'jjf : ' ... 4 t . ; :, 1 I A---; 1 r : . c . f , .. ' tTree of Legal Uu ledge, ' . uiitii tt "A3f ASSISTANT TO SIX'DENTS IS THE STKOr OF THCLAW. TUKEH k IIL'GHP.S have tb pleasara of be eoainbrtioa of lb above ark wbicls will be found mtalaaUe I all eaxaprd ia lit tergal prafeaeioa- I Ih aseeptitMs oi st.ly, eeewatc cad tog U arrangiiMKM Ja iadiinailjte. Wit bout , W Student win always grope ia tbe dark. Bad ultiiawtety, SecT kit laber aae&wa. Th great Idee t thia a ark k ta iea perse open the amd 'h, taathoirieal drnkoe , aad abiiMM M tlltckstowe's Cmataealari. had that enable lb etodeat rffecleally ta neater iIm varV and arc J Km me errangeaseat at in general gUMa M Hit tuiorv ayiaja7'""!-"jr---- Te the ara Aimrr alas. H it deemed awful ht neslidiig bit learning aa4 forming ao bv raate astd ornamrirtal appendage iu aa Oi. 'a. I.Taa (reilcine. loo who i desirous f bvWmmg accjiuatied wih that ay stem of lav,, I wbkb awre ie priaeipally eempoard, and Which highly swrrstery M every 1-rxi.l.lnr eadcebcUr, will be mattrialla Woe fined by ill a, especially ia mmjiawetie) with tbe Coraatew tariet, Ta fellow it, brirf explanation a it) convey la . ibe reader so idea ot tha "Tate or luu Tb three rami, General Customs, Particular Catomtaad Particular !., pi H,gin fiom b tiiriaiaK uil ml M NaiiotiX rcnert iraar ia lime iioiU.t mKaifieenl ln- tomra.ia Laar nf KnlMiil, aliwb at.roniaaila tha tliMi-Taaea ill Ilia ri(liit uf Mmi, . . -. 1 hr Kabl "i I'armai, ihi Jwifc ir il.a fmi ' i.i h. . .1 . . ... " . "nim nrancn ai inn irer, nrlHU'ale III rivbl i . i i i . . . in mif puniRT muraii or frll et 1Ir Clar lil auoMHjr wkrllicr taclriilHrt or U t cml inililarjr or atariiiauvi ami Ihcr itirTurrm ite(jrrr vtiHiK ii-ubm iiht mug IU llt I ra Mil 1 1 II l-ifia ul .ncruuirilt ! ibe hal nmtrr liab H if l lie nlrniilleil. Inlri M-rcil iinvi(Bin ara inc hiukiiu, niLirnii ami root loct, lilch peuirtt 4b raiik, rt cr Htrncu ar.il reculwr (Manure nl rch. ? 1 ha ttrroaal branrh tlraulrt ll.r Hialilt of J lin. anil mnawwci aiili iha nrootmciil iiMoa of n a awl i-rionl, kreiHa lln m dil- liael lUri.a.h ut, uA raaMa- III r-a!er lo.harc manlh brlhra bna ib kmiUnf prOiriT, Ihc cMatr bK ra nm bail tbvnin, ilie tariuat meant r ablrh li l niaj be aniaircii aail lotl ataking Iba reailer alaa aruakibfauLitb-tbc prraoat ibl af aliraiag, aail at aeiag alwa- ca is, aai a i Be real meiuout nl alieumc ana ami, inatr aiaiia, rjui.net, an Doaeal part a, lnwr amWil, k. abieb bnuRb nanga rttr. ia aauw at annex Kin id Ine lacl ibM alataai alt M-nj.ertj )( bald b or aailer Xeil bj lateriaiw, ia PrNata Wronta, At tar iarrMag tba laraa b abkb a aiaa mar, arnaaabl la la, rvdiat bit oaa ratii- a illi- aat iwaana to aa Iribanal. HitJiarr(lrcM w n'wa- iihi nraniii rr4r U iaaratlaacrf Ma ilia rai tuat Cuurlt - Sera be aaay ataam radraaa, inlormad I iba ,f matbaa) af abtaiaitig k, aail all Ida vroh abieb ba it liabla M racrnra ia ncrtoa or iwnaertr. 'Maa fitM'm afleaaci ami Iba rcmailjr lor artry iajarv. Thcaa reatanira, ba will iarir, araaaraa ay aa-na, enner loaratdl I lie Iraavar jMrabaal a (mmi ha bimgbMab a emll vaaatg Iroia n aaak. atinretm ia rutea aji raanay. Ilia B at paaiio iailicatet hijarirt a laaaiinra torac uia last injui irt abkb vom ta laa aaaarapiLairt af mat tilrgaj act. Tk. I... I. A v . . . imwt "r ten anaiaia, rrpraarata raoiia Wroagt.' iIm atabraact tb aalara afcriiart aad thcaf (Mtaitbajtcult, iba perauat canabla of OBMUUiag Ibraj, Iba ajataod ofrailrrai ia Criaa. iaai Coart, tW aaraatat prtaaaliag Uaeir cr aetrtioa, aa4 Ibrir tarlaat kmda: agaiatt IkkI Ban Hatigiaa, ma uoataMoveallb, Iba locra t-aat, Um M(K'aliann4iaifMJuaU. All Iba aroagt wbWli taay ba aflitml to each, ara aaaaiataly aWtaaa), aad Iba paaithaaniia