.--X a j a A uuh tn euottier pgs n I "I . ... -. i . r:.:.. nrw.i tha . . -patch ' ,"ou " .Z-it si,: Horftin- for diwamni the o ".7 th Pr. II i on. ol the of L,. .b,ered during the piel -- ,rv rilitt-B. II now op " -mi tv-lto profess on Ibing - r ' .jihrr condemned , " r r" . .. - im nvn rwm This hi i espenuuure or r,. .. In thrir h.n4 for th throw of Sir. Adams' administration; atui Invert L h . ani-rord of but few of hi meas- F ' . ..... i .n.liuuJ ! tut ice be . ,! liim. and let the same given ! mow Uo succecletUi"".. Mr. Benton was proml , t!,r,i in denouncing alwtes; indeed, lie L kiuotiseport on tin abject, went into . j". l in drluil, and, in holding up to the . t ti ..I - lift Ia oInm kfcatewl alliccaiuu- ,;."... - . Ui, e..ilrmsn I..M them llisl the Uloe Hook four KfuMi already corresponded win iuo 'liej Di.fe of Monarch!." All Una n done , jrltp prrpwim is'ti". . L hciciIcJ- Jackson came into power under li he dying banners of retrenchment and reform; UtiiHr. wa cliJice 8tanUrU-tearer; and our rendu have ouly to refr to the extract in an ,hcr column, to know how well ho executed ,!,! trust. Speaking, in that Report, of the . I f executive officer, Mr. Denton raid: b4 f,iriuiJ.ill liKt. indeed! formidable fn. ii.ini if r. mill mill mure u uum ius . . . t iiil . -r I. ,,l 'uioiu'V ill tnuir nam". ' " acuun ui iutu !wli of men. aupixwinir them to bo animated t.f one sirit, mut h trmiiondou in an elec- iiii and that lliey will ue o anunaiau ia a i,mn.diluri too plain to ncd-domontraton. i' r . oer over a man' uptort h alway len UU and admitted to he power over ni win. ITie Ptednt baa pnwrr over the aupport ol all these offlcei. and they again have power ,ier4lie auptHirt of debtor merchant to the n. UK-uJlion of.dolJr.-per.nnumK ,suU over the daily aupport of an iminenite nun- r uf individual, iirofewional, laechaiiical, anu (y tahoriii!r. to whom they can and will extend or deny valuable private wll aa iublic p- uonta, teenrdmj to Hie pari wicy nn act in tjte at well as in r euerai eiecu.w If thi wu a 'fonuidable list' then, what doc Mr. Ilentuii now think of the UK t H US D I! K D T II 0 US AN D oflice-hold- cn, now crealoil, and those that would be crea ted ty the Sub-Treasury project! Are they lost dangerous than were the mere hanjful un der tU. Adama! - Of one ibing wo are certain. The dominant party came into power condemning the very abuse which tbey afterward practiced, and which they are now o unscrupulously practi- eiu. We hope the people will not fnil to eee- iliisaml to learn then) that denunciation of abuse does not eniiile him who denounces, to t!i piactice of it with impunity. MR. CALIIOUN. Tvpe of a race who did Corruption acorn. As rock reit the billow round their shoref We hive been more than once aurprised and startled at the epithet heapej upon tin, great mtnj and by thane, too with whom he baa effi cisntly acted In dfeiiceefjdjw!jearjDclulea nTtTie'Constitutibn. Tbafli) should be tra il j rtd by ihe miniona of despotUrri, those wllom ha has bearded in their den, is not to be'won- dered-at; but it excitoa our epccial astontsh- ment wlirn those who have been Me coadjutor in reform, turn upon him with bitter and un charitable denunciations, whenever hi great nJ original mind dare to think and act far it self. This attempt to injure a man for inde p.'oilcrice of thought, and action, exhibit a principle which we condemn a disposition to ettraciae every one who will not yield hi own opinion to party: it i unjust, inimical to the )iiit and geniu-of our free institutinns, and calculated to injure the great cause of constitu lional liberty and popular right for which the whigsof this country are contending. In hi opposition to a National Bank, Mr, Calhoun at feast think himself perfectly con riilcnl; and ao think manvofhi intelligent and unprejudiced countrymen. In supporting th Bank of 18 IB, he yielded to what be deem til the nereixiiy of the case, growing out of the lhn exUtiug and long established connexion brtween the Government and the Banking sys tem. On this question be acted-with Mr; Mad ison, who believed a bank to be unconstitution al, but, yielding to necessity, recommended to Congress it establishment In 1831, for the nuns rtaton, ho urged its re charter for short lriod. Now, in hi opinion, that necessity no longer exists, and ho can no longer, consistent lj villi bi view of the Censtilutiuu, tupport tli't or any nimilar institution. Wiiou rt ccnlly, on the Sub Treaeary pro jt, Mr. Ca'h iun acted with the ediuinsatrauVut P"ly, a certain portion of the wbif perty were loJ and deep in their dennncistiswtac while the Ololie, u jf iD mockery of ear divMoa, was (ratiGed to see "John CalaUmt CdMa' Kinreitpon -firm groentl;" Maee bo i "'trong mm straggling in jnrai" IwH M by nchantmenl, in ewe aseatev ete4 of . 