o m L RALEIGH, II. C; TDNESDAIT APKtt 25 , VOL. 31X12 v IJO '18 -: ; .. -. ynaytt' b tr o r. rr.. mir ir.i. MWW i HK-rfi m. trtilT- ' " ' J i!h.S-T.H S t' ' ''KH'r t a-thf - Sp-'i-" fc? i-w, TioU I. I Kt,'w " "r nn-t""'. r .JtE POUT ,.,.'?''?!'. "' , fii Committee of 31. who were in structed " consider and, report on the measure proper to be adopted by . ti,i Convention," beg leave respectful ly to Keport, , - ,' That ttiev have bestowed upon the ,u1iji'ct referred in them, the aitten ,i,i which it importance de-natlde. Timt doe not permit, or docs?. the pccn'on perhaps require, an elaborate riimiiutHf .of the subject ii, nil it brin"". and thi is the Irs neceL rf. ast'ie obi d icumrnt recently pu'uli'hi'il by the Convention, have exhibited in the clearest lizht, mil demonstrated in the most condu cive mmner, every pint which it could be. important for us to-establish. -Indeed the whole question subi-c-nl in the single proposition , tlvat it- in the interest and duty of the Slave htil -ling Siate;'unhis tiw, 10 -impnivr their iiitural advantage, by securing In themselves that portion of the com-m-rce of the country which rightfully baling- tothemj a proposition which if it ho nut self evident, cannot derive much support from argument or illus tration. We rest our whole case , up on the fjet, which in beyond all dis pute, that the Southern and South Western State furnish 3 4tha of the entire domestic exporti of the whole Union, while they import but little more than one tenth of the productions received from abroad in exchanges fur these etporta. It has been shown in the documents , published by the con ventin, that wllen the imports of the United States amounted to g 190,000, 000, those of all the Atlantic States tnuih ef the Potomac and th States on the Gulf of Mexico, amounted to only ?20,000,000;and while the doincsr tc exprta of the Union mounted to H7 ,000,000. the States of the South and South West exported Sr8,000, 001. South Carolina and Georgia while . furni'ohiug exports to the extent of 824,000,000, actually imported less tkan tliree millions and a half.. The amounts have varied in different years, but this, may iMjaken as an exemplifi catinn ef the condition of Southern trade. . ' r . The mere statement of these faets, must surely convince any unprejui iliced mind, that this unnatural state nfjfTuirs Could only have been, brought a.)ut, by the "most powerful anif extra ordinary causes, and thatfrom the ve ry nature of things, the effect must hive' been highly injurious to the Ssuthern States. 'Without attempting to trace alt the causes which have had in agency in producing this result, we will merely advert to one of the most o'lvious, ami which is perhaps suffi cient of itself to account for it a we al lude tn the uncqnal action of the Fed- -mliivernmenT,"spTOglrjnin --the-modeoTTev ymganil 'disT)ui;sTh fhe public revenues. If instead of throw injnt-arly the whole of the public bur dens, in the sh ipe of Juties upon those foreign good which are received al mit exclusively in exchange for the greit staples of the South, the revenue hid b.-en levied in a direct tax ("how ever Iargelyxce4.ting the wanU of the Guveriiineet.j the burden would have Mien, at least equally upon the diftVreijt portions of the Union. But by the system . which was adopted, hilehe labor And capital of ' the Sunlit was borne down ,by a weight of tantion, wlvicli in many instances a uiited to one half of the whole aosT of the articles received in eichanje for their pnuluctiwiis, thVla Jorand capital of other portions of the Vmor, were substantially xtmpt N mint taxation, and eve atimulated by enrmou bontiMes. ,Norll the- evil t'lpVere. Under the pretext of en- conragritjj ."domestic industry du ties on foreign goods were -impsad to amount sfrMly txcelttf!r tht WmU Bt tht-Goutrnmenf. ' The ' amoutits tliBVought inui the Treasury "were ciiuraUM in the Northern Cities, "'V especially n; lSw' ik, from npneg Jniwn only tote "is'ributeamonjr the miliary ami na l establishment a Ae North th urplui botst finally divided, ainong Jensiunr and internal improvements J" tliesaine quaiierand tn the Wesr." Hundred of "Tnillions of dollar Were u ilrawn fmjtTevSoi, arid ft. 