. . SKasWEte:' R ATiTiTGIT, IT. O. WEDIIESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1037 vol sxvra; XJO 52- - tiioas j. xemay; E0IT0B AXD PROPHIETOtt. SfMctirrio.' ,itt '"' per annum on - a aalf iii advaae- ' s ' -:- .... JHperK,, residing, without the State trill be 'R-ouired P? -"' ! o( Ilia year mbierip""" atlvanee. - -- ntTES OK ADVEItTIStVG ,naare (not exceeding IS lines hi . i : ...... . n . t. .' aat IntertHre, twentv.fire cent, r.- - - BT 11,6 a'trcrtiic-nentt of .Clerk and Sheriffs fil b rgeti8-t per cent, bigherj ml de duttio of i3 per nt. will be made from Uie regul.r prieea " aiivertisrrt ty the year.. et fmm to the Editor mint be post-paid. ; snoeco; ' This well known wniering pac will betgaia ripened foe the rwception it Utters on th Rm el June aeiLi-.Tbe .trwrunonialt Of ibe etRcaey f this iter, particularly ,ht eases tomnoi l lh low t land, ere of euffieietit notoriety, and reo.nirercBretieeenlj I those vliose t'peiirnee hatcuablec' thern' to test, itt virtue. 1 deem It mj iwwtnr; In ttatn that (It aler hut been recently anal)-!, and h itirrertienta are of Iht anrneetaft with mo.t ot Hie Virginia Spring ct the famnot Itedtorrf Spring fif Pennsylvania.'." Pur the afe -oMbe public, 1 have-tfuraght prOuurlHiliJaHl'alHcr wr IttJmm eminent ,ro(itwl juc,1)0 inlimattx. cqi iMaaee. Ifcih'tl. praprrttea'' el rvtftf I ..Vera1 .Omntrtejiijadge t h trr.cj.- ,v - :x Siiue :tie Ik st eM)a. MTenil td mom I vitlt trt fUef. hft kee ,irecl(l far tlic eouu(- .-v- rt. A"!tX 'JOHN80X." - Dear, Mdm"- 1W''eTe'wJ"(a,"ifc' eoerialkn ljiad thfi hrnvfir lo bv irh f AH a few dy pt, jwa that of Mr. '""'''"(jathinaret' ' Xrcl. lie HiMi a Tinwm milt iniianiiimu or me , lirer.aUh .dbdued with Krr4 difficult, SlJi? I.S--.. i.,i,iceat-:-1,!.' .kin Arat bl a ! eflaleuNkin.. ed, ! . w,U:mr 10 Rie fc.m,"';,V""i h,t "" Sl.irta. 1 en. deep ornjt eoiow, verely mwipimeo, ..WJraMA iiiweaW- M,4WanM I inJ l didaot rra Sd.y etenlni!, wbio,' to m a.ton..hent. Mr. Panl'. ik n Tm .lea? j l JSedllmd Nrek. .. drafted and aent ta11?r!rT.T ' h wf "Wi.'rilrw- 1"! - n.. ft.. .Lf camped at the Peach Orchard, who'Cicaped WHh miuunrty. , VtHit-OKa abed!, ', , , . I. BAKUl. Seolboil Xctk, JlaflO, J8.v. - VawV. ,t Tntlen. J- '""t ' Aletaiidrw, V arrrn aounty, May 10. " Dear Madam-- For ai-tortd mantiuprtTtoui to feiivtu hnme fir hhoeeo prhift, my health wat dreadful 'Indeed, mjr iMtttmn was ennttd red orniraK- , W lira I -reached. Slmeeo, 1 ma aiiablr, without aatitinnee, to get (rem ray car riage to my room. a jiih. not iirin ine water ( more itito a tortiiiRiit, ueiorc l aau o tar reeori 1 ;iif nwim n, us UNI, :l" mmim ,h ' i- cmrr Hie yardj anil, in a Te(y thort lima after- I1, Vlu "lll,f 'ME 111 II.VIIUBy , . - luruett norae eutirelr whi. i VUkTSK A-TII0BTOS , , - FeumJohH Jtftknntl, M. !) - ' , . KalerRh May 10,-1 S.1". - T)rar MadaiowYon iMil nnreatoaably conclude . that one b u..like myacll.bat bi:a a pceailnu.' alTuileral hlincce Sptmpt for mie than fie; and twtrnt) yeart, thnuld be aide lo foi n. a jut ettimtte of their mnlwlna) rffeeii. It sleet me , plean- to be able, from much oliaervatiiin, and we una II pereoiwl exnerViifee, lo tar. that the watrn are well adapted tn catea nf tonvaletcrnt ( fi-om billiout and tntermittent Ferertt that they j carrrot a related or deftaknt aei-Ktw of 4he-Ur Rtre kernneta to the appvtitr,' and toae and ca i crr lo ihe ll'fcatrve orrana.: r'.. Iher aim rciideli Wand nnhraUhy tfit- l i- ri :.i. .i i r ..i. ' h ' ukiw wiiiwi iiiv iiikij lauil,, VTHijg lauicr wu tempting fiir invalula. -.- . i v . It It proper In remark, 'J hat the water part with tmteh'wf itr aeuva-pniwrlie in a" thort lima alter hemp "dram a tinit .the- tprma;, and tWefore, in order to realiae it ftilLbontCla Tidier tbnnld tiikeir at the loiintam. .'..-J , Vert rcapevltulW, " " -.V .J . - joiis nncKWiTii. T Mrf , Joliaton, fcheceo Sprtaga.. , -f Fri Mahne, WtI). - f Mar, . tast.y ! Dear Maitanv T laVe ilanre in ttatinf , that tn mv MtlkNMi Ilia i mtmm At" khnMA Muraniia la ! 