Tba Haw Tba Wa And ' i 1 it " a. POUT ICY. "w (- - 1 lTl-W "And while hi Harp rpoaiva rang "Tim Mm ibe latwet Minstrel wt." TUB YOUNO. . i(,itruil turn'..:' .. Whn lata duel like JT flower departed. rVtm our dins fatlv th brightSiid Joely- fair la lima, lb para, lha geiitie-hcsrtaJ, Whoa look svitbia ika breast a Sabbath like a whisper a tha inconstant wind, memory af their voicMatin Um Blind! haar tha igh. the eoog. tha fitful Uughtar That fram thai lipa, ia balm, wan want to fliW " Whan hup' bejuilinj wrioue they hurried af ter. And drank bar airaa muslo lone "I"! While tnya bright harp to iwaataal laye waa atranf. poured rich number far tba loved and young! Whan tha clear' ataraare burning high in Hen- en, When the low bight-wind kiea the autum naltrea .... . " -And thoughts ara deepening in the bosh of e .an. Has soft those voice on lha beart will be! Thy breath of rapture whirs bava bloomed andjliea. .. Of sorrow by reinemberanre aelifiJ. Yet when the loved have from our pathway vanished What potent magic can their etnilea restore! Like aoroagty aun bunt, by the leuiposl ban ished. They pad in darkneaa they will coma no mora, Unlike tba beam, when the storm bath fled, No light renewed break on their lowly bad A ' PUtt I K AIT. . Her croaa fipa' - Ware delicate aa tha tinted penciling Of vein upon a flower, and on bar cheek The timid blood had faintly melted through ' I,ike something that wa hill atraid of light. There da no slighter print upon toe graae. Than her elastic stem and in bar frame There waa a perfect symmetry that seem'd JE ul ss s ptrJ a. . Wo The best and purest feel ings of our human nature are excited by ' woman autl Minamata tne auiirciiia cr of her influence, to coutrast with and in pioaition to the more grovel lin.1sioiis of mankind has employ ed Ue pens of the brizhleat geniuses in every age a roost faithful and elo quent theme. Not h$ with traitorous kias, her Saviour along Not A denied him with unholy tongue: S: while epoatlaa shrank, could danger brava ;. ; . ' latl at hi croaa sod Ear&ft hi travel" The above paragraph is from, a con temporary, whu is at leaat thejVnty w'trtth publisher of this precious morsel. On making this remark to our Devil, he slyly handed us the following, with a request that it should be appended. Newbern Spectator.' Not with curious, damning wish to pry, That broke Con's lw, and caused our Loss - - to die. ' ; Not r. in Eden, Drat took Satao'a tajtt Wbaa $k aa ducad bin), bso-packed Adam at. JTor al, nor death, aar shame, nor dark doe- . nsir. . . - Would Man. have known, had Wentaanot been there! .. Brautiful Extract. . Virtue has resources buried in it elf, which we know not of until the ;....i;nr Iwiur call them from their re treats. Surrounded by hosts without, and when nature herself turned trai- turT is Its tnostTletdly enemy wrthin, .. . mam. .ml ft m ru rK ii m .1 n aasumrs ' a new anu nmuism-i hich is creater than nature I.wair. Whatever be its treed, whatev- tr itf aectfwmWBaUvi--Mgiaent ..r h. .tr,he its orisons arise. Virtue is Ood's empire, and tronvins tnrone ne .ill defend iL ThougiKtsst into tne Hi.t.nt earth and struzalinz on .the dim arena of a human heart, all things above are spectators of its ccnflict, or enlisted iu itt cause. The angels have their charge over it-the banner of archangels are on its side and from anhere to sphere through the illimita bU ether od round the impenetrable .i.-bn.aaat the feet of j God, its tri- .,nki. hvmned bv harns which are trunz to the glories of theaCreator. . Jiulwer. - , . ,1 Advice 4o Sundry PeOple. AVhen ou feel your passions rising never ionfine or suppress them. How many i t,... been burst br too close an imprisonment of their, con . - i.a nroclaim faults ot others, Thre shoulJ be no secrets in a repuu IlCsia jvwi . - - -vr f.-. nn irouf dbinion thougl t.-.r era wrontti it show tow in" ' . iii . in,l,..-nileiice. mat you. n .m.. 7 i Wh.never vou attack VOttT neign bor's character, do it behind ht ck . not to wound his feelings. Make it a ruie to aeep wit- rogues and rascalsi and then it you should be prosecuted for an or fence you have committed, and your .