4 - r If v " 4 i- ;-Tr- - - v-- - 5- , ') !: ; ; j - I.; , w , f " ' 4 M POCTR1', Ater-while hia Harn rMrn4; httirr TM A lbs Uum Minwrwl'eune;.'' The Drlaf Dr. r tii unMMTiini ate. ,..,. ll must be eweet ill chiUlhowd In give bjek; Th spirit l Hi Maker, c the heart Hath grows familiar with th paths f sin," And mm Id gather ap in hitter fruiu. I knew t how. wkaoe infant eet kid trod Upon the bl.MMMn ''w seven springe. And whoa the etgbthaMo. round, tail cello" him ut To rewef iit ite light, k turned away, And eoojU hi chamber U lie down and die. Twee )ighu bo ewmnsonej kit orciutoiooJ friends, A aJ on this wis botowd bit last request: ' Mother, I'm dying now! There's 1 dor suffice Iran, on my breast, Aif earae heavy band my Vbeuut pressed. And on ay hrows I h-el th roid sweat atsud. Bay. nvrtlier.tolhie dVathf. " Mother, yoar band! Here, Uy it on my wrist, An ptae lit other thus, beneath my beef; Aud ay. im mother, aay, when I am dead, Bhtl I ha rai,aJ? . "Never heai.la ynne kia Shall kneel down al night and pray, Nor in (ha morning wake, an J ain tba Uy ' ' I on taught to ox. OhJnt f,,"r'-' "'WhenTyoai' look round" add W a a"n4 au' You wrtl a. it wait then for my c'ttiwiag tawi- Y null alas me there! , "Father, I'm going borne! To that great hem you epuko of. that hlreerd UuJ. Where tbera ia ooe Wight Magr, alway a bland, j And torture do not fom. From faintnoas and from Mia From troubles, (vara, you ear t await be Thai ek knees done not rater there, and we Bhtti gain! Br rthar, tba liula kH I aaad to call my garden, where, long bnura We're atay'd to walck I be coming, buiia aod fluwrrr Forget it not! Plant there aine boi or pine, Sometbiiif :ft Uvea in winter, and will lie A eerdant arbring to my memory, And call ll niiue. ".,- i "8iatrj the young reee-tree, That all the apring baa bean my pleaaant care, , J tut putting iurtb iu Icataa ao green and bur, . . - . I f" U lboe.. . . -And when, it reeee V'uom, I ahall be gone away iy abort course ran' Aud will vou not bestow a single oite Vpn rny loulbf "Now, mother, sing tba tuna You aiif,tat'nigbl; I'm weary, and must sleep: H'tt ww it cmllrJmj) namtf Nay , do not weep Veu'll all come uon!, toriiing tpreada aval earth her rosy wlnga, ' And that meek sunerer, culd and Ivory pale, Lay on his eoucli. alrp. ' The morning air .Cene thrnugb th open window, freighted with The fragrant odora of tbe lovely spring, lie breathed it not, Tbe laugh of pateer-by Jarred Ilka a discord in sum mournful nute, Hut worried not bis slumber. Me waa Jeadfi . . - - 7 We extract lh following frum an tvrtUU, writtru in Kjle of itir " pataing vigor and bautjr, and publish eil id the March No. of (lie "Souilieni " Literary Merngef.M The article ia entitled "The InHuence of Morale tfn ike bippinett .bTMitn, and the itibiTt ty of Social-Institut'tuni." In refer ence to the pernicioqa tendency of jLBidwjj'li.w.rMn FwVtninir, our et'unat of hit abilt. tiea 4"rohhit writing!, when we coin--pare "hat hr might have dune with " what He haa effected, we (t'A iui pelted ta inquire whefenrrtcU.tahfn ti should have been unwise'r beatnwed. Far ' belt from u to detract from the full celeetial imagery, he brrakt forth in hie "S-mg of the Start" with a wild bunt of eloquence, which thrill the heart and leads captive the understand-ing4- And in that other beautiful ex traearania. "The Soul in PurMtorr." , how eiquititely, aniVyet how faithful 'ly doea he portray the. constancy of woman's love? We have long since passed throuRh Ihe "May or youth anif bloom of iustiljood," and we begin to feel in our bosom the freezing influ- - rata of the-ne thai have fallen on . tir . heail I T when in that beautiful : fictHrft the Angela string their harpe n Heaven, ami their music ascends like a stream of oil or s to the Paviliofts iof tha Most Highwe seem to listen to the ngelic minateisy, and leel that 4lte haraof.Saralitn, sweeter than that f-his fellows, bail rirlilr earned the rt'a forlht Ion fAftl burned upon hit could atophere, or ojy' Jurn aside t breatfte. a ,fequtin 4ver tie 4ieparieu abrrit of 1he gentle Leila! But' be Bath this bed of viwlcta lurk the dead ly eerpvjifl inlhe VfP( Jf i? coil, and ia the fulaeiaof aweltering venom In a former number of thia perjtMlicll, the " irofli irulhy.of'BjiUerS mks H ably iapUyed. We nhesitatingly r pro: . n6unre the first anil thllatt ofihe no- r els f BuJwer. tliecry 'werat books lP;Mage. Io. thf ei - ,- ? -prestiife langasgeef a beaatifut writer, " - Falklanti" ajd Earnest Maltravers' t" ' -VilU; feeling f admiration for the i i i Wrtier. "God.dotfnot lovtlhal mnn. f" iThef tra the ery breathings f lirtnr-j " ttoort lewJIneeee and profliga- v cr Tb 'orT rnet Maltravera Vie ont of 4J4 deeded Jwwdry, unredeemed by one feeling' of remorse, ne touch of pity, on the part ot the perpetrator of the most abominable and disgusting rtebaurheryl m ft is imposti1 tele to anfold the dirk abominations of this work ia all their repulsive enormi- ty. with dee regard tt the delicacy of uiose whose eyes will fan n port these pages, but 'whose glance, we fondly trust, will never be thrown upon the dark-history-of (be wrngf poor Al ice: Drval. tne motherless, the orphan ed victim of the chilly profligacy of Aiai travers. we have no language to express our reprobation ef this outrage epiin public moral and public deten s. There is not In be found in Eng lish literature a more immoral and dii zuatinr scene than is exhibited ioT the lirst fifty nazes' of the first volume of this woik. In the third chapter of the second Uxk Tlhi same volume there is a sketch of maturer and ano.e fash ionable crime. " Bulwer'i heart is cor rupt in Its innermost recesses, and he pretends not to greater virtue for him self than he betwt upon Maltraver. For, notwithstanding the gentle pro testation, in the introduction to this sham ful work, it is apparent that Earnest Maltraver is bound up in the self-love of ibeluthiir, and that, by a pitiful imitation of Byron's worst vani ty, there is a faint shadowing forth of Edward Lytton Bnlwerin the reckless ana icy profligacy of Maltraver What a frightful audit a a aits these en emirs l toe soul of the children of men! If we could be persuaded that 'he gross immorality of Bulwei wa ?EL'Ie" Ji'.te5.tejL ..?f..,d?.ireu by the jouin ni war rounirv, we wouiu tie- pair of the Republic,.!1 The writer thus eloquently advert to the RepuUsw to the great hope's that roneentre in the rising generation We live in an age of experiments as a free people we are ourselves an esperiment. Our excellent institutions eere i be no long-r regarded as re pubrican setltemeot, but ir nurserie of fature revulutioo. In the brief pe riod of sixty years Irom the founds tion of our eoternment, whila our no litical estaWishmenl are yet in llieir :..t . nancy, reueeung men nave been a mazed at the alarming and gigantic stride of a youthful neoole in the oath of precocious corruption. " The frame work of our institutions the sancity of contracts public faith and public credit the arm ot government shrink and wither before thebi eathiiig r tbt turbulent spirit, like the sinew of Ja cob's thigh beneath the touch of the wrestling angel. We repeat, that th last hope of the Republic is in the mo rals, the intelligence, the virtue of the rising generation. If they will impress deeply upon their youthful minds the stern truth, that the prosperity of a nation corresponds with, tba rUy of its moral) if they will accustom them-tv, selves to reflect that our eiceUent in- stitutions have "been borrowed from the rollfcted wisdom of successive ge, that they have descended to them Irom a long line uf illustrious ancestry a a iicrle heritajtei to be transmit ted unimpaired to their posterity; if they will steadily devote all the ener gies of their mitids to rebuke (hat sti- rit of inirovation, vvhicli, leaving ait the' ancient litmlmarks lar bilntid, would plunge at once, without skill or experience, into the turbid and tem pestuous water of revolution if they will look upon onr frame of govern ment as a kind of "family settlement, combining, the interests of , the state with the charities of social life, the af fection ot the heart, and with the sanctity of ''t1ieirearlhe''ntelraepu)-' chres, and th- ir altars;'' then may we confidently hope that the Eagle upoe our banner, vh6 has careered over ao many field of victory, and whoce gate hi oeen gladdened Vv the aTare that have been lit up arodiid him, beaming with the mild lustre of freedom, will never behwld one dais: spot in the broad blaze of glory in which he float, but bear then onward forever, the ever-burning type and emblem of that Union, which none but ourselve can put asunder!" CITV TAXES. Notice ft hereby given, that I shall attend at he Court Ho, on Satuiriay, the Slat instant ! from 10 o'clock in (he forenoon, to i o'clock hi the eliemooa, toe the purpose of taking tbe City 1'aa List Inr the earrent year. Persons buluig to give in their Property for tasation, imihe dsy'spesified, are liable to a fine of Too Itoliorf A kt free males, who bave residevl jrlihm tbe City b three months previous to ibe time of Vising m ihe annual Taa List, are subject to Poll Tax. . VV VI. C. O. CARINGTOX, hhTt. tUt. ih. March 83,1M . U tf AGEXCY AT KALEIGII. In 