-'- ally, oa thit argument.' H tip ra trtrantli' ; , ' , mi Mr. r. tallion conucroneu m-j t'. r . .n t nrint. on the s pressi'tn oi ni""s i - . 'r of . Senators, at premature. - ; F Mr Claf Mr. CalhouiMhat he i .:.k l.l biauvvn imlnions urust foUSU wim " ;r- , topic, if Im plase.l. uui ior mmwi . "i....,i.t .TnrrM such opinion there lie " "r . t 1 ...fife ...:;.7-.ii.-U-';t''v'. ul..- i..:..r .n;inme nf what oc- 1UIS is a !; M"--, . ....I ibe ik-casum, anil Uiei. the iwpersVere suffered to be r. ferre.1, a U.: bsriiieenin the nouse. i he uenai ft . Mow- " e fourth. Which .llUWi. ... - resoli1 ilia fft "M domestic outctj, n c - u ; u,e Southern and WeateTrrSIaTee of this Wftiioni''enposee W01!1 P1 of theu;do mcslie institution, inherited from tlicir ances tors and exiting, at the adoption of the Con- b' ,titt'on' by which il ' re3ni"J M C0V?t:,u tiu an essential element in tb distribution of ;i. n.ncr among the Slate; anJ that nnchango r iin on ibe l)rt of the other Stntea of tlx Uuion in relation lo it, can jusUlf. them or their ciliu'iit in opon iy itematic nttark thereon with a view to iu overthrow; and that all auch attacks are in manifest violation of the mutual an I solemn pledge 1 rolert anil tlefsntl each other 'given ly lh Klatea, respectively, on en lerin ' into the constitutional compart,' which fjnnotl ilia t'nion and as such is a manifest lirrucli of faith, and a violatibu of the most sol emn oliligationsmoral and religious. On the fifth, which is s follows: Iltielvetl, That the intonnodJIim of any 8l.ite or States, or Hieif cittxen, to alolih ilvery in tlii District, or any 'of the Territo ries, on (he grounJ or under the pretext, that it is immoral or sinful, or thc( passage of any act ur measure of Congress with that view, woul.l be a direct and dangerous stuck on the institutions of all the slavrholding States, a iliscu-sion endued, wliich cotitinued till a late hour; when Mr Clay said he had drawn up such a series ot re i-solutioKa would so far, if adopted, to produce j flirotfarorabtg"- yffi'ct pwtr'rs" question, every where Resolutions having practical ends and objects in view, not proposing the 'drawing-new party lines, n r producing new piditi xnl tit visions. Thiy related to -this question of slavery and nothing else. lie did not oiler these resolutions to the Senate at this time. He would read t hem or the purpwse of showing the Senate what were his opinions as to the mod e most fit to be pursued in i. huion to the questions at fssu-T- The lltiril of them he, however, would propose as an amendment, (by way of substitution,, for t hi" one under roosideration, being the fnh of Mr, Calhoun's scries. He then read the following resolu tions, and after a few wortN from Mr. Calhoun, the Senate adjourned without taking any question. MR. CLAY'S RESOLUTIONS. Ueso'.jd; That the institution of domes tic slavery, si now existing1 iu many of the States of this confederacy, is aobjt-ct to the exclusive power and control ofthtMe Stales K-sprctivclvi and that no tUr , nor the-people "of mr 'other State, nor Conresa, pmiiki, or 'can rightruHy exercise, any power rottWor'ity, vthatever, to vnierfere, in an miiiirr whatever, therewith ' Resolved, That if any citizens of the VnV ted Slates. reRard!c of tlie spirit of peace, liiimony, and union, which slioulj ever ani mate the rariom member of the confedera cy, and tlieir respective citizens, shall bre sent to the Senate any petitions, touching the abolition of lverj ; in any of the Hates, in wlikh it exiiU. nil ich petitMwn slia 1 btt it ta:,tly rejected, witho it debate, and with K:t fittlici or other pioceL-dinj;i thereon, as ; elating to an object, jialpably beyond the c pe of tlie eo:litulun;d power of Con gress. Resolved, That, linn the District of Co lumbia ;n ceded by the Stales of Virginia and Maryland tn the United Slates domestic a aver- existed in both of these States incU. iliiijrtiie !t.edtd teri'nTy, and that as il '"'ill c nil imes in both ol tliem, it could not tie a b ijislted W4thm tlt district -wilHujtV a iola' ton of that pood faituwhich was implied in Ibe cvssiou and in the .vcepta ice ot the ter ritory; nor, unless compensation' re made to the proprietor nf alaees, withont'a mani. frt infriiijfement of an amendment to 4 he c niHrttuiion of th? United Staten nor wi.ho ,t .. exS!l'..!K- s iU'gee..of. jot-alarm mt appre ..Jsili'.'.tl.ii'Jl.ths,.. ateaftcoKialuifjvjejv far tra-iseending-,' in miciiieyoo Jwlidency. any po?aih:c bn fit, wirich could be accom pl.thed by tlie ubo'.ition. Kesolved, Therefore,, that il is te dcliber a'e j'ldement of the Senate, tha)l the i .alitit tmn of tlnniestiit slavery oti(ht not to be ubol died within the tlintrict of Columbia: and il erne,tly hopea that all sincere friends uf tbe y .iion, and of harmony, id Jpiieral tranquil 'tj will ceme to uff.tale this disturbing quea- t inn omuie Senate lels Uself. at the --.j, ... .v., lume coiisiiiuho lai riurni oj I-......,,, loovciare, that it linhis itself booMT in receive and respectfully to treat anv peli- linn i-ft,.t.