7. firmly fixed binwelf Bpea Ua IvsweJ ciplrs of ihia pare and " I b j nut what wa the setracl! thi principle.? Did be yieU to tMrrHsj! Of hilled by the syren rbaeM of asj ; r-reinlent-maksars! No! do! II svsmJ a aa- eormpied and fearless as be did in la 1 ed i II Voted rihllA ka W., I.a -n.l ka -B j - a i bs nervesnd intellect to mset tbe cosMsrqoea-c"- Did this evidenoe ambitien! If eot waa n honoraple ambition aa ambiuott to serve his country, from which, never in tbe 6 re of Touth nor in th. vigor of manhood, baa be found an inducement etrona-enotub to swerve him. t.. Some are inclined to view his recent course "HI "bid forth, Presidencf." Then a he moat unluckv bid ha has m'aldiilstd lu boat-fof will the adninistraUon support hunt Will th, pjrta ,uppolt jmf c lh, 1uth aldri,,,en'-individesL elect bim! To bhese , . VI1ITI twlj siui jmt i- t houn knew IWs. AnJ tet hi apport oft met- I . , : . " - 1M pAntftaM twai ik W . - - ,....v.. or a overeigq State, k denounced a a bid for th Presidency! .. He la cow, and ever ha been. with the Soother Slab) Right Party, and for ; this I he denounced by h North, and tradu ced, by theigner of th Proclamation. Th man who "follow in lb footatep" caused the breach between Mr. Calhoun and Gen. Jack ion. To do thi he was influenced by various, and, to him, conclusive reaaon. ' Mr. Calhoun ticket, that he might secure the South te bim, and thus ensure a Preaident who waa commit ted against the tariff policy. They aucceeded. Hut where was Mr. Van Duren all thi whilel PrulHibly upH)rtiig Adam, or inatructing'Tlu (u King or ai)luelMdy'! else to vote against alive Elates. Uut when be found that the Or leans hero wa gathering popularity thai the Sonili, through Mr. Callioun' influence the great west, despite of Mr. Clay's popularity, a portion of the north were all flowing to him, he larked altout,- and rejoiced in the "expedien cy" of "Swrving under auch a chief." Thus was General Jackson elected; and Mr. Van Bu ren, who had done him some service in New York, was quick to gain the favor of the old Hero, whoauddenly imbibed Northern feelings, and, or course, a dUlike for Mr. Calhoun, who waa unbending and uncorrupted. . Uefore the campaign for a second term, Mr. Calhoun re aigned, and Mr. Van Buren wa forthwith nom inated in his stentl on the Jackson Ticket. The State Rights party then' rallied under Mr. Bar bour, but they, were beaten. Mr. Caliioun then entered the Senate; where he exercised all his mighty energies against the Proclamation, and other Federal assumptions and encroachments. Siiicc that period, aa before it, be hs been the sworn foe of executive power, the unconquera ble champion and defender of tho 8outh; and, if he has recently erred, in our judgment, we yet do honor to liTs various and splendid abili- tios, and rety impticiily in hts hrtnesty an p- riotiam. And the South should remember that they are induhted to his powerful and solf sac rificing exertion for their release from the op pressive and odious tariff policy; and that they still behold in him one who i indeed and in truth their friend the vindicator of their right , , ... ... . . . ,i n1 honor-therepr..ent.t,ve of theu purcjj lofty principles one who never sacrificed prin ciple to party, nor bowed 'the pregnant hinge of tbe knee" "where thrift follow fawning," at the footstool of power, nor yialded to executive or legislative dictatiun. . s VIKGINIA ELECTIONS Fur 4L Rmult. It turn out at last, that Mr. Bank if elected to Congress by a majority of 13 vote over Mr. Slaughter, and has been returned by the Sher iffs, notwithsUuiktng th informal manner in which ome of the poll were ' held, which it was at first reported they had rejected. '' " -. In tbe Legislature, th Administration have IS majority in llie 8cnato, the Whig 14 in theUousejpfDejegate, making a tie on joint ballot. Some given to the Adminiatration, it i t!uL wilLiole Ub JheJVhliisiadbKijoi oi wbisj Ststtass is ersiJl tiUI proKa- ble. A -' ASilHfomttT'JItrSiileed.-'-TKeBdTiirdnil7 in attempting to hold a 'meeting; jn Philadel phia, on the 17th, to a hall newly erected for their use, jJin expense of 50,000, excited tbe popular indignat on, and a large mob waa raised, the bouse wa attached, set fire to, and reduced toash.ee. TREASURY NOTE BILL. The bill authorizing the issue of ten million of Treasury notes, passed Ihe Houae of Repre sen tali vea on the 16th, by 10G to 99; so (mend; ed, however, as to take away aome of its obnox ious feature. A motion was made the nejrtrf day to reconsider, which was negatived by the casting vote of tbe Speaker; there being 110 to 109, be voting in the negative, the queation wa lost. The vote of the North Carolina del egation, oniu passage, was as follows: Yia;, Messrs. Bynom, Connor, llawkin,"MKy, jyf ontomcry Nxt,Mes ham, Renchef, Cha. 8hepjrd, 8lanly, Wih liams. . On