mm ZlAIBIGZXa 1JV O. WBDlD lilAY 23, 1030 t VOL. 11023; - - a. t. ;nkaaasa.aaaaar ft...,' fir erTJn (aoC seeilinf 16 "" Ztt irpiril WKT' oi"rt cub aub ..J. t WiMTlt seal. tr-r Tae d of Clerks and Sheriff, i.. .i..rd i orr khI. hicitcri and le- jaiun of S3 nr will b made frora ttc MuWr e adniars by th. yfr Utters U the Editor pow-id. fothin" it btntai me wicwwn nj a Ortat man. This short sentence is inscribed over ,1.. .loor of thesmall building, in not liiid which was once the workshop of ftter the Great and furnishes more thn volumes of common description oid history could do, an insight into the character of the man who raised th Muscovites from the deepest bar to the rank of civilization, and t.'.J die foundation of an. empire, the tiU-ni of which the world as yet seems little able to comprehend. One of the most fatal errors to which men are subject, is the. disposition to tiyt small thing with contemptuous wlifll'feuce, forgettingthatgreat things art but ail aggregate of smalt ones, and that discoveries and events of the greatest importance to the world can be traced to things roost insignificant In themselves. Nothing more truly iMTk n grigmal mind, and stamp it possessor truly great man, tnan Wsiufe of eircuustauce-whicb would pa. unnoticed by the multitude, ami, by subjecting them to the analy is ot hi reaMnig powers, deducing inferences of the greatest practical re nin. The power of the loadstone to at tract iron, Ims been known from time immemorial accident discovered the bcfthata magnetized needle would sitidicafelli North, but for a Jong-time 1.1 . . .I . I ..-'. n f anB ii I t m JllllS USUI was proiiuviii-e "iv iicduho. Jlii the bands of Flavia Goja, of Amalfi, 'it produced the mariner's compass, an IBMni1neni inn me whole course of commerce, and opened America and Australia to the rest of (he world . T mention only one of tha results that the me of the compass in maritime discovery has led toit jftat given the potato to Europe, and fthas trebk-d the means ot suosistence. We owe the Galvanic or voltaic bat- tery, one ot the moat powarfol - wtnti in advancing science the world hi vet aeen.'t Madame Galvani'a no ticing the contraction ot tlie mosels of skinned Irivg accidentally toucneu oy person on whom her husband Wi at the moment making tome experiments in electricity. The experiments of Galvani and Velta were followed upby Davy, Hare, and Silliman, and eBects hich have astonished and instructed the world, have been the result. The dry galvanic pile, in the hands ol the discoverer, Da Luc, was nothing more than a scientific plaything. Singer, ot Lontlou. a mechanic ot genius, saw the pile, and applied the power thus genrr- ted to movmsr the machinery ol watch; and one constructed by him has now ran more than sixteen years with' uut winding or loss of motion. A Chemist was at work in hit labors tury preparing a powder far a certain purpose. A spark Ull into his compo sitinn, and it exploded t and from that day giin-powper was discovered. Some uifj 4uestion the u4UrtliTs dTscov- ry, b;re do not. Gun-powder has niitei : , v aided the miner, the loKrneer iu the chemist it has made war, when w carried on between , nations, much less evil than formerly but. more than all. it has niven internal or lei and tranquility to the kingdoms of r.urope, by knocking - down those strong-hold's of feudal barbarism and cruelty, the castlea of a haughty and "otnineering nobility, and placing the weak, so lar as regards protection by law and security, to person and proper- V m i level with the highest. A German Beaaant carved letters on the bark of a beech tree, and with them stamped characters on paper, for the amusement of his children. Nothing "we was thought of thisi but from it Faust conceived and executed movea ble typesj and printing, an art that has perhaps exercised a greater influence on thjs destiny of mankind than any "i"er. thus had a bectnnin?. Galileo was in a church at Florence. ere a drowsy Dominican was hold "ig forth on the merit! of the Virgin, nu the miracles of the Holy Church thinn about wli'i-k ha . nkiliUonhor cared Verv little. Th nrinrinal lamn uf tbe charch had been left suspended in nl. - . ; .i . ?. ' . j "v.ii