... .,. i-..--- --i.i.'.-' .... 'V J I ' .- V i " - - v. At. - - . $ tf .--.-' POETU a?. ' "And while hia Harp feaporastve rang Twee Ow Ihe litest Minstrel g.; : ""r-.. ; "Friwil ih "CS5 favTlie'journal, ' . TH 3 COTTAGE-BAND. , I know aeej while eot that peep out Wighily From it repose amid green way trees : That marmur to the faeeae, ; ' , Boond which young fact ere beard to fall a BgbJly r:- - ;V;---"-r'-r-r At Nnrnr nun-drop on the eigunj rose, ---. Lalling.it lorrjKMe. - . There wbea the joy oat lark : upward spring irtg With hit eweat song la greet lite a!; morn, m ' ' " Unto the (w i born Tfie tileery laajth of childhood wildlyrjn,ging Upoa lb etillneoe of tha toft b'ce air, " For happy brartaare there. Hearts that arc filled from love a eternal fjun- teln, . . Till each ia like a deep eVflowinj well. Or a wiU floweret's bell Rid 'neath the brow oj some. oVrltangtnj moan lata, - m . Giving ii perfume te each wind it meets, - , yt toeing not iu sweets. And there at noon-title, 'mid the trembling glan. eet .. Of the ewee at a fry j-itmine gleaming out U heard young bo; 'a shout. Clear aa tba singing of a etream ihat daneea Unto the hrmce in all bar boundless glee Ai clear, but ob mora free! While near hi aide a fairy crest are linger, - HUlittlo atatcr. with rur moaa roeccheek.: - TartJnYthe clustering rinea tsrilh dimpled (Jii. Aad sailing frorn-thfir long anj wiry stars Thetr pale and quivering gem. ' - - And tWe at ete, beneatli tha alaxlila gleam inga. Sit,, tlieir yonng mother in toA pene grace, With aweetly amUing lace. Hashing her babe auto iu heavenly dreaming, . And, wilb bent li'tening ear and graceful head, , . Waiting her husband a tread. And wbea hie etep ia heard among the flowers, . bwaet lips are wreathed in aoulea, and ready ! , ' icet t T!y forth bis own la meet; r ""And tb Calm atillneaa of the twilight boon la broken by eoft wbiapeied worde of kive, - - tftirrinf the ail above. And tliiat all! yet oil my fancy painteth . " .Thl fjuivU.lavctjr Jpoi tiflU.my .Mewr ' W here the warm aim louka throuah . Tb leafy boughs, and where tha white rose ; '. iainteth ;." , . - ' Upon the breeia that oft ita caret l a re tr fanned.;' .i. : ... .-- ' . JJIertba that (Botiaie-band! . !.' 'f'J,LA-W-LAV ,:: i AA pir anl a ia t;r null ' , , fell out boMlik.tfri To war ibey acnt, that is, to law, -Resohcdjatjrifa uousrier.' - A WJ T wat by each engaged; And hotly Uiey coii'eudeU; j-'hen lea grew alack, tlit wait they Waged, iThey judged were better edl. " ; Then heavy coat remainiiifa'.ill, Were sealed without pothtrj On bjyer took tin upper mill, Tb lower null tha other. ''. Small V A frllow wh was a little Dervoue od vioJemly addicted to tha Chewing of pigtail, chanced to be toft alone for a tniiw ,; Ut, iu a dark room. While his ftorhpanioo , wat absent, he draw- from hit packet the deli, clout twiat for the purpose of taking a hearty alp thereof. But catching hit fore finger be. v Iweta bit teeth inatead of Die weed, eoniinuad 4e bite it. yelling; with anguish as well a eoold 'te eiptcted. Tbia teen gathered around him ' several indliduala, who asked him what was the matter, when taking hit deeply indented - 4nger from -hie Juauth,. he eciiid thst . some d d scoundrel in the dark had been " atytrr 10 bite hia finger oC ' J,. , "' A poor lrih laborer, teewg one of qjr fashionable dandle -atrgttitig tlimiigU one of hwatrtta..r.cjLty.ainJ ,o(Ji.ijr.J, him and and. 't per your honor a pardon, air. but would te be al'hit tellio me tliemtol thiahoesei I want to know for teaaon I have' . 'Cict away ielw w said Jllte QaiiiUv ltu w -abuuld I know the rent,-1 knew nothing aboni the "betie''v,r beff ,our lionort pardon, tur, aid the.lrialnnan, but f rum the manner in . which ye walk, myself thoiiirht the whole 6tbreet behwgd la et ay iuiili ao.' the next sthreet loo for the matter ot lljai, by my towl V and conscience am, tur ; : AKttle boy, about four year of ape, lay ' Very atiil one morniiif, t'tr a.tiighfa aleep, aa if iu tlcen I'tougbU - Ilia parent watched - bhtifor tome time ' At length Ilia mother ' aakl to him Gewre toy dear, hat are you thinking abofU Why mother, aav Vvorgm, I fjow many kind of firm are there' UoW iita- w kinds of ftret whr only. one; nry eon. Why yet there ra, contnmr J the bny, there " are I"ot klndt. .; Pour kind-" how will vuti make thai out? Well, taid he, first there ia a V sseeaf Art. then there ita fnljrt. ihen there it eewpAire, and then 1 here it there i Well what nt your lounn, my aonr imre -.