for a law onconstitutional could not! adjbej :rbuke .JMby .the J5 rt judicial I lnl.:ial Witicb prMeeuUon Jit institute! nuder it. , It u an attempt, I. y act f CgreM to alter. r, supr4ond. Head dress feathers, diamonds, dd to, tbc terms of a charter of incor-7 and lappet. Her Majesty wore the rmralioa granted by tha Legislature of it! of the States, over 'which Congress tiii n right of jurisdiction. It cannot lie denied ahat Congress-W4Mild-bavthe-4vreneea. iic Kmc rijiit to imprison and line ina .Directors al officers of any oler Bank in the State of Pennsylvania, as those of the United States Bank in that S.atej and not thr Directors sad ofli . "rsbfall ''.shits only, but 6f ifty and all ot!tr Corporations created within the .Slate of Pennsylvania or within an either Stat, up-jn any pretence that maybe rVised against them. The b II (impose in fact a palpnble usurpa tion of authority by Congress to super vise and control the legislation of the States in matters tver which Cungress his no sort of jurisdiction. 8 me latiMidinarian Federalists may be (Wend, indeed, to argue that Con. grew hss tztlut'iDt jurisdiction of the tahject l paper currency within the States, and. therefore has a right to pass such a law as this. It is too late in the day, however, for this discovery. 'Hie right of the several States to es tablish Hanks, and prescribe the terms and conditions of their existence, which has been exercised without dispute from the foundation of the Govern ment, could not now be effectively questioned by Congress without induc ing a revolution in the Government. Mai. Int, K-om Um X. V. E. Sstar. Jinril 24. THE TRIUMPH OF STEAM. FIFTEEN DAYS FROM KG- LANt). Scarcely had the hiultitutde which thronged the Buttery yesterday to gaze at the Smius steam ship as she rode at anchor, been gratified at the noble sight, and exchanged congratula turns on the stirring event, when the shouts of the spectators announced the appearance of the Great W estriiv. as that splendid ship, of a Frigate's dimensions, came dashing up the bay, tilled with small cralt and ateain t .a u4is, tue castie and pas- seil up the East River in fine style. It was supposed in England that 'the ureat vv estern would have got in be lure me o.fiKi, at all events she was close on hrf heels. There was great disappointment on finding that the Great Western did not anchor ft the Battery, but proceeded to the dock at the foot of Pike street. The question yesterday though the city was "will tt pay?" This is no doubt an experiment founded on the well known temper and disposition of the American people- they are ever! on the "ff ahead" principle, and never will take twenty days to accomplish a voyage il U can be done saTely m efi days, apd would risk their necks in a balloon if lime and space could there by be overcome. What, therefore, would have subjected the Captain to a sentence of death as a witch in the days of Cotton Mather, or to the penalty of smoking a dozen pipes for hrs temeri ty in the time of Governor Stuyvesant, will be pronounced an epoch in the annals of our ouutry, and great 5 re joicings will be had on the occasion. For passengers, light goods, such as silka- laces,, jewelry, watches, &c. &c these steam ships may pay welt, as the voyage is short, and the coal consumed procured in England at a' cheap rate) but our packet ships must carry tkfi freight, and will come in for a fair sharj of the passengers. At all events enternrize must cary the day - imarftemftnU,.Ar8 , in d aily develop 1 ment. and weare shooting haad ot the re. Bv the Great Western, we have re- csivsd regular files from our attentive correspondent Mr. Wilmeri and take thi occasion to recommend our Paris and other Corespondents to transmit their communications in future through thus channels. - ? ! - We perceive by the London papers that the Bank of England will not send as much money W this country .;rinIU contemplatec!, owing to the ratfs of Exchange. Jealousy and :tt.;il towards Mr. Biddle seem to i.... Mri:ed the movements of the Bank, which, sw tl'u' wf seconded bv some Amecan brokers, whose Iiae been somewhat .i;.i .1 h t!f sMiitf of Mr. Jaudon. It Mil all come right ia a abort trm sod tU Bank ot Englanci wilt see the rgencr and necessity oi cf ivwK .-i.? Vi.ndlT understanojng with the American financier in prefere;ict to ustainingthe m dealers e "cjwuige. There is a 'itonsiderable deficiency s u. i?nih j-evenue for the laat quarter. 