'. , w tm f- wH'ff'1".., i.jmwlf called f - it rer.y T 7 , . jf- c"mn. . Ik:B ''' . ,;.. II, ,J ! ' ctrd but taUnt. w Mr. "- . . , i-iHr hern . " h,j m - . ... w:tn woim ' . inromtee wa. at- ibaTla.f.aaid i I" T . iuon We r J 'V " ' in what be know. and I IO " lh. . ,h, eni. Jpatntew ihreetcned with 1st th ! .ration to Vhe broad OooU ol T hT.a-7.ltb. nty wa, lo ihe lJ:.!f. inurrct tf ta emiolry. a. to pr I1" Mi rftoikMirf Boroayeara. w -.,llifiraiim.: by n. m.nJ :-i N 1 fT. r .i. in lha Irttrr of Ilia f -Lof tl Tariff roiitrdl, whfn tw ni.aur 1"W . i:.- ... ,nn.;nV.Iitv to the Mr Clavlon. l uw.r., . M an Antlu-Mb in 9. ahrft" . ........ hna, hmi aaia m n"" v' ""j; '" i. ,,, i . Jacl-nnr Tin Kma .(Wr. C.lhoun) lliink. it ?id Mr. Cly)llIame Uull i.. Mr. P I III! lllW fcl r ri Utijt bubltv . Preeident, that be 1 li n atii-K l''C "7 ,mB "y. ut i. al wa. rhsn(?iii(r tli-, a.' purtlwy. do re lit trm.' Ha I'M a frn-! nf a llnk of h i v.ia.1 8ttf in l.ilfl 'nay, lb- author ol one! JAnd a ln"!8S4. when be wa. iu rhrer; for 1 ill favor li veara.' jtj ' " . . , i'f' ill fiv ji ' 8f tia ProtH Tanff u -HilS; fj; nHMintmg hi" fritr hobhy f NallifHia- ilin, ne niejoerro um .j. :.tiilionl! He alluiM W Mt. Calhoun a for- .,wr oprHMitiea lo Mecoua atrng, ana tiniraated il with die prreeat advocacy of the Kub-Treanurj Khema. Mr.fJathnuii, (-ontih- myl Mr. Clay) "i iw'r M cooaMeni, oiiui he .hall orvhrn to be meeni'ent. He haa al- llnd bimaelf loiiea eiihla hk:h are nut e- 7 . . : i I ll ...U iafst.Uua epUIuttav .MU..KtouM.jnwum. J0Jj It with ereain? o thai Senator hi jrt j perfect reripr wily. a. to Ibe application of any nf all of tliein." 'i'be abota u an imjxrfret aketcli; but it ree lo anew the mitiuai ft!in toward each other of lbee di;nguihei4 Individual. We regret the enirte .ce of tbie hitter' penorial feel ins and Mlieea, liai Sweei much they may thffer in political aeiiii.-amt!, proper reeot lo ttixmeelvea andtotbelr ountrymen. demanda ibey ;houW reprena uch violent penonal ilectamalion. Out the noit lUuetiioua 'a iS fauM.i it J not human, to he bU?. r panVcf. We have cinfiilcni-e in liotb. . tit. Paxa-ro folhiwed Mr. Clay in a brilliant d .pirited buret "of H qaiicek in defence of rtouth Carolina agatnat tba remark, of Mr. Cby- thui" proving birnwlf friend to Boutb- era principle, and policy, rcgardleae of the oorce from which lhy may be attacked, uik. it aUke due and honorable to Mr. Clay to utte, that be immediately and utterly dieelaim ed lha ialention of impngning tln motivea mr inducing tba unaullied character f Soulo oar tun. la lact, hja. broad, and fwrnprheneiyo petriotiam, hi. f irmer un.nrpaweed deveHorrto the intereau aud honor of the whole country, ferbii!. uUerly furbida lha Traat uepiii f hi. peaeenl moti'ea or principle. kr,t. TlBUIN IA. " The Eoqairer it oitpoead to the 8ub-Treaea ry-4enonnor.it ae deatrurtlvewbelievea in the right of inetroetion, bat Mietinately (rfueea te perawt Mr. Roane to be inatrutod, whoee vole, ia the preerot pontino of partiea, would aa the country fjm all the evil, which" that print m pioaaly deprecaUM. ,t The democratic party fiiece food up to lha Enquirer for "their rue in every great public emergence; but in the pre eat inatance, they have otrtv board the old eong, "Dear and forbear, I natnictione to Mr. K. will rfivitle or ilitlract th party;' and thur tba iniereeta of the whole country are put in jeop arJy. A lid h.i the Iviant atruggled front beneath iSe fe-t of chTjri Semhrr Tgrmnmiif Haa he forgotten her wwn b'h, atern' ilevioe the piourirM utotto that evr bUriil upon a war rior'aahieid or 'a n.tiow'a trrnn1" Why tbia inaupicioae .ilcacc oi (ho mother of MEN of Sta ew-a,t af State Hinht. doctrineaf Cm it be that Vinnit i inwnaiblett the illuMri aao past in la.ii.ii. Ini.. f h prea ent and the evergreen wreath of fairr that " eneifrla her Brovy throngh all future hiatn- ry ! MO have been burn upon her aoil, and e!vatcd upon her alrong ire to lira imperial wmmhTof ninor dfead m aha repose beneath I'.ie tread of their t!e seertdaat and th principle which they in ewiraied and ilefrnilcd. iflheydo not live there, wut Mr, in the breasts of freemen ele whem, "i9 ih t ajriUM of recorded timer' The RepiiWie, froin it length and breadth, looks li . Vjrjinit Shall ita diversified and mighty intrresta, now IremUirtg in the ha Is nee, PPI m aia foe ibe enrreeiiv influence of bar tiiicqMtaitian) .,- . OHAKOK tJOIlKi'V," ' ' ' Trom tliit sterling republican county w learn lhat the Whigs are preparing fnr a vigornne aunirwr campaign.,., Their ticket preaeitu a brilliant array of . latent and patriotiam. Mr. " "wu is aiiam hefore the nenpta a a candt-1 date lor the (Senate. We understand ha will be "in opposed by Oenartl Altiaon, of the Van Uuren party. In the Commons, lha whig have nomiateo Wm. A.Graham. Willie P, Mn tniu, Nathaniel J Kim, ml Hsmual lljltx a n J if proper vijilance and exertion are nsed, tkeirj auccea is certain. i . . Il is rumorrj that the V. B- parfy Intend runuiug Qv.