.-.. Yr H -...- ' - U--, t-ri .SrtvW Lis written 011 luting Rjleijjh. p .,.-, I It,l know nirfwheir, .''v- Pio ailkeit chain to keep me here, ... , ... .4 4 - AVhal n be teen I'tPKri). . "r '. . . . I !. I B I know not where,' " l .' V i. Nor car I tnuch I ," v VV , r ' , VWiere'er I wo, know l hat cat V' ' ; ' WilUi tuy Jot u now. . I know not wber,-,';., , Nor, care I much l.skhowt-- V . ' Tbe world ia wioWTn Ire lr - ' - , I to,- I so, go.i n: , .4, ; -.; 8, J. H. . ColUg,'?i. .C3, ..5e;,' ,Th aV-Tt M K'PllUltUw Wat turn Gov,, Ev g'nferr, A'l'i'l'N e -the Mas4cliuetU CkanUliIvVssocatiou,. the fullowinjr, extrac't tlei'iptive of -x the value of that innciikw litllo iiiilni "went, yIiicU "uiaikV 'the, progress, of , tiim-; '.''' . Tl' . ;. ," ''Consider the influence on Ibe aOau-t of roer. ' I all their relations, of llie iuvunliun nflhe lat , Irr machine which t hold in my hand, and (lit , , muer.niwltmi iastriiiuent.l-tbe mii as'H-uuiiiit of time, yttrium spciiuii.t td I.kIi. are eebil.i Itun hi tlic lmlli. 'Co iy noilnup; nl unp.ir. laucenr ait aeeitnw meMuntmeni of timf in u- lion 01 innu-iicerTt lu (he pm tu t iitiiiiiuii tiilmuH lie llic u-,rt :tle 1 fl. t-t on ll alT.unof if, ihrmthiiui ilm rnitiwit wmhli ami, iu 1 lie jiorei u4 get, ol a tomnlcu nul pinln'-'e ijiaiul fur iinmiiriili; Ike t,i ol Imtrl Who tan cilcutale hi inanv ol th - emi juncture! when itvf ailjo rf fceig'.iirtt iinpoit iiang ii.ii lite Uma ol an Imiir, (; udrnce ainl f.Tccl lore iriumilieil uVer bliu l ca,nulij, by beiii ruHblril In imume i li h. c.ii ,11 UK flllll cll.oi'l, in l' Irn licit tuUillt. tllKn! lt ft not tomrliiii iiiutv Ihjft mere ifircbn lim, IikIi ill.f aiili 111 In iiio ink lift'. ! auiue iltar t. i n I, iluuajli ilf liirlijiij tuiumje ot uiglii, cniUli.. 111 iu 0.1U1.I, i.i Hi.- tJackt-iiiiig pule, NuIuil'i trembling 1. it louifil it-riit. of, an I 10 liiunhler ilie rri, nl.tl re'i.i-ilv i.1 line prceite, it-rliapa llm ini icl "niomy:l ul ii aiilicaliuii Uy imhh of a lc'i, iniitciiialiiv in alt hit iluiirti alutli in i 1 in i'i ciiou i rnK i( i - His iiicimiuiunicaUliiL Hti!)ii,vi uf t)ci'v, i orjiigh', in no mean in' iHue, V:liin (riei-ch I man. lie it taatil. .( he will beiid Jyr. . ttiiTTOlmiiuTrtiTr;icriri"ie fm-ii irii lb caith, afiara tii;iiii of lie lnn..lrcJ niillnio ol mili-t, liaeU to ihi anlitur k(' (he k;iiintc4 . - Moment viihmil the lott ol One rui., lirt, not the uiiiiiuii'li put ol'a -C1111.I, f.ii' ll,e tt iina- lff-tftntnjf hith It bar trutrleit rtm Tattrf vht a-miraela tit' ait, tltat a tnao can teach a few biax, wbevit. ai.ii a hirla oriee of elaiiie leel, to D'JI e tlciU.e li!nrlf; m give liini a ru liunal aiMwn to oiit of die moil important iir tiont wbioh a Ueiii'i iravtliing l.iwa ill eteniiiy . tin aik! .-What a miinela Hu t a mm can put - ' wiUiia tb 1 ' It r ra eliinea ajiirit ihal nicuieitbe r; Olbt itl.Uui'ct Wllu KrcaXetViweuracy than (ht -luU;iltui l 'A lite protiuinilcit pliiloiophrr; vUiab WtUi; ami nmlri wltru a'eep pallid a ' like Uur UaiiJ ul iU n.k-r anil Ihc miml nl (he itrir. 4- hn ti Jaw lc p ha epme -a-Tr them bot," .... . .., ...... ., , . . Ex&nn'gr, Hi New York Jnur . nI of .Commerce of Salurtlajrstates that the quautity of excliane t htch . laavcr:.jiitu .iacki;t...iLaj'..'as Jargc, anil the; anxiety of Hi'ller- lt dispose . of their bil!4 before the sailing of the packets wa such, thai the puce was depressed on -Frit! a"4 morning to 10i ".' pets cent preim'iin, or" unt y one per ct. ab.ive par. Specie is .coming into ,New York in all direction1 and going out at none. A schooner from Ma van ha on Friday bniught 823,000 the baiJt Ann Eri'a fioin VVra Cruz gS6, 000; il bu Jiat packet for ''Liverpool, London" and Ila vip, have taken none, , and beyond all question a current ef .coin will soon set in upon us from all - those ports, iv i,.. ... STOSY HILL ACADEMY. , The e-xereiic! will coiu'nuiictt ugm at thia achool Snd Monday in January, and terminate ' about 1 Sib June. The en'ire expenua, lor i Hoard, Tuition, ka, will b $50 per loiion. Jjook and Uaii'Mel," when lurnnbeil, will coniti, tut Ihe only extra charge. ; In ihi Initilution arwtaticlit le Mwm an tireeK-ttanguagcrrwittr the varmu branenrt oi a mainemaiicai ami r.n " flib ucation. Thuia ahu utlend a eouraa at oolUfe, will imrariablr aucb tulhari l are . recoaawended by lh Faculty of our JJniveriiy. Stony Hill.U well liiuated, and bai many ad, y' wantage for (b atudiuu. It ia retired, in a healthy country: free from lb iioi and buat- inj of town'and tillage dialrarlioni; a lufll, - oicaav-Bf -awaforlablcganit rnn taaWit ronmtr a well aeleeterf ami growing libraiy, Iwlnnging lo J ana unUerthe nirccimn oi uie no.itn;i, a wtll conducted debating aociely, under their awn regulation, from which all political and religi on! diacuiaiont are excluded. lilao hai ouny adfantagel