V. J' . " I' - I- " - " :..'- I' r ; - . -. ..' ' - i ' ' V V; .4 , v-fi .1 tii..t j-QaiTe wf our national faith, and honor, for any object, of whatever magnitude. lore especially would 1 have our intercourse with Me xico chaxteri?44J fair dealing awl mbd eiation, on account of her unfortunate . condition, resulting from a long-continued aeries of intestinal dissensions, ' Which all who hate not been born tu liberty mint inevitably encounter in -7?rtiyfof U. As fn7TriieyeP.feV"i the pretentions of Mexico are attempt ed to be asserted by actual force, or at , lung at there U any reasonable pros pect that the hat thT power ad the will to retu'ijoyite Teiat, ido " not "propose it. interfere. Mjr own delib rrate conviction, to be aure, it, that that period hat already patted; and I beg leave to say, that, in my judgment, there it more danger of an iuvasiwn and conquest of Mexico by Texas, than that thit last will ever be rean neted to Mexic". The entertaining of thit opinion, .perhaps, cont Kate the only difference between mine and fie views of the Ktecu live, as declar ed in (he Correspondence with the Texian minuter, General Jlunt, 1 he negotiation it declined by (he Secreta ry of State becaute it would involve oar relationt with Mexico. Now, sir, 1 do not conceive that Mexico, in the o'muua hopelessness of operations a gainst Texas, should to consider it. I admit, however, that the Kxecutive bat the most leirjtiniite jurisdiction of this uelion, and it doubtless in pos session of more extensive and rxact in formation apon it than we can have. It is, therefore, avoided iir the resolu. tiona, which Import a declaration of o pinion in favor of the annexation of Texas, only when it canbo eft'ected without a disturbance of our relation with Mexico. I do not understand I should be very unwilling to believe -that the administration hat taken de cisive ground against my proposition, in every contingency. Indeed I be lieve, 1 canKow that I ain warranted --JA.entejwninjthe opinion that the oppotite is the m"'Sf 'probably ttie trulU: It wat obviously proper for the Secre tary of State to avoid, in his corrct pundence with a foreign minister, any indication of the policy of the Govern sent in the contingency contemplated tjy my ret'dution; but what that opin mh would W, if it were proper to a vow it, may be inferred fiom the tact that the President himself hat hereto ifijrti at Secretary of State, while car rying into effect the policy of hit pred ecetsor, to whose great meaturea he it devoiedaod pledged, exerted all his ability to accomplish thit object) that Mf. Poinsett, the Secretary of War, -hat been sedulously engaged in the earn enterpriae, tinder the auspices of two da)inistrations and that Mr. Forsyth, tJia Secretary of State, it a Georgian by birth and allegiance, and wilt not, therefore, be tnspected of ntortaVnw tliHerenf opinions. It is not tofce tuMvosetl that the "remainder vot tbeeaWuf!re4tdefTufBc1ent1 influence to overcome the ' aentiments of these three gentlemen, or would, fur a reoment, entertain .a purpose of re versing the favorite policy. of General Jackton. ;'J.-' " -. I disavow", Mr. President, all hot lile purpose's, or even ill temper, to wvarot Mexico: nd 'i trwst that I im ipugn neither the policy nor principles ol the administration., I therefore feeXlmyjielf at liberty to. proceed to the divcassiojt of the points made in the resolution, entirely disembarassed of any preliminary obstacle, unless, indeed, the amle by. which to iinpor Hot act js to :ee.iTeete4..may;..)('. cnnsidereJ a interposing a dilliculty. ir tiie OBjeet itsclt ue within the com- netencT of this Got;-niuent.as I shall hereafter "etuleawfr s tSuw, and both tpartiet content, every meant mutually agreed upon would . stablili a ' joiut obligation.