jJ in- "7,-, ef all, t w -"J" b " . I- tL-omt. iIm Chowan. Roanoke, ,, , bosom traversed rJ etner o4" in.. 6 -hte. which floet vessel of euffl- L- -.of tbeworU, wind. J -unntam wa ' ' . feMt-il. On .hi. riv,,r,..w.ll..on.,e Ld, ih.Ko.nok. M Chowan, tfier. sr. !j -.lusUe Fi-herie I ". Sutton's, on the Bound, and Ctf-". .. . rhuwen. Havine Mr Id H"11"' t any thing of the before, I wm fifj si the enjw m " " out, with the two f rw tbl nd i t certain season. of 9uu mtu -txmrsynox. ts iiw wu;Ai t, tu eat. wiim- ... Unirth. thrO TV, ,u 1,, hor mw. until the fih. m.ny " -g tb. .. 'Thy lomrlia.M f.lch h" huine in .r.1ria per. "ttib 'fWw. of whom they h mny; which v with th niO'l unnflccted eorJiality and Tpon the whole, if it were not for M Willi, -CUn. Uafortunate.. wiJ, wUh tha axception of ao.n. lew wmj-ar.. (jwly healthy aituationa, ..ti.. Jl, into nf!VniT pool. ' " AnJ charH with pUlriJ eeHure, breath. . Ztf And mortal nuiasnee into all the air. IpaaaeJ the lut Sabbtlh at the booae ef 1. H. Webb, Eq, the proprietor of the Ferry ?riinKrie whowkioJ ami polite attention I am deeply in lahted lor much of the pleasure and .ati.faction ei thii it t8 the ffoiKSr' :rrn ; At to politic, there ia a diversity of opinion with retard to public men and meaiiuree; but the princiiilea of the people generally are de cidedly of the alerlin j republlCsn iltmp. OUTHAGE ON THB AMERICAN FLAG. The 8team Packet Columbia, Capt. Wright. while on her paaaage from Oaleton and Velaa- t to New Orlesna. wae fired upon by two Xriiean teaaela of war. The following ia an amount of the traneacuon aijned by the paa atagera of the Columbia. The brig mentioned Wow ia the new eloop of war Igula, aaid to be Mimaadd by Commodore Lopex, carrying from 3J to 86 guna, and believed to have 800 nee on board. The other veeael waa the Itnr feult, conoianded by an American named Da- vKearrying 18 tuna, alao with a large number ei nta. CapU Wright a forbearance on thia ornnM, b highly commended, a be could aa ail ktve run down the Igula. . On hoard the (team ehin Columbia, Kear Naw Ori., March !.'), 1838 Tj nwuunodai S. Caetin, Commander of the U. H. Nal force in the Qnlf of Mexico, tec Sir Aa the prolectnr of your eountry'a hon or and interest on thia part of her maritime frontier, whan both are araaiied la the moat wan. . ton and agararated manner, we -frel uuiat'tvee ewwlraineil to Inform you of an occurrence that ha recently trannpired. which it may be your doty to inquire into with a view to anch repa ration at Hrcumatancea may warrant your de mailing far your inmilted country. l LeaiHg Uitleeaton on the morning of the tith int. for Velearo, waa toon afterwarda die cn-ered two Meiican veatcla of war; one brig, under a jiraat of can, miking lor ut; the etbtr a Urge ahip tying at anchor. The latter wi got ander weigh and joined the cbaae.tbnt anar' following , u for three houra they both fare it'op. landing onr paaaengeri at Tele co, and taking on board eeverat otbera, weitood en aur eor for New Orleanaj and when ekmu ten ninutee from Velaxco, we again dia eord the tame teaeeie that gave ut ehaae in intriiommn, The brig ehntacnm nufratar. adopu'hf meas-oree im MabliJt a direct itnpwt an etport tnda (wtweea the elhra) ttate ar-i Europe, ntoet at Aagaeta, Gee. aa the tnd Inet. Col. Thoeaaa Hotter King, of Glynn coaoty, Geo. waa cataoe TreaiuVot rayrtte ville end WilminjteorlirihtirSuta, arerw rep. rejUe4, Coo eUo. Below, wa fit the rwenluUoua adopted by the Conrentioo. Wa have not had time to carefully read them; but We presume they are euch at are calculated to en-are a unanimity of vigoroat actioa oa the pan of tbo Boutbera Stale. ' - iien. ilavne, from the Committee of 51; ma.1 s a l.othy rrp'n nf.f-reat clearnciM and ability, on the aubj, el of the obiecta f the Pomri titm, acctHTirutntrd by a act of rl't- jMX',,,4..uftvuajtRuig.rar, r Mr..Memmiiij-er. and addpeael the rnwu'ion in a ape-ch of con-idrnili'o "J?!i ""d of mirent ability, no the rautea n-liH-li ti"nv rorfMrel lo b-ralc down the di rect foreign trail- f the South and the reme oV 1 1 be rfwtcd to rrvive it. J ig" Ine;-rert followc , M-m-nln-fer, and a l Imac J the Canvcntion fr some ti-no. Jt(lj-e Mcn.vn-Ivl, alo tMrec! th Con rentiim anil prcipnse.l a anbotitii'e for vjim ol the r-fli"i'Ms of the Committeeman at to rvorrimni the mcorpnratinn of a bank in the t-oii'h, of VI millnt.