It A LTlTGUi IT. O. WEDNESDAY PZIIL 121037 VOL SZVHXfWltf V Pi i-t-' 9 - IiAVTS OP XOUTIl CAROLINA. . rassed at the Session of 1836W3T. ;,. ' - , t " A Act concerning the Militia of this State. , - Sac 8. The following are hereby declared to be the regi--ments, brigade, and Uiyjionm of the Infantry,. U be known . . . I . , - i I . . . and aistinguisneti an nere tiesignatea. viz: 0 M Ot U "'' Jr g. 5- S. g ? 2 -i & ? P 2.' e P" . & & ST "6" 3 i s tf 1 C - 0. l K3 o-sr 4 C OB nu i 3 ! I o ..I W 9 a..$fc.' U 00 - sf M 2.i y 5- 3 r .M.ssr. 7 2 srpr- 5 9 r tr oil, N ''J fln ai 00 w - ST Ok a Jf Ji 3 2 3 O S ... r a e 5 ,.4 ii Counties. Currituck ' Camden Patijuotaiik Pcrquiinont "Cliowan"" "" Oatri Tvrrcll VVinhington Bertie Hertfori HjJ Beaufort Martin Halifax n Korlhampton Carteret Craven Pitt EJgecomba n - Naah j ; War. en Omloir 4 one Lenoir Green Johnmon . Franklin.. New-Hanover Duplin Sampon Cunilieilanil it Wake m Granville n Brunawick Wajne BlaJen Kubron Moore Cbalham I ' Aaho . Oranga Oran i-i . PerQa .KicbmoniL Iredell Anion f RanJotnh -n Guilford Caiwell Montgomery Canarriia Rowan t . Slokea ' - tt Hockingbam i Mecklenburg n Lincoln n - 8urry n -Wilkea-: n Xuthrrford - Burke Buncombe - Cotuinhua i( Haywood . Bavidaoa : Macon Cabarraa Stoke 2'a C4 1 2 3 4 & 6 7 S 9 10 U 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 .21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 23 29. 82 33 84 35 6 37 38 33 40 41 42 43 44 43 ' 48 47 49 .fiO 93 M 89 63 64" 65 68 67 68 69 60 C 62 es ; 66 67 91 C8 69 70 71 72 73 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 93 3 83 84 85 86 87 88 90- 3 How diatinguuhed in counliea when there are more than. .. . .'one RegiiiieJit:; Upper Regiment Lower da. Upper , do. L6r do. Lower do. Upper do. Eat of Raleigh Weat of do. Aorth Regiment South do. Lower Regiment Upper do. Lower ' do. Upper rdoi-- Hillsborough do.' HawfieW'a do. " " Haw River do. UU loJL. missioned by the Governor: to each brigade, one brigadier gen . t i . .m t I. - rrai, anu one ai ue camp, wim me rana anu pa v 01 major, yne brigade insnector. with the rank and nav of ma jor, tine huepiUl urzeon and two mate, and one at8,siita,njJ,tXe.pj4Tq UAKtCJ!aSrl ter general, wun the rann anu pay i a captain, 10 oe apyuimeu by the brigadier, general, and commissioned by the Governor, To each rigiment ne colonel, one lieutenant colonel, and wn major, There shall also be, t each regiment, one adjutant and one quarter master, who shall b cointnissioneJ ufRcers with the rank of lieutenant: one pay master, one surgeon, and one sur geon's mate, one sergeant major, one drum majnr and one fife major; all t be appointed by the commanding oflicer of the .re giment: and theadjutant shall, when nccetsarjrldMcjhartlie tttfttiTireWfuIiu .wfiliin regiment, for wliiclfcservice, he shall be allowed by the court martial a reasonable compensation. If they think proper, to be paid out of the finea collected. To each company there shatl be one captain, three lieutenants, one etgn, four sergeants, four corporals, one drummer and one fifer, ; The commissioned officers of each company shall be recommended by the. field of ficers of the regiment, to the Governor, who is requested to U sue commissions to fill such appointments, according to the said recommendations.. The non-commissioned, officers, to wit: Serjeants, corporals, 'drummers and fifers, shall be 'appointed by the captain of each company. . All commissioned olbcers ol the same rank shall take precedency .on command, according to the date of their commissions: and when two or more of the same,.,gradeba tra-.tUhv