w: 4- t .ft' v7 r - -71 m- - -- If 1 ,... .. " :' 4 4 ''i?f - " 'iff' n I . 4--- . , . - . - . l ' ' -wilt not p deceived. to the ehtrac--.; tef of thi bill. . It do not contain a smwU militating feature. ! trust it . will be resisted r any thin; like it, in all the ctagee of its progress, ontil the Executive be conpelWJ to abandon his scheming and return ta a system based on onnd principle, and anc tionrd b experiences ' . - - " HTietw-tr-is) occam ' lo-wespojuL.; .-jm ike wci w ib gnoii. o arc It) - earnest, and oar resolution is fixed ad Irm. Let bat the peopf have an opportunity to tee thi msttrr In ,t tree light and as end will bt pot ere Ion to those pernicious and )an-r- itprnjtts. r . f - Vrr reaped fall r.Tora, . N. P. TALLMADGS. . A GttEEt m lau vax. V Bat I hive, meanwhile, forgotten . 'the pretty bride who was to be marri d u tbe keaae of an tntiimte friend of oars, tad wbo. eft my arrival there, ....era' momentarily etp.cteil. The ' centre of the freit saloon w rrered by a. Turkey carper, on which t.d a , " reading desk, vrUyed by a gold em broidered handkerchief, supporting a Bible and the two marriage iifiz the whole bright with the profuamn of ilrer money that had Den aratiered ever them. The lady of the home was ta officiate as "godmother' to ih bride an office aoaewliat similar to that of bride's maid; and s'ie was even at that early hour spark in; with jewels. . At length the sound of mvic an nouareu 4U3 arrival or the wan uge traini and we hastened to a window to watch for their approach. The procr siut) was an intere(inz one. The mo si cians were succeeded br the briile- f-mom elect, w alking betw een his own iitherand the father of hi htrdc; one fair rirfdlo wed, accompanied by a coupla of her y''ing co7op;inTihV arid IM two RKithers, attended by Mrwips I inejniis,' closed the trsin. Tbey were met at the threahhold by tha Archbuhop oj Nuornaukrity, and I party of priests, who immediately commenced chanting the marriage w.r vicejand, as they ascended the stairs, abowera of money were flun over them i-oia aho. la frva-minntes the spacious ssloon Was fiJtetl til sulf irinn lh rminir conplo wera placed onon the edW o? tha carpet, tha nuptial crowns, formed o( Sowers, ribbons, and guld thread, were deposited on the . reading desk and tha rector of the parish, in a robe of brocaded yellow satin, fringed with ailvsr, began a prayer, . which was caught op at intervals by the choral boys, and repeated in a wild chaot. At tha conclusion of this prayer, which waa of considerable Irnzth, the attend ant priests flung over the AThbihp his gnrgeoaa veatineuU of viotet aatin. cmuroiuereu wnn goia, snu girueu avith tissue and he advanced to the reading desk, and took thenco the two jbrilliant diamond ' rings, with which jht made tha cross three times, on .the forehead, Hp od breast of dhe con tractiBorpviiesi and then placed them in tha na4f tha goduwther ho. putting one apon Ibe nnjer or escli, continued to hold them there while (he prelate read a portion .tif tha gospel after which, aha changed ' them -three timet, teavinz thens uliiinately in the possession of their proper owners. This dooe,. the Archbishop jut the hand of tha bride into that of hr has. band, tid went trough tha rae eer- a monies with tha nuptial crowns that bd preivoysly enacted with the ' riagy , they were then placed tipon the -1 beads of lb young couplei and a goblet - of wiae being presented to the Arch - bishop ha olessad it, put it to his tins. j "i .i. .s.i i l .! i -i!JtimcjLJnf M p to hc pxl aaotnsr.r' Tha crowns wera next changed .three weral times from one head to . the otheri and several wax candles be jng lighted, as I have deacribed thain : to have been daring the Easter-cere monies at the Taoar, the whole party walked in procession round the carpet . nd 4hen it waa that the silver shower Wl Click and fist about the mj the , floor waa literally