- Th arquitition of new territory hat heretofore been effect ed by treaty, and thit mode of proceed ing in.reiar4TfdexaT;1 I . I " ' . . . . T I. I potea oj tier mimsieri oui i ocucte u would comport more with the inpnr ttnee of the measure, that both bran- , ches of the Government should con cur, the Legislature expressing a 'pre vious opinion sndMhia being done, all difficulties, of all kinds whatsoever, real or imaginary.. might be . avoided by a treaty tri-parf e between' Mexicn, ' Texat, andthe United States, in liich the assent and confirmation of Mexico (for a pecuniary consideration if you choose J might DC ha, Vifhot infi tng ing the acknowletlfted independence and free agency of Texas. ' - 1 will now proceed lo show that the ferritor actually occupied by the 're public of Texas was at one time a part efha-United States. ' - In 1762. Franc) ceded Louisiana teSoain; In 1800. by .the treaty of lldefonso, Spain re-ceded U to France. (See the words bl the treaty.) In 1 104, France ' by. the (realy of jouisiana, ccueu ii in. ine v" States. The United States thus ob lained title to whatever wat conveyed ta Snaiav bv the treatv of 1762. the ef fect of the intermediate conveyance Li- i- i. . :r ,k. veyatice by the treaty of 1763 had teen made directly to s instead . of to Smunv The uextenf "of the French Claim,, therefore, 'determines ours. . " The title ( France to tM Mississippi, and td the territorv draiaed by its western tributaries' has meve.r been. disputed. It rested upon the discove ?l S7 made by La 5a le in 1685, who penetratea from Canada by land, desi ' . vended the Mississippi, an4 establish wd ivJcw;poUotu banks. " Ahor time afterwards, La Sslle.enJeitoring jnrcteJ with Louitiani, expressed liim to enter the Mouth of the Mississippi self in the most positive manner. from the "Gulf, passed it unperceiveil, and, sailing westwarjuitcovered jne bajrf Sf. Bernard, now called Mata gorda, where, penetrating a short dit tanee into the interior, he established a military post on the bank of the Guadaloupe, fwhote mint exist to thit day,) and took possession, of the country ii) ine name oi nit. tovereign. -The discovery and the possession were precisely such at gave title to the Mississippi, made by the ttma enter prising, individual, about the,, tame time, and the occupation fot-Jrrance wat attended by all the circumstances andjncidenl which characterized tlfif d St. Louis or the Island of Orleans. It was thit perfect similarity of the muniments of title which authorized Mr. Monroe and Mr. Pinckney, in l"801, to hold this emphatic language to the Spanish commissioner "The facts and principle which justify this conclusion are so natisfactory to their Government at to convince it that the United Statet have not a better riht to t!ie island of New Orlf.in. under tne cession relerrreil to, than they have to the whole district of tcrnitory west to the Hio del Norte." ' The extent of territory .which should enure to the French Crown, by virtue ol this discovery and occupation, was determined on the east by the discovn l ies of La Salle or the Mississippi, with which those on the St. Bernard's were uf course connected. On the west the extent wat determined by the application of a principle recognised by the P.uropean Povvera making settle ments in America, viz: that the divid ing line should be established at a. me dium distance between their various settlements. At the period of La Salle's settlement, the nearest Span ish possession was a small post called Panuco, at the point where a river of that name fall into the bay of Tampi co. The medium line between Panu co and tho Guadaloupe, on which was La 8aHet fort,- was the IlinGnni du del Norte, which river wat there fore atsumed at the true boundary be tween France and lfpain7 France never failed to attert her claim to that boundary from 1685, . the period of La Salle's discovery, up to IfGa, when, by the cession of Louisiana to Spain, the countries were united and the boundaries obliterated. . 'It it thus that- Mr. Adams.in hit conclusive letter to Don Unit of March, 1818, recapitulates the testimony in fator of the French title. On the part of the United States: . 1 .Tilt discovery - of Mississippi, from near Its sonre to the ocean, bv the Pmirk From Canada, in I68J. . 2. The posaesiioii taken, and entahlUh meirt made, liy f jij"Sattt ST the bay of St.' Hi rnard, ett of the rivers Trinil v and Color ado. by auilturlty from Uwia XIV, in 168J. 3. The charter of Louis XIV lo Croaat, in IN3. ....A - - 4. The historical authority of llti Pntm i l Cliampigny and of the Count de Vtrgen HCa. 1 "1.1 ... .. . 1 ' t ; .1 1M ..f r- !- le's map, and eapecially that of tlx man of linn 1 homas l.opea, reorrapher to the King of Spain, ptibtiaheil In 1762? 