dlv'tsfctp, lwgade-egincn battoUigtUfcompajtyorji detachment. I he General and htld o3icm, ana U other cwitw missioned oTicers, shall reside within the division, brigade, re giment, battalliou or company district, whirh they respectively command, AffilU" pointed, and commisMoncd by the Governor of the $tate,"who shall rank as a Brigadier Geueral, and who sall receive a sal ary of two hundred dollars per annum, for his services, besides a reimbursement of his expenses, a hereinafter provided, to be fluid quarterly by the Treasurer, by a warrant from the Gov ernor: provided, however, that no Major General,.. Brigadier General or Colonel shall be appointed, or acta Adjutant Gen r al. I MeUverm)r.-wrme-4ma Jjeing-sftaiLDceniuteu to four aids de camp, whom he may appoint and commission with the rank of colonel. The commissions hereby authorised and directed to be granted to the several aids tie camp of the Gov dunhg trjejIeafeuTc may be attached. . . - r . .... .a m f . t - Src- 10"" l heitmiorm prescrtbed lor the olncero ot ine -nitedStates, shall be the uniform to be worn in future, by the commissioned officers of this State. Sec. 1 1. If uny officer below the rank of General. shall re- sign, or lad toquip himseit accortitngto law witiun twelve months from the date of 'lis commission, if a coloWl, he shall forfeit and pay the sum or fifty dollars; if a lieutenant colonel, he shall f rfeit and nay the sum of forty dollars; it a major, the suiiV4f-4hirty dollars; if a captinr4h sum of twenty dollars; if a first lieutenant, the sum of fifteen; if a second or third lieu tenant or ensign, the sum of ten dollars; to be sued for and re covered by the adjutant, in the name of the Governor, and to be accounted for to the paymaster. When there shall occur a vacan cy in tlie office of major-general, the adjutant general shall issue orders to the brigadier generals in that division, who shall forth- .i i . . i i r ai. r - i wun issue orders to ine coioncis ut meir respective rejiiuieius. to call together the commissioned officers ot their regiments at the usual place of regimental musters, and at.sucH ttme s the I . I - 1 I II 1' A 1 l.ll I I. -II... I origauier general snaw uirect, uou soaji proceed oy uaiiot to elect a major general of that division; and it shall be the duty pTeacircTolonel 1o Irahsniirtd tlie brigadier general of bis brig ade, a f.iir statement ol the votes bo polled, within ten days af ter said election; and the bngalicr general shall compare the votes transmitted to hint by the colonels in his brigade, and shall transmit to the adjutant general a fair statement thereof; and it nhalfbe the ilttty of the adjutant general to compare-the statements made to hint by the brigadier generals, nnd make known to the Governor the person fr whom the highest num ber ot votes may have been given; and a commission shall be is sued by the Governor. And if the office of major general shall be vacated by death or removal, it shall be the duty of the bri gadier general in whose brigade the major general lived, to in form the adjutant general thereof; and all resignations of major, generals shall be made to the adjutant general, and by him made known to the Governor. That when a vacancy shall occur in the office of brigadier general, it shall be the duty "of the major general of that division, to issue orders to the several colonels in that brigade, to. call together the commissioned officers of their respec ti ve regi m en (sat the u su a I . place of reyAVj.