v v-.":. !---. c-wt. T"T -SVI" HALEIGXI, WEDNESDAY," APIIIL 19, 1037 VOL Z2LVIIX. NO 17 LAWS OF'NORTII CAROLINA rassod at the Session of 1836 '37. rncHicli .Statute; ----- ; militia;. L'onchtJeJ.- .. . . . ..rt'mit nnriialitr. favor, or anWtian: -and rou do fur ther wcr, that jro will not divulge the sentence of the court until it'shsll be published by the. proper authority, neither will yoi disclose the vote or opinion of any particular member of iess by a court of justice. in due course-of law; so help you Go I." ' And the president shall administer to the judge ad"vn cite 'the fallowing oath: "You. A. H. do swear that you will faithfully and impartiallr dttcharo;e the duty of judge advocate on this occasion, ns well to the State as to the accused, ami that you will not disclose the vote or opinion of any particular me ho t of the court, unless required t give cvidenre thereof. a4 a. witness, by a court of justice, in a due course of -law' nor livu;e tits sentence of the court to any but to the proper au 1horitffntiMthi'l be du'y published 'by the auuj sj he p i Jn .a Tim iiiilva mivn-af nf anv en-trt mirli.-i fiiuli,. I .' . , V. W .HIJ..'- . - - luti-d according t the provisions of this act, haii and may is: s;ie a suimnan. in the nature of a subpoena in criminal rasi-s, e'454tSrwTn'''nrt', '-'nmwn witnesses lor the sTateani'nnT ibe bnund --tn'M4eilAiul,gieAUd(Ue.Jbj:fi'j,.jhs CQurt .martia'i. otwIeVtnf i''ieTed, in an action of. cebL, belbni a .justice 0t .the peace unless the witness can prove liis inability to attend. Sec.j09. Ajl wit wosses shall Jm awornor affirmed by the jtid-ra adrocaU, fore fliey'i ve trieire w Jen nil caseV swear (or affirm, ns the case may I?,) that the cvidenre yon will pire tho court, in the case between the State and C. D., sh!l be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but tho truth: scThetp you Oi);!.". Sec. 70. All triil by c-nurt martial shall ha carried on in the day time, between the hours of ten o'clock in the morning and fi ve o'clock in the evening; and when the votes shall be called tor on any question, the judge advocate siiau begin with the -youngest in commission, and proceed rciu-, l-irly to tlie oldest. And Stan c-ourismaniai,uniessiwoiiiiru3 of tho members agree that the accused is guilty, the judge n Ivntutf shall record his acquittal; and all courts martial au- tliorLsod and, appiSetTin pursuMce oHl this State, shall have tuu powcT7arro-jnwtwytrw. or !er during their session, and t may imprison in the county jail, for thti space of eight hours, any and nil persons who thill,, in Iheprescnqa of the court-martial, behave in a. dis- onleHyund contemptuous inanJ)cTJ.ji ; Sec. 71. It shall be the duty of the judge advocate, up on all trials, to state impartially to the court the evidence, bith for and against the accused, to take in writing the evi dence both for and against the accused, and to minute down tho proceedings of the court, all of.which, with the judgment or santence of the court thereupon, authenticated by his sig nature, and that of the president of the court, with the pa pvr.i used at the trial, or copies thereof, certified by him, he shall transmit under, seal to the officer who ordered the court; and all motions aud objections to evidence, wlt,ether on the . part of. th'g ,gat(i;grJhjO,cctijied. and the opinion of the judge advocate on questions of law made at the trial," shall be stated in wiitinffr and4he statement of the cotni-laint and the defence shall be made in writing, so that afultricwpf the trial may -be had by the officer, whose duty it is to ap prove or disapprove of the proceedings; and all the original procaedingsaud judgments or sentence of all courts martial appointed according to the provisions of this act, after having DeJn"Sppwrcd or disapproved-by th ofheef ortlering4hvm, shall by him, as soon thereafter as convenient, be transmit ted to th a ljutant general of the State, to be deposited and preserved' in his office, and the party tried by any court mar tial as aforesaid, upon request by himself or by any person properly authorised, at the adjutant general's office, shall be enmeu in b copy or uie original tecuru, citiiiivu as n Tatdro1nh"er6cWdings ing reasonably f.r the same..