-Baacaj in opposition lo (iov. D"nuaf, Va attach no erartit. whatever, to liii rumor.; W Ha not believe the Governor will suffer hit name to be 0ed hy the Van Bu ren parry In any wayt end more especislly d wa not belie,, that he win unVr it to be used for lha purpose hare indicated. , , -; .' ,, , , ( n3 Mr. WtSC ha add reused to bis constit uent i statement of the part which h stutnio d in, lh lata tneaneholy tragedy. Thi week wa has not rnont either for bia sindira'.ion, or for eommant. thereon. Wa would remark, bow ar, that are behave tb public should aoapend their judrmaiit in tba ea-of this genthvatan, ata the f-t.a'inU have been clearly exhibited and thornu ;'dy iiivest'nted. CTk? riintnr (hat Gen. eJoott bad been ae eidan tally iit by on af hi aoldier, prove to be uJotucVJ. , 3,1E RlM 2LIC 13 IN" AXCER! lf ever Iby fathers' dee.?i or km. Or mrmo af tbeir ilcathleee name. ftraJ !, Lf.k.l or MiJ lh. h.,.. Lover of (-ibcrt! rouse thee now!" j Zj" Toe HrpuliWU in imminent danger, fit retmrctin(j Ih few past year of eiperi- j went,' tyranny, tnJ aiitrule, oar miud sickens; j in renlemplaling-lh future prospects of the '-,..,..1... .,u. r. ik. . r . """" " v""" rm ernt, nor the futura can afford evident durablU if v a Mil ' r.t h.r tt vmILaa .ml i .gcly adnjtnialradon.aijrljcientto llay our apprcbandoiuki The pait,. with regard to tit preeent aad prcvioua administration, k bat I htetery of unceaeing and powerful Executiv eocToachment, but feebly met by the eon.titu tiooally VepuWe power of the repreaentaiivo upon th high and cardinal principle, of the constitution, and, of coume, upon the iniereeta guaranteed lo tbe people in that inatrwnrent A re the pronfa demanded?' They are written In broad and legible character, upon the pree trale commerce, maniifacturea, and general bu eiaeae of the country a proat ration end help loatneae which originated ia executive en croachment ila wild and ieonary it. vet? of the United Slatea Bank lie trine fcr of the publio depoaitea, first into ila own baud, end afterward to lrtefault of irreepon aible Pet Bnnka Ua Treasury Circular, which' drew epeeie, the bai. of a good paper eyetem, ' to tile went, to be depoeited ln the jpvenunnt , vault. and in iu general and reckbaa pro ! .cjiptiafl of the independent citixena of the ' country. With every encroachment, dieaatcra and ruin were predicted and 'to thia complex ion beve we cumr at Imt." Atthocotninenee merit of General Jackeon'. administration, the dentiny and career of our beloved country were oxwjan, with u liiin, neoaured, and majestic tread. , Every department worked regularly in Jht proper aphe.retlie jopleteJhjFon- fideiirc to fheilornngpalrlofisru an J tried abil itiea of the man whom they had ever delighted to honor. But thru look ed in vain! Their conSdence wa misplaced not in hi patriotism or integrity, but ia bis ability and u. loca tion.. Tbe stern, brave, self willed Hero of New Orleans, failed lo exhibit the dispntsion ate deliberation, the judicium economy of prin ciple, and alrnodt every other cardinal republi can virtue wliieb hooM charactize an American President. "Bui to atone fur theae imperfec- Iimis of character t carry oat bit admirnily fioritiut project of retrenchment and reform. then in tbe ftm tide of successful experiment'' be bequeathed to his fetlow-cilizeus a fit suc cessor to "follow Irt hi tltualriou footsteps." And roost gloriously has that successor played the Jacksonisn game." With what desperate tenacity baa he cluiij 'he- phantom of an M cluaive reiq.;f?ia!teyir?'