-.; ujut twtejr s;,-." ' V. - r" ' Jl7arrV-,f y1 r f' pleasure Marrj. ' If you priee r eyjwal.h i Marry. ' Aadevea dmtK be yuur objecr marry If fee kve your. Creator, tih-ought tu t ' marry, lo Kite op- more worthippera if you loe the ladies you ' o)g ht to marry, te .. make then happv f ou love tour country. " eeuoucht to marry, to raise un aolilier to t defend i' in fine, tt you wish welt of earth nd heaven," 1 ought lo marr. te Rive ' rood citizena to one, and glorioue anpcl to - lhe other..;- lZS' f:.iZX ' "Jtrii.al Pal. J?, A few day a a'tncea ', 'renttemaa went, into a tavern in llolbum and in the absence of Hie usual waiter at attended to by the pot boyi "Urtny; me he evening parreaiLlhe Wkman"'!. ornt come yet air," aakl the pot boy, but ; " XJivTC lus oai triM. ami ni;ui anv w,irj jtod pieces in itf, S 'Indeed,'" replied the jrvMleman, and how do tou know that ?? 4- 0U,,, retitrned the hopeful youth, 1 koow it troetrr, aeause all tbe lines sm shorter that , loUicra. aud rU werry good, acauee otirgal AUiofe wag am brd of the Steamboat v n j hot a Lule diaqoielad in hia alumbara by T r - Int of fc'Jow lodjera wh eecraad to e'lt c!,ia It the berth, called out. riaerart,". WOtl loaawaj . 'jiiwgm . j .... . Ae way tflL" tTha hi. naeaaf want it eea U tbeM bed bugs pit dewa fHrt'r aanea fur tbia berth bora I ed if feat, I want 'm torned ,' c , - - . Extra fa Talking fait. Let thoM mb are alow in epeeeh try te any the follow trMT ra pidly: - There waa maa boe name waa Mob, and he JJ a dog wboee name waa Cob, and she had a cat arfaoea name waa Cbitty ' Bob Cb Bob, Chiuy Beb.aaye V. Cob waa Bob'a , dog, and Cbitty Bob waa Mob'a . ' . - r ' . . ;- Paint mf artier. K debating eodety ia -J-a.Jowa.fdow eet,''- e eewing andertoek to dKcuaa the qqeatioit, . whether intraiper enee.or !ery U ptedoetia of the mMt e U ia the United .tatea!,,rrA worthy Dea eon, ronlending againat -the limner, propaaed to ahow ha eflerta onr ita tieim"vi eternity.' "Stop, atop." eisd tha chairman, Hhat'a out ot the United ftaiea," j.T Wc remeaW the epeoiiig ot 4 lawyer's aneecb apoai the Circuit, which enay gie an idea of their aophistical phraaeology and mode of reasoning. "My Ird if there gver' wa a ease, in which one ease eughl to be conjoined with another case this case ia that ca!" hltich case, Mr.!" wat hie Lordships grutT, bpt humorous rtpty. An friahman reeeied a challenge to fight a duel, but declined. On being asked the reason; 'Ocb, . honey, " said lie, would you hare me lave my own mother an orphan!" - -- ..Ji J Tbe I'rtbamtloN Academy . j- 1 lie esevcises the above instiimion will re anmiawnce on AUi.div. the nl'ieeaih of Jar; met I lUrnrA mnj be hut in the vilUgc Or it VKIuilv, at avvca aad a ball to right dollar prr moi,'h I ke term n l oiiioa for tbe acsunn of five mnoihs are itiTllotii-: Vnr lite ordinary brancbe ot lm;liUi ' learning, ......... " 1'Ik higher rlo . . . . . . " 1 he LaiinV tirerh, at ktalhemsl kb, .'. . . . . . . . - Ron-r. a. r.zELtjj f 10 bo 1 t II 00 "a'tiL. Tl ;g' ee ntl tMnlu l 4 Itmo,. diaeoul io. n previous adv. Very Vnlnable Lund for Sale. I'ursuaot to tbe Utt will aad UMwoeiil of Robert Park, deeM, a vBcr, at private tale, lbs wrwievranr-- arwateit near tla . turd, Graaville aouniv. Narib f .'.mliaa . 1 be apfwe tract lie an both eidee of Fishing f.rak w.tWn two mrtrt oi that flOHmbing vil Uge, aed i edunaied to cmttaia OXE Tile V. AXU A CUBS, 800 ot which are Creek bottom, very productive ia grain, and tueceplible ol great Improvement at moderate eipehM. . 1 he MuUud is solt,esily euliivaled and praduelitei and sueb of it at it not wetti, having for the not part grown up in pine, ia rapidly recovering it for nf fcrliliiy. There arc K aerca in ai iginal limber well suited to both leneing and builiting pTposa, awl so iia,td a to be aonveaient to all parts f tha planiatioa. The bnpi-ovcmvnlt eoatiat of a eoailortalde .-t - .- Dwelling House, vyiih o rooms. , J"1,6 l1" Crairy with atshicl au.1 ,.cU omone-iiouse, Uora Crib, Tbce Barn, and some eatia. It Is believed that an eacellent oversliot MILL might be built o thi tract, eommanding the beat water power la the heijthbflrhnod. -1 'ha .lower traat i tltonted four mllei front tJatord, ami eontajn by very old surveys I0W acre. This 1 ginerally believed lo be ewe ol the mot valuable estates of n. extent in thi eeltoa of auanlry lUoin Uo aere are ereek bottom oi snnrrior OHalifv. muiI In. im nn f . ' . ..... -MJ V ,W aeret of I obueo Lanrf are y el lo clear. Timber iMT a?"