1111 RALEIGH, IT. C. T7EDNE3DATT, AUGUST 30, 1C37 VOL 2I2CVIIX. :UO C5. 1 THOMAS J. tEMAT, E D ITOn AKD rBOPK.IJ.TOR. V "r 'V ' TERMS' 'SeBrrTi.' lhr prr nnom one , rriiilmR without Hi bum will lie v-r,.e,l m psy m amount el Hie j ear's ;' lllcrln", ''. ' , -IMTEI OF AliVERTISIVR. for rmf vrnxtt (not exceeding If lines this ii type) '' inter-linn, cine dollart each sub--irfinr'nl insertion, twenty -fire cents. 7jrJ Ilertvernenri brXlerki and Sheriffs will be hsi-fed 81 per Cent. higheri unci t de duction of 3.1J per eenl will be ensile from Uic - regular jwiert lr sdvertisefi by the year. e l.ettrrt to the Kaiioc muit l post-paid.. Kalci?!i am Crtstoii Hail Road Coinpauy. - ; The Sixth tnvatmetit of Ten Dollars per Rhsre, is required 10 b, paid or befme l lie trsdtsy t Ofnlicr (M-t. f'njmrnu wilHie r seised M I lie OfSee in It deign, and by Mr. Sain ikI Montreal, Prlerdiorg Va. ' liitricsy4Mh shsrgcd and allowed it here tofore. J v frTiidr flf llte Dntr4 nf J)h effort. . ; v W. MOUIWCAt. I'rest. . RaUigh, Angnst IS, 18.1? 3S 6 t PROPOSALS FWfmbliidimg in the Town of Oxrontr, N; C,, a Weekly Newspapfr, to be entiled Ihe OXFOltD KALEIDOSCOPE, JIY WILLIAM W. HOLD EX. trrrTieK.TilrM hall be' strictly guided by lbe.foUow.ing princU we regard them ns the grand conservatois of well-regulated freedom, JcmanJing-whatetcr enerjyr ofupport we mjy pocsi: 1, -A-etwt eenntmetioH-efj -nl rigid--dr-hcrence t the Constitution the exercise of ex- Lpie, not implii"d or doubtful power. IS. The sovereignty of the people, ni tho source of all pnliUcal power the aoveroignty of the Sthtna liieeateil WlUt all power not delega ted to.tho Federal Government equal and self governing parties to tho comr-act which forms our glorious Uuion 3. The authority of the Federal- Govern ment, in the exercine of such powers only as re dufinitely delegated to it. 4. A ri'itl economy in thejdminitration of "Gowninei for the bene fit of the u-We (icoplo, and not for the aggran (ricmrntof luusu cntiuated willi ils-lirarfasB-. ment. 5. The exercise of the elective franchise by all cle of our citizens, without the interfer mice of the olficcrs of Government, or the con wminaling influent c of Caucnscs. prr trade, and tlie freetlom of industry, aid opposed to a protcrtive tnriff, believed to be unconstitutional, uneiju.d, unjust and oppress jvrA; ' - ' . : 7. VCV will advocate any system, which ashll appear practicable, to improve thep hysi ra) eonditiort of North Carolina, and to dcvelope her internal resource. And knowing full well that the ..diffusion of . Education amongst all elaasrs of oar citizen, will prove ono of the strongest bulwarks of our Irec institutions, we will advocate any system which promises to ef. fret that object. -H'hilot-we-wili-ever lmeio-mueli e)f-re-peel to descend "to" low and vulgar abuse, xve trill speak ofx public men and public mcasuiea rrilh perfect freedom. Our honest convictions. 'SBT"uVnbTrate OpTriioiis, "we will boldly pro miilge at all hazards , We believe that a crisis lma arrive J pregnant Avith lmpof tint consequences. 'J'lie tempest is frt gullierihg around irr, ynd the flood of polit c.d corruption approaches, which, unless arrest ed by the timely interposition of the people, will sweep away 9g9.JMKVMf.''td their coury.riAu-cady Itave 4bo rights of the Slates been contemned tho sacred vail of the Constitution reut in twain the capacity and r ght of tlie people to select the men for whom tiiey are to vale, derided ami trampled in the dmtitbe tnfluensoof Prcidnifll ind a Vti poJ-;jc iilgji mire and the very lights si freeJfts will be extinguished, amfthe hopes ef the patriot ilcatroy ed forevyrt--Tbhl deseera' lion ef their mott sacred immunities and this bold assumption of high-toned power by their constitutional rulers, have orsMserMhc people. "The "gWSt deep' of popuCir caTiiiricss Is broken p. . uTriJ!e" mayjlmit ttptn iti dark swrye fir a mswciir, rmd be "preferred"' bnt their, tmJemnation it ttnitlterublu