i ' i ' ii ' ' -' 1-!JLJ,.UJ!J1I . . i.v RALEIGH, I. G. WEDITESDAY, JUXY 0, 1C37 VOL jrRO HAS M2M AT, f XD IT OB ASP rBOPJUETOtt.- , Its rms. . ,fc..cit,rtfo J!$JZ, ?"" wilb ut the Stale will he uired "'7 ',' w' amount of tli jrH - tob-wrm" ,op. A)VEBTi3ixR. - -..,- mra (Hot exceeding 18 line thi fix I'vo) i"rtiin, one dollar; each ub- UClll 1 " ' .-. 1 -- - Ida itiTiwmenttC-Uerkt and Sheriff a "Virt be eVrged 25 1r eent.-wighcrT wfifewmiiiiliiniirn'heArahrm Viieliim of 3.U per eent rill be made from the rrg'iUr price lor ilerliei-a br ifie year, i Letter to the E lilor mart be pot-pid. N O TIC E . The mWrilMirt, eeuritie of Geo. H. Al Minder, decM, '' Shcri.Tof Tyrrvl eoonivj ill evyn'e o public tale, on the th Mindii in July ne, b-lnre the Court Home door in Co. I'mibii, Hia lollowing tract of land, or to much thvreo irwilt MtHfy "ihr.Ywres due-thereon erlh yrar ll.U, and0 of adri-ti(ing: 4. fil icrt. 381 - 1(10 9 eK) . 150 5') 340 tto Aleoek S'ejii.ee A niley John - llricUi'Htui Richard llrtanl IIiwIk'-I -t ILtem.tn Ir.niel, Jr. Mount riiomn Barn John (I'atquotaak) Itot'riigV J.oteph " llitniiibt Jacob, Sen. ' H.'miil XJ Aian ' 56 g I3.jii,utt,aa-lfMij;!U.Ji.''.a. 750 Coupe N rnitJ!Mt Cow el I Trir 70 j Oecl Jwth oJlnwjjijiJi ' 4.'ahooi liiirum C;ihoonTi"oihy t;Hhwn'Htriib;-" ' ' f'lirxm Khen.-(ar I :nli Mir Tlinifr, 8i. Ciihnoii flMrnn'(hairi) Cljrnn Thomm XV. :iyioii Kilmiml- l ).ivrnion F'cdtrick, Jr. Davit t-rin Funnin Jnhn H. Kmiiii John Kli1.nranjr (Vnhrry Jotrph Cile Jew Hnll.i.W :nnsHf .H tiliaayiT Hijrloa't (heirt, Unlt-awnT John li'a. (hcira,) llathr Xallmiitrl ll.itliTTir Jamrt , " IHlto for itno fl. Wlilit lloukrr William ItmwU 8U lor Crdoer Alat- niler't (heir,) ' llnlmrt llunrr Holm' Amis lln'kma Jamei (hctnjc. IliH Timolliy . Ijrerman F ruin it k l.rermn I'ali'itk ' l.itennim TimodiT l,ifrrmn ltii:llnl H. I.itrrnimi Pmwjr 1,1vennn VViMwtu C. hireitiian Baol " Liverma'i ,lhn II. I jtehfirlil (irorja irav I litrW Me'imn Job - M e K immf ieih - Nich'il Jnhn Km man Starkr H. Mnn S!ly I Overton Kraner. tJenon Pi icill t)rrton yrtijami ' i yttm 7UvK -.i. trn llrklh T?fffr!!rrT? Jlwfn Nonb len Aio Oircn Amnion ' (! CUhi lr )tii William . Ovrni Frt-terWk Power Klirira I!. Po llariljr Payn.KilaaH . Vyn K.lnl, Jr. K'moii VVitliim Riehir-irn WiirMi Hf juolitt'H'illiim ' Kainula KdnJ',' S2 86 S 0 T2 lfij -87L lob 100 c In nr 90 53 31 9'iS Sll 250 100 40- V. II 175 tuo so so 37 S8 47 37 50 .19 5 65 56 .-fl0 360 too . so too 100 is; 50 131 At, 4 -4- 4S i7 800 C6 1W7 875 100 135 50 50 t0 50 130 Sawyer K!kir - -"-gawjer r.mna 100 3 in irs Sit -" -SawTtr wni Sarr1 PiUilenen Sawjer Mark : Sawyer Franklin Sswjee Prllgo SaWTer" Abwr i iTt ilrrtHMriholftmiw"' Smith Fjoch Srouli Ztorder.Jr. Smiih Kbrnet!1 "r" "'" Snow Jcl . y. 8ikr Mr, ft. f! ) Hnruilr Irfille, Y. --j fjamUrWin Kitka) s ill 1 60 fO 116 0. 17 940 - 854 500 150 70 100 34 40 113 -47 4H0 7. 11 iSSO . " Swain Khn t piwyrr Ai , - . - t - ' Tirkluinn John . Taikinton William - Tark'mton JowphjslV. : Twk"KAo J ti. Vraxti i An , White lUmy ' T) H'hie John T, Whii Jo ph. Srn,. . iDnio for ilia. White brir , -Itttiw I- Timtiibj Joik' htir . Varrt8i.lljr -W:.. .--.r-VeIo ct Scrnia ... 5600 iiiuviii jii utrtnpo -i , Mot t.V -, tH ' State rNor(li Carolina. . I'lllTMAM COUKTV. Court of Pleas anil Quarter Sessions, - - - Mail Term, t837V Ane IV Hunter, !ltiw, lie. Pel ii ion tor Dower. John flraea tc Wit PrrRT,' . J OenrRe 1toe;rr St Wife- PalttT,- I Joiah llrook H Wife Roihai J "tt p '-eriiiV to the talif faction, til th Conrt IhM J. trik ami wHe Huiha, are not eitiaent n tin Male; ft m therrlore ordered that Mtbli ettios be made in the Kaleirh Star tor ii week in (ueeetMim, m order tlial the tanl Jn-.iah Urooka and wile mT apear at our awst Court, to be bald lor the count ot Cluilham, t the Court hnuaui I'l'.tiliorouih, on the aeennd Monnar W AuHatnext, thenaad there to pleal, antwer demur to the (aid Petiiinni otherwite k will taken pro-oohuo and beard ex-jiarte a to Ibem. " Witneaa, Thomai Ragland, Clrtk of our uiil Court, at Office the teaund M oodiiT of Mar, A.U. 1S37. Tet. " . TT103. HAGLANO C. C. C. 10, 1137 ' " ' SS 6. AllCADIA