'. f : XIALEIGH, N. C. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7,1037 VOL 2XVIII- NO 24. c Vir ob ak d a o r n t e t 6 r ..at rrr J, tin" dollar paratinuta one 1 ir .J.anJe." Subscriber ia sifter nikf allwcil m remain! a rrrloneei .. evnf"'- . ... . . ...t.. : thjtuaneyear.K perirenal ctii.rni wnnou. u a, ... -La .aavdetiratahcsoinetubacribrr will It Mtrietl) required to paj lh whole a m Mt ofthe rnr'i aiherlpiioula itiie l,-rte 4 three lime for ene dollar, aad I eca- ,..e acuta iMLraeu-aonUBuante, t.rrts to the F,d.lor be pnl feil Marks' Ointment TOR THE CUKE OP PILES. The anberiber bJi leave to offer teethe alien lino M Ibn-e aha are aubj--rt to thai mnvl diia-g.-eeable nf diwrtlrr, lha I'llee, remedy, the efficacy f allien ! been tetled bylhecspeii race l eae, ami the Mtdiiy of which lit in no iottaaea' been impaired, from failure to relieve Tolhnte hrt b " aulyeetetl to lhi (lit tate, h will proe, if applied wbro nsailarkefl. nrc rrlaiit. U Ha cnntinuanae, -mlfititl the If' ft p'lin; iixlrcil ikiit hive pronnmirrtl H he tnal kirrahlc rmel) erapilirl. 'I (irrr ran be ilaiierr in Ma ut a ita tvmineiil .'tfl .J 1 1 - MH.H.. kur nf the ninlmenl baa her a in the habit ol i u . 1. . .i- --i i... .L I... , .... t t. i. L . T ...ftr nc.ala iaara..anil in no ifiBtattee to hit- kun I- "i.tne 'hai hv opj&inTrti tw area ny a nuiniier ol crrfibralra aiinrtrtl, a will at the Iraiimnar of a nieilical Krntlun.an hn ha Mcd it hinitvtt, aul irraaribcl it to Itir rrlirl of nlltera Thnae hn are mBcrin ilJ do cU ta BaU - a trial nl ihe rrmery - liaemeaajf itrnarantrnl, and Ibere can be no d'nilH hut that I lie iliannlrr mJ he arretted in ill rarlirat Mate, if no lel' he made In tit application. The dirretioni lur nte ill We runndnn rath haul. HAVIl'KI. II MAKKS. J'etrrtburg, Vi , Au2 ti, 1836. I hare a ted iKe Pile Dinlmenl prepared by . . ' .1 . ' ... I l.i;lir rH'rtt. I ibrrtrfiirr can rpcoiuinend il tn linai: Mdlirtrd witb that iliaMgrrrablr cnniplainl il.eIM.-a. U Will I K, M. 0. Priner 0ir;e Count v, Jiiljr Jd, IS36. Mr. B. II M.iko Jteur Str: la anrnplianee with yt irq'teat I aill ii.iorm the public tlutl I bar l.4t 'C ar if meniticii of Tny.liTfttly f iTTpieiiThrartariard arrthr riw Pdre, and (rnw an-uiatinent. I but. J . fib. tuinr.l fiina jo.ii- miMhrr, ll.r) have in all ran t twad entire it-livf trilli a few applicaiiiini JESSE IIKATll. Prinee fiMrpe Count, Aug It, 1S36. Ur. Saui'l. II. Maiki: , . , IMnr Sirf Ymira nf the 17lh Inalanl wai duly re. eied, and It alf.irHt n.c iliamrcto a.raplv wi'.li ) rrq'irw. I hare bernaUlictktl I hut fliujrrtalile ditoriier, the I'ilv, and aUi nijr nrjp-o man, and I obtained Ironi rnur mi.lher the iiinlnient that yon Oder to ttie publia, ml in all attack bull, any roaa and niyu-lf "hate fimnd entire rrlirl. In addition tn lit above ra rirnce, I hate (firm it til mine nl mj frienda. ml I hare never known it tn fail giviif rrlirl. I would reaninwend tliit oininiini to Ih.Mia who are Mibjeet In I bit illnturweaWe diMate, a n f f cariiHit and (r.Ti.ble rrmc.ly. I am joart rclitectfnlly, ' , JOHN" MeMtOOU. ItitUmnnd. liitr 18. r.1rT S'rt I rrrrivrd oi.t nf the H li in it,, you witb mr to inform vim nf my aiiuatinn at llir tune that you itavr nie a bnltle'of )nnr PiU Ui.il Inrni. and a hat rff. ct ii had no m. I had the pilea at bad at nay pi t-aon emilil have .lirm to much in, that I could not annul to mj daily talmrit anil in truih, I could acarcrly gel anr of Tavrontn: I eomim-need wilfi your oint. --rnentj-awifarrtirye vt fiwr-hrra,- -a ntdy -relieved, I wnu'd reenniinrnd H to the public, at bring onenf I lie mntl rierllenl rem t diet that Wat ever oftrieij to the public. . t WILLIAM CAHSON. . Peteitbnrg, Auj. 19, 1I3C Mr. S. II, Mviki: Jhw Xi'i I lake pi ram re in in for m lc lha public, that I wa ery badly afflicted wiih that ditagrreable diaorder, tl.r Pilea, and I tibuined Irum vim, a bntlle of your nininirnl. i"d In a fri. tlayf tlitf ilitrave w-at entirvlT rre tutved. 