. judichru mea tares bee he adopted to aecnro auch a ear. reney! First in the long line of glorious experi ments, designed to give the dear people a cur rency exclusively epedey comes the pet bank depoeite of govern men t gold and silver tUae etiaulating theae Banka to Isette, upon ht tu is, mifliont of irredeemable paper. TJii waa moat wise! Waa it not a bard money curren cy? Next c omea the Treasury Circnta'whicji exacted spacia irt payenent far j'bKe Unds drained it from the commereiitl f itiee ana" old Ststcs of the eat, w be locked pp. n the Gov. ernment's strong box ia the weal leaving for t!:adesr fjeopteVcttrrency the irredeemable and rapidly depreciating notes of tbe pet banks, Here wiedomf ' Next came ihe Treasury and Post Office d'afta, forced upon tbe people, with the poiuvn refusal to receive any tfamg in payment of public due but' gold 'and silver! Tbia.iraa a apacie-turntney ior lha 'dear peo-. pie' was it not? 'ABoToow, to Insure di full success of thia long train of glorious ex peri merit, comes the 8ub-Traury project, .'We care not who are it advocate aome- of them are honest, and aotne dishonest. JW eppeee the nasurenot.,rn.rtixn rnotires, bat becaase we believe It will prove ruinous to a. ery legitimate and wholesome Interest of the country, end subversive af the great end Mir govt rntnent waa deagned to accomplwh. ; a We are an egricullural, manufacturing, and commercial people great in moral, physical, and intleauaTleaouftea, A natriotie and crnn- prehentive policy, looking alike, to the jnUreaU of every aection of th Republic, would 'con demn lhUStTreryjrc.jet,e ioadaquata ta lh promotion ef a clear and regalar system nf trade. What kcnclll" will ennre from; it to the ataple-growet of the fteuth? Under iu pp et atlon, what' currency at par" even, can be command for hi labor! j Treasury notes! Ex perience has deaionalraled lhatj with whatever intereat such not ara iasued, lliey are certain lo depreciate. Can. he coenrnand lat Bank notes! Certainty.' Bui of what ve'tte or aolvcn eyf ' W can know, from tbe policy af tliis bill towsrdi those instilutions. It proposes lo re ceive tbeir note for six year ta comet d then to diaeonnecf thera from tba tfow tment or rathtr to eundor the strong nak ta-t bind ibe government and Ibe peopla together. Undef tbe cverahiJnwiiig Influence ot tbu Treasury Banktie pew or to deal in aiecka le issue notes without any wholcaom restrklion', thu tataing and depreciating property at plraanre, what good will th mot olent of the Stele inttilulions be' able lo e&ct for. th people! They can da nothing in competition with power a tremendous' ihey will be compelled ( in ibeit untied eflbrta. Jrv then but light, either lo break, curtail almost entirely their aai Ajtx ask no Miore." 4 let them but aea discoonu, or wind np then roncerns, and die 'clearly ahead, and tbey will act glattonaly; act with what decency tbry May!' 'Tbia mint be lo the complete triumph of tepublican goveru tha teeull; and tbe Soutbern abtple-grower will meat, without th jnterfcrenoe of oftca-bolder be compelled, I take depreciated Treasury ;, maugre the dictation of aelf-wiUed 8ewtor, note, f high irenomiitationr, or th note of ; and the arrogance 0 party rppresenjaiivasj j " broken and irresponUUeSialeinatUutiona.', ' """DsVa SVai 8jiJ me one copy of your p .Jfotwillit. opr.ul.e.d-trnctiv r- , Di'c !i TS .' . r. ' .... . county, Xorth-V arohirn. The Khtg cautt lit to the nalfcniii end ewmeryi! fotewt n-,,, revMmr,n xK ,, tJ ,.t , of the Kortb. They cannot prosper with tw ' a .. .... .: . it , ju , j rency of specie wiib a currency excluaivety j- y From OX8L0 W we feant thai tb specie tbey cannot go onward la tbeir opera- Whig cans lliar is gaining ground. Keep tion. Th tat Bk will b ua.bl to x- the "bell in asatien!' ."''.''" " f ! Icul U t'ue a an aJcqatie rel.ef tli. Sub Trvaaury cuenur furr,ih thera with a currency a. aound and regular a that of the United Platca li.iik. Whit, then, are they to do? The agricuftural istercata . of tlie country will fret moat ruinously the blighting erTeet. of thia Sub-Treasury heresy," "The fanner will be unable to procure specie', there ia bat bttle ia circulation now, and tberW will be leea than tit. tie, under the operation of this bill,, . Tbe aotea of the Dsnka of other Sutea than that in which he may re.ide, will be to him nnavatlable, at heavy discount, or probably altogether an known ' A. to Treasury notes of what nso will AO end 100 bill of depreeiatej paper be to tbe poor, but baneet and indostriout yeew menry of tho country! They must have a cur rency and when are they to get it! Specie ia