- ' " s- , - " I ' ' ' J w ' ' " i " -,awi - ' , " ' - .-n.r fiutt cuc4uc 10 line Ihi TVk. ..iMHi mehtl of Clrk Slwritit JitHio T33S -T"-'"" fcw Wrtwrr kj tax yar Illf IV HH r I '! PEC1I OP MB. CAMIOIIX, 1 or nvfk Ciotri,' "mi ' ' SubTrcniurr Jttltl Btlivtnd in tht J the UmltJ Stfilei, J" . in IfilJ Ilivin now iliowa htyt- iW Ujp r combination f bnk b forintd awl reiwl, ilh the diSicattiet i t?ie war, it remahii to detorame, wliat will b tlie true character ami nalart af tlw nBibiMti ken farmed. It will cuniNt f State bank retaining their eriaioal pwer, that if-licwmtlng anJ all without oem a iae angntrai Aerrr ininaired. 'Tlha the aut- atitutt prwpoara to aJJ imrturtaat ar i)itioo to recrW Uirir at a go(l and ailvr ia tae public daws, to pre Jhtaajht-M jJJllw-pbl.4eaitea, aai l oranIe aniTBrewl"fh7 wfiiite iataorf, as the fiscal agent f tke Gov ernment, to b placed oiHler lite im mediate super ioiii and control of the Setrttarjr f theTreasurj. Now what does all thi amount to? Shall name the wora-b aot ftartJrdl A HANK. GoTf roroent bank, -the rotfx temitf, power In I and dangereat, that eter existwL w.Jd. be the act of incorporation auJike prif ileaes it confers, so much alHtU al bankinz capital, increaini( imaien It its powers, and giing it an uolUoiu j eil control over, inv uuiup, hiki c changes of the conntry. " '' " The Senator froni Virgima Jt r. Rires was rwht i' sapping , that this new trial ofthe eipnownt would be made under terjr dtfl'errut circum stances from the first, and Would have a diflVrent termination. That too, like tliit. was a bank a Government bank, at distinguished from the , Utc bank to which it was act op, as a rival,! and was at the time constantly so des?g aited in debate." But. the circum stances hpw are Indeed different varj Merent, and so would be the result of tl tiperimeat. This ; bank would not be the same rtcketj concern as the former. ' That ended in anarchy." thU would lo'deaotttiil.-' I wilt "tt lain. : ' - " ' . - - ,.l, The former failednot a stnuch in conMOuenee of the adverse ; circum. stances of the times, or' ait essential defect-in the system, as from the want fa head a coinmnrt'senioriucn, to tliiak,-to winandecidelor, tht wliiile, whichwas indispensably ueces urj to eaaura concert aad tvo-unity f iesig and execution. A head will aotbe wanting now! Mr. Biddle hank will supply (Jhe detect'.' . jIis wnulj be not, only one of the resuwiio; baoki, as I hive shown, but would al. so u one of the 25 to b aoU?cted--' If there should be theielh'erity bmtf it, the ptiisent I,,ifetwou14 share the fate of its predecesaorti .M'rBiWlcs bank at (the . head' of thosai extluded, would be' an overmatch tur the ielec tat, in skill,-capital and power; and " the whole, league Voutd "inevitably be ovtrthcu w m " :. JJ a Of tk4"ci ed,' ' lle position rof'li'u fiiiiit'riir-thTe-teague would be certain.; iu vast capital, it eiunsi vo connextons, u aopertor " au thority7a"n3 liis -Uiir.niMririesBtfdtflc- fluence, would pUce.it at Ue tieaijj Id (hin'k and act fur lb i1iIe ,'lTtte.o. ers would.be as .dopendent orvi Ims, , as the branches A' the late bank weo o the . mother k ntrtotiav -Tho'-wbole would form""wne chtire machine'," in1' neiledby a 'single Wpulse, 'and .,niak lg pjTfect C" taM witriispredei Mor in me uoitv anu euerjry oil its Nor would its fate be lea (Usuiniilar. Anarchv! was 'iiilcribrd ' on rW first the Croat mid -4!nti.il . sltiMiii ii ensure concert, , was radical -and eould ' bo ttasedhtd, lta 4tridn"witi th government couU'hot 'soppl'f K" nr K'.Hiir Btft' vei?;'ditrtieiit Ada its