... IU1LEIGH, N. C. THUIlSUiiYy JANUAUY 12, 1C37 , A MtT A T"W s r inert .' --."-- i s'1 "- . - I;' I" . ' ' .':.vr v. ; -:-ti - '' - ft-. ;' - f: 1 'i I . St J. F f:-. s TITO HAS J. LEMAV, morEiETott ad rtiiiiHEK. 4'KMMtr- ooihlhJ loreminirrerlonrr k.aaatTeir.Sc ntruni i ctidrnl iihOaiMi" will irielljr required to my tn nir m un( oTlhe ert tubieriiion l H"e. or I ri I K T o eerf rffr fi ftef Hnri' iteiiJilire timet fnr one dolltr, iidt-lr-R ent lor ruell ontmee- ' i LKTTIM4 lwrK4r)W-hnT,lri,t''" FRCSII OARDKN SEED. . WJU.UMS, IMYHOOD tf Co. IITr jut reeeirei? Ihe f.l!owinf miorlmenl of K mit r:mit Ss, nil of hkh re of tht t'ovili of " nnnd Admiraf Heel, niv.xl - niooiiT. While Sollwi . F.fH nn targe While Kail Curled Sea . I'orpU Mr Inn Rreen Cilroa Mimele Wnrltcl lWe Kr' York ' IKe.Miuk. f ' " Ri)er loaf ." I -on ij Itlanil water " June Vtlle 0 t"-r Wrllinr'01 n,.li.h Krl C. T. Yller DmmSea'H ltlg Srarlrl "While F.lranad rjnh Itarty fJll Cjirre lAle Rat- Yellaw Globe Sa ' ,-. " Whiter i;. l. Tomaia Ijirte Bed Partle j IJonUle Curled . teti j ultra . -rt:-i. ' KUi d "faniit De Mil. a ' lrre Cow Crrw f'nrled ' OnliBnwer Karly " Madiera .. Vtianin Family I'wmjiJiiB mmn NnrlnlK l.wteGloWe -TJtrr Carrol lnf Oranje IVrn HlonH Cellrrr While Solid flrova . V llean KrW Cliiaa " HrruRt . Y.L!ttE4:ot,. re-Lone lee ci EailyFrame I ! F.ni ljr Wathintaa n,. Lluitrr " " June rt Warwlek ' " !aii-M Yoodrortt8rXia turn ' Ijii'Ke June M Wbrie Marrowfat " Dwarf or batr . ' 8all (Jherkin it lli nee Ire - Imperial Supi'--' )naf "m " Pauioa or hi it - Attn vi " Early Sileaia X IUle'xU, Jan S, 1137 Prunt to an order and decree of the Court oi riiu4iy ior w i". t herlerm, IMS; wtll be Hold on ihe premi, la ' the hijheil biilrter on velneiiay, me m nay nf March next, en a Credit lit one, two and three xeara, lt1i rnlerert from ihe day of tale, ... . . t i ' .' 1 1 . . w a 1 reel ol lann Belonging is in atvi o inn. 'I a lett Yaneet. deeeaaed. t tHualed on the eulb 4 aldwof fitn Kieees- adjnininf Ihe landi f An-. . , drew JIarriaon, ana oilier, eontaming twelve . hnndreil end twenty right acre, mor ' :y wahoul two hundred ! filly aerei of which are river bottom. The plantalMin I diviiled into , three ihilli, of iiiffieieni eitrnl to work SO hand )ta advantaxe. The cleared land li h i high . Palate of imtirflvemenl, and Ihe bottom land i i t itenivelr ditched. The opland la hie8r ia ... f wondi, and ot tba eery beat quality of Tobacco f ImmI. It will be told in one entire tract or divi--i; i ded a y. be deemed rood advantageou lo ifcoia coeerno.v . .. . .... , : Pertoni wlie may be deriroui of makiig in in '' t Vealment in uch property, will not meet with ' .anotlier Opportunity of like eheraeter. The, Unci will be exhibited at any lime b Dr. 1 ' II. M'Aden who live on Ihe premier. a: f flond and am'miMed ,'uray will berrqnired L l the nareluuer or purchaser, and the title I eimeTry-wttl be Witiied Ultlit lba bor of ' Jab purcttiM money it piki, , y, Puueuion will be given n the 25 ih day of December I &37, and every facility afliurded for !1 - - aowinr grain in the latl." i ' ANUKKW IlnRISPJLc.Ji... . -""Heeember 10, 1 8.M I 9w ) .. i t.-; .- r;,rr 7, ,r - . . . More flew V FaaJaionable Clotli- 5t. . lata;, Vc. Vc. ' 'The Mbvariber, m addiiinn t hi eery elemnt iamd ertmtive atwtriawnt .of bTAPI . AND 1FANUY UHY eiOOliS, recently received and - s npjned, nd jol which annunciation, hat alreaily f hcWmcU ii Ihe public prim, hat jiait rcaeivrd y a further ipp' of vcu, taKy and teannable article, ennmtinj of , The rhimlile nd much worn fioatihair and . tp Camblcl. miilted Overcoat and Wrap. Iwrl " f Elernl full trimmed Blue Cloth, and GoiUhair I OntMri :iiak. f Cloth and I'etevtliam Overeoat, Fine Frock aad Im-m Coetx X Supcrlae falne, blark ami taahieaable plaid aad ribkctl (.aiaimerc f antalooni, . Splen'lid ciit Velvet, figured Silk, Satin, Pru t'in Velvetxad Cathmrre weltme Veitt.' Fm ;S!nek,:;hd " f (liJacK"'!!! dt e Crav!," i r.icgaiu Kum-eiaiiie