-. ' ' V V r ' - ' e (ir,r f WI "! !:,,.'.,': tt f T t we Got."- And the Judga ad vicat h .tl mJiun.t-r the fol lowing a'h t.te member of the court martuti ; , A- B. d er tkt ( b. and determine .11 the cause which may com-!f,n this cwraod ttt I iH faithfully report all delinquents that come within lay knowledge, , that T will ae. euunt Ctv all Bn.i an. forfeiture by me co'.ltcted or leceived, ' wad in all eie ' jit(rce a execution of the militia law of wBawnwig. ifi, r Yf my" VhowlrtTp nf iftint; so efp in CiHl.w TVy hH entire into the age ami ability of all per- aons that (nmt before Viam by appeal, and esemt run a may : be laiLrliiittnale'if nic"'; a'frr and lecile onll - onclir;-4 with iimiiWrsw'!!. M WetTByoflice a by nrivat;. TU 4 rejrrawl or battalion court mac- OTJ'1"1JL hear and deterinj;ie at! ypea' froia the company c!urt mart'ia, and order audfijps! "VifTatf 'fce (W buying . d.Ti us, fife, an I other invjdeiivots of sr. 'f,c uf -lue r company whence the name s1m( arise, a id fw supplying-the . militia with arnu n accoutrements, an.u kt omrr. pu,p..i V that win promote the gmd th r -of. The yulgc adyocaje shall be - UnWaiTa reisona'de salarv. to b paid ' uf the fine for his T the id eoar, 'Fur a' I fiif which, may tw iiapnscd by the court mvttaj. he is "hereby authorised and required to enter up judgment ami Msoe eteeation, which, if against cttnunissioued. . orhcert, s'lall be directed (u tin atijurani or con.iauie; u agavust noncommissioned 'mrers,or private, shatl be directed to a const ibli of the coun'v to whi- U the delinquent b-lonrs. The constable o. a Kurant hall pr e-d m ilutram anl aril, in the Sue; :9- If anr Ee;r4 lflc vr tonuiUuaiut W r. "-0ing lfif of thfftiwettiaU arP.iiV-j.C& .r f. f-'4 "2. s ? aT'S & I V$ mnt fait i reTKW hi dWUion orbrfsule,' nr'm.atferhti least thirty dat notice kluil be fcwen to the comuiandu.-t.fii- 3' 2.3. PwS '-5'-S I"5 a rerimentVorto make nnUa! retur. of hu dimion,1 brigade ceraof the several troops V The commanding eHicer .4 each i?:!,? . S or re-imwU" nW" wqwrej b law. or if aoy mair or regiment of cah-y halt once in every year, on or brfiire the 35g. J &t bfr"lerneralhallfiVtUquiphiiielf,U b the da- firat day of October, make ajuataad full relorm alter th form 3" J p 3 Z. ' E.'S S 2 t tr of the Pernor, to cause the adjutant general to give mch prescribed by the adjatant general, of all officers and 1ragoons . . j! ' fa S" 4 f. 5 2. S ?! delin"uent officer thirty days notice of his neglect o( duty; and under his command, and their -equipments, lo the brigadier 5- -ri?M i t if such delinquent doc-i not. within forty daysjUereafter, retw general to whose brigade tfaMi regiment bcWsf W hlr rgfrfrg&g? drf MtfacliH-f excuse for such neglect.; by . ahwip to the also transmit to the adjutant general, on or bffoee tJie fifteenth 7 J g-S w S. - ? a g 5 1 f hannened in ron;rnuenre of dar of November, in each Tear, a duplicate ot such returns; . 2 if: - a a c? - I 1 . ..1 A a - - A !" E w O s i C " So" 1 3 w o i'ldisn wit'mn. absence from the State, or other sufiicirnt cause, it dull ue lliatlttty t lite itovernor 10 siriKe nis name iron nw list of fiflker. Ami when the Governor shall thu strike the name of anv officer from the list of officers, he snail communi rate it to. the adjutant general, who shall have it published in some, newspaper uiilua, lhUSUU4.i8l0f pro??KUJiHfee.t.o sunnlv the vacancv. Sr.c. 59. It shulji be the dutr of the adjatant general1 to litn!iHe all or'KTS Jcfljn the commander i cmei 01 i;e ouie 7 Sitcj; 5T. " Kvery 0 lucpr, M IHe Brut roraling ln- oourt rai.w oe paui lujum.by tne tpcaaurei; 01 tne martial, after being commissioned, shall take and subscribe the S'ncral producing a statvd account of the fallowing oath, to be administered in open court-martial, by he. I. The adjutant general shall koep a the judge' advocate,' or il a company "o.'licer, it iniy be talun and dales of the commissions of each riiajo same manner and under the