i -nil W RAX2GH. II. O. TTEDIXESDAIT, JUL? 12, 1037 voLssvnL . no 29. j ..iTOlAHD PBOPKIETOR. TDaus., .SvWKHrtiM. I'"" vjeTaaanm-one bull """"""J . -.idinr wilhwt the Stale ill bo - iha mkal mount ul tba tear's rmuirea tmptr-- - . - - - K 1 are, wa si ee - - " V every eqaar eaeeeilinf IS lines (kit ! rr) " "ertfc," M i"ri sc-aeat insertion, twenty-flva cents. . -.i The advertisement! of CJcrfcl infl SberiHs M he eaertrft 85 per eeiM. higher tad do 4wtiM of 3 ) per b bhmI frM lb rami prior tor arWerUaera by the yew. Letter W the Editor wait bo post-paid. 7; mew rami. CURTIS & SYKRS. Woehl matt respectfully inform the Inhib ited of tbie city and ki icinity, and Ihe pab lie tl targe, that have vnhe lha HmMinl door to Mr. Job" G. Marthkll, on Fayette title tireet, nearly opposite tha Poat Office, where they intend to the beat of their ability to urrr on the Ttiwaian BcetaKie art i wiiH termt and faehient. They flatter them selves, that Irom auany yean approved eaperi. eaee, both la cutting and making, they ara full lyespeble ofjjoinr entire tatliaetion to ell who may1 be eokHi J Si to liTour than with their .. Tfc alrdee themselves to lha public. -4haUbair cuttinj aaaUoamyJn ncatPXtsdnra; "BiWywaW aTyic.warwanpwTawtnrTHi;'iwr eetabUtlimrat in inn y or oik i mnj should call, and wo fail to please them, in nch vent, wa will refund the ametttu expentlrd, one fei terfecllf tatitfeilt because we ara deier--taineaS-aa ana ae.aH hctjlUaauiSawith iiAIIit , can ha fieHv WVIed uptnfair erase. We deem it aeecuary lu aay hut JilUe iei -pectins oar charges, a we intend ahmajt to 'lakeiuto ermtUeratinn the circuuuilanctt tfthe time; the quality of the cloth, and the eyfe ia which the Wernient it 10 be made. We would merely furthar tay to the liberal and intelligent customer, far and near, to aill and tea at, and il we do not give yoa at food, if not better ee animodalioni llicn ynu can get altewhere in ihii eily, we will Mrike our colour I and, give i lha. chip. . fhe very liitett fiuhim will be refnUrly re eeived from the Northera Cities. All kind ol tiattneiut ant end warranted to fit an the shortest notice. And aow, ia aoneltuion, It may not ha amitt tn sbterve. and we with to A lha impreuinn in iK rninJ of the iutelliRent rralrr. , heaaote .. it it truth whicli eannot ba enntrnvarted. and the paWic ara liaereteil-ui knowing iu'htt Cloths, CMHslincren & VesllnR-st Sninmer C'IoIIin, Drillings, Ac. Ac. Stocks. Collars aV Bottoms, tad iafuci, every thing deniraule for gentlemen 't i.rnwcl ran ami wilL be furaithed by aw or Ibe ilF.UCIIANTS of ttaleirk on the moil rea- toaible termt. . . " June 37. -tTww. State or North Carolina. Chatham CouitTT. Court of Fleas and Quarter Sessions, Mau Term, 1837. Araru F.. Hunter. Willow. Ite. - v ... . -ft I" I'CtHlOB John (leaden ! for teore lingei Jmiah Drnok Dower. - It appearing lo th tatrtlastioD ot the Court! that J. Ilrookt and wile Ituiha, are not eitiaeni ol thia State! it ia therefore ordered that uibli cation be made in the Baleigh Star for aix weekt in taaaeaaiim, m order that the taid Joaiah Brookt and wile may appear at our next coon, to ae held lor tha eoui.ly ol Chatham, at the Court houte In PitHborough, on the teeood Monday in Aueoat next, then and there to plead, antwer or demur lo the aaid Petiijont etherwiee it will he taken pro-eonftiM aad heard ex-parte at to .1 ' Wrtneia. Thomat Rarland, Clerk of oar taid Caurf, at Ufflee the aeiud Monday, of May, . D. 1 1ST. Teit.1" T!IOS. HAGLAXD C. C. C. Jnnaft. 85 8w. New JSoot and Shoe inanuTae tory. The abnaarihrr would reapeetfiilly inform the aitixenl of Raleigh and hi vicinity, that he hat commenwM tha above butineat, eaat of the Capi tal Square, three itoora north of Mr. William Peck'a Store, on Wilmineton Street, where li -ia prepared to execute all onlere in hit line. Having Grat rale workmen in hit employ tnd t Ottt irf gond-mernil; lit fi e la twrndrnl Ihat for neatneaa and dnrahility, hit work will nn( be -aurnaued Jv aa lie hiiut xiii hit uaretliillipt mention tn bnaineat and a thnire to phraees to merit the eoundenee anil tnpport nl the pit i lie. IIKNKV rUKICK. Ralei'h, May 13. 