'These docn. niei.H were all referred lo in the Irllcr from iteasrs Pinclcney and Monfoe to Mr Ccvgl hV)f 20th April, 1805. . Since which time, and in further . confirmation of the tame claims, the porenmienl of the United Statet are enahled to ref?r '" to the follow Injrt 6. A map published by Human n, i KyV rembtrg, in 1712. ' 7. A peographfcal work published in 1717,, at tendon entitled "Atlas Rrogradii. en, or a Coirplete System of 0oirranhy. Ancient and MKlernr" in which the map of uniniiia uiars i extern irom 1110 IIIO Bravo to the Perdido. In both these maps the fori built by I.a "Julie iaJaid down on thf apot iiny eatted Mataxortla. " 8; At "fticial Hrilisli wap, pnbltihett-in 1755. by Uowen. intended to point out the boundaries of. the British., ..Spanish, and french colonics in North America. . " -9. 'fhe narratives published at Purls, of lleooepin, in 1683 of Tonti, hi-1697t apd of J out el, in ITU. ; i ' IV. ' A letter from Colonel La Har'pe to Don Marlui a'Alarcoime, of 8th July, 1719, (A Nos. t and 2.) , lljTJie order from tire French Governor Of Louisiana,' Bienville, to XJ I'Harpe, of Aug. giiot IU, UZl. lt Wo. J J VI. The geogrnphical ork of Don Auto, nio do A Ice tli i, a Spanish geographer of the highest enYmwnee. .This work ami the, map oI'Loprs paving been publUhrd after the Ctsaioii of LmdwInl to-Spain in 1762, a(Torl decisive' evidence of what Spain hrrself con aidered as the .westrrn botnular)' ul I juniisii . when sltf had nojnlerest in contesting., it agmirtst another Ute- (UNa. 4) "Mr. Adam wat pot content to rest our title upon this imposiiii; airly ol p wi live tesloinnny.f but caaiuineu and disstpited all the objections o jtlaketi by "the Spanish mioUter, atut, by a -j-mastetly vefuUtion of the-Spanish pr: tensions, .3IIBHCII, (as ii' uaf ueerr since understood, the SpanUh ntgoti a (or himself so. thoroughly that he would have been; willing lo have char acterized the result of the . negotiation at a ''treaty for the exchange of terri tories,'.' . &c, between Spain "and A merica. ' ; Thit fienate, Mr. Presid"ent, it not a fit place for. a minute eianjination. of all the particulars, or the Weighing or all the opposing arguments in the pro gressofthis controversy. But I may be permitted to add, to what 1 have indicated at to- tho ground t of our claim, the fact that all our statesmen, whose attention has -been turned to tho investigation, have with one con tent expressed the clearest and most unhesitating conviction of the validity of our title, from tho first ; moment at which it was agitated down to the un fortunate treaty or 1819.- Mr. Jeffer son,' whote turn "of mind led him to such intestieationMnd whose thouebtt. ss, every -oneltoows, were long and deeply jengaged upon . all matters con- Messrs. Monroe and Pinckner. in f . nrtr I .1.. 1 1 I I - L.ui quoted, in obedience to instructions from. Mr. Matluon, at that time Seer tary of State. MrJll !aHtiYpirfratj ttrong lang uage, througb Alr, Adams, his Secre tary:: of Slate. Thus. lieTT-we have Monroe, and Adams,ofhciaTly and em- fhatically announced" to as. General ackton it known to have entertained the tame opinion. And lo these Jet me add the very high authority, of an other " distinguished name; thai of the honorable Senator froml Kentucky near we. When the treaty, with Spain in 1819 wn- concluded, it is well known that some delay occurred, on account of the iotcrnnl dissensions of Spain, in the ratification , of it. While it was thus tuspended, the Senator from Kentucky, then a mem ber of the other House, taking the view of the treaty which I am now grging that it was a cession of a portion of the territory of the United Statet which wat incompetent to thet reaty-making power offered the following resolu tions: " . .1. Iteaolvad. .That the constilulino of ihe Uniieil States vrts in Congress the power to. depose of the territory belunging to them; and that no treaty purporting to al ienate any portion thereof is valid, without the concurrence of Congress, 2. Itctalved, That the equivalent pro--posed to br given by Spain to -Ike .Hailed States, for that port of Louisiana I) ing went of the Sabine, was inailrquste, and it would be ioexpedieitt to make a transfer thereof iO any foreign Power." '-j- I shall have occasion, by and by, to advert to the resumption for Congress of power to alienate the territory of the United States. My present purpose in quoted thesx resolutions is to show that, whiltj the treaty with Spam Was yet pending, it wat considered as a cession of our territory. The resolu tions presuppose the lact and take it for granted. They