I Li- rHB AOOOST LECTIO, ibe I.B-A. W.TD.J now ake-en subject J -PI - pr.m..or; but I " . .. . .1 1. .... ImnmiKtlT 'Locr. which .T rwndt to the cow try J. whig, isolated i 0- mM1liWnwbamJii uistress . '. orr depsrtment ',,, country's Ubor-th. hammer of th. mo. Lhsnic has ln leocel--in ' " , msJc insolvent the machines oi me ... .rla oppression, with I, , ! il.sl they mo-t hejr it th.t they "traded -. I M .I.mCh (lAiinl.t In 1 'urf.m'l capital, " ""t I . . I t I 'MnlMll V nni I Imit of no alleviation: I oey ere low, Hi, eulJ sneer, ,D,t "erninrni must Xjff trt or nseu, .'"V x Ve hi improperly rstiwsieu me sru ui opfe of North Carolina, ifthey participate lit i, tHf-hs'inilMtbif degradation, when they 4vf !k eortunity and power to declare their ' ' 1 .k..:- f -;-t.. bborrmor IH tyranny, w mv" '" be fully heard i the national council, flu note of preparation for tli summer earo- 'i 1 -.!.. in lu V . r.l in tb 1 i O"orn f 3IIB are pr(iiii"u - !rtiicinof the Stale. The Van Buren party Lpscislly are artfully & industriously at work. frjltir best and most skiilul men win oe Drougot fiw ibo field; and a Circular from Head CJuer. I . .l - ld..l.ra in .svftf aM-tiiin mav iJinn Irra 10 me i""" v j i (iertrd. fycrJ . stratagem k " Jfl-4W ,l i.ule and Van Boren Ilka part mil war- it i - .aoaJ is Kw I r aa minitt.ff.at akT nitav. rlo erry the State for h duunutrauon. iva know Ilia Van Bur leadera in thia Stale It' well u bellevo lW they are here murepre- And will the Whig", knowing their adveraa- -iw, and the high principle Ihey are competent will to re-aaaert or overthrow, lie ao apathetic Is In to moei lueir mauuuric. niw cunr- Dling exertional' Even now, there ia no time jjrt, 4h aldort of the hig-pailyin mt eouuty U preaented to the people lei fhrin ipoe the acta of the adDiiniatration, and ihow the people who are not their real friend., hat that mlmiiiialretion not friendly to them ihich pcrainta in the mad experiments which uard th prerentprej&ure which requirea 40 Eistrad of lit millions of their money for its innual expenses wjiich promises gold and ail rr,and in Ufu thereV floods the country with f easory notes and 4ich pursues a system of ftotcription for opinions cake, alike tlisreputa- t o ilwi( and despotic, VrauM usurped over e people, Let them urge ie peojile, in view r the) mljnilude of the crisis, to sacrifice on i altar of principle every personal predilec- jon to vote for tba man who ia both ready fed qualified to carry out aound republican iioeiples. - v To those who may rettard the Auguat Elec- iis as a small matter, we would say: Are you !meaLl'ersLKia.jaythaL-yott are not ia would hurl at tta the indignant responae t Hortb Carolina would blush to bear one wwrthy-iif rtisH prootrntM tipsu kw w.u. n why refuse to exercise a freeman a pre- uwl My vote ie of bol little importance; AwJfi, local elections invoTvBurTitUe we ret Amemolyraf ii" lo make Stale law not to it in national politics. Very well said. But nnl North Carolina a member of that Union liich wrll reverence even now, when it ia ereuing such a great influence over ua far ill Does she not, through her Senators, ex ntt an influence more direct and positive i erlhe national councils thad could be attain by simply casting her vote for a President! til by whom are these Senators to be elected, not by the Legislature: Besides, would not whig majority in the Legislature serve to ow jnoro plainly to the Van Buren party orth Carolina's disapprobation of their idol! 'oukl it not indicate her desire to see the ad iuMlralion of the government reformed! Are ' to sit still tie up ous, banda from all inter rencs with national politics, because we form j Slate and require State laws! Are we to ail JLlud tuneLy.aee. evary privilege secured to in tba national compact, violated, and ag- : ewians actually made upon our rights as a ste! Eternal vigilance it tht price f Liberty!" i the Whigs remember Uii and let their kruons'show how much they value that blood- fught heritage. If then, .hey would preserve inviolate and uncouupted, they must strike the profane hands that are even notv laid " ,- Uoon the Ark jff their magniticent and awful cause! V.' t nrbnks) and silence one and (ores. Jttasr Jacobinical doctrines that secretly lurk Iittt uy politic, reckjess as : " "The lava flood Thst boils in JItna's breast of flame!"