a manner mai u bwubs: lo ana 'u hy the slightest breath, and caught eye ol the philosopher. a; regu- "Ity of itsnscillatiiinaatrnek him. anil the idea of employing susW vibrations p mettireime occured. Clallica left ne church and rtMnrned la hie mtmtr nd in a short time the first penedulum er made .was swinging.'; : tme . children - playing , with the 5'Mses f a Dutch spectacle-maker. """'ally placed & couple so that - ieeple ot a church appeared much "wt, ana turned bottom onwards. -'vw mt smalt begiumng wa pro djced the - telescopean instrument which, more tliau any other, has en krged the btmMdariei - of tha aoivcrte; and given ii man more exalted ideas of that Being who spake all these worlds into existence. About one hundred and fifty years ago an old man might have been seen in his studyapparenlly amusing him self by witnessing the escape of steam from an old wine-bottle, and then checking it instantaneously by plung ing it into cold water. There are multitudes, ho would sneer at an ob server of nature who could stoop to notice such a trifle yet this expansion and condensation ot steam in the wine bottle, and the train of thoughts which it suggested, in the hands of the Mar quis ot Worcester, gave birth to the steam-engine the most valuable, pre sent that Science has ever made to the Arts. Those very men who are now filled with delight and astonishment when they bouold the beautiful steam boat majestically ploughing the waves, or the steam-car whirling its train of carriages over the rail road with almost the rapidity of thought, would be the first to look and speak with contempt of the train of causes tli it led to such important results. Hut perhaps the example of Newton, more than any other,couclusivfly proves that there id, in the whole circle of na ture, nothing trifling to a truly great mind. Thousands had seen apples fall from the treegto the earth; yet no one hail ever aked the question whether the-catrseihar caumt the -apple: tn fall to tlie earth, extended to the moonr - yet this question, and its solution, was the key which has unlocked the mech anism ot the uii'verse, and given to man power and ideas that could other wise never have existed. The great truth these examples in culcate is this that (here is nothing trifling in nature, nothing that is not worthy attention and reflection, noihing that does not form part of the great chain of cause and effect, and capable, consequently, of leading to the most valuable and interesting events. There is an impression abroad, that it forms no part of the business of the tiller of tne soil to think. This is not true; and the position should be exploded at once, it is scarcely possible Tor a man r 16 be more favorably situated for an observation. f, nature, than is the farmer. Hi business, js jpithjhe joil tie treads anon with its constituents and their varvina DroBor-tiona with the green ""earth, and its covering of herbs and plants, its trees ami flowers while over head i streched the broad over-a rtlitBgtky. iMiiiBg 19 a lul reflectlnn, and urging him to "look through nature up to nature's Ood." was drawn and etecuted, and a largr sun 01 money was aavancea, in order to etlable hira to WosecuTeliislurahfe ment. On reaching his. home, the Deacon immediately, prepared a room in his garret, and began to collect his drove, exercising them every morning under the crack and laah ot a long whip, to regular marches round theToom. - The plan operated favorably while the number of cats were small, and the space sufficient for - free movement but when he had assembled a laree number, opposition arose and when the whip was applied to force obedi ence, the whole mass, aa by common consent and simultaneous movement, pounced upon poor Deacon, and would have torn him piece -meal, but lor the timely aid of the family, who roused by the noise, burst Ihe door of the chamber, and allowed the cats to es cape. .The Deacon fortunately sur vived his wounds, returned the money advanced him by Fraiier through the agency of his neighbor C, and relin quished the contract. 