;''i' :v: .'-7,." ' i. '4' ' v . 'I' Jj' r.rn tfce c Uin.Vt fa c; ta CINCINNATI S. CHARLESTON' It . We le.iro l!w(t the X muiSi..t.'ii- cioruti aii l C!uriit.n rs I ro I cttinp r. . hae Tiujc .ia&cl II u.iU jr r-' I," ai'lTh . urij),a.tc.ouintiJi:-3 tiwfiflriearfr-T hrwffThitfrWTJfCi ITaJr.e Conor J.r al B ai d and a first rate cawet-r..' T.? d rtctus have Js j , decided to r it l .e ri.TJ fra-n CiJ''j!a l IJrat.cH- tinier contract on the fift of next Fe'jrararv. The fmte decided on. if. ti- ra fro n ' A 'u trut ia - airtight linir 5 J m.ilri L( f've Cwyare i-f a ab.iyjrIcO-o'r J" f-frr. wbere.it will cm-s that trejn ami jim cee'l bT-vraf nf ii; ufirr a little i t-'ie eaC''C,ir;-f.9i!rneH.Vil.kjni. reaiona which 'mCarttod xU II nfrtl to aHcct tHi routfwe mn.K'raiand, are i tSeie-the rir atlUT4 fnAat can b V paased where U Is tt mWe' than 430 wide, on a rock Iwtt'im j' at thia point, j4h a road cai be oailed from Camden, l X'rW.lr.gidrtlMii!(7o 8i(iM u bfrVaidjIinmi the rklK-nt psrt rf 1' Kerahswatd Si niter disfr'.c!, V.ii!f the rad from Ciilu Sla t the f.'oinjaive -- 'r.eir niil rui thwigtj 4rtclwt n of 'Tlehland ditfrici, llitwcn tlie Ctree ltd O a-ijre'turw th ra I will lie ace?vnWe tn thr ht part ol 8t. MitthewVParuh a id of O ang . pr d:rr'ut. B cnsing ihc C nare e "t.iw dow,n, it roreta Hie tt;tm! wt n.ivija tiw her it ni't rarcl v Ue irtMruj fi?4, the diil'icuttie in tint ' nariittoti .. b.nng ahuve that point. A iotW e-eit olyect ii elerti Urane'iviTTe a the point of junction that it w".IJ enah'e the cirS fiortt 'To- Ura'iia to meet.thixs fro';ti ChirKeaton, tocinvty all the piKenj;pr IVonn i, the B'irtTi, from Cam den ;or C-idutnliia, tt;fWftS?(WI'i''TrtlTlf'''"TT't ttntf.irt ofjW pvat 'f-.II' road route -'.JrtnvlJoitoir W New (Meaiisr. : '" ' -The tins thtif abetted will be a f-' Jii41a.M,dr;.aft.lyt..ihft.!. , Itimbii bridge fttd the safid-hill to Oranjebargh,' but the trip can always be perfiK-med in day. This line by ?.IcCorda ran alaa W graded to a riie hat ei4eedin 1 J fef to a mile, the sand-hill hsa trtany diRicult tc : ilivitiea-to" aiftrti lv on'l bidVs'it :r wtjnld briny .nainide to -tire rtisd.- The Srstet of 'North t-arolint and ' Tenncfee'lwinj ivrn their aiiseht to the tarik-charter, it teeam iifcesnry - 'tojncrrafe the capital of the railroad itapnriy"to eigit "million of doHara. Thiwe un Icrs and ha bicn done, and " ' he bink chartft U now secured., :, -The State of Soath Carolina lifts - !e"twd ita crrdit to secure any Insn . hMvHi compaiif may make not fr Cftdln IRJIOflTJO'o This will rnabl ttcm 'tu b rrue- on moderate terms, find remove iha nsceity of callinj on t' ettockt'uldcra for anyconsideru.V iotatoittifW rrr titnci i are eaief; f ' Should the bill be naiued. which is novbefire fheennejt5eef.'gnilalure,' ftr taking one eaiUWn; of the atock of t e company the work will be imnt -diately com nencrd to ron(rutt the road in that State from Knwiyille to the North Carolina line. The toad will tio be andertaken . from Lexington, o th, son- 4-he-eubicriptiofisin, tlut Stati shall have been sufficient f the purpose." JJt the terms prescribed by the stock holder, the fundi raised on stock are in the first instance to be applied in the State where they "are raised. It will : ihd be een. Hut eooujh hav'alreadjr leen provide 1 in S.iath Carolina to car ry the work thrnugh that Stale.and the rury ro eipecJedS'tyejEompteteit abtive Colanibia to the Flii RSaJtby , Aonst next, when the stockholders will meet again and decide the route. - The work above Columbia to the N'Hlh Carol inali 6 eL pi ay. be:, expected Ito be put jnder contract nxt autumn . The jLeglj'ature oT AlrgTi.Ta mel on Wie ltl InsUnt pr-- r : .' Intha Senatf, Ue old ofRcers were nnani. moutly re-electdt Stafflirtl It. Parker. Ej. - Rpeakcri Addi0O tlainfurd, Cterkj Utile bury Allen, Serjeant it Armt Julius Murtin '".and T. L. NcUon, Uaorkerpen, and John " AVarrock Truit ',. ' . . f a the IJuiiia of Ueleffate, Lynn Hanks, T,a. was elef fd 8peker,wKhott oppowtton. - V". Montfort, Cq Clerk)" Col. Viniton, Berpeaat at V.V Mc. Jou StiibUIc ifielJ, Thoa.. Ui anoBoUert Bradley, 8jor. keeper. -f-.''