- - - :i U . iv Sec. 72. When any officer shall be arrested, and noti fied to attend any court martial which may be ordered for his trial, and shall refuse or nefflect to attend the same, the said con rt sha'l take up the charges and specifications alledgcd azainst him, provided he ua9 been served with a copy tiiere-l1n:d:--pTOCCiC(l,,tb'.tiial ia-lhe-gaipe'-toaiwatNaa-i-tf lie were. jre'ent. . ,.'.- . ' ' .;; v . . . - s iSBc;3. If an lierson hall' w . riitljr, ."sty.'ar altcly ,1'bffiforft, ,ny ,Cft,ffrt martja1loi!!5Sd coacerning any matter or thing cognizable belore sucb court rnirtial, he shall on conviction thereof, be liable to the pains and penalties of perjury; and ia all cases, to delinquents and witnefses? oaths and affirmations shall be administered bv .the j'idg? advocate or presiding officer of such court martial. "&r. 71. Dishonest or ungeittlemanly conduct in air offi cer, shall be punished by cashiering and disabling him from ever holding a -military commission in this State. rr Sr.c 75. Upon any-'requistion of the United States for a detachment of the militia from this State, it shall be th duty of , every captain of infantry to enter upon his roll, all able bMiea free white men between the ages of eighteen -dJftrjjtfiye LyearSjujejccept such as are exempted Jny the sec ond section of the act ofTJongress "orone ihousaildeven hundred aa i ninety-two. and except the Judgesof the Supe rior Courts of law and Equity, and ministers of the trdsrwl regularly ordained, within his company district, and they are -fcityclaredto.tthf!f!t to- draft.- ProvidrJ,- that noth' ing in this act shall be understood to subject persons hereto fore exempted, to rerform ordinary militia duty: and provi- ded further, nothing herein contained shall be construed to , conflict with the provisions of the third section of this act. Seo 76. It shall l)e the duty ol each captain or com manding officer of a company of militia, detached as part of tho requisition under the authority of. the United States, to receive ana enrol in tne place and stead of any person draft ed to serri in such company any able bodied Irea white citi zen to serve as a substitute for such person sodrafted. Skcv-77. " If any commissioned officer under the j;radc of ! a field officer, appointed to command in any detachment from , this State, under the authority of the United States, shall die, t r?si?n or .remove out of the regiment towhich he belonffs or; .may belong, it shall be the dirty of the colonel commvidant! , of the regiment to which such officer beloneed, to recom-! Jnend a proper person, resident wiihin the bounds of such ' reziment, to be commissioned by the Governor, to fill such vacancy ' ""v . ,'" -Seo7S. States or of this State, he shall not bo liable to stand a sec-, the printing of the Acta and Resolutions of the General, ond draft until the whole of the militia within his company district snail have pertormed a like tour ot duty Assembly, passed at each and every session theref ta tei out also, separate and apart from the Acts, the print Skc. 79. When militia men aro ordered out on duty in inj of the Journals of the fenate and House of Coin- aid of the civil authority, either to guard a jail or for any her'pfposeTaiMlibaU agrctably to orders, each man