. X -It'. ',.: . ' 1. . J'1 I.J U.'J..t-l. --L." D 4. VI D OUT L A W, V EdTf0rt RALEIGH, N. C. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2S lC36 TIIOS.J.LLMAI, - - : : --. : -. . - ' ' .. " . . v. ..- - -;. . .' i.; - - - r! l sr-a-v rv - t-vc- - .--v . . c- . ... , . .. . i ; - i- ' ........ ..-m-- " " ' .. . . . .... ..... . ... .... j t ...... -,;; i .. u tr . if ' '. ee '' ah. I Tnoms ' ,'c,Ir' raoraiETott HL1S,,ER- ' fec,l,wJ', three dollar per annum one .An .tdvaiiesi- Subscriber! in o'7er Slain ' ttt.ml w alUw-cd toreiinlrriiriliii'ri lh ' yr .k r 1 riilr;rt wiihonl Stle, wtn m) ileiiretn hecoine nlin ihert, mi he itrietlv renuireil In n (lie Imi Af IPTtl!,lS',Ti nut ecertlin(t (ifiern mr. imedeJ chree timet (or on? ilolUi , nl twrn- TTB n K'Hlor miifLhe i!!tl I'"'' W. A. STITIf," ji:t pf Sinte D'Ule hive been Aronta fnr lUitle ..d Hiotliett, keep Cob- unr tuve there bteu ntimr Hennti l iiinii it (.n i.r. . (rrri., ......m... ...Minn 0 tt , ,,,eP proW!,,,,, Fl'St l'lttrnl ""7 " L.T.- ,",c';l.tribi ion of the i. . . i i - it. . . . 'Mnl Villi I I IW I HI IVI JE'.fWH. .! IIV llil in imonfH the iliii i in l'li j re reifMini in mliHiln In Ihrir eutitM- HftV)i(ntriii nt rvriy M f fe tiuiullr 1cct in ilirii- Imr lew liiiiiiiniiiriiilfuliinnlile rocie.lt of the puhlic SlV in priipiirno Ih repieriiiutiii neit the iiro'c-cioii tf !' metie iiicltiyry, of wliich letMliitj; article of ine An encn s,em. I'cnnitlvtitiu Iie imwrrw itiMifciteltir immh HTnrt'Di'm. ud Uut aruJuca-L what 4w- nIIt !. pi icr ilivjr , kite qiimititjf f ; rmp eilrTt1iTWWW A him Slt, Mnlatri. 'lik.iir, Coffee. JS9 . UI;i(UrlW-1'r13C. tJ if NEW GOODS. The wbriher tuket lhi method of InrorniinB Cntinmvit mill the I'tibUe, I hut lie IrntjuM re'Miite'l 'r,"n 'e York, mill it ilaiiy rciCivifg Iiii late tmrcl.aie oi Orjr Goijlk Orocrries, Crockery, I lard war, f hoes, Hats, ftr. wiiit'h In., will tluuiiMf nl ou the utunt libi-ml "' termt lr rH or pHonur J 1-,:-- ..l.t: l. .im-iIiiI1v ii.frifiLta rill anil tmiinu hit atnek. m he it. ever rrady In uliew hit (;.Hlt, ml w.iiir'e .ri.:e ilh nv similar KanMihniem In the toutherii Siatet, anil Ritteif - hrniM-K thJit- nhe nimnlity " aiiil qnitiiv nf hit (J.Ki'lt. irl he.iiiW'.piVt.i'U4B-.W'''4tMrn' .-Ka?i.'i !fl ' In ...... r.. .1 .. . i . . ni't f hi iiitentiuln) lo tt II rienA. . ' CntxIwmV X R', Wuke touiiiv. N C. "''iK-eeiHuer r 5'rn- ' N. II. All iteitoiil hating Irrnimlt t i,h the tiiherititT. are rvqiivttetl to chII knit tftllr liiefii fhhrr ht Catli or Xoie. H. WlM. IIILLSnOF.C'Jia AC.tDE.11Vi 1 he rail Senmn will etut nnlhe 15.V u.uaut. 1 he Spring Stition will keg in on the tih of J.ivtuii't. " Thi- l'iinxiial, cnmrinceil nf I lie impnttihilily ol lining inline In hit tchnot whIiimii 4 tbinl lem-her, hat engngiul the leivkc t nf Mr Jem A lllinnin. ll"e pie i milt liainii p; m lint Aeailrmv ami tulitrqiii-iil rtprririire in learh ii.e iicnlim ly quality him fur i he tl.it inn Such nl hit i.it'iiit at ailinii ih ecoimmy nl tivin a -.iii.glM.'i:ui:e.'.iib 4olivr..ili(.-iaW1- mri'il. rlit'rrl'nlly nfe Iho.necettAi'y mlrance in tin' priui- il ciAtiv:.t Uliiiyn. Iiiiiiiii in the -(Jl.mnal Ucprntmeol ft I per tinii,' l.i ifi.' Kneli Ji D'pirlmewt $13. Xii i:iru thgt. ' V. J. UIXCHAM, Principal. nifTilirr 18)6 W .1 SVliVBSTEB I H 1 1 , " M ML VII . A T TA J LOR Three itoors btlaw the Metncne Store Co. Faye If vi !e st. JlmreceiVrrl.M Vtrntehdin fl 'lie pr.-p:ir-fd at al! time n meet the (l inaniU jif ,itu' ptihticxwnr-ecWsTant mi'l evtenaive irrmMt' of F.isliionahle ROQfh eompriiHiijr Clotli'n, CiMimeren anrf Vi'stinjft, uf evrry qimlilvnd color, lopcth rr tuilli et-ry anicle nreennry for (.r'ntlr m -n' I'lolliinttt u'liich h u ill .i ll n a goo. I ti rmt as can be ha I rln-u here in Hie Citr, nr have maile t order, in the lulett ami m nst apnnneil fjliioin, by experienced and faith ful workmen. , II- alia kerpi verv full aworlmect of ftKADY MXttM-4jjucTUN.U..imtW in the ht'M aljle. of (food ptatei'iitli, comistinfr In part ol Climkv Over-Coat. Ureas ami Frnck Cnt, Pantalomta, Waistcoats. Drawers, Sliirti DinoiTifi, Cillarn, Stoeki, SiispendiTM, &c. .'II of which be told on moderate trrna i ItalrU Nor .30, 1836. SO Sw. ilirt, fnitermon & Wills, tETEIlSIWHO, la. Ait nw receiving