A . i.. , 7r HALEIGII, N. O. WED?5S AYIANUAIlir 24, 1030. VOL NO 5 ; f .. .,sr ' .- i THOMAS J. LEMATti,. r D I T 0 B A W D FRO IB TOR. -i . ' ."' fc..c..rTI., thraa dollara per..ou-o "3, ridvH.t lh Staia't-illb. uTM Or . AO v 13 . 1 . , . r 1 .. ...eriW 16 lint this site jii - ; ' .,. . , gJZbH Clerks.-! ShrMb Hilf to .K.rl r eeot. h.f her, . Ha- urn! Insennm, iw-.t-"-;. . C1i W inr .HverUsert by the year Lriiert to the .Editor aaust be post-paid 'riiMMCSICATlOXS. V When Mo, anlj waia, wujounf,, WhiU yet in ewf Vtt ah .une. " i Pim im oft, Hlr ber btll, f lliroiif'd "un1 "r.oSc i7r 0. - ' jc4 , They iDitoh'd her initramenta of ouna." LOVE. fcy1 I.o indeed ii light from Heavan; A utark of thit iinmoruJ firn With DB1 ahanrf.lijt All gin, v To lift o" rln o"' l,,w dealro. Devolion wft tha minJ abovfl. But Heven kotlf decenJ in Loa; ' ' A feeling from the Godltexl caught. To wean from aelf each aor did thought; A ray ol him wka fonnM tho whole; A glory circling round the oul!" -The JSiotur'' Bvaon. "Thii ii one of the muter panione of the -fcnnnm-kaweieriiH!l 4 tha plen itude of it power, tu dovouooa ambrace with nrrr and uncontrolled dominion' all the complicated It waa implanted d in the human bosom fo, the .t benaficent of purposes; and to iu legitimate objects, and re- noblurand mot benaficpnl of purpotea; when reatricted to iu legitimate obieeta, and strained withm due oouniia uy moral sentiment, 4rerture when even his heart was-told c,ouus Ano winus rose, the wares bs called 0 freLjuti oLhumao I to the object, the blandishments of he"eJ. nJ distant thunder muttered hsppine.s. 1 ..... . .. . rci prorated love miht have enlisted a,onS tl,e no"n' The rivers and No passion Incidentals humanity embraces I iu,c mi 111 nave enusieu ,,,,,?.,,,...... , . ,o ,artP W..iulaUcka iofiuU7n.lici,. K u of okjJs.- It commence, in the cradle with fcn's last best gift. n re ,r,w' nto the ocean; the dol- tl-nder emotions of filial attachment and vene- But that Love which can alone bear P un? n(' w-norses which drew his ration for our parents; it aceompaniee and ani- tiscathed the fierv ordeal of life must cbanot-shell, snorted, and splashed, mates us through .11 Uie chequered viciawtudea refined in the holy fire of Virtue a,ld Pr'ckeJ UP their earsj the moun X ?d be founded un h .ccomp.nvii!i.to tb. lalTrelort of all the excellence in the object. Upon this wa-gtrpen a, toJother marine mon- hfing, it concentrates all its pure and aubliroe irinciple, should the virtuous and re- I ,"?Wtd "P n nd terror energies at the great fountain of existence, the ined seek congeniality with the vicious n r Pro'uUna grttos, and all the throne d the living God. nd illiterate? Nc Well, why i it tri?B: 1Bi?lf? nd sea. divinities .Like all other elementary principles of ho- e? ( - Which inhabit his watery kingdom. Col- ; Li-iZJ. i.ik.. u. will ,.r K h... ni... k. 1..1;.. know what the deuse was the matter. . . . a ( its presence, and the effects which are mani- fested in every department of lite, by multiplied xliihitiana at it. Anrfriat 1, Hu'hM thji ln. energies. It attaches the in - fant to its parent, and the domlcil of ita earliest days of helplessness and dependence; it attaches the youth to the objects of his playful yeara, u us companions 01 nis innocent ana irsuve mirth. .ndttb.Gnrtoi.ju of hi. youthful Ut!2: . .. Ttie beneficent eoJ heavenly aspiration 01 i-.r. ...n.rau, if..u..d: the bind the soiriary and warlike saa to hiawaUm for- est; the Moor, the Arab, and the Negro, to the burning plains 01 the torna tone; mo Kussian,ua shake 0f rt.,j dejection, and the Swede, the Aorwian. ana inlander to.jj,,, fc j h j. j - rf . snows and gladers pf the polar regions, and . , u- i. th. eaurlW .ml civilized Euronean and Amen- can