.j".s - . s. V mk the. funqjo extract from Gov. ' Campbeir Uttngt. l.-Thej are upon toplei which hare jreattyjiuted the public niioJ. V anJ fill (beretore aeaS vkh iuktMlt. . The .subject frw hich, unhappily, at this time, l forced upon oar ctteutiou by H deranged condition, is the car- rencf ot the cotintrr. - ,-";..!. " . The" advaataget oflrth one handt of J an twiforni and r alahl ' currency and " tlta evils. ia the other, of a'currency depreciated fand unstable, cannot be easily exaggerated. The conviction of 1 ' ' Chit truth i univeraal The.-JPe4iple, . .and tha Gaveraanect a-welliaa-the . ' Peopl have angina ppreci able itaka in . " whit if perniilsiLiipaiiJ!L moneJ' . - - It was, therefore, 4o "be expected that the first appearand of derangement ia oar monetary systetn, would give rise " - .' t earnesl inqurries about the causes ' ' f which have produced it, and. that these . would Uad .tp . numerous -yropoaitiona if amendment, and Pmk form a . prominent part of that tvstem. and tt-" crt a cootrollina; influence over, the . currency-; it is not a matter ofturpris that the evil by some should be Imput ' , ed, to their ajencjv - It is all important ' -' , ' to separate the accidental from thene- ?.- r- "".iiiiarj resuttiV tfe ImAiii puf.cr.'J e are generally eitfj, but la ftfpl.it HOVD. i t'a t we mar oot Ml into'thexmir of I ss'.f to the work ol judicious improve' il mdontn : institutions of -treat an . ...... - S acknowledged nicfuViesiv tir.der the the riirlesiu mid mistaken, impression that they are in JttiS-rf-irlls iui- ;M.-i.i'cally impilitir, .' " twfiwifcr a :. ' . . i . i .'.l . t, ;'i f ejwefS, with in'icb d'.fHdence. . Ut.; cowmumc.tioa toth Gcueral Asewtbiy, have been coanrntod by ia-quent "reflection. I It would, I hoiibly ronreive, be attended bj rain- a ) oas sacriuc.es,- public an I mdivulaal, t aua,n!or. audJeniy toe banlinv rya- en a It lM.been e'aWihert amons b, of to reatricfrit i au WaTKaonerinS'' t dctiv to the communiiv the faril jtiff to wuicd It ha bs-p accut(oinecL The interest of tue ubi-c, and the novelaDd-l fear dang'wut tendency of aa-ne of-thi p'n reoentlv prnjxa ej is connection with the carrency, will excuse, if they da not icqairevli can lid, yet diiEdfQt atatt-ment ( the coacluaiona t which -mj own ansiu en!iriea have ld m. . . '-? Ithas been Wore than thirty jeara since banking a now practiced, wa incucnura.tf A iti ih- aettJed poltry f the Commonweal tlu 'I b- Banli of Virpiiia waa created in J 804 eight iyeara afterward, time hatii bren al lowed to witneta the 5id or etd ten dency of (he policy, the Farmer B.nk waa eataMUhed. Suheqently, the Niirth Western lUnk and the liinka if th Valley, and at a later period, the Merrhnt' a'lil Xl'clianir"l)airk l Wherling were incurporatfd. In iiKtanera vet morrt- iium.-rou. ariainp iifrnmtktrtavi of lUnlt charfera which, vere ahuut to expire, the Gea- e.al A?emoTy1ia by d.ciire votea g:ven. expret-Luri to ii-aiuucof the cnrnriarritflrt Uvor "f 'the batikinz Mr IP ; abandon a i policy .so lon and foiilv cheriklied, an I cummit the ti per(y, . busineM and welfare of t'i cow'iittriity.apou-Jhd. of -an oo- tried 'experiment?' If it could be shown hat tin resources of private and .nationa', prosperity would have bsn hjCtter til(ivcl(ipf d under a diflVr ent system, still the constderat brj that the habits of the co.inn'iiiity are adapt ed to llie existing order of "thin, and thatoliuiuas themnJtnuJd .juusltl.e ttUTc confidncr, and involve una voidable Mcrificw, tiiiht well be set off a'ainst the demand for tli-orefie perfection. Hut tho reverse of that sippoaitkn i believed to be ti ne JL and that we are in no idiht tleroe inilfchr ed to our l.h. ral aystem of credit an I exchaiiojea fjr the "h therto unexampled srowtli and prosperity of oor conotry itioui inacn actual tapirs', or country 5 was magnificently endowed with all the element from which wealth mijit be securely deriveIj :ts posi tion, therefore, was that 'of all others in which lheracilitie of a jfenelrom credit were mrwt needed, and could with fits most , safHtV lu ii;nnJ permanent advantage,-may be men tioned the work of Internal Improve ments, canals, rail