the fullnwing rlii-lra, - winch, tt ether ihow priilv m tnmri toiiin iwiif hi l ever aitltlr- in (lit ir line, tit: 43 hli. St. fc I'.nlo Hicn Snearn, IJil fat Ijigmra, Jaa anil lto Colter, S5 I IhU. iulH.tct, Soil lie Ivul SK,r. '''"e ' qualiiiet, 01 nut fiweite anil iwli Iron, . Slab Iron, " . UlivlKieil anil fiirniao Steal, I "ttavinift KWiiirecf, "' " ' tK.ttrut,Nalt, I Jijl'ievet ;oltBn-BBggiiig, l-HIJoili II Ir Untie, IHIi.tt-HsItrMriiitki-y, 4HIIarn.lt ilo An " SiftamiTt'inpej inr OM Whitker, 6 !IUiitUUI I Apple Hi aiiiH, i;akt Mlas C I' lerifle Xt inct, tS'ipet Superior Old Malaga Wine; Sllfliixrl ' aintlrl, ilHI.net Stwp, " ' Vl'iuit Shol.attnrteil, " SnCKttt l)iiii.iiil't anil llltlm( Powdrr. SHprriop Fnmily Floiir, .17.i'Ih i, i,i-w ami tvi-e.li-iit win at, put up pretily fur lamily nte. f ir tale hy V. (t A. BTII H. RaleiKh. I)er. 21, IS36. 58 tl MiYVVUiU.V Female ClanMcal Seminary, O XFO It l, N. V. I hit Srniiuaiy hat lor many Iran, tlnml fa. tnraiilt, in eim.paTfiiin "wlih llieTjetl trhniilt in tlie KHitlit rii c. iii.n-j it ilnnhtlevt hnh-Mi-fl tnr aiucli nl iit ri-Mirity In Ilia taleatt ami lite- raiy ti.inlli.g nl the learhrri :ba ka- heetr eaHen trniiniiiie In lime In pieviile in it; bnl in. ilepeuiU'Jtl! ul the- elwiaeler- n teaihrtt, lint iiliKK wrll alway t pinwt it prtiitiar chiiint, Tnim Ir' Htirmri ffi iiii h rati ft KrM" ' tf tl' fMriurk h tr" -.'lliHV it) lh ljt i wn jraia. nut a yiilr rair nf criimt tiet n'eif" Jiat iwriKrl in' ilie m-IiboI. .except one nr two ol IncBkli;,, alihniif(h the u pit Iniie tuiinlirieilTiiini TO to St) generally. Thr (" nl teaehert hvt lwl il.arpe nl the ulimil l.,r the (nt Iwn "jeai t.auil it l.a Kia.lul It hicreah il in tizi; eti r tince il came inln tin ii liandi Kir the Inm three M-uiiuu, it hat nnm hered fi nin 'J.! In 3i more than at any lime fur ihe U, 7 y eai t lit-lm r. The emutenf tHiily inrludei Iteadirg, Writ inp. Arlll.iiie'ic, Klit-h-ili Grauunai', l.r.Krj.liv. with liie nte nf llir l.lohrt, Xaiinal Plulusnpht, "'lrnnomt, ( liiinrMry, Ihitajiv, ti'i-logy, Mj. thiilney, HiMnry, Khetnr ic mid lntie. The chitu-i read a .'ailj Irttnn in tome gnnA P.nghch anllmr. Pel nliin-iinimi lanre it attach. rl to ihii riereiie. The nlii il it to fut-in a mr. etl in ti-ipti- tfi Knifli fi eoHipnvhton; iiiid ; mme en-i-illy in cnliituie lite art nl inleipr,!. iiK an anilior. Il it ilri nicil the nnly ineam nl Ichiiiiiiu; tli. .riiiiKl,ly H! ,, r,lt C'nni" liiitilinii" wrr ivq.iuril every Iwn wn kt. Vlit O IImiki. know ii t an rpi-ri nerd anil ,-cnii,ln.li, .1 Inic l. a. lirr, will continue in tin depai'iiiu-iii tlie next ieai-. A ymine laity who peifiMtut w i II, and wlifi veiv. nircrit Tiif ui a-fviiii-ioo; iiii- iniiitg ludiea enlt iil d h?e; a"Vistei1 Mil '"CVIIVii-n hut hih u. anil will l" employed ni.tit wln-h oet-ded The enmhrr ii Mumc iiIi'iIhii mi iilimit 40 laftt v titii- -t'irJ'iiinot me irtJ owhe ine (.t itie uliool, out more will he j-rorured w hen nreiled. Draw ine and (.:. iiii iiijr on paper and vultit; wh tw-imia kim'i itf Kanry and Oiharnrnlal t'i-illrwni k. w i'l he tnnrh'. VW t.iw.-aj4 It-mi.' af -A-ppajuntf "Knd arVane mrmt are in ii' iie"ii to hate a Lalinraiory hmll it 'be ennimenri mri.l ol tl.r nct trttu-n. which will Rive new imneil to thin im ful hiniith nl kimw leder, a-nl aff ill new lariliiin lor ai qnir 'lie il tVi- hate i-ltn an exti-nvive cabinet vl atu-ked iwhicHiitu null il;in tha inatitui'mtut oi the Niuthern State. Ut Th w'rt -wtn-eatr-iliwUr-inrft1i"jt',!a!rr o;l ofpretentinthiittutierwise inevitH Ciinseucnci. but the: union ami firm .. tl" the Snutliern Si.ite, nml tb- ir iniiiietlinte report tit a ftulenui-atnl unfxs;eratetl unnan rMner"tneHSr.iTiri of the Snrplna valuable to th Nrth, far worr valu.t Iteienue.krerwarilUl.e N tion.l lUok.ao.l f,ie t!.Tl to tile ' Su'Jth, am! liptlll tlli Uit, but wont of B p. rattle the hair bowinir .1... c i t .1 of.hekneetothedatk.pir.tofSlaiery. ' rei j in lniitire ine "F. r tl.e nreser,.ti..n of Una la'.l ind ! N,,r"' rt'lt measures tetllli:igtO moil chetiahed arir'e of our National polit-i Htl'lCtliate ilissil'ltion. r-4 ', ical creed, the sacrifice orhwli hat tint )ei j II'if. C ttl the Smith Itnite linw can been romplett d, il it our duly to make all I it Ta5Cer.ai,,h.t