- comrades should be called as wtfnesses . against you. no botly will believe them and so you will get clear. . Never forgive an inju'J Pow ir of pardoning belongs to the Gover ' or and Council. . - . ii " - When you have done an act ol cnar- i i:U tt A nthr aa that thev iV nuoiiaw - ' . yaay do iotoo. Besides etaey man an preach best from Iris own notes. er par roar aeots it is unconsti tutional, for payment impair the ob ligation ol a contract, ana. even ine legislature has no power to do that. Temperance is a great virtue) there fore always be moderate in the nse of ardent snirits. Six glasses elating be fore breakfast is as good as a thousand. sleep. Sunday is a day of resJU If. a secret has been coramtttea to 1 . . . . a your to keep, take special care to keep r , -rT- i it r.. .. it safety rami iv t wen iw sa- (ions sake to get one or two to help ou .,,1 ,-,ftm.i,ia railed tha weakertTtT''te. ha followinf tresis af UASD.jw as And as woman is eauea tne wer l..ai wue amount of taes due fer the veel.M she should hsve a dozn to help her. - 'Past bind fast find. Never sweep your parlor it manes a confounded dust. NeveTbrush down a cobweb: it is a part of a spiders's dwelling house, and of course bis castle, and therefore is sacred. " Life is short, and as things are now managed, a woman's work- i never done, she muat therefore work double tides that is she should talk and laugh at the same time. Years of life may be saved in this way. When you are in company and can find nothing to say, you may do your part by singing and whistling to your self. In telling a story, season it with laughter as you go on, and give notice when you are done, so that others may know when to join in the laugh- Somepeople a gh in the old fashioned way; and some give a long sigh through the nose. The former mode occasions much wear and tear of the heart, and the latter saves the wear and tear of the pocket handkerchief. Poriland Trantcripl. From the Columbus (Ohio) Journal and Register. A Pleasant Conceit! A gentleman of Montgomery county, having been rsquested to lurniwh some atati 'silcatTii'tttTeirTeipeetinjg lhat th tet ligent and wealthy county, for the pa ges of a monthly contemporarv, in con senting so to do, thus pleasantfy a'ludes to the political teeling of that district: "By the way, lest that fact should perchance be omitted in any future ac count to be furnished you of our topo graphy, static?, and characteristic fta tures.'you may say that our soil -deep, strong and preduclive, as well upon the hill tops, as in 'the bottoms, every where over the whole face of the coun try, is Clay, excellent Clay. 'Dig in to the heart of the land, and first and ppermpst, wherever you try it, you will come to that," Our readers will, we think, gener- allv admit the common sense of the following article : " r rom the Columbia (a. e.Tlrcope DivoBtmo. Congrens has now un der debate a resolution, which proposes the appointment of a committee of re trenchment ana reform t "iad " ail rrtvrVnrtB-tro tnstructea also to nnuire into the expediency of divorc ing, by law,' the Government from the public press-" Really, we should like to know bow manv wives the uovernment nas. we hear of nothinz but divorcing It from tliit. and divotcinir it from that. If half the insinuatinns against it have anv foundation, it should have been indicted and punished for bigamy hundred times over. This slang phrase of "divorcing the Government from the Banks," by which a there metaphnr is substituted for fact and for argument, has perhaps acouired for the sub-treasury scheme of Van JBurejiiJBenton, &.C. the chief part of such popular supporiits tt r tvaa received, wnat uoesumeanr nas it any meaning? Let us see. Dtvorcei a"" dissoloiiotrofthe -marv- riage contract dividing the parties Mumagei the closest connexion mat can be formed between mortals: by it IwoyeTsoWl'rrifiiait We say to our shoemaker "sir. we choose to pay your bill ami quit your shop." Is this a divorce between us? JrVe say to a tailor "v e are come to employ vou to make us a suit ol clothes." "is this a marriage, - We say to a broker "Negotiate this bill ot exchange lor us, on theusu at tommmission." Is this a marriage? To a President of a