abkb folia Ibrlr aaatatiatioa. Tka Mmiabaaaait ara rrprcttattd by Cgajrct, talaalaletl by lliair appeamaaa ta aearey tomlilraof Utair aamaar atf eaont)i. for a mar hill aad grapkia s prcwina, aa milat la I hit braacb h) laaEXtil, . .Tkalfaiaeg ia iatraxlacad ia an allrgory alao, navey lag atill a Icaaon oi inalriMlio. A lenipla amartMptisrlc4 by ihreemaitireaoluranttat blnaaik M ilia talard gnrrramctit ot lirral ! aanana, ami aaouaranf, Antiocray aa Hk oaoararv. Voom Iha cataliUttira. abkb Ibrr aupport, rkca a (aaly abased aoluiaa tanroacin. lag Iba rWkiab Coaalilaliaa. Cappiag lliat aol. ma,, it iha araJiVrta, ail iba Caai afcUb pre- tidataaar Iba daatiaiet at that mighty aatioa. Oa oaa baad arota raiabaw, thai ancieal aiyjo of a aa taaaat, af nbdiae aad protetliua, baamt , a rrlalgrM liMrhh pcat Iha Moa to all Iba batwilt aMak lav Iraiar oaofUeaca to leat. GKEAT EIPEDITIOT. Tbt ttaicigh aad Gaatoa Kail lload Catapaay haa iba aleaaare M) aaaaaaaa W tha poblia I bat tha H ridge aver tb Koaaoka aad laafa aailet of their Koad being iaiabed aad hi daily aac, far Iba Iraaapertatiua af prraaat aad proiiace, they aoa harm, riuce Ihaaaaaalctia of lb Kail Koad bet vera flkhmoad aad Patarabart. a oalioa- aaa li at railaray oiniiakaiaa (rom Uttlctna Ml rioVJCna Hia oarasaf a-taratkapa bout SO nibst eaora af (bear Kail Koad will ba ready, a baa a toeoiawire oJI daily leaitfialk lenrl Meadmaa Uepotlortba North, iaatcad of IJiilcloa aa a! rcarat. 1 hit it ihr Great aaail roate, and lh-liflcreat Rail Koail lmnauiaa bow rua thrift ilaily mai( liitc from Utllrtua to New York a 39 boara raaainj time, or ineloding all aloppagea ia leta (ban 43 boura, witlioul ibe lotaol a aiuglc uilil'i tier p. TraTellera from Grerntlioroagh, Salitbory ami the W ret arc iitfiinard lliat, U Uking (hit route, tbey will rrach IVathtiirlna City 44 bnait almit ii a.iy ollirr liot, aumling at the in ma lime about 4 Kl milca of Sihjhij auil llie lou ol two aiglit'a alevp. Tin' it the pleaaaatrtt and nin( eapeditioua male In I lie Virginia Sttint. A firt rale line nl Coaelica it kept Hp Iroia l.iilli loii iliriiugh to ll.leili, wlicre the niaiu Writero lm iuler nil n ami where it' umlri aiiliilie Krrat Sutitli era mail line to Fayettetille, Culuiubia', Au gust and UhM-lea oa. OJ" I'tte lUleigh Hr-RiaHrr,- Rail4ury Watch man, Greratboroogh I'alri'it, Ka)ellrville UU ttracr, KmiirUle Urgitler, Olitiaw (iazette, Columbia Teleacopr,- AupllU Courirr, ami Millriljtille Journal will mtrit once a week until .lit ot August, and forward tlirir accouiitt lu llie nlRcr, olltif lUlrili Urgisler. ' l(ailvtb .Ma) It!, 1839 ll KOAlT.OTICE. Aa Inttalmml of TtLY VOLUiUH per Sliaie, an the Capaal Slock of Iha Kali Igb ami (atiiia f nil Moatl Uoaipany, it rrcjuireil to be paid aa, mr ketore the firal ilay of May nrat. In lerrtl will be allowed aod cbiugcd aa heretofore. Dy order of the Hoard, v GEO. V. MOUDliCAl, Prtt'l. 17 tf Dit. XV. W. II AltS HALL'S Olnlmeut ror tlM UUnU Piles. Thit inraluable remedy bat bee a aeteral yeart before the nubliet in rirtoe aad rfficact bare bera well tealotl. Bud. ia aaraeroat Intiau- mi, ui the niuat anravatcd JoMttotthe ditcate. ia uoi a tolHary cate baa it beca knoaa ta tail la eReaiing cure. Many .cry rrtiieetable per aitt aaveaorae leMlaaeay la HtrBieacrt among alMita it Iha Ka. Wat. A. Smith, of iha M. E" Chareh,aad Btlkor of tha Confereeee Jouraal, Mi Intra his owa ciperieaee. enandeallf re eommeaila it lo the putilw " aarc, Aaaia ata, tan arririKKT BtaitBr." It may be bad at the Store of II. TUCKER, Agent, Maicigit, i . u. . HAIL ROAD HOTEL, At EnfeU Halifax Cttmfjr, A". C. j.soxrrriAti.' Hating la Lea from Mr. P. W. 80UTHALL Iba beautiful aa bailding, litnated at tha treat ead of the viOsre, aad aoatajaoaa la her grore. ft aiow Suing k ap fat (be r-aaepSo at Iff aaUartc To aaaay promwet bare bera aaade ia Ibit liaa efaaaiaaaa, ia whkk lb publk bate beea de ceived. 