1 wautd rrcominrtid it f an Inlxllible lernedy. J.VMEIi T. MITKPI1Y. " Pctertbnrg, I9ll. Aug. ISlfi. Alt duty I owe tu Mr. Ma.ka I will inform be publia that I have been baitlt adlieird wilt. Ilia diKfrrcaitle (tiam-ilrr, the. Pdra, and I nlf tmed from him a b nlle nl l.it ourtment, and I miMt aay lhat 1 have never utr.l an) ll.ing that ven me to mnrli r. Iwf I eoul.l njornn uiun m the publHt a baiuc one id ll.e mnlCr.eaniaa, ua. TlTTT"lTl arreatil and eOuacHMit remrdie Jhat ran be : Bte.i. . s. iXMUX. For S!f br : ' -', : WiHiamy Harwood dc Co. .fj-entt, JtaUifk . Octnt rr IT 4itl ! NOTICE. Will be told, no Hir..U) Hie nib of May aeat, heli-re tiatr CoUi t-llonte door, in f'atea rile. th kdlnwing tracla of land, or aa axmli a will pay the aiaoui.t nf M.ea due lor the year ending logcihur with the eou of adterli ingt ,-. ' -. v ' "lot Aere, Aranld, William ItHTI item on, J olio 1UO lanvhard, John . .' ' (k Illanel.a.-d. Jo4 39 9 9T 40 - . 4Vt 42S 13 41 41 HM 300 ts . , 53 si t-U 195 144 30 97 : iw, IJO 34 rs 33 O " t IS 50 SO 50 3.1 I S3 ttoi . yy ' w ui n rlmlon, Henry Ik-ainn, Jrata ' Hi-owa, William lrnwn, Jamea . Cnw-er, William 9. Cowper, William 3. (1134 11 Clravea, John Cm If, Ihtniel Ciift, Kivtiah CnfcT, John Ciiieland, John F.Mit, Kcitar " - K.nrc, Samuel E'ire, Demptey - t;h v r, William -Gatlli-g. Willia (of Hertford) HntlgHte, William ' llawell, 0vld llowall, Tmtmhy v. flarrell. Samuel Ilill.rUatent Jnaet, Cbarlv (of Parker) ' Jonra, Jt-tta Joaci, Williaaa Jintet, J.d.a Joaea, William Jonra, Kichara) Kelly, John ' Laatiier, I lenry R. .,-..,... Yor on, P. II. Lataiter, ialtiler, Kedar Latthcr, Joha Powell, Jaenk " ' . Powell, J.d. ' Pvrry, William ' " Poult. Leniut - i Parker, Martha . pemht, Jnaepli , -i Smith, Taomaa W illey Jethe laairL W Jliam . LITCIIFORD AtOLIVEB, MEHCHJJtT T.1II.UNS, Fow jmn Sooih il Vt itliams, Haywood Ic Co'l l)m Store, KiTLTTSTIlLI STasfr, Italeith, ' ' ahk now nRCF.iv I xn ' A Splendid Supply f spring & ananana. ooods, K-ubraciog every thing ia general at. . Thea Good haa been (elected, by lha junior partner el Ihia concern, ia uereoa, aad caa at Hiiimtri, at the beat attortmcnt of (iooda la heir line ever opened in North Carolina Thtir Cloths 77urrTW "WmtTr'',i "eveTT-entow ami U'lalilv, and arc warranted not to fair in ramie 'I'lirT llrim II annrcetsary to aay ant tliiiir more Ki enMmeailaiiou ol thnr Gootla, but unlv rMet lhm bo want oarnlar (lemon- iriioil to jne tliem can The fullowiiij are a part, fi: Super Itlur and HUck V " Apple illite l Olire firrea I Wool Djed " K'Oe lo. Dahlia CLOTH S. Umi Purple, anil I Lnnilua 8uuk BiowoJ - Drandcta, Suprr niack and Urren A new an Kir lo Summer Cuata. ttf t .1 I' fr' t I T k tltiui.iv iMiilafd " aire .7aJinercs, TlHiitf nl TriniIuhI V l.u V' Sa'in Siniird Drillings, rianl hite Ribbed, and otltrr ur paint. lcnmntVnH.lFtinav niaek an Frri.cli nrimhaimea " ' London Mrrta.liea, Figured) Uieen, ami Cum Firun d Silk Figured VelvrL Sai in and CathmJret VESTIXGS And in -i iy nthrr tl.injt uteleM to mention. '.... - . - . t..i. ...H.lw Cltiltun l.tiu nnil I n im Slilttt. .lrri in Shii'la and D-ajrert, Silk Wdrr Sliii-ta. Tei ntr l ctlrKralcil Stock, Sln;en.M-rt, and, In fast, every thing found iu any -aimilar ctlablitli m'nl in. the Union'.. Tl.ne (iondt aill be told on aeeommodating term, and tnude up to nnler in a (iiprrior aiyle. We have in nureinplov Brat rate nortliern wink- wen, inut jli warrant eveiT tbina; we niannltc- ture, to tie with that of any tailor, nnriu or offth nr ti.e lntnma U rCIIFOltll tt OLIVF.R n return llianki tn the piiblio lor former tuppoH, pmniiamg teal ntiilr tn endeavor meritii.a it cnnti.ioante. All order Iron a tlitlance will inert with nromiit attention. . UTCHFOnn h OMVF.n Fnr the tare of almou every variety of func tioaat iliaordcr