.'ZZZ2ZY. : J v - .w --a., ? r a ' a.;-.. ZlALEIGH, N. 0; WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1C37 ,v. "'' "'."'""inr vitliit Ihe 6tate .ill he C3"Per,0.n' rrlhlW aro.unt ol th ycarS ubKrJa " OF AUVEHTISIXG. e,,l intertwn. tniy.n e n... - t he ilvtr""-l"gn" ' y51" will k e!r-i 25 er cent.TiigKe: nirr3e durlion of3;ii per set will Ue ramie from llie retuUr irii lr ailertior by the year. Lellrri o iIk" Kditar mut be postpaid. AVILiriKS & HAYWOOD Have ltrly n.oeied at their ell known alar.d on Kelieille Slreel, near Ue niaiktl home, heir Spring and Summer uly ol ' Driitfs and ModicincK, PniiUs, oils !" SHifl. ISrnsiies, V in dovlo.is, Pcrfiuiicry, Ac. n wiili their. 'futmcr luiiply, make thrir ..i-.i-rn lirire and eitrntivo. coiniirniiig al i'iwjMUliKle utually kept I muul v Kent in ineir line 01 busmeli. the moil lirble le.-ina, rnt-y are ueiermiii cd their auurliiient (hull uut be inferior, nor will Ihey be underanld by any ettahlithoient in the C(..w; ,uhrrotii or mw. I 7 tirnretutlur the-patwnage heretofore benow rd f imm them by their Iriendt and the public jeuer.illy, they flutter thenmilvt, ll.u! by iitsi. BtBTyWiinita)iit.TiMlrtiti)i-iua -4hymilLBuutinue..lt receiye te a".tne liberal encouragement afready areured o them. Presriitii)ns will be eaiefulfer compounded and pot up with none bit the moK genuine arti cle!, under the inspection ol one ol the propri etor , Ordert from I'hyaiciani ! Merctanti, prompt-. W attended to. Kairigh, May 20, 1 837. NOTICE. The mbteribcrt, at teeuritiei of "Jen. II. Al exander, dee'd, late Sheriff of 'I'yirel county, will expoie o public anle, on tlie 4ih.Vloiilai hi jiily iil, brluce the Ciiurl Liloitte umii; in. Co tatuuu, the lulk'wing traeti of Umd, u- aa iuuch iheienl at will tatialy the 1'axrt ilie thereuri lor the year lSjj, and. coil ul aih'crtaing: Jio.ol Acret. A I cock Strpl.en 385 An He) Juhu - - - IW Itrickliouie Richard U'J lli jaiil Itndgot eH) lUicman Itauk'l, Jr. 150 llluunl I huinaa ,'n) Urn in John (I'aujuotank) 310 lloui'glit Jnteph VJ Umiii-lil Jacuti, Sen. 140 Bio ii I h d-:out 56 Uatemaii Joiiph, Srn. 7jl) l.'wiper Nieoilvmui lSg Cowell i'aianee 70, Creel Jou-ph v ; 52 Clow Itnvan 50 (Jahuoii llurlnn 0S fahoon i'lmothy 50 Cahoon Keuben 370 Cahoon Ebenezer 7g - Calioon Turner. Sen. 100 Cahoon fiMlron'a (heirt) 850 Clayton Thnmai W. 4u Claj ion Kiliiilluil ' 87 Davenport Frederick, Jr. 100. Davit Matey 100 Davit Levin ' 5ti Fanning John II. 150 Franc it John 16 Ftth Lurany 117 (iodlrej Joieph , . Cilet Jeite ' 50 Hollady Cannady 3.1 . Mattel! Haly . Hathaway ISurtOh't (heiri,) 50 Hathaway John HY (heiri,) 250 ... Haihaaay Nathaniel 100 Hutficld Jamea 40 Ditto for Wtdon R. White 2!) Hooker William IB llattell Silaa. lor Gardner Alex- atider't (heii-t,) llotinet Henry llolraet Anna lfoskim Jamet' (heiri) Hill Tiinmhy Uvermau Frederick L.ierman I'atrick l.ivernitn Tiiuotlir ' I.Wernian Richard I). I.ivernan Pattey Xjterqwn William C. LivcrmaB Knot ITS lit lliO .10 HO 3S7 S8 "17 - S7 .10 36 SX CS 56 90 swt CiK) IiTrrman John H Litchfield George IJinat llarvy I'y MaKiiumy Jotrph Nicholt John NMMt StwHty If. -- iff Mann Sally Overtaa -France. -tivenon Priteilla Overton Hpnjamin Owetll Zachariah Owent llezekiali Oweat Miel Owent Noah lwent A root Owent Amnion Owent Charle - wenr W ttKnmi Owcua Frederick Powen F.phraim II. Powert llardv Pay" Kdwri" Pavn Edward, Jr. Itiiuton William Hichardton Willoby Keynnhli William Sample K.ilward Sawjer FaekWI Sawjer F.litli Sawjer I homat - Sawyer Prudence Kawver Mark Sawyer Franklin Sawyer Pelig Sawyer Abner 3windell Bartholomew , Smith F.noch Smith Zebedee, Jr. Smith Bbeoeser Snow Jacsb Sikei Mary. (G. N.) 'Lpeneer Benjamin Spruill -Little. T. Sanderlin Eliba Kwaia Father Sawyer laaaa , bawver Abel Ttrkinton John , Tarkintoa William - , 2vkiton Joteph, W. Tarkinton Jette tt. ,V?' Ata White Ilarny . WhiteJoh.' - White Joaeph. Sen. " forth. Whit, heir Wetton at Seeuin , ; ' JOSF.PII Zl I Tlvnrn 50 100 IS5 SO I3S iH U ' 48 in HT son 375 100 97 . 