner regret that the article of copper, a' matcriul which i from the -beginning, was Intended to form the covering of the building, has for some time been far above the usual rate. This article, under'arij circujirH stances, will constitute a heavy item in .i . . .1 -, . i i me cost oi me ouiiuing, mo engage. O.H2 the ilv2 Lability of a dt-cUnes and- the -adranccd state td" the work requiring, an early com-inpiirr-incnt nf if nrennrnfirfn. ,t nur. rate, and an experieneetl Artist engag ed for tlie execution of that fit of the work.' Tin or line would have tost about half the price of copper, but be-iog-tsiv-lvaa durabls.vii4liifr-a to and of course less appropriate cover ing .to a building composed of the ma terial of this, and of its character of workmanship, the former was therefore preferred. 42'-t , - l.Tyirrot in exrrulioii ijie gen eral desig-n of this buildinj, the Com- lirussidnerjaris2il ei oy one ruia yizjj i o suurr no pari in material or workinanship, from con sitTeraiiona orexpefise, to attach an idea of. meanness to ; the wliu! or ay 1 part thereof, believing that in actio upon this principle, the completion of this great work, identified with the pride. and character ol the Stale, they will more fully accomplish the wishes and exDcctations of tha Legislature. a 4orc. 'which fur the aku ol saving, me DUiiuing wouiu wnen none T .1 ! I I I I -.1 .1 ,.. .. . bo looked upon as a pivco of mere patch-work. In following out this rule, onesif the most prominent cases showing the pro priety ofits ecneral bearing.and neces- sity of its observance, will be seen in say waeernent or ing ouiiiiiiil', wnere es of the passre, partly fiut up in rough rock, during , the brst year ot the work, and intended for piaster, arc now designed to be superseded by walls ofXaced.rockjia.luiiliaa.the jprin.e ing of the ground an lies: if of piaster. aa originally, proposed, it would be easy to. foresee that the sides of these walls, Hanking tlie public high-ways of the building, in a short time, would become defaced and mutilated and when taken into consideration, their immediate connection Villi the base ment rotunda of hewn rock, the incon gruity would bts so apparent, , a to render them forever objects of painful kotttemrrlatiotl. . The general design aoil plan of the building ii now settled, and drawings made out for the execution of the work accordingly, which upon examination wiHr be found, tlit34JM4ttrVurari tfiiggnient!pif ..ita MnuuiMrWiiaeMiv the South end, the hall of the House of Commons, with suitable offices for their clerks; on , each : side of , the passage ways connecting the for ticos with the ., Rotunda, are the pcomitiitlee" rooms, , Irj the Basement the -offices for the diHerent depart- 4 ments of ihij State on the upper floor, in the Kast and - Vest ccnire protec tion, the Supreme Court and Library rooms: the lurmer thus s.tuated, will be removed from the bustle and intru sion, to, which it would, be exposed, if placed contiguous to the public Halls; while the latter will be suitably retired, and where a height of ceiling may be attained to adin'.t of the introduction of an order of Architecture appropriate to the objecif of these fooins.,,.,, The great Stair ways have promin ent starting points, at the entrance of the Porticos in the Basement, 'and an easy and uninterrupted continuance to the apartment and galleries above. The Board have sparetjLno pains in settling the plan of this Wice in all its parts, with the strictest regard to the principles 'of A rchitecture,' and rules of Architectural taste. 