1 chill aaly aay, aail aad jodce for your scire . Mra. Soathail aad daagbtert pro mise personal attealioa la ladies. April, 1838. . ' 17 11 ftTAUES, tor Salisbury and 31organlon IX Staget from Fayetteale, for SsJUbory are ao ia operation. The leave FaytUesilla on the mornings of Monday aad Friday, at ire a'clock, and arm eat Saltabary oa the ereaiagt of the aejtt days, lo tea. Keturamg, Ibey lea re aalisbory oa Hie aune- morarngt at 4 a'clock, aad arrite at Kayetletrilla oa the ereoini of the nrtt ilaya. Paiseagcrt rent aiaa boara al ait;ht, at Allen ia Moore eooatr. Fare IS JO. Tbeaa Siaet connect with my Ikva from Saliabary ta .Morganron. This route aHurdt great facilMk-i lor merchaMlt ia the interior, lo viak fayclteiille l'r the purchase of their goods, euhnBge of mimcys, purchase vl Ih-alts, tea. fc., tilt is the cheapest, most eipeiliiimit, aad most ilireel riMjte between the two places Al Fayeltetille Stage lines Icare eer day Tor the North and South. A. CltHCHAP.L, Proprklor. J. IIUOVVN, (Ulayctta Hotel) Agent, Patetletille, n. i.i. ii hi, Agent, uartbaee. T. HAtiCK. Agrat, Saliabory, T. M. Villi NU. Ageat, 8talesille, K C. I'KAHSOX, Ageat,,lorgntoB, Jaauary 24, 18.11 g jn .XT 23 XT' SPRING- alYJ? fiKU.VI.iS GOO vs. . f 5IQCDECAI fc McKlMMON bare juat re aefrcd aod era aa prepared to offer lo their fricadt aad ettatomert, . t. ptendid-Jl9sorim?nt f v- . new uoiMaaV " . ta which they would respectfully direct the attea lioa of dealers.' At tbeir goads hare aeea win ia) with aa cya-aiagle I iha present pressure al the times, pnasipeJly for attb, baring beta.se leeted apaa the snoot adraatageoat terms by one of tha Firm, Ibey feel aa betit '.ioa ia aasaring Iha pablia that Ibey aaa. dispose of Ibeaa at rales aomperatifcly aaosh lover thaaj hcreloloro. Their tteefc aoasaui el almeat every article ia tha genera! liae: - Cloths, C'assimei I and Yestiagv - A haadsoma aaaertmtal al liantlemta'Siutt aaor Goods. ' Spleadid Goods lor Iba Ladies, tukabtefor the approaching season. ;.- a noes ot every deacrmtwo. . . . Hats of aU kiauts. Qaeeatware, Hardware, Groeerirt, (ce. All ofwllk' 'tier offer al rcdoeed prices, and iotke the atleelioo of tbe public tuieign, Apra it, laoa, 1 ow Pros- and Type for Sale. The K.litor nf the Uantille Reporter rffera for Sale the asliinglon press, type and office fia'arca belonging to the 'UeaiHIe Observer' office. Tbe aliolc establiahoteai it almost at rm.d is new as e have noose far it at this amee, we will sell it lor a lo Drier, and on i .: i.. ' w a axiaina Nov. 17, 1837. U. r KHitorsa ith whom we eaahane. will ideate publish the above ant ice, aad Iba favor an oa cneerluliy reciprocated COACHES, BAROUCHES AND BUGGIES. The Subscrikh-r has oa band an assortment of lb above Carriages. Some very rkhly luished, whlah will, be tliii.ks. . bear a comtiariaua with ay msnufaclured cttewheie. - Tbe work If war raalvd lo he mkhfullv ciccutctl. and will bd sold oa at fcrorable trrme aa aa be affordnl. 1 hose wishing lo supply ihemselt es, will plt aw tall "i If'tm .WO. nut, Raleigh, May 81, 1838 . ' MM I I ' 'li I.I- M I aad gaad goeeravaeBt. Plenty with her eoraa oopia af Benin aiu), mdd, grwtle pease, wreathing bef mm arooat, ernnmenaca wiih aer situra, , Art tad Science, all ravening ia the delightsol MdleaJaaa, Hut tm iba other badr may ba perceived ia the durkaeat Hurt reigns ' bar ' rikla eablaaonrv limned," lle Simet of trrrifia vangtanae,' brentbiag (Wlh Iba punithmettts which avast ewe a rime, "Whore pacsevl ibe abaft" the "tare ia faaad," and on it written the ' abaiisenMnt wbWb follow t