13S SO JO $20 SO 130 100 100 85 - 36 " RS 40 175 222 100 IIS 143 60 fO llfl SO . 1!7 850 840 854 500 150 70 100 34 40 113 57 4ho 7f II 850 56O0 J x If. G. SPULILL -M- OXrOUD Mi-iE ACADEMY. The pf'KuinrM dTtntap ol Ihii IntLitolion, render ii peculiar Ijr deiermg the noliee ol' jw--cbii snd guardiaui. It formerly ranked inootij 1 he firt in lb State it bii at pretent many addilioiwl and aoliJ ctaimt 0(1 the publio lur ltrons5e and ;iVIcreneKr OxIV.I ia attrpa'awd by do fillige of the aoulh in its hrtllhlulntii, pleaaant location, good o oiyy and freedom Ironi dirtipalion. During llie uni.uer mmitU nunroei aont retort to itt ulil brious ciimate, fur lh purpoae of imiroig or retliiring ilirir health; other are altfatleO Dy in icrcable enviiiini and aocial eoralrta. 'I hrre ary lliifff gliiiirhn huluiiging 10 diffl-if nt drimminaii ;n; and. the Academy atandl conve nient in an an v and areluded aitot. Iiidrjiendently of lhee loeal recommenda ti.i, the priiieiiial, Mr. A. HART, ii a gentle man ol c'liiti'lerable attainment mclaiairal and icieniifit: knoled;e, acnuired in Kngland, Italy nd Frauce. (If the l.irmer country, he i aoa- tire whrre he fftllnweiPlii rleiiinii-AtiJutr: ce, inauv jean previnui to hii piaullamg it in merica. He it not only well versed in Hie (ireik a:id Latin classitj. but familiar with mod em loiiruasjet aud all the niimerom hranchet of iihvtieal, iu:iiheinaticBl, moral and intellectual aciencc. Aildtd to thete ei.dowmeuti he ht firmed hy travel, reiearch and obserfation, an rxlenalve aon,iinint'ire wi'.h the ornamental and eriticHl literature of Europe and America. II will be aiih-l in hit duii a by competent assist ants in proportion to the nunrberof pupili. In training the Student! to respect their teach- K:nl will be ha I to inet'leate virt'iniil principle!, li'mowile tcelingi and genlleiuauly conduct rif-'-m-owafTTOiriiuimBhvtw l lie iiierimfrnt will be parental rather than st'T-t'ti am! the tludentt mind! .directed to luliin uf irdujui.):j(xurate nbtcrratiou and dr.-p emjuiry. Miiitahle time and care will be allnttt.'il to reading, writing, ccropotilion and elucution. .,....?i,yi,'?JJ,'Jt,T w'" prepared to enter tlie'Trehnii7"u"r the Sophiimbryclii bW to tJie bw of ttuiliesi pecjujbed. by lh Uiiivertity of the State. Tuition per tettion JI5-0O. . ...... The course for the English department will enntiir of tnur elatict ta be inttructed in the fullowing branchet. per tettion. IV Spellinf, reading, writing and Arithmetic, ; - $S 00 , HI. The above continued, geogra- j " jihy,' grartrnfar; paminp anil excrcitea, - ' - $10 00 II. Composition, lopie, rlielorio, liislnry, chronology and Al- . gfbra, . (13 00 I. Finaod) k. poetry, naTuraTplit- ImophT, atrrononty chetu- I i'ry, niineiiloy anil boto- i v, mental and moral tci j nice, gt-nmetrv, ineniura- i - tion, -limd torveyittgj tiaig- i tion, ks. - - $15 00 ?IOiItTl IvUllUUrS. The French cnune, $7 00-v The Spanish, It.Uan ? tettion and t.erman each, $10 OOJ e T ! i The tuition leei are required in advance; and the amount of half a tettion will be the imall ett charge. I The year itdirided into two aettinntof twen ty two weekt each, the Grtt comnVJeneet on tie third Monday of January and endt on the third , Friday of June; the ternnd begin (allowing a !week't interval) "n the fourth Monday ol June, -awl tertntnntet on the lonrth Friday in Ntivem brr. A pulilio examination beTure the "Trotteei will liAe place at the close of every tettion; when I'arcntt and Uuardiant r.ie invited to at tend 1 fly order ol the Trutteet. Oxford; N Gt7 Aprd 437 24 6w - For the cure of almoit every variety of fun-i fmnal ditorder of the Stomach, Bowel,, Live atid bpleen; tiled at heart-burn, acid eructa tinm, nausea, head-ach, pain and dulention or the btomaeh and liowela, meinient IJiarrhea- Colic, Jaundice, Flatulence, habitual cottivel nest, Inaa of appetite, lick hrad-acb, iea wefr, , ne, ttc- Cfc. " They