- fr; 0 V - t ;: i. 1 1 ......I iliaL m'.ul return on If"' I check rrll.er u$- Vl-trlT -frn. " ;. '' lJ ,...f the public Liml. ii c " fr .,u ar.,llw bu.i- -' II, ,t.i tn ,r ..led.and s-ilij-it ' . . .J!.: .ndsh.nk. TJ.ce I1' .: .w h,. hell b" roniro- "Pi' .. i i i ! in henr anv 1.1 1 1 wi ' h n!,cr rise " " " l them. - . ; ,.,1.1 the Treasury be a Pr-, u ,r i.MJ.Tt.-,l,..t of the l.,k : - ilennsite vtetn before Inn un.'r- i B 1 k.. iaa ,1 utnl tVi.tHi. H lit" 1 1 H. I ......... mill it ' ,, ,.nllcr this bin. sir" , it n ihn, exclusively in .i.:-t. another susn -iiiftn '. ... . M 11 "I -' ' I !'".,, r ist as worthlessri the hiiul ' 1 , pie b ink's rVmeles and. which. ' , ,,,,," viald "im cotnyol the iiiJUpentij'e. lie firmly LelieTeJ that we hj'l readied point where the i In-f)a ration wa abwlBMy perma ry t 4ve bath (iove: nmcntand banks. Iln at uikIit a iroiig impreiun that ili,-liaakijig 5trm - had reached point nt ilecrfptiiuJe that treat and i,iiKi tnt than p' were nrcetsarj t nr it arxt prevent couvuUiung,1 ant) the itiiat tin? fiit 'ep was a perpetual aep- ire.it a if I ar.itum wiwren mem ami tne uovcrn- wiu1d mt. Iut tin-re cull be in his pin i tara s oer cent, we i mum lor a check r ' on the rerth. - ihu it coat him 3 per cent, to e;et money in New York, W hert the U. S. Batik wai in oprra tion, it ensta him a quarter of one per eentTb diflerence 4 5-4 per cent. utMiii two nuluoni o dnllar, tbe r KALEIGII, AI'R1L;4, IS38. i-.... w.hiI.I b-? a i,m, illl l e . ,.,.';., kpnamtiiin im diviH-re uithuat rove'i'i" ,n-nt. I' " rent, t piy it:cre-i', "J -.-. ...itnr. r n it pnr tHem at all k ,r-ildit b? nHilIe, anj more .;tu- iira-tit-in'tne.c. v (oncci J if . I . , ..leimi'i th-.lfgai cu-rencjr , ciV-nl.i'1'm cuil ' the ..nperatmn ti ;, i-.j, aa it did undtfr thi system t biik d.)ivt thateiisted at tl.e Hut il it w.H hciw ciu-ci in nn- iu Twi.iirv more iiulrptnJeiit . . ' . t '. . mtitit ... ill mt, wnrre tie hm nr- jv. om t!f Ute ili'puKite svstem under ,f at r ?3G. which tiiU b.H is in ten t 1 1 1 s.i; e. si-d ? TSere is ami can be it n p'l'm' of d lHronce, v... in. The i-stnhuti n i'!' the j rofit from the di .,iles, evn i m rir-renc?. tie ,1 'iu-. is mure annarent man " ! t nil,., lui.f Ike nil ill IC duct tn tl - n i - r ati'l rnti'u,i,'ial rorrencj of tht CiintiNv. Vith.iut that all wnnlci pru.a jM'il'oct dilution, as this bill wiialtl prrvve"Uoutd it pass. AVe had in coniituiiiiul" riht to treat the iu.tf .!' meie private corjiorathms as r.i'i: and if we did, nothing wuuld be Thfte views ami manr others simi lar he had op-iil v enpressi'dj in which the sri-at h'nly of the penile men round hun h i I cn'icurred. We aland openly pftf-lyd to them before the country and the world. -We had f.wjjht the l:ilile .nKiufully and gucressfullr. I'lie cause wjS good, and having stood ill tirt sluirk. natliivg wa necessary, lut B4 mucss stjmUng last on pur p- ihhhi U ensure victor" a grdt.aal sroii:iH victrrv in a noble cause. winch s calculated to ent-cf a more iinniirt.int ref-innation in the condition nf s icii'tv th;m any in our time, lit for one, could not airee to terminate all th e mighty ell'or s, at this and the extra session, by returning to at limiting it it banking certiinly - Jifr CaAn II mt be t fnm a mHrr ofaorpriwt kam that (his protleman awaintt iW uH-Treityl" Ilia othr--lrt tnnated amount of funds thus tranimit-t"! . r .k- ii..ihi,h ted every year, is 893,000. Thia is the sum liish by whom? Not t'ue mer chants, for they must add it lo the price of their goods; but by the people amd ait for glory." Gen." Jack-oft- glor.ri-Ay. t)ht. of. I he woula as eHplttitotpJi.Me.a!i!l pei;f'Ctjrrunion i with the banks in inc worst ami ra ni un"-r- ous form. He wouliT not belie alt that he hid said and done by vol in; for the bill as it now stood amended; and to terminate Miat -which was so 'loii iii!y b2un. in so tniserab'e a larie. lie could not but f.e de-ply dis ap:iuititel. in what he had reason to apprihend would be the rrsulij to iiai e all o3r "(Harts nmi iaW -ttirowt away, and the hopes of the roontry dis dia"pp inld. All would be lost; tn, he ex pressed himself too sironty. Dc the vole what it nwiy, the tlincus. aion would s'and. l.ijht had gone a brun.1. The public mind had been rou" !, f r t!ie first lime, and direch-i! to t'.iis great su' ject. The intclliien- i-nre ol tue couniry is eeiy L Wuere the rt-v -nue is tlepnsileti .jili rrrlaifi bank, Sfleclea by i-ie . ..r ,t. i-d.uiirv iinniT ,e act '3fi, the pruli sut the depos- busy in rs .101 uiS i.. ur,.,.,. ...... . V . ..:i.. ... .