the aemroisaioa of atiiiWamaaort. - The above drsei tptio it madennat lo aoa re r lo the mind of the reader a just cout'itn ol lint apleadid. Kat-raring. It slwuld ba examined, aad bat aarelully," la Order l aleMla4 Ihoraaghly h beauty apparent 4a its dvtiga . aad eieeatioa. . ' I ke Subset inert having inenrretf great ei ' pease ia the procurement af the Kgvwg,eoS. . deally rely bg upon Ike ehiaeat of lUo "Old North Stata" lor tupirt ia Ihej aiulettakingi ra apearhilly tall 'flseh aftcaiiun let this mgeniaua production 'af tmo of Wr tot,', a ' gent U man nt Iha bar, . It it aith great rtluclaucc thai ibey ....aaad.totta-a JubaeHotioer panr-iiut, t rlid present mala nee, k, it aBaoiilble. lb rt , peatea already hteurrcd, rendcra it aecaasary that aaly ao many eopiei thmild be tlrw k off at lav be tailed lor by Subscribers." 'f'8t.--f ort copy mounted ba rollers m the form a( large Map, eight dollar booml at an ' Atlas, six dtillnrt or ia klvrffls, consisting of aetea plalet. Ire dollars.. Sabscribcrt trill please tend M their names, at a early day, aad apecify the form in which they desire lo receirti tha oik. - - ' . Spethaeat Or I b teea at the Xotlb Carole III Book Store, ber grntlemea ar iaviled to aail and aaaaaiaa Uiia valuable adddilio to u UvUbrary. .... . ' w . . TL'RNKB k HCGMKS. Wtleigh. May l. 1838 i tf -f:-H WANTEDT . ... t A tiloaUnt) at Teacher, by a young mse who It aaatiSed lo teach lb Latin, Gretk, rVeneh and Kaglish LaogiiBgea H hst tonsiderable . eaperienae In leaching, and ca prod ace talis btctory tcsliraouiait at to koowletlgc and metal V read. Applkatioa to ' Wy lei'er to A. B. II. Oxford, K. C (iraavilla aonM. j Mty It, !. - - . mp UEDIDOiv ACADLiTIV. "The Kxereitct oi thia institutioB dt tlote for the Snt Bessie b V Pablia Etaminatioa, taba halde Tburaday and Fridtr, lb 14th ami lath of jen. Parents and tneout are laviteci 10 at tea, J. Tha acaend S.tsioaj ill aommesee oa Maaday, lb SJth Of Juea. The 8ubsariber's Itoaeo WUI SMI Be smc tor noarwerm, aa oiw clale,a the eaaa! priaa ot 7 doilara a month far board (Stadenttfuraitbla Iheir ova lighla,) Teaioa, v au, iw.asHS pia av enw aeaaioei, ici tit at ad lea nartaad. Hemdoais tUaated aic Mile Nonb West of Lotjiebargt do (roca id stagcroaa. i ae auaecrtner weald pit mat lb followmg adrantaget of the fatiitiilieti.rBT'lt it haaiihy aad retired situa tion. t Mierbborhood of aaoral aad iodutrioa) Uoada,rra,km a Mty SI- W o3t : fX7HW. t I LLC IK hBiffinoV" : A hit etc I that of the Hupcriof Ctmrt Clark, , im the Cur-'Hoaaa, where ba lsy b ld, exeewl wbe aeeeaaarily abteat. tfaieigk, W- I. 1837. , ' m3y.., . JSLAlf K8 Cor tate here. Tb Prcptirattor' School Of iha Grrrnborougb Frmal CoKfgt- at Intilute,. Mat bee opened andcr the tiinermlcaxlenee ol . - MISS JUUSO.V. Trrms of Tuition, .. Heading, Writing, Arithmetic, (ce. flmt lessons fa Geograpby, per session-of ire ' nntiiha, - ' $6 00 Enliik Grammar, Geography, History of the V- Slates, and first Ictsuns in lkilo ' sopliy, ' ' r I 00 These, with History, Ancient Geography or Natursl Phriosophy, 10 00 Far tbe preceding, ao far a they remain to be completed, together wtib any of hcj fullowingt fjherhiltry, Astrmintay, . Uhnoric, llotsnr. Moral and liilelleetu- - al Pliilosohhy, Kvideaeet of Uhrislianf- L -IV. Mvthnloct. Loaieu. . .