: " & AXtEIGH, IJ. C .WEDNESDAY, I.I All OH 14 ' 1838 "i f ' i ' VOL 2X12.' " NO "1 THOMAS JT. LK.'14r JPITOR TERMS- jri,c,irTio. ,t! dollar! per annum -on -.u,.nn reilii.r ilh.iot the State Tt1-twf VoHl . P"? ,he oont ol the ycarV ''"suWramWift ' r ' '7' . ' . ' KATES OK ADVRHTISIVO. For ry Kiiare (" eeeei!in(f 16 linn lt.it l ie I'pO 'i"-" nrrliBn1 nil dollar; ruth ln! ,.n,irat insertion, tarenty five cents. rT Ttif advertisement, of LlerSi and Mwrin will he t-rrl S frr eenl. tiilirr: and a juclion of 3;i per eent will be made from -he rriuUr prieet lor nUermeri b llie yrr., -Lclit.-i to " r' l'"''r-,il be pti-anl. SPEECH OF MB. t'AI.ItOl'X, or SneTii Cotrsi, on us S u b-T reiuurj IS i 1 It j)divtrtd iif the Senulr aj th L'ntttd Statti, February 15, 1838. re;ai'il tliis measurt', uliich lu been much l-nunceil, a very little m,ye llian an attnnpt fu cany out (lie prisioii f t he j.iint rchnluli.in nf 1816. ami the di-).sit act it 18 6. The furiner provides that nu mite but tiiise ol )'- ie paying b.n'ks ahull be r ctivi'il in the due' f the Govern- i .i ..... . . .I men , and ne lajier i i;u aiicn uaiik only shall be ' the d-po-itoi ie of the i public rrvi-nu.' and fmal ajjrnt of the j (loveifinedt; but it uintedt n akc . -..fiainni for the rtmt.r.genry nf genera! suspension of specie jm vint-i.;v 1 rJctrssrs the present.- It followed, ac- ......llinrtv ii.i lli aiisorllion in Vav J l,t. wliiclt tolaliy si-parated the Unv rrnmenl and the banks, that the reve nue werethrown in the hands of the Juecutive, where it lu sime reiii iin e i under its t'tnie control, with 4t any legal provision for its safe keeping. The object of thi bill is t 5'plv this omiinn: to take the pub lic uioner out of the hands of the Kxe- cutite am) place 'it under lite custody of tJie laws, and to prevent the renew al of a connexion which has proved so fortunate to bo.h the (overninent ami tlte jj.inkft. Uut it is this mensure, originating in an ettgency caused by oirown acts, and iluit seeks to make tiie must of a change elfoctrd bv ope ration of law, instead of attempting to innovate, or to make - another e?peri ntfiit. an has been erroneously reirv srnted, which ha been denounced un der the name of the Sub-treasury with surh unexampled bitterness. - In lieu of this bill, an amendment hu been offered, as a substitute, bv tue Si tiator from Virginia, lurth.t (toMllte chair, f Mr. Rives, which he iitfurms us is the firct choice of him tvJf and those who agree with him, and tfwsetonil choice ol those with whom he is allied on this question. If I may jude from appearances, which can liafilly deceive, he might have said their "first chnirc, under existing cir sumstunces; and have added, that des paiiing tf a National Bank, the object of their prelerenee, they have adopted his sub-tit.ute, as the only practicul al tenutiv at present. We liave, then, the question thus narrowed down to tins hill an l the proposed substitute. I i agreed on all suh'S, tlut if or tlie other must bo selected, and that tia'lojjt or r.-ji l tiic one, is to reject nr -adopt the other. , -The vmgl q ue t'rtn then is, wtiieh sliall w- choose? A deeply ni niie itous question, . whi h we are iinw calUul on to deriile in be hilf of the States of this Uoi.m, and o i our decision their luiure destiny niu-d, ini a" g watdggeerjdepgnii: -aoiji Inng as their Union endures. In c.njjaring the relative nvrits of the two measures, prep.iratory to a de cision. I shall touch very briefly on he principles ami details of the bill. The former is well understood bv the Senate ami llie country at large, and the latter has been so ably and lucidly explained by tha Chairman of the Committee in hi opening speech, as to supercede the nerewty of further l etnai ks on th m ! this sta!e td the disrussi n. I pro pose, then, to limit myself to a mere JCeni-ral hu miliary . accompanied by a few brief observations. Tile object