'Tha eane is easily explain ed. It is tha same U country. ,By the steam coiej." .w7e from TrieU in A.r he arth f March. . .... it - u-u:.k P.nasrnmitnl hlt ISSUeu H WIIIIIU - ---- , a long despatch in relation u? NVthWern Boundarv'. It pnpt."W to anitr thesUte of Msine with thtw Governments U running the boundary line. : ti rnrnnstion .f (he Oueen ie to tY. r,!c on'Tuesdaf. fte 6 daf of Jane. At a levee held fcial PMayfort nignOer Majety was dresseo as fol- 'a1A train nf pink "' t&b net, lined with a rkh adver tmbroid- body and sleeves SDlendidlv ornament. dihdiamondjLMd skirt, tastefully trimmed j ' .. . i. blonzet the with sprigs of pink aaricelas and agraaas of dia- inngnai of the Order ot the Garter. Spais The Carlists have laid sieir to Fortognlette on the Spainish aide of Livtrpool Cotton Marlu-J. ortS. Notwithstanding my. Um11 demand nelders of cotton evinced do great anxiety to press sales; consequently, 0lr last quotations remain undisturb ed. The entire transactions amount to 2.500 bags, viz: 120 Egyptian, 9d a 10 3-4 d; 500 Surat, 4 a 3d; 100 Bahia, 8d; 150 Maranhain. SS a 9jdj 1,830 American, 5 3-4 a 8 l-4d; mak ing 2.500 bales Cotton. TlnrTnarkets here and at" Liverpool are very dull. "Hy the ad vices received to day from the United States to the 10th ult, it appears there had been shipped from America up to the 8th ult, not less than 605,000 bales. The accounts which had arriv ed out from Liverpool had imparted much animation to the market at New York, as at the period when the latest dates had reached the port the cotton trade was very active at Liverpool. From tha Pennsylvania Santinel. A PARABLE, OR ALLEGORY. Men should be taught as though you taught ihem not" Nothing ex- in pi i Hid the wisdom of some of the 5'. eat teachers of Christianity, more strikingly than the manner in which they conveyed wholesome truths and pointed rebukes, under the guise of parables. The parable of the ewe iamb, in which Nathan censued David for the murder of Uriah, and the par ables of our Saviour, are striking , in stances' oTlnis "wisdom Oufowir Franklin had a happy faculty of con vening truth into unwilling ears by this means, and it would be well for the country that this mode of address ing the understandings of the people were more in vogue at this day. The following allegory is one of the best we have met with in a long time: it first appeared in the New London, fConn.j Gazette, and was written lor the lati tude of that State, but it will answer as well for any other. Sailors will un derstand it, "land lubbers' may not, AN Ol.n SEA f!APTAtW9 VAI1V AN OLD SEA CAPTAIN'S YARN On the corner of a pleasant green in a quite village in Connecticut stood a respectable looking Tavern, one room of which was rented to a small club ot news-reades, who were wont to as semble for the purpose of learning and discussing the affairs of the village and nation. Distinguished among this lit tle society, was captain Andrew Mer ry weather, a retired ship-master of the old school. He had spent the early part of his life in the East India trade, and had risen in that aervica 1 Uia good eondaat i W ommind of fine ship. When a boy he was a general favorite with his shipmates who gave him the appellation of 'Jack Merry by which name he was known, until as mate he changed his cognomen to "Mr. Merry weather." lie was an accom- Clished seaman and by devoting those ours to studying his profession which all have at their command in long voy ages, he became a scientific navigator. He was remarkable for his knowledge of the pulley, and by his combination of different blocks always had his ship worked more easily than any other, which made him a great favorite with sailors. From this peculiarity,' some wag who belonged to his crew, after he became master, christened him "Sir Andrew Allblocks" by which charac teristic title he was long known in the CbInseet. " HavTne : retired with a wII earned com pete iiceto Tilsnh ante village, he became an mverterate news reader, and, soon as the notes of the distant horn announced the approach ing mail, his weather-beaten, though sta'ely and gentlemanly form, was seen wending its way across the village green to his accustomed seat in the Reading Room. Here on one occasion lately after looking over the papers with evident sighs of impatience; they -being all a like filled with accounts of Bank fail ures, commercial distress, financial experiments, &C he tossed from him "the Globe" in a pet, and having plac ed his tortoise shell spectacles in a cu rious otter skin pouch, drew his chair toward mine and told me if I had leis ure to hear it, he would spin me a yarn. As I had often listened with delight to his sea stories in telling whick, though a gentleman, he always adopted nautical language, 1 expressed my satisfaction and he sputyisullows: Once when I was before the mast I made a voyage in the old Union; you wilt recollect that she was a fine ship of the first class and though fitted for trade in which she had been very suc cessful, yet was fully armed and had oUve or twice made successful cruises as a man of war. She was divided into many shares and each individual of the crew had an interest in the voyage. She had just arrived front a successful voyage, and the old captain bad left her, but I knew moat ol the officers, who were perfect teamen and several ot'Jhem entirely competent to command her, Jo that I felt no anxiety on that ic Now yoC will understand that she was a joint stock-concern; we bad-all hands a voice inxhoosing the captain; 2cre were several talked of, one of them capital teaman r hal been-ene orHUie mates in former voyagein7 name was Harry Kay; he was at this time a captain of the starboard watch" and was a fine intrepid fellow,' frank and honorable, and a' true sail of, every inch of him; he would iiawe been made skipper long before but for the dirty and malicious slanders of a set of lub bers who envied him his good name, 2nd charged him with crimes of which j F. e waslncapabre. ' -; V" There was another officer n board by Jje nam? of Webber, who would have nude an excellent commander; he was from down east first shipped in a lumberman, afterward moved up to cape Coll and followed the - fiishing and nnally shipped in the Union tnaov years ago. He was turner when she was a man-of-war and had served in her ever since. He could handle a martin spike or a quadrant, strap a block, or measure a distance; take a reef or a lunar, and was as well acquainted with every timber head in the old Union as the carpenter who built her. He knew just her trim and rate of sailing, how much sail she could carry and how to aet it I always mougni mat u ne had not been a down raster he would have been made skip per years ago; out now-a-days a man that has belonged to a Cod fisherman seldom gets above it, though Jack Ad ams did. There were many clever seanien on board who knew their duty and were willing to do it, but I should spin out my yarn too long if I described them all to you. I knew that several of them were talked of for Captain jand as I knew them all to be competent sea men and navigatiors,! did not trouble myself much about the matter until I heard it whispered about among my shipmates that they talked of voting for old Andrews the marine officer. TRis man had been captain of a mili-tia-compafty and 4iad done good .ser vice in the Indian wars for which he was made Captain of marines; but knew no more about seamanship than the cook's mate. He was first set up by the ship boys merely as a matter of fun, and every time they saw his cock ed hat upon deck they would set up a huzza. At first I laughed with the rest, supposing it to be all a joke, having no idea that there was a man in the ship who would vote for the old soldier, or that he would wish to be placed in a situation for which he was entirely unfit, but it proved to be a very serious joke as you will see Our crew like all large ones was com posed of seamen and landsmen, and though there were many first rate men among them, still, there were many who were mere live lumber and vet their votes counted us much as the best Many were foreigners just shipped who did not know one rope from another! tlies for th most part joined in the huzza (or Andrews, usUW ka tU vote came to b takenr to my aston- iahoMat it was announced that he was to be Captain for the eruiser, and was to be obeyed and respected according ly. My eyes! how the old sailors laughed when first they saw the cock ed hat and spurs walking the quarter deck under a long red feather, but it soon proved no laughing matter. When Capt. Andrews came into command he brought with him a chief mate by the name of Martin who puz zled us all, he had been a good deal at sea and was thought by many to be au excellent sea man; that was my own opinion, and as I knew that he would live aft, and be able to exercise a good deal of influence over the Cap- lain, i leu great connuence mat an would go well, I was at least in hopes that he would prevail on the old gen tleman to "let well enough alone" a a maxim which if better observed wouiu prevent many acidents at sea ttmHm shoreip?" But therecaga'nxlrrBS out of my reckoning. We had scarce ly got to sea before the captain com menced a regular turn out of all the officers, who as I told you were gen erally safe men, and in place of them with few exceptions, he put in an scaly a set of fellows as the crew afforded. The cook was made sailing Master, the cook's mate, a quarter master, in shoit there was hardly a deck walloper or lobloly boy on board buffiad an office;, and the nust experienced officers In the ship were turned forward. I then began to think it was all day with us. Dan Webber, Harry Kay and others said all they could to prevent this, and boldly told the skipper that if he went ahead this fashion we should soon have the Devil to pay, but it-was of no use. The chief mate kept dark, he pretend ed to do all he could for the. good of the voyage but most of us believed him to be at the bottom of the devil try. You may well suppose that things' soon got to be helter-skelter fore and aft; the ships duty which used to go on like clock work, was either neglected or done wrong, and instead of attending to it, all hands were at loggerheads, trying to get art' office or keepsuchal they had. I knew if bad weather should come on, it would be a T antron s xold scald for us and tried to persuade ine crew 10 nsien to tne warnings or their true friends, but it did no good, foi the captain had taken a parcel of loafers aft to live with him, and al though they were not officers and in a well regulated ship would have been kicked out ol the cabin, they were his principal advisers, and were employ, ed to go about among the crew and prevent their complaining. It was a pity to see a fine ship in such hands and many of ns would have given our last shirt to have seen her sale in port a- fatnTbat bid as things were they loon became worse. The weather which had been usually fine from the time we sailed, now began to look dirty, and a heajt' swell denoted foul wea ther. At this juncture to our aston ishment we were, ordered to . take in the main topsail, unbend it and stow it away. We supposed of course that another would be put in place of it, but Tdaa rfoTartdirwiachlrnrtfatrtfe signed. In vain Webber and others told the captain that the sail was a rood one and altogether the most use ful sail on the ship, tending more to keep her steady in foul . weather than all the other sails together -that it would be better to take in some of the light kites, or if he thought the ' top sail too large reef it, or even double reef it, but entreated that it might stand, or be replaced by a new one. A large part ot tne anew joined in mis request, but in Vain; the captain said the topsail was worn out, and finally. getting mad swore, and d d all tup- sails and the men who invented them, insisting at the same time that stud ding sails were the only sails a ship wanted in any weather, so the tup sail was taken in and as tUe ship yaw ed about for the want of ij, studding sails were set wherever there was room to ts out a boom, and she soon had a devil of a press of canvas on her. The old skipper stood on the quarter deck calling upon all hands to see how beau tifully the ship went through the wa ter under studding sails, and the mate and all lubbers off hats and huzzad to see how she skimmed it. All the sea men on board were alarmed, for though the ship was going through the wa ter like a Wild horse, they knew that as the weather grew rough if she should chance to "broach to" there would be a terrible crash among the studding sail booms and many a good seaman would get his head broke by them who hacf done his "utmost to prevent the danger. As the sea increased the good ship reeled like a drunken man, lurching gunwale to, while the booms, yielding to the press of the gale were springing like coach whips. At this time, it the light sails had been taken in and the maintopsails set, she would have riuuen out the gale like a duck; but instead of this to our horror ami amazement, as the ship rolled deeper, the baHast was ordered to be hoisted from the hold where alone it could be of any service, and placed at the mast head. where