V . ' 1 a . . .. ' . g : ' J!LL- .'-- ' '"" "v- ' - s. IT ':V,.'.i . It- - presentation lu 7, jr, ,lt XVUamci.en, -J - tir .mi-i of the Penxylvan . into the' scheme urn, v- - - ' - ISIS has recent! T been pnb- :n? iliubt not other; means . ..liiiu. Jtrtna, Kewtx-rn Spectator. On he Object of lh late .ggreM.on 1LJ f the loyal Cana-han, . rlav ami ,r a. Calhoun seem to ve changed characters. The former 1,1 take the opportunity of fhllr I WOtlW the reeeTit murage frag tH" "-" ih luris. re,i,T.... iTia Siatr to bean Out- tne sou ". ? -v 4 "0n , atrocimia i its cl.sr.cter and eon ,e moa wo. vWtifi.blc by any ...i-ncr . "' - . j 1 .at could hav pretjPt.y .?l. . mnri. evidence titan I reO'iire " t , t bcen V.re.y .ven byha lLtJ.'.y meth.here wa itrjw .i.;,.. -,il,l nouiblv M- jverninei't . .1.. remarks soletf from s view m ... . 1 1 . . i;r.v-ninint 011 acconnl of , be mue ... - - v hrrf o see M. Pl.J us L.i. fi.Unuistion to the altei name. Lstr r "ample onl tfuqualiiiftl iiir .re f of tlw great provoca-ion ?.u. .',.. frontier titi.ens. lf-Koglaiui LhorU'l 'he act Ctvhich w..do.n-..t tiicve) Mr. Caj: knowi' TuU. It ,.t th,. Wi1e oii innq; 01 ner -un- ,,l,fied apolo-ie' II; she did i.ot ...hmisp it. the l;tnzu;is:e.of toe ben- Ur is ih.e reverse otlwaceaUle or res- ,-ctful to a friendly power. " . :,..( .. .. ..i.f tuiwifiiin .4iit XV )l!HeiuJ irv. w ----- viird lr public, interests; ie Ki rr.'.:' lie ai"l, "bt en his iutcntioit .....I ...1 Kia ctlliltaf t." 9 IHI h ft sr a V. IMtl VU. H" . , . . .1 I U aula i.f lU Ll hoped. ,n 1. .. - v - I..,. ,.f il r. on bfli'.t sides Hat "i r'-" "1 . 1 l.... . 1 veil in the Senate. He ln" ii.it these paper would have r .. ...... 1 acebly to Ui: cOinnuuee on uieih delations, wiiDoul a worn or opimo.i jHin them. .Mr. l, hop-U U.t u i fnfis'itef.ed aera war 'between' wo futli umnltie aa Great: Lviaw ml the U. Slates would not grow out. I' 0 excitement naln ra I ly i1 x i t i n g i4aei'ii jifnple so louiy connectru i tlie inhabitants ofihe frohlier linecv le did not now, however, wim to ive an opiniml. lie was not ptises J of the facts on ' both sidt-s of the hues'ior. lie tl.ougul genuemen ooiu . wait to know the real stale 01 me Lii, before they suffered themselves, ly exuarte' statements, to be driven W an excitement -wl.lch alt might lerafter'tment. He would only sy at -ilipra-vr'as "T)OS8ibiity that cir- it amstanccs exisiti-u i wuicn wc-jei '. mr '. 1 . ... -!..- fcere i;nirant. r e nugiii w me Imcelves in he situation ui uol i-ine ia.il.. .form nyr jutlffngMt... accurtlwg to ustice. not according to liurrii'U leeir . . 1 J , e . J- ..... Jig. I.et us oniy suppose ii u mu- mefii that lius cou-niry uau uuen ami in the situa ioii of Great Bnt- un. aunnnse inc cuy m new.- - . : r ilt -v i. U lbe- n seized and taken possession of bv the purtv ainunR to overthrow f-ii Governinrnt, and they wcrri aid ( and sunnhed with men anu arm from tht) r,anadi:iii horc-should we tlo-n be in surh a hnrrv to condemn one uf our own otnerf. won, seems these circunwUnccsV:4udrtakean4 .d.stray4 a boat berttnginj; to the-ior eign stressors, whii bhadjbeen c n gaed in briiijjitVg aiiTandsuccor . to our jMicmiv'lIa4. wjt.Jh&,cafi as a method of at a cool and,: proper juigmi-ntj not Inst he meant thereby tojaMify any act in itself unjustifiable Hr-urj;(iil this nrautnent'only, as 1 "Tcawn-urcn'bear4n'cir'Bntit''wB'JThaH he fm niKheil with furthVr informaiou- would not be wilting to decide ronirnverttil cast even between jnt re iiMini.iuaU uiviil lie had fully incinired n'o tlie merits lif the dispute 011 boih i"es imw much less, then m aji al f nations inttht v&Jr :,nish wifh iesi(ici views into premature excite mviiianu aoiior.f l.!ilI-JLJt Mr. lUves t.r Mr Tarr w.-le U to bring forward a t suUstitiye fir' Alr. X right's bill. ' . - -' It is a.v said,.. thaV thai VM ts P eoared with the express ititcnikn ol fo-cinir the Conservatives to abuuiJ'Nj th Part V1 0l'iitmit;ipSiJli- iipniimiiiv. L v. -- -e.-: j rficotitaing ho eonclliutlon or Conipro- "vs-v no corner into vliiclt the Uonser TaMvb can creep for sfety. '-Z' " ; Sume exci'ement ba been itroduceUl M mis city inconaejucnce ol an-jndii' Muni difuct from San Antonio,-stating hat that, place had been-aAtacfcetl by '0O;Mej.icanii. .A fctler yesterday "ceJved-from fol. Harness to lie; sec- retary of war dissipates this rumor, and s'atesMhaoifthe 20th inst. a party f Mexicans f 50; mad an attack upon the pirdtwho were taking care fthe "re8, eight mile beltiw. took" One prisoner and shot the, other.' I ol. Kar n. was in f omlnanll in conse 5Jm of th Ulnesas jifit,; Colonel fl-f) ''neiliatelyipun receiving ye information gate pursuit in person, J'tow-f-d thrrneij.Kf"or ten .mires, but We tr,r puinj, outi. retumcdr he has ? jlusrtrt.il is the