-a capital, jut after aome iciision lictxren Mr. Milaon, Mr Cummin; ail hiinttl! lie withdrew it. At'lvr-a gwxl '.leal of diwitnion upnn the different rrwdii'iOM awl amamlnirnta nffcnrd to them, titry wire finally pasaril in Ilia fol leiwinjf fo-ni : 1. Keaolved, T!lt a direct tr-.d! is the tie aaaaniactwrf woald alaa) bo deairabe! i mrnemim that a cMiine of tv r apr-potnted la- prrpar aa addreae., la (h p-epr .wf the auaihera) a t aowth wevtern tatra, UTK.ag upon thtjai ta rapcdirtMf at f iring lliaif kx arty co-opar-itMMi in rti aa coinplibRcBl of the frat object of ttie coa Ion. . - 7. Rraolrrd. That when thia Convention yet aamM-atd whether. they will rua.Br e)iarOala.4..Tat) Victabarf; Rfk-iater f the 13xk of March givee th followinc ao. etMint af Uta receplioa of Mr. rrentita ia that city "Hf. Preni arrived lavt niarnt. ' The rar r)l canK anncrtjcnl hia arriral, and anuhi ItMWthrtonj-ed ta wrlcnme bint -with every dem-tnttratton of joy ami tha Tit-wdcst ho. djiiMrnav w hH adjourn to aneet at Aog.r. J o,-, with the a em a.vd act W-t porpoae. ta on I ha tliinl Monday in Octnbce acit, anj bat a committee of. corerofM.( a-a b an. pointad. whoaa duly it aball a ta take the proper aaeeaurca to enliat the feeling of the -people, and aecttr a cordial co-operation on the part rf the ?iatea t me retried m the ob jet tt of this Convention, and to aeeore a lull rcprcsculatton Irotn every part of those eatttea. Uesolved That it it recommended to the members of this eonrcntiiM.' to aeaemhle ihe-aitiaawi . jb 4heig. xouoiu;a,4r ialric!; and pUea before them their proceedinrs, and L urge upoit tnem the ripcdiency of promn tJtie; the meaauree recommended by thia cih vemion. and particularly of forming Limited Partnerahip under the lwa paacd by the totilltern atalet aaaroreaaid 9 h Whereas the coplvtmn of the line of eommiKinieatioa by lUil Roods connecting the Southern AtUmie Citiea with the great Valley f the Mioit-ippi. ia the moat prom, inent and efflnient meeaure io promote t' a uaelul and pa-rio ic object which haa called thia Convention toe-ether, rheretore. Kesoived, That thia Convention ia deep'y and .o-emnly impreaaed with tle transcendent importance f the (freat woraa of Internal Im provement which are intended to elFcet thia intercommunication, and do moat earnestly invoke the people of the Southern, end; South Western Sutcto brinir all their enerpee arwl retrxircet to bear tipo thi vital point, not the fixed ami firnt revolve which fMer'ie.hf to nc-rvae the hretwta of rVrrmea) ,whve ritrhta are Ihtit amailrd am! who are attempt ed to be tram tlcd ia the duet- - The clinched teeth ami the ehokiiK muttered eenfeance a-aint opprraaioa, bespoke the epirit of Mia aiatippi freemen. Had we a governor and lenialature tofficientty tcnacione of the rijfhlt and honor of Miv-iteippt, w e might have ta ken a prowler stand than waa ever bciore ta. ken by any State, But aa it ia we ive no wwmrt tw-rrreilr. a t,treTtrtKwHd'ilfe" State will apeak in voice "f thunder. '. We etwerfully make the correction re- qoeated by lha Chatlealpn Mrcry. The ani le wae taken from tome paper ia which it had been re-pohlUhed; the mivtake may have been with Ut, bat we IncUne to think it originated there.' We are not in the habit af making each muteVre W'kh ut, the Mereary'e diaavowal U aufllci.-nt; and if it he iKapoaad ta publuk aa- euch commnuicationa aa may eorre-ponJ with Its own political viwa,ol court any thing commeadatory of Die aterlinf and compmlitn- aive patriotUm of Henry Clay, would foil to get doMaaion into He eohimne. natural clitnijtl f communication between doubting that etr!i.efl;rti will crown with iiaiiuii. i imcr mi cucn einrr me t -mrj, and the ship doted on onr larboard bow, tdertusll- tn intercept our flight, if attempted. - tepnhe hitioha from the wameot wa niaed aur anchor in the morning; -ft the private aignal of the Columbia at the Jam. On dividing, in order to prevent our 'CK at a little more than mueket a hot dia the brig hoisted the Mexican flag, and fl t tun leaded with grape and ball, which J-d .wilSyt a abort dietance of ut; ahortly if'Tr ""hrt gun, with grape and eanniater, which aaaaad tlote under our bow;the ahip at the " time hoi. d her colors, being a very short "i! frBra nicB fen eor Mtraaard tide. Jte brig again fired at aa with PH nd eanittarr vi.lratly aiming at aur co "?t t one of 'tha nhroude eoanerting them V enat mam c it throvgh, and the flag at m-irki't for tiirir