c i 1 " ' - J - ' - -. 6- 4 RALEIGH, II. 0. THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1037 VOL XXVIII. NO 2. 1 4 I - . 'i i if .L. raoraiETon akdCB1.iiiieb. 4-MM$4JMksM P' I 1 v hat tin iJuntt. Subscriber t'her SuXt I TKK.WS. . T Kit MS. ....Aik. Bll.twJ ttiremftiniti rrearfttotiprr thtnenejreer.te ptrtemicMileat ilbonlthfi a fuHhrr npilr of new, ui(y iiul tvaitnable S(Jie,whi mjr ileirej beeoine tbt-il)ri ailirlct, nuiiiihg of . will btrieUyreq'iired JO.ytHwbol ' The fcthWHisLlii Mil mih wore Roalibkir anil m mnt oriKe yetr'nuhieilplionin !.". Cnie CanibUl i)uillil 0renn and Vrp ArTtmTTi, not eiceeiti fiftem Hne, pert, tnM-lcliliree-rniietfnr one 1nllar, ana ivrn- l.TTnm to ihn Kdilar nim be poll pai.I . FrcI Rrl rioter Seed, JttM rearitril, and lor tale by : WILLIAMS MAYWOOD kCn. PIANOS "4Kt.EfiTF.il b the ery he.t Mu.i.ian in the Uuiied Klatea, Ckarlet E.IIan, V.wtt, of k-J-vi. , . - TI nhHrHvr kii nit-.Mi. I'M, " KOS.'ur'wry wiperior r tone . ml ftnMi-Tbry t Ave or Mn.lrl.ii., Hi- Z ,nrZ Vbem ii.'.. 1 .e- M of tl.ei hmn been riaminen h f 4 -wlileM mu! miMt eiiirrienerif Cnbinrl mukrn in V-4thi place, whi hate carefully eaminl the df I exterior. ,1ltii.i tl declare them far ahi ad ll I 4 f Ibine i.t iIm- k...l flip hare ever srrn in i I I'ttrrclmrt. Fkt the q'ilMT (if (beat Ititlru f- f-wmsy' I wf."mCart.'.' Vat-urKefrStm 4--1 .Vwl. iWtor. TiiQiiMit Kubinsnw, rclvinliniv KiMifnn. r.q. iiichmmfrtiiariea uerg, r.'q tHolessur nl Jiuik. in tint (Jure. . ' " 'Moirjuo p. x:wr, !ciersWj AiiRuit it a9iHm NOTICI. PiiMtMHii to an order and dreree of -the Ctitti nl Kiiiiiy fir;itell Cminij, niale at Nnvcm berleim, Ifclos will be told m the rrmi'i. In the Mu'irst bidder on WeiliM-si'ar, the 1st rfy tl March nc, credit ot one, 10 and three years, witn- n;rcUi;pj):uUeily of wlr, , 1 a I rt ol iJin l Uclonjinjr o IKC lieirs 01 uan- 1 4Ht-VnreyT-"''cean'itr-ia:wd on-4be-XMa' i ude nf Ifcin Kierr, nty'ining tl.e lands of An- ilrrw Harrison, and ethers, eoutaiiiing (nclic biinitrcil and twefl'y cMjjisl acres, more nr lrs, "eut tw huii'lml an.; ftHr re of which arc ntrr bottom. The .liii(iiin is ilniiM into three shilta, of suffich'nt rsti-nl to oi k 20 Iism.Ii tA advanta TbtTclrSrrd land Is in S higli sttie ot inimvrnient, mid the lMiMom land is xtun steely ntrSMn'J ' " womls, anil ol the cert wst nun'y oi land It l r'nlire tract or din- fed as may be deemed most adtanla;eut to tbwe eoowroed. . - Persons bo mat be drttroiis or making an In. rettintnt in such pron-Hy, not meet eith aintheronnoeiiy of I'ke ehanscter.' The laud wiTI lie exhibited at any time by Dr. II. M'Aden wbe liteson the premisi s Unad and uni'nubted security ill br rrquired nl the peixhacer or nurrhasers, ami the title to Hie irupeiiy rciaineii tinti, hui u. the uurehate snnney It ptil. I'utsession will be gictn on the 2Sih day nl Hvermber ISJr, and etery I'artlity afforded lor aovinf grain in the tall. ANIIHF.W IIARRISOK, c X E l)i-crm!er tl, 1 8)6 I TAKCApI.l ACADEMTT"" U -r ----- - rRson Covstt, N. C. The first Session of -'this Si-hool Inr the nril 'rear, will commence nnthr Inurth Monday (25tlt lla) ) of January. The course ol Snilirs rm jliracrl those branches id: Kdneatioo wliUb are VisiialK tU(lit in our Araileniits. H. js ill he iirrfiaicd liir adinTsiiiinTolo aiiy Ciirtrge'lfial IhaJ' a anrrd No iitw Hiuileuts are rrceitad in yhe Sthool lhnthe Suhaci dn r tiiiuself can su ljcriilend aiiiiiiisirin:!. J'he iiitstion is srtlirtd (xir, and is rru.aikatile ii.r its hralihiness, and lis rxemntkMi from the ordinai t allnremcnts of - Slissin'i"a, idly ni'sst-and MH-njMieei -The- iharge for board and Tuitii n, the nrxt Srssion, bill ant esvrctt Kifty-lwo dollars and a hall, Vhicb wdl be requiicd to be iaid in ailvance. I HEW SUVIVKIl. 1 rrsilia, ! 80, 1 H.'