a of r tad ,a r. re,. Bjmmi 21, ic37 TOI.ZVXCL-KO 2G. red. ible hiri for i rftr su, sett, :ttial i; bill! '(be 'urn M rt 1U :s. Dill , 1. FT I' m. EDITOR ASD PBOFUIETOtt . ,- . . grssrsiMiu; ihica dnllsr la - ,. -a ran Mtnnm I (TjPer residing . A'. i reeoired Pr ,he 'ount"uf " T 2. in advance. be But will be the. year's 1 0 KTiKS OK AUVF.UTI3IKG. if For every squr v"01 exceeding HJmes thil iz type) 6rt Insertion, one dollar; each sub .winenl insertion, twrntv -five cent. The sdvertisementi of Clerks and Sheriff t Will S"IHr" ;'Tm,'.'ltWavRW?VWli-''3ti aWion of 3a J per wM. will be ensue Iron Ilia .regular prices' lor adveHhwrs by the year, . DlnrkVs Ointment ron the cuuc ov silcs.- Tbe abscriber bugs leave to offer t tlm alien r.n al those who are suU.ct lo ibM moat disa greeable of disorders, the Piles, rfratHj, the rfficaev ot mU'uA li Weeo tce4 by tlie txiwri- eaae ot year. Mil ibe utility of whkh haa in o kutance been Impaired Irom fuilure to rlive, ToUmae iitt ha been mbjeeted- to thia d.aw eae, k will prove, il applteil hmi re-atlacKel, a w nreveutaiive lo M eonimunnee, vtikanf iht hmt paint mdeed rny have pronounee it ms mw -j' ".m, -i'r-" m ! '""K paru are ui uwi veReui.io mattuv The ntoihrr ol (lie siibirriber who ia the ma- ' irr iif the ointment, hat been in llie habit of (;! Wtrrwr'7earw:'iTi4wwiMta.iiafa gilrbit;pplwitip4MrW Writ -m'' ijmff wmm t laiiVHJ.aav- waipw i J w.iwiia.j.- whebaa nte1 tt tiimwlf, M.a pitatnlwU it tetfaO) rliI(()lW-...- i. ,.,,,,, - ,,. l - 4 I note who are autttxiiyrwiji-Un well to make and there can be no iloatil bnt that the Uiaonler may bearreahHl in Ita-caHUa atate, if i UIy4 M mane m ny Bppiicairo. ; , . ..J The direeliuaa lor ute i!l ke fmiml on each bottle. - - AN I'M II.' MAKK3. Ptlerabure.a,; Aog. !Wt 1S35. I have oaeil tSe Pile Oinlment prepared, by Mr. Mark, anil preeri!wrd It toliibrrawTrii Hie h:ipplect eit'ret. I llerefnre can recommend it to liuu affliuled HU ilitt diauixreenble complaint -the Kilec I Ul l E, M. U. Prince Oeorjc County, July 3J, 1S3S. Mr. . II. Marki: J)ea' Stf: In eomplmnee with yonr reiffteal f jnforiiribe-pid.lw lhati bv. had ivii mrmhei a of iny family fi rqnetitly aitarked with live l'ilt. and from an ointment that I ob lawtr-k li'w--ywM'-ruifar, tlmy Ua.c-ia.ait tc louudvniu e reliel with a l appiicHiiuni. JtaSS HEATH. Pi ines fienrje (Jouuty, Anj. 18, (836. Mr. Sam'l. II. Maiki: Dear Sin Yoiira nf the 17lh inatant waa- duly- r4MiveVand iialTiunla. jii e-pkatorelo eimply with your rwuent. 1 have been afllicted with that diaagreeable dlori!er, the PUei, and alio my negro man, and 4 obtained Irom your mother-the ointment that you eftertft the public, and in all altai ka bth my man ami myiell have found entire relief. 1ji aililiiion to the above ex perience, I have giren it to tome ot my frienda, awl 1 have neter known H to fail giving relict.- I would rrenramend thil oinlment lo thoca who are anbjvct to thia ditagrreable diaeaae, ai an ef itariauc and agreealile remedy. ,,.... I am your retpeatfullr, . w JUIW McRKOOM. y Richmond, July 18, 1830. I received yoara of 'he Itiih invt.you wiih me to inlimii you of my tiiHatinn at tlie lime thatymi gave me a biilile r( jonr Pile Oint ment, ami what vffi-ct it had on me. , I had the pile M bad at any H.rua could have .hem to much to, that 1 could not attend to my daily 'abort t and. in truth, I cnold tcarevly fcl cut of my room. 1 commenced with yoor oint mentiand -threw or iuur daya, !: entirely relieved. I wouM recommend it to the public, at being one of the matt rxcellent remtdie that Wat ever otlvrad to Uuc puuttc WILLIAM CAUSOX. ' ' - Petertbiirr,' Aug. 19, 1838. ' Mr. S. II. Mark: .. ... i nur iS4: I lake pleatnre m inform Sag the public, that I wa very badly alHieied with thai ditagrreabh) ditorder, Ibe Pile, and I obtained Iron you, a bottle of yonr oiotment, and m a few day the diteaMT wa enthvly ri--ntaved. I Would recommend U an infallible wtuedy . ) A M E3 T M UK PU Y llPetertlmre, tOth Ana. 1818." A a duty' I owe to Mr. Mark I will inform th jubljotht JJtave been badly afllieteil. wilk the dikigreeaule diiordrri tTi"e"'PIIevafirt tained from him a bottle of hi oinlment. and I mad ty that I have never nted any thii g Ihm hat give mo to much relief.. 