- trailatmj tbemselves with parlitan phranzy, king out in the most wild and reckless in- lty, and threatening lo undermine the mag- Icent sdifice of our national glory; they t speak in tones that wilt find proud and n rstponse in their Representatives awa- Uis dormant energies of that high and in- I 'd spirit which animated those who trampled o tyranny in the 'days that tried men's u teaJily keeping an eye undiraroed and cbing as that of the proud bird who glitters 'he national emblem-upon PRINCIPLE, lUiS, a government for the benefit A . L'NCONTROLfJED 8UFFHAGE;--- fUn the public meruit. If they will do t(nd North Carolina should be prood to t in so noble a work) then nay we. in the "ga of an eloquent writer, "confidently r, that the Eagle opon our banner, who has frsd ser ao many fields of victory, and 9 faia h.a hvn i. . i. . hav been lit up around bint, beaminr with ild lustre of Kreeds, wiU never ehold "fkapallo the broad blase of srlorv in f h ha loau, but bear them enwmnl forever. 7er4araiag typa and emUen f ' that Un. ion, avaMctwnasia bat ottrarlree cu put arun derr' .v-- vVi earnestly request if oar friends to keep ns advised of the kUta ojublic aeotiment in each county. " . .. r&OM TEXAS. ,'V Wa have received No, of the Texaa Tele graph to the 18th. AnriL,,rgraaa meCoo the 9th of that month. In the Senate, the Vice President, lion. H. B. Lamar, took the chair, and delivered an eloquent and impressive .ad dress,. in which he represented tba country to be in the enjoyment of "undisturbed repose, and in the progress of the moat rapid improve- ,mL!i our Bowers, reace, plenty, and prosperrtyi pervade the land. Our citizens, industrious St orderly yielding a ready obedience to the laws are quietly pursuing iheir various avo- cations, greatly to their individual advantage, and equally conducive to the general welfare and national glory." The lion. S. II. Eve- ritt wae chosen President pro tern. William Fairfax, Secretary, and E. II. Wiufield, Aa- siatant Secretary. In the House of Represen tatives, Hon. Sot. Kowe, waa chosen Speaker, and Benj. S. Sturges Clerk, James D. Owen, Assistant (ilerk. In consequence of indisposi tion President Houston did not deliver bis an nual mesaaga until too 14lh. He then appear ed in person and delivered it iu the form of ao ad Jreaa to both Houses. He spoke on various topics, and dwtt--loo-Uma-upoo lha 'sub ject of the annexation, and recommended the adaption of as iuJptHmt fine impolicy.'' Tba Telegraph a)-s hie addraaa was MceivW with general approbation. This scrms lo cor roborato the report of the passage of the tasoio- lion introduced in the Senate on the. 17th, pro posing to withdraw, unconditionally, the peti tion for an annexation to the United Statea. A rumor from Nacogdoches statea that a Mr. Sparks and three other young men engaged in surveying near the water of the Trimly, bad been killed by lha Indiana. The amount of import received at Galveston during the last three months is over (250,000; duties at Houston, f!Sl,eW. ' The Houston volunteers who went out in December have returned. Not one of them has been sick, sad they alt apeak with enthusiasm of the beautiful country they passed through. FEDEKALISM, Mr. Wall, one of the New Jersey Senators, and a - leader of the misnamed modern Demo crat , ha; the candor and independence to con fees that he has no pretensions to democracy, and ao would much the larger portion of the administration leaders, if they possessed half the honesty of Mr. Wall, and less of the cun ning of Mr. VanJBuren. In his speech pn the ouo-reaaury mil, Mr. Wall said: "line, sir, in the presence of the American people, I avow that I waa a Federalist, and acted with that party zealously and actively, so long a their flag waved in New Jersey." Entertaining such a strong attachment to hi old Federal faith why, if the whig party foil heir to Federal eiplea, dii am Wsttjrjtn Itt ' Why did h go to tba Van Buren ranks, if their principles wvtv not smh tongelflai wrds tus own! The 8chr. Sarah Ann, from New Orleana, with a cargo of rtryrm1s,-arrtve1 nfT piri: of Tampico nn the 22nd ult. whither ahe was bound, waa boarded by boat from a French man of war of the blockading squadron, and in formed that ahe could proceed no further under penalty of being sunk, nor be allowed to have ' any communication with the shore. The schooner wa compelled to return to New Or-! kaae, Bustamente, the President of Mexico, has Issued a manifesto, in .which he announces to the nation the blockade of their porta by the French, call upon the people to unite in- the defence of their right and the national honor, exhorts them lo treat