.fi 3 . Tbe IN'ortliampion Male V I- ' male ArBdciay, J.1CKSO.Y, V V. . ... Thr riami ali-ti i t hoih il-pur linrut, nf this ,ViiUuh 4k iilare i'n .M''ldiy.nnil.Turs(l8)'. liiti ami wk. uu ids I rusicrs aic iit in aat iiat jiiB iiiiuroi aiquniru llifui. in a highly crritnaUle manm-r I he r ajnrs of the Aca.tetrj ill.be resumrd on Mon- the IBlh ot January nnr, ntnler the niprr. iVn.lenrr, at berilo'oi-e, of Mr. Kubert A. jrll, at Principal The inimeliate dulirt nf t Frmale IMiaitmrnl will he iliac harr-'d bt' at irt,d 1 lilorvst, lit kaown skill and rx Mi M-nea, in leadline, aiilrd. so aoon as the in- 4acf. aidiil s may -rends it4sr.eetsry..hy titanrfent bislrUstrest .Mustek, rainltng, ts well in this, as in Ihe male school. lsieur Oilnhall. who baa taught sn long md so s-reeesttullr in Noifolk, Va. w ill give French lessor,,, regularly, in both .lepsrlmants, hy wbi.b means, thnte who choose marital it Nir power So Uiiain a tkvrttigS kmtwlcdge SV. 1.... ..a aaaolssl lattsl SI SStWwS Hlkll I a Br II III ... r ..... b- -:.: Ul.t. l( France vk.iHi lii.iinnrt still to sustaip ill former 1-Jleere. rrpiilalmn for health, St Iml Iwen jhrlTlyilt almost entire exrmolinn Horn dis. the nrrti-nt year, whilst the autinniial fe. .a'attrndrd with great mortality, hat pertaovd i Sent ire eaavpt " eonntry . . atwt the moral, 1.4 iIm boya .ll be guarded ue sinaieea nieore inrmavit-ra - i.v stH-rsei red, and, lit this awiii,- tney are iteirr - ltd that no boy sliaH remain in ihe school, the kfoce of whose example may hate a Irn.Un. -T .i.. N aiudrwi will be Hlbeil tn deal extratagantly at Ihe itnrrs, un. i n tr c,tf months. - ' . . Wtcta.rfiwntoolorlheaeasitMisrestfol. 8'S A nelenfs .iiin,,ii. I Hither b,K,, ol Entlish ioclud- K '"'maticat, ;,Iwer tV ,1a , . .i . . - 1 French LnBVfe( , , j,) Ik -a. ami anss twrtlf litlls 9 llinsri ss m awt.vt. a. i s.si tt- ill ha uuU, lt I 1 ""-'S M.Z, Vr t. PtJtl . t snd IltB llM!rtln'' w. ' , t. '. ta .! ..f iiiBlraioliitn ha lsitfllai Kr Mr I T' 1 I' S I U. V.UISSM, TJas II W f . W-jn. Lor-ABT,H E j. V.. 1 f'f'Cose, UJsasi'. H. - l5 VliajcsAwM, fj0.:M.S . i Sni- Ttaiuit, j ?.Utt.- Ua C. V. B . , Mat Cstvr.aT, J l ivi St. lt.1S - ti tos Km lolli Urscnn. IVSll t-.n: . . ' i 1-- . cpnr me w. XMt ttieluunnit k'.niiin. . ... B . copy ibs a. .IMSs NEGHOEft TO IllUS- Will be bared out, at i, nor. xT" IV A sVT.wsa Mam ika. 0J tween 0 and SO likely Ne'er,; .V, ti . nl sj -- aMniarv. - a Id -Unwary, J; .".."Vwi S ft e. aW..Vu h sa 4 r.. a nvo n llwns aeterwi Ulaakiiw. . . Carpedters. Persons wishing to hir:' 7"' eterai uiaaktrs. . 3 Rranritte ewoaly, s. f. IMS - - 4W, "-witi de-well to i tend. Cuntieiirs nwT,trrn-irrhe-vt Pfeswcnt is reproach-.! alions merely nrtideatiaL-, : 4 S lcik and usmj Kail tload. wiihia the stt e, reckeM, factious ami unreasona- I have, therefore, to ask of you the 4 ICm,';.'lEATo !. !it an?" Have the opponents favor lo communicate to the bnslies.isf f-," --t-i. lt.- F.ATOX, deeesstd, XnoiUlng to justify their act on and to which jou are lWiltivel y 'the prtsid- and Guardian ol Frcran, kaira. Vlinulate fheni-inr thai " nianlt ff'..rl !.i M.mUrr ,..;...i:,..ri,...r Moreearrnililonnblc?loih The mWrlbrr, in l.lnion i .hi. ''rV1 "-vJKANfcX WUI .MMKU recently tee. test a4f 0OT, "an.l udVldsTi ..wmsrtv assortment nl 91 ATl.r. A ix II ' anil Mffrt "i ln marlii in riuhlia nrlnit.bat iutlreeivr r.iermii kiii uimmeu iiiu uom, nq ooauniir Cambli'l l.liikk( TnttrWHl ''rlpiilmiit ll.riUll. Fine KrtHk n'l Divm Cnt(, Stiiei fine blue, blurb anl UilitonabU plaid anil I ribbeil (laiiimere HhhinIoiihi, Slenilil rut Vrlvrt, fignrnl Silk, Satin, I'm. in VtUrtiinil Cmhiurra vcliine Vein. Fine Sintki, ani lu ge bUck git I gmiiii ailk I L'ratalt, ""ett .m-eti w iiia aun-m-r., .Mett.i?ii.l Umh.