proceed upon the grou nd "thaT a i" pa .rt of" Lonisaiia was ceded, and in advocating these resolu tions their distinguished author holds this emphatic language: 'He pre sumed the spectacl- would not be pre sented of questioning, in this branch of the Government, our title to Texas, which had been constantly maintained by the Executive fur more than fifteen years past, undei three successive ad ministrations." HealBo said; ln the Florida treaty it was not pretended" mat me object was simply a declara tion of where the,weteru -limit ef Louisiana wasjit was, on the contrary, the cast of an avowed cession of tetrl try from the United States to' Spain. The whole id the correspondence manifested hrTfierftpectTveT parties to the negotiation were not , engaged so much in an inquiry where the limit of Louisiana , was, as where it. should be. lichee we find various limit r. I posed andHitcotetU . - Fi- naltyHhe' Sabine is fixed, which nei ther of the parties ever contended was the ancient, limit of Louisiana. And the' treaty itsclt proclaims its purpose to be a cession of the United States to Spain." Such were tht o ptiiions and statements of the Senator, in 1820; of which I gladly avail my atlf. It it unfortunate for the whole coui 'r," that Congress did hot concur with i.un in the declaration that it wouldL inexpedient to make a trans fer thereof to uny foreign Power; and I cannot but trust that the wisdom and patriotism which warred against that rash treaty of 1819, will now be ex erted to . remedy its great and growing e.vils, on the earliest opportunity, and by the only means-left, vizj the reatr fiexation of Texas whose transfer the honorable gentleman eloquently de nounced as inexpedient Jnd unconsti tutional. - But, Mr. President, I fake a higher ground than Mr Clay on the occasion alluded to.' He retted the constitu UuTjaloUject ion upon- heneopttecy ol the treaty-making power to alienate the territory of the United States. I fake the; ground that it is incompetent to the whole Government; that it does no( belong to its granted, powers; that its assnmpMon is of the most alarming consctpuences," The constitution vests in Congress tne power to "dispose of tne icrniory or otner proerty ol the, United States," The true exposition of this clause is found in the vast and wise land system adopted in pursu ance of it, at- te tfistitutinn of t lie Gov ernment. Large cessions of territory had beeir made by; several State! ; to this Government, as' properly, for cer tain general purposes; a lid this clause of the' constitution was inserted to give the necessarjqwwe 1o effect the objec ts of these grants. The. clause has thhy" ; extent, no more: the power is exhausted When these purposes are sc complUhed. It was never 'dreamt that Congress could dispose ofthe tov ereigntyof any portion of the territory of .the United States; aid we Way well imaeine with what feelinirs Vir- ginia would have contemplated the pro position to endow this tiovernment with a Pper to transfer the North wett Ttrritoiry ,to Great Britain or Russia, "he tlautedoet not discrim inate between - the power of this Gov ernment to dispose of territory Vithln snd withoat the limits oflhe 'States, tt is general, and applies to all territo ry belobging-1o the . United States, wherever it is found whether it . be Point Comfort in Virginis, or the vi cant lands in Arkansas, or those within tj Territory o Florids. The power granted within the Slate atfd within the Territories is iJent'u al; and if one can be transferred to a foreign Power, i . . .r, - - p .1 . Dotn can. - liui the protection ol .the its wild piwer ol Territories tsainst th alienation is enforced in every instance by the high guarantees of solemn corn- acts. v tscootfin is protected by tne terms of cession from Virginia Hon da is protected by the tet mi of cession Irom ' spam anil Louisiana was pre rm - W n. . . I I ............. u, m m vis uimiii ouu uuuiiiius ii- tcte4 by the tewna -tif cesgjo- frow France. Tltey were al on the same C....4 ,A t .. iuuiiii, siuuer ine guarantee r-iiw same faith and Wisconsin or Florida may be . alienated under the . same right. . - f- -Will any one at th'ta time f day claim for Congress the power to dipos- of eivher ot these Territor ies to a foreign Power? If it be sahl that, having pur chased 1 them, we may sell them, the proposition is equally true of the States of