same party which vis "ed 8,o patrub. The spies 1 he een( '"ere liai -u, renn'rtAil h t . IH..I...L uuuuirtii v. hA.n iv, ti .:. ... . j "- mucc, ilia nijiy ue .. .i..ereu as a retaliatory pipamrc our, dv, men having been in the habit ef driving horses and truces from the Rio Grande, and. not at ail connected with (he or lers of the Mexican government. Nev ertheless. Col. Karnes writes that he s under the impression the Mexicans areprcparinjfor Sn ifrty :tanrp.ii;n." say. IM them come. We frejtr peact, but if the Mexicans insist . upon 11, tuey nnn us retuj. txai 4 MR. PRENriSS-THE sflSSSIPI tr. Pumtiwi'dnt efrthe iBrmhert claiming ot in the Hnuse of Represrntstivej from Mi iasip)i; ia aid to be a mmi of fimt'rt orator rical power.' He ba, by npi-eth of trsnwjea dent 'i)i!ily, won for himw-lf a reputation . public upeaker, wbtou givei hiia rank at once kmong the abloat debater in Contfreas; anj, from wlmt wa bear, if the questioo is not deci ded, as lia been too often tlie case of late in that body, in defiance of reaaon and justice, by .the api licaiiun of ibe party acrewt, he will succeed in carrying out the withca ol bit constituent. It ia understood that, by tlio cogency of bhr rranonln, many fiave been made to waver, who bad niada up their mind unfavorably to hi clatniH, and tome, being thoroughly convinced of thvir errr, have chaogej their opinio it. "J'U strange, 'tis passings itraugc, 'lia piti ful, 'tis wondrou pitiful," that Meif. UhuUon and JJaiboine, lielonglrij a they do to i party who t-luTiior o itiuch about the right oJ in true lion, should, after having been cuJIed upon by the enpo of their Mate, in the most uneuivc eul Unguagc, to give an account of their stew urdship, and be stewards do longer, .still cling wittrdeanilike perti n ac ily to gfj'ic. 1 f alt the piny"' proirteton of regard for the will 6t ihe people bo not hypocritieal preu oce, hew can they hesitate a moment to resign! ami hew can JkLflniM.aVVjk their obsijnatc and contuinaciou icsiilunce of the popular voice, clearly and decisively ft pressed at the baHot-boz, expect any thing but the scorn and contempt -of the people they have to grossly dfceivej and disappointed? 11 the position of Ihe contending parties from Mississippi were reversed, what houlJ we hear from theso woukl-bc-thuugtU democrat and lovers of the people Tho public ear would be Junned with their loud and Inng-ilrawn out cluint.rss Messrs. Prennsa and Word would I bSlaborou by every ranting whipster w ho fancied himself ji wriier or a speaker in the rank of 'the pnrty. 1 hey would be called hy all tle iriglil ful Viaraeitrrtnc v'ocabuTjry iif " ibe Clobetid its atellil uch a "baiik-panic-whig blue light nuUifyirt? Britib-parly -federalists,' etc. etc. etc They would be charged with all ihe base" principle of "traitors," knaves," ene mies to popular uffrage," "contemner of the people's lignU and wishes. Oy; every thing acraJ uiJ' W, heart ol freemen won be trampled undor foot by them; and tu crimr son of their jjuilt wouJ be daubed upon the eheek of the whole whig party a a mark for every archer of the office-party who can draw a bow to shoot hi poisoned arrow at. 13 J t a tho case now stands, their rebelling co-workers in the cause of political quackery and misrule Srr"'marvetloTnT-Trr inmi" aye, Xter-very pinka and personification- of Democracy, and worthy co laborer . with Senator Grundy, Brown, Strange, Wright &' Co. ''They have received no ardor from any -predominating fae lion of - the Legislature to iolate their ofucial oath, to do violence to their own conviction of duty to epunge from the Journals of Con gress the aentemro of eondeinnaliuii upon lb tunics proceedings of the Executive, to stifle the shriek of freedom when slabbed by the tword of tyranny, or to blot out the Constitu- tion ttselfc rN o not tbey hav not be inwlr ucU ed by the I.rjjislaturo, the creature of the ove- reign people; they have only -becninstriictcd hy the teoiil no longer desired! With these modern, new. .u... .... A .. fahbioued democrats, th maxim seems to pre vail tluvt rtie tervant it- abttf. hU- tnattrr. Shailes of JefTerson, Madison, and their Immot-J till cOlnpSlrlotThaf will yba' say la llielrh po sitions practiced in your names, and these cor ruption of your pure and healthful doctrines! But we have Trespassed fartbor than, we in tended, and will conclude hy calling attention to the following interesting sketch of the closing speech ot.MjV-Prentiaay by ihofipy in Wash- Ingtoni '; U4 - :- j- AlrFoster, who eomincnced his .spfech yes terday, on. the Hssissippi tltti-iion, in favor of tho silling members, bas .occup!d the whole of this any. without fmi-ihiii?. Howili continue on iidny. ,iSae;w'ci myi'A,-J."'The arirtiment of Mr. Prirntiwi is unanswerable; and alihough ('tveUkrio the powerofpSny discip line, yet I do nni behcye, nor nftver will Pvlieve, until the vote i given,' that in the f.ic of Ihit argumebt, a majority can be (Tin ml in the IIiMik of Represrnlatives, to confirm Ibe derision mat at 1,'ie Extra Session. My opmum now i, thai PrentUs and Word will be received a member of ConcrroMt '- V It ia impossible fi4 me to give you an ides of MrvPrentlpeecb. 