1117 81 7w. VPtiOL.ESAI.E OltOCISUV. We have ihit dav formed a eonartnerthin an derthe Srm nt WARRKN HARRIS k Co. for the aurpoao el carrying on a wholeaale grocery, HBNJ HARRIS, HKNRY HARRIS. Porttmoath, Va. ? Slat March, 1137. $ XOTAaULEZaT SABRIS & 00 Are new reeCiving a Urge and general aaaort- ment or ' ' 7 OIIOCEIIIE 9TA c. which will be told on aceommoilMHiir termt. 887 Baga Rio. Laguira k Java Coffee. 48 barrela Porlorico Sugar, 80 Hhdt do do ) Hhdt V. Orleana do S Hhdt St. Croix do 40 libit Loaf do 10 Roxet do do very tapeaior. 185 Barrela Family and extra niperior Flour. 45 Harrelt Italtimore nanxey SO Itbdt " do JO Tieraei Kew Orleant Molaiaet in BaakHa Chamtaiga Wine 10 t -8 Plpet Cogaiaa Brandy .5 Hollaed Gin 10 QrCeakt Sweet Malaga Wme 10 Pale Sherry do f Hhdt Madeira , do 5 Qr Catkt do da very tuperior 75UOU tiavanna segare 40 Botet Sperm and Patent Caadlea 40 No 1 Soap 8 Starch . .. , 40 " Bunch Raiaint " 30 6 Gallon IVmmijohat 1 JO Kefc Cut Naila aaaarted 80000 Ires Ataorted 1000 Steel do - Imperial and Gun Powder Teat Pea.tPipper Natmegt and Ginger 150 Piaeat Cotton Bagging 100 Sack Uvwrpool Salt ' " 100 Keanf Wrappbe Paper All erdera for Gooet wUI be Wetoally at. leaded tn, aad will be put at lha lowed wbole eale priawa. GixmIi aeB te our care will be lor- waroc wita oiapatca. Farther arrival! dairy rortammiia, Martk 81. 1W7, llSai v.-' ; t k WaePrrgy, . V rt H Wife I'maey, k Wife ftoitta. h aW- IS WILLI 4IIS IIATWOOD Have lately reaeived at their well known aland oa Fayetievilla Street, near the market houte, heir Spring aad Summer tupply of -Drngs and ItleaUriue, Pnlnfs, Oils, Uye Stuffs, llmsbcs, Win tv Class, I'erfnmery", & WlueVJj!lLlbforwefLwipplyJBaka their ataortment Hrge and eatrnaive, aoanpriamg al mert eery article ntaally kept m lhair I ma of boeineaa. - They offer them at wholetaU or retail, upon tba moat favorable termt, at they are determin ed their aainrtment eoall not be inferior, nor will they be ondereold by any ettablUhmeot in the Stale, either olb or my. liraleful for the patronage beretofbre bratow ed upna Jhem by their Irieodt -and the public genemlly, they flatter ihematlvea, that by aai luity and eonatant attention to butineaa. thai they will continue lo receive Ibe ame liberal encouraremcnt already areured ,lp them. I'reaariptinna will be aarefullyeonipoanded ami pat up with none but the moat genuine, arti elea, antler the inapeelion sf one W ibe propri- ctort Ordart from Phy ticiant k Merchanta, prompt attended to. Ririth. May 80. 137. - NOTICE. The lobeeribere, at aeeuriiiea of Geo. H. Al MHMler, aae'd. lata Sheriff of Tf rrel aouatv in e'AaaapwDli'w Jaty neil, helore the Court Hooae door in Co-) . . - . . . i i -i . r i t l I mnioia. n iDiiDwini iri in lauu, oc wa mmm hrmxt will aatialv lh Tlitl due Iheraoa fur the year 1135, ana Wat of adverliaing; i"t..oi Attea, A loot k Stephen , SSI Antley John 100 ". Itrickhoate Richard 9 Bryant ttrnlget 900 Bateman Daniel, Jr. 1 50 Blount 1'komaa 50 Barat John. (PeenooUok) 50 Itoanight Joaeph 60 Rotnight Jacob, Sea. 140 Brown Thideout - it Batemanjoteph, Sea. 750 Cooper Nieodcmut ' Sf t Cowell Tarance , 70 Creel Joaeph 58 Clow Rowan. 50 Gaboon Burton Mi Cahoon Timothy 0 Cahaon Reuben 370 ' -Xiahoon-Eheneaer '. -T Cahoon Tamer, Sen. 160 ' Cahoon ttideon'a I heira). SS0 Clayton Thomat W. 40 , tMayion Edmund 17 Davenport Frederick, Jr. 100 Uavia Maxey 100 Davit Levin 56 Panning John II. 150 Prancia John 16 -PcthLurany 117 Godfrey Joaeph 90 Cite a Setae 50 Hollady Cannadr S3 Haaaeli Baly 836 Hathaway Burton a (heln,) 50 HatUway John R'a. (heln,) 850 Hathaway Nathaniel 100 Hatfield Jamca 40 Ditto for Wilton R, White 80 Hooker William 1 liattell Sllat, tor Gardner Alex- ander't (heirt.) 175 Holmet Henry 158 Holmet Anna 1X) Hmkint Jamet fvieirt) 50 Hill Timothy . 0 Liverman Frederick 637 Livermaa Patrick 36 - Liverman Timothy 47 Liverman Richard B. 87 Liverman Pataey 50 Liverman William C. 6 I Overman Enot -Liverman John H. 65 Litchfield George 56 Lneae HnTew""" ' 90 Mctiowa Job McKimmy Joaepk Nicbolt John Not man Starky H. Mann Sally . Overton France a Overton Priacilla Overton Benjamin Oweot Zaehariab Oweni Hexekiah ShO COO SO roo 100 135 50 135 41 48 Owent AbeL 41- Owent Noah 41 Owena Arhot 7 Owwai Ammo tOO Oweat Charlrt ' 86 Owena William 17 Owena Frederick -S7J Power! F.phrai:o H. 100 Powert Htnly 87 Pavn Edward -133 Payn Edward, Jr. 50 Rnutpn William 50 lttawtaBa'liiiie' Rrynoldi William , 50 Sampfe-F.dwmd .