the motion to rcconaider Yxa, Messre. Graham, Kencher, A. II. Shepperd, Charles SheparJ, Stanly, VVillimns. iat, Messrs. Bynum, Connor, Hawkins, M'Ky, Montgomery. Th bill passed the Senate, on the 18th, by a vote of f 7 to 13. U. 8. Bauk Mock in New York has tdvanc ed o 1 174. The domestic exchange are also improving: on Philadelphia, t 1-9 per cent, now; on Baltimore, t 1-2; on Mobile, 13 te 15; on New Orleans, 8 to 9; on Nashville, 13 to 15 per cnt premium. Wilmington and Ualeigh I'uilroad Cotnpany, The regular annual meet ing of the stockholders of this Com pa - fey met in vv niningion. on ine , in in stant, and adjourned on Thursday af ternoon. Tha nie,ttnj: was organised bt call ins Col ANUKRW JOVNER, of Hal ifai, I Ihe Chair, and appointing Messrs. J. Mcltae ami lloukted, sec re lar if, lien. James Owen was una- aiomualy reelected Piesident of the CtMnpany, and the old Directors were attain clioaea without, a without, a dissenting voice. sMewra. Jas. L Batllef Kichd Washinrton, E. P. Hall, and J. Cas- aid, the former Directors on the part ol I he fttate, nave been reapmnteu Jor the ensuing year, so that the Hoard now stand. JAMES OWEN, President A. LAZARITH, P.K DICKIN80X, A. ANDERSON. Dr. T. II. WRIGHT, W. B. ME ARES, ROBt. COWAN. - 'Directors choeest by lb Stockholder. E.p 1ALL. R. Washington, J. CASSIDY, J 8. BATTLE, Director appointed by the Bute. ColsAndrew Jnyner- waa the prosy on behalf of the State. So large a num ber ot Stockltblder hat neverbefore convened in' North Carolina, and we think we are jttatifted in predicting. the happiest result mj b.cofidentlj ajj- v ticipated from the- ie tnd enetfj mtniiestea vj all . l TUtt the work will be tooa brought t ahippj concluiioo" we hava -riota dutibt, and we liucrrel Iiom and be lieve, that the pint manifested by tin meeting .will rapiillj diffuse tUelf throughout the 'whole State, , It ia ab solutely impossible that Ihe Intelligent gentlemen present at thU meeting can tail to engraft upon the respective por tions of the State in which thev reside, the am ar4ent desire to improve their condition, and elevate the -character of North Ckrolina, by developing the rich recoUraes. which are now bur ied within her bosom. ; , , There were about fifty delegates pre sent renresenttni' 4,668 shares ol pri vate" stock, and Col. Jojrner, represent- ing the stock of the Mate. The following counties were rep resented in the meeting: -Halifax, Nasi), Kdgei (itube, Green, - Lenoir, Johnston, Vayue, Duplin. Bladen, Brunswick, and New Hanover. JA7. Mv. , SC'StAP TABLE. "J";" ' Recognition of Texian JnJejienJenct England, it is said, witi acknowledge tbe inde pendence of Texas thi spring, unless Mexico invades that country. ' A wife in Maine, can, bf- law of that State, divorce herself from a common drunkard Good. A lady who marriea a briite by mistake, ought not to be chained to bim lor life. Jilair i vexed at hi prospects in Virginia; he call one whig returned a mink, another a A-uri, three rsn, dec. dec I be inarUQca- Hon is ill concealed. , The banks of Virginia, have commenced is suing ono and two dollar note redeemable in specie. i ' , Cotton Yarn: The rayetteville Ubaetver aay the experiment of shipping Cotton Yarns from North Carolina to Hie North, has resulted ao satisfactorily, as to induce a further shipment of &U bale, which went forward a few days ago. The price obtained is decidedly bettor then the tame number of Northern Yarn tell Kf: Tomato or Love Jpple. It ha been ascer tained by a chemist in Ohio, that thi valuable vegitablo yields, by chemical process, a sub stance possessing all the medicinal, without tbe injurious, properties of .calomel; fur which it ia much suostiiuled. So ays a Cincinnati pa pur; but we doubt. uen. jacason, in a leiier rcceniiv reau vy pit . 8tate.Senal!(,u,eaiJlh.t . i . i , . . . 1 1 , r he haa ever beeu oppoaed to all bank. State and National, and he look upon them ill uncon stitutional. And yet some ol the Tory editor fly into a rage whenever it ia asserted that (Jen. Jackson's administration waa inimical to the Bank. American Steam Navigation Company. We learn from the New York paper that a new company ia to be formed immediate!), for the purposo of establishing a line of Steoni ships between New York and Liverpool. It i to be called the American Hieam Navigation Com pany, arid they commence with a capital of $ 1 ,600,000. Two hip are to be built a soon as possible, . Lynching A negro cook wa bound hand and foot, thrown everloard and drowned, by the passengers of the Pawnee steamer on her way from New Qrleen tciBt, Iuie, in ronee- quence ol supposed violence having been com mitted by bim on th person of a while dumb Mi wtjosaJaibec waa on board. Mr. Alexander .Jit Boditcox, (say tbe Washington GloU, of the 7th. inst.) waa pre. Stale, on Oaturdsy lust, the 6th