-n wou d not c-a t mv. i rt ac rues aunoii vnu"""; ' ., ,, . i , .fin. T'm'I discount O't. ihein. and .tirr ' n'fes of PtVr-banks-which .mIioI I i i d'luiM'c, or draw specie tf'i'o-m. aod hu increase their busi- Wan! iifiiSt' without inrarr.ina; ny I . ... .'. .'I: . I- ; Ml .1 Li!. ni l.a'.ili v: but where the de r . . ... . Vi.it s -re ma le wit tue r.wcu nc ,ccts, 'he p.-T v-su!d arrrue.ap!'!!- nhto te laiiks Rcnerauy. ue fiid arfsreullv.Uit depcnil iv.W.tv'u:i tie iiti en lo!dinjtlie tie- iihiit. Tlifyimi-at pleasure, give I'spn.fi! lo what bdnks they please, Ufcolding luick ih- notes of ne bank, nl d.bur.n tha uo'.ea oi anouier, nil tHu keeping the n tes of one out I c r. u'at.on aii'l tuiowiiig me ouu-r i ito em ul .ti.n thruu 'ii Ois'Jiirsincius, in rrt.irn on the tank Usuinz llu-m pate till all it labjriiilh were traced. The set djUl Lhasbeen ion wH pruiit ami grow to maturity tl.e reioliiti that ha been begiin will jn thsou;'i be our course What it may. The slti'rnative to the rejection t( this bill would be to do nothing, which. in hi opinion. wa 1nftntty ieefr. ble. It would throw the responsibili ty from lUis n the opposite aide. VVe w culd thus havrtfont aU we emtio, and if nothing be done, theirs would be the fault; ami the couutry would hold them r sponibIe. Hut to pass this bill in il present form would be to as aume, not nly the responsibility of ac ting, but f leaving things in a worse condition I'.. an we find ihemi-to strike GEN. HOUSTON. A Good atory, indicative, of the iter ling , senseand coo! courage, of the galiant Houston, ii given by the Tex lan correspondenti of the Bulletin. It in a pity that it should be buried up in the vast heap of rubbish. This em, however, (or flower J we shall take the liberty of trasplanting. lo our Intle parterre; where the public may have an opportunity nf seeing it. The correspondent, writing from the City of Houston, under date of Februa ry 25, relates the affair as f.dlsws: : ricayunt. Oa Friday last, the President wi stopped in the streets, or rathe was accosted, while in the street conversing with bis frieBds,' ty Col. Wil. 8. Fisher, lata Secretary of War, in com pany with S. It. Fisher, late Secretary of ?ay.and I). F. Wirmouth, late Commissary General of Subsistence. Col. W. Si Fisher, who was spokeman a known enemy of the President, walked up to him ('white the other namrd person h)5MUlemsalfca with the Piesulentin the centre, both inan nrv manner.J and rpoke to him. The President.whoyou know is remark able for nolitness, received the gentle man in his nolitest manner. Fisher l then nuked him to teneat or retract cer tain eipresstons made relative t" him, tit' .U !) T. Weighmouth;the Presi- dent reltised to notice it; he then re qiies cd Uiknow TrBe" lindliTinSetf reS nonsibte for his expressions and ac tion; the Presieent rep ied, that for hisoftirtat acts he was responsible to the People hi cmrsttHteirtsi but for l.t personal ans tie was personally rciniS'e. Fi'her then requested to knew, it he, uener.at Houston, wouia rrieiv a rote from him, to which WeTreVidehl TPpxHxHi" would. Her the 'ene ended. I have ne lU-tftittHHrat their ititeiition to attack hiik, bat were awed by hi coolnesr and TfirUsps thry feft Bwt-qaitesnre, bit whst they woulil calcli-a Tartar. In an boat or two afier their meeting, etualUrtige was handed to the Presi dent fmm Cot. V. S. Fislier. The PrckU'nt immediately .4relerrcil.it to h-s s-rvant-Vy Tws, in ruw put it a his pcke, saving, miorm tx-forc (tie ptte ef ihe ImIIj whictl w give in a pwceing coianm (- '.T- We ppi" lHb lbs oninal tnif Uie tVnend ej Mt, . i onS giws direct, Eieeulive p.m. er over h .jxcie inJ.try of the fuouknr. iM fref 'y Sujfmenu li appoiutinj n4 tit rretionsri er f tliit Naneh; th oilier in diretHly ' '4' 'U Uad ia eonrena Irate, irt fc Pet Banks, lb whnle EoiiUlnf power of tit country. What would hs the et- Irct of fti amended 8db-TrM(ur l if 4,fc J 1$ . . L ..l.t . .. . . M . fal. .n n wou"1 seieeien in nrw i or a the Uorening Sank for (fovernment dank notni an paid for Goemmit due, the holitt ti wnt jin depoito lo the Rerei in? Bank, and peci will be drawn from at the Bank tot tkttt notes forthwith. Thu llie ppeeie of the Banka the basis of (table and safe TOrrehry, Would lie as moeti under tlte control of th Uovcrnment s if K h I c'u.il:r md on litem a peremptory demsnd for specie; and ft would as surely find its wity froiu these Pet Banks Into lbs Uo'emment suits. And in whet wsj eould th Peopbi or lb Peplo Banks orsw It fromlhenes! la u.iye nment dues! - It has not, nor will it py out any thins liut Treasury notrs. And if K were Uipo-en te pay otttjieeie, w here would lw I lis people share. 