wtimata union-, with the Uaw funjent, for which the tubstittite prO 'uc, Minoiaerimrteotpwer, ami H "would VV-ome-'irrt.tfistit.ie: "The JV9vernmen(VnM and eonstilu-t aVuigle powerjivil; which would, gain ntlie, ascendency hether1 the Government woo Id b me the bankiibr the 1ank ' the' Gov' fntnentTTs neither certain nor'm'sti! wliiche vcrimight Len it wou'l Xorm a dcspolic rootey-racy (t may permitted to unite tnBnaitsln and tareek word,) altogether 'irfeliat J!rVMf1ifle.ofTalpr!LW ?nter(;;N'tn.riririB watchfo. , jenJsuMP-toald iletrcv supoldrilie ew!rvo rof a Gov 'ramentbahkii" tW bift,t shotr d over J0?11 U regular tncbroorarTon W.pne Us "own' uVrtitnte. Git' of the slender materials lit Trcasurr warrants ii hiuh iu jmj, puuiie creiiors, .npr transfer fuads from idape a place, as iua pouiic otcxica mignt require aoa four principal receivers f keen the wi..aiu i,i inim ima2inauon-a iu tore Government bank, which he; told ;' witMhe utmost tonfijence, roijld rise lifc ' cloud, at firtt as' bi as ii hand, but which would soon darken all the. i horixen.- Now it is not af little unfortunate for bis confident' predie- wiw, ttiv mro . aeminai Driacipiv from whkk the baak is to spnnp, have all existed from the commencement of our Government in full forc&Ttxcept r : '-..1 , r I uv.iuwr rpofnfi, wnnoui snowmx ut least tendency to produce the result he anticipetea, , Notnnlv ears, but .evet rv eivtixed Government has. the power to draw Treasury warrants, and trai& fet drafts nor baa the power io a. single . . , I k fimiBuce lenninnieu in n nanKrifwr, can the lact, that ,iKe moneysie tn be kept by re eeivers, contribut im the least to produce one. The public funds in their UndawiH he as much beyond, contro ut Ute, Executive, as it wa in the vaults in .the banks... Ru,. to shorten discussion; I v uld ask. , how can there be a bank without the pow er to discouat or to use the deposifea? anil out oJ wUlrh I the-provisions of the bill could -the Tre aurv. b anv possibility obtain either, nuder the se vere penalties of thebtlT, . wliicli pro hibits the touch inr' of the public mon ey .except on warrants or drafts, drawn bv those Jiavin? autbontv,in due form. and for the public service. ? nut the danger which an excited im agination anticipates hereafter from the bill would exist in sober realitv un der tle aubtitute. There it would require neither fane v nor conjecture to mate we. If would exists 'witti air its faculties and endowments complete; discount, deposite, and . all t with which immense means, iruided .br a c entrat and dircc I i a g Tie ad,and blended and united with the Government, so as to form one treat mass ol power. What a contrast with the bill! How simple and a armlets the one, with' its four principal receivers, twice as ma ny clerks; and five i no pec tors, com- pared with this complex and mighty engine ot power! And yet -there ' are many, both intelligent and patriotic, who oppose the bill And support' the substituti on the ground that ihe far mer would give UHre. patronage and power lhn the latter! - ttuw straiw and wnndetful,4heliyersity,f th hu man mind. . r:2v;)",h n :,n 'i So far from beititf true,, the vcrr fi!t f h separation- tf th .'.C4--.r-from (he oanits, provided fl(r in the bill, would of itself, be the most decj. sive blow' that could be iven against Goverornept patronagej end. tbe union I tne I wo, me most uecisive in i ia- vor. ;V hen then notes are received in the public dues, an cash, end the pub lic monfHlpdsited in their vanTts, flic banks Jlec6ine' he fifof ol the, Govern, inept on all question, connected with its fiscal action.