3 nALBIGH, "XT;.Oi WEDIIESDAtT, jmiEJ 14, 1C37 ;V0L:2nnriii. no ss. TIIOJIAS J. IXMA.V, , EDITOR A5 Plr BIETOB . n.VtrTtJ,tle,1on"': Planners on ..oibl,""J lereraaiBiaarrearalonper ihsnon.year.li Hoiriai.enlwhhotll.ia State, !.. mJ desirelo become iub.tr.bert, .ill b)iriely required In pay ihe whole a- naoaateftneyearasiiDseripuoniai "' Arni'T" not exeeeili fifteen lines, inerte'llireeliinefr one dollar, andtwen- r..ve cents trneh continuance. ' 1 Marks's Ointment FOR THE CUBE OF PILES. - TUe uerrVr' brslev I ln nl thc whn are anhi.-et to that mnst ilia. crrrabU cf disorders, the lH, remedy, the Zmr ji( which t"-m tested l.y Ihe extHwi rnc ol years, end the utility of which has in no instance been impaire'l troin imiur 10 relieve. To those who have been siihjmteil lo this dis ii aid nrne. if amilied when re-ai larked. a ir preventative In ill cnnlinuanee. wttiavt lite tral """' indeed many hate pronounced it Hie in nit agreeable rwiedy ever applied. There can be iw danger in ill aw al its component partiare of harmless vegetable matter. ' , ! fl'lie mniht-roflhe subscriber who is the ma ker of theotntmenr: hasbeeirin the bahit of rir - tttr- W-fciioJaaai nrialiUftii ,lui.tieaw five or SU fears, ami in no instance ig ntr KiUJWJ-1 , 4rfce "fcaa asTiiiiircati'ttt "beiibefeelia tmiWi Waceaby a mberjit eerttnealea anmAeil..! well ai the t-sitrauny 01 a memee, gentientsn Vo ha auil it luiust-lf, and prescribed it to the filief of jolliers. Those who are mfftfi-inr. will io well In make -a trial of rrm!y 4t IWcf iijujuraateed,. anil tliere ewn te m doubt feu -that ludiarder "'way be aiUinnltiarTierTltlirif 8 ftclsjrt DC mane in hi appucauun. The directions lor ose will be found on each bottle. SAMUKI. II. MAKK3. Petersburg, Va., Aug i, 18J6... I have nseil the Pile Ointment prepared by Mr. Mark, and prescribed it to mheri, whn the happiest effect. I therefore eaa recommend it to bote afflicted with that disagreeable complaint -the nvt L. V HUT., M. U. . Prince George County, July 3J, 1836, Mr. 8. 11. Marks iUar Sirt In compliance with your request I will nuorio me puniw mat i nave nan 44mrJnhrixAl' tuf jauUlyJreqqently .fit larked with the Pilrc. and I'rout an oiniinent that I ob- laineil fi-om yoar mother, the) have iu att eases foand entire rvliwl witn a lew appiwmiona. JESSE I1E.VTIL . " Prince Ororse County, Xuj IS, 1836. 'M'irWmT-.'4r;-"Ma'iV"r; Hear Sir: Your of the 17th imtanl wai duly received, and it aftbrdi mfl pleature lo comply with your reoueiL I hae beenalUictea with -liiat dinereeable disorder. Ihe Pilet, and alto my iWRro man, and I obtained from your mother the oiutmcut that you otlcr to tne public, and in all attache both my man and mytelf have tound entire relief. . In addition to. the above ex perienee, I have given it tu come of my friend., and I have never Known k to fail giving reliel. I would recommend lliia ointment 10 thoce who . are tubji-ct lo thil dimgreeable ditcaie, ai an ef fiearinui and agreeable remedy, , 1 am yourt reipeelfully, V , JOUS McBROOM. Hkhnonil, July 16, 1836. Sir: I received yonri of the liib inrt., you with me to inform ynu of my cituation at the time thai yon gave me a bottle of yoor Pile Oiut menl, and what effect it had on me. I bad the pilea at bad ai any net-ion could have .hrm to much io, that I could not attend to my daily lalor.( and in truth, I could aearecly get nut of my room. I commeneed-wkh your oint ment, and i tbre lutiv-day, 4 w aaenlirely relieved. I woutd recommend it lo the public, i being one of the moat excellent remediei that wa r effiJ U llie publio.. , W1LUAM CARSON. r 4 Petersburg, Aug. 19, J836. Mr. 8. H. Marks: - Itntr Sin I take pleasure in inform ing the oublie, that I waa very badly afflicted with that disagreeable dieorder the Pilea, and I obtained from you, bottle of your ointment, and In a few days the disease waa entirely re moved. 