same roles as are established by law for the gemnient f C'i'-'sUble in their duty in c:vil ra ae and afiall be allowed the saw fees fur their services. The ' adjutant or constable shall in all case make due rrtims to (lie nextsucceeding'court martial; and in case of failure of such Aijutant, ssrgaant, or con t ib!e lo do the several duties as re vq lired of ihem by this ar1, in collecting and accoun ing for all fines, such ILitnsJ, servant, or constable', as the case may bp, ulanjt, or-conttatilc was b:u nl to collect aifl account lor, fpStk-lahyfellwvjP- of ;ihe f4yuH&v!rWtem, oieeT4vf-tWdjutants,-terg.'iia!trand-irt ra who may have collectt'd fines and forfeitures, and distribute th ftanagreenMy to.lHf TrTreclioiii lf the court martial, and aettl his accoH.As annually wili the judge adrocatr. And the psymayers. respectively shall, belore they enter on the duties -lthetffitn!Pvv b nd twi hundre I dollars, pxrable to the commanding officer of the rcg:ment and hi succesiors ii oTice. for tlw faithful account ing f ir, agreeably to law, of alliums uf iwney which mar eo ne into hi hinds by virtu ol his sppii'itnit4k And it shall bs the doty of the co tim mdingolicer aforesaid, andrr the pen alty ot twhtmdred' dollar's, to. sue lor and recover the same; by law-directed; And the several paymater shall be allowed a reajonabla compensation for their services, by the court mar tial. ; In case there a.haj be no paymsitpr appointed by the tm wawdjnlonrTfW.ett.t; .hgn and in that case, each coni--inandant tWt perforin and execuje ' tnelTuftea of paaiasier as Sr.e.3T.r'Kvery" dmcrrM ttte lirst roratrne the- oourt m. .1 a 1 . 1 . . a anv. oeioM tne conmamiinz o ncer 01 tne reirnnen':- . a. d. mi an emn'y sweu that h wil ciecate the o:lice of , accor ding to the rtl'ea of military discip the, and the 'aws of this 'State, t the Wat of m know edge and abi itr. and that I wi I aup.ia.-t the constitution, of 4he UwteilSl4ie4and f this StateI ao ho p me God." and s'so the fo.' owing oath! "I, A. B. do . awjr that I will, at the rourt martial of the company to which I bcl mg, duly administer justice and apply fines and pen.nl ties acrordinz to law, and to the best of my ability, without fa bur, affection ur partiality J. so help me God." No officer shall e allowxd to sit in. a regimental, battalion or company court martini; unless ha shall have taken and subset ibed the oaths aforesaid. -4 -! 4PSto. S2. i jf BLanyjreshnentaUj:ittBl!on, or company courf martial, or company ol the officers, there shall be any dclin rjuents, either for mm -attendance or not being-propeiiv armed and accoutred, or for disorderly conduct, proclamation shall bt tiMde-bf the raptain or commanding officer, calling the mme of alKdeiinoMients enrolled, that they attend the trial, at the following company court martial, which sh ill be deemed a legal notice. If1 field officers or officers of theresimental' staff. -eaclik44bgwey tint or the regiment or battalion, or to the-ofm-era-assembled; . and. if any officer or private lias an excose to offer to the court ranrtiaP, he may send- his affidavit, taken before-a civil magis . tiate, or produce a witness, or he may personally appear and mike oath to the cause of his delinquency and' in all' case , . whether Irom oeitlec tor failure of the officer and privates of re- gtlh?ntal r battalion musters, or eppcala from the company - courts martial, and all1 other cases of which the regimental courts martial have jurisdiction, their determiuatiun shall be ' final; " 5 Skc. 33. The several courts martial shall have power and legal authority t adjourn from day "to Tday, or to- any future . day, when it shall be the duty of the olficer entitle! to com pose the jame to attend, under the penalties by taw establish- - '-.I ; ji. i .... . r;- . . 1 . . 1 . .: the unfinished bliness of the ourt maybe acted' upon. If -therelHHildiwteaflrciefltnmbi -journmentto Cjnn -quoruuv thtt-oHicer ordering the same shall aave power ta continue its adjonrnment.