ol tha Slonuebr Uowelt, Live and bideeni tilth at heart-burn, acid e-iiiMa. limit, nautra, hrad-bch, pain and diitenlion or the Stomach and bowel. Incipient Uiartiiea Co'tc. Jaundice, Flatulence, hahiiual aotiivel lint. lo M aiiprlUr. lick heail-aeh, lea net. Hftttliii tfc They art a le an djciuufocuUe nerient for Female durine iirrenanry and eiibu-quent confinement, relicing tic knew at III iloniarh,lie:.il-arli, lirart-liorn ami many ot the incidental nervou aflretion. Literary men, vludentt and niott oilier pertnn of aedentary habht, find them very convenient. Thnae who indulge Inn freely in the pleatui rt nf the Talilr find tpeedy relief front the tenia nf nppre-iion and diatention which follow, by taking the A a (inner I' ill they are invultiulilr. TIiom who are drinking mineral water and particular ly thine front Snnihrfi climate and ague and leeer districts, will find ihem a valuable adjunct rhn who are eipoard tn the vicitaituilet ol weail.er, on voyage or journey, can take them at all time with perfect aafcty. In full dotei thry are a lilfl.ly rfHcaci.ni aud aale Anthbil ion Medicinr, They aeldnm or never producr lichnrttat the tlomach nr gripina;. Their efficacy it alniBlv atletled hyeeiliB rmei tiened by the following gentlemen, ix. Hithon Ivet. Itev. Ir. M'PbrHer. Urv. (i. V. ilenrv rmter, Una. tt. t. Itj.il-.rr, Hon. Kwli'il lfinrxTlinP. I)evrru, F.tqLrf'JleMQr An il ertnn, Wm. Hill, r.N. orcy. nl Mate, nm. S. MIihhi, F.tq. lata Treawirer, Ja. Grant, Etq. 4wte-f fomttrnlijiH-' Mr,- F. -1- flaw kca,. IL JX. Captain fioion, Gniua' Hotel, l)-l. It. C. BmMl, Ooet. K. Crnaby, Dact. J. Y. Young, lea. ka. Ample direetiont accompanying each Roi.J I hrae pillt arc for talc he apitmnment in al mut every Tpwn in the Uaiied Stale, and at mHalrtntt hy lb- Suharriber, tn whom appliea- tkMit toe Agenciea anay he maoe. I'HtlS. L JUMP, Cen"l .tftt. Office I at done weal of the Pre.by Urun Charch. Halrich, N.J. 4 NOTICE. . The tubtariber ba.int; tpulified a F.ieeatnr tn the latl Will nf Frederick Ham, drceawd, latent Wavne county, herVby give nolire lo all pfrtoiit InileliU'l to tjd deciat. il in m.Ka pay menl wMlioul delays And all tbote havin( claim againal Mid dveraard are notilieil In pre aenl them pnirly authenticated a it bin the time pretcriticd by Law, or they will be barrel al recovery. ' H. WASIIINRTOV, t.x'r. M.v tfi. 1S.17 83 Im. " WILLI IMS dc HAYWOOD Have lately received at their well known aland no Fayeticvdle Street, near the taaikct boatc, ibcir spring anil Summer mpply of Drn?s nnd Hlodlclncs, Paints, uiim, iyc s tit as, isrnshet. Win' dowtilius, Perfiuuerf, dee. Which wiih their former lunplv, make their aaanrimrnl l-.ru and eitrmive. cominna.ial iwt every arli.U utually kept M their liaa Ol UMneaa. , . . . .. ,,, They nir-r llmm at wlmleiiil or retail, upon the oanal favorable teratt, a -hey ar Wtermln cd their saanrtmen! thai I aot be mferior, ar will they be nmleraold by any cttablubraeut m tba State, either oLa or aiw. f irateful fiar the patronage heretofore feeatnw. ed apoa them by then- Irtemla aad tba pabli generally, they flatter themtttvet, lhat be etti- iiaity aad cnntlaot attentlmi M' bttvineta, that they will eontmne ta receiva tha -me liberal taenavageateirt already reared ta them. , Preocriplinaa will be aartmllf oomnomdrd and pal ap With anna but tba ami genuine anU , neuer taa taipaatum ol one bf tba proptt ttort : - Order Irae rfcy uiaM k UerwkaM, rraaapl ly at leaded laj . , i, . fiaii(b,Ua .lt3 ! rn I.-.'