ii SDipeniieni, Wenno hdt4imhwooi Shirt aad Drawer. I 'Having alto a toll anpply of new and firet rat . I Clolht and C'unimirrre ol every cnlnur, and be. I ing convenient lo Tailor ni eilahli tbed reputa I . linn, teatletBen lr ed near, can be updied J . with approveil and laiiiionable auila en the abort f 'Sji.eat nonce, j ., The Honorable Member of the ljiiluture, ! and 'rher grnerally viiliing Ihe crly, are re. - J pectfully mvhed lo honor knn-hb.a (it. anil 5 ilne hii ehatte and brilliatif rlnnlay nf rieb Ifcimatk Katint, Silk. Chatlie, 8nnt tnia.a, , i Merinoet, French Mudin a4 Cam brie Oh, e rnet aalin, tilk and aasrin !bawl and Urea llandkercbiel, iplendid Belt, French worked mutlin Uipci and Collar, hi tee. i bring fully periuailedthal upon teetng and intjiectint them, J they mutt pleate the moat refined and deUcal ' tate, and being withal Chrittma tiraei, and vioile an appropriate neeation fnr the etereiae of i"'i-" feeling" nf berieralenee-, a-feerbte nppnr . lunity It now preaenlwd lo the generoa and Irb. F era! hearted, of treating tbot that they love neat at noiu mow near," with nannanme new year gittit and though not imperishable in their na ture, yet, lhee token nf reaped anil generoii Iv, will lend io ttrengihen ihe affection, aad in dellibly impreu, wiiU grathnd and love, ihe mind i end heart of the amiable and aeeomplitli etl recipients. 1 - ' B. B. SMITH. Raleigh, Dee. ft, 1136 ' I 6w , ,y BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! $ '-.' eVO MISTAKE!! ' 1 ' 7t.fXW vol,, of Foreign and A meriean book for . vale, at Ihe North Carolina Oonk Store, ami an . donbledly com pricing the (reatrtt varielir to be ' .iT" ,ny "ld iab mvtit in I be United States. " K Vk """ "art, nf Uf, Medical, i!Tln:?r: laical, MitaelUoeou. and Rlaak vli!!. rJ."Jl,m1 " -approved F.dUin.l .IjlL r"". SpneA and Ger- '"' ' 01 ,H ! lind ia W. Tork K 1,"?' --Nnhera m.rket., an4 1 Nr Mm'. "" eent, w aliall U akl. Vr f1''1" ur; liM of baaic-M, at Tbe , - -V !. . -. ' . j " State f North Caroliua, Crl tfuPlea and Quarter Setatmt- Ji : j. Kirrr BlX Por Oriziiul lUcLnMDt. lo wed on Land. .', " GUeon Dm. aricmiani, v.uiran iiatft, w pn rtlitirm ni init Slattf it It therefnrc ordrreil, that publication mH in mm pttblio noMner,fMHill' in Ih eiiy of llNleigh, for aia wrrk t, wotily inn 1h aaul liui. Kipirar at-our mxi mhiI) etxirl, o be teld forlUecouul)-4)f KaU,al Ucoit4ou k KaalivUle, tm the areond Mondaf of Kebrwry next, ihen and there to a.r oalo the lamiiff, Kix 1'ortia, in the above ease ot allaahmewl, at, ar irtlnt.iit final will h eti1iMl nnk.tiiiii kiM and I lie Unl leeied eoaderaned lo the payl mem oi lui nana, at. - ; . ; .. . Wi neafl. Artlmr " hitnrlila clerk of our said mtrt. al nfflre, in Kaihvilre, thil Sad iay of ember, A. II. 1136. iAUI'HUIt VYIIITFISUD.C. C C. -lw Stale of IVorih Care(inn, Nash Colntt. Cvurt f J'lrat and Quarter .S'rm'me .V- j vernier Term, 1835. Blounl & Battle n , , , . r j Caaa lery on la a 4, , ' i'- i. j I Scifa, Ac. iaaued t l.anlierry ick, and . . . . i i r i t i me iirira bl lav l Johft J3xiai,.admra. h v---.-. ; " ofJai. T. Dozicr, dec. J And it apefinjt to the Coan, Hut I-eonardj llor.irr.onr nf the hrir at , i nn retidral I fihUtwrtfik-r lion le maile in the k)eiirl Star. r, for ix wtefci, nolilving fiim,llie iai.lI-eonr.ll)iitiir. lo appear) at our nrTl emnl e'.oi i, to be helil fnr the .... ' i. l M..a ., .tl .n...l..... ; w..i..iii I the teeoad Momlae ja February jwaCaftdheoitJ Mi4-it.vmr-iK7.1rzL I;r.i-.:H'-';:1:.. J .T.V' , .1. T fltatink.