shall be fined at the discretion of hi3 comfiany Court martial, not exceeding' five dollars for each day he shall fail to do duty. ; , i" Skc 80. In all cases of insurrection among slaves or free nersons of color, cither in anv county of the State, or in an. adjoinina State, or in case ol invasion, seven justices of, pint .i ' i - . ... ... . I l.ntl. uie peace, deeming tne emergency io require may, Hi.jneir discretion, require, in writing, ol tlie commauilingollioiXJ"' officers of their county, to call out the militia under his com maud, and any volunteer company or companies in said coun ty in the absence of the firld officer who is entitled to the command to suppress or repel such insurrection or invasion, or, to protect the inhabitants of their county iroirt the danger apprehended; and may ognin require of the said officer tn dismiss his nie:u when thf'yllnnk the danzer the commandiriL' officer may lismiss in like manner. Skc. 81. It shall be the duty of the comniandin? officer forthwith to order out the militia in the way he. shall judge best lo effect the purpose desired' ho may mako such, con irjti.may,;tluk the requisite ammunition, and appoint some onea commi-sa. ry to pfovtde tTiW rfecossary rations for the SHlisi-oncaof the iofinSJufm iefric'ef nnf MiiMIatily nnslhe Jischarrt3oI.: the men, the commanding officer is hereby cmpo'vi-n d to dis pose of any surplus ammunition or provision for th benefit oflhrState erly certified by said officer, and forwarded tothe g tvernor and shall be paid by the State, after undergoing an examina tion and approval by the governor, treasurer and comptroller, who arc hereby created a board for that purposu ."' Sec. '82." Tlie commanuTiuT'officr of ntiy regiment, cs soon as he has called out the militia, tufder the provisions of the 81st section of this act, shall immediately send an express to tlie briga.d'cr or 'major general ol his brigade oi division, informing hiin i of flint fact, and rrf any othcroflieial faclsKeinny he in possession of, ui:d c ontinue to do so from time to' time: aud the brigadier or major general shall immediately apprize the governor, cit'ier by express or mail, ns he may. judge- the emergency requires, of all the circumstances; in the m"!an measures ibx.rrDclIiniiJSuch invasion, or supprrssuia: sncli in suirecion; and the iiMfitla thus i called out, sliaTrbe7ormcr ac cording to law. : Si:c, 83, When there may be outlawed or runaway no groesconimiuing depredations, rr in any way alarming the citrzensiorany cotintj', or'wlich the ' guarding of a jail is ne ccssarj', three justices of the peace, certifying the same in writing, and requesting the officer in command of their coun ty, he is hereby required to effect the object set forth in said request of the justices; ar.d the expenses of said militia, so called out, shall be paid by the court of the county, who are hereby authorised to lay a sufficient tax to pay sai I militia, at the same rates ns the regular troops of the United Slates are by law now entitled to when in actual service. -- Sec; 84.- "The-tnilitia of this .State., .both, officers ancl sol diers, when called into the service of the State, shall receive the same pay and rations s-wlien caHed4nto4he-service-of the United Stales. Skc. 85. Every officer who shall refuse or neglect on call or alarm given, to appear at such times arid places ns shal be appointed by his commanding officer, shall on con viction before a court martial be cashiered, and rendered in capable of ever after holding a military appointment under the authority of this ,Statettfnd Jkj further liable to pay the sum of forty dollars, to ir collected as herein directed, and if a non-commissioned officer or private, he snail forfeit and pay the sum of ten