-.l i . . ' . uv.neii in necoroua lanjruage wrrren mav h presented by ciliseN of the Uniled States, mB a urery witliin the D.stnct of Co. IUDMiuj,J . - Isewbed. Therefore, that, upon the pre Mnlt;:i tny H,,ch petitions tbey shall be received, and referred to the appropriate 'ie'cil. Tliat U vmA fee highly Uev pvrtient u abolish a'averyto Florida, the o.ilf territory f the t Jcx.st became ofthe serious alarm and just Wjr hen,,,,,, wUicl WO((l, be ,,,rtby eci. ,tca, in the Stales sustaining that domestie in- -'""" oceans? the peploflhat tcir.tory ,,. j. " ,0 "o dtme.-and. When al- nr,t V,e Uiiioii, will be excluMvely ""tied to decide that question for them elvesf anil, also -.m nJLli . em' ctiP"Jrn-se. mvde, at me- r "rntieriiical period irt the history of Wi.:i -. . - ' ".-" slavery was rolnbited imnk - i..j . . . - "-.., n auniiHeq soutn, i kitM r - """' oeffrees, a thurtv mia f ? nor latitude - ! etw ved. That no power is de'egated Ur wtilutina to Cough., to- prohibit in it-U i.. , w person a re l7 ' ,re.,7 br he law -r their Mates. .?-' hilat the Semve, with . reKr?Tf ,ren the perseverance of fin Kt'ieii of the U States in the apt reby-creatin; distrust mid. sliacontvnt, and 'WUCtlfiis smnn.M a. I .. Nh . lA.t,U wov;iwss l f wfc interna sntitiments,-it beholds. Nun-lie ei , " i r ' '.-i'' " '"'Kth.aubrtitute offered by Mr. Clay to Zl' TP"""' f,mn '"l"! 'VV? "t "t Mr .Calhoun', rcaolulions. That P. prevatling, an unconqtierab! ttacfrttunt to the -Uuion, a, the sote bulwark ofthe safety, liberty and happlncw, of .be jWl ofllie U. 1 cd States. , HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. In the House to-dayr-littlewa nyJdne, excepting a long speech on the reierence oi me Message resolotioiia of Mr. Uatnks, (in support uf them.) !X(feAlvawTrrife Vattr BarJn ' kentuckr- refhMrhrtive. lie was against the special Deposile "expedi ent," and in favor of the President' recommendation, out and , out. He lucky-wards; that he was in favor of NiiioMlJU-k. Hit could be made t comnrnmU. it,- ..i.;rt;..n.ki. o as to compromise the objectionable features oi the late Bank of the United States, He would have gone for the proposition of MtEoMt, (ht col league.j at the extra session if it could have been brought up, and had not been cut off by the previous question, or the AntiNational Bank: resolution of the committee of Waja and Means. Mr. Murray was very particular tb defend General Jackson against eery charge which, ha ever been brought aga:nst Kim: among others, that ' of seeking to unite in his own hands the pare and sword. He asked, quite triumphantly," if it was, not to be sup posed, that, had that personage-desired any shell thing, he would have sought to propitiate and not to over thi ow thut mammoth and influential institution? ' Mr. M. certainly could" not have been privy to the historical fact that thal mode was resorted to thai an overture, to enlist the band in supjxirt of the administration was made by a CI,.. J 1Amos "venuaii as tne agent,r that the tfurweii, ii musi oe wine, on a eon- overturu was decideillvjnd indignmit ly rejected ami scorned, and contemn ed, ami that immediately after such refusal, the war on the part of ih4 adtninistrjition against -tKe United . States Bank, was coininenced! The rest of the -flay was occupied in , the presentation of reports from co.n otittees. Nothing of importance was done. IN SKNATR. - IVtdntsdnffrJamWijXU. MR.. CALHOUN'S RESOLUTIONS. The Senate resumed this subject the question being on Mr. Clay's sub stitute for the 5 th of the series - Af ter a lon debate, and various verbal modifications, the first branch of Mr. Clay's substitute was adopted, S6 to 9, in the following form "7esnlved, Thai Ilia interference by the eiti xeiis of any of Ibe States, -lt 'l.e view lo the abolition ol Slavery in tlie D.Hrior, is endanger ing the nglils and secariiy of the People l the Oikliklt suit that any act or measure ol Con gress designed lo abolish slavery in this District woul.l be a viulutioii of .the Uitu ireuli.U inl.a sestiuns by the Male ol Virginia aiid Maiylaud, a just cause ot alaitu lo the People of "slave Sol .ling States, and have a direct and inevitable tendency to disturb and endanger Ih Union. 