hate been-. fut t"n" -enn.natli,n BUTTS AND a-elhedoctrinet ol .he people of h a Ma'e, 1 THf:iOf ill A MK'THKRX CpKTr.NTIO'i on the tnbject if 0 i:net ic Slavery it fer. If a better in-thtid W vlevWert, let enre ore.) only he niotr to ihe tlain e ho k 1 it be snj -sitt"-l. Ai nedtineU on the and joorn.it .;f the l.eKitl..ti e. They II , watch tower, we proclaim.' the hour for liter- D4 IlllJIlM I IT1 1 11 lit .l m la l.rM i.t li. K.' mi. i - o aim. '.. I,., ..V.I..:,.;aO " : ! . IC tH i hitlncl an f. .r Hie Sr,' tse-TnAWlllJlta'i.,, wiHi a p eatiibl , Farewell A'l Mreai of overnor which slioidJ be prmeil in Irttera 'orgtdil. ' JlI&llt.fflf--'?",''-,"!''' Tltlame11''r acfjrf Itit ku PrTi.1i'e Liitnii', anil :ia.ndy mt lortliio j i!i-'iaKltUiirv1ie verr i 78V. 'in the mull! of: LejUlalur M orlh Crolli. tWH! w.i orJere to .riS-SrSSTr-TCJ-?'K- Ka hlfllta.l J V A'iS. -4 - Fe Senateiook vn-the revUeil bill. f , ' Turning flee. 20. Ni. IT, cwiici-rnina; the . I rennaref i.f ; Mr. Williamipri'iientr'.l rH.,,0iiii,,n ' State. Mr. Mnrehead prtD iae. of tertain citizen of Ifyde. Matue " amendment to retime ihe atiLiiiat. to a solemn-and t.. .ir.;n;.... r i..i.. ..... i ..j....-ifcrtfl.".ti"ir-".!T:. improvement. ; .-negative, ) e 9 'Nhv 19.x Yeaa the. rrufJKle (or -"National freedom. I his jiiit Uiiriiine wat. th'oticb a Ion? run te ! j ca't adherrd to and perf ctrd, ntl ihvery reaard in our Sta'e. ml finally, in I8J7, the fullitavitije open .0w al of the Slate do trme, m pr- facrd to the act to pre-ei t certain abniea. of the lawt relaiie tn Fu(i. ivetfrum labimr." "The lullic innU.es F;.t,nw-Cl rit is: ki hA 'k few mnmenU Miii-'iiis io uiiikiiati-me trii-nri-iii ViuirrHlocv, n v I, m. Ii w. hi p roiiyiiiilt iiiKki'if; ai'diiioi.t. Ve avail ouiti-le nl eveiy aid nf Iliii toil whi Ii we ran yoiiiii, anil, in biing the Plmit-al 'l ienrrt wiil.in iln- L.i5, nf i. ymiiir; mind I he ii lniluiiie. veiir i divii!ed inln two tettinnt, ol 5 mouths en d; ihe firtl coninienuing the Ifnli d .lainiarv . thl'ie mi .Krliii: fnpnt wm be -ru-.iteil I'lin the lime o enier n.. h--t no deduction will be made for fhsenct nnti( the end ol ike tt-.n euirtnl btn ibey rmer, rxrept in canei nf iii-knei . The rilrawilinsry lise.lu rent I snd io almntl ee' (lilne eomunird in a family, nrmlueet a necet"ity for a t,nll .dvance in Ihe price of tinaiil I lot advance will not eiceed 17 SO aei- teuton. - Hoiird in the laniKy nf the teacher and tuition will then be, per icinrn, flg 50 Tuitinn alqnu .jarjiiig (rom ... &IO.I11. t. Painting," ;0 1 11 ie JJi) nome nimriuiy wat rxprricnrrn latl yrar in '-biainmg i.i.inil; l,ul as firial nt the mnil ret- p-eiahli- fanuln-a iif the pljee are niakine ar- mnei'iwMitt lotnlti knarili-rs. llirie will tint nt. nimiMllt ol ihr kinil in llie eon tfij ar. JKssK It A KIN, Frinrital. DxtonKN II Die (WiS3ft I 4 A Hiil lkAsMr HratHp(w-fw'yral termi (ILH P, PA 1 I KUsOX c II. US. Xu ii. ism. '- ; ii j . V1 nnlit-tr. m'. in ft-nd v--"; to'liUale ol all nrndiMse eiitnulcil In lit. . He Online mil- vharne .nl nnly Ji) eeirli a Hale lor '.ottn, anil ilrd(e mun i ie to llu- en r; rxer. ii m n piniiioic ihe inleietl nt all i.hiiter who rtl.i(t lliei- proiliuie tit one rare., ' llt'ltl , H f I K H W) H H WI l,US TIE U V ItEHSIQA'ED, in kvhi.lt nf the C rniii'tee nl the Uel.h Neck ttapiitt Cliurrh, ".Jiflt Ilill.Sn Ca , will reaeite pioputalt Im 'ling their llii'SV nl Wih-p nimi ihv firii ly uf J oin irt lieu!. The building.!! be 70 hy Vfeel, IroiH nut in!e tn Hal tide ,A Poitie.iol fei l. 4 feet recr-it in front pn'jetlinr inln the vrovlirii. over whu-h wilt be nlaoed a Cnal- fwn Aislrt fite leet wide, t tuew rowt.-f Pewt, w ilh a iliiliMm in the cenlre row . liallaik 1 llii-ee ti les "n,the tid 1 In he II feel lep, the run 16 (rrl ilw hnle ri-iog th.ee leet 'Ike enerwal letatinn I11W t-i k-et , A ikmlde r.' til winit.. wi nnwacb side, fie in eark enr,wiihj teiiii.eirewUi'tnps,4hkiwer row tnbe 84 linht", Hie upper.!, lighta um 10 bi l Ihe P11I.J I w placed hi llw h,M rereat, kt whicb th. re will be Ian aide hlut vnirunee no eaeb tide n the recewt with tnliling lhnr Vmlrauer the nalleiy by two itmna and Mailwaaet koin Ike rear. 1 lie building to be of wood,, reaiine. i hrKk pUlart The wall. In lie plastered, and wrerneal eMtiee eeriea or plalerit. 