natuta' prtKloctionn ami that j the inUrvi-nliun of a third party muat ufM-nae i aa a Ux upu.t the exchangee between them. 2. Hrtolvrd, Thut the Soti'hent and Ponih. weatrrn Statta of thia union afl'ortl thiwe alapleawtith which are piirchaa-d nearly the whole foreign im;i i U of the emintr) " Ihut they are the conamners of a large portion of theae import, amlourht naturallv themselves TtrtiiTrthm The cnarwiel Through wfttcti-theTx-change ia mdci that on no occasion have their Citizen been found incapable of mailt taining thein-elvea in fair coniprtition with -U.er tec;on, and that the diversion of their trade lvm ,l ritral chamtels, must have been brought ahout by the unequal action "f the federal go "rnrnent, or by the abstraction of our people toW;i"dj oilier piireuite 3r-KwWedr -hwe-tav""- aptinwi Conveiiti.o.eh Hate ot .''ifff almuld i.o loneer continue; that Ihe nreaer. condition of the commercial rvlationa of the Cf'ntrj-, and Ibe diatrlbuiinn of the) exitting chljti' t trade, afToru an opnottunity of breaknJ down the trammele which have ao HMg fi'tterru o. r mmmrrcT, and t" re-toring to the Sotith in natural advantag' i auiMtiat it is inctm'Hnt upon every man. who haa at heart the gaud f hie country, to lend bit beat enertion to the pnmiiVion of those oiyecta and to esUhliah our trade upon a aound nd permanent batit 4. lieaolveil. 1 list t!ia Convention ia fulljr aware of the difficulties to b- overcrwne in t!ir proaectilten of their entec;riae, ui r-tl.ing daunted thereby, -and fully relingP" the public apirit and xealoua ce nperatunt pf their fellow citizens, liny are tlrlei rained to 1 vance with untiring perseverance t ami with that view, do eai neatly recommend the adop tion of the follow ing meaaur-e. 1 1 hat an effort tliould be nade to effbtd to the importers nnd pHrchaaera at Southrr.i aeaport'a, the same faodiliee whWh are aftVred elaewltisjtetj ami with thitit w it ia recom mended that the Bxnks intlie aeanotts should immediately apply a. portion their reapeck live capitals, to the purchase of foreign ex change, and to the proctirrmeirt of ceedita or funda in Europei and that they tlioul.I afTirnl the ute of the eame to tlieimporting merchant upon a dieconnt or collateral pledge of itieh good paper aa he may. take from the mer chant of the interior, and that thia accommo. dation be afforded aa writ irnon paper having more tlian six months to run, aa upon that having lcwi and that the llanka of the interior co operate by collecting and remitting the nrocceds of audi paper to the banks on the tea coast, that tlier maintain the cretin m their Billa ami keep down the exchangee by redeeming their own paper at the sea ponat and that on the other band, the Hanks in the Southern Atlantic cities make arrangements by which the notes of till ei then, shall be at par in each. 2. That with a vciw to the iinportft-it sub ject of equalising the exciiangea between Southern, Southwestern Statea a- d Terrilo ries, th'm convention earnestly recommend to the varimia bank of the principal cities of the two States, or such as may be eonvicntl lo cated, to receive the bill of each other in Itwir general buaiuets, ami to dpt ch ar rangVmeuis fot" settlements, at rt perlotls, as they may deem suitable and proneri the bank a against whom the balance should fi.ll In furnish funda fnr aetlliug the same, riria brdliant-mirceii thi noble enterpni vi o nuuiuii oi air rincuney, Keaoivetl, That the memoers oT tlile Con vention, in recommending the aforesaid reso. lutions, tut their conttitiicuta of the Southern and Siuitli W ateru States, will afford to them i he moat itodouUted pledge of their sincerity, by adopting them aa a rule of their own) con duct, hereby declaring in the -most solemn manner, in. the temple .of the yicMt High, that tiraireiimrm rw frreuce to the direct importer, and aealotialy etidcatoi, in all cases,' to carry on the views i. nd recoitinierxlatiooa ol tint convention Volea ot than - s to the Hrrsbi terian Ctiurch to the citizen of Aiifti.ta to the President of ihe C'Miveation to the St cretary- and to the Chairman of the Committee of 31 were sevrially nnanimoualy adopted. 'icrTtmmt tharwe tfHfTuTfie pnntetT at (he exper.aeol the Charieaton IH-1 eeattun umlrr authoritt of the Convention. Mr. Memminirrr moved that the President have time to appoint the various commitwe uinter the resolutions and announce. them rough the public tiazettr. i'lie Convention then adjourned tl'ae Jit. time nrfiw.mt hm lha hall. r",'"8 "topped, said within FORTY er iARDU of the brig, the act of vie. P7 werf maaifeeted. Capt Wright feeling jOttly indientnt at aueh mtntm anteaM In hi. f?"""