3 -'M..wi, - 1 ' - i ' n - ' pouetted ot an etirr-i and direct kifloenee r the rimeaaed art Hint of many ot the organ . t oar eMtern.' Aottreff -darreHei (tearly hwa lire, ami, tf exerciae it mkCn aflr aaina; it, not "iy4le ilwphoreii., fojWlir wi'STU i; t influence ocer the cnjlonactie aiipartut. " Mcreatmt; the" appetrie and etrengitieaute; the powera ot uiettion, R enuld not well be oilier. ' ie Ihin that the proper oh ol il, abonlit be Itreatly con.liieive lo Om rcaloratioa nf the heal, thy actinn oldiieaacd orftna, to wlikh it bear to manitVat a relation. '.-' ;.V" - . My . nifoi-mation m relation . tta mediemal prortiet hat boca derire1 front no little per tonal ctprricnee, l a HI readily oem' lo in-' lelligent medieal men, 4 wbl claat of dianue a remedy hatmr, tach effeela at deteribed aboye, ill be appliealdr, who wilt likely be consulted by Itiwnliils wiatilnfj l -il ibf mn-tnea of .4u aeatfita lfure leatinaj their respective home. Jletpectully , joura, ka. V ., x ELLIS MALOKB. Ta Mra. Ann Jnhaton.. . . : Jnag5. I37. v-,i; r 9T-it - KUii OHl AL, Ctl;:? i lON. The time of lioliliny; the ("-nPopoaed E'lrrlnl CietiH in this Ciir, hat been changed front the tat Monday in September, to Wednesday, the I at day of November neat. Thit alteration has been made benaate ol the inabilitr of sef rl ot onr bretl.ren to attend in September, await; lo previoo indinpentable engagement. ..So Talue ble reault can tprhiK from aiich a meeting, tin Irs the whole Preta of ihe State be represent ed, and the poatpoaeraenl af it, it hrtirrped, wiH hare the tfftct of eecnt ing a general aileadaaee aa ibe part of those whom it e.neme. ' . .THOMAS LOUIXG. JCW. G A LEW k SOS, '. - THOS. J. I.F.MAY. Jast received a larne supply f Mgusn irrawmt; paper, eoropcismg Anliquarl an, Ifemble Elephant Columbia, A ilea Elephant, : wl all other aiset in ate. Alto a complete at rlfnent of English Letter paper. Gilt and plain "Cdd paper, liicw paper. Transparent paier, ' Jtweing paper, Morocco paper, Tissae paper, Briatol Boardyjf.mbotaed Hoards, perforated tjarrit, MaihematicaJ Inctruntents, F.nglisli and etaan dieidert Scales, Pena, lead PeneiM.ln- lk,Kemaa'e Water Coloart, Uearct Wt HT rr.-0""' m Bwee n by aii.rU Cake, Par "el Rules ronnd and flat, Dutch Opaqoe and mrnoa Hailla. Sealing Wa assorted coloart. r"-'rieo Coloart, itMct. Ited, Jwpca aad l-l!."'"-i15:,I-,c-- e'"1. ork. '' brmixeand eakkaaada, Sana) lloaea. Ink Powder, red and black, aha.m,; and loilell Soap., hkjr, Jeh, tooth, aad, comb and tha.inr Bru.hr a, all ot ta,MfHorualrtr, Blkmg Brashet k Black Z r,tJ tb' article loo tedioa flJToTf!' .FcX North Carolina " S are, yo.a, r.Tetieaille atrert, R.lrigh, X . fCRKEU k HUGHES. triclimtaouwry. wUf,dibocp dun the ltfor), Min--.,. aummer montln, a pure and iriTij(ratii.j air, i ' tt i omlortalde Bocommmtatlnna, inhwral water I .,. ej,'I"' S mwerine all rc-aonl,le rxpedalinna, anil a la. ! .,"" . e' ' LITCriFORD & OLIVEK, MERCHANT TAtl.OKS. Foor oor Soaih at William, Haywood & Co't ,reJVo?)w-.FrrwwXSxMX,lWestu.l ' . AtlB SOW RFXEIVIXQ . A Splendid Knpplr of - spziisra & suxasxca goods, , Krubraeinj etery (bin; iaeneral aie. ' Tbrae Good. hae been teleefed by the Junior partner of Inia eoneern, la peraoo. ana caa oe eonfiiierrtly reaomneaded la their frienda and MttdfM.ri, the beat titortroefft of .Gooda la their Ki.e, ever opened ia North Caroliaa. Their Glotbt eonaiat ot Wool Dyei, of eery eolour ad tiuty, and. ara warranted aot to fade ia wearing. They deem h unaeecitary to ty any thina; more In oommendntioa ot their Godit but onlr requeil lliofe who want oeeular demon itratlon" lo je them, a tall. " " " . "The tnHovtnr are a part, ".' . - SnperiHIaoaad Rlaek ; ") " -' 44 Annte Ulit OliCrcca'r-' '. Htflw do. : IMiKa Unt Purple, and CLOTHS. XiOiHluq Smoke Urowa J Drandeta. Super niatk nJ Green Super tl'ue nt Black A Mf arliole lor Slimmer Coal a. Wool dred SirRle I k double milled .viiltxl , - Uib, and riaM Mk VCaslmeres, t h Caahmareti tor lonon nnntDK ., -. '1 v ' - Satin Srip4 ; : t Drillinirs, t'lrud , . f for iiaota. - WbH Uibbed, aad tiier ) . SiiVBilier-Oambteta, an ; nfT Blak and" French niimbazihea " ' . Ur,Mn. V' aolt Plain . ' ' :was.ilk.., s L l Satu-. and . ,l,:.. .,: '""T. '!L..K - 7' ,0',h!f. .i,.h .BWal-aorti pi Head, H'inoml ia anr '.imil.r e.labii.U m-M tn h Union. - ' wThL LT,. Ti T . r . " ' T W ? ,i5?".mplof 6rM ,,orler "Tk lnWFORlJfcOUCR now return tfcanka outy tn enrleaor meriiin tta coittmuancc. Alt nrrtwra from a tllatance will meet with promptattciUhiB. "" - . - - - UTCMFORD U OUVEIl - State of JVortU Caroliua. - ' Nash liousnT. i Court of Pleas anil Quarter Sessions. may 1 Ftim, Zaohariah Doswr t. Conttabfc't Lty - j,,;,., M iMW aa Land, ' ' ' i.,nM ! ii,;, h ' nm;l0 Screw . Zaohariah. Dolier . t... St, r. The Samtu . i-.The Su. Oarid M. Deant, "Jblm Mitehel Tf he Same. . - we. . The Same. Eltaabelh Ooxiar . t .. . The 'Sew.e. Elisabeth Deaier- . TUo Same, - jienr Mitchell .