- 13 50 trtin, French or Spanish, rx'ra, 0 00 Ira wig, ICwiBgi Hrrvienta Needle Vmk,txlra, , 10 00 Kterersri m Compot'uion tnd the eiitieal reading of inch works at are tpceiatly designed I form the feanle ahaiaaler, will be al tended lo, ' Suitable J Aaaiataiita, ba aeeettaty will be Hrain('y provided . A aiuucal departant will be opened oa I lie tat July. Terms, per sctaiua of Se montlit, .... . . au iiuttai a . . llookt li ted ta tb -arhool etn be obtained la litis place Pupil ft nm a disuace are adtited oral la lui ait themawlyri antil Ibelr airiial, ui onler t secure aiiiformity. -- There dl be twoaeaaionsof Bee monthseach, eommeacing oa th 1st Jesmary ami July. As tbe presort, according to ihii arrangement of the Hoard, will ae a Brake tertian, in re win be ae u pension nf aohn exercise this tutmnea, but vnoiinu regularly fa bntil the a inter lermv Pupils may be ratal eJ Many tim dnriug llie trtsinaj, and wr ill bo charged ouly from the lime of entering. A slrkljy aaoral aad parental dutciiiliu will boealvracil. flnanl. in genteel families, can be obtained at from $7 in SO per nuth, . - Application or rvtrrenc my Ba made lo Iter. . llroik and IV. I. J, M. Lindsay. Green borough, Ucv. II. G.' jrajh. Ho)dion, ' .Uev. llennettT. Wake, Jlaleighv and Het. Jthiet Kid, Saliikurv. ' Hy order of the Hoard. : iiAMU S. IHIYANT. SreV Greeatboro', .May . . Sd 3 I214IEWA HD. llanawsy from tbe subscriber. oa the 4th January, 38, a negro maa namrn .it.rnt.ll, formerly the property of Charies A. Hill, deceaacd. He it ao-doubt ia Ibe aeirbborhood where the sakl Hill formerly lived. Tbe above re ward of Twenty-Ere dollars will be give la any per ton who will deliver the said boy Alfred lo me al myreaideoee, tlx miles weal af Louiebarg, or enoGne hit ia Louisburg Jail to mat i get aim again. (JT- 1 would give a de script ioa of tbe boy bull have aot bad him sufficient length ef lime to observe or recollect any particular marts. W.M4 M. SLEDGE. Praoklia a., N. C. FtBkV 1838 8 tf STItA YLD From Ibe subscriber, at Majr. Tbamai Haw srlou, on Iha 10th Jdnreb hat, a Sorrel Mar, Cv vaare eld thia SnrituTt narked wah a star in Ibe lorehetMl, sen liiml tool white above the let loekf cm wiih i Bearl'eXdrawsurdVerney't -urt was law dayt alter going oft, 13 mile west of Louis- burr. ' Anv mlormalMm will be thankfullv re ceived, and any reasonable turn aaitl for ker do- lucry lo me, r miiet nouin ot ixtaisbor. I.IK. . A II II II. AU-URU. Franklin e ... April 84, 1 838. 19 4w State of North Carolino, tt'uvna Count ti. Coort of Equity, Spring Tfttn, 1858. rum Jar cole mm iMvmtit tf rear ttUilt Ncedbam Won ell and Ccliabia wile. Aiuuld Borden aud Jonathan Pike, .Igiuntt The hi Irs of Frederkk Durn, leeeasi'il. It tppearinc to the satittacliuu of the Court. that Pharoah Burn, Stephen Worrell, Pharoah Scott, Ely Scott, Jesse Pulgtire. Joseph fiilgiim, rrencTKK raigum, Sarah Aioold, Uelia Amol.l, r alary ijgs, lkry Corbil, Kebece Parker, and Peaia Horn, delendantt m the above nam ed cause, are not iaaaSittntt of thia Statet it it therefore ordered by the Court Ihul publication he made frr six auceessive weeks, in the Star and North Carolina Gaxetle printed and pub lished m the City af Kaleigh, lor llie said de fendants to be and appear at the next terra of this Oort, lo be held for the county t.l Wayne, at the Court Hoot in Wayaetboroiigh, on the first Monday after the fourth .Monday in Septem ber next; Ihea aad there to plead, answer or de mur, or mid petition will be taken pro cnnlesio and heard ex parte as to llitio, and decree made accordingly. Witness, James Gritwoli', Clerk and Matter ot our aaid Court of Equity for tVayne Coauiy, al office ia said county, the first Monday after the fourth Monday ia March, 1838. JAMES GRISWOLO, C. M. E. . Wsj oetboro' Aiwil 87, 1 838. 20 6 f RICnMO30 PETERSBURG IlAlL ROAD. The aasBpleiioo of thit Jtaa) lload (from Pe tersburg lo Maachester, op posit t Kuthmoad) makes the chain el UaU Rocdt Ihroogh the Slat of Vint ink aontinuoua. wah the exaeptioa of oa- Xij ...9. "let and ailda important advaalBget to the tuwau nuuie ror ftoriacu JUtnu u-are- - ."