-iiol Sl.tiu tail ';"; I latin alma lull atipplv nl nw ami firit rate 'B oweui taXmUmM tion, g. nllimen r n.H . -w?r ' T""7". " nl ritlililieil ittiulkv- near, ran be inpplivil TP'"'" -'J f..l.!un.H. .uit. en the .l...,t. " .;" i. , r . , HcnorabU Members nf I be Lrj-uUturf. ' ,rngrr grnerally twlmg the city, are rU prrlfully in.llrd to honor hnn ilb a ti.il. ami tfitnrsa tiii rliaste anil hriltimit ilisplay lit rirh. I m sslrtwrntir-S lW7Srmrat TWi'i .Mrrinofs, Frrnvh Muslins and Cambria Cli vtvejlf H,ii)lf Tidt Wfitflfl" Mifitp suti. lii-rt llMiiilkt'rlilaist lrtHlir Hi Hi, Fit rich Wuikril muslin Cirs and Collars, ka ft. being hilly periuaoeil, tntii,nn tertng tiinlinlrciiuj them 4Sj;3ini!,JBtoW:W!CWti!it8.M . Av.t'S!1.11. . tattet, and b.tnjj wMii.1 ( Viilinss tinirs, inil quite an aiproriiHe oecastim fur Umj eteieise el the Urlinm ot benrvolrncr, a fmoralilu nnpnr (unity is niiw nrrtrntt'd In the ri'ni ii.iis and lili rral "hrai till, of treat big thnsu ihst they 'love brttSt hold mutt dear," with hnmlsnmencw yian gifts, and thiinyh not l.niifi itlmble in their n litre, vet, lher luk-rn i.t rrsprct and j;'nermi. It, wilt lend to tirengthrn the sffvotimit, ami hi ilellililr imnrrt. with Kiaiitmle and lute, thr ,;,,,; ,,, hemt ll( U,. .-.e arc.HLll.h. j prcipTgiiri ," ' . j SMITH. . lUleigh, !. . 8 J. IS '-fi I ftw $C0Tf1A'J) .VJK'i'A" Tin nntttio rc ivi.wTthbnitf-rrwrm I he nub lit i ilnrTI'1"""11'1' i I ' m mi m w FeUajrr AwttstttYAM the I'aientt and (itiiiriliaiit titvd to attend. The ixcrciitt ol "he Institution will reenm nicnce on Mnn' ay the Ifilh of Ja. nart nrst, un der the direction, at herrtolure nl Una Itnwan, of New YfMkv'iii tlankc nf Nw Yoik, will superintend the Muc'e IK pai'iment ' The hdlowing will be the course of tludirt; llending riling, (ieogi a'phy, (iraitima', Sm-I-ling, Oimposilion, Al Hhiiieii., Ancient He Mod ct ii History, Hiatnry nf the Unilml Malrt, lllirt- one, ligtc, natural rininsi'itiy, ASiriincmy Moral anil Inlellrctunl milntni.liv, ISatu I Thrnlogt, hleiiit-lilt Ol Ciitltlmi, Cheihittt) ami llntany. For the abote branchrt mouths. tlO. per session, of 5 Latin, (f Hinwing, Fluwcr I'ainting, I Painting In oil Colon, lo F-ench. 10 Music. 15 I U PARKF.lt. ..i.a.e...... Hoard per month .KM .J)e.lUavXS3ft.... Iloai-dlne School for Votrnji Ia- sum. Tlie exrnisrt of litis SlIouI, whirh hate Just ctnseit tnr-Thr-swnTH -wwinr-rrt-ih yrur, wilt be it.uiuvd on the 1st oi IVbioan urxt, under the tnr.ei inlentlcitee of Mitt l.tj, Jones and th ni.a. i ii.er. a.si.ted by a lady in irrj resprrt tuitatdt qilnl.rttil. The fir,t cs siou'ol Ihe jenr IS;" will sliisr on Ilia) litb ol .Inly, inclu'lttig a limt taratton The srennd M-sstnn will rmumi,ee on ihe I.Vh ol "Ir, and t. ri uhaie on the lib i.f itetrii.bcr. , Thjj lclinnl -wdl bet sf -bctrtiitiretalrtcdy prisate in its charactrr. Sn yoitt'if lailn-a, rxai-pl those resi. drnt in the Immediate rd-hiiiy or to neat thr IchiH.I as lm lie enrtsii'cred iilnlcr the linmeitialr care nl Ihrir ia"cttli gnafili.itu will be per milled to hnrnd in any IhiiiiI) of whn li a truchrr it not a meiutirr. An an-atigtimrnl has been made with vi u, Hiilnira, w ith whom a Iwly emnected sab the salmtd irsiifi , In aciiniamndaie a small nuiiiheruf yonn luili. t with board. Tetiiisloi hoard and tuition, ySS irr srstion, payable in aitvanrt't tuition .ir iluv lohulaia, (IS liar all ti ter It) teaieof , 134 fur ihnse voder 111. lusicwaiinnln tlie aiicn nt InnKuaeri and Maih- vmaiira, . wm tu- itttt n ain'u iirsuro iioi-as and Statlntmry will b lui nitlirtl tu bosrdert suit srlml rs at. the lowest retail pritet. .Music Draw-Hit wi'i loim a.aiats cliSiu t. 1 he icct of an additional hitiinctrr in Mush) har " neenrae m eessat y , one ttss 0. n arc-rnti giy Votmed. . Ihesersiees of a gentleman ho is highly rtromme ol,..!, have been engaged fori the ,nexl year, M .t. , w lip . it gt.e ms-nicimn in ins " - , wparale chargn. tr II IllMniV , " ' ... n:...i. ..-i. r. tt iiia si I ' l"sJlatt.itaj 9 i. -:., j .. .J..MJII..I tSttat l"u)'CltO Villi .11 Ufkcl herein Arr iJ. g ?"J;nt Cnee, III a JTtj Lump, IS sx 14 Loaf, IS; IS a SO; Cotton, (new) 12J a 1 & Salt. k "60 a 90; Tobacco, leaf, 4 a 40; Cotton bgg'g. SO a 2.1; Bale Rope, 10 a IS; Wheat . SI 50: Wkiakey, 7 a 40; Corn, 80 i f3 FlaisreJ. 