scarce, aud becoming scarcer every day. They 454OTl0tJrocuiT rtsloTj ta pper - nor Treasury note. , We repeat, that thia bill will not only prove inadequate to the establish ment of stable and regular currency, but if will operate most Injuriously upon the farm ing, a wallas every other interest ef the conn ,, . .. . , . ,, , :, We have weighed thie aubjeet with due de liberation examined ell it various bearing.; and we have the consciousneaa, at Crast,' ef knowing that our conclusion have been dicta, ted by a .incere and hone devotion lo"lBe cause of the Constitution and the country.. We believe it adoption will tend id the concentra tion oft great banking potter id the Preeident to . tbe consequent destruction of ear beet' State Banks to the bepeCt aolaly of 'govorq nent officers and partizana lei th oppression of the laboring cfa of the Country nd to the ultnnale overthrow of "ctviluuUion, totallectuel excellence,' and al! those great principles which mark the present superiority of our wage and institution. . A,!. j , MR CLAT ADOLiTIOX. - ' . fcX M'e publiTrf'tadty's Star a article' frwn;lhe"; CbiHaVto Clayjand Buchanan.' WagrVypftbfli writer, that Mr. Clay baa boon most, wilfully rnisrepreeented on the slave question,' ndMjr; those loo who. nave reaaon lo blusn lor lae aue litinn sentiment bf their wn- greet political leader. Mr. Clay's position on,! stave ques- ti'in i in Uia main unexceptionable; be anight have taken higher ground but the fact that be did not, fsiia to impugn his comprehensive' patriotiam, or to identify him wilb- ibe Abolii tlonlsla. He might have assortied, With perfect constitutionality, the existence of slsvcry in Uaa District, nntil abrogated by i convention bf tWe P'oplc of the United Pistes; for Congress hs no mora power aver slavery in the Dittrict,' fban: has a IegtIture over U in a Plate. . Congress may k-gialale fur the District, as IgieJsturesuo foribe. Ptetes but fnrfhrr il fiower &o Bot connututionally axtetuu We would t; if M ?. CTaf atTmiU tbef po war of. Congicss lo abolieb slavery la the District, doca hot Mr. Van Biiren admit the samel Doe he not go fsrther? lias he not ia fact expressed sentiments and performej act adverse to alave fat Oa the Miawti quution Mr, Van Curen eras dechled nd but for Mr. Clay, llio princi pie he then maintained would have d.'seeversJ die link that biud these ritte togctbr. AVby than this' nnjutt and unceasing' clamor ga(st Mr. Clay! Is it just and patriotic ta censure and traduce a genilman af known ami cornpr heneiv patriolitm? ' But wbether'jutt or patri otic, it has been dorj, and fviently wilh tndi- ad designv Had not Mr. Clay been nominated for the Preudeney, w ahould nave heard noa ofthi. Had be either retired from public Jife, or remained in Congreas a tTj advocate of the Sob Treasury berevcy, h would hav been euingfad by nhe party" a the purest an most patriotic of statesmen. " J...-tlLL As to Mr Buchanan, w commend hi palrutio and sensible views on the slave question. Evry party canaideration should be forgotten When thi great question is agitated,!; ft i,a question ol of ptrty-rbut of JJnitn. Ara w ta re main united ot we arewith the tmtitiitton af $taverg-rt it tke vnitn ( be thivtrtj iut fragmmut Thia ia Ihe question. ' And ft be coraea the Nortby without reapect to party K'b ponder upon ic We Will profass n induTer. eftce aa to the final issue. God knows are nrite ij,,,, te' highly 4eok upon iu oluiW aa a , trivial matter, The decision Test with tb people' of the North with Cengress. We or 1hrSdhtS"af'"alrM We atand upon the broad basis of the ctnttitv lion. Our duty alike to the lame of tbe peat ihe realitationa of th present and tb proraia ee of future glory, "conjure a' to remain on moved; the blood that animated th. father of 76 yet law In oor vein -and it k toe tern to yield or fslter when lh struggt ahall com for oaf immutable rtjjtita, ; Tbcy are rocogniwd by the consu'Uitlim an instrament which we ptay God, may prove iailestructible w are iL termlned lo defend them at trf .naxard," 'J,- . , " : ' ' '" : .: t ' .... J, WRBEN. v ! i - It will be perceived from the following ex. tract from a leUertn'llut Editor, Ibat th Whig aue in Warren- ia reviving.1 Th people set thi bait in motion. ' W predict fliat its aixe and velocity wUl eontlno to increae that it wttl crush every principle and VKperlment' ad. versa to lb libcrttea of th