AAIEinVf Person L'oustt- N- Carolina. i Th nd Setiioo of thi School for the p re cent year, wilt commence on Monday the, iotfc Icy oi July next. The price of Uoard and Tui tion, together,; dec, .m exceed Sfty-twa dol lar and a half per Setaioa, payable at tha lima I admiMioav .... . " BEN. Sl'MNFR. ' A ciia-.tik;, 1 137. . IS 3 . . oror:i jiale acadcmt. "I hfr ivrQmiwnt "ailvantifre)! h i 4nat'itulion," render it peeuliaily deaervmr the notice of P-i reni inn eunllt.. It lorincrty ranked amonf the flrtt m the 8te ani it bl at nrwrnt many ailditmnal ami tolid elaim on the public lor patronage aud irrcnto. Oxlord h aurnaated b ao Village of the tooth in M bealihldlne, pleamnt location, rood an eietjr and freed .m Irom rtiipaiinn. During the brioo elimate, for the purpose of iraprovinr or uniiner mouth man nmmit rtmrt to Ha anlu. eetotMi( their healthr other are attracted by it agreeable environ and toeial eomforta. "here are three clmrchei belonRinr (q different nient in an airy and arctuded inot. lartenendenily of thre local reeommenna- tioa, the nnneml Mr. A. HaaT, a renilt man ol enni.iri-alile attainmcntt inclaoirat and ariemifie knowledge, atquin-d in F.ngland, Italy and France. Of the former country he iaa na tive wfiere he ftdlowed hi profeiun with ue- , many veart prerioni lo hi pia.-tiine; it in America lleia pot only well eico tn the (ret k and lytim claatict, lutt familiar with mod ern hm;rre and- all iU ntunsroocraoebea of. p!ivicl, nmtlitiniH'al, moral and intelleetUHl aeirnce. Aided lo thrfe endowmeul he ha forme.l by travel, reert:li and observation, an eititnaive arqiwiu(atee wiik Uie oi-uaiucntai. and ei itiral liiei-aliire of Knrope and Amerira. tie ill ie ai led in hi ilut'i. br coinpetent asit- antt in prn;tortin to tliet' nnmlier of pnpil. In irjinnij tli Mudeuti tn reined lliir. teach er, their companion aiid-themaelves. strict re- anl ill lie oi l to inculcate virtnou pi mciple, honoraule leeltnir anil eenllrmntily eontlocl. The inetli.ul ot inatntctiniKwill eoiubine the adl vanNgri of dimestio and public education. t-verei ami the (lililenl minil ilirectel to habit of imlusirT, avcurute cbicrval on and itivp etupilry.' SiiituMe.liiiHt and faro aiill be iiuiteit to ri-aiimr, wrilinc, eomiinaition auri elocaiinh. ...... Clanii-al- MdeM-wUI be nrr-nared t-etter the f reihmnn Of the Sophnniore dm, agreea ble lo the eunrte- of aludref lireciibed bv the L'niveriiir of the Stale. Tuition per artsion 115 00 I'he nure for the F.nvliih department will enntut of tfru r ctSWeTTO be iritTi-ucTe.1 EnTie Slowing brsnrhr. . rr aeion IV Spellinp, reading.t' Ariihmrtn,. - 11!. The above eontinned, (r0jra- V'.v Jframmar, palling and exerrie,' - - II. Compoition, loeie, rhetorie, hWtory, chronology and Al gebra, - . -I. Troto'ly h poetry.natiirnl phi- 00 (10 00 $12 00 l"ophy, aatronnniy, rhem- iilry , 'iiiineralu y "Cndboto. : ny, menial and moral ici- enee, afo-melry, nieiiaora - . 1 tioo, land survey mg, natiga-, lion, tc. . - (15 00 Modern LanrTiinos. The French mire, " (7 "00-j J per ei Jea.ra. 1 he ianih, Italian anil ficrmnn eat-b, JIO OOJ The tuition U-vi are no'tired In advance; and tli j "mount ol hall a (cation wit) be the amall rit charge. The year itdivi-lcn into two tetiiini of twen ty two weik racb, the firit commence on the third Monday ol January and emit on the third riiilir ol .lunei the ennil hecmi (allnwinj? a weik't interval) - n the fourth Momlav ol June. and terminate on the I'utrth, Fridy in Novem ber. A puiilia examination btf ue the 'I ruttee will take jilHce at th c.loc. ol every ejjuii; hen I 'a rent and t.uanliant are invited to kt- tund Ily order nl the Ti tistee. Oiford. X. C . Apnl S;,l37 84 6w Inform hi friend and tbe puldio generally , mat he nm jiit returned Irom- New fork and riiilailrliihii, with a rich and tailnonahle aitnrt mem nt eood(, whk-h he it now oiieninc. and will lurthrr opm in a lew day tat biinew.J tch. Jewelry ami raney store, - No. 10, Fayettevillc Street. Which, together witti hi lormrrttotK, preienti icy cirii,i. anu uciirauiv avvuriraeni oi good, which will bo old at a very (mall ad- ,e for themielves. The aatorlmenl ennn'ntiln