1 he war whole strengtli battle field, und both the high contract ing parties to ;4he- eat contract, did their country some little servve. Some ten years after the peace of 1783, Fiazier, en closing his business. journeyed through the interior to col lect his balances and among tbe test called on Ihe Deacon for the fulfilment of his bond, demanding the amount of advance (whiclr the country merchant had ttevrrTctirrnediywrtb. interest," and a heavy Sum as smart money, for ne glecting to perform his covenant. llus was like a thunder-bolt to the ears of the poor Deacon, w ho had not once doubted but that the merchant's money had been promptly returned,1 and the bond cancelled. Presuming there must be some misttke in the mat ter, he resisted payment and an action was instituted to enforce the demand. headlong down the grnltejteps, bruia. bsrlkng tlaWJjBsafassiassal tortofiai hsa htiHHwbfcMepSftm4htr "tfid 1 bil aunulUrie'ousI If oooes, wuue others -leaped Irun win dows twenty leet From the ground. Tie house was soon cleareil, and neither judge nor jury would return to it (bat, dayj the cause. 'irt for the Deacon by general accit)t and a committee was anpaintedomtigate the matter the following jilay. Some lime after the death of Mr. West," which "happened .immediately after the adjournment of the ceUbrateil' Hartford Convention, of which he was a member, and which.' was the only public frost he was ever prevailed up on to accept, it was diacuvt rrd that he, finding the Deacon's defence desperate, added stratagem to his eloquence, and placed (he uigtit previous a number ol boys under the floor of the court-iooin with tats, who,' upon a concerted sig nal, were to make their squall. They were admitted through the rear wall, and after nigQarclly dismissed. From lb titw Orlvan '1'rue Amariean ptacb. B wmI iaii a "atoct SMrctunf op. my m. i( indaad any thing which the Ad miniatraliiMi doe, ca eirit tonishmfnU Wa propose t tfve a law aitrVu, in "brok duM," m m aot to bt4iM tb nMwiar with tba ooolaaipUUao f Sao heavy snM of aorrup- MM at OB tuna. Mr. ktund aayai mtnecment of Gen. Jackson 'a admin istration, the-official newspaper was the IJuited States Telegraph, publish ed by Duff Green. Thing went on pretty smoothly lor a while, and until. as was said, some- teaious rivalry I have not jriainined to see if the'othef v bestow a partof their printing pat ron- age on. tHse same tndiVkluals. This further fact, however, is disclosed by the printing accounts of these depart meuts that, Jor some time past, the have tHriwn4areeWrtibnaol their m We know, sir. that at the c6ra-Ttng into thehahda of I.angtrt- 4t t; Sulavaii , oL this city,' who arepuo lishing a periodical journal, the 'Dm ocralic Review," which professes to be a literary work, but at ' the same time', devote its columns id the cause and defence of the administration, with a ' teal equalled only by the Globe, and, ' at least one ol Us article recently sprung up between the then Vice f re sident of the United States and lhi4ilLtleast one ol Us article recenij nresent Presideut. Mr. Van lluren. publislrimmvt-a-WfleW8rd fof who was then Secretary ot 8tate. ltjust' rhs I Ibink, aa that pa was said Green was suspected for cher- j Ppr does., . , r ' ' ishing a stronger partiality for the Vice The executive patronage of the presi President than lor .the Secretary n was one or tlve great chapter of relorm - which ensued galled the JlOUNliLlNB Waited bp the Glob jth of the coMotry into the , tf)e ;f ,thooU ,;f row,idllel Dlair. bm State. Hut t do not prides to be fa miliar with the causes of this family jar. uenort say that the telegraph was not discontinued abruptly, as Ihe oflicial orr;in,'bnt was gradually sup- e, and Us editor, ' ..ilfvK, t.1. great scholia ot medicine! '" " throughout the world, there has seldom PrpMe from Kentucky. Among the been witnttapil m-u.i.Ur trim..h f means resortetl to for this purpose, as human 'art than Was achieved m our complained of by the Telcgraphweiei Ihe cause wss brought to an issue at the village of Keene, where the good people had jut finished a new and tasijfjkLjchuich, -and hud -torned-tha, k " ..i.i -i ... . . uiu one eievaieu someeignior ten len upon jgranne lounuaiien, over 10 me, purposes of justice. The Deacon, when he, found himself drawn into the law, employed the