-- 130 " Sawyer F.xekiel 100 Sawyer Elitha 100 Sawyer Thomat 5 Sawyer Prudence . 36 Sawyer Mark I Sawyer Franklin . 40 Sawyer Pelige 175 Sawyer Abner 88 Swindell Bartholomew 100 Smith Enoth . IIS , Smith Zebetlee. Jr. 148 Smith Ebenaaer . to Snow Jaeab " 50 Siket Mary, (G. N.) 116 Lpeneer Benjamin SO Spruill Utile, T. 187 -. Sanderlin Elibn 850 Swain Eat bet . 840 Sawyer Iaac " 854 kawyrrAbel 00 Tarkinten John 150 Terkinton William 70 ' Tarkintoo Joaeph, W. 100 Terkintca Jctae 11. 64 Vendrix Aaa 40 While Barnr 113 White John " 57 White Joaeph, Sen. ' 4M -, Ditto for lha White heirt 75 Dhta ror Timothy Jonet'hcirt II Ward Sally , 830 - Weston k Segoia) ' 5600 JOSEPH ALEXANDER, ? fi1(t.. H. G. SPRUILL, . 5 Ber',, May 85. 1137 .-.-. -'.vW; 84 6w AUCADIA ACADEMY", Pehsow County, N CamolixA. i ne aeeono Session of Ihit School for the tire tent year, will commence on Monday the loth day ol July next. The price of Soard and Toi tion, together, does not exceed fifty-iwo dol lar! aaf a half per Seeaioa, payable at the) time oi aumwaiuw. BEN. SUMNER. Arcadia, 19th Jene, 1137. ' 86 Sw. NOTICE! The wbaeriher having qoaldTed, at the let term ot Johotoa Coaaty Court, at admraiatrato ol Joba T. Leach, deeeated, hereby reqoeatc al peraoni kavmc elaima atamat Ibe aaid daeeaaad te pre era! them, duly eatbentieatan, wkhm the time preseribed by law, or ibta aotiee will be plead ia bar of tbear recovery. Tbeaa indebted wdl pleaae tone forward tad make payment, j JAMES T. LEACH. AdeaV. Jsknttta Coaaty, Jaae, f, 1S37; 85 w OXFORD MAt.C ACADETITP. I Tba prominent advaauget ol thai laatitution, reader it peculiarly deeerving the aotiee of pa reel a and goardiaoi. Il formerly ranked among the "Irtt '"m Ih SlrafMt hat wt reaantMUy atlditiooal aad aolid ela'ima oo the public for patronage and prelerenen. . . UxlQrd it turpataea oy no -village oi meeoatn in hi hralthfulneti, pleamnt location, good aoi eiety and freedom from dittipation.. During the to miner monthtmany peraont retort to hi talw brioat climate, for the purpoae of improving or reatormg their neailllt olhert am atiraeiea oy itt agreeable eaviroot and aoeial aooifnrtv There are Ihree cfrorehen belonging .a different denomiaalionti and tba Academy itaotfa eoove aient ia aa airy and aecladed tpot. Indepeadently of tbeaa local recommenda tion, lha principal, Mr. A. Hast, it a gentle man of eoaaMiereble attainmenti m elatawal and aeientiSa knowledge, acquired in England, Italy and Franca. Of I lie former eoontry, he it na tive where he followed hit probation with taa- cett, maoy year previooi to hit pi tenting it in America, He it not only well verted m Ibe Greek and Latin elaatiet, but familiar with mod- era language! and all the numeroat braochee of phy neal, mathematical, moral aaa inieiieciuci eeienee. Added to theae endow meiita be bat formed by travel, reaeareh and obaervation, an exlenaiva acquaintance with the ornamental and critical literature of Europe and America. He will ba aided in hit dutU l br eoinpetent attitt- antt'io proportion to the number of pupitt. In training the Studenta lo reapeet their teach era, their companinna and thenuelret, ttricl re gard will be had to inculcate virtnoiit prior inlet, honorable feeling! and gentlemanly eooduct. The method of ioitroetion will combine the ad- id -nubrTe" eoltfWif: The government will be parental rather than " ... . j i 'teverei ann me atoaeni a mimia uirmnu ia habilt) of induttrv, aecurata obaervation and drn emiuiiy. Si'ii tattle lime and aara will be aUotUd-aa-fttrfiBgwritineernpoiilioa and elocution. ClaiairaT ttodenlt wilt be prepare to enter the Prethmah br the Sophomore elata, agreea bly to tha eoarae of etudiee. preaeribed by the University of the State. 1 oltion per aetaioa its oo. The tourte for the Englith department will eonaiat of lour claiaet to be ioitruete J in the following branchet. rr aettion. .Arithmetic, M 00 - III. The above continued, geogra phy, grammar, parting and exereiwa, - - $10 00 II. Composition, logie, rhetoric, hittory, chronology and Al gebra, . . . $13 00 I.