- Th higher its taxes and duties, the greater its revenue mid pe'ndirurej " knd the larger Iff suf plus, "the more' their ''jcirculationand buisness, and oC. course, the greater their profitintMience on all quest ions At taxatioit and dinburBtnents, and the accumulations' orfundj In' ihevrfei:; snry,-their inte.rest-would throw, h?m on the x'ule of the Government sod a gainst thsJ.-people.'A;3.'-.(, n All tins tsreVerseu-,1 wnen geparatea, 1h liiffhe'r thd taiafioo'ani disburse-! roehisj and sn'efarxer the'jurplijs the te srroold hethcir profit t and their tercsts in that case, woftld throw then! witli the -people, and against the 6Jv trmtieiit Thea..l",ibvIiJulZ54 Speciif is. , Jhe )J4si,of basking opera tions; and the greater amount they eaa) eomniand tho' greater will' be-thi business and profitt "but! whetf J the Oiive'rnpien Js''si4rtted irV'p! ,tnVnj(' and collects aivd' piys.a war its dues in. spfcie instead of tlri notes it. i. clear that the higher the Hi-8 ami iuurse menf s,1 ani the: ereatet tnr rplafsj tnl tnd 'Treasii rV.' ' the more 'specie' will -be drawnVfrum tliet .use of die bal)ks and V tne itrts win ue leii te tne mui i uieir operailona j andcoiieque ntlyi the lest their pront., ., livery anar wunurawn frointlifiii" Would drmTrijslvthjr'lil ppii.tpu refold at least t and jbjnce a re-' gard to their own intereat .would inev country .would be great,, and aalnUry I na -weight ol the .banko wooa oeio kenrfmm the of the todkmnmerr, where jl has been from the commeijce" lijenf pf'hjs GtfvyrDmefijt,1 and ptacei) oi Iha.side of j ihe Jx, paytr$. ,n Thw neat di vision the community nccea sariiy grows out oi tne nscafacinin w ... -.. r (he Government Take taxation ani tPborsement (osetherl and ,Tt "wjll al- ways be IouimI thatone portion of, the communitv pays into the Treasnryrln the ohap of taxes.--more than it re ceivt Wi?1n n0f di'Wrteraebt4 Knd that 'another i.receivei f? more than,, t. pay, ..." lormer are ;He, u payers, and the ' Utter the consumers making the reat.Vssntiat, and chn troU'rtiff tRvfsion in U'clvflfoedioni; mnnifieVlf," wtthj atll UiGoyerp, mept has been thrown on the side of Itabty ptuee thee"bn the tide to which I have assigned them'-1 Ij'Che f fleets n "the. politli a or.'thi the emadmVva ft na it tribnted W iu alliance with the'bioks,1 MlibMiof, A lubkUto'te atlhepleaiuH whose inBuenee has been. In 'conseifof the Government .'" - quence, at ail times steadily alid povr,' erfull; On WatnWei""It Is to rhis iriiiJ be traced a'most all the disasters that hve befatlenes; anJ tne gteat politic tal degeneracy of the country. Hehce the protective system; lence its aiso. ciated arid' monstrous avstem of dis; 1wrements "hence tn4 collection" if mersl' nwney from the people fhari Stfte Government could ; wUire; htbcelbe vast and" torrepling ' mirpl asee j ' heiiCe Lcgi Jauve and Ex-ecntive dsuTDsriofii and finatlyrhenc itRe ! prostration of the tarrency ' and Ihe A isasttrr which pre nae ueif present diliberstion. Revive this fatal eonnectjo'nj adopt fhi substitute, -- ahd all this train" of eviTt Win iigai follow with redoubted diasT teni nd torfuption. ' Refuse t1e cbni necliowj adopt this bill, ahd all -will be rrsenrtfir.i and ' we shall 1iaVo prospect of Irstorine-the Constiliitliiyii and country to their primitive simplicit ty end purity. "The effect of the re J fasal'on the patronage of the Govern. went would- be treat and deemve: Borke has wisely said, that the ,rfe- nue is the State in modern timet," Violence aad ! toercion are "no loherr the instruments