! f . : : ''i f , the nriihlMM-liood of tlit f,.a wl,.,w..l.cre a few days H to l.p H't a strung I .UciedtnfW6f ll.e t ..... ll.H O" . i- . r.t. VV..t ' i that- the peop " " toward liber ltr''1 ill jet come r' ? ...wniition. It is very - E , ,l,eir intereaU ar ueepiy T nits .acce.. ThrfCW- I i holding ""'" r-..i..., article, their weight irt dj.,,rnfwi tioned to tlieir bulk. .,,'' ', W3.r,in must he! XtstJ IJIUMI ' a . - , l nive than br rail, roads. f Kef be-fotifwtao4' on at ,rv. and sacrifice the immense V 'i.;,u (he wtfrV difference f " would trite them? Ve .. . . mniZ-A few week we the accidental drowning ol fn ii UIC UlCkiiig ivi.r,, nwii ry'-Uion of airother, named . rmii'iirt of ii Mrs. ic "ci - . ' ..lunscil in the stream, and Iff. in rescuniT nun "" 1 - , . i : . r i. j iuiiua. -. air. jte, c in yotmg man nt fortune and InlUlimcn'. and iiiwnediately after t f,iif,'ie made enfjuinea reecting nrwrrvrr i nt me. otici mining jhewasaypun widow, lie offered . . . . . ...t.,rtla sr . a Aran. i. hanit in mama ji;. " .yvtj' . rul the p.rtie were jinneu in (luck the next Sunday three daja r their first ntfeliii of the waters. tee, now Mr. Jones, can con- ru'ntif lii-isflf upon having VMnta jhaft4-w;tU4ke jnot entire s-uc- ... ami ' "' ,lie mHS-1 lau",ule m0 e'i;f, eriri g'on Inttlltgtnctr. COM.nUXICATIOtf. Fo THE STAa. . i: 'J. F.lil" Ha Jusi nnisnni rvnuing Htrirturen n 1 ha Ue' Wlons oi ma nuprem ,n il ilw Unilrd States, "published in the jiuaiiSrot Keview, fuiea ny mrssrs. irinv y O Sullivan, ol wimtnptfm 4iyT wrrt it nut f.r the f.ict, that this ia truly the ,t dfuS.iinlinVa let Innse. shoulil nave been niiW miis mrogaiit prosumplion and die- uttiii3 uinilenc. Our Iota ar surely cast j.ii linn's. (t no opinmns. howere ancient : rMiei'H'.'lc the aulhiirity by whit-h they ar jinnedno truth In morals or politic, how. . ' . .i i- i.:l rr strrtnif hiciu ia reasons oy wiucu u s he siiortcil- is Irce rrom th llo touch hat (iemliiih spirit, which is walking aTiroad t llis mnh, scH-king wbat it can pollute or ,li.w; sfi-inlf, at every atnde, upon eome niiiwiit of irtuc and order. Who the wri- LuflliM strictures is we do not know; but I'tfiiiitf ! rertatn, that bun hia language been jrreotinciius, and his are ument stamped with jk eoinumn sense and less poetic pedantry, iliruls sirainst the Supreme Court and its worn would hae found mora favor in the ail intrlliiient men. That man must be wr igiiDdint or maliciiiusl wicked, who iM ittempt, cn-n indirectly, to break down only judicial tribunal which the Conatita mnfttie lnited Stiitrs has established to ad. u'uter justice and expound its laws. W ean Awnuile ourselves that tho writer of this .iMwtal article ean plead ignorance injua- LaUM.(ot beseem, at least, to have a pretty iinalttmnaiutance with men and things, ana lie wools presume from the'ifsuHsA he makes, it Ik list been aittiiijt 111 council Willi many ick loth ol law and of poetry. W must vr it with the tandor of the reader to aay Kllier the other alternative . is suited to him, mi ho silies to the Supreme Court, aa far t! ei rjnizrd, the polite epithets, "a high L tJrd judicial tribunal" '-an institution reach : titer universal -dominion" "issuing ppln- ii cDiuhed in irrandiliHiueot languaee. of k th late is a false as the law and logic' Mtsfy revering Stale decrees "arrogating iriuaiic discretion" "sending forth prolix and mlmtla political disquisitions." What very knllrmsnly and enurteoua language! We ouU be really gratified to know who this new friJiift is, who is attempting lo teach eonstltu jiiii la to one of the ablest court in th wu,indwho would, no doubt, make Chief Imit Marshall "hide his diminished head," if ooil old loan could visit us affain from his "it. kame. But rely upon it. all this ia not done f Aiot an object. It is not prompted by mere Ji'lifs. Tlie fimt paragraph stamp upon the frsittetioii iis true features. "The renovation Ills Supreme Court by the creation of ven ' its une memlier nnilor the auspice ot ttie wai uemncratie ascendancy, may b regard I ss th cliMiirig' of an old and th opening of a f m in its history .fAnr tia" irinrrnir-te "insl iwliticsl fivvoTltism is to bo incorpora isto eu? jodicial tribunals, and that party w "B lie in test OI teual shilitv and hones- Tlw uarograph betrays in bold relief, th tealion of the .writer. It ean be nothing else leite a prejudice strains! the Court " ntr 'I former deciiiotit. as its present imherihsve lieen renavaleil,) by enlisting po- -"pmuiectinna And why should this be! 1 ""dalles are not, directly or indirectly, eon """I vil! the politics of lha Jar Ih.ImuI it wld 'he object of every man. who loes hi . KeeP fre from such influence, ' M tnnl'oueationa whirh tha ! In iloi.la r M1Won truth on foundationa which ar "isnuMe. sml l.t-l. .1 - .ii :. . iobki me person, who kar to expoutid them red by the low contemptible motive . "ca enaracteriza lha nfirtin1 'Pi.;. rr. , CIUM"Jlfir that they rfWHild be abov. ttBuenea, and oreea th contrary a an e- " ta the nl.l . n . W. 1.1 j . u.vimi wun. Hui una "!wilritiw.ti!asi: iwi.il s-.i- f.; Miuaiiwtiis i;uiiiHK'lluawa I ntt OMt Ulla im Hna .11 'IM : 1. - g llltf.WIW UTIsHir' hunt wU'wh .1 u e . 