.. m-jZ'"' ' mmm -'-nt'i' iiiatrir'i'-l'-lii i --i SODA WATER. .Wilt be kept eonttantlj prepared Inrflnghnai' lha Summer Seane, i the DRUG tS1U"F.vt WILUAMS at HAYWOi D May 80, ISJ7. i S3 ' CANDLES AND OIL. Snperinr Spermatid Tallow CAtfULEX. IJimp. Wliala aad Linaecd OIL, Juat rea aanaaai aaaaaajia jtowmwi aa. i m WILUAMS k HAYWOOD. -SWAIJTS PAWACEA7 J Jutt reectvad. ami fur tale ht ' WILLIAM? k HAYWOOD Auril S2. ' ' 19 If -wJ TO THE WEST. The tubwriiier ii.trmlt, on nr about the mid' die nf June, to it ait on a four thrmmh the State nf 1 euaetaee, Mittiitippi and Alabama; and I Hiving batiaet to Irahtact for areeral Realle. men, would tender h'ra arrvieea lo other who may w ith tu employ an agent. s ami; noTT. I.viibank. Cramille to. Mat I Mr 81 3'p .NUW STORE, n n ( lilf rj 99f w a ri At the !loae lornit-rl nccnttied bt J. PRIM ItOSK. are rrreiihie and ii.ri.iiut. a laree aail HfftrjrtSt aanrttl ,0. hi A$,h J A.M-V. Ifpr "jioons, urorerres, iiuni aaiirtr, unrcna tiair. tttiia nul NtlOt'S And enrioa nthrr tmall tliinrv enmnritint: al bwhH artirle t.dd m t.i MaikrivbyaimltlfnCiOU tfeitfinTnfn tl "Tfi e lar HoMtea. AI1 ol wlucli tiny are prrpaied. to tell cheaii. And at the) notteta faeiltira lor ra- lilei.i.l.iii at any time, tbey care determined tn wll E'Uid Guoitt at low ini-ea Prrtont ditimt- cd to Lur, are retpeclfiilly iinjuetuU to call and rmniiiir lor tlirmarl.e. r , a, KaleiKh, May0 . IWf 13 (ar PAINTS, OILS, dec. The- auerHiii f .ate -yit"-eea-rivcd vrm -Mtr North, a lull iply ol the abeve arliclea, con tifii.tf of V hue l-ad ) do tirouinj in Oil Ued Lead Spanith lirnwn I X do t.rooml in oil Yellow Ochre On do fSrouad ia Oil - . 'cnetinn Ked Terra f Kit-nna Lamp ItUtk Turkey Umber r.iriia Torptntint ' " Lu.teed Oil Copal, and Japan Varnittirt All ul LU.lt a ill be aold on rratnnalitr trr-nt, T. 9. tlCCKWITII tt lr. Raleigh, April 13. Ift37, IS if Sontlicrn Female Claftsle al Sc ntnnrr, Oxford, N. V . The einiuioMioHi will take place ia thil chnn nn the liih and Hill of June. Patt-m and Guardian of the young jadiel tinder our Care, and alt other iuteivitud in rdiii-a'jnti are re pretlully invitrtl tn altnd. Th nrt ariia will commence iinnieitiafrly . In addition in ibe branche hitherto tauglil, intiiuelion will he given in French, Spatiith and Italian, tn hate alio de tire it, by a gentleman, who ha learned loennvtrte in thoae language in the countrivi where they art tpokrn " r - TERMS. For board and tuition irr irition of J month, " Tuition alone, from f 10 to Mutiik, . -Drawing and Paiitling, French languagr. . . Siianiih and liaiirn 1 10 earh R6'2 SO IS 00 Si I INI It) Oil r wo M.i) IS, IH3.. Si 4 ' .COMMUNICATION. Fon tub Star. An tvnwig tpftit in the Ci y of Kit high, fcy a travtUtr. Mr. Editor, ..l.arrhed In thii jjlace late yesferday eveiilng, aiiii toiik my tritfg-" irtgsin tlie City Hotel. , ,A short tithe' after tea, I left my room' with the ini tenlion of viailing thrt unfmishe.l cap iiol. As I sauntered along the street, I past several groups of clerks, studtnts and labourer. ( suppose. who hail fiiiiJiud th.tuiluLliic day. aml.vvvie. gatliered along the slreeta and smok ing segars and engaged iirpromtscuou ctmversatit.il. Occasionally the loud JaugU.f.mirUv...n'!.hiari burst upon the ear: and a.niii ail was hushed in unbroken ailetu e. . When I arrived at the. Capitol Square, quiet seemed to hav spread Iter soft mantle over the place, where all is din and confusion during the day. ' It wa twi light, a few bnght stais began to glit trr upon the dome of heaven, the sil ver moon was riding in the cerulean! vault, in unclouded majesty: and had just began to shine enough to make the white wattsfrthe-Capttoi--iook-tTnt Wt bright, as they contracted finely wtih the sombre shade of the forest trees that stood around., and partly concealed, but added to the beauty of the building. I .rambled along over scattered heaps of gra'.ite, which al most cover the ground for a considera ble spare around. When ' ( reached the superstructure. I walked slowly around its massy Doric walls, nought was to be heard breaking in upon the stillness of the momeut.but the rever berating echoes of my,' own'', solitary foot steps. I m:de my war tn the place where the workmen employed in rear ing it ascend. op; I went until t