roads, and turn pikes. These must have been delay el to a remote period, if the epare capital necessary iur their const ruc4tn had firat to- be accumulated and Is ttin interim the ' whole country would have suffrred fof,tlw want of the re quistte channels nf interr ominuicatiun, and the industry of those part of it more remote from the sea board, have been, to a great degree. paralUcd. Indeed, the filtering; influence of the credit y$tcm, hitherto npheld, is al together too visible tri oorpast1isfry, hi helevehpemtTit of thr Ticlrre--sources ol ohr country, the rewards of indastry, and the growth of popula tion, not to satisfy us that ita a-rencv h a .lie ta cxlenai tely- signally use-' lul. . I repectlullv submit that a not- XiAjf.rpiedyppwH4--44wel crate sanction of the Legislature and thT commnotty-, and rthat--o far lu been, foonu, mm tnendlf connection with the grjat interrst of the common wealth, should Dutbj lightly nor hasti ly d'parti"J from. - i ' It, objected to banks that thev fos ter, a spirit of reckless :. speculation, create artificial values, and expose the currency to dangerous convulsians. 1 lie proof ts said to be. found in the sad vicissitudes which wi have lately experieucEil, atid fron-whichTAreite not yet recovcreih , Uni the suspen aion of specie pay meat s,; i lie" State Danks enjoyed the confidence of the people and (he Uiiyernment, and their agency vu cenrra'ay roriceuon a ue useful, iCoat i indispensable. They ha I bea not lang before selected, &i the depositoriea of the Geneiar Govern-" tnetit, fcnd "ander ihat arranement, a larjje addition was made to the money which they held onMeposite. The question ecnrs,' whether the suspen sion o( ipecuTpayments be not referas. ble to causes which the Bank had no necessart agency ia ' crcalinjt and whether it be not in , tle reach of pra dent legiiilatinh Mo-guard' aeiinst, the recurrence" of the; evil, without t;n pairioj 1 the capnciti of Banks to be aseful And,' after all whetherit be1 not belter to incur the risk of occa sional incnnvenienre from misjnaJiSf- went or mdmcretion, Sn the" part of the Uanka, than submit to the greater and 'inevitable inconveniences h that must attend their overthrow.'' ; It it by ' (mean ' peculiar ltd banks,' but on the contrary, is a property common to all the invention of rnaafc-for conrri-.Tiinfipa-which are in the , main bcnefi- cial, to be Dow and then the occasion o mischief or cbnfoaion;, and h is the part of-wisdom not I Itrrern. It U of the nature off redit, at im - !p''d a the hjectioo. to present temp I ttloo to roUtjpn.)eJtHJLi:jaC.V,tlEi ifMTiidrrr J hence te.rai .. :... !- -! i.ri. .. iBi uewmu lor. and hence to raise in tie price of whatever is covrfeJ as an jobject of property lire jniie ut 1 object of pr But. are ttee re- carded a evil to warrant an attempt to annihilate all credit? ft i the char- cieriatie of tnan and ! of bo people more than par on, and rjpilated by a prudent f jrecaar, no dipuaition ia more commendable to anticipate com- the realiutioa of their hopes, 'lh ia speculation) and the American peo pie will. have lost their energy and en terprise when it ceases to be a predi cate of them, speculation will exist as well without Banks as with them. and in either case, the issue will be sometimes unfortunate, and then thoe who decide upon an enterprise by the event, win arraign me prudence ol the adventurers. JJut, what ia more to the point of remark. Is, that, as ith ttt Bank I .there will be speculation. ami speculation in which large num ber will ue embarked so, when the resale if uopropttinu. there will be complaints of arficicl prices and dis turbed currency as well in a commu nity in which there 'are, no Banks, as where thert exiat. . It is not in the power of legislation to guard effective ly againit pecuniary v icissitudes; and to aUempt to prevent their occurrence by sliutting up the Bank, would add immensely to the bnrthens of all prof itable' iudustrj, without the recom pense proposed in security against re verses. : ; ' - . " Anion the causes of the recent con- eral Government mast be renrded as not the least influential. The meas ures alluded