to the refinements and cemforta of the more temperate region "of the globe. ' Ii you requite proofs of the truth of thisuni- venal doclnne of love, ask the parent what price would induce him to part with his chil dren; nit the husband of a woman of elevated and noble character, what aum in guld jewels he would consider equivalent to her value; ask the 'savage what would induce bim to abandon the dangers of the chaae, and the deep and si lent solitudes of nature, and to reside in your crowded ehira,'aa.dat the hum of business and the confusion KT aa-tciubled multifudra. Ask the Samoide and tiaplander what vould induce tliera to change the fogs aod snows of the north, fur the mtM tnd balmy temperamrtountries presenting eternal spring arid onfadlng verdure. They xeill tell pu thai iKeg hf4 their parent; their -mivei, their friend , their ctnntry. The writer goes on to speak , of tn toltinlary Love; and very conclusively demonstrates its existence and effects. He remarks: . 'No two human beings, especially el differ- ""'ntvaeaea, and more especially if theirafftctiont were unengaged hy previous preposseasiona, were ever yet in the presence of each other for any Jengtfi of time, without expe.iencing the ",tc. a greater r lest degree, of the sympa "j r inuttatny Delore noticed, When the at- wacuon u mutually atrong.Uie parties soon be- d77' VJZ?y 1?raf - t . ""nwiuuea. i nia aym- rucuc auraciion nas by some writers on the subject, been denominated 'sve ret eight' When an the other hand, the physical, moral and intellectual charwrere of the partite arses- uny anu rajMcany umerent from each olh tin etUerworda. and in aun r.I.L...i.i. pbneologyrwheh Ihe natural charoctirs of the i-ruea are ine direct anUpodea of each other, Ihe rrnjUie powera of natural ar.tipethy art ttAngly eiperieneeo' at to produce involun ry hatred, if not Sied and unalterable seuti w of contempt and detraUtioa. I am thos particular in living my opinions oi these tub Jeta. Bot ealy because I know that tbeir tor. mtness will be sanctioned by th actual expo, njee of thousands but becaoae I Uart they wiu u er service te many, in disclosing the ei wenje danger to humtn happineaa, which iova. "tnly arises rrom uniting those to each other, fLii ' rtifieil nd factitioue tiea whom Y1 and nature have put asunder.. By oppo anion, of character, I mean a plain die "iniiituu, ofUmporamenta, tastes, and intellee- . and moral ejualiUee, Can physical and aaoral beauty be in Ipye with pbvsical deformi, V. ana moral depravity of charactert Can in "geoee be jn love with atuptdityt pnocence "a Hi'est pority with guilt and corruption! Love is a mysterious passion, and Hen mvoluntaiV but thw writer has scribed an' Influence rather too pow nul and decisive; to attractive and re !'MT Principles. f Some individuals, j .T11? .f es, rf perpaituallj changing jn their devotions thej are easily ?,p! "ated by, and as easily diverted mi other ;.hjecf and if such ever iwe it i. at first slightly involuntary, afi., 5u'4rd,krnt alive by flattery oJ deception. Hence, their nest is ever in extreme leobardv. lady of this character is addressed by a gentleman of fashion, and or hand some appearance; at first, she maj even avoid and view him with dsgust bat let him just converse with her five min utes, and she regards him with tolerable complacency five minutes more, and her afirtis ticlftSlTan Id ner leeHngs are to ner apparently Jy) kind unison with his own! Ladies, is it-not so? But beware! Such a man is. borne on passion's restless whirl link jour life with his, and tho.se smiles and words that flattered and excited jour vanity, will degenerate into sarcastic sneers and cutting reproach! Theft are oth ers, of both sexes, who feel involunta ry love, but it is chilled and turned in to hate bj a repulse, or the reflection tint tka iihll i. l.U . .1 ... - L y ..... wi.v 11.1:11 auu unauiiiuaiu- t ""i i me uujri oi xneir iove should deign to stoop to them, the warm ' t ntiin ttt' I . . a. k i ! I 1 7 . L . y mwgieu wim grat- iiaue, anu tney even wondet that there tre many things in heaven and earth hit hare not been dreaintof M their nuosopnv"': But it is not safe that anv of either fx should depend altogether iihon in. , . . 