1 would recoin Kend irO 'the tocatvrme atfrreablc and clBcatiout temrdic that can be ted. , , 8. M JACKSON. For Sale-by . ' ' ' ' "' ' . J7 AVill iaias, Hay wood t Co. I October 1Z., If ' iiwii? mi i ii'inrnv I lioston Morning Post and t'ummcreial tiazette, "4. I - ACAD V ' New Ymk Tim.., Nw York Evening Post, 1 be Trotieea of Ihl mrtrtniioi., lake, plea- Trenton F.mporium,- Pennsylvmian, Americas are la announcing to the public, that they ImvC Uen,inei, Hkhmnnd Enquiir, Norfolk Hwald, proearedeompetjmleaebetc.wndcrwhawdi-i Kalb Star, Charleston Patriot,;, Georgian, lection the school will eommeoce on Monday! pec0, Glelle, Uoutlana- Advertiaer, and the 17th July next. 1 he male department will Mobile Keeisier. - ' , te nnclar the cnargeTir w. ; wnnct ri,nr. who i vrinjrs SIIC iuvh miivtwvivi j icminwwvii ua Biv moral worth, scholarship and practical experi ence a teacher. . v ' , s : The Fcmalo department will be conducted by Miaa Maiiltla 8. ttowan. Wl.n uimei k i It I v twa. comraenil br lh Vrlneml of lVmiU I 4 8emlnary at Sehenectadn, and the Profritnr of Marion Uollego and other as a young Lady - of finished education, and possessing that aminbiii- ly ol dispoamon. and diactpline olnrind, which mlmirably qualify her tar the dutie. ol an In . Ia the male department' the tuition for ion of five month will he n fllnwt Spelling, Heading, Writing, Crsmmar, Cee. graphy, Parley history and Arithmetic,', $8,00 Latia and Greek language, lilietoric, Logic, Algebra, Geometry, Navigation - and 8rvejmg,-r , ' --V ( 13.SO French. . ;4 '' w i -r- - r . i 50 n lire icraiic nepanmem 1st Utvision nthmtlie per aesaion. . 8.00 Son Uivision. Ancient and Moilem History; Universal Geo gmphji, American History, Uhetorie, Logie, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Astronomy, Moral" and Intellectual -Philosophy,- Natural Theology, Element et Ci itkitra, per ; tessinn,. 'c': V 10,00 Freath, T' 1 '. ?V, 19, SO . ' Botany, " -'- . t . v ': JOO !. Urawmg. ' : V -" '; r '- 8,00 Flower Painting, . io.Oli Oil Painting, - " :; ; ' ,10,00 Hoard can be had at Ihe Ackdemf, amf in the "sot respectable familie in the neighborhood at $7 per month. - :-r.r. , SIMMON'S . BA5CF.R. ; ; COLLIN M. OI.AKK, " 1 ' WM SMITH. Jr. . ; w'k:-Vv WM. It. SMITH, genVV.,,5 JAMF.SU G, lKEr...: i t WHlTilKlJJ. HILL, r. iis i ;.'ClUiiLES shield. ' ' - Trvtteet. ' - CIIAS. 8UIF.LD, Seety. M tab 187?; si w. Nsvr Commissioxm's Omci Mar., 11,1837. . LIVE OAK TIJIBEIt. . Sealed proposal will be received at thia office 1 11 III II J-3 CllJrsa, I . it. Ul (lis? I ev v w . 1 a ri..L D fcjl l t. nf lsl MHam.Mm3illB,-i, y 7..-r- ---r . --ar-w-.-.. - " m a. For the fme umber, beuu aod keel ami pieeea, anil for the jiromiaeanaa limber which may be oireotuil, tor one imp ol toe line, one friinie. two ttooia of war, (one ot each claw) aii'l one mailer leatvl: to be delivered at tbe Nar Yard near Pvrtamootli, N, II. . No 3. For the Tearae timber, btare anil keel aoR nleeet, ' and fur the bromiieooaa timber which oi ay be directed, (or oae ahipof the line. N'n 3. For the frame limber, beam and keel- iltew, anitfnr the promuitiinttaluunet. may be ilirecteil, nr one tnip ma line, oue loop of War1eelaa,-one tmall veuel and one atramerr lo bu delivered at the Navy Yard, Cbarlratoan, Matlaebuaeitt. No 4 Fur the Irame timber, beam and Vee(. ton plceet, and for the proroiasuooa timber wbicK I M it onB temer: to be delivered at the K vj n,ooklyn. N. Y. . Noj. tl.e frame timber, beam and keelton n;,, .,i r- i,. Hroniaeuoua limber which Br be .lireattd, tor one abip of the line, one i tloop of war. larte cism, eu one iteamers tie at the Navy Yard, Brooklyn, N. Y. T N inr'r"11.etrirme ttmbiw, Jieam and keel and for- the pniniiaeuoua timbrr I jcJ muf ee , flirvtU'il, tor two ilnnpa ol war, I two feamer: to be delivered llluitnorrrgprr y, FlSnt gghr ; nf 1imr-fiflenbie reef - wH.Tlg..airlwtTVBW tKa. t-t : i,i, ; r n, i ;. , v,.. ,,). M 9 rino ).