to, were, douL'.less, ea- pecreu 4o auswer-vaittftoie anrf - impor tant en l j and their disturbing, influ ence 4n other respects was not design ed or anticipated.' The' executive Or der, commonly known as the specie Circular, however salutary, considered in reference tottsimmediateobjects.had the effect to ransfer specie from points where it had accumtilated bv the onli nary"c6ure of traIe7nfTplfat wlfere a was not wanted le the current busi ness of the country. Tki is 'one in stance ef distuibanee to the curren cy, resulting from the' indirect influ enre of the measures of the General Government Another instance is to !e found in' the distribution of the sur idus revenue among ihe States, ncr- lurming the operation too suddenly, instead or makmg it as gradual as pos sible. Here again the act of Govern ment came in conflict with the opera tions of trade, and had the effect of diUurlw the equilibrium which had resulted irm-wttie general. rjv'r i s. siiiess. - Ifjs" added to the out to such ot the banks as were e!ec ted a depositories. to exercise llie poer ol ihscountinz liberally, we ahall scarcely in view of mesa extrinsic ami potent causes, feel ourselves justified in imputing the e vjI in uetion, to the ordiinry and natural operation of the banking sys tem. - ; . The large funds which the Common wealth has dedicated to .the invaluable hject of internal improvements, are invested in the stocks of 'our bunks. I'he notes, of these institutions have long perlonrted amongst us the func tions of money, and constituted, and el constitute a hvrge p rtion of our enrreney,?-Until recently, with a sin gle- exception, the banks have ' met their encasements with punctuality. and their notes have been convertible . I I 9 . - . - -- -J ai writ into coin, r in.' suspension of payments in 1814, the exceptrtd iu - ist in the embarrassments resultin? fW"L a warjfl'J!r.yidjLOfl r . cou t ry wa s engageu, wiuist lite valuable services rendered to the government, by the liberal use of the, r credit, conciliated friends. . The read y tale of our oro- duce. ot prices which remunerate the I a jour employed in their production, nas been and still, continue to be et fecletl through ti e egency vf banks. The value of property, the wa of in dustry, the profits ot every occ ovation whatsosver, are adjusted under lU in fluence of the banking policy, and iu influeuce t alike beneficial to all. To renounce this policy and attempt to obtaiiv a currency exclusively inetalic, would be attended by consequences extensively, fatally mischievous. . Ob ierve ita operation upon dehtora.- -The reiluciion r,f ihe circulating medium would of course reduce the price of propci ty the effect of which would be relatively to augment the debt to be paid. " And thus a debtor whose en gagements were considered light when liiey were contracted, might find his whole means had become inadequate, by a revolution in the currency, to the payment of 'his debt. The" citizen in inc case supposed, might well, af rjign the justice of hi Government, that by its inconstancy had produced hi rum. "This is but oQe instance' of tbeioiichief of the innovation. Nu-. tneroos other will occur to every coot -., . . . mi era J e nnna.-, Deeply impressed with these tiews, I raunot but regard. with anxiety, any p-opoeUion proceeding from an impos ing 'rjuarter, calculate!, to discrtdit the Bute liank or te irapa their Bsei fatness. 1 reip?etfully submit wheth er such'msy not be ihe tendencey of a propoauiun cnici laiueu ia iun nailQQ i . . .. 1 ....,..,.,. , - j, . r me rule, aa rteiiiir. .k . . ;. .- . "i . . .. 