Louisiana, "i kaphas, and Missouri. Can we sell thrm, or ex change them for Canada? If such a doctrine were countenanced fur a mo ment, would any man sooth of the Po tomac fell himself safe from rale or exchange, while the wild f.tnatiism of the abolitionists is hunting so large a portion of our fellow-citizens upon measures less extravagant, and infin itely more fiaught with all thoie disas ters that make humanity shudder? Will that spirit which demands the exercise of political power for the con fiscationoi' property, and -spurts j.telf upon the very brink of' fervile war wtjl that spirit pause in its reckless ca-, reer, at so obvious a measure as ihe re trocession of Southern territory? 'Ihe treaty, Mr. President, of 1819, was a great oversight on the part in the South ern States. We went into it blindly, I must say. The great importance of Florida, to which the public mind was strongly awakened at that time, by pe culiar circumstances, led us precipi tately into a measure by which we threw a gem away that "would hae bought ten Florklas. Under any cir cumstances Florida would have been ours - in-sV-tl tort U me j. -but ..u ut . i mpa -. nonce induced us to purchase it by a territory ten times as large, a hundred times as fertile, and to give five mil lions of dollars into the bargain. Sir, I resign myself to what is done; I ac quiesce in the inexorable past; I pro pose no wild and chimerical revolu tion in the established order of thingst for the purpose of remedying what 1 conceive to have been wrong original ly. : But this I do propose; that we should seize the fair and just occasion, now presented jo remedy the mistake which was made in 1819,-that wc should repair as far as we can the e"i vil effect of a breach of the constitu tion; that we should re-establish the integri ty of no r d ismemberrd terrhorr. and get back jnto our Union, by the just and honorable means providen tially ottered to us, that, fair and fertile prvincjiLJwhid W-sr awrtl we" severed from the confederacy. (Tm b Continued.) . COXGKCSSIOIVAL. Saturday, May 1$. The Senate did not' sit. In the House of the Represen tatives, the lion. Linn Banks appeared and took his seat. His majority 13 votes. Mr. Cambrelcng laid before the House communications from - the ac ting Secretary of .War and the Quar termaster Gcncralshewing tho pre sing want of appropriation for pre venting and suppressing Indian hostili ties. Mr. Russel asked leave to offer the resolution presented to the House on Thursday, to repeal the small note, restriction. Objection being made, he moved a suspension of the rules which. was lost, yeas Sr, Does 10 1. Mr, Boon made a motion to take up the resolution rescinding the spe cie circular. A motion., to suspend the rules for the purpose" was lost yeasaos,. nayei.i thirds being requisite. Jsothing cisc of impoi tatice occurred. Alondtiij Mm 21. in Senate. '. Plan of a National Dank. Mr. Clay, of Kentucky, rose, and stated that he wished to present a pe tion cqnfidcd 16 his care, signedl by a nurnber of persona, praying for The es tabliahiuent of a Bank of the United States. It was similar to several oth er petitions which had been presented to the Senate, or to the House, during Ihe present session,, prayins fur the same object. They aflorded evidence! n a leep anil returning conviction, a mong the People, ofthe utility of such an institution. WhiUt I tm up, (continued Mr- Clay,) with the permission of the Senate. I beg lrt.ve to submit a few obaervations upon this subject,. There is reason .to believe that ranch honest misconception and some mis representation prevail m regard to it, which I wish to correct. It had been supposed that those who are desirous of seeing a Bank of the United States established are anxious that a charter should be granted loan exis ting State institution, which has an eminent individual at his head, and that this wa, the aole6bjectf all theit 'exertions. Now I wish, for one, to sV, that I have no such purpose in viaw. I entertain for thst gentle man very high respect. 