to the lauafaatiau aud inteicct ot t'arenta: then' anna arc ireuiou won aiiiunr! " and mildnc!!, af th am time they are made to y Move lAeWtaWt-eaVO T heir faeahK ami coiwfait, well education and detottuent, are attend led lOi SC. jdliWi .oyraetwjLdebta, wr vicioui Indulgence. " Tbui,: wliilii "die auidioui asd Al- thoogbtlul Jiny thbigalo ime ret jJit-m. and. tender their litiiaiion agretable and conifortkblci " wbrfitytWy j4bMjvaiui.aui l.))nf,j (bw sroaeeutiiin ol their itudieit the bile and ' Vicioui beaoro reitiie, long to be free fioir a . , proper rcitraint, and, by aiiifice, fi eqiienlty ini. ' pole '-pm then creihiloui and uniuapeat'iKg na- v renllil therelry leaving the iiudioiii iu Ihe full s aojoyntot of their nn.rl, ami Ihe pnueiaiou of , ' (boa al vantage I which none but the itudioui . ar fori or know how lo appreciate. , - larelire requeued, to viiit thcichnul fie u fiueotly., Addrt.'! at Uaui(iine Mriilgi. . C, n M. , VARUP.1T. , Dee. , 184." t ' t . SO eow3t W SOUTt .IIAUSIIAI,la Reipectlull inform! hi friend and Ilia Public, that having reluiijiiirhed the aale of ' Gveene, be ha conrencd bil KlWihment velhcr into a . . '. . Wlpfectory, or E all us iiotiio, ai all V be HbuMned, on. the ahoiteat notice, of the dav. aad omil 14 o'aloek at Ls.i .''.a ntrt IsIlM J ... lLrLll rVill'11 a" l' M " wiU be foniumt; V L P" thclcetry,andf,,a . f"r lh5 a?- f . . lofc..r.'f.f, ll,e '-t rt.al- i Notice i all given lhaTy, . " ' if.l hereof, the Suhtcnber, " 'J -'he, ilWJVCflf.Scxaluiiccly.'' Th f ' will, ia do ioiunee, be depaited frrm.uation '-'-i-- ."'.,' " 1. JOHN U. MAftXi,!1' - - naleighi Deo-llJSSr ' SV'- ' ' (O J M carnently solicit llirrav , debted to bijn, to inpply him with the meani dichrging ibe obligation due by him to other, - 13,331 PAOKS P MUSIC, : May he found al the North Carolina lick o (4sSlore, eompritlng a choice collection of Air, , V ' Song, Uoudeaui, luella, ke. ka. for tbe Piano Forte, a eaa4e fjund at any other cilabliih . nent hi thii cooniry. There, too, can. be bad In great variety tha tanat approved loatruelor - for the Tiolin, guitar, harp, !srienett, I'reueb . hra, K: lie. . ' . "., . w ' Turnt HTha be alao tw or thee fol, mea !' eboiu lvao Muaie, faeautifully bonnd in red t.toroMO, to whurh ihey invite ths alien, tion of ill ladia of UU igS. - - - Order Irour their aootvtry fiivnda will meet ' with fieomot niou - : -r s. ,. ' " ; . ,-': - v - 4. i . - MOLAtSES. Uoglieadi Tjf irery -prime Molat,' .: Jual received end for fate by ' . . DROWN h SNOW. 19,'iwr - . M ' -r OXrOItD ACADKM V. . ' The piominnrt Hn!aj of (bi Iniiilutkm, reniit-r H peculiarly tleei in(f ihe nnlieeol ( rrnta atl auanlia. h (ncoiei-ty raMkatt aoiouR the: (rl ia the Saiei ami it bat at prstrnl raaaf aMitinna( anl anliil eljimi oa tha.pubtia (or psHiuiH.,; m J prelrrrnee." - ' . " : UhN-4 iaatirpjiMcil by aa tilUge of ihe Sooih in iu bC4lbfiiluM, .lf aiu Ineation, good toci n'y anil -frceitnra from iliia!iuo. , '. x, .- I The puneipal, Mr, A. llaT, i a )fn(leaian of -j)iilsrnlite iHtainmei.n ia ctieal anil Ki VmtiVoTn.iaT J"iane.r II it aot only well veracil to the tireek aii'rt.fcolia jfaiaiaa, but faoiiltu-. with rnmltcn laM nagea ait 1 lt ihe Aumeruui branehaa ol phjti cal, mattionaikal, moral anil hKelirctuat acirnae. u ; training the Siailcnla Vi roaprct their icasli er, thew eomi-ininii aik'l iliemelrci, tli icl ra-.n-'t wHI be hal to ineulealt! niiiltiu prltieipUa, nniali(e li'ttinji a'l xcntlciaanlv comluit. Tbe givernintnl,a ill he parvnul rmhrr ihan -crt-! an-t rhc Hir)etil' miaili diircied Id haltit of lu lu y , accurate obaorcation ami ih-rp tti- ii'y. " ... 1 Mr. T. Hijgiril, a ra luaie of a Kurnpeun IJiillvge, ami an carelletit elajjiral leholur, Cgag':l tin- the caauing jear to imtioct theju Iti'ir clattca. " T t'lmifal HUilrnU will b prcparcil to enter the IVr Hi man or llic Sophomore clan, agreeably 1 1 ilie einirie tf tlu.Iu ptrtcribrd by the L'ni rri!v t f the 3 ale I"rrm -('laial atil-i!e-n'"$l5 OOKngliih Iroiu 6 00 Iu IS 0) per- Calij!. - - ' iHoilcrn LuDKitastri. Three Irimni a week, 1 f 'Spaniih.J - - C$10 00 J I'er Sc.ieit Kxli a. 'I he t nil inn tera are rripi'n-r'1 in alliance: anil the aiiiiiunl tj lutf a vaiiun will he the iroalleft cltHr;e. 