1 h following u bnef am impajfeel sielcli ol Ins peroration. Ill of ternnre w linrjOinmonly "rapid; hi voice good; hi enunciation distiiiet; his manner, vbeh ex erted, impressive, forcible, commanding. When about to close, he said V j . Sir, Is there a Slot in'thi Union, lhal would aulimit tobav her rig lit of choosing her own representative tofn from her. and a repr etjtative, not of ber rhoiee, pabned.opon her, by uVcision of Uii House! ' VV.at car Ma sucbusetu! : Faotn the eraQle in fthich young Liberty wa first Yorkedeven from, old Faneuil Halt.: come forth per cady enswers "It was for this very tight of repreieqlatioo oiur farther' fought the bottlrwofthq revolution, and, ere wa wilt surrender tin dear bought rntlit, tho bat tie shall aeiin bi-come stern resliMe, : "Would Ker.tuckf aubmitf Ask Jirt Ms. Speaker, and hrr very mammoth cannon will find a voice U ttiinder irt jour car her stern re sponse No; eohner than submit to such" an ontrag, our soil slkfill be re-bapUrcd with a new claim to the prodti put mekncholy till offhi dark and bloody fry nniL .' , - - V hat aySv.V irgiiiia, wtto bet bign, stem Ice, bef tie ?ixV lyranmi, the, wroeJest mptto (hat ver biased upon S 'warrior shield, or station's arms! Jlow would h brook,auth usurpation? . What say the mother of State, and of State Kight doctrine; he Wbo ha placed initrufliv as a guardian otr Yepmm taiion, to the propouion that lias ilout can malt a TPpresenutiv dr a Stote, anl force It upon her, gb her choice and-' wint' K '. . "And whrr i routh Carolina; the' Harry Percy of the, I'nioo; though ther live noi the Harry of. Monmouth,' who can pluck from her brow th laurtls which sh bss so nobly wen in many h wcll-fouglit field t . On which side, in this great controversy, doe the coach her lance and oraw her frood blade! I trust upon the side tif '-ber sister State; upon the aide, too, of the Constitutions! rights of alhthe Ptate.: And let Her lenU all ill slrength ol De good rignt arm in .iho mow, wuen sue sinkcs in so jum anu righteoO a quarrel,, - , V " , Btr. twamtv five State sit her iotudrment upon- ihe most sacred right of swter Slate. Should your decision be against her, you tear her brightest jewel from her brew, and forever bow her head in shame and dishonor. "IJut if this be your determination, I have but one request, on her behalf, to make. V hen you decide that she cannot choose her tepreseniauon on tbis floor, at the ame moment blot from the spangled banner of the Unitn the bright ttar that glitters to the' name of Mivsiasim but leave the ttrite behiud a fit emblem ol ber degradation. A CASE IX POl.VT.-Th Louisville Journal of a tat date say: "The Government demand specie and specie alone for all it ten of thouaanu of uebts. JNow, if some, million aire, some man pf immense fortune, with num berless tare delits due 10 bim'throaghoat tb c mimunitv, were to demand their liquidation in specie; wonld he not be loaded with curse and ballistic J Jrom society f Andoujhtlrot SUOV' srnment, guilty of the same oppressive course ef conduct, to lie visited with the peoplu buwe and execrations! (JjT On of "the party" baa introduced into the Legislature of Virginia resolutions declar ing that.no connexion between the Federal Government and Banking Corporstions I c- such a eonnoior?, asrening that the federal revenue should be collected in specie, or it e qiiivsleiu; drcluriug that a United State Ban rs"QiicoTittmtronat nd4nepedWnjiW-nd thafck i.i to be retisted as not le dmigerdu than Tteanury Bank; and finally, approbating and glorilying the "manly Crmnes which has been shown by the President under recent events of peculiar magnitude and diflieuliy!" So it seoin Virginia would also 'strut' her 'hour upon th stage,' and in resolution of 'learned length and thundering sound,' laud lb Executive and hi poblicai heresy ofSub-l'rea- auriea at the same timebypocriticaly depteea- ling the establistirne nt of" a TrtfaSury Dank! when in fact Sub Treasury, is but another name fur Sub-Executive officers, to be quartered up- on every Stale.