, : ) l -1 . - . . TflK LETTERS OF THE SEC RE TAHY OF TUB TREASURY. WebavebearJ moch of a JetrerJ said to have Wen written by tbitJaBi-. car, and read to the Hank Conven tion recently Held. -The friendly ds Wition toward the banks, and the tid.it proffered to themiu resuming rtaarnenta. nartlie next in in Governmeni.wat t princjp! pevere lnrtur wun wts - So- ' -y - The following is the fetter: v, liiiitllDmiWHT, "i Oik Ar.nL 1438. S A.fc-44Mr eViwleJB receipt of your leter of the Tih met. I" wr, T"" may fully understand tlic views and 1hr eiw-nineJ hy this department cm the euJlr led of rrimnpli.m of specie patments by i-. kni,. .,1 il., e.iurae to be pursued by the Trwoeury uU tK.w, I ftercwith' close copies of two private letters, written -khh weeke since in answer to impuree amu let to yotr,- , It i. mil neceatanr to add that the Mine Viewe are tii cherished. lt the note of specie pafW banks at par liHWrt-t. are now Deceived fur iluties.aml will urKlmiot- edly continue ta be They are and will oe -...i i ,M ! nublie eredt- tor. auI no accMnukti f them beyond lit currant rinendittirea U anticipated at ay point whatever WmS,be present , - - S'jrne.1 ' LEVI WOODHUItY. PretidrM tj l lunlr o" .tm&rica. -The tetter referred I" in the prece ding we have heretofore puu'nhrd, 1ut insert it again. It is the follow ing: Wiitl, -ore. 18th March. 1838. Dear Sir In reply to your of the Mlli iaat I liaiten to remark, that -the Treasury Department has long been anxioua, a your, aelf and many olhrra. for the reanirption nf apecie- payment! by the bahk. All ha been, ami will be done by it wliiclt ronir within its limiie power to promule, at the earlieat day poaaible, so dcurable an e vent. 1 do not lictitate to any fully and frankly, that the Unprewinn U altogether erroneous that specie w to be purchased anJ hoarded b the Governmei.t Unl) a few thonaund ilol lart of it have yet been raisei, on Treasury notes, and none is intended, ta be hereafter except to the extent needed to supply the current demand on the government. W bate ver may be thus obtained or received for public duet of aay kind, will be forthwith paid out again to defray the appropriations, ad the settled policy of the degKXUnont has been and will be to keep nothing idle in the Treasury while the power eaists to issue Treasnry notes to meet contingencies, and deficiencies as they snay hereafter occur. . Kespectfully yours, Signedl LEVI WOODBURT. Maraaa AmiTts, Esq. Boston, Mass. For our part, we can perceive nothing whatever, in either of the pre ceding letters, that manifrsts a dispo sition to abandon the subtreasurj scheme, r the policy recommended in the President's messaage at the extra session of Congress. In the letter of the 18th of March, the Secretary aava, that all wilt be done bv the Treasury Department " t. oromote the resumption of specie pajmentt by the banks "which comes witain its niutieu powers. now whst are those powers, as expounded by the Secretary himself? In bis last annual report he said, " l be powers of the General Government to hasten such a resumption are circumscribed to the use of some constitutional au therity. of a restrictive or penal char acter, such aa taxation, or a bankrupt law,' "or the ' furnishing some met dental aid in the exercise of other rights. w He then sajs, -Beyond such incidental aid to some of the baaks with which nscal connexions mar have existed, not cenerall y equal ing one-twentieth ol the whole nam . ber, it ie doubtful whether the Gener al Government, however solicitous to tee that object accomplished, would be able, conatituliovallT, to provide any special assistance in effecting it." In the letter of the 9th of April, the "tame views are titl cherished," as were expressed in the former, and of course the action of the Department was to be restrained within the same "limited powers." In respect to the receipt and payment of bank notes for public collections and disbursements, the Secretary says, 'they are and will be paid where acceptable to public creditors." Did