part of very tupe rinr (iold and Silver Watche. American, Kn gl.th and Fi-ench Jewelry, Silver tea Sell. Sil ver Spoon, do. Cop. Ilniler Knlret, d;. Pickle Knivrt anu f nrka, I'laieu vv antra, very line ,ia tHd ilu Ciert, 4ndlu.k Iliillannia warr, conee t.nquet, .Mantel iiikk, ao. tjamp A Mml -dovf fine double d -aiogle bar rel linn, iluellinr. Wit and poeket PiMolt, Hold and lilver mounted Cane, Whip. Roger' tuperi'ir.Kaiinr ton Knlret, Mil tic It-ixet and Xeenrd.oni, with a great variety of fancy i1i- elet and perfumery. l b. i, mot inrnaat encnnragrmeni, ne toliclttt sontinnence of the public Jkuiiuvbamg fully per. mailed that the manner in which hiebutine it carried on will give nerleet aatnfaetinn la all thote who may lawmr bim with their euitom. Clock and Watthet nf all dvieriutirwi repair ed in acauttomed tuperior mnnee. Ait order lor (.old or Silver w ork executed at the (horted notice, aud iuihc.-moil approved ityle.i.li. 81 r.w.. ... ATILUtAXS tk HAYWOOD Hjve lately received at their well known wand on Fayetteville. Street, near the maikvt hooe, heir t'or ne aod Summer tutmly of ' " . Drnas and "letiirinett, Paints, Oils, lije StiiaTs, Urneketi, AVi" dow aiasa I'crluuiery, &c. Which with then- foimer (upply, rpake their aaaorimenl tvee and exlratite. eamrn Uhig al- mott every ai licle tiuially kepi in their line of buiinet. - ; ',. r ,;',-' 'i-'i:"- ' They offer them at whoUaait or retail, upon the moat favorable term, at they are determin ed their ewortment ahall not be inferior, not will they be ondereold by any ctulilidiment to the State, e it Her oto or w. . . i . Grateful for the patronage heretofore bettow. ed upoa them by their friend and tha public generally, tney natter inemtvieec, tnat ey am iluhy .and tonttanl attention to bfttineaa. that they will continue la receive tha a-iroa liberal enctturagetnent already aecured la then. Prcacriptimv will be core fully compoumled and put up with none bat -the mot genuine arti cle, under the mcneetwu ot one of tha propri etor. , -, . : Order from Pliy tJciao It Merchant, prompt ly attended lo. , .-,".,.,. ; Itaieigb, May 90. 137. , t ' . JOB PniSTI!3, , -NEATLY AND EXPEDITIOUSLY. EX- ECVTBD AT THI$ OfPICB. r SIIOCCO SPRINGS. Thi well known waterina- place will bearain WtWfd TorrhT-feeei11oi of 1ieVl tf.e ffrir'bo-at tarnri1lMtyt fcixl al June nest. The teatlmooiali of the. efficacy 1 of thit water, partieularl in eatel eommoa to ' the loav land, are of (uflloieat notorierr, and reoilire reiereneeronl ta tltoae onoae riiricni ' ha ciablrd them t tet ita MHne. 1 deem it onlf nteerir to (tain that the water hat Keen reeentlr anahtnl. ftnd ita inrre.lienl are of the tameefia with mot of the Viremia Snrirut It . the fararm Hertford Spring of Fenoiylvania. a - r or tne nenrllt Ol llie pUOIIC, I Have llionlll proper in ml.join a letter or two from eminent profeitional men,, wnoaw intimate aequaintance with the proertie of the water render llwm cnmpeleni jmlj;e-a el it efficacy Smre the latt eakon, aeveral hed room wiih fire nlace have been erected fur the eoOWni. enee of Familie AXV JOflXSOX Sltoceo Spring, May 65, 1837. iDear MaiUm I'he eae reU-rrd to, in the nnveralion I had the honor o have whh Vmt a few day paat, .a ihaLof r. Pjulof Saotliiud..rofrly fiitljw.r,( tt he Jihfral anil intrl I ijrnt ec. lie liao a vHiirnt aopte innamation x ttie eniinmer, ir ami ner, ro a m ann ace u, am li'er, which wa ulwluel with preat difficuttyj II we do not jive mi a rood, it not better e when lie wa eonvalreent, hi akin wa t a ommmltion than you can Ret elatwheie in deep orange eolor. A Mr. Paul hail been ir- rerely dwciiiliued, 1 wa unwill.-ne to give bim more meilirine, and adviaed him to accompany - w i . c : a i .. -j. i . . VVeariivtil on a Tuetdar evi-nii.e: ontVedue. mi: wiiipi m fc-ii. iiiua. ii iicii lie Ki.'mn-Fii. luv mitt-liintf t.tlMn iHwiari n. In l u to my MtonMhmxftt, Mr Paul tkin w.a a clear a it ever wa. In two or three dy he return.' jidOa.-iutlbmd-Xk.