of Government in civi lized communities. ' Tbeirreln is past.' Every- thing isnbw Mone by mftefT-Ttisllol'dnlr the tfhewTr war, but of politics over whtch.ln the form of natronase, it exercises almost unlimited "control. J Jut ar the reve nue increases or; diminishes, almost in' the same 'proportibn,' is patronase in- creasod or diminished ''.Li 1 But admit for a hvomeht. that neither the separation nor the connection wottld have onv sensible 'effect to increase or dimmish thwrevehnet and tliat it would ; be of the same amount, whether the, bill or snbstituU should be adopted) yet, even on that supposition, the pat ronage of the latter would be an honi dred fold greater than the former. ' : In estimating the amount of patronage of any measure, three particulars must be taken into the calculation! the tljnlber of persons who-may be effected bj-its their influence in 'the communitv, and the extent of the controf exercised over them . ' It will be found on comparison5, that the subgtitstecombines'sll these elements' in a far greater degree, than iho nui, as i snau now proceed to mow, I begin -with the ntrmbfr.-' ' Tb bill fMriJ.aa has heeri stated' fori fonr. principal receivers, eight -or ten clerks, and a Suitable nimber of a- would 'constitute 'that only additional othcers to keen and ifrebnrse the peblie monef;a The substitute,' in addition to the officers no win Mrviceprovidei for the selection of 25 banks, to.be taken from the most powerful and influential; and which would have, en' In average, at .the' least; 10Q officer 'and etocki bolder each; making in the aggregate 2500 person, who would be directly interested in the banks, wnd tof course; under the influence df the Gtfvntmtfit.' iA's to the relarfvo infloendepP the officers and the selected bank ever the eomm unity every impartial men meat acknOwfedgep that 1l pre ponderabce would be greater wv the-side of the lat ter 'Admitting the respectkhifity 'of thejreceirera and ether uuicers provw- ed for in the billand lh ofilceri hnd tb kholdrrs ott thai banks td bellidf viduallr the aam. 'aiiric the meln of ccafrol at the dilposiiion of the former, would be ar.nothtag compared to Jhat ofthn4atter-Thyould not touch si ceht of pubKe nibniy. tTheir means would. ne iimiieo to meir saisrv, wnicn would bo too smalt' lo b feft in till communis the easei whh the ofliceiH""attd fot k -Inddera voT the- oamkk.ia TJey,f atl pwrsomif ere by. far the tnosrinfltenfiat in the enmmunity-! ' A greatei' number ilrpendtion them 'fort accommodation andi favor and the-success of their bltV rieas and ; prospers ilifer thn nf other class in society t nnd this would be especial I rr truer ot tW DanM tsv nectI wiUT4l GoverrtmentT:0 Jt-onlv;remalns now to compare the extent of tlte control' thkt'lmky be ea ercised bv the 3vernmeet over tw. in'erdee to-complete tho vompatmioPt and here againttie preponderance wilt ue io una io oe sinainsiyen ine same sidevi 3 beiwhohj imoimt of pendi tuwunder the ib'dt -would tiot'tweed gaO.OOd, or 40,00 imaqtlly-' f 'the vervs farthest t J and ' this"' tOMtitutee the whole amount of control wmentne Govern ment! can 1eKrcise'Tkere would be no' perquisites,' ha contracts, joliN oroiocidenut' gin ' The offlee and aalarwWonld be au.;c JVthit ex tent, tlese who may hold thm-wrtuld be drpeiuunt on the Government, and thustmr the v uiiv be controlled; s fTbw stantk the, accvuot qn thei olher.side? What Value shall be put on the public. deY.osftei iii'th' inUt What on the reteivabilHy of Hieir o6tes,'as'cab,'b the Government Jv? What ion their ctn nec lfn w) jte, Go crnmeji t( aa their fMpth'wIv.f t!?