117. Ihe omeors of both the Hanks in this place rlixline b. to Interfere with tbe duties ef their ofliee vben Iher acted aa agents for their customers, reo,aealed - me- to advertise jhat I would do that baiinrss Since then.. I have been in the pi-aciwo of offering notes for disannul ami reneoat, aud making remHsneea, ka. witbuut the Occurence m one aeaineutl . Wetwi-aeSOernie fnsseuias under 1400. From that ia xjo, tec 1 X)i and lor all (nrger sums ft SO. tor eslra let wra tu aenla each Urlievmg that I Have given general satiifaclion to my rmpla)ers, I resiectlully ssfc a aoiiou- anoe of tlivia tsvoe, and the eountenaneo of ailirrs, oha may have occasion ror the like ser vmc, I also do other gcuet ai eommiseiua busi ness. - - HILL, PECK. Rslrlth. Msrah 40, t1. 14 llflCTOR'niDLKV ItaseMabtisbeir himself in Rlelth and w'ilt Srtwd Mfdiret eid tavlhote who mav feed etispo. anl t patron iae hint, , His office is in tbe rear Ot the ApotlKara lltare of Mes.cs. Vm. M. Ma Sna at Co. where we wuw be see wbe ao mhI tsaarHy abarnl. rttafntlaue oa Ihe poor grata, January ftys'aWL ' .- , J rZT yi' JOBePRINl'lNOcV Neafl nd exuewltiOusljiecBtfpA j-irnonANTS- ' - . HATS, .. . 'Tbe aabaeribef bavNtg taken the store forsjer y ocenpred by C. Heedersoa as wbole4e Hot endCep War Uoass, Nxaodi keeping aleaysoo kaad a full and aoplr ""rt-acrrt at . .Ilala, Caps, Palm JLeaf aiu4 7 Wesl Hat, f, Wkish be offers to Jm publia om Ik most as eemodatwg terms. . JOHJt WOODHOUSE. Syaemor 5t- Fetenbsrg, Va. U raoifs. pence n. niciitjebx Hespeotrallr informs tbe ettrsews of Raleigh sad its viemitf , that be wilt open a Daaclns; Scbl iej this pise at an early period, (vitbm toe ereka.) tie baa braeght VMb bim an sesom- stithed Mastcam. ano IS prepared to teacb dsn- sing m its moot raodeea aad taabiowable tijle, sorb as Faoay Psnsas, Cotilliowa, Country llsa- y..UUmy, rsta - dsaro, Fiaarro, sis, ale. He hopes, by assiduoos attewUoa to kit prates inn, the anaoawrs and deportmeM at kla pupils, 10 ebisni a share of publia pat renege. ' N. D. Tba. rnnra bars the School will be kept, and the owy ot eommaeeemaat. sbsll be saooaneed ia this paper seres Her. March fti, U JS litt Carthetmrsire, Calnia tilaaa. TJ10MAS J. nARROfrj imptrfr, sJ'' No. 35 Xstsie trasrr, Kiw Test, Offers tor sate a aomplaie Assortascot in tbe above line, comprising msny scry ehowe pet isms ' repacked la order lor eoontry trade, or ia ike origHxl package. Orders kj- teUer aill re cew eery all em ton. New York, Jan. 9. IS.1t 10 China, Glasm rartben X Stone - Wanv - LUXtfSPORD EATOU, BCMXtNGBROOK aTRT.. PKVKKBL'RGi liKporters and !)ers in Chwa, Glau, and Raribea Ware, arc daily eipectiog a large sod ksndsnme supply of the shoVe, wfweb, added to I heir present slock, wall make their aseortmea very eileweise and splendid. They Invite all to call anil rsamino their STOCK It PKICIUi. Uounlry MerchaMa would do well to aall and look for themselves before going North or pur- cnssing eivea,ert as are are Oeterminen to sell sar fioedt on aa reasonable teems at I Key aa be aan m Mis or aay at toe Northern Markets. March 17,1. " I S it NOTICE. -A Ball aad Party Will bo held at J. Wood's Hotel, in xrais korg, on Tuesday and Weduesday the 3rd and 4th of April aeiu The mosie will be furoiihcd ay riai.s, jotinson eah his nana, tioisborg, March I, l3. bianitard and Urgltlcr Insert Iviea. NOTICE. The subscriber, late of Prteraborg, Va:, hiv. Hie associated with him John T. William,, for toe iraosacnvtg oi ine Hat ntit Cap Itu'lnesa, tn sll its branches. In tha Cky of Philsdelphis, un.ler die Srm of tiEjYUEHSO.Y U WIL I.l.iMS, would respectlolly solicit a aa1 from Merchants visiting the Northern Cities lor the purHse of purchasing goods, and from bit Iriends generally. f'mmpt atteniinn will tw raid all order di rected, to the firm. ' " CH A ni.K3 HENDERSON. ' ' HENIe:KMi K, WILLIAMS. Wholesale Hat, Cap and Wool Hot Ware house. cl1 "fh8:11138 No. 113 South Ui street, Philadelphia. U 3 State of North Carolina, . F R . fc E LI C OC NTT, Court Equity, Full Torn, 1837. Uriginsl Hill. The bill of complaint nf Thomas Dunn, of the eoiinty ol Weakley, and State nf I'ertnessec, Na thaniel Dunn of the county ol Franklin aforesaid, and Mary Cooper ol Ihe same aounty, eooiplaiu sdis .'It'ttinst . James Broom 4 hwite Nsnev. of tbecoun t of Halilai. and State of North Carolina, trsv Uiinn, of the county ol IJmestoon, and Stale of Alabama, John IMun, 01 the county ol Weakley and Stale of Tennessee, Elias lk-loach. of 'be counts of Holmes and Hiate of Mississippi, Ann Meruit and William Merrill, infanta, waiter the age al twenty-one years, of the county of