1 O I --- 1 "'"'j ioe. ine gentleman maj tiae gmoomij on Irom 1 8 to 25 sus- tined and animated bj this principle, it still unsucressfu jat SO he will be- ome wide twitv-at t ..r an till! pntc emot;0g oVe pkaoi if nTglrt, 'DathT and firei Pluto! Jupiter! I .1 . . . .. L rj'VJJ.MttiL4.m.kit-:-j 1 u u j . "J f lifo-participated in the il int throng, or pajed devotion to rtue in unobtrusive irarb made one I I M learn to distinguish between vice. True 1 .-.. n,l - i , tlee u m mo"l" of such frightful mein, Ht to be hated needs but to be seen." But how can a lady see vice in the ascmatinir kmilo nf Ltinir kmi enf h,r idm m-n. :,ten to fk ,oud Ull , ,lf ,,., ,fevelrv? Can aha mark-thti rm&Jt'.TPJ:lKn u -fail. , . , r l-r , h ,,,u the wild tide of life, and tcaves the deep croan, when he it alone, ,n his chamber? She cannot. But he l'g" nJ rry hini but the fcnder wild-vine hath embraced the pugh and rotten oak, so on to be riven w tjie torms of contending elements. iu,. m:iir hav rp.n.in-.l vil- iiiuuriai nau not ine arcn-nemi ap foached her in the brilliant folds and Inning flatterj of the serpent she (ght have escaped vice had the same J non-spirit remained unchanged as Iton describes him when drscendinp . 1 I I . l n . hm the sun. : Let thaJadies, if the? uld secure wedded happiness, avoid al frown upon the licentious, and a- bidoned-ioc. T J n It 5 a srr Kiu miti i M EtWor: Sir, I have observed and iproved of the fidelity and per- seVchce of vour corresnondentt in theiriudable efforts for the reforms "on that part of our Dart of our snecia. bear. mg tl antiquated name of "Uachs- i LOR. "7ffifeV specially has abundant causeor .rejoicing, by observingHie succe he has met with and or A is encouement, be pleased to publish to thtwrU, the luminous epistle of a Iturnel Abecedarian, who, altlmujli his loci are bleached bj storms of 60 wintenhas the courage to address an accompihed, and highly. beautiful 'joung Hy uf the same profession. It a man may 'smile and be a villa in 7 ' 7 r " . "" ".mertteuse are jour- .. . tier te inner nn. she is the verv nll a. ,r- s i . in- - Aa in thorn tli v imiff .pnnnh r -r "j mi nams ia iiicrcurr. aitiu me ariaoineofthem more than enough, "l.-i , ,t s, , - ' handsome jou th. U bu whether deception lurks beneath U hat " the mtter? cl,ined f 'And praj, Mr. Mercury, how dared thi smile I do not pretend to sav! "ar":. - .V . ! jou steal mj sceptre?' ThV 4, r....n. "i moment n aucnee, a report I And mv wird f. monster aa d V. is a trti copy, and may aerve as a specTinejfor others of a Uke minrf." Yu nnot but observe how tnodril' ly he pop the question, and how he raises hi expectation of . felicity giving thtVst of precedents lor his passion L scattering anj objections she may kve' about his ae to the winds! Viether he succeeded, re port aajethjot but taking Ms learn ing, modest 4 and condescenstoti,- but above all, k exalted opinion of the fair serf int consideration, his lady love, on itaVelpr,, must have spoken and looked,4'unutterable things!" But to the ddjent::-- -;,,-' 'Dtam Mthi .V ' " i ."""" JSI , Froiri thsmatt acquaintanc 1 hare had with Jju 1 4 cohvinced you are Oualli. Bed to tnake, ie man happy for team, ing and pood sen,, two great qualifications to make perona ajnarried state nappyi now Mis. cons'drr