-W great a control over' tfie exchanges and busi ness of the country? How many mil Kens Khali' Hiee .b'estimated at,' Slid ho?"ihtLlhificant "must.lbe paltrr sum 'ot 330,000 or gto.wo appear to those ""Havlrts Cdw finished the comnarisbn as to the i relative ifronare of the two s!Buces,.IihAllexij; as nacai agenta ol TJie Uovefnmentj in'3 here let we iV, at (he outset, that theliwusrfoit file corrected so error, which I once entertained. , I'had f up pbsedl tlif t W haiarn; tr k'eepingi the Jablie monvy bhder the eesthtfy if of. M':M'Mt wnl!wn iFesfer; than . in bank.- The Senator a fronjjfen Hampshire and CehnectftUt, rMevsrl. JIinbbrd 'ahd NHea; have proved from the record, that the hazard tstm the -ether side t and that w have lost rooee.by the banks, than by the col, lectins and disbursior sOicers aomhani d. t; WhiUfb done to increase the .MifU. l.M. lj:.: , r- art 7 " jni aciccLMfii iui CccaJ.-and .,;pronerc orcankatMn.ia .atrbngty y luatrate by tbn fact tted oy inavcnairman, AY rigtit,- in his opening pucks tiiUuin, th War Df ; part inert, there has been no ross for 15 years,from l to. 3Q on an ,tti fpentfiture' : certainly root! less ;thau g 100,0004)00. 1. take some pride in this result ol an orgiwxation,twhich'I oriji Bated and established when Secre-I tary .of War againat the most formida-i We opposition...:.' U vm,!' n . ij '- As to the. relative expense of the twoajrenties, that of the. bill. Is small . sis, ri-to Judj brappeir-r anees, is the greatest but if byfactaj; where it exclusively performed' the the . substitute- would be uBuch' the functioaef ctrcufatlbnind where eaoli most so, provided we -charge v it . with individual mokt keep a portion to vneet nil the ml vantage, which-! the banka' hi daily aleinahdsVylTJiisri' eo '-I obvii wonld derive from theic connexion whh; ous, that lehallnot tindeitale to illus the GoiernoaeaU' a oughi, in fairness .Irate i&l $t,i-& M,iUM ..?nii'-j nf J' to.be deoe, at the wholes ultimately .But tle superiority, of the b)ll urir tomesout of the pockets Of the; pew- the substitute . wowlil ? not be limited pie.' , Wif.vw 8.vi tt .visls t'na , .eol te ft more favoraule proportion he lauLansvinurtic' have the advantage as- fiscal igentl,. hav anothet important advantnge that They weed be the-, more,-con venient 1 cannotjft.be . well ,over '.estimated it To this their areteotitlfcL and J wish would make a practical distinction be t withhold Iron them no eredit, which; they may justly claimu - :-:. 1 ' iTh Senator) from Virginia f Mr. Rives)appeared to have great apprehen sion, that that collection of the 'pub- lifi.dsea in specie mixht lead to lioard-i ing. u He may dUraiw hia fear onj that head.; It ia not the genius of jnod- em an civilized Governments to hoard: and if it were, tho banks wilUake rare,! tk. lk. .1. nll k. . I'.-.. ' that there shall be i ioi extraordinary accumulation, oi cash ift the Treasury. Pass, the nil Land I .under-write,, that We shall never have ague to complain orasttrplusat.veottld rareWO if ever UfApeaeejandi settled times, extaed M flJni miffing ot specie 1 would s If a ;te. war,Je&s grpundlesa.-.The dangers i a another quarter, .War H the harvester banks, whenitheyai reatcleib-withrFGov ernnjeuU .The Vast increase of levepu and expenditures aad thaj enormous public toans wbKJunecstnl jepure 'euect. on Ui , currency,! 4r to-de-mainlf to their advantages swell, their cidejhe question of their (rrlatite. ef- profita 'iD war t the -utmeat limits., Cut separate them from-.Government; and war would then per t--lhemk a state et tamioeor . reaaooa wnicn ,musi.