ar a tale and comfortable Anerienti lor remalei durinir preirnancv and tubtequent confinement, relieving alckneat at the ttoraach, head-ach, heart-buru and many ol the inaUlenial nervoua Jiffection. Literary men, Mudenta and moil other pertont of tedentary Inbitt, find them vtwyconvehieat. Thote who initulg.; tuo freely in the pleaturetof the Table . find apeedy relief from the tente of oppre'tion and dintenliou uliicli follow, bv takioi tlieTiirt. At a VPmer-w-they are iiivalttwblei -Thote I Lh. ara.slrtnking.piinri. ,!?'i and particular' j uiuan iruiu oouini-rn enmaiei ann ague anil lever dittriclt, will find them a valuable adjunct. Thote who are exposed to the vicittiiudet of weather, on voyajet or joiirnryt, can take thcra at all timet will) nerfeet lafelr. In lull dmew. they area highly eflieacioui and tale Anti-bil lout Meilieiae, They ttlilom ornever produce ticknett at Hie ttoinach er griping. Their efficacy ia atroagly attetted hy certifi cate! ligned by the following genllemen, vii. mtnop ivei, ttcv. r. M 'rheetera, Hev. G. K. . r. ! ee m n n , Key. II . 1 , . Blake, Gov. Iredell, Hon. G. K. na(lr,7r6n; KichTd Heurv Potter, Hinet, Thot. 1. Devereux, Ktq . Prntenor An- derton, Wm. Hill, F.q. See'y. nf State, Win. S. Mlmon, Ktq. late Treiurer, .lai.f Irani, Eiq. late Comptroller, Iter. F. L. Hawkci, l. I). t.aptain l.uinn, Guiont' Hotel, D.iet. U. C Hninl, Uoct. h. Crotby. Iloet. J. Y. Youne. kc. Ice. Ample direcliona accomnanvin? each Hn. fhete pilli are lor tale hy aonoitilmenl in al moit every Town in the United Siatea, and at whnleiale by thf Subtcriher, to whom applica tion! lor Ageneiei may be made. ' I llt. L. JUMP, Gen ( Agent. Oftiea lit door wett of the Preabyterian tjtmrch. Kalrigh, N. C. 4 Navi Con wutiosx n' Orrtcx,? A pan 84, 1837. 5 SELEI) PROPOSAL for the innnlr ol the Live Oak Fceme Timber, and Live Oak Beam end Keelttn Timber, ami proroitcoont limber lor ene- frigate, to be delivered at the . ". ,?rV'uo,Porty.. willbereeehed ontil 3 o'clock l M. ot Ihe1 at day of Jotv et, un der theadvei-riiement ovtg,h March Utt. m ad dition to the other timber therein ipecified, and lehjeetto all the previ.ia,, ,h ,crtite roewt, which reqaeau propota. ,h, , d ol July next. ' To be puhli.hed twice i . wee. ,,;, the m of June next, In the National 'tvelligeneer Globe, F.aitera Argqt, New liamptl rj,w,,' llotton Morning Pott and tommerckjjaIetM' New York Timei, New York Evemi- p,' Trenton Emporium, Penniylvanian, AnS,jei Sentinel, Richmond Kqoicer, Nnrftilk lieu Haleieh Star. Charlealnn Patriot. Georvu' Penaaeola Gazette, Louitian Advertiter, an. moon Kt-gitier.' '-- , April 86.;" -' 19 9w.' I.O.DO?l POKTEIt. -A few dojB JSrtt rate, jot received, and for tale by K. Oft BLAKE. 1 93 3w. ' ; : nOCLAllATI03V, By the Governor of Jiorlk Carolina. 300 Dollars Be ward. Whereat it hat been made kaewn to me by I the verdict of art Inquett held by the Coroner. 4m-AlaVJKeyvfif Jl.ie,..: county of JSlartin wat recently murdered in taiu county,' and lint George V. Cgburn.of the county and Stale aforetaid.) ttandt charged wilb the eommittina of .the taid felonyj and whereat it it represented that the taid George W. Coburn it a fugitive from jiittiee: Row, theretTiore. 'o tae :enn ttiat tne tui "Georre V. Coborn maTTie handed and' brought to trial, I have tlioocht proper to iaiue thit my Proclamation, offering a reward ol two hundred dollar!, to any perton or pertoui who will apprehend and ennhne hhn in the jail, or deliver him to the Sheriff of Martin county; tail I do .moreover hereby require all otticen, uTrVlher cinl or military, within thit State, to me Their bVtt -xerrtnna-ttr -atvpreheaidj orau to beapprehended, the laid. fugitive. 1 fan atnitori rn f Itand t. nrarnni- U&K&tK . J M-a.w -aw w.a.-w...w. c Stif & and the treat Scat ol North Caro- 3 lira, at the city of Italcigli, tl,ii26th Aluy, A. U. 1137. EDWARD B. DUDLEY. C'UHUTOI'HIR C HiTl Lt, I'. Hect'jf. G. W. Cohiirn it abr.ut.30 yeart of age, about JLJccXSiuehrt high, thick tel of an atlil.