- ... , H?acr4 It-shatV be the doty uf each commanding offt tn the i several corns, toattend public reviews if renuieed, wiiejJ,iCoramanner 11 cniei oi ioe oiaic un micw mc m fitu or any" 'parteTco'to obeyIor"dirs" to carrying into execution, and perfecting the system of mili tary discipline estabJUhetl by law; to furnish blankrm of ..-1. r .. . 1 i' .i. '. ililivrent retain thai may d requireu, anuioespiain ineprin- ciplesopoii rlnch thfy snau be maue; anu also, 10 lurnisn blank for such returns; to demand and receive from the seve ral officer' ir.f th- different corn throughout the State returns of the militia under thir command, reporting the actual situa tion of their arms and accoutrements, and their delinquencies, and eveey other thing which relate to the advancement of good ordvr and djcii)line. All which the several officers of the divisions, brigades, Tegiment and' battalions, are hereby required to make iivthe manner herein directed, that the adju tant general may- be duly furnished tlierewilh previous to the biennial meeting uf the (general Assemblv. From all which returns he make proper abstracts, and hy the same, with a report f the general . tftMlhC 'ary store, and such improvements aahe miiit" tln'nmMify' for 4hfrlvacemCTr4fea enmalfYrrothe tenTiil Assembly; orto-the cnmmandertnxhiet of the State, who is renucsted to lay th same without delay, before the said Ass -mUly. r And the adjatant general shall al o, annually make a return of all the militia of this Staje to the President of the United States. In 'failure of which recited dtftir; ;he shnH"irffer the forlowiTig-finiprantrpenaltiTsrfrrTiot attending all public reviews, when required by the tiovernor or command, r w clnet ol the Mate, tilty uoiiars; lor not lur nishing blank form, as required by this act, the sum of ten lollars, lor each neglect, to b- recovereil before any jurisdic tion having cognizance thereof, one half to the me of the in former, and the other half to the use of the State; for not dis uibuting all trrders fromhc command erin chief tf the State, or for iwt making returns as required by this act, upon con viction of cither before a general court martial, to be ordered by the Governor, he shall be cashiered. The said adjutant shall be compensated for the expense, of all lhe Wank forms of returns necessarily prescribed in hi department, and the postage of all letters to and from him in his capacity as adjutant gene Tal , Jii be paid toliuhliy the twaiureti of the State, of the adjufah f c same by In in certi- roster of the names ibr and brigadier gene ral in this State, likewise the counties under each of their com- mands respectively, designating therein the numbers of each . I l I t - A 1 11!. uvision ongaue ami regiment, re.niy at an nines tor nnmeiii ate inspection;-slrall at least once in every three years transmit js-copy r -tHs-rst. certihett by mnr, to the rresnlent ot the United States, "to the Governor of this State, and to the Gene ral Assembly. And he shall from time to time make report to the Legislature, of what shall be done by him in virtue of his appointment, and accompany such report with such remarks as iniy by him be deemed necessary for tire better regulation and improvement of the militia dicipVine throughout the State. sec. 40. If no immediate opportunity offers for forward inj orders or return, the certainty of which ensures a speedy ilclivery thereof, which ran be easily ascertained and' proved, then it shall be the dutyof the officer issuing the order, or mak ing the return, (a the case "may be.J to lodge the same, proper Iv directed, in the post office, marked on the back "public ser vice," under which he shall write his name and grade; and a return thus made shall be deemed sufficient and good in law. of a regiment to elect and? enforce regular settlements of all fines eolleoted-'ander the militia lawfVom the several person harged'wUh the collection-thereof within his regiment; which fines shall be appropriated as directed by law, And it shall be the duty of each captain or commanding officer of a compa jiy. to report, in writing, once in every-ait month s to-the com tuanding officer el the regiment to which he belong,, the-amuunt ef fines amssedin bit company within that period'.