1 , -issnmsf tIUUIi;a lflJ" may 1V Htahaa. T : tr I 1 ""JKuer great defect in th 8upremc Court. n. And pray what would b the consequence wtuig it rwponaible to such an ompirol I LjJ"? ,,1'lel What may be th opin - m. public to Jay may be ehana-ed before u- Wost the t:.u,rt ,k.nM t.k i.t decisimi. r 1 u , . PSt r " 'P""'" rmtwnatit tourt sworn to follow ir" 'naa. Undee sneh . .1.1. .r .k:- I jj-ea. on any atability in our nation. 23 i&?tw th w fM is . uige when answer "'If ain u v'"""g. unstaoi supervision! r ' J rx".-th Jdici.ryof s kin. 1 ""'"rvient to popular opinion. h .. " muut B vr blast of nnliiil "rtT an,! l.r": 'u ' sian.K. .l w ovenornaxi. in Uino r U" Cotwumion and Uw and (ear .. . . vnwT D overtornnl. nil ambition will both rprl ta ptung litem . into Ih current of popular cteilenMrnt. Instead of rntstinar ?ijr.n they will pankin - in it. In courting th people, .tiny WiH undermine their institution. Wa tkt not wish w b com sidered M touteodiof that Judge should nut twpett public opinion. By no meana. It houU indue l!im to luoK eareiuuy at to duti oe br them lo iaroin wall th irounj of thetr opinions to gslher light, if possible, fro iu Uggrttioti. Hut to mac mem irptnomt, ta to aniail upon Hit Country tyranny which t not iMa-trnd Jhiiajh8?wj mora eonteropultle, Mca,ue to iimui to un mask itself. For our own part, w regard independent judiciary a on of lh rarest pit lara ot the Constitution, witueul wtuca, wa may anticipate those ccne thut. characterised lh French Revolution werrthe very foundationo I L. of society were broken p when confiscation nd bloodshed usurped the place of virto and good government, and th very soil, saliattd to fulness, refused to drink in lbs blood which wa shed in tlieir 11 ut what, let ur-enquir. ar th evidence of usurpation in th Supreme Court, in th timation of this writer, who seems so vary much struck with his own suj-crior candor and legal acumen as to charge it with reaching after "uni versal dominion?' The decision which oinvlly disturb his peace of mind and haunt hi Jaco binical slumbers, are IDose siatilishum to doc trines rontainod iu Fletcher v. Peek 6 Crunch' i lit t. 97.) Ill this case th Court de clared that "a repeal by on of the States of a law under which rights had vested did not di vest those rights: that Georgia had no con stitutional authority to revoke grant of land previously made. Tut arguments urged in de fence of the authority, are drawn from the sup posed omnipotence of the Legislature that the act of one cannot bind a sfiossuuns Legislature that if it were binding, lb action of eueceed- ng legislature might be completely forestalled and annulled There ia an erroneous impress ion abroad, (particularly among thos who has not lb meina of examining) in relation to thia vital question. It may afliird some apology for recuriing to those reasons whichs would seem to strike at once the mind of every reflecting man. The Constitution of the United States declare in Article 1, Section 10: "No State shall pass any bill of attainder, ei-pft fnrto law, of lav impairing the ettitfatian of contract:" A eon- tract, both in Its legal and ordinary acceptation, means, an agreement between two or more per sons lo do or not to do a certain thing, and is either executory or executed. It is an executed contract where Us inducement or object has ben performed, and executor when it ia to be performed in future. Now die framers of the t'onsl il n tiunpmH( certainly have had in view both tbase apeciea of contract. 