-::3 ' I here trtV established on it two daily trains, aoa of wbkb is ia aoaaexioa with the North aad south mail lliiri and a Iri-weekly train connect ing with th"llailax, Wilmington and Charles tea Bail Itoail, Stage aad Steam Boat Imo." - i'auengert from llie bduth by the daily "Me tropoliiaa Mail line" will arrite in Kiehntond oa the evening alter-that oa wbkb Ibey reave Ha Icighj.and having the 'uigbt for reet. ar yet ena bled, by existing armiigrmcars, 4o proceed to iUUicaure o ilc uciaingitJJ0t' rhewe to Philadelphkt the-sam aigbt w lime for-iba BMwnuir. Uoal to New Yoik: time, lest tha J ! t)t hum Kali ieh Co New Vmk. I be route ihruii-h Petersburg and Richmond ill be found alto to be one of iheheit ronlet Irom tha South to the Virginia Springs, The passenger s can arrite ia Clutrlotteaville, hating only 44 milea Stage 1ivllmg alter reaching the Kail Koada in .Vtrgink, in 3 dayt from Chailea ton, and if ilaya rora llaleigli. All ttoaaible arranrenieiilt are made oa thit Uuil Uoad for the cutuloitable )ud sabs Iraotpoe j laiifiu IH IKHSCTI. -. Office of the Richmond tud Peters-") - burg ltiril Koad ConipthJ-y- 21 Sm May 10, 18.1 J A DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FUIi SALEt On Wednesday, the first day ol August Itext, will be sold on the premises, on a credit of one snd two ytrars, the Loll in the Town of Warrea ta, late the residence of Kemp Plutotner, dee'd., itl the I jind adjoining, conUining a bout one hundred Acres.. . The iuiprovements consist of a large and con venient Dwelling House and Office, a Kitchen, 8nose.llmir, Hairy, (tc. of the very best kind, good Sublet and eicclbjot (ianlni. The un improved Lots and cleared Land are under fence, and ) iclil readily 30 or Co barrels of Corn. . At the imc lima ami place, upon the t-me tcrois, wiU be sold a Tract oi WtlOl) I.AXI). containing 130 Acres, Kliin half a mile, and one oi 10 Acres, within one mile of said Town. ALKKEll ALSTON. 7 Exr's. of H. L PLUM MF.it. 5 Kemp Plummer. Warreuton, May i, K. 81-lf DRUGS OTEDlcrrt. Stan ef the r.m t 4 AM.- WABUH Mr , Having pare based the entire Mk Jj" AruilirA:AKVbusincMBt Ihc sitZ" oecupietrby them oa Fayrtte.iH, kTL7o. door north ol tV. 1c A. Smb. msl melted a further, tapply af .-.I5 W, PuiuM, Dye sinir. aSSgV ar w twj - B Wk general assortment ?r .1., vi tKTiCLe y U1 dupow of oa ibe wl oihef'ineilkiiwt on i they can be got south of tU p? would do well to call aai . ' Merchants and other ran be fcirai.Lj natenl niul nlhtf,..IL.i ; I terms at Per tout lliemtelvrt. Pbyticiant at a ditranee fuvni. Ma H-iib- ikttiM n-.l.u .''Ula . .... ...... . ...I., win nna Dromntlv attended lo. No i!n. :n , in seleeting Chemiealt and Pharmtwj(,TH naro'inns, asiheyare determiaeit tk.iT?1 M cinet but such as tie genuine, shall k-Ju ' them. One of Ihc Firm hating brea L-jZU'" lo the business, lo wkk-h he i! gitekk " tideiLaWf-nin, thereby ttiiiu. uw mistakes mat loo Mien oeetir ihrmigk ksseZ lion to busiuess, lo merit a ihare of natrnnftee. ,,wfi February. 1SS8. . Valuable CHy Property, FOR HALE. Porsutat to a decree of the Supreme Couit oi norm uaroiiua, stisll exuoae to nu at the premises, oa Frnlay, Ihc liih day of J one next, mat very oeasrable reaidence m ibe City of naieign, anuaicu on ine corner m nuiauoro' and McDowell Street t.lormerlr occutiied bv M V. Gedtly, at a Boarding House. Tbe lot contains tbree-fourtht of an aerei Ihc Dwelling House U large aod commodious, with IS raomsi all necettarv oul-kuaea. aiui c. garuen, aoa, tnoogai aumeiently rela-oil lor a privale family, it t cry ' coatenku t to tbe basi aefi part of tbe Cky. To rcsideatt of tbe low er ooaotry, desirous oi securing healthy and pleasant situation, the pre seat affords a very fa vorable opportunity. Persons withme lo exam. me the pre noises before tbe day of