Instant, as En- vojP'E xlraordmaryana -Minister PrenipTWwntii ry of Hi Miy-sty the Emperor of Rossi.' Georgia. A ConveiotVof the Union 'par ty was beta at Alilledgeville, On tbe 7th, lor the purpose ol nominaung candidate lor Congress 1 ho persons received the nomination: Robert Pooler, B. Uraves, J. 8. Patterson, D, C. Camp bell, Junius Hillyer, Piram Warrtn, Alferd Iveraon, Dr. J. G. M'Whorter, Charles II. Nel son. It ia said a a weaker ticker could not have been presented. The party butt be bard fan in Ueorgia. . Automaton MinttreL The ingenuity of our country-men ha no limits. Mr. Coleman, it ia said, of Albany, ha completed an Automa ton Lady, who play on everal instrument of music with great taste and skill. I Splendid l)onatioru--The donation f wen y thomnnd dollan by the Pennsylvania Bank of tbe Umled State, tor the relief of tha. suf ferers by Ihe. lale fire t Charleston; 1 One of the most magnificent evidences of liberality any w here oa xecuiiL.xeflcciiag. the high.ei.crf dit en the humanity of Ihe Directors of that institution, Oa the 6th, tbe U. U, Bank commenced the payment of specie for all- euroe under a dollseH and on Monday several other Philadelphia Banks adopted the same course. . 'i'-he toco-foco of New York have tried in vain to get rid of Alexander Ming. He ia to them "the shirt of Nessus." V, T. Gazette. Tbey ought then to cherish him. - He is probably about the only "shirt" they base a mongst them. Prentice. ' X Yankee Bouquet for the Queen of Eng awn. -Among the small . articles of freight which the Great Western carries out, is one which will be a novelty in. England. It is a beautiful, bouquet of flowers, culled from Mr. Thorburn's garden, at Hallet's Cove, and is in ten Jed for the Queen. It waa eneloeed in a tin ease, bereruetfically eealed with a plate glass cover. It wa prepared at the suggestion of Lieut Carpenter, and so prepared, that It ia hoped It will be preserved witb freshness, to be presented next week to the Queen, at Wind sor Cattle 'I'rue Charity. The whole number of schol ars attending th New York City Sunday School Society,' according to tbe report at the public meeting nf the Society - lost night at tbe I abernacle, is 16,000. Melancholy framing Tht parents of three children near Wheeling, Va. left the little onee alone at borne for a short lime. They entered a pig-pen, and firing the bed of straw, were un able (o make their way out. Tbe parent a' larmeU by smoks, hastened borne, but alas, too late to rescu their beloved offspring. Y A request, signsd by a great number of citi- xens of New York, ha been forwarded to Mr, Biddle, to establish a Bank in New York, with a capital of fifteen millions; which it is id will be granted. " The A Ibion slates, that there are yet hopes of urunuy's steam carnage being brought into successful and general operation an4 that it ia, beyond all comparison, the meet advantage ou mode of land convey t nee. ' . . , Tbe Richmond Enquirer announces that the Administration ba "lost the campaign io Vir ginia, by the force ef arctmflanreo." This means, in plain English, by fhetbne of the ma jority of the Feopl of the Bute. . . ' w e regret to toarn that the Bev. i. K. MaffiL at New Orlesnt, was aerioaaiy injured May 4th ' oy a sisoss or in utv wbii vt auung iq, a war den in-tbat elty., -. rCf ' x. The r W rt to Israa that vtoleno has bee already committed by tha Cherokee, within our bnuts, l)r. Joba Bruater, late Surveyor General of th State, baa fallen a victim to their hostility. Ht Ferryman was killed, it is stated a. few hours previous, at the Ferry, from whence they prececstsal to bis boose, ilia body was pierced tew.balrWTO;Vw-A 1 he rmisiieiptiia V. o. U axe lie aunouuee thai ene miUU, out kuudrrd xasawtMsl efoUar were received oil Saturday Jjy the L8. Bank from' ll Wert, w a. . a . Tbe be baa bees found at work on some el tbe stream Hw e miles from Hiohmond. It was thought be had rserimi Virginia. There ceruinlv hae been lateir some sulitical beaver there, working lip the raw material f Vn uurenism to aome purpose. , ai$ntU CsmorsM. A wile, three children', a good fire ia a told day, a socking luif, aud mmwf0ft ' - ' wn Onl at f. At a recent 'electioneering meeting in Maine,' Mr. Justice Preble, a lc Foco orator, on the occasion, actaallr ''Hsr. d that if the iusirof Mr, Cilly were a J titty used. the party would, derive lar more advanta je Irora bi lUath than h had ever been able to rain lor , it in hi life!" Such ia lb viie and atro cious epirit of Loee Focoitm, J. F. Burg win, !aq. of thi Stale ha been invited by the Pecrelarv of War to attend as one on&eHoardjrTSers at the annual exam ination of the Cadets of the United Slates Mili tary Academy at West Point, to co3.uieuce on tbe first Monday lu June. C3 Cratle-ine "in th foottru."