bank "We wish to put in your bank ten thousand dollars, to transmit lor us to various States. We will pay you a reasona ble commission." Is this marrt If the bank can execute our business well and reasonably, why not emply it? Because we hire the bank to do our work, does that marry us to the bank? We hope not. Duelling. The Committee of Con gress have made a report recommend- if, Uraves to be expelled, snu censur ingll the parties to the right and left implicated in the late Duels. Dcsirou i as it undoubtedly is to prevent duel ling generally, and particularly in Congress, intemperate party reports of Committees similar to this can never effect the object Members may pre vent duels by courtesy and propriety in debate. AM. r DanclmV Waltzinfr School. Moo. POJfCEM -ytCUTERJk', respect folly miorvae tha cdixen of Kaleigh and it l chiity, that his Dancing School has commenced, end is bnea for a session, at Col. Cook Head inr Konen. eorner i Hlllshnrw, arreer. ' Kerular davs for Teaching: Kvery other week, en Twesdaye.'Wedaesdays, Thnradat a aad Fri days, at 4 e "clock P. M. for young Ladies, and ighti lor Gentlemen at hall past T. . . April tt, IMS, OXFOUD RACES. Tha Spring Haeaa will eommcaca aver the Oxford Course the first Monday in Jane out. The first day aweepstskes lor 9 year 0!0 eon siw fillies, aaila beats, fifty dollars antranee; la aleaa lb first day of My, now one subscriber. Se im4 day, sweepstake, eoh aad fit lire, S years eld, rails beats, one bondreo collars ewirwnw, half forfait ia both, owe subscriber! ia eioee first May. Third dsy, Iwa aaila beat for a parse of twa baedred dollarsi twenty dollars eatraaee. Fourth dsy, esile beet, weal mree " wvw, buedred dollarsi eelranaa $rO. Tkia rase Is aide op by swbscpfcoewWer.pe there will be from lour to fiva votries ia both the" sweep .wkea. PUOPB1RTOK. OeJareV April , I tM.,.,. ...II. iinTirr. Will be sold, on baturaay tha 19th dsy af Ms Mil. bet or baiaa Uonrt Moase ooor year eating 1 S3, together a ah 4be cost af d- twrsntaf, John W. Bond, 57 aerea, Jsmea Bkr, sea. S0 seres. Tiaaon V. Kara, 100 William Core. Is t-a Daniel PMrlds, fOO seres. Harwell Griffith. 97 Samawl iiarrcU, 7 arrca, r.mm Hsnrll. IUO eenea. Tbenia Junes, SO aarc. John Joaes, 1 asrea. TnomaaJ. Miller. S aa Jlrrrisan Hsrker. (of Vs.) 9u0 aaras. Jamee Skmnrr's Heira,300 aeraa. UNLI3TKI) LA Nil IX IS3C. William Hullockt hh-a, S5 aares, edjoioinf the land of Tb. Ssuhrtei s and other. William Parker's heirs, i aeres, adjein'ng the Isnrls ol Klijah llarrell and oihera'- Kitha'd Parker's hrirs, S3 aeres, ailjoinuig (ha lands of Knot. ft. rartrr anil othrt-t. JAS.K KIUUICK,8a''afr.ts April IS, IS4S. ll 7w 'II A lit ItOAD HOTEL, III M EnfieUl, IlaUfax Connly, A. C. J. SOUTH AXL, Having taken from Mrs. P. W. SOUTIIALL llast Desutltul new uuiimng, suaaira si in wh end of the villsge, and eAatigaous to her grove, m now ft It me it up lor tha rwaeptia) ol iravellrrs. Too many promise bava, been made ia thi liaa of busiaess, in whish tha pablia bsva been aV eeiverl. I at, All only ssy, call aaa jaora- km ynnrselve. Mn. Snatbslt and daughters pro aad indtw-forJ ra.M prsoualtealloa ta lafliea. April, 'VIS. 17 lie- DRfJOf dfc lUEDICIXES, Sljfn ribe Golden Mo Witt. M. XOASOXT a CO- H a wins nurc hsaed tba entire stock of Messrs T. 8. Beckwith tt Co. bava eommeoeed Ibe APOTIIECAKY buiiaenat the tand formerlv oeeupied by them on fayrtteville Street, second door north ol W. k A. Stab, where they have just received a further supply af nrnirau Iff rdlclnt?. CSIas, Oil Faints, yt? Stndls and ler imnrry, ioiritir with si awaawraet taaMwrSSiaea Af T?A JVC Y, ARTIC IiEK whhth thev wilt dispow ot an the most msona- Mersnania son omers win wm nalaat and other medicine on a rrasoaabla term a they esa be got south of lha Potamsa. Persons would do well to aall and esamine lor themselvea. - Physleiana at a distance, wha may favor us whh their orders, will have them promptly attended to. No pains witl be snared U ..iMiina Chemicals and Pharmaaeatiaal pre narations, as they ara stoermiaed that no medi-tTTTes-tutiuah a re genuine, shall be sold by them, una oi tne r irwa -r to tha business, to which ba will give hia