1 he language ia general, without qualification and free from ambiguity. - That a State is able to make a con tract when not forbidden by tho Constitution will hardly be denied. Did not the grant of Georgia partak of all the qualities of a con tract! The land waa transferred for a valuable consideration. The title of the grantor waa completely extinguished, and an agreement im plied that he would not re-assert that title. Would no contract be violated no1 obligation impaired by revoking it and retaking the land? It would bo doing violence to the express lan guage of the Constitution and impugning the wisdom of il fiamers, lo suppose that a Klate under the prohibition "thall pan no latt im pairing the obligation of contract!," is bound to protect contracts between individual: but may, at pleasure, weaken, impair and annul iti stum. I pe founders or our government knew the danger of party excitement, and were fully aware that in moment of political ardor the Legislature might pas laws winch wouW .vio late th right of property. Hut who can. fail to ae th raaulia of uab. a iluatriml Mot, n. ny person in th co.nmunity would hold their lands free from th caprice of the Legislature: It is only necessary thai it should pas an act revoking grants, many of whii& were made half a century ago. If the light is conceded to im pair one species of conrlacts and not anotner, who i to draw the distinction Has the Con stitution done it! The Legislature passe an ct granting to B for valuable consideration one of tho public lota in the City of Kaleigh. B Improve it build upon it and in course ot time it becomes valuable piece of property. Can a subsequent Legislature revoke that grant and resume the lot! Again: J'ha Legislature grants to a number of persons a charter to erect Rail Koad through a section ot tue state. Stock is subscribed property vested the road completed. Has the Legislature a right under th Constitution to revoke that charter, when there ha been no mituter or nonnrer, and dc- atroy th Road! Have not rights vested under it! I it not a contract! If you grant it the right to take back th whole charter, you must likewis allow the power to resume a part. Suppose then there is a provision, that th com pany, in consideration of their keeping up the road for the convenience of the community, thall be entitled to the toll originating from the transportation of passengers and produce. Will any one contend that the Legislature can de prive liirm of It) toll bfTCquirtng tlent"t) p-4 form such tranaiortation Ire ol enargei The argument educed by many from th sup- twcdomnipoUmcCJ)fjhLcgslature is as dan-I gerooa aa ii is erroneous. - i u uw; " umeof to represent th voice of th people it is true in whom all political power is vested. This however doe not make the Legislature omnipotent. In all regulated government in all government where liberty and good order prevail ther are Constitutions. By the Con stitution th people place restrictions on them selves which they cannot violate without moral turpitude. Th majority must indeed govern, but it can govern in no other way than it ha promised by if own Conititution, previously recommended and approved; If any other doc trine were eanctioned such a supreme law as a Constitution would be a met mockery. There would be no protection for the right of th mi nority, and th Legislatuieclaiming to represent lh wish of tb majority would vurial every right sacred to man. Such a despotism would be won than that of a Tiberius or Caligula for who would not prefer one mailer to a Mete land? 8uch an argument then would make our government in practice a despotism with out restriction, without limitation of power. A corporation i an artificial being existing in contemplation of law -and vested under it chsrter with certain ritht and power. B!ck- ton (3 Com. 37) define it "a franchise for al number of person to b incorporated and eiisl as a body politic, with power to maintain suc cession and do corporal acts, and each indi vidual of uch corporation i (aid to bav a franchise or freedom." It roust be apparent then that the parti to lh grant or charter of a cor poration ar th Government or Legislator and ta individual member of that corporation. 1 ha on the grantor and the others tb grantee. Under it each ha certain right and i bound by certain obligation. I on party privileged to violate hi obligation when th other ha been prompt in the performance of hi! That he can ia certainly not aw, and the' common sense of any on will tell him that there ia no Uuotice in auch principle. Tha-easee of Fir- retttv: Taylor, (9 Crone Hep, 43 J "Stur. get vi Cminingihitld f4 If heal 122J Dartmouth Collego vo noodcrd fib. 618 contain lucid and forcible refutations nt th doc trine w have attempted hut feebly to expose. On srch be evidence of vntrpation in f Su preme Twit m grsvsly charged by the Wash iiiglon City Revwwer! But vra supposing tb Constitution of the United State had placed ae such prohibition on th Plate as that of which w bav inf the doctrine be defended; on th ground f policy e good faith! I not auch vi tattoo of national honor repugnant I th spir it of ur Put Uoveresaent! If Creai Britain