fixed bg that pro fit vfiote AiAreren'rjilajifi7.jL were, ctn prevent "all that r solid and valil Ut fnm tinUnf to the anil Mug hit forever! The signs of the time .clearly imli tiffe lhat tho "crisis of revolution- is at hand; "lljiniTof tTrTgV6riTraTrebTnrT6n"m b"- t-iCil will not, tlicreforo, bo less tremen dous or decisiv In either the re-establishment orcmpl.?te overthrow of republican usages and Hstitutirma, The people must act in this great ! uraim. I he ballot box must decide for them must continue and aggravate the present slate of things, or effect a radieat and ynivrrtat re firm in the Government; which has been grad iitlly departing from its. primitive purity and n'nijilicity, until wo have reached that point keii its outward forms are utterly impotent to tay the torrent of usurpation and corruption. It shall be our chief aim, then, to enlighten the people on this eubiot by iilncins c mdij state menu ofTfie aeTs oTTfieir puTncserVaiit be. ore mem to join with them in that Mern re I'uko which they are now giving to principles adverse to tbe existence of their Governmciit-J-la vindicate our peculisr inilitutinns -to repel, with whatever ability we may possess, all ex. lernal Interference with our domestic condition on this point, our on position to tho Abolition of Slavery, cither in the District or in the States, ll be iiiflexiblo firm as the seated hil' to uphold a rrpnbtican and federative, as distin fuished from a consolidating administration W the national afTuirji, and the disorders of the antral Uovernmcnt to direct the public view towards a home policy of tlie States the devel- spement at tltou resources, physical ind Intel-llectual--li attach men, if possible, to their rth-plcc, and render them citizen instead of Venturers ik3 speculators and to re-animate Klic spirit, and give it purpose a well as eu ly. These subjects shall command pur fixed Mention; and, conscious of tho rast importance f 'he principle here advanced, we shall not de ts trom them, whatever the wsnl 7 ''be times, or the mad apirit of party dero . " . T' nocl M e political World or yield ,Tnl 'Jlesi of 'meantr:' urJopr .h,i kimt what iu name pur-Nrt.- Like- it.. .s..j.r.- I,". "'r. present all the beauties and at. nwwiM of Ojrordnd, like., true ltpt,b "can its Mlu.n. i . ' - - f .-wuicn-easi principles halt e u"at4 th South heard, and her reru. liar institutions vindicated; from it the "pride of l lie rsuiliuer must recede no diminution tbe fidelity Of the Unionist no reproach." ' With this exhibition of oar plans of future ac tion, we confidently confide in the liberal pub- lieetrtrrt ot tcajispfJUranTille, sndof thc- ;lo bouili. Judge, ui but first know our merits. - " Termt Three dollar per annum, if paid on the. reception of the first number $ 3 60 if not paid till the jrnd of the year. Letter may be addressed, at present, fr-niu'. to the editor at Raleigli, or to J M-Wiggins. Esel Oxford. ILT JiuitoH will please publish. . . . DEFERRED ARTICLES. FLORIDA. s..;.; An express from Gen. Jcsup was re ceived by the G ovcrnoT on tltft 1st in stant, from which weJern .Iiat the General, -'.haying wiibjltitynhia request, to be relieved , from the command, it actively employed in providing for the defence of the frontier during the sum mer, an d for . re&u ifling oftensi ve mea ur.'9 in; the ensuing' season. We knw nut what has operated this change in the views and wishes of the General; but ue heartily ft'ppreve-of the ineasupe. As we believe him com. petent to render u clficicnt service, we -could tiot tolerate the idea of his backing out, after having, by his errors, reduced us to a more pitiable coiidi t i c in t h a n Lthatia.j.hkliJ..fi)iinil uio asatttuing iVe command. Ilia past ex perience of Indian cunning, and his recently, acquired knowledge of the country, will be of great service to him in conducting the defence tf the frorr tier, as well as in prosecuting his fu ture offensive operations; while past failures will serve