of the bill, a I hare al reJjLSUleJ , is to take the public fund" uut of the hands of the Executive, where they have been thrown by oper ation of nur acts, and to pU' e them otnlejr the custody of law; and to pro vide for a gr.uluil and slow, but a per petual separation between' the Govern went and, the banks. . It propose to extend the process of e pe rating to the year IH45, rereiving during the first year ot t e series the note of such bfitiksas may pay specie, anil reducing tli-,reafier tiie amount reieivablu in ti'K-s itne-sixtb annually, till the sep fation shall be finally ronsu nmated ' the period mentioned. file provision of the bill are the tni'st simp e and effectual that an able cmsmttee could devise. Four princi pal receivers, a few clerks, and a watti cent number of agent to examine the taie of th public funds, in order to e that all is rtght, at an annual charge, not execediug forty or fifty thousand dollar at most, constitute the addition I ffi-er and expenditures required, to perform all (he function herelofore 'Uiliargetr by the banks, a deMmito r:'s nfthe public money and fiiscal a Uofth Treasury. Thi. oimple PParatai trilt place the publick Treas ury on an Indepemlent fooling, and tny ta tha Governnta at all ti.rB.te, a certain command of it fund to meeti if" ringaf?me1ittrMdlaTpri-ye Vta honor and faith inviolate. If it be de sirable t aeparat from tbe'banka, the j Government must have tome iudepen lent Rncjr of iia.n tokffpan.l di nurse me puouc revennrt nil if it ! iiar suck an agency, nun, in inr i pinion, ran be Uevie inr aim pi. more economical, more effectual, anil safe than that provided br ill bill. It . . .i.- i.r.t. - is the neceary rultf ihe separatiun, anu iu rtjf . . u. wit.iout prpiinx a ueiier, mi,- uiueeti, a uetjer can V3aAJ4rnrnt' nnnr mev KHall ever to reject the separation itnelf. 1 turn now to the substitute. It4 1ject in directly the revrrta of that .', thf-bi U It pioposct to revive llie leaitiie vf State.btinka, and to renew eurron nexion with them, and which all ac- knuwli'ile has cuntribuled so mocb t corrupt the community, and to create a spirit l.ir apeculatiott, Ittrelofore tin iHinpled in our hiatorv. The Senator in ofluring it, whether wiiwly or not, has at least acted cnnii. tently. lie was its adv.xate at first in 185-1,. when the alternative was be- j twren it and (he rerhaitrr of fhe late : Hank of the L'nilrd State. IIi ilw n defended it zealously and manifestly, against the fi.rce nsxaulls ol his present allies, as he now dd'emls it. whrti thine wlmjhrn twn.loin-d the measure. Wether wise- y or not, there is sonu-lhin ii heroic in lus-adherencev and I commend him for it; but, I fcr I cannot say as much for bis wisdom and discretion; lie ae knowledged. with all others, the dias tera that have followed the fut xpen menr, but attributes the failure Jojnau spicious circutiisianccs. and insists that the measure has not had a fair trial- 1 grant that a second exneiiment mar I succeed, after the first has faili d; but the Senator must coi.ceile, in return, mat every lanure must neressarilv weaken c cioihdence, uoTtl in The eiperr-jwiHiHi ! the esoerim. tiler. lie an nient ami the espe not be inure confident in uiakinr th second trial, than he was in the first; and, if I doabted the success then, and preferred the Sub-Treisury to his lvalue of banks, he must excuse me for still adhering to my opinion, and doubting the aur.cesg.ol his second tri al. Nor ought he to be surprised, that those who joi ied him in the first should be rattier Shy or trying the etperimni again, after having been blown into the air,, and burnt and scalded by the. ex plosion. But. if the Siw i-w" unfortunate irt failing 10 secure the co operation of those who aided him in the first trial, he h9 been compensated by securing the support of those who were then opposed to him. They are now his zealous supporters. In contrast "mat their course then and now, 1 intend Tinthing personal. I make iio charge of inconsistency, nor (to 1 intend to imply it. My object i truth, and not In wound the feelings of any one, or any party. I know that to make out a charge of incitoai'steney, nt only the question, but all the material circum stances, must be the same.'A Change in either, may make a change of vote necessary; and, with a meterial varia tion in VircutT"' 'res. .we are often compelled to v, .nr course, iiuirder to preserve our principles. In this case, I conceive, that circumstance as far as the present allies of the Senator are concerned, have materially chang ed. Then the option was between a echaeterof the late bank, and a league of State banks; but now the former is out f the question, and the option is between such a league and a total eparation from the baaks. This beinj the alternative, they may well lake that, which they rej. rti d in i834. without ubj-rting themselves to the charge of inconsistency, or justly exposing them selves to the iinpulation"'of''''c1iai'i'5e'iir prim iple, nr opinion. I acquit them, then, of all such charges. The doubt less think now, a they formerly did, of the measure, which they then de nounced and 1 ejected, but which a change ol circumstances now compel them to silppm t. Dut in thu acquit ling them of the charge of in onsist-n-cy, 'hey must excuse me, if I should avail myself of lle fact, that their opin ion remains unchanged, a an argu ment in favor of the bill sgainM the substitute. The choice is bet-veen iIio.ii Tliav ep in the nnnosite Scales. To take from the one is, in effect, to! add to the other; and any objection a-!deted state of the currency, the uurtn gamt the one, i an arKumeiit equally 'en of the responsibility, vou would strong in favor of Ihe other. I then do i have stood . ready to profit by events, avail myself f their many powerful I If the Sub-treasury contary lo your objections in '94 against the measure, 'anticipation, succeeded, as patriots, which this substitute proposes now to! vou would have cause to rejoice in he revive I call to my aid. and p'ess info my service every denunciation they then uttered, and every argument they then so successfully urged agamst ( it. They, no, we (lur 'l was then, as j now, irreconciieaoiy opposeii 10 me measure.) charged against it, -and nrnvp.l what wp charged, that it placed . -i 1. . . 1 . .1. ihe-inirte ami the sword in the sauielymi hsye !-st the only prospect of es- fiands; that it would be the source r.ri lavishing a JMatmnai linn, boundless patronage and Cnrruptjon. f Nor ha vour rourse; in my npin. snd fatn! i.i it comicouertc to the !i''ti been fortonate for the country. currency of the country; and I now - . - - . -1. ., .. . avail myself of these, and all other ob ieclions. then urzed by u , iu a full force against thi substitute, a if j nu were again to riae in your pbacea and. repeat them nows and of course, as en many argunente, in c&tt, in favor of tlit bill and on their strength I claim yiiur vt. in It favur, unT," tmle4, nil atruner t.Jetion can b iMgeJ again! it. I aav atronger, kvrau time baa pred th truth vt alt ibat wa then said agaiatt tha praure now propusrd to b revived br Ihis soUli - tuir hst -i then prodictiwn ta now tt. Uut WTtitrrer ofijectiniM nave ueen, or may be rtl against the bill, however atroiif they mav arncar . r . . '. . in argument, reaaui yet to 'be Irateil Dy tlio in nnj ti nt time and el- . o realized must b- admitted vvea by those who may have lite rrratcst con- fidenct in them, to be at .t-ast ancer lain; and it is the part of wisdom ami prudence, where"objection are rqiully strong against two measure, to prefer that winch i yet untiled, to that which has been tried and failed. Against this conclusion, there is but one cicape. It may be said,-that we arc some time ( ompt ll.'d. in the midst of the many extraordinary circumstances in whii h we may be placed, to prefer that, which is of itself the more ob i jecrn.natHe. to in.it winch i less so; because- the former may more probably lead, in the eiid, to some deMrd re4'Pulte l perform certain iluties, suit, than the latter. To apply the prinrple to this case. It may be said lhL!l,e subaiutivjlioughof itselob -jeclionable, is 40 be pr-ferrtd; because it would mure prob.ibly lead to the establishment of a National Dank, than the bill which you believe to be the only certain remedy for all .the disorders that a fleet the currency. 