'Peoneiliorth of the Pofbmictgirfll out Wealth ?aaonvejred from us be- a teadv Stream? Vnirnltr ffnu-;y" 11 .L. .fV,. "i-6 Yi, ,""W"V w.a current "as.ru Hires ia rr unt and irrutatl... iK-nntr.fi'.-,-. Itsclf.r which knaws no rrfluJ." sed expose, ami be' therefore Ui nU Wyfi this system, other influence vantagfnijulL-prtif a iUh he tlf wereroMibined, all havioz the aame'rect trade. 'Trade, like water, always J object in vieyf, and lending to produce seeks it level, and ut! wt,m 0p. fthe same'grneral- reult ; Ou tliee,'p,se' by natural or artificial tiarri,-r. thne doc not permit us to"d well It -rihe cuntfalization of the exchanges j an1 the concentration of the whole pat n'nage fower and influence of the OovernuMlif' in f-vor of tle North, and ettpeciallt ofthicity f New York -raoiw T themselve abundantly suf ncirnt to secure mem tbo&e Advantages mrtinaf tilth" We ( 1 long stsliggled in vain, l be .calamine amities under which the South laWrjfd. under the Wiiun of lhi :ysfeiw, belong to that class which one jif. the ablest writer's on . po litical ecHflomy has di-cfsred to be worse t!ian "barrenness of jTienil ami -the inclemency of five Heavens;" for if smr nettla were lertde and the. heav ens propitious the harvest wa for those. rape(l where they hail, not sown." LiiitlT these, circumstances, so far from its being a matter of sur prise, it was i the result almost nfan in vincib'e necessity, that the comnierco of the South anil Sooth -West nhoutd be thrown into the hands of the Noi th em MrrdiantS, that jhe 'xchanges should be centralized at New York; and that we should be rendered iribu tary to our northerrt bnttheirn. To show that. .we have not' mistaken the character or natural effect of thecauses wliich we have mentioned. .wo. will al vert to n among many fiicts, illus trative of the truth of onr psition.- licforc the introduction of the protect- 1lig"ctu'tef,'a'1iirge'''aMHt7ifinTabte'rt'(rPcr trade Was actually cart'cil on, between the cities, of the South and the pints of Kurop, by' Southern ' Merchant, and in Southern ships. For several years prior to 1807, lor instance our imports into f he city of Charleston amounted to several millions of dollars annually. From this period, under the operation of the "restiitive system," they gradu ally dwindled down to less than half a million. From the period, however, when 1be American system rece'tv ed a fatal blow, and the Goveirr- ment commenced retracing its steps, uacK to ine nee trane sysie.in, our nn pnrt becraii to increase, and have been steadily incrcasfirg" fcVef since, tht showing conclusively, the true sources of Southern depression on ihe one hand, and ot aouthera.nrosperitr on- the other. Freedom is the very element of the South, in which "she lives, and moves, and ha "her being."' Fredon4. mJul . 'iu thUirect traile. in "all the pursuits of industry" i es sential tgour well being. We look back with 'surprise to the fact, that a people possessed of such vast advan tage, should have so long ami so pati ently submitted to a state almost of "Colonial Vassalage," and we hesitate not to say that the page in our history, which records the rise and progress of the-"American ystem,r (so callecl, will be regarded hereafter as disreputa ble to the intelligence of the age, and to the public spirit and virtue ot the American people. But, happily for our prosperity, and we will add. for the peace and harmony of the Union; tin system has been broken down we trust and believe orecrr; and we are coming back, by slow but sure steps, to the great principles of free trade and unrestricted industry." To avail ourselves, however, of all the advantages ot thiscrreat and saluta ry change 4n our system, it is indispcn-J sably necessary, that we snouiu tree ourselves from the trammel of long established hab'rt,-opmtoflij nd freju dices."