'The lint icttion ot IMS ill b-gin on ihe f'M til January, anil (he Kt -4n.in.)1inn will be nn Muo iij) auti t'ucmlav lhe IS h ami 19. h il Jut. Y MltliKIt OK I IIK. I'UUSTr.Ks. 0tirt. N. C, Ue. t, Si 6 rr Cil Janift XHtiall ii ill hip In rrccira led iniiMhcforHlinli-iin. to he nnihr the iifl idiatiuw..ot'-li. iitv.jth.iU-wiila till (Item, icrmi cigl.l, uatiart per mniiiu iu adtineu. ISn.ini ran nii'i he had in otlirrio- pecliltlr ftnnlie! fi.r f S or JlO per moiab, Htandard, 6 insrrtiom. SALE OF JSKiWltOLS,: ilt. IK virtue (if decree of the' enmity couit of r'rajiklin, on Wediteadayfliv third day nf Janu arp neat, I aball prnref to aril to I lie highest hiilder, l the laiC icir'r.Jtire ol (,'likrlel A. IlliJ dee'd. i-i lhcruiil.t,if Krauklin, It or 15 Likely JVogroesr Cn'niallug ot men, bov 1 aiid gtrli',' belonging to the estate of laid Chat let A. Hill.. Also, anhe lame tiniF ami plareJ'wHTbe mid all the it nek ol llursei, Caiile, llogi. Sheep, be. c4iov oi'. .OtruA'tdiliJC ii-Ui Jitc filauijliou u lemiU, and hiHiiehold ad kiuhca tnriiiiuic, bc long'mg to laid ete. " A cmlit id twelve momht will be given on al talri nf ncgroei, and nine manthi credit on Ihe salemf the other property, litiml, a ith approveaf Htm rtv will be leiiiiireil beturc Ihe pro perl r n remevrtf.- IIAX'U U u, isar. iiiu. liulidiiirg, Dec. 42 3w Loiilsbui-(r Academics, IV. V. The Second Hrition iittheae aehnnla doted en Tlie 2"(h"uTf7ml the next einn will com, mrnee nn the lint dar of Januarv. under ihe lame inltrno'er,. ' ) The Aery liberal ahare of patronage extended to iheie initilulinni fur the but aevcral year, In diice the truateei to look lor a continuance ol the aarae. '. !-r Iloitrd fur vonnr ladie raiv be obtained with the I'reeeptieii, al f ) per leisloa, wiiboul any' extra eharge Oilier Umitut Ju lba. village and1 vicinity- wilt ' alvn take male and' iemale hoarder!, at or about ibe vain rate, r , Tuition in the female department ai follow!! . per ieisiov For lower branehel, ' $10' Higher bi aucliei.ai paiating aod em- - broidery, fli Mgvic, (eprte tharje) f il Latin aiid French. . fiS In the. Mate Dt partmeat there ii aO vaiiation in tuition feet; IS dollaia per vcitkia being th regular elurge lor each alaincal or r.ngluh ludeut. -..': z BY .OnilF.tt Of TUE BOARD. neeemlier 10, lSSr. S Sw ' -Ht-gjceer-attd Standard Sw. -- AltCADIA ACADEMY, .X Pow'ct;Tr, N C. ,' i The fint leuion ol the absve ichaol fnr the next year, will begin on Monday, th SiJ day ol Januarr. -.'Mt ' - 'I h aotiri in4 ae4ioj-aibrof ike. Uliib, Latin, and t.reek Language!, Ancient and Modern Geography, Mailiemalicki, I'hllcmphy, Chemiilry and lihetorick, ; Young lirntlnnen will be prepared lor ailmi'.iion into ihe l'rch man or Sophomore Clai lif any College in the country yhieh tt may be deaired Ihry .' ihould enter. The boarding aeholan are limited in BUmbe: Iher all lite Mh'beiuWWberi and are iinili r hi nl management and instruction., 1'k,. l,ii.K,l Hrir. fnm ki.,H smt Il.tttAn ftftw- . 7. 1 . . . . " o Hollar ami a hall per lemon, (tire wwmhfjl. tsitsttmunt betwidiri'adva'nte. r. I he ilHiinn Ii deci.ledl healthy, and remarkably free trom all corrupting Influence. SI Sw mum liiJt-i'V WILMIX3TO. AIVD RALEIGH ,' HAIL KOAD. i . - ,. II.VLtrAx Depot, Dec. 5tii, 1837".' The Engine with Train of Coaehel aad Car leave Ihe l)cni. ilaily at 6 A. M. via Weldon and the Hotttmnuih and lloanoke Kail' ttuad, and arrive at I'oitimoulh in time fir pataeuger to take the Meaio tioat lor Maltimore and aalitngton City, w , . ; 1 he 1 ram leave. PoH.onlH daily at 9 A. M. amt arrive at Halifax la time for ptttengerr to taker the Kxnre Line nf Stacrt lor W a- mingion and Steam Iloat Line for Charleston A tfnrmlwee or-fieitbt received at the lt"t will be hr warded wiihuut detenlion amLall freight received by I lie Kail Road will not beallowed to remain m the ivarchuuse longer lhn Vwiiour. Ralctol Freight between llatil'a aad Porti- mnutb on Cotton 5.S cent, and Rreeerie ami Dry finoil 3d cent per 100 pound i'--Pacn get $Si 51 w ' La Vaile Female Seminary. 'The cirrcise of the abort Inst'iutiru wilt rc "iqtncnteon Monday the Stb nf Januarv. - . TIPPOO 9. HR0WNLOW. ,- V f" lie. . is.ir. - SI iw wr- . . .. 's.. .... ir iiui'i - j . s ' ..im.ifli v:2? J ,A1 o order, . at th Com ot xSr- btld lor Vayne; valuable TRACT OF LAN laT.l.J , Frederick Burn formerly Hve7'Vh' btut r hundred and fifty AT.ul tame titue and place, abowt aixcrn titfJ., and boy.wome nd children. - -, . " N..WASHINGTOX, OhmW.'. ' . AVavnciborongri, Not. ST, 1J3? so 3.) Arcadia, Uea, II. IS37. . 1 M. . ..fc.aaMy -I t ( I . w I i - - I r-r-- PROSPECTUS . ' ; The Carolina Patriot, ' : A weekly ncwapaper, rubli!jef in tbato) of t;rtct..bor,t N. Cooa lar)! Impcifd ,. docdlo Arituliur,. Polniai, Miwllany, ( Marality , Korcirn k lomet ttewm ' . Tb lai VTee!eOitiTelS ba"tBJ unilcrpone a parthil eh an re ot baodi, (he preavnti roprie ton deem it axpcilient to preient to the teailinj piiblia a ihort ayaopiii of b pritieijilta op"' which they intend to act, and bcjajiush 'ley e peel to b guifletl, in the attempt (t " " discharge the retoibleibl which jhey, in common with alt other eoo-lueiw ol e'l'r per, dw tdf tbe omplmiri dli cni"-"! tloubly .arduoua by the awful .tuapena d,H:l leemi to percade the moral and iba politki pert of fwe mueh fear) t"m ."lie ilbbaYtiog timet " 11 non ab'ich we are fallen. ,.:$,, 7 Tli1rVnee1?tlwi 'riiettlojh. in them lira) W preient heir