thl each one following the same occupation life might Bake it mora agreeable cvea io kivcnationl Foraclowa . .Nr. ..s VI .1 -M- v . , . ...1 . . ,v: to convent with a tdy of a refined mmd . " r . r"-" - "7 circumiiAtice 10 mrv a rich m.n .ml he shquld he a drinking; character then in thai cae tht a ouUI be compelled to ttaml mutet For if ahe undertook to reprimand him be would abue, and even mention he bad taken her out of the oAe$; aa he considers a little property mora valuable than good qualities or aetifcivated mind. At I have fern wiMn mlowo. ,eyet and hart, hetrd wit my ear. Sol am determined to marry no woman for her property ana tmt to oe thrown up torn- when even there beinu a amall portion to "make inem & companions nappy tliroiirli life, I hope Hits, ymj will Uke these thinjrs into Euimusniuon ana bci as you may think pro per, ana it 1 snouki be a proper person to aW.Zryou, will you be to good as' to answer this letter in wi ton. At I address Ladies of leanung by way af Matter and those who are pot tnva twee (that ia verbally.) I have a arge House tinoccupi d by a Female Teacher! As 1 think y may be an advan- ge mroun me 1 win try to make you aa happy as I can. Perhapt you may find tome fault of my agei But remember Mitt that the freater man waa ever ruitei in N. America hs mother was sixteen and hit father forty fivet Uke all these thine inta canidriin and write me by the first sje opportunity. So I conclude by aaying I am a friend to all females of a rtfmtd moult for I think they are like marble brought out of tho quarry. " SAM PATHETIC. OH. - I 1 ne tanguaze ana nu actuation are Sani'a. the italira a nutn Iml, 1 i ' ii.m Ichabod. Frtm tht rr Wrrer. TUK CURSB; OF NEP 1UNE. ar Tatooont a. f t. ever w" monarch in mcD 1 a ragei n"" w" raSe 90 powerful, rhe blue ,kT Pe8an io o blackened with heavy I BTM . t grei uecp iiseu usye lorm a low.tone of fear at the sudden furj of Its kin". I have been robbed I cried the mo narch, stamping hi foot, whereat three 7 . bottom to the surface of the ware. "J trttlcnt) Uttt rJu. 1 father Saturn t o trifle wit h Jupiter, awake, and bear a hand with your thunder.' Even while he spoke an earthquake shook three quarter of the eiobe. and a a s a disturbed the sleep of Jupiter hiinself j on the summit of Olympus. ilirre was throughout the whole universe the very tieuse to pay. jupiter in rising I ... i...:.- i . i . ,, ,.,Bl aeverai tempies were ansKen uown, anu juno screamed MYiiaton eartn i the matter?' in "Ul "me, mat mo inferior god and goddesses could not 3." J'f'Z! Lain ,t.; .... . 'il .i i :.,-"""" 7" "v l"c "r 7, "7 Pe" are all this clamor because he had lost his , ? trident 'Confound the fellow! He might at least have waited till morning,' laid Jupiter, with another yawn. . H it an infernal old fool,' said Ju no. 'I will break his head with t sledre- hammer, ' cried V olean. , .w - . 4 . . . . . . . CI j Heaven: he shall give me the sat- '""i i gciiiicinaii, inuiicrcu Mars, in a furv. 'Cupid, my love,' said Venus, re tying her night-cap,, f we'll plague him' well for this to-morrow.' 'Where i my sceptre?' cried Jupi tor. i 'I'll call a council this instant. To disturb us in this atjle the whole assembly of the gods f for a loss mere- Ij private! Where the tieuse sceptre?';,. . is my .'But the sceptre was gone. Jupiter turned pale with rage,,; A." .'.Why, gods.' cried he, it is not pos sible! Junuinydear, look about curse that "eagle he's" always in the way when he's not wanted look behind e s not wanted look behind , by he beard of my and Mara -nsheathed V k a , lie nau leei wnai II IS aivam min k. . r u .j: xv.T-wrr-i--iT"rL Tit L i:V? b " " . ... wt tvi usee uiu cuiune; triiai; no; . tahpa in tho mr .n.l r.t.,.n..i : .i- . . . . .... . - M .really thought Jupiter had 'more gnity, said Mars 'ha is just as furt- s as old Neptune him elf.'