Todd aud State ol Kentucky, Hardy W. Tharp, aiK mlnialrator ol Wa. Ihina, dre'd. and Anns Dunn, of ihe county of rrauklta aforesaid, de wndaa's. - ti sppesring 14 the satiraetioo oi the Ceert, lhat Gray Ibana, John Ihinn, Kliaa F. Ileloach, Ann Merrill and Wm. Mvrritt, fivw of th dc- leausnis m the auute causa, are not tnhsbHsnls nl this State; it is tberelwre ordered by the court, last puoiicaims) oe mada lor lour aaccessive weeks m the Siar and North Carolina Uaiella. prmtsd. Snd pubttshed m the tny of RelcVClhsf f the said (iray Dunn, John Dunn; Rim beloaab, ann .Merrill ana v m. ,larrt, be and appear at the neat term ef thia court, to ba held fur tha W.T al Pnnklia. at the covrt-bense in Lpsis- uurg on the aewond Monday alter the fourth Monday k March nest, then and liter to plead, smwer'or demur to aaid bill of complaint; other wwa tbe same wHI be taken aa eoNfeserd, and nram ci parte a te Uiem, and decree aude to- aorduiely. WMncaa, Samwel Johnson, Clerk and Master of eur said Cnwrl ot Kquiiy, fur the county nf Franklin, at office, the seenad Monday after the lounti Mouday In September. A. U IS.1T. SAVtUKL JOHNSON, C. M R. March S, 181. jjfc Ualeigb aad Uasloa lcall Itoael Cemunay, Sabserlnl lone for Ibe residua or ih. r!.nb.l 9inek of thia Company will be received at K teinn, Laisourg, Marreaion, Oiford and Petersborg, under Ihe direction of the tame Commissioner a herctolore, anltl tbe 1st day of April neat. By ordea of the Board of Directors. . r.;EO, W- WKDtCAl, Preat. Raleigh, Feb. ti, ISJ. g j. ltalelgta Clasnlcal BchaaU The andersigaed has opened hia fiehnol In this City, at the house owned by Dr. Ilavseod, situated nearly opposite Mr. (iuion's. Together wth Ihe ordinary English brsnahes, will be taught the Languages and Mathematics, and the Pupils pre par. d te enter Ihe advaneed t;iaases ad the Jniversii) of this Slate, or any of lira American Uoitrgrt; . From former es per a ate and success In Teacbmg. it is trvste- that mtisfaetion.willbe (ivea to those who patropuc ihe School. The aumber ol pupUs bill be limited. , T.SB1VI8, ' -. For Session r five nontbs. Spelliugt Reading and Writing, m -w f 00 Aiahmr w, fieography nd Lrammar, i, fjg History, Natural Phdosophy, Kbeioric. . Geometry and Algebra.. - ' 154 tUneuaeea, ' - . - "ll ial . - 07 tsfe pnpil will also, be charged Fifty Cettts per Seaaiosa) lor ssitmgenciea. A OTIS, .. Balelgh, Feb. so, is.is. rialt SALE " ' , J?atf of isrell bmtt Cirriage Iforsea, I .t .t..U St. -1.1. wo Yr - - ssaurisis. ossi.iw - si ll ...... t, --.. , ... v TO rf-Vrr-t CtO : Paaliaherav JlkeMerai l" uwnere, . Keep a geaeras asaveiaseot of oobvn various dxpartasents ot Ijaerature, Saienee, sail 1 neology, alsa btationarytn all ns sarsrtica, all ef vkkt i hey oill aril at wholemte orrxeit, on the moat liberal terms. Tbet have an eitensive eolleotioo of the moat aprrraved edhimsof school books. Amoog them are Way land's Prdnie'.r ussMj, M aaown rrpoiainw, wcn-'j ased as a trxt book in nil the prmrtpal CoHeges Way land's Political toonoany, abridged for the waa of sthonlsia very eatoablc work. Wsylsrol's Klementa of Moral, bcienee. T ne atteritior ot the publia la moat .respectfully ealled to Ihie ve ry caiosble oork. Alao, Wat land's f.lements of Moral baieoae abridged, and adapted Ine the use of common schools and ecaib-inire. We hail the abralament as admirably adapted id supfly tha derieiency which has long been left m com mon school education the study nf moral otilf gMKMt. . lar aa mm bate bean able to riimmt the two works, we must my that we are quite at well pleased with tbe smaller as with the larger; tbe Uluatrat ions are apt and striking, Abererom bie pn Inlelleetukl Powers. Why is such s book not m every fsmily and sehonl ( - Psley's Tbenl- pge, new edit mm, enlarged, wan tony plates, and additional notes of Dr. llaaier and oilier. The J.,, Book f Nt Tbeol-TT. or the Tesrimo- nf of Nature to tha Beinr, Perfration. and (iov- ernment of God, by' H. Fergus. The Voong Ladies Class Jlooki a selerlinn of rm for reading, hi prase and verse, by bbenrser Hsilry, X. M. Peter Parley 'a Common School History, bellithed wnn engrasmrs, a new workt also. a great tsriety of small valuable works, by Peter Parley, eontamiog histories, travels, vnarrs. Uvea, St, for Juvenile readers. Wake's Natu ral I'hiloaophT, new edition, enlarged. UUke's first book in Astronomy,-designed lor the use of ay P'""- mt. XZ? "a Ajr'?' lholftav.br Lhss K Dillowav. A. St . illurfm. led by elrgsnt engravines. The Am-riran Kv poaitor, or L.tellealual Definer, designed for the use el schools, by KutasCloggetl. The arrange ments are good