1: A ,u ...nniinii ,np ill ruuuLU. .u Liu bh ub n k . n.nKr . anil inn i m tui eitji nw mn ah m m . r. . i ... i . ...... v., v,.,. uuuui i ... ' v ' i ,u wvw..... ... o"ect the nhola rcreJiue of iXe Cor ernment in gdd and silver.' If the General Government shall come to that determination before the banks shall have resumed specie payments, it WBUd44h.d lay ile return to specie payments; and if in view of that effect, the" Govern ment should for the. present forbear, and adopt the resolution when .specie payments had been restored, it will b'fuuod, I fear, to bear with severity on the banks, to sLpk their credit ami to ciiple fiem. ' If Banks be admitted to be aafe, important and valuable a- igeitji is) tUt:0.;nmfiSiX9S ernments, and may not wim i jut re gard to the interest of their- cuhstiiu enft be dispensed with,-1 renpeetfuHy submit whether the policy ot the States in this respect be not. so far en tit ed to respect Irom the General Gov ernment, as that it should not, if to be avoided, pursue a course calculated to opprtsa and embarrras it. Iliere is another view of the aohject which demand the solemn considera tion of the General Assembly. .The State Banks hare been heretofore re garded, and as if seems to niewith much reason, the only aafe and prac tical substitute for a great riatiunul eS tablishment or crrdit and finance an der some form or othet. If these in stitutions, therefore, shall, now be al lowed to be crushed or discredited, their efficiency impaired, or tiieflcmim inodatioa they are capable of yielding to both government and people thrown aside, the consequence will be, sooter or later, a resort to some central mon ied power a the exclusive fiscal a- gent of the General Government, and the privileged dispenser ol a national currency. unlavoraDie as hat been our have not yet seen it, under its most danrcroas aspect. Its natural rela tion is that nf ally and instrument of the Federal Executive, not itn rival and opponent. Where two such foimida bie engines shall work in concert, as, under their natural bias and impulsion they would do. the result must be a fearful enlargement of the powers of the Federal Government, destructive alike to the lights of the States and the liberties of the people. Is it not theTrTncumbent1 rith4"riend jifi otfrl Republic system, to uphold the insti tutions of the States, in all their com petent lunctions; to oppose with finn ness every project, which, in render ing the General GovernmLMit indepen dent of llie people and the States. hall strengthen the arm of Federal power, and which, bv leading to a mul tiplication of executive officer, and by giving to the. executive bead a direct control over the public money shall augment the patronage, and add to the ire8(lr.J.or.niidable,JJiHue.nr,.Df,,that.- branch of the Government? The tional councils, before alluded to, force these considerations on the at- tention of eve y reflectinj patriot, and they will doubtless he weighed by the Ueneral Assembly with all the delibe ration and solemnity due to the occa sion. The-aprjTOSchtng-erpTratron-tjf the charters ol existing Banks, will pre sent an early occasion for (ho riv'u ion and improvement of our Bank ing system. The defects which expc rience may have disclosed, will, it i to be hoped ,bc remedied, and new se curities provided against the dangerous and excesses, to which it i occasion ally Jiabk; but in the present advan ced stage of commerce and civiliza tiaii, considfring theast and inereae ing amount of exchanges to which- the extra oidinarvl'levelopeinentR of modem industry and enterprise be giveotise, and contrasting therewith the limited j - supply af the precious inetalsjn the Wfld.nheideW of aboltaWg KeTy'con venttonal medium of circulation and lietu njing.io J, n,e .lluM.i;ewejBHc,cliV- rency, pi us, be regarded as altogether behind the progress of thn ag Least of all, is it adapted to a new and grow ing country like .ours, where credit and anticipated capital have already achieved such wonderful improve ments, and where so much yet remains to be effected by their necessary aid. I. had hoped to be enabled to com municate to , the GeneraL-Assemblv, the intelligence that all the principal banks in the Union Tiad agreed on a lay. to commence redeeming their Vntes in specie, and lament that I ran nt convey that desirable information. I understand, however, the prosfrbct of coia.nencing at no very distant dav, is favourable, and thatthe baaks in our own StatiIiavo been and are .now ready to fix on on early day; that thev ' snouui uo so H greatly to be desired. out however antuius we may feel on the subject, it is ou.jluly o to act,, as w .reuoer the operanrn'as little ilis treating as possible andavoid every a ft, 11 . i- . - tnins wnicai-Tnay tena anncessanlT to disturb public confidence. 