4fhe vote on the adoption of Mr. Clay's substitue was as follows: YFAS Messrs. Allen, llavard. Benton. Ulack, licown, Uuchsuan, Calhoun, Clay of Al abama, Clay .of Kentucky, Clayton, Ci illrnden, Cuthbert, Pulton, tirundy, llulbnrd. King, LHmpkin, Lyon, Nicholas, Niles, Norvell, 1'ieree, Preston, Hives, Koane, Itobioso.i, Se vier, Smith ol Con., Strange, Tallmadge, Tip 'ion. Walker," W bile, Willtains,Vrigfil Young Si NAYS Messrs. Davis, Knight, McKtan Moitii, Prentiss, Uuglei, Siuiib of Indiana Swifi, Webster 9, UOUSB OF KEPRESKNTATIVKS. In the House, today, reports of committees ere introduced, ami one ol Ihem excited some debute. It reiulteil in proposition lo reler all the topics of Ih message, eaeept Ibe financial ptttt'uf it, to the ainieOfM-iate eomniiltees: aod this irnosition was sdupled at last. In the souim pf (lie dt-ltMe. Mr. Csrobiftrtig lasle some allaaioas lo the delay which had oe eurred i the matter ol reteniog the Piesiileni V MMge, and imputed it to a preenncened de sia,n id the opposition. Mssrs Hell, dishing a ni Underwood responded lo llus with great spirit, and showed that it was aautt unfounded imputation. . 'J".he. n hule message Is now -referred - with the." exception ol (lie financial portion. Thurmlay, January II. Various petition wer presented, among which was one from Pennsylvania, signed by 20,000 citizens, praying the abolition of slave ry in the District and Territories. Mr. CALHOUN'S RESOLUTIONS. The unfinished businea of yesterday, beinr the above resolution, wai then resumed. The question wa first taken on the second branch the 5th part refer ring to the treatyief 1818, as guarantying slavery in Florida, Under the tide of "private property," was by Consent stricken out; no uch guaranty, on examination, being found In th trenty. , It was the suggested by Mr. Clay to strike out a daus forth preralion of shive ry anionf Indian Nation, one of their do mestic institution, which, at the' desire of Mr. Sevier, had been inserted yesterday. The ques tion was then taken on" striking out this para graph, and it wa stricken onl, yeas 3 1, nay 10. At in (egesiion ol Mr. King, all reference to the Compromise Act, limiting slavery within certain geographical bounds, wa omitted. The ye and nay being then ordered on the ub dilute of Mr. Cray, a modified, a discussion of great length ensued, in which Messr. Cal houn, Clar. A or veil. Walker, and Hnl.lmr.l. participated, in the court of which Mr. Cisy aaaenlsd lo some modifications of bis resolu. Hon. at th o2Betion of Mr. Hubbard ami Mr. wslstee, . ; -v.- -n - - , . f Mr. Rives oflertd aa.f swiBot6'ihe feliow ing: - -.- . . ,,, vV-vr That any InterfereOeo with the aul.ioct of slavery in th Tarrilorie Of th Uniletl 8ute in which it may exist, is inhibited v all th considerations irx rejrard to the right and In terest of the inhabitant of th said Territo ries, the sncurity f the aUveholdirig State; and th danger to 'Um Union, Which are mentioned in tbe'preceding resolution, a forbidding any. interference wirti,. or acuon on, th. uliect ol slavery in the District of Columns; and for Ih furlhr. Maaori, that lb people of thos Territo ries, when admitted-into the Union a States, , will, be slxcluivly enUtlcd to decide the que-r tion. of ih xUtence of slavery within their re pectiv Kuuta for themselve.. ; Arterwhleh.a long discussion entned' Upon I w haarcjtea; P ZZj AUr which, a long discussion enwed upon After further dlacusslsn, th question wm taken on the second branch of Mr. Clay' sub stitute, modified to read as follows: ReaelvedThat any attempt of Congress to . abulUh ala'very in ainr territonr of the United t States it which it exists, would create Serious alarm and just apprehensions in the Statea tu tsintng that domentic itutitution, would be vi olation of good faith towards the inhabitant of any auch territory whojbv bdl pertained tt settftfWiltl and fiold slaves, becauM the people ol any such territory have not svknd for the ab olition of slavery therein, and because, that when any auch territory shall be admitted into tlie Union as a Stale, the people thereof will I entitled to decide that oueaiinn airJnu , hiebei "V .?A- ubstitutawaa igreciT to by the fol- votei -' - TEAS Messrs. Allen. Bavard. Benton! Black, Brown. Buchanan, Calhoun, Clay, of Ala. Clay, of Kentucky, Crittenden, Cuthbert, Fullon, Hubbard, King, Lumpkin, Lyon, Mer rick, Nicholaa, Nilea, Norvell.Pierce, Preston, Rivea, Roane, Sobinson, 8eoer. Smith, of Con. Slrango, WaHter," White, William, Wright, Young 33. NAYS Messrs. Clayton, Davis, Knight McKean, Prentiss, Robbins, Smith, of Indiana, Swift, Webster 9. And the Nenate then, on motion of Mr. Web ster, adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The Speaker laid before the House a letter from Mr. Dorsey, the Sergeant-at-arms, stating that, on receivipg a large sum of money from the Bank of the Metropoli , for the pay of the