- It 1 oneroMhi! 'rnateVteyil of mis-trovemmenf, thattheTffVct con' tinoe long afief the evil itself ha been corrected, and in all commercial oper ations, 'the influence of, established ussgei is extremely difficult tn over: come. To divert capital from its ac customed channels," to introdute new association and , hhbits of business a mong comirrercial men, ione of the must diflicull tak which any people can impose upon themselvcj and if it were not for the hh spirit and intelli gence ol our people, we might distrust our success. When we-survey the actual condition of the Southern and SouthiwestVen States however, who ran fail to perceive t! at we -possess immense advantages in this contest, which properly improved, must, in jtlie end, crown nurefl'orts with triumphant sucres Itttrue'we have. but few ship, hot we have hip Amber in a bundanae, of the choicest description, and surely no Southern man can biin setiUie of the importance of seeur'mg a'meTcantilij.-niarine. winch 'in the fu ture change and chan-es to. whjch -our country mQ aooner or later be, expos ed, may be eaaeptial not only to our prosperity, but to-our "very existrnce as A (ice people. We .Want alsn it i said yolnineri u! Capital and credit, cannot it is 6upposil furhih sjudi an eit'ensive market fA":ii-eign goodas will enatHe.ua to enter fwo snrcesslul competition with the cltie of the North Now we base all our, calcination and rest 111 osihopa, upon tfie fact that t il the natural course o&radw to ex rchangeraiTecuy-lhe productions t( one f - i C A I " - if .1 . ' I .1 , country lor joose ji junmierj aon ihjh atfjnlirtcft andxircufou rhflde of in tcjrc ours ek-must be attended by increa- will run its course- in the sljortkt and therefore, that but for oposin obMa cle, which have been ioteipsed and which have forced the coinmerceof the South out of it natural t hannel, our Cotton, Ricew anil Tobacco, would buve fourfd their market in Euroi c. by the shortest and mot direct 'muty from Sou i hern pea Torts and in Sou ill evn ships i and it is equally obvious that "the foreign goods received in ex change for these proilactions " woflld have iieetv rctuCtied to us through lltr same channel. Now can any plausi ble reason be aligned; why under vstem of fue trade, the exports ot South Carolina and Georgia amtiunTr in;; a ha been xliown to ft24.0(;0.(;00 annually should not be sent diiet tly to Eunpe frim Clmrleslon andSavaniiuh; afid why the fotj-ign good for 'which they arc exchanged, should not be im ported ilire'cily in retuiu? ()r hnr tmurs are safe ami commodious, tin vornge i shorter and safer, and the lYeigtit less. Hut what is of infinheU more importance,' we actually product tlic very articles wliich an- to be ex ivrtc;d, and r quire lor . our own Con numption the verv good to be receivi-d in exchange for those exprts. Now van any thing, be coHcrived mr n- naioral mine out ot the -usual ami proper clu're of business Mian -that our Cotton which is to be exchaii'.Ml for the Manufacture of K-ctand. should he firMhrppwtTto Nrvr York - there sold to the New 1 oik Merchant by. Win transliipped iiniHeot lo Erig 1and there again sold and converted into IVritish good ohitli good aieto be first import ed into .New York, and from thence, fonvpidod 'to Charleston there to be sold to the' Carolina Mer chant! and paid for in bills at 6 per