'rt ibe por.oe of thetJungrfismew, t'.i - i- l-Cr.i - i l.l .1,. l.i.l .n.t thesi !)ot Kitchen Cahinet hsd len sHiieml) The people Would have to tske Trensury rioles And whst would they he worth lo.lueponr moat Nnlliina.' Hid HhsVupesre W in l!ie days of Treasury nte! We should he delight ed to know, ll he did, well did he wrile '-He thst steals my purse stesls traih!" Jwill be seen that Ihe amended hill has been on the tahle in the 1Inue; we boe never lobe tsken tip. WsMiem, wilh Mr. fulhoun, Unit "light kss sons shronJ. Aye me nrt. mnj flash ef lb firs of freedoin! s sming from wvery point of the poliiirl horiaon and eiposinct lo the people's imlisnrint fnre the rtisd poliey of the dnminsnt psrtv. "LIUHT HAS GONE ABROAD!" And in polity, ss in nslu-e the thunder has succeeded the Iiiiht-ring-shock. From old Maacbiictt "the cra dle in which vonne Liberty w first rocked' comes forth a voice venerable as her own mon uments sod ssaes ef revolutionary fsm thi!l It Mr'aistfeisidedt tether 'Bteies-heve efinhen. OKa the peoide hot time to investigate the sub ject; and oar word for it, a prouder phslanv .of Utes will be arrnyvd against thi mes.or. tlmn kss ever before been presented in defence of the moo weHsre- and glory M llie tiepuuue. ! tut tie strpfMWI ef e useless evrreVcenf. taoa ef the body's Watlhfiit llaids. The hie of I resorting to insn enests n4 vaoll, t the eaf. keetsnf of naek sioteapeoeibesof nsnka la fmf) hers 0 the tks themselves er not 14 be trnstvd. Is lssaiawitSM iwnioennw Ir. II wiH K ehmtt ss tern'fviris to lbs Bonks thewwrt ftress lb hdwess llilwniiait three t hrsuk a bsok whi.-h lie h4 a spue eewlnst, bt hnrnine all its wolea lieronld fet b.rtd eft ISeeowd enly in hiiilisnef te thirirfee Isthat wf wenMi. rkls. f old dewssitsJ hev, tbe asaeefte A -miiHofTnieeesi ks.s bea freetry benefitted, sl the rireulstion of the eein whiek we base ' esn, wilt no 4nnbl, ' tend la benefit the cwnoV tine nf evete-ce of sociey-snd the bewefiie will e sresU eohsncej should the Goverw wet Suthoriae the eoialne of silver thsepe, ee we sew Intimated ia theGlobe eome time since. - The .supply of silver wilt not be diflirult. ee at snest invarisbry she fdd l.nllion beTs.eontsin sitter in the eros'esm, anJ we Wra that a mine 1 i ik. K. I,V ihetewetes in Ima I has beew recently dlseovared in this eoonty. sf.e sort stoM iauhs, W keen then t of ee- y-Uine nearly pnr silver, .TV estsblwhaiewt -. JJoon the SrTmte. we Mine M ttrttik. Uat ;M w.lR. we Jjdr.1. five e ditli.si impeto ,msioriivoft.ellmw.w ! sdo.it. e we ao,tuei oine evwe. vnnwe. eiia o. iJi'ii'siHotjil'lr-vion.ttilie.W ivfty worked, in rtie opinion ef eminent Gaol-, . .. . . , -jik. i-..a bI.&k aaar w rs in ail snt 'erm Is miirets htrt. anif llial in w.7 "t ' """ thetefiire tttft not to p into a Isw the disease deeper into the svstem. inc U4.i ,...! .. .... - - ... .a The eJ. cts of tV.s would be. tu Rive anu rentier ii mnc , - r.i gerous, wMiie.mc mi-MMw ,ms tient would " be withdrawn lor a - . .t ... . .11 -nc.,:. iie pioiit rut it coma uenvc Irwn beitti a dejui. tc bank and s'iip sng t' e other almol entirely of the advantage of liai!; its notes receiv ed in the dues of the f 1 jvertimcnt. 'I'jkefjr inslan e two banks, in a place lice live av-rasr,e jtublic ileposites were a million of dollars; is it not fleer, if ihu eeiut.ve oilirer would luake rt a rul 1 1 ilisbure the notes of one tnnk, and l.oM back those of the o h r, it would operate in fart, as a ':ilm; loan to that amount to the fa vored batik? The ivsult is, that in either case (he ls-.tnSjti.in ot tae profit result i ng" frmn the public deposit ee would depend time from his i'.anier. It, n the co-.-trary, nesta:il fast nn our prirrrlples and" profession, and suflVr the bfll to be lost rather liian to yield our princi ples, the public attention would be doubly rttusrd; the subject would be more fully and pci I.'cll y investigated and untlci tncd, and the great cause we have so nobly supported, would fi nally ant gloriously triumph. Let. others do ns they may, lie would main tain his position, and stand where he Stood in 1834, and ever since. He tmiid n;it l,e driven from it when olii. era came: to it. and now he couui not ihf tfcrnl, thai lie was then getting ready to start tuNacngdocliet, and that he would think l the affair; at all e vents, said lie, I shall give it the alien tion suth a thins merits. Thus end ed this distract ful affair to all parties concerned, with the exception of Gen eral Houston, who has with his usual tact, made the gentleman get ihe woral of the affair, ae-yoo w ill no doubt t'link. The