covered. -Wbep ' the chanting ceased, the bride raised the band of her new made ' boaband to hex lips after which every relative and friend of either partjf ap J reached and kissed them en the fore ead. The Archbisliop castA his ebea, the children acramhlvd for the - tcattered money the band la ."the outer hall buret into! an enltvenins 'trainband such of the company as warn oj sufficient rank to entitle them ' to do sot followed the bride and the -lady of tha house to an inner saloon where a train of servants was in attend . ance. beannr trata of preserved fruits and "delieate little biscuits, , which . ewe iyea to each person to rarry away. Liquors wss then offered, and pobseqaently coffee, after which each married lady made a present to the hrld of soma article of value. Drevi- ualf to her departua from her "borne, .v arnimer we an accompaniea pei in :'!.S " processioni and took our leave at the ' portal to the house of her fi lends, and ' '' ' - join in the cheerful morning ball which i?".' r -raa about t commence." . , s. "J:" ' Tha effect of tha rolden thread that nad auisted to weave waa very beau 1 f tiful, binding, aatt slid. 4he rich dark " "Tiaii of Uie bride uposiber. fatj young prow, and then failing to her feet and ., ker whole cost a me would have ' been 'eminently rracfful, bad the oofbeeo .:-t:-rl.p. K. tM r V ' ' -tJl'iTii Mj crowns which mtntwned are about a foot high, and ahaped like a oee mvej when thj were; rrmoved froMJhf beads! Ul.JJS frf they-were carefully enveloped in a handkerchief if coloured gauze, and bore awar to. b boog ep in the chapel of the bridegroom' houe. w here they will remain nntd the death of etthrr J 'arty, when the deceased is crowned nrJUie-jtrciiiul ami lasf , time,.ia-,the open coHin in which he is bore to the rave. , The Cretks make almnst si much toilet for a funerjl as for a, roarriayje. Wtu-re the dtreaed is young and jpret-J?j-5'f 'f 0itt 1 heif siyeit ap pnrH, and iwt nnrrfqientlr has her rye-brows stained, snd a - otiantitv of mug over he cheeka, to heat dath for a few haurt of his "Vividness her gloved hand sre carefully displayed she is trickrd out in jewels, snd this frightful itiotkrry is rendered Itill more rpvolitng by" t'e foct that she is par.ided through the Streets, followed by .her fomde rrlafivrs, who weppand sfiwit and -bewail t'Hasls. Uh a. trsnsient vioVnre truly nitior.al. At the rave aide,. all. the fmry i stripped from the 1i(T.-Hed corpse the friend carry it away, a cover is pljcpd over the ro din. ai;l the p'or remain that were so lavwhlj adorned, are Cunsin rd to the earth, of wYich they are won to from a part. rV7t Penhc'i City tlki Sttn. From Ihe Now York Mirror. A CARD PARTY. It is related of Madame ilu Dcfian, that thrernf htr friends "brought a card table to her bedtide, at her r(.'(just, in her Lit illnct. shetakingahiiiid. As she happened to die in lire midst ofjn in teresting game, her partner played dummy for her, and thus "the three quietly pljyed it out,, and seitled the takes bi-fore J hey callcr the servants ti notify tiiejii i of theVery importahf deiniser of their inixtrrss. Shocking as is this incident, it is trivial in com parison with one that is said to have occured at Albany many years since. There was at that time a low-raved, peaked roof, stone built inn, situated hi the upper part of the city, known as the "Colonic" a place touch frcqucn trd by Schneclady teamsters and Mo haw k boatmen; before the completion of Clinton's grand canal had caused that dissipate a mongrel race to be su perseded in their vocation. At this inn one day a man by the name of Dor-1 rick Ilelfenatin, but better known as "Dirk Hell, of German Flats." had been seized with convulsions amid a drunken frolic, and expired during the fit with his limbs all knotted together by the fierce muscular actum inci- denito his disease. In Albany at that time, the Dutch cou atom of several friends of the dliccased remaining all night in the same room with Ihe body, and keeping tluir vigils until the mo ment of interment was strictly observ ed. Codes and mulled wine with dote r dead takes and other refreshment being generally vvteJ ny the near est relatives to cheer the rlnomy duty of the watcliers. Dirk Hell, 'for Hel -dirk, as he waf as often called,) though a wretched vagabond had still some whom he railed friend, among the reckless and gambling crew with whom hechieflv associated) and as the land lord of the inn where he died could not rrluse the costomsry refreshment of Honor upon an occasion tike this, these idle hangers on the establishment read ily consented - to honor the obsequies of I)irk and the usuat-vigitr" Th e dead man, in the mean . time, as du ly tali out, but. the distorted shape which hitf body had assumed in. the death aonr, made it necessary to use great force An straightening out the corpse and recourse" waa had to conies binu down Ins limbs to the decent fohtlll wai"detTfabtg'ther shotitdas- accompTIshed, the three iriendsor the gambler, when night came on, took possession of the apartment where he waa ' laid . out. Hlth characteristic : . recklessness they had brought a pack of. cards into the chamber of -ileath, and after taking a glass jf liquor ' all round, end drinking the memory of their comrade with some unfeeling al lesion to his sudden -fate, the tnree "profligate sat down to a game of ranis epon the loot ot Ins oerf, rour hatuM were then dealt) that of" Dummy" fall. in; almost Umii ihe fet of the corpse ami tl other three' upon the opposite side , and extreme end -of the bed a- round which the playerv were thus' ar ranged. The game proceeded appa rently .to the saiisfactirfn of a 11 parties each of tlwcm bt turns rdaving the hand of dummy, until drinking and gamb ling had carried thein deep into" the middle watches of the oi"ht. Some light dispute, however, now occured, as to who should play the next dummy. Words .waxed high, and the two oppo site players both attempted to seize upon the vacant hand at the same time, while 1h third, impatient at the con-, lentioft, exclaimed, "I wiJ la '; . Ileldjrkl''efHriprtng up and take the cards from, both of you!" The wrttel,, had Jiardl uttered the wish, before the corda which bound the - corpse . gave war- with a sharp cracking noise, the atruggle about the feet having probably disarranged them and the diatartrd bmlr JeleasedXroin its Jjgatures bounded forward in re suming the form under which life had left it, and seated itself epon its haun- chea with knees drawn op (o its ehin. arms a Limbo, and hideously distended jawa in the jnidst ot the appalled and wiacwrrttd trjorThi thteeworthieV were laid never to bare played a game of carde afterward. - . " " FntM lb RirfciaoiiS. Whig. THE MJN 1 8 K 1 M CU RtttNCT; Our readers have already been la vored wiiha conr of the Uw of the State of Frankiin,' " regulating the pay of its officers at a permdt when a better currency, like that brought aoout oy the jaksonian ana.iientonian TromSugnrT circulation., ; A letter writer at ah Ington has favored the Enquirer with a description of the amusinz scenre wnicn occn'req in me senate. v.uen Mr. Webster cited this law as wer- Hit oi imitation by our sapient cv COV- ernment. fpeakifig of the office-hol der being, panl in specie and the peo ple irr rags, the writer rsy: - "I egree entirely with Mr. Web ster on this point, shat thejr. onght to take neighbor's fare.!' When the p:iple have and ran have nothing but paper as a medium, the Government officers ought to have nothing else. .'Lft them take neighbor "a fare. r If the people have nothing but faceoofl and mink skins as a rirculatinr me dium, let the government oflicera be paid in skins. "I enclose you that part of Mr. Webster's speech, in which he touch ed upon this subject with such inimi table wit and good humor.1 But vou can form no idea of the effect from reading it, "The galleries were crowded to overflowing, with a brilliant cluster of btauty the fipriatars all in the .r places and half the House of Ref re setative ere present. His dramatic tace the soitie of ridicule and humor with which his countenance was wrapt when he introduced the law of the State of Franklin, produced profoand aiience and excited the most intense xuriosiMu ao ont.kn.ew wii.at was coming as tlic substitute fur specie, a there was no such thing as bank notes at that time in that country He krpt up this curiosity most , admi rably for some time whilst reading and rommutijjg upon the preamble to tne law which recited that the collec tion of the taxes in specie had been very oppressive to the good people of the Commonwealth for the want of a good circulating medium, Sec, &e, until he came to, the enactment His Exeellency the Governor, per. annum. 1000 deerskins! ! Vou never heard in a Theatre a londer burst of laushter. He paused until silence was restored, and procerded to the next officer. His Jlonnr the Chiet Justice, 500 ditto ditto, with a comic humor of face, of which no language can give you any idea: A still louder burst. He pro ceeded then to the iSecretary, to His Kxcellency the Governor "Eve hun dred raccoon ditto' The laugh here was absolutely .outrageous. We all loror wnere we were ana no one seemed disposed to lwfrrt. e nuisite mirth which the Senator' had produced. Tlie presiding officer for got bimsell, I believe, completely, and enjnveu (lie laugh as heartilr as any one of tlx immense crowd. The Speaker paused " again . uitil silenc was restored, and proceeded with the pay of the next officer, and then to the next, and so on. And (he laugh in creased as he proceeded untd he got to the pay oi the constable, Jo the constable for serving a warrant, one Mink ditto!!! I thought the wall of the capitol would have bursted. The roar continued for some time, and the orator, (who all this lime preserved a sanctity n countenance which no priest ever luuL) manifesting a dis position U proceed, silenee was again restored,' . He liven gravely . gave us a commentary upon the character of the Mink, and its great similarity to that of the constable, and how very uppxa 'iri'Z-t.rn:a1:is.-:M..-tv- wewt e it was thalTie ati'buf d be"pait4n Mink skins." 77ie United Smut and Mexico. We hope that none of onrTeaders will sutfor themselves lobe alarmed by the belicose intimations thrown out in the Debate in the Senate on Wednesday last, whercofrwe publish to-tlay a re port, whidh we regret that we have not sooner had room for- We are happy to be able to express a very confident opinion that Congress have not yet en tirety patted wiih their senses, end that nothing so Quixotic as a war: a- g-jinsLthe wind-mill of Mexico is likely to be undertaken, at this mo ment, or under present circumstances. Lettst of alt, will it be undertaken, we apprehend, to establish a new code of lav, in which the belligerent righ of blockade by actual force shall have no place, and the right of runninz con-. ti'aband goods be cffoctually protect; cd. ' Set iously, some Members of Con- grek. as well as tome Editors, and es-J eciaHy thoso of the city of New" Or leans, who are ao clamorous for a war with Mexico, have auffered thHrfoeX ings to fun altogether ahead f their juilgment, in reference to the rase of the (team-ahip Colombia.- Asa bellig erent, ihe Republic of Mexico has cer tain ur&oestioriaMe rights. Among them is the right, by her armed vessels to examjne vessels passing in and out of any port of her enemy, which she is actually blockading, in order to ascer jainl their charicter. The commander ot toe toiomwa. we flare say ior.,Tery good rrasontj did not cho'see have his vessel, searched . If he could help iW He took the risk of attemptirfj: to, avoid are gisd of it.) by mean or hi. steam, a : . tt -a . e,P jletcujiob? if not se.apurrt ' And this is the -whole of the case," upon which the , Senate iainvSEeiTlo take pleaauttt of war, truly; - . ' . - ; Ao'. U' CT Tlie recent triumiih' of the Whigs in New York may well be re- garueaihe tmt-giwiewamrwn iHirtant which th'f have ever ret jrain without the aid of any other rartr, polled a Urge majority of lt tfie vutrs. The Loco-focos entered into the con test determined, at any hazard, to ear rr the citr, "Hieir treat aim was at the iioaru i of Aldermen, irt whom is vested the power of choosing all the officer of . the ritj escept the police. They nrgedrlteir nien'on by the pro mise of place, and held out allure ments of ofTicf lri all 'who wavered. They flt tfiat if they foiled to succeed they were ru'ned and prostrated beyond the hope of recovering. Where ihe pro mise of fu'nre reward was ineflectu.il, bffry with money, was resorted to. The ahsm'Uee-f tlitr means jjstified the belief that the horde of office hold er, spread over the whole country, had been laid under contribution. They filled the city with thonsands of illegal voter." and erected than tees in the doubtful wards for their residence!--Each man was instructed to swear his vote in, and was paid by theia for per juring his soul! - Kotconterjtwilh this, they had a flying squad" paid and or ganised lor votingin every ward in the city, VVlth such means and such men, they were confident of victory. Thev made an arrangement for an express'to car ry the intelligence to Washington, and even before the result is known in one of their ward,depatcbd their messen ger to Philadelphia. . He leaves New York on Friday evening and arrives in Wfla(TeTpnia"Tn" next morpiun; T.r Uiltimnrc. He hur nes on hre and takes passage in the cars for Washington. He spreads jy ami gifliines among the. laithln! at the capitol. His "gratifying intelligence" is ushered forth in the Globe, and sent off to Mississippi in the hope that it may reach there before the election on the 23d and 24'h. Ihe express mat carries it, nnd is charged to make the speed of a bird "with healing on its wings-" ' It is sent as an ol to a parly without hope. ve branch ftvery thing shows the immense in terest which the leaders took in the c lection, and their plans, as developed during the contest, are proofs of the desperate pass to which they feel they have been driven. They have, (banks to the noble and patriotic W hies of N. York, been defeated. They made (he contest a vital one to themselves, and losing it, may well abandon the field in despair. Never azain, can thev makp lncrsttv-iswr-Ten "hope : for success. lie nig nag iioais in triumph and the whole country will rally under its ampie loios to no battle lor our tree in stitutions. -Dull, Citron. From Miss Martincnu K troiect of Weitern , ... . 1 ravel, v, 77e SitprmU Cetirl tit If'tithinglon -At some moment this court pre sent a lingular spcetacle. I have watched the assemblage while the Chief Justice was delivering a judg ment) the three judges on either hand gazing more like learners than associates; Webster standing firm an a rock, his large, deep set eyes wide awake, hi lips compressed and his countenance in that intense stillness Which instantly fixes the eye of the stranger; Clay leaning aninst the desk in an attitude whose grace con trasts strangely with the sloven! make of his dress, his inutTboxor the -moment unopened in hia band, his conveying an expression of pleasure wliiclj redeems hie face from its rrsaal unaccouutable commonness;---the At torney Gen., witli his fingers playing among his papers, his quick black eye and thin tremulous tips for once fix ed, his small face, pale with thought, contrasting rctnarkahly with the other twojthese men, absorbed in what thev are fiteninz to think in? neither d es of themselvea nor of each other, while they are watched by the groops of idler . and listener around them, newspaper, corps, the straggler from the lar.weat, the gar ladiee ift-4heir waving plumes, and the member of ei ther House tlmt have stepped in to listen -all these have I seen at one moment constitute one silent assemblage, whie the mild voice of jhe aged Chief Jus tice sounded through the Court. CONCEALED-AY" EAPOX5, The act to prevent (lie rarrvii- of concealed weapons, ("introduced at the instance Ol Air. JJous. 'provides that ir any person, null iHiimuany . Or generally keep or carry about hi per son any concealed pistol, dlrkj bowie. kmle, or other weapon ot the like kind, from the use of which death might probably .ensue, be: shall be lined not lesa than .50, nor more than 45500, or be imprisoned in the common jail, not less than one, nor. more than six monthsat the ditcretion of . the jury in. each instance; and a. moiety of tle fine to be given . to the person who volontarHT institutes' the pruseru tionj and inliill examinations inhjhs coantyor corpratioa court for niiir der or felony, by 'shooting-, labing.' maiming, cutting or wounding,, if it appear that the act wi comfjMted by any - such " weapon, the court haft late thefact,andifthe jUCused- be He was lady, ti well as bold. UliLaJl-te for the! el- no bar to anjndictment feTittrin-the.Bperior jcourt. if found rused be found not guilty of the mur der or felony, -but guilty , of carrying the concealed weapon, the .court -may fine hi in therefor, and- pronbu nee judg ment as in casese of mi'ihemeanor ajLt ukc effec on the first day .r June. Richmond Jt'hig.. - TTTTriflTKaTonlf inst, Ivtween 6. and. 700-barrel ,mf. Turpentine ter destryoed by fire at Hamilton; in Martin county. " vMc. C. H. llissell lot abo6r1Ci23 barrehi, Messrs, I,... Jojinoh. '& Co. "'250, Gabriel Purvis rToTirtT.cst 90, .i.e. The fire occurred about noon, through the carelesne ofva negro ilrepping a CTial on the fanding)whicn heinjjria"ed to the the Upth of about Cinches with turpentine, the fire, made siich dipid progres as to defy alt attempis to fx tiBguish 1. The scetle is represented to have been truly temficlha.blar.e ascending to double the height of the tallest tree. - 7arlro'Prt$t. Iwpor'rtn' lo 'Savjf I)tppcr$. It is a fact, that much of the snuff, which our young Ladies are so found of dip pin":, i manufactured of Ihe Tobacco which has been chewed and spit out by tobacco chewer. ' We once heard of a tnsrt whose rigid economy led him to preserve every quid of hi own, and not only so, but he picked" cp a 11 he could On I in the public street and elsewhere, and after colectih2 'a goodly cpantitr,. would sell it to tli trader in tobacco, who, drying and pulverizing i bottled it up," and .sold it.ltr hcotch snuR, and is it possibl that -oor-young- lailies can brook.? th Idea of beilaiiliing their mouths with a article every particle of which, 'ha been thus us-'? Caroiittn Gazette. omts s rjpiNiosA7-.-T;viTmeniire slower to change their opinions than men, because with the former ther are founded on impulse, with the latter on argvment or the opinions of others Men's opinions are only adopted rhil dren women's their own... Your jm prcssions, ladiea ire o bvelv, that they yield, to no reason, -only to time or to a new and stranjresenatioo. You have, too, a peculiar faculty of forg I ting your former impressions wv t " it SJ f uner uie Hruucnee pi a new one, whereby you aco.oire an nwrers sense tf yopr own infallibiilty and tin chan-geaul.cnes,' in the same way as , ... - nare Known pnpie with wean mem ories, who never IS'cfe aware if the fact, simply because they had forgnt ten they ever torgot anything. : .VnKvovrs Talpxt.---When w reckon up how many tainted children we rind in country towns and schools and twenty yearsafter, see how few of them become heads ot colleges, gener at omeers, ami the1 like, we shall be astonislied. 1 here i none of Gwl demesnes so slightlv cultivated as tlla r ti..- i grtnu!,. iiesicB sows every rear it - - r i i . . me Bcems oi a ricn narvesti but we care not to water or transplant them A country boy of talent, left to him selfr-Feniod W-ftf a rHtond-ff tmn which, in its rough state, is worth nn JOMt) out when made np in'f wafcli springs, letches sixteen million of torn. Mow manv snrin min-hi K. made out of these neglected geniuses? Gov. Marcy has transmitted a mp age to the legislature ot New York on i lie suoject ol the resumption of .v.v ii j nielli?, ii is. m verr gir.itiirui, ucciueuiy conservative, anu is propeny considered as havin tin.. . 1 . I A !" 1 r ween ciiuneu irom ins lears. if u for any thing but ja.diyorce,5'JIe recommul4Htthe Canal Commis sioners be , authorized -tn : issue state stock to the amount ot einht .inilli.m. iar-ihv enfarremCTt fif tlre-IitHHit and flic completion or the Black and.Gennessee Valley Canals, and if any emergency should arise, rleman dihgitsuse, to loan, it' to the banks of ihe State, requiring of .them most ample security for the punctual pay ment of the interest, and reimburse ment of the principal from time to time, as the money may be wanted in the nro2Tsa of this works. The spirit of the message U l.am Foco, thoii'i its recommendations are conservative. ' , . We regard , ibis measure as a shiri and devKe of the nartv fmret rlr of the just , respoiisibility which rests on. them. Objectionable as is the proposition to divorce entirely the government from tl banks,il contem- piaiew.Dy tne t,oeo focos we regard the close union which this recommen. datum ol Uov. ilarcy involves as much more ao. It is an unnatural and un righteous union. It place theBanks, bound hand and foot, in the - power of the. party in Ihe ascepdanf v. and calls them directly into the political' arena to fight for their task ma.ters. Such an alliance can work no good to cither the banks or the Statv . -' ; . " fair. Cliron. A inarblo bustnf Mft A'an Iluren. the President-ol the United Slates. has, within thelast few- dav. been placed in the Ulirary at the CapitoL It ia a. work t extreme theantv The more weIook at it, the -wore we are struck with. its rare, merit b th la t". . i J: Trm s.r w-iiniir nimi anu execniiLin. 1 ()C styleja nesto na, , eibodyii;jr," as it were according (o mr i.le.Y the re finement of the chisel ofCarsovj with the impressive HimplicifV nf .theJarM acquttted or discharged. ivu," empire.; It II ine pre- anS Me; Frelinelltlrarw. and other.. -.- j....,. m litpii-, j-.. m frtulant, IMiiri' ertaiaee -tri?wt ; -! BTe.celebrlted Thorwaldaeh tainlr doe honor to that .chco " atudio of thi admio-rable .,; f contain - many, charmini ,i,; mtmgat jhe rest, a ,le. jUl,f , teL -baptismal front, which t. all the praise we car. gjvt t . f.TN . - s- - . . tatu It A LEIGH. AlilTiTrT- " ere ind(b(i2 o lha JCo t. - for vaWl dotVAenl on mb(u neeled wl.lb il.e Ijind Oflfee.'cJ.i.iVi - 0 - . m -r use; tk pleicefp-iq,.jlr.ls. ' ; ". OXFORD BXAMLEa. i . , vVa Jiovo wir ihe C tHrmuMHi- j V -Oxtonl Ciaminer, a new ran,. . .Sv. I.-vrry"ren9,rJ2 . to i- matter nJ ty-trspht, thetepoUKcan .mp,' and wiU U " . on Ard WW j priori.'' y ' eur ranks a woruiy eoailjutor in fa t i i . "i na rc:orm, one ge h oar btal i. Ijc iiarcm. 77 f'i"' iriump,nit.'tlrfl lllr' hM i give oar miter, . fj i(,4 " memt ot Ihe Jfcw Vk .i.-,. of fole. imlleJh S9.J00. wbioh h 45lTIZ . ue mm wer m.,h-rn . .. ' J90Q mora (l,n er. polled M Ih 8.,!,. Ul fc.II. The r..ult , , 7 W-kCWhWMajoerf .h..b., ol sat . LrVrw?rGii T br a inMir mjwit orer both of 4, .JJr eao.li.Uie.. 1 ,ote Jn,, . 1 Aaron CUrk. . . r- J a.' V'artiin tljimn f n; , KW.r. Hiker, ttJonrMi,.) ' i F.r Iho Commnn Council lha Wain a... '' leelt 9 Alilermraanil 9 Aaaitianli, anilifc. iju, j.22lL!!r!.i'. oxiwniii a.iU ""f" werirH twtrj tepanmrt Of Ik. & (lOTernmrn. - -'-Jji. I'UBI.IC L.NU. .' , .. price M ,n. I ih, or, nther lo pi-e ih.