centv Count the number of agencies employed in thi transaction; turn Ui the- freight, insurance, Commissions. profit, and other charges; . consider the loss of time and the risk incident to such a course i and Can any reason able" man entertain a doubt, that it such a trade ran be carried on at all, a direct import and export trade - i there be ho obstacle interposed J must be infinitely more Wofitable? Under similar circumsiances, the' capital re quired to carry on the Indirect trade must be much greater, f hair that which Indeed under a "system of mutual ex changes of our productions for those oi Europe, the capital required, under well ordered system of commercial ar rangement, would be comparatively small. ' Credit might, to a great extent supply the place of capital, and such a trade might be conducted On princi ples, which would ensure to. the plan ter the largest profits on his crops, and his supplies at the lowest rates; while the merchant, the ship owner, and every other class in the community.' would participate largely in the advan tages of such a trade, ;. ' . But let this direct intercourse he once established; and capital would soon flow lit from all quarters, fo sup ply anv deficiency that might be found 4o exist. The great law of demand and supply,, would not leave u Jong, without " money capital, fully ade quate to all the operation of trade. So with, regard to ibSmarkel for the foreign: -goods, whiih under "this sys-' tem ould be received at our Southern fcej-Popfo,..-- Xfotaiuing .theraT-.a- t UIwhiIiI be ahle4do. t les cugt tliaiilvnlateTr-to-furiiisli alt the, fnciuiP8t they could" "possibly be procured through New. York, we yVould unqtiea tionably be able -to dispose' of them tiji advantageous term at least to the ex tent; of our - own .demand tor those goods; and this atone would increase our direct- importation to five --or ix times their present amount' If only the consumption of the South was sup plied ".through her own ports, thi d itself would create; a revolutioivin our trade, which would change the entire face rd the country, and pour a flood of wealth and prosperity through every part of our land. - But it i -one of the most important and interesting feature of our system, thailt i inseparably connected, with the extension of o-ir intercourse : with- the interior of o'ir country, by means of Kail Roats, Cu- lials, and turnpike. A connection bftweeif the Soufh and the . West by the Varfoua.stheiO.es now in oronrtss in Yilginia Not;1!1 "'"I. South Carolina,' Georgm and Alabama, WHl lornish an outlet for ll the g'Mida that can be re ceived from abroad irrexchaoce for mir fptoductiori. And "Tvhen : the great West shall. find a market and receive her supplies through, the sea ports of the South, a dematul will be lurnisheil, the extent and value of which crnnot be' tqn. largely eitimatcd. Let ,thtse barious schemes, therefore, for,h rx tension of our. Interior cori oexidtntf be Jpmtecnted' w"id ' '' ?.eal ntl energy Worthy of the object.' Let no nn worthy jeslousie no narrow or merely see tional views, dislurb thtt harmony of lecimgan'i concert pf action; whicti are . essentia1. tQ.succesJv. ?-fwL' '.There art some circumstance con- ntcted with the preatnt condiUoo of tae country, which may erve to ani- mate vur xevt, encourage our ffin tv urge u to that prompt action on which our ucces may depend." ' ; Oux reat staple ha now become "the c-moOH cui reney-tf the world. reyuaung ami contromiip a coiisiu eraUle extent, the ciiiiiicrcilt per4r turns boih of Europe anil America'.' 