President started for Vacnzdnchfs on Saturday" mnrninj reimtt savs he brines usck a wiietii j of this however, I do not pretend to vouch." . The Iiuston Atlas speaking of the explosion of the Bat.ks in that city, av: ""Almost without exception all the iiiditidu.ila eugnged in the manaije titent ofilmae b-iiks. which are proved to hate been dishonestly conducted; have bircn and are the earnest friends and supporters of Mr. Van Duirn. In those two banks which displayed innst rpvn'.tuig degree fl rot ten CO lY GUESS. THE f U.B-TREASUKY it , se it tarrifd? There is much rontroversy among oil psrties, it lo the deciainn of this rjuell.in, Time for the lull and deliberate action oi i-oii cress can alone 'decide it . The fact is, howev er, thst Mr. Cslhoun's cxclusivety tprcie Hub Tresserv project, hut been drfeatrti. Ihe mertdment whii-ti ilijititej lbs main am orisi nal design of llie hill, was oflercd by Mr. C'utU bert, ef Ga.; snd Is as follows: Vfnrf bt il farther enceted. That the Kerre- tanr ef tn Treasury be; and he Uerery is, re quired. end directed to sdiirniirli measures as he msv (esro aecfsary, lo rsuso ss soon s wmj ktm, mM dufMs.saxes, oems, or sum oi mo ney accruing, or becoming ps;sWe to the Uni led Stale, noon lite nU u' limJs or oiW rrwfse, lo I rolloeted and paid In the legal rnr rency of the V. Slates, or In Treasury notes as by Isw provided and declared, or in notes of Usnks which era p)h!e and paid inn Jenisnd in the said legal currency of the United Ktcs; and no such duties, Isies, or sums nf noiiry aerrotng ;r becoming payable lo the I'nitcil Htates, ss slorrsaid, ouglii to be eollecled or re-ce.ved-ihereie Itisn in the legal currenry of tha t'nited Htates, or in Treasury notes, or in uoirs nf banks which are payshle ami paid on demand in the said legal currency of the Uni ted Stale.'' The bill, with this amenJineut, passed lbs Senate by His following vote: YEAS Messrs. Allen, Benton, Crown, Clay, of Alsbma,Cithbrt, Fulton. HuMwrd, King, Linn, Lumpkin, l.yon, Morris. Moui.im Niles, Norvell. I'iores, Vusns, Kobinson, Ke. visr, Smith, of CiHinerticut, Ptrange, Troliler, Walker. WatU Williams. Wright, Young Sr. MAY8 Messra. Bsyard. Burbanan. Cal boon, Clay, of Keutocky, Clayton, Crittenden, Davia.. fjriiudy, Knight, McKean, ktfrriik, Kicholas, Prentiss, Preston, Hics, Holnins, Rdeeles, fmitli, of lodislia. 8outhr.l. B(wnc, . r ... .. . m- in i ,,, :.L -Aft Swift, J allroailge, I ipioo, veuiier, y uiw HOU!n (IF PrPKESENTA- TIVC", the apMorriaii.wi till be been f a efinsiilerabie "lime under ron-i.WSifn: tin lf t nrdtiy, MrV Amos Kendsll's Depsrimeni eame! op (or eonsiderslion. We ropy lb tdh n.a statenierfr of -th party's" stroegle to m.esi Amos stiih rf.'snvrsMoi-y pow.-r. from lire Un h mnnd Vt,is: fr-vrf:l I perceived that D-wtor MONTGOMERY w f.'cm.st in advo.a'ing this anti-repuhlin doctrine: 1 "The Committee of the Whole havine en Friday amcn.ted the bill s rerHied ly Mr. ('amhrrliiig an a l eiH-eifv the tsnoua appro, prislions, Mr. ( ani'.reiingiii Ihe IIoue c i !at nrilny, nyved to sliike out the (pecifira'ion. and maka an amironfmtirin in er Ja to h di- Imr.cd nl the itiacretinn of the Pnv tV?afr General. Thia moifon led le oiiirh .MsM Mr. Adams ohiertrd to 'striking out the epeeifi.-s- tima bs would wot ask lbs Chairman ff she Coinnnttee of Way and Merns, ibe reaaoe of hi molion, beenuse, II wai unlertooi to tie Iiv order of the l'nt Ma-tor General, and thst iirti.-icnt. He maintained, thst the only mode ot wcir'nu arrnuntahililT. was for the lioua to m.iUi' uportiie epiwopnaiioiis. 'r. Whittlesi v urged the ssrne views too much tlicretion was already allowed to the I . Master General, and his roulnd ovet the public .frinds ought to br liiuitrd. All other epprnprt- alions are or oiiRht lo be speoSc, ami there ws no num or justice in gt.iiig.llie rot Musiei rncral greater lanluoe than other lunctimia- It was his iluty lo scnil lo tils report siui etlinle. as the other Heads ol Deparlments, Mr. Cambreling alruitaled with dogged "r- tinacily for the spoils for his fiend Amus. He ishrd sll the apprnitriMinns to le specil.c; hut in lh Post (lilies Department this euh. not be, as no one could tell what the iranapor- tauon of the mails would cost. he Posi Ms ter T lefierk'l fthoutit ttavr tWtliserewon giving as iiuieb (in the h of extras we aupposaj ot little (in punishing refractory partisans as bs msy deem neoner. rfineral other good and true of the epniis party backed the little PrempnttMy in his efl'l In give Amna Kemlall unchecked awsy III me disbursement of jive millions of the public mo nsy. Messrs Connor and MONTGOMEItY