1 admit thyposiWon to be sound in prin ciple but it is one exceedingly bold and full of danger in practice, and ought never to be acted on, but in ex Ireme cases, and win re there is a ra j tional prospect of accomplishiug the j object ultimately aimed at, t he ! application, in mis 1 ae. 1 must tuns be rasiines n-cU,, It jnuy safel v assumed, tha-t the - success be ol either, whichever may be adopted, the bill, or the substitue, would be fatal to the establishment of a Naiionarnrgative, which I hope to place on Bank. It rati never put down a sue ce,lul measure to lake its place, and. of course, that which is most likely to lad, and re p unge the country into all the disasters of a disordered currency, is that which woald most probably l4l la tUv rMsloruliou uf.a National Hank; and to prefer the substitute on that account is, in mi-i- nr..r . u-.vuoft is the worst of the two. nut are you certain that another explosion would be followed by a bank? We have already had two; and it is far more probable, that the third would impress, universally and imlelibly. on the pu ilic mind, that there wa some thing radically and incurably wrong iu the system which would blow up the whole concern. National Dank and all. If 1 may be permitted to express an opinion, I would say, you have pur sued a course 011 this subject unfor tunate both for yourselves and coun try. You are opposed both to the league bf banks, and the Sub-treasury. I ou prrier a isjaiioiiai uao, 1 v- gard it as t e onry safe and certain regulator of the currency, but ronsid- er it foe the present, out of the que. lion, and are "therefore compelled -toltleatiny of this country, Jwtn any of , choose between the other two, . By 4..nmo tiiiff ihe substitute, vou will be i h. 1 1 responsible for all the mischief 1 and disasters that may folluw the re vival of the net bank system, as it has Deeii 'called; With lhe alnrogt ratlf d,' With the '"ahirirfit " certainly defeat of your first and cherished choicej and those you uppose will reap, all the benefits nf the power, paitinage and influence, which it may place in their hands, without incur ring any portion of the responsibility. Bat that is not all. The success of tiie substitute would he the defeat of the bill, which would, in like manner, olare 011 vou the responsibility of its defeat, and give those ytuMippise, fell the advantage id having supported 11 without any of the responsibility, that would have belonged to it, hail, it been adopted. Hid a diff rent course been taken hail you joined in aiding to ex tend the custody l ihe laws over the public revenue,! in ihe hands of the Executive, where you r own acts hive placed it, and for which-. you, of rou-se. are responsible, throwing the blame at the same time on those, to whom you attribute the present di.or ;unexpeeieu gooo. 11 it ia, y would have the credit of having anti riputed the result, and might-then af 'er a double triumph Of sagacity and foresight, have brought forward your fa vol ite measure, with a fair prospect of surer, when eveiy . other had failed." By 'not faking' thi course, Iliad it been diff. rent, the currency I I.i L.. .. - 1. . .u,:.u.l . , quesmm wouio na irru uruuru m the called session; ajul had it been de. cided , then, the country would thia day have been in a much bet er con dition: at least the manufacjairing and eviantrcial laclion to tha North, 1 - wBero me derangement ef tha eaerrr tatett-lhvmnmtnvMwt. 