found myself in the first story of the portico where I for a few moments eiamined -the large fluted "columns which support it these columns are reared upon large square pedestals of the same material The . floors are solid polished granite, which now look ed tloubly beautiful, in the soft moon light, which stole through the Sur rounding grove, and fell in t trembling fleece upon if. I again started op, with the (ntenf ion of going In the dome, which surmounts the edifice but to my sorrow; 1 found t doOr hat sad- denly closed. up my- way. t ftfWvl a motneni, sua inditumk-f ut rsaWt- tion, fentl then reluctantly tnmetl mr course tlownward saiii. 'When I re-arlied the ground, ntmliUd aniuuit tsi t jl oilirpgbUKMch,X building after traversing a Urge un finitilieu tiall, 1 entered the mianda where ttantU the remains of the Sta tue of the Father of our cituntrr, 1 stttoti a mniitent tnjj frazed UMn the uerrwhelmin spfclacle presented to connected stimelliin? romantic with tteliins; upon the top-most ninhncle at that, htiur. I panse j through a door in to an adjoinin' hall, where, in the larknets. guided hy a few tra;liiis moonbeams I uiuntl a lon topling ladder, and without reflet-ting one mo ment upon the rik I should run, Haiti hold of it ami up I went. It trem bled at tverr step. 1 finally reai hed its tup, afid stepping through a dour, I found nmelf in the upper apartment nf the western portico. T seated mj- some ino'Kl re lined against one of lite large columns for support. Mr feel- Hli ; wtBewtif ;ir fncli s-laTii ruae.is-ioa;jMwrrm.u exnreg-i I He city was spreatl ou betore me, en- mmuiieii in the inineietl ravs ol an ast unit c4eniin of twtltght.-"-I could ocra- itiiinany caicn tne ur wanucrtng notes ot a U its ami vioin, that were played in some part of the town some ne groes were heard in the distance iiig- iiig their song ot u.-.-tve awar hu-a heave away.M I thought it was the 'mosTsfftit subifuiiTg""Tfliisier hatfeverates,-it would-be-an -klJwaste-! nearti; out any wild scream is music .... . . to m at the hour, the pensive hour of twilight. I could indistinctly trace the sombre outline of the forest that vas stretched around the city and a mong the ancien oaks which'were just beginning t put on the green drapery oTsprmg.. iTon itrseerTnt; rtrouotops of the tall pines, like aerial domes, pointing up towanls-the strlt blue hea vens which waved over them in silvery brightness, gemmed with a thouaaud glittering diifinnnd. The scenery was most oeaufiiui u was in!tecwav'e My thoughts involuntarily ran out af ter distant friends, nnd lingered around many "green spots on meinorica waste.' But 'my 'reflections ami en- ' ' a 1 "V " . a a joyment were broken up by ti.e echo- ing of the - footsteps of one, who, suppose, like me. was fond of solitude nnd had rambled to this place for a few moments of luxurious thought. He passed around where -I could sei fit in. I could not scan his features 5 but hi figure " and general n ppcara ore were rood so fur as I could si r. lie seated himself upon a large rock, or slab of tne matenal nt vihicti the houne in i'i:areil. In a few moments he seemed to beompU-teJjL-aiMQ and became insensible- of every thing arounuj ne saw me nor. was ms neari roaminjr after a distant Imei ? thought I, or was his soul like mine, as cending to God in devotion? Or was his ear drinking in the soft note f the flute and violin that now bur- thenea evert breath ol Heaven r or hud become lhere to indulge in snr rowfut Teflectron wptiii -the past?r::Has his. heart been crushed by -some ad verse blast; and are all his hopes with ered ami blighted forever, and , has he come here to indulge a bitter melan choly? 1 felMike I could have tat there above (he wttrld all night but as lion, or breaking the reveree of my un- t : 1 . ? V ' . snown companion in souiuue. 