- Proaoity-k poetry .natural plu Inaophy, aalrohomy, ehem- itt ry, mineralogy , and boto- . ny. mental and moral tci- enee, geometry, menaura- .. lion, land turf eying, naviga tion, ke. - $15 00 ITIodcrti Lannagjes. The Freneh eourte, $7 00 -j The Sotnith. Italian f-Pff ',m and German each. $10 OOJ The tuition (eel are required In advancei and the amount of half a aeation will .bo the amall- eet eharae. The year it divided into two leitiontof twen ty two weekt etch, the firtt tommeneet on the third Monday of January and enda on the third Friday of June) tha nerond begioi (allowing a i week'i interval) on the fourth Monday ol June, I and terminate! oa the fourth Friday in Novem jherr A pnhlia eiam Innian before lite Truueei I will take place at the eloae ol every aettioni !when Pareott and Goardiant ara invited to at tend By order el the Trutteet. -Oxford, X. C April 87, 1 137 f 4 6w ltlnrks's Ointment FOR THE CURE OF PIL The eubeeriber bega leave to otter la th CD lion ol thoae who are tubjeet 10 that moat diaa ' greeable of ditordera, the Pilet, a remedy, the : efficacy of which hat been tested by the experi 1 enee ol years, and ibe utility of which hat in no 'instance been impaired from failure to relieve. To those who have oeen aubjeeiea to tnit dia 'eate. k will prove, if applied when re-attacked. a lure preventative to itt continuance, vuhut the kat paini indeed many have pronounced it the moat agreeable remedy ever applied. There ! can be no daoger in itt use at itt component t Darts are of harmlett veretable matter. i The mother of the tubacriber who ia the ma- i ker of the ointment, hat been in the habit of giv. ting It to her friend tend neighbors toe the last edge hat Hi application been Ineffecuiil, at will be tern by a number of eertiCeatet annexed, at jwell aa the testimony ol a medical gentleman who bat used H hirasell, and prescribed It to (be ret let ol others. Those who are tuffcring will do well to make I trial of the remedy. Ita efficacy it guaranteed. and there can be no doubt but that the disorder may be arrested in itt earliest slate, if no delay i be made in itt application. I The directions fur uae will be fouod on each .sttljtwa-AMKU4lM,cVI a ftKfl. Petersburg, Vt., Aug W, 15 JO. I have nsed the Pile Ointment prepared by VI is. Mark,, and prescribed It toothers, with the happiest effect I therefore can recommend it to hoae afflicted with Uiai.ditagrreble complaint the Piles. 1 Will IB, M. L. Prince George County, July 3d, J 136. Mr. S. II. Marks: Dear Sir: In eomnhanee with your request I win miorm tna punne ine s nave nao two members of my family frequently attacked with the Filet, and from an ointment that I ob tained from your mother, the) have in all cases found entire relief with a few appliealiona J ESSE HEATH. Prince George County, Aug. It, 1836. Dear Sin Yourt of the 17th msttnt waa duly received, and it affiirda me pleamre to comply with yoor request. I have been afflicted with that diaagreeablt diaorder; the Pilet, ""boeo Sprioga, Jene 85, alto my negro aacn, and I obtained irons yourl r " ' mother the eintmeat Wat yoa oner to tne public, and in all attacks both my ma a and myself have found entire relief. In addition to the' above ex perience, I have given it to eoine ot ny frienda. and I have never known h lo fail giving reliel. I would recommend Ihit ointment to those who are subject lo Ihit disagreeable disease, at an ef iaeeieut and agreeable remedy. : 1 am yourt reapeailuliy. JOHN MeBROOM. . Richmond. July 16. 1136. Sir;' I received yourt of the 18th inat., you with me lo inform yoa of my titatlioa at the time that yoa gave ne a bottle of year Pile Oint ment, and what eaeel K had oa assy I had the pilet aa bad at aay pereoa could have .bene to much to. that 1 could not attend to my daily laharai aad in troth. I could teareely rat out of aay room. 1 commenced with yoar oiat- ment, and m three or lour daya, i wat entirely relieved. I would recommend it ta the public. aa being one ef the moat excel lent remediea that waa ever ocered to ttt poniie. WILLIAM CARSON, r Pwterebarg,Aar.l9, 1636. Mr.S.H-Mtrkti . ' i Dear Sir: I take pletsore la Inforra- ing tha puWia, that I waa very badly afflicted with that diaaereeable diaorder. the Pilea, and obtnioed from yoa, a bottle of yoar ointment, and hi a few dart tha diveaee was entirely re moved. I waej4 recommend II at an infallible rtatryv JAMES T. HVRPHT. Peter tborr. 