-lialied member flu. t .;.Lt... leud, he or .iudemeiil finl wHI 4m entered on ..... ...... ..?t ..w,,. ,,..,. ,,,, ,m, and the land teried on, enndentBrd lo the aatia- f m l inn of the line. WitneM. Arthur VIii(lrld. i!nk r,t ...A T5iiTriloffi.e:Tnira.E ccniuer, a. u. iao. A. WUU FIELD, C. CC. w State of .orth Curolina. ,'.. ..,-.. Nash Col. tv. , Court of Pleat and Quarter Settitnt ,S vernier Term, 1S36. ,,T ,. . Jukm Dozler, adm'r. dcc. Petition to aell land, vi. I lo latiafy adm'r. Sat. Heira at law of Jamra ffm lo...tbtJejraat. T.Doxier, deceased. J law, dec. ,. ' It appearing lo ibe Court, in thi eate, that 1-nnaril Dozirr, one nf Ihe ilefrndanli, i a noa retiilent "Of (hi Slate; it Uiherelnre eidereit, that publication be mtile in die Italeigh Slar, fnr ix week, notifying him, the laid redard Doxier, ft appear at our sett county court, to be brld for trie eoualy ol Wain, at the enurt-iiante m Math, ville, en the aecoad -Monday of Fehreary net I, Ihen and there to make liimirlf a piny ilrfend ant to the petition, and defend, fcc. or th peti tion will be heard ci parte, and Ike prayer granted.- Wilneu, Arthur Whitfield, rleik, k. at f fi la Naihf ille, title S.lrd of Drcembev, IJI. ' A. WIHTF1KLD, C. C. C. SC0TL.1A") A'ECX EM ALE SEmEVAKT, The public arc treat resiteeifiillv inlbrtned that Ihe examination of the above named Semi nary will lake place on Frily, 18th intl .at the resilience of the subseribrri at a hiefc lime Ihe l'arentt and Guardian are particularly In vited to ttltnd.-i. - - - Th exerciser of the Imrtitulion will reenm menee on MooCav the lfiih nf Januarnrit. em- der the direelion, as herrlolnr ol Miu Howan. I ui .new iuia. . nana. pi jnew lot a, will Uierintend the Mutie pepanmrnt; , The Inllow mg will lie the course of itndiea: Reading, riling. Geography. Grammar, Siirl-.-. r. : . - - i . . . . . . . ung, uniiuHwn, nrnnme"n. Ancient ct .Mon- ern 1 11 story r lUUory T Hte UnHed State; fttiet oriegiOfalnr Moral and Intellectual Philnsnphy,' Natural Theology, Element ot Criticism, Chemictrr and Botany, t ... ...,.- t i . ror tbe above braachei per tessisa, of 5 months, JtO, ,. i,e I .at in. .. ' Drawing, S Flower Painting, g Painling'in oil Colors, ' ' ' lit ' '" French, to Muiie. j ' Board 17 per month. I.RM. L. PARKF.R. V Oih, 1S36 l 3. Boardins: School for Toting La. airs. ' KLrrx; WEAH PITTSBOntCGIl. The exercise nf this School, which have in. closed foe the second seasinn ni (he n recent 1W willli resumed nn th 111 ni Feiuvarv MtVonde the snpertntenilence of Sti' C. if, Jones and the tnl.m ril.er. assisted by 'a lady in every resnenl suitably qualified. Tlio f it bjta strnioflfie year 18.17 will close on tlici IStb of July, inctnding a short vacation. The second aetsioa win commence on the I Jth ol Julr. and terminate on the t b nf December. The sehnnl ill be, as heretofore, strictlv nrKate m its character. No young ladies, eieepi those resi. dent la Ikci immediate vwintiv or so neat ihe school as in be considered under the immediate care nf 1'ieir parents or guardians, will be tier. mineii to board m any lamtlr of wbtrh a leacl.rr is not a member. An arrangemenl hat been made with Mice llnlme., aiili liotn a lailr rnnnecled with the sehnnf reti.let. In accnmmoilale a an.all notnjier of )ttnng ladies wHh bnarit. Terms tr hoard and tuition,' ?t per esion, p.yable in Htlvaneer tuition for da sebolar, $13 fnr alt o- vee t year ol agr 3 Tor those under lustiwetion in the ancieat Wcimees and Math- ematie. will be give when desired. Book and Stationary will be lurnithed lohoarilet s and day sehnl rt at the lowest retail prices, . Music 1 nd l)rawUig will rorm separate charge. The servieet of aii additional instioeter in Music ha- j Ing become necessary, one has beea accordingly pitrritle. "I he servirn nf a eentlem.n wh i. "K'"T rc.nmntenueiirTiaw lieen engagefl or I lie neat year, (iB,u) van lit give mtirnelion ' reach anil German, which will alia an scparal charge. . W. II. IIAUDIN. Pkisbormigh, Dee. 15. 1836 I 4w. STRAYED, ' I FROM the subscriber. I mil east of Rsleixh, .eep ehetnnt sorrel horse, a maii Mar m hi twee Ins bins, and about a vaara oi.i thi..piiag , ilMaVftntlblM Mllaltaawtana caa .11 1. ! a State) Bank of lYorih raratu. ftirtvntnt la a Kesolwtioa) nf The' SinrVklH... al -..