peenle, 'Like die immortal prince of ball-roller, th people' ev ery where desire to aland olitary anil alona" i I1C vt'E TuSASt.'HV. ' Tbe IvIij! is from tlie correipomJenre ol the liaitmiore t-nronuio Ar.er etnogmug ,tir. i t he remarks: - tint it Itaow mittet thst the Sub li-essory ftill ssaaot ('S iHe Senate it any thmg like its presrM sHspe: tnaj isrih the specie festur in it. I'r.!rs Mr t'naai a sn awtwer this arjo. wnt ef Mr Wsarrsa, tu lb sstiiseiioa oi ntany admiaistralWHi mtn, ojoeliiieveiy, tolly, perfeel. Iy, it eool be earned. .1 hit yea may rely , a a iat, Mr W tatTia, K It generally too eetei, hit ghrea the bill Mt ttesth-blo. Th fcrbiwins; remarka were the reaultolanme delibrratioa last aight. This rooming I think ttt tinners are still snore rorblc I tet thera, aooeeer, at they reahorlr the ottiaioaa of sway here, at to the reetiTi. IM aa I was disnosed to prediet this itivitiost . , -.'"'.. Kor The Hill Messrs. Williamt. tlattm, Pieree.Nite. Smith of Conn , Wright. Wall. Mosne, tlrewa. Strange, Ualhaon, Lampkia, Kine. Clv f Ala . Tratlee.' Walhee. Mmitoa. A IK a, Kahiatoa, Tenar, llenioti, uaa, l-yaa, M 1 iruliM a--.; .11,1 . Norwll. faltea. evier 96. . ArH the - Dill fetsre. Rerslet. Swift. Prtirttlerliavis, Robhiot,. Knighl Tallattw, SwHhrd.l,Kfir, HBstiawaer. Chy f Kf Morfrj-nriloo. Smith M la,. Nnnh-. - .-'. " ' ' ' . This, if lhe raarken- ahb a ttp. a eTowbt- fal, tsy he reliel on, nitkct a tie - III it i asUI here, oa gned authority, -tht,ahouT(I il eometa' Ibis, nNsre stsndt ready1 on kia4 rrhmd In the. tnk of lh 'syet,' who has eat laaenmiiteit bint , tf at at) thus far, to relieve h Vie Prileet .1. l..l i 11:. i iuMU. I ... from i" mnw rv.uvauunnj ui u,n,uiig . ... greet q'iesiio).Vvy .'! ,tXv. IV , Ht ! tt some lo this . f Aye. ihere't tbe rubl" The prohahiMti-a, asnt nti)jilHiei,-nr all benre yout and aotbing I eerlaia ean yet he said. upon the subject. My :na apiwenvs Irora -tretrnt apaaraaeet, it, that Hie aaVTr-emury Uiltaasmat pas th Vanatei ar. If tt aboald, Mr not rapretbanMe vftle. - It it eotn to tie.it wilt h Insl.hy the vaUtV aheacnt oneemiMad -oa te Bsnhe thst liei Mr. Morrtt aaana viita for it, onlst ahsred sea lahxitiMe the hard aaoaey feature, at one, lor elis- gwulmtim prm- aile, or an lot acts ' oafiotimy to ms wn aetara'rsitCM.-.-. Cothbert. I ha reason Wj believe (inaot.' aor ao I blis that Air. Ntch olm ill gn lor it. Siteli nny viewt oft he msllel lt eve aM. My minmiaiinti . o-iy, oertvea irem onverstiion wh geailcmrn nf both partiea, Is moh M to make heptbatidilita: much more favneeMe'yet I do not hetitale to gi il lo the tloing of the Old World all .to te sifted and sorted in a single sheet, J hardly know where to. begin. A fleet nf packets give us news tar Feb" 1st, iiJ "tlie On lirfi'of tlKeTfithiOowTW OW, kf , l,;,Vt lUtl'll . .M.i f Ihe Mrl l Dorham 11 appointed Crbvernor tieneral bf Upper and Low- r yaoaua, vv.evij Mrutv. auu twya Scotia. , lie is invested with the- now eri. almost of supreme Dictator tb lUipeinl the Coiiiitotioit of . JCower Canada -tv'itit off th meeting: of th Parliament--to onrantle a fetrtpofary Government oCQounlloi Irom Up and Lower Canada in short, with the full p6we"f4 ' 5cn 1f 'tllfC'-Catcatta goo Botany Bay, Governor, ta do ve-1 1 -JL-.L. - I A I..J l.LL . ,..1.. . f . v., e rir itossetviias lntrotiucep, ijimjvo-: ei cleOtio the Commons and the) Loral a-tstaiiiing hun almost en 'matte. Peel atiifl RueH, and Melbourne aottAVcl instoji, acl'iii aa one,al pa-ii dif ference being'inergeil." Lord ,Brpug ham, however, baa , tnauled ..lis . old frU'pds lu Jiis . rouglirit. style ..The1 lories, he lays, make litrm, 0710 prcteosion'to' cnstitotional liberty I but tUe: v higs do pretend, and: in the pr-tenceacrjftce,-,lj ata.singlc blow." 