1 lie roa J UST RECEIVED, T Till! XortJi-Cnrttttim ItooU Store. I-.. M. .11 n i t iitisi ami Ainrriran kn, ronMuiv hi oi t of the lollo.ina t,.l.,,.' Pnnvv R a ni ks. lu w it - Aiialy lis fit Hi-an:y Lon tie a Ktltadid lllMle. ii-ni i-.i:.ii.iH. The n wt-rsoi l.nv.lint-tt. The .lainiha lor 1837. Korget III III I Pi n-iidvhtp HT l ing. I In- Mi'l . , Ihe'ViM. ifoiTlir. ' - ' The Pai f ur ii rap Hnok Inr (137. The Kuglidi Aiii ual l.rlA.V. The ti i.-i.ial " . for 1137. Stiuim.-lil ntyiliWir, - - Union Auniiid (nr I8;)7 Pirtlin vijtr A t'ntifcl 'or lt7 n k nf It nun ( .1 1S87. Kee)inkfli r I8.i7 .aniKi-.i.e loi.I S.T7. 1 lvelijh-ii Snort en- for tS7 Vi at rl i'lu iia id fur 1837. Syria for iHST And vaiiciy nf Fanrt ftnokt, laatt.ieua la nirtilimi rr.r tnlr lit TL'KSRIt k IIUfillES. U!eigh Dec 18 IT16 will eia-it -berir I a'l.ll retire, in all h-unan prnhjulity fnrrrrr- frn-n the staj- uptin 't di I htup s.t lonff artH in lh'' seft'ce of S'i'iili Cii-idiiUr I cun'iol prnn I Jbe 4!-n -n tl fiats witlio it altem;)tiujr In riye mm-" fee Me 'il'er.ince to the. em itinn .t has an -trrei-presiih'y excited in 'my bosom. In what mviner l-hsve acted the part w hich ha been now abhorred - by all ihe civilised world as-epurd In me in tlw great dnma of p ihlic nuglit 1:0' in the al hrt degrre 10 he afT.urs, and in tonte f the mMt rteolf .l tolcra'rd in the Slate of Petiut) Itania.' seen -i ofllut dunia, it it not my provi ee to I'.irphlet If.,, p.. 4ftt,. dft rmin-. "N-it only hat PeniiMl'tnia 'hot etrelled l i all tint lean rlesire, iCu more than 1 the evil from her own border, hut she hat "? "Pr lli-tl lite ftorJ.p;Mmfiirsj'hit:h on tt rtmrier orfylinnt. ri.drax mired 10 I am n iw in dehleJ tn the nart ahtv and kiml. cuard In r voiuiget ataters (rum the pollii in. ness-ol me Cello jtirnv miy tT.ttinei1 by On the I9.1i id Dec. (819, the lidiwtj ' tne lnt iiwn a-MViinpartial jliCRirnlJN'liicii langtiape w ci oun'in"ty made use nf by posterity u ill pron inner upon mv cltara d-r the Urglilatiirr.aud 'apprin rd hy the Gov- and corducf. One thing f mar be permitted ernor, on Ihe uuet'inn of admitline new to say, I tnul srithnot arroiraitce. t'lat in a I a'ates in'.o the Cntou wi h ihe richt of hold- (he station tt which I hat been sum nonnli . . "'t..'.l(C Sf nalur and itrpre in U fe ese'itittp-and enffnisiliig' scene, lit sriitn iv of jjjiit Siate i ihe United S atrt, be, and thry a e heieby midst all those ailnrements wlt'cl ImI1iiuI,' . i qea etl o te- agatnt the atlrtnixmn trf eet tlt pith nfa ITiihlie maJnjio tiilitary ol any leiri nry as a -Havr in 'ih; Vulon. iin inslatice hat any t'-lfidi purp.ise of i u-r at or h tt tl.e Ittrher in'rijd.iction .f tl.ery or in-. 'iihilion opTut (1 for mie single niruneut to tolutitiry seuUude. except- lor die pitnitli- break the 1 de.nity and sinleneas of my de rve'd ol'fr'tntr. U r.tiu-piu-iy.li4Mive -1'u hceti du'v t on iceii, shall be luohihited at d If'orv of South Carolina -Tit lheself-dL-voti"ir !4 thiWre-n bm-n-ivrtiiii the aii(t,lsrrilnty, kr-T'lo1:tlTy "tirRty 1ie.lt,'" South Carolina ha hail tT 1 1 -kdit.tinu into the Union as a Male, no rival. hall be free, but may be hrld to temce un- But Silt I claim to have Hrtnijflit these til the age of I, nt) -five J ran undefiled, but humble nff ri gsto her altar I I he preamble 10 ili-s r. tulnlion, too long a'l atTlie aame tune deeply sensible dial a I to he cited at large, is worthy if all coitsidet. these, and ten tim- more, would be but a lion at the preaeiit juuciiiie. P"1 an I inadeq late return for llie manifold "On ihe nuicb d'onitsed qiieitinn rf ilae prouft of her (f-nerniit ami uiifi'diur cn fi. ry in the Iitiirt of Columbia, the e neter deuce .by which I have been uniformly ins. ha bern any thing like hetitalloti. On ihe taiueil in all the trial and in all the vic'ns'. ijit of January ,18 9 the I.ej;i'ture pHaacd tndet) through which il has bern ivy fojlun a rn ntion inmuctinK iut rauu v-'mt ta to Ps in coneHs to aaoca'e :lie paawge of. law " VVJiaterer may hate been the etc'osire. ft)f it aboht nut and that voire of public otdn. " mtf detotimi, and whatever eatimate ion a eprr, d through the pi. ts. at meet, partiality may have place. I up junr erviee. inga,and i4 pelrtioi . hat bren uncharginjr t atill owe tier a debt of eternal gratitude the on the auSjecl. record of which i deeply inacribeil on' my "Tliese trnf. then, nppnsiion to ,rrt" ami which neither time, nor change, lo tlavrrj at home. Which, hy l.e blesting of 1or'"'ance, shall ever obliterate. Wherever I Protidei.cc Im been tendrted effein.l, n,v K tnln wha'ever distal t reu-ion of ih nppotilion lo the ailinat nn into the Union ol e"rl" W ilraliuy may isiry me my heart new slaie holding ra ea, ai d oiinotition to " you, ami my prayen will be di. ilnery in the District ol t.'uhimbia, the trv .cH-" ",,h ,l ''JJOTPK Polatilyta tlbm he nh and domeitichnle' 'hf'the "'"I Hie laud nf mv allugt. honor l;ae eer ben. and arc Hie eherith. !"'ee A,M' if vliicl may Heaven forbid ed ihictrima of ,ur stale. I .el Ms, fellow "''""I'l happen, that in the rapid pmgresl c'n lent, yiml by and maintain them ntf ',,"'e mmntpicio.ia evriii which are even .hrii kii gly and tiaileul). While we admit nnw c"t"r their ill-boiling alwilow before and rerupiilottaly rrpe-t the con.ti iiiioi.al ,'"'mt Sninth Carlina ahonld be cntisiraiiird to Kghltol o'her aieiea on lha u onien'Oit tub. "mmuu an n- r chivalry' to the tlefe. ceof her lev', Irt ut nut driven fri.ni' deuce and trnri.tUHi li.r li.l.., . 1.1, 1. "Y to hat tier "itiantrraMr A'.ove til, let tit never yield up .,e tight V" V ' , ",r . """ ,"r's d ' of the lr e dtaruaaiMi id? any etrt wbih n t,1 '"' priKKelet4uUUtMMimHtbrr Nii 111 tl.e Und vir.nt i h nt ii. .l " 1'' urir niiua. A mi a!;e waa receiveil from the roitimii.'i!.. inf. irming"tliat W. F. Col lins ;m I It McN.nr, are in nn'mina ti in f.ir Comptroller. The two Houses I hen iiocfeletl to vote for Comptrul I or. " Thme who tnted fm- Mr. Cm'i v the e. are! Messrs. Waddle ( neakerV Allhrivhl Arrin''ton, Barilrtt. J. W. Ilrtaii. llnroee L'artnii. DjviiU., dnckerry iiudger, Mar grave Jnyner. Jones, Kellv. Mviohor, Mont, gomery, ..Jmidy, tloye. Murvhead. Moore MtCormick, Myer, iolk, Heling. Skinner,' Spriiill- Tay or k Williama- 38. Messrs. Biker; Hrya t of Ciareo Itoi.timr a w a I J. ' . i I ami najta tletnamWtl r Nlr. Ksnm. IWnel V Car.. IkKken, lia.g.ate, Kelly, Mnye, Mmtkead, M.;mnikail Tw)ke. I hut whinnied m the Kigslne era' strssei. "krr, H.an of t.ra.en. Iiiiii'tiiig. Hf .,, Uoupirul Mario, tUnrw, Pnaliudger, ll.nil-fc Her. he r. ls.tille.,yilc,or, MuwK.WMe, .; K l. KtrdrngiwiHtt, it rsV. ' Mr. Morelii'aiJ ntoy.4 turtln i a."" mendmrn'.. the -i irmrt - nf . wjtiih ', if the Tr. aiuier aha II m nr Ctttse to be ni '.tie an fale : eiT'f j iu the book. lii h, lie U bound to keen. c or lia4lrf4lHply-4r-Taur ftirrH-iewii K.lwar,ls,RjimaviUlU4U r,: rtuvr ,Krr -Uvilaayr Mitt.' Me-L'n .J 'etteinent !"'. sr t-fl';';:'.-?:"3re bae, Moiety, Keid San:fer;;id'Wbita!ierltri with u i 3 t'Jw-''-. .'-;'- - t i- 1 . , . .. ..- . ' "-'-'. .': Mr. . Williatn y from the rommittep tti aupfriBtrml the etecTinit lor Cmnp. IttiUvsr, reporter tha ( W i f lta m' F. Cr. Iitts 1)a. cciil a Tuajorttj 4f Th vote an.l vrnfjertetl. The reportJif. the committee on Fi, naore, to whom ao mui h of tlw Govi c tun' me.ar;e a relates to l!ilfevcnuv .n.l . 7.1 . . 0 .inn irriiur IdWI. jaiir inthvitltial, he ahall be liable on conviettott to be fiiieil hot eYcet'tling n thutiiaml tiullari, anil impriaon. tt '" not excecilinn; three jeariv-TIi a- me'tiil diettr wa, aj;r. e1 foT and tfiiTiTIlT" passeil it thir.l rea liner." . A-m wage wa recei'vej, rnncumng in the amemlmenta of the Senate, in , the reviaeif bill Concerning elrcdoha of, ... a 1. . I ( . 1 u'.i 1 n v it n 11 n diih i f , - . w s tw, " oil . lliaill IBI'J til l.Hflipnila tk at .r.le,e.l to be tra.i.miitcd to the Co..iM,en,,nentj.roppLlk:jUr.Tive4- n.i vi. i 1 s . ' 1 " """"'s "u.m.ii a ctmieience vr!ien,,;h ' m.W l- ?ree,l To.' Mr.,Mar.. " e Coinniona nropaams to f ill-,. m..i;. . ..rL.r . ' " m Viririiiuiire IHltUUIlT" enre wa nrileretl T b raleti.v 4't"t" Ret eived from the Comtnotia a mei. f ;i;e, diMSreeiny to the amendment to -the- pilot titlr -TlienoirwiiM- vote nt eleven, o lock to-morrow, fur Public 'l'reaurer. The Senate t!i"ii proceeded to vote for a S"iirorJn. CUiigcenav I d w.