-I r- Wfnr the Hart Monday in November next' , tlth - Vrilr!rriU tr7l-.'M S'cldr. -jtrr .,,JlTTf,rgoir r .j- fW.h, . , itf M person who will deliver ..id bo? at 1,-i !i. 1 "? VI aWJ .7?! r tu "m?' Hutchm-., five mile can or KaKigh ,iewed,vn this apei t, it , is a falfnt rwmir,f,.ALuEKT "UTCfllxS. committed to the Legislature, for the ueeemner si, ltafi. . A -r - . , . - , ' ' .,, , V , : . . mf 1 proper use of which, tts UKmbers will M Ihta llank at slux la, mg..!.! .Imemgeiai-ar shall ,-je made, protlUcfive of DividcMi of Capital or Profit.-iiepowt,, 'ffat and lasting benefits to the people, Notc. i..ned by ihe Principal Bnk or 'it How it can be most advantageoulr fcrm'r. .I'..TV'-r. PpUed lo the accomplishment of auct, :. Th. SnbterUwr oflWnfor nld T O 6W. - JIIOR PJAA'QS, of erj duo lone finiili, . mKi Yw-iteort,ijdchrFt;CiiltjDgiy -fileirf, Jn, .S. tS7 . if , .,. . .. . reirM, ! tAr nt Vf VlLuAMS,!lAVVVpobfclio. 'n..U 'JL JU.'LJ..!... J-affggBBgWBi Fayrl toville? Iflnrkrt rmfrrr 59.? BBmn; - - i (j -g nf:i.'amp Coffee 124 a 14 I oaf c ' , y . . ,j ' . , 16t 18 a SO; na on. p lom, , v 80 a 85 Tobacco, leaf, 3 a 4 Flateeed, ' " I 00 i:Hton bjrg'j. 16 a 25; ft) ! Bala Rope, ; 10 a I2i rronr, Iron, 61 6 ;WUeat. MoImmi, Nail, nil, Sugar, liroi 4S a 7 Whiakey, 7 a 8 Wool, 3j a 10. 8al2 'etrrabnrK Jilark4t January b. vyurro, nauiniK ucnnv, , ., Tnarc ja iiO. in quality. WiUiTi4B- gtWTHileman d receipt - arj V quote: Red, 1 SO a SI 85; White, $1 tO a 2 1. Ti.vm Familw;'f) f- Superfine,' 10 J." wifWaBa!!. . iuj lewnanseiw 'The l.rrMature of Snulli Carolina arlinnrn. tmonr hicii e notice one to amend the r) ," il,. r.harleat-n an.l Ti , ' ,-l,r,M,-n "J C "d Company, ami another lo ncinnaii Hail confer Bank.: l aiiftiUtdto pioce 1 immediately o Rl- eigli, to Uy Hick act before oar lx-(filalure, ami to tk it .concurrence tUorin. One millioii if lJlarvnw'weird't work, on of llie Pliinfi ir up me riiimui riina. Au.M,,,.cnnereu lor torgelowR.i .no a i-xrcaic ol. capital eraoled lo th btale Bmk.- , ,7- r - -.- -- Sixty .iWuaaai dlkra wer appropria'ed 10 the Collrjre tor buildihg luioiher Teu en.onXnlr!b"r-v H?"' P"rf h,'", !?ok,i ic- $7000 f ir ImprovinR th. navlngwilon nr the' i -er- 'i 4"'XISierity of North Caio Wateree Wvee 1000 fur Lynch'' Cretk i Jmmi, a the drain uporiier capitxi &aJ fcc. fce.f ny j ot. fprotlactive labour, which, fiat been iu Tlie GoTernor of South Carolina ha been Projret for a aenea of years, and called 00 by riha War Deoarimant jfueSoo which hatbeen rnaib accelerated wtth- miliiia, to pr ieced loFlor di ilieeommand of wnom iiM oren conicrrcu oa Maj. Hart lee, a memoer ot ine.ivejpaiaiure - - v.:jta Terrbl lkmtter The Steam packrt TTnTpTiin wfilch ha been for tome time in '.be ervice ufibe government In Florida,' burst her boiler on the 19 h tnst.'U which nfleen licet were lost, includin t. iltrook and Lieut. AlesV ; Mackey, of the armyi Mia Brown, daughter of Co'. "Irownof the ar. my; and 12 person belonging lo the beat. As usual, th accident happened just at the boat wa about to atari af'ev a aboil stoppage. Sixteen peraons wereed. Dr. aJartin of lb army, after th explosion, gave up bis puce in the scow o a lady, ami Clung to a lojf unlit relieved by another steam' boat. The Dolphin wa under contract of Sals for f 10,000, and wtftHtrdi by government at MOW per rnon b-$S000 ts mturcd on her. 51artirr VTf Bttren.- tht Vice ' Presi dent, & President eect, of the United States was fifty-four years of age on thefiflh Station. Cm- Harrison uli fatlifin tht fttld. A lanre number of the neonU of Ktim. eraet county Pennsvlvania, have again nominated Gen. Harrison for the Pretidenrv, .... -5' 10r lijnWi-S-V was rouoea m ine suwdrot jwancneer of a trunkcti;itainine tf26.000f of wnic'i sriV'O" uelongeti id tiie 'Hank of Virginu. AH the trunks on the stag; were rut off bat air, found etcept the one which contained this money, A reward of 85000 has been offered. KEPflfBT r t . . : The Joint Select Committee of tw.nlv,. werc appointed t inaulr4iit th beet in- veatmentof that portion of tli 9orplua Rev, noe whi-h U1 be received by North Caro- j liiia, tinder the provisions of ihe deposit act of the lust session of Cotigre, and to whom were referred variou propociUon relati to eitrJi iavectment by both ileuses of th Gen te eral Aasemldy, ltav aUeotiveiy onaidered tlie tame; and " . , . T,"" T. , report, ; . ' I hat the thirteentH section . of , ,he act of .Conp-reRg "to regulate the ile- positesof the public money,'? declares, in Buusyince, , inaiaucn tieposiir. in the Treasury of tlie, d;flVrenr States, shall be by. wav nf loan,,ant. nor as ab solute gifts. lids provision,' your committee believe, should not be who!