eads. sided attention, Ihereb avoHling those laisl mistakea that too often occur thraogh incampe teney or esreles.less, Vhey hone, by strict atlrej. lion to business, ta merit a eharo af tha publia pstronsge. February, 1SSI. 10 If NEW SPRING JWD SUMMER (HMDS. MORDECAI h MeKlMMOfi hsve just re ceived and are now prepared to oner ta their frieatls sod customers, ' A Splendid Amortnaeni or New jiMtt, to which they would reapeetfully direct thesttea- in with an eye-single to the present pressure of the times, principally fnr cash, having besa se lected upon the most advantageous terms by one of the Firm, thev feel no hesitation in aiiunnr 4ha publia that tbcr caa dispose. of lljem st wits comparatively much lower than heretolore. Their stock consists of almost every srticle in the central line: Cloths, Cassimers and Vesting, A handsome assortment of Geutlcmea's Sum' rner Goods. Splendid Goods tor lbs Ladies, suitable for the approaching season. hhoes oi every description. Hats of all kinds. Queensware, Hardware, Groceries, fc. All of which they offer at reduced prices, and invite the alientioa or tne pnblis. Kaleigh, April II, 1838. 17 Iw NOTICE. Fiflr Dollars leeward, For the spnrehention of ssa hv the name nf JOUA SMITH; n TWENTY UOIXAKS for any intnrmstion so I get lite hnrse, which It is belnsed the said JUH Y SMITH look from the subscriber's stshle an tha night of ibe id ol April, as the said SruilW has not been seen since tha dav the horse wss iskea at nicht. Ha is sun Cased lo be shout 6ve feet six inches high, welt ult,a little bow4eggec'rsbout twenty year old, wore a blue aoat and black bat, black hair, end has a healthy appearance. He came frem Ibe Northern Ststes lo Tarhoronrb. Edeeeombeeo M. C. The hnrse is about five feet foar inches high, a bright Sorrel, round bodied, a littles in elined to be honey ( pace, slow when travelling, anu ta about sis years old. WM. R. BOWERS. Hamilton, Martin county, N. C. ApritS,tS3. 17 4w . Prese and Type for Sale. The Editor of the Danville Rcnorter offer for Sale the Washington press. Hp and office 6tares belonging to the "Danvil ht Observer'' efhee. 1 ha whole estsblishment ia almost good a hew a aa have an are far it at this writer, wo win sell it lor a low price, and on ereuit oi s mnnina. Nsw?tr 183T. .U.feU.'-T:: -C -. (Tjy Eilrlnrs with wham wa nehaag, will plesse publish the above notice, and lha favor wil ba cheerfully reciprocated BLANKS for aale here. MO TICK rr T aU mt :.C.retlUor. Messrs. Wra. Robertson, VVra. Mdikmwed joba M Walton, M. B at Was. -Edr, M tt i. C. (ireeawsy. yooa iieawiu, . k iiagbes, U. S, i. Uaaber, Altoraej, awe -i ataer araownrs: . r i, - ,k.( ilia ma u"T " May neat, at tba Court Nwu the C.iy af Ksleigh, betaeea the bawra ol ti aVIoek sad t P. M I sfcail appear vtw P, Uarbowr, JeI, tba itnel .(kli v.!.. uuki lha benefit ol the Isw V mada aad provided for Ibe) reliei w Debtor.. Raleigh, April 10, l3.. 17 If UAIL HQ AD NOTICE An leetalment of TEX DOLMl per Share, ow lha Capital Svaok af tha K.I i aao Um.il BmA C'-nmnftnT. ts required to be u.kJ mm knra lha SrM dev Of Ma aSI. in- lereat will be allowed aaS eluu geu a nereiwur.. By order af the Board, GEO. W. MOUDECAl, Prri'l. 17 if DOCTOH H1ULCY HMMtahliahed bbnself in Kaleieh, and will aftord Medical aid to those who may feci dupo aad ta patronise bin. Hit offiee is in the rrmr ol lha Apoihaaary Store of Messrs. VA m. M. Ma- aoa k Un. where be may aa eew wum my ssarily absent. AtteadaDca on the poor grans. Jaaaaiy , IS38. J ' WALKIiKO CANES A WHirS! Turner St llurhe bsva just opened st the North Carolina Book Btore a aptenrlid aitoit mentol Walking Canes and Wbips.of every d- crirKion, lo Which tuey invite atteniton; h m aoKBdent that those aho need such srtwlri csn- nnt ba ntherwise loan nleaiea. ui me lorracr !. base. Maisaea. Penana. Hick.irT, Steel, Bamboo ana I enow aau macs,, mim ' . ..... V . . U..11-. II ..I . finlH and Silver M ousted, with aa-f wiilioot Swords. Amonr the latter ara Sulkey, (iig. Urevera, Crop and Switch Whips, whale none .r.naJ. leather, da. Ivorv handle. ire nlsil. t'll iilain, Xlt moanteo, ivory mounteu . c. .IT." . . . - . . j . Also a fhetce eoiieeiioaoi iiirmini ,,mip.. Call at No. t Cbeapside, aud essraine lor yourselves. TIOIIC NEW BO CUM Just received at tli North C aro- lina Book Slorr, JVo. 1 Fayeltevitlt Street, llaleigh. Pickwick Papers, by Sara Weller and Mfred Creaauill with lllastrstKina, in one volume. ICIlia lJ I1UI.CI, m Mijrcr wvjmu v-,w, Cugravings on steel. Confessions ol sn "Kldcrly Lady and Gentleman," by tba Counteit of BictSingion. Wcod Leigbton, or a year in the country, by Msry MowUl. 