and Ihe definitions clear and con cise Says Political F.eonomr. Hrown's Phil osophy, 'abridged, for priiLery schools. Slew, srd's Philosophy of the Mind, Bu)'t and tiirls Library, Harper's Family Librry, .here there is more vsluabte reading than can he foired in any other works for the enst. Classiral Library where there may be found'neSrtf atl Oilier sieal trantlstinn. Chi istisn Library, Miss K4, worth's Novels complete Mrs. Opie's Worts complete. Mrs. Sherwood's complete works. A lew lull sets oT the Ameriesn Almsnse snd Keposilnry o Useful Knowledge, complete in 9 sols, well bound i slso, some odd numbers; snd for the year 13, enmph-te sets of the Penny Msgasine, oi the Society for the diffusion of use ful knowledge; with a very large and miled col lection ol Hooks, consisting of Law, Medical, Hiatnrioal, Theological, ana miscellaneous, trav. els, voyages, novels, etc., all kind of Srhool I Books, too tedious to mealion. Itlank llnoktal Sll kinds, also Blank Hooks mane loonier at the thortest notice, also architectural and carpen ter's guides. Old Books rtbonnii in all varieties All kinds el Books and Stationary Inr sale it the North Carolina Book Store at very t educed prices. TAKEN UP, And eemmHieil, at a runaway lave, to Ihe jid in Itockingham, R chrnoi.id eounly, N. C am-gro bny, ealling himself CKOItfiR L0CKL1KK, and claiming In be free says lie ass raised in Brunswick enonty does not know whst State, nor Im ever heard or any town eieept Portsmouth aniTNor folk. Ha is s well built boy, dark completion; about 4 feet T or ioabes high, and supposed to be about I i years bid. The owner ia requested to enme forward and lake bim away, or he will ba dealt with si the law directs. Any information about the boy, if hi is free, would be thankfully muWad. - O. It. sr.DHF.HHY, Jailor. Rockingham, N. C. Jan 31, prioe first in. $1 r 7 tl TIIEOXFOICO I NHf FOItSALE. The Tavern House and I Alt laiely occupied by Col. James Nuitall, the subscriber is outho rised lo sell on moderate terms. A aredit ol one ana two years may be bad for ' a gi-eaier part nl the purchase money. This property ia now in gnod repair, well painted, and it an eligiblesHualion for a tavern A well regulated bouse in Oxford is certain tn meet with encouragement The lourivhing state ol tbe academies, six courts being held, the rices, snd Oxford being s place of re soft of ma ny. ju tba summer months, highly recommend this property to those disposed to keep a house of entertsinment. ' Application, made '(trough the mail or other wise, will be attended to. Possession msj be hsd at any time. ' H L R0B.IRDS. Oxford, N. C Fab. 10. 1831 8 1 ll Hrgider and Standard till lorbid. or Salisbury and Aforzanlon Tba Stage from Fayatteville, lor Salisbury are now m operation. They leave Fareiteville I on the warnings pi Monday and Friday, at five im p.. o.n.uurj im iuc evenrngt el the nextdwV s, tn tea. Keturning, Iher leave Maliabury an the same mornings at 4 o'clock, snd strive at Fayetleville on I lie evenings of ihe acit days. Passengers rest nine bonrs al nieht, at Allen's in Moore county. Fare ft aO. These Stages connect with my line from Salitbury lo Morganton. Thia route affords great facildie, for merehaott io Uie interior, to visit Fareiteville for Ihe purchase of their good,, exchange of moneys, purchase ot Drafts, ke. ka., ash is the cheapest, most expeditious, and most direct mute between the two places At K.teltetille Stage lines leave averv day for the North aad South. A. CMIMICHAF.L, Proprietor, J. UROWN, (Lal.jett. Hotel) Agent, A,C.CURBT.Agen,C.e:,e,i',e' T. HAT.UB. Agent. Salisbury, T. M. YOUXU, Agent, Statetvill K C. PK ARSON, a..-. t '..'.. January St. IMS VsT' 5 Hew aIcdT-"" Runaway firom the Subscriber, on ihe 4h January, 3t , negro man named ALFRED, lormei ly Ore property of Chariet A. Hill, deeeaaed. He it no rioukt in the neighborhood aliere ihe said Hill formerly lived The above re ward of Tweniy-five d-llan will be given to any person who will deliver the taid any Alfred tome at my residence, six miles west nf Loutsburg, or aouiiao him in LouitliurgJ.il so that I get him again. , (O 1 would give a description of I he boy kwtl have not had hrq s sufficient lengih id time to observe or recollect any particular marks. - tK , WM. H. SLKIHjE. . rranklm err., a,, tj. Feb. , r38 tf . w mii i rii .n. . ' - " mmmam . CIHa,l ad hia nffiaa to tbaSAf tMm Suite4ne f 'm t L nllat'a UMM a.kM 1. . t .i Sleep! wben-neeessariry absent. ' - . " wmmj mm hum. Raleigh, No KW 45 QLOODED HOUSES Tor SALE. - Tba Editor of th Star wilt eelLanwaaonn. bl firatn. a Una blooded "WARE, bv Mmune ir iutiwrn. Alao, an vttcelleM HORSE COLT frorir her, sow about 8 months old. ! Mur- 4oelj a nebla sea of Bir Charlse, 1N'8 mi stake omeviooe.' :; .w - .paloigb. Feb, 86, tS8 " a.-.-. - . DOCTOR W. W. SAntltAWI Oiatmeat far la Illind Pilra. The publia sre assured that I luye. had this vemedy in ass) far lis year, during which ti nc it has. In numerous eases, been subjected tn lite test dciprrhweat, and, in many inViifW r.'finfKe mnst SKgravated birms of this divrsws, snrfsl aafS nh pert rat success--aiO htstaneeol lailorc bating eer Some la knowleilga. , I he component warts of this remedy sre pnre- ty vegetable warranted to aoniain no -mineral suhstMwe whatever. No particular sure as to esKare is beeesMry. It may be nsed nilhoul inierrupling wrdiHsry pormiis. It aantes no psm, but ha-a anarhing eftfft .on the diseased part, and in a short lime eflests a perfect ciirr li it not enrreilv known lhat Ihe Piles are nOea ihewanae nf that dreadful disesst PlsTna. In mast instances in which I lisve been called in practice on this disease, I have Iraerd it owe,i nalljr it the Piles; hence, thoae sulft-rin( li-om lhea should lose no lime m seeking lb moil eRiewiit remedies. Price $d 00 per Hoi. . W VV MKSH.U,r HicHmimit, Va. N. H umeroas referenres can be given The certificate of the Rev W ilium A Somh, id the Melhnditt R. Church, alone is iiihmitled, ilh the remark, that like lestimnnial, ktve been olrlKioeil from nnrneroni other intelligent und re tprcislile individuals; among whom are Messrs. J VV Winfree, Thorns, Hart, Jsmei C Crane, rehitald 1 hnmas, Cnrnelios Crew, Kt-kitl Ds, Jsmc Csskie, A French;. " Thit is to rertify thst I have had a fnir onpor tonity M know both Ihe nature aud eAVeis ul l)r Marthsll's remedy for the Blind Pil. a, and thinl h a doty I o,to ihne who an ftVtr viih this distressing disease to sy, ihl it iray he enn fiH tally relied on it s safe, Sgreeable and rflWiu remedy for ibe form of disease for which the proprietor reaommeads it. - It has been rsten- .ively used in Ihe circle of my ncqMainla.e " "'" "" 'J " ..... ..... . ... .. anu l-die. WILLIAM A SMI I II. F.itilor of the Virginia and North CaiuKni Conterenee Journal. Hichifuind, V s. Oel. St, 13 7 tf C7 The aflicted will do well to call and obtain this invaluable reined, sold by R. TUCKER, Ajjent, at Ins Store on Fayetteville Street, Rtleiglu ia Oa C7 DiRtcTfON accotnpar t "eacTi bon. - - "7 77ie ctltbraltd English Lm t llntue FLEXIBLE, (Rred by tha Esrl of Kgremont) by Whale bene, dam Themis by Sorcerer, purchateil oi the F.arl of P.gremont for the King nf Pruttia; her da'ni Tlahha by Rohahna," Ifuiiiiiiiug" ITiiiV (titter to Camarina, Colibrie and young t aiuilla the dam nf Mandaae snd Allegrelia) hv V mid pecker, Camilla by Trenlham, Coquette by ihe Compton Barbi sitter I Hrgulus by the f.oilol phin Arabian. Whalebone, the sire ef Flexible, is brother ir Whisker, Woful, and VV ;b, by VV a) lar, Penelope by Trumpeter, Prunella hy llii.l.fiytr, Promise by Snap, Spectator's dam hy Hk. iiht In Flexible ia thus united the but blued ' Matchem, Hi rod and Kclipe. ' KLKXIBLE wan nine raect when three ; esri aid (including t eup nf 4 mitri) and hut bin ten Lnngwaiirt, Dr. Fauttus, Arachra, (ieuer! Ml ua,&ignnrina, Whitlinginn, Oswtl'tiy, . Liizbo rongh; Musame, eta. Fleillje stood in K-ng lunilat eleven tovereigi.s '(equal to 55 ditlluri ) He it full 11 hands J Inches high, villi gieai motciiljr pnworsiand for Hire prOioiilont is e qHxIleil by few. He Is one ot the best tout nl Vt hill, bone, rieioeniled from the two b it Ara bians, without an onfathinnable cross. His tied; bcxlom. n4 tempws la equal la any horse ol hi. day. He is now at his ttaulrs. The sriison will commence the l,i h day nf February, or earlier, il required. For Ibe parlieulars of' hit run'. it ond lhat of hi colls in P.ngland. see hand bills; also his terms, which shall he liberal. F.DW. II i:aiitfii ilton, t iranville eo. N. C. January IS, im. 5 tf M M b. BSC2 1'1'n. great popularity and rstahliih'sid drmund for t hit valuable medicine, renders th. anniiii uatinnofa lengthy advertisement unneccttary Nuinernut testimonials el their value fl.irli re. eetved) from gentlemen of the highest re.ieata Dilily, in aiKlitma 10 those accompanying each koi. may be seen nn application lo anv nl ihi agents. The pills are put up n s tUrri7r title, in tin" boxes containing 40 pills, with lull aWe linnt. Price $0 cents per box. To agents nr ui chater the terms of enmnustion ami il .count sic liberal. All eoiiimuiiicationi wjll be piuniiit. Ij tlici.rl. il tn, by ,. - THOMAS L. J CM P. Hen'l' Am CT 'mce, Morgan St, Hah igh, 1,1 dourecst of Ibe Prtt)trrun Chuicli. TO PAIIESTS A OrAIstol iSs. The subnrHier having lately giteo toticc lltai he had again Inken the Ilillsoro Female Srinlna r under bis immediate intlruciinn and simi.iI deemt it due to Ihe public now tu aisle, that since the (Lite of that adtenivui nt, he h it de termined lo remove from ridltlHinuigh. am" that hit eonavxi m with this Institution is conai uuenl ldiisalved. -He irntts, however, that his separation from this achiml will hot injurious.) aft', el ill inlet eats. Hie Ladies in whose charge it remain, are well knnwn and approved Inatruotrtsses. Their past diligence and success sfford the aut cit pledge for the eontcientioui discharge of their tuiui c I bon No better evidence can be riven of the aorri and eiilical mode of inilrueiion pursued in thit institution than the well-known fact tl.t its pu pils are eagerly sought after, and htghly approv d as Instruetrctset in other schools, ll hat ever been a leading principle with the teachers to give io their pu;iilt so nntier-tamUtig knowledge ol what they sre taught-to propiM-tinn the studies to their respeatite capacities to etalili.b-a ha. hit ol close and correct thinking lo illustrate as lar as poitilile, each lesson by example k et ueWment, and to give to the whole system of iu stnictHin a practical character. At lb request of tbe Teachers Ibe lollswuig ilatemeni nl terms ka. is here added: Literary branches, 1st Class, I7 00' " Snd It 3d do 15 00 4th do ' I JO Initraatioa on PianokCuiar(rach) VS 00 Ih-swingk Painting, 10 00 Oinamrntal Needle- V-. work, (Mutlin) 3 00 . .Do -(Crnwel) S l m a " a 2, t. K I ..... , , . mi Utaoniio MUsICk PAINJINH are given bv a competent and Siproed Iiiaf. tieiress. "I he FRENCH LANfiL'AI.K is taught by s iraiite of France-. gentleman every way qualified. Hoard may be bail hi respectable taniilles, at nine or len dollars bar month. A lew wnarilna ill -ba rweerved, on early awpliuiioa, iai the auiiiy im ma. pciucipairnsvi uciress. . . ' t- J WM; . VJ. GIIEEV. Hilltbormrgb March 8, 1I3, 3t T The abacritr wo4Jd take gt-d '"f two apprentice to the I niliirtngjtiiainesa. ly from 14 to 18 years, tiny s rrvsw the eui would be preferred. . ' . AI.KV CA M rwf.l I. -aaaxEI a aSa HLiM. 1. 4.. . i M J--; -.s4tjeV UX Ralrtwh, Jasmarj ( (gas. 3 f ; nrvisED iTAtiTfaT Thasubwnhers, bavin. aootri.iL7" . Cnmmiisuiners of Ik State for thr! ? ," tw'fhe Kevised Siatutea ef North tlff. ine piesir, ot annMneing the eow-Z? aai'l wm k. . " - rHa ' Wring appelntrri by the f!-tnw,r lha n.rt At the Klala h. at. . .. 'r'Sti . to the good eiliaeus of North CaridbT? 1 which, a, reiar.lt aualiiv nl t I lion, is not rouallrd by no law book . litbed m this emmtry. Il'ha, Si by every one who has examined (,vTM those are numbered many ol the eilefl,ie bonk nnl.li.h...-. la . a to be the le plus ultia" df t.. " Publi.h.,1 in ..dumea-ihTY?7r7 ' in fages ine xn frice only alaZ per copy or five dollars for iT"88! four Inr the seannd if aM.t . , , Skf derk for Ihe above work. direcid . i.".- No, th. Carolina Book Store, will - nronipt attenticn. ja. - a Jtaleigh. N. C January 4, mT" LG ' 1 .--aa - , Town Lou for SaieT" Will be sold at public sale nu Prida, n-it hy ut April next, it being the wwk.rf' Court, lorry or fifty nlraprnvrd lwi town of Yancey vide, on a wredit nwu day of December nest. These lutt b,rbl!l; been laid nut, and are beautilally .sitasLT ther lor prjvate retidrnees or nierkanisal 1 nrss and are so laid olT aa lo suit the anew ence of 4iersnns with ine toaetile mmaiatll' The lands on which these lots are situate X latrlyeowe into the possession ef the sail!!? hrr.'and the anxiety on Ihe frivf tnT snAs to Inaate in Yaneeyvtlle, bav faulawd in alrnrd an opportunity to all person al setting themselves of a situation in mott healthy and fl.wrlthing villages ia V k (;rnlin, and one to, which presetii, m'nwli atlvantaget aa anv oilier-having ihe advaeiS ji-a-first rate Male and retail,. las a Ased, gofd ioeiuty, snd a wealthy neighbni homt, i'Jl vms drsirmis of local ing themarlvcs to aan luge -would do well to attend the sale. JTi anil good security ill be required ut'fht ta chasri s. Further pan iculars made knowiT the day of sale. .. M -. . a - tat3 of Arth Carolina, Chatham Countr. Cjvrt of Pleat aad Quarter Sett'wru. '..I.' '.. . r. , i tut unrif j erm 1 ; Petition for tale nf ntgrott. Wm. Hailey.fof John) Simon lUlley.Jnaa Martin and aile Peggy, VV m. Hatlry, H )J VV dt-y 1 1 m ley, 1 1 atl on Haiht, Cui4 0i(i ami wde Glixubeth, Hrsekiah Hcrruig ts sZ VI illy, Jolin Shaw and Nancy hia wrie, TaWaj llailey, Shuw and hit aile Patsrv, Mann Allmun and wile