-' ' Sac. 35. Every commaifdaiit ' !of TTfglmenTrahdlf at once in every year, on or before the 25th day of October, make I pointed by the commandinr officer of each resiment. The irn to the brigadier generaf of the .-brigade to which sucfi I eontssitneit officers of tmops of cavalry shall be recom a return to the brigadier generar of the -bngi regiment belongs, and shall transmit a duplicate of the same to the adjatant generar, on-or bftre the fifteentlt-day of Niiyem ber, iit'e-reryyear; at the bottom of which he shall reporr whe--ther or not Kis regiment was reviewed by the major or brigadier general, and at what time. " V ' Sao. .3$. ,i It shall be the duty of a major general to review bit division once in every three years, and a brigadier general to review his brigade oncc'in every two years, the several corps "composing the division or brigade to meet by order of the re tiewing-general by regiments, at such time as he may appoint, and at the- ouol places of regimental masters in their rpec tire enuntfes: It shall' be the duty of the major and brigadier generafs to give fifty days notice, by order, t the tommantr. ante of their regiments or hrigailes, of the time of the review, previous to such review taking place- Any mafor nr brimdier general failing to give notice as-above directed; shall forfcit ajd Cy lor every oaenee, the sura of lorty dellars. to be recovemf fora any JoTisnction having-engn'tance thereof, one half th the ase of the county in which etrch reenveryi had, and tfie other half to the me of the person airing Airthesanse. v m " Sao. 1 57 The brrgadier general of each briaile nhall mate- retatr-t of hif brigade t the major general of hi divlaion; on i or before the 10th day of November, in each and emy year, and shall transmit a duplicate of the same to the adjutant gen. aral, on or before the fifteenth day of November, in which he chall atate when hi brigade was last reviewed, bv the mai Keocral of hi division. The major generaf.shall make a return J beeTW"fre"dfi'tiyorihexourts of justice, against any gen eral or field olficer, arising under the militia law of this State. Sac. 42V There shall be in each brigade ot militia in this State, one regiment of cavairv; there shall be to each. regiment of cavalry, one colonel, one lieutenant" colontT, and one major; tube appointed; in case of vacancy, by joint vote of both house of the General" Assemblvr and commissioned' bv the governor for the time being. And out of the militia enrolled in thfs -tate; there .may be ft-rmcd. out- of each battalion that has a separate master, at leasrone troop of cavalry, to be form ed or volunteers, which shall' be unirormly clothed in regimen tal at their own expense, tin: color and fashion to be deter min cd ..by-the field oTicers of cavalry of the regiment or battalion t which they belongr to each "tVo6p"6hecaptairiV lv'0 lieutcn ants, onecornet, four sergeants, four corporal one saddler, one farrier one trumijct cr.au d a a less than tweut y-fuur dragoons. The commissioned officers ' to- jfurnish jHjweJjoiititywt. hftfieiVIs one half hands jbigh,.to be armed W4th sword and -pair -of pistnls-rthr frtilstffi Tir1 which sTiall and at the bottom of the same, shaJL state when his-eegiment or the several troops composing it, were last reviewed Oy the brigadier and major generals. Site. 45. A majoiity of the commisioneir offuera ot each troop, and a majority of the commissioned officers or each regi. menU,imjnediately.after,tl)irMpicijv musters, shall hold troop "or regimental courts martial in the aame manner; and the 'charts shall have the same power, dn ties and authorities,' and shall be governed by the same rules and regulations, as the company or regimental court martial of the infantry hcWin before prescribed; frcpMed, howtttr, .