1 gent ly arose from my scat, stepped softly .'".SJ?""1 came to the lander on nhTch IhatTTcemIetr7aldoTw went. All around was dark, except where'a tew slanting moonbeams strug gled through the open top of the Cap. tol, which Served ; rather to make "darkness vUilltp. the 'hite walls glittered through the gloorny Cpon the wnoie, me picture, presented at this moment, was the most grand and over helming- 1 have ever seen, I left the place with soch feeling as I have verr seldom realized I again started along the streets, sometimes throwing bacrt a glance spoa Jhe majestic Cap tol sometimes I gazed upon the moon and stars and .hen upon the beauty of the scenery every where around) and I could but s reproach myself, for ever having thought, that this "joy-giving world" was not beautiful. :tM some times disposed to look upon it as a blasted wilderness at.d to hate It for its deformity) but it most always be owing to tny feeling1, and not to the world itself. ''How strange the des tiny of the traveller, sowing at every step his affettiom, his remembrunett, and his reftret$. Time's ever wast ing hand rsn never erase the tecollec tioris of this evening from my mem ory. . ATlUVELLKR. . May, 1837. " .r- - '' ' 1 I III I ;f . f ' Pram Um Pendleton Meaeenger. . , . to thk cmxtm or tn SLAVE-HOLDING STATES. - One, who has not beet an inattentive observer of the course of events and who has never been indifferent to What concerns your interest, ; tr Ssfety, Would rairynur attention lo the Pros pectus to revive-" the SoOthsbst ITs vtssr by Judge Upshur of Virginia. IM great sail leadioj oDjscl Of IUS work, 4 set forth in the Prospectus, is the defence of the peculiar institution! iH.tite siave luii.ling states. I hat Ihey are jA tianger u Wttuw BejuiJ t io 4i guise. A party has risen within the other States, in the last three years, whose object, regardless nf all consti tutional and social obligations, is the overthrow of the relation of Master and Slate, which has existed from the first settyriient traw JbetwcyaJheEuropean-4tnL-Africir races, and which has blended itself with all our institutions polical and so cial. This party is regularly organ ized,, and has hundreds of societies ex tending over the whole of the non slave-lioldlrig States, with an annual income of thousands, nutting in motion a powetful ami widely-extended prets. and sending forth a numerous host of emissaries to preach and spteait their Inutile doctrines in every direction. f give greater effect to what thef sav. or do, they avow their determination to throw their political weight on the side onT!"a be moat lavorable to them, ami have al Wsdy bwonw so-fer fivtH f: ihem, jliaJL t.hrir .Ju.pp.LrLll,c?Ir.'v-?J b.ih the political parlies, that divide: the north. As humerous as ther al ready are, they are siilf increasing and will continue to hvc reuse fro nv present1 appearances, till the object they Inve nt view is consummated, unless some efficient measure be adopted to arrest their further progress. -' '; To ihuse, who have reflected on the peculiar condition nf the slave-holding time tn undertake to shuw, that the ac complialunent if tlte object of the par ty would be our destrut iion, as a peo ple. , The separation of the two races, were it even desirable, is impossible. This the abolitionists themselves ac knowledge. ttTs equal y iinp7slble, that they should extst lojether nnder any other relation, lhat the existing one under which, both have grown ity ami prosperetl. . Its subversion would be the destruction of one, or both. He who dues not see this is profoundly. Ij; norant 01 our condition, the prts-nt relation then between -the : two races must be preserved at all events, cost what it wil , In its preservation our all is involvctl) properly, liberty, life, and character. ': ..-.v-'v,,;,! !?-;-.