to stimulate his de sites, and nerve his arm fur energetic and successful action. In addition to the posts already con stituted, we learn he has determined to establish two upon the Suwannee one at Clay Landing, about twenty five miles east of Deadman's Pay, the lowest point upon tlie river suitable for a post, aruTthe principal Indian cross-! Tng place, the otlier to be located at the Shoals, about fifty mile3 above, on the same river. One of these is to be garrisoned by a company of regulars, the other hv volunteer!1. It is the in tention of the Governor to send troops' ever possessed, or now possess any to Dc-ad man's Bay to establish a camp at .claim to distinction. The .superiority that p'ace, which illcoroplete a cordon f Greece and Rome is measurably the of posts upo the frontier, which, it is result of her Poets celebrating, and believed, will be sufficient toprotect the j her Historians recording the wisdom inhabitants from the inroads if t' c sav-Jof her Statesmen, and the victories of ages during the summer. The chain j her Generals. Who abroad knows ill be composed of the stations at Dead- any thing of those sons of North Caro man's Bay, Clay Landing, and twpina.yho.. upon the Sjintaffci river, one' about erd with laurels? or of those now upon eighteen miles west of Newnansville, j the busy scene, who have acquired a and the- other atioot the samrJiTtTstanceitud7n-e-cininenrtfK cast of itrat tlie junction of the roads! Wm. Gaston is by many supposed to leading from the south and cast to j be dead. If such a conditiojajifjhinjs, Jacksonville. The semi- from thtn5eia1ways1"asT;Kow can weTtopeto ciigen posts, and those upon Ocilla, San Pe-jder or keep alive among our youth a de dro. and the Shoal, higher up in Ihe , sire (o serve the State and honour them- country, it proper vigilance is useu, can rcuel any attack ana exterminate any strajglers who may xne Doruers oi me setueiocoi!!,. .. . iu nun, . ( I I -i I . . .sl...s.S.l - la ad-1. thtion to -the nosta above-mentioned, . i . ,, . ,. ., . . , . I, . . .. .. cation,' tells her audience lhat wives, there is one at Micanopy, in the nation. ' the;r ueliaviour (owanl9 their and another at tne pra.ne, seven mi es . u ghoul(1 be nQt north of that place. I She relates the foil oxving story in i. I ,s stated that the country is filled .j,. oP herloctrin?: A'sertile w.th marraud.ng part.cv vvTiose only i nan . f firtee objecUppeUO" :.- it,- v- aider this an omen ofevft, and indica- m -"er-the.runion; being, througli HTeoftrrintentKmoroceedihg-fcr1" ?' more .Wi.le.l acts of hostility.-1 vcrJ"ne,,0l. ,rcw. : t,,si' J"d aU! '.n Whence' the necessity of this rapacity, . p.e .("ut (!f,t w,n.'f',w'-. Thc, 8Pin: thiconstant effort to accumulate sup-l f'1 1 ' e Z"1 ,h, ?xU, ""nUj took '4, mtetittona f thtrlndianrr .1 I ' : . . ..- .. anil sont if am all in .f nfu. .1... .i-u niniefiKlo sni Muv U'liiU Iu live , tlM-y have dclaml. on friendfytermsJ". rJcclfc" ",u"on "lllj IIIG Sllliua. uv.iv.v " ! J s.t ..l,l,t- 1- ' s-s-jr- TfCTave comoleted tlurialnTHfcT", that-tar any (Tinner, the yiy;-w1)eliev"h"cnw- Linaiii- ing requisite to, their wants, thry will again commence their work of pillage, burning and massacre. "" Florulian .lug. 5. IMPOitl'.i'sr KHtJ l MEXICO-. i The New tesns fee Ettrs, of ihe '5th Inst, 'ays Ve have bren Isvoreil by a"reeelUle liimio of Ibis eily, with Ibe following exliast i'l a letter, received per Ssrsh Anns, dated . - v. -' ' Txtsrico, 22 1 July. Cenend nntt.iinente bat ilcintided a ionn lioin tlie clergy ol five million ol dollars', which it would appear bsi given liitlc latisfaelion to the imier smliney fuiiml rt-airvnuaterto enter sgain imn negiKiatiiin with Sants Anna: The govern msKI, swsee of this, ordered Ssnls Anns to sji ier before a Court Martial to answer lohe chaigea against biio on account nf his Isle Texal im()i,i(.n Santa Anna replied to llit call in the billowing IseVinie msirner; . , 'i "No' iiroilo, no dehor no noiero"--(I