-" .trifliwaj eoat Ibe saw mill, whwh h on a good me. mi.ihi hr ,,ut u . errtin,airVid,titnronisl.le. Th.i setllememsm title tan, WMh a "dwelling and out houses at each -soma good Tobacco Mai ol. a,t ; , , '..vv The, terras will be made aasnmraodating.and we invite proposals from such person a are disputed o make investment iu valtuble real rsiaie. Oxford oflWr flrsntaget bt teh-Milt, anil fowl toeltly, and these Undi present tlieaf ol mih. 8 ntt wjkirc. apil pure jfazMjj Written tnmmotiicaiioit will be audretaed te aaatWti ronton, North Carol ina. V'i WF.LOOM N. KOWAItUS. ' , . Jt KKO U. BASKKKVILLB, Kxreutor ol Itobcrl Park, dre'd. Janeary 10, lM - ' a i. rt JUST RECEIVED, ?!tMLB Br ti subscxi- - Jim,'. Dr. Sherwood's Kleotro-Magnvus Itemediei for Chronic lt.-s of the rlas Hypertrophy, iueluding all Uie forma of Scrof. . Ia,.vix;,', . . ., .. , t ... ,, Tubercular Contoinptloa. White 9wellinri, , lp,i. r .inUm Suveytt, Chronic ilie o lli Liver, - . Of ibe HwrlV--.Sal4 JUad.'. ... . Ol th S,leen, -King's Rvil. Of the kulaiea, UueorriiOM, "-"''.' Of tbe Spine Chloro., l"r , - ManorrtiagiaJ '0.'nr Tbeaa are, W4dbrW-abfei"( 4h tame disease, arising Iroin the tame aausr,' di. Iinruntwd by the tame ditRwoai. and corabre by the name re-uedie. I heir ananiuon LkraguW ati l the Weetro.t,itvlii-ireca in ma sjwemt inry may u be detected by press. nre 0Mmi th tide ol Ibe Vertebras snd glands of the neck, whkh elicit the Klectro-lvalvsaia aymptoma, an tbey may be cured by these Kles tre .MagneiM rrmcdit a. 1 be latter are aecom. panted by a eompcadiout mrdival t'rratlae, ex. plaining the lirmchilr of lbs which they are lonadcd, and stating ih mahner in v,a, ,oct are io" ae applied, la this work Or; tihrrwood deroonunuet Ibe fact ih.t ...r. part of the human bwly, togribcr with every par. twle of animate and inanimate matter, ia either ra a oegwive nr pnaiine slate or eleelrieliy, and hat every motion, ia all matter, whether m the largess masses or in the smallest particle, ia pruunceo ay 4a ell rawing an-l rvpettmy ti.e ot thi emivmsal nrinslple. The morWd action Which prodneet disease of Iba organ as limb, be prove to be rccationcd by Ibe undue pre, ponderanct of nneol ibese lorse to the system, snd hi remedies rettnre health by tnbduiog ihu irregular aeicia to an equilibrium. . II ihi mean, lite very seen, Tthe disease arc rradiea ted, and a permanent cur rCeated, even la Uart where all bopea ol rehvf limn oilier tottrer n ahawloned. The fclcclro-l,gtel Ueinedie ere the only prrparaiioatappliMble lo ihH pre. sailing eiat of di.eawv and ihey never Jliaapi pomt thwennndenee reposed m them-Tbe pymptomtofthe clat of diwaa to ahich they are apUSaaMe, caa U diaeovered, under the di. rectwn cimlwsed in the work which acconipa. hie there, without the aid of a phi t'ieian, aod Ibet scat be osrd with perleat Sal el v andeuceeu ilhoal dieting or tneonveniease. or any further advice than thu work aiTimla. - -; . , 1 be prMieiplet upon which these "remedies are' prepared; are Mriatly a ciewi.fi fend a such, to gether with their unequalled ansae n, a anrathe agent in the dieeosra menliuned (which anneaU Iv emitigw thouMadt n the grave, and among there many of tbe loveliest f the human race) have already eteeled sale to the amonnt of one thousand dollare per month, f. the Iraratd and talented inerntor and amaog Ibe pnrchaver are many el the ablest norther ami wwatsra pbyiaiaaa,4artheiewa praatiaav' Price 110,' i' . . - J. B. TDM. s BsWgh, Jaeory y, 3g. ; - . g j, CT JI. TV. MILLER kaorenttiw. ed h effiae t W that of she Sapsriur Court Cleik, io the Ceart Heoee, where be may be teeod, exsept wbea aeeeaaariiy absent, -r ; m i JUieigK Nee 1, uaf. 4$. ; - . JOB-PRINTINO. Of U kinds, or ally ntl tpelUiott1y v .....s,i t.:. nr.... ; vbivv aia vaarvrwa, HTCIirOKO OUTER Fare doora oooih at U illiama h llarood Drag Store, FataTTtviLUl bTatrr, Kaieicb S. Caroliaa, ,. C- 1 ; ; AnK now opexio u' a lauge rppitr :iTws VaV an NVlnler OooAs, OOSSltTIJCO OF EVERY TH1KO EITHEE 7 BESltABLE Oft TaaHlOXABLE, trKearih: j WtptwfnttyifestTTjieir brvpdvTN. 3. .Twen'jrthouaaiid eubitrfcfl.of yeV , aad ibe publia generally, leesllamt I low pineplank ttockt. , t eajMnsnere. eaamioe before purebaaint' olaewbere. as ibey are oetcrmtned aot to be nwiHoae rbber ia ct litig Ceerft or nuking Chthet. ., Their good (OMiwt nt h rlloHig an idea. r. I. Svrta Blue and Black Bottle Green -Apple Olive Bro-n da Lnivlorr Drown ' Won aria W Napoleon Violet, r Dahlia " j Sorca Blue fc Bl'k (Plaid) wrao . , Greens " Uov n 55FBTPlaid Wool Dtta 1 Vle11 I Stngh & Ciaiaiaaa, ' . Striped, and tt fiU - . Curded Ocd. Sppcb Plain Silk Velvet " uui tx rijrurca tla. - m . Crimped Silk : . " 1ff'd k Plain Satint -Vetjng. jjiitt uaiiiimerett uiimerett r ; t . .. aientia '- li V ..'. " do. Vaieniia -- Mohair Tp?elhcr with a gtAefaf atwimtnt oj FataroKaait aaADT-Marn CiOTaiae, ' Teiiaant'E Celebrated Stocks, (uiTia re ill bscks,) " - 6USPKM)EltS HOSKIN GLOVES. Satin Iloaoius, and Linen Plain k Ituaird Shirt Collars, round eoa ana rouna topf A. n S - WAJgf ' aVOm' t ej ' our liue.ol buiiocM, to suit aid or foong. All nf ' whit h wilt be made an to order, at hort otiae, in the moat fashionable style. Our work men are the beathat can be pouibly procured at the North, aad We think that, added to oar own eiperiCBee, Jrill into re as a due tha re el pnbll putronaRC. .All nrdert. from a ilittawce i(l meet ilh prompt atleniion. Cltlliei nar ruultJ U fit. . A- Litrhford Oliver Return their thank fur former, support, snd will endeavor lo nwrit iia continuance. LITOHFOKO Sc OLIVER. P. S. Person furniibing their own material can rely tipna having their Clolhct a well made a thHnh we tumithed the articles. L. Ic O. Ualcigb, Oct. 21), 1137. . 44 if The teUbrvtetl JZngtUh Rvce Ihin - , FliEXIBIE, Ured br tbe Karl of Esxemonl. I hv Whal bone, bit dam Thcnil by Sorcerer, f purchased by the F.arl of F.grenont foe the King nf Prnt iaj la nnw at hia ilanil. in season wdl ,om menee the 14ih day nl February. For hi racing pcrtormance, and that of hit toll, which are now tunning on the mow fashionable course in Knrland. see haad bill. Hia term, mM k. t.h. eraT, anif nch tt t am in hoea will meet the isbe of the breeders nf horses m ecneral.. Wato.wvme an..i. u. January 19, Hit, - - - tf mm it The great popularity and established demand for ihi valunhla medicine, render the annliif nation nf a lenrlhy advertisement unnecessary. Nnmemntetimmiali of their vatne (lately re- . . . ... . e , . . ceiven irom'ireniicroen oi ine nijncM respecla. oniiy, in antiHion io innae accompanying each box. may ht turn on aruilication. taiaojr of the agent. 'I he pills arc put up id asoperior style, in tin koxva containing 40 pills, with full Jiree lion. Price SO" cent per. box.. To areola er hiirrliert the termtnf enmaaitsion and d seooal art liberal, All commuuicallow will be prompt. it stimwn vw, viy . - T . .TJtPMAl.LUtJMPfnTjKoC CCT '", InrganSl. Raleigh, 1st doer wet , of the Pretbylerian phurah. " Editorial Convention.- At a Convention of Editors held in this City on the lt of November 183r, crrtain regulation for the future government o the fraternity in North-Ca-oIina were agreed on.' With a view of ascertaining wheliier they would prove acceptable . tn the members of Ihe Cornt Edilonal, who were unable to at. tend, and be ratified by. them, tlie onder aijfned were appointed a Committee ofCorre. pontic nee it being understood. Ihat if three fonrttit of the Editors of Ihe Sjtie should Vgnty their' tatcnt to the praceeilinrt it) question, that the tame should thenceforth lie considered obligatory and iindinf oru the parties concerned ' . : K , .Tbe undersigned he-fiachar(jed Ihe dtify aaaijrned them and more than the required mimber htf e mponded effirmatitly Owe or two Editor, in conaequence of tlieir pe culiar Incal portion, thmk their inlrreat may be aiTvCled by a atricf atlherrnce lo the Table of Prieea adopted, aml though' they yield lheirtrrnt to the he rrguUtiona, vthey evjdcptly doso with rehictance. The under.. aiencd, thereforr, at the" errant of the Con ventiaiH rXpectfn'ly - rernmmend to theifj brethren thronghont tha State to'take t proceedi rg at a rule for the wtivernment of llicjr profcaaional emirae herraAer, eMifurm. injr at strictly there'.o,at exiniriR witrict and Ipeal cireiimatancet w',H permit. . " . " JOSEPH GALEPASON," V ' -THOMAS LOHING, CTJommitteei , THOMAS J. LKMAY - 5 - .,vajfign, 4n' j. 10JH. -,r . . . a femaij: school .ji hoase, in Northamploa county: twelve ruile weal ot Marfreeabnre'. N, C ihe 3d Moatbw in January neat, bmler ike aooir of Mist Los Ma Moose, a Lady from tbe North, who eomet welf recw-fwrwrfett, kavntv bew edwealed for the porpoae of teaching, fibe wilt learh all the gagltvh branalies esaally tonght ia Aaademiea, together WHh Fiwneh, if recjuired . . ii - tekmx or TVITIOXi r" Readiaf and Spelling, ft 00 per aeesiei of asontba. Ortiee branches RIO 00. . Board aaa be had ia my family at thirty sWllsr per aiii m ave sweaiina. -t .:, Striat aticnliea will be aaid la ika ewmfart of the Uoaarakra, 'a .. JAS. . WOOD, r - XenUatatea Co. K. C Oat. ts. 1 137. Le$ ur iw w t v ji I TXLLOTT PWB AJID- WIUTE - OAK TIJIBEIt . Jfifr CoTmiaaiowtaa' Orriea,? ' ' ' Jannary 4, 1 838L ' 5 PROPOSALS, eealed aid endoraed, will he received at tbia ofRce ontit three o'clock P. U. aa the ihird d- f February neat, for tha foliovinr-Yellow Pine and White OakJ lisftbervr deliverabla M,ih ay ,Yf;. port, Va v : . at. ' - :V' No. 1. One act of yellow pine beams, for f a friftate of tbe fire claae. .