-. r, hifc - 1Tm,t berwiled ti inchea, and ke from-l l2( - fect lane, ii oLaluiJanEeit jtieeta Jiaide 19 inchei. For each vlnnp nf war 1,500 cubic feet; which mast be tided It invhea, and be from 12 to 18 m teet lone Ha ongerplPfcgi to title 16 HVhet,..,j:,. For each aleamer 1.5IKI cubic feet; which must be tided 1 S indie, and . be from 1 2 to 18 I'urt long, six ol the longett pieee to tide 16 inchet. , For each tmill vettel 800 cubic feet; which mutt be tided 8 inchet, and be from 10 to 16 feel long, tix of tlie longett pit eet to tide 12 Inihea. ';'' - A parf-of the promiieuou timber may be got to larger dimension, pioviJed the piece will answer for rtpl-irmg defective liawse piecea, t ransom , bcr a it moka, or other valuable pieveai 8rparte otl'i-rt must be made for each nt the nrrceilinz nmnbert, and each ofVer mutt embrace nil the timWr that U called for by. the tiumtfer to which it refer; the price atked per cubic lout must be tinted separately fir each nd every elau of vcsielt embraced . in the oiler, and for llie-promiMUOu Umber ..oLraeJi ):im terately Irom theothert all of which other i considered monlded limber. ' - i At let one-fomih of the wliole quantity of timber embraced m each oiler, comprising a fair proportion of the moat valuable piecea, mutt be ileliverrtd on or before the last ol March, 1 8311; one-half nf the remainilvr on or before the last of March, 1840; and the whole quint ity on or before the last of March, 1 841 and if the above proportion (hall not be de li verd at the respective slime above tpecjfied, the Commitslmier of the Navy reserve to them tclvei lhe right id ctneellinluny contract, in the execution tit which auchr rt,-re-my cccur and of entering into new contracta holding the ori ginal contractor! k their surties liable tor any execs of cost, and other damages, which may be thus incurred. ' 'j." - The taid live oak limber must have grown within twenty-five mile of the seaboard, Yhieu mutt be proven to the MlisTaction-of the respec tive Cominamlant,)' must ' be got Out by the monlrfi and written direction, and specifications Bt dimenionj ke wliib wiUtM4wn44itdlo the eontiwctor for their government,- cud must be tree from all bijurir and defect 'which may im pair the gaadWity oiiiic.aaid limber, fur ike numnte tor which it n reoniren oy contract, anu be in all respect satisfactory to the Command - ants of the respective navy yard where it n delivered. .,. ; . llonds, with two good and responsible sureties whose names must be forwarded with the of trr) la the amount of one-ihird (he estimated value of the timber to he furnished under the respective contracts, will be required; , and a collateral aeenritv for the faithful compliance with Ihe terms, npulalion, and condition of the taid contract, len per centum, will be re ceived from the. actual amount of each. payment which may hn made Irom time to time, within tli i rty riavsafier bill (hall be'dulv approved and presented to tbe NaW Agent, unJiLihs s.uid con tract are empleted and closed; which reserva tions, respectively, will be forteiled to the use and benefit ot the United States, in the event of ftWfnWdemtheimfcer live perron prescriben. t . The mould wilt be furnished to the Contract or at one of Ihe oevy yard, Urooklm, Uoaport, Of ITtiiaiteipuia.- To be published twice a week," oMi! thel'lh of June "he xTlmthW"-'Niiirl'nleBteiM!erT lilMkc, FiWeru Ai'gwV New 4ImpthH-eY (-.aaettw, , March lif, 1837 S v ' . 14-13 w Nivr CoHMi.sioiiaa' Orrti'g, Maarn 18, 1837 - LIVE OAK TL1IBKK. Sealed nirerc, endorsed "Oflur tor IJv i Oak for .mall vew-la," will be received at ' thi omee until 3 o'clock P. U. ot the first day of Ju'ie net, for theaupply of live Oak hberotfolrowavia , No. U F ,r the frame timber and keelson ! nieea. and the- nromisruoua timber for one at the Navy.. Yard. Charleston, Massachu- ette , '.ii .... r w- -" . ': No. 2. For the frame limber, keefon pie ee, and the promicuou timber for one sloop of war, (amnli clasa.) and one maller vessel, to be delivered the Navy Yard Itroogiyn, New iork. ce anil promiscuous timber for one smaller veel. io be delivered at the Nay Yard Philadelphia. ',','' S '"'i' '. T-- v f No. 4. For the frame limber, keelson' nie- eea, and promiaciious timber for one sloop of war, (.small claw,) to be delivered at the Na vy Yard. Waaliinr-ton, District of Columbia. no. 3. tot the frame timber, keelaon pie ces, and promiscuous timber for iqe sloop of war. i smaii ciass.) to oe delivered at Ibe Na vy Yard, Gosport, Virginia. . . . .The quantity and dimensions of the pro. miscuous timber for each vessel of each, class iaas follows: . , ,tLy For each sloop of war, I, SCO cupic feef, which