1 would reenmmend it as an infullibl remedy. . JAMfcS T. MUUPUY. for the sure of almost every" variety of funo- Tiohar dl OrdeT-f Ttw Stmtiich. iJowrtsy Live- anil opUen; auch as heart-burn, aeir cmcls liiHii, nausea, head-ach, pain ami distention or the Stomach and bowels, Incipient Uiarrhea- Colie, Jaundice, Flatulence, habitual aoslivel neis. loss nt appetite, tick head-ach. tea met. urn, tic tc. Thrr are sale and comfortable Aperient', lor remain during pregnancy and subsequent cniiGnemenl, relieving sickness at Ihs stomach, head-ach, hrarl-burm aad many of the incidental nervous atteeimnc , litevary men. students and mmt other persons of seilcntarr habits, lind them very convenient.' Those who tmlulce too freely in the pleasure! of Ihe Table find iMedy relief from the sense of oppression anu nisiention which lollow, by lakma the rills As a (IxKnef PM ihey are invaluable. Those who are drinking tuiuural wa4rsan4 narlptnlar. lever districts, will find them a valuable adjuuct.T traff Vmer wrth petfeef ifety;1tf fblt drise' they area liij;hly efficacious and isle AnIUbil nus .trcilicine,' 1 liey seldom or never produce Aicknestat the stomach r griping. l neir enicacy is strongly attested by eertift eiitrs si)! lv4U UnwiLg centltAiuTi.. vis. fieemiin, Kuv. II. I . Itlxke, tiov. Iredell, Hon. tlenry Potter, Hon. ti. E. lUiljer, Hon. Ilich'd lines,. I hot. j. Uevrrcux, r.in . I'rolessor An derson, Wm. Hill, Esa. See'y. of State, Wro. S. Mhoon, Cso,. late Treasurer, Jas. Grant, Esq. ate Comptroller, Key. r . L.. Hawkea, I). U. Captain Coion, Gnions' Hotel, Duet. R. C. Ilond, lioct. r.. Crosby, Heel. J. I. Younj;, ke. tte. Ample directions accompanying each Box. Thece pilfa are for sale hr appointment m al most every Town in the U ailed Stales, and at mkaletalehi the Subscriber, lo whom applies- tiom lor Agencies may be made. THUS. L. JUM P, Gen'l J?et. Office I st door west of the Fresbrterun Church. Kaleigh. N. C. 8 The subscriber having qnalifietl as Executor lo the last VVUI of Frederick Rem, deceased, late ol W ayne county, hereby gives notice to all perious liHtebteil to aim deceased to make pay ment without delay. And all those having claims against said deceased are noltfiwl pre. sent them properly authenticated w ithin the time prescribed by Lav, or they will bo barred of recovery. ( N. WASHINGTON, ExV May Ifi. 1837 83 Im. Carvla, Mathematical luitramenta, English and German dividers. Scales, Pens, lead Pencils, In dia Ink, Neman's Water Colours, Heaves' Wa ter Colours, in Boxec and by lingta Cyke, Par allel Rules round and flat, Datch Onaqoe aad ocrarooa) Qaills, Sealing Wax assorted colours, Wafers assorted colours, Islnel isi'iMiitawe&wtr'atl' 1 IKII.I willing IIII.., .w., . wooden Inkstands, aanil Uoxes, e4 colackrflndToiTeTt Soaps; hair, flesh, tooth, nsil, comb and shaving pruthrs, all of aiiierior quality) Blacking Bruihe k Black ing, and a variety of other article too tedious to mention. For sale at the North Carolina Rook Store, No. 8. Faretteville street, Rtleich, N.V. TUKREIt.S HUUIItJ. English Dra an, Double K and all other S'ng paper, comprising Anliqnari .phaiil Columbia, Atlas Klepbsnl,; iei in use. Also complete as- lend .vsrr,.. By order ol the Trustee. r p?rorl. N. C April J37, 1837 , . 84 6w The subscribers, securities of (ceo. II. Al- JedL JJP,n lxauder-ileii,ru.-lalo Shcriir of Tvrrel eountr. . ' expowj'o public tle on the 44h .luml in IICniAOK ACADEJIV, TTiia InMilution wa advertised at .the be ginning oftheycar under the head of Boarit- ing; School I he hrst aession w in close) on Wcdneailay the 28th of June, and the se cond . ill commence en the Monday follow. incr, 3d of July. 1 he undersigned would be glad to accommodate a few mure boarder at ill catahusbed prices, via. $7 per month, e- very thing furnished except light. I he es- mffffletripic6r-tuit anf tor all others, jr ou, per session. . an institution, than tliat hrein Ilcmdon A' caclcmy i located.. It is aout five miles rtorth west at Lottisburg, and is thought to oe the moat elevated-spot in Franklin county. Ti antg1ibertvao'dc1rrtjCTrw tempeiftle pcopTer Uently assures the public that nothing like vice or immorality .would be cuuntenancea. 1 be undersigned being eole proprietor and instructor of the institution, promises on his part, faithfully to do every thing in his pow er for the intellectual and moral improve ment of all that may be entrusted to hi care. A strict di;il'nie will be kept up among all classes, and no young man will be taken, un less he is willing to submit implicitly to the direction of the subscriber. . An person wishing to send a scholar to Ike subscriber will please make it known to him by letter. JOHN V, HICKS, ftenuton Acadcmy.June 1,-1737 24 Sf lumbia, the lollowing tract of land, or so much t ber cut as will satitfy the Taxes doe thereon for tbe year 1835. and cost of advertising: ., 'i- .. . . . , e.. .... x , v ut ncres. Aleoek Steplieo 888 Ansley Job - j. ItaJ ltrivkbouse Itkhard ... .. 89 V Bryant Bridget . . I 00 Kateman Daniel, Jr.' : " J0 Blount Thomas i . 'i SO ,. Barns John (Pasquotank) : . 340 Bosnigbt Joieph 60 Bosnight Jacob, Sen. 1 r ,f I4t-' i Briiwa Thtdsous St Hateman Joseph, Sen. . , , , 7511 ' CiHiper Nicotlemus r(S38 - Coweil Tarance ..' . '' ' ' 70 , Creel Jeseph ' " Si Cahooji Burton' , , SITS tow'TVnWhfVl-fe::" t'hooa lieuben 'Cahoon Turner, Sen. CahooM Gideon's (heirs) Clayton Thorns W. Clayton Edmund , , , , BavcnportFicdeiicljv ' 370 "'' .160 ,,400, Petersbnrr. 19th A ntr. 1836. Ai s duty I owe to Mr. Marks I wili IfiToTnTj-- ine public mat i nave neen oauiy ainicieu wnn the disagreeable disorder, lite Piles, aad 1 ob tained from him a bottle of his ointment, and 1 must say thai 1 have never used any thing that has riven me so much relief. 1 would recom mend it M the nublie as bain one of the most agreeable and .efficacious remedies that can be "used. 3. M J ACKSONr " ;FrSae-BJ-"-', ""-" --"--' Williams, Hay wood A Co. . . - Jlgenti, Raleigh V October 17. . 44 if ATILMAiriS Ac HAYWOOD llava Jately received at their well known Stand eo Fayetteville Street, near the market house, their spring anu summer supply ol Dru&S and iTIediriiics, Paints, Oils, Dye Staff, II rushes, Win dow Glass, Perfumer , Ac. Which with their former supply, make Iheii assortment lirre and extensive, comniiiintr al most every article usually kept lu tbeir liue of batmen. They offer them at wholesail or retail, upon the most favorable terms, as they are determin. j-ed-theie assortment shall not be inferior, nor will (hey be undersold by any establishment ju the Stale, either old or str. ' Grateful- -ite pawsbsge- heretofore bestow. ed upon Ihera by their friends and the public generally, tuey uaiter uiemsxivct, titat by assi duity and constant attention to business, thsl they will continue to receive Ihe same liberal encouragement already secured to them. . Prescriptions will be carefully compounded and put bp with hot. bst the most genuine arti cles, under the inspection ol one of the propria ciora. t ( v Grderi from Phyiicians U Merchants, prompt ly attended lo. llaieigh,May 20. 1837. HOTICEi' Will be sold, on Tliura.lay the 13th of May next, helor Galea Court-lloute duor, in Gates ville. tka following: tracts ol land, ar aa much as will pay the amount of taxes due for ihe year catling IS3S, together wuu uie con oi auverti aiug: ....: ., 10.1 Acres Arnold, Will mbb Item on, Jonn Blanchard, John - Illanehard, Job - - Boodt Jilitlia II. - Benton, Henry Benton, Jesse : Brown, William ' Brown, James . Cowper, William S. Cowper, WilliaraS. (1834 lax) ' Cleaves, John Culf, Daniel Cuft", Kissiabi Cuff, John Copeland, John Kllia, Kedar Eure, Samuel ' Eiire, Uempaey Ghiwr, William 100 100 luo 894 ; "1H)" S97 40 60 425 US 13 41 41 100 900 , tfi ... )i 33.. 94 81 ' 196 144 30 97 150 150 80 44 73 86 U . 