-Jind - a iuchliine a"s'the'inajif geiieralKalT direct, who shall proceed by ballot to elect a brigadier general of that brigade ;anl the several colynels shall lransiuit within, ten da js, a fair st a tement ot the Votes" given, to- trre rajr generaitwHo -ty H iihatt-be loeompM.e. muster, and when such detached sections contain a population - 2 o of thirty-six men, liable to per'innn military daty, it shall be 5 g -w . me uuiyoi me regimental or battalion court, martial, to 4ay, j S that section ott into a separate captain's ilisinct and aiipomtv 5 ouicers in the aim manner as in other districts; and when there shall be two or more regiments 11 any countv, within this State, a majority of the officers composing sui h rrgiments shall have full power to alter ami- regulate the boumlarv lines of tJrjeiinjejiijiJJ u na respect lit sani uues,, 1 1 sttatt-u-Hw4 nty l tke mimy 'Courtft'-majoHtf ritent suall spreatt the satire on HretrjoofHalaT 2nd do. outh North Lower Upper Wet East Weat Gut " Eart Wea. Fork Lower North 4outh ower Upper orlh . -South Upper (.ower North Moulh . do. do. do. do. do. do. . do. " do. "- r , do. do. do. , do. do. do. do. do, - do. ' io. do. do. do. ffcower dd. Upper do, Weat do. South - . do. Baat do. Morgantoii . ' ' Lower Creek Pleaaant Gardens ITee River .. Cany River ' Aahvilto - ISouth v Lower Upper Volunteer ' Se. D. ' The officers of the infantry shall be sTollowi! viz each iliviaion lir aliall nn tnator general, and two aids de camp, with the rank and pay of major: one division inspector, ami on itifiiinn iimrl,r notlw with (li ranlr anil MV nf lieu. Vnant colonel, to be appointed by the major general, and com- and the Governor shall issue a commission; and if the office of brigadier general shall become vacant by death or ' removal, it shall be the duty of the colonel, senior in commission, ol the County Wherein said brigadier general lived, to inform the ma jor .general thereof by mail or otherwise forthwith; aTiifaTrTre- 11. . I- I-..I. I ... .1. . i signations oi origauier generais suait oe maoe to ine major gen eral, and by him maue known to the uovernor. it, on com paring the votes given 5n lor ;'a. major general,: there be a tic, the Governor shall make the appointment from the two highest can- iHdatesiOTtrif there-1 a"t . . .....1. A.. 1 . I. tl . t - .1 : - .. ' : T-1 i I" " r .l general, me major general snaii mase ine appointment irom in two highest candidates.' Where a vacancy shall occur jn the office of colonel, lieutenant colonel or major, the senior officer in command, attached to that regiment, shtll call together the commissioned officers at the usual place of regimental review, and at such time as he may think proper; and they shall proceed to elect by ballot, officers to supply said vacancies; and a fair statement shall be transmitted by the officer highest in com mand, to the brigadier general of his brigade, of the officers that have been elected; and it shall be the duty of the brigadier general Jo inform the vetLojtJtreOf XconiwJjoji1Xuiiuni Mnh.nrcommTslii .'ATI resignations of colonels, lieutenant colonels or majors, sha.ll be made to the brigadier general of that brigade; and in case of vacancy in any ol those offices by resignation, the brigadier general shall order an elec tion as before directed, and shall inform the Governor of suth resignation. When any commission for a major general or brig adier general is issued by the Governor, under the provisions of .1" . I I . .1,:. . . ' i a tuts section, u snail De ine ouiy 01 uie aujuiani general to nave the same published in one of the papers in the city of Raleigh. Skc. 12. When any officer commanding a division, brigade or regiment shall have occasion to be absent from