1 he liock-maaer, r ssjfings a.id doings of Samuel Slick of Slick- vi lie. mnnerieur, or rtmrnai msgnetinw. Areihusa, by Csil. Chsmier. Thonglils, by A. irumble, of Grumbleton Hall, Y.n. Itetollee lionaof a Southern Matron. The Old Comoilorr, by Capt. Marry tt Preteasioa, by Miss Sarah Stocking. Clinloa Bradahaw, ar the Adven tures of a Lawyer. Visits and Skeschrt by Mr. Jameson. Charaeteristw of Women, by the same. The Duke of Manmnth, a Novel. The Good Fellow, by Paul lie Kock. The Sketch Book of Fashion. Acnes le Msnifirld, b) T. G. G rattan. Miseelanies. br Mis llsrriel Msrtinesu. Feelings On Sock-Ij, sullior of Trcmtline Itc. Worth a Million. Talcs from lha German, translated by Nat. Greea. Harry U'Kcadon or illustratnws of Irish I'ride. As. aaodeas at larae. b Bulwer. The Couuetl, Sv. Herbert endeH. s tal of the Itcvoiatioa. nrua Sketches; CbsroUs. bv P.. L. Buloer. Keelosa of Norwsr, by Miss M. Porter. 1 be Down Fosters. Alsa A few acts af bir Waller Scwlt's Navels, spleodHlly bound.. Alsa a law acts of K. U Uul war's Novels. A few sets of James' Novels, tngelher with a larea eoHeclion of light readme. ta IcduMj, to went ion, all of ohih will ba a4d at vary redu TTRS KSV a. saslSlssaiw -piTirw w, iu. DOCTOR W. W. ill AltIIALkVS otMtaasessi for Ibe Ulinal Filets. Tba pablia are savored that I bava had this remedy m ess for six year, during which lijae it has, n ntsmaroa ease, been subjected tn Ihe4 lest of cxpermsent, aail, ia many mstaases, on the saoet aggravated forms of thi disease, and l- wava with perfect sassess nn rastsnce of tadure having ever none ta my knowledge. 1 be as"vponeat part ol inn remedy are sure ly vegti ; wsrrauled to contain no mineral aubttaa whatever. Na particular eare ss to espbsa- la Kxerssery. It may be used wiilioot Miterrt.ptsnff ordinary pursuit. It eauses no pens, M ta a aaatbmg eneet en the diseased part, and as a short time effect a perfect cure, . ,, i . . i II as aox gewrrsiij aaewa mat inf rues are ew the sea a of lhat dreadful disease Fistcls. Ilk moat instance ia which I have been called to practice on this disease, I have traced it origi nally to lha Pries hence, those suffering I rom Lhein should lose no tunc In seeking thi must efficient remedies. Price $i 00 per Hox. WW MA HSU ALL, HichmmiL, Ta. S. B. Numeroo references can be given. The arrtftcvra-'Tjf tbe Revr Wtlliem r Smith, ol lha Methodist E. Lours tv, aluna as submitted, with tbe remark, that like testimonials nave been obtained from nomeroo other Intelligent and re ft1 Winfree, Thomas Hart, James C Crane. Archibald Thomas, Cornelius Cre. , Ezckiel Daw. Jarues Caskie, A French. This Istorerlify that 1 have had a fair oppor tunity to k ndw bttth ihr nstuit and cfTi.iswHn" Marslll remedy lor Ilia Blind 1'iles, and think it a duty I ewe to those who suffer with this distressieg disease lo say, that il may be con fidently relied en as a Sab, agreeable and efficient remedy for the form of disease for which the propraetor recommend It. It nas beeajaxtea sivcly used ia the circle of my acquaintance, and a vase ot lalmre has not coma to my knowledge. W II .1 A KV1I II F.rthnr-tjf th Virginia and North Carolina Conterenee Journal. Richmond, Vs. Oct. St, 18 17 7 tt K7" Vlie anicted will do well to call and obtain this invaluable remedy, sold by R. TUCKER, Agent, at his Store on Fayettcville Street, Raleigh, N. C. Directions accompany each bog. Eartbenware, China A liiaba. THOMAS J. BARROtT Jmperfer, . Na. 35 Nissac Strut, Niw Vork, " Offers lor tale a aompletc. Assortment in the aboea line, aomprising many very choice pat- paeaea ic oruer ior country trade, ar ia tba original package. Orders by letter will re- cerrc every attention. New Vork, Jsa. 9, I S3 i 10 