-,- 3 V , Tie 8n',e. .... . - gugl0 - Warrea " . t . "fTT c.. ,,eBro The Same va. Tlie Same. Hichard Vpchurch a The Same. John MPtlfett ' ... ' " .The Same. Az-riali King k Wru. D. Williamt,. - TheSame. Rdward Strickland ."V "a; - The Same. John Tippin - Gideon Strickland a.. -' The tame. , : Charity licnilrick a, r .. ""TheSame. " vt. The Same- ...., n" w nUy a.- . William n Bryant The Same, The Same. Ceorge JL. BeU, . WdluvHortea- TUo-Sjune: -TU liiat- 4-- I the ahore--Cate,- - it ararrng to -theaattt- taction nf Ihe Uoqrt, Dial Leonard Holier, one of the llelrt nf the dWd, it a tnnretldent of thit Staid, k ia ihereftH-e ordered that publica tion be made io Ihe Star, lor hin lo appear at onr next County Cow it, lo be held for the conn ty of Na.h, at ihe Court I Ion to i NathviHe, on ibeViid Monday io Aoytntt et, aad thea and thera make, himself a party defendant lo the loregoing r-.w, or the Lande le-ied aa wdl be condemned to the aatiataclioa of the plain tifPt claimt. : t v,;-, . -. ..fT'-r- . Wrtne.s, Artlior Whhfield, Cfetk of oor said tfrTraf afBee ia'TS.tUili-rthia Sh June7 A. 1X 1837. ' , ::- : ' , - . A WHITFIELD, C CC. Prisa adtfrtiteiarat (9 7. , . - SO 6w. - iii.'imiiui: it? lit. n G SV ? IR IH' it il '.'Vtft'ii The tatseeu of ihe SOUTIlEHJf TONIC it onprecedeirted. ' It hat been ant (nutty aoughl after by all elaeteefn every pert of the United States, and it a widely extended distribution ha been owing ta the tnan;rreiictt reeeired Trom ererY aeetioa nl the Sooth and Sooth Wett. AHhoagh it originated in aa ebteara part ef the coontry. but' a few year tinea, it ia now loaad ia all the principal towa and village ia the U nioo, and itt th-toei as a Cme for Ague and Fr ver, and at a geniral Tme, are appreciated by all who have uaed It. Being at ft professes a compound of Southern Vetelntlet, k hi need lets to offer Ihe ascaranee that there it no Arte aie, Mercery, nor any thing ia the least hurtful to the human constitution in It.. Il will ba found a valuable Mcalicme in all cave of Dytpeptia aad ditorgeuited Stomach and Bowela, and pa tients aoavaleacing Irom Uilinos Fever, will de rive the moat Important beaefiis from the ate of the Sctt'Arrn'7'an'C It may be adminiatered lo children and inlantt of the moat tender age, with Ihe atmntt safety. ' Prepared by Coder k Cote at their Labratory, at Montgomery Alabama. For tale b Ibeir appointed agents -il'. , WILLIAM! fc HAYWOOD. , 30 eowim. . Haleigh, H. C I of f 'dj ' "a J - J it y 14 Pezen Superior London Porter. ;" 10 : i ' Bet Ltmon Syrup' ' ' for aalc by ' -' 'A ''' WILLIAMS A HATWOOBT. ;unt2fji857. r or re 400 Poti of Grar'a or Jadkia Ointment, maauftwured and put ap by William W. Gray, ' 1000 Pott ditto, roperior article, manafaetaK ed and pot op by Jaoob Yaa Waff oner, of New York, vaaaught by the Patentee AH of wiu.it are warraai (a wt (reiMiine aoq ooa pai if any which wa may tell iball tail lo tore, or firm relict lo lha diaeaaei eaumeratrd below, whoa properly applied, lha money wilt be re hiaded on application to the aubaoribera. Thia i traly aa iotaluable emtment or ael for the are ot tore lerv taraera, alecra, old wound a, apraiaa, brtiiari and mfiamaliona, and what it termed tMld head m cluldien, bilet, Buea, aorn and riternal diaraiei gienerallr '- - A Innr lit or certinaatra. front uentlemra who hate a ted the article with treat aueeeaa. can ba aeen at oar at ore. All orUeri from oar frirnda and enitamera will meet with lliejuaaal prompt Attention.' r . .