- .. -dvefted ami went tn Nnifulk, and remained there until the troop were ni.iijnni ii. lie wa one ni we lew, en. eao(m t Me i eaeh "retiiwlv -wtmeacHpeit wttir impuiuiy. our mnu obem, 8. J. nAKKH. Scotland Xck, May -10, 18.7. From F. .1 Tmrn!n, Est) '"A'tinaiitlria. W rreu lmiiihi, Wat Id. D:.r Mndm Foraeveral ni-nlh, n-evinin to leaiiiitr hume for Shnceo Sorii a, my health wn iliraillul. Indeed, my .itualion wa eniitid- cred critical. When I reached Kkoceo, 1 waa unahle, wHIinnl aitnre, lo.get from Bt) ear-, riage to my room. 1 did not drink the water moie than a toil' iu-ht, helnre I had an far recov ered my health at tn be able In a alk alnjie all over the ynl( and, in a very abort time after- want, to the aitoniihment ol my Ii (em!, I re turn til liume enlirrly well FllNK A-TltOttN'TOX. From John Jterktciih, .1. Tt ' - : Iraletgh, Miry 10, IS37. D.-ar Madam You not unreawnai-K rimeltlde that one who, like mytu-lf, ha lieen an oeeartoii. alvitilerat Shocco Surins; for moie ihan five and twenty year, ahnnld be able to forn. a jut ettimaie of their medicinal rftect. It eive me pleatnre to be able, from much obterval n, arid no tmall perionnl experience, to iny, that the water are well adapted tocairtof cnnvalctcfnee from billinu and intermittent Feverai that they correct a vitiated or defici -fit action of the l.ivcr) give krenm- to the appetite, and tone and en crgv to the digeltive nigar.a. I tiey who retiile in low and unhealthy ilit- trict of country, will find at Slmreo riiu iug the tummer niuntb. a pure and invigorating air. comfortable accommodation, mineral water H"tiiwerini; alT reakonnrile exiieetjtioiiii, and a ta ble, of wlikti. thcouly -fault ia, -being tratbef- loo tempting fur invalid. It ia proper In remark, that trie water part with much of it active properties in a abort time after being drawn trotu the apring, and therefore, in order to realize it lull beutCtt, visiter theiild take it at the fountain. Very retpertlully, " ' - ' " JOU T TTCCK wiTiirr" From Elli .tlaJene, M. D. May , 1837. Dear Madnm I lake pKature in Mating, that in my opinion, the water of Bhnreo Spring it poetel of an eatentive and dire! influence over the diieated aelioni of many iiTthe organtj, id our eyaiem. Aetividy diuretic, gently laxn lite, and, il rxerciw it inken alter nii g it,, not a little diaphoietic, together with itt invigora ting it Alienee over the chylopaetie apiwralti, meretyirfg thea-apperite-and ctrrogthening the poea of digealiun, il emild But Well beothei. cite than that the proper use oi it, tlmtild be KrtMllf .zondnt'v' mjUte tiiorii .nf Jbe i&lfe thy action oldiceaacd organ, to which it beai-t o niaiidi tt a relation. ,-' . "fy 'tnfrn'm vttrm bt relatintt --to-ila -melie.ral -propertied bat been derived from Tto little per aonal experience. It .wilt readdv occur to la leliigent meilieal men, to what IM -of ilinaie a remedy having luch (fleet at ilrtcribed above, !tyLbe.lJlkL'.!j by invalid, witbiug to avail tbrmai-lve id lit bcticfit before leaving their r..ptctir hotnet. . 7 - Kepeel.utly, yourc, Ira.- ; ELLIS MALOXF... To Mr. Ann Johnon. ; i " i ...June 85,.. 1 8.1(:., . , : g74t v- PAITt, OILS, Ac. Tbe anbwrtlier have jutt rcerived from tha North, a full aupply id the above article, on ittillg )f - ' , While l-ead Do do Ground in pit Kcd Uad SMnih Brown ' j . IK do f. round in elf ..Yellow Ochre i)a . t, . an (irotiad la Oil . Venetian Ited Terra lie Sienna Lamp ttlJitk -Tui key Umber S pirit ( Tu i lie n iTti L,ineeo on Copal and Japan Vamuhr. ! - All ol akicb will be colli on retaonable term . , T S HECK VV I I II k CO. . HalciEh.-Apr 12, 1337. , 16 if THE '.TRUTH TELLE 18, Will le iaiiied twice a month Irom tine office oa a mall heet. neatly printcdj and to be made upeniireiy oi ibiiiiu "'"' mc.raie ot one dollar per anna en it) advance only. - . The qu-itity of itcaontent. will be roicrella-' ncnu,, but h thall ba original and it tliall be liicy and a Itriet regard will e nan to it a roor. ,, a variety of other article too tediou alai the Taprr will nt tf w-tfc MUlc.rn..,M. ucaW.at.4bXorth..CjuoUoa of the country, both will bodily rnlknle itt Rook Store, Jto. 2, Fayetteville Mreet. ft-leigh, lollie!lt will liirniih tepnrt ot the ynarket. and of mamvge and death i an eacn nomtter (hall aontame table giving the late of the iL.mum.Im" from M, vifilitif-alinn l' .v tt an other, with Rrroai k on the weather, end a air maivack for the two week", la eome. ' . . n k tail! mnrwt in A ,000 C Aire Atnt j. -j ..t.....k-. .ki.i...,l .l wot tWf..rr II will be tdiied by a gentelmart of tbit town and printed m th. TVlefeope ofHc. - O The Teleccope" and , 'Troth Tetter? may be hml one year lor a IH) in cdvanca. s, Naadvertiaement will be WMrtwwv Greroiboro.' June 23. 