China, 31ass, Carthea A Stone Ware l: ruNsroaD v eatoji, BOLLINGBHOOK STRT.. PBTEHSUUBGt Imparter ahd Dealers in China, Class, and F.arthee Ware, ara daily eapeetmg a large and handsome supply of the above, which, added to their present Slock, will make their assorliaen very extensive and splendid. Tbey in, all to call and examine their STOCK ot I'KICKS. Country Merchants would do welLjo call and look for themselves before going North or pur chasing elsewhere) aa we are determined to sell our Goods aa ss reasonable terms ss they aaa be bad in thi or any ol lha Northern Markets. March I T, I S. ' i J it "V JOB-PRINTING, Neatly and expeditiously executed at this Office. ST nli Eg, or Salisbury and 3!organlon TUa Stsres from f ayetwtiMe, for Saliebwry are naw ia operation. I hey Iceve rayatleviiio on the mernines oi Mondsy sod Friday, at fiva of Hie vieWl?, tat4eawcITiWrj,by leave Stlishnry mi ih asma WMwnmjs si km kIOcK, and arrive at Payelleville on the evening of the next day. Pssteagira rest nine hour at nicht, st Allen's in Moore eonaty. "are $S Hfc These Stages eonaect with my line Irare Sslisbory to Morganton. This route aflords grrst laciMk-s I. ...rchaalua the interinr. le visit Fscltrville lor 1 1. a nurelixM or I Urn- amidi, escnsage ol money, purchss nf llrafts, tea. be., a it is tha eheaprst, most eapetlrtioa. end most dh-ret route between the two places At PsvetUville Stage lines leave ever dsy fur the urlh and South. A. CRMICH.r.I., Proprietor, J. BHUWN, (Lalsyette Hotel) Agent, r'sjetleville, A. 0. CUR BY, Agent. Crthse, T. llACt'K. Agent, SliHary, T. M. YOUN'ti. Agent, Sistetville, R V,. rKAKSON, Agent, Morganton. Jsnusry U, MM 6 3m THE OXFOKD INN FOK SALE" The Tavern House and lot latrlv occupied hv Col. Jsmes Nuitull. the subscriber is audio. rised to Sell on moderate terras. A credit of one and two years snay be bed for a greater part os tne pnrcnase money. This properly is now in good repair, well painted, end Is sn eligible SHualwn for a tavern A well regulated house la Oxford is certain to meet whb encouragement. The flournlimg stale ot the academics, sis eourts being held, lha races, and Us lord being a place nf resort of me ny in the summer months, liiic Ii I y recotnrnciid this properly lo those disposed lo keep n house of entertsinnient. Application, made through the mail -or other wise, will be attended to. .Possession may be bad. at any time. II. 1.. KOU.VHII3. Oxford, N. C. Feb. 10, 15 g tt lirgister snd Standard till lorbid. HE VISED STATUTES. The (ubwribers, hating contracted with the Commissioners of the State fir the imbrication of the RevineiJ Silrtulcs of Nnlh.Canilipa, , Jiajf inc picaMiiw ui apiiuuncm tne couipietlon Ol id work. . Heine appointrd by the Governor stents on the part ol the Slate lor its sale, they now tiffei to the goad citizens of North Carolina a woik which, as regards rjuality ot paper snd execu tion, is not eqiullt il by any law book ever pub lished m this country. It hss been pronounced by every one alio has examined it, (and amongst those si a numbered many of the oldest and iiiont extensive book publishers in the United States" to he the "ne plus ultra" of typography. Published in It volumes the lit containing 71 i pages the 2d 558. Price only nine dollars per copy or five dollars for tt -volume, and four lor tbe second, if sold separately. All or der for the above work, directed to ihem at the North Carolina Baok Stare, will meet with pre nipt attention. TURNER l IItGHF.3. Raleigh. N. C. January 4, 1837. 3 3m 825 ISEWAKD. Ranawsy from the subscriber, on the 4th January, I.'i8, a negro niaa named JlL.t Ut.lJ, lormetiy tha property nf Charles A. Hill, deceased. He Is no doubt In the neighborhood where the said Hill formerly lived. The above re ward of Twenty-6ve dollars will be given lo Sny person who will deliver the said boy Alfred to me at my residence, miles west of Louisburg, or confine him iu Louuburg Jail so that Lget him again. CfTT 1 would gie a description of the boy but I hare not had him a sufficient length ol lime to observe or recollect anv pmiiculur murk a. XVM. .VI. SLI'.IXili. Franklin o., N. C. Feb. , JSM 8 if Town Lots for Sale. Will be