-tic ami immcular eoiistitiwwn, complexion rather florid, fjll laoe, apeakt thort and quick when tpokeo to, wilh-eyju tume.'luLTll4w.DcaitJ It jt helifveil h ewore on leaviag a blue cloth coat with velvet collar. 23 tf. liter, Fayi-tleville Obterferr ilatitaS Advocate and Carolina Watchmtn. Mnrks's Ointmnt rOH THE CURE Ol-'-PlLUS. The mbtcril,er1igt leave to offer la the alien ."Uq.4rt. UiMiiawm. w, whkut w,tm,upjyjja4r grt-eahle of ditoinkri, the I'Uei,' a reiutily, the fiVeaeyot wUuUt- 4uw beut. leklud by llie expel i ence ol yeart, and the utility of which hat in no inatanee'beeti iiupaireil. from failure to relieve. To thote whob.ave been tiibjected to thia dit-' easef it will proie, if applied when re-attacked, a ture preventative to itt continuance, -without the leaxt paint i'ldeed innny have pronounced it the moat agreeable ramed) ever applied. There can be no danger in itt ute at itt component partt are of hariulett vegetable matter. - The rmithrr of ihyaubtc riber- who -it the -maker of the ointment, bat been in the habit of giv ing it to her frienilt and neighbor. ;for the latt live or tix yeartand in no instance to her knowl edge bat ita application been inef.Vcuwl, at will be tern by a number Of certincoe-aaniexed. at. well at the tettimony of medical gellefl,wv V- who haa used it himtell, and prescribed it to the relief of othera. Thote who are auffering will do well to make a trial of the remedy. Iulficey itguaianteed, and there can be no doubt 1ml that the ditorder nay be arretted in ita earlieat (tale, if no delay be made in itt application. The direction! lur ute will be found on each bottle. SAML'K.l, H. .MAKKS. I'etertburg, Va , Aug ii, 1836. I have uted the Pile Ointment prepared by Mrt. Marks, and pretcribed it to oihert, with the happiett effect. I therefore can, recommend it to hoae afflicted with that ditagrcx-aMe complaint the met. U Will IK, AI. XI. Prince Georee County. July 3d, 1836. Mr. S. 11. Markt; . - Dear Sir: In compliance with your requeal I will inform the public that I have had two memhert of my family frequently attacked w ith the I'llea, and Iron) an ointment that 1 Ob tained from your mother, the) have in all catet found entire relief with a few application!. Jt.bSE, HfcAlll. Prince George County, Aug. IS, 1836. Mr. Saru'l. II. Mukai .. Dear.. Sir: Yourt of the 17lh inttant ws luly received, and it atlorot me uieaiure to comply with your requett. I have been afflicted with that duaereeable disorder, the I ilet, and alto my negro man, and 1 obtained Iroro your mother the ointment that you offer to the public, antr in all attack t both nry-tnwn ti4- ray tell have tound entire relief. In addition to tlie above ex perience, I have given it to tome ol my friend,, ami I have never known h to fail giving relict, i would recommend thit ointment lo thote who are tnhjrcf to thit disagreeable diteaie, at an ef ficarlotfi and agreeable remedy. 1 am yourt respectfully, JUUV McnUOOM. Richmond, July 18, 1S36. Sir: I received' yourt of 'he 12th. intt.Tyon with me lo inform you of my titration at the time that ywergiiVe me' a lioftle "of "" ttor Pile "Oint ment, and what effect it had on tne. I had the piletat bad at any perton eould have hem to much in, that I could not attend to my daily lahori; and in truth, I eould acarcely get out of my room. "I commenced with yoiir oint ment, and hi thre or four day,, 1 wa entirely relieved. I woo'.d recommend it to the public, at being one of the moat exoellent remediet that, ai ever liTcuedtq llie p'lhlic, : WILLIAM CAItSON. - Pwlvrtborg, -Aug. J.JLjSjfi Mr. S. II. Markt: Dear Sir: I lake pleature in inform iS the nublic, that I wat very badly, afflicted with that ditagreeable ditorder, the Pilel, and I obtained Irnm you, a bottle ol your ointment, and In a few riaya the diteate wai entirely re moved. I would recommend It at an infallible remedy. JAMES T. MURPHY, Pctertlnirg, 19th Aog. I16. A! a duty I owe to Mr. Markt I will inform the. .puMw..lhii.!,.l.h,aye been hadlv afflicted with tne mtiigreeaoie iiiinrner, tne met, anir t ob tained from him a bottle of hit ointment, and I mutt aay that I have never uted any thing that hat given me an much relief. 