'IkauK i rwuiparai'vciy aa easy cmmihwo. icb are the difficulties that stand Lui SijjfWay of the subititate at the verv threshhold. rintse beyond are vastly greaistr, a i shaJI now tiroeeed. to lio. It, obi i, as I baxo-atated. ia 10 revi the league of Slate bank. aoi ie nrt queuoa presented for cinsMicrauon is,, how is tins to ft ..m bw is the leatfui. to be formed? .: i . . . . . . how siKnu aletLinto life when formed i and hat after it ha Lee il . re! vml would be ilto true character of the league f coo.biuatioM? To answer I ha qucstiuna we must turn to its provisions. t fovidei. thrftthe Secretary nfthe Treasury shall elet. twenty fite sne- cie paying bulks, atthefi-ral agents of tue Government, all to be respecta ble and substantial; and that the selec tion shall be confirmed by the joint oteofihe two Houses. It also unt vides, that t lev shad he made the de - posit. .rie ot ile puiilic money, and that their no es shall be receivable iu the duel .f the (overnment) and that il lur i, lor these mlvanUL'es. Ihev -.li.ill anil comply itb various conditions, me onjeci 01 wnien is- 10 riv to toe C t .1. . r . Qgi!!jM-jL.'-'.Mntf,jreasur3r lull fcnoy. lenge ot tiieir condition and business, with the view to supervise and control their act as far a the interest of the G iverument i cone. rued. In addi- tiim ttr thee,nt conhinr oThtr afid liW' portant piuvisions, which I shall not enumerate, ecaose they do not fall wilhiu ; the scojhj of the objet tiotis, ilia! ( propose to urge agVnis't the mei- Bre Now I ask what doe all this amount in.- vv iut but a proposal on the part of the Governmenl lo enter into a con. tract, ..r bai gain, "with certain selected State bank, on the terms and ronib- nous coniatne'i. iuv we me runt 1 1 make toch a bargain i.t!ie first qu a- Hon; and to that, t give a decided ronstilutional grounds, that cannot be shaken. I intend to discus, it with other questions growing mil of t eion- ilea tte toprotioan.e grossly tminns'i- nettiou of llie Government with the tutiooal, whrn appli d to aii iioit.idu. bivks, aa a new que.tion for the first al. To free u.iivhei IV.um this iwu- time presented for consideration and sion, I a-k. could this ffovrrnmeo' en decision, S'rane as it may seem, the stiiulioijally bestow on iodividuals.ir VwwiW'BUVjJeVWll PropiUed to be b stowed on "the led presented nor investigated in ref..,e4 biuks, in order lo enable them to ence to their constitutionality. I low ihtshas happened, ( shall now pro- ceel to explain preparatory to the e- amina iou of the question, which I proposed. 'The uuion of the government and the bank wa never tetany aotemniz- ed." It originated shortly after the Government went into operation, not in any legal enactment, but in a short order of the Treasury Department, of not much more than a halt a tfnzeu ol lines, as if it were a mere matter of course. We tliua glided imperreptibly; whom the act of the Stale cannot c-on-intoa connexion, which wa never re-fer a particle of constitutional right cognised bv law till 1 8 16, ft( my mem. I under this constitution, that doe not oiy serves.; but whi.ch ha ... produced .1 more iinoorlatii alter consequences, imporlatil alter consequenves, : and has bad a srreater rbntrol over the the mighty questions which nave so ol -.meiit..iati4jijte.a.ULv.uLuaL..,ju&inar tei and deenly agitated the country." who, by the constitution, are express- To it may be "traced, a ibeir seminal pi indole, the vast and extraordinary expansion of our banking system, our iusluutwnajdUhe al and pi id use disbursements, the pro- tective larii1-.