- ihe auera ,instruiuen.ti.eftbe Executive for then the monied power will be concentrcted in him alone. The Treasury wilt be his-an J if he can remov the Secretary at pleasure, a Gen, Jackson did, what barrier 1 tberc to bis uncontrolled sway of the million of money belonging to Ihe country! Through th officer be will constantly be advised o ibs . as r"'11 msiiMto.sniiMMiasi and b can even iufluencd and overawe opinion in some degree. Mr. RiKnie has given hi assent to the reso- luliolis; and a cotemporary shrewdly hin: that they will pa of course. Qui" worthy brethren of the Newbern Speciator hav nriseonstfued our expression of last - week, relative to rinaueipatiqn in Ken tucky. ,. We intended to convey tlie idea that ih abolition movement of Kentucky at a junc ture like the present, was lo be especially dep recated; that that movement would add strength to the abolillonjjts auj that it was time that die 8ut!i were uoving by Slate to the com moil priuriple that slavery PIlALL JvOr b auolisheif' r Covrris. We never thought for a lu line nt, of recommending an faterjurenc by one ot mnr States, with the domestic eon . . ' " : r"-. em or another The States nav cluM4 jurisdiction within their own limit of all rights not delesatej to the FeJeralGovernmflnt. Tbe St.it os, in forming tho federal compact, engraft- Xrlttvery upnniLlS"iisuTuV?u'n iiT'$imcillfi Vt Slate policy; and of course thsir interference with oneanoth on tbis auhjiu't.' ia aa . unjuat arid unconstitutional as would baa similar tn- terferonce Tf CongtVil!ieir.ut'6;ls0 With the District. ' CongTvwa has no more right to aholisli alavely there than would a Legist. ture'hav to boli-h it in Slate. . - - . , .. . Failure f, nolher I'et JTimi-.Th Mid dlcsex Dank ot MaasachuseU has faUed. Thi Bank was intimately connrrteil with (be Com monwealth Bank, which foiled recently. , Th Gorrrimei ha claim upon it to th anioonr of f 00. 000, which, it iisaid, will probably be lost iaTkciru FJttoric Ctnvenrion. A Convention of th Editor of th eltat ot virginiarw held fevy (Kiysagoin JvithmeoJ. 'J k , Ukhmond 'Emiuirar rayet-, - - - . J.-.:. ..w. . , I'll Conveilion 'iljourned yeterijay, at 10 'cliK-k.'V Whall glve iheir proceeding, as soon pi (bey are prepared for th pre. We' na ve. never knew a bo.lv.--which meL kcted. l -... ..n. t,.rm..w , v. i.... : ha not met in vain. The just, and lieautifuh Report? on the'mralis of hn;rovin3. th tune of ihe public press, Would 'aloit do honor to any afxoi'iaiion. It will be embodied in the pro ceeding of tha Convention," ' - - .' k, 'LT Se I1 o'perln cf h Meti-opoliun, a evbly psj'.er publUhed at VVsvhij.gtoo. ? ; , ' i . . . , : ' -. Mr. Black, of Mississippi, ha resigned hi cat in the Senate of th United Sutes. .Th eorrcspondent of the Baltimore Chronicle justly remarks: .. ,, r., ; , , ; r -Thi i n I rial a nee of obedience to the wiah- L -of the, people, manifested in the recent Icctiort in . that TStata, which may b wII pressed upon Ihe-eonsiileraiion of Messrs. Rug gles and VV'illmm of Mainev'Allrn and Morria Of Ohio, Si range and Brown of' North CarOli naWsll of New.3ijrsey, VVnght of New York, Grundy of Tennessee, Ac Are. example for iheir. imitation. But "none ra so blind as it... .1.. wl1 . . . . . . ... . C0TO In.tsruieville. I a lb-f-i Pe- terturgt Va 10 4.gi (jvsrhool taib dc M: BUPRKilE COUtlT. ! . it StTTPRP&II rftfTftf-'-! Prrsa PaTttaso. of Cumbertsnrl Coon, fquuit: and m the ilisboremnlf th monie 1 ty.Wml Tboma G." Wl.ler,- -f IVilmiiligtoo, ave been ainxtiU 10 the practice pf iaw in ihe Sirperioe Courts. ' ' Since ur hiiHjt roiiowint! Opinions pave been deHveret!: - "", '. . -. " Ktv J-deUeed the Opiiei of tnc Cmit in the ease titate t ltnn(jhriev fiom Guilfurd. vevesinf ihe, jidment belw and t ireclmjj venire de novo. U ' lA!iiL J. delivered he Opinion nf the Comt in that rate, of Wright qt ta) vt SIcl.t)hony, from UuUlurd, khu 1111112 41ie imjfitieni brkw.. . ' ' -; ; '. tiASTO 4-Uel esed the Opm 00 of tho Court in Den tx dtni Motley tu. While tvoTer-frOT-in.' beta. Also in Vanhook t' Vanttook. in Enuiiy from Person, decre dechrinir all lh.ii ohikliet of D. Hoger or those rep eaeoiioK them to be etilitkd toeqial jiba e W the stavef in controversy. Alio in tU'i'on vs. Oliver, Irons Caell, lererainffthe i-KlTieto uciuw ami u recung a. irui u ine isiues jii live) cause; Also 111 Adock v. i'lmiiiir, from Chatham, reverkin the j'idgmeot be low. , (f Tht Annusl Meeiinj of the Raleigh ami Gaalon Rail Rwl wajheld to thirdly on lh 22nJ instant. We have not been furnished with th procaedings of this mecling,but leurn from the Register that resolutions necessity la en' file th Board to lake proper at p fiir providing way and mean to pnwecul the Work viorou ly, were unaniinnusiy a,lo'ptol;' and resolution were also adopted, showing th delermiuatiim of Ui 8to;Lbalder to extend lb fioad aoulb of Jvalolgh. It i contemplat! that 10'miles wilt be put in us by the 1st of March, and 49 by th 1st of July, or sooner. The remalndej. pf lb work i under contract Many band are employed, and th work i progresainu in a rapid and