1837. t;Afllillit.B wilN - kSntaarlor Sperm and Tallow w Lamn, Whale and Unteed OIL, Juat .. ed and for tale by - - t i ; ;WIU4AMS k HATWOOD WAI5T PANACEA, juat received, amt for le by " " . WILLIAM? k HATWOOD. April M. " ' if J hew nasi. C.KTl! fYRES. : TMLOUS. U.4LE1GH, Jf. C. Would moat reaneeilallt-inforai thm inhab. Itanta of mi eitjr and ahsinii. and the pub door lo Mr . John C Mai (hall, na Fatrtie- " atreet, aexrl ippoite tha. Pot Office, ! where thejr mtend to the beat el their ability to earr - un me i nni iii nvniiin m aiu ut won- jvrmt and fatuont They flatter theWj aelve. that Irom many year approved ecperl- enee, both is enltina- and making, they are full lv eiunl.le of tt i vine entire (aiitlaetioa to all. who may lt o kind a to lavnur them with tlieir euinm. nry piei'gv- inmntnn is puiiin, tbt their tutting pnl rawiy ..hi nratnr, dura. bltity and tjle ahall compete with any similar tbli!imeni. bt- thi City or Slate. If any j aliould call, and w fnil to pleate them, in ncb event, we win rrjnuii me amount expenata, h : feel flrffectfif taUtfinh became we are ileier. mined, no one (hall be ditsatUued with ut, il it can be fiantbhf nwVr oh fr eiia We ilet-m it, nery to aay bt little ea pecllni our elmrB. i we intend afornvt to take into eonnKlerviun the tirtvmttnhrr f tttt timet, lh quality of the cloth, and the t'y'i in which the tJarmeol i tn be made We would this elty, we wdl arikw-our -eoloura and fie p the atitp The very ifrr fathiont will be regularly re- r.Hn.iu v'-.ik fit . . . ..-. . .. v ,w.i,n., w...-. i All kind of Gaimenl enl ami warranted to fiVM.on4rtlirUiik on Ihi abiiP I'll niIH: - ' . t . . to ihere, and w wih tn fit the linprlrtiii li the mind of 4he intelligent reailer, beeaute it i aAfl BattHh tdfif Him iinllf-aiO(i in e wl whinh aBnot--vmrtfrip,awir .pnhllr are inierette I !n knowtnn H. that VIOIU. l.nMlinn r rmilJIlCSil Kttinarier lotl- Itrillintr. ftr. --Je.c toclvi,-,CllarjV YJltooint, and in fun, every thing ile ile (ot genUrmt-n'a - 1 1 , It I t I k... ... .1 HIii..ii .tir, m, -K-ri, mrni.ucn n, t' ,,r nw MBKCUANTS of JlaUigh on the pol rca tmiable term. " -Jimr-8rt3fi gtt. For Sale, by WUOlesalC or TC- tail, 400 Pott of fit av 'a or Jmlkin't Ointment, manufactured and put up by l illiam V, tiwy, l(HX) I'l l ditto, tuperinr ailkle, manuVacltir- ed and put up by Jacob Van Wgt?nner, of N'ew York, who walaii;ht by the Patentee: All ol 'whirh we ' errant l he genuine end goodj bill if any which we may aril ahalllail In cure, or give reliel to the iti,raea emimeraied below, w lieu pi uuei ly- apili d. - - tie - mieTWTrh - w' - - re - - Innded on application to the Hlnc'rihertr Thit ii truly ao imalimhle wintmrirt or ar for the eure oi aore legt. lumor. nicer, old wonml, tpiaiin, liruiie and SIBamatioii, and wTiat ia termed raid head in childicn. bile, pile. corn and external diwmaei trenerally. A long lilt of eerl.fU!., Irnm tienllemea who have ned the article with great nicer, ! k- ... .1 ... All nW. frr.m w,e friend, and eoxomer will meet with Ihe, tiiual prompt altCHtion. , , 1 irrTn,.en ( - ntrpirra ( ei tow. , , W i I O I E S A LI! CSUOCEKY. A e liavtvthi day homed a enpatliM rhip on- ilertl.e dm nl WAKKKN HMtKIS be Co .lor the puruote ol earrting on a wbobfuale grocery, - " "- W AItttKN H AhKtS, - HK i V -H 4K1, UBMtY 11 A U 1113. Portamonlh, Va SIM March, IS37. $ WAHBXN Are now receiving 1ZARXII3 & CO., i large and general acaort- meot ot - on trEiii Er& er which will ba told on nceommntlating li .m. 2rnHp1tiTrftnrSrywt;t .a. 4 J barrel I'ortonto Sugar, SO libit ""do no - -2l HhdiN.Orleana do ' 5 llh? St. Croit do - - 40 Itlilt Loaf do - 10 llotea do !o very npetirr. li5 Barrel Family and eitra iupcrior Flour. 