-. i uhacu ec iivunr.9. .. ; 8110. WHOLESALE UUOCEIIY, We hat thia day formed a eopartnerahip on derthe firm ot WARREN HARMS b Co, for the purpose ol carrying nn a wholeule r,rocry. iTniiun:i unnnio. BKNJ V. II A KRIS, . HENRY HARRIS. . PoHiinonth, Va. lttilarcl,ll3r. -5 WAnnrii haxuiis & cc Are" TlifiMg--tmim- . n!r ii i i' " hioh will b told on eowmolatn terras. Mr Bg llio Laaira fc aTa Coffee.. iiburrela I'artonco Sugar, ' 80 llhria ' do do - - ' , - . V' 80 Hhda Xt)rkamT.'V'-" v ' " 1T . A. Illuia St. CrMS.4 : in iiw.i.r to Boxitdo do eery aa I4J Uarrelt Family and extra euperior Floar, 4i narrclt Baltimore W hiskey , so iihd .. do ; ' -" 9J TiereeaKew Orleans Molastea . Ci Basket Champaign Wine 10 I l'ies Cogoiae Brnndy $' -- " Holland Gin 10 QrCaikt Sweet Malaga Wine - JO Pale Sherry do,.. 3 illidt Madeira - - do '- '- S Qf Caski do i' do veryloperior 75000 Havoana Sriftrt ., '; 40 Ujxei Siierra and I'a'tul L'andlc .. Starch ; " SO Itaneh Kaitmt - L SO t Gallon Drmmijuhn 1 . lS0KeKt Cut Nails assorted ' 2000(1 Iron Assorted ' ' , " " IlKKISteel. tlo 'l -; " lmerwl and Gua Powder Teat ':. : ' - Spier, Pepper, Nutmeg and Ginger 150 Pieret Cotton Bagging ; , 100 Sackt Liverpool Salt . ' ' " ' ,r-t 100 Keaint Wrapping Paper . 1 ." , "' ," All order forGoodi ill he ntinttaalty at tended to, and will be not at tlirrlawrtt whole sale priaea. - floods sent lo oar vara will he lor- I-., !.L ...L . ... .ft. . J..ll weructi who uippaivn. r urwier 'nrrirais oaiiy expeetad. t ;''!''' - ;"- 'v::: v. - WAUUE.V HARRIS h Co, rorlamonlh, March 91 r . 1 837.t; ' IS Sra . . mSOLLTTIO!. . Thrfirmr of Krmr, -flinet k C., Hay wood Evans, Home k Co., . Pittiborough, tie dit aolved by mutual eonseaf. ' PETEUVANS,"",'--' JAMF.S J. HOItXE, " niGHAUD IIINF.S, - -- - H BN R V; -A r 4jON IK)5f Pittiborough, No. Ca.i Joly Sltt, I8S7. ' - ' t 4..il 4wp. - We have appointed Peter Evan oar agent, with full power toaettte all lha baiinet of the above firm, to whom all peraont interested will plraao apply in person or by letter at hit re sideiie,. near Pillsboreugh." , , . . . QTJ$UV; SXOUKvwO); J100T rr-iaiw The subscriber," having parchaaed Ihe entire Slock of Shnea and Malarial, ef. Mr, Jtma 'Newlon,-.ha renovedtoihe ttora tormitrly OB cupwd by him, 011 rayeitevde Street,., .- . . lie ta now prepared to execute: all prders in hit line with greater promptoe aud despatch than formerly.. . . , ; ' , . 1 itavine a number ot hi st rate aorkmm in hit employ, and a Muck -of good matrWalv, fce-ean" assure the public, that none need go further than Rjlelgh tq be tinted fur aeatieas aad durability ht liny rt l1 'at lilt "l.--arf .. .JU.wjU keep conttaiitlyjia htnda supply of Indies anil Geiitleuwn't Shoe., ( nvery dctcrip tioa, fNorthera work at well at hit owamanu liteture) which -f ill be ald at a verv small ad vance. He respectfully reoucslt idem to rive him a fealU ' ' r- : ?':'''. - ,"; Id returning hit tlianVs for the liberal support he hat received, he hnpet atilt, by hit alien, tioa to butinet and his desire to pleaee, tn mer it that confidence end eupport which ha hither? ta beea given lo him. . - - - r . 7 HENRY PORTER' July 17th, U17. SI Km- iV , PROPOSALS -n " . For pulilisliing in Uie Town of Oxroae, !ST. 0, 'a Weekly Newspaper, to be entitled the ( OXt'OBD KALEIDOSCOPE, v Sonthf ro UepnMican. BY rYUXIAM Vi. BOLDF.X, ; . ' - . - ; - In the discharge of our Editorial duties, we shall be strictly guided by the following princi ple we regard them as the grand eonservatois of well-regulated freedom, demanding whatever energy af support we may potasae'i , - - 1. A strict construction of, and a rigid ad hersnce to the Constitution the exercise of ex press, net implied or doubtful power. , , . 2. Th sovereignty of the people, a the source of all political powerthe sovereignty of th State inveated with all power net delega ted to the Federal Government equal and self governing parties lo the com pact which form our glorioue Union . .- - , 8. The authority of the Federal Govern ment, in the exercise of such, power only aa are definitely delegatad te it- - '- ,; t ... r 4ii A rigid economy ia the administration of Government, which wa instituted for the bene-! fit of the whole people, and. aot for the aggran dizement of those entrusted with it toanage Btent. -X S' -i. -x . ', " v 6. - The exercise of the elective franchise by all class of our citizens, without the interfer ence of the officer ef Government, or the con taminating influence of Caucuses, - 8. Free trade, and the freedom of industry, and opposed ta a protective taint believed to be ancoosututiontl, aosqual, nojuat and oppress ive. ... . . 