hi usual re sidence two months or more, it shall be his duty to.' notify the ollicer next entitleJ to the command, oi such his tntenueu ab sence.' and also, his next superior officer in command. . ;f ' Sec. 13., All officers who foye in their hands either mo ney or papers, received by virtue of their appointments," shall when they leave their office, pay and deliver the same to their successors in office, under the penalty of one handed dollars, to be recovered the name 01 the. Gov eroor and applied as hereinafter directed. . . ' -r--f. J,V r : jStc, U- -The rule of discipline, and system of tactics, which art bow or hereafter way bf approved; and prescribed 2 T t? 4 cr ft i n a. 8 r 113 a 9 JS, J -I ft .-I - 3 " -. c rr E S a B by con iress shall be. im 1 1 Rum ir hpmhr etahliahiil as me ruin ior Hie oisiipiHie or the niilmuoi tins wate, except a So n ," . r," such" alterations as shall be rendered necessary by unavoidable -, 3? 3 ? ?r:5 a.o'g n 3 3 Sac. 15J The rcgimental or battalion. courts martial of the'-T i' 2 5"s a S !? fc' 3" several .regime nU or batuit.iiis in this . Htate, shall ha ve power so to lay ottT the several c ptaiii's tlistricts, as to render it as conveni.-nt ta tho iuliabitaot. a a duo regard tSiwi re quisite number of persons lutble 10 perform military doty will permit: and they may at any subseou-nourt martial, so alter ("or consolidate their respective districts. Irs in creat nw unesJ 9 unite poriions ot -uisincis together, so as t form other and se-t 5 a g. i iaX5142Jt-?-W"9 ' I .11.. II . . o 5 aw C-T'- !5 . a . S en - 5.S E"3 C" S a a'l i US-- te.S ml s rr 3 3-H . s- a n 2" ' 2 & Se n o S.i a s. B C i - proper; ami an allotments or alterations snail oe tiuiy leronl- ar.... a f. - j,5S" ed by ihe judj;e the books of the regiment .or b;t- --5 a"j- -l'!!- " "--2. talion. When a snr&ll number ol inhabitants are-Jto.4leJcJ'.4-n- -i -o 3" 5 2. ty S. g. ? by water courses or mountains as to render their attendance 5 5' Q '.'g- 2.o'o f25 inconvenient at any otace where thev have been accustomed to 2 ! 2 '2 LS'i e'S.2 5 S. e'Scra 9 . S rr- T m "1 a M a 3 O Sec. 16. Every captain or commanding officer of a enmpa- ny, shall at least wke a yearj, at aucj placijs; may desig, of the commanding oilicen muster., train and exercise such company, and shall cause them tt remain under arm at least two- hours on every day, by himself or one of his lieutenant or his ensign; and then and there teach them the roanuul ex ercise, and the proper, cuninanr manoeuvre; at which muster the officers and privates shall appear armed and equipped as her eiii-bu fore required. It shall not bo lawful for the captains to call.JUeir iiien together without hfircunaeutor-4h--u-- pose of company musters, more than twice in each year, excepti-2. in cases ol insurrection or invasion: i'rovuUd, that this eo- actment shall not apply to volunteer companies! end provided furlirt hat-whei.aHv neMo J I i, . . .i . . .. .. t " . , .... .. . .4 . . . t .n niustcis, nc siiau oe suojeci to too same uiscipune, anil gov- emeu oy ne same rules and penalties, as govern them in their rpgu tar"nru at e rs." If nf ca of at if or "'cum ntantl i ns "offi cer r . i n i i i " . .... in a company snait lau or neineci to muster his comuanv as herein directed, he 6hall lorfeit and pay tho sum of six dollars; iOJJejgjui or any cnmmissioned olliccr ol the company shall fail to appear equipped as directed at the said muster, the officer so failing shall pay the sum of lour dollars; and il a non-rninmissioned officer or private shall fail to attend at a company, muster, he shall forfeit andpajra