were (and the ParUanvanl is a omnipotent as aay lefislalivi Wedy earth) to pea ah ad sxuiitilaliR( tb nauonal bt and rescinding v Ui-UiM to bar e.Witara, would any man W fcsaJ 'WliKU it! Couldh W a-Whdcd J aay principle ot lav aad loaticel Thai ah lie th power U -t .tvoieJ: but would there net tin msMBigttt tauaVajnral and knal liabU iiyt Can parry can , reacind, at will, tbir own contract wacw they bold indi W bonr-d wkatevet asay b the result! If they can, then what seennty i there for th innumerable avwinariVeef learning tb benev olent asaeeiaUone the imniens (cheme for jriternal imprewnMnt, and many ether work which ar to spread gladoea and plenty over lh land! Are they all to be liabl to bwept away by tb breath of th Legislature? W bav watched with painful anxiety th progtese of such threatening error. How dread ful in their consequence w may not know ao til it is too lata to apply th remedy! We en treat the people therefore lo look at these thing to see hew near to destruction such doctrine ar forcing their property and live. Ther ar "many who ar (till making an at tempt, a bold and reckless attempt, to break down the great landmark of the Constitution and to erect in their place th disorganizing nd cruel principle of Jacobinism! Will tub riorL Arraova will tb riorLS sor- ran it? DELTA JTIIK STAR KALEIGH. MAY 2, 3S38. Glorious Whig Triumphal "The cry it itill they come!" BALTIMORE it redeemed! Mr. Ken ncJay, the Whig candidate ha been elected by a majority of 800 vote over the Loco Foco can didate. Tho rout of the Loco Foco i com plete. Never before were they so broken up nd discomfitied. They drained every nerve, resorted to every artifice, however base and grovelling; but they have signally failed. Well done Baltimore! Hurra for the land of Carroll! Whig majority in the city 620. Little RHODE IS JULYtfJu also enrolled her name upon the bright list of regenerated States. The election which bav just termi nated there ahow a great whig gain. Governor Sprague ( Whig) is elected by 400 majority, and the Senatorial whig majority ia atill larger' In the Legislature I he whigs have a majority of 25 on joint ballot. From VMGLYI.i we learn that there is no doubt of the election of Mr. Slaughter, the whig candidate, over Mr. Linn Banks, the Van Bu ren, Sub Treasury candidate, to fill the vacancy made by Mr. I'atton'a resignation! Thi ia to be regarded a a clear development of public opinion in that district againat the Sub-Treasury and 'tho party,' a Mr. Bank it a moat pop ular gentleman, and extensively known for ma. ny years past aa Speaker of tb Houi of Dele, gales. Thi new at the present juncture from the Old Dominion ia peculiarly gratifying, and II .1 . im astuaa islls late contest there. With these victories pouring in upon us from II quarters the most ancient and respectable members of the Confederacy reasserting their rights with a spirit lofty and decisive a thst which animated them in by-gona times is it possible that North Carolina, once foremost in lh career of freedom i it possible, we sk in view of the position of her sister States, of what she ha been, and what ah may be, that ah will falter now, or. com but feebly to the rescue? We ardently hope not. The summer campaign is approaching. LET EVERY MAN DO HIS DUTY else he ia no on of North Carolina! Cj" It will b perceived from the Congress ions! proceeding in snolher column, that Mr. Grundy' bill imposing a heavy penalty and im prisonment for the issue by th U. S. Bank of Pennsylvania of it own note, ha paaced the Senate! We ask when and where will Federal aggression cease! Not content with destroying a valuable fiscal agent of the Government, th Democratic party, with a malignity sesreely j parallelled in th barbarous age, and wholly unworthy of a high-minded and free people, ar yHpsrsuipg lh? hsd?w of that institution, now under the supervision and control of sovereign member of th Confederacy. We are astound ed and pained at a tl of thing o alarming o disorganizing so uttorly at war with th right of th Stale, and so highly inimical to tb commercial welfare aa well of the who! Union of the 8tate of Pennsylvania. The caae ia (imply thi. Th note of the old "TJT8. Bank now in circulation, have been a dopted and issued by th U. 8. Bank ol Penn sylvania, which i bound and competent to re deem them. These notes are therefore bona fid Slate notes, to all intent and purpose, at much so s the note issued by any 8tat Bank. What shadow of right then, baa the Federal Government to interfere with the circulation of the note? What right to raise a whimper on th subject! But it is sought to be done a Jaw prohibiting their iaaue baa been adopted In the Ken ate, and pain t;vpenaiue nave Keen . .... ,.,.. . noexea to iu vioiauoni it i out anoiner oi lh many high-banded and malignant acta of Lne party' exercised toward that institution, Tbey are chagrined and mortified foiled fn their cherished design, and tbey ara iihibiting their waaknee ia an effort to aasuravj etrength. For if Pennsylvania i true to harsdf, to th Conititution, to bar iter State, thi arrogant and deliberately fbrmsJ schema for I--overthrow of her beet Banking institution, m 1st be discomfited. ... viRC'NIA ELECTION. We tear from psttenger last night Irom Wiashesler that. Barton (W.) and Sherard ( Contervatlv has bee elected to tb Legislature from Ftderick soonty. This hai Iieretolor bean on ot lh most dtsided Van Buren eoanties m th Slate. From Jefferson WMinty, tw Whig bav bee e. etd by 100 VsjorityJatt year whig and 1 joeolote. x Bait. Caret. Mr. Camhrclenj, the Van leader iri the House, .is reported a bill to create a species of permanent Crerasici batU-ntttt,irre- 5hiySlhe Secretary of the Treasury may put into circulation, wrienever and often as be pleaae. Thet note are not to benefit the peeple oh no''tIiey are to be issued for a diflerer.t purpose to jiay the debt of the government Ti whomr To the p bile creditor ofvoure-th people?. How IpnxwilJ, thejr .re" ?Pa'LPrie day We think not. They mm depreciate and the people will be forced ,to become uflerera. HOW LONG WILL THE PKO- PLE J5LF.EFf- " - The Southern democrats are ctamaroua ag-ainst Mr. U!y high tariflT principle. WTMedLjIu;; Compromise actf John G.'Canionn. Wi'tttlie South will va ainjrle true Southern mar, Van Uuren or olhei wise condemn hi course on that question. We believe not. ; Who voted with John C Cal houn? II F.N It Y CLAY. Who proposed thia salutary measure of reconciliation be tween the high contending parties' HEN- KT LLAi . vr no voted ajramst tins meas ure? MK. VAN BUttEN'S NORTHERN FRIENDS. We can prove it. Who voted for the Abomination bill of SS? MARTIN VAN BUKEN- Who aouglit recently to disturb the Compromise Act? VAN UUREN, WniC.HT, BENTON Si Co. These are FACTS and we hope the people will weigh them and determine who are and who arc not for u. ' THE UNITED STATES AND MEXICO. We are highly gratified to stale that there is at last a prospect of settling the dispute betwre lh United States and Mexico amicably. It ap- A pcsrr'from a roe'tage of llje PresiiieuTpreienled in th House of Representatives on ilie C'th ull. thsl a tTireet proportion hat been midefiy the Government of Mexico to relcr the differences between that Republic and this to the arbitration of a third power, and that the offer has been ac cepted by the President of the United Slates. BANK CONVENTION. Some account af the proceeding! of this body was given to our reader last week; since which we have learned, from an authentic source, the following aJJitiona Th proposition recommending the 1st of Oc tober a the day of resumption, wa carried in th committee by mere numerical strength, not by th amount of capital represented the great controlling power over the currency, and which must, after all, be the final arbiter of thi im portant question. It influence wa felt in the decision of the Convention. Various proposi tion wer submitted, which were freely and fully discussed; in which, it affords us pleasure to, state, North Carolina took a firm and zeal ous stand in support of the earliest day in eve ry instance, even cordially uniting with New York in favor of the 10th of this month; there by giving the strongest evidence of the sinceri ty of the desir and confident ability of our bank to resume at any moment, when they can have the co-operation of their sis'er insti tution, psrticulsrly those of Virginia, whose -my. i. ai.n.H.aiW. ui with which alone the bank of thi Rial kn mum and maintain specie payments. But br a recent act of iW. Virginia' Legislature, her bank are protected in suspension until the 1st of January. It therefor became necessary, in order to an or Tier resumption by our banks, to prevail on their neighbors lo give op a portion ol the im munity granted them by the act; and, in a highly commendable spirit, they consented to yield half, and support the proposition to re turn on the 1st October. But it was all una; vailing. A majority of the Convention resist. ed every attempt lo fix upon an earlier period than the 1st of January, 1839; and the vote on that question was aa follows: Yeai Maine' Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhod Island, Con necticut, New Jersey, Delaware, District of Columbia, Virginbv North Carolina, Indiana. Illinois, Missouri. Jfayi New York, because bound by law to resume lOth May Mississip pi, becauae too soon for her. Matlylsnd with drew, because sh wss opposed to designating a day; and th following State war not re presented at all: New H fjnpshir, JPermsyJv- nia, South Carolina, Georgia, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Michigan. It i proper to remark that it is still doubtful when tb work of . rampUon wm aciUaftyTwrniio: tne-lt in currency-crmiar- agairi tak pUce. Tb resolution of th Conven tion i not imperative, tho' North Car olina at least inaistad on having it so,) but re-" Commendatory. It may commence much earli er, or it may be delayed longer than the time mentioned. Such i thocouiie arf trade and consequent current of circulation, that there is a regular ehai oof connexion and dependency between the bank from the South to the North. Pennsylvania must therefore move before Maryland, Maryland befor Virginia, and Virginia before North Carolina ean r- lum. , Whenever, therefore, the bank of Pennsyl vania (hall lead th way, if tomorrow, th work of general reaumption will commence, and not sooner. It ii a fact worthy of remark, that the Bank of th State has in it vault at let half as much specie a all lb 26 Associated Bank of Botton. " ' It will k tca that the Duelling Committee hat reported resolutions for tb expulsion of Mr. Grave from tb Uoese, and for lb vr Ma ture by lb House of Messrs. W is and Jonas, the teeoodt. . . . . The Bank of Cape Fvar has declare ed a dividend, preparatory to admit tin" the new. Stockholders, of 4 1-2 per cent, payable on this , day. We understand that after making-tWs dividend, and allowance for- oil bad debts, a surpuls of about t percent, waa still left on hand. Fay. Ol$. Important lo rentiomr$,-The Pen sion Department at Washington has given notice, that in accordance with an act of the present session of Con gresa, a414 Ynsionrrs who do not claim and receive their petifciona within eight months alter they are due, are requir ed to apply to the Department itaelf, where only they will be paid. It may be well to add, (ainre the fact of the Agent here being unable to pay pensioners, for want ol funds, hat been, noticed , in it Western .paper, that funds Juve lately been supplied, and all who apply are now paid. Mr, PiTTo. of Va., ha issued an address to hi former constituent, in which he animad vert verv freelv nnan soma of th measure of nth 1st and present administration. We take th following paragraph from hi address. "If I may assume th privilege of admonition which I bop you will excuse, in considera tion of Tny aiucei and aealoua anxiety for lha welfare of those who have so long and so gen erously confided in m let me beg of you, never put your trust in the 6 lelity or virtu of any politician, who chief claim to youl sup port is placed, not on th sounJness of his prin ciples, but on hi profession of devotion lo a party." CHER0KEE8. Ther em to b bullit tle doubt now, but that the wu. tr will hav to encounter serious difficulties, when they at tempt to enforc the lat Treaty ith the Cher okee tribe of Indians: great deal of excitement already prevails among th sell It r on th fron tier, from Ilie reluctance whU h the Indian have evinced lo leave th country. A t orre- Tmondent writer from Wayneaville.says: "'From alt I ean learn, I do not bnliete that th Indians have the most dWtant idea of removing; I am indrmsd that they aie making more improve ment an J grenler preparation for a crop, than thry have ever done heretofore, though one cause of that may be, owing to tho fact tint the commissioners have been recently valuing their improvement which may have stimulated them to industry, with the expectation of being paid for (heir labor: whit men who have been mong them, tell mo, that the Indian aay, that tliej never will leave the country; that they will die first, but at the same time disclaim ail intention of fiirhting. I do not think that thry will embody themselves arid make general bat tle; they bve ho means of carrying on a wnf. They are almost entirely destitute uf ammuni tion and means of obtaining it. It seems to lie the general Impression, that when they find that they are to be removed by force, they will re treat to -the large, mountains where they can ef fectually conceal themselves during the summer season. When they find that all their ellorts to escape fromt!iewhite man are Ineffectual, that the Treaty must Inevitably iinforceoTRfd they removed, then, and not tilt then, it ia be. lieved that thry will fight; they will then be. come desperate, and sell