- Our old friend of tbe Washington Chronicle we had thought, from bis lofty, independent bearing. would be the last to "lotlow in the footsteps ol thetjurper::aiiil the "KoyaBli" but e mwat eonloss that he is getting a Utile CoL.e. (fj We must declniu piiblythiii(f the strictures of our esteemed correspondent Watson." ' Thry are too caustic." The French are' about to lilockadc Uuen ot A y re. Mttittifipi. Complete return of the elec tion in tin State have not been received! hut it is believed Prentiss smd Word aro e Iccted. " C3 A new paper has beetl' corrt meiiced in New York called the Herald of Holmes" published by Edmund Palmer, "without monef and wttlnrtrt prce-.-,, hlr Pal nre r says - rre "has nothing; to do with money, bein; convinced trut it is not, as must per sons suppose, a perverted, but a per verting institution) an engine of op pressinn, and a curse to all mankind." All this may be very true: but still we are at a Moss to conceive how Jklr. Edmund Palmer manages to live with out contaminating, hi finger with the oase stun, anu more tnan an now; ne manages to get his paper printed With out paying for it. That were a secret worth knowing. Indeed, if Mr.. Pal iner will apprize the. world of his mo dut Ojitrumii,' there will be riojonjer any excuse for irreThtlliig-with money anil therelore that will be the shortest possible cut t the great change be pi o poses in ' the economy- of human life. Mr. Palmer has other great Reforms in view ine aoonuon "numon enverit menti," and the overthrow of ' the "nominal church" which will be ef I fected, doubtless, about the same rime that men come to the eonclusion that gold aud silver and "promise, to pay" 'Brtt we tavivaloabtt . tnan brick-dust and blank paper. ; ljiut, if Mr. Palmer uK!wdv4rfrTmflfftTu t-r - guCe4av4fr4fviflgtTutTrmonert & in nrintinir a mnp- l.u, - svs, il ns ... whert foOtSfeps," though he be for a tlilie.sol- ttary-and alone.' - We fear, however.' that he will fail in hia" Experiment" and that, like the Iiiii'.maii's horse, he will die jusns he has learned to live without eatih. or else that he will be cast into the debtor's prison just a ', he has devised a plan to print a paper wtinout paying lor it.1 However, we shall await t e dtaoutmtnt, fat news paper pamgrs phis t Ray, ; with intense anxiety! Lync. Va. ' . Fob tub Sraa. . '' . A CASE. :, .". ' I am, Mr Editor, a friend to Christian wor ship on the Lord' day. When Tenter '.the sanctuary 1 expect to sea at least decency and order prevalent on the solemn occasion. ( Where lbe.caureeUtfn.Jjicflj kneel too; but, judge sir of a situation where I am environed, on .the right hand and on th - feft, before and behind, with a flood of amb threatening destruction to my best Sunday nit, if I dare venture on my knees! This I think a public evil, deserving public notice. I hive, for many years, thought it irreverent well indecent, to oiler libation of Iheoflen sive Indian weed, intlead of a purer incense be. fore the throne of the Almighty; and when I wa myself fond of tbe article, I never dared ue it at that holy hour and place. Indeed, we generally notice that those who Indulge most in this censurable practice, keep their seatt fur thest front lb a'tar, thereby indicating some doubt whether the practice will hear public in spection. I do trust sir, that public sentiment HI yet put down an eM to unbecoming the bouse ef Uod. ' TITUS, a JIIAItlCIED. fa Baltimore, on the 10th Intl. by the Rev. E. . Dursey, Joseph II. tlatit, .Pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church in thi City, to Mis Ann i, Ueale, of Westmoreland county, Virginia. Oa the UUt, Drt Powell, of Halifax, to Miss Msry Cox. ef Scotland Neck. In Ratherford, Mr. Wm. O. Mode to Mi Win nifred Crow. - Mrr Peter 'Thombury to Mit Nancy Esrwood. Mr. Hsnry Melton to Mis Mirah Dvesv Mr. Jamea I wney to Mia Mar garet M'CurrV. Mr, Daniel. Melton to Mis Narcissus Forturwi Mr. Jarne W. Mode to Miss Nancy Money. In Wilkes, Mr. (John Livingston aged 65 years, to Miss Msry Dy son, aged 45 In Burke, Mr. Isaac West to Miss Elitsbeih Houk.J In Rockingham, Mr. John P. Gibson, of Guilford, to Miss Demaris, daughter of Win. -Porter, Esq. In Orangs, Mr. John Bird, of Caswell, to Mia Ann A Brarnric. In Chatham, Mr. Isaae O. Brooks to Miss' Susanna Marth. In Davidson, Mr. Dern- eey Brown to Miss fclira Mock. In Gibson county, Tenn. an tbe 19th alt, Mr. Benoet Rtgan to Mrs. 8uan Yancey. - 4' ' DIED ''; ; '''; 'X Id Borke, M. Wa, Cuthberteon, r. aged 98 year and 14 day. Jle waa a soldier of the Revolution. - in WedeM, Mr. Jcaut Matthiaon. Prolessor . D. Knowle of the Newton (Bap ) i neologies i loaliutte, 0iea or vanotmd an the fitb imrt. lie caught tha diseis while at tending tbe recent nnivr'rsariee in the city of jtvw s-ra. sm sssuiwoiiiii, . ui. xioftins, tin Nwbefn, Mr. Eihily Hall, etnisort of the late .'