- - I wish he would be a little careful w he hamllea these' thunderbolts though, whispered yenust in some mxrr: , TV l I. me mrone. y inestji! no nas .n will employ joe. You shall be dared? All Tartary .hall stir for this? ; m j messenger, interpreter, and cup Hand me those thunderbolts? What, bearer. 4 present jot this winged cap, ho! wy centre! r ' and these wings for your feet. With ' h ";'" Venus, lljlj smiling, them you may go wherever vou please how much more severely, we feel our with the greatest celeritj, and be in vis Own losses than those of others? jT ; V' ible whei you desire. You ahall be . Mamma,' said Cupid, 'shall I plague mj ambassader And plenipotentiarj, Jupiter too? V -;; ' v i , v and jourfirst duty shall be to seek Be quiet my child,, said Venn , Neptune,, and return to him the tri M .really thought Jupiter had 'more dent with my compliments.. - ' ; v dignity, said Mars 'ha is just as furt-, BuVaire, perliaps the old fellow ous as old Neptune him tlf-..,.-vttrif be less Jndulgept than -you, for 'l wish he would be a little careful-my feat.- '. - t " , , how: he hamlles these thunderbolts ?'Kpr not. he ahllt nn'f km ,....t U him! V ald Mara, -'he let tnem o at me next Oh r hall e'a .u. - .f,. k . . . . halloo what Ihe'deuse w here's my w in u ua 1 1 oo -1 rattors t n u m i e r- -death famine and firewho' ha tot mj aword! - Vulcan, joti black rascal!' o jaw,' said Vulcan. v I demand my sword,' cried Mars.' D6ntutt InelaTdTutcitnbufT heaven and earth!' and he turned white as a sheet through the soot which be grimed his face, 'some person has bro ken into in r shop and made off, with mj best hammer, two anvils, and a new pair of patent bellows.' Venus laughed till the tears lolled down her chi-eks. Was ever such-a scene!' cried she, 'all heaven turned upside down bj the loss of a few paltry trifles which will ba found again, doubtless, in the morn ing.' .... - 'But, mama, it's very curious who could have stolen them?' cried Cupid. Verj, my dear and, new I ihink of it, I am glad I did not take off my gir dle last nigrt before I went to bed let me see, it could scarcely be abstracted, I think, while clasped around my waist ah!' " She uttered a terrible scream. The girdle was gone. Well' sai4 Minerva, with great dig nity 'here'a a prettj kettle of fish.' At the same time she quietly retired to a reietfiiti1alfff thunderbolts, andthe rest of the highl y excited assembly 'it's all verr fine,' continued the crave goddess, olacinz ber finger on her nose, D. I. O.' It is not easy to saj exactly how this would have turned out, for Mars was stamping: about like a ravinr mad mam Venus had gone into violent hysterics v uican, armed with a huge iron bar, was rushing to and fro in d operate wrath, and Jupiter had raised his thun derbolts high in air, and waa just go ing to let fly among the crowd promis c u uusly, ,whn cry-a rose that the thief was taken. A fierce looking bin der deitv the Jacob Hays of 01 jmpus, walked into the assembly, having one hand upon the throat of a joung man, and on the other arm a parcel of things which, on being thrown down at the foot of Jupiter's ivorj throne, proved to be the missing articles. Juno hand ed up the sceptre which her royal con sort received with a smile Venus fas tened on hef' girdle, Sobbing all the while Vulcan seized his welcome property, and struck a tremendous blow on the ground with his hammer, the scabbard with a violence which made th whnU linivan. V tune's trident alone remained" on the .Now, ladies and, gentlemen,' said JUDIter. With morn than hm usual otn. posure, you see the folly of getting into a passion. Take example by me, -r - r . -r-r and be always calm and philosophical under every vicissitude.' Tlie goods looked at each other in silence, and Cupid winked to his moth ,r. and .,! .i;ri.it. .. .. " " . J . J "impudent young ,tcounarei,' said Jupiter, antl now let us see who is that audacious varlet of a A And roj sword, wretchf thundered Mars. - And my new patent bellows, jou rascal,' added Vuican. 