umero..f read- era with audi CiptiiittOh tt( lb,HWtlrTt thei iy of (he National liorernnient 'jhf iteein mitt eoneiiit with T theletfr and apirit ofoiir Rloriout Ijonitilutinn, beat calOtlated to airike lite nulilie mind within, fonee t enlilt ,-rti tlornvmt, bat now million I r rxeiten pn nn. I which, it ncrsuleil in. maval ooJitiai.t it rioil. become an iniliiiment in (he hanilt of innij anil ambitiimi men, wherewilh In fei tlmie immortal Uciiliiei whii h th Aiithnr our being hath m'le liiscepliblf cl the highf pjuihle cult irat ion, ami whole prpiesiive f pnnian eonaiimtri ihe only tafe gnarantjr aintt the ilcluirc prompting! ol natural or ct- Irieletl prrjuibce, (lie well-laiil tclteme M hitinn iht? bliml ceal of iniicrfttilinn--the rci' Imiir'i of 1 ifulrialc narlc anirii.1 mil. '-if eiMii se. ihe only mrc foumhuion. unou wbb tOTPinmeiil like ou: can lone wHIitUnd iie i uiId ibockt nt political adeertiiv. InHrril, tke r but one Hep between icepliciuu ami a tone liamlimment ol all pnncinli-, brthr in mat or in politic liar, at a et isia in the afTnirll a nil i in. which aeeni! to lineal. 'a it erv trncp, huw eaiv ii the tmnsilion ran) a Sir of fi-nfia! ind fTi-tence and torpid trcirilr. tilhrn a I uneonirioui ol ilancer. to a willinr anunfion - TTnThF (tutiHei of any itnn howcTer oolp' l-44r1",T4rlc't'he haTf ttre fil iuiien trf9"r to 1 awiine me tuiice w i.im. I While, lln i-.tiite, ae aball ctnoae tobli ernitir the laitlilen repreieiilMiie whoJ tiling iipnn (he honcit prejudice of an tjprce img people, ihall aim wlely at hi. own (ran dixrment orlhe pro"mbri?ihof tome airtloiii aapirant I oflire, misleading and buvingr ttiil unhallowed purpntr, Ihe public min i il all be our iiprcine plrature In award tbe ied of priie to that public Uuler "who, e Mlecy the people. In llm throne of government, ci'ihah. ed on the batu nl jimice, libtrtv. a equal rtgMa, bau on hi brnw CTiirt il a Natl ma 1.". I IV. "and bo. In hi a alk reHre'. a let nen and humility, which 'bcprk Ihe fear find.' and which by a certain innate lorcr. rat fcrc- ver command obedience lo the 'Ijiw lltvh in h im reign tupreme,' . proninting hi'elo rlta penu reward where moit deterveijaml 'In imilr, with edge vimlirlivr, now lightywhear ily, according to Hie nature of the erf.' Nor llm 1 1 we naia unnoticed the ateiman. ho darei be hnneit, ami who in theall of I gltlalion, watchful, Jluhrihtd. ad.Acorrupl anu party onrjMr, me enmmnaweal, i Yiriue'i awtui ragf, iiiall pleart Iihv rtgnt. tvj truili u clear, with argumrnl o itreng, wikkclioa to uneere ami lone n loud and deepbJ make the cri.iging dejnngngue bluah for (hie, and the deipoi to i t jreat jn cunfunwa belli 'bil ada mintine gat.J- ' f In regaid t tbe principle! of pt and prcaeflt admiaiitratina, candor amljlriolivirt like admnniih ui to interpoae our bible eflort lo arrett ihe progreM of eieetitivuiurpation, and la check, that . pronenet to )n-onliip whkh hai been but too prrvalettfr Ihe lait eight yeati, and which (we believe about lob tuceeedtid by a tpirit of independ inquiry a- moag tlic people, who alone can ar the, only corrective remedy against Ihe ahni that, bare Crept into the practice ot the gnveoettt. We atiall avail ounelvei of the t publica tion! ia Literature, Morality, Apulturc, the Mechanic Art and "MiueHany to procure which we ihull irre no paint bee determined lo render the Patriot a welcome, ?ekly aililant t all hi reader: We alio inviieen of leiiuie and talent to enuiribute toonr eimnv TEltMS: 1'h Patriot it prind M l .laifarh extra imperial Sheet, ot pureit ite, wiihuew maierhl, and will he furniahed I tie low rate off 2, JO, in ailvance, ar f S ilni nid within 'jra mnnin aner we raacipi H fie irav ber. , , . :t . i . I a . "JOf I N m C-A NO c. a.n Hans,, i (J ret niborough, S. C., Nnv.,tS. STOP THE It IJ!V AU11S! LEFT ety plan. I at ion In Penan if I County, the J silt June lait,"J negro men, via. ttT'f- Jtr.nE.var a ELl.WK. let neet ihcv are aim. ing for a free State, or nauina aies men CUHHY i of rellnw ennmlexn. about S4 T".r 01 .. ,",n, ""e fet letinehei high, -giti vr oevween ine not pi hi up nd bok. . is I.. . i . , I IIL WUIT I. ,r . , . . ... . ; " V K -K'ty--pjeVaMmeTy- "'7 nu wnna (eelhj wrt a war over hit leftry; abent Bve fecl ail f levea inche Mgti; niieoout-g rear rgeTT7 , - ,,,,FJ.LJ.Uvi.jfj aplex( W a bnthy head, abut five feet, tin or levn mehe high, and IS o- 19 year of age, with !or on bit ieft cheek. I .f: .ii if They ware ofj-, when they leftrnv nremicei, Ilroad tn.th Coaii aad Pur llat., It i likel) Ihtv nvy be woi king on the fJaitwi Kail Itnad. I offer lleward nf ONETlUNIltEU t)OI.. LAItflo anv perlon ha j)( ,prehendTId Negrr and aonflne them in any Jail in ihi State, io that can get ihemj and TIY() HUNi nUWiietH J.ms. out til the State. i .! . MOSKS CHAMBERS ' Prto auoty, Dm, , 137.,. jo Jt ..f WW I' Tare nil 1 EPlSCOPAt SCHOOL, nt and (iuardian iKim,,,r,lti, tr,,,m. el lhat, by uiimn lUM,ltio, ,f ,s U.l '(fnni-rnli!tt abaKrhht4 iV r- . It Oth init., the Epiicopal SebonK,, ntlieved of w-t .