. -;' ,'4- v " "77"' ; ' ;" Oe. A. HalL Ea. In Wa'k eounty , Fri day a of a Pulmonary atlection, Dr. Kawsom Hintoo a man i emphatically wiiheui reproach. If be hid an ememy in the world, we never beard of h. v He had for month a distinct view f bw 4iolotion, which be eeniemplated with that entire composure, that nothing bat the in nocenc. intemtv and usefulnese of .bis-ble. and an uni(Ti4a suiruisioo t-.tli. wiU.of Providence eould bestow. Ntgntr-j In re teraburg, on the Tfh Inst, in the bloom of life, Mrs. Mary M. Hurt, the mible eonsovt of Mr. Branch T, Hurt, and daughter f Mr.- WUliam Gilmour formerly mf rhi City.s ' v ' ' . wsss a.. f E AT EiPEDlTION. . Tbe Knieigb awl liu el Company have lb i'ssei to snuouuee to tbe'publia that the ltcidje over the ttosimke and twelve lu Its ef lasirUiiM tvti,g ai(tielal in daily use, for h ii-sasiwrVsliosvuf pte nl produce, lla-y nn h,ri, -.( the siiiHpV.iHHi l ine Kail Jioau bvtsteen Uiehmirnd "aii'1 Pi'tei skilrs;, a eonimii ant hienlrsilsv eoinmnnatatinn from Litilclnn to the North, lu Ihe conns vl k lew wsfis, s bom SO miles more wf Hi' If lUil lloa'l tll t' ready, ohi-u Iwieomolive will il:nlv leve Chalk Levsl f llt'Miln toe lleiwlTuribeNoMli, iusteail of l.lHIcliw a at prescMl. ' ) 1 his is itir tirssl mail route, anil the different Rail Itoad tympanies' nnw run thrlr d.nlj msil line I'uua Cittlvlon la Near Yoik in S'i lurars mimton time, oc liisluilmif nil lupwgea iultn iImh is liuuis, without the H ol a smelts main's sleep. Iravellers from Geeerialinrough, Saliibory ami the VV sal we iufoniitd (list, by lakiii; this, route, hey will reach WaliiiiKon"l-'ty hours ahead "nf any otlu c (int., avonling al the same time about KI miles ol Shying and the loss ul Iwo night's sleep. Tins i the plratsati Jt and nimt experiitinus route to rtie Viigiuia Spiii;. A fli st rale liiis of Cosebr is kt'pt ep Irotn Littleton Ihrougti to UaleiKb oliera Ihe bsihii Weu rs line mter arcti it anil where it unites ailb ihe Brent South ern mail line- to FnyeUcvllIe, Cutuiuki, Aa gut and Urnrli S'us. VlJf" The Kxluiti ll.igisivr, SalKlxtry Waleh man, Greensborough Patriot, KHlrvill Ub sref7 Rtrnrvflttf 'ltt'glsier, i Hi raw -t.'aietirr tjotuiubia Trlesenpe, Autusta Courier, ami M lilt ilircT illu Journal will itiarrt oils w. k until tit nf A'lR'ltl. soil I'orwsid il.sir asvoetitt tutheeinoe. on lit Itshih ltijultr. Kaiiegn May IS, ISSS n it I. : XV. MAKRHAI-Is'S Ointment for llic Blind Piles. Thi Invsliriihla. rem -ity ' ka bees) te-versl teara' before the poblit tilt virta and sHIi-stj have been vrejl tested, d, la noasweu lS'si ers, hi ihe raest sggiavated form nf ihs diarair. In net solitary sate bat It area known to tail la ttteslMig a attr.' Ntsns very resHscSabl pts torn have borne lesiiraeay o its vUisaayt among whom it the Ite. W is. A Smiili, ul lit M. V. CbuVerr, aiMl Kdilor vt the Cnleretwe Jon real, who, Inn's kifowa eaperietMsj,' e"sniiely r eoiniMeail it to tbe liublw St kUta, swaxaa an, ism arncir.nr iluti," li may ld at the b'tore of II . TUCKER, Agsnt, KelrighN. !,ja . t Mi ( :" coach i:;), B.inorcyr.j. The Sebtwriher bas oa baud sssortmewS ef ttl kh..u IVni..!. K,,n,M . - Vte-I,l aislMlil. " - " - -r , VI wviksw 1, m tMi,tsrWaf SemutH iton ailtrt ary maniiiMCiiirefi rlMrwAsts. 1 h ( wuhli.glo supply lueatselte. will phase tall and julge for theucln. .; T1IOS. COHBS. Raleigh, MaySl. tSSS" -. The Preparatory hol Ol theOreenbiirough Female Collegi- t ate Imlitute,,"'"' '-'' ; , It been epeowtl uadrr the topsrintsndenc ol ' , , Mis JUDS0N., !i. .... , ,j ' TriMi of Tpition, Ac. . Readms;, VVrHmg, Aritbinelie, 'o. Itrtt I lettOM ia Geography,- par setsiou of Ave ' mjntilis , . j . . SA nn ttnalMi lirmr, 'fteojraphy.'ll'istoMMrfl the V. atstes, and Brst ieitou in f'hilo- ' 1 hrte, i(n History, Ancknt Uspgrapby ' ' orNstural I'liilosoplir, 10 00 for the preerding,' to far it 'hey remain t h umpltU..-toHUir vuu any of ,iue loiiowiHg: Uliriiiiiiiy, AsirvrxHiiy, ,-. ' Itbetbriol Motirtf , Morsi atul lulcllretu- ty, MfU.ologv.Msi, ; - sHiff LjiIiii, Trench or Spssisb, s'rs. III UU Drawing, Paiutmc, Unianwiiisl Needle . . We k? extra, : ' 10 00 : .Exsreiara in Compotilion, and tbe as itisal reading of such works at are tpsotslly tesigud to loreu the female eharacier, will be submit iJ is, , Suileble Assittsnlt, Uea neeettsry sill be promptly provided..! , i - . A muskal department will be peoctt aw Ihe fit July:' Term, per scniea ot five niunikt, SO dollar.'