1 if i V-pi HA103IGlirij. O. XTEDNEii. AT 9, 1033. VOL. XSIX , A .ft. V 1 7 A aav S j: TIIOHAS J. LEMAr, '? ,: . j BP jxo JfO MCJEISfflEtJ SuictmT, ttua aoHar peraanom Iwlf - m-ilaMr jfrrWta rcai'linf wiha lie Btnta will he . rHuir Jlty laa aaaMM mim year auMu-inii" anaaa. 1 . - uwat or AUVEttTISI vo. Por ,rjr (oot cC.Kft1C 1 li" V aurnri'.iwtkin. IvrWT k Willi t he aertiwmenla of C'l' THE MnKcHAX In tlie course of ; ful lit, I have lcij Ij atrictl; tonf pies f gd It man, howcvcif' grading his w anJ ptiltfn;f of co duct i expedtc . tinil i i in I, f t lojsear at lauie, ami near nun, also be fFetfiTiig more than a-4ruie.- B legated, were two other individuals. ret'jini,' a request from a poor mart, in' When I entered, Mr. Lake greeted me cam ;l-ou laouae, you will tioi make1 with a glance which lie intended should an t-nemy while 'by granting a favor pitiduce a withering eft'.'ct, and iin in an amimi, nver bearing manner, as perinuly demanded my business. J . if you reaided. the person whom you tidd liim firmly yet modestly, that 1 o'j.ijje v. uh contempt, you will nine wa, the person who had applied I to him limes out of ten make a firm and. un- a week previous, for the. situatfewf fliitihing enemy. No human being mate on board the V'ulture,isX j 'loves to be treated with insolence and called upon him agreeably f ytn contumely; and the spirit of pride and appointment. . i... ui ruga lice, wliicli i cherished -in the Ir. Like rose from his seat with bosoms of some persons on whom for- fury in his countenance, ami advanced tune has blindly and unjustly lavished towards me. - -l know nothing about her gifts, has often dictated conduct to- you, sir," said he.Jn a. voice. almit in- ---wrrtrlrunibT I want no male als, which has tended to mortify their fr the Vulture,' and when I want you, feeling, repress their energies"" and I will send lor you. '' here is the door, cru.h them to the earih. The mental sir, and 1 desire you will Hot interrupt or moral calibre of ftuch men is me again." generally exceedingly small. They This reception, so brutal, so ruffian are aliaost always pitiful parvenus, like, so different from my anticipations, wlio are despised wherever they are almost paralizcd my faculties. 1 known. - could "hardly believe my ears. While number of years ago, by one of I stood like one thunderstruck, he a those 6tranjje vicissitudes which are vain bellowed forth ' There is the met with in every station or occupa- door; I tell.youj be off about your bu tton in life, I fvtund myself in Boston giness.!' in the month of June young, active Since that time, I have often won and vigorous, without money or friends, dered at my passiveness under such and in starch of employment as male insolent treatment. I left the apart " 61 a merchant ship.' At that time the meat without speaking a word: and as commerce of Boston was not in a very I turned awy from the door, I well nnuritming coouiuon. iiny vesseia recollect mat the leeling, which the were lying at the wharves, and many conduct of this highly respectable nier tnariters ud mates of vessels were chant had aroused in myhoMun. were mking for employment. The manner in which my numerous plications were received by the dif- ynt mertlianls and ship-masters to Jim 1 applied lor a hituation, differed, jT course, according to the characters j the individuals. Some received me with much civility, and althougn they did not think proper to grant my ap- plication, proved by their courteous inaniters that they were gentltmen, and eiitrtTv3 to my re)ect and esteem.