-.ie iowis iniuuuau: anitnuuBcss gcnerai appaneatafter.rwhat ,hu .been; said; ilyjandan unsound and fluctualingeqe whiehr would, threw itheir. weight n the.now expanding andtio ebhtracting.ao side of peace ftbd. againut wari juatas thalrahoaeit . mani'can tell what to certainly, as, 1 have fdieWsVt that the ;do,,'as. among tlie greateatldiscooTJige sepArjitipB would throw At.a die ideof "intl. i The drtllariaadt thg1evare taxpayers, nd egainstilhe tax !conyt the measure of valueas the: yard and ttmerera.:m, W ,,1 come new.i to thoicooparison of the effects of the tw measures Ion the currency of the, eeeOtry.. ItfthU.ireM . .ul a ... rm i . V.-.iU . VI- jvesjkeemedte: think,iJhti!h' tnb- atjtuta-wouldJiftrftiakgrjaUaiiirM oyer die billi but hi reaaous , were to me whollr satifact6rr.,lUfiwe?ar tolad?e.troraeiperiedceiViCaUeht. to irtr priHTjnced4ebd4he. safagure.) It baa been in QptraUonat twueeacrt iefioei ftaew.jearsiaMicefUvyijrur pyeFw.iPjLHe fnnnejs thw obmevrncasnent af thtf,-Gwtrh- institutions of the coontry,.teritfhe menu and it hat e iiappeosd. the the inaaMre,Bf.vaJue But I i Kft. lartlKr, only two eiplosions of .theurreny occurred purine these pefiOKs.3 without divine fin these, dMaslrptitc! eerftucesiiiwe have, seen .enoughs to saUsfy The most incrtdulsUs that there are eat and cad if i i tlcfetU ii if oojt U4nk.:ru)tioa, '.bichtnereiptby hehetforo applied, has been able to; r more:i ;it erigmavca iftiiine.texceas papsr, compared. to. spetiMaoU. 4h only efiectivej cure, H lo increase thct laUer: n reonce the ldroer an thil the aulitatu.JtBeiuffipijedly,, as nnvwletlgela;; by-i propoemg , j-emedy Uvrt would Airove ,whol,lyj opettfv.4 ll propose uiai,' auer a enai perima mentioned naee vf the uk . ta .be selected shouhi isntte nottanntfer vtet) dollars .Thft eflveis .wenldNsSeafij be. not a diminution of-ih circulation, small notefc bul a juew ,diisioftl of live Jinking buaiatss.ft wuicji . W isauSef Jargeflfllet wol4 ffilb.te. th M or.the selected baukaodtbe smai te. the other,: witheU?tTltlDKt the least, the aggregate .amount of, pa ner CtrCUlatWrfo V'i a '.nam i4l!if . : Bat what, the aubstWuto, would .fail t do, the bill weald, effsotnally, rtm d v t.Jfone doubt., bu t Xhf, separafioa from the banks would greatly increase tlie proportion w( specie paper ;but Ihe penatof from, Yt?"-'! I Mf r anorehend. that operation would as to destroy the banks, lit argu 7' ssassswnnsssapsKsmssssnaBas meht U,it speci' woild oe afwvy s, t8.prem;WthltIPfwofd,W( impossible for the-hnki ' W Ido ' busl.j ne,solonr1hs f,tTiats vria tve cise. His fears areMt;rndles:,'k rrdenUieaK-AYhaf2 he ivi i i.vifin.i tinn, "IU WCAr. a premie. 'w.tiltl havV- the" double1 el- ieei, louiminish paper rirculttlonratHl iacreasctlve fnptirtat'bii o upecie.-till an eqsdibriura between the tw!wold be restored i1 wtien,therJwtoMfltfat waf, AtK'ilmt' rm'tntthW wtdi be" eoectei), s V Httleneertmt''btit'the tear is, that with our decreasing'" rev enue, instta l of the specie' bt"tf in creased to eicew, it'WMnld' nor M 4 ereaiese(ricietl v a ( rlve'the tfrfsir Ovl stability to the enrrencf.'"11 In this connection, "th Senator urs- iLa nbietamt aetaat tlit-hdlj wlikh I retard aveOWhollfitiiirftu'. lie said that 4bf payment of h4ae of tho Government in apeeie ivoatd1 ere5 ate a doubled demand a dome(ic, as wait ss a foreimit ; the i ffeVt of which would be toi iucrease treat ty, jt flue Mtauwns, ana aoeepy . was ''He6 inr pressed with the idea, that he drew a vivid picture of Us al ternate flow front the coast-to the interior,- and -' from Morth to South, ami back a'aln.' All this ia the work ' of imagination.'' The effect would be -directly th revervew The. more numsroas the'"demands, the less the fluctuation t so much an. t ween currency mndi eircolat'ion, be- i ween ue currency oi the coantry, and private hnd ! locei circulation; . nnder which head bank paner would be com prehended. t'lTie effect would be, Mo ren ler a general eiplotion f the cir CMlatt'oii'. alm'osT.'iknpiUsible. 