50 SO IS 1 . SO CO so-- 3.11 IW 130 50 .10 150 75 , April 8,1837. Gatling, William (of Hertford) lludgius, William Howell, David 1 llowall, Timothy . ' Harrell. Samuel ' f Hill, Clement ' Jones, Charles (of Parker) " Jones, Jesse , Jones, William ' - Jones, John Jones, William Jones, Richard . Kelly, John ... lSMter, Henry B. For son, P. B. Lattiler, ' lstier, Kedar ' - Last iter, Joha Powell, Jacob " Powell, John - 1 ' Perry, Widiam 't Pugh, Louisa . - . Parker, Martha Speight, Joseph ' ' S mi ih, Thomas i . ", ., t. :. ; Willey Jeihre . . Itanifl. William It. IUDDICK, Sheriff J Gate: 17 NOTICE. Tlroke mS of my enclotur on Tuesday even ing the ICih intt.. a ilark bay inare feith i blaze r-'Wbi Iw ahoiH-nve-yewr old,' Snd "Shout nve leei nigh. Said Mar was purchased of a Tennessee Urover.- 1 heard of beroa the road seven miles from Enflehl, and J exteet she is en ileavoring to get back to Tenneuee. Any in torinalioH given mvabtm shI mitre, dueded Scotland Neck Post Office, will be thankfully mciTeu, ana an necessary expenses pain. HUMPI1UKY S. CAMP. Scotland Neck, S7tb May, 1837. 84 Im. BERNARD BUPUY, Inform 'hi friend and lb public generally, that he has just returned front New York and Philadelphia, with a rich and fashionable assort ment ol goods, which he is now opening, and will further open in a few day sat his new Wateb, Jewelry and fancy Store, v No. 10, Fayetteville Street. ? W hich, together with his former stock, presents a very extensive and desirable assortment of goods, which will be (old at a very email ad. vaneer he invite the public t com sod cuua. ine for themselves. 1 ' OXFORD Sprixo Term, It ACES. . Mat 9, 1837. 1st day for Colts and Fillies, Sweep . Jvis Let in , (J fanning John II. l$0 Francis John " 16 l-'sh Lurany - 117 liotllrey Jateph VO Giles Jess 50 1 1 ol lady Csnnady " ' '33 llaasell Baly . 8tl . liallia ay.41uMn ( hir,- 50 Hathaway John If. Ihelr,) 850 Hathaway Natbauiel ,100 Hatfield James 40 Ditto for Wilion R. White 9 -Hooker William ; stake, mile heatt, $ 1 00 entrance Wm. McCarso. D. C. by File, (lam Vir ginian, - 1 1 R. Towns. B. C. by do. 8-8 Davwl McUaniel, B. C. by Monsicut Tots. 33 Uaniel Hugger. B. C.. by Loxbormieh .... 4-r4 Time 1st heat, Im. aud 55 see'ds; 8nd heat, 1 ra. 53 Me'ds, ' 2nd day Sweepstake, mile heat si 8200 entrance. June 151 fl50. Edmund Towns, C. C, by File t M-TJIawauaat.&-4X--tile -ft'dfln--1 Wm. McCargo, S. B. by do 38 I). Hugger, U. Colt by Sir CUrlus 4 c dii 3rd day, Proprietor's Purse, 2 mile heals. Tune 3-553-55 & 4-01. B. Towns, S. F. by Luaborongh 1 hi 1st heat. f) I)uger, S. II. Jinetor by Eclipse 8 do- 3 do. David McUsniel, S. 11. Ued Wasp, in 1st Heat and 1-1.. 4lh day,-Jock Club Purse, g300, 3 - ' ' y mile heats. ' David McOanicI, C. II. pioneer, . TTl Uauiul Uugger, S. Iloi'se J umper.-T --8 Time 5 m. 57 seconds and 6 m. 01. Woe ea sy by Pioneer, .. I'KUrUIKl UK, 84 3w. Hassell Silas, lor Gardner Alex ander! (heirs.) . .173 y Holme Henry- . -. ,. : -1 5- Holmei Anna 100 llotkins James' (heirs) '50 Hill Timothy " " '80 Liverman Frederick 337 Liverroan Patrick 38 1 ivcrmao Tbnotliy - -47 --TJyefmanKfcharifttr"" ST : laverman Patscy ...... SO Uverman William C. id Liverman Enos 58 ' Liverman Joha II. ' 65 Lttobfield George '4 .. . 6 " Lucas Harvy 00 . MeGowa Job ; SAO ' McKimmy Joseph ' 600 Nichols John SO Not man Starky II. 100 Mann Sally ' (I0 Overton Frances 135 "Overton Priscilla Overton Benjamin ; Owens Zschariah Owen Hezekiah Owen Abel . ; Owens Noah . I Owens Amos Owen Ammon Owens tlhsrie Owens William , Owen Frederick Powers Ephraim II Power Hardy , I'ayn tdarsrd rextors do not feci thcmtelres author. ized to fix (Jefinitivcir tbe compensa tionof any ol the .oiliccri nntil the meeting if the companj oa.tha 3d Monday in October next, but that the chief engineer in concurrence with the t urtsiucnt, may agree ou a reasonable -compensation-, anbject tolhTapjrvvar of tlie eoinnany, and that JvUhespcct to the compensation of the chief engi neer, no unal arrangement can be made until the meeting of , the compa- The Fresident receives no salary, and his services to the company, whe ther important or otherwise, have so far not cost the company one cent. A to 'the Assistants," Major Mc Neill is now engaged in organising and arranging them into corps, and assign ing them 'Buitable compensationrsub Jnst received a large supply or , i year divided into two eis.on6f twen- comDensation of the assistants, he will third Monday of January anil end on the third U3C " sourd discretion, and observe as mucn economy as is consistent with .i ' ' t f . sortment of Eli Utter paper. Gill and plait. tmt lcrtn!n.tei 0B ,he lounh Friday h! Noyem.' BCtur,"8 : Mmcw per.on. IUHJ Uold naner. Ifice paper. Transparent paper, A .!.! ...min.i.. lt... u. r... Competent to the task." It WSS fur Bristol Hoards, Embossed Boards, perforated -hen Parents and Guardians arc invited 1 ' i . r i .i ..Inu T t. a-JW.-'VV . . . ,.ri- . ""en arems .anu uuaruians arc invueu lo at-1 rer.rnra tin not l.il iVinmavla-aa anlhne. I followed bv the r-Tnrniliturn nl mil At Jheir meeting in Knoxville, , the s Company informed the Director tliat on these survey's "loo much attention could hardly be bestowed" that -."at hasty and inconsiderate decision may followed by the expenditure ol mil lions v to, overcome difficulties which might at first have been avoided they : ' regard it therefore as true economy, to incur io the first! instance all the ex- I neuse whicli tnav' be necessary to a ' complete examinsiioit nujttTltcy. fl .a;. J , JecfltTtbe approvsTln the first inlstMcet of the JVcsidcnt and . .Directors,, and finally the) c m pa nyia above' tftewi tione3r MRior-lcNeill ha beeitT pressly instructed to perforin this duty wun tne , sir iciest rcgara io economy : consistent with the efficient perform- llie" wnoTcTground, by -the most skilful; and experienced Engineers." v ; Ihe lime that must necessarily e- ?:i lapse before these surveys can be pro-, peiiy exccutctl, will, we trust, enablo v the country'jlo revive from its present,, embarrassments. ' No further instalV ments will be called for until this. change shall be produced in (he con tlition of, the country, and the practi- cability and cost ol the Uoad shall be! ' clearly ascertained. In that event, with a siibscription of one million of"5 dollar on the part ol South Carolina, imfrwfr-tMnh Iviatl within' her own limits,, assumed aha stands pledged with i B.tSKtia-rf' ing corporate existence in three or ; , more States, we should certainly have ' " , a reasonable prospect of success.': At . "f alt events,' it is hoped that no prcma- ,.r .:V.sL!T 'tttrabattdMtiwBt.vttr4 The aaaortment eoeiistsin part of very supc rior Gold and Silver Watches, American, En glish ami French Jewelry, Silver tea Sens, Sil ver Spoons, do. Cups. Butter Knives, do. Pickle knives and forks. Plated Waiters, very fine Ja panned do.. Casters, Candlesticks, Brittannia ware, Notice nvp,. Mantel Clock v do. Lamp. Astral do., fine double and single 'bar. rel Guns, duellma;, belt and mocket Pistoli. told and silver mounted Canes, Whips, KneuV superkr Kaisor and Knives, Mu.io Hixes and Accordions, with a peat variety ef fancy arti cles and perfumery. . - ; ,. r .. - Thankful for past eneoursperocnt, he solicits a onrinoanc of the pablic bvoiir, bewy fully per. suaded that Ihe manner in which hi business is carried en will give perlect atisfsetionrtn all those who may tavour him with their enttom. . Clock and Watches of all descriptions repair ed in accustomed superior msaner. All Order for Gold or Silver work eieeuted at the shortest notice, and in the most approved style; - - , -. s. 21 Car. OXFORD MALE ACADEJTIY. The prominent advantsres ol thil Inctitiition. render H pcsutiatly deservinr Ihe notice of pa- reois anu iruaraiaua. ii loriaeriy ranaca among the first in tbe Slatet ani it has al present reanv additional and solid claim on the nob lie lor patronage and prel'erence. : : Oxford is surpassed by no village of the south in its hralthfulotst, pleasant location, rood so ciety and freedom from dissipations ' Iluring the summer months many person resort to ki salu. briou slimate, for the purpose of improving or restoring