sale, eao do so, oy applying to me outlier nice, or .Mr. 1 boa. Lorinr. Possesioa will be eivea aa th Sr.i day of Jaimary next. TERMS, which will ba liberal, made knawa oa eay m Hie. u. w. MtJIJIlF.CAI, Commu,iner. Raleigh, April 7, 18 J8 ' l 7w The celebrated Engtith Race Ihite FLEXIBLE, jr fllred by the Earl of Eeremool by aJ bone, dam Themis by Soraerer, aurchasettf of lb Karl M Egremanl mr llie King ol rrassit) ber dam Hanaa by Golianna, Humming Bird sister lo i;aiharma- ueiiurie ami young Camilla die dam of Manila tad Allegretta) by Wood peckerj Camilla byTrniliam, Coquette by the Cotnptqn rJarbj inter to Itt-gtilut by the Godol ohin Araliian. - Whalebone, the sir af Flexible, it bralher to Whisker, Wntul, JOd Web, by iWaiy,-dam PeheIo4ijLuy Triimpeters tnnellaiiy Winlillyer, Promise, bv Snati, Sueatator't dam by Partner,' In Flexible it that united ;tlie best blood of Matchem, Iferoil snd be I ipse. FI.KXinLE woa nine reset when three year aid (mcluifjig t cup ruilesjanu tits beetea iJwewaiit, l)r. Fanstut, Arachra, Geaend Mi- ns, Signnrins, Whitlinpoo, Uawertry, Lntbo roueh fttxme b: FlexibleStood iu. Eug Wnd al eleven soercigt (cqiinl.ie $5. dollars.) He it full IS hands 3 niche high, wiih great muscular pwers;and tor suet) proportions it e- qoallcil by leas lie is on of tbe best soat ol haltrbone, tleseeaxlei Irom the two best Ara Siaitt, without snunfathioncble cross. His speed, bottom, and temper it equal to any horse al his iUj-. I la it bow al hit ttaolrt. The tetsoa -will commence the 14th day of t ebrnery. or etrlkr. d required. For tbt pailkulars of hit' running ond tint of hit cnltt iu England; tec htnd billsi ..I i.:. . . 1. : i. .L.iil- I: i a aiv im icrn. whww piiHti uv iiwerai, EI1W. H. CAltTEit, : Wilton, Grantdle to, N Jaaoaiy 19, 1831. S If LUMBER FOR SALE.: -Tbe Subscriber baaaow oa bamK-atbia Mills. Male Blake's) 17 mi let East of Kaleigb, 100,000 feel ol choice bomber, of every , description, tawed out of Lang Leaf Pine,- the peculiar ex cellence ol wbkb it too .well knoaa lo need any. palf. Pcrtoat desiring la purchase will please.. make applioatioa io Mr. t iiitam recti, Raleigh, or to Henry Morton, at tha Mills. . Tb prUc at the Millt will be ft per hon.lredi bat, if a larg quaaUty b bought, eve Icaa than that will to take). . . ' . . ..' PETF.R FOSTER. Wake eo., May 81, 1838, tf , Examlnatlou, Loulsbunrt IV. C. - The txamiaatioci of the Stadeali of the - male Aeadetay will aomnaenca aa Maaday, it b June next, aad the yonag Lad art lb next day. rOw lb cveaing ot the Sae) day. It Address will be dehrared by William II- Battle, Esq. to the pu pil f both departraenta, m the Female Adad. any. rarrnte, aa au cajacr aMeretxe-i in in edueatioe of youth, or rcapcttfuily Invited lo at- lead oa tht accasiow-- By order. :.. J i' u. in lata ait. t-wuisvang. i . . . mww. . JOB-PRINTING. Ncstlj anj cxpeditiaaklj csccstcd St PROCLAMATION tig the Governor of JVo. ' Carolina. - Where, by an tot pataeil t the last aeisn-n "of the Geaernl Assembly of thit Slate, entitled "an an act prescribing the mod of surveying and selling the Lands ef this State, lately acquir ed by irvatr with lot Cherokee Indians' it it auitolu duty, of me i.uveruer, unoa Hi re turn ul the' Mapt and Fkld Hooks of mid sur ey, to" lb Seteral . placet aa "presoribed by aid an, to itsuc bit -Proclamstion of the lime indplac-of tale, tad aharrat, the mid Maps and Field Books bat been returned sor didly " . Sua, I,. Edward B. Dudley. Governor of North Carolina, ta obedience lo mid act of As sembly, do hereby iaue this my Proclamation, giving notiea that the tale of said land will commence al .the. To a of Franklin,' ia the county oi Macon, ea the firat Monday i Splem ber next, aod continue Irom day to day