1 1 Vill be seen from the last return ot the Bard: of yirgiaia, wad, the, lit-of, Novem- berv J 837. that her liabiiitieaiW notes In circulation, debts and depofites, a. mounted toiha sum of S4Ci?7,S66 r, and her means, exclusivenier stock, and txefuilins her real estate, to meet these liabilities to $9U25..g26 6. The iiiiiiiiiiiv u tne rarmers uank iof Vinini at the same period amounted i ,i,w i 01, anu us,- means in lilc.e manner, inclusive uTiti stock; and ercUd ag its real estate, were SCi 437jS9ti 5 J. .The condition-; ot Ihe other bk in the Commonwealth, ren. ders nq less secure the holders of notes TWKSTV-FIFTU COXGKKSS. IN SENATE. , TtutJaif 18o8. , Mr. BachanaOj preKenfed.the nemo- itocriisiwtifl'Snt c&yss&itiiyp my of Poland, the nephew of Koscius a, "recounting his suffering in the cause f Poland, and praying Con gress to grant him a section of land, to be paid for, if required as soon as it might he ; within his power. Refexi ed. .': " .Toe Iill for the punQimcnt of cer tain ultres-vaiiainit the United States pra? Trad. hi4ce d paae UOVm OF REPRESENTATIVES, - NuoisroMil iinti-alaiery an Lanlii Tcxian petitions were presented. On motion ftf l r. Montgomery, UeveJ. That lU Cummittve ort h Port OtIic tint Tosl, fiimd be inotrucb-d to fuquire into tlif cipciliency .of o aitering llie iTeOt Uriir ol (JlaifO cluyru UMn K-nrra. pain phtels; tie. tnnmhtrd by mail, thul it thill correspond with llie coin of the United Plate. Mr. Wis submitted the fidlowingr RetQtesL.l'flt s Committee to romist of member he )x)iiilcj to inquire into eplienrv of no otneniling die Conlitu lion of the United States atto prohibit the ap pqjntiirent of nienilier of Congre to Biecu tia oHife dnrinj Ihe lime for which ther are elected Hcoator or. Repretenlativei, and th liaie of two year IhercaAer. : . (.Mr. Wise accompanied the resolu tion by a few remarks, which gave rise to debate in the course of whi h free allusion, was made to the use of the ap pointing jiower during the late Admin istration, in contrast with the doctrine of President Jackson on that subject. Messrs. yi8e, Ilaynes.. Williams, of North Carolina; Underwood, Jenifer, and Veil took part in the discussion. Before the presentation ;pf any other TlvelToose icTjoarnetf.'"""? IN SKNATE IVt lnttduy, January 3. . Mr. UrthounV resohitionit torn up; for ebn idrration: TAfter they were Tead.Mr. Cnlhmin roae, and expUined lliat he had introduced Ids resolutinns antagnuist to Ihnte of the Legilature "nf Ver mont, intrndured by a gentleman from that State. He had lonkrd upon thou resolutions as MMeking character entitling Ihr-m lo the conntderiuion ot the Senate., He had been em barraurd by the prewntation of thoie resolu tions, eamiuc ai ihev did fr.un a nriiirn ! Stnte a party t4hia ijeral campacL. and eirL titled to present itIf in that form to the 8en ale, -Asa Rlata'a Rights man, therefor, he found himself unshle ts tots against raceiTi0 lh resolutions. Bnt a- Houthem mso, lis would not ole Or lhcm.. 11 waa rcdurf J to ))iMva poaiuon uoo the subjeet, anil ea o liliy .d U Irnvs others In art upon those tesolu linns. The Senate neier voles directly oa res. olutioiis thus olferrd, eithac fr or agamst. They were la d ou ihe labia, or referred, and tlire was the end. And his only mod of net ing lhoe in question ws to olTr aiiUOa'ul rejolmion; aud ha tui tkrn IbareoVrsfC Mr. Cslhoon- went ava lhtLround; thai llji waA -lha only ubet opo which th Ua ion C011I4 piieMblk-jspUti'' " '' stood the people 4rili 8oUth, and 00 the oth er, thoe of Iha Nnh. that he tank this course. nbt only, as SoulbAm man. bul as a frie4 to Iha Union; and Hint it was his obiact to slay lh tide, in i:me, which would iV-stroy that Uuioo, xe. 1 tJpou Uis Ksoluuons, he claimed direcl v.te of Ihe Senate, and demanded the yaas and iiava, wnirq were orderr.l. The proposition of Mr. Morris, of Ohio, ta iv, was agreed to, and the Wllowing beinjf the first, waa res:!. , , I!e!veil. That in theadoption of the Fed eral Constitution, the jStates adopting tho same anco, ceraiiy as