sum-not exceeding t wa dotWsrhVirliss than one dollar; and if he attend without being armed and ac coutred, he shall pay a sum not exceeding one dollar nor lesa than fifty cents, which sum shall be adjudged bv the company court martial according to the circumstances of the delinquent: Ve- viiled, that every absentee shall be allowed until the next suc ceeding company muster to make his excuse, which shall always be on oath, the oflicer highest in rank present being hereby au- niui ntu. ui aumiiiinci . vnc nuilic. ... Here tOinohlllKH COtlSISl pj!UHsipiillyfifitn9jeiiidiflgkUitt t o wnr and the-mos- ter ground is at or within one nule of said town, nil .fines nn- , e sr. 5. o . m m " S 1 - 35.--. 14 S m . -si- '.a -s.- 2 -1 a--i 5.7..-'. S z. er'- Jf a- -S - ' f 1 1 m , O 1 1 ST ,-. t e. "' i- - c a i o 3 -T" j - a-sr-S. r-'7 TTr:5-S,j-"'3'r; : : S 2 a 5 - 5-"".' 3 "M l- 1 .3 Gm 5 It. '3 I! C 12 3 2 5 -a 2 s.s arms, a c i S e s t.s J a a 9 M a o s Hi rt! s, ; - . Mo a2. oftn !! "a. 5v5 S S: 3 - erM a B.3" 2 X S -2. s-ft sr" 3 2 5. - &"". ". " - i a s? i s ( 5L i i 1 " - H " ft r -3 '.'2, t';ai. r""o 33 3- 1 1 -f e. g 2 - a - 5 2. 2. o. 3- g s- 55a I ' Srft "9-2 c"5" L5"t T S" X 2 is 2- E. 'i n a rr E 5" "at S 5" fc . . m .. nosed bv thia actiiMJiotAoiMftivriw-tM S r " . . ii, a ' ! ii appearing, noi ueing properly armcu and accoutred,: snail oe doubled.. . : 1 ;s .. 77 ."7 tfr.,:7i." - Sec. 17". The commissioned officers of the company, or any two oi mem,, alter each and every muster or the' company, shall on the same day meet in court martial, and proceed to try and, determine on ali-caws-wb on conviction of any delinquent, the. officer, highest in rank present, shall enter up judgment, and issue writs of execution against the gvd ami chattels, ir body of the delinquent, as in judgments in civil cases, directed to the constable of that district; which constable shall proceed to execute the same, in the same manner, and under the lame rules as ara. rsta'nished W t n i Si a m . a a tl - O- 2 a. . ATT'' ? r-l rs g3 . 5' 2 S E'". -aa S &t 3 3 K.".: -a - 3-i H ir a s -o r! E-Ts 1 - ?..ft ' ! UVlI.2l!:;5:f, s s a.i rS.'"n ST if." a 1 . . I by law for the government ol constables- in tJieir. duty Jo cbil; ?o i Sfi'i tiTi. ,-hQ & 5 Un cases; and shall be. allowed the same fees for J.U KtmtM.jHukZ,-t .-a 3 g"ri "-Sf !s..f?5' . Ti .. i. i- r t r- c i. a s 3 x a. ?o 1.5 B... S,5,5 ?. 7 . . v ST - . ft ' . a 3 ft 2 7. ' H - a- er ' i I'V a J S33" a 3 3 ' u w M m a - t 3 3 ft ? a ft ' -S S3 M. snail tnaKe nis returns to the . next company court martial, . n , a - 2 a ,5 ? t B 'Pli a rirrli t r i aili H K. . I l.aiiuai fiAin m l-mniia iiv In . ti.l.l -1 3 M n $ - IT X . M 91 S S talion or regimental court martial, but no appeal shall be grant-J ft r a - 5 S'r"5? r-5 3 " ed, unless the person praying the same, shall give security, to f a e S - - - be approved by theaptaitror presiding S g ? ;V jpg.-e-a 4 court martial to abide bv the .decision, of the battalion 4irrvaiLt3Ct .1 2 5 r-s 3.3 ' . . ' mental court martial; which appeal shall be taken iu like tnaii- neras appeals from the-iurrgnTent of jnsticcs of-the peace to the Coiintr CtirtS"i-d"sliall -be- pwrcdetl-'ott'in lit mjinnt'lr' by-the Italioni-egimentahTOBrtrTPartiat. ; 7 , ' ,' and may be lawful for the, captain of each and every military company of infantry in this State, to selectfrpin am mg liu pernons enruueu in tncir respective companies, one iiicr and on men --5 Sx 7 jT-Ta-cTjrr'?!,. 3--- -2 s I-t -I -1 ii 1 a . ri -5- ,; a i . ' ' t-g'g.