1 50 fftj a 9 6J a fi ' 46 a AO; , . ' . ""!," Nails, rut, ri a 0; Wool, 20 a JS. Sugar.brostn.lOja ltJ UuTTo!t, la a it feme, . , TosAcro f3 flO.atin quality. . I Wbxat In good deaund receipts tery liht. Ws Quotes Rnl, $ 60 a ,1 95; , White, $1 90 a fS 15. Fi.ee a Family, $ It. . Superfine, 10. ' wwaMaaaaaja-a-aaM. j .1 . ijaajwwiujrwa THE OPPOSiriON. An adininistration, it lias been said, without a good stirring opposition, is hardly desirable. The sentiment in tended to be conveyed is that where the opposition i large and the tenure 111 uuivr. tium 111c iHrtaicovw ai ijji - ol omcettoin tlte prevalence ol a par jy. P-cari..S. ihe-governmen. will be better administere.1 than when the dominant parly is upheld by over- ... I. nt in 1 11 mniihM Milin,a W.wili.m.a, foe that reason' will relax' tut rartlac. . 1 :.i:ir .. ,t. ...... s s : b .t. . n"' inuiiiri rnee. u intj j.p- piTSnt jnicit the elections just bow closed prove they have made? We have fill iaieiy teareu inat our iiDerues wen: in. - , . m a . . . r i langer, but we feel so no longer for ... . I f-t . .lom ... " " - , . . 1' " ",g'-, nai oeen put torm uero- experience gained in the contt st wlnt It is now over, and from which all par tie seen willing to lake breath to as certain where the are, will aerve as an infallible guide to direct furtdre op eratiotis. The conititutiun is now tafe)for. j h.e frf I era whirh were-fm out in Maryland And Pennsylvania have returned with an evil report for the anarchists. The time has certain 1 not yet come to j open and vio lent hands upon what is left of the alt ered relics of the revolution, nor will it soon for the people have opened their ejeaantl tliacoveretl that drsign lug men ar-brpail, whuse creed H itv to reian at an price, and where the people d i thonniirltlv arouse under a wrli trroundrd imnression of dantrer to : their tiUenies, vengeance is terrible and sure to hurl from power the profli-(this wifywanfeffWTrnHm Hut if the p posittoir is really cap- trans and tests, a w charge fctwu happens it that so great a body of in- ftoff7"i ti mTmiresthtmi swer IA thnt there is renton fur oppo sing th administration, wc do md sny of general Jackson, but of his mail couns'-llors who gain his ear mil glii-le mto his heart to nestfe'lhrre and pni sm him. And such will be the im partial decision, nf the historian. Mere nrtin by- mstMeys-imiimn-litm, have nsed their power over him to advance their own ulterior objects: phjecf s utterly unattainable by the ohlinary route pursuctl by unprincipled pout tttT4therelre t be sougnt -i.no,r snciwr oi taw auj mi? snirm in i m I . . .f-l ... .. . ,., - ttte - f(fIHg -arMV Ol t--pWU's-wW5ffT tip the inriiia'ion.of an.insulted peo-i )le, and their voices Will ultimately ; trevail: forwhile thrv are rniniitfr. oth-l ers ar.e HHtingJittiLwIiatllrey gain they i - .'- . i never lose, unti lose, until lulled to sleep by the svren sone of carrlets-security. Nor even then can rights . snatrhfd from them he retained longer than till their loss is fe.lt j for men trained from childhood to unbounded freedom can not be enslaved. Party itself must break up when individual rights are endangered and personal liberties as sailed We repeat, then fore, the late sfrug itle has not tiren a losing one. General Greene, at Guilford, was obliged t yield to th superior ttiseipHnt of Lord ICor.nwaiUsj-Uut - the - victory lost his lordship the campaign, ami in a few dav he was retr ating before the"rf- era r. Rrmran'tiistnry' nln furrrshFt Trmtti" er splendid example. -We havegain- , ' . !, , . edatictory, ' said Prrrl.tlS, 'but im- nlliBkraorh titnpv a'hiilil ha. tulnl ruin " The White banner ihotih foiled, is vet unstained antl entities'. It has proudly floated over the champions of principle, whose warfare has been with corruption in high place! against un blushTng"pat asites" who t lot. upon the spilsftWfaions coders j against tbe arbitrary and impera'i'e decision nf a handful of forlorn and desperate : tiiTce liolilers assembled "fresh from the people;' against dictation, in short, frntrr every tfuar ter" all tt f rtJm wha fe v e r. source. instance, has been opposed for good siitricicatrcnstins. Had there been in deed none other than that he is the author of Ihe "spoils