45 Rarrel nltimore hiikey 30 Hhd " - do 2a I Fierce New Orlecn Molattet CO Hakel.Ckawi aign Wine- 1 10 I 8 Pipe Cogaiae Hrandy 5 " IIuIIkiiiI t.in ACalu &tMit Jtf jU-eg Vi 10 ' " Pale Sherry 4 Hhd Madeira 75IHK) llaiann sei-ar 40 Hoxe Sperm aud Patent Candle 40 " No vp S " ' Starch 50 " Bonch Kuitio Sti i"5"fTalle-n'"T)i:niiinjiihnt 150 Kck Cut Nail a, tot ted SOtKtOlroa Atnwted - It KKt Steel do - .-.'! Imperial and Gun Powder Tea Spieeepper, Ntifrer; aad Ginger '150" Pircet Cofliin rtsgKing t tX) . A tend ale price warded w ith d.tpnteh. Fprthrf arth.l. detly ' nunnrw tiAumcbra -th. Al.4h l l." IS 3m . eretud i . .' j Portme-uth, March l ao i !0 ' - "- : - . dn jcrranDcrior IHI eki'M .icjaariiriril . 10 Ream Wrapping Paper ; ; . ' V i . i ' , ,T . . - UCntietl IBO State 01 aUiAlrS, WO Will ItordetaforGood. wdl I,, punctually at. '' ?' 17l!JwbL'": f-1rft thesnhfftn nf ed to. and will be put! Ihe lowe.t wbMe- "V!"" 7. 7. . ? 7 "Yprr "M rii "I I . "7. V. -T Good. enl lo eur ear will be for. (wwrmr. .m. vowrt, to ww ior ,n cimn- uC4VfCen gCBIieman, WOO ICH mUCtt Jnst received u larfre uply ofitjneiaiiiie-i---afii-r'Vi'.i. Koghab Drcwing paer , iMurttm; A Miiiiari. I an, I 'noble Elephant Cokimbut, Alia Llcphant, - and all other tixc m uie. AIo cnmpleie a ortment of Enirib Letter paper. Gilt and plain Gold- -papcr-bUce, papnr. Tiaotparent- paper, Tracing paper, Morocco paper, 'I'tttue paper, Diiitol Hmu-da, Bmnoed Hoard, perfurated Card. Matbematieal ' Inttt omenta, Kjiglith and German divwler Scale, Pent, lead Pencil. In dia Ink, Neman' Water Cj.lour, lleavc' Wa ter Colour, in Bote and by (ingle Cake, Par allel Rule round and flat, Dutch Opaipie and oemmon Quill. Sealing Wax aorted colour, Water auorted eotnnr. Iliac t. Ked, Japan and ftnid writing Ink, glaa. eork, date bronteand wooden Ina.tamlt, Hand novel, InK fowdrra, red ad blacky (liavmg and toilett Hopt, h.lr, fleh, tooth, nail, comh aod (having ttruthra, all ,rf tuiierinv quality lllcrkmg Bfmhe k lllatk- K. C. ' TURNER k HUGIIF.S. ! v- - r - j-' ' SODA - WATER I .-;,- ( - i ' ', v - Will be krnt eonttanily nrrpbred thronehonl the Summer Sewn, at the I) HUG S7 QkEtA ( f - W ILLI AMS k IIAYWOOU. May30,H37. . . . . . rAIt.TlEItS HOTEL The cuhceriher having taken that well known alend in tbe town of 11.11' ; rough. I tiff. ranicil'a liui ra, - tormeny tw".H .r ..(r. .rnrr, ijr.rc, -niivr tain Traveller and tloaritrm and hope by -tr'M at tent Km ana the goon neat ot ni aaeom- fMoilalHMi, to oa utile to give general aatutaclton ta ail wna may wcor nun. who tneir euaiom. Hncharget will be a moderate a aay other evtabli.hmeiit of tbe kind in ,IIm place. . - - ; WILLIAM riPBR. j Fcb.t,lM7. - - iei .rrcnronD oover. Font- door Smith id 11 ill'mma. Hay wood It Cn'a Ibrng Store, Fat Ittitilli Stbict, Kaleigh, ' N, Carolina,- - "T " ' t -'- r A piplefitlid Knpply of t spniixo euMMi-n G00P3, - tmbraoitig every lliiag ta general oaa. "Ttieae Goodi'bave be (elected by the junior pinner ot tt)n concern, in per (on, and can be confclently recommeniled to their friend and euwomera, aa the bed anortment of tiood in their liho, ever opened in Nurlh Carolina Their Cloiha cooaicl ol Wool lys of every colour andcjualhy, and are warranted not to fade in wearing. They deem it waneceaaarv to cay an iliing more in wommcadatum ot h.-a- (i'ood, but only requett tkdte who want occular demon- iraiion, tn give them a call. The following are part, ii Super jllue and lllack " .Apple Olive . ' ttlive fireea ' " H6e do. . ' -'-lmtilia- -I,:. I im an Pnriile, and Wool Dyed CLOTHS. " Loudoa Smoke Urowa J Drapdefa, Super flhtek -arnKJeeea Super lllue and Dlack " !teel Mutd " Saje " . Drab, and varioak oth A -ww-arriehr tiir Summer Coat. Wool dyed Single h double milled C?nlineres, tt Caahmwret lor er color Sprint pant t. . r"i in siriiirw V Drillinrrw. U' hMe Hdihed, and other Summer tZamblet. and Willi Itil t Bl k nd V Ureeii," Loudon MrrMilfei, Figured iiu i uu Figured Silk Vidvet -atir. aud (lukwiMl FESTI.-VGS , A't many nthrr thing utele to mention, tngether itta general anortment nl Ha.dt '"'' -m;-Jttaffd-afayab i no Murl and ll.we rc.hilk under Jlhiri. I en nani't eJt-wied Stock,, Suviendert, aud, in every thlngl.miid In any aimilretblih- m-nt in the Union. I hre t.ooda will be told nn aeeommndalhig terra, and marie ut, ia hmIim in - .n..