- t)lhers saw in me only a poor, and un- furwnate man, who Would probably jjaver have it in his power to aid or re- tard their inter!, and treated me not jaged in writinzin the cabin, the stew otily wi(h inrivilitgr. but in some cases aid told me that a gentleman wished wiih the most insulting arrogance. to sec me. I ordered him to show him Although in my inmost onl, 1 deeply into the cabin, and in a few moments ftlt surh treatment, I determined that Mr." Lake, .the very man who had treat-the- coatluct of such apologies lor men, ed me with so much contumely a few siould not diminish one iota the native energy of my character. persisted in mv efforts to get an etigiblr! st'ttafion bufas T had no one tQ refer. Jo in relatiou to my character anti vapacuy, i continuii unsuctess- JfliftBagy" and I was trettinsr Tn tlebt I resolved as a!sf and desperate Vesojt, to endeavor to procure a situation on ooarn one or tpf HutiHii:! traders. Ihe tumincr nrpvfiitia t had heen vpri .:rklv in Hiva-ia many whole crews ha I 'died of yellow fever, and it was difficult to .. ... i !. ...i. find ofottrrs and men to navigate them to the United States, i thought that What had once occured, might, and G'obAbly woubl occur again and who tew but what I mijrlit by some curi - Outturn of Fvirtune's wheel, be thus placed in eoiymand of a vessel, and by ny Industry, integrity and skill, gain the confidence of the owners, and thus, as it were, at the outset receive a cheer ing impulse in my career through life! It never occurred to me that 1 oliould find difficulty in, getting a mate's birth la that poit, at that season of the year or that I was in danger ol being car ried off by the yellow Fever as well as pthers. i ' t 1 accordingly went to work. I learned that a little old briz, lying at one of the wharves at South end, be--doajing to a gentleman whom I shall call Lake, and who had a . counting rop:n on Central, wuarf, wa taking in a cargo of Lumber for Havana- and that i-euher a captain or a mate had yel been appointed to her. I lost no time, but firth yijlh proceeded to Mr. Laky's couutittg room, to make appli - cation for the birth. He wa alone and i received ma' with distant cjvility. I -'x told! biin a respectful ma'nncr that 1 f understood he wanted a mate .for his brig Vulture, bound to Havana, -and 1 that I should be plea4 to go on board in that capacity. IL made Home in ' quiries. which I answered satufactori- l4-then assuming ah air of much im : portanre,and dignity, which sat ex-. liemety awkward upon him, he said' that Jie wanted a mate for the Vulture,'- shook me warmly by the hand, and iii f first rata capacity, ami if , I wat a f iteil me to a t near Uie firc-indeetl n of that "character he would have 5ctions to giving me employment filJcil that the ptrm whom he oil, Should take charge ol the , was every day expected from and that he should like to -r i oun roan nnt ne, -can ta the ' course of two or three a eek at farthest, nnd 1 will 7ht with von ''" "' 'l .' nv eelc p4S;I carefullrVat m huariL the w a now on boanlvt was to lh emt of the Ti. mi dy sea, oui ne uner. the mate nor mas- ' v .... ... . fi were yet appointed to her..I It wad ut eleven, o'clock, when I reacueii ; Lte' ronntin;; room. I opened ;e door with at rem hi ins hand, a prey rejrnalefy to the leelings of hope and ri.v'nsion. .t pnirance waa mtv tvlTi"-tmefrMfr Lake w . s more akin to pity than indignation. I have since rejoiced that 1 did not fell him to the QitorwlUA, Wbruladly i confronted me. I, have often knocked a man down for a Jest provocation. But his frosty lockja protected him from my resentment. i r J ... ! ' About forty veatl after this occur- rence, so mortifyinz to my feelings, took place, I was in command w a beautiful ship,4eUwgirig toncTif "tne wealthiest merchants iirBostou, lying at one of the wharves, ready to sail for the Kast Indies. On the morning of the day on which I sailed, while en- years before, while I was friendless and in distress, stood before me. I recognised htm at once, but he of rourse, did not recollect the features of the poor fellow, whose feeling while revelling in Ihe pride ami tnsol ind insolence of association Hit. manner. was nuite. different now. from whaCvras when he greeted me at a former period. He was eimtoa nn.l . ul.w.a Alt! eitrht tf a nnt at-s. ' turbed my enuanimitr. and k.ffffS'ffbim stocks of the United Stte nf the . -f . .4n ... my visage age witn me uasn ot ange.