?'' flag, demanded rfiat they wanted of " ' wiry twey eootinud to Ore upon him, T he wae enUrely at tb vir aaercyl They fhed, Wewant yoor peptea.' Captain W. ned, '001110 and get them, and O d 4 n toU" AJk ' nohr at me, I'll blow you to h f Immediately thrne muakeU witU nd alug were fired at hint at ha stood j?ey the wheel house an the forward deck, liall n"t"nt ,h n8'n"r " Weam par 'J which from its strange and extra- . '7 aaite to thaea brave Mexiesna, caused " " 1 wh. a solitary exception, to fail uT. ftt, apprehending are eoppoea, CHWa Wright intended to put in execu - - ae tiwreti a lew ma-aenu pre- vieaahi . ThaieniaJ th ewrowwicr, fiapUin Wright Pweaailed IriomphsMty m hir-vrsywnh. 7-Wtew-rhsd, and wa eaooot let thia op '',1" wattiOHl awardiog hint that "rJ hich ia paculiarlv hie doe, for the firm ett" 1 b - Melaining the ban. ris touBtry. leaving him the proud and Jetion, that Ha would not. at (he hn rjnt ViaM of kie UtVewBr auia la he TW M "Srtlirld Ratrnae nav an iviterel of six ner cent, from Uie-peri 4 of settlement, and that a emmitter ofAtg. be appointed to take such rreasurewasintiieir judgment will carry fully into effect the pre ceding recommendation. 3. That the me chmtaof ihe Sooth and Sotvh-West, he earnestly recommended to give preference to the importers in their on market, abd that they afT.trd them an opportunity of fair competition with other secti'U'S by making thvtr firt call for pur ehacea at Sou'hern and South Wenteru sea Bortst and on the rthrr hamL that the Merchant at the sea-rone ehall fnr h with, set about impo'ting such stocks of goods, at will ensure, at for rate, a apply to the demand from the merchan'.a of the Hilerinr. 4. That an earnest and united effort ah'mld be made to draw home the capital in' vetted h the Sooth in Bankaand Compa nies abroad, and to employ the same, tngitli er with sunt sujfius capital aa mi at home, in mercantile on ration! and the wi h this view men oflnfltiewee and eJiarae tcr be earnestly invi-ed to sfTewd the hne fit of their example, by entering into limited Par'nersh'ps, unrie the lews lately pasted by the sites iT Virginia, B:u'h Carrwjla, Ceoiris Al-bama-leoneetee anl Kloridt. 5. Thai this C avemioa cannot hot view w);b deep regret, lb- neglect ef ail commer cial pursuits which has hitherto prevailed a n mg the ymtb of etir eou- trv, andwbicli haa a-ce-trily throw its m-at tmporaot intees into the bsmle.of tho who by feeling and babti a-e lead intn eomnt reiki eonncKiona elsewhere'. This Convention, herrtote, cvnot too ear net-1 y rec.irvouend the speedy udoplioa by all their fellow ml- ixers of nvaiHire to introduce - eommereial education aio g onr youtbj to train litem up lu b.bits' of business, and thereby t estab lish a body tf anerehaoia whose eery in'er est and feelii.g shall be aentered in the coun try which hJ reared and anal anted them. ; 5. Iteisolrrd, That this conveniion isf pinion that the estabiiahment by snanniae tures ht foreign countries of agencies in the chief souihetn por s. lor theaale'of various artielea snorted bf . iheaa le the United Stat t a, wou) I cotiaac t the reetoratiooof ! dtreet foeaiga trad at the aowth. and tbt CONXECnCUT. Vs era highly graliflad to state that Coa- necticot baa mated the Loco Foee, Uegeney party, 'boras fool and dragoons.' The victory is decisive; out of 31 Senatora the democrat have but onea minority most gloriously 'soli tary and alone.' In the House, Ihe whig count 164 to 60 Loco Fucos and Conservative. The principle of Federelieot which formerly united so closely together this Htate and Mr. 