- in lite lr overlooked jby tlie General Aem "m f iV !nanJ nisposl'ion fit may make of that portions! the publip Treasure which is allotted to this State, 'They ... tJ .t ;. t - ij tf ' " , ' P"." T ' ?i''V"'' ' M rB,cu " ,IOftn ", most uucrai character, Which the State mar never be renuired to Wl nd which, it would b.8t unreasonable to suppose, will be tic- manded by anv exiiencr oftheFeder- cw. ' - 'tustlv be held accountable to their con- atituents and rnunlrvt tinlesa. in tlirir ..,.'.'.'. M . .5. . . elu, JB0r Committee, have expvrienc ed much lifficultv ia determining jttmes. and in other 1 couhtrleiTjai been jexhibited j titvising tehemet for rait- ing the reTenuet ACtuallj necetsgrr T-r f aMAiifl n.l k ntmUakl a. ilia ok A- I U orwDlerrret PttlY freed frora detrf. hiif wim an lociiwts tmiij cxcemnr n- acea.iiiea'bf Ooverninenl. the .Ce'r.lw..S u" Za'.S.:?. :i"W f wblc!UtJtUwurd.4ju public DeneOt, .that but little liglit on the subject of tbiii reference, can ileriveu ffoi) tlie htatury o( the pat. "Amwit tW' wUtHMriMta , ulaaa-.4iJf 4o.' veatment referred to theiit, jour coaa mittce first considered the pr piitiu ol certtin bin king and cao.it cm pa nic in Nw .YM and New Jci icy. to b HYouf tlie fund dtte to thii Stati and ar , uiunimott in the opinion, tliut t!ie proposition should not be ac cepted. , The great advantage to the Stjtos, whicW were contemplated hr passage uf the depaaite act, con i aiti(l nut in 1 111 recuiitt Bl inlM-eat un Hhi' lami'anlrttktw'tTlo them'rbu't In' tlieltluVoixfrTeta: wKcS"' now 'ri7U"ih";r: renewed life .md vigor whiui would be! imparted to their ioduitry.and enter-1 prize their physical and mental im-j pro v e meat Jjy ad-ling . o uiaclt o 4 be active, capital within their limits. Every. Thousand dollars of auch tie piUa,if ued t active cpUai will fuVaiah. employ went. .to VM thouaand ii wiart wortu ol inrlutrv in tlie conn- try where it i ue. That encourage- . . 1 J ol t ie ritizena ot our own State. iu preference to t!ioe of ntlier State, so far aajjt cAwjj-j'r?-" l"-!i'g- under: the control of .J.Iia Jezia llature; an I that this m.iy be done even 1 . . . . I la'ure w:.h1Ut a diminution ..fill- .nn.l r,, . f 7 ... r 7 . , 'r . fit on- uch fand,-it invctted abroad. your c,:" wittet'. .au ppot can ; hardly j jidiit of qjcitjoT. The f, take tliis oocatioa to .tuurk, (hat in ilnfir' op.io- in fcv, thort tinni. To aay nothing of our contributiont to the Federal Gov. rejrn men tf bu r a" pttta hi e "bf which h a ever beeu expenoed within otir Jimtts; the large sums of money whick are periodically sent to the N th to aeek permanent employment in stocks, mer chandize, city property, and otherwise; and to the South and South-west, to be laitl out io lands and alaycs, have had a like disastrous effect ppou her condi tion, though not to the aame ruinous et tent with the absent t dim of the land ed-proprietors of Ireland, so much complained nf in that country. By a iiidiciogs n of the mean, now in oar ands, this course of impoverishment may, in some degree, be arrested) and the ardent and enterptizing of our own peojjlerny" find aITi their xcal and energy, Another objection to such loans U, that the -proposed -borrower t are" not u nd er. tbe contrtjl.oC ourLcgisl at ure, nor amenable to the jurisdiction of our courts. ; Vour committee believe that the boon conferred by the act of Con- 6"" po' lj worthy of our accept- ance, if its only effect