French resident with kindness and respect, expresses the hope that the difficulty may yet be peaceably aettled, but declares he will submit to no degrading terms; "and if," says be, the blessings of peace hayc to be sacrificed in order not In submit to igno miny and infamy, let us all unite -in the same spirit oHWifwuerf;" full of confidrmc In (he justice of our cause, we declared to the world to sacrifice our -existence, if it wero necessary. And the first to do so is your President." Other accounts state that Government was about to bold a conference with the French Minister on board the principal blockading ves sel, which it waa hoped woold result In a satis factory adjustment of the controversy. 80 M ETH I N GEW. If you wish to see something new and beau tiful, carious and useful, jnst stfp into the Book Store of Messrs. Turner and Hughes, and you will, even alter reading the following graphic description, which we copy from the last RxoiSTxa, have your highest expectations more than gratified. We sincerely hope and believe the ingenious author and the enterpris ing publishers will find an ample reward for their labors in the, approbation and patronage of lbs public 1 " ; '"' ' ; The Tree ef Legal Knewleilge. W do pot know b n wc have aces any thing'. toTTtiMi e have uktrn a greater fjnet, than to "Tba Tree el Legal Knowlede. " a mn.i sarioas, and interesting publication, lor alikh the pnblia era indi btuti to Our ealeqit ixing Townsmen, Messrs. Tuhkk hi lluoacs. IVr hspi, our plessurs liss bei ticiichleiird bv s knowledgs ol Hi fact, ibat ibe whole aft'sir is a North-Carolina "noimo'- being ia its iasoption, draign and fn-nish, the iiroriueiHni of Nanli-(Jar- olina hesirvand lo ansa all. ilerlicatrd to one of lha most eminent Jamie ia this or an other enoolry, the Hoa. Wiluaw tisaroa-. tu( hrar the reader exdsim," What is this Tree of Legal Lnow ledge? We will emleavor brief, ly to satitly his aariosiiy though tba mnst elsfao- rate deseriiiioa aouin tall lo souvey a eleur per ception of lb sesuty and value ol the thing. It is a large Atlas, containing five colored Maps, which msy be separated and filtrst to gether onaaaveso, sols lontske one Urge Msp, inuatiatHig in tOmmsjn Law or Kogisnit or, they may ha arranged, ao aa la snaka a verv io taresliag set of Pistares for aa nltiet sr Paalour. This taw ia typified aeder lha eerablanee of a Tree, the btaacaws whereof, as they spread ont ia majtitadinoa. ramifiealiooa. represent ibe firiswipa aubdiviaioa of lbe riglil of parsons. IborsKbie sjf tbusgs, rirle wraa and puUia wroags, aeaonlHig to a akssilieatroa e lilsck mum, sipoa whose Comwaiaria ia UtaTrM foaadail. - . tta trreM bjest is ft ia press tb aaiiid the sneihodieai 4ivitjiota astal wtadrvtsioaa of tba Commentaries, sad ia dessjiMO, rssstpally, a ao Aasistsat to Stadcats ia iff atariy oi the U. And the Author has Bwet admirably aeeompliah ed his purpose. It is aa admitted axiom, that Ilia saind mora readily gratfts, and ssore vnully retaws inpr4toia. eooirauotcateit, through lha seas of pereepiian, thaa iB-any other way . A ad thia clothing of the fixed prinaiplee ' itt the ah atrasa Seiraea of Law, ia the garh of material ahircta, will, wa have ao doubt, prove as usetul iiiTixIni; the various division and sub-divisions oi it firmly oa the mmd, as does I lie pentil ol the Artist, in pout-tray mg the striking events of 'be psst, or lli Atlas, in eommuniealing the kaoat- eORc of eoantries rlrscribjI of the. traveller. nublieatioa is trfcbiv jpoaen ol in near i ore, where n tlrit apprsr- en,- some ol the moat eminent public men there hat ing birne testimony to do value. To the most superfieisl observer, it run at he obvious, that the Tree of Irgal knowledge' "ill not on ly grvaily abridge tlie labors ol ibe Studeni,but prove Hscfaltn the aettled practitioner alto, in consolidating hialesroint;, and lorming an in structive and oraarcMtntsl aspendags lo his Of fice. The rata of letters, Ian, who Is desirous of beeoming a)Usurted with that system of laws, ol ohKhourt istmnetnallr aomnnaed. and which is hiablr aeaettsrr to cverv leiittsior sad acholar, will be materially bcoefitled by ita use. As the nrensratioa of material a lor the work baa born verv exneaaive la ibe iabraherm. and the aise uf the eiluioa will be regulated eaiire- ly by the number of Subscribers, wa advia all wha desire la be furaiahed with a eopy of lha Work la snake kammediMa aiinlieatioa. They will not reiat baring aoatiibutbd tbelr pst- roaaga. , SCUAP