the secretary mean to say, that the Trasurer of the Uni ted States would offer no such notes to public creditors in place ol giving checka on the depositories. of the pub lie money? " W e suspect not. That, we apprehend, would exceed his lim ited constitutional powers. But if an offer of bank notes wss not first made to all public creditors, in payment of their dues, the spirit of the Secreta ry's letter would not be complied with. labia last report, the Secretary in relation to this matter, said: "It Must bo manifest to all who oxamina tha onbjoct dispassionately, that either the poases eion by a fcw banks of the usual snail agiouDt of the public oopasitea, liable at any time to be recalled, or the receipt of their bill for public duet, when redaomeJ ia specie on demand, and frequently presented lor that purpose, must oAea ha a cheek rather than aa aid, and prove ofdsutful advantage1 in promoting reeump Una among the whole number." . We confess our scepticism as to the recent professions of the Secretary contained in his letters. . We repeat, what we have on more than one occa sion said, the action of Congress a lone can bring about i general relump tien of specie payments. . , MadUordtti, cowoncssioMA-u, In the Senate, on Thursday, 86th April, the bill to create Board of or I 'Commissoners to examine and report on claims against the United States, u ordered to be engrossed for.a third reeding. On the u dhii petted its third reeding. C , the 26th. the reoorti of alt the dit isoni, I I the llnnia m MUtlPniHllwEI. till fthree in mmber.t oftheDael commit-1 : - . 1 SI. iW.m I tee neying seen rea mr. iac, i .it.l rr iti rxadinir of lh L evideoce taken before that emitte the reeding of which wat ordered, and hat occupied the target portion of the day- It bat proved eery interetting, onenanj accooot, and tome point have prcaenteClMmiilf .ff' mnt; the rradin; went on.-!The readin Wa noC concluded at theadV f. . . . ? I t Onrrtdan ite 27th. the' Houte re-1 iutnel tne cuittuieraiiuu oi iie rrpon furm th Setecl committee on the l)fel tle ioetiou being on the motion from the commit We to print .the report and . noitnone its consideration till Mondar weet. ,- , j Th reading of the tetfimonjr in the cate, and the journal of the committee, was continued, and occupied the Huute till fwo or three o'clock without taking any question. fhe II usc adjourned. Si-nate did not sit on baturtiar. ril.- 1 aa ie correspondent of the Baltimore Chronicle gives the following account of the p-nceeding of the House. 1 lit Duel Debate. tins question (any remarks Upon which I adhere to my original resolution. ol postponing. until the proceedings of the committee, and the action of the House thereon shall be printed, ) aznin occu attention of the House, to-djy. Sev eral gyiX.li ujji atldressed the House, witlTeeling, earnestness, and eloquence, It does not clah with my purpose of I reserving comments upon the testimo ny and the conduct of the committee, however, to state that, whatever may be llie fiual course of the house upon this subject, it is pretty well demon strated that the committee transcended their powers, very metcrially, in mak ing the report they have done. As to the publication of the evidence atnd journal, that can jlo no possible harm, as it turns out. The majority's party report of that most imbecile of chsir- men Mr. roucey of Connecticut, is the only thing that may be dreadeil, at a party engine. But even this can do but little harm, if accompanied with the masterly rebuke of Stanley of N. S a V a a w m uarouna, ami rsayior and Johnson ol Md., to day and of Adama and Ser geant, and Wise and Robertson, in former days. Wise made a great point to-day of th r.rt k. i i;. ;. 