cannot, I should not, and I will mil j .. '- ." In aonsequpnee of which a ttenng detsebment ol eavsley wss les;mtrhel fur Msno ilelUvo, with orders to take the hern ami bring Mm S' nilfcinrr to tliecsi.t'd. On thrll' atrlval however be at no where to be limiicl. Some sy b is gine to Jslsps in hurt to Vei-sOi rfx. y Victoria, and llrsyo, it is sanl,1nivs alto turned Ssnls' Anns mwi, , ' - " The Globe and Senator o't)i.The Globe refers to Mr. RivcsV speecli on the Deposite'lim in 183U inrder show that Jie, too, was then Infavor of the restoration of what it Was intend ed by the framers of the constittifjon to ba, . a hard-mon'ey-govcrnniint a simple, ". solid, vhard -money -government" The Globe pretends to think that Mr Rives willn'ot. noV.abU'rKlon this position which, seeing that Mr. IL Af a&andoned if, is a sly mode of castigating ivim for his apostacyV ," v On the other hand, Mr. Rives, (tot we take him t be the author of "Cau' i!!u,'MMhe Richmond Enquirer of Tuesday last,) lashes the Incoosistsn,- cy of the Globe, iri sustaining, the scheme of Sub-Treasuries, as recom mended by Mr. Gouge, and .which the enquirer tells as "may bt recommend edJbi-MAiy-BureBw'-lrt htf forth coming Message a scheme, which, in its essential features, is identical with thf presented tome years ago by Gen. Gordon, the predecessor l Maj. James Garland, ahd which tlie Globe then denounced- as a "Monster of such frightful mien, as only to be surpass ed in its terrific character by Nick Diddle' Bank! "It How pleasat It Is to see brethren dwellinj; together in unity! . v ; ' j,yncnourg i irgiman. Silk Growing in Lincohx. We are informed that one of theMerchanta in this pta: has, iu the course of the last month, taken in about five, hundred skeins of Sewing Silk, made in this County, of a quality equal to (he best ian. of various colours. This Silk augurs well of the industry and enter- prize of the females )f Lincoln, who n'i'v heretofore -'.manufactured an a bundance of domestic Cloth of wool and cotton, which Ins attracted the at tention of purchasers from the adjoin ing counties. It appears lltat some I haveiiow turned their attention to Sjjk. 4---.-V"t: irtrr-rr; '.rrTn 11" -VlT2T7'C- .' unit tisie suctceurii m ntii ns iiicy have done In tit coarser fabrics. A large quantity, it is expected, will be taken iu by the same gentleman, who has CQCi)uxaged Ive.Ladiea4y-giing goud prices for their silk. In the course of a few years, it is thought, a full supply will be furnish ed by our females, and that Lincoln county will not be dependent on for eign markets for her supply of Sewing Silk. Lincoln Transcript. , - North Carolina Great Men. We hear that Mr. Hugh McQueen i?w,r.UinS A history ! lhjs.grealjnea.of North Carolina, living and dead. We would like very much tQJttie... tempt made to rescue from forgetful- ness the actions of our illustrious dead. We too soon forget the good and the great, and manifest a blameable indif ference to letting others know that we selves. ttu. nuy U exterminate , in t.f..vt,n "ow 10 cure a Jyrannical Hui belurKing'on ,r. . u i.r i . t ...... ... -AlTir. r i.i .. A t?;-oU ri...7.- .,i i.m.. to tyrannize. The mutton one day, - ?; "Kiis ' u4'ni,f " cis i . . - . . - tair ifcturess o.es not relate, Dut onlv that they, ever since have lived as a titan and wife tntght to live, not frown ingly and snaplshly, but loving and p aceably. ' . : i""' Thc follnining naive li'ver's promise vy.is offered as an irresistible tempta ttun to a filially given inamorata: 'I like you," sighed, thc girl to her suitor, "but I can't leave home. I'm a wid ow's only darling no husband can cvtreqnat my pare iff iiTki fTdhess. She tfkind,"plea(Letl the woucr "but be my wife, we will live all to gSther, and see if I dotr't-ea your mother." ,., . . . A FABLK. : From the New Yotk Gaxette, A ax, 19. An aged roaring lion who had reign-! ed several years king of the quadru ped and biped1i,.and crowned, not for any regal qualifications