1 During the siineiiin of unccie pay- m.ots it a (Funis almost the only u.eios if Obtaining thoe credit ahroad, on which Nonhero Commerce has hereto-j the truth and ju-tice-of oor cau'- t 'ore mainly nlleil fur its sujiport. jenieruin a doubt ofjiur uccrs, i ev This great staple i our own. ; ery inemUer of this assembly would - ri - . . i I oe revolutions which have recently ; taken place in the Commercial wor d t the failure ami destruction of credit in ixew i oi k. ami the stoppig' ot Hie I Amerfcan Hmises-in Ui eat Drilan. has ! brought ab ut a nitti pe nlini I v favor tre noue viewa. "'Here" ioiir Cot'on f lying at our ery door the pr. due- j of 'our own fn-lils, an. I fiii;iii!iiiig : ! hi' time, ihe only nu-ilium of -'. ; chatige forlhe Manufactures ofKuropr. I YY by s.ioiit.l nor own .Vlerc'i.tiit not oe it for this iiuiiof? The d -or - now oetl to u. ami v e haiebnt tn liter and take possr-sii-n of tnat 1 1 . c I belong to u. II we improve the op portunity, the . iclory will be ours. The fide in our rfl'.ir-." i at the Hood. Let us l.iumh opoli it lnav. lv, ami ii wilt assodredly ''lend u on to for tune." But sfinuld this yloriou op- V por t i t y be osttBno r gallant trtih. inntead of riding the "wave in triumph, may bv drlt'eii aitiooj; hc breskers or ! ilAsiieti upt.ii ihe rocks, or at West be again involved in those eddies and hal4own-'-ftimt -w htch- w-etrntyttevrr mure be able to escape. hen I lis 'Pilot who weather the storm," may be Compelled to "ive up the liip. woen deserted by tlie crew and left in condition so utterly hoperes. 'i-i . i-- . ' . . i nc. meas'ire which are ueemen by the Committee proper to b adop ted, in order to tarry these view in to effect, are! embodied in distinct proposition which are herewith ub- mitted to the Convention. They em- brace a tron-i and emphatic dec'iAia- mn ol the tei lmg and opm.oti id in a - day. All es'rntial chr.ne in the Convention, on the importance of J ihe roiidiiion of a country, must hi a direct import and export trade, and woiki-d out by !ow decrre. X- fne tluty ot adopting all proper meaits for the purpose of establishing- and liroraotitig it; TJjey recommend, In the next place, strong, earnest, mid reiterated, appeals, to the umlrrstan ling and feeling of all the people in terested, with a-vlw. t. cnlint their sympathies, excite their patriotiji,!,, nnit 'tnnhiU tntivactuin an .ntiditetied public opinioii in furtherance, uf our view. An adjourned meeting td . the Convention to be. held in this place, on the 3d Monday in October next, an Mtlrti$ to the people of ihe Slave holding State, and the adopt on ' of other, suitable measure to secure a full representation; at that Conten tion, front all he State,, interested, are among the measure recommend ed.. - In looking t the essential 'ob jects of providing canftal and. credit, ' as well a market lor our- imprt. and thus laying' sure foundation for the ultimate success our schcuicsj a series of important practical measure" have been recommended w hich if car ried iofhJ"ull effect, will, it Is Confl-: ilenfly believed, go very far to . put otic Men hant on a footing with those t the North. An earliest call la matte upon the Banks to which they can hardly fail to respond, to provide the' required capital and 'credit by ar raitgenients peif ctlv safe us ti theni- deTjmd.aL.llieiauie.J.iue.vydl.i.UJ wu.ch tne direct traiie.wm reouire A plan for equalizing our , doinesiic exchanges and knepi up thi; credit of our bank during the suspension f snecie on v men t. ha aUo been - devrs- ed, which it is most earnestly i.'esired, ... . I.. u .. . I -i .. O . . I.u ,!.. T , is.n.d to be concealed, that without the aid and support of the Ilatik, the dif ficulties in our way will b greatly -multiplied. It nil) depttd upon lliein, in a great measure, redetermine the fate of our great enterpite. In ordyi , to divert capital and credit from oth er pursU into the cluttmel of Com merce, an . appeal i- aim HiaJe to Planters, Capitalists and "others, v to avail themselve of the