- No. 3. Two acta of yelbiw pln learnt, for . sloopa of war, first claas. ' No 4 Twenty tbouaand cubic feet of yel- . low nine plank slocks. No. 5, Twen'y iboutand eubio feet -.. do v do . ;'.. . No. 6. ;Twemy thousand cubic feet da .do" '. No. 7. Twenty thousand cubic feet do do do do do No. 8 v Twenty thousand cubio feet white oak plank atoektv ' ' The beam pieeei and one half of the plank stocka to be dehrered on or before the JOih April, 1839, and tbe other half of the plank tt cks on or before the 301 h April, 1840. Persona offering will make their offers separately for the quanti'iet and kind of tim ber embraced in any of the above number, and they will be considered and decided in dependently of each other. Schedule of the beam piece will be fur nished on apphestion to. the Commissioners of the Navy, or to the Commandant of the Navy Yard. Gosport, Virginia. The yellow pine Seam pieces and plank stocks muat be the .best quality lanr leaf. ne jrain, krart, SantlierH telhw pint Umber. I be white oak. plank slocks mutt be of the beat quality, and mast lut e grown pn lands titusted near to the salt ttater, or within the inRuenre of the tea air and the white oak and vellow pine plaiik stocks mutt have been irrrdled or felled betaeen the twentieth day of October and twentieth day of March next precedinir the dehveriett all of which mutt pe;aretfhe"sfo manilinjf officer til the taid Navy Yard, Gut port," Virginia. . All the said limber must be fre from tap, beart shake, wind shakes, and all other de fects. The plank itoek mint avrrape forty. five feet in iengthvand none of ihemmnttbe lest than Ihiriy .five feet long; the white oak plank stocka must square not iett than fourteen inchet at the but, and may square one-fmirth. Iett at the topi the yellow pine plank ttnckt mutt tqtiare not lei than fourteen, nor more than sixteen, inchet at the but. and ma square one-fifih let at the lop.' I en per centum will be withheld from ihe amount of each delivery made, at collateral security. In addition to the bonds given, to tecute the pcrtormance ot the respective contracts, which ill in no event be paid un. til the ooiitraot are complied with in all respect t. - Ninety per centum will be paid within thirty dayt after the bills for the limber shall be approved and presented to the Navy A Ail of Hie said timber must be subiect In inspection snd metaurement by the inspector ana measurer ot timber at I he taid Navy Yard, GoapoH, or by tuch other person o'r person a may be designated by H e Com- missioners of the Navy tor the performance of that du'yt and in all caset the timber mutt be in all reaped s to the acceptance and sat- laid Navy Yard, and approved by him. Jan. 6, 1838 ., ' 3 4 , Cj To be published in the national Intel, tigencer. Globe, Army and Navy Chronicle, Baltimore Republican, Norfolk Herald, Nor folk Beacon, Raleigh Mar, and Newbern Sentinel. ... ' IT The subscriber would take two apprentices to the Tailoring butincs, agrd from 14 lo 16 yearv Uojs fiora ihe aoui.try w aid be prelerred. ALEX. CAMPBELL. Raleigh, Jaohiry S, U3S. 3 if State of North Cnrolina, Gatrs CouiiTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, '-' November 7'rm,183. Joseph Freeman, Executor' ol David Freemaa. dce'd. T- ft. . . Petition to prove -viartna niaore and jame lhe will ol Uavitl r rerman, Ann bee antt Sa- f reeman. ruh Wellalord, Dlttrihuteet of David Freeman, " .In Ihi ease, it appearing lo the Court Ihat Martha Moore and Jame Freeman are not in. habitanta of this Slate, il ia efdered hy the Cniirt ihat publication be made m the Haleih Star for wx week, for the said 'Martha Mn.7r ..l jamea freeman to apnea . - ... - freeman to appear at the next term thi Court, on ihe 3rd Monday hi Febrarr next. aad oppose the probate ol DariiL, Freeman's i m; u ihey think proper. ; " ' 'Test ' '.' ' ) , , , I W. G.DAUGHTRY.Clk ' . tl 6 OXFORD NALC ACADEMY; The prominent Advantage of thi Institution. rentier it peculiarly deserving the notice ofpa-4 renu an ruaroiana. II itirmerlv rariXee antona me nr. m, eoiaic; ami oaa a, present many additional and. soUri claims on the - public for . i . . C ... , . " patronage run preierrnee. Oxford ia aurpavsed