'an Buren, hare prared unequal to perpetuate that unioi. t the haaard of the national weal It baa been eotutetcd. oy ee net ji.fwe to relinquish their exeelleni credit eystem o the capricea of the sue-Trsktury advocates; even though Mr. Van Duren should wave bie necro mantic wand, and mutter the incaatauona of Federalism. ' "' " '' Connecticut's present poaitioa ia, f ilaetf, a triumphant vindication of the credit ayttcm a aignal rebuke to those wha advocate the tfub Treaeuiy 'berevy. What haa snade her barren billa and heaths fcrtil- npeoed her river chan nels to white win'Titrmmeri-e' trarsrsed her bosom wit h canertndil-roaloT-- versified her soil with the peaceful abode of literature, happiness and wealth? The credit eystem not extravagantly ao; but the stimula ting and healthful attendant af industry and -eom-rny. Thia bae encouraged the worthy poor men, and enabled him to compete with the nu worthy rich man. It ha eaved the worthy rich man' property; and established confidence be tween un and manIn a word, it haa MADE the NORTH whatNand it will make the South, if it be fosti Jj!???!!!!Af!.. we iategine the eouaA not prepared to y ield this system to one of doubtful policy or excel lenee. Connecticut ie not, we are eure. Maa- oa tax 'ta a. -1c Eii'jsr At the public have a right to be enlightened upon all eubjeett aflVcting their tents and interest; and aa the. public pre mtv he properly rvgsrded in this country as the chief source of dig lit,' we trust we thall not be conaidered curioua in requesting your answers to the following question; I. tn net amount of eutplue money haa been received h Ihe Stat from the Ueneral Oovrrn. ment, and ia what funds, whether specie, dra!a, or Bank paper! , . i ii ealary of the a rent denoted by the Governor to transfer the funds, end the manner in which the Service was performed! ' V bst amount has been loaned ta individ ual, and. what amount to corporations, Banka or companies, and upon what term) 4. V hether the loana have been made ander the authority of the Governor, of by order of the Doard of Internal Improvement; and on wUaltermM.- ....---- 6. If by the latter, at which of its meeting and tbe proceedings! - We retpeetfully k of eon. tf in your now. er to A ao, to give a the facte. The auhject haa gone abroad, but wa thmk perhapa upon riparteatatementa The topic ie at least a high. ly interesting one, and may become still more SEVERAL eCDSCKlBEKg, Halifax CJunty, March 31, 1838. In replyingto the foregoing question, which we eharrfullv do, we can only stale again what we have stated en several nccaaions prevmu to thi. I. The surplus money received by thi elate from the Federal Uovernment amounted to f I.4J3.7&7 39,. It was paid in -thwe equal instalmeiita, end received by the state in disfu on tne uanx ot iew x oik. t. There waa no aeent deputed hy the One em or to trsntfer the funda; they were received by the State Treasurer. : Oen. Patterson, we believe, wae deputed by the Governor, to take UP (Ae ter.fi tf tkt Slmjr, f 300.000 but th dury Was diuerent from that of1 s-wosforring y. Tvi-.. ."-;'--;r-' v".r '' y' aachb!trcmitaflci whi& happened in that District bn Mondsr, the S6ih Itim...-- Hath, tl'kif. - . ; . " . "Mr. Benj-tmitt Kborrt, JuJt'r was engaged in gelling atavra with two "of hi Degroca: about 10 st'erock. one of tilt ltnroe rait ta Major John Clark's, (an ancle of Mr. Eb irn,") and informed him that I ra'j" had fallen upon h i tnvate -and - killed Uu.- -Mr-CUik iinntetliatrlj went t the place in lh wtrmU, and : found Mr. . Eborn lying deail upon the . earth -his had mashed and the ground covered with blood and brain. Mr. Clark had the deceased remutfed to hi houf , where he was dreaaod i" the rttUe nf death. After which Mr, UyUAfjuJUH stances, became aurpitinu, that he wa mnnleretl btr the negroes and ralletl t aift' him a rnasUtrite and aoftie of hi neibora, who went to the p'ace nfhta death, and made such ex amination as justified the inajtra(e in eotnmitlinj; the negroea to ja.t In ! wait their trial at the next So;etiur Cu'tr. - . Mr. Ebnrn wa ithfrtrt-Sfi rean of aye. lie i err a$reeUl.' and genet ous dipoitinn nail endeared htiu to a larr nuHitKr ol young romjiatnons. and hia sutltlen ami unexpected death he,left an astcd father and trere' m nv.ncar and deaf rel-ttion to mourn hi earljr delt,V , n. ' TtVbipiil will net be tt earlr ihe.bank of New York have apect 4 tWU fe-aat the FsJeral Uovemment. WMdusjoaed e1y I f 330,000 00 300 000 00 300,030 00 100 004 00 8.0U0 00 sachuxetts, npsurpsserd in patriotism, it with her-on- -tbie- great uel ion, -The- empire State j ha thnndered forth her approval of the credit systems and all the State are prepared to ap preciate ite happy influence. Rctrnpet ft'flern Travel Ay -Wit Har riet MarUntau. We enpy the following notice of thie work, from a late number of tbe Norfolk Beacon: "We have glanced over it, and, though we see eoma things that deserve serioue condem nation, we most eonfs that few wilt drop it orilii they- get to the