1 f essay aanja, lTpv fact, only the report of three ol the seven members of the committe it having been altered in some respects, Sas admitted by the- chairman.) since 'otter saw the report Wise waa ex tremely eloquent upon this point. You cannot be in error in coming to the conclusion that this attempt to use the death of Mr. Ciller as a political engine, will as signally fail in Congress, as the same attempt has failed every wheie else outof Congress. But more of this hereafter. At half past three o'clock, a motion was made by Mr. Bell by permission of Mr. Menifee, to adjourn, :Mr. Menifee having the floor, and being in the midst of a speech. Ayes 76, Nays 96. Mr Mallory then dtmanded a call of the house. Mr Jenifer asked for the reas and nays which were ordered. Vliereupon Mr Potts moved an adjournment, carried, 92 to 75 and so ended the at tempt to force a question to-night. In the Senate on Monday, April 30, Mr. Xlay submitted the following resolution, which was read and vrtkr ed td'a secood reading: "Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States in Con. gress assembled, 1 hst no discrimination sliall be made as to the currency or medium of payment in the several branches of the Public Revenue, or . in debts or dues to the Govern. meiit ;mt thaUuntil otherwise ordered by Con. gress, the notes of sound banks which arc payable and paid on demand in legal the cur rency of the Uniteit States,under suitable res trictions, to be forth ithprescribed and promul gated by the Secretary of the Treasury, shall be received in payment of the revenue and of debts and dues to the Government, and shall be subsequently disbursed, in a course of public expenditure, to all public creditors who are illing to receive them.' The biH to provide for the security and protection of the' emigrant and other Indiana West of Missouri and Arkansas, was ordered to be engrossed for a third reading. " DUEL REPORT. In the House of Representatives, Mr. Menifee made a most able argu ment against the preposterous proposi- lion 10 tancuon toe proceedings ol a committee who . have presumed to put a man upon hit trial without letting him know, it, to receive ei parte testi mony against him, and to condemn him before the world upon that evi dence. . . ' Mr. Menifee also dwelt strongly up. on the fact, which had come out by the admission ot Mr. Toocey, in the course of the debnte, namely, that . IT .1 f I this waa 'a leport, not of the majority one oi inree only ol the committee, Mr. Potter ngving been absent when the report wat read in committee and there discussed and amended. As soon as Mr. Menifee had finish ed, Mr. Pickent of South Carolina, rote and moved to lay tha whole ' sub ject ob the table. I II ! .1 Messrs. bagged Mr. Pic i a 4 Om Mr. Wise tnterr;. it would be entire) f the mbject on the Ub make a quettionot prK n. a n1 r-l.l lulllM hid m. - " .... (- j ecce Utioru ' : ;.; Mr. Pickena "motion to lay on the table round but 28 itipporters, ana 107 member toted againtt it. So it waa to - r , ' Mr. Adama then made a mott thrill- iy.ponh ayiuittlreV tHSWilfT He demolished the imbec ' i chairman of, thit inquiiitoriat' cat ailtee, nd eomtnletelf exposed the neLxioui char- aeter of the whole odiout proceeding.- f hctp. unmnn.u r b?elojent and feeling protest agaiBitt this proposition to postpone and prinr. The eoteon postponement was yeas 85, tUTS 109. s c i . Mr. Adame then offered hit motion" to recommit, and to instinct the com- mittee to strike oat the argumentative parts of tl-e report, and the obnoxious resolutions, with which U Vmcludes, and here some converuUra arose; as to whether this motion' ojthe motion to print were nextlnor. iC was finally jdecln ed rha-"' to print was a part of whaiXTrTA propo ses to re'eommit. At this point an animated discussion ensued, upon what if Mr. Adam's mo tion were to prevail, the Committee would have to do. This was a debate of mere order, though it occupied a nol deal ol time. In the Senate, on Tuesday, the 1st May, nothing important was transact ed. In the House of Representatives, Mr Lamureieng presented a communica tion from the Treasury Department, stating what was the state of tlie Tree sury yesterday, aa to its available re sources, viz: -- Amount of Treasury" notes' Issued up to April 28th inclusive, per Treasurer's statement, $9,423,959 31 Will probably bo issued 30th April, 1838, 135,000 00 9,658,959 00 1838, 10,000,000 00 Not issued on a May 1st, sJMtl.tMO 69 les reeeivedr land, and debts to IT VnooO availaht' iift,de- Treasury nole In payment of debts Other funds ducting M 00,000 f00 trust funds, (lea The remai was spent or the In nia? xn je. lJon r mane' tion w sy nrotec third) oty no im Monday In th7. received!, eating a ct ating act an Minis! eged to havv rmed vesselu .MO o a can lei armed boat Columbia. ter contends ttL Columbia, and nnK Iturbide, provoketfv and that "the former ehouW .fore, be responsible for the resthsy-whaterer it may be." 1 his note is accompanied by a statement from the commander of the M exican vessel, declaring that al though he fired - several guns, they were discharged in a direction very wide of the boat, for her to stop." He says;..,,,', ' "Instead' of doing so, howevc, she continued on her course, as if with a view of getting past me to leeward. When I got within speaking distance, I hailed he( three times, with a trump-- mnA aha jt'ul nut Anitrn la tiM an, ranlv In either call. On the fourth call, to individual answered, loading mo with abase, and telling me, that if I wanted to see his papers, I should come on boerdhis boat. All this Was spoken withent the speaking-trumpet; and, although he was called on to Stop, in order that his papers and boat should be v resiled, be did not do so; but, on the other hand, continued to insult my political insignia by the grossest obscensities and language, ' - In consequence of these propeedinga, I fired two cannon, and three mask eis, not aimed at tli steamer, (or the purpose ol intimidating her, that she ahoukl do aa required. ' Bbe, however, took no notice of it, bat continued on ber way. letting oB her steam, which waa very high, so near me wat toe ashes and some warm water ?,..,?.kwa 0od !"a "' l " "Lered tolhe ; Committee on Foreign Affairs. The House adjourned to Monday, to allow time to cleanse the Hall. Coming round. "It looks blue," said a distinguished friend of Mr. Van Bairn, Yet, rather," said the little ' great man, "but it will come round by -and -by." This abidinz faith of the President and the Party, puts us in mind of the Drunkard tninr to bed: ."Wiry don't you get inftNied," fays hit friend. Why h wait a min ute,. r get in directly its coming round." "Now," resumed the drunk aid, making a dive head-foremost to the floor. "Well, I failed in that ex periment: but wait a minute its com tng round again.' Dive again. Thi$ time he datMd hit braxni ouup Star. NXhe Another Steamboat r mail boat Eutaw. thK Wheeling and SteuM a flue when leavy this 1 . i tail 7 i I, is thej v -sflie M the Wednesday nieii ana larovrii - ovri uoau -aft ai -saaswfli a heer ' badly scalded, the cleric JJr.' Neel slightly ditto. The jS the firemao bad not been found no taicas vbwuaia. A drtam rtlated by Sir II. Stott. gentleman id Scotland wat prosecu lor arrears ol tithes. . lie had a strong conviction, that hia father had purchued these tithes of the lay im- proprietors, but alter a long and fruit ess search, tie could discover no re cord of the purchases and determined to go to Edinburg next dajr and effect thsrlmtoTap1iomisrRe coutuT "fle went to bed and dreamed that his fath er appeared to him and tld him ' that he had purchased the tiihes in ques tion and that the papers were in the bands of Mr. A.; a writer of Inver-Bess.- 'Shoulder. A. have forgutlen; the transaction,' contined the paternal shade, 'you may remind,him that when I came to pay hit account, there wis uiihcutty in getting change lor a rV gai piece t roia, and that we were forced to drink out the balance in a tavern.' Mr R., on awakening in the morning determined to gn Iverness to see Mr. A. The old writer did not at first remember the transaction, hut at the mention of the rortural piece. the whole, transaction relumed - upon his"-, memory immerfTawk search was. made, and the papers Totfrul, by which Mr. R. gained his cause. Sir Walter was satisfied of the truth of