'I'be 'Uttdotf TmeV. J2 1 0,000 troops are jo.cpine Qver. Every JcJt- ef baa more ar vtt ol -Jmltsn Oicers. All 'the',siden.t'i)a4fra ire British ,' officer,. ( We have i' Rule Londoir- here uovr,- urTiouifgerThr cpufie.of jBoverriraent s neutrnty gave ' great satisfaction t - England, i'her was not the least complaint of any importance as late the 1st, some timejafter.thfj Nsyy IsJand affair,, btjt previous to the Caroline afTair being Known.' Ptrtiamenl Waa;. wholly, voted to'Canada affiri. The eVbatea would Jill a - great library. The Mir, isters will Carry all their measures bT licit win ttii j an incir invhiii wm vi ,. Li.' ,ri tk. coercion by power ul majorities. ine . v-r j ,- t Tortea, bewever, langb at tlie -Wings for resortinc to t "prerogatite so mi .Tbe commercial newsisdliat rnnnev is only 2 1-2 and S per cenf. in 'Etl- 1jtndj;ihe distressed tlastfef"iieing'the capiulists, who don't knew what to do with their money.' y' The lAwVrate bf ixchanje On Englandin New VorV eiciteasome attention. It i repor ted that the Ontario, below, has 'some specie on board, If this be.o. it will be Jlie (u-il tarsi bf tbe European tidx Alrady:, however,' these rnrJvetrients were w'afched 'j3i,Englanj, and they wiil be counteracted, rely upon it, r'J..'-- Ke Tetk. Maralii- . The. Tlmr nl Commercial lnteTr Cgencer,? a nw Democratic Repub lican ConservaUve-rraper , made itj appearance1 thi vmorping. , , T1i" part 1 hold ft meeting this evenmr, which, itj it highly probable, wilt be fully attend ed. - The ' Locofocos have sot,yet hamed.theirmn for Mayor, .,; Gen. 8colt t on, hia way t this ciiy,'and will be here in a d jj.of twd, the frontier distorbauces now bettig ronsidereu all oreKt i Treasarjrnotee art hsing Jittle 10 the mwkeCbejngai fiar or 1-8.' pre mium. Tbe 'cause ia the demand ! at y. S. Bank gtock to-day i , 1.1 5. Tbe fhtiin'u-. Ctititr... Stock fa-U under the investigation that haa been inttitO ted into same wf it transactional There in tcrtjit tf eat of STarnBan iitg. in fbe lcofoqo .paprirg'jrif . Uiis State- nbut-,I)Mnecratie reactiona" f r hf H tt!ey lofcaf eilerctldftA.'- 'aTo the jrcit of mj know ledge, and J. batata, ken some pains to investigate 'them, tb indicate decided (and .imrrortanl l firm nftTMilMIn K.mmI nnml IHtntii 1 . . 'i ,. . t V ... . W . . I 1 u." " " "-"t: ' -"fV v4b . lli.t. h u.a CP,BM?S?LlGENCEtt . The' Mad.sonian says ; ;.tTie. .ftp ttnqvHf.A,.-,.Hk ' VilViT-t '-.1 t titan at tht time," It in calculated . n.t...A .k. i i.t. .1.. u. v.. vruiucirnrti mwhb.i iwreisii i nvwi, i t!.at,e in i-v.r 1 1 0. ; ; J uiijf. llieyotuol w . hi k, t.Kf ,i , t J (lay , an ,au 1 y Ji.uUt, wOU d leave Mr. Van Burcn 15,000, arnl ptubably '25,- (tt in lit. miijiinlr rti. liririund" J'V", M HIV Jilllll'l II M v,.w. are just such reactions as. we poor lugs, in lSi4, were obliged to crr ocr. 'Uupalleleti nev Iront Tint enm,'' ."Proilitou , yate ia Ilcliog- .1 ) Norihern n4.i Etfrn . ppri ngve nothinBew r emiriible... Par filj rihibiu little n" tlie PacUtahips diarharginr, and the ?armfn,Mtherefttm, pntiing; wpioT while, the arrival il . lrartgert , be gift ttiincreaav 'Te river U uaij. to, be ope rt ta, roughcecpsie. '(.mi eiii-.-s r rram tne KKBinonu tvomptiar, . . i . The adiauniart liniler''ftlt' hfkdirig "thpprncbH! aud , nanuiuc , appeal , to tlo btltea whiili ire known '.to w. decidetlly p- poaed to the' Sub-Treasury ' iclictne br the ! unduratooit afiitimenta f their Legislature!, W well kaby tleeided de velopemnta f public ieiitWeni--aiid vhoie lSena(or(siie (filltf r tlctertntued t6 coiftcinn' the wUhca of tlieir conslit iientt or1 wbern bjr diviiiiinof (Ite Rep f eaentatltea ' the cofialitttf'pt voice i TnailepaaMV. -''''' '"!. . t:The MaJtaortVatt warn Olito" thai her bright are td be' Violaled, 1ief"prH-rH-Wj&rrfr-d, ami Uer htllnirwotlnded,, and ask v'i1l the nt again expr3ilier will in ' langtiagrf ;t!iat rgn neither be WisttndfTtttMj, or eVa'Jedr"' '"NVjll ahe itantl bj 'in apathy and indifllr cnte, and fiehofd Iter JSenatr and Rnj-eaentafives ' bowiri their necka under the juggf rnaut ol pari j, Jja rio- iatioii of tier. rip-ina.atHi wimrt, anu thereby lend the we'icjlvt 'ol ner influ that the Sub-.Treaar,.liitl t will .lni I the Senatc'j 'with the casting . vote t me Tice. rresiuenu. nnt w uutua i ii e ae n a tors i rom tw jeiaev anu u- -a ' n - v r w ta t t v Wn;- awt-;M eiwirWTiglit tndt pf ivf nf new ignniut, y irginia, ntay ik inuf reu rfpoci ,me unumputetij wjy ft their consiitoenta, Jc Utumtdr, ,treal behind 'the term mtructeiV,ia tndreed ,a'liameful, ubtverfo(e.f.'l; ! " The Seitatet New-Yotls ia'anneali edto.' STfiat ' My .does- lrwIeV it K.i' ..;n;i iV-'t ,,i; ;ii r ,iM j Jm 5A'm4 . P1 I'' V," a.w. K ?? V tf'WMWtdpli1rt dwn (1 awsken. a inonfamt unaV and lMioenUin2, riSiiteti.lq .the .