7. liVe will adveeato any system, whkV For Sale,, br Whlt?ale - tail. ahaU appear prarticalde, to improve tuepHyii cal eoatirtiofj of Nona Carolina, and to dcrelope her internal reeooreea. And knowina- full weH ciaaaca 01 our aniens, will prove on of the ttrongrat bulwark of oor Ire inlitotiorit,.w will ajvoeat any eyatotn which promiae la ef fect that ohjecC ; .y . - .... : ......i W'hiU wa will, ever btvt too madx alf-ra- pect to deacend ta low and vnlgat abaaa, we win ipeai. 01 puouc men ana puotie measures with perfect freedom. ; Our hooret conviction and1 iWilieralo- opinion, jv will boldly pra. mulca at all batarda. H i believe thai a trial ha arrived pregnant with important ronaeoaenee. 1 he t em peat ia fact gathering around na, and the Good of petit cat corruption approachra, which, unlea arrett ed by the timely interposition of ihe people, will eweep -away every eactige . df the liUertie of thf If country. . Already have the right of tli Slate been contemned thetac red vail of the Constitution rent in twain- the. capacity and richt of Die people to (elect the men for whom they are to vote, derided and trampled in Ihe duet, by the influence of Frealdential and Can. cue power ttrp mere and the very light of freedom will be extinguished, end the hope of the patriot destroyed forever! Thi deaecr. tion'of their moat incred imuunitle and thit KoULaaumntias.of hlgh4oned pofter be 'their ennalituUonal rulers, have qixe the people. The "great daert'w of popular ealmneaa i broke. IpgatTrftVw. condemnation it unalttrnkly fixtd by that pet- pie vlati high, prerogative il io to oiemly watth, and prevent "all that n ntidand valw abte fi-om tink-inr to the bottom and being loot refer. The sign of the lime clearly indi' iaala tliat tha weeiaie ef recelatiatit'-ta-at-jiaadr Xt workingc of thattevelution may no "btood- loca but it will not, therefore, be tea tretmta dou or decisive (n either the re-eetabUehment or complete overthrow of republican uaage and ihttitutiona. The people mutt actih thie great drama. The ballot box must decide Ctr them-. mutt continue and aggravate the present ttate of thing, or effect a radical and utuvrroal re form in the Government which hat been (rail ually departing from it primitive parity and eimplHfy,- when itt eotwaid form are utterly impotent to tar the torrent of usurpation and corruption. frhat.lw people on IU11 "tulijeot by placing candid stole- menta ot the acta af their public ear yam Be fore them to join with theutin that etem re. bull which they are.naw giving to principka advene to the existence of thoir Uovernment to vinillrate our peculiar inntitut ion to repel, with whatever ability -we may poaaasif, all ex ternal interference with Our domestic condition an thi point, our opposition to the Abolition of Slavery, either in the District or in the State, will be inUexible firm as the acated hill.' to uphold 1 republican and federative, dialin gtiiahcd from a conaolidating admliiiatralion of the national afrair, and the disorder of the Central Government to direct the public view toward a home policy of lha State the ttovcl. opement of their resoarcei, pliysii-al and' Intel tcllnclual ta attach men.' if noesible. lo their birlh-plttce, arid rondenhem -citizen ioitcad of adventurer and apoculalort end to re-animste public tpirit, and give it purpose well a en ergy. These tubjecti shall command our fixed attention; and, conaciooiof the raat importance Of the principle here advanced, tre shall not de viate Irom them, whatever the way ward tenden cy of the timet, -or the mad spirit of party dero tion may eiiect ta the poiitiral world or yield nil, lnfTMna) I. nn. aun' ... ..11 t n I. a a.knn,nitAi, " -iii-ii, ,v ,,v riuwuuwu of Wn,' regardleaa of 'Dteaturea. - Our Journal ahail be ju.t wbai it name pur port. Like the variegating 'A'aMdetcebif n anau, weettiy, prraent an uie oeauuea anu ai- . L It . I I . . . . 