vigorous manner. TheolJ D'owrJ of Director . wcr r elected without oppositioa. To much prais cannot be bestowed upon the able and iudefuugabl President and Directors they' have discharged thei raspective duties.. XCj At a recent meeting of tho Board of Conv misioner of Itu City, John J. Christopher, BqrW erected TrcamrCry sad; Mf.'JajVMur ray Constable. , - ' ' CASADA Ar'fAlRS. It will be soen, by reference to account pub' lUhed in another Column, that Hi patiiol liav ananuoned tlieir bead quarters, ?avy ll.uul restored the government anus they bad lu I lie possession, anu uisjiersed in other tliretiions, Van Ken laer, their Ueueral, has been a: rested by the U. c. Marshall, and bailed. - Gen. Hvott and the liriij h, it will te seen fivul th lollowtng, havs aTuiust c3ni in cou- tact with, each othen 1 ho sseniidjoat lUtca Ion was threatened by "n ltaelt from llrit ih armed schooner in American waters. UVh. Hcott advised lb Biltih officer in cum mu lid, that if "the attack were mado in the f AmericanWtttCTrh i1ioiiT3 "icellthi Jufy to lepei it, a tin ue raugeu ins cannon along lue bauka of Ibe river accordingly. .The boat was permitted to pas unmolested. " - . ' It will also b teen th;it consiilei-al.le c(UJ- njrnt existed lor a srlula at lltrtrort, 'Micliijcuii, am! Ill iuiresiou seemed lo prevail thai the. seen of war would be ti atitlerrci lo thai 'pin I ol tlie count) y. Several KamUeil il ilio pstTr tt hail enboiliel. lhem,elve u a lii'ili.h !'.. nu I lU.I Uois Blanc, snil slvo s laive number nl M.i public I 8''i""'-. A il a.lH.m.-r..i whli ,le- , txcbmrtrt of 40 men from" ihe lsite , vw4.. mw psice, was mi ihe a lilt taken by ihe J imi' forces, and it is n poeled Hiat errt ul mm UimimI s inhumanly huioiiereif,' Tlie (iotei-H ie pi Michigan visitfil the csinp-nn Sujsr lilaml, an I prevailed on the tone there anseiniib-'d losbiw don Jhairexpeditioiii aiii) iliq lorcel on IikIIi t-L-aml. It is rrporied, have iliersed; and iho war f considered al an end, , Gm. Scott has been ordered to Detitiit. . ' " 7 ,A Star' v In the Milton Spectator of ih lCth imtanl, I find ih following coinraunicationt , - ."Measr. Editor; ! in th tatement of th Comptroller, received by hi Excellency Gov. Dudley, and Ordered to be published lu fi newspapers within th f$tat,oinethiiig that waul explanation, at Ir.- In thui tQteiiHml th sura ol Jt 100,600 is put down to the use ol the Treasurer. , W wish arid demand of the Governor bisautliority in law.to ploee ilmt sum to tho use of the Treasurer, out of the surplus t Wonflv anol w lha nootilff. bi TonTrts On , , " .. T . T , , mq isf tf, mivw-w - nM.ueuEifiii, i.-spiinnjr lhr i an act appropriating all (th word used in that act) lb aurplu received by the Stat, to other purposes than t ute of tie Tt'eatttf Also, tee tiHjvornwe loll iisiiilhntT tr puhll bed to the wotbl, that th inducemenis to load a portion of that money td th bank Wa ttrvhg and ctnclutivi under an agreement that imlulgencie would lie extended to tbefrdebt. or...V1l his excellency b good enough min fbrm' the debtors te the Banks, if he hu acrriitv ed of the late order of the tlale Bjrik lade.. mitnd end receive or site all wbofuil to pay hnM tnurtn the principal and intrel every pmeiy day! Aa the fulfilment of that pldg or agree. ment with the bank when he loaned ibein our hard money for their use, "and accepted their promise br grant w the people fnvoursi : We wan,t (and we will have) this a. count settled with lb Governor oon, if ibi i the only' fa vor that hi F.kertUncy ha been able, to pur baa for we iho people, for th us of hundreds of thousands of out Jiard money , put afhis ilis- posai hy our last Assembly. I for on protest a. gainst bis being again furnished with bard mon ey to pun-has favor with, for we the hcodIc. 1 wish an explanation, and hope it may Iwi snti. tactoryv , , v. A DEBTOR That the people haco an inherent and unali enable right to demand from agent and repr semaiivea a strict account f all thtr transac ' - "pacny. no on wn tion In a public capacity, no on will no on I ran uuny, n ia in erv srauml-work. unoo '"t ' ie)irrsriiaiive gnvern- pnient rt. cm mr a ZkAtr derfuuuls only wiiy so anu so wer done, an, what may b ex- potted in future, hi eiT.oU wcte iight and praiseworthy. ;But howls K prswible that b roulJ remain Ignorant of tli Aaw anoroorialin and setting apart ft 00,000 out ef th surplus money, to ijefray th9 civil and conlingant ex. pense of the government, of this Slalet ftad v Debtor few pageamoreJu iM law of lhi Stste, paesed at th last aession of th Gen eral Assembly, (and which ar In th hand of every Justice or Ih Pc ir, Ihe fttatej he would have found jt; ' I refer him to pg 167 to Ih following wotd,nd eravclv and oriou- ly ak him If they giv no. uthori tyjn laiw for saiu