it could only increase the dan ger of our situation and most probably carry away the masts, or capsize the ship, and this was done under the pre tence of keeping her steady! As the Captain gave this preposterous order the mate and all the loafers, in stead of attempting to dissuade him from such monstrous folly, only lMwJha. and to his glory. Belore the conse quences ot his fatal measure could be seen, it struck eight bells, and the captain's watch being out, he left the deck and Martain had charge of the ship. We now hoped that although he had encouraged the old gentleman in his folly, to serve his own ends, yet as he was now in command, he would consult the safety of all hands, as well as his own reputation, by re scinding this mischievous order. The people got together forward and sent aft to entreat, that as they were part owners of the ship and their lives and property were at stake, he wouliftake measures to save them from total ship wreck; but though the gale was each moment increasing and though the sea made a" clean beach" over the decks, staving casks -and.- damaging cargo though the studding sail booms were snapping and the sails flying to ribbands, he refused At Jength the 1 ni. i i tn u. : :i.N look Tard"aback;-and 'the-gtiiani ship Union, which might, under snug sail and good management have been careering like a gull on the "top ef the wave" "heeled over" on her "beam ends" and lay "a wreck inHhe-trough of the sea." ' At "this moment the village clock Struck one, which beirtjs the captain's dinner hour he seized his cane to depart, but I having become interested in the narrative caught him by a button and begged to know how the unlucky ship got out of the scrape. Why she has not got out of it said the captain she is there now, and unless all hands muster on the first Monday of April for a long and strong pull, to "right her up" "clear the L wreck" and get snug sail upon her, she never well get out of it" Tht Whig National Convention. We learn by the Washington corres pondence of the Boston Atlas, that the Yhig Members of Congress have a greed upon the first Monday in June, 1839, as the time to held the Conven tion proposed, and the place is to be Harrisburg, ( Penn.) This subject excited great interest, and gave rise to very lively discus sions. The first question was, wheth er the convention should be held in the year 18S9 or the year 1840. It was presently agreed that 1839 should be the year. The question then arose, what month in 139 should be selected. One party, including the Kentucky members and some others, were in fa vor' of February; another party inclu ding the New York members, and such of the Pennsylvania at attended, were very etrenuons for November, in order to bring the convention -after the conclusion of Uie autumn electron. The first 'Monday in June, was fited upon as a middle term, and was finally carried. ' ' '. It was understood, however, that if arry thtng'vi wrcur making a post nonement desirable, at the next ses sioa of Congress, the 'Whig members should have the power to agree upon such postponement Jt is understood thatT eimesseewtrt"srnd n -delegates to the convention, the W higs -of that State having taken such grounds a gainst the convention that nominated Van Buren, as to make it hardly prop er for them to participate in a similar assemb'L-JNorth Carolina, it is also said, will send none.' Such is the o piiiion now, though what-changes may take place before the expiration of a year is not easy to say. Halt. Chron, c o:tatEssiovL. In the Senate, on Thursday, the 19th April, the joint resolution for the ad journment of Congress on the fiit Monday in June, coining up on its third reading it was on motion of Mr. Gun dy, postponed until Monday week. S'lini time was spent in discussing the bill to prohibit the issuing and cir culation of the notrs of the late Banks ot the Uniit-d States. The bill was modified so as to confine the penalty more explirity to directors, trustees, agents, and other officers, and the a gents of the trustees of the late Bank of the United States, as before design ed to be provided for in the bill, and was then laid ocr. In the lloase, the resolution for di vorcing the Government from the pub lic press, and the bill making appro priations for the ?emiiiole war, were on the tapis, but nothing definite, of general importance, was transacted. On Friday, April 0, the Sen.lte re sumed the