-"'--- 1 11 i.Mr itn iim it emuarrasimenit, anu pHtagaimn aiau Tar lurcesilul operation and , that , lb, following ,h.nge, h. been Made to meet tbVhanc l ' jme J ani t,e expectatien of th l'ubu ? I. Ih prieeot iinarn ,ant Tuition litx'been reduced firim SOatO ISO dollar whicli mfw. ibVli when paid kto the Tresilry, it to be kept aWj arate, and applied exclusively le- Ibe uppoi. ann intiruciion 01 me pnpii. i. t l -r Bedding and book wiU be lnrnihcj a usual by' the School at a moderate charge. ', Noexpra.se of any khut Ii in be incurred by a piipil.cieept by order ol ihe Reelor of Ihe School. Nonce ii hereby given, that, In caie any Merchant or -Mechanic in the flaee shall credit pupil without such order, the bill will at bt ftnitt. - j S. An tiigementi are made m tbe School Tor th most lull and tpeedy preparation for en trance into any nf eur Coltegra. ' . T S. No boy, except he be a Commnnisant, wj) be permitted t enter Ih School alter 14 yean of ag. ' ar'.V ', ' a-.' ; . ;' ... .,;,, 4, Day Scholar art hcrealter excluded from tbe Institution' ' . 5. Tbe School will again open, under the em, eicnt Supermfendanc of ihe Re. - Moici.A. Ccnna, with competent tuoaial Teacher, on the I7lh day ot January next. Parent and Cuardiaai deirou of placing boyt la tbe School, will confer lavof upon the Hoard, by giving notice nf the tame to the Rev, Gao, XV. Faix- 1. of thi City, at thtir carliett convenience. By Order ef tbe Hoard ol Tnuwi.' "'-..- U 8. IVES, Prett." Raleigh, Nov, t IW ' , 10 4w under whiel, c have .0 long ,yca Ihe ..ert A"17(cl;""1V', rVr,V"r eSn of rational liherly-to direct "all it encrgiea tit Ter J'8'1 """ CUTl.Utr, cdn ,ome rrt,ii, pofnt, and thereby lo imp. I to if "7 ""'. n" ""j S.e'"." .nmelixeilne,. of purpo which .Kill eltectu.U ! "'If ,"' ' .' ?! ".ll erV'"un ly prevent any iWiher tendency to-ardi-.h? IJ51,,W,,,1L,, ' torpid indillVn-nee nrlhat polkM aoep.ui-ff "f '".'l ru,t ft' te' whlh .ecn,. ,? ,i, .ike an inil.hu, pp.H. "Ul 1 Ai? r i jJUhe Stan lprmtrTy occvpifJ by l:i ' '. iJ. 'Jlaviuty If Co. "j-'; )K , 1 "IOMPSO. & llECItWITir, f-!iectfiilly Milnrm Iheir. friend and Ihe pub lic that Ihey hai frlmed a eo-prtnerhip in the JEW KURT," filLTKItSMITH and WATCH HKIXU BUSINESS. - They hat rcccnily pirchated the Slock af njMS.1V& LhS lltlMAAt, m4 iie of lhe paHnara hi JuM re. tirncdlrom finm Vrjik,' tub largo anurwu . 1 ' .1. :. I- . . ' , . . maul, """f'll .Hi! tilei SiUerAfcTIo ,.ilr Kwgliab anl Krrncb Unfchci- '-rnlaniliiL nlll-if. har-ltnig!. IttrMit.Pint ind rinetr-IJiairi: ;'' mil Kob linn Seal?!nd Keylt Wntri .'0 tong ann sail BiinoM: Kazor Miran. a nw urlitU; I'liied CatlutH) Candlcitiekt; Waitecff Haskell; hinillen and I raji, - A gcnernl ttsorl merft of CLOCKS. Uiiniiiii i W are in full aelli; Tooth liiruliei Silk and leather I'ur e; Steel Chaini and. Key.it tiold and Silver mounted Walking Cane,', of the latest ilylr; Haeammon ttnxei A' general Ai o (nient of I'tllFC.UF.llY for Ihe Toilet. Mu.io Itnxei, attorled, tinlil, (iilt mi l Jet Hllrklel; Silver Snuff Hoxci, Thermometer!; Steel I'cnt, Sic. bte. ate. fTJ CLOCKS, WATCHRS, JKWFJ.ItY and T'LA I K, ol every description, elranted and repaired in belt aiyle, with deipatch, and war ranted lo give aaliifaclion. Order! from the country punctually ; attend ed to. .Nov. S9, 183" SO if . AKf- HATS! Tbe lubltriberi have on html their u.ual lim ply rf city made ihoci, cdinprUir.g Uailiei, Slnet, and chifi'ren'i Kid and Mo rocco Slippen. Stal and (Jalf Walkina Shia. fiailor llooli. W hile Smin mil colM Kid Slip per!. India Itubher Cloth Over Shoei, Fur trimmed. Alio,- Meii'iand bntl Leatlier 5-hoel. Drneani: and Women'i Leather Shoe. AJgrneTlit-lsinrlment of Fttshioiiaklc Beaver and Silk Hals. All of Inch will be told ntdiir umal low pri ee. II OWN tt SXOW. Ililcigh, lit Voy 1837. : 46 2m 11H V... i .1 . r i . The great nnpularity and eilahlithed demand for tliii valutihle medicine, render! the contin ual Inn of a 4tmglhy, dvertisement unnecessary. Numernut leitimoniali nl their value (lately re ceived ) from gentlemen of ihe highett reipeeU bilily, jn addition to thoio arenmpnnying each bo, may b teen on applicxlinn lo any of Ihe agenti. The II are put up in a tuperinr ityle, it tin boxei conlauiing 40 pull, with lull tJu cc, lion. I'rtee SO cent per box,- I 6 uenti nr purchaser the termiof commimion and d icount are liberal. All communication! will be prompt- -Ttf ineudl'dTc-.TiJ " " ?T" J ilU.H J U .Ur, -tiw'T-Agef!t. fj OIBce, Morgan St. Ualcigh, lit door, wett . t of the Preabjterlan Church. ... Jnst received a largo supply oi F.nglkh Drawing paper, eomprtting Antiquari an, Double F.tephant Columbia, Atlut