iraiinicr, viai 'An act to amend an act entitled "aii let W aid t internal improyement ia thi Stat " paved at th present session of th General Assem jly,and to defray the civil .and contingent charge m in eit-il Government." JPB it enacted, Wc. .That from the fund set apart and established by the said act to aid In- J terns! tmprnvemem m Ihu fiiafn. th aum of I ne hundred ttitvand dollart be, end th earn i berehyvppropriaied for ikfiaying th civil in aa.lb daenrad nsKassarv and re. I belonging 10 satillunJ mo appr.tprwt n htre. by mad tguil te.preferrtH to thi oesignatca in the aforesaid acu" ' , , This Licks something like ci-'ior authority fbraoeh tranfer. Th'r lrw Jie wiH alio fiuit Irt TlVReVfiM ?IivrBM:e VifeftVilTOif 851, nnd should bejnill rmal:i i-u.nsiit of tho Jfiw by which the- Governor iraferrl to th credit of the 1'rw.u.n-r thi f lUO OOt). I would refer him to bearty all .the newsppr f this i ouiie, Mii(iine ounng iub iiiii sluing 01 i;ie , mi AMmbly,- I abat refrr huj uncltvi led anentioa ; 0 to sVine able.!oaftent,lait.t truly patriotle . ' lb ! , to tr,,, V-tr,g, ibet Law. , , ay pubtWieJ and nw pubhsbiiift: In tlie N. t "bborr. aao ... ! Vlwk, j. -T a. tJLu.. ied irrasil iHtuattevitti! on lt. r,jis. ol Ju, At.air. . MLand any of these rebtrrnee wtll ' pnvinre nun ana all, other uu il'ul Uel'tor ami (rersons ina; die saitl trsTiKvU-r wo lu uirect o coxdance-rviki'iieM'a aWiifari to a ojtiv ' lawjl the Legiolaturf ire such a Iniwirer' cnuhl have Wsn mail contrary or veh without tlie injuneUo of law, th Governor,.! reaxurrr, auil Comptroller must all have become corrupt and dishonest.. I am not now aware tlrat tiny of these faithful and intellie,rnt public officer have vfver rendered themsclvea sul'jrct u the sligbtent suopioiou.' A Detvtnf nuglit to be a- ware that- all Warrant for (lie transfer or pay ment if money muMbe in eoinpliitne with the law.; .. Should tlie Governor, throuirh design or mistake, give a warrant on the Treasurer fur the transferor payment of Buy mmiry contrary to law, th I rensurer won hi rrfne to accept it. Should he, through design or negligene o, pay un h amthoriiyt tie, Co-nptroller wou'd refuse to accept it as a voucher. Ami should the "Comptroller pas the oucbr. there i still a check to these unlawful ifierevlin, in tho committee of fin.inr. under whose super vunm all Dm vou -her riled in die Comptroller's De partment aro examined and passed upon. 1 his sttileniwit of facts, it is fioped, will answer tho requisition of A Uoblor, so fir a the law i concerned. A Debtor oimbi to know tlwii. the Governor has no power over the u:iuks to pro. hibit them from cull, cling the debt due them in whole Or in part. II id the Board loaned to mdm.linils It would now have to el Ih at least 50 per cent, to meet tlteir ubseriplion lo feiOoadUltjMtfttva WrairafclyT nsrru that any "hard moneir wn bruned by Uie Governor, to th U.inke for, In thii act io which be refer, it is mmlc the duty of the to Irul h money, v In th Comptroller R. port, it is sliewit that Ihe 4iMn the TtanVs were made after May , (nt which lim all Ihe llanka, it M well known," stopped "specie, pay men I) last, out of that part of the surplus nion ey received By JWlli ro!iria sunsenuent I a susix-Onion of specie nayments b U ih fanks. This loan made by Ihe Uoatd of Internal Irn provfiiieiitu not the Governor, aUme lo th Bank of the State, was mad in Julyt and m fr aa Ibe f.iot of lha r'seeptiun of "hard money" is involved, I can assure A' Dfhlor thai th titai did nut receive so much a a inj I sixpence In 'Arf mtiirtt," and ceoeierfAr eWsf n;nd rtrr;brtriiiTrlnitn rryreftnTrto Banks or individuals. - The Board or Interns! Improved ment lent it money irf Ih Uati!a 8 per rent, the whole to lie returned tiphn CO day previous JikfeJ-l!oiiamJeiU.it 4o th -Bubs-K-H yev rent., and to ba collected wheneveranil wherevi er they ontJ, by dint of dunniii and fore of lawr Yet, rnemhers of Cortsresn, who voted for this dniostt, are lauded to the kie; whil the officer of St.ile, who hav mail at least tlirir as good A disposition of the nmn y," ar subject to suspicion and lamlr. ' .When will weeeas national broil, and turn our attention to "Slate a!ralr." The remarks nf the Governiif a com punyjrig lha ComptrollerV report, tlinn; the reason fur this mmle of loaning li the Banks, ar not only sauSfactory hut unausworuhle. 