dollars. If any person do not march against the enemy when .commanded, by himself or substi tute, or refuse or neglect to do his duty or perform the ser vices he'is requested to perform by his officer, or quit hia post, desert ormuiinytusUalL aud. may. jiejawful jbr the commanding officer of the regiment or corps to order a court martial for the trial of such offender. The member when met, shall individually, before they procrcd, take the foflow ing oath: "I swear well and truly to try and determine, ac cording to the evidence .of tho matter before mej between this State and the person now t be tried, so help me 'nod and ahaitj-nn irial antj .coaxiction,. order punfabmettiLlhe .ofTt'o.;; mons; and the manner of lettinar out the said nriutinsr shall be a follows: The Secretary of State shall give in"onahle- iKiUce.nd -Tereive waled petaakr rt w ri- ITMS i S & as." -2.2b g j-lT I) ia r m . A im o . C in 1 fil - S5 M0T4 " unj-, i.ir uie prinun aioi-esiuu, unUe r such rules and reg- S 5's? o- illations as be way prescribe. s 2 v-r-C ?.a LS " E "2. " Skc. 2. Tho Secretary of State shall also let ou., 2t2 1 4 Z S ? g 2 to the lowest bidder, by the printed pajre, the nublie 5LC.S " 9 5-f2 2 2 5-" , tirr wliicfrall-W iuirdau sIb-SLS ? 3 S riitelyV dunn (he session, in the manner "piTseribea in" ' S-u--a-Sg'--e-g.'5.g.ft g-a ; , the foregoing seetion, uud eunimunicale tu the General fi 2 lis g P H. 3 J I ? o- ' Assembly, on the second day or their session, the name a S1 o 5.g 5s S'S'JJ ?3 , of the person or persons with whom the said agreements 1 2 Is5 3--5T T a ". 2.3 2f . . ' - i m a . CB e"a e w " " m orpersons wilh.whoro the con- ftj 2. 5 aL 9n 3 gj g 2 V . wade, shall give bond, payable to; S : 3 q o ,5- 0 S. a 5 a or one thousand dollar n each . ft t &Z ? ' ' ' imt seeurltv,) eonditionetl to peiS S 5 5 & 2. 1 "". , 2 3 r 2 sM-s 1 a f s h g r v -: ' "" uie iiiiiL-,.Mn;i 111 uen iiiuiiiier, as biian uc prceri- 2 2. . C. 3 t ? s 2 M n. J? & law. The bonds, and the sreuiify to suid bonds, 5" t" - S.? f '? e.3 5 S ?' 5 s; 0 accepted and unmoved btthe tloicrnor, and the "c . 2-.a"2T r.--r- ' S'SE.'S-S bml.mM 4U a sr ft .2. "E. w der, according to the articles of war estalJished for the regula tion of ihe armyi'-iVoried,4iucbpunishmenl baJlj!i.oJLejtend to sentence ol death, except in ase of desertion to an ene- ahall be made Sec. 3. The person tract aforesaid siiail be the -laje, in the sum enntrau, twiiu annrov form faithfully the contract so iiuule Uh him or them j I .1. i' 1 !-M .. ' I .11 I. -. nillllll bed by must b tme-shnH shall be filed in the"flhat of the Secret ar'v of hlalc. 'Governor, nil thei propusulii which' shall be'mudc to him for doing the printing aforesaid. - . .EX''A 'AbSELr'L-iil. j 0?ictit -number of tin Jouruals orcaeifstQSo ply each ineniber I hereof with one copy, and 1 he oflUr of the Governor rreunrer, - Secretary ' 'and Ucnnpt roller, and the Clerks of the tounty Courts of thin late with each a copy, and one other eojv for each of the c'.crks'wfj the teneiitl Assenililyj n kucucient nunihrr of the nets passed at each session, to serve each member of the ucn eral 'Assembly with one eopyj also one eu;y for cieh of the publio oflieera and clerks as aforc-aid, one copy utv eiieli Judge andiderklif The one for ihe AUorney General and eaeh of the-so!i4toi-i). one fir every clerk and master nfequitr, nnl for everv juKtiec of the peace and sherifFlliroufiout tho State, and one copy or the public laws lor. the -executive ol each Stale andTVmtor Sec.'G. The public laws tdiaU . be printed- separate fronfthc Taw9lrirpn7atr between the public and private laws; und there hhult iiUe w'ne, be printed, in tho margin of cuch page, the .icarin whieh'the law Were passed.' The printer shall alsoat- t aeli