slickheaded, eagle eved, and eloquent -Rea.Wcst-t defend his cause and against him had been, pitted 'the -young; .and brilliant J.. iaHoii, rrom ine singular character of the casr the parties litigant, and the; a general mtereat had been excited) and women and children' thronged the nouse to utersi stumng, to hear tlie story of the Broken Bond. " : THE BRUK.EN BOND. Hundi eda of our youth who have read Wirt's graphic life of Patrick Hen ry, have actually supposed the effects a set i bed by the inimitable biographer to the powers of that self taught ora tor's eloquence, in the parson cause, the beet cause, and the storm scene in the House of Burgesses of Virginia, on ihe adoption of the Federal Constitu tion, to be mere fantasies of the wri ters brain, and out of the question tn the practice of real life. To those who have never witnessed the force of elo quence upon the minds of a listening multitude, such inference may cer? tainly appear natural and very excus able; especially if they had' not the pleasure of knowing the exalted char acter and pure purpose oPWrit; but for others to doubt the veracity of his pen, seetnfe erj much like question ing one's own existence. Patrick Henry, however,, is not the only orator ot our infant republic. who, by the lorce of eloquence, has cleared the courts of justice and the halls of legislation. And to back this assertion, we here offer the simple story of the eveuts connected with the "Broken Bond," referred to at the head of this article. Just before the war of the Revolu tion, Deacon Dudley C of New Hamp shire, accompanied Zebina C. his neighboring merchant, to the town of Boston, lliere they called en Mr. Frazier. a large importer of foreign fabrics with1 whdm Mr Z, C, -waijn the habit of dealing. The deacon, thoughtful and enterprising, proposed trade also, but the wary citizen-de clined the purchase of his butternut and hickorv Ditts. his ketrs of nickled - . a i tcouL and bales of . peltry but finally expressed his wish to purchase a drove of cats, for a ship, which he was about to send to a quarter of the world where the animal was unknown. Bu said the crafty purchaser, they must be trained to the whip, and to regular marches across the country to ship board, and then to a market in forgein trade. The Deacon thought of the of fer and concluded that aa horses, mules, horned cattle, sheep, hog and turkies had been trained and driven by thousands across the country to a markets he could ooj e why thereat also might not be trained for the same Ine pleadings were opened by young Mason, with a bold flourish of antici pated triumph, frequently mingled with a lurking sneer at any aerious attempt at ueleace and he was replied to by . - . . t ' I' r ' ' me grave anil siuooorn cnarge oi a in reet and premeditated attempt upon the lile ot the venerable Ueacon ran officer, who in those days and among that peo ple, stood in sacred relation to the church, next to the minister. - To sustain this charge, the witty counsel first held the princely clad and-1 an (He mil the own citviin Katuril.iv Imt Ii r l.u. J . . J - . J . it... 1 .! , ,1... ...... ... rrnuival ill "iiwui kib m - - . . - . . . i oi its subscrilH-rs V .. . .1. 1 . ... -I ! .!...! . . I u iiiuii m; in in uiriii, iijiiiiin iu uav th special furnish a ne . isioou i into which , the famous retrehthmsnf report of this House was divided,' ft is thera tated as an alarming fact, that the amount paid for priming and ad vertising "by the executive deniif. ments at the seat of government (of the then three last years, (1885. 1826, and 182?,; and by the General Post Office, in wo years, was 8? 1, 830 51." ' In the same report, we are ler or rrquoats X4 various jMMamal0- told that, the printing for' Con gres, the senate and House included, from March. 1819, to December, 1827, being a period of eight year, amount'' led to S2n.888 ?r. These were tho't zenbeig, iu the successful cengvuital cataract. That the cataract liaa twi-n aiirsKfiitl .tioi-tti,l ,nitH 7 , .. -....,-. r..---r , ..-. .....ft. ..r .u--t:l.. we, v. b, t i icawac, uui ii iio wiwt i . .. . - !. . - . . , been where civilization has aided the "us way ir was initiated into lavor. oe rairaiagant ep,H-xj-.. T . ., . . " . . r.r mn.iii njrn.ii.i..i..n i .ii.. r.. I heir l he 1 1 ouse to mil ulsre me a Te W nis skiii, and wnen the mind is so --"........ Vm- - - - - - predisposed. ,h, snrgeon'l path is w , Wr?d. I have no moment, in ho ding dp to their iewi smoothed of many of its obstacles.JuVmlilJS? r "ll m,t ."fif I u n " t Z But in the recent tri.mph of Dr. Lu- "that at all hazard, the paper he sus- ork. (Mr. Cambreleng,; who zeuberg, every sort of difficulty and t'".ed,'' and will leave it for others was an active member of that commit- imprdiment lay in his walli tm- wl,u know P Blair better than 1 do, tee a in.rror. in which the prtetieal tWwt wa ' tLlV hl ildViJL- aleUrmlsi. -whetUer the Adiuinistro- reform maybe seen-' IMhe gentle". wlS Z ltZ:r Z. f . furnishing editor for . or th. party, shall find theob ect .r ,.rrrn-i...n... t MikGlobe, succeeded in eetUiiE a "true Ji hideous one, 1 can on y ay the pic . ' i. . . ' "T trustv Mlow. aMlow that will rha ture t eflected is the work of their own uoic hit in riKiuic ine onemnoii. Ihe eircumstancee are these. , trusty fellowf a fellow tbat will 'go the We eflecte d is the work . , whole,' who is troubled with no prin- hands. t ". Among the geminole prisoners is a F' any - mwynt w who wim . ' T " "ZfZiZ r. i. ...i : sunnurt a certain, nlerest--'.thro thick Ueptember, 1 837, the several executive Tt.r3?mr'"!,M?l andrthiu This! km w. that tlie ad- departmerits, inclusive of th. GenetJ ';Zoiz Sd.rf FViK' -k hedthattiffi audausonc its wilder natives. -and ih an iminense amount ot pa- e r printuig. ... w..e . grj sua ausong.iis w imer aai . , ;. : , w atreiifftli years, u as 10 trompar It with, thf r-:. ignoraocrnt a belirf in its immobility . ,0;l!Si 11 a1"'" . T w7i .t.i.a k. ti,. liave ever made her resigned to her af- VVr was first 4 j Mod n t be f flictton. When atrivj here, it was P f'- ' 83 . The whole -"'V i'trt;' SItSi IB .t.u. i.ih. m;-.i... i.i paid for nrintingbr the Executive De..3j0.ll6 j7, ayf airo,D58 19 13 wa SlliLtxeJuet 1 ' MOunl st1 by ' T a 4 m ao I tha tomaime, , ,, 7 removetf,-,that The -reat medi- tTV' J'if mi ika wnitai tnun mm in airst as a r - ' f i . ..j & ,.. , y t,-. . -. liaAtrtTarprgBo to Atr relaHvea and ththie of her nut mnfr pnn be cine tmenis. u. .;,L... B.Uf.n ..i.nd "ii'Wii anii puousnrs uirvuKmiui ine vnro thiA eiunci1, - aitu the resu 4 Stair- In 18J4 and 1835, the on U3tU day of September, 1837, of their deliberations waa this . tu. whut amount o naid was R83.966 50t the priaUnic for Concress tSenata and lar decree What the great spirit wW' tmri, say &40.47J 16, HuseJ and inclusive of certain land has denied, the pal face cannot Pa'l to the Globe, and the residue document, book, and engraving, a- . year by iha Kerunnrrv, , , ,j f 97,227 6T s aiso nnu mat, " n years enotng S ive wbat th Manitto has or 8,,,l a f ,tre aiTieTore.- ror ItieTirxtTmronted tw 973ti5S42. Let us dr ained. it would be '"haa'"iiiTifa -Hy reported by lh coiffi drento wish to change." Frequent I837: tUe ceral ISxecuiiva depart- nuttet a paid lof the ama objecnar; importunity, however, induced a bet- m'nl paid nut, lor priuting. the enor- jrear by ..the .administration which ter state of feelinz, and the patient at "u,ul ium r S142,8Q4 Co! Of this,, w condemned for il extravagance length consenting, the operation wa communication ous iar mmured to their society, as to have mbibed most of their nature alledg- nu that if sliut p alone in the jury's lobby. bewo.uJd.insttDtIl.ivJorjbj old companions. This brought a tre mendous burst of irrepressible laughter from the whole crowd- and set th bench in a perceptible Utter. When the fit had fairly subsided, he adroitly changed his key, and presented the unoffending, grey headed Deacon, cast helpless upon the floor, beset by a hundred furious animals, made despe me uioue received 27. and that was 37. that om-ra- perlormed at the barracks, on Salurdav, 'he balance wa div'uUd and uUlivi. tion will how that the Reformer have the 14th altby Dr Luzen'bers assisted' ,''"r'h- lH,'l being thu given indu paid, io the legislative patronage of the . by Dr. Labalut, in the prenre of the PrP""un, amouhe whole pack,, pre, 8479,701 25 