end. She ia full pf little tattle ami the Wahinrtmiane wilt stare at her revelations. On the auhject of Southern in ti tot ions she remains a prejudiced at ever; ever, Mr. Calhoun ia bandied roughly, and while aha appreciate the action of Mr. Preston, eccusee him of wearing one day a brown, and another an orange wig. IShe speaks contempt uoualy of Col. Benton, and from her description one would take Mr. Webster for a lounging buck. Ktill there ia something very fnctneting in her book. But it i vain to look fr any rad ical improvement in Mis Manineua until she changes- ber name, the i not very fond ol Gen. Jackson, and represents bint aa writing the psalm of Watta only in the album of young ledst. The Only ooe'nf ear eminent puhhe men to Whom her heart werma, is Mr, Clay. Whether St Ahlsnd or in the Capitol, aha adore the eloquent eon of Kentucky, judge Porter and Judge tftory are rivals in her good graeea, and she Util the Lawrence eilair, and conclude by lamenting the death of Poindek-ter." a. 1 ha snrtd Tie last i.llatrc at fultHW: For tlie redemption of the scrip of the State, told toraiae fund to take the aharea reserved for . the Stat in the Bank of ft. C. To drain the tMvamp Lands be longing tit the Lit Fund, To pay lor stock subscribed for by the Slate in the Bank ot Cape Fear, To meet the etpentes of Stale, To drain Mattemnskeet Lake, Tbe balenee, 1533,757 39. wet appropriated 10 ihe land' for Internet Improvement. This sum. watt placed ander Ihe control of the Board, to he loaned oat hy them until wanted to meet appropriation-; and it tha amount left, out of whi h two-fifthtofthe capital etock of Ihe Wil mlngton and Btlenh Rail Rn., the F&yettc- vi 1 1 and Western Koad, and the IV. C. Central Rood, were to be ubcrilied by lite State when madr to appear to the aatisiaction of Ibe Board lhal the other three fifth . were taken and ae. cored hy individoel. - The Wilmington end Raleigh Rail Roail ha availed Itself ol the pro. visions of this ort, Snd has received I. "iU.OOO. The balance, f 337.737 39, has been loaned to corporations and individual; be greater por tion t.r it to tin Bank of the Riate. 4.- These leans were made hy the Board of fnteimal fmnravamenr: and not" Itv Ihs (jdvern litafom have ersgeoasly supposed. They From the Washington Glolie, April t. COSOKESSIONAL. " , In the Senate today, a number. of p-ivite billa were di -posed f. The bill t pnihibit I lie gtvi'ij- or accepting challetise in Birht a riuerin the lm- rirfttf Columbia, waa then taken up and, alter some remaika. wa passed over informally. The bill ninki' s ap propriation Xui the clfil and dj pluinauc expenses xt the tsosen mt-nt lor the year 1839,-tne bill making apprnpria- ttnna tor the Arm? f-ir the yrar Iu38. and the bill direct in-; the transfer of enotteya anrlaimed by certain penamn- ent, antl tne navnent thervnt, were aerwrlratfitFllftmeTip In the llooaeol Keprvwentaiiyea nn buftineaa ol importance wa transctd. From the R eiiins llrutd, klareh S8. FROM ti 111 KALI KR. . the Erorueaa, cane .i'uwnsend, front Gibraltar, we hate the.Chront elf of that port and fortress, to the 2nd February. . . The Cailistt were on the burden. of Antlaluaia in thr beginin; trl-f ? ruarr. and the mail front Mail) id to Cattlz. ami thence to Gibraltar, were i ntercepttftl.-DoTr- BaHIrtmr-Crliat leader, had entirely rtiotetl t!ie eorm inaniiant Minnair. -The entire pro vince rtf Andalusia had b-en declarnl; be the Queen' General, in slato t-l The inlenor of Spain wa inamnal tnitterahle tatf JnMign;Raiitii. -j Under the nrctft.ee f epou-ing either of the cnnnictihi parlies, .in.t. tl the mvlttew vnd ttawwea of Atd7Vwat were rtrrrupied by haniituvViJy ahewrd their impartiality, by robbing every nney prief peant-atu twer chant, indiscriminately. No Commercial ne'. . lion. aame.oanxa n new I or a Mveaoect fietle-poiaihly. it'nvy be - muntha later, eke," -That i. the Unke-here are wot tn ir condition to roame lr t ie 10 h of Mty,. bat hone to LtT atone months later." f But tile Enquirer alter making; thit cont-'aston of lhj impotency of or-. bittktv and of all the btmihem bank, . eery irraeely declarea in the wortla of the Albany Argnerthat Mr. Diddle ia tbe'aolc obstacle to k seneral renmp tinn of the batiks', of the Atlantic S-tatea.' ; ; . ; . .; Thia may be an,nr,it may not. W are not in possession of information to . enattle oa to tleterrhine. Bat if it b Ufjief.lliMU-4eMU7!r1L.tt