their bealihi ethers are attracted by it agreeable environs and social comforts. There are three ehwrcbe befoBgtng tO diflereat denominational and the Academy atanda coave- nienl in an aa npif seeluurt :tzrZZZjZZZ. lmlependcntly of these local reeommenda tioni, ihe principal. Mr. A. Hast, is a ecntlc man of efiBiiiterablc atUiinnienls In elanical and scientin knowledge, acquired in ICneland, Italy and France. - Of ihe former country, he is a na tive her he totlnwert hi ipro1esioirftb sue- eess, many years previouf to tii piacllsing ft in nmei tea. nc ta not onir wen vcrsen in in Greek and Latin classics, but familiar with mod- era langnage and all the anmerons branches of physical, mathematical, moral aad intellectual seicnee. A coed lo these endowment he has formed by travel, research and observation; an extensive acquaintance with the ornamental and critical literature of Europe and America, Me will be aided in his duties by competent assist- ant in pro port Ion To the number of popil. Ineirteaeb.r era, their companions and themselves, strict re gard will be had to inculcate virtuous principles, honorable feelings and gentlemanly eonrtoet Tbe method of instruction wilt combine tbe ad vantages of dnmestia nod public education. The government will be parental rather than severe; and (he student's minds directed to habit of Industry, aceerate observation and deep enquiry. Suitable lime and . eate will be allotted to reading, writing, composition and elocution. - : ; Classical students will be prppnreif' to enter the Freshman or the Sophomore class, agreea bly te the eoorte of studies prescribed by the mrveriiiyor;;tiie- The course for the English department Will consist of lour classes to "be instructed m the following brioche. - . t..' v.- . , per eioo. IV Spelling, reading, writing and j V Arithmetic, , r. f S 00 111. The above continued, gengra ' a . by, grammar, parsing and ,' 't-u .x-i-cseroi,- , , . i, J 10 00 , ? II.- 'Composition, logic, rhetoric, , v! : ; history, ehronoiogV and A I- ,' r '" gebra,' ' - - -. -.W $13 00 r a . . i . s s. j rrwaoiiT poeirj.naiurai pni ' , (j ; losopby, astronomy, cbeiu ; Vj,,; ' Istry, mineralogy and boto- ' ' " -' ny, mental and' asoral sci- ; . "'?. 'i.enee, geometry, cnensersx- ' . . ; - ,on lBl survej inj, naviga l : lion, tte. , w . ,: $IS 00 i - ' ; Modern Lansliagcs. y f ne rrenekemirae, i, T 00 - . . ?The Spanish. Italian- W?. "A' ?f 'and German ea.h. 1 003 The tuition, leea ar required la advance! aad " aeasioa win oe tne snuii est ebsrge. , $ , y .., Payn Edward, Jr. '. Kcoton Willism Hichardion Willoby ' t lieynoldi William . Sample Kdward Sawyer Ktckiel 1 Sawyer Elisha ' Sawyer Thoma ; ' Sary Piudcuca . . . Sawyer Mark Sawyer Frank lio Sawyer Pelige : ( Sawyer Abner ' Swindell Bartholomew ' Smith F.ooh ' ;'TTT ; Smith Zebedee, Jr. Smith Kbeneser . Snow Jaccb ' ; i. -SikeaMsry, (G. N.) ; Lpencer Benjamin Spruill Little. .T -j-i-Saaderlia Klihu , 8 wain bythet :. . . , sawyer Abel - Tarkintow John CJ - Taikinton William -Tarkinton Joseph, W, Tai kinton Jeite 11. i'endrtirAw " ' 13S 48 48 - 48 48 87 800 nir 375 UK) - 97 135 SO 3V so ISO ';" 00 100 85 1 88 40 1" ' 100 MS 14i 1 ' 60 , SO na so 8S0 S40 SOO -I. ISO White Bamy White John White Joseph, Sen. ri Ditto Tor the White heir Ditto lor Timothy Jones' heirs Ward Sally , ; "'' Wesion St Seeoln' v JOSEPH ALEXAKDEB, ,,.,. , t II. G.SPHU1LU C Seeuritiel. May 85, 1 837 , 4H 7( t 100 34 40 114 S7 480 Ti II 850 50UO aictifiheimporlAntjluUeajequixetL of ttiesroirrcersT tamed that the arrangements which, no jcalousspiritol distrust- nouespen-i will be made in this rcsnect. will be dency but above all tio groundless satisfactory to the. stockholders. II '.ZZ impulsion; of unworthy motives will -These answers embrace, it ia be-,le allowed to disturb that harmony, , licved, all the inlormation called for", defeat those efforts, and paralixe those by.l'JIaiiytockholderv-'rii truth' ettergiea o-whkh4lte-ttccess-tf therf iir, that nothing has been done, which, w'k entirely depend;; Let Us not f was not expressly ordered by the com-' too soon despair of the country, nor of ; " pany, at their meeting last October, ' tr" means of restoring the pros-f when a large majority of the stock -waa'P'ri'JtoA-Wcuriog-tbA represented, and almost every question the people. 