their live aa dear a. possible. It i thought that they bav not re. solved on any thing definitely as yet, nor will they until John Ross return from Washing, ton, who exercises absolute control over them,' ... Muther, Gazette, Texan. The New Orleans Bulletin of Thursday last, is mud ularmcu at the tenor ol private advices troin l'.nir l etui, that the British government is about to acknowledge the Indeptn dence of Texas, and thus destroy all hono of its annexation to the United States. blocks have risen astonishingly in New York within a week or two. Some of them as much as ten' per cent United States Bank stock rose from 108-1-2 to 113. Our readers Jio doubt reccollect the old law of the "State of Franklin,' lately cited by Mr. Websler, in his speech on the currency. That law (made before the country was anlickd with bank notes; was as lollows: "He it enacted by the (it nersl Assembly of J lh Slate of Frank I in, and it it hereby enacted ny ine siittioriiy ol tlie tame, bat iiom the first dsy of Janusrv, A. 1). I7!, 4lie taUiies ol the civil officers ol this cotniuontveaith brat lol low, to wit: "His excellency the governor, per annum, one thousand deer tkini; hit honor, Hi chief justice, five hundred do. do. the attorney general, fite hundred do. dot secretary to liii txci,llenry (he Governor, five hundred raooon do.; th tretsarer of lb Htate, four hundred and filly ot ter do. each eounly slcrk, three hundred bea ver do, dark of lh house ot commons, I o hnnilred taconn do. i member! f aiteinhlr. nrr diev the dv-do. jusli'- tt tor iguig warrant, on mutkral do.( to lh conttMble, lot serving a arrant, on mink do." Mr. Webster, we are told, com mented with much humour "off the ap. ptopiutcness uf paying the constables in ix i ii tt skiiir, uy reason ol the re semblence belweeH them in character an4 pursuits.lJnnrt this , rrincin. nto fashion, we suppose it would be distributed among the present vflicers -Torour troverntnent somewhat thus: To Ilts Eicellency Martin Van Bit ren, President of the United States, per annum, twenty-five thousand foi skins. ". ' " '" ' . ;; To Amos Kendall, Postmaster Gcn eneral, six thousand lijrna skins. To the Secretary ol State, six thous and goat skins. To Levi Woodbury, Secretary of tho Treasury, six thousand ass skins, of the largest size. . To Thomas II. Benton, Senator one bear skin. To Oen. Jesup, Commander ayainst thel ndians, one squaw skin. ToR. M. Johnson, Vice F resident, one black sheep akin, with the wool and horns. To Blair, Administration editor, one nakeskin. . . ' To Cralle, second AdministrfHion editor, for his services for and against "the hard money humbuj;." one .cha meleon skin. &.c. &c. Col. Tel. "I A It II IK D, .- In thi county, on the 5th inst by William Laa a, Mr. Thomas I. Roges to Mis Eliza A. Msngum, daughter of Cob James Man-gum.- . ' : , ,'. DIED, : ;; ; In Newbern, on Monday hut, Mr. Archer Tench, of this City. - In Kineton, en Sunday, the 24th of March att, Mrs, Sarah C. Heavit ebinort of Turner lteavis, and youngest daughter of the late John Catlin, Esq. ; ' Mom teienee, gen lot, and friendshltil Weep wah ht-dsonotate wrintl three fcit. reaved little shildrve, lorasteirand vour roent sml fikn.l, Doctor John l!yood. r.f Iteitie, N. ("arolina, is numbered witti tlie dead. Ills to record but half hi wot tj say there lies the found husband, the tender parent, the fjitbi'nl friend, the gelicrou m-, erytheki)fu,l and" accomplished l'liysicisn, the public spirited anri excellent citisen; who died on the 18th instant, in Windsor, Ilie theatre of his usefulnej l the practice f hi many virtues since A. 1). 18C6) nf that fear, lul destroyer Pneumonia .'lphaideo, wliioh quickly rent asunder the silver chord, and all the delirate ties whirh bAitnrt t r.r and in the midst of hi usefulness and pronn Asa Graduate rtf the University ; w IVnn. ivlvania in 1824. be higiily honored liia ' lima .Mater. Hi fine intellect, ripened by igh dltiire, admirably Jrui.led hi nice div criminating judgement, and stamped drcisr ion and energy upon- tin movement in the chamrrer of diseasen' aided as e waa by great arhentty' of manners and kinrtu of neart, rive liima lmld unoallie mAlic con fidence and all'tcl'mn poasesBed by very few. "w as ne Biirpaacu ny any that In ean. sive benevolence which iinnclled him regardlrs of the peril to hit own health. fly, at the call, to the relief of tuflVriiia- huniamt) and to Ihia the finest charity of our nature, he finally fi ll a martyr, in the prime of lif, in the vigor of manhood, and bleat with all that earth cmiltlheMow, te cheer dim on in his career of usefulness and ' dUinlcres