mutt be aided twelve inches and be from twelve to eighteen feet long; ix of the longest pieces to side sixteen, incjies. v1-" " For esch rnl!r vawi, isup cb'ts feel, Which , must be sided etgnt-inclief, ol be from ten to sixteen feet longt sis of the Ion. gesi pieces to siue twelve ana a nail menes. I A psrt of the promiscuous .limber msy be 1 g;ot to larger dimensions; -provided (be eei will ahawer for replaclnf defective bawae piece, tranauroi, brtaat book, or other ! uabla piece. Separata offert muat be oiade for each of I W . V VUIIIK HUlllUt I a. t "- liv f I v- the prcceetlMit numbera. and each oner - ; ' J?:Z 'Jm UZTZ for by the 'number Itf-which it referai the priori asked per cubic foot mutt be tiated aeparately for' each and every elaai of vet aeli embraced in the offer and for the pro idmcuoui lioi'ier of each cla arparalely from the oiherj all of which uiher lieontid red moulded timber. - The whole to be delivered before the practicable. Thu uiil t; flair Timhr mutt have (which mtiit be proven lo the aktiafaction of the respective ' commandantt,") mutt he got out by the mould and written directions and pecificsiiona nf d. mention, &c. which will be furpialied to contractor for tbeir govern ment; and must be free from all injurietand defect which may impair the good quality of the laid timber for the purpoces for which U i required by contract, and be, in all re- peeti, 4tiktacVory to the commandant of the respective navy yards where it ia delivered. Hand, with two good aiul responsible sureties, (whose name mut be forwarded rith the-flrar) iulhe amount of one-tliird the eilimated value of the timber to be fur jtjjA,uiWrjJie.,;jreyccdia,,,wrilra the faithful compliance with the terms. tip xen per cent, w in oa retervcu irom me actual Navy Agent, until the taid euutract are coiripletrd and eloaedi which reservation reepeetively w til b forfeited -to the ue an J bmeHt of the United itatea, in , he event ot (atiiirri to deliver the timber willun the f"pet'' pet ted prcribed- 4y the eoa-4- raci. 1'lie'moulil sv iU le furnWied tio the cnn. tractor t one of the Navy Yards Bfooklin, uosport; or Philadelphia. . , Cj" To be published twice a week, until 15ih June next, in the National Intelligencer, C!obe, Eestern Argus, New Hampshire Ga sette, Commersial Gazette,.: Boston Morning Post; New York Times. New York Evening Post, Trenton Emporium, Peiuisylvanit, A mctican Sentinel, Richmond F.nquire, Nor-foikilersltl.-ltslt Ign ;Srar.Cnaf rcstotT paVri' ot, Georgian, Penaacola Gazette, Louisiana Advertiser, Mobile Uegisier. March 21. 1837. 1413 w. WHOLESALE GROCGOr. We hnve llisa day formed a copartnership nn-dci-lhe firm ol WAltttKN HAKBH k Co. lor the purpoie ol carrying on a wholesale grocery. WAKRF.N IIAHUIS, ISKV.I . imlIS, IJKMtY HAKKIS. - Portsmouth. Sitt March, 1837 WAHIICXX HAIIJIL3 A CO., Are now receiving a Urge and general assort ment of GROCERIGn, etc. which will be sold ou accommodating term. 227 Bag Itio, Laguira h Java Coffee. "44T)riet rorlDlico Soger,- : 20 Hhd do do 20 HhilsN. Orleans do S HhiUSt. Ci-oix do 40 llbl Loaf do - . V- - 10 Udxrs do ' to very snpesior. 125 Barrel Family and eitrw copcrior Floor, 4 UKrrels lUliunorc Whiskey . 30 Hhd ' do 2- Tieree Kew Oi leans Molatie - 60 Baskeia Chamfaign Wine 10 ! Pipe Cogaiae Brandy 5 - ' Holland Gio ir a owt niainira , -nc 1 10 " Pale bherry do 3 Hhd Madeira do . . - 3 Qr Cask do 75000 Havsona Srrsrs Co very tuperior ' 40 Boxes Sperm aud Patent Candles, 40 No Soap . . ... i Starch ' ( , SO " j Bunch Kaisnis SO S Gallon Demmijohns- , : lS0KefcS Cul Nils assorted . SOOtIO Iron Asaorted , HlOO Sseel do -- - - Imperial and Gun Powder Tea 8pice,kPepper, Nutmeg and Ginger Ly4 '150 Pieces Cmlon Having' OlSack.Livereol Saltv.' - . ,' -, tOO Keaius W raiiplng Paos-j--L. All oraers tor i.non wilt be nunelullv at-l d-.it j -.ui l ,1 i.- All orders for Good wilt be nunelullv at- amoivwf sliv itdMi from tim tw litwei within thily-iijraRer-btHtT rxtzzzn -v.i;-r r i T'r -r .hall be duly approved and. prented to the! IVTA1" "L'r" K"k iAYUlttnAJiBlSiJicfcle,ar' ne lna mmt naccoiint- Portsmouth, March lil, 1 837. 