(li4Tlhe'detrnqaen tal parade, shall be heard, and cvflier owed or excused at the troop Court martial next succeeding ach regimental muxteror review. And the troop courts martial shall make returns to the next succeeding regimental court martial, of their pro ceedings, and of all monies by them caused to be made, to be disposed of as herein directed. ec. 4o. 1 he fines of the officers, non-commiss oned offi. cera and privates of the troops and regiments of cavalry, for not holding musters, not attending musters, parades anil re views, or not being armed and equipped as required by law, Khali be the same as h-rein be Hire prescribed tor oltirers. non commissioned officers, and privates of the i.ilantry in similar cases. Seo. 47V -All fines and forfeitures incurred bv the cavalry. officers or privates, and not herein particularly appropriated. shafl be applied to the purposes of first 'buying trumpets. and then at tlie iTispo to tiieMSse" pal dbf 1h e" freldThd "StafT blic : M,"a nd nor pai licula iiy a ppros- priaiea. suaii ie equally iivtuii among tne troops composing me regiment to whch they repsetivW belong. All other fines and forfeitures shall be appropriated and divided at ihe discretion of the regimental court martial, for the promotion and advance- ratirfflitaryTltsTtp11tir'' Sec. Aw. rt shall be the duty of the --adjutant of t!i regi ment to attend" the regimental parade, and receive and-cxe-cote such orders as the commanding officer may deem expedi ent; and the said' adjutant shall take an 01th of ofce in open court martial, and, from time to time, call upon, and bring' suit against all delinquent captains, and other commissioned offi cer.crbeloW the"grade"or captain, for fines anil penalties bv them incurred, and which are not otherwise specially provided for in this act; and to receive and account for the same annu ally with the paymaster of the regiment, for which services the adjulanLgiialLbg aljownd a reasonable compensation, to be paid out of-the fines so collected by order ' of T'iefjmrT nTiirtTafr AndTih case any -'alTjufahFahall fail to at lend and 'perform his duiyaTfequired Vy this act Tie shall forfeit and pay t'u sum of one hundred dollars. SEc.49;,'I"he futlowing, sections of this aeh in relation-to the infantry, are ll.-rehy declared to apply to title raValry, to wit: so much of the 12th, 1 3th and 39th sections, as relates to officers under the grade of brigadier general, also the. 14th, 15th, 26th, 2rth, 8th, 29th,. Sfst, 32nd, 35th, 40th, 41st and 42nd sections. - " ' Seo. 50. No person shall be commissioned' in any troop of cavalry, unless the number is such as shall' be prescribed by this act. And' when from default of numbers or otherwise a troop shall no longer be entitled to muster as cavalry, it shall be the duty of the captain nPinfantrr, in whose -compmy dis trict the members (P guclijiroop slialf reside, to cause them to be enrolled in their respective companies. Sep 5t. That out of the militia of this State, there may be enrolled; as-many volunteer companies of artillery-, light in fantry, grenadiers or rifle-men, at may see fit to form them selves into sucli; ouch company to consist of forty-four pri vates, four sergeants,, four corporals, one captain, and three lieutenants. Sr.c. 52. That the ssid companies shall he clothed in regi mentals, to be furnished by themselves, of their o n choice and fashion, and shall attend battalion and regimental reviews, -2 ' 3 ?15 2. - 5. . " s 1 5 X' clt is "i e e 5 09 n . " 3 x 2. 2 n 3- ss. a 2 015 2 3 . S ? n t n 3 2 2 " 2 t mm 3 m. . - . ' SJ LU n --Zlz.fi , Si o Z i J 2-jf 3 - A 2 X -I 3 2 cr a. - e e fm m. mm. 9 1 S. C 5 t e CI ta c if - . ix 9 5 T: s S- 5 c ',: a o. f 5 5 - T. -1 a T 1 Cue 's - -r iO 0 5 o 2". -j s. 3 - - m - o 3 3" 37 ."3 t - -. - rr . - I S n .-.