-aml its associated system fur aiMin.f.i.ar atlial U ll.raav inf.. Ilia I reasury followed in time, by a vast surplus,, winch the utmost extrava- nance of the government could not di, sipate.md finally, by a sort of retiibu-j tive justice, the explosion of the entire , banking system, and the present pi o irated condition of tha rurrency, now 1 the subject of our delibt ration. How measure, frau rhi with such imoortuni riinte loences ahiuiid at firat.' ami lor so 10112 a tune should nave ea- .. . 1 111 .1 caped the attn ention and the investiga- Hon of ihe public, deserve a passing notice. It is to be explained by tlte false conception of the entire' aubject , ' . ' . .1 . 1 of hanking, win 'hicn at mat carl v periniiii ii'ne otner, mai can peri ctve. ui revatled in the communi- this' would he to adopt llie old and ex- . . . it , ,1 . : . , L iinivpcss.:! v nrevaif ti.' So erroneous ws it. lhat a bank note was then identified in the mind of the public with gold and silver, and a (leposite in ua n it was rrgarneu, a un Jap flip .noftt safH bint a:irreil rustfidv. a ' " a. . . i i . that could be devised. . The ot iginal ..... n e impression, iienved irora-the b.ipk ot Amsterdam, where every note, or cer liHcate in circulation, was honestly re presented by an equal and sperific quantity of gold or silver in b nk, and where every tdpoite wa keptA, a a sared trust, to be safely return ed to the depository,, when demanded, was extended to hanks or discount, down to the time of the formation of iiar government, with but slight modi, ficstions. With thi impression, it i not Ht all ext.raordi.nary, that the de nnsite. of the revenue in bank for safe keeping, and the receipt of their note in the public dues, should be consider d a matter of . conrae, requiring no higlier authorilj than a Treatury or der, and hence a connection whh all the. 'important; question belonging, to it, and now conaidered of east magni tuda, rtccived to littlt notice, till pub- ti.ewti.iit wa dim-ted to nbv it r..ni rn. . Hi. ....! j nvai tnc system, in wmch w now Rod o ir.-lve placed, for the first time, an Ihoriaea and demands, that we shall in vestigate freely aod fully, not vol y the coiueqonce of the con reel ion! but all. the , question growing" not of it, more especially those of 1, const nation I charac-trtf and I jhaft in obedience to thin demand return to the question from which this digestion ha carried me so far. . -i - .. " Have we then the right ta make the bargain proposed? Have we the r ghi to btow the hih privtlege. I miuht say prcmgalive, 011 them ol being hude the dejiii"i ies-of llie pu'ilic revenue, aid id- kwitig their notes received ami treated a gidd and silver in the 'dues of the government and in all its fiscal iransactioiisf Have we the ri't to do all this in order to bestow confidence in the banks, with the view to enable them to resume Suecie nunneniar Wli it :i the sfate of the case? The banks are deeply indebted to the rouotry. & are unable to navsaud we are atked m give them these "advantage, in order to enable t hem to i av iliir .lli r.n we Krant the bo in? In aiiserinr tin iiiiortant q i aiio i. I begin with he urt, l Hat our t'lveinment is one or I m . iteil power. it vane lerclw ' "f but what i p-. ih. ally gmnte l; nor pass any Jaw. but what is n- cesar and proper 10 carry uch imwjer into effecl. Tliis small pa iipbleVfhnldinz it upj ' of power are few a id pla n;ad 1 ask gentlemen lo turu. l it. and point out the p w.-r ibat autlim iaes ur do what i proposed 1 1 1 done, or to -how tut, ta pas thi tuhsiilul-., i iiiM-earv lo carry an tMtf anted power lint eil i t. !( neither t an be shown, what is proposed ca:in be constitutional! d me; and sat I it ia sio-cifirally pointed out. I am warranted n btlievini that 11 cantioi oe anoan.