-, rttid not knock him down, or kick him out of the cabin, but assuminz a tone of pivility foreign to my feelings, I re- quested him to be seated and at once f demanded his business. This is Captain Martingale, I pre; sumeak' said he. I wifed assent "I understand that you jre about proceeding to Batavia, and it is in yoyr p.wer to confer on me a great Obliga tion." 1 requested to know the nature of the obligation. "I have," said he, "in my'po5ssio'C L - I i r t- i ' I a io iiuic ui oaiiii ui an lliuiv. is now m Batavia. It isfi f I .L-. . 1 Hili'r.ra,a"u "i ne nas lo. rSengaged in rery YiJ I have reasoi I Jtv a. Vul I have reason flte ote was presented to him. he woaV Dart, and nerhans Ihe whole aft fid; I therefore wish toen- tr le amount in your Dosses- sion authority to recover any the amount due. and iorest portion ol it in whatever way you may deem best for my interest." . Withoat any hesitation I told him thi.t . I woflld cheerfully execute his commlsstonTT'he "papers were Dlaced in wy hands, md I soon after proceed ed on my voage. In less than a year after this occur. fence, I returned to Boston; and on the day succeeding my arrival. I Dro- ceeded to Mr. Lake's countinz room. n Central wharf. He waa exceeding ly rejoiced to sea me, 'and hit time 1 SI w believe t teldum been treated with more civi itr and respect, amounting almost to taWning plitcn?s than 1 was br this worth j gentleman fa thisocca"-1 iun! An-I this, if oossible". added to the conteinpi with which f viewed his -I...... - t I informed him of th motle in which I had arranged his bu iitesa, which was perfectly satisfactory tohirn.'lJl placed hi his hand the neccessary papers, and took an my hat prvparttory to Quitting .hisapartmeuU,-- ' . . 1j '0aptain Martinsale,T,"said he,k ,'I teel very much obliged to you, for vour verv roner nroceeilinfii In.this ousmes. r it most have , ir.iv en yon - '..,r i , some trouble, and I aui wit linz to al low you any reasonable compensation." 'Mr Lake," answered I, "I? re quire no compensation for the amices I have rendiNNKt yot;AiV"'w3lri' I wih yonyiSok me fully in th'$ face. It is hardly five years since I called upon you in this very apartment, (o solicit the situation as mate, on board a miserable old brig hound to Havana. My demeanor towards you was that of a gentleman but you treated me like a blackguard I was humbled and un fortunate, and instead of reching forth yourjiand, and succoring a deserving voting man, struggling as it were for existence, you treated me' with wanton insult and contempt. You sought to trample upon me us if I was a being of art inferior race. My fortune, no thanks to such as you, has since chang ed, and so has your conduct toward we; but I can neve cease to- despile you from the bottom of my heart." The man was thunderstruck. A change came over his features, as sud den and as great as if he had been touched by the wand of the fabled En chanter. The blush of shame and con fusion mantled his cheek he stam mered out some inaudiable expressions and I again pitied him as I turned upon my heel, and "left him alone in his glory." Motion Journal. FREE BANKING IN N&W YORK. As the law passed at the late of the New York Legislature entitle an act to authorise the business banking, is of a novel and and int esting character, and is likely, snouiu prove successiui in its o tion, to produce a complete revol in that most important branch ness not in IScw York o throughout the entire cnun hall make no apology for SJiViL account ot us provisions. Ihe objection principally rehv on, by those who oppose the intrr tionot the principle of tree competi into the business of bjnkin,is,the t1 nosed perpetual danger to which t holders of the notes issued under sui a ysTcin,wouht tie subjeclell--ii danger arising from the inability ot the bank ers to redeem, and from their irrespon sible character. The New York law has taken great pains to obviate