- - Among the - first tnd mot eff cient me.is.ires for this purpose is the one, to whkh your attention is now invited. The iv.tr, which 4 waged against us, is one of opinion. . . The astault is mainly through the press, and through the same medium it must be met tid re pelled. Out assailants hope to over throw the existing relation between the two races in the ; slave-hoUinji States by denunciation. They hold it up, as 1 in moral, sinful and opposed to the rights ol nun. "W e inuV111M' repel lh' jr . attacks, and expose their error, fanatiiistii and hypm lisy. , For this purpose, a Well conducted Review is the most powerful instrument, that can be conceived. . Such a one we now fortunately ha-ve the, opportunity of establishing,., under the editorship of a citiz -n, whit justly ranks among the moat ta fvn ted 1 nd ;t!mpej tew tlinitlie j Cnion,and witu. in proposing to un dertake litis great charge, is actuated by the highest and nobleat feelings id p atriotism. t The work will be one nf great labor, anil expense and will re quire, according to the prospectus, at least 5000 subscribers to .justify - the undertaking." To give' It 'tulPeffecfsT' Teast twice that nirmber ouht lobe obtained. The most talented of the country and the tge roust be enjisted. TsTonfri1)uTtWrw'liicli'"faff with less th.tn 5000 or 6000 subscrib ers. A work, surh as it should be, ie quires the co-operation of a great va riety of talents of . the, highest order, and we ought not to slop short of plac ing it in the front rank of the pcriodi cal of tlte day, both for the extent and excellence of its matter, so as to en sure it a general circulation at home and abroad. To effect this, all that is wanting-i-stiiTtcient - patronage.-and that some elllcient plan may be adopt ed to obtain patronage, is ihe object of caning your aueiuiun w tne auujcti ai this time. - t .' , . . ? If you would permit me lo suggest a plan, I would recommend that every editor in the slave-holding States with out distinction of parly ifor it'cqually concerns us all) shall give a standing ntacc lace in Hie columns of his paper to judge Upshur's prospectus, and shall open a subscription in his office l-r the work snd shall leotn time to time call the attention of the public to the im portance of extending an eiflcicnt pat ronage to it," -.. y ' v ; I would in the next dace figgest, that a subscription be opened in the Clerk's office in every county through out ihe slave-holding States and one be placed in the hands of ever Sheriff! willing to take charge or it, U there be no printed subscription one in man nscript can easily be prepared. The subscription is 25 annually. To carry this suggestion into effect will require spirited individual, who feeU a SeRl eisnt interest ia tU defence of oar In i some one individual in each county to reduced Irotn $12,1 61, COO to fd,60l, step forward and take charge ofits ei. 000 'f nf-;r , M,kinj eeutioni and surely there is, not a' t , , . -'Jj ennni, wKar. ih.r.-l. not some r,uhIie0, retlsellonr of 86.CS4.C0O ontsf, - stitutions to assume the discharge of sn high a duty for so important an ob- , .l -would next suggest thath nnir verary of our independence .and other , public occasions be embraced , to rt-i-ommend the work to the patronage of , the public, and to obtain subscriptions, " -And Snail, v I would (suggest, the tmnortunce of relunitiig U the sub tstMMT6nTrOWtm I ' ..- . vr- ! . U ve.-ftos fM-inierajn..vvj1 iitnuon 07 t the 1st of October next, In onTer llist it may be ascertained, as soon as p"l-., Bible, if the reqotsite number of. sub- scribers has been obtained, taking cars to pay the postage ami to seep a copy f to supply -the original Jist suould .it mtscarrr or be lost.' ; ? ; v. -,.,,,', Citizens of the slave-holding States, , it is time to arouse from your slumber. . You are assailed in the most olhera- pie point Your existence,a a people, . depends upon maintaining the supre-j tnacy of tlitrEonJpean over the African . race. 1 ou have roaciieii tne t ruts 01 , cd with