liee, imlepeoJenl ajnraove. reign Slates; and that each, for lumlf, by Its own voluntary assent, entered the Union with a view to iu increased security against all ilao- gers, flomritit as well as loreign, and iha mora perfect and secure enjoy pienl of its advantages, hatnralj political, and aoeiai. - ..." This resolution was adopted, bv the fallow ing vote: TAW IWeisrs, Alleii. Black; Brown, Oucli anan, Calhoun. Clav, of A I. Clav, of Ky , Cuthbert, Fulton, Hubbard. Kin?, ofAIaliama, Linrv- l,ttmpkinT tyorr. McKean.Kicholas, Xilr, Korvcll,' Pierce. Preston. Kives. Rosne, Holtinson, Ruggles, Serier, Kniitli. of t'onitec- .!'ruk.raoeVferliiiaWt V right, V oung 33. , iy t Messrs B;yardC!9y .Lm IHvi., 1 inignt, siorfta, l'renti, Hobbins. Smith, of Indiana, Bduthard, 8win,"Ti?ton,-; Wall, Web sler 13. ' The question tlir-n recurred on tho second resolution, whu-lt was as follo-rt: Ilewlved, That in drleiiiinn a portion of v icir powess to he excroned by tho Federal uovemment, Sutra retained, scvoraily.the excliiMve and sol right over their n-.vn d'orne- lie hwtrtutiona and poli -e, and are atone rep,in. fible for th"m. and that any tntermr-ddling nf mm er more states, or a corBbtnntion ef tjieir ciuzcnsrwnu theaomesuc uistitntion snd po lice of llie others, on any ground, or mulr-r any pretext whatever, political, moral, or millions. nlll, . ... .1..:, .1. ; . m .10 ,11 uicir aiirrauon or niivcrM.io; j an,auinplion or superiority not warranted by iheConitilution.insuhingto the tStntes inter, fvred with, tending to endanger their domestic pe.Ve and tianquillity, suhVer4ve of the object fjrwMch the Conslitulisn was formed, and, bv heceasary consequence, teiidinjto weafceu anil destroy the Union Itself. ; J A 'J'his resolmion, ficr various opndmentSi wasdopted by thn following 0tet t r, ', .. c s Teof Messrs. Allen, Black, Brown. Bn.-li-in, Caliiun. Clay. nf Alabama, .1:.v of Ky. Ulalhn, tryflit,Tulton. Hi.br'd,'King, Lnn,xJ.ampkir. Lyon, Nh-hnlas. Nile. Nor veil, rh. re,. Preston - KKes, Roane, .Kevrer, f hithi oft3mB. rtnannt. ' Kit. W.iv.. tyhk Witklams AVright, Young 31,. , . ',. - .jr-7fti.'ar, uavia. Morns, lYntiss V!1, WeWer X ' - ' , Jt!OUSr;8p RsPnKSRVTAnvV. ' Mr. Bell introduce a resolution. Ihslrueting the enmnuttce an et kinna to ulsringuioh; Id rrjionmg in laeMtn ink Mowisaipm eats, weeft Oe OW facta, knov- to the Jlouse at ti Urt essi6ii, and Ibenewt&tla. which hasq oe cufred siacsu , Mnh deb.le ,. on Ibis mat; huMs,yon may eav Icvn'V that oe hale was merely inridsntsl. and invoking points uVi and unintertvnW In jhair t rn. ... - -w imiuon to ia 111 nnSw " Th. rest of the day waa spent In the rccen. - , . . 111111 m uu, i.ij. .. '. M' . ....... as aiienip4. was itiiltle to get up a discussion on 'abolition teiulnd.m. , -swote of tb 8tateaj but tha' Brt ildcd I u7 most tat tha aame rilrnHi ..j-.l in tuinm iwh .Inv in ! Ill 'J'iurtJ,; t. - Mr rrtnTSn T-.toiTieeJ the fui!0w, l:l"irr: - V- Uherc the j.ui in I tr'ne ha,,. . !e,Xrt efcjidkr ihe irrt x( j , ana extemletl on toe aotbiiret to " Crende del Narte. which river eonji,,.' be the the" bmli l irv, line imtd the eloft!ie Sabioe ai surrender J t0 s be Jhe Ireaiy of 1S19i , : And whereas aoc'.i aurrender of of the territory of llie United Stutea i itf1. precedent and douHlfu! conlitntiona,j..n And herraa ntaoy weighty considcri -of policy nuke it exprdieiit to re eatbU4? said true tioondar ! and to re-annex United State lite terrKoty occtin"n., l.; I btate: - -.. . Be it therrfttrt retohfJ, That, Vhh w ent of. the saitl State praviitly h,. . whenever it caq be effected co.m'temi, the faith aifd treaty stipulations of Uw jJz States, il U (leMirable and rxprdieot la nei the said Ten itoiy to the United Sui Which were laid oo the tal'le, and orj to be prmled v ,; , Mr. CAUHOUN'S resolutions up, Jd m.-inlments -ereoHrt( U a HOUSE OF JIKPR ESEN FATIVF4, The day's sitting was consumed 10 l!wr sidratian of private and unimporta .