this rela tion, but did not think that the laws of nature were suspended to save Mr. It. a sum of money. I he most proba ble solution of the matter was, that he had heard the old gentleman tell the story some day after dinner j that the young gentleman at the time paid a dreamy attention to it, asvroong-rmrn will do to the old reminiscences, and that in "his tlream the matter had flash ed upon his mind. It was evident that Mr. R. had heard something of the matter, for he said he had as trong feeling that the tithes were hot " due. We ought to be satisfied, then, that there was nothing miraculous in this case. .. Remarkaile Eicape. During the thunder storm on Satur day night the lightning struck the House of Mr. Levy, on East Bay, two doors below Market street. The lower floor of the building is used as a Clothing store. On the same floor there were in one room twenty one persons, the family and their friends and relatives, who were burnt lout by the fire thenight before, and hd just assembled for supper. They were all struck down by the electric Vid, and all escaped unhurt, as did v five other individuals who were the house at the time. This is s wonderful to any person who Vxamined the track of the fluid, g and .re-crossing the rooms, e garret downwards, and tear. wa, lurmture, and every its course. There was a tin at the time, which proba- rerented fire, and a fire in that of the city would have added much e calamities of the night before. Cfiai. Mir. Curiout Scene. A mong the para aphs, equally interesting and ques tionable, with which the English pa pers teem, we find a late one illustra tive of 'hope deferred." Not long since, while a marriage ceremony was in progress, a roost amusing circum stance occurred, which completely put a ttop to the performance at a most in teresting part of it, and set the disap pointed maiden and her anxious lover two different ways, any thing but re joicing. It teems that the young cou ple had gone separately to a church for the purpose pf being marie one. The ceremony went on well enough until the minister came to. tlie words' with this ring I thee wed;" when the bride, essaying to take her glove off her maid en hand lor the last time, could not ef fect it. Whether it was agitation or heat, nervousness or perspiration, the i .1 . . i . ja a a learner ciung 10 ner nana as a ma ought to do, and would not part com pany. ' The bride blushed and pulled; the bridegroom (bold man!) laughed outright; so did the father so did the mother; so did all the spectators, ex cept the clergyman, and he exclaimed. "I did not come here to be laughed at;" and shutting the book left the ceremo ny half finished, the bride half married, and the glove half off. It is happily added, however, apparently for the in formation of all who may sympathize with the disappointed fair one, that she tried again the next day with much success. That time she went to church with glovelest hands, and the nuptial knot was tied 'tight as a glove.", Phil, Gaz. We res-retted to tee that the admrtff istration party in the Senate arrayed it- self yesterday against the joint retolu- tion proposed by Mr. Clay, designed to encourage the general resumption ol specie payments, and to extend tome degree of relief to the country. After the movement substantially to the same effect by Mr. Hamer, in the House of Representatives, (though afterwards abandoned on the express ground of co incident intimations from the Treasury Department and by the official paper) after this movement, and the official declarationa of the Secretary of the Treasury and of the Government jour nal, (though alf put forth just before k j .07 Va the New Y Hjbeen tuppo welded to i Vanity, an tbe New York election,) it waa to have pposed that the Executive had the necessities or the cool ly, and designed to far to inter i I mit its hostilitv f. viitH-! i n u i ..'