provision of the act of the legislature of the .sev eral States, p:issed during the lattt winter, ngrhorifcing Jitnited partner, ships; and it is iei oHimeiided tlmt the youth' of our country, should be i!ir c ted to Commercial purujts, arid pre pared by a suitable educatUn lo fill the responaih'e station,.' and. elevate the high, character of. -the.. Southern Merchant. These, and nt her siiute" 'ions embraced i,fn the .Residuiioni, constitute the mejlui;ertcommemleJ to the Conveniiou forjhete doption. peepared to tniike- the ' rlfirt necessa-tnany II.v'.l,- But what would the pen f It will b ejpn that ttity eiiibrace a !ary to the arcomplishmeflf -uf the good Die of jlie State say? .What would jj. s-rks of measftfin of a practical har i .work,.". We shall live d.vwn the si h-liVg'alatare' ny? It.coold icarcely acter, all believe t be w ell rilt.nlitpd dm of our enemies, and Jut the fichicomftfaitd r voiceor vote with .'ihtf to.promote the 'Mjecttt for, which they -j fruit of a nohle-und peaceful victory, tone" or the other. : W ho J there that 1 are designed. It i troe. that we ;an (will fiind our best rewanl. 'Hie pectifj would fequirt oaf road tollaVobr aua -do no moretlrtin to or the adoption Ujar institution ol . the South jyill . TS !tioh and ltdutjea, and onr taxes toba.V ineae ineasurea onvine pari oi . mr i iiiriiiieii ot ircngrnneu, tuo mreiiroi:ouecnfu-iu .iJviii. Hyi f i,w, Bank., aod-.-othera interested.- Butlof aStch and varieitcointnerc will ferV.iif It'were paed; could not be en for J when itrf recollected that thi C,on 1 vntirifi Ucompp?d if- netrwHnat deed Uelegale.'. j-epresenttti j Ji ve 1 Staiipd vn Tertitofy; anil whenTimpove the c1iarteV pur "peoplei ; we coiisUerllie weight , of tharacteeCiiliiatiaa rrfinemeitK the Iia.iJ'."' iiiliuetice, and ackiiowletlgetl ta!enr of those who coinpH it, and when, alxtve all, we rec4tinin!eiid that thty. r engaged in a matter of deep pub lit eimcvMj nyj;ljririg ; jh .vJiiiSSA. ptTSpmy and hnnor-tif these - State. it can hardly le believed, r that 1 their (leiioerafe, opinion ami earnest re cntiuiiendations can l' without rfl' i f. Our chief depeoilencjj "after all. howe ver, mast be upo the public optnii. but we h ive too oiuvh conltiten e w - . . i 4 i iciiartl it a los own pvionai roncei n.J a well as n xati d duty wlurb heilirm n-liant-en; owe to himself. In im.tetitvnnd In- conntrv, tn use hi uliii't .I ri to v.Uance ihe great work. "Jutl-in; fnm the pat, we have n i ia'ii' to' tUiTtunue furor-A " !i 'nrwnh n-Sv t-ie ft rt meetix f tin C.-tivi-n ioi took p'ace at .ii'ta. It wa-, com pusit til 80 m ui'ier ri'prcsen'ing'ti St.ite and one Territory. Now we ... have live S'ate nod one Tei -ri'trry j pi c- llli-ll v 1 80 membi'i'S. A si" m !l y i ti li.M e hat c j.riii -eeding of the go'ie abroad, mid w'-erever the-y . , i 'srti rrr-ivrd, have iirottured power-t , , ' ,-, .- ;, , i I 1 .., '1 1.1 , , ..! ' I'll liltliiliili: J'l'il-V 'i-iiii.ii-. .-.i , i , .." lam lointive l'.iiitnr s orr-siioiui- .tln.h 'we hate it. e most trranmngl . L . ... V .. idence in tt-t l,'"i-lilion ot K.-tnal Stages on one of their rcronioieod.i iion, urn! ile itii ren-ed int. res' every 'Where 'Tell imlie subjei f of "thrir'-weV liboralioiii'. jThtt Jnronriigr, we should gn-oi in ttiat co nlnlence.wiiicii a good cause should neter fad to inspire. 11-it ti TWf i-et-ei -vc-e to nuke the necessary cfl'iru. t)f ti tliio-j; we may b- assured, that thi--great victoiv rannot he easily achivv el. It i ife oider .of a wl-e and ben- eficieut prondem e that wiHlrnig truly , fM, Jftst Southe. n Lite.arv Mrssei.ger, gn at or good, can be attained without ai4iliiv. Wen foe several of the prior pain and labor. ..number. I liarejint been an uuob- 1 hi is the price which must tie pru.i to secure success; ami if we are not prrparcd lo make the rteC' s-ary rxer j tion. 