this objection, and to secure. the ultimate redemption of all the notes which may be issued under its authority. These notes are to be engraved, and printed in blank, under the authority and direction of the comptroller of the State, and by l im, or under his au thority, thej are to be countersigned, numbered'and registered in proper books kept in his othce. AnyjOitivuluaW be organized in conformity to the sub- sequwnt provisions of the act may ob tain from the comptroller a Quantity f these notes; to be used in the busi- ss of banking, by depositing with state ot xxew York, or ol such other . . ... . - . individal States as the comptroller mai approve, equal in amount to the quan tity of notes obtained. But the stocks deposited must be'equal in value to a corresponding amount ofNevy York five per cent stocks, and no stocks arc to be received at a rate above the par value. . Or, instead of making the w hole de posit in stocks, . one half of it may be made in bonds and mortgages upon real estate bearing six per cent interest, such mortgages to be only upon im proved, productive, unincumbered lands within the Stale of New York, worth independently of any bnildings, ast double the amount for which hey shall be mortgaged. . The securities thus deposited, may be exchanged tor others at ihe request of the depositors and at the discretion of the comptroller and the annual in terest accruing upon them shall be paid over to the depositors, except in case of default made by them, or unless in the opinion of the comptroller, the stocks themselves shall hare become an insufficient security. - Such individuals or associations, as may hire obtained banknotes from the comptroller upon the term above pre scribed, , after having 'executed and signed them in the maner required by law to make them binding promissory notes payable on demand, at the place of business within, the State, of such individual or association, arc author ized to loan and put them in circata' tion at moner, according to the or session JT J i ti on dinary course of banking busines, as ,ociati5n,"peVifvhatief;1K charged TeguUtedbjtlieliwand usages rin'e'l ci'MtalWprnu'nd of dividends State, r i , , i i Jsinre the last preceding statement. If these .'notes thus 'put to circulation, are not l m specie on demand, the! assocun a -fssuing them shall be liable todaroifcj ia lieu.' ol interest,' at.the'of the' specie otf nd, j-ni Ar j mry n t rate of rinfitWJeeniTfeTtm ouUtandinz from the date" of such refusal, uu til payim nv i maaef ana on application : i . to uie comptretier,TiBan"lne present tion to him of the protest of any sucMjllrjie average-in cacti of the pi e- notes he shall gjyjgjujtieein writing toTceifin29lx.Dionths,!ue to the asocia-.j the maker or makersif such notes to pay jfionfiotn all the hie-holdeis, nnd al- me name j ami ii payment shall nerte- fared for ten day after auch notice unless the comptroller shall beatiH Bed tliat there is a good legal def-ncej agaiastthe payment he tliall foith- have becomeTsltare-hoder in'tlie aso with pivVnotice In the . Stale paper,c4aifHKor may haxoomlulrawn lnm it. that all JV notes issued by such .asso-agd the intreae tn.the a mount of flit fcution ociMJivHlual will be-redeemed o t Pi tyn(my y d sjn his fond; and TJ, .-.,. m '-iifsM2I Re'iiMj SbaSprtirfiHl to sell at j some paper of the country iu li"V the public uNAn the stocks and llie nioi t- association is establi'd, and also io gages, or any or either of them, pledg- the State peper; and if iliey are n t cd as security for these Mites, and mil duly made, after one month's neglect of the proceeds to redeem the outsiand- or if t'ie association shall violate ing notes, with cost of protest; or he any of the provisions of this act it may take such other measures." consist-' may be- pmceeded-against and dissolv ent with the provisions ol the art, forced by the Court f ('hanccry. the payment of such notes, as may inr 1l any portion of the original capital