1 would recom mend it to the public aa living one of the mntt agreeable and emcaciout remediet that can be uted. S. M JACKSON. For Sale by Williams Haywood & Co. Agent, Raleigh October 17. 44 tf N O T I C K! The anbacriber having qualified, at the lat term ol John ton Cnunty Court, ai admlnittrato ol Jolia T. Leach, deceated, hereby requeita al nertoni having claiint againtt the, taid nceeaaeil t pretent them, duty authenticated, within the lime pretcribed by law, or thit notie will be plea ig bar ol their, recovery.- Thote indebted will nleate eorpe forward and make payment. JAMF.3 T. LKACH, Admr. ! Johntton County, June, 0, ISS7. . 85 3w A Confetsion-- yiriiir in the Natch ez Conner of April 29, states that "the Vice President, R. M. Johnson, three days sine, in a conversation-with friend, ori board the steamboat North America, a few miles below Natchez, distinctly admitted that "the- present monied distrcss of the country s ovr- 12 to the ipterference with the enr- T" cr by the government.; !' He regret kdvW such Interference liad' taken Flac:and said that it doght'nVw'to " "Undone." From the Farmert Kegltter. . ' MONTHLY COMMIIUIAL RE- . .... ...PORT. .;. . : ' Th disasters which have befn accu mulating far some time patv have now produced distiess and absolute ruin. at xtttt 4a9t-juL 4i.nauu:uiio.ie scribe. The newshafwrs teem vrithi accounts ol the wide spread desolation which has overwhelmed the country, The agricultural and commercial inte rests are prostrated, and have involv- r" n .i i i i j i rv- eu in uteir i um, ine oiiiks atiu me puu f t . I. . Ii!.. ! ue unances oi me country, ii is neeu- lessto do more than refer to the tlaiij jouniaU lor Die particulars, antt to re cord the general result. The removal of restraint on the state l&fiksthe trreressr rrf4 means for granting loans, by the depo site of more than forty millions belong ing to the federal government in their vaults, which were made its treasury, on which they were allowed, aud in express terms authorized, to extend facilities the consequent increase of loans ami issues ol paper, thus croa iii'ef I,!tSlLC.rce8nt' w''"' speculation the heuVy drain ot specie IromEuPOper ducetl a prostration ol ci edit abroad & at home, almost unparaiieiei. llie con tractioi-which- must necessarily have taken place, sooner or later, has caused jnercantile failures in number jiW-IioWn ceueitts-these-uvebetWiow4-Uy the suspension of specie payments by the banks, and, as a necessary conse quence, by the inability of the govern ment to pay its debts in the only cur rency which the law recognizes, and which it requires from its debtors, without apossibiii ty .oCc.mp1 iaflc.a .on. their part. An utter derangement of the currency exists, and there is now no It-gal circulating medium. The country never Jjcfo.ro exhibited 6uch a scene of distress," from which none, whether rich or poor, are exempt. There is now no medium of exchange between different places, whether near or remote. Private bills of exchange are discredited, and the banks rannot furnish drafts on each other. Those tlrawn by one bank on another have been protested, and even those drawn by the government on its selected de positories, are in some instances dis graced. Remittances cannot be made; the traveller can obtain no currency which will pay his expenses from one State to another. Even postage and petty expenses cannot be paid in the silver which is required, unless by purchasing it at a high premium. Ma ny manufactories are elosedj while 4he raw materials they used are reduced in price to a lower rate than was ever before knowni before they can be re sumed, the laborers who were employ ed on them, are deprived of the means ot subsistence. Already corporations and - intliT-trla- aU, in those .States where the jirohibi- tory laws are not very severe, issue bills for sums of five cents to dollar,' to be circu'ated as change, and some of them probably never to he re deemed. The state of things, in this respect, which existed about, the year 1814 has returned, .but in an asirrava- tedflrn!i.fr private credit does hot exist. How Rhj7ri9"t6"c6'nfi,;'cj not be foreseen mercantile . 