to the ueTs orilie General 'APlllblv Uie tttittf tAenf of Ihe revenue of North Carolina, agreeably to the Uoinp trollcr's statement, and an index of the laws. Sec. 7. The fecretary of State shall, within th'iriy days from tbe rise of each General Assembly, ftiruish Ihe printer with complete copies of all law s; and. the clerks of each -house shall, within twenty days ufier the same time, deliver to Ihe printer complete copies of the jour nals of each house; and it shall be the duty of the prin ter -to have such laws and journals of each session prin ted j and when thus ti n ished. and add resscd to 1 hose: en t i tlcd la. .receive them lo bo parked up in parcels for each counly and diirvereirr wlthin nine y days from the close of each session, to the Secretary of State. . --''. -"- ;.V5.-?-;- Sec. 8. The Secretary of State shall employ a trusty person or persons, to carry to the clerks of the several County Courts, or to some person in his behalf, the co pics of the journals' and acts of Assembly hereby dii'Ot cd'"(o1ediiili'iuOT can.'i'i - v . v ., -' .. Ki .j,' 4 Sec. 9. The Governor; Treasurer,' Comptroller and Adjutant General of this -atc,v are authorised to have printed for their several 0 liters, aucli blanks and other necessary printing as may be suitable and proper o ena ble them to discharge ibii duties required of them by law t the amount for wliicb prliili just, to be judged or and allowed by tbe board lobe com posed ot the uoreriior, Secretary ot state, Treasurer and Comptroller. ;. Sec. 10. Tho journals, acfsofAssembly, report commitleeBrdheEdocumeii(84)unt lily, shall be printed in octavo form. Sec. nAT"tronkhalHTeHtm-4iTbtr-8ccrm . O 3 g-i "s- '--' ft-ar-Q--.-.t,-yS 9.'-' ' ;;';"- i. "5"2 :-? '-' ssr- n -2'h- --e. t - -x. - ! ! 3 111 f5 " 2. 1 a j: r a a B c. - s 5 ........ ------- .-ss-2-A-a- a-4 5s-'S-.',?f-?. I ? f-rrr? ?,f r p-3 2.: 3. ? 5 6.-5.5V8.711 Ij.HS'r 5: - 2 a , s t.. or? ; ; g S Q P-S s S M"5 3 - ', " ' g..5 q-5 tf'S s a- i' -g"5 e 2 h- : a r-3 r.s ? ? s-5 s3 r 1 - . Sri" STa-BBtSZlr L - B-fers-r-g.! " e 1 1- - 5 E 5 - 8 I.tS'6- ' 6 SKa e e "5 ft1 9 . Si 2 tf 1 .- w ar a. e a c - r g 5 2 3 3 w5 car S 5 a . T 4 if m r V "t f . ' --! 3 3 3 Ig(,S " Us c J- , CI. nC-fi . f S P - ra 1 s 2 .2 5 s- 3 a s 2 a - h V s . ilialT be'i'ecoriT F 3 3 an - c E 1. " " ilBballb4listributljawlbert a jfctieCJl ST.. in any county snail -resign or die, ?r ins oiucc oiuerwise - i-&ar a a I-JLJS SL.S s a o . 4 hS. 3 ST " S "S 5 c- g!i fc2.sr'5 CU2.S- 3 a K w 5 l3 c i e c r- my, or mutinv . Sec 86. If any non-commissioned officcror-privateiriM htiaman, while in the pay aud service ol this Siate, shall wilfully desrt the service, or abanclon tbe postntrssigned to him withoiit brin resularly discharged or permitted by an officer duly authorised for that purpose, such iion-rommis- sioned "officer or private so deserting or abandoning bis po6t . j i . t r . .i i ji . :.. i i, : . anu Dcm inereoi ninv risdiction of the offence, the nnvAnd emoluments Hon, and be subject to a fine, not less than twenty nndnot execcdinar fiAy dollais, and imprisonment not exceeding six nor less than one month, at the discietion.of the court mar tfai,affd Tdf iticrmoTe tnrned tver to server as privatesoldier I in the regular army of the United -btales, at the discretion o tho court martial, not exceeding double the term of time which he had been called out to serve in tlie militia, of this State. k. --'.' ,' j.: '' ,: .- JL 'S" '''''""' Sec 87. - All acts heretofore pasiedTdn tKe sinSJecrof The militia are hereby repealed; Provided, that this net shall, not ext.md lo military appointments made by recommendation to the present Legislature; and provided that nothing heroin contained-, shsll be construed lo repeal any private act of the General Assembly, incorporating, craiitiug privileges to, or regulatinr pahiciilar corps, whether of. the Volunteers or of the ordinary militia. '. ::.'