doctrine,' the odious vindictive disfranchising "spoils system.' the direct effect of which is to produce servility and to degrade the man of independent feelirg to the lev el of ihe sycophants of despotism, it would be felt that the cause is a right eous oee ami was favored with the ap- fl - rrtj latiuti uinesvrn. Sanhvilh fleptiblican.' JUDICIAL RESIGNATIONS; We subjoin the letters of resignation addreaned in ihe T .e"BUur. Uy jug es Norwood and Strange, on retiring from their judicial stations. Raleigh, Dec. 9, 1856. Ti the Honorab.'t the Speaker ith rare Houieo of (A General Attembty: Gestmkm -l had the honor yester day, of receiving your communication, informing me of my election to fill" the unexpired term of one of the Senators from this State, iu the Congress of the Coiled States. By the favor of Ihe General Assem bly, I am already the holder of an office highly honorable, and affording me a support with which I must necessarily part by accepting ihe fwwrnrt ap pointment tendered me in your letter; and, did 1 listen only to the dictates of private interest, I should prefer re maining irritty present station. But I am too much a debtor to the State for the many ftvora I have already receiv ed at her hand, and am too deeply af fected with this new mark of the pub lie confidence, to pause Upon consider- S members, mv resignation fit with which I have been heretofore entrusted, and my grateful acceptance ui toe mitwiuw otiereu rne. . - r 4 1. t in me uiscnarse ot me tiuitcs Or my - m " I .l ' ww ..u.cr. . .um hdi rears in the fulfilment of my Judicial functions, conscious that the flattering distinction has -faJlen upon one having little to recommend him save integrity Lf purpose, honest zeal in , action, a warm piiiianiiiropy lor matiKinti in gejcrtu--4ipcllyh . . , , .i i' . it, cotnpn hVmled in the endearing epi thet. 'mi country. I have the honor to be. gcnllerr.cn, Your obd't and oblgM, sev't RO. STRANGE. HiLLsaoaocBH, Dec. 9, 1836. . llayvootl, Jr., F.i(j., 7 Speaker of the Unite if Cammtnt JZjgmVrmit me, through you, to ten-' dr tii fipm ril AniMiiblv. over ono 1 branch f which ton preside, my re- i2natio:i of th.t olS'ce of Jinle' tC the Superior Courlsnf Law and Equity for' State. Whilst I have had the ho-! been my endeavor, by a niiltl, timugit tjit- H)rit lies, to rentier the administration td i .-. . . .. li.ii.tjri. not imlv satislac lorv to the nar- Uo to (he whole roinmunitvj and. thus, as far as it was i:i my power, to in- crease hnd strengthen that rommetula- hie disposition evinced by the people - f out -State, of respertfuHy submit- ling to the constituted auihuriiies ot the law. . . j Respect fully. - Your obedient humble servnnf, WM. NORWOOD. Ttif vorerof the l.ouae rrfi - Vrnmmiee - nstor and Complrullrr, omittrd in our Is.t, wer rs follower - - - i ,,. ,rr,n iJIXAluS. - -r For strange. Wr,sTtr"--7iTrr KOI PI I Mil-... noon, uraawen. iiynt, vuiuwrn, cannvraT, t sarKHer, v.iiamiHjrs, i oor, uounii, i ourts, Critz, Daniel, Davii.Duiiti.f.eorit-.J.W.G t. A. Ouiiin. Hnrtlcy, Hnwkint, Huy W0)X ir iri. iiii l ir. .ii: ... . t. i Henre. Hoke. Holland. Holliuziworlh. Hook- er, Mewhtoni ITutc-iiiaon, Wuii, Jurmnn, D. Jordan, Judkins, Kcnnn, Kenyan, J. VV. Lane, W. Il. l.ra. J. r. I.re, aiaciin, Alarshall. Moye, M'.Nril, IVcalr, Nye, A. Perkins Rand, Roe buck, Rolierta, Simpson. Slonn, Smith, Sprllar, Spiers, Stulltnga, fSttK-kard, Toinlinson, Tuton, Walker, Ward, Wutson, R. Whitley, K, Whit ley and Williamson 63. For Owen.- Mciwri. Ailsma, Bedford, Brtim- mcll, Campbell, Clayton, Clement, Covington, Cox, Crawford, Davenport, Krwin,--Fsison, Furrow, Fisher, Firming, (inles, XJiiry, Gee, Gillespie, Gilliam, Orailv, Grnhain, Granlierry, Guthrie, W. S. Harris. W Harris, Hill, llor. ton, Hoskina, Howsrd, JeiTrrson, E. Jordan, J. D. King, W B. I.sne, I.imUay, Loudcrmilk, 1. Alattnews, .. It. Atattnrws, aiatntany, c. r. .MiUatvWJVMais.Musr Clennahnn. MiRar, Pstton, J. H. Perkins, Petty, Pink-iton, Pritrhard, ltaynsr, .Salter- thwsite, 8maHwood, X." J. King, Swift, and .. r...,...