4'"; 7 "rrj was decided ibyeratqinantmou-Tote. j -: -- ROBERT- Y - II AYNB,- At that meeting it was decided, that PresideoTTjoulsvillCTiicinnaUi no call for any instalment should be! . J J Charleston 11. U. Co. -Z , made, and that nothing farther should, , Charleston 31st Mar, I83r. ( ; t be done, until the meeting in October. . 1 h..,. 1.'... ' ' . nj. l j 1. '. MteMepLtorprgani OF MH. CAtHOlJW.t "t'- brigades id engineers, and to cause all r m .genmt f't&U''6iu7i: the routes to be surveyed, "so as to be 7 raw; 183?,i a receptfr eIJia.'r;,;:.:; ready to report on the final location of ; . LITWX PETITOA'S. , Zi Iha It rt . 1 a. Hi. . a . MnAfinn. 41, a' vuu, ni siiv ileal uivtMiig vi fcliu company. To these d Directors have J sr. I. a. . e.i . ' ... . ' .i.uiiis iimc oi u e senate norniitipri. r n:; ii. p-.i.uiIj ! WOu,d eci V to be my duty to call1 - ; stricth JoilQnetT hei; T Uonn 4.1. at..l.f- ' al . . . (- attention. Instruments have been pro- ilZ T m cured, ihe surveying parties have been. tkhH.?i a, , ,a""" heJ ho J, VK work i going on industriouslyand sat-, &t 1, rr i inJ i 1 TV 1 bS"? ' isfactorifv , lected, Indiscriminately frdm the pile, ...ThlVesitlent will here" further 1,! l ""Hi.t.and'; state, that while be has felt himself XZZ' .i! : P"1 ,wn;t , enn.lrsino.1 fa a.ni ll.- Affir... from vl" '."""'"S u-,r ntCtllS Will Call an assurance that no other arrangement " ' '"j ? . . ..... ..... e may linlffi.. Iiv Ihoin nt tlin olnw-ln satisfactory to the stockliohlers gene-r ;. ; , vi 7 Z". Z"Z, ".Tr1" rally, could be made, he shall -be ready 01 ,,,C h" " ' ' ' 1. ri ' i '.Vrr.lpr hi, in.at nn ti, ali,riwJ. . 1 ( "j?" thc Secretary, on the call of CtltlOIIS.) , I llie hm- - r til:iori liplil tnurnrita ni'iml . it... '1 With regard to compensation, he is peculiar institutions of Hie South, that ' perfectly willing to leave it to the com- on th maintenance of which the very ' pany to aayrwhetlier he shall aerve ,,i,i, 'i .w.u..i,i.i: o... . " to surrender his trust on the slightest ,r rlii,, Z ti7 intJmaJionihaLheJsn them or otherwiseand ffoniMiil. is nrannnnail Ia li..:..r.,l ...I he should certainly not expect or otliutia, in the sight ofOod and rnani quire what any stockholder could po tllJ Ulii wit.h a systematic dqsiKn .,f sibly regard as unreasonable, 1 he rcr,Jering us hate ful in the eyes f the President; is free to confess however .worW , .feW to i geiicral cru- that important as he deems the creat ...i, ,,;, . mnA !..,"" - enternriie. of Coiinectinrthecirv b 01 f . -.u .1 .1 me ii;miaiive nans oi tlio ciiariesion wun the west ov a rati roaa it., la-lta KCDAIA.I ! 4lvMaJ CZ ' 1 to be. he would abandon it at once IT- despair, it he could be induced .to be- mZhZL their VafV ?. ih T " lieve o,at the rrcs.dent and Uirector... t,Ve institutions, and yet we, the instead of beinjr uphtld and supported ..r 'i-. ' " . .. . ; iiuihviu.hu, ui I'UIC VI IlieSC SOVe a .a . as r i a a ' a i . r- v p v v av vs t s vi I Ilv9c BOVC " by the : stockholders. we! to be watch.' ,Mes against. V.Ulft.4hia deadly e4,the.lWi upon with, suspicion..; If instead of ;n Biencef hearing .ourselv, an l ' " s ....v . -"Vi. -v jV V" nru tfl.Jiuu.