1 rl id ust ry and enterprize are prostratedcom merce is at a stand, and the evils which originated in this country are extending to those with "which "we liad the'greatest intercourse. The national and state legislatures ar: eaUed toc of devising remedies or palliatives for thee e vil-ryil which have long been anticipated, and efforts made infjrjn to avert them, in the great markets. the prices of produce; are scarcely quo tedmeans cannot be fourm 10 pur chase it. Id New Orleans a few sales of Alabama and Tennessee, cotton of average quality are made at 6 to 7 cents of Louisiana ami Mississippi at 8 to 9;,,tlour at 51 a 0. Xlonsignees ol tobacco in iriaTtTtTTTaveritt-STrnter-m stances, been unable or unwilling to advance money for the freight, and the municipal autlionueshave taken charge of it. In our own market, the onlr sales of cotton are to the mills the highest price 10 rents, and raosrinx down to 6 cents. Tobacco, which the planters bring slowly to market, sells at SUto oi. At present there is no price lor wheat, anil should an average crop be made, of which the prospect is unfavor able, it is not seen now, in the present state of things, the millers will be aale to obtain funds to purchase U faster than they can sell and realize cash for the flour, s- ,,, . .j'; So completely is commerce between neighboring 'cities interrupted, ' that wheat is quoted on the same day, and of the same qua'ity, in Pnilndelphia, at R2, and in New York at 8( 5k - The price of flour in Richmond is SGI a 7" mere retail salesj in New Yorlc, 881-2 a 9J. ; ! y- ' Tfbe eash sales at auction, of some artictfis .al-e "greatly epw 1he cot in the country1 whenc they are Im ported. Coflee, for example,' has been' sohl 1h New York'at6to.9 et)tsfAVet India sugar at to 7 -cents wrBUwlh iarha articles cannot be purchased on credit at prices af all proportionate. ; Stocks of almost every description have been told, in the large cfties, low er than at any former period; some aj onejhalf or one third of their par value. tended to advance the prices, of stocks i ... 1 i . - ana oi articles generally s out specie has at the same tune advanced in the same ratio, being now at a premium ot 8.10 or 12 percent. .Kxclmnpc on England, when undoubted bills can be found, is at 15 to 18 per cent premium. Many work of public utility v hich had been commenced, are suspended, and may 0 to decay, and those who depended on them for employment are letVletUu4e Tlie importations of grain fronTEu rope continue to be very ,larp In the course of two days, about 200,000 bushels of wheat and rye arrived at Mew lork from various ports. Vnmparath'e ttat.ment tf Manki in the t" ' mtett Statei. ' January 1, l!C.y. January 1. I!ti7. N'timber of banks, 520 677 "rircuiaTTtm; 91,3238 85,7;3t;6tr,,ss'i-ft nt-ttrwors t pay rw Ui'posites, pii:' liiscotinta, -u;i,Jt,l o.'D,av-,uui Quotation in .'c.n rrkit an intew.l mentht. December U, 1830, Mv H. 18.17. Bank U Ktntcs, 120 110 'Manhattan, 133 -J-!- Ariier'ica. 12. 1 tlJiVrbaiT: TttVafon " &. Frovidence, 103 101 Hail road: LHtca, 117 117 Bankriotesi Phil- ack-lphia, - i perct. di. 3 per ct. tl. " Maryland, j " 3 " " Virfrinia, 1 a 1 4 a 5 " " N. Carolina. i a 3 " S 1 0 " -..'.a.Xatqlioav24 .J-'t... 1U- IS-'-' : Georgia. 