( ncas. '; Z " . r,:jar. juu.i I):ttnrbanie, the Canntiinn fnulitr,, A iftesiige re, ei.ed from lh Presides, the Uniu-d States, in both bohMtaV tttM to the insuffieienry f t!,e exMiHa; asking Cmigresa to gl more efliruvt; to tho Executive Tor pruning poeee n , border. A discussion fdUowed ths j thissnesspgeVnd accompanying pepes, in iui honse in which reference warn had ta dlfia. gal conduct of our citixec on th frontiee.ati the outrage einmiitled hy the Brititlj in s'.ruction of die Caroline and maaacia on barti -Tba wbele subjeel wa ireattj u Lax i'xProPflruonatA J.a.i)- uup&ctsjiw i. iMirxmiTier-w nisnrtestca But socn al came the nc-axian. and no other feeling fwfioj ws exhibited than w puroly ii:iMiaL'tjttii. otic, and, in Ihe inoirt, pacific. '- . , . fitr the-tSenste; Tb wtftijV wu refcrrsoV motion of Mr. CaJlionn, to the cornuatte F oreijn Utlation. In tho Hous. a Maolutia was adapted, calling ou tb PreUcut foi f, ther inf.rmstiun 00 tbeaabjact, and what u. surea hare beeii adojMed ly lW Bxecuu'rk presorvs aur neutulity with Great Britain? 1 als cubracea call far information respect the capture; by the U. 8. loop of War Nalcha of tho Mexican veaaol of war the Gsuerxlft re. 4c 1 ., .. Mr. CiifliJuf. raAululior.s rrcre taken W t diacuaseiJTu lh tfertaU till a late Imnr, by y ri ganlle-ny, withoul arrisuig at iem Sinaiiij; tth lUb!, t fclobe says: - Th labeeai,. aaaaiy. sod etatemriE eours of Mosara. Calhooa, Eivs, Buchaaii Hubbard, and other ia wotthy uf all tomitfn, daiioii. 1'b.o disciwaiou upon this painfiulj sxciuaj lopi tiAv been, for Um moat fvt, chaictrixed by caiuwiesa, dignily.aad mslul Usu to tnt uptta twnacoiuuioa ground, ail dii o aesuaawiauwo meanstiX prodd karmouiou tveiioo. aauTof asuidtng. for lbs Im', lua tiusora and duficuUics which arp tain to ibe decision of ibis ijursliou.- I'tMtlit ot wank in Lppcf QanuduL Tim oa been a 6ht neat. Navy juvUttf and Buffalo and Uochcster are In ta htgneit state of fory. for rxeittm does not teero to exprew the feeli'ia Sir Francis had h;i erected li. terie upon JeCjiipic-waiwdet a CoiuTueficed in attack lir Uats"Js NavyTsland; Hut Gen. Van Um telitrr, with hia caiioon, kuorked Hi batteries to pieces, aotl drove bait U bf,Trs7p(rTth--sotns lus of lives. .' Dur ing this action, a-ru mor n ached BulLI that Sir FaAscis Hka.t had madf a lodgment upon Grand Island, (Jtneri ern territory,) upon whicli tbe JW met in-inaTitmt -demanded; rif aac were the fact, that tho militia foilb. with b called ou t to i-epel theaMsft.1 The rumor, however, was niifoundeil, al thouorrir daeatsesm-ir-in-4n'' dians in the eiuplojc of th Mrifish hatf" been sent there t cut. off th retreat other aotrcc of iulonnation eay, ,t hunt." - - ' Some of the Briti-.Ii rerrii'ar had ;"re rache(rIm'Ttrr'Vhen-ther-mtt- Cliippewa. the aftnrk hmXi-i Island will be a s-iions ..t,...' .'fffriirs at lfa.iftinr!ttn.'the Wu? Ictte'r-writcm ;at W'ashingto enir generally in ascrt'inir thai; the1 Pi1 dent will waive the Suh-Treasurv r tern and aUpt thatofStlal Depoitif id the State' Hanks. The "acreptahii) ty of tins p'au will depend very mttc'i Uh its tletail , If it pm pu t that U Public lyluney is to. bc' co leeted asd deposited in whatever money the Bant receiving it hall He ViiHng Tw'carrf t the crediof the UrtifedS.'atea a -h and pay, whenever yeipilred, 4n if d r ma nd , ,s u ch money m'r a a w hil e f remain 'nimply as a depwitv-tijd riot i4 be used, Iwand. or-discoeilrtdpjn a a portion of the available means -f tl Ba nks, '. we be! ieve i t joay , ea i! t h carried, t Jfit provide ihat'lhe Bank shalltio receive if,4rf keep thll .whi'lf amount in apeeie. positively; at ;om mand of the iioverairrrnt. w presumfl this may be carriett- alsi, tlvugh tiy lesperatett-uggle.V IJnt if it be pre posed tha the remue aUU W collect ed, kpt. and tRborsei cxt;lnii v:Iy "I specie, it fata mmt-be aU leat ct J doubtfulf and sfwf rr as thebusnosa ii terests of the -courlfry are concerned, there io essential difference betwe this and the SiifT-TiTasiirv tdan. lie adf.-what Bank; wonld pi.deriake tU vsns-riei, aiiencT on .sua r coiun taons. '" - ..'cw fait'. j'Si sny additional rjirnina'ancevrrr wan! rt exhibit not only the folly. butthr niirdrress of the AWIitunistl t(jix x.i.t ",c . ii i Hunan, ami i; AlXfc.V, and JiC'issed to a late hour, il ou motion .nf Mr.. BUCHANAN - " The 8ennt4 adjourned, ' ' y ....