which he pos sessed, bat to serve the purpose of the wolves, fuxej, and jackalls, who knew they could n the old beast in any way that might wit best, to put a streak of fat on thctf Own fib. "-.'' r . Alter wrarinat crown a conside rable ..time, Whether rom the fatigues of government, or that he saw certain preparations, that a well-bred dog is supposed to understand, he called the fox to him,'- and addressed him thnss '1 am growing 'old j Jam irt bad health; I am-going to abdicate the throne and appoint you mr successor. But tnindf you must treatf exactly in my footsteps, otSfW etefhal. I will soon have your, tail in a trap." The Fax whisk ed roamt hit tail, and . was in high gleeTStop disking your tail," said the aged monarch, "and listen to what I have to Bar. . I bt hn foaro. I n.l 1 have to say. I have been feared and revered by all the animal of the for. est, particularly by 'theaMMIyJij there it One monster roamtnz in my do mains, who has given me more trouble than all the beasts uf the field. In my vvaking hours I have thought of nothing but" him.v When sleeping. J have dreamed of nothing but the Mon ster. I commenced laying traps for him as soon as I rained the. sceptre. I set my wolves, dogs, and jackalls on hi in. I succeeded in killing hi in. He wonld not ttay killed. "' fried every ex periment to get rid of him." I made him tarry burdens from one end ol 'ihe country lo the other. I gave Inm a bad name. ll said he was I ante, and wind.bmken, not safe to be trusted and drove him from the invperiat; cribs. He flirted his tail in my face, and said. mat for you: - N , "I then took into favor a large num. bcr of xmaller momttrt, which 1 have made perfectpets of. I have fed them with-parr-utttttrtheyTire nssleek" as moles. They agreed to bark and kick atr the big-monster, and do ftll they could to. slay him, I farther ordered my jackals to place all the property in their hands for safe keeping; so that FimaiNriTnay- had some trouble wilk the Frorr4ju t I showed my teeth, and they gave in. ' ''thava only one Hung fnrUier to say, and that is of more importance than all lire Test." GffW arldni tT fi'rAonif f ri" This said, the old Lion depicted to his lair in the western woods. Tlie Fox. clothed with the imperial purple, called a council of the wolves and the jackals which he had . left behind, to devise the best plan to destroy the Monster. The. result of (heir delibe rations was to dig a pit in the path they knew the Monster would (read. Xl!e-.?rk.yvicpmple dug. J. he monster was caught. JSut had to travel the vame road, and they all tumbled pell-mell into the same well, with all the old Lion' plunder on their backs. ' '...,,' ' Here was an elegant pot of chowder. Tlie Fox coSW not touch a hair of the old .Monster's tail without killingsnme of the littje jpet monsters. The Fox was in a complete dilemma. The old Lion has heard of it. He leaps round and round hittler end-roars4tke all nature. He swears that (he little pets are a set of fools, and swindlers, and rascals, for daring to falL.iatu.lhe-pitJ lie insists upon H that the f ox shall slaughter the whole of (hem, so that he, antr thewolvcs amrrthej;ickal9,fflay have a blow out over their carcases. Moral. Recollect when vou do a TiadTctTbnTlo "injure your neighbor, it is ten to one tnat u re-acts, anu tails on your own head. y'ST.' ' J'orridgrford Patriot. THE PRESSURE. Since the pressur DeengreaTerinan.ji.was.- ever -Known befure. There is an old miser in this county who keeps no other money than gold and silver, and he has that deposited in various places in the mountains.