lo? - ten with many atrtpeat and. ao far we have authority, we jive him over fur that purpnae 'no (he tender mer cie of the Enejqr' ' ' - The Knonirer aeeme io cnneStler A . rraumpiion by 4he banka, aa the most i hi pun a nt measure which can beadop ted lr the jimhI of the ennntry. It ill expel altin-plastera jive ta t snood an l uniform -errrricy- fe'ieee the prendre revive, trade. Sec. te. There is much of humbuz. we areinclineJ i it k, in .all this. " It in eery joe. .tionaUle, whether a rMtomptioiT would not tetnl to iti-retse the, preaent em barrattstnent of 'live' titjintry , and who- j th.T a "continued aospenaion ' will hot rijjtu. ininj'a-.aoonrr . tnanj anj winrr, inegna. It is o rt tin,-that a rtneral . MlSSISSIPr-l .The Special election fnr members of Con great in this stste takes place on the 33d and 34h of April, instant. The Whis; candidates are Serf-can' 8- Prenli,nd Thoe. J. Word, l ha Van Buren candid ate are John Ferdinsndo Ilamtrammock Claiborne and - tbifee tlaston. or General James Davie. Mr Gholson deelinee tbe Contest, oosjtrri ly, and the party hsjva net were made, we believe, at an interest of 6 per oeuWto ji ralurosd tt hen artniedlo sseet -ep-j propnation. t 9 S. Thi question we sue net prepareq to an- awer. W e have ao nseane ol ascertaining when the meeting wae held, er what were its proceedinte. Tha Erphriiiir KrptiiitianWm learn that Lieut. Wilkes, of Ihe Navy, ha succeeded to the command of the Eiplering Eipedition, hnd is actively engaged in arrangement with refer ence to it. - Virginia, Walkixo UpI We are indebted ttf (Jte Aleihodria Gazette for the ftdJowlngliitof approprittiot.a, Qir internal iinproeementa, matie by (lie - :.i.A..''.:ir v. : ' I.ejiaiaiure wi v nginm, ai ua prcsem e iton, notwithstanding tne rejection of the general Kheme of Intenihl Im proemen(: . . - For tha Falmouth and Aleiaodtia Koinf, ' liaiaa Rail RoaJ, rtlaunlrm and Parbersbarg Rsal, -Staunton and Winchester Rood, Winrbester and Martinshnrg Road, Road from tfrpyth Court boose to the Plaster Banks, Road from Beverly, by way efMor- gantown, to lha Pennsylvania line, Bdti more and, Ohio Rail Road, Lean to the Portsmouth and Uoan . oka Rail Road, Loan te Ihe Wineheetar and Poto . mae Rail Rood Company, Loan to lha Richmond yd Peters burg Rail Road Company,' Lean to Ihe eonetrartioo of a rakd" from tha mouth of. Fishing ersek. by way of Morgsbtown, to ihe Maryland line. fISO.OOA 10,0011 160.000 SOO.000 S 4,000 3,000 13,000 I,0&,430 130,000 IS0.000 60,000 13.000 li.taa.4J0 We are indebted t a fcieml at Lg IIosl-iBdinf,ln Ihia county for the fiellewtn particolara ( aaoat met Tlie fillowiiip; text ia fiom the Port land'Adertit iw the cmuinent from the Mobile Chronicle! - ware breaking to pleera U the only ohiect in nature beaatdul in Us dliHolotMMI." MA thinjj a wati, whose "last note is Hit Ms a weeteat" an expiring iioipimi tiniinj the ocean wa;e- with ite,bril. liant hue a aetiinz nun, radiant oith glory -a ml a yoen girl nn-ltiiig into eternity with the cooaiimption, are all beautiful object. The last intensely beautiful almost ditineiyao." Gen. Houston hat pretenlfd a stden-' did anuflf box loauiaAniia.ialieuJ of one that peraona;e lost on the ficld of San Jarinjn. .. ,V letter to thia eflfrct returninyiih nkf appeara in thejia Santa 'Nrs Butiij" W t ceetL is lie courta lit ineluiTitive Creeks in teat Etomia are in treaty with Go. Call, who Sa with them. - The chief haw promised him they shall all cimnWii and emi- aratr. Ihe Apalachicula tribes have i also consented to "mu--TalluMtwrt FiroiJan, March 7lh, :,J - ', Ji r ICT'rii death ot I Unity B-.C npQV, r of North Carolina, in- the aleam-pack-et Home, is a serioas litaa to literathre. We learn, however, from the' ISew- bern Spectator, -that the valuable cat alogue of plants made by him during his herborniKatitina in North Carolina and Florida, and which contains sev eral newle discovered genera, iain the preas in Sew York, ander the super jtiteodenre of Dr. Torrey. The Doc tor annejes an tntereating sketch td Mr. C.'a life from his- friend tne Rev.' Mr. flawkea, and proposes to call one of the new families of plants discov ered by Mr. Croom, f rooniuu ' An other haa already been named Torrcia, Mr. Croom waa a member of the Lr- rrsm of Niitural History o New York, in whose annals his name is much distinguished. -V. T. 4'f. hi i i H i 1 1 , I, i -. i . fit turn pt ion