2j3" 1015 " May 24, 1837. X. OVEKTKAD1NU AGAIN. The assertion is so often made, that orertiraujjjrtfa the sole cause of our distress, that it deserves to be carefully criticised. Hie men who believe in this new cant, say that we re ruined by borrowing-they for get that there must bo a tending ante cedent to cvery borrowing, and that without the former, no man will ever be ruined by the latter. -Who are the lenders? Primarily the Ranks. They live by lending taey must lendor fail. Whoever then. increases the number of banks, increases the power, the dispo- sitioHj-the Hetfv of Tending. Now the measures ot Jackson have more than doubled the banking capital of the United states. They have of course increased the 4ending power in that proper t ion the e reib t y stein -w a s a natural and safe one before his mea sures made it unnatural and unsafe." By its means, he collected an immense surplus, which in its turn was added lo (he disease trom which it grew. Jack son was the cause, and lie claimed to be the cause, and his nartv claimed it fiir himi Hill iiTs system broke over their heads The New York correspondent of the Courier has lately lost his reverence for those great men. Clay, Caiovk and Wicbstkh. and has discovered by going to New York,, that he was an Administration man.- It he had sign ed - hi name, nobodyj would - ha thougljt it to very wonderful, thut a man should liml out he held the same sentiments as his party. But he has lost his reverence for the great men, because they did not prophecy that the "credit system" would ruin the count! try. lhal u the very tlnnttneu did wpiecyntlwHati .JiJimfe4lUtb. point, they prophecied that Jackson's measure would produce the. credit tyi- rm-Miv-CtatVpropheey-U4fr calie J, is a complete nisiory oi ( every leading feature in the present crisis. He befffln with the Great Tinker as the primum mobile, and traced the course down to the "crash ot the whole bank ing system.", The writer "itt the Courier of yesterday haa a different mode, of doing things. He begins with the- present time and ends with it He finds a manTuiiie is ho Treasure Circular round hi neck. he concludes the Government had no thing to do with it- His "case stated'' is the history of the last ttaget of one intlividoaUs ruin torn violently out of the mass where he belonced sepsrated from that pervading spirit and those universal laws which ever make tne individual but a sand train in the whole; ; .tit - ct- . We will state a case too. Histori an say that the Peloponesian war, with its twenty-seven years of horror and devastation, was undertaken to revenge an insult offered to PEitictE'.Biitrss the peerless AspasIa The thing is perfectly probable the cause quite as honorable a that which' provoked the war upon the currency of thi country. ; NovV plosite was one of the richest men in Attica, Hi plantation spl plied half Athen with olive and figf his country house was adorned itH tiic to res and tatues.rthef most costlr and bcautilui.' He fcarT vast 'sunt of money at 'Intereii ',1nV the- city, he wai up iu ins eyes -in iiie inioe or j iintcc, and In' the commerce bTTauricrf and Iberia?--'Pobr JYelloW; Awhile-U' vras ti'tighiHg OTer the jokesbf Aritophan's, hit comedy, i beard the tramp ot a!! armythe Feloponesians . had poured -upon Attica. . Away went his olive' groves down went hit fig trees his vjnejanJs were trodden down and at ' be looked back in his flight, the smoke of bis burning; mansion tolled op to heaven, and Tie heard the wild tlioutt . oTthTIoTun ... i t' -.i , . . , piiers auu i enuse . on , ine neau ana ; tossed his pic tures pn the points of their spears. He hastened into the cityt , lured a house and thanked the Gods ' that he was a rich man yet. 1 Tlie war progressed and Brassidas invaded the region of the Thracian mines another loss. Plusitet how- , ever determined to make it up by pur-, suii.g the commerce of the Black Sea ...:'!. ,:i i t. i..L it. iiii ouiigiruicr vigor, --iinnin A llieuian-navy- ineT-with a great re- -verse, the Ilellespunt was blocked up , and all his ships captured. There it . oes!" said Plosites, and hedeferroin ed to contract his loans, for I must , pay my house rent and ketfp op my es-. tablislimeut" said he.' Alas, the yery cause that rendered it necessary for him to collect his loans, made it im- sites wasaruinett man. - He threw the Lf r.tm lil.li: iaIii ail u.'ini ritn at ihfi.hl.ir whit ortiuaui nun ine answer, stainpeu, tore his hair, and exclaimed, "This I owe to that d d AspasialT' "Hold!" said ' one nf his fiienas (a remote ancestor of the Correspondent of the Courier) "let , lm " -a, - ..T';:..:.":...