F.lephanf, and all other liiei in uie. Aim a complete at- jrtrnent 'jrfBngUiK TrerfiSpTis'triTTahil plain UoliT ptiier, 'ltKe'iaperil"riiiiiiHH,rit'ipei'j' I racing paper, Morocco paper, I Issue paper, Driitol Boards, F.mbotied Hoards, perfntated Card, Mathematical IniTrnmcnts, F.nglith and tierman divider. Scale, Pen, lead Pencil, In dia Ink, Neman' Water Colour, Heaves' Waa ler Colours, in Uoxes and by single Cake, Par-, allel Jiulri round ami flat, Dutch Opaque tad.' eemmo Quill, Sealing Wax assorted colour. Wafer ateorted colour, Hliick. Ked, Japan and fluid wrttmglnk, glim,-cork, ratc Vronic and wooden Inkstand, 911ml llojei, Ink Powders,' rtil.andbltck. llnving and 4oil fteanac ttair. Ileth. tooth, nan, eomti and ihavimi isriuhr, al ui vttpertur tiiHinj , iimvi.iii t.rwatiea C4 Itiaca- ing,. and a variety of other articles too ledioua to mention. - For tale, at the North Caroliaa Hook Store, No, 8, Fayelleville itrert, Raleigh, N. 0. TURNER x HUGHES,,. - Valuable Properly for Sale. . Ily virtue ol a leeu anil agreement, entered intai, bearing data thcr C'lih day of May, IS37, between John S. Powell, of the firat part, and William-Ay. Johnson, of the leeond part, will bo exposed at public i;ilc,.on Taenfay Ihe SSlh November next, before th Court Home door in Smiihfield, all th following prfierty, nr 10 much tt shall be laffieient to tatialy said Deed, vi. one tract ol Land, containing eight bun dred and eight and half acres, lying in this county, on bath sides nl' Mill Creek, adjuiumg ihe hind ef Col. Jehu Euan, James Lee and othr. - 1 , 1 ' - ) . Also, one nlher tract of land, containing three hundred and twenty-eight and a hall acre, about 3 milet east nf Smithfield. ' ,... , Also, th following town pmpeity, in the town af Smiihfield, lay No. 3.1, hereon John 8. Poifell now lire, including a large two story Dwelling House, with other necessary biiililtntt and garden with two- large and eeeamodtnu .Cl.ia.i. Unii.n. tn I ha, . nh a,.,l ntliaM ini. rfl laid town, a exarettvd-intaidDced, togrthev wh a,l hit hoiiaehold tnd kitchen furniture, tnd'itack of all dettripliona, , "s , . .TcNh mult kuewn. rn tle dar. ' v JOHN S. POWELV '" V WM, W JOIINSOV. Jobnilnrtnnnty, Sept. 0. IS37. ', 3S II w Ralclshaud nlon Kail ltoad fcrS , . , . Olllcc, - ' Of7a6erl7, ISfi The foil o ing instalment! tr required to b paid on the clock of thi Company, .: ': -'t f 10 pr tbare o tha tst.lay td Jan'y next, 10 v " on the 1st M, of Feb. , Payment will be received at th Office in Ra leigh; at the Enginerr'i OfBe in Warrenton; by Mr. Samuel Mordecai, in Petersburg, anil Metir. Joseph Marx ec Son, hi Richmond V. Interest will be allowed and charged at hereto lore. The progress ol thi work.it inch lo require Ihe strictest punctuality to be observed ia tbe payment ol inslm'menti. H ( t .-' n Ily order of the ft need. ' , , i .l'0- W. MORDECAI. Preit. . . ..-" "v., z. ---; 49 f Rt.iH and Stai,lr4 'U tl Dec. - . - f Grand Lodge oC Tt. CAroliua. tV&fe&MjMt ' 'SV'- Omeer; Member nd Delegate are hereby noised that the Annual .CiwnuMMiketioit of the Grand UHige nf orlh Carolina win oe.nciu ,1,- t..nnt Ilall i In the citf til Raleigh, Monday evening he SJihV December, and will enminue Jilting from evening to '"" until all 1 untitle wuieii may cenjw. wrwe it it dienoacd d, f ...:,: v. !S ' fsamgi aaf wrbjiwtistils .aniwMJjJ,fi Aitf.gts. ed toattrnil in person, or cnuie proprrt;eu-giea to h)pipinlei1,':eordin t the Conitiiulion and HyeLw of the Ci and Lodge. ;', tly Order, , . . 1 WILLIAM T. DALVC. Sc.- Kleigh, Nov. 13, IS37 ( fyflK,lr n'' S,n,l'' fbre weeki. $tui orwrils Carolina. ' ' CHATttAst '.CotfSTT. '- William H. Mcrritt Ct oiher,' fgtitios In icll Land. fleorre Mav antl Wif!. J lWlMenit.ii.il wi'L lake notice, ln "n fneirth Thiirnliy fn Dee next, William II. l? ritt, a Rxecutiir of tieorge .Merritt, deceeI, will tell, aceunlwig In a. tiecree of the Crtunty ,Conrt of Chaihaiu, the whole ol the ta(e l the aaii I IJeorge Merritt, On credit of nine itioMhi; ami upon ihe preniiei, where the par. litr to aaid petitio can appear or not, a they think tJlmper. I -' AV. II. MERKlTr. Mill tfill. Nov 9ih. 1S37 47 fix Unix ersliy of ftortfc-Carolian. I'he allntlnl meetitit, nf lh llnai il ATVn.., of ti University nlilut Slate will he held al Ihe K.xrciitivo Office, inlhe eitv of Raleigh on Fii- day; Ihe ii9ih day-of December next. The profeisorilrip of A neienl Ijingtiaget, vaca ted by tlie re,ination-t)f Dr. W. Iluopcr, will r lhat lime be filled., .. tlASr-M A N LY; Sr erof Rntrd," -.,B.'elbJiot3.r.1mr-Jw,Ji: IK EM DC? ACADEMrT I he exeieivetofibi Inilitulion will clnte en rrnJay the Sihnl Dtcember rmuinr. with nuh lie exam matnn ot the mull i,t. and Wi.l b re," siimnl s-gmn on Mmuhiy the lith nf Januarv. 