- Hearing so much noise a bout specie, he become uneasy about nis ueposns, anu ueiermincu to exam ine into the pets and tee their true, con dition. He first opened a box in which he-hatl -packed -away -eleren-wondrerl dollars, anu deposited it under a favor ite old eorn-crio, wit hoot the knowldge of any living creature save a family of .1 a,.yvjuuiiau juii j .cnjoyeit. nis.roaii dence, and nail free access to every thing hehadTXCpThtsTtioncyrBuTto the old man's utter astotiii,iriiten"trwhen he opened the box hefound bat SOO In if. NV hat had become of it he could not tell; he knew the pressure had enhan ced the value, but he was not before a ware of the great diminution in quan tity of specie. Bat on making further examination, he found that the rats had cut a hole in the box; and on diging in to the ground, he fuutul the . silver de posited in small quantities, all around the crib. The mystery was explained: the rats had cut into the box, discuverd the hid tie n t re a jj23ruL.d ctcr mined to profit bytfie experiment,' took.out the s Iver; and believing that "to the viC tors belong the spoil,', (fur they are Van Bureu ratsj they divided it among .!(cmselves. We are glad to learn that the old man has found all, with the ex ception of a few dollars. t'ro,' Gaz. Tlie way the ToryBloe Light Van Buren organs ."from the west look, a- bout these days, is a caution and tin to Crockett.' Such lugubrious, laconic parsgrahs, such wo-begone countenan ces, "half concealed, -half disclosed,' in a print apparently blurred over pur Cosely by the ink balls of the broken earted pressman, we never saw before. Tbe tory paper railed Cincinnati Re. puplican Ilepublican! Heaven save the mark!! says, Kentucky's nothing "vot- someyer' wno cares lor Kentucky? Va men again, oi tnaiana, tnat new em pire.whose very name appals tbe termin of the Kitchen : ." We hear Col.' Lane's defeated. Bad as Julius Cxsar this prince for edilorial brevities,, just at ? M . .. WW art. tnese times.--Tf. - it mar. - .- - ... - - . , ; ii-. Nathaniel H. McCain, of Uockfng- hahi county, has been licensed to nra&- (ice taw in. xue voudtt vouna. , Quite terrapin tike. The .New Or n.l I leans city Bank resumed specie pay ments on me ist inst., anu suspenuetl was to save ner cnarter. it 4s an- gerous for the Banks to put their heads out where specie, is 10 per cent, pre mium; iney migm never uraw mem ui again. - Such waa thaD"ection of Sir Iter Scott for his lately deceased daughter Mrs. Lockhart, that lie aid at her n pproa'cl iog uni on , "Tlie m a n who marrieailiatlvoinan "brliigs everlasting sunshine upon his house." . - .', - Practical Jtetort. In the theatre at Weimar in Germany, not long ago, there Were -only-aeyjeR persflnr-irt the house.' The pit took' uflVnce at the miserable acting of a performer," and hissed hiin energetically! -whereupon the manager brought his company on (he stage, and out-hissed the Hilei Sr The following lines were written on thr baclr oha-Not6orvfnty -Five j Cents, issued by the" Corporation of i the Borough of lleatlint; Gol ragged wanderer through a World of care, I dare not keep thee longer, if I could, Lest, when I wished to spend thee, I should hear Some-horriuVTahj of .thy- not being-good-, -r- I il!..i .Lr:fri . .w i . 11..-"-:- i now ucueve, wuu i nave on oeen loiu. That thou art what is niennt by Jackson Gold. C03IJIUNICAT10N. "(for the Star.) .., n , ' Skelcltcs with my Pe-nril iu Twllisht-No. a. The hour of IwiliglU is the lover'e hour. As the tlay declines, and the shadows of evening grow long across the landscape, he delights to take the arm ol some loved one, and ramble t the distant wood to climb the rugged mountain irom tock to rock to pluck whiI -flowers and evergreens or to roam along the willow-waving banks of BOttie-riprv'inr atreamr andwatf h the finny tribe sport among its bright waters. An evening excursion, in a romanticjreglon of. couotry, will fire the bosom of the most cold-hearted and etoical individual. Some-persons boast their strength to resist the charm of (he most lovely females; when, in fact, if they were placed under circum stances of the character just adverted (o, like a sampson tltcy would be shorn of Iheir strength ,- and ' become weak another men. Attachments are' soon er formed, particularly between eon-genial- spirits, 4n-an-ventng-ramble, than under npy