of North Carolina were the moat conspicuous of these They maintained stoutly, thst Ken dsll ourht lo he "invested with eitiaonlin'y poner,'' we ropy these words from the report tit the Globe. Mr. Montgomery was nl a hiss to know tl reason, why genib-mrn w-sre ss fear ful to trut the Jieail of llie Post Ofliew JVj art ment with the power akcd for. A more slavish d.ictrine hns not been broached since the dsys of the Htuat. "The principle of specific appropriation was ably advocated by Messrs Uwing, lieaj, it. Garland, t'ndrrwood, Bell nnd lt..herlon; when the aif iJincnt failed by a vc te of4 -to CO. iTbis majority in favor of tl.e people and of firral erpri.itH)ii, 4hogb sHralt, is ebeilng. and iospirea the liop, Uial ihe 11 ..u ef lletire. acntaiiveaJs returning lo its duty. in-poedliy Ihs C.nittiiution, nf giiardiair the .ul !: ni'i. j and (hat the denredidors of the Kitchen Cabi- . net will no longer l ae free aeces to il, to use and abuse it at pleasure." ibis CAar.VwWjIrrW. " . The fenste of Miriisew Wave, by an tmanU i noil, resolution. otd their tbanke le Urnersil i"cott. Aw iii proiutH anT eiTrteite jSBduet In" prtwervine pear na lbs frontier, end se'laining the neuuahty ot the L'uiied tftal, during the 1st Canadian troobte. on the Kxe utive Department, wheth er made with the Kxecutive nflicers, ot in d.-poMte bnnks under the act id lSiuV -The tUecntive in one cae wou d have the selection of the banks, ami in the other ihe control over the subordinate n'heers of his department; - iihMiVs ililftircnce, .Ihat when tlie banWs sJhjl''l It" would, under tiie bctof 1836. be under the tjontrol ami protection of law, but the olUeers wuuld be cuniplelely under the control id the head of the department at all limes, .'iiis is llie sum total of the difference. If you ass this bill you have the one, and if you defeat it you l ave the tidier. Thus regarding it, and bfing op posed on constitutional grounds to re ceiving any thing but the legal cur rency of t!ie enuntry. or Government s-cu(itics in the publieU ilues, and to llie increase tf Kxecutive patronage, I e could eot possibly vote for the bill, amended. He was Ueciiledly np '"sed to nil discretionary powers, es pecially in (he Executive branch of die Government, and this bill woold give greater than any that has ever paaseu. it would not only etve Hie power to uhirh he has already alluded t favoring' what batik it pleased,: but t ie Coutrsdingpuwer.of demanding spe ie at pffeiisure of -llie Kxtcotive, of a r.y bank it might desire to oppress, and abstaining from demanding of htK it uitended to favor. Powers uch as - these lie regarded a inrom ' rtible with oor'Ttee system of -Govern-ment, and hsifw on could not con.ient n c.fnler. ihetviL .''" Ss . f-t.ja be iTrarn"vTrm 4t by -their depart.! i njj. To studid aU.je had no tirotsfur. I.'mi. It wateettu not unusual. Jilood. 'llie' following scrap is fruit the Salem f'Mass.) Advoi liser, a Van Jluren paper. The reader wrll nee that the editor discourses of the late duel. One Uluod rwiliea tbriMigli our veins u iih a quickened ps.ee, sn.T an iiinale, voluntary tin eniMpwraMv spirit rankles in uur boiom i-r re vcnte! NKtusn! Wod Auw t.T muBS au.. ruiw! l bs death CiHey sl.ouM bs svc trit, .ad his Utm sspistrd, il il must Ur, iY SllhiHlING WOIIRULOODI" , AVc do not know how this venesec tion i. tube performed whether by bleeding the W higs ill ihe leg, as the Loco Poena of old were wont to serve Mid me it, or bleeding them in their throats, as the Loco Focos of France did in toe revolution. Hut blood must of course be drawn, and we may eie. t to sec il Bowing at the fust con venient opportunity. ... The New York naners continue, lo Ti e fCew York Correspondent ef th ?fe lional Intelligencer, ander dale ef March SS ' V ioea are down again to-day. Some Je. seji.ii,nis l'.se fallen 3 cr cent. U. 8. Bank is firm at 1 IS. The Pattern Vail i just In. . Easolulione npinst the tMl-Trasury Dill were sdoptsd in tHe Massachuaetis ti c ol KcptsiilUes, a, -M.,ndsy, by a vote of II to 6. '. S. 