shall be to make North Carolina's a surety to the Fede ral Trptanrtf fnr tli Tl..nba rf Athar states, she, receiving Jur uch jnati- kancctonlr :the; interestron: fJe aum iIhi, gecure.l. while all the advantages f tbe use of this vast treasure, are to be enjoyed bf ' the citizens of other aiaics. vi r i , e v xour iommiuce are also oi opin ion, tnat no portion ol the public l- Kimtes ttinurit toe applied in aid of the ordinary revenues either for the aup a" . I a. w . . ..' a " . i ra . . . . . riinniv nil rnnuai i 1 1 aa n rninarv istbi Iev,etl fOTtJieae USS, are far from be- jing burthenotne to the people: and by a pr.'ner adjuitmeut of ihe valuation of taxable property, will yield 'a' sum! .tiutic a great as ougni to ue ti est red. I It shosld moreover, be borne in mind. that those Govern meiits have been dis tinguished by ' the greatest purify of an ministration, ana nave longest pre served the blessings ofliberfy, in which Uierjg'rernfn'tMwvJr; no 'matter liow constituted, lias Weo dependent for its appnrt,'ort ' ahfiual pecuniarj levies from the people.1 To exhaust the sur plus revenue iri maintaining the current expenses of governmefit, or to frltterlt away, by a (Ti vision amoh?;' the several counties, to replenish their treiturie, in the manner proposed ,by a bill refer- reiiuy the House of Commons, would be not merely to com prom it the o the fttatf, But to interrupt, lor. a 1 interrupt. time only, the regular operation of the sjsieni oi piaie laxanon, anu io uisap. point the just expectations of our con stituents. Your committee, therefore, return said bill to the House, and re commend its rejection. " ' '' , Your committee have also, beea in structed to enquire into the propriety of devoting the fund in question, to the etfablishment of a hew bank,' to be nwnetl wholly by the Stated ,- A por tion iif them are confident in Ih belief, that tlie establishment of tuch ar) jntti lution, would cnntraveiie that provision or flie constitution ofthe Wited States which declaret that no State ahTt e mit billt of " credit, Tanl which they are informed, has been 'judicially ex pounded, te extentfto any paper medi uin'issued bv a State.for the purposes of common cTrcu tation. ' Independent Ij f the argamcata against tht f xptr Uiencj- inch a bank, which have beeo f , . P . , i Knv r..,..t J wtrti x.i.i.t . .. cetfatdllr maaawi a ItAnk t,.nn I aOre of Tk lenderi wltirk mn.t i-e.rrt. be. late It bimfte4. accordin' to the ni. '...!.! - r. . .V n . " rrae' UoVfrnin apprapi tatiwna made by Ctoi'i eai and even the movement f inditWIuala ol that bsirlr.'frum'inotifes either piKinn or nitriotic.' ' . ' ' " ... AHeiinlfireroalb2'''objeci'' of ap- prnpt-iauoH, to Which the attention f your coinmitiee ha been called by the direction of the Lcialature, are com mnn achnoU antl ' Internal Imnrnv. - j inent. These, yoar committee reco;- ' ni'e it firal in i.nnnrli.nra mimit u ronae of tTie public) and butrTor the fiduciary character of the meant' in their po'ssesjiion, they would meet lent difficulty 4ledrc4tin the hide loud immediately and irrevocably to theae purpose. They, however, propose to devote -it to thetit; whilv at the tamf time , it aliall be o invctted for the pre sent, ai to be capable of recall wiih- ouJLi!:retJncon.viaueice Stale be rerjtiired to refund any part of the loanl 'fliey are aware that pub lic opinion is divided on the queatwjM jjijjji J0t4ewiitr Uf -Intemai Imp. are. aaetjo opera- irovvwii( h toe. meHH i tranaporia--tiii-i, xhould b first patronised.' S nne of vour committee were inclineil to theTfipifllttn," Ihir the wbolo cliould be ex;vnded on Internal Improvements! life ll.. kl thai nr..!.i. .. .V ..u in liic beltel, that opening new avenues to wealth, which are accessible to all classes of the community, would dif fuse Jhe means-n J the disposition. for uWalion. Jujm exlentajiaut eq,uaJ to wive? appropriation for public schoole claiming the whole at a school fund, as tlie only mode in which, it can be