more in ii yeara chief of th Seminole. Many aingu. fro,u "he turdy mastilT that bowl at than the .wjiig jirty ijaid in yerl! , lar difficulties presented theuisel vesi the door of the Treasury, down to lh ,I the attempt which the resolution firstly, from the impossibility of prompt n,, reltng turnspit that barks on j under consideration propose, no dan- bet ween the patient w,?''".w'n,'w.",r;. uut it will br.oOserved that, ao far, executive obtained th llepresenta- .i.i. . . if ..n.i.. K. c iiv , anu lor tne two years endinz on ...... . ik 4AlU ion -.I :...) vanism. Hot skill and perseverance ",v -v' ". s ran nvprrnm. ail i,n..tim.n. ii.. f publishers were paid, . on that ac- poor savage" of tlr"" woidlrp'f e'p'Sf fd""rar rwr"r i wpt j .wn.v rgoi m yuun pi iiunig receive Irom the white man the inesti- "' -J""e WM! wioue oo .tuc "", r.""""!)' ' mable blessing of sight. The eyes, ncwPpe' has received Irom the gov-1 press. tj And, to rstauiisii this, 1 will ( which in their blind state were addil ernment M lne published documents state .briefly a few Item, contrasting tionally afflicted with oUiquity, will Prov.ei Bearlf '820.000. What it has. the precept with , the practice of the ' henceforth assume their natural nosi- ' """ti .. iti;- iciuimnh iiiiiiiiisin,Mipiivuiiu . .iun holders and expectants, surgeons se con dir. because .k powereu mercnaoi up io ine gazeoi from ubit - y, of wefe I nave staled tne amount ot court and crowd, a. an old nolon-l thrown tn ,' 1,1 -cantfiu.:-a.d V"!S the ptea. 4,nly. and experienced cat dealer, lamij ,hJp,,. h,f.u mp.,i ccm -er. 1833. the Globe with all their habit, and o long .j .l , .... r - print' -iir for the House of ger await Us, but a gret Civil rv umpb mar be obtained by it. 1 invite the xentleinan from New Hampshire to adopt the word of hi gallant tate man, aim, instead oi muiking ii "ira-.j practicable,' let hiinay U'lt try.' But, air, we have been greajly dtgp- poinied iu. the failure of tlits' promised reiorm in many oiner rcspecis oesiue turn. t ll rmiv lU.-.f .mpi Ii nn r I .... . I . " L Mi. V 11.1 .IIVII ,wiit, the Seminole rbift watcUed itov-ri . a Jl a a rate oy nunger ami long connnemen, intent t- n ij(Iuer -.ome fa.tened Upon h,. throat, .uck- whe & h h body, tearing away he fleeh, and otbera chltf Ml0red her uber,ea th. oale td innumerable host i er on whom this patronage ha ud from ofijce- ho one can in the report a ready alluded to, I msy Wfllt. T urlll titkl ..r !.. K .nitj.MlnMf l 'tflivtulAM r.liA . ..w. ui-nni, CVII V, tllV wm nn viiii.iiiuuu vj m mitibiwii v, t.w of editor and print-' subject into a few prominent h'S'J;;' n. I..,1.nK.r.'d .l.n.,1,1-. ,er on whom tiui nionil aa i mm ihowered. Mny of diem have receiv nd poor print-, subject into a few prominent ti'ti".', . been, But, in the language of that report, I eceiv-jain 'far. from thinking f shall now ex- at his fare' gashing his cheeks and tear ing out Ins ere with their claws. Hit peculiar picture brought tbe whole scene before the eyes of the court, the jury-and trie people,, whose sympathy waa excited to a shower of tears, com mingled with audible imprecations on the head ot the wretch who bad plot ted the mischief. Of, this irenerat .excitement, tlie adroit counsel took instant advantage. and Dearmg with irresistabte foice up on the feeling and conscience of the discoiuhted merchant, assigned him in tones of language that went to his heart and harrowed up all Ids . sensibilities, his nasi linn with rata in thia life, and in tne life to come with an escort of cats a he made hi journey thither. i hi denunciation wa fervid. Wither ing and overwhelming. -and was in stantly followed by a continued chom of cat squalls, proceeding from among the very feet of the spectators, as thoogh the assigned escort had actual Iv arrived to accompany the affrighted merchant on his untried journef. Tlie children began to cry, the wojoeh t to err. the women to purpose. At all events if he could not scream, and the men to stare, and all drive them, he wa tore , he could train them to follow him, for hi old Tab often followed- him to the field and wood. It therefore concluded to furnish the dror of t. A bond to move enmant towsrd the dmc way, seekinr immediate effregv" The. panic wa universal, the jam fearful, and to many nearly' fatal. 