TABLE. jt keen irtsri. The followitig squib, "with j tba reply to it, we fiod ia tiaa New fork Whig: 1 Tba lima, we trust, is not far distsnt whan wa shall have to ineeriba over the Webb-whig pety. liar lie lbs body of W. W. ' . Woo aever saors will trouble y oa, troubL yon." --AVW JtVa. There is no aaed of being poetical ia writina tba epitaph of tba Tory parly. The inscription "Hera it uas" aaay be found every where. ' A specimen of a new currency is mentioned in tba Philsdtdpbit Gazette, illustrative of the results of the ''bumble efforts to restore the constitutions! currency," of a eertsin distin guished (tnsneier. On one side it contains an aa in lull gallop, with tbis inscription ' few in the faetttept f ass illnttriout ipreilecitr nr.'" On the Other aide i a tortois.i moving slowly along with a sort of iron cheat on ita hack, branded "Sub-Treasury." Below the tortoise ia inscribed, 1837, Fiscal Agent, and aronnd the margin "Executive Experiment." A new novel called "Mexico vertm Texa," by a Texian, has been published in Philadel phia. The Pennsylvanian notice the workui favorable terms. Charletton and Cincinnati Hail lioatl. 6 per cent, of the capital stock of Ibis road hav ing been paid in. Ihs fi over nor of Tennessee hss subscribed $650,000 nn behalf of the State Pott Office Spicie Circular Revoked. The bills of the city banks are now received at the New York Post Office. Thomas Bradford, Esq. successor to Doctor Franklin, and the oldest Printer and Editor in the Union, died on MoDda at Philadelphia, in the ninety-lourtb year of bia age, A gang of counterfeiters, rleven in number, were seized at Mobile April 29th, while they were comfortably enjoying a game of billiards. They have been infesting the 8auth for some time, passing off counterfeit money on the City Bank of New Orleana, Tcxaa acrip. United its Bank- btllsr Ac;r"sr"sreatTranriirDf Maikr. 1 he Slate of Maine la determined lo test ibe question of the boundary. They are cammencing a state road on the Aroostook riv er, within the disputed territory, and Mr. C. 8. Davies ha been saint by tiie Guvenim iuiH onncrHo Wasliington, to orge the General Uoveninient lo nave the line aorveyed at laid down in the treaty sf 1783. . The Oxford Racet will commence on Mon day the 28th ir."t. instead of the 1 6th, as here tofore advertised. George Pcarca, the Chief Engineer ol (lie Gieat Western, d ed at V'aw York of a scald received while letting off the stesm. He waa a gentleman of great eminence in bis profession, snd csme over ss s volunteer. About two millions of coin were tsken from Wsll street a few day ago for Biddle'a Bank. This augura well. ' Mr. llanea has resumed the publication of the American Conitellalion at Petersburg. The Fredericksburg, Vs. Arena says, il noth ing adverse haptens, the crop of whcht in that" Stale will be a finer one than hat been known for many years. Mr. Parria, V. B. baa been elected to Con gress from Maine, tc Mr. Carter deceased, by a small majority, wing gain in ins uisirici, which is the strong hold of Vanistn in Ibe Stsle, sine (September last, 500. Col. Wstkins. of the Virginia Legislature, prkmdtit-the-MseHei- ' tjni.ii. 8cr. The Journal of Commerce says that the packet ship Wellington from Lou don, just arrived, ha no specie aboard, "and it is well, for we have already more of il than we have use for, snd from other sources it it con stancy arriving." Gotham then ia overflow ing. Charletton. Wa are grstificd to learn that the late calamity will not arrest the spirit of enterprise, nor curtail the business of lira city. The citizerfk bear their losses like men, and ars determined to set about repairing them with en ergy. They have resolved that no more wood en buildings shall he erected. In the mean time the stream nf benevolence is beginning lo pour in upon the snflersr. The city authori ties of Savannah have sent $8,000; Augusta $2000. and the citizens $4000; of Col imbia $3,000, and the citizens $6,500. Large sums have been asnt from wealthy persons in the country. The Governor of t. Carolina haa de lor mined lo convene the Legislature Id meet on the 23th insb lo devise some measures of relief. The Match Race over the Washington City ('nurse, between Decatur and Fanny Wyatt, for twenty thousand dollars, four miis.beata, waa won by Decatur. " . .Specie Paymentt.W understand, aaya the Philadelphia Herald, tbat a meeting of the Delegates from the different Bsnking Institu tions of Ihoeily and county of Philadelphia wa