consideration of the bill to prevent the reissue and circulation of the bdls, notes and -ulher .securities of corporations created by Congress which have expired, and, altera debate, in which it was supported by Messrs. Wall, Clay, of Alabama, Grundy, Rives, Buchanan, Calhoun and Brown, and oppossed by Messrs. Preston, White and Prentiss, it was ordered, to be engrossed for a third reading ayes 27, noes 14. The Senate adjourned over to Monday. In the House, the bill making ap propriations for the continuation of the Cumberland road, in the States of () hio, Indiana, nnd Illinois, passed its final reading 96 to 80. In the Hou e of Representatives, Saturday, April 21. After Mr. Gar land concluded his remarks on Mr. Hopkins' motion, in relation to the public printing, the Houie went into consideration of private orders, at the conclusion of which, Mr. Toucey in troduced tk, Uaport .or the Duelling voinmiitee. inc following extract is from the Globe of Saturday night. THE REPORT OF THE DUEL LING COMMITTEE. This importont report was brought into the House late this evening. A question arose on the proposition to print it, and the House adjourned with out deciding. In relation to Mr. Graves, the recommendotion is in the following words r "Tha committee, therefore, viewing (he breach of the rights and privilege, of the Home, on the part of Mr. Uravet, to bare been in of fence of lliia hieh character,' ncninst the vital piiiiujihi of a deliberative assembly and of repre sentative uovernmcnt, leel constrained, by a eiiaeof duty, to present to the House a resolu tion that ha bu expelled therefcmi." With regard to the seconds, the committee declare they deserve the censure of the House. In conclusion, the report says: "The committee entertain no doubt that Jaioet YVataon Webb ha been guilty of a breach of the pri vile fces at the H6ue; but ifiey altaxanjansniaoujlte jjtjhe opinion, that if there be any real grounj to Iwlicolhat a con spiracy to aseasinale acluairy e"X1STeJ,--r rel forth in that atrocious paper dran-n up by him, signed by Daniel Jackson and Wm. H. Morell, sworn to by the Utter, and puhli.hrd in the N, York Courier and Enquirer, be left to the chas tisement of the coorts of law and of public opin ion, and that the House will consult ita own dignity and the public interests by bestowing upon him no further notice." On Monday, April 23, the Senate took up, on its third reading, the bill to prohibit the issuing and cirrula-4 tion id the notes of the late Rank of the U. S. which was passed by the fol lowing vote: YEAS Messrs: Allen, Benton, Brown, Bu chanan, Calhoun, Clny.of Alabama, Cuthbert, Fulton, Grundy, Hubbard, Linn. I.umkin, Ly on, Morris, Kites, Norvell, I'iurce, Hives, Roane, Robinson, Rufglss, Smith," of Con., Tipton, Trotier, Williams, Wright Young 27. NAY8 Messrs: Clay, of Kentucky, Clay ton, Crittenden, Davis, Kin;, Merrick, Nicho las, Prentiss, Preston, Smith, of lad., Spence, Swift, White 13. In the House of Representatives, says the correspondent of the Baltimore Chronicle a very warro 'debate came up to day upon the printing to the world the exparte report of the com mittee, upon the duel, concluding as it does, with a resolution . affecting the rights of three me nibe s of the House and their constituents, viz: be ing no less then the expulsion of one, and the censure of the others. The objection to publishing this par ty pabulum for political excitement, was based upon the grounds that the committee having no right to proceed, as they did, so the House would act unjustly and unconstitutionally, by sending to- the world evidence so illegally and improperly obtained. Many able speeches were made going to this., point, by Northerners and Southerner. Menifee, vThtmpon, Fillmore I;ar, SlUey, Rw land and thers, eipo,d thi. .V . able and abhorrent Wempt u t"1 theopinions ofthe-Honse and tl,. vUI try epon this case. 'MrWistU. ted, for one against the right if :nn.rtof5; vwiiuhvi Wist W ii it llUUIf. Xha. ' I I bate wit warmlr kent an An k...s .