Polly, fiiiillord Hnlli J, )m llatleTjp "Pfilt Tf allrr," Ahderton l.ihcli mm) i. RliaalKth, John Hatley, VV m Hat(ry (4 Astarl Zilpha Hat Ivy, Itedditig Pearson and aile Mkli t'ynihia llilli), Kichard Pelkii.gti.n and sai It. becca, Jnhn Pilkington and wile Tempcfiaic, .Iguimt. R c.l 1 1 ine Hatley and liriiinri llsllcv. E.A J Wm HniIcv deceased, Shei woml ll-tky, JUs j naui-y, ninny nancy, riward Mailry, iilak Hntliy, CluilctOutn.il and w fe Maiifia, Uk. len Luper snd wile Nancy, Alatn Hatley, Jtt, Itijan aad aile Polly, Kliaalirih daiighter a Jacob li alley, William Hatley, Stanford Haiht, L'n.ih Hatley, Jackson llatlrr, Jmnri II f!rai snd wile Naaey, Mark Hatley, Slri.ti.a Moaif, Siaiks Moore, Thomntcart and KUxabitkha wile, and Iti-dding Hallowell and wife J ias.. . It appearing to the asiitlHetinn nf tl soar) i hull lie defrndann (except Ihe F.xrt )rctlli,a. residents of this State, it ia nrilered that tublea. lion be inaile in the Star paper puhliihra la iW Ciiy nf Ualeighi for the tpaee nf til etkt,il the pendeney ol this petition, that tba laid n IV-nriautt may appear at th next term of la court to he held on the 3d Monday nf VIsy nr,l and plead, antweror demur, olli,rr aah) pK liii .n aill he.iaki-n pro cml. tto at io ibcnaW set down to be heard es parte. N. A r S t'tDM AN, C. C.CT Pnee ailv (t 40 lift, FESTIVAL. THIS ff.VE UHED RACE 1101 St VV ill to ve iht-nghoiif the j ear at kit oaan ilile in Ji. hi. ilon couniv. ti, mil.. Snmhtirld, 85 mile somh east nl Ial iab,ss4 l milet aorili east ol Fiyelletille, at theaaiS- rt price t t fHH t V HoHm s ifle arasos, afl? emu in n, a groom. Ihe inline wii iieim oi, lliv 1st of ol Aiiffutt. March am' and lbs If FES TIVAL hat now the produce oi ins I" " toot, widely tori sil ihrough tbe SNOw em and cm in Slates, those of llw first uticr bring mniilv in Virgiuia, and in "pieeiiiet iliMiiiciioii and iitefuluett chances lieanr i .tiat) ihry aie not excelled ky the gel nl tun anas in Aiuerica. Such ctjdeneri, in adiliiinn to hi, blood, W pei loriiimiees, hum one to Inur mile neslt iri Tot f hjitiVi and moderate ti-rnit, bis kuu4. aill coniinHe the liberal patronage he haaO, ready rrcrited. Extentite aiidsud.blcprraww tiout air made to board niares at Si cidl set day, with no liabMity lor escapes or aeeidcaU. Fetlisrr; In hrlor. FESTIVAL was aired hv A n.ai lean ErUpas hn dam hy Tiinnleon, grand dam by Yaaaf I up, g g dam by Umpire, g g g darn kj tvrej Dmmvd, nil lam hv VV lid At. ba. kr Us "pnrte ' t at u.imht Young " "'u i . ty" iiiortei ' i up, s uj oveun, anil tic bi r.nglith Mitpw I oung Top'ivlam by hlarske, he by imn Shaik not uf imported V iiaKn L'm;ire by ka poncd hh.ik, .ut of a Cub Mate. I hus aJ blond might be extended Slmoal Miilcfiukcly, M eveiy hotly know i that auoettort duqbte it rnf reainit. 1 bosc cmiverHiil in the annals r.f blood, a 91 readily pteceive, lhat bcttar niatciiali cannot, thia da) , be Im milled lor a choke ilo k, llaa courses in ihe wins id this brauiihil animal -la a aondtavt il view, be staudnahui relstrd tbe heat blood that ever graced the English tut!, t is: ih in immediate descent, in I wo eellateisl I"", from rlie gieai jEngli.h Fv'iiea. -till uiih ih dam f Timolron by baltraut bt b) Eclipse thrnngl, the grand dam of Americas Eslip b) I'stfltus, he by Knghth Eilipar And. mil) one remove Jim her, trim Ibe saw aocrtlry is another line, ix; ' lhnoU,b Jatclav Pup and Young Tnp. Then rail m Ibe pnwerlul rturle h om the hini nfold tatporleJ Shark, hall brother lo Enrlith Eclipse, I bfk Umpire, aad rb dam of Yuui.g Tup. But tb 'stream is still niOi-e impulsed by lb rkh sad choice .tenVry SfniM, courting Irom eh psr fouiiiainet (irey Diuaicd, by imported Medky, and Amanila, Ihe dun. of Duroe. , W tin could desire belter mater'atN f Bona.Vrua, Julmtton co , N. C. - reb 13. I SX , J tt" UaJelsb dt i oluaibla KailM' Comaauy. . ' The Books of subseripTioa lor the capital strrk oflhis connint. mm mtm M.ni.Ml .1 RidrSki Haywood, Pitt taoroiieh, Csrihage, Kockingb and Fayeiteville, umlcr the suMrriatent'raee rhe Siime.aommissioners as heretofore, sad i anhtmu open nrnd the first day ft Apr il ' lly order ol she enrarissioaTS aCKaleiik, Ralegh, PebUlf. 3;. aV J , A ipro fuco Van Buren Sub-Tre ur7. Coliectd . hb-woniled a.few JliJ$, a'tice Irom rh-towa o Fajette Sewt. Co..irthi -Slate, carrj'mg iih ti SM500 pC lie bublic. loooer.'.A.,,' p ' A lellow olr;4 feej ftvt T)t under "his had,vfiuding -it h Jufled it yith feathers, atxl. t 17 l ..... ir. - n. at will confidence of soilness, " e ' 'V - Jt -- - - T .- 0 r t .: m. ' ' . a , - -yr .

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