1 believe him un. commonly able, profoundly skilled in fi nance, and truly patriotic. There is but one other person, connected with the banking institutions orthe country, in Whose adm'oiis. tiition of Banlror the United Suites I ahould have equal confidence with Nr. Uiddle. aad that ia Albert Gallatin, who, I am glad to learn, at an advanced age, retains, in full vig. or. the faculties of his extraordinary mind There may be other citizens equally compe tent with those two f entleroen, but I do not know them. or am not acquainted with thir particular qualifications., But it a not for iry esUttng State lank, or' y parucohir mdividnsl at its head, that I sny I rfAilank trftl tiMe4 8u4.p fe Uh common good of the whole country; sml I believe the establishment aitnmign i miRHt t willing, ititjrrre prac ticable, to sdopt an existing bank as the ba sis uf an such inttitutiun.under all circumntsn- cea, 1 think it moat expediert that a new bank, with power to establish branches, be created and chartered nnder the authority of i I ' iji.m m u i T . - - f Lnnw ,KM V"'(' "''' M "r M """.w. Congress, sty friend (aa far as I know, their ja.lsaUw.wu4 - - ,UUV, ' "r " r ting bank, but to pnnciplea, to the thing it- ta tins or that individual, to this or tliat-eaia- ar If, or to tht iiulit'ition, to a well organis'e Dank of the L'oitcd States, under the aaluta ry oprraiionjof wbkh the buainest-lof jhe country had so greatly proaperedi atut. ( bad every rrswi to hope wniiKI again re vive and prosprr. Ai d presuming upon the liiuii1fence of the Senate, 1 -will im take the liberty to suggest tin public con sidrratinn, me uf those suiuhle conditions and restrictions tinder which It appears to me that it would be desirable to establish new bank. 1. The capital not to be extravagantly larve. but, at the same time, amply sirtticient to rnable it td p r tor in the nredlid financial duties for tli liiivertmieot, t aupplv a gen eml currency u( iiniliinn "Value throughout the L nmm ai.n to ucihtate, a mgli as prac tirulne, the qiuliti n of line1ic ex charee. i suppose that about fifty million wuiihl aiiiwcr all those nurpoe. The Stock might be ilmoVil between the tJeneral' (;iivernieiit the States acconlint' to their federal popula'i1n, and individual subscri bri. 't he purtiuH amigned to the - latter to be distributed at auction or by private anh sCiiiition. 2. The corporation, in the spirit of a rco lutinn recently adopted by the Grnrral As sembly of the Stsitt, onf whose enalojl.. hae the hot or to he, to receive such an or ganization as to blend, in fair proportions, public and pririite contml, and combining nublic anil nrivate ii'ti-rest. And. in ordt r to exclude the possibility of the ex-rcise tf all loretgo innnence, non-resiUent foreigners to he prtihibiteil not only Irom any share in the administration of the corporation, but Irom hiildintr, direct1' or indireotlr, any por tion uf its stock. Although I do not myself think this latter restriction necessary, I make it, in deference to honest prejudice, sincerely enlertamecl, and w hichno practical statesman ought cntirt ly lo disregard. The hank would thus be; in its origin, and con tinue, throughout its tvliole existence, a gen nine American institution. S. An aderpiale portion of the eapttal to be set spart iu. proiliict)e i:ocltJ, aj id placed.' in permanent security, b yond the reach of me corporanon, (,wun me exsepuon il le accniing profits on those stocks,) sufficient lo pay pro. not iv, in ai y connngeucy. tue a. mount of all such paper, under w hatever form, that the banks shall put forth as a part of the general circulation The bill or note holders in other words, the mass ofthe com munity, ought to be protected against the possibility ol Ihe failure or Ihe suspension of a bank. I he supply ot the circulating me dium of a count ry is that faculty of a bank, tne property ol tne exercise ol which may be most controverted. The dealings with a bank, ot mote who obtained discounts, or make depoaitea, are voluntary and mutually anraniageiotis, amitney are comparatively few in number. lliK Ihe reception of what ia issued ami used as a part of the circulating medium ofthe country is scarcely a voluiila- .ry-WfaraWtd; ihni.HUtaW4tb--Rve-fM other concern whatever with the bank. The many, ough t tu be guarded and secured by the care ot the legislative authority, the vigllarca of the few will secure . them against l t t tl.tnlt tbi HitwUiiu. il.wi- ill our American Uanking, and the cri-dit of lirst embudyng it in a legislative aet si due to ine sute ot New York. 4. 