19th Aur. 1136. At a duty I owe to Mr. Marka I will inform the publia that I have been badly iff.ieted with the diMgreeehhi dianrder, lha Pilea, aad I ob- ttinerj Irom bim a aottla of hit oiolaaeat, aad I muet aay thai I hava'naWaieV hat given me ao.aweti relief. I would iwcom mend it to the public at beina one of the moat agreeable and eifieeoioui remediea that can be oted. ;... 8. M- JAUliSOX. For Sale bj Williams, liar wood c Co. " , vfrrnft, Raleigh October ir. .v.: 44 if r SIIOCCO SPRIXGS. Tblt well known, watering p'ace will be agaia Opened for the reception el I ititert on the firtt of June next. The lettimonialt of the efficacy of thia water, particularly m eatet corajniyn lo the low land, are of awflltient notoriety, and require reference only lo tnote wboae experience hat enabled them to teat itt virtue a. I deem K only neeeatary lo tlatn that the water hat been recently analraorf, and ttt mgrefltenie art w the tame elate with moat f the Virginia 8pringt k the fammtt Bedford Spring! of Pennaylvania. For the benefit W the public, I have thought proper 10 aubjoin a letter or two Irom eminent proiceaional men, whoae intimate, aenuaintanee with the nrnnertiea of the water rendert tliem competent judget at STt efficacy. Siuce the lit! araion. aeveral oed rnomt with lire olaeea have been erected for the eoaveoK AWff JOHNSON. Shoceo Sprlogt, May 85, 1S37. . . From Simmtm J. Baker, M. I). . Dear Madam The caae relerrd to, ia the oowvai latwnri had the honor lo have with yon a rew aaye ocvf, -wee vnatrot; mr. t-am. oi oentiana neea. ne nao a violent acute mnamation ot tne liver, which wat aubdned with great difficnlryi when he wat-eoavaleaamt. hit tkm wat of a deep orange color. At Mr. Paul had been ae verely diacipliaed, I wat unwilling to give bim more medicine, and advited bim Jo accompany me to Shoeeo Springe, to which he anniented. We arrived oa a Tuenlty evening! on Wedoet- day morning, buaineaa carried me to Raleigh, and Iid4ioXrattwwMtil Sunday eveniogviwhenj to my aatoniahroent, Mr. Paul't tkin wat at clear it it ever wat. In two or three day t he return ed to Scotland Neck, wat drafted and went to Norfolk, and remained there -until the troopt were diabanded. He waa one of the few, en camped at the Peach Orchard, alio escaped with impunity. Your moat obed't, 1 - a. J. uakku. Scotland Neck, May 10, 1M7. Frm F. A Thmrntn, Eiq. . Alexandra, Warren county, May 10. Dear Madam For teveral mentht previout to leaving home for Shoeeo Sprkigt, my health wat dreadful. Indeed, thy situation wat consid ered critical. When I reached Shoeeo, 1 wat unable, without assistance, to get from my ear riage to my room, t did not drink the water more than a lortnichl. before I had to far reeov ered my health aa lo be able lo walk alone all over the yard) end, in a very abort lime after- wardt. to the astonishment ol my Iriendt. l i tamed home entirely well. FRANK A- THORNTON. From Mn Beclrmtth, M. J). Kaleith. May 10. 1837. Dear MadatnYoa not anrettonnUy conclude that one who, like myself, haa been an occatlon al visiter at Shoeeo Spring! tor more than Ave ana twenty years, should be able to lorn, a just estimate of their medicinal effeete. Il gives me pleasure to be able, from much obaervation, and no email personal experience, lo tay, that the waters ara well adapted to cases of convalescence Irom billious tnd intermittent reverst that they correct a vitiated or deficient action of the Livcri give keenness to the appetite, and tone and en ergy lo the digestive organa. laey who reside in low and unneniiny Dis tricts of country, will find at Sboeeo during the summer anontbi. a pure and invicoralinr air. aewsfovtahla aacuinininlalont,- mineral warert answering all reasonable expectationt. and a ta ble, of which the only fault ia, being rather loo tempting for