-- ' - .'' liookt used in the sekoel can be obtained in this plaee I'upilt hoin s ilnisnce are a -id not lorureitli tbemtelvet until tbee arrhal, in onler to teaure uitiluitMiy. ) There will be two sessions of five anwntht eKb. eeromeoeing ea the 1st Janusiy aud Jul. At Ihe pt-caert, aesorsfing te Hits srranewmevil of ihe uoaiil, win be a iirokea session, lbr will ae au suspension of school etertitei litis tuiainci', sul osiinue regolarly on uatil the winttir, teres. i'upils tusy ba enteied at any lima daring the etsiou, and trill be ebartad unlv tl oru tUtt umti Of entering. , -- . A tlricily moral and 'parental diaciplin be snlortsd. ' ;, i.' ' . . Boaril. in renleel . families, can ha nhtslnsJ si from 7 to 'J per mouth., , s , i. i- AptieatKn or eclrfenee rear be made lo Hv. M. tlrwk and Dr. I.J. M. Linrtaav. ' I reent- borough, Ret. H.G, Ulgh, Uo)dton, Va .He. Heaueit T. Blke, Kaleign, and llev. Jesses Hied, SalitberKi lly oriler ot ihe Hoard. -A.vi u a. llltTANT, See'y. ' boro'.May ..,,,' .4I it3 3; Grecniboro. xunitEie ro ai.k. - , The Sobssriber bat bow oa bsnsl, at lit Mill. (It lltake'i) 17 mile ttslol Ualetgh, 100,000 iee oi tnouo'.Sjaiiiber, o( "t"y rrniiiisa ' tawed out of Lnuc l:sf Pine, that Maul-, -.1 ceiiense oi is roe wen anowti la tsM u. pulf. Person sletii wig te pnrchate will pr,M. "pi" w r, s, una sb reea. Usleigli. or to Hry Hortou, at the Mills. -. lb prise at tha MUlswitl fcf,l perboadredi bill, if a Urge qivatay e btssgbt, evea lots tbaa ibat will ba take. k...; ; "-''. ' PETER FOSTRB-;' Wake, May 81,13 ... - Vissw4 jC' " i''ask i , , , . sCxamlnatloas. Lwitlsbarv , N. C. Tbe eatainatioa af tbe Stadeate of tbs male Asademy wu commence ea ssnlsy.ith Jess nest, aad tba young Udies tbe neat day. On Ibaeveaing at I be nd day, an Address will be delivered by William H. ilitlla, Ktq. ta th pa pil ef both Departiaenit, ia Ihe female A astir mt, Psrenla, and all ether hrtereated is Ihe duaaiioa of yoath, ara swspastlully invited to ' tttrad a the asessien, ;... (By ardtr. Loaiibarg, N, C, My 19, U3 i 1w f Trre)"f Ltrat Kawlsief itloa-sa? as J IX THE MTIIDT OF; HC LAW. Tt'UNKK lc tUt;MKUiritS; pleaiure of aunoiuwioc B h acnili 'snksi frt llie BssSnd ble- : deal of ! , Ihn eomutetma ol 4be abase work wbkyw will Im 0nhil ieVsluakle to all In the iaoeiitiou ot a Mu.ly, sseuraie aad iori- stl arrange asrnt it iadrtniai'tttf. Withoe H, the Student wi alwayt grops In ihe rl.rk, and Ulliraatety , Ami hit labor . sisefees 1 he grnt olijret af thi wot k bt to imprest opoa ihe mind llie metrtrHliesI - divukin, nl tajMivtaieti of tllMkHoii Cornnitslfrja wrl!tio enable rtie student eftntvially to .setter e wra and prs ttrvc the errangerasat at tbe ! geaeaal gaide ef ' bit luiuro fluihrt. , . -t , . To the pra .tl. imitr also, ft It rTcemeiT' u teful' in latnlKlating hit learning and" nrmingtn in strustivo' sunt ornamental pnUe tn an 01 fits The genthnlaan, too wtta deairViot of esnming asinted wnhthsl eytlent ef laws, l vhicn wire -it prinsipally, smoostrL sod whkh is highly natetvary to every Lfgislalor and tchnlar, will ba mslsristly bentGlieil by h ,; us-, e.pesiolly lu eotijm.euou with the Coinsaea laries. i. ,i . ... : 'I'ne following Wit feaplsnatron sill tnnvey Id lite reailrr jon.e Idea ol tbe TSll 0 Ltasa ' KNOWLtnOB ' ' "" The tln re roots, Ceaer! Castoms, Partientar Cu'ioms n4 Pai-ticulse Law, tpiingint; ton ihe lilt-iviug .soil and af Nattowsl Kstvealeil I sw, grew in ties blo that msgnitlvent trrn tim loiiim'in l.aw of KngUad. whieli eurommd the (.litrvnnee ol the lighlt of Msn, ke. .The RikIh ol fenoui. cgotlitutiiig the first or lie lit biaurh ol this tree, ttellneste lhr'iRht ol mm, v,hetbr absolute er relative, theelattc . ol socirty wbrtlrer.ceslrtias'teal or Ivfy eivil, " milnaiy or mantiroe! ann rsMr:frt,t sleertst, ol standing r from thf King to the Psstotitt tha I'oim of Government, aa.1. Ibe beads ander liitb tL it tn be srtiiniilUeil. Interperseil, thi ouglionl, are the iutigiiM, tmhkms and mot tiiet, vtliiih denote the rank, preednee ai d I eeiili.tr province pi, each.. , -r I he teionU uctmn dCBotet the Right ol Tilings, and commences it It the iirominrnl rli tinoii of rt si and persnual, kt epbig ihem (lit I. net llirru.h nt, and enali'ci the frailer to have constantly belore bim lit bindsaf property, tbs rttstrs l,iih may be had therein,- the variuu rut sms by s lurb Hit taey be arrjuiretl anil lost making the rvstlrr also.aeriiiaiujf.d ilh lh iifisoiit capable nf slienii.g, and ol being alien nl to, ami tliiferenl methods nt alieaing with du tlt, tlistr kiniltj. rtcjuiiilst, : anm poneiit parts, how avoided, fcs bU bough !MJ!j!s Qvjj jujehile jn.jiiio ilii alnio'tt alt proptrly it( held by or andcir il,-.il ' ' ' - 1 " Neat In tueeessinn. It Pi Hats Wrrmt " Af- tev:)sptuiite tn ttxim u hioh a saaa may, niri .-t-li!y lolse, redirit Ms esa wrongs a jth otii reroin se lo any tribunal, and tbe rrflren hWh the law r es tlhout seeking ber al the reader is aMretieeed Into ihe - vtrtoui Cvnrls shrra lie may obtain redress, informed of the method of obtaining, it. and all lh wroat which lie it lisbls lo rcceiv in person or pronertv. fUv!o puhlie eAVneet and the . remedy lor every Itijniy. These remedies, ba wlUpertcive, see bmae by BmU, tit her Bytng towartl .the tree, wsestied anna ' lis woUghtt with a aeroU wsfiitg torn ilt tk, 'wWherwo a rt- wrtttea Ilia rvmetty. 