-;.u. .t. I- We have in imremph.y flrt rate northern woik- men, and will wart ant every thing we manulae- lure, to vie with that of auy tailor, north or couth of the Pi.n.mae. t-l I CIIFtlUII tc OI.IVF.lt now returntbanbt to the publia lor former upiort, promiting teal- mia'y - eow All order Irom a ditianee will meet with p'ompt attention. - . . . , LITCHFOIUl tt OIJVF.lt. ijt---.. Bmlt "t" --" .'.'IN ASH VOCXTY. CUrt of Plea Bml O'tlirter Sessions. - 1,V. V.n, - 1 IT . .. "'"! I Wit i ",,r"' . ""r Tk t..'JL ., t I ne nrlr at LW Centblc'l Ltvy. on Land. T- 0 "'rr Benjamin, Sci ewi , v. The Sam. Zactitriah Duticr -- .. . . The Same iid Air Deant, ....... The S.tme. John M-Ueltel i--. . The Same, , " Elixabeth Dotier ' '.lixaheth Doaicr . t. - The Same.. The Sa,tM -ra.--"-- I'he Same. .' (. V The "am. Henry Miichell The Same. t Sutaa Warren Richard Upcharcb e. The Seme. , John Mittbcll ;. ' The Same. . The Same. Guilford Manning ." The Same. - Atariah King tt Wm. il William, :' VI: .' ', ' TbeSame. . 4b Edward Strickland Gideon Strickland T$ii aie.'X va. , - The SaineT John Pippin " va. , thai it v 1 1 pi) riy k j ' (. . v. Th.e Same. ' 4 i Tha Same- Matthew Hackly . William n Oryaot . - va. . Ttitrsm: George R. Ocll . "The Same.' W.IIk Morton ' . Tha Hama. la tba-ahoVa CaM.. tLatineacins lo the xilil taction m uie uonrt, that lx.-onanl llutier, one the M M(m,,BJ Augau el tht, and ihere make himtelf a prty defendant ta 'h. oJngr., or LJt UM on w,ll be condemned to tha taliafaclion of the nlain. ) Wit net a, Arlliur Whitfield, Ctwtkofour acid Court! at office in Katliville, thi SSih June, A. U. 1837, ' ; ' , h" WHITFIELD, C C. C. Prioe adverliacment (tt f$. , f The tuccett of the SOITTIIMIJ TllA'IC H unprecedented. It ba been antinoily tnueht al'ter by all elanea m every part" of tfie United Matec, ami widely extrmled diatribtition ba been swing to tbe many requect received from ever (eetionol ih Snath end South W ett. Ahtwogb it originated nt an ebtcttre part ot the couniry hat a few year cinee, it it now Innnd Hi air lk meltn towncTHr-Trtrraw a loo, and ka virtue a a Cut afor Ague and Fe ver, and a a genttal Tome, are appreciated by ail wuo nave uaeu it. oemg a it proleice I enmoonnd ot Southern Vrtttnblet. k i need. leu to offer tbe e(orane that there it aa Aree- nic, Mercury, nor any thing m the lean burttul lo the human constitution in it. It will ba found a valuable Medicine in all eaw of Driirt)U aad i!itorgniied Stomach cod Itnwelt, and. pa- lienK coi.valetcmg irom piuon rever, will de rive the moot Important beneSt from the nae.of .kM:.t?n..,JL-M Tanie. .. Ic mac be admUiiai-v-J in children and inlautt of the moat lender age. with tbe utmntt aalcty. j Prepared by Cotter It Coxe at their Labratory.at Montgomery Alabama,: ? For ssle by their appointed'agetits ' ',-. .... -',- WILLIAMS k HAYWOOD,'' SO eow4m.. : v-.: ;.? . Raleigh, N. C. 1 1 j '., "' 1 ' '" ' ' I I Dazen Superior London Porter ' t' do Bet Lemon Syrup , V-' r for al. bf ' . -I 'pil W ILjkIA MS 'tfc HATWOOD. Juua 37, UU - - vv . itj 1 ewa r.DITOtnALiC0JtVEMTIO14,.'-' The time ol hiildiiig the propoet rficrfoi CenveaA'aai in tbit City, been el.nrd front ' the let Monday m September, to , Wednraday, ' the I tt day ol November mtxt. Thi ahwration bat been maife beeanae ol the Inability nf teyera ot niir brelliran "to alte'ad in" " Septcmtr'big to previon indiipentablc engagement. No yalcw,, bl remit cau (prmg from mcb meeting, an lex he wbel Pre of the Slate be repreteM. ed, and the pnatpoaemewl of it, k ia hoped, wdl i ; have the effect of aeeeringa general aMe nance ' on the part of Iboco whom M roe cm . ' THtlMAS I.OUINT,, JOS. GALF. H ajOJI, , THOS. J. I.F.MAY. . -rou SALE A negro woman, lo the pthn of life, a rale- ' a'.le errant, and a firat rat cook. Applyatlb ' pilar umee. h. Kaleigh, July If. 1137 - .90 If. Pram tha Waabjugtou IUformer. , II0X. JOHN C. CALIIOUN. The EtVitorttf the Raldgfi S(ap tlm notices the unecch - of this statesman on the currency. In 1831," T-i-.