-Kho.jtiii4-W Hunting t-oirper-i . DolMim. Editard.. E.um. Fox. H1, HavtkinsJ ' un V " " $ lf'i. er. Ituaset. Kerr. Linda. v Mri..ltr Mi'baiie.loaelv. Mct.'orinlek. Re'iJ neinhard,' MiinJeri aiiJrSVbit.ltit....:. : : I hno who voted for Owen areMn. Wsdtlrt YSpeakerT Alllirilii. J. W Hrv. uiiriiey, cansmi, U.ividson, Dorkcry, O'mlger, .ginvn, J.iyner, HOUSKOFCtlMMOVS M r,M o itt ffoin I he comnii I ( e on z Rwiset SraTatci-teptii ted (he follow. '1115 ..bills. . whu-h hn their flmt reating. ..... . . u:n . 1 bill Co icernitiir Icmir'ut. filiul Jr?'i:S r,,i,ir -";'--ve .Tiare. of" i.; , ' , Moye, .MoreheiJ, Moore, j ,r,, V "'"-I b.ll Cncen.injr Cat- ur, liar tl, i ling a Dill lor III ,, relief of ai. k and diaahletl Seamen, , 7 bill preicribinrr thr nieana of recovery mtaiimt reitain ulliceii therein men.;' t urned j an.l Uill toiiceriiing appxcoal Miy Fiaher preeittcd Mniilgnnkrrv, Mom I v. Myers. Polk, Urdiua. Mkinner. Soruill T.!o and Willim-23. ; Mr. Barnelt votej for Mr. Mosely. Mr. K.lwunl. from the committee appointed to tmperititetid the election, repot ted th at Uoliei t Strange hadtre ccived a tnj iritv uf the votes, and wan elected. MrrCotrpi-r 0f Gtes Introduced a reoluiion to ri."e a Joint Select mm. oiitt e toenfjaire athat time the U. gulature shall adjourn. Adopted. A nieisae limn Coinmuna. a- Ifi eein to b.illot for Public Treasurer t on io-morrow. Mr. Mlllltr(IITrl'V JulrA.loea . Miia- T ,.- tr w'i.viii n i.u ution, directing the Jiidi.iarv cum. nnttee to eiwiuire into the evi.di..i.e. of altering the time of holdinjc the 8a pet ior Court, In the Fall Term. A- iiopietl O i motion of Mr. Cow nor nf fl ilea not. ruber b) l.r or inferrt, housrhohl grtilj amj d(tnnnaieH.'ltaeT yie rt'mg meage wat kent to the Ciiiniiion' atiiiUf bf-lhal ipiilLt.fujd.ue,." V "O. dience to the aacred Call, 1' will ; pt opoaiug to et anatt Friila v .-nii, trne.atuH, tt lieeiloir. w hi' h " her gloriou. ,tlard -swift at .k.lL ' tZ : . fM'J5iUS- rbatactettaea ui br,d Com3Pr.n.;yrki. tnnctt tl the :-ter." prepared and resolved, in c mm.ou with , t . ' . e ir. j, it. urvan, in'roduced a bill tfKureeer tatty errnri i ii ju tticial pro-ceetlin-rH in the Supreme Curt. ia. ed Us first leading. The Senate proceeded on Mr. Polk'a motion to 'cAiisidor a bill to etert a aii. It wm read lherirond time ami passed Ayes 25 Noes 24. Mr. Montgomery demanding the yeasatrd nays. thiy vine follow: .?..,'0t h.n ;o,r,,1""',nlrniiteare Mrmi. Allbr.glil Uakee, Hmneti, Itur tr.en, )a, tHlson. Uobtoti, Dovkeiy, Ki., (iu.tr. 11... grave . J...KJ i heir. Kelly, M.kktr, Mntrty, MiHehead, Mimh, Me(;Wnmk, Mit-r," Pulk, Held, Kedmr, lleinhaidt and l.itaker. i now wimmteil ,o ihe neRntitt me Atetsrt. i n inEiim. IIIIIIIII tid ward i, And now ir.f lo Ihe Cnyrrnorelret.l It r. main that mrrrnder into your charge the etlsi:i of the high tniat, to which you have been summoned. I trust, sir you receive thein .inlarnishrd from my band. am sure yo,..'Ui ,.tw ha tl of yinir iitccessor. JFST KEi:iVFD Direct frnro Liverpool, via New Vnrk and v Newhcrn, in rir-r-Tnx haii, r An elegant onmenl of . Gold Lever Watches. For sale, low for Ch. by j. I) LI.NDKMAN. Raleigh, Nov. 28. 18.16 5J 3w. ' Fnyetlcville 5IrKet)oem6erS?, 13 a 17: Lump, 134 " 14 Iwf, Bsrnn, Cvffee, , Cotton, (new) lfla16A Salt, Corn, a- , pi j ;-i ii ..: .i . - . . i lililTU, fiviiir mi inruisn an ine pn-wrri.i.t ines ajiusf we vt the belt qiislity. ad Ihe oik done ill tub.;! iilHI. RUM IMtfl wiM .niafii.Ke mum. I 11. wilding in be fii.itkeH by Ihe Crtt ad Orlnhrr ! Mlae, Vst. Person ilii(.l to contract will am-i NsiU. cut. ar l their luwew rates none need a; pl who ' Sugar, brown, 1 OJ a ISA r .. ... I 80 a 85 1 AO f84 i9 64 a fi 45 n 50; 71 : ,15; 18 a 30; 8090; I ohaccb. leaf, 4 a 40: Cotton bgg'g. 30 a S5; Bale Rope, 10 a 13; Wheat, f 1 60; Wbiaiey, 371 40; Wool, - ""SO a 35. tan .nt enme recommended, at nn-ii of iiiituil. i. . and ober hahiis; and fnllv comus-tint to PelOrsbllT"; Mq tct Vrrmrer 1. r-r...rm iim woia m a saiisl.clMy m.nirrr. for (urlher iiariicillarl ad.lreti JOMV r" IVII.8DX, ' AI.P.X SPAttK', t Sitb-CnniV. JtlltM K Mel V Kit, J r. S Une l.l lh tirliicil.al m .l.rial. lum. mv be had delivered on ike tout .1 li i.m 0 tn 13 .lollw, p Ikitwand "S.MH. ihi S HT ,5 Is.tfi 54 St y, ' "a rs'vrrs tin rne !l'.ry Rnok Ol M i"" ""'" "" ll" 5,h eviiiKee, l..18 l,y rkZ M'elewliiie. nn'- har ft. ,k ,.,,., all "",e k in ln-r (Wej;i.od t 'tTxltZ ii"',,r ''"r 'V s"ui "' "Im f i "" " ,' N-f'h Ceolina t .V.... 01 w? '"' wigh. 1 CoTTosr, It a 18 rent, in brick demand. Tnatrro f 3 J10. a in quality. WaxiT In good slem;ind reeeiut. nrr light. We quote: Hed. f 1 SO f 1 95; White. fl 90 a (3 15. rtoca Family. $ 1 3. Superfine, 10 j. , or Thk Abolitiovhts- MlSSAflK OV. KITKF.R Of fEXkVSYVASIA. ' We read w ith r.