18 3nV OXFORD JIIALE viCADEJIY -The prominent advantages ol this Institution. render ft peeuliaily deserving the notice 0paJ rents ami guariiiHi . ft lonnctry ranked among the first in the State; snc' it hull al present many additional ami solid claim ow the peblie lor patronage end prelercaen. - . .fc -ri Oxford is torMused by oo village of the sobih In It healthfolocss, pleasant lowuion, rood 'so ciety tnd freedom Irom Oissipation, , During the Hi miner month many person, resort to Nt salu brious climate, for the purpose of improving or restor ing their heidihi others are Stliseted by " it agreeable environs and souinl ctmlorls. There are three shurchrs belonging to, iliffereot dennmiostions; anil I the Academy siancls conve nient iqan airy anil ecluiltil spot. Inttepeodemljof Ihee Jneal mas, ihe nrinciticl, Mr. A. Ilaar, it gentle- ,n of eonder.ble attainment. In cl.ssksl ...d linos, msn scientific knowledge, seniiired In Engtknd, It) and Kianee. Of the former country, he it na tive where he followed hi profession with suc cess, many Tears previous to his pi editing it in America, lie i not only well versed in the Greek and Latin slstsies. but familiar with mod em language and all Ihe niimrroe branches of physical, mathemalicsl, moral sort Intellectual science. Added lo these endowment he ha extensive aequaiuiaiiee watf'the cmaa.cntal iind critical literature of Burope and America. He will be aiiiwt in at uutiv oy sompeteal assist nt in proportion to Ihe aumber wi pnpHs. In training lite Students to respect their teach ers, tlieir companions and themselves, strict re gird will be had tit Incolcate virtnouspfinciples, honersble feeling ami gentlemanly conduct. Tha method of instruction will combine the sd ventages of ilnmesri snd - public ciluctlion. 1'hegovernmCtit will be parental ratber than leveret and the student' mind directed lo habit of industry, sscurste observation snd deep enquiry. Suitable lime and acre will be l lolled to reading, writing, composition and elocution. ;' -.'-- .. Classiesl students will be prepared to enter the Freshman or, the Sophomore class, agrees Mr te the course of studies precerilied by the I'niversicvrr gude, - Tuition pr session fts oo. .- ";; ,;-: ,-'.',..?.. i. . I he course for the F-flgtish drpsrtment will consist of lour clsises to be instructed n the fitllawinav Krsaas,rsa.a t - , :'- - per. session. IV Spelling, reading, writing and ;V Avithmetie, ,w - C ; f 00 The above eontioned, (eOfra- hy, gnunmur, paraiog and exercjiva, Cooipoaitioff, logie, rhetoric, r hinory, chrunuiosj and AU febra, - - . '.- . $10 00 II $13 00 1 1'luemly h pwliy.iiatuiH Inaophy, aatroooray, chim ialry, tuincralojty and bto ny. mental and moral acU enee, lenmetry,, mentui-a- : lino, land torvej tug, nviga lion, ke, $U00 . Hloderu, LanBrnncs. The Fifaeh eourae, $T W per aeaiioa 1 he brianith, lutlian litnH"t ii wan wb' txirm. ; III The tuition Ice are requitwd In advance! ndj7?1'i est eharee. ' The year Is divided into two sessirm of twen ty two week each, the first commence on the third M onday of January and cad en the third Friday of Junet Ibe emnd begins allowing a week' interval) on the fourth Monday ol June, and terminale na the lounh Fridny in Novem ber. A public eximination before the Trustees will take place at the close ol etery aetsiont when Parent aud tiuardiaut are united U at tend ' ' By order ol the Trite.'w--.' Qifofd. x c Aped sr. 137 s r Philadelphia, with a rich and lashionable atcorl ment nt EOOlll. whiclt h it now nnaainW anil ll fwtUr open in a Tew day ant hU new-Watch, Jewelry and Fa ney Store," .::v Ko. 10. Furrttvii:e Strrri. ' Wnisll.logeihef wult hltP.rnjeftoc;t presrirtf J a very extensive anil Uesiraule assortment ol gpwls, which will be aolil at- eery , email adi vance; he invite the public to come and exam ine fur themselves. , "' . ' ; ' , The sisortmenl consists in part of Very tope rior Gold and Silver Watches, .American En elish and French Jewelry, Silver tea SJeti's, Kit- K?era panned do.y Casters, Caodleslickt, Hi ill ware, Cuftc (.rtquei, Mantel Clocks landis Clocks, do. Urmps. Allrl ilo . fin ilouhle and single lisr- rel Guns, duelling, brlt and pocket Pistols, gold and silver mounted Canes,-Whip, Rogers' superior lUitors and Knives, Music liixrs and Aceonlion'S, with a grest variety of laiicy i ti de ahil perfiiisry,"" 71L'r:?Z?7' Thankliil for past eneoitragemem, he tolicit continnHnce of the public favour, being