his opinion most effectually prevent ofuny such association shall be with loss to the holders. Any individual who should issue notes upon the terms above provided, ! would be liable therefore, not only in, ihe amount pledged with the comptrol-i ler, but to I lie whole extent of his pri vate fortune. Under this law. liowevrit i nrob- Tibfethaf the issue of notes w ill pi in-1 cipally be made by the associations au-'formed under this act, is it quired con thorjxed to be formed for that purpiisesjiiiLy.ukeepjimi-tittnil, no less than and we proceed now to state the"fl!rnis twelve and a half p r cent in specie upon which such association maybe on the amount of its notes in circula formcd. tion. It is -provided, that any number of Such are the provisions of this most persona n -sociute to establish olli- rea ot deposit and circula- tion. bilities above swec- ifie1 Nassociation shall f capital than betng former!, " , Ue recor- k of the of State, ower to k miviii in .tot liable jrtor insanity (J? The shares ,frty, trausfera- a Olli M.S. a change ran be in', i... ...1.1 Avies of rk remedi association uy wiipa rity f 3 remedies or secu- k. '"y ue impaired. nflrt' of stockholders al Butihe nL.wrV of stockholders and the amount ol the capital may be iu creased, as the association may think proper. The stockholders are not to be liable for the debts of the associa- less the articles of association shall r w V Tktion. i vil-j e car- j ) kT asso- l. t,,e curren ahareMdera of any such -association iiIada . I . . K I i naa l Ii i iia arhnirfflf tk nnunc ii tUH eikii n hiiiimiiiv m SIOOO. RMm. facts verified by oath: the chancellor mar at this discretion, iliuci I an ill rJiiiiiMiiiiiuii w wv i.u.i. i. ,.f .i. ncfu. in .Vliu. .i .- ... i. r IV litv Miami vr on v is .-3v .i.- ih- fntu to tne anairs oi sum issunuimii, iur of its investments, and . the pfndeCe ..fi.. ..m't,;;l the .-.-nlt ..r . ..i. !....:..:.. ,:.i. .!.. such iii.v3iiiaiiwii, wiiu uMuuMia the of the master and chancelloj-jhereon,- shall be published in such manner as ihe cancellor may direct. Upon the first Mondays of January and July in tach year, these associa tions shall tiansmit to the comptrol ler according to a form to be provided U .. Ll.. a full ..Ai,ta .l.nkv.r Ul mini .uiivmi.iiiii v.. iikii .r flirt verified by the oath oi the pres.- dent or cashier, eontainin-. 1. -nieamonnt of the capital stock t 'c Connecticut election, if it had not paid in. or secured tr be paid. ' ' etteirfs ,,'h .M.- an 8. The value ot the real estate of da,e T1"5 cnJvr Jt.fication or the the associarion. f 'nt o( rn-wary notes was to 3. The shares of stock held by sveh be rn.4 m. tl'e ftet; that the present association, whether abatdulvly. or Bto&rr collaterar security, specifying each 1" ',ffere"t ,,n nA iVre wi no. kind, and the value of the shires ,"'h- tfam currency as the Oorern each ' ment were bound to provide. All this, 4. Tne am.unt of debts due to" the ! ,nd f the ?a,Be ,no.r' fuU association, ifecifvinr such U are ilue .from Mr Galla,,n dun"5 -tU ?,,cu from mooted or other corporations or associations, "tuck as are secured by bond nod mortgage or judgment, and sucn a ouzht to be esteemed bad. . 5. The amount of debt due by such association, specifying such as art pay able ob demand, and such at are due to monif,vier corporations or at aociairv 6 'mi against the at- tor otet. bills, or tissued by the W th tt- the last prtcedinz statement. 