-M, P.l- , ---7rjK'X'b!tlrTROfXXRr" p ' " Received fntui the Governor-, a -c t- For VoUint Messrs. Adams, Bnlford, mun'n ation transmitting copies nf 4wt Blount, Boon. Brumrqell. Campbell, Clayton, acts f the Genrral Assenrblr of South Clement, Cottcn, Covington, Cor. Crawford, Carolina, rccenilv passed; omc lo a Daniel, D.vrnpo. I, Lamn Lrw.n, r a.aon Far- niCn ! ,he cl.arter'of the Cha. leMi.n i row. Fisher, r ietning, boles, Oarv, Ore, tallies- .... ., n n . pie. Gilliam, Grady. Grsl.a.n, Gra'i.l-rrv. Guth- t-"t'n,,a" ll;nl R,,:"1 Company H.e ri. W. J. Hrris. W. Harris, ttiil. Hooker, other, to conf.T bankinc pi ivileg:es on Hoi ton, Hopkins, HuwarJ, Jeireraon, E. Jor- a . r St' fl ! r nV dan, J. A. King, rs. j. rvtng, w u. i.ane, i I i i :tt. i,.t...... r ir t ... ""' TT r. ' . ,.r , V.. -" netr. itiauttsny; r. j. ni iter, k.j. i.nmnT, SToMcAmater, Mftnennahan um, J. TH Perktn., Petty. Pinkaton, Priichard, Raynrr, Sattswtliwsite, Smallwood, Swift, Tho- mat C2, - . For Jtfe.:ir Messrs. Ateritt, Bratwell, BvrdCaldwell.- Csliowar.-Camatrr,- Ctmti brVboor,4Jourt., Crt.S, Davie, Dunn, George, J. W. Guinn, L.' A. Guinn, Hartlev, Hay wooTnTe llnwirtnn, Jarman. I). .Ionian, Krnan, Krnyon, 1,.. A. IVikins, ' Kand, Knrluii k, ftvhvri t. Siiun wn, Sloan, Smith, Sprller, Spiert, Stalliiiga, SUMikaiH, Tomlinsnn, Tuton, Walker, 'aril, Vat son, It hair, K. hillry lluuhison, liion, 55. i Fit I.. If. Martteller. Mr. Hnwkins. For J. If. JItiwkini. Mr. Judkins. ! tLetritJature of North Carolina. SENA TE. ' ' j Turtday, Dec. 7. Mr. Polk presented a'bill To cnsare a fair valuation of land, when given in for taxation. Referred to the commit tee on the revenue. . rirc amentimentg oPthe Commons, to the bill authorising courts to change names, wera concurred in. Also the amendment to- the engrossed resolu tion in favor of George Williamson. The following revised bills were re ceived from the Commons, ami seve rally read Ihrce times and ordered to be enrolled, viz: concerning guning; concerniug waste; concerning courts of equity. The revised bill concerning revenue, was read the first time and referred to the committee on ihe revenue, The resolution in favor of the Roan oke Navigation Company, passed" its second and third reading. The revised bill, concerning vice & immorality was taken up.' On Mr. Taylor's motion, the whole sif the bill was strii ken out, except ihe first sec tion, and ihe bill passe,!, as amended. The bill prescribing the mode of sur veying and selling the1anda acquired from the Cherokees, was taken np, a mended, pa sed its thirdreading and waavjiALii.lix.JxauainaTOfSe'l. ' ' HOUSE OF COMMOMS. After the, reading of a few revised statutes, the bill to establish a new cir cuit in the west, wai taken up for con sideration, and gave rise to an anima- "a.. a a si w V Ortham. Satterthwaite, Rayner and Moore participated. The bill finally passed its thtnl reading 62 to 40, and .. .. o - . r . :,- rrnce. The bill, as passed, provides W all the Judzes of the Superior, CmirNtihall hereaflerbe salaried offi cers, and ceive 81930 per annum, in full of all datw, w,jch the Legislature ins v devolve upon t!,m. Or coarse. the &ttatf.HTrivr3f i.. i i i a .. . . . . tiotiHt Judge will have tob elected A message from ihe Sonate inform ing that Messrs. J. V. Bryan, U,tt. tea tiebate.m whim mews.. iiok. kins and Skinner are appmnU'd on', ,)m, tM and be made the special order their pti t the joint co.nn.ittee mt the n Moniay next, at 12 o'clock, su'.je. t of fitting up and furnishing the Mf. R,W)irJ moved that ihe Spea Govern n house. I ker tender, teat in the Senate to Ci,. lite rrmaitt I.t of the sitting was or- cu pied UU the fir sty stcoud ami third reatlirt' nf the h'rlls r-norted from the committee on revised statutes. SR?VrE..a ' tre Unsdaq, Dee. 28 jlJLM JtJWli J101r.jiV4,:i fj'ftlWU)5 oitiinuns.pmpusing conieiiMii ptuwiw ttttae-ttn mc titnm reaiiirg ana was rcieneu. agreeme.nt ol tn-j two llousi s rn me a- . . . . .i mentlm - nisto Uie enroiscti restnuiion trout t!ie sales of the Cherokee lands concurred.