1 1 . , . Uactiona of fAr7brtf--nd, like true 'Rebut &'cWJta xUuBJia ahall M tret pmMikmst,. dium tUrouga vvhicb good principle almll be disaeminnted taa oouth net id, aud her pecu Dar irtatltution vindicated; from it the "pnde of the Nullifier mnet receive no diminution the fidelity of the Unionist no reproach.? , J . With this exhibition of our plane of future te- (ion, wa confidently confide ih the liberal pub, lie spirit, of.lb ekiaen ef Qianville, and of th whale South. Judge u but first know our merits, .r.' -y v ;" - , TWit Three dollar per annum, !f paid on the reception of the firat nprnW-3 50 if not paid till tli end of the year, Letter may be addresaed, at present, poohtmd, to the editor at uueign, or to , i. vviggins, r.aq., ai uxioru, ; (O Edttee vrilt pleaee pnhliah, ? " ; ! 'iT'wTuFOB ; SALE, '-..j A aegro woman, la Ihe prime af life, a vale li if .eeiivBt,-fMt a Aj&twh-AkyuhMfb aiar uitice. ' , ; . . i- UshMghyJly 47IS-.-.M-tCi.: MR. GRACIAIirs CIBCITLAII, Te the Fretmen of Wake, Orange CPeroen - Fitttow-CiTitfeNS Itakcthis metli od of offering my services as candi date to represent tu in the House of Represerrtatiyca of the next Congress. Many of you were pleased id request thia at-a-much earlier periiMl, and bullmenil to CuagrjijnjLipfnficjja lui a iicccsaiiy vinwn i ueciiicti must). lute, thaft I should be absent from the District during the greater part of the Summer,', l would, though with great reluctance, have yielded to the solici tation. 'Knowing and approving that custom which has luhg prevailed, and which requires of the candidates, for public station to appear ia person be fore the people, and exhibit their views of paldie .affair before 'the elections, and beinguntble, on my part, to corn ply with it, I left home supposing that all thonght of my nomination "had been abandoned.;,; I. have since learned, however, that iny. fellow-citizens, in various parts of ihe District, with many of whom I have not the honor of a per sonal "'yfjuaintance,. have, J vrith", a knov.ledje of iny abaence, insisted on presenting my . name to the people.- ror tma cencrun maniieaianon oi their confidence,! entertain the liveli est cratit ode, and. should I be the A, t e . . ... . cnoice oi me utstrict. wtu endeavor to repay it by faithful and devoted ser vice. . , nil si l have, no disposition to obtrude on the public attention, 1 am uot insensible, I Jlrust, to 'any of the dutiel of a citizen, and do not feel at liberty lo withhold my assent from the oiler which has peen so feelingly made. Whether, it prove acceptable to the majority, with whom rests the electro. must remain to be tletermineJ, far asl am concerned, by the unbiassed suBVawes of the voters themselves.- TtaHatai44-.tf. to too Mare, allows me no time turean Tassing thi District, tie n if I were car pabie, to anj degree, of c( lie trpinion. i - Tlie present condition of oar finan cial auatrs is well cilculatcd to avraken anxtetj, and calls for the most aerions and patient attention rrorh eTerj citi z.en not as partixgns, with minds al readr made ur, but is patriot, desir ing nothing to much a the .welfare of the counlrr. Our TubJic Monies, -mountinff to many millions of dollars. have been paid into Banks which are unable or unwiljinz to renaf the Gov ernment. Jio portion of it at prctcnt, is rrpani in gold and silver, ami much, it is feared, witf never le repaulat all. Bank notes, which- constitute br far the largest portion orour cuTrencvr are no tonzer convertiDie into snecie, r.x changes are destroyed, so that it iatlif- ncuit, II. not impossible, to .make re mittances from one part fo another of ouTcfiultitr'rd carY oh. the necesliaf y buiiiuirnc ucivrecn utrni, gnu wtiu itr- eign nation j. . Man j of our Merchants,' and other citizens, both ttie judicious and prudent, ilJve1t aiTthe jrecklcss and" srwculatmff,tiiTtwddentf and unexpectedly, umn to tnemseivea anu oAebeete"nstvei44cu confidence between 'tnao and man, ha been Kfeatlyj aUridtted. and in " man niaces, destroved. The e-reat startle productions of1 the country, have fallen in price ana asiicutturaK , as well a a a a.