other circumstances ts. w . - 'a wnatcyer. rersons wno nave warm and susceptible hearts, and romantic dispositions, by associating at a time wlito.je.bfau.tieipXDaAurijii latcd to fire the fancy, will find that their hearts have almost impercep.'illy melted Into one. Friendship, con ere niaWy of tpirit. and love are more near ly allied than most persons are aware. between individuals wluie tltH(iny is to oe unucu, sun iwtrtgii is their hour. And though the lover may be tost up on the foam-capt billow, or be cast on some barren island, girt around with me inmrvi wu tf nnf mun (i an lm n , .11 I . J age up nia oeirvineii ueiore mm, anu in fancy enjoy her society. ; He sees, or seema. to see , her . beaming eyej lie drihkl 1rtfhriWect tones. oMkt .afTectiunaf a vokej and al most imagines that he feels the soft pressure of-her hand, which assures him that he is loved. Ue dwells with rapture Uptm her fo m her expression ner smile -the quick glance of her eye. He wellreco4le4 the lint wont that felt from her lips, when they took 4be aiistrglranrfir id, "neminerunt omnia amaiUe$.n Ev ery single incident, vcn the most tri-1 fling, is as fresh in big memory as are 1 the must recent occurrences. And as he sits absorbed in thought, he fondly believes that his betrothed, as faithful as himself, is at (hat moment roaming in thoughtttftel' biWf flit t she is seated at her room window with her head in clined upon her hand in the garden by the fireside; or like himself in sol itudend in fancy enjoying her com pany. Or it may be, as he gates upon the moon, or some twinkling star, (hat emits it faint light from the farthest bounds of space, that he gladly thinks she ton, is looking at the tame. How appropriate the language of the poet to this individual: : - . , "I'll ask the Moon when high in air,'- .2 Where is my friend, oh! tell me where! The answer nought, but that her ray, Doth play on her that'a faraway," 1 ' s But there are others who are food of the hour oHwilight for thought, and melancholy reflection. It-i;tli$ one whose hopes have been blasted by the chilling winds of disappointment, and driven away .like witbered flowers be fore the wintry hla'sL The one, wlo after putting to aea, witii-a'cleat ky, and prosperous ' gale, baa". been driven- oy ,a(ivere winus upon a anore,. wnere i.is nopea are loreyer mocked by hia wide scattered wreck,' tost upon, uic , irouij surge. ; ,une whose fate the above had been, but a1 i. .? .. . -' lew evening, ago, i ncara pouring niB unpitted'aoliTotiuy.upon the ear of the wmti. - . ' . . . There are others who liare been sub iects of sudden reverse of fortune, ho stand like tome loce, leaSess, fruitless tree upon tho bleak mountain' peak'. l . . ready to be riven in a thousiuid frag- menu by some sure-aimine tliHJDcer, toltrhiTrnlulgen" - " the shades of evening limit their vis ion, aa adversity has limited their pro. spective lifev A case'in point shall ba -ciyen in ray next ketch. From all that I hare seen and heard, I am fully ' convinced that mitfa chief happine$i in life iairsiTound3ncrer good. ' Itr"--is true, (hat from reciprocated loye, or ' from a handsome fortune, we may de rive an evanescent happiness. But disappointed love, or a ruined fortune, . is followed by a, bitterness that more than counteibalancet the former. A transient ; happiness . is found in what th world atlpevtfrfj- but it is al " ways followed Ibya aling. It plant v thorns inliur pil owr and strews our gloomy pathway with desolation.1'" Aid wordly pleasure, it is a viper coiled under the. rose and though its spec- , J kle may wear the hues of the rainbow. - Und its eve shine lite a tne. atill. if. once we feel its fang, it will not bo less fatal because it ts beaut ifuk Tern- poral .honor worldly pleasure eme ru men t and distinc'tiori,?3arl from rir-' tue,' from reWgiort, have been called ''vanity or new from experience their reat wm th,- Of religion ' aone,-4ie bas aaid, 'her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. Howexceed- oglyOaolMdw thettronsumfj ilhat part of our time in fruitless and inco herent thought, which of all others is mast suitable fur prayer and religious meditation. '-"'. - More anon. August, 1437. THEATES. IN Til II MISSISSIPPI LEGISLATURE. TEXAS-ABLITIOXISTS. Mr. Philips, of Madison, from the committer to whom wa- referretl the -memorial of sunrlry ciTtzens of (he CMOtjUiiV5 jluetliR Ihe Legis.