18JS. I lie llnikrliiu'il. beintr urotirirlnr an. I inucinai iiviriicli.i in 1110 liislilnt on. won d he glad to arenminodatr g or 10 bnarder at $7 00 a monin. imtinnior common Kngluh f.7 0 MathemalifiiltlO 00, and Latin ort.rttk tchdl, ars irfa ieaniw. Noatndent will be taken lor leis than a seuinn. The iuMilltlinu, though not incorpoiatid, will hereafter be mtDKgt d a, ittch, a number nf gentlemen having consented lo act at Truitcei. A trict and rigid ditcipline will he kt-pt-up No large student a ill he re ceived who is unw illif.g to tiibmit to all The rifle and requisition! of tlie iclionl. Sindenla boaii. ing with Ihe mbyriber In particular will b re quired to be very rder!y in their conduct I hey will not re allowed'te make noise about hM l!Piitej. !ii pXtiinijfh i, nrun about on U. Sabbath. They will generally, be kepi ai ubmd a part of the diy on Saturday, n I pb SaiidaJ will be required to recite on llible queiriuua at tbe Actdeniv, 'Ihe tubieriher would rcTttk. howerj4hat ia answering flibl nueilioai eve ry Ihinsf blgnitid or sectarian will he carefullv avoided. I here will be a female aiiislant. Lit tle g'rlt under I V jesi will iborefor be gladlv received. Should any te entrusted 10 ibe care ol Ihei Jiibsoiib. r. averv atli niion will ha !,.. lo Iheir mnraltis well as education. Adausa'c Lalinand V alpto'i Creek Urammar. VVnr.ea. U"r' tieoeinnliy. F.mei toja'a Alilhinetle M'lm eT,-ttmi. anilTnlrodUi UrtrTkin n used exolusively. All nwtnnt Wishing to booid with Ihe tuberiber, wdl .-.lease hilorra him bv letter, directed to liuitburg. N. C. ; - . Ileniilnii Acadnmv, near Louiabure, ? November 85, 1837. t w JOIIX Y. HlCttl. Register a 'id Sumlard i time -.49 4 . r. "" spjioojr A F F.M ALE SCHOOL, will b opened at mv honte, in Not thamptna' connly, twelve mile west of-Murfrertboro', N. C. the Sif Mnndry ia January nrti, under ine ennirwi 01 Mia Iwi it. Moon, a Lady from the Noi-lli, wlio enmet well recottimrnded, having been et'nca'rd'fnr the (turpoMtf nf tctcliinir. Uuh Kb wjll teach iilftlre4 clioorGaTbean in openttioa, the large tj uially taisghl inAcariamicv jol aitKleirla it bwuwfcr.i.lutMubered, I ch, if required. I almost uhiulerruuhid health they have t English branches usiia together wan Irene TRHMS OF TUtTZaX, Reading and Spelling, $8 00 per K tsinn of S " mnnlht. Other bianche j0 00, ' , ... Hoard can he had in my family ai thirty dollar ' y. per Session ol five months. Slricl aiteiilioa will be paid lo the comfort af the tiearetr J A". II. WOOD." Nonhamptoa Co. N. C. OeU Si, U:57, 41 4.1 rrr 1L W. MILLER liaremnv. ed hi rfliee to that of ihe Sutet iirilrt Clri U, in the Courl pfjouse, where be may be found, except when neeets.vilv abictit ' t llaleig'i, -Nni 1.IS37 r 4S - Jtalc of !orllt Carolina, Gatp.s Col'nit.- ; r ,r; Court of Pleas and Qnartef Scssionsr Joseph Freeman, F.iteentorT- -' -r - ot Uavid Fretmin, dec d.-- I t'f. " s. Pet ii ion to prove Msi tha Moore and Jimet Vhe wilt of David Freeman, Ann l-e and JSa- I Freeman. rail Wellalord, Dislrihuleet - u ot lavitf hreamau, J 4 " ' In this Ckjte. it a'ppearini; to ihe Court that Martha Moore nd Jamct Frfcnian .are nm in hbiantaof lliilSiale.il it or.len.l by thrCnuit that publication be made in ihe Raleigh Star for ii week, for the said Ma. ilia Moore tnd Jamrt Freeman to tppear at the next terra nt llm i;rurt, on the Si.! Monday in Fehrtry tixt, and oppote the probate ed David Freeman' ill, if ihey think proper. . ... Ten . W.C.. DAUr.HTRY,Clli. t I; ' : 1 " :. si i ' iTAVEKX ESTAIal.ISHME.T. A i' Jacksom. N. C -l'I h itibieriber, having taken lhat Well known a ad commodhm T.4 KF, .V ESTJUMSU MEAT tn the tow; of Jarkson N. U kmf lor the last teveial-yeare by ' Samuel Calveit, biq. na lurnisneu it, at area! pain! antl upente, lor ihe accommodstion of travrllen, and the nuhlie renerallv. - H hot. lhat. bv hit nndi. vided and unremitting tttentiotj o ih duti, ine riiauiiuiment, he will nient and receive a large pnrtsnN nf nuhlie natrona-e. '.v ; T.I Jtr.fi Ml lwavt b furnished with Ihe very best that b country , affordi, and hi ll.1t! witn IheehwicCsT Uqilnft tif very-kind. ' Hi STAULES will, at ail time, be auimlled wilh every variety of provendrr, and receive lb attention ofjhe belt and teoit axperirnced Ott, lert. In coneltision, the enhteriber would re maik, that he i aar of the l"lal hitulneiency of pritmitrt, mad in dvertirinenl of thi erl, tnd he, therefure, tolicilt from the, ttavelliug public trial, and ii he should fail to give enlii aliafaeiina to thnse whtt mav give him call. they will be at liberty I aeek. accommodation Itewhrre, and he ill never tgciii tolicit Iheir rwrrc7iiagr" . ..,.. . , - jamf.i n. coospley, Jackton. V. C. Nr. 10,.137; 44 iw ' JCST PUBLISHED,' ; . CtLI.YV V I Fi doora South ( vj . Drug Store, FafaTTir. . ' Carolina, --:, ' . ".. , . ABF. NOW opr; A LAIZGE flVrpL C0.VSI8TIKO OF EYEKT auiKj ? .iltKStRAB LB OR'rAS HtONAt" Which Ihey r?,.;,finfiilly cumert, tn.J.the riil.,ia -etaniin bel.,i p.tm l.,, ' -,..' are determir.rd nn( t i k , lirvij ; Var on rrnit.