held on Weilnesdsy evening Inst, for the pur pose of determining when it will be practicable to resam lbs payment of specie. The subject, we learn, wa referred to a committee, from whom a report may be expected in a few daya., Bon Mot A wag in Boston says that the Banke ought to be wound VP. aa they hae been run down a long time. ; The latest intelligence at Key Blseayne was tbat Aleak Hgjo, tha Beminole chief who ne gotiated witn Gen. Jesup, and surrendered lo him, bsd been shot with all bia immediate fol lowers by order nf 8am Jones, the chief of the Mickssukies. This sssassinanion ia said vary much to have exasperated I he 8aminoles, and mans of them now beg our irawjps to allow them to remain and assist ia exterminating th'eir lata albas, Sam Jones and the Mickssukies. Bswcxr. R,wmo, Eeg. .bs been, elected 1 President ofthsMercbanra Dank of Kewbern. I Great Ctaf Meeting in PluladelpUtu . Tba largest meeting that' baa assembled la Philadelphia ainca tba great "banner sweating" ia 1834, was beUI ia that placs on tba Tth; at which resolutions rare-adopted warmly eulogi zing ids iion. usury vlsy, and nominating him for the Presidency. Many tbeuaanda wara present. Hon. Jos. R. logeraolt prsuiiod. Mr, Wey iad Ito feining ground rapidly iaongtHtifj;, to tntBanka for It. and thev the honest farmers of the 'Key Stone State, pill lnnnl-Tiji" f --"7'-'".--' -v.'-.-i--.ta:'l I Epiicipal Cssrs-eartsa Tb at annual Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church will be bald ia Pituborough aa the let Wed nesday ia Jon. "A new Post daico. has beea established in . - , 1 J3sataooty,led-Jnt Paniei W. Kerr is Poatmsater, James C. Cooper, Esq. has been appointed Postmaster at Oxford, Granville rounly. iauketT." Jiateigh,Mag 16. 0 00 a 10 00 00 OtV m 00 -'J 00 75 a 00 do Bacon, par cat, Butler, lb. Corn, per bushel, Cotton, per lb. Flour, Fodder, Lard.lh. Meal, badi. Tallow, lb. Bacon, per eut, Cofiee, lb. Cotton, per lb. Corn per bushel; Candlee, F. F. lb, Flour, '. Molasses,'. ' Sugar, brown, Tb. 00 07 a Ct jS Htlla TS0 75 00 a 90 00 0(1 UJ 00 75 u 00 00 10 a 00 12 rayettevWt, Mc. t. 10 00 a ' I 00 00 12 i 00 13t 00 06 i 00 ohJ 00 60 a 00 b5 00 19 6 S3 n 7 r.o 00 35 a 1)0 40 00 07 n 00 1 1 retertburg; .lin S. 7 a .7 69 3 EJ Flour, Corn, per barrel Bacon, (Hog KounJ.) Apple Brandv, Last crop, ColUe, - ' 8ugnr N. Orleana, Bt. Croix, Halt, Liverpool, Iron, Vwceds, per ton. Cotton, Tobacco, lu;, leaf. 0J to I!' 65 n 70 10 a 1 2 i 7 to 81-2 10 a II f2 "i0 a 3 $100 to 110 8J a 0 f)0 3 CO a 5 00 6 50 ii 9 50 inississirri sait.: TJe following are the good htnrtfired remarks of the "Free trader,' the regular Democratic fVan lluieiij or gan at Natchez., Mississippi: "Th; Rlkctiov. The returns re ceived since our last publication place our defeat almost beyond the possibili ty ol a doubt. So confident, indceil, was Mr. PrcntUa of his 8ucrrs, that he declared in Holly Spring, Marshall county, nn the day titer the election. that the. only thinj which prevented him fiom setting; out imincdiittety for Washington city was "the want of u dean shirt. The vole of the river counties at- this election exceeds that of any previous one, whilst that of the interior has been greatly reilu'cetf. It is not our intention to hunt up rauses to which we may attribute our San Ja cinto defeat; a eix hours1 scrmnn woult not console us for this dire calamity," &.c. . From the New Orleans BuTfcTin, Msy 6. mm"- . .1 . I I. . . a'-l K.S I c a-Sl. ... . v -w. rnnj .Mm,,,, to n meinorv ef the dead tell igence tm mn oicated in th fat in letter itcTWlboltomtrMau jir 1 35(Jr HIE PEOPLE TRIUMPHANT. Missistippi hat nollp-xmdicuttd Iter character. We have returns, from 25 counties, which give llie following vote: Prentiss, Whig.) 9,07$; Word, (Whig, J 9,086: Claiborne, (LocofocoJ 8.002; Davis, (LocofocoJ T.083. Twenty-one coun ties remain to be heard from, which will make the Whig majority for the State at least 2,000! Our victory is certain. The Locofocos have Riven up in despair. Will not Louisiana rouse herself to aid Iter sister s tatea in Ibe great and glorious work of Govern ment reform? Let there be tio tUvk sions among the Whia, -and their cause will prevail. Yours, in haste, S. H. B. IJLACK, Editor of the Nalchrz Courier. To the editor of tlieNew Orleans Bulletin. -:r OUR UNIVERSITY; 'The interest which the University has excited throughout the State will, doubtless, renderevt-ry measure, hav ing a tendency to clevale its character and increase its usefulness, acceptable to the community. 'I he Philanthro pic and Dialectic Societies, anxious to impart additional interest. to the Commencement Exercises, and totre ate a Literary festival worthy of the Institution htid the State, haue enter ed info arrangements to procure Home member of tbir respective bodies, to deliver art ;X'na Address to the Jltumni, and the graduating Class off the ioiiege, on ine evening ol :ne nay, on which the main 1 Address ia pro nounced before the two Societief . The fraternal intercourse, whici. this regujat'wn is Intended to produce BpringtHj frim early and tberished recollections, and renewed amid the scenes which gave them birth must render tWa-JJuversitT the centre of increased, attraction, and create a more lively nd active-interest in its welfare. J--" . : . .' We are gratified to Itmrn that, at the request tI the Dislec Society, ouresteemeu (6wnaman,Chartea Manly, Esq. has consented to deliver the first Address to tht Jlltimni, nniPthe grad uatingIass,' at the- ensuing cum inencetnent. t n , We also learn that extensive ar rangements will be made for the 'ac commodation f Visitors, and apart ments provided for the Jllumnl by their younger brethren.-- Jltguter. r NEW YORK BANKS : " The N. Y. corresnondrnt of the tNat. Int under tlateth Mat, aayt: 1 ifOur Bankg announced mcuijy ihat the resume on the 10th inst. T'uej mj out tf Jooi-a, they, have re autned, and we nil talk magnificently on the aubject, but tliere U a good deal of brat about it: and thev are aa eroaa at a north wetter if asked for conaidei a- ble autna in apecie. , What apecie the eountrv Ranks vet hera the v liuv. hot pay Jw it -in checka B theftlS? for btiiaineaa. theyrexlUtle or none. The keen in their sheila comp'elelT. Thu their resumption profit none bat them elves." 77ie Miui$timi Bnki. Great eg in AlTikiiytp pi in relation to the uanki in that state On the !20!h ultimo," a hieetin? of the citizens of Vickabur Waa. held, rela tive to the rourr ptimued by the linukt. It is said that it was feared that ve-y linrsh me.isarcs were about to be im-il .t"aint the President tif i.h" Bfandi'it IJjiik. I he merlin;, tut alter liavir.p ; been trnnt!iei1, was broke nn ly the ry of lire, which proved 'to b't n verv sciimi one, as litany valuable Duiiil- uc antl tnuc1. imtnertTwaa cunauined. A letter received from New Orleans bv theKxprett Mail, da'etl April 29th, aava that "the llranrlf ttsaiasiiiu H:itik has Ireeri raztd lo tht cronnd by Mh; ami tiie aatne lute awatta the re- mniiijlor of the Mi.iiipi lianka. New ol (his arri veil (his inm niii";. FOREIGN. By arrivals at New York on the fib, ne l-arn licit J.nrd lfurnain mission (V the Can;id;i apprars to be one ol h-istern magnificence. A company is nrtninz in Liverpool to send . steam .hips over here. Itt Paris, speculation n the Joint Stock Companies is going on at a great rale. I lie K.mg of Han over has forbidden ull Hanoverians from studying at Leipsic. The negro apprenticeship in the West 'Indie seems lo be in n fair way to be abolished by Kngland- The-eotUn-ttarket tit Liv; crpool was drtioping. It is not piobauie lhat any morefpi- cie will rotue lo this country Iroin the Bank ofEngland, after the packets we Hi e in Ihporl fff ltic Ihlcffiixg Cvinmillff. I'liete is imt in the history of the part that lias for so many years swayed the destinies of this country, an instance nf mora flagitious conduct than lhat til the majority ol the Committee appoint ed to investigate the lute duel. It is a part ol'th-j tactics of the administration, to seize upon every question that inity be used to divert the public attention from the enormity of their own ti)is deeds. TlVeTTuefvaSTfgTiftte most opportune godsend,' and no pains have been upared in the use ol,t. " The martyrdom of Cilley" in ttie Hern ocratic Review is but a rhapsodized paraphrase of Mr. Tourcy'a report and neither of them has Jhe slibtfsJI eorsm-il Tsib thaw fifla fif fllttfi III' IS. ' " r r. ; .rr-- tr? meinorv el the uesti tr lu aXle1to TTa TeeVinas W u iiiCteI t reuU y 44 tnoo.h to prontt the anger ofthe most Stoical to see such while livereil people as Joucrr and his associates tnediiating the ex pulsion from the house of the high touted, magnanimous, fearless and n iiiu ble Graves, and the censure nf the impetuous "rind invincible, but al ways chlvatric and honorable Wise. V e are sure that the house will not attempt it, but their refusnl to ratily the outrageous designs of the cum mil tee, will, we trust, bis manifestrd in some more emphatic mode than by a mere rejection of th report. Pm pu ses such aa theirs, conceived in most unscrupulous spirit of parly, rhmttd he rebuked by the most derided exprest sum of the detestation of ihe gm hnien in Congress.