fully per. suaded timt Jhe manner in slib b. hit b'llniis is carried on will give prrlect sutiifaclinn to all thrwe-whowisy tavoOr him wltb their custom. ' : Clock and Watches of all descriptions repair ed hi accustomed, superior manner. All orders for (.old or Silver work executed at tlie shortest notice, aud in Ihe most approved style. t , ., . , 8V 6w. , anaiyaaaaaaa.wiga'M REMARKABLE BTORY. , From 4 notice of iuifrad'i Human i,.i', a new work, by the aullior of Treuiaine and Do Yere, in the Kew Monthly Msgazino for April. . ; . -. .'; The Biorjto sa,Uicirwe shall now ail vert has the trouble value of being told, wc presume, on Mr. Wanl's pergonal knowjedy,. ntl;. of iUtntravting the ejt. tratiriiinary chanres,s on wWch liuinln life is bomelimcs suffered to depend. gaiwiiisaietfea 5.gfeiwittrt:. t- , . V V U . . I . HfUl . Ul -Mil rrrtMtTtawcwoeeurwt44lwelMw tnown Sir Evan Nepean, in ..the Home the trooble of turning the page) or if Department The popular version of the story had been, that he vt'as warn ed by a visiou to save the lives of three or four men condemned to die, but reprieved,- and who, but for the vision, would have perished through tlie un-der-Secretarj'sv neglect Aulprwarding thereprieve. Oo Sir Evan's being sub cq'uentl.isked how far Wiitt6ry. was true, his jnswer wass "The narrative ... ... v t-waa-tH-moat-axtraordiuarv-tldng ., j. . ' , . ,a, . c that. ever. hannened to me." the sim pie lacrs, as toui uy inmseii, are tnese: One night, during his office as under- aijie waktiuiness mat coum oc imagm d; he Avsin perft Walth.haiUiiHed early, 4nd had nothing whatever ott his mind to keep him ; twake. .' Still, he found all his attempts to sleep impossi ble, and, from eleven till two in the morning, had never closed an eye. ; At length, weary of this struggle, arxl as the twilight was breaking, fit was in summer, he 'determined to try what would be the eilect of a walk in the park. ' There he- saw-tiolhittg but 4he sleepy sentinels. Vut, in hi walk,: happening to pass" t'e . Home OHice several times, he thought of letting romances a little, but what it aiiuacaJsoareMhef were stooped on the very Recommends-UlimSeJfJtl.Wlth hi.' key. ihoudl IT.. .:..l ."".:- ti. " MJ particular object. Ihe h with-1 book of entries of the day before still; Vy on the tab'c, and ; through sherr listless ness he opened it T he first thing he saw appalled him "A reprieve to be sent to York for the coiners' ordered for execution.'? The execution had been appointed; - for the next day.' It AtXHclLhifnXhatJe had received no re turn to bis order to send the reprieve. tie searched the "minutes)1' tic could not find it there. In alarm, he went to the honse of the chief clerk.' who lived in Downing street knocked him ap, (it .was then past three,) and asked him if he knew any thing of the re prieve being; sent. , lo great alarm, the chief clerk . could not remember. "You are scarcely -awake,'? said Sir Evan, , recol lect y ourscl fji: it i must have been aeirt,? . i:-Jrh The chief clerk said that he now re collected he had sent it to the clerk of the Crown, whoo business it was to forward it to York.' s v - : : - ..-r-J- ."Good," said Sir Evan. "Bat have yon his reciept and certificate that it is tcontPK.4-i: v- ,"4 ' ; "Then come -with me to his house; we must find him, it is. so earl v." , It was new four, and the elrelc of " the Crown lived inChancerr-lane. There thej almost ran. 1 hey werejust in time. The clerk of the Crown tad a country otme, and, meaning to have a lung holiday, he was at that moment stepping into his gig to go to his villa. Astonished at the visit f the tonder Secvetsry of State at such an boor, lie is smi more so at ms business. is iockcu tin in mr nesK; ' it was rouit.f, feii4 Evan s ylfT.Van Bent to the ptisti omce lor trie truest anu iierieuexpres. The reprieve reached York next morn- ing: just at the moment the unhappy men were ascending the cart. With Sir Evari Nenean, we fully a gree in regarding this little narratives as one of the most extraordinary that we have ever heard. We shall go further even mnn lie bcmiut. ictisrvu. he acknowledged, nnd sar tha , to us, it appears striking" evidence of what we should conceive a superior inter'nosition. It is true th'af no chostTproved oboo his