'nxivre. A fsw dayseinre, Jaejee S!ieiri:lo and J.ihn S. Crocker, ssamrn. were brought to ibesil of this City from N. Yoik, rhsrueil W il! faaniug msllrinusiy destroyed tha Sch-nnrr Aurora! wi'hm the waten of Korth Csrolino. In the' iniuilh of J in. ej last. Th'y will be 1 1 nil. w u-pert, at the neit term of the federal Couit, which commence on the Kill of Msy, The Nat. Intelligencer of the Stat ult. says: , "Rumors of intended changes in the Cabinet are in eirc ulsii vi in the City, and repeated with ao ranch confidence that we incline to think there ti snne tonndsiioo for thrm. The story goes lli.il Mr. Secretary Woo.lt oiy is lo accept the sppoinlioi nl of MiiiiU-r In Gref trilsin; that Mr. Amo Kendall is lo sii.f.0 dm in ihe Trrasuiy: and thai Mr. Heitator Grundy ia to leome post Master tienen.1. Mr. Ilutler, il i hirlhe'ssid, is t. realm ihe Attorney .Gen eralship, and Mr. Gilpin (now Solicitor of the Treasury) is lo tale hia place. ""T(iP Motion ernft' nf Te raw last year 4 estimfK--trd at .VI 01)0 hales, which is rsted as worlh a- boot 13.000 t)t)0. It ia nndersiorst that Claiborne snJ Ghotsvwi, of Mississippi, irtend very mmlesily lo derlina a re election. Like Prentice' SulvTreaaurera, they "Kire, and fall hick." 11 A It II I E l, Tn this comity, by lirta Gill. F,j. Mr. Josh. un Waik'ns lo Miss Mvlioda Voung, daughlee o!' Kobeit Yoi.ne. lic. ently. In Franklin .county, Mr. WH7 J. f mhb to Miss Carrttine AHaood. In Urativl!ioiinfT, recently, Mr. Sitae fs Itrlwrtson to Viss Klira Cftnl." ' ' " JnGreens!.io,,V.r.Jir.eF.pileteI.ydln " DTfcO, ' ""; Keeenl!y, !n Fayetieville, Arch'4.S. Drown, Esq. forhinly ol ICtihesna county, which bo had represented in the Legislature." In Mississippi, (where be was on a visit) the li t. Htepdeii l. Miller. of Mouth Ca'olirii, f.irmerly Uotrrnos-ff, lnV afterwards Henanw in t'onces worn that .'tsie, whsse he wee" highly irsperted (of hi virtues and abilities.. I iiiaaaa rii - .f .'e-i.jta CsatTUffse. The t ity of Charles tnu is ery ' ably represented in this Cii.eii tlon. The following is a list of its' dcieguf.es: Gen. H. Y. liavne, Gen. J:mes Ilainihow. Can. Ocf. McDuflie. Hon. II L. li .eknei, ILwi. Thomas Tlehnelt. John Rohmsrm; Jame. Adger, I'.d. A. P. Ilayne, 0. (i. Memimnger. Chancellor D. Fj Dunkin larHeK..hsrtson. Aleiander Dlack.A. Tnhiia, Darid Alrnder, H. W. Fort. L. M. Wiley. IL W. Conner. II. Gocrdin, A. MrDawatl, J. E. Holmes, Judiie E.ans," "Chancellor Jlsrper, Jiidge O'Neal. Chsm-rHnf Johnso,G. I. Keb.ey, 8. P. Rip ley, C. F. Lowudes, G. A. Trenliolirr, J. R. Cardoze, Ker lloyca. .... Thf Cierl-ee. A perenipt.iry reqiilsitinjl kaii been "made by the Oenerat Government the t!ovrnor of North Carolina nr fnir rem paniee nf infantry, to bo in immediate read)- In the Hcuta. lb bill ha been laid on llie I neas, in the event of l6i1rgeT1ree lieiug poed table. Of course U will have to be revised try e. to aid in the removal of the Cherokee Jiidi- ness anil corruption, the Fresidenf fil one and the Cashier of the other were brothers in-law :"of XlrriviAViiodbu- rv Secretary of the Treasrj a cir cumstance, to which they owed Uieir electiontheir respective offices." I .pt ua sunnose. to exemplify the ruinou operation of tht sub-Treasury. ! that a hundred ihousajrid dollars are to be paid today for duties in various sums; ji merchant takes Rank notes' and pays for his bonder the Collector tiikcs the whole amount of notes and draws specie for them from the differ ent banks, which he locks up In his iron safe. Vhat Hank can bear this drain? i.nd the result is the Hank tMs discounting ano" specie payments the Hcuata, and passed aaain. in order to make at once, suppose ou pay your Bonds in 1 reasury note,, w hich are not re ilemolilo in sneriei'vou must nay in . . . . . ... y , j I 0 .1 ,1IW . m iti c ' - J' -- something fur those notes, and , what- result, as we understand il, will be, that the re it accsirtshle to the House, or to beta it again acted en by that body. The"raCliiteJIig - sW, cannot but congratulate the country Upon the reeent preceedings of I ha Senate, of which an outline appears in our columns to day. Ths debate in that body, upon the great financial topic, fur some time past, have been conducted not only with great ability, but with uncommon animation and spirit As Ibe decis ions en Ibe pending questions have approai ti ed, earuealncss and seal' increased on both aide. Lais on Famrday, Ihe voting begun. The success of Mr, Culhboil'a motion, as our readers will see, alruck out of tho bill all the eet'e-paying part ef it; and, after soma rrtlier iuclfeclual attempt at amendmei t. a section wa inserted, on motion of Mr. Webster, in place of th parts thus struck nut, making it un lawful for tlte Eawutive to discriminate be tween different branrlie of the revenue (Iks- tween land-office money, customs, Ac.) in re aped to th fund, or medium, in which debt to th Government may be paid. It the bill passes in lis present shape, the ns. Shotihl, therefore, the recent offi-r fur vol ajius wa-tsi ami a , i. 1 1 ssasaaawaasajaaas. FOK KAtf.R A hrrn 'totne mtrt hmllbif fftiVencf. I wo"!'