- Clt, .. . - at en aomitt t.f the fwllowinr tuil(i,K Lun$Ulu?cii -v jiotue i.reen Apple Olive Ilrownuo ) London Drowit . Napoleon Violet, U. ' Dahlia , J CLi . - - .SiTiuniue b Hj'k (PlaiJ) "0 nrrenei Dov . Zebra p!aid V '-' Srripril, and CuiilrU Scraa Ifjin Silk Velvet - I I. njtrea no. 'liinpexl S He . " l:Va vw'n. t,nt Tei:' nun catnmi.r , J . M tin, Ya.Vnti 1 " Mohair ' - ' f J "" - i To;.tttet uith a general tutor, t'ssujojiiai: aiiDT Win Cioti ' Tciinnnt's Celebrated Sh,' " (auirxu to ait ") ) susPF.xur.RSt nosKiif ra.oi: Salin Cowms, nml Lisea A Ittifllcd Sliirt Colims, n eatl and round topt, ; Aad in.acJ,r-ih4hat rijjy: our line 01 imiae, to tuit old w TAttrrt utilch wlllbenniIeurilnnnU noiice, in Ihe most fashionable !)!. C men nr ihe Iwtt thai can be potiiilTk. at th North, and we think lhat, acde'v own eaperitMejwiU-intursfc public patronage. All oriler from a r will niaef wilt, prompt ttetufun. -CJet'j raulej tt, Jit. .:v . f .- s-v v;, t .; Lilclirord & Olircr f It-tnm lliiiie ihti.kt for formerMppart,:' endeavor to nieiii ita eonl invitnee. ' ; - " - : Limirouo a: oii-; P. S.. Person fiirivisbir c tlmir on ran rtjly upot) hi- iug their t.'Vnih a ae a lUotiith wa titrniihod the ailial.. LiJ h.ic-ijj j, tct. si, - 4i; 1 1 1 iim. in .-ini "hi -t -imj-1-? s-aferTr-T - '2'ho Ntja;i3jDia an Tha ixaR.suctle a tbe-atatknta I W iatifto-;H take ulaas) is blfaJv aid jfar tt I Sti Atf4 1 3ih of eernhir. . Tbe-exwisua of the auKmfrWTrra Hifci th fi!rnrfi Jnarr ootl. nnder lU- BifttVsa bftrM,( U9 tubttfe.W, f.V hr nitowmg upartiit-tti' l,.W. teurae fffwdit putvuad in Ih! ioatimti. . tliits tUi-tilfr f3ep;iVj8 ' .'fi8ipr!Sog I TuioaljratMilieof tr and eitenatr t'li'um ribimt.Tu ' . j II. ITfue CaaM:A. Tiv parts. Comprising th Laim rnd C(k LsJ and Liti rature. " ' ' ,4 4 .aiajtafcijil ;-.at-i iteect, 5 , COmpeiaioif AVtciUMtusTpv-, T ry4 Natuit Plii'inAy ( i h-tiry ; W alt b) vtiO tleug., i euterlaS, prepaia'ni y tuiiti rl !'M:r, nud liter, autbora, atiml.il by tk Sivsilis- nf nnr oi lent Univet tiiy at i hnpel liiit, will be, forlh, lnai iahly adhor Jd' let.. IVult.a if. larglng tbe acbiKt, liwr Trustee l are at tk engaged in raiitg fund ha ih purpose ing large and euiamndiou I.Im ( i hoped, wil( be auMplelcXruiTy ui thee year, ' -T The (litlaiinu nf the eillaje (Jaiktnn) af the A-admv loeutvd. it elowaiwt ami M Indeed, when wc ao.isiitertbe lumrtbof ti we are forced lo di eonclusiou Ihnl 4h it on of the lieairbVtirm tbcf tlrrV jaf State. .: . ,.. i , Ke boy oldijordeilf er.nduet will be a into the institution, or if admitted, will suffered to remain after he ia found to b rTgibie. ThT excellent rrculaiian was t lirf Ihe Tr ntlee an the. commence meal Jr. . 1V. .l; : r r.. present acitmamua. yi I siniv it a atuusart, have been evincetl, thi'eugbnnt the year, S forinty good demeanor an the part , of li dcnla.r In Ihe fare et thi fnel, bnwever. ji truth of a Mali 4 -confidently ap-wl nnl i the Troueei of lh imiion but t h tint of the place - and of i't vicinity gesr ol any feipertebiiitg r ttandmg.) ra been art aH oat and circulated,' wuh a teal ; 'f fLSOiL JfJ-Vi il0ttajii;Ulo--Uie4 haraclor of the place at lo ttv wtanding '( nrritittimrThr isserlirwi may b 1rh 4 my aeqiiainlance, is, tt Ihit lime, more i I fres- !- templaiiona I viee-Oe diiK than the one in which this Semiemiy isa" An able and competent assinant I etcher" emplnyed, whose servires will be devoir' 3rd department nf stmliei, in which he the aid nf an entirely new matheinatical a I l t 1 . ...i . - . iuwiiiuchi apparatus. . Pantentm, aeMinw forth U airu ' i Sua. will be given hervHlter., i - , - , - ItOli'l. A . tL.Z,r,Ul, i't i' : Jacks-n.Oct 8( U.17. ' Register and Standtrd will inaert "i'i' d lo discontinue; and far ward their ac it. . r.,, 1- BKIiXAJ53aiajTl! H AS tha day npeied. nl hit Vaich,J'' Fancy an 1 Pei luinerj Store, r ( NO.- IV, 1 AtXTTlVIM. HTttXT. ' Art extrntir and fashionable Assort" KFJV GOaJ.V in hit line.- which k : al reduced IVew Vorta; Prices i Hit friendt and thcTmiblv eentrs"? ' thed to call and examine for them!'' lully perinadrd lhat Ibe cods, tt " i price, will give satisfaction. All description ol CLOCKS "''' ,.S cleaned and repaired in htttc"" . ml manner J,,. ; " t.l and SJver manufactured In ib"p ionublr and tutieriur tl v le, at the ther"" i whh punctuality. .".' '" ' I Old Hold antl Silver ttikea) In et", j ' Raleigh, No. SO, JS37. , ' v ; : -Z? iaiiii ot ineainieoi 1 '-a 'V clina v ,1 The Anr.n..l Mcelinj of ' SV", (hit Hank will he hld at tb-ir U"' in tbit city, on Ihr J!ri Mood J i J" Etlclgb, Dc. i;iS3? ,. - . '"'- J- '. - . ; - .--..... ,. - - ' :-J - ' " '- - ..if,'' r'"' It - - - , ' V-i w Vi 9

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