----H . Oar reason is of rn confoumlfd by a mere name. An act, 111 the minds of many, may Hrcome of doubtful consti tutmnal nulhoiitr. when aiu.li .1. In a bank, which none would, for a moment. piy tVir detir ts Wt.re who beat me, who would veuture to say, ye. even in the cane of the most extensive merchant or, mercantile concern, such a some of those in New York, or New Oi lean, at the late suspension, whose j emoanaasmeni invoiveu enure sec- lions in (h rei-f Duf, if not, on what principle ran aditcrimioation be made in favor ol the banks? They are local institu ions, created by the State for local pu imscs, couiMiseu, line private association of individual ritiz.nv,ri belong to the humblest citizen. So far irotn it. 11 mere ue, a iiiMiorimn. 11 is irom n. 11 mere ue, a against llie banks. They are removed farther ifrom the ntrnl.oltlHgorejtn- ly subject to the dii-ect action of thi government in many instances! while the Sta'e bank, a constituting a pur- Mates, andresTingTin tnetr mrrven righ', arc entirely beyonU our con Ir.ilt SO much SU. Ba not til le the Suh-I ject of a bankrupt law, although t!ierze each House to establish the rutelof j authority to pass one is expressly grant-, ed by the constitution. ; On what possible ground, then, can trollable authority within Ihe .Inula' if,; the right in question be placed,' unless, J their respective walls, atid over thosa s indeed, on me broad principle that yaubjecHo their authority, in their offi- j these local institutions, nlended.loxLslLlitrartef. .. TA that cxtfut, they iStste purposes, have been so cxletidcd and have so connected tliemselve with the general circulation and business of .l . - . . ... ...r..- n. :. '..Lm.c me country, us to aneci ine imeresi pi the 'whole community- o as Jo make it J the right and,' dut oT,Congre to reg- J late them; or, in short, ; on the broad principle of the general welfare?, 'I here ' ' . .1. ' .r. .1 :-..! L"- ! ot mled nrincifile. at all lime dancer- ou. but pre -eminently to at thi time, i 'when such' In ntejaiid dangeroti con- ' fere with an one of! the domestir.in stilutions of the Slates, on ihe ground of promoting the general welfare, it may 1 wt)h oihrs. ,lf it may bestow privtlegea to ronlmr them, it may also appropriate money " for the same pur pose; and thiis a ihior might be op.-ned to an interferrnce - with State institu tions, of which we of a' certain section ought at thia time to be not a little jealou. '" ' "; ' n I he argument might be pushed much further.' We : hot only ofT r to ennfer great and important privileges on the "banka to be selected, but, In lurfi, ask them to stipulate to eompty witn cer tain ''conditional' tne object of which I to bring them under the auperv'tion anil control f thi government. ' It might be'aikidwhere1 iHntrrrehr-(o purchase oruiumeauch urtrvit.ion. centmnsol the constitution are aoroinl ; 1 nose Oatix .wmr.u i a by lar tne mos. . tin the land. " If lliw a.a-oment Is (roiul 1 totWei'ful and influetlfisl if alt 'the" ' . in one eaae.1t.Sa' gowl iu all at nilar ca- j ge.it kof the vf m ;iit," ami tioght tea."" If. this Government roar infer-1 nit to be el..'C!eir.i out the Concur' .or control? 1 1 mtkht be rvnea-ed. ih.t .1. a.'L. s...".. ted sole t for Staw purposes, and bi entirely Ui der 8 atf oon'rsd, and that all uieriioon.nh4mr part it in elation f the rif( 1 th- States.' It iingtit be argued that uch supervision or control, is ralcolated to weaken tha coutrol of the State over their own in tiiu(ion,ahd to render them r nubs? servient to their peculiar and local in. t'-rest. for the promotion of wlit.dv they were established; and too subset, vieut to other, and, perhaps conflicting' interest, which mght feel but litllv sympathy with itli .se of the Stately Uut I for bear. U her, and nut lesars gfbt -trnjeebim claim 1 my atten4,m.; I'o dilaie too much on one, would n; ce-auily sacrifice the laim o other. 