. "':-,',i, i :" Sec. 8S, .It shall be the duty of the adjutant cencral to have copies of this act printed, and distributed, one copy to each general oilicef, one- copy to eacn held oflirer, and two copies lo each company, to bo distributed ns is provided for the distribution of the acts of tho General Assembly. LSi:c.J'9. Jlte it further tMClcJ,-ThtAUi act shall be in force from and alter its' passage. 7 -r. - - Ratified 20th January, 1S37. become vacant, U shall be entered therein . Katilicd 7th January, 1837. An Act concerning I lie Public Printing. ; licit enacted by the General Assembly of the Slute of Js'orlh Carolina, and tl is liereinj ennelea by me au nctcd by a court martial having .jii-jftorWjf 0j ,he ,flm That in nil eases, -where mlvcrtisc- a'S e 2.g4 3 g-.l , shall 1 adjudged to have lorle.ted ,ncHl u fiow required by lawlo he made in. the State'- a 3 a -S.S c. 2 2. due to hun nt the lime of bis deser Gazette, the same may be hcreafler made in any news- 5" 3 g g 3 9 fi.ie.nol .less than twenty andno! paper printed at the scat of governmenl. .-' ? g 3 5. -T.S S and imprisonment t.ol exceeding six 8bc. 2. ; Ue it farther enaclci, That this act shall be Xr:AJj.J k-Ji T -!, at ihe disciftion of the court mar. ia (oppc from and after its ratLTcalion. , lie g S. StaS Hatificd 23d Jantiaryr1837.3 An Act to incorporate Ihe Raleigh and Columbia Rail uoad Company. c a 2 ! W 5" 5 ' e n t r 9 t B-2.c S. 3 n S F? fe n. - a cr 2. Ot ft sr?3 c-g e 3 a a"-' a 2 S r t &g 3 2.e j;c tt enacted by the General Assembly of ihe Slate w-Z 3 a j T g n n onn Carolina, ona-inr-fifrcoff rnrjefl oj-i-tu- c g. - c.. .. s? ihorily of the ajnt, That it shall be'lawKi! lo open books Jf -S o e S" f 5" ra In the City of Raleigh, under the direction 'of William J EJ-s? 8 - g ! a. -Boylan, Thomas P. Dcvereux, Duncan Cameron, Wil- a m 3 - n n 3. E.g.g" liam II. Haywood, jun.. Charles Manly, Alfi-ed Jones, -Z3 Reverly Daniel, Weston R. Gales, George W. Mordecai, 5 S 2 89 JT' S3 b or any three of thernj and at Haywood, under Ihfl direr-; g 5 Sv? ?a i g lion of Jonathan Harralson, Charles J. ilHams, Spente 1 : Z " 2. 5 g"2,2'2 gS r..i .. i ii .. tir;?l" 5 5 S'i1' 2 in vvii-iiii.iiniii, ituiicri I'iturrii, ur ttllT llirro i iiirnij i.. a a and at Pittsborougb, under the direction of - illiam II. Hardin, Nathan A. Sledinan, Joseph Ramsay, Green B 2.a, Womack, or any three of themj at Carthage, under the a o a An Act conecrnjng tlie Public Prin4ing of the tate ' f' Be it enacted bu the General Jlssemblti o f the Slate In all eases-where-a-Jnililia-man-jshilL Iiaveirr'JV'iorfli Carolina, and it Im hereon f enact ed hv'lhe aulhor- performed a tour of service, either as a volunteer or drafted ily of the tame. That hereafter it shall lie the duty of u'iii-iaan, uencr upon mt requisition of the United tbe secretary or Malt to let out, to tn lowest uiuocr, dircclion of John II. Kelly, A. Currir, John Morrison, g 5.5" Cornelius Dowd, and J. A. D. McNeill, or any three or r. , s a Ihemj and at Rockingham, under the direction of AValier 3 p.- fia V. Leak. James P. Iak: Stenhen Wall, and William R. 4 5 - 3 Cole, or any three of them) and at Wade-dnrougb, under 3 sf Absalom Mvers, Alexander Little, Hamilton R. Hani-.. mons, or any three of them t and at Fayetlevi'Je, umjer , 'thedimtfidn'or f 1 "rcniitta J ru. E. L. Wiaslow, T N. Cameron, or any threo of tbsm ' 3 o3 2 - s-o .7 s. e re s g-g 2 g t " o B B . C3 t O H ?2 ? let -S "5 IS o o 2 g.-'f .3 -w -s a.. a r 5 w - sl i-2. 3 re 9 3 ,5 '- " B . o 5' i " 'c 3- s-s.5 5 I f9 3 A 3 2 it? - m a 1 n i S w P . o 9 O c S 1 " - T l- S C