-''E.g'-q " ft 2. SI r 2 3 ft ST ' S.3 r ftiZii 2 c n z 3 ;t , c c c " . -- - iia . cfa.. ra IT a. . w n w . e tlruinmer, each being properly 'qunlined lor their appoint; w"2 trtf'J.-w.i 3 a 3 T-!S'" &s, ntj which selection shall be matte under the, direaioii and ; f S !? s? i g ,-f a ,1.1. . . ' ., a a na a . .' . . . . I to tl 3 " 3 S " wun ine approuauon oi live ueiu omcers Belonging to ine regt j q g m u 5. a v ; 5 . ment to which such company is attached; and when such pelec- js ' S Jil1 r"1 iVi.ef2 a'. 7 tion of musicians is made, it shall be th duty of the field i.ffi-' 7 J.g w 2 r 0 ft - 2 cers to grant a certificate io mch musicians of their appoint.),. S" e; S-" e &3 f s'; a " .MHTjandlhe panies respectively are. shall exempt and discharge such mui- 3 g.'g.lLft iJ'a.S.; g.S.if " ' cians so selected. durinr their, countinuutirc in niiiiiiintmeiit. I S.L ; . 5 o . -1 a . -a laitm (A.u'.nn n .11 T. . I.! . I . I I ' I I iiviii niiiiis vu an j'liirh i u i woi jLinir iin ine duui c n am. . ; i m - n a and from the payment of noli taxes. Suth inusicianaahall h m- ? , '. .-Il ...l.t. .t il I aa.i aaaa m aa.,' . ft ! tr, P ft to ft H ft i movable at the pleasure of the field officers of llie regiment ', h 5"2 s 5' " ft l.-L--! S3 ff - "'- .vvi wviaau, uu ,uaii oucmi vntii sou rvei t ; a S' J- -5 a- 7 ST B 2 as a ft 1 mug net ui inrir renwciive comnaniea. ami amo ine inuaivr hi t i ' r . s w tr i ma ft - .1 ' officers, and perform the duties of their appointment, under the 1 -1 c -1 r5 J2t 'w"0 " penalty of four dollars for each and every neglect, lobe coL g.5 L,o,tZ IC Z '1 3 r ?" lected and applied in the same manner that her fines are. - 1 gJj ' t iitgX-t4!.g.?li r. -SEeri9.-"NyTVPPS(feTtra shall or- Ig. f g fi f r lrJZ ' wS der the hands under him to work on the days previously a p- . :r. t 2 B 5 !J .33 S 2 ct 1 -pointed for musters by the captain of the company in, which S 5 S - . . g 2.S..J; 5 r such hands belong. . . ,w,v,.j ;l.,; j ,5 e. S, f - t-'4. S. n 3 S" 4 3 a . , Skc. JJ0.;: 4Tlie captains shall at the several .misters.'nrwith.' g e ? , , B J- g 3 in thirty days after being required so to do. or immediately- if -m a-5 ?"' . 5" 0 .'.! "2 iia icuuuiu ai recimrntai or oattaiion muster, maae a reiuin ui a c s. 2 a iv a ff a. .. w 3 their respective companies to the rommsnding officer ol the re-1 B" 3 & s' o a- S. a 5 S' aiment or battalion, under penalty of ten dollars in the first . c 2 32- 5 3. 5 ... .! .k.t: .1 -e . .. , , . 4 , 2 r S a " ft S.r """I v "lutl, 1(1 tOC tcyoilU V9Ca a &)- a f. ICS s a." v 8ac.vSi.77 There shall be in every year at least one igi- S V s 2' 4 ": Si 3 mental or battalion muster, to be ordered by the commandaitt t.K?r&Wn&ZfP'- of such regiment or battalion, at such place as rosy have been PySj- ? a- fg:? j-g a. designated, or may hereafter be designated by a tnajdrity of the . .- S S'l" a-' 6'T All. tf 5 commissioned officers bf such regiment or lialtalioni at which , S" & 3 sj-'SU;'' g such commanding officer shall cause the militJ to be eterclscd t 5 0?.? 5 ? ft 7.e-f ? g- alleast two hours on acii dayj-,.,. ? v; .;;. 1 . 7T'-T-?2 Jl.u-a'i! 3' a&.2... aft iff foi 22. 7 If any officer shall fail to attend "at ariy review; ' S, 3. f Irft'i Tz:Z Z Z'n" regimeBtal or battslion muster, or, attending, be not armed as? a S. ZS'X 3 15 j, required by thi act, he shall, on conviction before a court mar- ?eV2,:5ft VaT: 7't -V v Sa f tial, forfeit and nay. if a field officer, theautn of twenty dollarst I ' !" Iw .-'.i V if a commissioned officer under that grade, the sum of ten dol auu every non-cviDmiasioneu viuccr or private wntr snau -af-

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