-Hull. Chron. At a late dinner given at New Yotk. in honor of the arrival of the Meam ships f roni EnohuuIiwiug-olM'r--i-n-t-a j esling reniiinscences id the rapid Advance- of improvement in tlffTnty. Philip Hone, Kiq. Mated lluit he re membered when the ancle of A dermari IK'uson. and his partner set out, on the same day; ihe one for Albany, tht jolli er for Bristol, ling. They both arri ved at their destinations on the same day, which was the l.Gth after iheir de parture. The trip to Albany now oc cupies ten hours. So much for steam. Fin tii bru. , Mr. Editor: J crorive in a bite nnmlicr sf your r. lhat J UN J US AMi, Kj. has hern solrcitrdio become a caniliilnlo lo retire sent this rounty in the lower liramlt nf our next Legislature. Jn addition, lo Mr. Amis, permit me to suggest the name of ABSALOM1 B. WMITIf, Esq. Both of these gt-niiemeu are well known lo tlie voters of Noiiliniiton, and no doubt but that lliey ill be sustained by ev ery true friend of Stain Rights, should they per., mil their names lo le run. ' Ever since the daya nf the proclamation, ttiey have Klojd shoul der, to shoulder, batlliiig manfully in favor nf llio Virginia and Kentucky resolutions of 'U8, and I'prxwing the ruinoua and astounding doe triues of (ien. Jackson's administration. I bava known Mr.fhiilh and Mr, Amis ever since lha days of boyh" and they are proverbial as weM for their t, ing as politics1 worth; " " The next, Legislature, it i believed, will be s very Important ones and It behoove the peo ple lo elect men I bo beat able to represent tliem. A rrgsrds Ihe qualifications of tliesa grnttr nien, w are iett in no doubt, Mr, Haitth has once represented this county, n, in a manner too, highly creditable ta bimarlf, ss well as to his constuuentsj sod Jrlc Amis, I am sore, will gain Ibe same reputation, should he be elected. fWe see that In eome parts of the State the wrngs are bringing Out the fiim-t talented men m their ranks; and wby Should old Northamp ton, the very cradle of repuUlioauism, be back twprd in selectine such turn wbo will aot fail to represent her ably and faithfully in the coon- ens o tba 3Ula Huck rnea IVonceiv to be Mr. Smith sad Mr, Amu. The doctrine of Stats Rights1 and strict cenatruetioa of the constitution they Bava advocated Jbrjrearrwrh anabaled seal and fidelity; snd It can with Iruut la aiL dmsa d,H.l L"shava ";rowo itU iWr growth, and atitnuSo J with tbair atreoala.'' occo.necueb.Jl Northampton, May 7, 1039 7 ' , MAItKlXD. Is this atty aa ! I.k w.st by ri,e Hev. fl. W. Frrem.ii, Me. V iHanu 8. Uoberla IS Mita AngrliaUU Kmg.oi this bhwe. 'tuibiiaouiw lv, oa lha anal by e hlrt- II B tlstrs. Mr Vstwy King tar Miss Wima King, ta Ali.boV) , oa Ibe Iw Usiart, by lha Ksv hiepiwa r'nlis, IV Kobert M ttowchclla t- Mita. isne Polk. 1 rltuxhter of Gea Thomae G piUk, all of that Rlsca. Ua lha am, Mr Msiltw II Hisnrtn. of :wan. lo Miss Clissbeth M WailUle, iUoKhifr of Usvirl Wailrtle, Ktn nt Iredell. In Itowan, Mr Ihivld Cos to Mits Mary Cos. la Ihwidtaa, JUitlVmptitv,.Jti)a.lavJMssJte tad. tjneoln, Mr Alexander Miller to "Miia Kliaa Ksbinsoa." la Mooirosneryv Ahibania, air. Klat arna Ms Arn to Miss Mary K lted.-triu -soamv, t;l Lrvis S Mule to Mlts Klin, asnliter at Ittnj FJiam, E. la Orange, rMx drilre A Allium la Mis Hrbeeca Thompson, la Msriin,-iAIliiis, Mr. George T honipton to Mitt Helen II Howl, Iste of IJillshnmoxh. Is fistrt, IW- lliebsnt Ittsnssy, of Psssjnolank, . in Mrs Arirmrsia ti .Janet. , la (reatille, on ihe Sill, Col Ktcliar P 1 sjlor la mita martha i lUoibirr of .,n nomas w iornsan. ai i, nn Hie Pih, by the Rev Mr Pell, Mr Robert A i-'ties to Miss Msry Ana Mayea. In Moore, iiiFTVlarTrWalion, of Rowan, lamia Ann Ms. Un.l. In liedi-lt, ror tai-'otge Knoalc to niiia Suuo Graco. ' . - niKD, lit Dorke. Mrs. Matilda llawVina, consort nf Mr. Wm Ft. !Iakms.'ap a 34 lean. In jrtsbuT)'.! UrA Mary Gay.agvtl JO years. In i emusKT, Mis t.lixabetn Marcom. tlangti trr of the Ute Alt vamler Fruhock of Sails- . burv.' In Moore enmity, Mrs Mary- Lewis, In' Itcanfort county. James H. KHisop, Ksq. n Hie veax of bU are. -ta rertiuitnons. Tir. Joint Jt- IVnont. ; nicisitioivu & rETEKsni iio a wn:l" BAIL HOAD. 1 be coinletin nl iVis Hail llosd (from tr terkliiirsSto Manclirtti r, i