sold at public sale on Friday the 6th day of April next, it being th wetk'el April Court, hirty or fifty uuimprod Irfits in the tnwu of Yancey ville, on a credit until the S5rh day of December next. These lols have lately been laid out, and are beautifully anualeil, ei Iher for private tesidenees or michauical husi ness, and sre so laid off as lo suit the conveni ence of persons wishing lo settle in the village. Thr ttnds- vn which these lols we iitualetf- hs c lately come into tbe potaenion nf ilie suhscVU ber, and the anxiety on the art of some per sons lo locate in Yancey ville, lias induced him to aftord an opportunity to all pertnns of pos sesting lliemselves of a situation in one nt the most healthy and flom iiliing villa-et in North Carolina, and one too, which promts as many advantages as anv other having the advantages good society, snd a wealthy nei);libnrlinnd. Pvr sons desirous of locating thriiiaelves lo advan tage would do well lo attend Hut a.ile. ltondi and good security wiN be requiieU ul the i.ur- chaws--fusilier pailicMlws wic--knowTr wn lha day cf sale. ALLEN r.UNN. Feb 3d, 183$, 9 8w l ha great popularity and established demand for Ibis valuable medicine, reudrri the contin uation of s lengthy advertisement anneeessary. Numerous testimonials of their value (lately re ceived 1 Irom gentlemen of the highest respects bility, in adddiou lo those accompanying each boa, may be tern on applieatioa lo any of tha agents. Tbe pills ara put ap in a superiur style, in tin botes eealaming 40 pills, with lull direa- Kiona. Price M seat per boa. To aarul or purchiwnjhe term of commiaaisa and d Mount ara liberal. All eommunicatnini will be prompt fy aileaded to, br THOMAS U JPMP, Ceat Agent C7" niftee, Morgan St. Rafrtgh, Itt door west af the Prssbjterian Church TO ftxcnonAHTS. &4 HATS, ike The sabvCribev havmg lakia tha sHmw fnrmero ly accupttd by C. Hrnnefson st wbolrsote Hat and Cap War House, inteadi keeping al way sun band a lull and anmptrte assort meut ft Hats, Cups, Palm Leaf aud . Wool Hals. Which he offer tn th public oa tha most aa- corooustmg terms. JOHN WOODHOUSB. Sycamore St. Petersburg, Va, 14 4w it :-- - - - - '- -- ' ' ' 77i ceUlrattJ XnglUh j,t , FltKIIBLc (need by lha Karl of r. '. tna oan ot cgrcmont lor the c-J r.., her dam Harm, by Gohann. .? I (sister loCa'hsrma, Col.bri ,Vd , ' the dam of Maadane and, All. 1?''' 1 pecker, Camilla by TteniUa. Vl7' v ComptoBarbi sister ta vulub;,?1', phia Arabian. ' . C Whalehnna, the aire aft(M . TVWssWwV'aa aa L W w1 W . rcneiope oy s rumpeter, rmoeli, b, Promise by Snap. Spectator , rUas 'ki t In Flexible ia thus anitea! tb. w2 ' Matchem, llrrod and Eelipw, " - FLK.XIHLE waa nine races aid (clid;i.g a cup of 4 mlies),- ru lngwairt. Dr. Faustns, Arseh.. ( w na, bignorina, Whillington, Os.i,t l roogn, .Muxaiae, aco. riexikl. land at eleven suverrignt (eoual a. i. ? ' tin ia full IS banal. InX fcy, . moseulsr powersjand lor nice oJH 8 quailed by few. lie is one idLVa Whalebone, deaeended from the twT ' biani, without an unfashionable ares. H," K bottom, and temper enual to an kai"" day. He is now at his-stsules. The seT commence the 14th dsy of Febrsjarv a, il required. For the particulars of' L oad that of his aotii in F.nglaad, J' also hi ttru., which shall ba liberal ' Wilton. Granvilta eo. N. C vM1-3. . Jaauary H, ISSg, . I t ' TAKEN 1)1 rtaneonimMle,,M, ltichmnud etwirty, N. 0, heard of any town except Porlamoaik aa folk. He is a Well built boy, dark oia,,,!, , about 4 feet 7 or I inchel high, aad , be about IS year old. , ' The owner i requested looase,t l tske him away, or lie will be dealt aiih law directs. Any Information about tu , if he is free, would ba thankfully miM 8. H. SKDllfcltRV, jju Rnekingham, N. C Jan 31, ItiS Price first in. ft State of JVortti SJaroUsta, FllASKLIN CoCKTT, Court of Equity, Ftdl Term, ? Oriftinal Hill. -"Ttie oilT om county ol Wcaklry, and btale of I'mtim tj tbauiel Dunn ol the county of Freaklm stati, aad Mary Cooper ol the same aouMy, sue,,. SutS L ' .Igamsl , James Broom snd his wHe Naney, Vikti. ty uf Halifax, and Stale nf North Ceruhu, (, Duun, of llie cnuttTy ol Limestone, Mn Alabama, John Dunn, of tha county el snd (State of Tenncoee, Eli Delaaali, county of Holme and Sieto of Mi.iii,i.,?li t MerrHl and William Merrill, hifantigHuW; age ol twetily-otie )'ai l, of lha ceuaii sf X, nad State ot Kentucky ( llaidj VI r , mlnishator ol Wm. Dunu, deaU M i, Dunn, of the aounty of Frsaklia a&reuKl, , fondants. ' ' Il appearing tollieialiifacttoaoftl.fr that Cray Duun, John Dunn, Kin P. Ik . Ann Merrill and Wm. Merrht, See Wn , fendsnts in I he above cause, ara not Uiuv.