by no village of ibe Soo'h in its heatiblHlneu, pleasant location, good aoci. elf and freedom from riitstrwtinu. ' ' The nhoeii.al. Mr. A. Haar. is a eBil.mn oraonsnlerablc atlainracnia ia classical and art enli&e knnweierarauh-ed in England, lialy and Franca. He i aot only well certni nt Ihe Creek antt Ijitin classic, but familiar with motlem laa. gieageand all Ihe nnnsrroua branches di) st eal, mathematical, moral aM imellectual Science. in training the Statlenl to rwapeet their leach era, their companion and themselves, strict re gard will be bad to inculcate (artaona principle, honorable fevlHigt and gentlemanly aoniluct. The gmerwtoenl will be Mrenlal rather than se vere j aad the iluttcnlt' mind diresied in kal.ii -wf Mi wastry, accurate obaerfatioir aad deep an. woir . - . 5i -w- - - T Mr T. Higgintra graduate af a Kdmpean Colragn, and an-excellent elaasical srholari i engaged for tbe ensuing year to .iultruct the iu. Bsor classes. .. . , . - . . Claaaseal student w3l be prepsred In enter the Freshman or the Sopberoore class; agreeablf lo the Course of t Utlies prescribed be the Uni versity of ike State Terms CUsiiaal stu dents $IJ 00) En-lisb bom 6 00 to 15 W per tetaion, w u - ,.j v ... v - . Modern Lansnas-es. ' rrench, P '- . . r 7 J0- " Tnree lessons a week, J f t. Spanish, ,: rerseasien Kxtrtv. -- . . - : Tha Inition lee are rewuked In advtneet aad Ihe ansoamt of half a tessiea will be Ihe smallest eharge. 'T .-we- f1 .p. w. The first aessien ol IS3I will begin On the BJd of January, and the Examioal ton will be w Mao day a Toeatlav the Hi b and 19ib ol J I - ',-' BY ORDER OP THE TRUSTEES.'"' ' . Ovfcavw. N. C Dee, I, 1M7 - ; , Jt t, ! (T Col Jamea Kaltall is willing te reserve a teieet, number of Students, te be aadrr the hw atediate aare af Ihe Prtoiir he will reside with them. adnata. I Terms c'ajht dollar pet fc0B(h b, Baaed can also be had in ether ret. peccable fsaadiea fnr ft ' LIST OP JLETTEHS : Bemsmmg in the Po4 Offiea at Ualeigh, 6a the Slat Uesesabcr. Ii7. Parsona ealliag "or Ihera will ras any tbey are advertised, A John Laa . . Mr Msry Andrews ; Kalbaaiel Lane C A Avery , Itsddiek Lake SimeaAvera . Mra. Caibariwa Lowry MrsSimvIa Afford "Mager Lakler Unbert Allen - M iM.Aila.-l-J,lFis-eJ-Jamrt Ailams Mitchell Bei.jimia Allen J. II. Marray Br. arr Thorn, J Utsnit ' A lea. M. Mitchell k,v J.mr Hi.l.rieht - l'alry 1 WillMm Urinklt-T . Lbarbt A. Maoris Jolt It ttrjan tliaa.Marf Urvaa ' Mr Murrie, T. C KeV Jarvi li burton Julia Uraneh v. Itarncv Ueailey AdamflHanka Themis tinker , -Mr Jane list lie . atnl 0 tilkke . Mr Maitha A Bain Wm Tilan) . William Blalack ' Miu Ann Meillin lr. A. W. Mr bane M s Kliia B Maclfn William Maana . Hruhia Meadlry William McKetton " Willi K. Macdade JoliuF. Martin . , n J. Neelaad ' I Mis Uiey Jane Drown Jl,e Newton l ,k. llMiam . Janiei 1). Nunn John II Buna, or John Mi Margaret Nutt W Manning O PhillU II) id Mr Mildred liarelay Silranu Benslcy -Jntepb Belt " William Bell Bryant Baiwell Kv John B Ballard C , II L Chriito'phera -Jnhn Cliavnu William Clatk Mi Ann t;lnik Itruhen Carpenter 8 Willie Caricnler William Ij'arroll" -Patrick Cvffrey R H Cult ua lt e Daniel Ciil breath Walter L. Oley . G. 0le fame S. Putifny Kev. (Seorge Purifoy Henry It. Patchrlor Mr. Krxiah J'nwrr Denai A. I'avcball John M. Price Henderson Perry Jamea Pcteifurd John Pair Miu Kclliea Trice W. Polk IUIiar.1 K Polk Itulu K. Polk Will. A Pugh , George K. Pickering Tomer Pullen John Powtre JameiCmt Cornelial Crn,!iy Thnnu F. Clirittmaa 3 r H Mv Juilice Catron . Bdward Rigtliee A Camichael Mrs, Jams Bawling .IW;Wibs:.---Jola..ltaBlea) Jane J Canady I) Mia Mary A Dolt SPDeaey He Jamr Dt nail Charlea Devlin William Jlonnell KeVVm V Dunn G liraka "r" jAtiah Uavi Kev Thomm P Diivia Mr. Emeline Dnvi ToaeiilTA. H'ori'rt Job. Kngert Jame linger , Col. Allen linger Alexander Knatel Mrs. Marlha Ituth Leonard II. Uoyttcr Thnmaa Uoe J. T: Kii.t Wilry Hnbersnn Mrs. Mary P. Robert snn John Hick William I Ihlliard Mia Lney A Donglaie Jhn Itoarmand Miu Mary G Uoogla, Mem. Robert Reddin E nrjan neiinin Miu Mary -ad .Dr. Wm. M. S. Ridlry S To Ihe Secretary st si Green F F.llen Mrs Elizabeth Ellis Jame R KngUnd Alfic.l H Cliuim Gray Evans nce Master Saml W Evan Matthew Sorretl . F .:. J B Freeman Eton Franklin L Henry Franklin Thoma Fort Mrs ThnniHi Fort Daniel Fuller William L Fovler Willie 11 FtrrcIL 'eiiny Simmon Wm. Scoit Charles It. Shaw Jonathan Stephen Wiley Sleveniun J. C. Stedman Pealeg Spencer Mis Klixabetb Smith Jtdit SmKh - 3 ti sir. Smith, Constable Grand