mule, to. benefit equally tbe whole pup. ulation.s fln deference, to this conflict of opinion, your committee hitvii, been induced to recommend that our whole 1i;ire of .the surplu revenue,' shall be devoted equally to popular i-ducttion and Internal Improvement, that that partwhich it appropriated to etluCi tion,' shall be' added to the fund for common , chools,f now esistingj and j shall be ioveated for accumulation in -j Dank stock, by increasing, the capital stock of the Bank of (lape Fear, to one million five hundred thousand dol lars j ; in wbicli, there shall be subscrib ed, of the school fund before mention ed, four hundred-thousand, dollars of investment, because at a general i prevalence of , tlie opinion. that -our present capital it ton small. Titev propose, however, to remedy iHe-ir- convenieiires of an evcet. houtd tine oc c ti ?,by" a pro vi sto n "I it "Ih e a rite u it ed charfrt'for the reduction of, the' capi tal stocks tof both the Bank, if it shall be found too great fir the real de mands of bn sines. They also believe that this disposition of the addition to tlie. cho'ol fund,ean !'tSteVU'te nonucauy ami prouiaoiy maue tu the Banks already in existence and in full operation, than in on e owned exclu sively by the State; not to mention the objections already urged to ait institt:- uon oi tne latter ciiatactcr. In all mooted transactions, your , committee suggests, that experience has generally proved, that individuals bavin- an iri terest in the adventure,' Jiavef ealied greater profits than mOre ngent,' Jie proposed, nvelsmrnt in Jiunk mav be made without any expense In the school fund, except it portion f lie compensation paid th tbe officers of the nanks. -1 he President andThrerion of the Literary fund,'T)y the act of the General, A tcnibly of j 825, : will re ceive the (lividenilt ot Jhc Wrrs of that fund, and re-invest them for fur ther increase, H'n .!-.. , s r ,t,;,h ,u The residue of the publie depositea. (which it estimated." at nine hundred thousand dollars.) your' committee jfe'- fie Bank of ihe Mate of North Car... h Jr Ve, xL ,,n,a'.t5 "I?" ;,f ? UrV t i practical execetiim in every pfrlYf "PlP sauT Tor fv, tunusanfl .liarc m said e,nbered. that , it it a. yet uncertain r iU . COmml 'L Mx J f "T whphf 'li'i vf .liiiributing the s.bl. of the dangers to be apprehended f SCfn pf ,) fjf f.-,.m an exeeM of Banking c.pits j the .V.ll . , and hate only consented to this mode rr.ii.ir-,l .Utt. J;n L. . J 1 digni-lcommeMd to be added JoHlie fund for Internal Improvement, and be olaoed under the control of the Board af In tcriiat Improvemen't. That they shall proceed to loan out the'lame iipiin the terms prescribed in the liil, herewith reported-that a preftrenrc . shall be given in making such loans to compa nies engaged in Constructing works for the Improvement of (he v meant of in ternal fransportatinn; but thaC no com pany thai! be allowed to borrow to an amount greater than one Hialf ol its '.A -l . I ... . 1 1 I :t I LL capital si ocr actually ( nuucnoBii vy solvent subcri6ers and that aatisfae tort securifv. eithef 'real 1 or personal, to be judgedofsbjthe ; taid' Boartl, shall in til casesj be 'given by the bor rower .The'1 President, and Directors of '' thi Board ' of 'Ihternal 'lmprove mentsVare directed, wbenever Jaterest shall be received thereon," to aiiike new loan, to at to keep the funf In a eouhte f active accumulatieaA "The ; Prett- itent anil Directorr i ' I . , .. . I t' i ll.