--.5.3 a, 5.i?r -S-2ciii . m. m I f : " ft. w 2. F1 s II 5 "1 2 s- 2 If 3 ... S 3" !? Jt 3 li 5 Sc . c - ; 5 S ? - W z's? - -' " f -5 - I - ' -a 1 n 5 ?'3 ? 5&5--f- 2. 5 n c-3 - Sir- r 53- 3" r '" -. r. -c 3 - Z mi -t C u. mm, m. M t -1 3---. - -w-g-g --- J -J mmm t I . -, J I " W 3 - c. ? 0 a. 5 ' 5 s Z ?s. 2.rS s r - &5 2.-- s- 0-.. -(jas--oc Si-c-sr' 5 I T Lil? S - ? V2 - S i 2 3 2 e- o i ? 32 3. n er a H t : r ? -r i - . i3 . B 3 5 a. 2 5- s E, -.: ' .r 2. J-5 rt 5I?k 5 5 ? s - '-7' h 1 E-tV- 2 2, ? -f ? .-, 1 ? -13 1 tz o 2 ' " is s. 5.-. 2 J I 1 ? 5 J'-! 2. J'S i E-sJ t 3 "Fasf r C I I . r-r m- m - , li -ill,; f s J See. 41. The governor for the time being, is hereby au tltorized- to mirigate or remiajl fines and f-f-5rS-fft5'5-S' . ! - ? r- 2L ? s - 5 r. - " - - " r - o 2 -a - - c 5-..s. s v 5 n .3 e 3 A e rt mi - H - I gt w "5 - S"rt 2 e T t f-. V I , OS t -mm bTorered wittriear-iskrn; and eachTlragoon 'shslt furnish him- self with a serviceableHmrserat least fourteen and shalf hands hih, a good saddle, bridle, urvast plate, cruppers and valise, a pair of boots and spurs, one pair of pistols and holsters, the holsters to be" covered whh Urar sUin; a- sword and rartoucli box, to hold twelve cartridges JW pistols. And the field offi cers and commissioned officers shall reside within the brigade, regimental or troop- district in which" they respectively com mand.. There shall also be to each regiment of cavalry, one adjutant, one quarter mnster. one pay master, one surgeon, and mended by the field officers of the reximent to which ther be long, and commissioned by the coventor for the time beinj. 'All non-commissioned' officers of each troop shall b appointed ny the captain 01 such troop. All commissioned oliicerS shall take rank according to the . date of their commissions; and where two'or more of equal grade bear the same date, then their rank shall be determined by lot, to be drawn by them be-f're.lhe-xouunandio2 oflker-of' the regitnrat-tOE vrhiolrihey belong. 1 "':; ;,J :"r ... " Sec. 4.T. Each troop of earatry shall mus'rr at least onceinev. ery three months, at such time and place as the captain-or com manding officer of such troop shall direct. And it shall'be the du ty of the captain to- make a trtf return of ilia troop to the com manding officer of the regiment toswhich he may belong, on or before the first daf of September in each ami every year, tin der the penalty of thirty dollars for eacH neglect. "The troops of cavalry, when: attending-the general mooter of. the regiment or battalion of infantry, aha'l" be- under the1 command' of any .fioid affieer of the cavatry, if present off parade; er-cepl on re view darn, when ordered "by the major general, ailj'utantgener- gl, or brigadier general r an4 at the reviewing of Ihe regiment of cavalry, when onlereifbf the colonel thereof, the cavalry shall be nder the command of the ollicers of the.rarairy only, ft- cept a general officer shall be present on parade. " ! ' Sr.c. 44. It shall le Ihe duty 01 tne neiu omcers 01 cavai- every two years, to review the troops of cavalry rr; once in enmniiiv iKwIe renectie rMnment. at some blare most con of hi division to the adjofant genera, on or before the annual I venient in the brisrade. fti be designated . by a majority of Ihe ;ev(-n of the uneial AsaemLly.. .- t. ;. . .!comixiisonel officers of ihe regiment, at such title 8ahe com4r8ignati(, or otherwise a county, or commanding ofTtcer of the regiment to which th y . mi. ..... . . . r .... . respectively belong;- s'lall be subject to Irs orders, liable lo Ihe same fine- and1 penalties for Ihe non-performance of military duty, misdemeanors in- office-, or dereliction uf duty, as ll'e j inuitia 01 tins state now arc or may hereafter 00 60bjectea' by;1aw; " , w . .. . .'.:...,rr..;.