-and Mr. hdwanlsanil Mr. Carson were appointed the committee, -The revise I bill concerning Prncession - ing was read threej.iines ami ordered. to be enrolletK, Mr. Kelly presented a bill to estab- lishebaokof North CarUn which ptssd its first reading. Mr. liryan fr m the judit iary Com- n on Jhf r-sdution relative tu giving Solicitor.. r-fi Ktd - saUry. , Cone urreit in .Re, reived frmn the nther House two pro "poiTiTons to rescMid ihe joint oriferrio '' tmblic prinfer--the latter ol which was areeu m. y i ii'S'.i- ii mil uie voiiiiimilB, pro- a - f ,i. n p tsmj to adjourn on lolll inf. i;ir nVe, was nn'teretl to lie on the table. Mr. Ed wards moved to send a message -"nrnnosino. an ad iotirnnient on the fh. Decided I al n the affirmative yeas 24, nays 21. The Sen it proceeded to the con sideration of Mr. E'lwarils'rcsululwns, when itres ilvetl itself into a commit tee of the Whole, Mr. Jojnrr.in the Chair Mr. IJiyan commenced n reply to the speech horctofure made by Mr. Eilward, and after speaking an hour, he gave wsv, before he had concluded his remirks. and, on Mr. Morifgome ; - . - . . r reported prosress ohtaittel leave to i ajnin? when the Senate adjourned un4bill in relation to thrpubKcPrintini til 3 o'clt.ck P. M. ' reported the same with proposition l TTnTTctr- rx vi-rn i i nvo "iv.uoii v,w... J.Yl.t .3. the ntoikhtilders of Said tor.wanv; also .. a. a ,,t resnlutiona on Ihe subject nl n.iitl . ..' rail road, atul-an extract Irwtt. an aci e.i'" u I . . f'ns for the year 1 83G. The c.i.mtnu. iticatioii was seot to the Senate, with a pi oposi lion that the two acts be printed. 1 . ' V--,.;, r ... ".".11" "a",. ' ,f.--ts V. , "'rZ ,mIU?i. '"-rtning that Cornelius I).ud an.l fr the office of Public Treasurer, and that Messrs. .Clayton .ml Holli,.s- wurtii aic up.inicii tu auprt iiitetiu tnr election, and that this llouau ia ready ti proceed to the election, ihe two Houses thereupon proceeded t' vote. For result, see Ralrigli head. On iiiotion of Mr. Hutchiroi, Ihe following name w.tu withdrawp from t'le ntointi'n fir cotinrillor of .State, vir: S. Mi Comb. K. Turner and hn Ha vwniulf and Ihe followino: add ed to the nomination, viy.: James WnTtTT Francis l.. Iiancey, and A. llDjvis. Messrs. Ilutchisnn an I Gales were appointed to superintend the election, and the Senate informed that litis House is now ready to proceed to the election. The II ouse then proceeded to vote as follows: For Johnston Hus bee 51 otes; for Alfred Jones 53; for C. E. Johnson. 55; for Willie Perry 55: for A. C. M'Rce 5J; f..r J. Ellison 55; for Allen Goodwin 56; fur'J, Walts 57, lor G. Williamson 58:'for F. L. Dancer 5 J; for Allen R;ger 'sen. 58; for A, II. Davis 57; for W. S. Ashe 56; Tor A. McDiarmid 55. Mr. Hutchisori repor(ed; that James Watt, George Williamson, Allen Ro gers, sen. A. II. Davis 'an. Alien Goodwin, had each received a majority of the w ole number of votes and are duly elected; ami that nt other person had received such majority. , On motion of, Mr. Hutchison, fe message was sent to the Senate, prod posing that the joint resolution to go into an election of public printer this day, be rescinded. Agreed to. ' . . A message from the Senate, inform ing that they do not , concur in the a nyadmenls -of this Jlouscv to the-biH authorising courts of record to change names. Whereupon it was resolye.il, that this House insist oa their said ft- mendmentav . . , - - - Mr. , Satterthwait introdaced the louowtng resntution, ah nril TaVai a nrilat ... ..... nis tewsi wiarvg' "si u ed to lie a the tablet - Jlmlved. That ths eommitts on Privilegna n1 eeun.b. dcl..rged from .U further eonsidvstion of the resolutions referred to jjiU House. SEN AT K. Thunday, 0fe.