tcdiies. ... The county of Bertie in trtitli. the whole State, atiould mourn th lost of such a me t.' for hit death is ttul a public calamity. It is however con-olmii indeed amid the mournful circun-ttance X dying, to reflect, that Christianity, tlion';li unabl to "divrrt ne stroke ol dcih,Ttracts its atinc, and casts a flood of glo'.y, to light ill departing pun in unwiru iiigiu i ns rirmm rest. rarewell! dear kliul. I forirne the tear ahicli friend hip 1i ill In thy departed orh, who in years ern e by, s lonir thv associate in bu.iness, and uho, tlu.upli now. lar a ay;, deeply synipallnxca wtlit thy bereaved family and f end. : ll.leig'iN. C.April 20, 133, lTiesit uuful Steamboat Acci dent! The boiler of the Steamboat Moselle, with :0O passeiiKrr on bomd, exploded near Cin cinnati on the SAth ult., and horrible to relate, - tore the boat into atoms, and killed about 195 of the iuisencei! The accident ia attiibulrd 4tMh4Mprjjd4mciiJof.jJi&U lo show all the speed ol hi boat, ii loo lout his life. . , .tllFUL COA'FLJlGn.lTHhWke counts In m Charleston state that a destructive lire ws racing there when tiie paper was put to press. It commenced 1 iu the morning, and a 1st as two o'clock was still progressing with greal lury, Virginia Election: Tidinga thua far ar very cheering, and a Whig triumph i antlei pated. Twelve counties and three town end 17 whigs, 1 Conservative, and only 3 Ad ministration. r Valuable ISy Propi't Ij, FOR SALE. riiittiant fs a deoiee nf the Stiprcm Court of North" Carolina, I shall expose lo ptiblia sale at the premise!, en rrnlay, Ijie ISth ly ol Jan nest, tUs vT)' t'sstmUd remleiM in lh Cily of uaieifti4.tii tfrortivrOT vrntsooTo titi MclKiwell Streets, tornterly oixupled by Mitt KT i.nlilr. as lloaidisar lloaie. f lie lot eonlaint llirve-tourlht of an aer the Dwelling llniike is Isigs and eoinmoillnu,, vnilt 13 rooms; sll necessary nnt.hnes, and a line garden, ami, (hough anfllcieally reined for private family, is very emiveiiiet.t, to the Lust neit part of the City. To retlilentt tf the (ov er vrnjnli v, dettrotil of teentlng hrtllhy and plrsssnt liinstinn, the preienl affortt Very ts vnraltl opportuMily. Hertuni wishing to exam in the premises befor th day ol Bale, ttn du so, hy SjipUiiig to ibe Sulnerjlier, or Mr, 'I bnt, Lniliig,- I'uiKsion will b given o ilie first day nt Jsnusry next. TKItMS, hab will be liberal, md known on day of tale. t? W. MOnDP.CAi, Cm.ier. Haletth, April CT, tS.IS 19 Te . . State of North Curoliun, , Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, MarcliJlcrinlck, Yarbronvh k Foster Y v I peijiion for Parlition Jt h Jamrt Jones and " of Lett William Willie Jonea j , Ii appearing loth taiiifiiellon of the Coutt limiit f tlit State, so thst th' ordinary proessa of law canept ressh lliemi It it ordered by the Court that publicatioB be made in th UaleiRli Siar, for tit soeccsiiv aeiki, that nnless the jaid,drfr.Dtan'llIPr"el ? next terra of lh h HHI .vi-i, IU !? nriu SI HI lDUft IlOtiSS Ill 1,(1 Hiliiirr. on lh second Monday ilJune neii. the and lh r lo antwer or degtiir tfl lb sanl trtwiQ ih sarn will be take iroonfeso ui partitioa made aceO'dinely. ....... b nt'i'VenDnir Alien o. rn ciioii.. . ... . tvoiibura, April 84, l38 l w , Stale of North Carolina, . Ceuntti of J'raklin. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. MarehTerm, 1858 Ailolplmi Reed i v . Jells Parson Petition lor dower oi John Uttletoo Raed Llnabeth Ann Stark Slave and buian M. Reed I It appearing I ih tatiifaelion of lha Court the delenrisntt John LiuleloB Keed, F.lissbeih Ann Slsik and Susan M. Itecd. resid in iIm Stal of Virntnie, and that th process or this Court eanool reach thei it iaorderetl thst puk lieution b mad in Ih Raleigh Sue, lor six successive weeks, lhat sulci the saw! defendants appear at the next term of th ssid Court to he sld at III Court llwis in Leuisburg, -on the teaond Monday in June next, then and there to ntwer or demur to Ih said Petition, it will be taken pro unfo and dower ordered card i0i,Jr' Attest S. PATTERSON, C. C. C. Loulshurg, April it, H.tS 19 tw HT1UYUU From lh subseiibee, at Majr. Thnrsxit Ifeve mwi m, un iihi twin i.-.-ti oihtvi Aiarr,' five years old Ibis Springs mai ked with a star to th forrheaJ, left hind toot antra above the let lockf quit eild (although ploughed last sun. mtr) she wss beard of at -Crawford Kerney's lew dsyt after going off, 1.1 rades weM nf Ixiuit. berg. Ajr inlorwtation will b tbsnklully r. eelved, soil any rraamialil sum paitl lor her dv livery to ms, i amies Jti uih ol l.otiint.iuif - M n ' h A tt II II. A I l- l l. Fratiklin J., April Si, 18JS. 13 4