-.. .., . Sbc. 53. That whenever there may be a 'sufficient number of volunteer companies in any one brigade in this State, to form a regiment, containing as- many companies as five, the commissioned officers ofsuch companies may meet together at such time and place as a majori ty of them may designate, and proceed to elect-" .mej uity of said enmmiitsioned officers be ing prescntjl a colonel, lieutenant cnlonei'and m.ijiir; the result of said election to beertified by the senior officer prcseot at said meeting who slvill also preside thereat! to the briira'tlieir general iif said hrgide7wlioS:"du re-f sul t beforftUlur GoverjMWjiWia lri- Ot 3 3 ei - -. jr. o- s c 2 ' S Z. ? -a. Jsrsrta. n -1 5cr'025-- 3 a s o I X n f 1 . , v a, B. 3 ? S. s 5 rt - sr ?c2-3 -Jfi; - rt z-Z 3 HS .s.S,S. I 65 M-r? 93 29. a!S'Ve3Z",.K 2ij-a ... g. w s -S .-J :.,. rt 5" rt 2 ? rt 5 e 9 ? g. " ? E.'"f. e n -. a 5-rt.rt "s .,S' VSl's-f'S ?3 rt 5.3 f c,!T2; rt -.rt ,5.S .:-. g,.-SJt.S -"3-. "SrS'Jrt's-rt, ST. 2" - af" r 2. 3 -. r m. 1 3 rr ? c t a si'onjtQjhe.said'jnicersi Sec. 54. The captains and lieutenants of saiil romnnni-s -1 shall be elected by a majority oflhe members rfh'eir" res ec- iitc cuuiaiH, anu me nin-cnmmiHSioiicii oiircer 01 k.iiii companies shall be appointed by tlie commissioned officers (lliroi . . ; . , Sec. 53. The captain or commanding officer of each com pany of artillery, light infantry, grenadiers or riflemen. ha1l at least once in three months master their nv n'at sa- li time a such captain may direct, and at such place as may be agreed on by a majority of the companyj and that eaili of said compa niesmay adopt rules and regulations for their own government not fncnnsTstcnt-withthetSw Ihd coh of the United States. . S.o. 56i Tltat whenever a regtinent of vo'unteers sliall be formed and officered, as herein before rcquired.it shall be iheir duty to mate annual' returns- to the brigadier general and adju tant general, as i. or imiv be. renuired to be made bv the fi.M officera-of infantry or mifitia, . ' Skc. 37. mat no person w-nn now is,, or shall hereafter procure himself to be, enrolled in any company of artillery, light infantry, grenadiers, or jrifle meii, or' in any volunteer company; shall be permitted to return to the jmfaitry, except bv he consent brthe fib Id officer of, the regiment, or by removal out of the county, regiment or battalion, wherein su. h rer.on was'enrolled; and it shall be sufficient for any person to be en rolled and approved by the captain of snid volunteer company, without theinte'rvention ot any other officer:, ProVr rifrer thtrttt, that any person enrolling himself with any captain of a volunteer company, shall be subject to perform all the duties and exercise in the infantry, ami under the officers thereof, unlit suth person so enrolling himself shall fully and complete, ly equip himself with clothing and arms required and Settled on for such' company; and V certificate to that effect procured from flie captain with whom he has enrolled, and produced to the raptain under whom such person so served before such en i-ollmeot, o-vJiis successor in- office. Seer. 53. henevcr there may be formeif a retimcnt of volunteer a herein before provided, it shall be'tbe duty of i e eommanding officer f such regiment'trt review his regiment, as often a the colonel orxommanding officer of infantry tiiay be required to do by law. w rt V i i ; - ? , . j?r.o. oy. .1 nat whenever a vaejticy shall rtrrhf bv death t-i x c 3 w X e1 rt. J3" e. p -EJta ...2If..3... ...a. , --rtg--- 51 2 . 6,31.5.? r s t c (i 2 2. a 1 s . a. s C -r- T t -S O 3 O 2.6B t n - w 3 S3 2 r S "i. ? ST 2 3 p. t-. tm ': rt n e ..13 IL j: , 5-- g rt a- o ? H.; . ar ra -; s ' 2 3.. OS rt n- S- 3? e CT C 3 1 3 . S 3 a. - rt as c - s - S ' Zi rt n rt a g,-- mi- rt 5. rt S.jrt; - e s -t 3-m a Z, - 5 ? e r-St d f a-"" 5-3 - .' s n rt 2 c 2 - e 7! ; e - rt Z -j , s rt- S.?S 53 rt rt 3 ' e n mm. mi, S. - - -.-7 rt 3 c-rtt55,2 er 2-!.JS l 3 tr3-ff X3 3.2. - 5 ft 1 2 5- 5 ? 5 . mm " ' 3 - 9 a" - . - i v mm- c a a ; . 3 . t a". 5, 'if. 3" e '.9a5'3if Ik.' ; mm--. rtT , 3 ST " 3. X rt f- 32s ?' ?? ?0 f he cas ,Iu Je4 la nut y