-. ol thil State; it it therefore artlrredaj'lko. that publication be mada lor focr'n,,-.,, weeks iu the htar and North Carot'nn (;,:,-: printed ami published in the any i B. hi tt. . the aaid Gray Dunn, John Dbpn, Klui Ann Merritt and Wm. Merrkt, be stir,; at the next term of this eonrt. In besWt sounty uf Franklin, at the aotwt-bossral . burg on the second Monday stlcr il , Monday in March next, then and tbere t .. antwer or demur lo said bill nf swiaptaiM. wise the same will be taken as coalnu: . heard expaite a to Ihem, and decree s.v cordingly. - . Witness, Samuel Johnson, Clerk left! of our said Court ot K.itiily, for the evi Franklin, at oHRce, the second Monthn .! lourth Monday in September, A. U. SA M t'FX JOHNSON, C N I March 5. I DSD -. TI CZivEU A JlKalilX Publisiiers, Itookacllers, d V tiourm. Keep a general assortment af JtooU. n vsriniudrpartinrnl ef Literature, i Theology, also Stationary, in all its . ol which they will sell at whiilesaie orrr the most liberal term. They bale aa re collection ol the moat approved edition! ol books. Amnng them are Waylaad'i f . KctjntTmy, -of knMrepulalljou, suit tin used as a text book in all the principal ' . Way land's Political tconoray, abrHsircic. use of sckonls;a very valuable wmk. W. fcUemeala ui 1 oral bsin. J1 be Mrvu the public is most reirctfuHy walleilMiiM' 7 valuable wmk. Also, Way land's tlc- ol Moral aeienco abrnlgan, and SiUf1" ' tha abridgment aa admirably adapieil i r the deficiency which has long bteatet' no mon school education the study a taunt gatiun. So lar as wa bava beea ablet"" IlLe iwa...m'ijT.a.44m4t.as.ha-it s- well pleased wnb the smaller as aufe Hwu s the illustrations aiw ait and striking. AVi bieoa InlclU'clunl I'oarrs. Why nsaW mil in every fa .ily and school' Pslrj"! ngy.new eilitiqrt.nilargcil, with fnitt ai'diiional notes of Dr. Utiler aad allien Clas Book of Nat Tbulgy, ar 1"" y ol Nature 10 th lleing, I'nfectiaa. aaJ ernment ol Cod, by II, Fergus. 11' Ladir fMass Uook a selcrtaa af l" ' reading, hi pri-a and vrrsr, by Kbeartri tw A. M. I'eter lavley's tjommon cnMi r " embell shed with (.ngravings, a newwwl: a gnat varacty of small valuable oarbs,si t I'arlcy, containing liistornrs, tranrs, lives, etc. for Juvenile readers. Bl-c -ral Philosophy, new ,i!iiir, anlareed. I ' first book in Astronomy, designed ht M common schools, dluaiisted ay stem r ntuanatra ay ri r -I Antiniillirs and Aera-at Dillenay, A. M ,'" cravmr. Koman . iholnev. bv Cha Sul he alreani eneravines. 1 na A""- ' r, -. ----- - posnor, or inieiieciuai ssenarr, -use of schools, by tufas ClocgeU. 1 ""'' menlt are goml and Ibr dcltnMiontenr-r - sis. Bars roinwal r.conomy. i.. lkri.i..1 r..H i acbuets - J. iM.ilnanr.h U" 1 1,. Xlind. tlwf's " ' Librarv. Harper's ramity uurry. akeir" ia amn luahla renlnia ibao be I i inr ,1,. mmL. Classical I where there may be fnslnd nearlv aa . aicat Iranslalinns. Cluisliaa LiWa-y, ' orth's Novels eomplrte. Mrs. "I complete. Mr. Stierwood's !"' . A lew tun sat a ot me saw" m, Kepositm-y of Useul Knowleihte, eer vols, well bound) also, son. """ for the year 1S3S. aowpUie acta w, Magaaina, of lha Society fr ne lul knowledge! with a very large aad leetioa ol Hook, ennsiatu-g '. Historical. I heological, aad v els, aoyagen novels, ke., all , Books, tow tedious so mention, "-' ( , sll kinds, alsa Blank Books made J"Tf, shorteat nolle, alsa arch Bed oral ter't guide. Old Books rebana m aii ( All kind ot Books and Stationary " the North Caroliaa Hook biore at ecrj irler. : ' o rr. rws. ......Iker M'OS tlU 1 twe appmitieca to the Tailoring from 14 lo IS years. Bay Irons v would ba preferred. cirV Raleigh, Janaerv I, 1S38,

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