members at the lata social session, there was a deficiency of upwards of $3,800, and that.tba directors had hitherto neglected to investigate he matter, though one of the board bad admit ted a surplus of cash in the bank, to about the amount missed by Mr. D. who bad hitherto supplied it from his private funds. Alter some iWucsion, tho letter was referred to a select committee. The resolution of Mr. Wise, to raise a com mitter to inquire into the expediency of so a mending the Constitution as to prohibit the ap pointment of members of Congress to Execu tive nllices, was adopted. -- : . amstwe or three weeks ago, then cam up in ordsrt " Kesolved, That the Prciident of ihe United States be requested to comiiiunirnte . to llil Houe a ropy and tranHlation of all the pamph lets in the Spanish language, staled in th re port of Uki Secretary of State to thi House to have been printed and circulated by the late minister from tlii ncpubtte oTMrfxicb; Rorostl -xa, before his departure from this country, and the name of the diplomatic functionary from a foreign government who communicated a copy of said pamphlet to the Secretary of State. The resolution having been read Mr Howard moved that it be amended, by striking out sn much us protiosed lo call on the Presi.Ienl for the"" nam of the foreign minister referred to in the resolution. " On lliu motion a highly animated and inter esting delist arose, in which Messrs. Adams, Howard, Menrfee, Waddy Thompson, and Hay pes tuok part; a report of which is prepar ing, and will ho presented without delay. ' IS SENATE. YTJfav. Jan. 13, The bill making an ppro,i utnm of 70,008 didlari to oiseii ibe great rufi on Ued river was ordered to be engrossed lor a third reading. Mr. Calhoun's aia'.h and last resolution was laid on th table S5 to . Messrs. All.-n and Siuiih snbnilltrd re sola- tious retirttivel)-, decliHit thai nothing con tained in thow of Mr. Calhoun akicb had pass ed, should be fOatliited lo hnuatir the rialsl v( Ciiiuh or uic neriMini oi SH:lt lr IUC pit id on Ihe Uble 23 lo St. HOUSE OF RKI'KESENTATIYES. ELECTION'S. Mr. Buchanan iepntd at l-nslli unnn the case n( Prentiss and Word, claiming seats as memners of Hie llnuselmm Ihe Mne el Mis- umppi., 'I be ctinsiilei-ajion nf the report was postponed until Tuesday next, and ordered to ucpiiotrii - . Mr. Ilarrisnn repO'ted a bill Disking an ap propriation of ihe pulilix lands tor ihe eoi.strue lion of a military road in the Slate ol Missouri Arkansas, r" Select Cominillre under lb resolution relal lug in Ihe appointment of members of Congress 10 r.ireuiiva mee. Air. lVise, Mr. tell, Mr. Underwood, Mr. Ilamer, Mr. I oucey, Mr. Ily num, Mr. Calhoun of Massachusetts, Mr, Cleveland, and Mr. Marvin. Hillsborough Female Seminary. inn spring srssinn oi luis. lusliiutiou will optu on lb i25th :ntl, TENMS OF TUITIOM . . . 1st ;ism. .t? oo S I, 3,1, sib, IS IK) Music, 24 00 D.awingand Painlihg, ' "12 00 Ornamental Needle Work, 3 00 Lessons in French will be given, by a tuttise nf France at 3 per month, iluard may be bad in sum of ihe most res(tcti.bls Uinilie4j; .ih laee st $t e motitri. " r v n,ii ai. iitir.es, Bunt. ..rTtii'rj.:.swwm.5i w.-iWEarvi-. NOTICE, STRAYED or SROLEV from he Subscriber, on li hb d December last, smen miles west of Liuisbarg,in Franklin couolr, near Cbavis's Hridjre, On lur Itiver. on UY IICitSE. six year old, feel II Inches hiirh, bis lell hind an. cl s bile, short tail and main, and is arease fal len on Ihe neck .' A. reward of fifteen dullat will be paid to any person who will delivtr dim tatli bubseribiT at bis hmise. ' AL4.CN THOMPSON. Franklin county, Jan. 9, 182S Sw l bs Standai d and Register will insert the a bve litre limes and forward their account! to the Post Master at LemeyS X Itoadt fur pay wit. Cj,S A. T. v : - - 'ivaTicE.1 I "will offer for sale, for cash, at the' Coini tious door in Ihe town nf htau-seille, Iredell soumy, on, th 3 I Moudjr in Fetirisary next, ih following tracts nf Land, or so much tht-reol at will satisljr the Tax dw thercoia lur Ibe year Ix.lu, and fur costs lor adrctliting tti Sato, lo 'U " " I IA 1'-.. 1 t i - t. . ... ,f.l.MI.II -ur,, n.icr ij jmia iTooien Heirs, l nig nn Ih waters of Duchman Creek, a.ljoiuii. Peter tleneear anil others. 1'aaea diM - aj M sWres, listed by Jtdiu M. Campbell . est the ". j waters -ol Hunting IVetk. a !j ;ainf IddsrH . Crsnl and other Taxef dor ii,re ft 10 Jt aeres, listed by Wislm B. Jiuey, mteresr, . on the waters ol Kaekry Creek, ailjoiaing P- Oampbell and other. .' " rese ll acres, listed by llolden Pile, us ihe waters of Kocky Creek. Tax due M 15 asres listed by Ann lis Williams. the -.