1'erTect publicity at to the state of the bank at all timea, including, bendes, the usu al heads ot information, tht names of every debtor to the bank, w hether as drawer,- en dorser, or surety, 'periodical- exhibited, and open to public inspection; or if that slio'uld be found inconvenient, the right lb be secured to any citizen lo ascertain al the bank the nature and extent ofthe rxpponsibility of a ny of its customer, There is no nfcesitv; to throw any evij of secrecy itrofifiit the orVlfc nary transactions of a bank. 'Publicity w ill nicK:a.e responsiDiiiiy, repress lavoilutn, iit-1 SUre the lleirnliatinn t.f - irni.l r..i I . ,. r , . . 6 r"i"-r-when indttidual insolvency iinforttuiatelv occurs, will deprive thebaitk of undue ndvaii. tsges no enjoyed by banks practically in the uKiiiuii'tnu oi ine eneciaoi tne insolvent. . 5. A limitation of the dividens so as not to authorize more than- pi r ceir. to be struck. Thia will check uml-ie expansion rnt tie ctrcfitadiigineditiin. aiid rcsfrTmr-tm"" proper extension . gfiuuiucss-in the ailmims. Within of the bank. 6. A prospective reduct'un in the rate of interest, so as to (eslrict the bank to i pcr cent, simply, or, if practicable) lo only fiee per cent, ilanks now receive at the rate of near (J 2-3 per cent, by lU-iuanding the inter est in advance, and by charging for at addi tional day. The reduc ion mav be eHVi icl IrfbThcsrtnTirwe tne protittare likely to exceed the prescrib- ea limit ot the dividends, by requiring thai the rale of interest shall be so lowered as that they shall hot passtliHt limit. 7. A restriction upon the jiri mium demanded upon post notes and checks tiel for remit tances so that the maximum should not be more limn, aay,-one and a Ii iff per cent. , be tweep any'two the Kinotesl points in the Un Ion. Alttiuugh it may nut he practicable to regulate forrign exchai ga. depending aa. it does upon commeicial causes not witliiu the cof,trool'any one Government I thinlonhut it is otherwise with reic'iid lo domestic ex change. , , - 8. Every praclicaMe provision agrainft the eterclse of impropsr lnlluenre, on the part of tlio Executive, upon the bank, and, On the part or tba bank, upon the eleettons-of the country. The late Bank of the United State ha been, I believe, most unjustly charged with interference in the popular elections. .There is, among the public document, valence of it having scru pulously abstained from. ucu. iulejference. It never did more than to eieroise the natural tight of self-defence by publishing such report, speech, and documents as tended to plae the institution and its administration In a fgjr point of view before the Public, -lint ihe Heopl en tertain ajuatjlklousy against the danger of any interference of a bahk with the electrons of the country, and every precaution ought lo 'be lakes strictly to guard against iti This brief outline of such a new Bank of the United talate aa thinki if established, would greatly conduce to the prosperity of the country. Perhaps, on full discussion and con siderstiun, some of the conditions which I have suggested might not be deemed expedient, or might require modification, and important ad ditions! Ones may be proposed by others. - ' I will only sav a word or two on the consul o4 lionsl power. I think that it ought rio longer to M rnvaVilAil u'm ntn iiiMli.n. !Th!rl ougni wo. some bounds to human coniroversy j . : ? r -r-- i v omuiin j, mi a jiecesry tNiiil oi siicmpvj, mooit ihoM who deny jhe power, there "are many, who admit the benefits of Bank of the United Slate. Foot timr? and 'under the . -. .... i away of all Uut paliUrl ,. . iJnuberately affirmed it, tiiuu C r- government ba r 7 D.. by th. Peopl,j'oWw 'oie value of tbaeurreney tjm Zitl domestic exchange, and urw. "L"? i. Bank of the taniied 8tai. ,,j wild disorder in th. JCOrrWy 5 a laritv in dome..i .. .1 ."" I . . -"6, MU Imi. I rauoa in the eommeee an i k 'Pfav thr'ST P to be perpetuaii, agitstei ,' .haavbeen-.o-i.il l,- :iS,t,, rt" t; Uabren suajained by W,bTZ V" t, dfMU Country, by MadUfer iht if olieiTrrr If preenlent. are no to y fo loweJ, neilhe, oogbt ihe, iVb. il tltti They lh, trij4, tfj' U. fUtet of the evident i, i '"tial inea;rily, wiidom. and PaUiotiVoo! e.Wi,U tbem. I i5ink IhtiZ Jl could there be an array ,0f .