'l'Ui offer H w K -li-wW-i nd the Board Would have been Jiuld responsible by the I.ejis. bitur fur refusing so convenient and profitable an investment. . I A Debtor safUfl-df t ' 1 " ": NO DEBTOR. P S. l wooht thnnk th Milton Wpectator to repuiilisli In cnmrduhicatiori and this.t.ileinenl of fact lnn wild it, that al! pnriiei coucerued may have jinnee. - v - Italeigh, January 2fi, 18.18. ' , Th tubsuiiber bas lor ml iJ Bushel Knf fleet Out. , ' v -, . .. . " ' , v ; J. T. C. V!,VTT. ..U..Ie!gh,"J.innary SO, tUS: .,t 6 3," ; ltri;iier'sod Sisiwlard SI. ' ' ;11,, , ' riFTV DOLLA us it i:va m. ,. svkaawfy noniiv iiiiaietssl -T.aegra wan Atllt'.K'l', tin; pi rip )j ' i1yoi Miviir l ,i -riii.ii, ii, i . or' Arbeit was tuirjl. m(tA4n l " lline eiiiii.iy. Ual year, by nw-a ,Na?y' kswnbsm-iif ;tsi,A lUhllli M Jo: . -"" S. Msv". er lii rniBiOi.li: ll,i'l sr emuilj , vboaitv biiu pvuo In Bimlff Innir In hn l.iif l yn lor lit year,' mf IHltead of dniii , ti left, I fit-some, lor Mie put.OHt. ul htHkinghi. way to tome bR Sutii-. as h iilMonitfi wlihuui amrlrrosoeaiiHi sti.i. er."- Il ill likfly tnileaeor.lo past I'oH ' iroc rosnt ml In rir lb mor:uwrfii1tv to tn e. turn lUa bpi.,rtnayilrave5UeeWifi:itrnKe s-iuhj sua i"iinru vmm io nn g Me hliH letw i(er. - siai-r boy is s Wey bihj th w, alxml j tM-l 'IOhr t iMel.e's high, e'm.,l. i u raider light but am briihl ")ii (at v,y mu. b imaeil aut ben wslklng; steps bigh, leii sofar.l ih bis body, Jpar built, cil pleitliug. addrr'tk, but when spoken lo by bis snpei tor bs isilor down c loiik. sinltias soim- liui of npkinu sppesraiic iu'l foi-ebesit, iih an iot.-llixt-Hl e(Miiilensifw,irntilinenS lrek bnnrs l.ee he ba set nf Kiirxl lerih. He is shout ifi (y 5 r old. " bisd hoV, wben lit b-fi, vrr a ik boater M, aniii.w brimi inrirevhal win-ii,e..ilit mni4 of wool leu bomespuh uf dove ciih.ur, ant an ld bbie vtort, ni : :r . -IJ- The above riOd nf Pll'TY IrOLtAllH aUl h giveii lo mi per. m t il) dvlner biin ' tir me ! viiy Tliti-rie i.n I'unf.i vrerk', wear lla-h. t'otlolosr, Itesitlorl eoimty, t; --or joi.firir l.im in any j tit in ibis or any iitber Stale, so llist I get him: .' ' . ; yri:- ?.,' , All master f vessels, jrtage anil rail rna.f eon. trselors, anil all other piriip are ben Ui lure, waiwed Irom bsrl.Hiihg. oiice!iiijr, ernil'yiiig, or earning liim avay, nnilrr the srveers' pinl. If f be Jv as I Inieiol to ligl llv .fiire,Ui. on any nrrsnn or p-ion( bho may' be j;oiij Sud I wilt libertdly reward any fersnn for sink birornrsiicn si nisy eiirivfenriy pe nni Uo m J Or way have- riiber bsi IkiuiciI, employed, sou rested, r carried hire ar. . . - - .- , - v m , b. roitfiov, ' , . i . ' fioanllaa io S. I Joaa,v.: -.. PnojtO ereek. time IWlb t. IJ , 'J : Q BeaultHte, N. C Jan. II, IMS' 5 : The ThoronshIrv4 Arabian, V lit tisnd al my stable in Orange Sriunry, the endim; season, st more mmlerste lerrjn ihn any Iioi-sb nf hi valuer In win Thiriy dollai io' in u re Tsjsiiiy-fi.e .iJolUr ibe sesson, whith may be ititehargert by t a-eniv itollnm, M'pMl nb In the sesnm. 'I'turse'Soti ha alrraly com nikBeeit, ami trill sod ibe lOih nl Jolt. : I re- J quest allhn will favor hint, aiib Ibrarensloiii, to l v rl) a saanv dvsx mr gi'' by raising esrly nll SI arcs lll board at Ibe usual prise in our seuqtry. . i ' .a, -' . "I' JME4 !ODRr.. N .it. For blond and pei furmsnses c ilr tiiement. . v tr , ." -r sws u Nvff -' I' 9 At'Hibtny and Mmtritaion ; . The- places l l ryrtlillr, Inc alikhnrri -i - mnmam in uperaii . "l liry brew ravrir,ui in, n.oi,ini;i in ,ii aiiu. rn y, s nv m su.t..r nn n e-i hnn f ifir.'aa M..a.na,.n. Cniliil Theva ' y.ses e.n.oe! wii mv tm tr-.u; liW j ig lorjTotr,- 'lint loieTrrftOits gvesl liwilMM- or tnei triinlMinlir mlei i'c, ! u.t rriiril! tr the' ptlit, 4 llwir. ;iMMtii txtl)"se j.. awhf ji, iurvbst,i) )iv!is, kc ke", hh ilbj' hepei; euutt' , tM'ildi ut int ntnrt rojili; Mlwrrn ik lo plMr . Al S"mH ' Huge lints Ituvv evvrv tlV lor lb uslbod Sou.ii. , - " ';-'.-, ; A; f. RM(;H F.lv Proprietor, - J . J. U1WWN, tU.la)4lll.lMLmV ' '---V r- Pjeliitl, At:. t UltUV. Agert. Csrtlwj;, . f T. HV.LK A r-hli-ln.ry, . ,; T. M .YOUJk'l.. fl.Sisiilte.' ' K :. 't'K sttbOK. Aarnt. M.ns.oion." January 8i. I Ml' . 8 $m '. - The Weekly lUclropolitnu. , ; , A Gewi'1,1 IJierai't, llisltiriesl. OnnriestfOSM at and M iSrellaneous Journal. Miblisheil at M ashiualou; l C.is ii rirharinisiils elms sit ihe hi.i.rtl clMiheh-r. I'iiuie4 i. Kl aleaJ ,. . t'pe. a 'a ge kht,t ol fine k,itl j.aier, IU witolu ol it livui ut.tfuUa.tu vmisUU ol Hitrr' eating rtafinK hoi'lrr. ' ' I emu dm) IMiar and a llslf per annum bx . advstise Pi.iir papers wtl be mt 10 ibe reifer d y lier0 aotin; sv nj,eiH lot- ihe .Hi?,te f sub-J. -niUei , (iivluni if lit l.llrsi iiinv hn- tM hl. larsV i.mel.'en lor tsemy tlollur't fill,' lr fifty const . I lie rnclouie by mail as me i iaK i f the Kdiinr ,r reiisl ef a Mtinik, ol ibe . pier will b a u!TiuU:nt receipt for lb money '. " . tl KllSlHiltrit. , . " '- , v . l'.iiiiioeis, din kvellers, aitd in v-netst. nil 'oiU lor the Miiinti7nnt the abovu Iviui, Uc mg of ihe most JiUeiaVvyiler. ,i Al leiteis tn be ailtlrve! dinM-ige (isid J la LWt.TuKK k O'st'l-UVAXi '. Geoig'''R, D ; - ! r.iiiior llir.inm)l ih toHnirr r r ijon-ieil lo ei'pr .! n' iotf Ibis a iveilisviiicntt ibe .Mmroi!iiait UI b sent to all oiml ii. g srilh ili. n 'le t., ... ..r; . V w. .. . Ar iieiii.g,-at . 