-" aa mechanics! labor, meets with art, insuf ficient rewanl.. Our immediate sec tioa of counlrje from i ts itatrior poat tion, as well as other causes,-is happi Ijr. extrtlitiA calamlSieiT'wTitcti oppfesithersT:bul no section can t long -escape, unless a remedv be soeedilv arifiliedi and everv section is interested in the sa fa keep inz ot the puUhe monies, the soundness ofihecircuUting meiiuroi the Jacili ties oi uomeatic trade and the pros- pent ol our loreign commerce. . ,i ,y , J ahail not attempt to trace, the causes of ttiese things or to censur any as agent in their production, the evils art ot sullicient moment to rail lor (lie union of all patriotic minds to remove ihem-tsuflice U to .say, -that wbate-vcr, majr nave pevn me origin ,i tue n ease, the remedy (so far as remedy is possible) can. be looked for onljfimn the Gener&lGovernraent, ..According ly tbe President Jiaa. convened Con- great at an earl dajr.W But what shall Wongresa dof , I low can Ihey best pro vide for the collection and safe, keeping of the public ; treasure for equalizing exchanges, and: reviving commerce lor making UanW paper so far a it nr culates cqual ta culd and silver, or else to cease from t,nculatmn entirely r ihese are questions dor the wtiols A' merican people; . Shall it be by the de strycfioit of H HankaKr can not do.'tliis if it - would.p fTlMt ..State Legislatures claim, the power to Allow tiod ,lo establiaU Bank uuder; ft creat variety of modification"', and no one of the twcnlj-stx as., far as 1 rsnow,Jtaii luik'tl toexerrio jt, r almll jl uc by the issue of Treasury drafts redeema ble m gold and stiver at. the f ublie TfcasurjLJLdo liot perceive. buw ltut would better ll)e cicliances, or the qualities. f the Bank; paper, of the States, It failed a I so as a measure ol Gnsnce when tried by Mr. lJAllas, the Secretary joC tlj? .Treasury .undec-M r. MadiaOn, who tlicte fore wilhdrcw his obiections to the iocorntirat ion of a Ja tionat Baukl nud rccommendetl tta es tabHuhment. Shall it be by ;t Hank to be carried on, by the Oevctnment, on its nwji funds, between the, times of their collection and disbursement!---This would bo found difficult in prac tice, and would so greatly enlarge the powera ol the Executive as, to p-ive it undue weight irt the government- vvnetner the ji'rcsidcnt, will recom relief, I know not, ; Should he do so. it will be entitled to deliberate and im partial consid era tioh. ; I regret that i t igtiotnow before the country, . lhat 1 might in thisvcommunication, signify my approbation or dissent. On a sub ject, upon which .those, with better means of information, and loncer ver sed in fiscal affairs appear to be at a loss, I must need speak With di(Ti dence and but for your right to know even " the" Iricltnatwni of my mind, I micht without impropriety be silent until every plan was folly developed. IA yet, however, I perceive; no safef guide thin experience. That a Nation- al Bank, both that chartered under: -ft t fae a fe eaat uenerai Washington, and umier Mr, Madison was highly beaeGcial in col lecting Sl transmitting the public mon ies, and in equalizing exchanges- that after the first few years of their exist ence their paper was equal to gold and silver in all parts ol the Union and in many foreign countries, thereby pre renting tlic exportation of specie and that the latter contributed greatly, if it did not solely cause the resumption of specie payment by the state JJanks, then as now, almost universally sua pended, I believe, are facts demonstra ted by our history These were thuir benefits. It was ssid on the other hand that thsy wer dangeroua to lit- ert ant) guiUj of improwr practices , i fr which they ccaaed as National Iq- stitutions. 1 am aware of the danger of monied power, and if such a corpor ation Vahnot te "i"! atvi--'a incapable of wantons injury either ifl ... the public or individual, it should not be allowed. But the Letislativi pow er must be- lamentably impotent, tf - it . cannot faahion tjie creation of its own creature, id far at to reader it account ' able te- the law for its conduct, and punish, if aot prevent its abuses. I believe Congress has the Con.titutien-. ' al power to establish a Bank, and I at present, - perceive no measure oetter5 calculated to relieve our distresses. I hsve been thus explicit in the state-"1 . meat of my present impressions, . oe-v cause, il elected, 1 wisU to M at liber ty to support suck measures