-.t.t-t. i , . r -.!-- nutcii aiu latei, repuomuca in this )aper and which we are pleas cl to see has been copied into many , journals in every section of the ' nion. '-l ' . JLJCusiox&tJJri Ml a r wo enmmeneo the pnblu-aiion of the aid eurrenry, delivered tn 1834, It i n rpheme. ar'rodtiettoir-'TbiW the imprea nf a maater tpirit. , When flrat "Teaentrtl to the puhNr,' it tvak read with ilrep "' tutereat and admiration, and time btitervrt give it additional celebrity and imporUnfe.-" t ' At tha present crima.it i peruliarly interetting nd inalructlve, amJi w are gratified to perreivw r that large proportion of our editorial breth 1 ing il before their reader,. Wa wriah Heould v i be placed in the hamla of every American free , man, for aurh i Uia obviou( aoumlnra of it enlightetieiland practical ciewa, the clearneae -and eogenry of it meaning, and the magna nimitr of apirit by which it j elevated above -the lllihrral and contrarted emanatinna of tha -r partiaan, that noctndiJ and unprrjudieed man, ' of whatever party, ran fail to read it with plea. ura and profit. Wa ahall pubKah tha remain- -v iler nett week, and wjuld take leave la reeom. -" hir-ndlo The reader the crerur prewervalioB of the nonihrr containing It, for future) rvfrrenret For tt fontnln tha view of a profoand aulea. ' man and nnbrndtng' Tiatriot," whir Blay yet ba railed to the helm of Government ta right the hip of State and restore it to it original oun4 . . and tafe condition, - ' " s , ' , 1 'he speech is, Indeed, Justly de " , ing of (he commendations here ti it. scrv ucstoweu upon it. it tuscovers thorourrh knowledge of the whole . suhjectof wJiich it treats, and or pcrspU'tiity of expression; force of; arcument, proiounaneasortrfoueuta - and JorMlghtcdnesill it nas no ctjuai even among the ia V- ny extraordinary eflbrts or his own k - jrcat mind. He wot only con , (leases in ft fewV pages ail that it ' ' valuable, as throwing light on the , t ucr, ana presenting a faithrul and ttmtatnr prrtttMr-tli dilion of our own currency, pointrL out the remedies called Tor by the V emergency. lie not only predict ed the present, state of things but ' showed how the mischief plight be 1 avoided. Unfortunately for- tbe 1 coiinfrv his counsels1 were dlsre garded, and the prescriptions 'of J stupid demagogues and miserable ..Ipart'fiaos .were adopfed In their I stead, r rom that tiale the disease 3 became i. worse and' woree, tintil we f now fuily realijtelBtmjsi of trusting to the charlatanry of ; of silly experiments, mere empir " iel f iifteki"A ttwse floMrum, aaraU".,--nistercd at a venture, have only made the disease more obstinate tfc x unmanas'eahle. In connection wilh Ihe suMpcf- Hnu io snow uow liuiv ne coin pre -----.--a.--... ---"-a1aaa1aX- intercsuin the question, and Mr." . ..! t. It. j.l - t!. Jt ' vhiiiuuj, vu iitu uaj. oi ut ucpar a ture from tMs city after the ad .fournmcnt of the Jast Congress. The gentleman called on him, and- desired that he would com mjunicatt his views ia reference to the eondU tiori of the currency, and to point out the remedy, if any, fortheevile, . which he himself apprehended .s $ RlRr Calhocs, -J'htre Is no re r. medy, sir.. It is too later Yoo can not prevent the catastrophe. - The aspect ef things is entirely delusive, and in a much briefer space than is commonly supposed the crush -will . come. It cannot be arrested. The?' currency is in the mostcritical and ilangcro ns situational JtavethoDgh t". of it much, bat can see .no remedy for the calamity which is at hand. ' - Gextlkmas. 1 .Would not a re peal of the specie circular lend to. relieve the banks, and give time t -correct the alarming expansion of .the currency? ' ,y -1 Ma. Caluoit". Xo, air. it ii too late. That measure has done mtu mischief,1 but its repeal cannot re pair the mischief. It has hastened the CRUtstrophe,'ivnd its repeal now can i have' but little if any edfect. The banking system in this country has been, ' for yeai-s, running into greater and. greater excesses. It has now reached a point where na rornedy ean oporats, JUai m r 13

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