! sll, en f.vo.sl.le leinis to ihs pur '4asS, ili -lt knn Cnemy best, ell. d Mut NT HJ.KsSA.V l'rf-rrn stoha fiota he Ci' id 'l' ih. rathe g.set V'Oihera Via. I Itiiri'l, ii.vards l'Hi-.bory, As mitrS from U ake Forest liis'iitue smt stu nt pne ad lri.n Ifotrs , ,ltr -ri nM.'irg "S Veres,' Ah.mi one bslf sf llw land is rlt-srul, snd mi'uh I a Ire.b and 1 1 saijc ri-r qsaliiyf inrllHig e line Mvs.tfi- el a hoot S5 Asres.' lhrie arc lallseringf leasee (t.oi.l half n'ilr apartj on lb Hia.eJatMMH ono .- . ol itlritalsir ulhed ir and aammo itis llonsr, wiitt evert .. J Uulhnsr the ixbsv i ('dt tmolrilsbli't rsch bs the sd vsolsge if I ue-r-drlimhifiil ir in bs yaest st I bis pi-'iirii is atsjnrg ihe moat tleairsble loss-lii-i,s io Use upperjvottairy, wbrtbsvlin somlori, hralili ir t'csmy, ai.fl prrxttieci (Inslj son., eot too, ! ortsls, soil w. jtd be so irvaltiable (. a .pii.i'ion at a hammer and Ksll retrial, fiont trie f iettmnSof f tsr-tens -eowwrjh - , A pbtiieltn srnvliHbnl.kilhe serrfyewt ajiopn. b nt snH i-l hi nrlghbinbiwd, and tbcralore an rtr!lrnt lors'im.. fur lvi spp'V - In llaleigS . . .' JOMU'H II, UUTIAV . n!ithT Ma.cli ai, 1831 ts u speak nl t'.e great derangement of the i dmnesiic exchanges. Many of the suspended houses, having made collec tions iik the South West of debts due to thetn. cannot feali.e them at IchS than a loss of eieat ly oire north of the amount collected. The debls are ctd Ucted it) current notes of Mississippi, .AibHina. tc. &c. for these'it.isTmiiosi- ble tn " get iiny thing that will pits tn New Voi k .at leas thsti 15 to SO jwr cent, nreitnum. . I his is lor wantl a U. S.'Bank. We 1itl no nuch Arou-1 bles-Jwhen that was in existence. ' I ft feet if neajr home. A Fayett- 4H merchant reeeivetl payment of a ftlet: 0 8. C. money, ("which a ;llt hafoftiep rr'J Htsuperable ot 1'ciKina,' lift IftviniEtieljiU oritrinanl r k.n surVlw was raxttttcji by A deep Jonw "targ? ,0'ij"" our "fifcnln rt',v'c'i.irt t(?Cj'ie louL aepaation utM tioti?; e- sell ft at,S percent, di the Ii. i,.,,. I lit. .. . r. .,.! 'i1l nrrscnf rife. ! and t'iicl ever yoti pay is corvetieo into specie and locked up in the iron safe, - It is evident that while by one blow it an nihilates credit and confidence, it gives the,- Despot entire possession of the whole cojntrv. even wilh alt the people against him. A. Star, The destruction of -property by the lafe firo at the Emperor's palace at St. Petersburg, is es timated at four millions and a half nf dollar. Several paintings of tbe-diyine Itaphnel were consumed, v 1 t j.;-. Gsnersl Sutherland the lewder of the Cana da pauiots, bas resumed bi old occupation of type-setting. Tbe faer Is thus slated in a tloa t'on paper: Ca;ar leA the ear of Rujmo'e impe rial triumph to welter in hpsbleyd at lh base of Pompey nillan ItonaparMi fliopiKd ihe oeptrn of dismayed EuVope,.for a grave amShf ihe rocks wf tiy Helena; and the grett. the rested General Hatberlaadliasrefi the fiebLoflsas Wrar i . i - . . ..WLin. irf.'in s 2b. I t present scsstofl nf Congress, snouju in o,plls and gonrv te ffifijn 'L'JCniinel. ha a tot,l41rl.bJnmei,t.oNlh!vi, scure printing office in Michigan. osargsJ;. .-.,rf the neat world-"" ; -,: -j.i?r 'SD" It' YELL of Jkrkattsn ia asin besrd in toHpes aslioat lh frontier Ifldiins soldtion of 1818 will be in force as to tbe re ceipt of bank notes, with a prohibition on lh Secretary of the Treasury against making any discriminating or partial order, afflicting re ceipls at one place, or in one branch o( tha rer an ue, and not in all. In the present slate of Uie'bill, therefore, it retain il vaulla.a,nil tell, ita iron ohest, Its Keceisc r (ieneral, (Scffl and disallow deposite in bsilks; but authorizes, nevertheless, the r c.ipt of bunk iiotee ia payment of due. Id the Government. -.ieaintt the bill, Tn thjhi)e, Mr. CAL HOUN poke wkh withvery grca emesw gestiiess, ileelaring that, instead of a divorce, it wss a renewal of tha ronnsttion between the Government ant! the Bonk in thsvsnost odious Worm: and that. If the bill a emended became aw,.th whole proceeding wouUJ .en.1 Irs in greatest farce eset hihiteJ te the people fiy any prty. .neajl bimsel. aerpiy morn. Bed that all their escilsmenl, and their erpemli sure of sjirt awl money, sfflva extra rsinBtr t the present scSsbifl pf tSonsrss, should thus iui nnleers not iroe soccefslul, a Dratt will te- enme necessary. Ueg. Ctttte Fear hr'aiicb. Last week werimiifedl in Ihe press of nutter, ihe statement thai Ihe Cap Fear Branch bad commenced operations in this City. We re pleaded trt learn, it the Ri-gi'ter, that it is the intention of the Uraoi-h to afford such relief to the community, in the way of hians, as msy bi