-. JZ- authority. - For one, 1 hope to be o-Lr?1' yielding to it, in prWercnee l& judgment to die opinion of those wj1? th. ( power, however respectaliU ibey oWu7 But, Mr. Prerident, ro, are, I bave no int.ntion of f.irmaJly UZ" any praposilion U establi.b Baiik JnT11,' State. CompoJ a. Congress and ecutive now are, i( would b an nJLz" wast ef time tootreraueha BtopowL iT' tegn t to see a bok eo.blUhe.1. antJkT. eb-arly called for y poUie opinio- l L it is now desired by a majority 0rtU PT? It Uniied B,e llut'of tLTtheVil'V exist perhati any enneluaive eviOrBce, Tj wait until demormtrauoea of ihjr wib JrZ clearly Riv.n: and Un , , ,uhmU "! one, I .hall miUny, to ij; whatever It m,y be. Mr. C. .iuitajHhiiil on the uble. . A delate followed, to he given herein., i. which Mr Alt.. Sir hL.u of hy., participated. , . i Ttte psaittnn was Said on the table. ' HOUSE OF REIMIHSKN f ATlVf-S Th. House w all dayeng'ea i,,' eeinionand con.ider.tio,, of ptttuont. BM!a!X aJ. Ac. among which wM ,n, from .VirgiaU. praying that Mr. Adams be .ptW at V 'ue xfoy, May 2 Iv S KN ATE.- sented a petition from nine rrtins of Pittsburg, praying the establi.hmeBiiif a Bnk ot the United States with 150,000.000 dollar cstltat. ...I . ;t.. uuciianan -brancV tn-cachf the 8 tatrTT-laulTin- the table. . . , Ciierorf.r l.DiANS.A mesVaW wa receivetl from the Pieside'ntnf tb United State, tiatismitt'tng and wb mitting to Congress Coniinttniratioa from the Secretary t.f War, commes datory of certain stipulations in rela tion to the indemnity and removal m the west of the Mississippi ofthe n. mnir ning Cherokee Indians which pre- poseu stipulations ortginateti in a cor. respondencc .between the Secretary of War and the Chertikee Di h gaiionBflw itj Washington, and of which the prin cipal were the granting of two' yrsr. for the completion of the removal, and I . ... . tm additio tiaL sum of money fucJnie nity or remuneration. I Laid on the table. - ' Tn The House of Reprentatives, an other, effort was made by Mrv William, to obtain the suspension of the rules for' the purpose of ,tking up thijesoluik.a: rcsciiuling heipecie' circular. 3 B was lost by a vote of 104 to 84. Hong debate", occured upon a motion t wiCi .i eoiiimuiiicauoa irom the rrts dent trananiil-trhg a document addre ed to the Secretary of War by tW Cherokee Delegation!. It was relerr to the Committee : oh Indian Aftai4 The consitleration of 'the Message "if the Piestitent in rretalion tolhe ocnr .Bsl,,,i - l - '"li - n paiiuii oi tne uregon Jetiitery wn I he ttiotionwas td" ttnSHiv it to the Committee on Foreign JJ' tiiir. Certain instiuctions to it ennunitfee were moved by Mr. Cull ing, ami an amendment proposed br -Miv Wmore tttpg accepted, r1bey-wrrv atiopieti. 15etore the (itieslton rvl- rewoe- "as takjca.llut. I1uul' adit-sro- , Jt'edHctilny Jlfujf pi In the Senate to-dv a inesa2C receivetl from the President of lbl'- niti d State, transmittiin a copV sf letter IVoui the OivertiorofMiiifi with resolutions of the LegislatsJrtf jhll)J.t.aii,..QiLA) fttLcowes of a carrt- pondence between Mr. ; Forsy'l i iMr. KoX. on the. subiert of the 3wU- eastern boundary question. Tlte bill apprpiiatiniSOO,0.'J forthe-cortstrtic-tiyn of the Faltnouih and Alexawlri1 Railroad wks read a third tiinetsr" passed. The nnil is to be cariird oil ihef road . free of expense.) Cutnlterl.itiil road bill, from the Hvi was then taken up, and, after sliscu Siort" ait amend tnen. onleredi f engrossed W a vote ol'SGlo 1 ft te nittrtday, JIM ti. The Vice President wesentcd s eir inunication from the treasury Pep"" inent in pursuati'e of a ietdttii" Tt cently olUred by Mr." Clay, of vf; tacky, in regard to the receipt of notes for revenue., Thsv,r.tirnfl''' cation was read, and wan under100" to state that w new orders Jhcd b"1 given on (htr subject, and -that the re cept of btnk notes was a cont'qo,Hfe of previons-nfders, and of the renowp tion tif specie payments by ceyt1 banks. The ' communication w f" c'oinpanietf by a copy of a letter 'from the 'Department to public JmfucVr t New York, ilated ApfU &?, .'8"fi which was read, and which w? tia 'f" stood tn sanction, the rccrptVf sfcte paying bank notes from banks suing notes of less than' S dollars, arc cording to orders and instructions en previous to the suspension of pe'e psymeflts. ' ;." h I be communication was laju ";'" Traoiei entwereu. to oe nrm1"1 t-v - Vl . ' I.' , f . t ' t ' . r, 'tU ,n,t'L,,.n 0F tl The hill frfr th continuation Ot CuttiberlandToad-TnOhioIndiana.iiJ Illinois, as passed by the fot!oT'f ?ote ; Z v-t, ' f' f tf t I ti tt a i S d P t: ri t X'J t' r t tl tl j I t f I i i - " : . . .'.Wlf '- ' , e , , ' , ailsWip,rW