p1arv.T-itWcontendl-- apfitHtrV-Bor-ftylprauupli JMrioiicax7im chances, and each of these chances ccssnry, tnat we are aimosi cumpeiirM itco hihu'-ih Hsrwrmsiuirasvic us - to regard the whole its matter id an In- givin publicity to all new inventions ' , nuettce imTb oe- attnM lor a common occurrence as, undobt- oi tne roau appears simple, yet we can edly. ftis of wakefulness will happen Botjroaaine the " atjU in yhtch the ears without any discoverable ground 'in the arejcotislructed. nondescript ion of Btateli4tvMcwlyTrmind8tLU4.lM inventors, j what could be less in the.e ommon The weight seeins to be carried below I'" course of things than tjio waking, he t!io surfaco of the supporting rail upon should take it into his head to p-i ftp whit h runs -'double flanged wllcels,, ' and take a walk in the park at two in the mornino? Yet. if: he had," like others, contented hinisell wiih taking a walk r ountl his chamber, or cni-Ving the succeedtnir events could have oo curred, and tlje mejnlfnah.tJtitv t:bai-iJ-be. prtH-4eWroHt-f-.-he nglitto -acrlfced.';!ir:ifr'-'rwiieii he took lttif; their improvement upon the follwing walk, he had been rontMit with gettioar term s say 1 500 hhai es, eat h l id of Ihe feverishnessof the night, and for the United Statesexcept one third retutwd to Ju&,bed, and Louisiana, which is nave" been "broken) ff whandns mre already ,drspooedof Ohelhir thef nut td the natural course of events than shares is reserved to the suhsci iper. ,i' lhaf,lt two Irr the morning, the dea This 4ofT!i ing it lUe proprietora should enmtrinto the head of any man say, for a .RUui that , will be saved in to go to his ofncp,J nnd sit down in the the construction of only one hundred lonelv rooms of his department; for no purfiose of business or-piVasure Jiut . simply fromr not knowing" what to do . i i . - if i tr i I i i.. wiin ntniBeiir -vrji, wtuii lie iiau himself into thore solitary PMimr the t)diik"Tf entries had -not latn on- the- ta - ble) (anil thia we prrsume to have be eigtli miles of this road, and put the , anmng (he ehanres, as we can scarcely same in operation by stram power the j !i sup'pose booksof Ihisofflrial importancer road,Jnd loromotive to be of sufficient , t to be generally left to their fate among strength and power for rarrying heavy - A.: the'servants and messengers of the of- burdans and luuu'm at. great speetL, -nice) or, if the enlrv, innteatT of being I he work will bu- commenced as soon ' ' 'o'n'lnestmjht eve. had been on any other, ever the completed, it may be at the option of " he and the chief clerk bad been five minutes later at the. clerk nl the. Crown's liouse and, Instead of finding him at the moment of gftling info his . -T . ,. fc-'.tt-l carriase. had been compelled to incur SieIetay of bringing him bark from he cuntry. all tlie preding events , would have beeneV would lvprdiedarVorforrerras - IA' .I..... .....4 . nL.h! . .. . . . ' S VT9fc tt ll'. w pi,,,.x,l. yerge Wcittionvr ' .: . Ihe remarkable feature of the whole is sna I i u r .u. - i.-t 'i.. WvtuuWW. -m(aw-oMt,nitThi!wcW caicuianoirTr - iic - - i7roawv - - - tisiui. against ill butthe calculation wo'uW be j prodirriou'sl v raised against the frotVf bility of. the- whote.' If it is asked whether a sufficient KrBUnd fwr i)" highjnterposition is to be diacovered in saving the lives of a few wretched cul prits, who, as frequent in such casrs, probably returned to their wicked trade as soon as they aped, only plunped tnemseives into aeeper iniquity, ine answer is, that it is not for ,n, in our iirnoranee, to mete out the 'alue of a htimaaJifev Jowever-crimtnar-iirrtheT eyes of heaven n e w ViAti for a Hail yA y. , A long advertisement appeat's in the tt S. Gazette, of a newly invented lo comotive power, styled - "Eittrnon's Single-Rail Road." '"lt construction seems to be simple, and tlie inventors say it rosts only half in building that the present system" requires. 