compatible wilh it in terest. E. II. Wingate, Bsq, late of W ilming ton, is Cashier, and the followipg jjentlemen ronsiiliite the Directory," vii: ' Boverly Daniel, Itieliard Xmiih. Jlvrtiard Dumiv. Hrlh Jnnes. William C. Toe ker. and Psrker Rand. TiiereiArelt. u, by (-apt Chsmwr. Thw.gh, b hssheea.no appointment ot Presriinl,a yet;' u1 Gen. Daniel preside a rhairmao of theViaid. Tuesday i Uis regular D-seoiintstay, (Cj The Exports of Wilmington for lh year ending tat'Novemlier, 1837, amount to one million three hundred and Iwo thomnud dpi- lar and iaty-ais cent " rry In eur next we ball take pleasure ia at tending to the request of 'Several Subscribers,' rr The adjourned meeting of the Bank Convention will be held in NesftYork on Ihe 1 1th inst. Far the purpose of fixing ou a dss, if pracib able, lor the resumption oi specie v ment. We understand that our Bank will be"reireented. " r.riiieitit rtf ihe nieSstiret ' a '-Mm ' "In verv view w-erMte ( ll, Ihe effect of the pasMg'of tuck, a bill wilt be to create a T7i rancA Mat at Chartutte.VIn ha J the pleasure of announcing this week, that our Mint ha commenced commit there is no mis take now, for wa have both seen wt.it! bandied lh yellow boy. The appwaranee of the coin im r neaL and much resembles tba coin is sued in '1831. with the eiceplion of a tetter C under the'head to ilisimguiab the ernn ot the difterent branches. We hope all grumbler wib h aat'ufieJ wow. and indeed we era aot atir' prised at the long delay in getting ready to coin, owing to lie jeinolei of eur eiluation frdln : IROItK !KW COOKN Juat iccr lyotl !Xwrl Carc lina Uonlk Sti r. "v iW. 1 FtttjtUtvVh Sirrtl, liahVgh. 1'itkwbk Pserr. by ,8sa Walter sad Slfr.st CrsiUdl ' sub tiiusirs'hmsV ia .sm solans lJtia by llulwip, io oprnysl orieye.swttli IS Ktigrsvinjlsa Orel. t.Hetvloa aa"Ederry Ijuli - and ,tsenilewen, by the Coenfrts nf lllrstiiigtow. Vi to.1 (.righton, or a yrae in tbe toji.'ry. by Mary lloshi. The Cosk-iv.as.ee,, oKsayit.gs anil dmogs ol Ssm.wl Sti. k ol Sink villi:. Vstiderlrar, or Anne,- Mar elitm. A.etl.iys, by liapt Chamier. I honghia. If A. iiombls, ol C.rumhittos) II II, K'q It sv ,dl saw tiiuit id a piuiilisin vtairnau Tha CM rssmnstor.. by Capt. Marryatt- ' rrrieanoa, by Mm Sarah Stock wg. t;lintoa Rrwdsh, er ibo, Att.sn i wis lot a j)r. "V'ums, and xyrtheshv Vra. Jaosrson Chsrslerial.j of-VA omen, by the a me. The links of Manmnih, a .V.el. Tba Gowl Fcllo. by VmI) Kosk. Ihe hkeioaj, IfeMok nl Fabe.w. Agwr l alensgi.1.1, he T. i. Grattaa Mltriene, y Harrirf M set wean Fsalsngs en Kawwly, sothor ef I'rvin lins k. Wo, ill a Million. . Talc Iroiw the l.eransii, Irsnslaleil by Nal. (rresis. Harrv tl'lt-sdn or lllotiraitonsof tf!h Krbte.', Ae moj.b m at Is. ge, by -tlulwse. 1 he 4it,e' t, 1; tlerlirrt M mil. II, a tale ef the Kevolutio. i;,st(M, Sk.ist.ei. Chsrelss, by fc. 1. Butwee. Keclose-ol Noresy,' by Miss MotUrr. The How. Esiur4 At - -A A- few Ml wf tV ,Vller Heotl's Xovls, splendidly huuniU . A t to a ! of E L. Uni wrr'aNevefe." ' . ' A le sets ss Jswms Nols. sogetUef lih a large eoltewtsssv-sif light relt"X, 1 '" t weHtimi, all of eksch wifl be sold at rs redue ed peter. V TTRXKlt lt IIECtlESL lisWrli. Apr it . I - , ' -b. .WALKINtt CAKES sfc AVlIIPSt 'I ui n,r k Hughe baee jutt opened it sbty North Csrvlb Hnoh Stoic Clentbl SssnrU IsWUI "I W S'Sf'g .snr, ins Tfsiip,fl every OWs . acritftioa. le whieb lby iS atieniionr and sssrV. - ,.. arvi. lulaUelliia anu uie uiivuny oi getuoj y a,,,RrtVn, lit thoe wlta need such arlwlrscsav. - m . t article necessary to be DeJ jr aylng, mslt.i M,.1mwihi-siie (ban i.toeted.' Ol Ik lormssSf-j. JVr 2n jt. Ihg. refining, and coining. 8uch bemg the irp-J ilisy have, Malaga, t'enr.j, Hirhory. Steely ft. tnerf i gitruan. nedimenl te contend wii weliink, to eejoice thtit. has eofmnetiod 0 rVu.. - . - - ' "j. - We -emsrrUnd thai (lie Mint b ne itaj vn(ts a large (jiiarMity-el hiillion, anu mi dailv increased bt deaositew. from various mines in this sSiate nd Hoatii Carolina. By th r yrt of wen upon to body politt,' to absern, nnmeaM cerntUste tcdseructj in rilil1' lUsnkno and Y-tls-w and BKuk, tlullet Hede Gold and; Silver JtlonnlaiL. ak and wahssat tworlw- Amurnf vlJMar sti Sulkry, tilgt .-i ITi;pers t'rop-an.V Si.'si TVhis, . halo bstie 'S.r-nip'd, Isanhee, ilfi.Jv.rrj Ne.di..AVus plsrt, ...'s g ii ium. got monsvieo. itoy hiotiwi s t M ,AIe a ehnice eellretMs, ef Isedie ikU-.g hip,. Csll si ale. 1 tV-sii'Hle, aad vsanrlae Isar - darssivt. .' J - - V Vw Vf , ' So is " r f - w"4. .I . ' . -v - s i r V J v & ".1 w-,." aK uauaa r- mm v g - v ',.. -s a - , . ', ,.r i - .-' t 1- r." r