-crrel i. n.t .... . the rullowtnn; rfntitnen's itr the Mes- ..I i'l... IU..... ... .U. n j ""i.-. i. nin'ii inr r eiuiaviva. nia ut'pHiature.now in st ssimi: "In rapid snd Hanling aucreaiinn. all ihe frriactptea of pennijh saia policy, all &e ob iha- lh - a oment we du the bond i.f lll.ifiti i broken. For. the union belt g a tniuit'ary con.ct to eou'inue tignler ftineii.in tpec fit-d porj o.ae, he i sw t one por im. of ii lueteed in iii.positig eims ai d dirt.. .SfdnliU'-.ni K(ini4ttliv,aM'- llie contrail, ihe el.i...n K., .,. .... . - - - . I I. ni.in ....... change, nd that wbchwai ttnioiibecoir.ee , ,e""w c''Sett. with my tnmrt irdenf ami tubitclion." devout prsyers for ymir pr.perilv, individu ...iej.ljiiunlUiU.lltembot a uraife tiublit: inevaaB-e. nml ema.,.t. . v itra. -u wcare torred- frt.m "0 Inch a quarter at the Gov- !l lM,l,u,a.'.ru,"0ur, the parent 'country ft imr of the sertimi State in the Union, . rcnili.M her disposition to acknol convey fa niter admuniiirin of the near 6? !oe "Pf'ntev.fherrrfracto- apptoach .l the whnlwjntl, and to the f "K,.'";r.--ommi;suiiieii have ar- (s .1 r ... tslsUamil I tm dist.f 1 .- .. f a. a. outi.crn fetaies a loutl caution to be ' . Z .. 1 s firm, prepared and unite.l. I he pen- .c"' " ',,,f!' .P''Wec , Jo eiTi t the re dent v of Ihe Presidential content and , Sanu A"na f,,r w'cb purpose ine lears oi parties, have (lelayed trial . J !""r ""-vtiug wim mm, in ..r .t. .: .. r . i. i-.- J ... Ihi nrawti nf l!.h A....:- i. i ... wi... ,iumn, which of the question of Abolition in the Di irict. The Cause of delay at an end. the issue will speedily he put belnre Congress. The Southern Stales uill be cast: of that there can be no ration al doubt. It will bk thk degimsg or the Eitn, nh ch will then be at no re mote distance. Property in his slate is guarantied to the proprietor in the Oii'rirt at firmly as to the prnpiienr in Virginia. - If Consress ran clepijie the f rmer, it ran the latter. If it abstain,- jx.liry 'iU dictate the for bearance, not the proitMons of the Cotistituiioii. The South will hold a large amount of its prop? rty at mflVr. enre. ': ' ':' The pmspet t for the South is dis mal, I at the people miffht to look the danger full in the face. A united and determined stand ought to betaken without delay. This Message of Gov, Rimer will rouse and animate the Ab. nlitionists as a trumpet. Agitation will recommence on a more extended wale, ami Pennsylvania, heretofore comparative! v eiempt from their pn a nre. will be their head quarters. The character of h r pnpu'atii.n perti. Jii'.dyJta.Jt for iJuMriefrtiiMT-sf-tliyTr dftrirines. Thta seminn of Congress will pass wiilmuf a regular elloit bin he ne.t will witnens a erand and f .?.!?.!"JL' tlein pi - to. abtdish slarery to the District tlit fulcruu for Ueiver was very rfati .factory to all partiea. IV" " ""' 77ie teminoic tt'ui:.n interesting account uf the operation!! of the Arm is excluded for want of room. . There had bern,' within a few days, four bat-tl-s, none decisive, but all reultinr in the defeat of the Indians., 55 Indians were found dead and as many ; mure supposed to Jtave been killed, and wti Indian towns burpt. Our loss, 13 kil. led and 41 wounded. The army hav. ing exhausted their provisions wrre compelled to return to Volu.ia,' uhere they were prcpuiing f.r aiiotherrcam. bilftotn. the Rowan Manufacturin ' Coinnnnr." '. - ' 't?.1 '"": -'V?. Mr. l.oskina, a bill to amend an aci'V pasiM'il In 1762, fur the belter care of Y' orjihans ic whiqli bills pased their , ' first reading. ;'"; ' - f The hour of eleven o'clock Kavin. . at i ten , me reiiate was injorinea tbyit- Th'tirae"la"'iyi- proceed to (he rxevuiion or the joint order for the e. 1 leeiio:i kl Comptroller. A . m -tsaga ' was returned,! itiitihg that the Senate Y it also ready, ami that Messrt.' U il. ' Im liams and Rrtd will 'auperintend the ' I vut-LlM?r IluicJiiaua an4 Adamt were appointed on the part of tha , Commoriii.T' ""' ' " T--- TiA ui.it ion if Mr. II t rhlsnn, Tl.)ph ' MvKair wat nomintttHl ritrthflani'iniiir.'