invalids. It ia proper to remark, that the' water parti with much of ill tetive propertiet in a abort time after being drawn from tha spring, and therefore, in order to realize itt full bcoefiu, viiiterf thoold take it at the fountain. Very respectfully, . wWtN'"-HKUe vy 1 1 II. - Frem Eltii Maltne, M. D. May 8, U37. Dear Madam I lake aleasura in stalinK.'lhat In my opinion, the water of Shoceo Stirines it poieeesed of an extensive and direst influence over the diseased actinni of many of the organt of our t? stem. Actively diuretic, gently laxa tive, and, if exercise it ttken after using it, aol a little diaphoretic, together with'itt invigora ting influence ever Ibe ehylopaelia apparatus, increasing the' appetite and " ttrettjittienipg "the powert ot digestion,. R could nol well pe et tier wise ihanthat the proper usT)tlirTlniJl(1 "be greatly conducive to the reatoratum of the heal thy action of disrated organs, to which it heart to manliest a relation. My itilormation in relation ,to Wa mrdiclral propertiet hat been derived from no little per sonal experience. It will readily occur lo In telligent medical men, lo what elaaa of diseases a remedy havlag such effects at neeeriuew aoove, ill ha applicable, who will likely be consulted by invalirie wiahing to avail themaelvet of Hi benefits before leaving their respective hornet. Ketpeetfuiiy, yourt, eta. ELLIS U ALONE. To Mrs. Ann Johnson. June 85, 1137. 87-4t BALL AT SIIOCCO. On the eveninirt of the tlth and 18th of July next, there will be a BALL al Shoeeo Springs. Aa eseelteal hand of snatia will be ia attendance oa the occasion 87 Jw 14 Dozen Superior London Porter tO do Bett Lemon Syrup for tale by WILLIAMS & HAT WOOD. June 3T, 1837. IT . ' iL Mr J. Q. JLdams has addressed a letter to a constituent, who presented him with ft cane, in which he gives his views of the causes ol the late commercial crisis, lie attributes their origin partly to the measures of gov eminent and partly to individual travagance, , . . MURDER. 1 An affray occured on Tuesday mor 'fning last, near this place between two irishmen, laborers on tbt Kaleigh and Gaston Rail Road, which resulted in the death of one of the party, James Flinn. Thomas . Tole, the murderer, has been arrested and is safely lodged in tne jau oi tnis piace, loawmii ms in al at our next Superior Court y.f'--fyqfrtnt' Bf- ' Remarks of tbe no. JOHN C. CALHOUN, (COXCLUDED.) other means do we possess of sufBcient efficacy, in combinilioa with; those to. which 1 hate relerred, to arrest the farther progress and correct, the tlisor iiereti auue oi tne currency! nas is the deeply, importsnt fjoestion, and here some division ol opinlbhTnosrbe eipecien, however aniteil we may be, as I trust we are thus far, on all other points. I intend to meet this question explicitly ana airectiy, without reser vation or concealment -11 . a. Alter a iuh survey oi tne whole subject, I see none, I can conjecture no means ol extricating; the country from the present danger, and to arrest its farther increase. but-Va bank, the currency of which, in some form : or under some authority, ia indispenca ble. The country has been brought into the present diseased state of the currency by banks, and must be extri cated by their agency We-mttatrirr word, use a bank to unoanK the Aaekvtoi tW jeativlh - ty be. ae. cessary to restore a safe and stable currency just as we apply snow to a frozen limb in order to restore yitalrty and circulation, or hold up a bum to fir11'i1n"eT0 eSTfacTTri(S inUtThafTon. All thust see IhaT 'IfTls "4mp6ssTMe to suppress the banking system at once. ii must continue tor a nine, us great est exemies and the advocate of an ex- clgsive specie circulation, must make it a part af their system to tolerate the banks for a longer or shorter period. To suppress ihem at oncer wotM, if H Were possible, work a greater revolu tion a greater chanze in the relative condition of the various classes of the community, than would the conquest of Ah..cou.ntrj by a .sayas enemy.