8omefe l-'and w era tramp ed, ttpofl, thth pvtcaed face closely, and wa satisfied he could give her sight: that their own great medecin," their prophet, Felix-tlaya. could do nothing for hen but if the would submit a few moment longer, the medecin of . the pate" face would enable her to gaze.upon her children and their father, -and to look out upon the beauty ot the country where they were going to dwcllf that she could then mingle in their dances, and sec how their braves coltid defend her irwam! Bound by habit to obey her chief, and with aoinu ray of hope to support her, the patient submitted the second operation, which was pcr- lormed with matchless skill, and -well requited success. Under all the cir cumstance of the case, this rosy well be onsidreV-ne of ; the proudest a- chievetnenta of surgery sad we cannot avoid envying the Doctor the gratifica tion he must lee I when he reflect upon the result of hi benevolence and. skill. Mary ha a child, nine year old, alto born blind, who wifl be operated upon by Dr. Lozenperg, in the course of th -.1. mi ... wees. ni. ucccs acam crown nn obte efforj. s,:c Facto for th People. U y Vpom lb rfaotutioa of Mr.Hopkina, to di rort lLa Oovernoient fraa tha' Pram." Mr. I OoaJ of Obi tnad aa abla an j ananaweraU ed small sum others, again, do nut haut tle suhlect" I shall 'have only quite equal the Globe editor buHopened" it.M I pretend to nothing more 4 win name a taw who seem to be among "at thi time than to lay the foundation , the preferred, and then leave it for of a system, to U' followed up and their readers to ay whether their pa-; completed hereafter" by the people, 1 ' - i . . s - . w r i no proiongeu. session oi vongres , per can be supposed tn be .under, the wholesome regimen of Treasury diet. , I find that Hill & Barton, of New Hampshire, have received in about six years, between 7,000 and RB.OOO. Du xidg tho ame time, Shad rack Peiin. of Kentucky, has been paid about 510,000. nearly the half of which has ! I .1 oeen pain wimin ine last two years. Ilnnn. t.. - ... . f IIIC IIUIC, IIIO UI IUS 111 a cnnspicooua chapter in the- formed book of reform. The ' committee d as 'one of the most nnuneed the usage serio'u evil attending the national le gislation of the country,' -and, by Way ' of arresting it, recommended "tliat the , compensation of the members, daring4 the prst session of each Congress b leduc d to two dollar ner dav from True & GreeTChas yGrtJreeir, "ahd Jan atler Tlie firstTklohday eeT Aprilrir" Beals & Green, of Bojtoif, have been Congress should it beyond thst time. 4 paid 227,204 76! I the course of uvo years, Medary. Many penny were paid 2,958 66j Paine Clark fc, 837 53 Mifflin 8t Parry, f Philadel phia, 81,822 C Medary, Reynolds, 1 Medary $1,584 and 8mul Meda ryoi Brothers, all of Olio,rg2,002. All these payment were madebv the UOst Olfice Department) and, in addi- iion avi ui printing patronage, soma of these partis enioved advaotaioua contract in the am department, for the upply f paper tnd twine. con nected with heir printing of. b!nk. The contract .for blank, paper & twine, when examined, aa theyjwer vj' vow cvmnuiKM ( pi invesngiion, disclosed th practice of moot, repre hensible partiality t in ihe ' Postmaater Gcof rat fyt eetarirpoKtical favoritea, Thia wa lhe prisceplr now for tho praciicr. i nv icihuh m vuiigress, ao far froiw being shortened bar been prolonged, no remely applied, and the peopfe of . the country ought ,to fcnowj that the gentleman from Jw York,': (Mr. CambrelengJie eacljM B1,rch, 1830, when n attempt wa made iof ' carry into effect th remedy prfpbsed in the report of th committee of which1 he wa a ns,embr. by reducing the pay' f member, did himself actually resist and veto against tha niea r; ' The report alleged thatf hbugeis' haaf taken place fram the various and' ar- r bitrary manner in whicfi "member e timated; their mileige-' .Th' ibusi was iscerlaiued to have beenjpractiseJf by tht.jtpf irniert' helhe1Tfl,Da, hT bavt cobtin'uedLtlML'prictict.witjikQuf s. - C V ; t ;J'. IV- IF-,

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