-m lo Ike aa St Tim i.a..el ihe Senile. All or ltwM n1limi, I. be brol,j down la ih lo arfc, V JO e, n(. prP ere. Mr. Ctay akoM ,kj. , oo'd oterae on 71 milliona nf arra. a4 t it immrdin- tfTret would he aitkf 4 rnilliaiii dollars from die value nf 1nriii rrlTf Ad i-nmmmii tiin-aiM iku k. . 1 i"o foe rasli ol the old 8u.tr. wiffld the of Uli most exIratimM J T-wmi in motion for one rear! Ftul ht -ri.l .r. be men de.irueiive in Ibe old Slatea, 'k4 10 rite whole tOHnlnr."- Under kt prorl.im, old S'a'rt mill be drained ol ihairp,1lHite,Jf. build ol( flniiridiing sViilemsrou oa Ibew kjf lor who ,M queMion Ihe .Iron, iwbrwami ' liere held ouf lo etaigi-aouf Tba'smtei, dieae Unh will t-crue lo ihe BMioaal intmfi nd ibe Old Suae, through Ilu. tide af !. linn, a ill l. immmIUI I . . lion ot Itx-ir eilitent, Ihm to r.irniik "dW. Ua b-irttinw of lAafe run trttterf b ,U . General f Jowramenl. Tl gmduatiii, ntn wilt encourate luriliu ml .. u u 1 qiiei!oihljp a .irons: bid for a sues. ( made nndrr ihe mn de.nenta . It patted tbc Senate by a vol atrimh BMar 'ratlin. ' . We Wtr.ee, wilt) lU I.en.li. rirainW Hl tls tfrldS4-0 --, l-m . a. -.! : V !""" ""' ol right belong t,era. Tkn Inta an onrjnratioaebte fjght f drraand a diviiloa 4 irir rrnreri!a arcordHir - federal eankwvl ......era u, nr. t;iingian in thetW lure ef hit Stale, at by-Mr. Clar. latiea tT lhi rijhi what have thee fona. Thraaa hri rJjht and their tutirf.u in these tandliata d : of Ihe National Trrao.yt h'eiher kfcasw, lory tre loo tn to withhold them. arkn er they prphrrrH lliui la mini Her lit ptriripW tt-to Ihe mad dt-'aivn. nt .IiwIiammh l. k iMLr ' Bcotl le itelermine. , . ' t -' It It both fir and- proper that the penpft i aTorlh CarnUna Uiauld know -the fcat-'aoii r". here Wale it, that Seiurtor S I HN(iB tm(fc tbia bill .!,. Poator CEUfOUl) DUOVlK, n3S9iKa llir cjiletiion, " , TinrsTtTErrjnrwfcXtcfirr K.ery once in a while ther. ia a 0raa Conpre,. nn Ihe tuhjqet of oitr re'lio Mexico. I'hevar itiirit ia ratine in ike rel of aome of tl nambera, aoL: we- . bell ail W urrHi.ed it liiey aneeeed in firinrlnr oa meatiire of hostility a-ainat that goaernatrat ' ring; Ihe p'rctenl aniiian. An intere4i-X er at. on Ihe aoLject, took place Ih ib 8eoai o liibinrt: p originmed fronr ecrlaii Wiak-' end ent)Hrea made by tr. Walker' in reh'loa, to what tha, Caramiltee f a Ftireign RelMinM had rfone; w inijib, about, to do,?ai:he-rd lo rtjr r)wm .KMinM-M-Tieo. Mr. nnch", ahalrmaA of that fommiitre, rrp'ie,' tbl ' eomfniitee t.1 held a noniker of kifona.1 . aullalion.' nn ihe ndtirat. wad 'enate'l lb eMieiutiofl.ihat it wee pronar ta awaij lh 'oi of the' Itmaa'ltf tteprraenWire. ''Tk step we i1ie nid Me. 0 ) in refferd teSTiiMi muat be mm. m-aire that aa dicllflea ar, or mar liti H!" It rhe went owto bjr he lhuij;hl lurh fnetrmre orM S eri- ale ia, the other M ohk, anif added, Ibal fcs heeb atatircd that report aastlt sko1'. . peeled from the eommiltew-wfebet Hu. T, rbnie waa enntiirued for. aome tiibe bf 'e,r' Uiichanan, Clay,- W alker, PrtMon, .BrS'"" - -.nn.. iv..l.;.'-.M.nindelit l Now .York Amnion yi '! rl evideat V- ttnno- eannol.be ttonfrd betwfta, aad Jlcif; , It kaioeeied that Me. HowatJ. -. arrent rennrt in a d or two. Tbaminow of ihe Senate Cnwmilier nre alan ol npieits . s aoeraiao meathret eoi-hl now ti be adoutad, arirje the repealed 1 il tviuHatO oar naliaad t't 1 J W- ' .a " - .L-M Imtnraul .V'ot- fat. Wo barn In " Diriri.1 Camt of' ih." limited & late." ' " at Trenton,'K, J. JnCgt Baldwin nretiJ". " ta Ibcen wnirarril diiriaif -weY paet with f ' I ay w . - bronwht by Colbreih, t MI-, W" an Whera, IrhahjtanH SaTem,,X. i- ""r " fiiajai iSr iJ.r Vt,ieh the dlailill .. . ... .km. laimrd. Ih the twinlte- or MMt low". , - y .. . - j . . . , bioortoae triat Mt. Sflifi.naH Tat t'"!f- - Jt. - U TIT T..,-.-.r.l m......-- . - rmAt-t. to)4a.-jr -

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