-water ol KQeky Creek, adjoining llulman ; -Morgan and Aiders. Tt flu - f 3 3 135 senre, lilted by John luglry, lying o Ih waters -of Duehnao Creek, adjoining John Mclliand and alhara.. T dam l m CJ3 acres. Wlnnginf lo Ihe heirs it Uf pi Na- . manrci timiiiei a, on Kncky Creek, adjoutuig JanaetDawcl and oilier, unlisted.- . ; X ' Til dot '.: '14 SA Jr aires, listed by Frsnklirt Henry, adjoining in n uhsw iienry nan tuner I as dis sj; 03 330 aeres, listed by Jams LaUlJnlersut on j9 -siers 01 ad Crcct, m Hislriet Mo, II.. . "'.- -' "- TsU ilii ft M 100 aeres. Belonging Co James (iatlenH heirs at lw. Ivma; rm 0,e Walersf n Huntiae Creek, 'joNiiilg JohU Carter and nth era, oh listed.. ax one u V3f J. Si. Hfir:i.K. fi tariff . ' Jan, S.iVt Ptiee A.cV. V 0r-i 4 in X THE STAR ItALKIGII, JANUAUY 17, IS38. .:."ai"--V'i"i CtTY ELRUTlOXv '-V.' Oo Monday lait. VV. CZ X'aTriirglon, Eso, was elected luteadant ot rofitw ol this say lor jb soi y K lhephM of Tbok Cohliv, Esq. ile lined, and the fbllotring gentlemen were elected Corarai-voncrs: " - , . - , Western Ward Meisri. F. II. Iteedef and Wm. Asl.ley, .. , '" , Maldl Vard-MKS. Co. V. Itayveo.1, . Ratter WardUessrv J. J. Cbr'utophrrs ) Jordan Wenible. CpT Tne first annual meeting of th North Carolina Meiltotlist Conference will beheld in Goeosborough, to eommenc oo the 31Aiiit Bishop Morti is expected to preside, The Bank of Cape Fear ha declareXs divj. dend of 7 per cent, for Ibe past year the Bank of Virginia arid Farmer's Bank 3 per cent, each; and II. 8. Bank 4 per cent for lbs last sii month ' : ; Mr. Ritehi hta been elected public printer : b th House of Delegates of V ugrnu. . ' ' WE WANT ; ' , But who cares for th printr wants! Is it not .believed that It .ck ubist on air, and therefore needs and receive less Sympathy, less assistance, ' less justice, from th community ttin'any pody else! True, It i so said; and many act toward uim a if thi sentiment formed ao article of their crsed. Henc they subsrrib for hi paper, advanre their own iu tergal by advertising in hi columns; but never dream of th claims he ba on them for remu neration. After reading his paper for years, the first thing h -knows they ar gone, lie know not where, perhaps to Tjexaseavrngditj 4j whistle for hi pay; or b receie a letter, for which ha is taxed with poatage, gravely com ptaining of th "pressure of thFtiines,'" and or dering the paper stopped, without even saying turkey" about what Is due for the time tliry have been profiting and amuiinj themselves with his labor!! Such folk ought to hike the place of T arrtarus, ot be handed-o-ver lo -lhe Au tocrat of .Russia, to be sent lo Siberia, liul this charge is -unjust when made against the public generally. The cnlightmied aud virtu ous are ever duly impressed with sense of tho unspeskahle value ofthe press, and of their ob ligations to its, conductors; and their hearts, thrir influence, and their purs are ever open iu their support. To such, whether we ajply to their sympathies or their justice, we have on ly to make known our wants, and ..the substan tial aid which we need is secured To come, then; to the point, WE' WANT MONEY. Tliero are many demand upjn us at th beginning of new year for this srliclej and a very large and respectable proportion ol our subscribers, being well swore of this,, have heretofore, (to their praise-be it apoken,) avail ed themselve of the opportunity afforded by lb annual aaaaiubliga, in this city, of persons .., ,,, ..,.-.,.., l4,f ,u. State, to furnish us wun timciy supply, out, Mil mowmmt vsyanc.lia bean tut off this wlnteri and the consequence is, wo ar left with an cmply pura to meet our paper.makcr', our butcher', and our merchant' bills,. Oil readers aJintie boldness aud indeiendence in an editor; and will doubtlessly readily avail themselves of any suggestion which may serve to uphold these principle, which, whatever may have been Ih icferls bTthe BtrTn 6thfinrejpwt7TiaMaT ways been it pride and boaL Mouey make a man bold: it give him courage st least to look hi creditor io the face. There is pith and troth in the remarks of s facetious cotamporary. He aaya: uLtk ere.' If our auWriber and otlisra want to keep up a lively editorial department. ttiey must pay up. Il is sorry stglil to ie I "T i- , 00 SL Ulft 'TT ,rr we heard of once. Ha waa an uinr k h..t lean against a post to bark!'' "Then to cut the matter short, we would rr. pectfully and earnestly request alt who are in arrears to this office, and 'lose who may fil disposed to pay in advaneeto help us put n our iroubte, in tne oDsence or sals privit means oJ--eeynce, to m.ike thrir remitlsn- ce Ct?" MieoWy of practicable, THROUGH THE MAIL. V ask pardon for having laid this much Wa ire not in the habit of harping' upon this subject."" GEN. JACKSON PET BANKS, A long letter front (Jen. Jackson has been re cently . published in s Cincinnati psper, in which be commends the course of the adminis tration, and "regret the attitude occupied by Mr. Rive and Mr. Ritchie," and denounces Ihe Bank with having, "in open violation of ill obligation, suspended specie payment in lime of profound peace, robbed the Treasury ol many million of money, and cried out at the same time that th Treasury wa bankrupt," There it is! the history and profligacy of the lime in a 'nut-shell,' by the old Hero himself! Wheojyill wonders cease! .These very pet banks wero one lauded to the skie by Gene' rat Jacksoo--pronounccd a fit substitute for the Bank of Ihe .United fcJIales and now, because they have failed to accomplish a design coil eeived in ignorance and tyranny, or been una- bl to bear up and pay specie under nib enor oiou waightnf his msd experiment, they are denounced a "treacharcus to the Government and th paoplaTWa re not disposed to de fend tb conduct or those banks; but we are disposed to see even-handed justice meted out to them. Tha" Whig, on the ill judged transfer of the depositee to thos institutions, predicted the result. Their prediction hav proved true, The whole plan ba resulted disastrously to ih counuy; nd'oo ihe'eutliors of that ahould their indlgpatioo chiefly resti. let th more consistent end lh purest of the State Bank be upheld; and in doing (hi the Whigs sre not prevented from holding up to the pub- c gsKviue cuiiujuuua hi in i"ei oysvm, and fhe-imroliiie4Desure.of the authors of the otv tiofial JisaxterSr Tb fact 1 General Jackson I deeply conscious of the many evils whtcb hla measure bav brought upon ih country! and be is now se. king to screen himwlf, by fixing their authorship ujioa his mer Itistruuiontsj the Pa Batiks ' .:: ' -V.) --.. ' . " 2 KENTUCKY. r-Tla -LegWkhir "'f -KrOciryfia:iiaeY a bill to take th sense of the peopl on the pro priety of Calling a Convention; th primary ob ject . of which w the abolition bf'slajrrry in that State, Such a movement, at a juncture like the present, is to be especially regretted its tucky. but will hv Weighty and linportanl bearing upoo the interest of -all the ) Su'tes. Those In Kentucky who" desire "the continuance uu J gtorf of this Union, and who participated iu effecting this nlovemeiit, havV given by it but an ill-judgd nd Impolitic ear nest of that desire., And th sbou'Uotiisis of the north and of that Stat are no doubt exulting t a prospect' so favorable lo'the final aceom plishtnenl of their designs. Is it not lime that the South were" w:ke, an J moving by States lo tho common ' prlocipto that slavery SHALL NOT bo aboliheiiT We observ that this abo lition movement in Kentucky is very strenuous ly opposej by the Lexington Ob.-ervcr, a leuJ. ing journal in hat StMtj,, TKDA8URY NOTES. Thi precious government currency no ell hi New York for two per cent. blow Sani ty Fund country bank bills, which is four and a half per cent- below specie; and w ith Ihe bro kers thev sell for ouo and a half petxeut. below paper money. The postmaster at Ualiiinorc litis decided that he will not take them for post age; and must uot that currency be weak an J unsettlod wbh-ti will not he l.tken for t'ues lo th government that issued it! .Wl(a. n.ow.i:i comes oi tvr, Montgomery (iweriion mat "Oovertiwetit deals in mHhiirgJmfoliLsUiiL silver, or its equivalent"? , . , f , ; J; c akTpX affaiusT (Q M'Ken!e, one of lb leader of ibe Ca. dian revolt, who w rre!edjl Buffalo, by tlie U. S. Marshall, under,h cbarg of raising ah armed force Iroririe'rYfrafT fuT tti Til SSatdn' of a Country with whieli we are at peaco, bus been bailed, securities being easily found for f 3,000. Tbo force on Nary Ulan J is said to be 2000, They refuse to give up the Slat arms, fof which demand has been made, dr to ab'iudon tho TitanJ. 7 " . " An overwliclininj meeting was held ih Alha- ny, N Y. on, the 4th Inst, The mayor presi ded, and thu'mosft distinguished men in the city parlupated." They voled Jo raino money to cid Ihe Cauadians. - Gen. Scott has been ordered to the Canadian frontier, to lake command uf tho troop that may be called into aervite, to preserve bur neu trality, and ho, in company with Got. Marey, Col, Worth and others, ha left Albany for the frontier. 