.x-v-i i-J-blu . tiona of the cnunlrv aa tn a in returning to specie pajyu. But,-j- in the Uce ol these assurance, the Ad ministration party evinced yesterday the strongest hoatility to Mr. Ckyfa resolution, and, at the most effectual mode of strangling it, forced itf refer ence to the Commttee pf Finance, -a majority of which i known to be inim seal to it. How will the editor f the Richmond Enquirer, and othyvJoyal leadera uf the nSrtV ' who hlf Ptftth - - I v, an milrl, Avullntrrii ihfc Introih of 3il e I sWerkindred" tJuTlhort solution iii what li;ht will y tlemen view the inovemen fre n r aartr-in the Senate in re; Clav't resolution? Realh paying the least regard tan ion, at clearly indicated at rets la 111 artr"eeem wTTller cotiter ple by iho to. f-rlwitti which L ,tilrKn! lrecrlB!lor The New York CuruuMbaUud v.4:......i ;niuiii..... ... i.;. it' AYiswaiai iv ev i it siew s ii the ning Uie unparalleled He zulltotineA four of the officers under hintVaafnii ii' slash ot the axe. I lie operatitm was brought to bear principally upon Con servatives upon ineTTWtfo agree in o pinioii with Mr. Senator Rives, Mr. Ritchie, and who, in 1834. agreed with the Globe about the Sub-Treasury. Mr. Van Buren, however, allows in New York no frcethinking. Think - t ressons here, does men mis- Se cry is "offwith their heads!" ,igs in the corporation will, of course, retort. I hey have kept on hand about one half ot the old Admin istration men. but they must be very forgiving- if they forget now. " Iltiiifax Fitherif.'M our Fishery on Thursday last 840 Rock Fish were caught in the seine at una haul, to the no little delight of the fishermen. This is the greatest haul we have known made here for many years. Hal Ado aBaaawaamasBBWBswa-ssaBMsaBaaajaaB m aja,) u COMMUNICATION. Fee tbc 8tb. AN IMPORTANT PLACE TO NORTH CAROLINA. Jifr. Editor: I eshoot describe the pleasure 1 have realised on visiting toe town of Beaurort. The objections I have heretofore entortaiited to ha becoming the mart of ibis State, have van ished like mist before the rising Sun. " One, which I deemed of a most formidable charac ter, ia esteemed by mariners as real advan tage, I allude to the capes. They are reveal ed as tha natural bulwarks of the Slate, eoVeta- ally preventing a regular blockade in time of war, are not as dangerous aa thorn ef Philadel phia or the eoast of Charleston, and can he ea sily avoided by an experienead navigator. From additional information reccivad,, I am inclined fully to concur in opinion with Dr. Caldwell, that this place is destined to rie to considera ble importance. In hseoent report made by Lieut. Colonel Kearney v he slstes that it '-deserves : to he made the principal inlet to ibe sounds of N. Carolina. An appropriation has accordingly been requested lor deepening Core 8ound, the channel of communication between Beaufort and Newbern, Washington, Edenion and other towns near the sounds of Pamtieo end Albemarle. From the books of the Treasury Department it appears that its revenue in 1813, during the war, was 1103,314 00. To it, ia. now directed the attention of various persons in tbe adjoining Ststei, ind of many of oar enter prising friends of the North. An intelligent gentleman of Tennessee, in his correspondence with one of the citizens of Beaufort thinks that it ought to be made the "outlet nf many of I he Western States, and thnt it would then ullU mately rival even New York." A few days since, I witnessed the arrival of tbe ship Vapo leon, of nearly 600 tons' burthen, "formerly 'of the New York and Liverpool line of packets; (J the ctultl load at nt eAr ptac serrM f A'trolh. The Captain being apprehensive that an entry was impracticable, sounded lor ibe distance of two miles, and oliluined not less than twrnly-fvur- fert wiyri -more than sufficient tor the largest mvreahlila ship in the United States. I sincerely wish, sir, that the roar of ber cannon could be heard in every por tion of the State, that she miOagoU,a frorn the slumbers which hsve chained ied every farulty tsined her with the diseraceful.en. Van Winkle, and placed her at the rs who are engaged in drainlne fe's blood from her system. Tbe plsce is unquestionalde; a