- ? Generat , Onv.riior, Treanret and -B tgertrof - hublie wurk. arpuinte4 by tlie Leria- ' :... ' -n. i. ... . " I .J.T. . .r"""' u anagenrof cimpniation for th'u wmre, except ne iM who ii riitilled to paj foriho jii.!!5wiWMrjifni OT 'HiH emiilojinent. ,it; ;. . our fviiiinittec bettevniiat it will be in U puwer f the Boartl greatly t facilitate work uf Inter nal Im. provement, by the adoption of the ptn proponed ; while, at the aame time, .the rnd vf the Stale, will accumulate Ur future uae. The regular butineu ol Jiankinjj, reouifes luch Upredy re, turns of their loans, that hetther Rail Road. Canal, nor Manguicturing Com- pnniti, caa ubtaW fittB, heai- tht ac.' com iHrnUtron -ncstr for construct. Miff JJieir works.. Whereat, ihe dispo ailion of the fund for Internal Improve- mem Herein recommemieu, bj afloni iog lorreor-tlme for f STmentr than ir nllowed by legitimate Banking opera tiona, will eivej to tliciii all duf encnur. : agemenr.. V.oor. eonttnittee have deem. ' ed it advisable that this whole fthtt should Ihs placed .nderlhjonJoLt)L or Interna imnrnvementa. rather than that the loana ahonld h made by the LegitlalurerTor threawoav tion 1 in this State, & they tiesire that th itninodatimis which mivbe ftfrninli arrotniniKlatiniis which mivbe fdrn'mh. rjLO'ie-iWJLiisfiire jneiiiitMietlf shall -be extended, wheuever itg terins . ire complied with.. A the cernoratiuBS ...1 ..... . . . which may he chartered at this session. will not be organiieeili auiLiheir char, aclci for ndvepcy will, be, id rouraf,' unknown nntil Aer( tbe tdjourement, Undefined to. be . inejpedif nlrfor.lhe General , Assembly, tdfjgDaf tliose to :-whirh aid abatl c given, pr bow far" Your committee knnwftdi weU. thaf cd bolder mcaaur- on the subj.-ct of InlernaU improvement, .or of. publie education j or of both, .than they have recommended i ht, foud hopea have been .cherjahed by patriots ia ieverr quarter -tliat thexHate would imme diately.be, blvased will) the full frui tion of those adtanfaget r which ther. may now suppose that hut a tatdv prepa' nation about M be maile., Vhe, hovvuvf rKiit reFollrcJed hal tnuebr - n i tie suujeci nas oren sgitated, even, at this day. public, opinion liaa.nor setit.d d iwn on anv.a?rat ward ,.r tnternal Improvement, to which th. public treasure, ahoultl first be tlevot- ill be. be wit of loan, orn absolute propei ty i your committee presume, . jdtat ., fhe present Ifer'J'flFf wil'sf, in oin degree, de serve the graumd f iieir coutry. i( hfjr i'lJilitajippropriaU the fund eon fided hi her, as to -Jeepcn anil,,, iden those fiiundatiotia on. which others may ere?t !!;e sgperatructore of lierhappu ns and prosperity . To carry into effect the parta burin proposed, they present ihe Bill marked No. 1. 8. A antf raemmefld-TnaTriB into u$.v :: ;.;'. '' l.r.Rel)ecffiillyauWtfl. j , . II.UAM A. uJlAflAAf, . . , i .,. ' i rvfiit.Vw yvi;v January tHr',, ' ' ' ' 14 feHlata(ure of ' JYorth I CarotivasU 'riiftilfiih Janii'afu I."' T M r. r)bar-.a- presented a rVaola'tfa in fa vr t.f the widow of the late Wm; Oilliam ef Burr rounfrj which pati-." ed iu three readings and was oidtretl to bf engrnased. -.m t. Xfj Mrt J; tyj Bryan, Vfsolotien li struetmg the Jitdiciart committee teii qlr iaio (!.,. eijndiery of repeal teg Ihe proviso it, H loth rtion of the act of i8t H.fe titppleaientaf to an act centerhrng the ? fiuprei Court. A deptrd. int .i:)i.hfahYl Mi. MrCbi mirk prtiented a bill fe' autliorJs th. county reurt of Cumber land to lay off f he publ e roade of said county inoMliatridt, Ikrt Referred; Mr. Carson presented a lull 'to' a inend the ttiiarlerof ' tfie'Lbuiaville, Cincinnati ami Cliaiietton' Bail Road Company, which passed its trtt and second readings, and was laid on th. able, ' i i y '' . i ,u . Mr. Fpruill nreaented a Kill c, ., 1 a -I a-.. , VVilv tetningthf ubl.e anns pnw Iri thear- senam in jiatetgH and ' Ftyettfiitle: Read first 'timei'i "! M'-nir., m . h as.' . S-'it i . . ' Ul ' - '' ne oiii to restore tecretiit anr per- sort 'c n vie ted of an 'inftmoos crime .: a ... . . ipssseti m secopii ami third readiogs and was ordered to be enitrotsed. ' The bill making an appropriation fr rirrjing 6 and completing the eapi tol, wts read the third time, arid or, tiered totte'on the'table.-'.!;'1"'-'' .,. )u Mebane, from the eorumif'ee ' appointed to perinfend i tie vote for Jadge for the 7th circuit, reported thtt -; Richmond 'M Pearaoa Vat auly " lecteef.'-rTv'T-T-1 .. -" t"y j? t"l Me. hi wiv '-"- - ' - f. . v-