9 . Tle average amount , in eatji of the prcceihni six months, tf the d. bt! due to and from the association, audi I against the-iwsiitiatin,' vjn the, fust day of-eat jf jfte; precedi n nit inonxiT. .... ; s me greatest amount in 'each .m due from theshare-htildeis. ' T'e iiames of such persons during the pr -ceding sis month, i as , inav capital, if auv. . . .tr drawn lor any purpose wlpr-vy, wniie any debts of" the assio??SVfc' yiiuiti unsatisfied,, no dividends canoe made, until i lie deficit of capital shall be' made good, either by additional sub scriptions or the accumulation of profits- 4n ailrlftinn to the security lodged with ihe comptroller, every Association important and remarkable law, which to say the least of it, appears to be drawn with great ingenuity, and with a strict eve to the security of the pub lie. The practical' operation of the law rannnt but be watclu'd with great interest. .Q las. OPINIONS OF MR. GALLATIN. The discussions, in the late Conven tion at New Yoik of Delegates from Banks in the several States, were con ducted with closed doors; which did not. however, prevent the substance of what passed in the Convention from heile',, generally known. Some ofl, the ; partiruUr hv found their way into ih New .YiM-k pers; and, cimsider ' the reputation of Mr. Gallatin both as a Statesman and a Financier, we have thought that the subjoined account if his share in the discussion would be of interest to all our readers. And so we copy it from the New York Courier and Luqurier. Mr. Gallatin took a leading part in the debate, and as Ihe Globe swears by Mr. Gallatin, we prcsusne that it will pay due respect to his deliberate opin ions as expressed in the Convention Mr. Gallatin con-idered a National Bank convenient and necessary for the regulation of the currency; but was of opinion that a return might be made to specie payments without its aid. In effecting ttiis great object, he consider ed the co-operation of the Government desirable, and thought it indispensable -that-it-should 4et : ..i i.i I- .i l l . - , ,7, , 't--"" ; lVrl ll If raliioo.l arfiMti rn nhnrutian iic cjjiisuieren uie vvnoie course oi tne cv, to have been wrontr. It was wronz to make any distinction between the . currency of the. Government and the currency ot the TeopI During the specie payments in Eng- "'X " ov'i us were I I .i.l r' . i .i -i i: . Daid in a denreciated currency. Psoi , , . - . - - n a. r eflort was made to secure specie for tlte officers" of UovernHnt, while th oidtnat-y business of the kingdom was : transacted in irredeemable in irredeeinaole paper. The issuing of the specie circular was. in-his eyes, rank vsurpw ion. The Government hasfthe same power over tils paper currency as "over the coin, and whenever the currency has been :.. . ...... ...i i .:.... i ... i. :.. c .1 e .1 consequence of the. exercise ol llusi in .1 siiuiim vU'iiiilioir, iv lias ui in in . -. , ., , . , . . ivnu-or liv the b..iliirAl. A.liotnilrMlifiii f. . ... , .ii ,, h ,SuY 1 nMrJ b,l.w 8 but ,,e considered dead-kiiled by oiwn f mnm v vuuiiiiiiiiu s w is v tirutar attention ot. Mr secretary Woodbury aid the cabal of currency tinkers at the metropolis. : rottO?D TKBASUKr ROTES. A person by the name of John B. Henderson wis yesterday areated br Mr.' Constable Beck, of this city, anil fully committed for trial by justice Morsel I for having issued and pasted forged Trtasury nofes.,, In Jiis posses sion were found several impressions of those notes, tome of them filled up and tome blank. All the impressions are from tbt original platet, and are what J are asua and, of from th uauy unoHun prooi imprcs5tonsr- -if course, must have been stolen Ifrom the enzravers. Messrs. Hawdon. Wright -and Hatch. in New York," wh have' the plates in their possession. There is reason to believe that he 4UaaeepTiitsetH(thers of tTiese notes , anJ, as all found in his possession were on India paper, it is to be hoped that Hone ot the torged: ones were iil.tht paper uetl for the genuine notes. If j such be Ihe case, it is'very i tect the counterfeits,, as the er. on whii h they are 1m easv to de- ludia pa- loipresied, is rather -.thinner and softer than that of the 'genuine an, nn beiiijr wetted. 