ia evi- dent. the testimony of ita phvsiciane, of transient residents from diflWmit purls of tha country, the appearance of its inhabitants, the absence of periodical disease, its bring a place Of resort In the fall season, and from its lock' tion, not suffering from the miatma arising from the stagnant ponds and marshes of the low lands, but inhaling the pure and aalubrious air of the ocean. It possesses great facile! tor tranaportation. My eye ia on a rock where a Rail Road could terminate, and ship load; from whence she could be ploughing the deep in less than sixty minules. Its harbor is easy of arc ess. CapL M. of Newbern, informed me that its bar was so plain that he sailed over it the JCrtt time without the direction of a pilot, although he would not do this over that of O- craeocae, wnere oe nau oeen aaiime tor up- large and commo. constructed fortifi- Wed by ridges as permanent as YZ.1 ZSZ&IL tlnl.'1!. the moaiUcstraciive storm that along the ahoree of the Atlantic. Now, air, if North Carolina wo' all tbe majesty of her srn!hi and ample revenue, enjoy the ben culture and commerce, and the m gee of a well-trained system of intent ments; let her 'shake on the dust TUt blinds her sight, ascend the elevated summit Of ber capitol, take a deliberate survey of her sea board then tnm a prophetic eye ta the Ohio, and behold it pouring its otreame of wealth in to the bosom of the Delaware and Chesapeake then construct the Central Rail Road to In tersect the contemplated one from Cincinnati, and thus make the town of Beaurort a great Commercial Mart for tbe 8oulhrrn and West ern Ststee end then may wo eipect to see ber who ia now "tae irutf oatenf fAs r etries Jn dah, tile unit Mabgttn lAe fiery f king. dease" " i . A VISITER FRDU FRANKLIN. re 2nd instant, says: , ,l "'Hie new collector yesterday l perlurmed a rtorm operation (justom house the like of whu I S-J of russet- BaatWai m l . htftlttiaeV from sav jaw in I seaf Htlaree I 1 Zru) I, at irove- I a? . Mm m m m f-w rerw m esrm HALK1G1I, MAY 0, ISM. SPEED THE TRAVELLER! We rt happy to learn, rVont a lrtefid9rf7J; cot respondent, that arrangemente ttovo been completed; to reduce the wane of travailing rVeof" Gastoa to New York to the wonderfully short " pace of 48 hours, . The passenger leaves Cos. ton at S P. arrives in Petersburg at 7, rest ing there of ia Rirbnsoad 4 hour; ho leaves Richmond earty In the morning sleeps the MLnightifto SteaaiboU between Baltimore 4 Philadi.lii.; a wXich loiter place he arrives early in the awning, and ia awakened only by the sound tf 4 the hell of the boat ttt New York, where he by nen. ' sri.Y' By the 1 ltd Inst the Rsil IUd ctiaiond will be in opers- P"songero leaving (iaatun at S ighl'e rest in Richmond, nletrlptoNewybrk i and tiaston Rail Road "fch will give alill greater WTadd that the rotn Tileigll anJ Gaston llyaapectcd hy the need etrainrd will t who iintit run- - , .21 - TntTMERCHANT AND" TITE M TK. The article under this head, in lo-tia . '.i ttr, possesses sufficient interest to repay a and, besides, teaches a lesson on the du'u s men owe to each other, which some have y.'i to learn that the crusty suerci!iousnea of weak minded men, who think the mere possession of wealth makes them better than other people, is not only abhorrent W the principles of Chris tianity, but ofien a source of deep shame and mortification to the slave of so detevlnble a pas eion; and that the best revenge which the hos ed! and worthy poor ran lake of the iusulu that are effered them " from this source, is to treat them, fa) the Irst place, with silvnt contempt; and, 2ndly, when an opportunity presents it self, with kind offices. "If. thine enemy hun ger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drinltt for in so doing, thou ahalt heap coals of Are on his head." VilUilNlA ELECTION. The result of the elections in this State has astonished all parties. The advocates of Fed eral power and misroie were prepared for loss, and the Whigs were prepared lor gain. It waa apparent to all