- , W hat, then, must be doner I answer a new and safe system must gradually. grow up under and replace the old imitating, in xiua respect, me oeauuiui process wh'fch we sometimes see, of a wounded or djsrased part in a living organic body, gradually superseded by the bealins process of nature. How is this to be effected? How is a bank tn be uSed as the means of cor rccting the excess of the banking sys temf And what bank is to be select ed as the agent of effecting this salu tary changer I know, said Mr. C. that a dversity of opinion ' will be fou n oTTol TxtsT as-f 6ffieageii t f o oe selected, among those who agree on every other point, and who, in partic ular, agree on the necessity of using some bank a&ehe means of effecting the object intended; one preferring a simple re-charter of the existing bank another the charter of a new bank of the United States a third a new bank engrailed upon the old, and a fourth the use of the State banks as the -agentr- I--wiWardMr.-Grylt leave all these as open questions) to be carelully surveyed and compared with each other) calmly and dispas sionately, without prejudice to party ftfeling) and that to be selected which, on the whole, shall appear to be best the most safe; the most efficient) the most promptnpplre least liable to constitutional objection. It would, however, be wanting in can dor on my part, not to declare that my impression is, that a new Uank ot the United States, engrafted upon the old, will be foundy under all - the circum stances of the case, to combine the greatest advantages, and to be liable to th feweat obiectinna hut this impr es-4 sion is not so firmly fixed as to be in - consistent with a calm review oTtlie whee gTonnd,-mTorrerent'iny-yield-ing to the conviction of reason, should the result ol sum review prove that any other is preferable. 'Among its peculiar recommendations may be rank ed the consideration, that while' it would afford the means of a. prompt and effectual application for thitiaat- ng and finally-removing the existing distress, it would at. the same time o pento. the whole community a fair op portunity oi participation in the at'van tages of the institution be they what they may. . Let us then suppose, fin order to il lustrate and not to indicate a prefer ence that the present bank be selected ss the agent to effect the intended ob ject. What provisions will be neces sary? I will suggest those that have occurred to me, mainly, however, with Lany measure or which It constitutes . r A.- .- .rri i -j.i:.!. a t, i ' view of exciting the reflection of those much more familiar with banking operations than myself, and who of course, are more com Detent to form a correct judgment of their practical ef- lect- Let. then, the bank charter be re newed for twelve years after the expi ration of the present term, with such modifications and limitations aS may be judged proper, and that, alter that pe riod, it shall issue no notes under ten dollarst that Government shall not re ceive in its dues any sum less than ten dollars, except in the legal coins of the United Statei) that it shall not receive in its dues the notes of any bank that issues notes of a denomination less than five dollars, and that the United States Bank shall not receive in pay ment, or on deposite, tbo notes of any bank whose notes are not receivable in the dues of the Government) nor tbo notes of any bank - which may raceiva the not- of any bank whose notefar) 1 not receivable by the Government Ai.tlieVxpirAUrjB. ut jrsjrjlr.jnj tJjf,, commencement or the renewed char ter, let the bank be prohibited from is- . suing any nates tinder twenty dollars and let no sura, under that amount be received ia the duet of the Govern " ment except :h i specrei and let tha val. . ue af gold be raised at least equal to that of silver to take effect jm mediate- V Ir, lo that the country mar ba replen ished with the coin, the lightest od ' the moat portable in proportion to itav value, to take- the place ef the reced- a ' a . ar a a . tng oanc notes, it is anoecastrary lor me to state, that at present, the stan dard value of gold is several per cent, teas man that or silver he necessary effeetf-whiclv has been to expel gold -. entirety i rum our circulation, anil ious . to deprive its ef a coin so well calcu-. latcd for the circulation" of a .country ' so great