-iiur- oeing susu.neaoy mai generous con- cunstuuc1lti aay Yter tlay denounced. nuence, wnicn is essenuai to toe sue- wit,0R uttering a"Vord-i-if we but o- " cM of all greM cnryrwcii thare. ., ,.rwhWt-f W.i.,t;r, i. - From the Charleston Mercury of JnneirH LOUISVILLE, CINCINNATI k CHARLESTON HAIL ROAD, sin answer' to a call for information through the columns' of the Mercury, signedMah Stockholder," the 1'resuient, and such ol the Directors as are now in this city, have the honor to state lor the information or the stock holders generally, 1 1st. That Major McNeill, and Captiyjftliamsv. ihe-Cbicf, and-AssoJ rtate Kngmeert, were appointed, not by the President and Directors, 1 but by "the unanimous vote of the company, at the meeting of the stockholders, held at Knoxville, in January last" " 2d. - It has no; been decided that the" Chief Engineer "is to receive 220,000 per annum for occasional ser vices'his associate about one half that sum-and the' Preside and division subordinates, " in! proportion." ' The cbinpensation of Uie Chief and Asso ciate Engineers is to be hied by the company; at; their' 'meeting at Flat Rock, in October next,, when the ' ser vices to be performed by these officers will be' defined, and prescribed, and their salines' establishedi The board in directing the thief engineer to make tbe proper rgant7.ation ol the corps, directed, that in fixing the grade and to encounter ti'Wrus, it is easy to liire tel the result. In the present circum stances of the country, nothing can : be easier than to shake public confidence in any treat work. It is not to be con cealed, that the difficulties before us. are well calculated to paraitze the en ergies of the community. Many Rail I resounded on all sides, and we are held up as seeking to aggravate the evil which we resist. Every reflecting mind must see in all this, a state of things deeply and dangerously diseased. 1 do not belong, said Mr. C, to I ho school which holds that aggression is to be met by concession. '.Mine is the and others it is known cannot be much L L i.a . ' l... n" ,. . " longer carried on. It may therefore happen, that our great rail road may share the fate of others. We have so far, however, advanced; prosperously, and pur present condition is peculiarly lortunate. the objectionable provis ions introduced by Kentucky into the charter, have been repealed by her Le gislature, and the amendments pro posed by South Carolina adopted. The ATrpasslf of South Carolina, conferring Uamkinq Pmtn tnii on llip. Chmnanv. hne hocn concurred in by North Carolina, and wants but the assent, either of lenncs see or Kentucky, to be carried into ef fect. - Such a Bank, if now establish ed,' would furnish the means for an ex tensive commercial intercourse be tween5 the South and the West. In deed it is not easy Jo perceive how this trade can be carried on otherwise than by i means of Bills of Exchange and Bank ' Notes, drawn and issued by an Institution having corporate existence id-several Slates.,.', ,? 7 ' In the mean time, our Brigades of Engineers are all organized, and in ac tive and successful operation along the whole line, -executing the scientific surveys directed by the Stockholders. croachments must be met at thc betrin- ' 11 mg, anu maijiioso who aci on the op posite principle are '' prepared to be- come slaves. In this case in particular f I liold concession or compromise to be ' fatal. -,lf we concede an inch, conccs. " sion would follow concestiion com- I promise would follow compromise, un- til our ranks would be so broken that 1 effectual resistance would be linpossi- ble. We must mcet the enemy on iha frontSer,aWUViTs maintaining our position at every hti. ard. Consent to receive these insult ing netitions, and the next. demand ' will be that they be referred to a com-; miltce in order that they may be tlolib-; crated and acted upon. , At tlie last -session we were modestly asked tu ie-; ceive them simply to lay . them on' the; table, -without any view or ulterior! action.' I then told the Senatoif frotiii Pennsylvania, (Mr.' Buchanan whn' strongly urged that course in tlie Sen'7 ate, that it was a . position that could t not be maintained at the argument in: favor of action on the' petcntion if W(j were bound to jeeceive, could ntitbc resisted. ' I -then aaid- thai thelnexf step would be to refer, the petition tot a committee, and I already sceinlica- tions that such is now the intention. 15 ' - ' 'v