-v- menf. and, on motitm iif Mr Adadns.." -William F. Collins wat also added.-! ' i ue vole was as f.illows: In the Com. toons, tV.Jins 62 Mc.Vair 53".' ''fa" fie Senate. Collin 29.' Mt.Vair if' J?i.,t vote. Collitw pg. 'lMCZfiZ Majoeiiy for Collins 14. ( , , ; - The hour of twelve-''clock'' Jtai4ne 1 an ived, and measnget having IWe iiit"? ' " ten ha ii ceiL. ihil tuiiiM ....... r.... r. si - . . r ine result wat aa vote lor .Vnator f.dlowtt For Strainre 63. J..hn (l.n l U of Hlalen 3H,'Aiidrew-oyneJ, (he Senate,; Srangt(f :&4,:iJvyenJ.-r tiiuaeiv ,i. 401111, vote atrisnire iTi : '' Owen 61, sratteiing 2. Majority for ELN A IE. .. . , it i e, V ,'". De. Stf- tali Mr. Dunting nrf seiit- d a iiieiiirialrt irom eertain citiy.efit or Fav1tiHe. " lMotcil ,o Ihe neRntit aie Atrtsrt igloo, llrjan 4.f Cra.e.,lln.i,o i;l(l(lll ig, Cnwper .f C..t. , Ci'miiernl Maitin, irdt, Kxuro. 11.11. IL..II... II.... 1. 1... ii...' ey. Jnyn.r.L.Uay, M.estcl!,r,'Mrk.iie. Mi ml. Moo'!y. "r; Sadn, Skink.r, bpru ill, l.jlorand Willtaint . , Th. k't( ..... i ,i , . . .. UL.lVtl.',,H,, .M,,'ng fwri f- r thelietter 1eU.Jl of jaid m.i gaitm tr, ani a .j...a . oe !awn. v V'l n the table. ? i " j -M e. D iker. sundry m inuj-iili, pray. ' pa'.Kir l' ani einulled r.,i o.a, iromi ine Military rem-' ing foe Lej-talature to repeal the act v( mittee. To whom lite. rev sed bill reU.iin4t.aj l...:.t ! . ..., . :..vv., cii.iiiv', .iniy.i,ti Hiniilflt Hve to the nn il i in i. f.e-. ......-... -iij VPITfW i . . . i ....... .v- . linn, ssiiiitrr to mv n poneii ii wan tuiitlry amendments,; M j' t roan iium a orgautitn to flu. n'tvilie, to, fir" '. ', . . wurrn were agree.t to. am the bill Uurke enuntr it ct.ncern-.l. Ref.re-.i ' ' passe.1 it first and a. cond reading. On Mf tfoieley..MloV'me:i ! . Ue Sena.e ailjoui ned . un il 9 taje was sent to 1& C..m.u..n , t ' ?'M- ih ,r ' '" -w. .; "S' '' the joint order the ! 33, concerning the 4d,a.mn of low lectio-i Mi: nUcc' ;0a' Monday Bt li .it -land.; No. 31, com criiin huntingKoVlock;'!. - '"."- " I.", .la, ctincvntin!tinerrrini rvi met:' a mniMiM.Wifc.in. irfi.i'i'. i ' Uier.' A miiMi. t,'.o. rflli':'-.! "'' State, NV S4. provi. for the ap. receivcl frJm thVcVi..,J5Uv DOintiitent nl ..niu,;it Vu. S8. m ....... , .. nt, .rt stram the takin,ttf excetsive ustirti i ; " . vn; -Kfr4- .The highest foe omiums are bestow, ed on the army jfi.r their gallant eon duct in all th-s- eiigaM-n7ht...A. ;We learn by a letter fron Pet.Ts burg, that (he warehouse of Ihe rail. road company at that plcera burnt on yesterday night week however, lias been much ' ' I sw fa., niviuiiiri T. JL- ' ... a I ai4rt. kllMntT TI1AV tnilV flA .. . a a am ":.-. V II si . w. Our nf.irin.nJad.l. il, i. ' T V "- "'V ""V ' ,"'i.-!. r.ot irom IlrinafV.Com. ;n . . ' . . . .it wine iiHnie m in me revised 'mittei. in U'hnin ur.w m.niffi-..t ,L. i."if i,' . . .. - ---- , T 1Me ul(. asu. - at N-i. 27con. engoverH..erni -Nn20,ji Xlri BryV frtmi thedivUry . concerning pensions, No.; H, concern. mittee. iivade a tl-tailet WT'rt i.n 'the4- imr roronrTsf which were teverallv rew.tnit,.i. .i;r,-- tu .'.' ir.r.j S;.br',:M,i r'.d tu differXtw ' veeK.", 4 Ihelnst.Henr.iUrif. . 1- f t ifr'.kii'i.i 'Ltj.in"' i ' ?i cU ec. Jl Me" 1 immediate e.M I--- IiaiU. .1... .U.-J ...T-i-...-.". -r . ' .. f .:'tn --rU H n niec. Will arise to P.-rs. ,m aidnfc Clint of th.. aCilrilt......Wt'.. 'The Senate re.l.J W ,l:u Theenate iTcededMid 4U "bill (ttHerrfrporteil T-nd reeVmmendVu' th The tTiiSaturtlay Ur,t. the Hon. vWy C ordered to be enrolled. rrest.in was, without ei imsition. re-e ?A ierii i ti represent this 8tate in Sennit llu.... I ...... .1.. ..I. . r m. . -. -.. .. j- ir'f T 'B wrt)ntTttagreeinC to the ; Thota b TuteoMla tUalEf.fativ. ':..'iW . ; I : the blank be filled with SO nr. a mM A , message .. rrreived roncurring question en eoovnrring th-rewith. wat the . in Ihe aiiienilment msibmt ' A ..f tl.. .1 :.i . i : .1. . - ...1 . " ,; i.i r . . . I . .. . . ,ivr. - -, . . 1 i-r-r "I

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