1 I next oi'j'ct. tlut whatever may ba the rigltt to -enter "into-- the- jirop-ed-b irgain, the mode in which it i pmpo sed 10 make it i clearly unconsblu tiotial, if 1 tiahlly roinpcehend it. I am not certain lhat I do; bat, if I un s and it iight, the plan is, for -the Se -retary of the Treasury to to left Ltwnty five State bank, a de ril td 'hi h sub-Htule, which are t be ub-. mited to the two il e to be Confinn ed. or rejected, by their joint resn'u lion, wuhoui th - approval of the Pre. a deuif 4JV tha a a me WMde-a -wttold- ap.M.iot a c'. i laiu,. .or to es'ablrah joint rule Tor the g tvcriinii Bt of their ' proceedings. In .irtmg on the jiut resolution, if mrwwt;,&jr-ivimtfttnr.iti9 w M have thy right, of uci-e. a str ke IVo.H it the nam - of any banlc and insert ai.oiker. which would ii tact v. st in the two II 'Uses the uncon 'o'la'ile rtht of niakiug theseleci'ion. , XHow, if t ob ihe mudet. pioposed, aa I infer Ir ou the Silence of the nniver, - t i a plain and palpable violation f ; til constitution. Thobviou iotenr, lio i i, lo evade the veto jmwrr of fhtT: Ex -c u 1 1 .a, w uVli cintMt. Je. without , a 1 infca-Jioofaarxprra provision, of t the Coiistiiutioo. drawn up with ike utmost care, anil intended to prevent the "possibility i f?fibti Ir i con'' Mined jiLjhe. 1 t ' atticleV ? th aectjoir, a i l the last cl m, wliich I ak ibe , Sjtre a y ta read ; -, n ' -',i j L"Every oriler ,rentiiiion, or vide,, l Wtfith the coiiciiirfiii of ihe S n . attsAj4yc-e-'Pn.n a qu. tion of adj luriimentaliali. be? ure.-ntei l ihe.i President the VJuiieu States, an'ibCs, fore the same shall lake effect, shaH ba appr aved by Jiim, or,be.ing disappi o i e l by him. shall be repassed by two , thi' ils of the Senate audjluune ol Rep. , reseiitatives, accufding tajhe rulas it! liinitaiion p escribed n tit case. tif at wni . ; -. . Nothing can. be tmore etp'icit, ar full. It is no more possible X arad th Rxecuiivc eto,oit any, -jojnt; vote,, , than in the paage,flf a, bji, .The, ve , t't wa vetted in him tint pnty lo pro. i tect hia own iiower. but, an addi, tional guanl,(.i t!te ronstiiution. J ana t nat fhe advocate , of executivtt power. wIucIl I have been often com tie I led to , resist of late, wht-n. extended beyond it proper limits, a . I .shall ever; ba , preparetl jo do when t i.-tior am I . the udvocala of legislative or judicial. . t stanttMSly 1b--irbTCt-ll,;withiii::; ine sj.nere assignen oy tneconsiuutMin, ami to resist.them beyonjl., lojaa explicit and comprvheiiaive-jjtfovlsiim n of the '.Constitution, in nriTtection of Omi , jetj-..tfieJx.i..liui.ArM .'j ....... . , r . 'it' -reNaHrng," by nercasary implication, irom anotniT porion 01 ipe insira , nient, not less explicit, wnica autnori us proceeding, tltuier thUpnif laioB the two House lave full and Bnron. j .JX - i!, - liil,l',,ki and reidutioni,pJ without the approval of the Executives. but beyond Uia'.Vithoui it, 'tlief aiU. ' ' powrnes.. t There is in lots ca cae' antciaT rr aaittia t why his approval aSouW not b evaded. J The President ia at ;t:e head of Ijhf ri administrative depirttnrnt the covV ' 1. t 1 . .,1 : ...-t .It- ....a.. U," n amtm, jn.-i . is rsjuna.y .rynr.T a fnHt'4 goinl inansgeinent. In, order tt i:- 1.1 tr. :Li e. ' u I. " hold Mm responsible, Tie ought to haft due, power in fhe selection nfitf ag- ntf and ropet Pmlrol over their fcbnd act, ( relie nfthe exec lute e'loiild t ad ipfe.l.'andj th prO viiiii in question be' 'rezartfed auch,' - ui't' e If this liilntp , ns ItonaiJer It, there can be nodotittt what musi be Hi- fa'c .'nf Ihe measure.' I he executive will beiund to V" tect. bV the inrerveirtion o(,it constf- tutlortal righf, the 'mrtion bf jmwer clearly "allotted to fiat !ilepartinenrbj'',s that 'inarra'ment.'whU-h'woulirniak 'if;''' inipisib!e for St to become a law. vilth1 he exfti n 5 division ia ihe1 two Uooa-' ' h A W.iJVW I have'not" yet ViSaastrd jtiiy Vuftati. S tntiorial bbjectiona.-s l 'rie to'Kfgfier and to broader,' tpplvlng dir'ecfly'trt f iii svij essence 1. 1 una inmix'r, , deny 'your fight tb"tnake a j'neral da poai'te of th pubHc''fetenue a batk;. Mori thaft"hlf fahf errora of4Ue wy. 1 be traced to fallatiea eriji Dating ia a w .1 1 1 1 i- " fl I! V 1. ' J