4 I'V ac-s coinpltstnng this important object they have been guided by the highest pro fessional skiif, M)t even '.adopting the design upon the recommendation of Mr, Patoii , our, fupeiiiJtendant tlone fwho has displayed unexampled skill in. carrying this 'work through heart alt of its most dilJkult and iritrkate1 parts bf execution; with extrafm'inary , accuiiicy and precision, buMn.a. co'r- nance wiui nis w lanes, u u wiiuayiew ,io tne tiinercni oojects oi mem or the eountry eould readily turn to any, claims, a resolution in Tavrir of JameiS' the building, are appropriate anil liar- law tliey deired to They could not .hi ! Thompson, nf Iredell county ' direct ' moniouB. On the principal , floor is Jhi. without the book, and th expenae would ' -' tha public Treasurer s,U '", acBommodattoiiortheLeS!11"--!" cm. bore to legialatafortli bar, lis was not, h. Vll paid lor lrtod of5hicli ho h.U - the North eml. the Senate thainber in t,i: n,,r. ia .-m,. mSl,'sinr-r liaeii divrsteiL . f A fre v rtna.t.tMi.i .rt. if aimiUealO'..Arcluttu..4lieuJuai.tiw i . : .'. . . . , .i . i t . . , . , , I examined and given their most dievded its athipvion. Ahe f.:' buildinz shall have been completed as contemplated, notwiih- slanging its cost wtvi beereat. vet tak , . . ... ing intoroiisideratiiMi Uw rock tif which it Is constructed, is out t (he States' own Quarry, and the facilities &fVortled in its transportation for the magitude oune woik, me materials oi wnuii - ,.. i ... i .1. . ..i.. ..r tkmHitl brnwaniWi thFcTieriSiTi" "' Sup-rior Court Also a mea. building; of it character ia the United States, and will perhaps present one among the finest specimens of classic taHe ill Architecture". The commissioners knowing, from .xperieiictlie uncertainty of ai riving at any thing like accuracy, in estimat ing the time it will take to complete the building, or the amount of it final cost, and douUtin r whether such esti mates now will be deemed by the Le gislature of anv importance in the ad vanced state of the work, decline any Calculation on " tlie1"" utift'et, except wen ly to asHJau'sppnipruttonJtir thej ensiHiigas-fcHi- me strtesmtninTi m was appropriatcd'fnr the last,. to enable them to carry on the work to its com pktio)i,,J3u LLs mMJht ha rrjsocax sioti of the Legislature in the ensuing fall, and this sum full bhort of finishing the building and procuring the neces sary furniture , to place it in condition to accommodate thu Legislature at the; Session td'lhe-t'aUwxt-tlieTTaftwrTO this esse, then provision" should be"j'wWic-'Pv Tb. cnirrosicd bitt w gtvati " matle to avoid such a coni'mwncy. lMrof UnJalie.i upon th. crop, of thear Urs. , Tin! fun.U -lieretoforB anJiriiiiriated ,oel' 1 ' P1?"'"" of,he rout and theen l i lunds lu retolo.e appiopiutcu gMMnU rp,olutio ,1fwor uf 0 w, . t for this objuct have been drawn from i mta,u hrhW CasWeil, wera road th. first tUw .Treaauv of the State, to ii.eet the! tima and pasd. :s , , ,. , . . ,.t expenses as 1 hey occurred. -.'Iliere vill iM.r,.l). Jurdaii. from thJii.t Selnct Cora-'i remain on hand on the first ot next . jaouthrs4"4ke ttfltofltrt trttex rcnderlr thirteen thousand dollara , Ihe.acouoi,cxlab'.Uog. -.'the di- burftemenls ol the iireciit year, rcar- xangged by the lmk and in. rcaiUnet8Tthc . jLdeUh aal .CiJuihMa '.(8, C.) Rail Koad -at llie Superilitelldaitt's olHce. for ex- i '"psny- ,KeaJ firt lime and reierMd to (!,. aminnlion. where any cuiiiinitleft-an-l0. - f poittted by .he Legi,.ayure.are;,nvi,,,d!UieM. U to hold their meeling. and where: Manual LaW School in rayetu ills, asking ail " every fr.cili'V will be iitl'.rijt d, In ma- aiiri?riibn Irom tho Public fuad'a. In aid of i i- .i ........ r .. ... l...l f ..-ill...:.... r. .! .... uiexuem ui wrr;ve - t - ttCHactfyyrt - Hcrstniidrfig' of the aubi.'cLluTwIiicht,.',w'r;tW',i on BJucad l.i y ...'' v- i t he r ntlpi.t on mav brf i tvelt-i . ... I have tlie honor to be, very respect fully, your obedient servant, BEVKRLY DANTEL, Chairman of the Board Com- . ) mWiooor'n of the Slate id N. Ct J T JLciirisintiiret of XoitSv-t'iiroliii i SKNATE. MnmUiy, Dee. 12. .ill ,,.,i,0 K 1 4 tin motion or kt. IJoetery, tho Ii to the clerlinn of Comptroller, was rn CanJ.snJ.thiidiiairJpMscJ, aaLtLordtixJ-.L engronseil. KeceiieJ from Ihe Hodsa a mrinbrlol ai,d counter nii'inorinl, from rertuln i itipli.of Hvr, logetlier nub a prnposition to refer them to a joint arlt-ct committee, wl ii h wa agreed to. lo- 5', 1 bo cunitiiittrv to- coruast ol five ou tb. pait each llouoe. On motion of Mr. MWIv, a resolution pro-' nosini! evcninir sessions, for the eoiuiJeradon of . the Hovfscii wtntiitr wa taken up. Mr. M. j moved to amr nd it so as Id authonHe the com- 0,itton that suhjoet to sit the .itlingj Wigh Hail Road, praying iVst.U " ? of tha l.7Ulnttire. Adopted. Mr.I'gxJuo:eJJt.4D-.J?i,l4 ;-:it - . f .'" rf . tolay th.,uaonn tl iT : ft income inteied in said Rail ttoid. ' . HesaW ifthia reial was a' were MauiilafJmJ al.A aent to th of: The Btattitea already In fure, he could rior i e th. one of Consuming so inneti time auoutf If they wero not, it was iiitpnwibte for ... .....i......iii.. ;.. ..hi. , wu. , . MitueoM Wor. t i. have to fWH tftp.. .bnu,i.,prcpare4i II di J nut aco how his constitttiMits ' the gusptl or merchant, iq hi cuuny , bul by t in. yeomanry. , ., The motion was rcjec!-il by -m larfff rnaior- ' it ' and the rc.olii'ion, hsvitijr been fnllher arasiKic-l, to a. to cliun";e lite time ot Hie U in from J after a o'clocjug J. w adt))iLlv the Senate took a rrce.s to appoint their committee on the di.po.iUim nf the sorpiL. theimlinWrW. M llawkintv J II. llrt n, (ieorire l.y U ividsjii, I'o'k. Joyner, M'ireheail,. Il-ilvy,, Spruit', -Whilaker. Utinhard', Carson t.tld Kefiy, , , The follow iojr cngrossi-d hi la fium the. Commons, passed their firt rradi- g. vix. a bill to emancipate