Secretary Grand William Smith Lodee N. C. James W. Skeen .Mrs Mary tiornian Mi Mslinda Spivey J D Gorman Joseph If Sawler William H Grimeahi Wiltiam.M. tiantlcra ' agent or attorney. ' '"titlleberry burl Jt J, John (iiiiruey cob Maioor Nicholas lire S Or. E. F. King . j A Ivi Sorrel) : L'liarlet'xj. Sterling Henry Stewart Thomas Scott " iHvid Slubhlefield Kimbal Sawyer A. 9. Spragne S Robert Sneed T Mis Sarah Thomat Richard h Tbompvor VVm. Taylor., (biooa Cotter) " . Relieve Taylor RobeitTaylor(aerrant) Jame S Griswuld t J J Gnndsoa 4 John W Iv'ilbert Simetm Conn Thoma Gamble i II Benjamin Hi. us Alexander High MissUehree V High Edward Honk - Mi l Mary Hil . F.rastirs Higlry . Ellas Hine Mary llammons Klixaheih HaflVy r.j tuna Haywood, Smith St Co. Messrs. Brown tt Tur- a-asaso WIUNn I U I'll Iff Mrs Elix Haywood nar Thomas H Haywood '. John W llay wind Franklin I IhVwihiiI Or Rufu Havwood f Henry ll:nniton . ' 1 Mis Harriet Turner j -r Augnsim Turner Mr. Ilebeec l errald Mis IWr Taylor Mis Caroline T1cr! ; ' : If J W llamplnn Jackson N, '"Mton Willi Ham. Liltlejohn L'tler , J"bo t'lley i ;'" ' Wm Vwks&Cn. 'vuimra While , SPbtto'U'hiie S IHvId S. W ihnn MiM Loisa llardie Robert Hairisnn m. A. Ilanunn - g Mm Adaline illiania Williain R. flarpison John WiHiam v" "i livrnson ; Mivsnarah.U atlroul olTW.;,, ..., j I . m . t 1 aJobn.AVall David Holland "-. Jame Wkilentoa Mr. Winny lliiteliin Henry Walton -MrtrP.tif-P." tlh.lon Jamet Whtlyr- ' "" Ltevertii llopkint - S Mrs.1 hnmas IV liltaker J. D. Haafcins JohnWIiiliry J Jame U'tsiher Mr.-lrwin Miu Nanry Valtoa ' Henry Jonc J.ha Walion Patsey Jones. (a 'ave) Samuel Vahan Mm Amanda M. Jones Jame M Watson Mmtan Jones Juliah O Walaoai " Kieluril or llaltly Jones Jame Wlsm Mr. Cbsrity W. June Alfred Wllenx Hsrily Jones Mis Jliiy Walker S Benson F. Jones .' Joiner W. Waihin '.ol. N. G Jonea E. U Winslow Mrs Marjrtl I'. John-U. While on Hueh kite 1 Barjiahnt Jt hnsqn .. . ..William V. While - William M. bud S i. D. Waid J. . Miss Martha Winn ' 3 Robert W. Wvnue Nathaniel IV heat Jloat W Jiilneld ' Mr. Snaan R. Watkint John VVfrren' Nathaniel W arren Thmiiptnn. Woll'rd ; WastiNieron World . Imiisa Wpild ' ; Washington U Vei b Margaiet Johnson Rrv. San.l J. Johnson Christopher IsImtII ' Mrs. Jane Jacksoa . - ' K ', Thwias Kelly Yxoey Krlit-ilry Win. F. Kiitrell ' : L Richard W..iea Warner H. Iwi Hli,rn Lomten, Jr. Jeremiah Latter -Mr, txw , , ' : " nl s , T" " G. SCOTT, P. Mi Halenh, Jan. 1. IS.M. ."-. ti "LVsEt STATUTES,--.: -l he suhwrihers, having sontraelcd with the Coinmisioner. of ,he State for lha.piiblieatMm of tle Recited S amies of North Carolina, fcsye aal w"kr" ' nB0U,,ti"f " completion f . Being a..TM,,.in fcy lKe Rnvrrnor egen'ls Cm tie part of ihtt SiMw for its nle, ihey now offer v,r gonqrumMjf Kwh Carolina a work Wbaih, a reijarrt quality ot paper and execw Im. U wot ,,a.o by any law look ever pnb. liahed in fhsj emmiry. it hat bfea proNOtinced ly every one who bat examined it, (and amongst innee are umbered eaanv of ih nl.t. .n.l exteBatfe book pnbtiabert in the t'nhrd States) '""-ira-of l)tgrapby, z PaWivhed ln enlamet-tlie 1st eo.ialv.ing n PVetrihe td SSI. Pricej naly bine dollars pep eopy-e. , dollars for-tst volume, and. af--.w vT rfiea it mesa at the ffovlh Carolina Book Slsib. will a prompt atlcatiea . . V - . ." 01 a VeJ" TPRNF.R k nTGHF.3. . K C. Jmua,,,4, ll37i X: $ 3ns fc llUUbwroagh Female tt . i -Sd, d,4ih, .; ' Hf Meaie, , U Drawing aWft-Pimlieg, , Uraaanenlal Needle Work, ' Lesson in French will be rive L. ' ' rmmlpmanh,i-Htrii owe of the tnnat miwatable t.i H bbtae at till per month. WILLIAM Jaa S IS3S - notice, lb. trtarhrf4S of LoMisbarg hi Frjl7H wear Chavw's llriiu, River oust ftav yeart nd, 4 feet 1 1 inchet hijl,, j, In l.ilr. alwM-l tail anil . . "H. len on the week. - A rewaral )f sa"4 ill be paid lo any person who wl avLr to the Subscriber al hi hniie. . ALLEN THOXIPsm ty. Jan. , 1821 - I? Franklin eoun .... "'R'.irr win Mtmi. bove three ismea anil forward ihvk. Tiui Si..iu n1 ...t 17 .n the Post Master at Lems)' M ItOida tT1 mrnt. A AOTICE. I wdl offer for aale, for cash, a tU r, Hnuse door in the town of StatetvilirhT county, on the 3d Monday M Fesru. the lolluwhig tract of Land, or to niasaa as will sati.iy Ihe Tax due thereon iaTitr" lljO.sud for eoatk lor advertiatne tha-T oil: , , - ... - v - , lit seres, litted by John WontewV , ' on Ihe waiera of Duehmaa Creek ail!' Peter Ucnegar and other. Ta.'j!?l! tt acre, listed by Juhn At. CampWll M i water ol Homing Creek, nrijiit' ;ranl and other Taxe dueil-.!l S50 atrra li.lnl l,r Fll.l.. ! t'-T - T ,r,,!rJ0, "ker Creek, rfoft iu,iiiirn win otnrrs, vs. I U acres. Iiuetl by Bob'en Piles, aa iba mJ of R..ky Cick. Tax dne -2-" 545 acre, li.tedby Ann lla Willim. 