-J all: d.v-the imWuV: lin."' - he-printing ,f tne-fewtriflr.?ff weeks postponement id order tVi!i" the nniaan nriinlir . r,rU effect lrbl,t tmr pol'S . Mr. Adams exposed-thebsurditr oracting, in the House, upn ,0 posterou a bnrpositletf as hatY i mor" furnished proper ground of ,! tion by committees: ending with a rru olution to expel a member. He u open, as with the spear of ltlluri,' -the monstrous iniquity of such a prmT osition. He showed that the commiV tee had far transcended the powerm 'Tn them by the House. They W TTiose who Sustain them sav ih. .i- Hill resolution was but the natural const-,' quence oi i ne (towers given by tQ liousei that, if a menihur "VIB lfV named in the original . resolution, jf wn so notorious inai members were implicated in the enquiry, it was prop, er to proceed, as they had done a gainsi sucn motions. j his posilon .'nf Messrs. Fairfield's, Turney's, Bun- can's and other such persons Mr." Adams refuted in the most juat,i aud decisive manner. He showed that the resolution of Mr. Fairfield, institu ting thi enquiry, could never have passed this House, had such a tenden cy been apparent, as intended by thr"" mover, ne urew jroin preredeut au.1 thotity, ond personal recolleclimi, much valuable information as to prac-, tice, bearing directly upon ihejcae,' and attracted the attention of the white house, who gathered around him, and hung upon the words that fell. preg. nant with forcefuj conviction, from his lips. He moved to recommit the i.nm4 with instructions to strike out the res olution, and those parts of ti e, repwtt which arc artrtiinentativo unon ilininl.. ject of the persons concerned anil im i.ficated in it. Members of th n,,n ' he contended, ought not to be forced lin inji.ti flu ..T .t 1- . iw My Miiiivi ihi iiijuuivc ui mis re port, a fortnight nor even a single day. In the Senate, on Tuesday, April 24, the resolution introduced by Mr. Pres ton, on the 4th January last, in favor of the annexation of Texas in the IT " States was -taken. up, when Mr. Pres. - on rose ami auiiretseu the senate a bout two hour in hunport of the resolu tion- When he had concluded, -: other -member rising, the reMiluiios -was, at the instance of Mr. P. for the present ordered tn lie on the table in consequence of the indisposition and absence ol Mr. Walker, who, it vn understood, desired to speak on it-. In the House, Mr. Ilowaid.on ..leayet. made a statement in reference to the report of his remarks of last eveningon i the subject of the President's message on the outrage upon the steamer Co lumbia. He hail not said that negotia-, tions were pending in relation to that affair, for such was the fact, but that the more delay there was. the mine -tune would be afforded to thr-Mexican Government to make explianatos. The motion of Mr. Toucev, to post pone fur two weeks and to' print the , reports of the select committee upon the suhj- ct of the late duel, being un der consideration, (and havirg prece dence, as a privileged question,) camo up in order; and was further discussed by several entlemeru- ' - In the Senate on the 25th, the" re port in favor of Mr. Rugbies was a da.pied without d bate or: dissent. '" t. al. If 11 "re liWie nothing Important . ,.. took place. 77ie lictoiircei of Worth CarvlinaJ-A " wert shown, on Monday last, a beautiful fperimcii of Copper Ore. mingled with Gold from the works of the Deep River Gold Mining Compa ny, in Guilford county, N. C. We learn that nearly 100 Tons of this Ore have passed through this place on the way to Liverpool. - A Lead Mine recently discovered in ' Davidson county, N-. C. and owned by Koswell King and others, is now work ed to some extent, and with most ex traordinary results. We are informed, from an unquestionable source, that -three labourers have obtained two tons a day of the Ore, which yields 88 per cent, of pure Lead! Upwards of 100 Tons have been thrown out, and the . vein is 40 feet wide. ' The Iron Works of Burton & Fu! enwider. in Lincoln, have been soldi as wijl be seen by a paragraph from the Salisbury Watchman, for gllO.OOT, to an English company, who conteni p'a e walking them much more extcn( sively than heretofore. We under stand that wherever ibis Iron has been . has been pronounced infinitely superior to any imported. Abounding with Iron, Lead, Coal. Copper, Gold,' and Water powerl having every variety of soil and elim inate) what is to prevent North Caro lina from rivalling, and- evert supaf- sing, her sisters in the," career of p os penty? Nothing is wanted but enter-. prir.e among her citizens) and that, ' are happy to believe, will not alwaya be wanting. - W'e rejoiee to learn.thata lively spirit is manifesting itself in the West, on the-subject of our great Rad Read scheme, which most become of immense importance to that section as its riches become developed. A -ge"-