1 W'liate. rer dcrtnjrtincntft'iuixht occar would be local and confined to anme one ear- ticalae comineroiat spheref and eved ntlK'.. . IMt. in wtttun iita, lunitt.-therev would, be.'i sound currency j. fallvUack, on, ot partaking; of ihei shock endi wHlcli would graatly-.. diminih ihe f aa tensity d duration of the; distma.lB-lhe ,mean time, the general bosinesa an ;8W8Sffthffl1rTtrf deaftngot ;Bnnjj? xml -ht a Hid ;d '.-.am or - Wills afewemarktnn,tJieoepflir.l atiye.e(Kctspr thef two.snettnres? en: business uf lhecoan try,I shall conclude their compamsoh. j Y hat ha been M'd' on thrir relative, :fcts on businvss and industry.;! )rih14 sound ind atahl currency to oe amonc tne greatest. 'enconragewj mejou sneiare m quanuiy.nna-what whtliiok ef the isorpeHitiesi of companies to rtrulst ?the tatterwto expand v'6V''contract,v'bv-sTiortNM'iiir (nrn'-ttm ,l'4n -ullt.Vh priyilegelq s Bj 'ih; cpntrVcted ,.pr or lengthened - Ji it nat aeeur that it woujplace ,lh .vhda -indJrr .aadi 'busines of the country Andes the.cnnrril onorceftauily effect iMhap MrUWt iM"ulea, aiKfatasii wrd.aa. ndartniWJPMy at the, excess oi paper cunency, as weii,ne.;pn;: wanes is.uniAvoravi rj,te,). jm- duster, apd (intinee oMhecoqntry, U,raue,the pqce,ot everjltnngv and coqsequen.tlyiticreaaess.ilht, iwsceX, proa uc i oq anu .epnsM mpjuan r aqfi, 4H,i h the.cBdj hot til jo evenr branch m in- ! I hold.-tliat snecie and,, napeif' have each Uwif MPr,o'peenpherflt Aii.lM ir-tor wree, andvthe,orme'.u,f all othet4( anl,that the nearer our circulation approaches gold and silveiy popinstentfT with con- veniencyyliie better the industry aniij ,tjf Jwi woesl ejfiejjcou pfry, KlThe eipre fpeciehe. liefer, till; that., .point combine iiythe giaatf t pu,f'ble, legrf.e sounupessanu- iafiMJJv' fB't 5W0Ur4, ,? favorable Ro ifhf $ roductjve Uaaef BiversallviL mean men of, huiipetx. planUrs,r,rnrcnUrand,spsnnfact- ares, as well as operatives. It woulq be narticularly.favqfablf Jlf the-osrtti. Qt.SrfitP,e!" icashj; a rtitjei hyf.Ve Sepatof froW Mjsiisipp, Mj, W ALxna, ) at the extra sesaiiin thaf we oU t,ifth, priea nd;jhnugh,t j at neapcB pi commactifapv:Bjigat'ng;,invw It would cheapen productions and be ii ' 11 'u.-lhiwiii hiiiihii ji lji. - fof miiiafactureiiin liruf oraiirA.rr tariff. It, epToet, woal betoeS! them Mmret freigvcomwtitiun not oj raisiiix nt ices or hiirh t ut bteuafc ii theniio" aelfi." tk-J T-. mi 'MWIIC toonite ever jnteresf. and tlac C'nrn6faVjifrrnth0atn'v!;a l; ft VW only'motti VhicU wir basis; baVikl.tt4Mhi!rtrinnel the)ipeBi10o rhpyrtf raym'ehU: the 'tnfeYfK bh 'llih Vuinl JktfmateJ aJ slt per ent.(r,t m.ghf to be niiher: would give kh ennua IricomVtii those insttfurion 'of epWifds ot ftiSriV mil? lioasf end this iilhe sum traflv paii by rhe' etflnmumfffur tiinFucctfiLino, datnVTOitheeiceis-'of Whiih -w. eweoyr bfoated and rfnstahW L,i. iion:"never Wa J ft" rireulaf a worthless; furhishe,! at'sh deara fate. lforn1nhoTVitrvM aTjbsT' millions to that head, wl.irk -,,.,1,14 leave ttpnrd ot f wenfy Inlflloh1 'an iual Wi is' 1h ' profits' erireJ ront1 banking- privileges1 ever and alSove la' uir a . .i...'