--lature to memorialize Congress in re- , lation to the expediency of receiving into the Union Texas, made the follow ing report therc'on, to wit: s , . ? Mr. SrnAgpa The select commit' tee to whom was r. lerred the memorial and resolutions of sundry ciiizns nf Hinds county requesting the Legisla- r iiuit s liiuimii ittiK.1; inc. uilrrc?a ll the United States in relation to the ' expediency and necessity of receivlnrr I .1 r , . .1 i n t a 1 1. . - ricis uiiif mo union willinni UCiay, and desiring that the Representative, of this State in Congress antLlhe Se. - naiora ue insiiucieu to vole lor (lie . same, have had the lame under consid erationf and haying gixarUo this high.-" j pun mi i suuject as inorougn an investigation as the limitc.MiineJwilJ peroitioisvttnTul considered the many important circumstances conf ncctcd with this subject, have instruct ed mo to make the Wlowingj-eport a -the result ortheir JcHWrations. That, -; their decided conviction is, that Ihe sTwefly-annxation-of--Teiasilo this : Repu&licrs a measure highly advisable in a national point of view, and nf most imperious nvcessity to the future suicty anu nnppiness oi ine southern. StaU's of this confederacy! and tber . A. t a It i- -a ... rrei iuiiy assnreir Val ever? coniidc- a - a- . . . T . sf , B ration wiii most comr pictely sanction and jusmy this important measure. y 7 TexaThas now assumed, her place '"-," aWbhgtrie'inaep QwZZZZ.'r iTtlr.-H3i' Bttn'darpreiiVnt recog- nized is a free and independent lie public by our. own Government! and '" -so very mi-sifest find irresistible are' ' . berxlaimi LtoxeognUioa JlaJnindc-.-U pelldenL power,, upon well known . giiMla ;of Jnternat'wroal. Iaw,l that - - "-. there is nor the smallest reason, to dodbtlhliThr wiirbe"pecdily hailetl - .och by the government of every ' " civilized nation upon the face of the ' hahitulde sa&. Rhef i tli fzris ti " well as tie jure, Independent of all for eign autbority. She has jnconlcstibly proven to the world that she can main- - Llain the independence which she lias asserteu against tin power which hat hithcrto challenged -her allegiance. She has, in repeated ; battles, tiiumph anlly routed the savage hosts of Mex-, icuj driveti the baijiadattmercenariea- - -of tlvc usurper. in fell dismay far be- ' yond her - boundaiie s.",he has even ' subjugated to captivity t the sovereign ' of Jdexico himself, and held him for months. injdurance,' in view of the . whole civilized world; until at length, persuaded by foreign interposition, and . his own earnest promises of justice to 7 accede to her. reasonable demands -ot redrefs, she has with a magnanimity . unexampled in history, restored him a gain to liberty. ,'. Her strength is every day rapidly mcreasingf and, indeed, the moral force of tier cause is now such that no reasonable man can quel- ; fion her entire Capabllily, if the laurel -' . of peace .be not awarded toJTer valiant : ' v and chivalrous peoj le, and future" ex -emption from annoymcnt assured, "stfe " V"Vneessfully to carry the war to -the terr desolate Batcs uf the' Mexican eapitolj yes, tV prostrate into ruins the ill-onstmctl fcruj torfering- f&ric iof' ttespjjjism. v,VAx for vrara nnst -nndpr the dchu sivciiame of government; has over- aJ0Wcd with a), ilark, porteatoua i. i . . a cloud, the liberties of a wretched and. tnli8,ppypeoplei whd'kneiw tw,j by name the blessings of liberty. ; Hit Goverfunent if the United State, in, rccogniziog the independence of Tex- -n'. jr' v

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