-oteH visited. .upon; surih louicnitv ana , u I temnt. ttiTt tnatincr lanz titlje temeiu. I-1 i- s ' ' " ' " j. - ., . f derpit ; We extract the following ipneal to; yirgtniai-Wofild flrSf'she 'wolrf'bei prompted to ahnke off-her tethafgyi Undj feeV that Tively interest on tlirs"mbkt important n Vttar-af nil tvvbtton that now ftgirate the''tiittion, which be comes her, " Her pridf arttf flietigl position she sustains, should force har in 'coerce hericpfetVDtativr iiit.jii eg fiorTnTtier tbicer- If w'6 art rtifn t) sul of the honor and glory of tSuV'latli- ,er,' we canuot. sit wjlbi foldud Umn anil, see; our voice silertcea tO ithat; branch of the Ration!. Asembly wkic,li embodies theaoui and sovei-eiirnfe-i urea-- tlrah5ottfetleTic jStatea pi theifj high 'apaciityrput itpe- quaj voices, on question, there tnade tor auiu KiiuiJicatipo, y liut we(tnuch tear; Vircrinia .In.na ti.r. .min.JtM t,.t slie labors under tire torpor fife Doliti- caf magnetifm inflict, wpn her, . by that rnasnetiser party, ' Wn fenx .tli"t her condition ia now so entirely sum nambutant,ihst neither the arpeals of patriotiam nor tne tormret er weunucti - . . . ,- ,. , , . ... , , PTW'0 nd Tiolalted rights, Will 'reach f 1, - . , , ..;,,, ! her ensibtlities:-j. !:''' Tu.i!ij ...J uiv. .n..t ... ki.i .v: Jt-: Lti.J . . r ..,,w myyrmt w vii vj , irsuiiar iir mother of meh to her people? and'lier ir4eaMtative, -tocomat forward 'wAjtl eiert that direct and tHwitive I'nfloence .Jr:hicJiJbavIiM'Alw4sVj ciseti in ;me councils ot(, iiie nsuop. Let ner wi4e nd , more! time in contii vaiicet to save the partjj-bat tome at once in fetr gnciant aptrii pf Jofjijnd coVnpreliensive palriolum, to (l)e rescue of be? 'country. "f lier Bercef 'wgre ever wanted,"-her 'countrjfifefiQiref Ihcni Vow.' '. Ifave the lllustrl'ous char acters . bf Jc fTerson nt! " Ma'tjisop ..leU'1 ho impreaa upon the Stale in , wlmtf bosoms th?y are entombed, tliat 'Vir-: ginia shouldjbe pai,yr and seuirff" at the tnorrtent ol the greatest. uauger jto tlie ' Republic? . jVill ni oerfnit bor- self, by ' lip .of,omiion,.to beaceesv sarytto thesubyerautr..bf uf Kppubu cau institution JV;iCnrt ker,t Mtstiuct, habit,' faillfa pr'ide, rr patriolis'o, ejeju her to rekindle hc,r ancient watch-fires, and toatisnulate bep political warrmrs in the ldrt ,f nrlart gaiftst ferI;', ;'irf. crpacnments,,anu tiieeniargamept ana consotulatinn of power' in the hantU bf fefl ertlEtecotiyerElse bh,' trotild wtabe'u4' nvblfpln.o4 jrrgt'lef fjoblohistwy.". . k-di ;-.n i ..i ; . t 1 1 ii ! mt In i pi ii) &A The forf lowing tapitaf Kit tt the 'prof ligacy of tim5,ii,fiim.theJNwJ Orleans Picayune i . lietii! u . ".Tan : BdrenfhM 'jtisf' Wf'a?d f ti'f oulWeaklnj irj'fiof 4rlMVnWlCJUy c T A Vfiihtnet-sPreinj; .war beld to divine, measure for puttn;a stop to eh i anti.dctnocratKj roptirns A mos gave an opinion that ;t woold ,be perfectly ; 6nstltqtlotU7lnd M stop the transmission, by mailr,f all ' .1 I . III .. . It A Wiltira llj pi'JJUtaf; Mill, C4rq(n'',e M I imaginations io iw i.-iie jai.,! ju nurse loAIVP ISit. i tep"HliltUe WtlT wornaOTtrn-tri-p.auu tn acs.S tqeir.aj, .,;n..n..' lii.trrt-utl , tJ I appear as (amibr to as tT rtiey y(writaiU ' " r . ' r .r : r -ilne t 4-3 . :. . i. .. I a : lire aa tlit iiiHi.inalcol r i JlenrV f-laj for. the Pi eiilf nrjt. ''iiiit.v a pppii d by Miijur Jlownir.w, wliomid that . "it were iot nutlioriztil by tlie tcniti tutiou, that the right d'ctriue t, t confute the calculation nf the Whiga 1 by argufication, that thejr oggltt not to top the pizen, but let medicine be rTt. along with the piten, and ihenth peo ple could judge for themstrlvra, if tltey: the ptzen killert. let tm take it ptl they fottnd it hurt femv'.leU.?eui lake v, the medicine." rThe tag counsel of the Major did, not meet with mnch fa vor atnong le cabineU t ... i j. , r , ;,,j'b! iictary : "Of AVar aaid h thought nn ' end migiil aoon be wJi t the Flerirla war, bdthti dnnbtttLz: the policy tf it, at the 'pklrohage " en-j-yed tjjci P-nar(raent, And the, 8JSW 000. tliatiib'tttttd entry day might wf ivilUertJt ciecljoft: aiw therefore it'-wwt teth interest ofMiia Ecellene. the presidenf , toT jirotqiig" the war. Tfiii suggestion wag appro- ed by. Van anil all the cabinet egcept Major Downing, whatwl "ib waa-a tarnal sliamoto nukej-thii natio suf fer ee mach for the take of promoting demncriry. ' ,( , . An'ortlef was iiued by. 