as the best -interests ef the country may require, v after a due consideration of all. . Should this be the incorporation of a .' Bank, 1 assure tou, it would proceed from no vertonaier pstitan teal from , no particular love for Banks, but conviction of public benefit 1 could such an insti'.r-tton, Unless under surit' . guards as would prevent all abuse which cottltl be foreseen. To avoid alh misronstt oetion of tnotiye, t.tste lh J liberty to state, lhat I have never bet n eWer' "v"" .BAfttl-LwMem the' bislj -.inteie-i L have in them isTtn common with "eveC ry other crtifcen, that their, notes shall be at all time convertible Into specie, ...I il ...r...i ' I a !. ... - , . sun tiiciciur- cciattl tu . , It is known to : mny oK you, tV.at I did not cenrnr id the election of , the present Chirf Magistrate, and should. a crmrpetTtOf he pNTese Bted wtidta rtn f prelcr, 1 probably - shall hot d" aa at" the next election. t will endeavour, , vate life to de justice to his measure, a ltd should deem myself altogether un worthy of your confidence, weral r aa pable of opposing or supporting s n measure on account of the source fnra , which it sprung. "-fjkly" first wish i that tlte . country- hal be mil lgovrnni rather than Omt it shall be govtrntd ; uny pttrthutat $tt of mm. , My op'tn ? ion in relation to. the Public Lands, the distribution of . the Surplus Heve? nue. the repeal' ?of, the Treasury Cifu cular; . snd -th .wanton iotcrferancei. with our rights in the attempt at Abo. lilion, by' the people of oilier State, are, I presume, sufiicienlly known to : require no notice iiere, . v nil this im. perfect exposition of. rny scrtt'mehts, t cheerfully lesve the result with yov,? perfectly tiifieal whatever it may bee ' .. Your Fellow-Cititen, . - AVILUAM A GUVIlAMt $, liahish July Mb isor . v ."Vila's of judgiTyviTitR. M Th relation to the pre tent petunlarf tritloo , Judge Whits has replied to tlte at-., lark latelv mat! hnnn him It tTv.p... ! siilent-Jackson. We'did not ihsert General Jackson's attack, and we shall not, bf couirst-i pfjllidh hy portion of th reply of jhe VudgcVwhkb lias re latum to the soiject matter of contrW versy liHweeti thrm." There W nna part of Judge White article, howev.i er, Ji a vi ng.no 1 n ti mate conucclioj w t th V the point ,1a dispute, we , lay before. our readers. It relates to the tauitt . of tlie present pressure, Ind suggests' some new. and startling iew. Thei' rylloviiiig ls'ttie Vxtra'cTi . - We liveJn itrangeJimes. -At ncaea" tvilli all, the world, a .handful of sav esxceptetU a few nioothsssinaf ra tently piospcrou to an extent. almont . unexampleif, with fund in the Trea-, iiury so,; lar beyond the ecotiomtcat wants of the Federal Governmenta th,tatatcsmctl were perplexed to know, how, in dispose of them. J,f Now; ouf, commerce tUatroyed, our merchents In every direction ruined and breaking,, the crop of uc,4 planter without tl niait erraTTir tlieTiTTilebtisithiiuVanjrr means witlt jvliicji to. make payment!, specie paymen t, w.spcnded , by ti t Banks and their notes depreciated, and 'j the governtof nt itself placed in such a situation, as to- m monied concern that it ratinotiioe.-HardlT a dollar can be collected, or paid out w.thotit a violatiion of our acta of Congress.-- . What has caused these misfortunes, i a creation of grate and solemn import Itt one, in relation Jo whicju every" (nan is called on tti lorm aft opiftionf, and free expression nf opinioua i. eertly enlertaihed,' may, it is to be, hoped, lead to some suitable" remedy. For myself, I cannot dbubt but tho Specie,Circtttar, a it is called, which, issued in July .last, and th mode a , dopted to transfer to the tespectiva States their proportions of our surplus , treasure, were the immediate causes. I have ever believed that Circular less: justifiable than any act ef our. Federal Executive. It undertake tt UtulaU tot the People of the United r States, by tbe tole power 6f thejrMi.. dent. It make distinction between i different tla$t$ oT our citizens, which I doubt whether Congress with the aid : of the President would have the power1 to make and I feel confident il they,' had the power they fart. tot txtrein iU Independently af l he Preside t kavr "1 -