Isaac,' a ttsvri re strict Cumberland Superior Court i I week and a lull to amei dtlie set for appmukn Comptrol'er. Provide that tliat ollicti slm.l enter on bit duties the 1 '""' -. A rrso'tition ,m favor ef Johrii Hdlef di. rrclirg the Secretary of ttate lo Snsne to him a gra-4 ) The Speaker ilrcided this ti solution not to be one jf pu't iu nature, and that .it was not i ccrssaty. tt sliftu'd pans but ot ee. From Ihia decision Mr. Po k appeal- id, when the dec'sion-of the clislr waj re-. versed for Ihe uecniio.i 31, ags-ntt II at. - It passed Us tint readi ntji .. .'' '' ''' ' , Theengnysed bill io er county by tlie name of l)a vie, out d part of Rowan, passed it. first reading, "r t".'t Proposition to vow for Comptroller fhis day, laid on Ihe lab.- 'I'1 v On Mr. Jones moWon, the bill 'to amcad the law rtlati" ' lw ,'"1'5 "( vyi'K I" try qioi cv, 1" taken up; Mr. J, e.vp'aitted the otijeat' tb. bill. 1 fertrtoforw tlie pto p!e been in the habit of trantartittr this thr.ngh their m tubers ef Aisi uihlj. (AO session .Ihmi'i1 , be l.eld -turst wintc-r, dry would be Unable to dii dm. f ilisdliject wa to postpone the tiiii. of paymoi-t tutil there should beatnefliiiKoflW J iria'ature,, 4t o'd4he said, be very onerous jo. force a. ram to tins fiiy 10 psy p iq -tne trea atirjbe entry money for aiVmall tract pf lai.d. lite object wafto prom' te the. cHvrnieiee ui me nr on e oi ine prone in a i pans oi ine-; lite. venence inlicipsttd ty . In Trie (id 'fren, 'Wilkea, tr. urvjii UI6ULI.V aiMil ..fc"ll tr'l't be vwiy fo orrr." Tar iMriir w tbe sever-,! com tic Iu;,,k. . ami the peo;!e mtj-hl have in.--U? lon tii.oiijr'i them. ..Alter orinj ijibtr" rr-njj, ' from Mr.' Jones arid Jlr, C :.'. the bill ai on motion of the latter, laid oil the tah. ? ...Nr.. Keily moved to send a mestae) to th ' Ottn-r llausf, propo tlwt the) two I lqtises t proceed, on WcdnenUv est. tn t-l. rt Judjeiri the n'uee uf Judire strain'. n.l farminiy that Prrderick N'ash,oflMlil,orouijh,' n-cived f.m ih. rmn. ,i f a," - "Ste. propomntr Its, ballot for a Judift ' I hirily. fjd n le tas? Mr, Urran .if rart,il ln,fJ,,..t . ' tslution, brttnictiitp: the committee o Prift-t i CK-rs aiui t, ecliona to man rn in Wl,.i members of th, Lels t,lre .lUll be pr.e.d . edaL'ttiist, where t is aiinrestil kw r...l... tioalllwt ihi-'aiw .ti. 1.1 L.. J I '. - " .V ,7 r' nr oy me vousiitu . umi iiuiii iigiiiniTirsii Ailnnl., .. : " 1 JIOLriSB Of COJMMnvi i..' "f Tho Sjioakerlaid lrforihe Houa a ll.mcW nai worn atliami-l tsim, of Cabarrus cocnlv contesting the election of William SJ. Harris, tlie ' suunj rwinoer oi litat Ccnintr. T . h... I.. . U 1 - - - , Atr-ilatil UiiiveJiiiaS rr rta rfonw-t'tiir fii ii rwr; CoujuilleooiiP.tMlj.jeb.n I Election tn.zytr' in 5 his con1ide.imiil that bo tiotiU lie njrfrty: Cifi,jAc1h. ebnimirtrrilut tii. :KBjiiaL. " ' " tikewa eonlained are frrrolaai 'Slid Utidesc-rv in - -L"-nottcn. i a . i'" ' ' . 