4i tviHln I hi vims ttonk Sltue, a.vwij bfte ami Spkrolnl M ,.. Itoatk. I btf ' tiiituwtng "Aunoatv hd it for Vtrseirfs, Ht iperioe in any thin; Ibey bsv vtr nfiViitdl I .rl id Hi ha4, lKiiilin giavuij, aolvHtil r ioei in uotiinr , , o - . . taenia ol ttsaii'y , At' ; ' , tltxib's Book ol Btabty t Ms.''n i.f-.-;. il-s-' tv",.' Kt.fjtiiti Afilml " d I : ' - tlncnwl jiaiiust . ' . lo " -Ket(ak.-- " . .' t In isiixn Ker p.k - d . f '',''.': : Haiitsrast -i do- X.r', V ii: ' Kr nlhip' OilVrln; ' "r'ortcl M'Ko'j'v" '-r' l.i'eiaiy aouveior .. . tliiitia , -:o. ..... "' itl. "r t ken . - Young I F. iehtt . fc 'i ItvKiiiy's C lume " . V Anib.Mi y,fii A Walkvv's Iksuliev " -' , tlx roii' C.stl. ry .-T jr' Kinlev'a Iteaiiiir uf fl)ro Child' Aiiiiiuul '. -,'.. r,.' Ho.dt l lieim-,.'. -."'-.,-';:; U.msok's MoH-tV'Vatef' ' Honk, of CliruUHss. j- v-'t 1 :,1 -f .AiisJ miiriy iittivr il!iit -teit iib tb mn, iplemliil n.fiaui.gt Attn the wo.k" ! hhske- t 1 sp,r m T vol .Oiiavo - Ifult J Uiket bioilu.g- ab aiiiiiul tJhii.7 .-..; , . " (Jull (( i i.imio lor yonrselrrs. , . , ; , -- i---- " " K. . , Tor suSe by lumei' & II tig; tics , ' " K A L K t l i h ' - Wfbstf r'n Sro. Diclloiiaiy. . 'I hit I t l -e put a pat I l ii coin r cuon,eiiU.il runs vihick have bun itwcivvd b tt putiiijirrii .' . . :r- -: 1 be uiai'Si of t)r, U timer's Awtvii iiie? limiury nl ibv hiigliab Isnnrge1 anj.very t xlvesfc . fivrlf afcnteiltil bt tha) plulol (bee rumii. niijr forhiile inuneiliaiii u it s 0iKner!,, VV'e Tegar.l H ' gn-i iii prim-no at m ail tha- , WOJ-a bkh n',).rkeeTl' l jl.lbe iM!W gi.by of serersl lvrS l anrils, mviri.it ( f ,(nil,,s,ii.g " Diniilirnifin and tilnnteie rooile ol iH ili), is C'Dil ooird ihe nrstsnr ui(f WIW best wii. ' terVaii'j (lil. fioitiiH.s iiuvs m elismi-u-i-iir-ii. . " tri million, )". oittt:, pe..Mico ami "'' rswv Uor tnitnll aarfwIii-VM n jnj WiiK-i- Otstliaiiary' Jeeeieisl, Dsj", . 1 , J I, I, D. Pistohat i f ommis o.o.ism, isie juoga li ii Suptti.if - David OsKSetl. t. I II-li feMir of I.,- 1,, ''-fji V. College, Mil jitvtg of lb . ,.."""";'. I". eri-.rVorl. J,, ., . ;x JUeiijmiii SitlisMui; l 0 X. t. lV Professor of Io ayliliimu to Ihe above;: rretiuron. nitmui., .f similar IniUiirl hste biyu) levjeinU fnmi Ibe KW' ' , luabig gihiltfiK m V-w '- i , "'.:,.. , -Josbu lr. J'iVsV. nf' MiiblUliory fhltria:" . . - S 4,'htniu, Pits'!' l tcl'ietbin d Ibrge !.;,,' V ' Jwbn llniy llulitrt, Hivbii-iifthe H ,rrisi t '' " : rnilvrdjisl ta.m th it, , . - :: ..V' " 1 4 .-M.a dM.-w.ViHk ; ; I'. ,- "-' Joseph Story, jince or ibf st.pren.x noort pt .'" i - r ihe t'aiteif 8i4' ' .,:.- WiUiam CVabcb, thwl iii! of the elreolt " . V . . . '.oourt hi lb 'If, X. 4nt Ih . Ibsln'rt !, tji.lun.bi .'. . .y. A l from mortlUan ih bmbd. riknibtra vt . - Connies. '.,. ; l' j. ' - . , ..:.' . ' a.... . . ' i' .1 i i. . I. . , i Uaribciuvnrts Clitnn & GIa&9 N. 35 Nsio SfHti Ksw Yoast, '',"' -. OflVrs lot ..ki a romptiMe Auoliiiii i. lit lh ,s abtu liiie.nnmnKli. numr very bmc i l . teens repspkril lu uriler mr soniiiry inule. .r ia lb m wliMf nuik-re, Oidt r br letter ill . ' . - ceivr mrtj aitri.tt ii ' '-""I kii New Yik, Jaa -.0, 1I.1S. i o. iiiw . . Mft'Thiilnat Miisei, having" bem pupil b -;' ilim tiu'.lio'g Atiolmv loehe l.t fi4 VTSS, - 1 lilt ing vi huh lri be. directen) bs aiteiMioa I ill iollowlait , ili'Sntbrti ' U.a.lmg,' H rtlirg, . ftrtlhinrlM), (,(fipbyt lifaBme and Msilw t. " mslie; alt.i In ih I.hIih h4 tii-t.k LHiiguuge... i ; , sav, a .f at irgit auI Cireea Minora, a lit Ope bl klioi.l on. IS h Ml.t ' i j . f t f . , :' . llosirt mu) be ohlsmeil m the neigbhorhnod it . 8,00 pkr ii.si.llii li trims, of 'I union arc, for ? lover branches $S 00 vet cdioiii lor bigheav. , branches 7 SO per 'session. - . ' ' . '. , ,m ii bi bismsiioo is ilualil,lglit,initea anrihv " .- " .-' east of Lnuolidii;. V'laiikliu souiiiv, near halent m , Cbaixrl, ia a rspli.bl and bvallby pss t vt tb. . ei.iii.iy, ' j, v ; " -t , . 'J irererommriiilsiina, ahich Mr. M.ttasfiiW tiiliislritm'Iiiiiili ' 'be afurame, :lo. be Is fully riuiM-th io rnnrml ia il.e t-UoKr . , . Wribe, anil llisi be a ill u everv rr. nwi 10 ' protuni die imirsl snM liirarj alvaneemnrof - ' ' all 'eiHiiiit to hi charge. Tin sehotu ' ' Z" yrar Mdmdid 411IO l tessious il five uioiitli ''v -i.- A-'tp. WM..1- niiwcii.- , f ' ' . .., . . ?Ptt At IS ti'l'OX liltANCH.' -', JtlllN f.H-L. - ' ' f , a r " u A. JtiXtb. " ' ffth Jn , tSl , ' '6 St V.is' It: ' ' - ' ' . . s r v- , : i r. fe'l;' Vf4 if ' -v. :-rT - r . ' 7, ..'

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