11 waters d Koeky Creek, e-linini... u , rXTsei' iic, i;,ten,y J,7hn" Lait(r.bry.lvia mi ;r of D'lehmaq Creek, atliiuau. t. water of Duehmaa Creek. axlifHauw iT l...tl....l ..l ...l... f' u. J d'lrt l,rr. I...,i. ft. Ik. L.ri ii I1' '. '-' . o a w wvm ai ImIW si L. II. .1 , . h. ! iier, h iuicsj reeK,ai( Jame Dawcl and other, unlisted. 7 . Tax dnw is. 7 iieres, listed by Franklin Henry, ei'jij W Mow tt i-nrr and other T'at 'dua . r SJitsei,, listed bv Jamea Lastly. Hiieiw. hw '.igi.vi tfu viEcarm viiau an AS, It - Tax due a 100 acre, belonging lo Jame Ga'.lea'i brim ii.i)i"l! '"c aaier ti nuMawCxit 'tj.iiiui.jj John Carter and others, aidisH, Tax doe . UK J. M. HtMiLK, 8l4 Jsn 5, tjs. , pltta Adv. S7. 5p. , 4 OAKDEJV SEEDS,, Jlahf.it hif Ihe United Society ofSk. L. l.niuirethi PniLADti.iHM, FOR S.fLB r- TUUXKlt A IIUdHES, nook-llers, ICnleitru.il. c Wtaa wrn raxsMsiaxxviaa Caertrll: White Oniiia or bdveriCcMH-iaa Kste eCa bkiu Yellow do Bed do Kieneh do or Londei. tabbage - - entchKaie Khubkrb cualteii Tart a . - Ik Early Dutch nimf Raelj Itlorul Turnip Bee '. ' French Suear iL r iai 1 nmif Eai ly naitlenVnlt tarxe f"g. uiktk Whiiw Flat - a lied Top . a Kuubaea- j M Orange Turnip rl. Long Hhtod ,, " Mangel Wurlxcl di Early 'White Scaie.ty 01 auj(r iieet Scaj'lt t CaiTtil Omnge 1I0 and Horn do ' (uemsry Parsnip Fine S"gvr do Lima t ana do -quash nr nell Prpw Urge Sweet Wll.iU Earl rtliln. forpicUaj (ate nne tlo ' I'uride Fee Mbaii Curled Ct es er f .rly Clusler C'ueomhft riilis l.nng do fHig tireen . lo Eaily Frame . do Eaiiv blun t Rreon do yerv.ras -- tlioad Leaved Ctrt Water l.rea .. Urge-Tomata t . mall do , 'eeelahle OTtter' Prirkly Chut kin ' do Hopctjiir Watermelon Early- Appleared do li g'e V u k h Ion v Fine N'uitiH'g Melon's Lare CautrhiMt do (rem Citroii do 1'onigranate . ;" - do rirg do- I hiith Summer Squash U-ith Crook la '1 do -,-V-Oonk Neck Winter do Cortiaiiut or Poller do l.'rnok Ni ck SuiMroer d. MaHieiuth J ' - dt tl antmntb Pumpkin ' .. f, l.aitc Yellow ? du While Solid IMen Summer havort ' tiaetf CuilcdrViaj Curled - '-,' it ctv Zeafand tiana harge Flandert t. Itnuud Savoy -IrttVa Oreeu Uirl.l Eudil Hroad LeaVed - 0 iVhric Muttata' llrnskn - do ' : Uuig While Ota t.oiiit Atiaraii ' Vaitunion . ISene Plan! . orned 8ala4 v !XiigJiorrel . Cm led Chervil ui'-ge BcoiKb Lett ffion Sweet. MignoarU' .'' Mai'MTtas . , Thyme lavender .... - lialil While Cos feltuee linptrinl Siigar Ltiaf do Early Whlto JLad do Ijsigefirceu do' du Ite do do Ire Cts . -i d lirren Co ' do lmni Halm ' !ai;miin ll'inom Coifd' Early Mimx tr at ' weeks Coi n Eailv ('tilled It'vyul Cabbage Head Etna . do do lliown DHtvh .1 "r lrge rut lnl Ini'ia -Ttnnirball nr Jtoae Madrira nr l'.iun Ejrly Tusearora .. r.41 Iv Snjrar - - Smith' FjsiyaWtv HVIy Washing Julie Peas -j rrly Cbarbnn " -iarly H.shopiPrs, irrly Frame - - img white Nitplea Had iii . ;.- . Early SeaHet Short To 4 ..-' ': ;' ' Purple Sh"ct Tp - Kd Teruitt -. :.. di I Jnf SiJhixm ' - tli W uTrrtiTprr - d, V I11U! Fall Muaniah " A ijuge White Moro Wl do' . ' Uarf Marreclat Pnl.t UtiirlrttnrrW jti It Chi Oil i xiiiltaa fciX Werktea Yellow t iirpir ' A Eaily Sug-ir lal Cab Mrfugee " 1 liaje i . . ,, tor di Dpeh- , "J A A V k . . - ' di 'Vhile KKlnet Varw gied Crsttherrj ,dt Pole fc.riask..; HtHch Csse Kail Urge lint : i"7 Small da ' Diitch white rannrrP Sen M KtHiner. Long Pod (ftwarfl Arklies Eailypwarl d. ( new - - -Laqre Via k or J Urvetl di Eaily lhumhtad or, But ' lersra ' '.di Eat It Kullueka Heart ! Hed Soechleu Carve BrHCtn .c, '.'wdol tine do-"f ' , Vhtnn. whiie F" llrumtM-ad ' - .' . Drumhead Savor d Flat or Late U.iteh d, . . a 1 .. 1. I lireen Savoy , . ' Yrlh.w do, .. -i.rrte Claced -, . rietlilutrh ' ' " V . a. . n . i,r, 'd. tl assorirn . ... . -. pi .'ii I I tr V ' do tsanrluci Colewort ' 'y - And a treat ' E-ly CauliBowef I At. .1. not. jnduttcu list. V TURNER k IIUCTI" r If an of Ihe aer.l aohl hV II '" L. . I . - . . . . . r . .u.i i n ra awnse up, (Having neen tatriy -- urchater shall be at liberty lo get other M ma amniinl. . . . -i ja - 4 VV-tlaVrSTI Til ? Tf Ul gives 19 Dollars perjffo1! y For fifty etronsj SeKrw-rellow'; tM mence work immtdiateiyi and -for fifty J "o the 1st of February, and fifty on lh H March.. '., ' ' t 1 January 1. 1838.. ! V

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