'we must vield the piie. Nor lean our mighty v. ink be acfimidjsheiT I may be assured, that nothing short of a high resolve, wliii.li no iippojuon. ti) move j ft devo'eirrcal, prnot against all discouracementK. and an un'iiica prr- severaiice. which lull rise ai:pir,tt all dill cullies, ran nable u, to. wojk out our political salvatio-i." Li t on not deceive oorsiltes thi-r, wilh tin vain helief. that nor progress in tl.i Iw.irW will be every when--cheercdb l !., ... -i -.- r the ntT the. cordial support" nfvur fellow citizens. Conscious: that we iic actu ated by itie pure st nioliies ti I tl.a: 'aJl.tbe eiulswe aint af f re our c'Un try's," ,w.e must. nevefttnleMk be prv paned Tom 1 1 nianiH-r ol oppioit'uin. I hr measure wepropoe rnme into crniliei with too. many deeply rooted pf. judj cc. and ton many adverse, tntcve4. to eniible-"ii. H Iioim'i that eveii nur inotive.i riiall escape detrAclino, andj ur punwwi.' ousreirf wii'imon. ve have iho-q around us, whose piopec t. in if.-, in a .great tneasnrv4'ci'l,nd upon the'defeat oi our platis. .' .' , -, A large portion oftlie Union, which always has rx-iti'd and still xci Ir. nl m st a iNiitioi.iHg .iilluence upon public;, opinion, at home-' anil abroad, will u roused into action, to ib-pvive- m ot public coi'fiilenj'eii and . to drive us ttm our course. .; We-sintti tie ruiic. led, a the supporters of wild anil Al- uptaw tlieorie,t ,a .ytaiuMaixJ tobttrl. asts wauling llieirttieniilhin the pursuit of impracticable Kehemes.' jk ..'thll of -cnargiMi i 1 1 ii UHg-ncjtHir,'j",'irvv, and. unkind 4 fedingsi Vtnvnrd hr Northern Brethren, (feeling which re strangers, .Hi our nosnm ant tne stale iluiiii.li potent slander, wilkhe re vived of iiOsTitrrr to thk' Now if in "the consciousuesa.of rprlj lude, we afe not. folly.- prepared to in roonler all this," and nmrv, if we ait; nwt ualtcta)ly tleteroiltfed,' h gn on ;n our1. course, 'Mhrougli goodteporf, and tlirough'evil iepoit,",if w are not ji rm ly and iff)! ahg--ably tesol y ed , to t(aitiple down -.all. oppsitioti-rif vyoujd b'e.better that wie should sfiip here, atid, attemnt in advance -tin filr- iberV.-Tliesi diilicuhie ire alius fair-.i 1y tai!d. not for ymr dffurBemenV, j . m utterly astonished ai tbe man but that we may te fully ."preptiryd - Jo !ner. in which this measure i attempted meet tlieiii." It' we are true tn r.nr-'l tr be "forced upn Cohgres and the '- suites, wesuaij- mjsi-jjsuie(i.iy iii umph over all hstacls. The lilfi cborarler, intelllg'-nce, and iu!luence' which compile this jCoiiyenoii," piip erljr and zealously r-xertrH can Heye'r be pot down. . It. I a certaiin' Qui ring,ofthe uinrrow' sun, tlMt.wc ahalj. achieve ihe eman ipaiion of thin South and South Wesf. if we are only 1 tilfze our' soil t while diversified pur-1 a1tiijJ.. jfl.wulate Jhe inJtis'try:-, add to. dutseaHSWi enlarge ne vtunTt amt j i . .,. 4 1... i. . ma . m Aiiat annia maul of vntue.wil4drn wtr tandt and the great tniih will bx een. and' felt, and licknnwledged, that f alt thi' social condition d man ihe most fa- Ill,iktCljJLlhs JXtafwebt.Mt ahe-car- dinal v'rr(oe t( the heart and . the no blest facvlt'n ol the tool, to tl e JirrU tmtiu-4 private happiness ami .ub t lic prodpeiity, that id S'ave Holding L'omiiiujiitie under free puliiicaf In .titntlnn, a troth hardly vet undr der.tood amrg)urv1ves but vic" t'le future history if these- Vutes, is, we'tiut. i! -Miintl t iMn-trate. 