- 9. Received from the Commons,) a mes sage from the Governor with rerUiti TJTcQtttehtt, anTT also a propos proposition to punt the two acts ol tlte Lk-s egislafure nf Sou'li Carolina which , at companied it. Aorraiil tiw and ordered to lie tin Metnminzer of South Carolina, the Memmiitxer C'omtnii.s ner, appointed by that State- on the sulijert ol the Charleston and Cincinnati Hail Read, and that the Senate i t h ar aty explanations whuk he may thiuk proper to make. Recrived from the Commons bill tu.vctwftorate lhlAutdLVaIle liaiL lioaa .uumpajijMriacii VAVnttt,if "IS Mr. Montgomery, from the Corn milteeott Propositions and Urievancel, liter consideration of ihe petition of h citi.ens of liutke, on the ground that the county court had jurisdiction of mutter. The committee were dis- . charged. II OUSK OF COM MONS, Die bill to incorporate the Coll Swamp- Ctuftpany tn tiladen ntttty, w is read ti e third time, antl, on mo tion nf Mr. Uraswrll, p stpoaed i lelinitclr. . The bill to incorporate ihe Mutual iwsurance Cotnpan v-t ; I ayrtte vtl was read, and, on motion vf Mr. Gif lia in ,Vf I crre?ti to tl.e cumnirCfie'obTil- sate Bills. Mr. Ilullirgiwt r;h prrsen'svl the petition of certain ritizrns of Blailen county, ptaving to have a portion of Cumber! and' cou til attached ths re le. Referred. Mr. J.1 W. Guinn prearnted bill to incorporate the Hiwassg Turnpike t'oinpany. Read first time. Mr. Hawkins, from the Committee of Privileges and Elections, " to whous was rrferrrd the resolution to vacste the seat of John Clayton on atcount of liis. being a Pot-mastee, reported that he committee are unable to rctd, whether the said Clay ton ia' cons;itu ttoiialty disqualified or not. On intv (ion. t!.e report was laid upon (he table.': Mr- 1 1 u tcliisHtD, frooi t he Selrci ' t iiinmittre to whom was referred the ejoreti itic same with a proposition ' strike out the whole or the bill an tit - tt K, rt a ubsiUte frp(rSetl - by the - -committee. 'Ihe substitute abolishe the oflirc of State Pi inter, and malts it the duty of the Secretary of State 4 let out the printingJVr Die two Housel, nd of the Laws and Journals by con tract. On motion, the further consul erntion of the bill was postponed until lo-morrow, and- ofdeifd tn be printed.' , A large number . tI bill, report el I- imm the commrttee on itetised Btat, utes.-were read the first,- tccond ajiii : ihird litre. ;" " ct tt'i '..': -s , --rv 'The namei of A. C. McRee. John. fston4lushve, Jamea Ellison and - Will." a,n. fj,,ry.werilwiihi!rgw nuaa - ination fur Councillor of Stale. "The following revised bill were re ceiyetl ftttin the Conjnonijiu con r r rril ng J 1 h l,foi ve fsTty, con cern i nf Comnirssionrrs of atfidailta, concern iug auction and auctioneers, concern ing tlie Clerks of the County end Sir. perinr Count; which were severally rra.l (hire times, and ordered lo be -rolled. SENATE. FrUov.'fite.'&l.. Mr7 Moye fnf rod u ced resolu t ion turns thereof. Adopted. Mr. Uerehtad presented a bill to incorporate the Caldwell Institute, in th town of Grrenabo rough; which passed its I rtt reading and was referred to the Coin mittee on private bill. . Mr; Carson, a bill to confer banking privileges 6n the Stockholder' of (h ,otitsvifie, cinctnnatti fend Charles ton Kail Road Company, on certain terms and conditions. Passed it first reading, and " was made the order of the day for Monday next. t A" message from the other house, proposing ,to rote (hi fy t'IJ o. clock " for a counseller of 8tali Mr. McCormick movetl to lay it upon th table. Agreed to. The Senate then re fused to concur in the ' nronoaitin from the other House. , The Senate then took up for consid eration the amendment proposed br me sutler Mouse; f0 xnt 0lii g gtabliauinr atio'vovr tfuiiitiai LUSVIICC -411 .nris. vide tTjat .eatjh of the vc? eujfjn Jg hdl're-ceiytfr)e aum'or'8ip50 ia fuM eompenatln, f(ir '.tjieir iwrviJea, wiik v this-xrtmli lion,' however, that gl00 shall be deducted for .every Couftlher-. fail laknlil Tk. a.M.. m.m, - .... .v .iK.u uiiviincsr. riag with (hiss edarat, i dere4 irstructing the Jirduifcry CommitesiV- t to enquire fnio ihe propriety of making ipHy rompensalion To ahcrifls for holdir rlcctinm for G.vemor and making re-'' : y t

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