tht the age of reaeon waa re turning, and that the Old Dominion would ul timately throw off the degrading yoke of bond aga, and proudly re assert her political inde pendence ana republican principles; but ho one dreamed that tbe giariona day ef redemption waa so near. The triumph ia as eomplnte as it is unexpected. Tbe administration majority of 40 in the Hoase of Delegates has been swept away ai a oasn, soa a clear majority oi at least Senators sleeted: they ore, although Coneerva lives, pat down to the administration, jri.r them a Bain of two in the Senate. incrnaJI their majority from 8 to 19 in that body, (t leaving them only t ea joint ballot. clear gain 441 Besidea, the Baltimore Cht icle says, "en examination of the polls ahdV that the whig strength has increased in eve county where there waa a au4t .iwi - ' Kiwrnanson oi me return of this election with those -of previous veara. that the whigs have now large majority of the popupr vote of the State on their aide " The Hon. John Tyler is elected from York and Williamsburg. In Albemarle, .-gnate Rivee's own county, the whig carried the day by upwards of a hundred majority. Mr. PatUn'i Dittritl. -Various rontredkt. ory statements have been published relative to the result in this Congreaaibnal district. ho Baltimore Chronicle elates positively that Mr. oiaugnier, wnig, is.electod by 14 majority over Mr. Line Banks, adm.; and tbst.the latter has declared himself a candidate in advance for the) next election. This district gsvc a Van Buren majority of 635 at the Jast Presidenfial elec tion. .JV" Truly may the Richmond Whig eidaimi The pnptt have dutmed the .Mmiuittra tint, and n fccttin f cherrftUntt earn. tuve it." . , Tbe change ' is progressive, fsava the Lynchburg Virginian.) and will ta neini-wirNt.' I he Kichmonrt Enquirer aays: " It is idle lo despond, but we hsve lost the State.". Mr. Kitehie, however, adds, he is ready to sink. or swim with Martin Van Buren." The Whia thinks, as sinking ia inevitable, we shell see him era long putting on a " life preserve." ANOTHER GHEAT TRIUMPH. The Albany Evening Journal saya: The City of Albany is purified and redeem. ed! LocoPocoism is prostrate We have wiifc v. m invi.1 ucvpcrainy uumeatctj e lection with a triiimnbant msioritv iasn warn, uur afrgrrgaie majority in tl e Cstv is. Wllhm afraction of 600. We have onli tfmer to temler our thanks to the indomita'de whiga win nave acuirvrii inis iriumpii, to congratu late mir friends throughout jjlie Union on rami aw amanieioust and to proclaim aloud the unerring assurance that "as goes tip: 4lU warn ao goes vne state!" P. S. We a'op the preae to correct an ertw ror. The Whigs have not swept the wh'4e city the Loco Kccos have csrrird one con stable in the fifth ward by a email majori'y. We make this correction 'in jijptice to the Lo co Foe os, and to the prineipie nf giving 'the devil his due"- and he has got.it exactly. The Harrishu'rsg, Pa. Chronicle aisle that it ie confidently asserted there, and believed. thatjbean Buren party sre seriously delihe- aling npon the propriety ot running ucn. Har ison fortnenext Presidency, should the whigo nominate Mr. Clay! They adroit that Mr. Van Buren is oat of ibe question. He is .S'xi-duedl JirtadM Fir at .Wobtte.A. Whole souare) at Mobile, comprising ten houses, hounded hy Bl Louis, 8u Joekim, St. Amhouy and Con ception etreets, waa destroyed hy lire early orL thmornlng of April 2ith. Messrs. lial'et. Merlin, Rssnsea, Irwin and Collins wrre iniu- cipal sufferers. Tbe fire at one lime three eoed the whole city. By a reference to the proceedings of the Hoae of Roireeenlativee on Thursday, 3rd inet. it will be eeen that a message from the Provident was received, transmitting a note from the Mexican Minister" on tbe subject or the alleged attack by e, Mexican armed vessel upon the steam boat Columbia, lie contend that .kjras 4rovoked.by. tbe Captain el the Colombia, who b says "should be reepenas- PIS WCl ISf laauib r nori 7 v.

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