1 Anw mited.by th e'sentimen's, shd h flu'-ttii en ei i y h-e views, and with t . ... upon Divio Pr vWlenee let ihe membera tif thi Cmm-moii ii w pleil. e themel s to e.di mhtr,. ml lo ihir rotiiitiy, to go for ward, firnily resiJved, t- lev. nolKing un d.toc that- ntaV artat:e,itr-grr,nt a l patriot'C n'ev,,- Ih'1 " be prepied in make eveiy .personal s;ieri5ee, and tiuse all just ami I o or; bl. mean, fir the accomplishment of ottr er at work. - tioalter.ibl v.determint'd to per evcre unto the end. 7At' .ierxiu Metienntr. rnic I'iiiM'v hi mtc iroin iwr run ,. . --.: If .. . -r . - lie prmti s id ail i mnt ol ihe compass -i .. . ... r . ' . i. , ,,. . n .. ,. -.-. - .,, mug gi.iuen opiiiiun nom b.i qnar tcrs. W'e have lieefi fuvoril with the sight of a letter Horn our cC(iiiipl,ihi: .d.fiiiiid P.iul.iinf who put a high compliment t the merit of. ihe. Me ngeey-ptiforTy i-e-MrdV-NW- The following letter fioin Judge Story, er. (Cninmuniestrt! lo un Iv the Editor) t'niniiunt, (Mum) March 21. 1838 Deiir" ir lam gieaily otilied t Vf'oi fur -i.iie kiiifltrs in - en,l,itiv m ,.nant spectator of t! pro-rre of yucr en cprise, . hiul n one n-oe' more than I do, in ii gene-at success. It reputation f it iteserve to be I consuntJy oirthejncreasc j and tlie un. tiring dili j n e and abi iiy w'uhwhih you perfoi iit Ihe rv inisiule duiie of ... v I . .. .1. ; ir, hs r.rinr,TiiincTw in iw wnnii est praise-, In my jitilgmetit, thcrft . i nipriHliral Wthountrytif ft' chat neter which ha a f'ner tir liettvt1 ' ft'ta tltfivd Title to" J UbtlespftYumBj,; i rum t aiMinii jireriuri,,-ii -vriei knowl-dge, anil if. acute and liberaL' ccitidsiii. 1 I hati!ead the lat nuinn ber w ith undi-senildeil saiisfat tion. ," ' D lieve me deaN Sir, w th tboliigh iit respett and esi n', u uly voiu, s ; - -- JDSKVllSTtlUY i': . - 1 1 , ". . .'II I.I. - ,-. X. , .' J.t' tt from Smtnti Thmff"gtt Mr Tiiliinadge. Cf the ie(ri. h al ii'i'ss. d a lri; rjoiVr,,II-Ricluirij H.ken1vlK;k.TWihruljeCM; of, the siib tieasary bilj lately pa.d iy -theeoatri . - U xy1 l-iic giyjtt. evil t on i n tn? dop; tint) of (he Suii -Tteakuiy aya'tehi lo njr . foi ti.",v"I"hat done all ofhvr ioiuwvw.. There ii iMi way in winch ifit.'d'jep', tioii to it adoijfin c,ap be' ovetcuu It is not caimble of b. tos made bv-suy1 JairtiitidnieiUs etiher n-i fol or harti.les. -I, f..' i..i .j.... -ii .... .. lojir inc.- i wunirjf . U )ii pt;i oyiriv- -- by tlip present forin of the'bill 'J "' tvai right lu at.rike out the sptcle laiisevt -. if we..cnuld, because fhut a giv, inga blow wliish destioyedVthexlit'l! cou,t'rguity it hud anil left It, in a liap'i' in whi h it wa' hopt'd none would aeri- ously.,7Tluk of passing if, -'Z It contains power which lead " dir.. Je'clly to an t.nmtttgnftHcprtMim jof' iipitiioo., Ynu liaM ' not f iiled to ee, t reference lo the progress of; thi, meaxuiv. the dans-rou ertent of Ec-' e'cu'iiv jnflu'encr. You" cn scarcely ,no;igiii mr ci mi wiui h ma j iuiiuw tne,. exec isv'of the Mtttonar powet8"lrDi posed to be cot.fk ried by this bill n, .tltat tjepivrtment f Hie" Oeverntnt nt- A way .Ihen' with the who'e tjtimt v away wiilr these vault and safes, tlia a I lis and Jiolt. .Let the Goverjun- fit iic-posUe.- It fund in sound insiitu tion. and let Vthur "be received ihi "' notes of sucif bak. as the depositf " bank will agr,ft tocredd tith Coy. ' eminent a cash, Let ihe Government . then make it draft on these dep.siio- rie, ami- ui - tne tinnier araw. lucri uire'iicta the desire. popii' -f me collection si . ine rev -w entie in gobl Vnit.ilye"f be o essential " fir iJlie.Oetovif) Government vijiy 5 ft" " to( eqiaily so for every ate tiovern.t iinetit? . Ihe ame argumt.it .would. ' apply iif the one case a" in the. o h t. What would - be aid to sach a -pto'- position In th tate of New Yorkf 1 believe it w a entertained at Tm ef dv 3The aatnt remark la applicibla fc Uo (very State In .theTJnlon.'nrl I -t say wtot gooti etiongn lor tne btatct, s J"good)eBu6 m nrvzi -vi nn aiiw viia' m Adoari ' jmsavhiu . :x':c: '; . k" "-- y r. V ..'. - f i. -- ' sV.- ' I-

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