. A j . . gt .r syattfti isnolalohihiog to great is the '"" cipansaiion oi iha oos ihen.ef ethi ftjee1. devoted nhem3 elveein vain tod'.scvae'l!, tft f 0DU verimg the baser metals into gold fnd' silver Jwl wehave ejonferfed oh I per lion of the community an IrfxtHE higher . of cunarila tna tA'altv,. IfluU andperpsaoe, Into thipfecea? netU ead esglit wd U tie iarnrited iut uui u cueapie 4he 4rtaBU factarereii nd he aler.to t he is. tho cbmmunity, should ;he so) greettya over, supplied, and withiwt key refer ence to the interesti'toe id ill.', mmd of ,tl,meHiidty?-f tfoat vil ; iktit. axej4wJur'wevinaamewd IP almeatftl) vuur'itOfeovtjBiitr end prosparity to the bankin;yi'tn)si not) ttitjahoeld failv tlift age ot batba. rism eoftjd ayiin retarsul . t K4 sups posetf . thai, tlik -hss1s.of. nur proersriJi ty, Were, ii r & K lutit ndent: the wide' spread 4 fertile rrpion iwottni'yriatad the hereditary in till(ge'nceeiid t nerty oi tne atec K, bow which we ai e dentui edbut it aeems, Ltkatall. these gofer nothinffi l that aha? haokswre' e tern ligj(I:snake no war!j thenv-Ail). I iitL"W; i: ;that i thftijGuvemmant. shaH ! cprate from hem) vshkh i b-l lifrve'viu. be iuUnhablei lorilli sia-J alJiftte saviirrted. bath wiiMeeada formerly. Hut I caneot cencerun M trihfttipgtwtlieraoariiitpruveineBts atii pccpipetity. eri"hatf0they OTntsfhitOdtef giveaatroit? impala ita iduery atd, eii.tfipria't in the-early atagesnf f heir ope xtkvwtx i. aoabt;titH Nmhinrw lipre atimulalinf, itlvaa (expandWirt ftna tlepreciftfihg euteenry ,1 creatts. ft; dejuaive appear ne of prbsperitr, Which . Ituls ftprr lKino tn . miatiim.Lu.it favji put feela a if he ,Breiir(gf Hcaeaa price! rUeiiairjliHiate iaaiftr pvicl tiexeita at fiieaad he rfca ' prM ajer warva; zn4 he daagit, nicac H te u sea- u a h ai a ral e i A t W t n t and i energy , oeet, ib jerminaVe iui wreS spondiag dew-esaion aod.wakpftTeri is J t Jess , ce.ruio 4.atthe ti.nulu.otij currencyi espamUiig beytU Uprepew iimys,,, ioitowa!;!Bf;faesae,JWi .-Te have bod Hfto)n.;U the: dej pjsaioohaa aucaprdd, R4Wal)aiii.hJnlr M l'lvei.r 4vUw. 4 WtMee W0 WWRcaj tlja.tiainjAijEMauwtftt fther,a 'W, e?V oe. and4tkMUaauw WlS fAHMml tf be- grealersihaav Mrer.mr;. HlkWgisxeoiuH f aMnJaJ d Jt g: rt tu uur uopie.euMot and rpanertr has, lt. ...v..,!,-,, K,lri tiii ever ue Com- witb"?addf. artiVShHdJi; tdeirrencyOuVinieiiuHr'InvehV tionr nd ir..7tta?tr areVnuaf if.nl PeopleraWhl1-du?manraeirsiS,.? i a'SoundtuVreiie'v and evvl ::, td' theef !competi rfoj 'with kder ea ' . n"i i "in, m numc or Jroati. uiu with ft Mohtedfta Buctoartni VaWr'ai c'ola tlotf 'thii Wlfl be'.imposSble.'moh; Ut many drawbaeksr it levies tf mn ,1 have1 afre-it'-sYed if al 'cfrrtl mu hh 1 a it; 'f;r - - . li , ftbtedld the conainemi ft tntereit oir rralspsr; hts r.fficntt tf Yttlmkf A boqtVoul.V Ippoe?M knVpleW ef4 JowVf Viff emnensatmn' Die 'Msi.vi1' vested, which M bouV mtft py,( sd wAiicJtMat nftiroabyfaH pn tWfn- dutry 'ftndr'busitiess'fof'1 Ihi iraintr., UUl IIIIS already beeo. tfraMmtram' ' eftcta wjil, bervaUy llowi Jea4hsS ctif hl'.'tVlhftJi i ta itowafjlaj which. Veuld . be. the. aduDtton. of thtm f ijl AS fm r rteiident.finihdiMll - - WWwmfr n4.ave iqng ar),),, pateq 4if pr.esefltosintdtdsnoi jpet arrjMjpy, timej,Xhen ( "(iapproa, l.9a4lq4,o-,y duty be lli3 consequences to me , wh they mi-ht, snd, pffer, pyfkf nk te . thftheftn:fn;pif g. Haejinlf J AwpviLat ,hqp?Hly beMwa to be that duty oof this (treat subjvcftvt !knp,wledgedioiefd9Hhrfoliotifaft divided btlt whalever nay be ta Jatl . 44 0 7 : ;: