-ty1- r V -. ' V4 . r. 4i - If .rOBTBTi '!!".-rT!tir:T Artd while hi Harp mrMN ma- Twm fAvethe laloat Minetrel aung." V TBS lTS JOVaTBaaT lawasnct, 1. Came, grot! May1! .. Conn, with thf rob ol (ower. bower. Come ana1 brint forth onto the rye of day, v From their iinpfU-Miing and myat'rimi night. The IxitU of many hUM, th children of the light. 5 Com, womlroua Mn! T"f, et the bidding of tliy magic wand, Quirt faint the cavern ol the breathing ImJ, In ell their green ami gluriou array, They apring, sprung the Periaii maide to bail The flashing fooUlep in Caahmctiau nil. Coi;, vocal May! Come, wild thy train, that hijh . eom froth branch pour out ihrir melody. On caroling thy praiK, the lite-long day, flit pervbed on aome Una glen, on oidio calling". 'Vtii murmuring wood tnuri.-al water' fall ... NaV Come, ftinny May! Cma, with ihy teucliie? btn, What tint th laxy mix melt on the alreem. Or acka til mountain top to tnrrl ihv ray, fere yet the dew-drop on llhitio . 11 t"t dower Hath loat it Ujhjor jliril bciicalU it potter. Com,huly M! Wheal aunk behind lh folleu I vreatrrn hill, Tltaaun hath ceaeed to play on leaf and nil, And twilight's footatep haaten hiederav; Come, wito thy auainga, and my heart hill b Like pure tomjdr conarctale to litre. Come, beauliful Ma) ! Like j.'Utb and luvelinea Lit he t ITua- 6h,l:oiha Tii tliv fulfdreaa, Thai drapery of dark winter raat )-, To the brtht eye and the glad brarl appear, (ajuceu wf lua ttyrtng and mirtreaa of the yi! . Vet, lorly Ma! Teach bar wbuac rye aliall real upon thta rhyme T apunt the gilded mockeriee of I line. Taw baartlaaa pomp that borkona to Itrlray, And keep a thou wilt find that hi art each year, 1 ur aa ttiy dawn, and aa thy einact clear, And let me ton, tweet May! 4 i.ot toy fond vntary era,, A iad thy beauties alt 'ha vanity Of thia world a pomp; than leach tost though decay. In hie ahurt winter, but beauty' frame. In fairer woild the aoul altall epread hie away, Another ajwnig ahall blouui, eternal and the ante. UKL1U lOi. We phy the yoUnjj iimii who ha no religion in hi heart no high aiil ir resutable yeanunj after a better ami hotter eaiateiice who is contented with the aenmliiv atul rrosne.s ol earth .wnme spirit never. reVuiia at the darkness of ita prison . house, nor nulls l Urn thuught wl' it hnal eman eipaMWH. e pity mm, t-tr he atr .t Ja BoVideTtCTirtbt"tTn--nu ina litfeUttoit of that iiitellectuat nrei og. alive, wnich renders hint tue delegated lord of tho visible creation. He can rank no higlier than anini tl naluu the spiritual could never stoop so low. To seek lot beastly etcileinents--to minister, with a bountiful hand, to de praved and strange appetites- uie the atlnbatea of the animal atotier To lim it our hopes and aspirations to thfs life. and world, is liko reinuining forever in the place of our birth, without ever lifting the veil of the visible luu iiou which bent over our infancy. There ia religion is every thing a Tound us; a calm and holy religion in tlie unbreathing things of nature, w hich man would do weH to imitate. Jt is a meek and blessed influence, stealing in as it were, upon the heart. It comes quietly and without excitement. It hisnoterrurtior-gloonri"tn-ta ap- proaches.lt does not -rouse up the passions; it is untrammelled by the creeds and. unshadowed by the super atitiona ol men. It is from the hand of the Author, and glowing from the immediate presence vl the great Spirit, which pervades and quickens it. It ia -written on the arched sky. It looks out from everr star. It is on the sail inrcloodsand in the invisible wind. It is asaojlg the hills ami valleys of the earth- where the snruixeas mountain top pierces the thin atmosphere of e- lcrnal wintet or where the miohtv for- )Ujuctua4awforeth. strtniff-w'twrt, WKA it dark waves of green folmze. It isspiead out like a legible language Don in oroaa lace oi tne unsieeptng ocean. It i J poetry of nature It it thrs which lifts the spirit within us. nhtil it is tall enough to overlook the shadow of our place of probation -which breaks, link after link, the chains which bind us to materiality, aiul bpena to our imagination a world of spiritual beauty and hoi inesa. How 10 Vovtrii ChUJrin.-t were more than amused with a conversation between two plain farmer vl respect bilit r the other day, who happened to meet ia our offices which was in sub; tance at follows: "How do you govern your children ao well, neighbor , ? The ther sJar when I waa there, they all et round ona dish not a murmur wa heard from first t last- Nw my cliil drew must each have a separate dish. ad thej tjuatral all the time they eat, -aa mub scratch little lata use war- raiav nu Skj are constantly watch . Jrdand kept la Tear.?. , WijH rtplied tht other, lad . 9 TifSsjtt cm tbtt tx. ' We btgia, OreTfraa I ( n(U w..k " ' - -;- - ' ;' ' -1 their Jesting! or passions. I am par-j Inr of 'my commands and reproofij but always Uksrapecial care that I am . atrictly tibej-d bj every ia lror big geat To least. And although 1 baa ax'.dora been drivea to the neceantty of a kin; the rod f correction, the j fear it more than children that jet it day or two pettishly administered, aa is. I have thought too anach the practice of aotn parent. M j patience ia often tried with rude and frolicsome adven ture, presuming rather too much on Tny-forbeanuctf tmtetibwate diaobe diance is a tliiti$f, totally unknown in mj family. My children hate no preoUe -concr p.) iiiu f hat the conse quence uf ilisobetlience Would bet but never think of risking it. My wife ai.la me very mutli lo in thia matter. If at any lime she thinks me too severe in my reprimands; she takes occasion in private to correct my harshness with ;t-utle inii motlfttt insinuations that never fail to produce the desired effect tin me: at the time she eems to sanc tion my course by a silent approval; ami I do tlie same by her. The con arqiienc'B ijs, that the clnldiin never seek proteriion in the fjvnrofone pa rent trom the diapitffflre of ihe otlu-r. Kjmily government is a thing; that I have observed as ininuteU as I could, and tried to study it well; and alicr all we find oor plans in many rcspt cts de fective, which is a source of care and uneasiness to us both; but we have rais ed! a large lumilv, atul many f them have lift us: anil we i.fim thii.k we hyve muih cause- to be thankful that our snliciluilo to govern our family a rioht has not been aliugelher unavail- ing." .Sum, hern Cilizen. NEW GOODS vi:itv fiit a p: The atihwrittcr flnltract-t llitr prcachl rppoilu ntly ol iiitiMitiing lit, etiiontfii ami lite pMic I etr rally, llial ti e" bi jt ' rttunted from Nt-w Ymk, aiid it aoar rerciaittg itl opening one -of tkr thrntrX Mock nt tomla CTr brougM to thia inarktl. lie puichatl hi (iotHlr allogrlhrr iilt atli, which ili enable bun lo aril uouau nity low. Oaiee; In lite aery great demand lor miniry in Near Votk, vtie nlt that article Km MMi itr iiaaiagea orer ihoae mho have not, cn when iht-y ate prrlectly aolarn't. 1 i,e lullowtiig forma a pail of bit Slock: ? Ztnrral Jlitorlmmi of Calico's A Kf tsslin, ltrowii 1,1 n eu, lointlrat, llonlery and Haiti; alo, mi esrellenl aelectloi of SlloiJs, btih lor I Jiliei a,H lienilemen all ol wbirli i tlfrrttl al vary reduced pricea I he tubKrilteranliciia a rail, ami (iletlget him arlf lh,t for cbeaMiraa and aariely of ait le, hit tneh cannot be eraaaed by a lt ,nae' in I lie ':). W. C. T17CKKK. May , lUt. l 4ar NEW-afKiXU AK1 SIT I'll III It 1 1 A itn W W W 'oellinf Huutc it large and aomnodiout, willi U i'l iTa U IS r J .W 'aT.o ,, .11 Beeelan nul-houaea. att.tt a line 1tlTCHrOBD A OLIVER, MEHCIMAT T.tlLOBS, Fayetlrillr Street, Italeigh, North Caroliaa. rite Siiltaci ibei hae juai reriH, anil arc now oiw,.i,,r al ihfir Miurf, a Ibraiinlul o,l- t-l of IJ.MHlt nt ih ir li,iM(n.) ol CloiUt. ntei l auU aratttiK nt rrr y i.I(iih iiatnt , in latl, etet I ihmg llutl can be ttnintt in mj -atmitar ambliaitr in the Htirtra oliiah ra rtHilullj nquitl nurtrirndaand Ihe puhlie lo call anil eaamtur Itelma purt-haantg claewlicrf , at we are ileiei minril lo ti-ll on auctt terntl aa aannnt ftttt In auil the iHrehaf r. UrCllr'OItU kOLIVKK Italrlgh, Mat 7 IS.tS 30 Cw I 8. tlnlert Irom a dltlanee will meet with prompt aiimiion. L kU. OXIOItD IIACES. The Spring Itace will oominence over ihe t loid Courte on Wrtliiexlay Ihe IClh day nl May netl, intltad of the l,t Vtednetdav in June owing lo the Itaee al Lynchburg com tnencing lite lame Wet kt alto Ihe Warrrnlon Hter being pottpotied to Ihe X3id of May. Ciinarqueiilly Iht aip.itnlmenl will bring the Oxford Itacet ihe werk prrvioot lo lli arrre Ion Haae The firal d y terik. t lor 3 year old colli and filliet mile hi ttt, jSOen tntnee; lo clnvc Ihe flrtl dav nIMar no.r one Hbarnbt-r. Sl dat ,twrptke, colli and filltea. 3 year old mile heali, KIUO efcliaB.e, halt forfeit iu both one tuhacritavr) lo eloanlhe trtt May S I day, two mile beall fitr a.itae ol I) entrance. 'h day mile Itealt, bet. .1 in S, $IIMi cnlianae Tbit Itace la made up by aubtertplNta. . Ve rtoecl there will be from four to ire en trie m bnlh iha twreiialaket tlit re Tt milch auuel anticipated. It a eaueat actwal ataitta-a j here. PKOI'rilETOH OilortfTAptil 39, 1838. Mw A1CTION SALE, By Ctaarleo Boswrll A Co. T.XTEXSICE S.1I.E OF CHl.NA,GLA8S,ANU EARTH E.N WARE. On Tuetday.lhe tf'i-id mil., nilhoul reaervc, al IU o'clock, we will capote, al I'ublm Attclion, the entire tlock of gmttla, til Die Vi)i tlcaerip lion, eoniaineil in Hie two Siotet luritierly e euptL'tl by It. W. Keaiuy, on Sytanmre Street. I he iok embrace aliiioM every, article lo be found in Ilia mntt attentive Ktiahlrahntcnt, aanl perttapi oS'ert grealer iuducriaenli lu pur cltaaei a, lltau aat ever preaealcd bcloio hi in it Slate. i contitlt of S well aelecled atturlment of French, Knglith and India China; Plain, Moul ded and Cut t,tai Frtnletl, Japan, I'ernan, Dipt, Painted and C C Earthenware, Slnne Ware, Looking Glaaaea, Briiauia Tea and Col fee Pot, k. - A eaul.igue of ihe good will be eilnliiied on the day ol Sale, ami the Slock (including ihe ftxlurci) Ki t! oft'ered entire m an aW but it not aold in lhat nay, the good, will be mid in o to rail purchaser, wiihoul Ihe lean rewrve. Ae there h) bet one aimtlar Euablithment in Paw tcrtbtn g. It alfnrd any pel ton ditMtid to ett gmgw in the buimett, n rare opportunity. I he team will be liberal, and Mr. K W. II will impart la the porehaaer all poudile informa (ton retpealing ibe hattneta (X Hulk ibe lloaac will k t ;erd for Kent on the day al ale. C. ttOSWEIX k CO,. Aaci Petertburf, May 1. 3f ' NOTICE To all any Croatitortw ' Meeara. Wnt Kehcrtaon, Wi, MiKkia ahiTtMU-'f aecond, a old ari.aralelu oat -a wanww, m. o.ai nai r,it)tar, r.ilwarw M. Is J. C. tireewweT, John ilecknitb. Turner k lleghea, II. a. Gattber, Attorn), and all my other aradiinrai . . Ptcaae Uk aethna that, en ma l(b day of May neal, at the Court Honar hi the Ctty nf Kahvajrh. brraeea thai hoam of It e'elnek and P. M., I ahall appear fcctore llearj Potter and P. P. Bar bene. Federal Jodges lor ike Diairiet mf Ktarth Carelinn, intake the beawit ot the tawa, nanivo and ptnijowdl W tbe relief of lacoraeal Dnhtoa-. t WM. V CRAUAM, M. JK . Atall so, 14, S7 l PROCLAMATION , ? fA Givtrnor of No. CaroVuuu - k- mu a iLj, Ual aeaM a a the (acatetaJ Aaveaably at thai ttate, eartttir aai aa aat nreaarrfttof ihe aaade af mrrr)t aaai erfling t UmI of thia Slatc.laMty MapMr edby trewiy ah the Cherokee laa ,- a i eaaoe the doty of tne farneorioa) the 7tf teen e4 the JMfap Sd TieW, Booh of aaid r ey, to ike Seaenl wlaae so preaanhee y ' . a ia i . aT ikai tMaaa mKi art, te nM nt rnn aa4 place of aale, aa4 abcrca. the Sattt Map t Vield Bookt baa ben rcUtrwcC aaeeor- t V-J-mrd H. Dndler ' GoVerooV of North Carolina, obaUience lc aaia act of cirmg notiea that the tale of aaft Uml will comnieoce at the Town of Franklin, m tne coaniy of Macon, on the drat Monday ia Splem ber mat, an4 continue frees day to day lor three week ana) M lonrw, by and nniler the amierinierdanoe snd direction, of 8. F. I'aller oa and Cherlea U Hinton, qra.( Commit aiober appointed for lltat parpoac, efreealtlc lo lite prottakw ot the taid aat. 1 a4'r' IN icdiraony whereof, I, Edward t mi. 7 I. IHiilley, Goternor, c h I ' eauacd lb Great Seat ot the Slate in ha hereunto affiidl. and tlrncd the tarue, iliit ih day of Way, in iba year of our Lord, I US. EDWAttD B. DUDLEY. 80 17 Star and Standard, Rutherford Gaxelle, Olumbia Teleaenne, Southern (Ga,l Recoidrr, Ltnclibure Viraiuain, and Knoieite Kt(t'ter II rat.h iitaert the above, weekly, until day ol tale. State of Worth Carolina, If'atme Vountu. fCourt of Equity, Spring Teim, 1838, I'eiition for tule ami ikvivm f rtoft mule Nectlhai'n Won el I anil tella lill wile, Arnold (iorden and Jonathan fike. The haira of Fieilerick Bum, (teeeated ll appeal inr to the talitlaeiioa ol ihe Court, that Fharnah Burn, Kleiihrn WorrellJ'haroab Scoll, El Scoll. Jettr FulcunToiieph Faleum rretlrriek Kulgunt, Sarah A mold, Celia Arnold, ratarjr krc. Mry Unrlut, Itebeeea raiker, i4 I'ruina Horn, ilrlrmlanlt in ihe abnre nam ed cauae, are nil nilubiiant of hn) Slate; Hi l here I ore ordered by ihe Cooit that puhlicauon be niaile f' r ix tuceettiTC week, in ihe Slar and North Carolina tiaartie printen and pub- litheil in the CUT al Italeieh, lor the taiu tie, tendanl In be and appear at Ihe next term of i hi. I t ia.a held for the count ol .Wayne, al Ihe Court Home in Wajnctborounh, on the ortt Momlav alicr Ihe luurlh Monday to rplem bar neat) ihrn and ihrrelo plead, anawer or de mar, or tail! (trillion will lie laken pro toplciH) and hranl e parte at to litem, Snd decree made accordingly ii net t, Jantet Gritwold, Clerk and Matter ol nur taid Cnutt of KqiiMy lor Wayne County, aloflice in aaid county, Ihe firti Monday after Ihe lounh Monday m March, JAMES (.KISWOLD, C. M E Wajnetbnro' Aril7 18.1a. ' SO 6w Valuable City Property, FOR HALE. Pnrmanl tn a decree of ihe Supreme Court ol NihiIi Hai tiliiia. I thai! eauute 10 nublie tale al Ihe iiremurt, on Krnlar. lite 15th day of Jone next, that aery t'ctiiable retidene hi ihe Ciiy ot llaleieli, tlluaicn on Hit corner Ol ntliaboiO' anil McDowell hireelt, lornterly oceapied by Mitt E, t.,lflw Ma ttnuriltnir Houac.r A I 1 hr lot eoulaint ilirre-lotirih, of an acrei Ihe garden, and, though tulttcienily i-eiireil lor a private family, it vety eniiveniene lo Ihe btni net part of Ihe City . To reideate t.f ihe low. er eiutnlty, tUstifiutol iccurlng a heahhy and plraMitt inuaiioav the imtaant alfonli a very fa vorable npiHirtiinily. Frraon witliine to exam ine lite premiere hvfnre the tuay. ot Ula, nan t,i, by applya''-v1eaibtaribcr,-v' Mr. 1 ho. l.nitta; i-naarattm will oe given ua un nni day ol January neat. I E It MS. w h'ich wiTT be liberal, matle known on day nt alc. Ii. W. MOHDECAI, Cmmitiner. Ilaleigh, April HT, 1838 18 Tw states of North Carolina, County of Frankin. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, March Term, 1838. Yarbrough St Fotter " i, hn Jarae Jone and Villtam Willie June J Pel it ion for Partition of Loi 1 W ll aptteartng to the taiiifaatinn of Ihe Court Ikal lit drfendatiia in thin eae reanle beynad ihe Iimii of lint Stale, id" lhat Ihe ordinary procet nl Ihe law cannot reach Iheini h i ordered by the Court lhat tubfiealion be made in Ihe Kaleigh Star, lor ait luecemve werka, lhat enlrit the aanl defentlanl appear al ihe neal term of Ihe taid Conn, to he held at the Court llout m Louittiwra;, on ihe (eaontl Monilay nl June net, then ami the re lo antaet or dento r In the laid t'rtilmn the tame will be laken pro aonlctto and parlilioo made nccordingly. Alieat S. M.V I'l'ERSON. C. C. C. Louitburg, April 41, 1838 19 6w State of NoFtii Carolina, County JFmklia, r Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Mart-h Term, 18S8. Adolphu Kctd Jeite I'eraon 'elition lor dower ol Slave Julin Littleton Iteed Ktizabrlh Ann Slaik and buian M. lieed ll aptearing to ihe aatiifaetion of the Coart Ihe deiendaiilt John Lillletnn Iteed, Klixibelh Ann Stark and Sutan M. Keed, retiile in lh Sine of Virginia, and lhat the proeeta of Ihi t;urt cannot reach Ikemi il il nnlered lhat pub lication be matle in the Kaleigh alar, lor tix tneeeitive week, lhat anleu the taid defendant! appear at the next term nf ihe laid Conn lo be Ittld at lite Com t 1 1 out In Loniabatrgr -ao the traniid Monilay Jn June neat, aban and there lo aniwrr or demur to lb laid Pcthinn, a will bo taken pro oouieaao and dower ordered accord 1n.ly. Altert S. PATTERSON, C. fi C. Lntiithuig, April t, 18.18 ' 19 6w UEVisEU STATUTES. The ubcrraeri, hiving comractcd with the Coinmltiioiirrt of Ihe Slate lor the publication of the Revived Statute! of North Carolina, baye Ihe pleaiure ot announcing ibe completion of aid work. Ileing apirttinled by the Coventor agent on Ihe part ol the Slate lor lit tale, they now Offej in the good aithten of North Carolina a woik which, aa regard quality 0I paper and caeca iMtn, ii not equalled by any law nook eeer pub. liihrd m ihi etnintry. d'htt been prouounccd hy every one who kai examined it, (and amnngat Ihoae ate numbered atn; tM .jdeat and moat exieatire book pulditheri ia llie foiled Slatei) lu lie Ihe ne pin ollia" of tytOgraphy. I'uhlithrd in 1 vnlamet the tat coalaintng 71 page lh d S58 Price poly nine dollar per copy or live dollara for a vnluwe. and hmr for the aewootl, if mid aenamtcla. All nr. dett Inr the above work, dirreted vo vltem al the No, lb Caroltna Hook Store, will meet cab prompt at lent too. TURNER XrtU'Gnr.S. Raleigh, H. P January 4, t3T. 3 Sm DOCTOR KIDLEY tta eatabliahed hhntelfia Kaleigh, and will afford Metliml aitl tn Iknae who naa fed ditpo ard to patronise hint. Hit nmae i In the rear of Iha Apothecary Store of Meier. Ha. M. Me. Wlkl where ate auv ho to) whem wot ae. A. .W, lnJ 1 " awae wwwr rraita. Jacaaary SV, noe. - T tf NEW SPRING MOKOEC Al k M.EI M M O.N l.aae ju catd crarnM Dteeareal lo otit-T ' tricaxt and aaistoaaera, A Spleadld Atortment or to which they would respectfully direct """: lion of dealer A Ineir goooa ataaw in with an eyo-aingfe to lb preaeol pretr ol the time, principally eaah, haawf been te- lecled apoa in aaox anraotaftH-a. - of Iba Firm, they feel ao bcailalion to Bwrm the pablia that I hey can ditpoaa of tltem at raiet torn in, rat rrrly initab lower lhaa bereloiwi'or anparatiaefy mwah lower inaw acn.u.. -wl . i ., i .1-,.., ...... .nt.Ln in dU trcner.1 . " . ' i atnttt. ( "... m.. nn teaiinr. A haadaomo aortaent ol l.eullemea t Sirra roer Good Splendid Good lor the Ladie. auitabic for llie , approaching aeatnn. noc M eaery octcripitoa. Hall of all Windt. Queenaware. Hardware, Groecriet, fce. All of which Ihey offer al reduced pi wet, and invite the attention of ihe pnbli. Raleigh, April I. H38. " ow "itlTL IIS3AD 1IOTCL, M Enfield, JlaUux County, .V. C. J. SOUTHAItXi, Havmg taken from Mrt. I'. V. SMUTIIAI.I. that heatiliritl new building, ailuair.l al tlie end ot Ihe Tillage, and aoniMnont lo her grntc. i now hitnigit np lor Ihe recepiiun oi iravrnria. Too manv nroinite hv bern made in ihi line of bu tine it, in which llie public have bern ilr ceired. I altall only y, call and jii'lge Inr youreelve. Mr. Souihall and d. uKlitti t pro- ruite pertonal atlenliou to latiic. April, 1838. 17 11 WALKIMCl "CANES Ot Wll IVSl Turner k Hughe have jutt opened al Ihe North Carolina Hook Slnrc a aplcndid aitoti menl ol Walking Caoct and Whipa.nt every de tcrijuion, lo whatb they invite alien' ion) and are confident that Ihote who need-ltrett -article can not be olherwiac titan pleated. Ot the loriner ihey have, Malacca, I'enang, Hickory, Steel, Hamboin and Yellow and Ulaik, Htilkl llradi Gold and Silver Mourned, -a til, and wiihoui Sword. Among ihe lalle,- arj aulkry.titg, Drevera, Crop and Swiuh hipt, hale bone wrapped, leather, do. Ivory lianillt-, V ire plan, gill pUin, gill roounled. Ivory mouiil. d ho. ate Alto a choice collection of Cadiet riding Y Itipt. Call at No. 1 Cbeaptide, and ciaraiae lor youraelve. Just rcc?ived at tho loitti Caro liuu llook Store, iYo. 1 FuyeUrvu'h Street, Raleigh. Fickwick Pten, by Sam Wellrr and Allred Cra.qudl w..l. Illatu-aliun., in one volume.- 1 .. . . .... Leilai by Hoaxer, in tuperrojal octavo, aiih 15 Eugravmgton ileel. Cnnlettioniol an' r.lilerlj Lady and Gentleman," by Ihe Couolett ol Hletiinglnn. Wtod Leighlon, or a year in the country, by Mary Hot lit. The; Clock-maker, or laying! and tlniugt ol Samuel Sink of Mnk ville. Vanderleur, or Animal Magoeliira. Arethuta, by lapt Chamier. Thonghit, by A. I. rumble, ot Gruniblelon Hall, Kiq Ketollec lion of a Southern Matron, l lie Old Cnmodotv, by Capt. Mat rj alt. Pretention, by Mm Sarah stocking. Clinluo Hradihavr, or the Adveti lurel ul a Law)cr. Vitili and Skrlehet by Mi l. lameton. Characleritiie of Women, hy ihe arae. The Duke of Manmoih, a Novel. The Gootf Fellow, by Paul De Kock, Tne Skeicb llook ul Fathion. Agnea l)e IMantfielil, b) I', G. Graliau Miteclaaiet, bv Mtta Harriet Marthieau. Feeling on Society, author of Tremtline ate. Worth Million. T'alca from Ihe (ierman, Irantlaied by Nat. tin en. Marrv O'Headon or illutlraiioni of Irith I'ride. At. motleu at large, by Dnlwer. The Cnquett, 3v Herbert Wendell, a tale of ihe Revolution. Crayon Skelche. Charolaa, bv K L. Hulwrr. Hectute ot Nory7 by Mitt M. Porter. The Down Eatttrt. Alto A few acta of Sir Waller Baou'i, Nov-U, tpuntiimy -rrt, So, vf votano. Ait a lew leu ol r,. u. Uul ovel. A lew ten of Jimei' Novell, lor ether with a Lu ge -eollecl ion ol light reading, lo lediouatu itenlioo, sit of which Witt be told r very reiluc ed price, TTRN'ER k HUGHES. Raleigh, April 4, 1838 DOCTOU IV. H. 114 KSII ALL'S Ointuicut for the Blind Pilea. The puhlie are attured that I have hail litis remedy in lite for yean, during which ti ne it hat, in nunierou caiei, been mbjteied to lh; tett ol eaperimenl, and, in many imiancei, on the root! aggravated form of Ihi diaeate, and al wai t wtih perfect wcceii no intlancc of failure havmg ever coate lo my knowledge. I'he component parli of thia remedy are pure ly vegetable warraaled 16 eoniaiu no mineral tubttanae whatever. No particular eare at lo expoture i neeewary. ll may be ed wiihoul iiiierruplwtf ordinary purtuii. It eautei no pain, but haa a loathing effect on the diteated pari, and in a abort lime elfcei a perfect cure. It it not generally known lhat the I'dei are often Ihe cauae of that dreadful d reave Fistula. In ntoM intlancc in which I have been called to practice on ihi diteate, I have traced ii ongi nally to the Pile; hence, Ihote lurfering Irom I hem thonld loan no time in treking iht inoit efticieat remedie. Plie $i 00 per Hot. W W MAKSHALL, . -" kiciimand, Td X. B. Nnmeron reference can be given. The certificate of the liev William A Smith, ol the Mclhodiet E. Church, alone ia tubmitted with the remark, lhat like lettimoniala have been obtained from ntimepoui other intelligent and re peclahle individuallt among whom are Meisn. J W Winfrcr, Thoinat Hart, Jainei C Cranrj Archibald 1 homai, Corneltui Crew, Ezekie'l Daw, Jame Catkw, A French. Thia Ittoeerliry thai I have had a fairoppor tonf to know both the nature and effecii ol Ur Merihall'e remedy for ihe Ulind Pilei, kud mine u a duty I owe to Ihote who tiitfer with Ihi dialreating dieeaae lo tay. that it may he con fidently relied on al a tale, agreeable and efficient remedy for the form of diteaie for which the proprietor recommend ii: It ha been citen ivcty uted in the circle of niy cqitaintaitce, and a caae of faliure ha not conic to my knowledge -. . . .WII'"A.M A SMUh!' ' Etlitor oT the Virginia and North Carolina Conference Journal. Kkhmond, Va, Oat. 81, 1837 7 tf IUJ7 ine auictetl will tlu well to II and obtain this invaluable remedy Id by R. TUCKER, A-ent. at his fCJ- llie aUicted will do well call so s-tore on rayetteville Street, Raleioh. N. C. 0 ' KT Directions accompany each box. THE OXFORD WtT FOR SALE. htT,"eTn lately occnpied hy xtl. Jam Nuitall, ihe tubtermer it aniho riaed lo aell on moderate term. A ercd.t or one and two year, may be had for a areater part ol the ptirchat money. Tbi. prortefty ia now in good repair wej pautted, and t an eligible ittual ion lor a tavern A well regulated boat ia Oxford ii certain to meet n-heneunragemenL The Bneirithing Male ol the ehrm, Mg eowrt ains held, the race, and Oxhjrd bemg . put of re.ort nfm ny m Ihe turamer moa.l,!, haghly ewommend ihi. property in thoaa dHpoiwl lo keep a houte of eateriamment. Application, matle hrough Ike mail or other wnve, will be alt coded to. Poaaeaaion mil be bad at any lime, . ' rv..- r, -i' - " ROBARDS. 1. Il..iat., n.j i..l 1 ,.u j.. , """H " eew. 10, 11 a il r nnn,U BLANKS for al avro. ST AG Is S, I r3ve r tor Salitbury and Morganton The Siagee from Fayette- ..le, for Salitbory are no7 hi operation - ; ury leare Fayelleeillo on i We morning e! Mnanfay and Friday, at fie o'clock, and'arnte at Saliabtiry on the eaeninp; - .u. -. i. i.a utiirttinr. ihev leave n. ---- -- -- . , t.i,.ln ih'1 wwr' aMawwi TTOBttT an- -t .' on me "eniuK. o 1-.... ... w-m w-. . , nine hnurt al l. it n f . nrmi i,n, a. " - - " K M - " - af tint a al Allen' in Moore counlv. rareJSSU I Itcte Singe conneel whh my line from SalilHtiry to Mitrgattlon, 'I'ltit route ad'ordt great lacilrtk-t lot merchant! in lite interior, lo vml Kavelleville t,,f The purrtnae f their gmidi, rh.otge of m-'iiya, purrkjte td Jhaftt, ka ate , atil it Ihe chrxpeti, mti.l etrdt'nis and mint direct rottlc betwern Ihe I o placet Al Kajelleville Slatte line leave averv dy lorlliB North nntl South. A. CtltMICIIAF.U Prt.trH.-lor, J IIIJUWN, (tj.la)Clle Motel) genl, Faetleitle, A. C. CURUY, 'Agent, Curilm, T. II Atil' E. Agrnt, Sitltslmr), T. M. YUUNU, Aierot, Statetvilte, It C. I'EAItSON, Agent, lorganton. .laninry '24, 1S.18 6 3m STKAVCU From the tiibtcrilter, nt Majr. Thomat IIo rioii't, on the lOih March latl, a Surrel Mare, fire veara old Iliit Springt marked wtih a tlar in the forehead, left hind loot vtliiie abote lli le lock) ajuite ild (altltnnjth ploimhed lt um intr) tliewi Ijtaid ol at Craa lord Kerney ' a lew day after Roinj; i ft, 1.1 mile! well of Ixior borg. Any iiilorinal ion will be thankriilly re let veil, and any rratnoahle tllm aul lor Iter de livery to me, 3 iitilet Souih id lnuiilnirg. LOCK Mill II. AI.FOItD. Franklin eo,, April ISoS. 1 4w NOTICE. Fifty Dollars Krwai d, For lite aiipn lienliou of man hv ihe nmr nf V. lf f and 1 Wr.A I .IU .I..AKS I lit uiiv siilna-mal um an 1 st tlt Iintt ttlnrla it ia lor any inlnrmalion tn I get lite linrte, which it 11 believed lite mhI JOJi V SMITH look from the lu'iiteither't liable on the iiithl ol the ol April, at llie laid Smith ha not been trcn liiuc Ihe tlav Ihe horte wat laken al itihl. Ilea tup potetl 10 be about five feet 111 incliet high, well limit, a little bow-lrgget", about twenty yrart old, wore a blue oal and black hat, black hair, and hat a healthy apHiniiice. He came li-uru lite Northern Main In l ai hnrnneh, ..Erigreonibe en. Nl. C. The horte it about five feel four inchei high, a bright toirel, round bodied, a little in clined In be bnney; pace tlow alien travelling, and ia about tin yeitra old. WM. R ItOWERS. Hamilton, Martin County, N.C. April 8, 18JS. "17 4" The celebrated Englith Hare Uoite FLEXIBI (Rre.1 hy the Earl of Kgremont) by Wnf botte, tiara I hernia Dy aorattrei , f uui chatt tl ot the F-arl of Egreraoiit for ihe King of Pnmia.) her lam Manaa by Gohanna, lluiiimin Ifi7i( (tiller to Caltwrina, Cohkrio ami ynnnR f'a.tlla' Ihe (lam of Mandaa and Alkgrtlii) hv VV o.U Tteeker; CtrmiHa-yTrenttram, Conrrtttrbr-rhjr Ciimptofl t.nbj tiller to Ktgulut by the G0U0I pliin Aiahian. Whalebone, the lire of Flexible, it brother lo Whisker, U nful, and Web. by. Way dam Penelo by Trumteler, Prunella by tlmliflyer, IVomiie hv Snap. iMieelHtor'i tlam bv Partner In Flexible ii ihui united ihe betl blood of ' Mnlchem. Mernd and Kelin.t. t a, FLEXIBLE wan nine tacct when litre, years ' ' 'k" "4t J 'hat SeitttaaJ M (including a cup of 4 mild and haa l.t.ir, i wc" pleated with the imaller a win ar lngwait t, l)r. Famtut, Araclna, Geneial Mi- na. niennrina, Whillineion. (hvi-iiiv I.t.l,... rough, Muzanic, Ke. Fltailtle ttood in Eng land al eleven loverrigi. (eonat tn 5i dollar. ) He it full IS hand! 3 inchei his,, with great muvcular powcn;and for nice proportion 11 e nualled by few. He ii one ol the belt inn 'nf V halebonf, deicended fntm the two b it Ara bian, without n. iiiifathiotHible rrnti. Iiapeeil, bottom, and temper ia eijnal to any hone ol Ittt djy. He it now al h i ttaoh i. The leamn ill commence Ihe I4lh day of Feltnun, nr mrlier, il required. For llie paiiiculan of' hi running ond thai ol hit eolit in Kitglaml, ,e hand billt alto hi lei ii.i, which ahall he liberal ' ' ..... ,. ... KmV- ' CAltTKH. tllon, firanville en. N. C Januaiy 19, I8J8, s lf TAItE. IP, And eommitled, at a runawny ilave, to the jil in Hockii.thim, Kwhmond conaiv, N". C. a 1 to boy, eallini- hitiiv. II CEOItliK LOCKLIEU, and claiming in he jifa-.B,, ,e . ,,ej u ...-...-,c rouni Hoe not know what Stale, 'nor haa .eartl of any town except rWt.mnutb and Nor lolk He 11 a well buill hn, al ,-lc eiimplexiont Hlioul 4 leel 7 or 8 incite h.-h, and inpooied to be about 1 3 yean oJ,J. The owner il requeued In e-me for. aril and lake hint away, or h will he ri, ,, ,Ue law tl.reen. Any inlormation , ,1B uov il he 11 free, would be ihai,klullr received t. . 8 U- SF.OllF.ltltY, Jailor. ..... Kockingbtq, K, C.,n&t, I83S -ZFTM ft ice nrit to. f I . 7 If i REWARD. Ranaway from the tubtcriber, on the 4th January, 18.18, a negro, roan named .t,FHKlh loftnerljr Ihe property nf Charles A. Hill, deceased. le i, no douWt in the neighborhood where ihe laid Hill formerly livt-d. The alxive re ward of Tweiuy-five dollar will be given to any person who will deliver the aaid boy Alfred to iwewmv reHltne. lix unlet wett of Louitburg, or eon&ue him in Louitburg Jail ao ! mat 1 ifei iimii again, CCf I would give a description nf Ihe bov bull have not had hint a aufficieul length ol lime to observe or recollect any pailicular mai k. WM. M. SLEIifiK. Franklin ao., N. C. Feb. , 1S;5S 8 -if Press and Type for Sale. The Editor of ihe Danville lleportrr offer lor Sale the Washington press, tpe and office fixtures belonging lo the -Oanvilie Obterver' office. The whole eilattlithmeni ia altnoat at good aa new at we have twoie for it at tbi office, we will sell it for a low price, and oa a eredit of ait months. Nn 17. 1837. Uy Editors with whom are exchange, will plraae publish Ihe abova ntHtce,' iiiiTthe lavor wil be cheerfully reciproceted- tT The aubacriber wottlrl take two aptpreulieei 10 ihe' Tailoring huainethged from 14 to Id year. Hoy a (rn the country would b prelerrciL. ALEX. C.MPBF..Ii-BaWig-h, Janaarv a, Ua.. J it utr the iGoltlea ml war. m. maso c Having pnrchaaed the entire jTc T. 8. Heckaith tx Co. b.v. APOTHKCAHY butiaeitat IheTiaCrn" occupied by them on FayeitetiiU Sin rfnn. l VV V A C.:.L fc -. '- ' - - aniH, nacre ,l. t iutl received a lurtlter tnnplw f - Driiift, Jtlrdicine. r:i.. l'lttiiiH. Uje stuifs ana Inaiory, toeihrr Mill? Ifcm rm ustsortincnt f' which Ihey rill ditpow ol ob the mgaiJ ble term. Mercttant and other caa ha ti-lLj r patent and 'other medicine on a, rH . t . , . FIW " " aonm Of IN, fJ Fcrtout would do well to call ,ad J7t I lie nur I vet. I'hytician ata ditiaacVTail''' favor ut ilh their, order,, U . nrn,.,nll atlan.l. ,1 In Mn .I ,. v -. . .-. w ,,oa win a, in teleciing Chemical and rrniu4ijj paralinnt, at lltey are deteratiotd matat cine but tuch a ate genuhta, tbtll lajtlfj them. One of I he Firm having beea W!! I lo ihe butineft, to which be will givevtj vided aili-niion, ihereb avoUting mitiakct that Ion often occur lhr,, iZlj trncy or earelet.leaa, I hey hope, by tn!T1 lion lo (ratine, to merit a (hart at it February, 1888. V, X ,J av i 1 he gre.il tepurariiy and eUattmbrtl 4a for thil vatuahw! meilicine, rraderi r( a . union td a lengthy advetliaeincst aaaaaii, Siin.rrO'U trliiuooilt of their val k(, ceived) lrtn (entlemen of the liiWai reW biliiy, in addttinn 10 Ihote aaeoetjatt box.' may hn tern 011 applvcaliua t aa) aenti. 1 he pill are pal ap ,a a aaaemr, in tin boxe cnnlaintng D pill, cat M tnr liom Price .'i0 ecnlt per box. Taapwi pnnJiavera the term of eommiitlea taltm are liberal al All eotumunicaikaM odlWaaW i1 dtd lo, by . I ft THOM AS U JUMP. Res In d ly atleudt fry Office, VI organ St. Raleigh, tat , ll of the Preib) lei ian Church , ' t 1 i :.' it...' , TI K.EH & Ul'GUES, . I 1'ublii.IicrRt, Bookseller, 4t S&-' tioucra, nht.i.i "Keep general ataortmenl ol Booli. varitiuidepaitmenti ef Literature, Seitast.ai Theology, alio Siaiionanr; ia alt hi nrt. ol which Ihey will aell at wholviale armtat, the moat liberal term. , They have a turn collection of Ibe moat approved edhioaW at, book. Among; them are Weylanit'i fdoi Economy, of kntvw-n reputation, and -maaW uted ai a teat book In all the- pvwn-hnit CV Wavland'a Polatiewt Kaaanmv aUntnWa.a'" nte of tthooUtn vert valuable Work. wtM ElenrtiiU pf 31 orL Jfslcac. The alittta ., iltu puhtia limott reipccifully eallril Mntt, ry valuable work. Aim. VVatlaad'i KW of Muial Science ahridgtd, n"ailaileills au ol common Khool, ,Kmitt tik he abridgment M admirably adapted the dt Scichey bich ha lt. ilu CI ruon lehord etlueation lite nuilv f bmhIiU (i-it- ,r a we nav oeen af I Ihe illtmrjitoni are apt and Mrikiag. Abnta bieon Intelleetu.l Power. Why ntarkibi not in every lamity ami tchooir PlettTk4 ngv.ncw rdit kin, enlarged, withlerty fJatrt,arf aiTiitllonal noica 01 I Jr. Ilatler sad otatn .11 Clan llook nf Nat. Theology, or lh Trawr ny ol Nature to the Heine, I'ei frciioa, wl tie ernnient of God, hy H, Fergus, TIkI Ladiei Clai Uook; a lelcelmn of bran 11 rrailine. ill nrtiec andaSerae. bv Ebrararrlbi' A, M Pcler I'ai U aaajsomtnoo S.Wtal 111 4 embtlluhed wuli engravniti, a acaii a grral variety of email valuable worti,hfnl I'ai lev. atiiilainins; hittm lei. Iriwlv fiiinri live!, Jic, ,.r Juvenile ecailetl Blake'v ral I'hilntophy, new vililion, enlaiT(rdw tint bonk in Aairnnomy, detiaaed lurlkte' cnmindn l.-hrit.lt, illinliatnl by llrcl JiltU" f;;aIg . "I ttuuan. AutitptitMi aatl. AacaaI I Iholngy, by Chaa. K. Uilloway, A. H 7 led by elegant engraving. Tbe AierrianEi poiilor, or lulelleclual Uafiaer, ViieaeShrt uie of school, by KufuiClnggelt. Tkrr"r menu are good and Ihe definiltonl clear aaltw , ciie Say Political Economy. 'Breea'i'b oiophv, abridged, for prion y arfiooli. 5m ard's l'biloipitv of the Mind, Boj Library, Harper' Family Library, ebrrt it mor valuable reading lhanena foeailaa'i oilier works for tlie eott. Claciic! where there may be found nearly all ath"?', ickl Irantlaliona. Chtiitiao Ijhraiy, M'"f? werlh'i Novel complete. Mr. Opti complete. Mr. Sherwood's oajplcw" A lew loll tell of lh American Alow"; llAnmilnrv nt ITful Knn ledl!. ",' volt, well hound) alo, some for the year 1838. wiubd? j . .' .igaatne, w lilt know ledge t with tery large awl at''"; lection ol Hooka, eontiajing td M. Hiitorical, Theological, snd misellanwiV' els, voyages, ttoveli, H k"d.elTi llook 1, Ipu tedioui lo menlion. Ulaak D"1 f all kindt, alio Blank Dooki matte thorteil notice, alto architectural TX terVglllde. Old Hook reboitnn in ' ""Tj All kinds ol Honks and Stationary ha 1 the North Cat olit.a Uook Store at rj prttei. - ; - I r -j III be sold, on Saturday W '""i May next, btlrtre tlalea Court lf"fT Caleiville. the fiillowing Iractirf much at will pav ihe amount oflexetih' j year einiing laou, logetiiwt , veriiiiug, k. , Joint VV. Ilnntl, 57 acres. ,, ;f Jimrs Haker, sen. SW acre. - ; Tiason Y. P.urw, lliOaorea. William Euro, 18 I- Ihtniel Kieltli, 4t acre. t i llurwell tirifnih, 987 acre. Samuel Harrell, 97 acres. Ervsn Hariell. ItaJ acre; Thamsi Junes, SO acres. John Jones, 7.S acrea. Thpnvas J M tiler, acre. Ilrrriinn Paiter. (ol Va ) 800 acre. James Skittne. 'a Heirs,") acre. ' UXLISTEU LA NO 1M WHliatti Hnll.iek'aheira, y atre. T .1.. t .1. fTi tt 1.. . .n.l ntherl . William I'atkwrV heir. Ii tn,f i tbe land ol El jalt Harrell and othrra f V Kichard Parker' lieir. 2J acre. lt land of Kbt ft Parker bod t" Wa ) 'ai 11 1 at Hum , at to wn i n ii itj wUa.. .Jtv. at. Htuti'v-H-"-1 . April 16, t39.