03 Our rendere are referred 1 1 tho very iutet esting debate in this w eek's paper, on the Ca nadian diaturhaocew. iioine f-thfr tnembar ""T-".."'' w"1 bul.'wc ppretniiid 110 aocU sn event. The vessel Curolme had been engaged in aaitinj the rebels; yel the attack uj-on her in our owu waters, and the cold-blooded massacre of her erew, i not uviti. gated to a great es lent by her culpability. R.. Urea will be demanded and had of the Brii:..h Government; far w swubt not U will make acJy..W.a4upoplgy.4W ,W our territory and the inasaarte of our citizens. But if ample Mjesa be nut made, the final issue of ihe question is father doubtful. Broth er Jonathan's blood is up. and 4licre U bo (till ing to what lengths he will go. England has Iwic fell Uie nervous srnvnf this infmil but vi oroo counlrv; she ha tit diuire to Ae it third time. Hitherto we hav i.trbiirm iA I... " J " "Pinion OrT thil CJiiadr quwtlouT snj - '""" B"u we are not now disposed to say any thing mor than event would seem Ui justify. During the last war with Great Britain the hiood.rtirriug appeal of GeneraUf ull lo the Canadians tiro- duced but little effect; now, comparatively un aided, iliejr have thrawii t gjjuiitletjat poW , national renown! And whelher their preaent revolotionsry movement!, are iimulafed by in terest or pt(ioiUm,it is difficult to tletnruiiiie. If by inret solely, then nro northem advetilu rcrsw tho boliom of it; ind if thry would not throw off th English yoke, and j aio with us in the last war, through the impulse of patriot ism, Wht right havelhry no-v, if stimulated Ly interest end plunder to ask aid Of u! Buf, if swayed by tho ennobling principles if iiatriol- I ismfprojiledjiy arms that irike.only jhe enemies ui representative governtncut, theusay WO God speed the blow! ; - 11... j, 1 1 1 ,n v - Imptrlanf fltm t'lrila.- bat tic took plac on the 29th ult., between 'lha V. Slate troot and a large body of the Semiiio:, nn der command, , of Sam Jone slid Alligalor. Tweiiiy-eiglil of our troop wero killed ou the spot, and lit wounded. The loss of tha Jndi . sns not ascertained, bat presumod to be hrge. Among the killed ar Col. Thompson, CapL Van Sweariugen, Lieutenant Jlrouk and Lieu. I tenant Center, tdl of the army; CnpL Audrws, and l.ieuwnari Walker, or lbs MiMioiiiipt rob unteors wounded, 'i V: -h -3 y . ',, t FIRE AT WEW ORLEANS." . On oriba most destructive fires that hss ever visited New Orleans commenced between 0 and W o'clock on the evening of ihe 3d of this month in the high block of buildings 011 Frmil Levee.' Seven stores ar now ins heap nf ruins, with riiosii of their con tent; .besido great ma ny other liuildinrs. iAcludine tha olTu-a nf ik. Louisiana Advertiser, Los of property' from 0 lo 600,000 dollar! ; , ic-1': ; V 3 v 4 ALAUAMA CMVKUSII Y.' - '.'-v' The fullowinr rrnllemrn bar ks-ea amnninl. ' ed Ulrisers ol this Institution, vrsi Dr. Honw Pratt, nl GenrgM. prolesanr nf KnKlih l.kerse lure, P. A. P. H. mard. of New Ymk, Pr.deM SOT c.1 'M.tlieniaiies, iiamuel Mr Rstrnrd, .f Charles K. Johastno, of Sooth Carolina, 1 nine Ot Ancieid Language! Norrls Hruiuby. ofTus caoo, Tuior id .Matin mat ie,..- .',, , onmiT v.arnitna 1'rainsMnrsB.tani 1 'Bs-sSaaaeMiaaiaiaa, n ai ajlils iss.i'ansWilli 1 an 1 1 p ' . We tendeottr scknowl rnunl lo th Hon. Mrs. Strang and Montgomery tat several valuable public documents,-.: ' . ' Banjamlif A. Lavciuljer, vt lliliax eoun'y,"" r has beeir admitted to tho practi. e of Law in Ih " ' County Court a. - - ' - , TJ'e following Opinion have been deliver-1 ro siwe put last.. . . - , Daniel, J. delivered the Opinion of Court. ' tlaite','..VUisMBMv MmtA'fhmmmmnr',M iTirming the judgmnet below, m .'v. m' . - Rutfio, C.J., delivered tlia Opinion of tha C'obrt, in Mdn, Adj-. v. WuKh, front - Wilkes, alii niiig the jutlkiiKot below, Also, in flobbs ind Wife v. DusU. frnni tlalr, 1 affirming the judgment brlou,. Al. in Do ; t.-knuincf .w;r8ufrR,'.(roM 'CdgecsMuoy -v ifflmtTrirnne jtriif mem TiMUvrr'- ---r . Gaston, J udue, delivered llOpiniim of th Court,, in Melcbor e el. v. IWr, in Equity v - frnro Cabarrus, afliruiing Ih drcre betovt-- tci': . Also, ill Den,; .e dem. . Hsrrell and Wile t - Hnskins, front Gates, reversing lb, judgutent ' -J- .- betovt. nd reuili ring judjuiojil here for ons " fourth of tlie premise. . , ' n - V il WUlTlCAL" KECORDElt ' , . The flrit number of this papVr, since the re , ,!. . moval of Ihe establishment to this City. Wa is sued on Kalurday lanl. i'h fidltof, the Kev. " .TZ-. Mr. Msredilh, is giitoniii of ediicalioil and . "' tnlont; and will no doultt, a h did in Kw hero, publish an Interesting and .instructive r " .' ligioua journal. We heartily weleoma bim to- " V 1 a p!.ieo among Ilia 0ternity within th pr4 . ' '' ciucu of ihe capital, aod wish him much uc - . ' ' cesa ' , I'H TKIISIIUHG M AUKEf, Ja II, 1838. KUI.VIX') In .UiinwU lef neu) va-rica-frtun $i to i7i oid from H 53 to f. 25, Log-, i to f o'J li.OUU IJ.iih !rs M f8 50 on Unii' - WllKAT-jriV V $t 0i.'- , f . COU.N Very scree 77 1-3 U 80,cis. per buahvt. ' I ' T " Z xoTt Fffi : k-' ' m AttkeiV CtJTTOM, 8 a 10 s:)- , PAVRtV.ILL MAItKETianuarv5 4, CO I' l ON, 8 a i 3-8. J LOt'lf, - S m 7 14 TT0.V.7w'-rf, Dec. 1 1000 bfsi P.. tl. .tl II (AVIiI) lim Unfit i-l.f t.id Sin,.lri.r nl iliu Maine I nne ol l(. laeienlalites I lie vniis-ualniid .VI lun i, scut ci-ing , IU0, iluinliu boco Fo- 0,y The llimi'd of Managers nf tbs-SorWly for iImi eii.iioii ula MomiibrHt in WasUne'.im, hale Kollecied nl ll i(i. ir aub:riptiois30,uXH) dollars, which Hi. ive biieslcd m Stutks. In I'ltKuOiOHgl', t-llntliuoi miunijr, on tlie S. I inn nsHieiiev.i-i.ini, is. wins. itriHia 11. If atdn, Ktij. In MM Charlotte Cwherine. ibird ' dwthteeot CoTVttftwsHt Jon s. . u CKowsn county Michael Ifedtick b ' , Miss Mary Lile,?" .At ::-r ';-. - ' In Uertio county. Mr". JUf oh Rhofisi 't. Kfrs. , Vilforil. AUo, Mr. William Grav to jirhaf E- ; lixatlh B. Uyau. ' AIsofMr. Niithanivl Jullis phwio Mis KttzlttriirT5.wiiv.s bms Mr. Ed ward L.ster to , AUtu R:fy T.wrenci?.'' Also, ' W ITlIeii fy It iRiolti to MU PcH'opo rugh. t" mwxrt ii ' sssn mil l l 1 1 mi J - . " iit:sn:A selds, . : liUittl biftha Unlri t Satiety cf Shu her u D. fairi lrelh, taiicfD, Si V. lAtuJreth, Phii-'adkLphia, for ur s unicr s .4r'. ;i' 4T - n.ook-S4'IJcrv ltalclkrl.,' ft, iVajs Hiatu r ut onxtuxs Ciiee Or 1 857. Wtife Oiibm -khi Sileii,(afta, if C.1 neri,- Y. I lo w da Usd ( , . Freiu-h do or Iundiit jrk Earl) llfoO.ITu nip fjiw " Ki encli Siiuiie d ' (hangu 1iiini il, Lng Mood ; ': ,1 ; sausage ' cntth Kale ' fthiibaib ewulent for Tatti , Eark DutilT or Snrii;s Ffnt rniiSln- Barlv Ga'iilrn Stone do lAigelr.r.g. Noifolkllo tVI.il Mat ' da led Tnir, .Mangel WuHshI i.K,J. J.V biie-JikaSt-wJisNrtab, Siijtar Heel ag "do S.je Keai kt Can nt U ne do and nusth or Hell Pennee IUrl. IjirgPSareeibtdl-alu,,,. ed do, for pickling ''at eniie do , ''uiple Kggl'l'ami1 ' Juried Uiei or l.p. ree l.ras ' ili nd Leaved Ci 1 loin do m f Juernse) Pal snip Fin i(iij;r do l.inig t lute . Kaily Cluster t'ucun.lin Kuri a finr : 410 I .una; l.reeil r.ai ly rrsws ., l i t , a NT i.rea.... i-aige lomgta r..t m.,,,i r :,.. a.. I'lKhly l.l.eilii'i d Veeefalil Oisim J44eii..r - tt aieniteloe) K-lv Appb ;rd ' do 11 hit a'nlid Ct Ie rt -iiinuiee Sa.oiy " "'f Cm led Paral ':,"M ... du .. V cKaTariT?"i,riii.j; tge Flandtr Ho re viubKiuatim Finn Kmmeg Vlelnn t ji ge Cauivlup do tii'een citron lis I'nmgraiHil . d' - '.yt An , !ioinRa,ny.,..440 . liern Curio I lr...i:- iSusli Ciouk do do 1.:. - t. . Cio. k Neck W niter do (,'iici'ainit in- Puller do I '.i..k N. ck SniMincMk di Mammi.tNi. " di Mammoth Piiiiij kin -I .re; Yellow do nn .Mtll,( lliv drt , . -W. IVbile Oke f.intit l,aratua ' NaOHtliun. '. ..' tne' Plant 1 -Jt,., , 'Joined suA '.;. -;, T- Koq.irite j 1,'iM'U-d Chervil . " IV hit Css Lettuce Imperial Kugsr Lnnl do Eai ly IV lib ll.ad , do l.aigo Ciscu do K. tin I. ' do )n lee Com du (ireeu Css 1 "- do l.v t Svotch Leek "B''0 v " '-'rtv v " ' ' Wf it .rKtinnrtie -Wi.laio! -, I Thime , " imveiidcr " i " IJjsil . Irf-mon Hulm Matiiuin 1 1 miHB Cossst. -.iielr Klnita 'ir 1 ' I.ti Is Cu.lt d it nli Cum k ;''. T.-iv r ...... l CuLbact) Head d. Kill do, . tio limao Dutib , Large nil ltd India T in.isbull or lluse Madeira or Psmn .... -.wi vi na , -i- rfilr Chaiftiio . . . . . ,.K Img skhit Npls Rd ish , Frly Svarltit f linl To do - '" ' 'nlj llrshops Plfc' sfo. -rl) Piame ;de "ge Whii( -tloiiow- let do ,. -" i)'rf Mai-rnsfiit do- Violin ' . C do - " lllue I npei iaj do CarljChi'aOalUeans- MMdia do. sW, " Mx Weeks d.t Purple Short Tup -Usd I ui si . Iing Sainton While I oriiip bite Fall ipaniih Yellow I ui mis F'SH-ly bngsr Lal Call, bsge , " Om-ge . d. - Dii'rh ' ' d s,y.4-k - Aikli.s liai ly Dwart il. laige Yn k nr Harvest di Y.m ly h umlirsd or lis 11-l'M-N- . l! F-aily Itulloekl Mean (ti Mr(te-41tts . .-L : t " Ih um head n " Drimihiisd Sv7 d Flat or Lie Diilah do 'tefuee - ' ,ln ito. Vliile Kidnev dndo Varsegneil iratibrnx. no i-ni h llusa -i.Hth Case Kuile. do , jug Una . . , , do tlnleb white runner do , ' teat b-f Hu.iner '. , r!o " rfg Pod (Owsri) do ted 6pet kled Valert i ; ' W" lo, M t-r -, ;.; V ;inn, whit- with red K trlwhiike.lnrge G lotto- I' Pirt and .Set llribs, Msortes) ' ;. .. FLOW Kit SrXDS, isorted- . l( - - ' And a great variety 7 '" .' not included iu tins : (ireen Suy K doi Yellow do f1'iW 'filaiecj , Red Dutth i;dewitii . '' K- rly Canlifliiwet' Ule , . dd , lb til. dol list. TUH.NF.tt fit HL'nHF.S. 'O' lf any of the arrd okl by us should, , fail roVnrae up, (haviiig l.t'cu tail ly tried). . pnrelriser shall l al libetsf to get others tvili., Mia snjuht- J . im . il... ... x :-.. , . . t ' i-r ,1 Li- It if -' r . . 4 el -i.ii:ar qis m uihKiyrtTed.-" i -.ly. Wasiibigi-.-. ' 3 ; W Ai I ",... , . ' . . s " '" je''-.S.i X":'7W7 -' . Si ... , - -.1 - v-': -SJSt -t

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