of- SpeeiePaymtnti, ' The ' Enquirer aitiiounres that Oie Preatdenta- of, the Richmond Bank will attend the Dank Conventioifs of New York, on the 11th instant. Thf sam paper, which appears to ,be convrrunt with the aecreta of the banka httorma eajhat ther -is reason to believe the Convention will resumption now will, enure more ar ticularjy to the benefit of New York.. She ia the cteat creditor Stale all the South and Went are-largely in debted to Vr. If the banks resume. he will collect her debts in spt-e'e. much to the distress, Miwtdy, of the Southern. hanks anil Sduthern people. She suspended fpectrpaymenton oc- connt ol the Urge balance due by Iter M EuroptM these Jtre now litjuiilaien she is t'tr creditor, ami she is anxious for a Keneral resumption, that fth may ewct her thieTti"icie or ua erutv Unt. - - - : But the Banks ought they ow it Ut hnm-?v and S"hI faiih to resome, if itron l)e tlone wit'-otttCaentMis detri wtent to the public. Their inKwrst, apart froth the intereat of the rem. niui.ity, ought not to hae ane "m fluonceta retard resumption. Tney aliotild, in eons'tileraiion of the liberal .indulgence eitended thf m, make aac rifiri -to improve the currency aud retlerin tlieirbliiatnB . .KcLtnig.' A pHoritnjJ)isTrtrno" - Gotjr- ''nor'XJfTtteiiden.- -tif.T.atrate- t'f Vermnni. Wii"' of humble t Irth." anl fo8.l fftre tf talent to hia esalird - station rYi't vrTilre Onternnr of tht Greetf Mountn'm etripija-. he f I ron tinued to tfep lhe Same' lavern, Opcttt the strep hill side, that he kept foe mnr year brtye. -J-' Ohe evening, rttgb-one drerVe rip arid arcnstetl him th, 'GoV,' Cldttehtlen, ; Cbhf M agVutrate lif Vermont l render t "all duehomnsTf but as landlurtt thtt- -tendon, I'll thank yim to turn out m linrses." - ; 'D't ytiu find. the bump of generosi ty tlierrf" Sid- silly fellow whose head waa undergoing phrenological In Ijiertion . . - . "; ' " ' There t snmethlpg tatlief 5tV txa." aid the man nf heads, pressing fii fing'fS on the skoll. , i : . ' Th issue of Treaewy notes carlrtot be otiji-cied to fiotn any other than, far.otos motiVVs.' ftiTod ritru'rr Jii ksoN him If. no longer t than laf June, wride to the Kditor of tlsi GluW j'l hii'j.e no ,1'rrasiiry note wilf he iaaitnl.;.. Why does nt tint Glob- turn and curethe.fa tius ten ant of the Hrrmttage. Pftntict, -' -..-. MA It It IE D, In Johnston county, on' Bnn.lav, let April Mr William Lsn-rly lo Mias Zilphls i f.angly. -Tiiiotph, on tns aat ait. Mr. net id U. m llannah-PirJet? jan, Mr. Job 8. fkinner, ef Ferrjul lr. bHsaheih Ann Juttlsn, -lfotd county, on the lh Intt. Mr. aa. . slee of Rockingham: to Mite Marf Ann L. Mehane,' " . In Rowan eoonty, on.lhe 18th tilt, Mr. Lit- . tleton Bmwn to Mrs. Lncinde leopard. ' In l)ie eaunt, Mr. Bauj. Ealua to Mies LOes-Tetum. ' i:r r . DIED, - tn fiitsHetb Ci'V, Jtfier 'eetere ilineea of twenty four hour oaly.Misa Etaelina AlberV wSr-f ihst place, aged 89 jeara. . - ' f ; in Waahtntton Uttj. on ibe I let an. Maynr -Anthony Grevllle tilynn. Isle a P'letk in the Ordnance Department. MsJ. Giynn waa among the first who wae commissioned av Lieutenant in Ibe, lete war with Ureal Britain. He was fur many years a teaaher in tbe Raleigh -AaaaV ' amy. , .- t . . At Snvthville, iTardeman eoonty, Ten nee- tee, en the t td ef March, Col. Case. Smith, formerly of North CateJina, and nrcemly of IS. Orleans. ,- . sr " I ' . . j.'.j. j . . . l. . j.--uutmBi Danclaff 4c Vialtxltr ichsvol bias. Com M Njehieen' restM-atfullr he tornst the titisent ol ltaleih wt Mt vtyOiHr, llml hi llaneissj Khoo sill open'oa eWtesa. nay msina ant M 1,01. ihiI'i Keaaling ft . s-rw-eoi Hill.WwV ftt. Ilegalae slay et Teach Ing! J'.ieej other week, an 'f actdaTa, edaes-dat- Tkai tnyt and f ndata, jt '4 irUotk f. for ).Hii.g la.li , and il)C aigM for (rttai nirn, St fc-l t 7 o'sloek Teenl'tSee f 10 p. t , etsirnvi a artsioe- atMisiMHig ef f4 lettetes aad ( Cotiliwsi Psrthra. r "w4 ; -. . - - AprH a-1'Aa.--vai-t . L "i l ,1 .,.! Ill,'' Prem ttd Trie fur tale. " The FMeys-tvieirtrtlt-r wer.rer ttK-rs fnr eht- tlee vVashtagfoA pre. pe "-t afTlea natexwebelengingte the '! ills UKMeisr- a. 1 The ahohi estaiBihaaenl la:ataatM nsf good a. new -sa wa hna.aM ant ' at ka -this hSW. we will tail Jt fue. alowt-arist, and an a etlM si,'mnnibe7 . . ; -v. nmr. ? ,y fry sMeora whh wheat we ssshaaee. 01 Ml .-I UMIA Ikji m mmw a-l ttum BZ atpeat same terini mmj tor 1 , waea aneeeaaiij retnj