'f !e f l.k.c7laiJ, before th. Hotrsea commif." iUaiauihlwi4fis Wwrwoad, rt--aitfniiii liis otrtce aa a Judf. of th. Superior Courts of Ldiv and Equity. Read and acrepuJ, ;, The ortirod bill front th. Senate aurWhj. mi Clerks, and Clerks Slid Master in E.iuity,, in tins State, to iiink. till!, to rl and persons! ' ejtut. nilil under a decree of Ilia .m,1,ee 4'" on "o ut je of the Public Print, olfiare to J 18,00 and derolvinj the duly of diW ', 1 Inhutiugtlie aodJournul. on tho Com. ;i --ii mrmrrnT TiF-aniiirw ..r itu, . Air. Graham nreseouJ a bill i (..m.1. j - - : - ",,l" '''"'"lliBCT" ,j Duliu. .. . Improvement, rnpnrtad thebill lo lueomorjie ilu- ' vomiiiwc. on internal Uenerat Minijij and Manufacturing As.ocialion, ' wiiU an atiiondinerityhich. wiuoncurr4 I au.F the bill ptKwd iw soeonj reading. , vin mniun oi .nr. uranherry, a mifsrtu waa , . at-nl to the Senate proponing to go into lite ol tion of a JuJse of the Sue(ior Court, vc. .IJuitfB Sfrangs rraijHed, o Thursday 1 Th.lotliwingKevia!!!!!!! their third Trcsdinjr, viw Concerning th. ajode ofckoosinj i Collator ailj liriirrarnl-iiii... in i r'"'"t Attoruio. at Law onj concerning , "W"-:1 etUcr. Po. ihdr second ! Mn Coop ;r of Alrtin presented tha'" petition of Joseph Lilly, praying thtf Legislature to legUimatd hist sou i'heV "i" . ""' toweouiuiltiewav-t judiciary, , i Mr. Marsteller,- tlin memorial of lh 'storkho tiers of i lh: Vilniinfvnn an.l Coinmon.. Nt ii Y ilirnn rennrfeil ! I;ilt to amend tU lus WUttf.'s.t ...a:-: ,o nmw tne law relative to receif h" ' Ml-laid on the table. T - "...-v icvriTini: 'cussion, in whicU' Mers. Dividshp; jJones, Kelly, l).bson,: Moreheatl and'ut Carson participated; the resolution wsa' rejected, aye! I J, noe 35. " I .., Onimotifin of M rrTaf f or5 the" "rcso."" "? lullOII inti'Drlnri-rl xrt'ktpr'.l:. k St.-'1-1 - t . V k - J mi ,. Ina,'liv u-is InLw ,, l. . - tut uj, t. fiimril nost master.? stilicitori.' Wont vtd nies, entry-, fakei'i, cotiny ro'str'tiV1 sheriff, i deputy atienftV, coroners,' nut- taries public, counfr surveyors ," "regis il ter and constablesart'fiinqtiali'ied b th? ronslilution from holding" (h a's' in' the Senate ' .Mf.'K.fwardi move-1 ihat' " thj-'roiolitioa,' together with the '!.- mandmcnt..- lid on the table "ah d bti'1 printed. Agreed to.1 ' 'J-' i t r.a Ori motion iif Mr llali; tho'rcsldd-1 tion prescribing the mode of pioCeed, l, ing in' contestetl 'elcctibni' w'cia taken.' upx on hls inotion" the first rea,.!..frr. - , amended, su as to Ve the thairmail or7 " the committee ofi tl?l tiotis,' pwer t "f'f ' administer an oalh. " f; nioretf riie.'0 ther to amend Mhern hy'stHkiiiir out'1 - ' the ? iecondiraidsinon'' (prescribing: ' whaf nolice shall fie giVeti when' den.-i.' ' , sitfons ate taken-tit of the State.j'," Upon this moiidirirt "exfende.l dcbkft !" J thok -plaee;'-between"' 'Mesrii Hall, " 1 Brvan. M;iehia,l mj ,i.,tj vt'k" ' iuoii tion . ' ....... w - " ' li . . II mrwas lej-cttfd.'ind the tesolti.' ' as amentled. infed.v "I ' Mf.,Ualf introdufedfarcsrilurr'inaf.! ! ' firtnlpg' thai ihe woid ".ejigible" iti'ibV',5! constjtntion, hi-l .refere n'cu t'i tfie'daf j of etertion. LnM'on the table,' ' , ' I't-k:ir..i. .i i ' to ifieiri'poiniment cf.Com'i.troller tvj,. ' ken-up;8iiif ntli.T on Mr." J, HY l!ry. an' moiion, and pasw4 lis towixl &' . in. uni til!) act re hlita .... t i'