surh violence and industry, L . I . f --- -tt I 'i".1.... V- lie WM. ieiny nn vaaen namci out would be fataTT in th it, "Deceive JiofT prosperity, and character, and if ybu should not mret ami repel H tiisasters , greater than ever before befel a people burbarom, or civilized, .await you. a The immediate 4hjert of the abolilKn- tsis is to tlivet you of tour property, wnn-n cannoi ue euccteii , wunoui in volving your faftey; and existence, . while thrMmanbv which4t4sattemf t- ed. wouhl b'astzyour reputation and character , The attempt Is to degrade vou in "rotif own estimation, and ren- . deryoti odious and hateful in ihe eves of the werld. snd if by such means they shquld l(Eci;,,,tliei,objecta.,Jj(,, .t npcsj would sweep away our prospentr, lives and character, leaving ' nothing , behind, but a" name to be execrated " for-ver.77-.; , V - - ' '7.""" r Such Is the ealaslrophe against which you are now called on to pre4i ptre great S Is lite danger h means', of resistance is still greater, jf called forth in time and with vigor equal to " Ihe nvirrnitude of the Crisis. Our cauts " is good, a circumstance of Ihe first "itss- 1 nortance in a w ar of opinion." In eve-v ry view,' religious, morat, and political. " it can be fullv and triumbhanllt vir. .l!...-.t I .t.- .L.i.-J 1. ' t. ... ! iiicatcti, ami tnai ivnetner uriiujui to .. . s . . 1 . t--.t tne test 01 experience, or susirari prin -ciples. Its defence will be ' the great' tlotv of the Revlew'whichi'tiniler the ' 1 guit1ancef,.its-' abJprennghtened antl v patriotic editor, no doubt would be a bly and soc.resfully performed. ' All ; that is wanted i a support andpaf ron-' age proportioned to ihe ' magnitude of ' the object, and this depends on your selves, who hive so much st stake.. wttwrirttntiBWor hardness of the tunes. The pressure" is indeed preat, and many may be pros. : iratedwhose Industry and enterprise ' deserved a better fafe, yet with all its ' ills, it must, Irom its nature, prove ' lemporarr. Better times' w. again return, when nor losses may be repiud, 7 and present distress bit forgotten In re-: fieive.fflWfjlelltv.' to which I would direct your attention."" -From that hisw-'lVre wouhl be no re- f covery. Eternal; desolation would fol- ' tow ii its train. n the midst of your, tiresent great but. temporary diflicuU. - ties, close not ; your eyes against the greater spproat hini danger. -Tlte op- V-Xi,a-mrr.aV iB . .nv?. rC-,!--? .ritvsSSWaV-1.'. vst I poclftBiiy, whichyoujiow have of lak-i ing1 an efficient step to yintlicale ynurj institutions, may pot asain be present-. TtTs nt everyday, one so well, quali-. Red, every, way, fo undertake suth 4 task, ran be found. Let this State' set . the example 4if ,alib ral subsrriptinnj to the other slave-hpitling States. We, otiglit, with proper exertions, to furihf one half of the number required tol commence the work. Such an exam-' lle would not fail to '.have a happy ef. feet on the cither States, and secure a pa trnniige,; V hKwo uT.J pla cejh ewoi k ' on (he most solid tasis. Let no one then who can pnaibt spare Sf with., hold his name-tmm the subscription; list. It wiil return tenfold in the plea- sure and intelligence It will give, In' drpendenl of fall . political considers- lions. -Among its : nther ad van tages,- -the work would be the commencement of a Southern literature, which is in- dispensable to our safety aud repute- lion as people. . ... ... ' ; :l ' ' AMICUS, y Pcnd.'tton. S. C Aot, Srt, l&ift . Z3 -Therj .New; York Journal of. Cominrrce says lht the criculation of the Banks la that city "was reduced,' between the 1st of January and 4th ef May, from 88, J 53,000 to Z4,9S ItCC0 or three-eigbts cf the .wjiole amount, . From the 1st of January to the lOlIf of2 Mar, the circulation of 'the country,' Banks in the State of New York, wasJ 320.816,000 more than vsr mouth, vtrruiatiun, ia tnuf t "Kaawtntaiaijtfa