'Ladies and gentlemen,' said the prisoner, with a sweet smile, 'keep -joI ami jou, father of men and gads. hsfrty story. I was born of a very genteel family my grandfather, was Atlan.a great landholder my mother J W J was (lie peaoti iful Maia ' Ahd who was four father?' de manded Juno, somewhat briskly ?Shut jour fly-trap,' said Jupiter. 'My father is the honorable monarch of men and gods, before whom I have now the mortification to stand a cap- live.' 'So, ho I? said Juno, - - .. - - 'I possessed myself of thrse arti cles, continued the prisoner, 'not from anj desire, to retain them, but in order to recommend myself to your notice, ph gods, whom I had an ambition to serve.'-. " -;V s , . ; r . You are a charminr fellow sid Jamter! Jnno. h nn I lib -.i . i. - r . : : ' -i - j dent with my complimi , Bul,liire, perliaps will be less Jndulgept -my fcst.V, : .. r 'Fear not. he ahlll ynake yourself scarce tramp, begon?! Ana Mercury, with abound Uisap. '"vsunisa aims near msahinnr Junn'a .. I pcared. ni i w.-, ' .. iirptune was in a snorting rage. He had turTrI the orean upside down he had .swept off vles and towns, , and shattered a icore of rockr coasts' and.inountaina to. pieceTheaea' gtds entreated his majesty to be calm, and intimated that he waa only injur- ing his own subjects.. He replied I 'VtrTela and VasabondisTLrins me my, trident.! At- length ' Mercury appeared and with three bowsj Vfor Mercury had travel icu, and was wonderfully polite, returned the trident, and related the story. whJ T desperate thief,' cried the watery god, the brine dripping irum ni uoarj oearu, 'JOU impudent varlet, Jupiter's complitnenti? that for Jupiter you his ainassador? jou his confident? jrou be hanged ! by O lympus! jou are a plebian.' 1 tell you what old chap said the ambassador, 'you might about s well cep.a civil tongue in jour head.' 'Earthquakes and thunder! jou ras cal,' rejoined the enraged kins. if ev er I catch jou upon mj realms again, III give jou to mj monsters joti shall make a bonne bouche for one of my whales avaunt, yuu ragamuflui.' That for you!' said Mercury, snao- ping his thumb and finger under the very nose of the end, thatthat that for you! jour monsters and jou WSo-tirPlntoi Orr.-t xtrapr w bragjjjin lojulivijrisr none of your dolphins.' whj, jou unutterable son of a zmv cried Neptune, bursting with wrath, so help m Saturn mj father, if ever I catch you an inch on my do main again, I'll, Jrown you like a blind kitten you're 'a scararoouchLcurse me if ever 1 saw such a harlequin.' Uli, you vulvar old Tool said Met - cury, in the most tantaliing manner, lighting on the edge of the chariot, and sticking his chin defyinglj in the iace oi ninemjrjouT a regular oater, and so Iar from retraining to come mjself upon jour kingdom, I'll teach man to .traverse it as a high-road ni nave it overrun with boats, ships whole fleets. By the Styx! I'll peo ple it with steam boats. So sajing, and snapping his fin gers again at his foe, now altogether speechless with rase, he leaped into .1. - J ., . l me air, ana was on in ine twinKiinjMilJwnen mercury, wno nan pern on a an eve. Neptune ducked beneath the nottd. My pen is mortal it cannot paint his feelings. In about three minutes Mercury a- i . .... i lighted m Phoenicia on the banks of the river Eleutherus, which falls Into tltejr4MdAevswiw wetow,,iWsltnd Aradius. .He there saw a shepherd standing on the-shore contemplating some trees on the other aide of the stream. 