--,,,.- Doatmrtlon nt plantation 10,000 talent. Lots of Mine 6,000 " Hhipi 6,000 " " Wave 4,000 " - by failure of other 10,000 ! 34,000 Ulcni. "My" tleiif siriT itonT s e" a nf Ituriaf about Aspasia here. Slio's not on your books for a drachma. She's neither begged, borrowed nor bought any thing of you. You are very rash to censure 1TieG6vetnnveHT and thrGowcTnmmt,-: favorite in this way.' "She brought on the war!" fliouted Plositea in an you will look over your schedule again, vou will see that her name is not onct in it." Charleston Mercury. K THE REMEDY. Ex. Governor Hamilton, of South Carolina, now President of the. Bank ' of Charleston, hat addressed a long Idler to Mr. Riddle, through the Charleston Mercury, on the subject of tne present ijnftnciai . oiuicuivies, anu the remedy therelor. He avows his , great object to be to bring about an : aily and tttectual resumption ol.spe ' cie paymentetnd-the mean he pro- poses are, that a meeting - be held in t Philadelphia on the second Monday in August next, consititinjr, of a President , of one of the Ranks in each of the Commerciar cities, forthe purpose" of conferring as to the mean and period " of resuming specie payments, that It 1 may btj iiui.vmjd,ajad, AMuleouii ,oa a ccrtain day throughout the United -States. lie proposes that a committee ' of this hotly be appointed to attend the ' session of Congress In .September, to brings about ;a co-operation with the goyernme tit. He thinks that with such ' concert, if the government would issye Treasury kNote beating a moderate' ' interestr m paymeit4 the surplus ro. venue due to the Mates, specie pay ments might be rtanmed cotemporane- ou sly with that issue; "':'V '''" ;' .' '- '' This plan looks Tery well upon pa- per; but we tiunK- tnere i one small objection to it. It cannot be carried ' into effeptfor wantof the co-operation , of th-"-gtvrnteif, (5ov. Ilaoit-Jon himself says, "Tlie Ranks may do much to bring about this desirable re aulf.but without the eordial co-onera- tidn government, they can do nolh- ?; irig. It is true he day he believe that that co-operation will not be with held. It may turn out soj but at pre- f sent every sxuiitialiott forbids such a; hope, i-vtry nnuion Of, the Executive ig carrying on the war umm the cur rency and the Ranks with an umpar-' nano: anu tnere is no sijni to war- his aid to any wholesome measure. Tn regard to the permament 'eurfen- ry of the country, after specie jxy-' menti shall have been resumed. Gov. ; llamiltoVs . plan appears to n to be; equally iiiipracticable, from the: lame causer the utter hopelessnes of indu cing the partyj'now ill power1 to abato their hnotilit y' tdftie TausThess . and -the Banks of ,tii4. fcouutryj tt hostility which hat it foundation in a selfish -desire of. popularity j end which, can never be overcome so lore as it can be mane sn eieciiorjeermg enKioe. I'TIti praiii that the called session of '' Congress r should propose to the Male ah amendment ot the wonstitn tiofiiatsiliariiing5 Congress to regulate the",amoanf of Rank capital in the country? to provide that it should not' be" ihereased, but on; cpntr$ry df. t mtnis'hed by the expiration of the char.' v tcrs of existing Ranks, that thenXonv . gress shaU'apportiOn the; tmmint of ca pital amoh;; the tates,4y some safe tt propef ratiWitaT a ratiocom rounded of population anill exports,, ' ilia't thit amendment, should likewise 'mht to Congress power to incorporate a Bank of the United' State; which that body shoiild exereisrby-intorporatrtit tha -