1'ba first position indiesies injuries notmiitctt wa ' fatWi vhw tss tniwries whkh tow st Ihe eon ne ef sent si legal ett. The last., se ieK brsnsh, represeut Puhlie Wrongs. This emWsse th -nature .of arimea aad their punivhmcnls, tha. jperton capable of euminiiling ilw-m, the rethr. Sm ii-st in Cries tul Cnunt, Ihe mrsns nf pt'eveAtlng their per prlrstlon.'Smt thrle vsHoua kbiftat tgamut Cod and Krligioo, lh ComfiMaweaHwrMh Gdvera ntent, the jt ol Nat hint ann individeala AU raw wrewgr ' wkisli nvsv ka atrevw eaob, are aciorauly degoed, asxl tha aststlMWestl liHm follow ths,esm.tiotsrtl be pvwUbraenti re represeaied by fignre. . -ajcalaieti bylbeir appraranee, to 4iaey,oreil: ef their aompir ma enormiiv .Forf pior full asdgrapbis -prssaion, so indt-s to i fatal branch it anneiad. that index ft KilrrMtui erf In BtS allegory alto, smvrying still te-tnnbf inrraettonK A teasple j.et s, supported nyttire ltaatvt columns ens- -ilematie tr th mited - snverasnent ol tiieat u. -iManarsliyy-Aiistnsrtay "t Ue uon tl. entablature, a bu k they cipperf, rises finely thtd sntumn represent' trig ine urHiui t rmstitiuims. ieppntnMeoi uiiiii, is ii(uUlem nf-tbe Ofim ssliA sre tide over the tlritiniesoi thai mightjt Ballon. OA One baud from a raii.bnw, that encient ibjit ef a eavenant, ol ebedienre and pndecliin, bewms a rtlulgtnt light, which spent -the vision, lo all the. benefit whltli flow h-r ia ukudieuce. to laws, ami good government. Plenty witb her eornu topi of prolusion, rnlltt, gentle pee, wresthlsg bet ei w sroens, oameed with bsrsittrrs. Art ami Science, all trvellint ia ikeiMiihltof s milleiiitrMi. ,llul on ihe other band, nay ba (wrtielwtl in th datknea that reigat, v-in tor- , ribl rsublaaoary limned," tba figtuesof lenifio rei gi-anee. breathing forth Ihe. punishment a which e wait eseh a ims. "Wbere paated tha hurt" Ihe tarse It fonnrt," and ea k writla I be shatiMineal wbkb luUfw the fOmniittioa of mitilenieanprt, . .. - i v " Th abova deterltit io4 Is Wdranlte to eont ar to ike fitiint el ihs reads, a just SevWptlon at itws swleudid IVwsrsnisiB. r-lt, twould M .anruitietl. and ibet carclullr, ia onler ts uailerstaiul thnrnughryihe beauly sppaisni ia in do tiers and BMrstflOBV ' ' . "Ottti ., ar(ie.bwibM prose ui ut iM ocuicqidlil Ol ine r.0gPtvr.glo. ireatiy rii)og upoa the eilisen of the MUld Nwelt tvtate" lor aupport ia tba smilertskingi ra ttieetlMlly call their attention te this tngvassea protluctiyn f on of ber, ot.t, a gcnllrmsn et the bar. i ll it with great rrluclanc Hurt Ihey kii4 for lb a 8nli ipisow isnsx eat, m iUs preseat iUnei il i aaavaidaUaV ' Tba inte, already incurred, rentiers it aeeetsasy thai Maty to many enpiet ihotild be ttntt k till' a assy be sailed tor by Hubsertker. . w i- . lF(ir opy mouiitsxi wi rolUrt ia lb loi-rn a a large Map, tight Unllsrt bound at as Arlat, ( rhillara-or in iheeta, sensiiung ef stvea plMet, Ave dollar. , ss t ,j bsUtutbt rt will plsase tend ia ibeiratmes, at an ci ly day, and sieify the lot-s Mr wbleb lbs detire loreete Mi wotk.-' Hiiee intent re In be teen at Ike Nnrtk rfL ba llot k Store, where rrntlemsna sr Ixii.rf alt and examins Mx valuable addditisa, to our ta Libraty. , - ' TfJnSErt lc HCfTHR3.f ttsleigb. May eisjm 7 !I V ' M t ' ' , ...-.WAITED," ". ' A aitnatinn at 1 etcher, by e yrmng man aha It tiualHieil to teach the Latin, firefk; Preneh ami Knglith Lsngntjea. lie hse tontsderablw eaperieiwe iu lescbuig, aad eaa produce satis lactory tetijiuenials at to kooaledga and moral onduet. V--. :.. . j ' ,-.- , . ., . ., AppWcstioa to be aitde by letter te A. R. tf. Oiloril, N.C, lirsnvill eons.lv., The Kxrixiaet ot this iinttiuiioa will sJu r the first Settioa by Pablie Etaroinalioa tn be heldon Tbwsslsy aad Kiidav, tbe Uh and I5ik oi June. ; Pareoieand ft iead are invited , r teiul. i no .eeeofttt settioa am snnimeaeeoa Manila, ihe Jti of June.' "b Subtcriber'a bpasa will still b Open tor Bnaidert, as Stw tfents, el the ususl prise at f doltsre moeth far boarH (S)ldal furaubinr their ova lirbts,) Taissen, $T K, $10 and ftt SO th J ai sL M.t . l Bs tiiusted i iBtile North, West wf Leei,i, one m is fiora the Htsr rotH. Tbe 8beribr weald present the following adaantate of thai IwatMuti utioa. to witt Nt bealtby and retirve ii'aa. a whkorhood at merat and iwni'rioaa lioo, a people. aal n gcee wsiiy. . -i,rrnkiaMr Ul ,.w mmr. Hemden, aowaf- c-rtr. tr.niiLLcu hahmovs ed bis rinse to tbt af the 4upertilr ConrrtJtrrfc m Ihe Caee Hs ws) . ar may be litaacL taet wtina, neetttssrily atseau a i ; v sl.itVNos , rr - t -1 ( ' ' '.''"'' ""' "' ' I "" ' s J HLANKr for nj bere. .s 1 . f -f i ; .. I '11iBrt

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