5 It con sTsTs orbuTHo is first obtained, and then another level three feet six inches above, marked by signals, preserving a tevel and straight line..,, t'osts or piling are then set cording, to this hne.aqoared off on the top, from twelve to sixteen Indies in diameter, antl round t logs are then embedded each side of these posts close to them, and locked togethir by cross timbers, keyed and wedged very compactly. - Wedgea are also driven between the psts and these timbers, to make them plumb,' and strenchten them in their position. Earth is filled in and pounded, ? v ..",rZ-s . The posts thus 'set, keyed and brac ed, are hewed down on two sides to the base level, leaving 8 inches nf solid timber. What an termed guide rait. "-'iir:ii'iiiiw'"ii'iisiw.i;---C " W .ret was as inexnaustiD e v v-. S I??3 XSffi&Z in wi-iirT In.pornni. fln, Ike 'rL!'L' ' - ' . ! are placed along the sides of the pools, three feet and a half from their tops, by resting them on a sawcut forming a shoulder. v,.-.;';,--,.; ,t t; ; throated for the reception of the main. or upper ri' . which supports the cars. k This rail is three inches thick by tea . ' wide. The guide rial below, are two and a half inches thick by six wide dressed on the outer side not neces ' " sary to be ironed- th guitle wheels be ing nmooth and liearlr flat on 'their ' in2 in contact wttli tnem. j lie ton "rtH-f otje-ironk --The turnouts - ai in the ioi mot gate, ana turn on strong , (iMfiges the lunt having a ft let ion rot--, ler underneath running upon a curved fail.-. 'CU-W t v 4 v,v .. ,.;:i,s V) Any power, it is laid, may be used ' npon this road. Stcainv power may be. siifelr aculiod. sav . the inventors, to j propel at the rates of, forty mtl.es the iliour. A Mr. Talmer of London is the original inventor thft -proprietors of ' the patent in thia country, having imv the Mipcdkncy of thi plan, that it " , tian the present system. Ve profess , and thus, aidert by the guide .wheele beluwi all undulation and jarnnjc, it is co the 4leiyis so undoubted, that spcvU may , t s i ji r . r ... i icomoute. miles f -road They further7 sar. ' tor thf betufij4 of the Company; and ta ' aatisfy the ptttdio-tM;s utility, Em ......... t, f . . A l.: I .1.. i ."iyrc iimwihu luciuscivra to this Company, ! when .formed, , ta ur - Mr - - t Ue-built,-at- least-- ' - the work ftt ap- -: ; praTsemenT oc irot."7 sT ""Tr" t" , A model ot the road and car i now J exutniunir at ne iMerrhants'v i;x , :" change, riiiladelphia,.tVA. Comp. l , M. ' : ? ;; - ' i ' , unporhinff umnfemtonal avowal.' r . ... ; v a yc will, be no more nuab - i t.ng toat the dis.r.butiot, ol the j.t-... r..r i"""iui iiiauvri lain, ittiuiiasiuu ii I lie "a i 'a .. siiiuit. n'lr a vnrir nr I irii nrrr. jarv. . in m7x "''V r "V rV"' - , .-, -- , , ., ntt m' ?" ,and. .h.c'r T"??? were. difv";arfred-T-bythti8ci who had sacrificed patriot'wrn "for parly and per' Sonal jiorposcs.'r' Ldt'' this 'class read ' the following extract1 liom the Globe, ,' and plume themselves on the bright prorip-ct wliic'i it aHortli7 and exult over the wtiik bl : their own ham's, whicTt Bas"JeopariIedrin'tltpfobabitifjr. lost, S20.000K)') Vf the people's mo-' ney. Aewfietn Sptctiifor.' , ' " ."-Okt J) sjxkera--ai-4 he-GoTernrnent of indiscretion . ill trtisttnr them. : TVtte, its 7e-ef are full,' or otiiht lo bet but, Uff. FOItTUNAi KLT, itsolnrwd tlie hankers I liadhtt purktit," These porket-hoMera have closed tliem up, snd now tell the Government it shall nut hvr a dollar f its own money I " i)y the lime Vovtrnnunt gett fit pocket open again U it doubted Ay reins wesTRsn ANT or -its Mostr wilt na roosn,' at there is soma . suspicion that the pucketlioliler have k-nt it ' out to merchant proper ar.d merchant sprcu- , lators, or. soms lit cases, petchsnee, TM AXS-TinmKniTrtrOTttKtfr-iJWN-f'OtJK- F.TS.'f , : ,. : ':-:''.,v'; 4v.: siv-'r-", ), .;.'; ',--'J : Ciobt- " " The l)octir'n Hy" in a late amu-i sing vignette In Bell's Lite in London, -during tlie late prevalence of the Influ enza, the caption to the poetry attach ed to which is given below, and might wethink withjgjjme propriety be spo ken hereby some, with a slight alteram tiort or twoi Southern TeL ' I I'mbletifI rnt a'most w!ked off' my legs. 4 Blow this hero hinfluenzee, I've no peace night nor day. ' Mater'e a going it in prime style, and bis pa tieots are a going It too, for nine on 'em popped; off the hooka last week. Father used to say," 'Throw physic to the dog, but I'm bleat it the dogs arnt better judges nor to take U." - tn t iiinia i it :ue it"iit"i ueinucrBcv, , 4 . ik's-1 jlpSpW ...A.-. rr

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