in extent, and Vavinr vast an l.iterconrse, cpiomerclal, social, and poltiealrbetwwn-R1aiasort As an additional recommendation to UUfeiUaee4AU vsv vftiuty -gold uecumn an important pruuuci ui inreo. conaiJerable States of the Union" V irginia, North Csrohna and Georgia to the industry of which: tbe eaK3 ore prupoaau wouiu rive a atronc imr - pulse, and "wbich 1tf turf, wdtild great- " ty increase the quantity produced. aucn are me means which nave oc curred to tne. There are members of , this body far mort cotgpetent to judge . of their practical one ration than my self, and aa mr object Is simply to ug gesthem lor-theirjreflectioH, Hfld Ut that oi others who ara more lamliiar with this part of the subject, I will not at present enter into an enquiry as to their elaciency, adequate t eovct the ohject inyieyror; doubtless others of a similar descrip- iion, anu pernaps rooro cnicariqus, that may occur to (ha experiencHt ' which I would freely embrace, as ny oojeci is 10 aunpi oesv ana most elacient, Arid it may be hnpeil that if on experience it should be fouhd that neither these provisions nor any other in the power of Congress are ful ly adequate. to effect tbt important re form which I have proposed, the co operation of the State may be sffordf ed, at least to tile extent of suppres sing the circulation of notes under five dollars, where such are perroitifd biHssued under their authority, i ' v ti....i ji ri i omiitvu in na proper piaca vt state my reason for , suggesting twelvo years as .the term lor fbe renewal of the charter ot the bank. It appears to me that It is long enough to permit the agitation I and distraction which- now disturbs the country to subside, while it is sufficiently short to enable us to avail ourselves-! the lull benent of tbe light of experience, -which may -bexpectV tt be derived fVwTVtJie'O'p eration of the system under its new ' provisions. "But there is another rea son which appears to me to be roti- tied to great, weight. The charter of the bank of Englaod has recently been rcn.wed for the term of ten years. with very Important changes calculate 1 a a" I. . e the nature uf Hanking operations and currency. It is highly desirable, if the bank charter should be renewed, or a new bank created, thaf we should have the full benefit of that experience belore the expiration or the term, which would be effected by fixing tbo period lor. the time l liav designated. Wt wyjeet-in'rttrr-tbe yt charter of Uic iJank oUioJtate was simply to enaoia me. to ptcsent theoggT'sticnis-I-havrToade, rtii ""tliST" clearest fonn, and not to advocate the rerhsrter, I shall omit to indicate many limitations and provisions, which seem to me tobe important, to be consider en, when the question or its perma nent renewal is presented, should U ever be. Amoog others,-t entirely- concurio tne suggestions oi tne sena tor from Georgia, of fixing the rate bf interest at five per centj a suggestion of the very highest importances as hav ing ft mostJ mportant bearing fSi the value of property and the prosperity oi tbe country in everv branch of Its a'. aaa.. - industry ami to which out out obtu cle can in my opinion, be presented: 1 mean the opposing interest of state Institution, all of which discount at higher rates, and which may defeat part In addition, I will simply say, ' that I, for one, shall rfeVdiaposed to ' adopt such provisions as are beat cal culated 4o . secure the ; Government from any supposed influence on the part of the bank, or the banV impro- per interference on tbe 'part of the Governmenti or which may' be neces sary to protect the ti.hte or Interests of the States. 7 , Having now stated the measure ne cessary to ftpply the remedy, I am thai 1 brought to the question -can the aea sure succeed i hick brings op the in quiry of howvfar It aay be expected to receiver th support af the several " parties which eoaipoee the Senate, and on which X shall next procood fs asajko a few remarks, -.f First then, eaa the State XightS' party giro it their support that party " of which lam proud of being a men ' v " ' r ' : T7r r.'. h '"7 4 t --ejfr: : ."saas

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