'jhef Secreta ry of the Navy r (Tut all ; the Captain on the roll ahould aerve,tb aweek in succeaainn, as comtianderol the ex ploring sriuanilron tijl it. toils j ,;,E la the llouae of Repreaentatiecs, Mr. Adarna,: af MecUue!a', invftxhicid a remdetron falling (vrrt the presidett to inform the Jlottne rec;inf (he flrt tnestic rtlalioHa ,of lhe Sjromc'a Hot lana, a ,ta wlhclhsr lbey, U slaves, and if so, how tbey are fexly what they wearrehether th-' are- Hogged lot'dis ourdience, and tlivers tither important matters, in onering uit. resuiiittof, Mr.J Adams diaclaiined, ny iitterttioo ThnraaimVOrririmtai'M.1' sOiuTe: it tide City. to. Mb Csmflne; d. daughter ofihe'lat i npT;ni r Z- . r r .;! niT , . --. ;t iDIED . ni- Tbotpaa W, LupcotuX,iu ibe Sih year f bl age. llu,i, i..,. K.wi (ill .d-a-I n..' i.t1 A tribul tfrttfitt "4 littinilalAe'ai. r.i 1 er i'nnaa iV, Ltraaoatal " r Th iwnembiaa) of the1 virtuaaa dead I cbribd wiife peculiar tiiUneea anil drbghtby I all: and more wjiecially by tliw.with whom f"" torn i- kimlly acouaiBianc and frtewaabipadiilti. ,. 'rhcit ,..nor, i. a theme on which w. and pleaatng askortatlon, aa w rvit in our : si at. r 11 vti mory etliiliiU to tu mind tnelr virtue and many, a little Incident 'nnrtcd wjtj their life, ia coritlantly glowing hrfortkfonnrnlWfiot broad 'rnatri alining ail kfejiing ahv rawAWed trilrtetllrt dur niinJt, vhen w know lhat new they'll longcf ne,on litib but bat their bodies srs stitdnil'ieJ a.niid all lb lonei nesa and nlemn tlillnai of th gry' ' 'Jr With wbtt av'erwhetmtng flincof.miogl4 mnlancholy hti'd delight do w pause ft th faot or tti frv fit; dear frien b; boui. WOiJijpv, no).iii who cumpaiiy Vt lav ypru' npy haripy hours to know thai h postmar'd 4 nat ural generosity and nobleness 'of hrirlhal rarely to I fodndln aajl a lra( of Jchararlar uniting him by the tendertst eords f affeolieei to alt wttlf whom he'brme ief'psirjied, Vih feelings of meliiichnlybecaiieilieeyiejidrrlise are broken uf deKht, bcus pf;tb glorioaa prospect ibat"unitild Uolf liiirrnitif J?r U him, Jo whoa rbemdry I pen'tbit Itt ihiuh of respect1, at Well at 'to all olliert who auknajl YaT did.ttTitfin aTBtirmir tbe prospect Wiiiileett serene, glurioua, and ua clouded,, , And js, . be : gonsl Y Tboma Uaeomb is no 0l aaj with iilm bs toss, er fled lb hopes of an 'aiHictodaniltaiid parent, fry ea nf tb most prdmising end nffrc linnet chilJren, , Lmig aretby enaaf liniibUaruren I it iiiernjiaa height, iw thy na iparkUng eye awiniming iuVtlentlawiaitl ay! band 'epsn tfiy breast, and felt, as it were, lay haert-strin-s break, andonilur. be bT last aaaVUbae ihroe bxikett opon.b utvtiing lip:-which told thai th spirit h4aar,dd totbaOed who gave-it and amid th deepaigb and guablrig teare 01 ten tor irteno an relative, wa aandaa thy one tomeiy and active body down to lh eilent tomb, Xt hall I eatt my eyfi.upoji the tall oaks that. rlao in the dim distanc,er upvft til. vwvrfrvcn reiiara mac.rwno ITT vormn allllrtea near thy grata, atboutJfihnbving yf ."-f m mftv. vi"vn l.Jiw whom tJ',, on.erth-rrMint, abaUfiva,a meetlri heaven and vihoa inemor law i, light 14 cherish and td hwior.' V ' .'' , aisK3in be ttnf tatf aitb,',.?''.'1 Friend of my .aalisrdayej t n rfaatj Nnekaew tbe btttitoloVatlie,!i.Q 4 Or named theabnt lo praissi, ,Jf J, ''j When hearla whase trtJtH wa praye. f 'I.lkk thine, ars'Mil li " I Then .houMa wreathhe irtven.""11' ii!T leUlb World IherfWaHlti't'iat.i ftw !f llii li;A''f.. ,l 'Ketpretrally' atfofniS the'elTiivnt ef Kalcikh and' it' urintt, wMrt he ttt ttt a wi" , i 1" . .? Davsatlnf ,htt . .iT in tins pltes at sn ewljrj (wiK'd,, (viihie,,t weiit.y He bat brought with' Vim sa Mna. ptltheil MaabMis), ana is preps rye" ujh flank ywig ia in aaort inunara aiiir rafliisasiita atjkt, such at Fattey lHntea,.Cotillioni, Counlrr-Oanr t. Wtltsaa MinOHt, 1'olato.i, taiwitcs, Fta. elaag, ffigwro, ate, eteiS'M I nl'sd nut ; He bapc bg altlilttoaa auentioa to Ms ) aioa. the aiaiHMrt and denortment at his uanils. to abuia a share ol pebli. patroKsg. ' i ,w N. B.' The reera where lh'hbbl'in V kenl. nd tb ly M i omrrat, kaH ha CktkinMUIaie Earthen Mta Weal; titt ('w trig Krlhe Wsra.aawaflraTibsjMm, M liandfom aply ef th baahih, 4ed ae their pi tet Block, will msk.. (hsle attorttaeaT wary aateaaiya na pleHdi''liei'i,,krBfl Uy eall and- eiamMva .their STOCK At Mil-la Coantry, Mertbsnla.WoultLHa welLu aaM.sksl toaOag lae.lsarW, ba eW? Werwe,ha itU ' ear Goods on a reasonable tsrraj a (hsy saa V bad la thitet any ( th tffttfcer Mik far I7,ra,' - ' ' ' ' ' V rtli ' ll.toftiseaert am Dsafrr In Cbtaai. 'fclSu' ;a.a