'What are jou looking at?' cried Mercurv. 'That fine fruit,' answered ,the shep herd. 'I have been here all my life tending . flocks. There are no fruit trees on this side the stream. Every Autu mn that fruit ripens and falls, and is eaten by the birds, and though I behold tt for ever, I can never reach it.' Can't you swim? asked the gritT. No,' said the shepherd 'and if could, it is too far for a swimmer.' Look "here; said Merciirvi just ien me your axe. i ... . ' Straightway he went and cut down a tree, hopped off the branches, hew ed out the trunk, constructed a pair of oars and behold, a boat !1 - 'Jump in 'aitlMercurvi 'don't-be afraid. V ' In five minutes the sheDhfrJreacti ed the longdesired spot,' and had soon caten as much as he wished. Now, said Mercury, 'where are van mm C? 'Uack again to my sheep,to be sure replied the shepherd. What: won't you take some fruit to jur . wne , aim ciiuuren.. : i ou can carry it in the boat, you know.' 'L,y,' said the simple shepherd, Mo teel , .' 'You can do more,' rejoined Mercu- you can takeover not only enough fur your wife and children, but e- lor nough to sell to the other shepherds. Yon can make them barter for it their ocksand hamlets and. vou can sup ply the towns and vilans of the sur rounding couutry jou can make your self a rich man.' . ' . ,. ? 'Now, only think of that!' said the shepherd.' Heaven bleat your' wor ship, there's laming.'. s'r v - r 'Good morning to yott,, cried Mer cury, v ;v.,--,...?.( .' ; . ., Oood morning to your worship,' cried the swain, who was busily pick ing the fruit; that Mercury leaped up and was off. before he was aware of it. ; 'Heaved's! be'igonePaaid the shep herd. fThat fellow's. a screamer won der who he is but no matter; now for it.' , ir:-, .m , , . ,v-.:.".r ;.: By the time the sun set; he hail a dszen loads piled up safely on the oth er side of the stream , ' , , -. ' In a short time the rivers were cov ered with boats. T Mercury chuckled over the success of his platw-At length ncn rnrxnicion. bunt a vessel, with which be determined to cross 'to a npirfnnnp n .nnht . i . .la ..Ai.ri.. (,''" sj v;,An m g,""jo!i Bomewnai impatient uisposi Iwatched the eatarprise with iotereahfonrind sot J and Jenttin -with vt - 7 inamm. - no vessel was bjiilj, launched, rigwetl,"'" manned, and a party of the ownerV friends came on board to-put forth It -' "f was the first time the sea had ever been 1 profaned by mortal presence. "A r luted horror pervaded the deenrThe . nereides and tritoiis ahook. with, fear the sea monsters rose from their dark i''-. ' f TibWHciWIlie aurTac tumuled about in a-ntatum. hi1e Ner- i tune, calling around him all his force, wnip?u up ma icrriueu uoipmns anu startled steeds, determined to execute vengeance on each one of the rash' mortals who had dared to intrude into his solemn dominion. The adventurers put forth, v'rher were no aoonr em. barked than the tempf st was loosened the billows rolled in liquid mountains. the wind blew a hurricane, the frail ran : Ine boat was enveloped in foam; an (J buried beneath the briny deep. tune swore great guns At lengthM clouds cleared a wy, the laughing, blue skj appeared, atid the waves tub 'd'. 'So, ho!' said Neptune, nearly oat of breath, taking offhia tarpawltn hat and hanging it on one of the corners of his chariot. Met them put that in their pipe and smoke it.' V , - - J What was his astonishment' Alt be- , holding that the daring bark still float- " ed safely on the? bosom of the ocean. and that the mariners, having furled thewhrineihririi1TweivmoTtn I f . - - ifTrhvrs - which wafted them direct! j on theic course. ; " My eye !' said fie ft owning rod. you dou'Laaj soV-We'll trj jou ano- . ther tack, then! Tritons, nereides, nymphs, attend! those drtestuble and audacjou sjnof lals comn in spite of me -down with the intruders into mj king- , dom. ' Each become invisible, each se . lect jour victim and strike, with jour unseen power, everj mother's son of them.' ' " 1'he unsuspecting, mortals advane' . ed the fatal spirits surrounded Jthe ! vessel the crew and passengera were abandoninz themselves Id' eaityi when r tol' the dreadful signal was uivent the curse of the god descended the strength for sunk their limb the blood left their," cheeks and lips death was Tin their 1 hearts! The deck, was covered ' with the bodies of the expiring wretches.. l a i , . . distant expedition, suddenly perceived ' - .... what was gin on, darted to-Jupiter:" ' with the velocity ol light,, knelt and ' prajed for the deliverance uf lus pro- , leges. I cannot undo that which mr rovat.. brother ha done in his own kingdom, said Jupiter. - 'Then, oh! arre.t his hand, cried ' Mercury 'aljeast spare their lives, ; His tears moved the omnipotent ruler .V of all things. ; - Be it so,' he aid"they shalf not . ' die, let thenr live!' And the next Bio-' tnent the winwd in,imrir ,.f k... t ------ - 0 ;- rreij.f was in inc cnanot ol the ocean god. .Oil, ho! you have come, old Bees- ; wsx hafe you; but jou are ; a little ' . lata iu the day cried Neptune, with a grim smile. - .v , , V - '- ' :'X r Belay your j tw.'jeplied Mcrcurj - 'know that there ia a Jimit even to vour powert they shall hot die, It ia ihe' jlecree. otJnpt VaK&'jU ' 1 am satisOed,' said Nenf une. wh. . had heeif regirdiiig theTagoniea of his i" victims I am satisfiedi let them lives . l .i . , . . .... - inutii gooa , ntaj it uo mein. ' When -they first appeared on my free and on-"" " trouden billows, 1 thought death was : their only doom btrrl ier ttieretiT7- are praying for death to refease them from sufferings more than infernal. ; t.ct mem nve then. Tliey shall nev. er find that awect repose under my hand but, mat V me, they shall not, in after ages, intrude with "impunity ; into my empire. I coiiimand you,. ' vnvv.' spirits of the decpi to hover ever pver l ;,.'. the borders of my- realm watch the ' ''i'S appearance' of these hardy adventur' cr atrike them with the horrors that v shall make death a vain lope, a fruit" T . . II i .1 .: r - . caa prajrr. uciiU jineir piOUU souls to acknowledge ouf power, ; Let them ii inc piritine in an msmieu ga. f , Laugh at their livid lips, their blanch-1 - - ' ed cheeks, their glassy, nd up turned I r .; eyes, their trembling''' and sinking, fratnesr Mock their groans, and add ' . 't-, 4 iu uivir urainir. retinal WIIICD naS ' , ru.ll tUm'f .lt:K, - I . ' - ror. transmute tne most savoury A 1 . ' .1 . ... ! . . .. looti into worse tnan poison and let the beverage which generally inspire them with, rapture, now make them'' faint to think of it Let them expe " tience all the .anguish and . agony of ' death, without its relief,' and auffer .! the tortures : of Tarturus, even tar- P rounded by the luxuries of earth. Let ' : their anguuh be without syir.pahy a-;- inongeaclt other but let cruel Jaughr : ter ring in their ears, tilt the aco3er "t : i- r-ii-V. .i. - ' in ma lurii, ibiib ucuraui my. power. The fates decree that I cannot exclude them from thfe sea) but I tan punish their unhallowed boldness. 1 curie them with sKA-sioxHasa! and so be they 'cursed.'-, ;;; -v . Mercury waa about to reply,-when ha beard Jupiter roaring for a coblef of nectar." K-nQwinir hi- roval master to .. r ' . I .- . , v v "i I - v- . 4 ' f : i tin- t V 5. . .- i' 1 a l . -; : .... -.r."--.- ' . - C-f',- ; ..;;;;t; .... . j. - ';.? a c ? i .: r - - - . - ifl .... v" ., i 4 a. - -V' '