piosittf n KitbniQntl) . RisV'S tbe rTfiilfV hlTfailTtosds Ibrough the Hiala lit Viryinis rmitinumi, Willi lb exception et'nn lv 0 iml.n and al Is impvttsut arlvsntsgc toslia i'riUnil Uuuie for Nortlirru and Suu.llitia tiaiel lii7. s- 'I bere are nt.iUliJ.rd on it two tlsily trains, nnr of a bu b it in ennni'xina with the North and Soulli mail liiict still a tri-klr traia snnnert iiiK v illi tl'.e "llsiiUx, Wilmington and Charlt s ton Ksil Uoxil, Kisge sad Siesro llnal line." ranrnii ii li'mi H. i iitn bv Hi "silv "ttle- lrn.ir,li:.n iilsil line" HIrrivein Riebmontl nn ibe iiriupit slirr li st on sbiob Ihrjr IVava Ra lri;bi nil bathij tlie uIrIiI fur real, are )ef ee l.lf.l, by rxiiiing arisiinrments, 10 iirocetfl to ll iliinioie on ibe tbercetline; day, snd then to rbilsael,l.ia Ibe ssoie night in lima for Ilia morning Uoet lo New Yoih: lime, let than S risrs trorn Itslc'igh lo New Vwk, 't he routs llirough IVtertbais; and RWhaoni wDI be f..unil also to be ne of lb best h orn ll.e Suuih to ibe Hlnl .Sprtnga. 1 be nJr ran arrive in trbarlntlesville, bavwg njiliililrs.Bige travj-llirig after reselling lie Kail Itmwts i Virginis, ia 5 la) from Charles ton, ami 9 ly from lUleigli. . All Mwibl arraBgema.ua are mails ea Ibis R .11 Koait forth eorulJiiuble and sale Iraotpoi i inn nf nasirneert. titties nfllie ItH-hianndsiul feters ' bur Rail lloacl Cnrniwnv.. St Sua r- my tflri3. i . , , j'UK fijii.L.. . i r "r ' ; """. -V-TT-ZiLll- I t,'t.', U-lr'b"Ves'iilri.e tjI Kewin rinmmer, lies '.I., wiib the land ki'jatniog, ssotsmmg s. boul one minium Adfl. . . , 1 be imrsrvMrrsriils eonstst nf a large and ton tenknt I ctlii g llouse anrl Office, a KMrbea biu'ikr-llmiir, I (ui, j, ha. nf I hs vertebral kisxl, goml iiislilrs ami rxeellent fsritra. The u imprinfrt l.uKSnrl cleared Ijind 'art. under f. nrs, and 5uld usilily SO or GO barreli ef Com.. , . - .'.-, .-, -f ..:-;,-.("-. At Ibe same time and place, nana lha rmt terms, will be sold a Trl ol WHr LAND, eonuinirig 150 Arris, sitl.in bslfs m is. sail ens il 10 Asrrt, aiibio i ns mile of ismI Town. ALFKr'.l) AI.STONft ? Kxr't of If. I, rLUvlMKrl. 5 Kema I'lsmaef. Wsrrn.ion, M.y J, IMS. 8t-il UJVIVUItSlTT, The publie A n'tkerssry Exarainnlion of Ilia Hlndetns nt the Unirrrifiy ot North fjsi-til ins, ill be I, riant l.lil tlilt na Monday, - ISib'. da) of June urxl, and he roaiaiued froaa i'sj ta risr, until 1'liursdsy SSib, wbith last nwniionrrt i'iiv is appointed lor the annual Coa,aienwmtat oTibe tiiillrc. ' be f.illiigTrutret corrtpoa the Cos. mlijM 1 1 Vhiinior.; . , . JUs.tiWlbHMMfriovvK.-.- f)raiT,"i'rs,l M.lt0.Ji,WWl?, PiiSlilcnl of Col :. . . ....... , W, J. Alexander, J. W. Ilrvan, W. II. Battle, II. 8. C.arke, . J. Giles, A. Joyner, ; J. Morehead,, r, Wm. Robards, J. B. Skinner, . ft. Williams. J. R. Doliiiell. W. A. Graham, M. B. Manly, II. Poller, l' Shuber, , , J. Webb, If. Waddelf, Jr fllAS MAVCY,- ' tire'r. Hold Trustees; lly trJer, itideish. May 10. IS.IS. " : a 4 VMS, i " i .i - .. m ' vivimiii I ifiltirm I ' J IJLBJ 'Tbp-ekaniiiiRlinn ol the siuiU-nl ol this InilU lutmn will lake plaee on TJiumtsy, the' Sttl nf . Mny. IVrews, tjiisnlians and Friers sra m.nt respt-stlully lutiied to aMeml. i Thnxt . srrsinawill eoniraenre n Monday, the IQlh of July, miller lbs direstion nf Ibe sams approved' TrMehsra (Vh-f Kltnl and I -arty.) In lha' Msla i!e;krio.eiit, ull lbs blanche of aa Krlis(Iu. ration are laiigbl, with ihe Latin, tiruk sad ' Prrach Langusgee, and young aaen prepared for adroissioa lo our eollrgr. - '"' & --'la the rVmale drpsrtmenUlnadifilioa w th branches usunlly Isnghl ia sshoois, ais added,.' Diawing, Painiwg and Holany: Py the an-' mchreuwut ol lb setsioa a Musis Tiasber vtll be provided. The terrns-lor luiiina per ststina ia the Male departmenl are foe ilia , -ft Itt Cls, rrolirseing lb rudieacatt of as Ens Hill Bdiirsiioo, t , ..HVW M.CIass, Including firammar, Arlth'" ' ' , nisiKj, Woodbrnlges Uecgrapbv, - ? hs. -. ,i,i. ' :f,')0r -td Class, Philosophy , H beioria. Chsrs- Islrv, Borveybig, It. - ' . . Tba LsavgawsM, .--. - " -. la the Fsn.sls depsrtrsenl, b erss ar laa Sams with the exssptioa of tba- following sslra fladies'-- ' " - Fsintiaa laitSlI aad "Water Col. fc'i " Sura. fjrswinj. Botany, . alnsis. t Pi ',fii" JSJ-Xii -i '!": tl.OUf .. - . . Unard aSy ootsisea SI lrw S ! J pit. jr. rsiiib. .:- Lift:. r' I Bv order of Ibe haw, ' . ..-jaw , U , 's j vCIA, &Hlt.t, t.a0 VV I ; T:'.( .tri fr? '.tfi J n. f, BLulKZTJS for snl Uerc - a , ft -; T - - - - '