'nearly dissolves, being easily torn, al most with lireatlicig strongly on.it, whilst the paper of the genuine notes is of the .Vlrongest material. The signa tures also, of tlii: forged notes,af- luljTiT Trensurer'erTh.1 uyliaTidoljih, appears as if written, Wm. B. Randollh That of the Register, also, T. L. Smirii, appears to be written S. T. Smith. One of the notes passed by Hender son purported to be tor $4,H)0, the sum being filled up by the pen on the im pression used for the fractional sums between SO and 100. No note of that amount has ever been issued, the issues as yet being only notes of 81,000, 5.00, 100, 50, and the fractional issues of sums between g50 and 100, the a mounts and figures being filled up with the pen. . We hasten to give this information, in order to protect the community from being imposed on, in case any of the forced notes should be offered. Globe. "TiTf: HOUSE THAT JACK BLTLT." A building of grat si.e "containing 1;1G rooms j has been lately erecting, for the' use of the Treasury Depart ment; when lo! no sooner are the walls all .up, than it is discovered thai they :.iust be taken down ngi n. A cott in.ttce of Congress, assist' d by two able architects, have reported in substance, 1. That the buiwmg is placed where it ought not to be. 2. That it is not suited to the pur pose for vv lii. fi it is intended. 3. That it is exceedingly uly. 4. That if completed un the present plan it will inevitably tumble down. They therefore .recommend that it be taken to piecies and built at an- i-Wlae on a better plan. The workwaasoip, ecalready expended, will De loss ol uunut eigtity thousand dollars, and will cost thirty thousand more to unbuild it total loa's gl 10,000. Ni one i an fail to be struck by the metaphorical res -mulance between ihia edifice and the Administration itself. 1. The Administration is where it ouht nut to be. 2. It is unfit for its design. ; 5. It is exceedingly ugly. 4. If it does not soon tumbledown of itself, it wilj be pulled down. Columbia 'ftlescope. The Legisfature of Michigan have passed a bit ( authorizing the construc tion of a ship canal around the falls ot St. Marie, at the but let of Lake Supe rior. Appropriations were also made for internal improvements to the a mount of R 1,050,000 for the following works..-- For the Bouttorfl rail road, 350.000; for the central railroad, 35 0.000; for the Clinton and alabi. lUH.oiTaFaTrZOj.lOnoy for (tie north ern rail road, $69,090; for the Segi naw canal, g47.f)00; for the improve ment of the Maple atld Grand rivers, ftSO.OOO; for the improvement of Kalamazoo river, $8,000. Atw l'ork Jsiilaturt.'fUt Le gislature or New York' closed its ses sion of one hundred and eVen days.at 1 2 o'ctock on Wednesday ni-rlif. The Albany Evening Journal gives the fol lowing summary view of the results of this important session: T.iis has been a laborious and erent ful session. On no former occasion have wo - witnessed, on the part of members, so much of dil igence and i . iH iii'Liii li A I vyi mill IIUHK J - , . . No former House of A nas urv.ii a iii.iiit nuuis ill sea- i . J .. - ' t; Is ... Mill tNa ltd f rtita iliAulf a .Uj- 4 .ilWIU M VI 1 It V I US HCVbll" 111 W i si fll use has held two, and for the last week three daily sessions. Nor has the session been less fruit ful in the results of its deliberations. Un no former occasion has more been done to advance the interest of the People, or so touch' to devslope the re- . sources of the State. , A new impulse has been given to the causa of internal inproveinent an impulsa quickened and invigorated by the triumphant re-' port of Mr. Rugglea. The speedy en largement of the Erie canal it author ized,' tor which purposs 84.000.000 is . appropriated,' ITie construction of . the New York and Erie' rail road it insured, a loan of 83,000,000 having " been made' to the company .The, State, by liberal loans to the Cattkill, . and Canajoharie, the Auborn and Sy racuse, and the Ithaca and Owego raii-roada,hat alto insured the cotnp e tion of those workt. -These appropria tiont and loans, for works of improve- , tnent, ' amount - in the- aggregate to" 87.750,000. The Legis'afure has al to authorized the survey of several ca nal and rail-road routes. L -.. LL- . -v -r, . . , J