for tare week sand a kMger, by aad andcr tb tnicrmlerdaaae aad direction, of S. F. Pailer. too and Charles U. HintOBv Etqrs., Ceramit tioirt appointed far that purpose, agreeable 10 the protkioas of the said aec . ': ' 4hc M teaimoey Hwbereaf, : f, Edeard t iiil. 7 B. Dudley. Governor, ha., hate f.. J ; touted, the Greal Seal of the State to be hcrettat affiled, aod tigded. tbe am, tl.ia 7th day of May, io the year of oar Lord, 1838. -.. ' w , v KUVVABD B. DUDLEY. . - - S0i7'w. . Star and Sttndtrd, Ratberford Gazette. Cotsuabia Telescope, Souibem (G. ) Recorder, Lynchburg Virgltian, Bad Knoxvile Register, Ul each aatcvt the abott, wecklv, bald day . AUCTION SALE, By Charles Boovi ell dk Co. EXTENSIVE SALE OF CHINA,GLA88,A.D EARTHEN WABE Oa Tuesday, tbe S9nd msL. Wkhont eaan at 10 o'clock, we will expose, at Public A action! the entire stock of goods, of the tbove deter ip- imn, eoutaincd Hi tbe tw Stores formerly ee- ...... I L. l 11 t . . "r "7 -j, oa sycamore street. 1 be stock embraces almost every ankle to be ounu in ine most etientire Establiahmentt. uj I -jr. - , .1 ' jiCTuppa unni mnr inuucements to pur ehasers, tlian wat ever prescnud before hi ibit aiaie. itaoaustiof a wen selected assortment of rrencn, bngiisn and India Chinti Plain, Moul ded aad Cut Glatsi . Priated, Japan, Pertkn uipt, related and U. U. Earthenware, Stone Ware, Looking Glasses, BriUuia Tea and Cof fed Pott, ate. . , A catalogue nf llie goodt will be exhibited oa in uay ol gale, and tbe Stork (including ibe fixtures) first offered entire in out 4ot but U not told in that wy; the goads will be told in lots to sail purchasers, wahoal the least reu-r.. A there it bat woe similar Estabfishtoen in Pe tersburg, it tffordt any person disposed to ea- gtge In Ihc butiness, rare opportunity. The lermt will be liberal, and Wr.lt. V.. It .,.11 impart lo the purchaser all pouiute joforma lion retjiectitig tfieliutiiicst.' -. rrr uoib lite nouses will be offered for Rent I ine nay el aaie. C. BOSWELLfc Petersburg, May . CO,. Aocfs 3tf KZVf-MPUm AND SUJIMEK GOODS. LXTCBTOBD OLTVXHi " MERCHANT T.HL0HS, Fayettevillc Street, Raleigh, Xorth Carolina. Tbe Subscribers bate just received, and ara now opening at their Store, beauiilul assort ment of Goodt In their Imr.eoasistmg of Cloths, Castimert and testings ot ettry totour and quality, to tact, every Ihmg ilwt can be found ia m"j -"''-i nwiniaiiiKni m ma toumry- vhkh we retpeetlully renoeat oar Iriendt tad the public lo call and examine before purchasing elsewhere, at wo are - determined lo tell ou seen terms as cannot tan lo ami the purchaser, .. . . . .. CllrUItU at OLIVER, Kaleigh. May 7, 1838.. SO Cw r. a. i to c it irom a Uisttnee will meet with prompt aneation,. L. It O, UNI VE R S I T Y . . The public Aniiitrrsary Extmitiation of the Students ot the Uaiversiiy ol North Carolina, HI be held at Chapel Hill, on Monday, 18th day of June next, and be continued from day to day, UDtilTliurwIar S8th. which last mentioned day- it appointed lor the annual- Com tneneemctlC of the College. The follow ing Trustees compose the Com mitlre of Visilatioo: Hit Exeelleney, Gov. E. B. Dubliv, Prvt't ex iff. Host. 1). U SwAta, Prttideat of Col lege, , V. J. AleTantler, J. W. Hryn, W. II. Battle, II. S. Clarke, J. Giles, A. Jojrner, J. Merehr-.t1, Wm. Rohanlf, J. B. Skinner, R. Williams. Wadtlell, CHAS. MANLY, Sec'T. Uord I rostees. Raleigh, Mty 10. 1838. '. .. .. . 8. ta J. R Donnell, , AV. A. Grhra, M. E. Man!, II. Potter, K. Sliuber, J. Webb, II. By order, VINE HILL ACADEMY. Tbe examination of tbatludcnlt of thit inati- lutkoill lake place oa Thursday, the 31 st of May. Parents, Guardians tnd Friend ara meat respectfully invited lo attend. The next session will commence on Monday, tbelfiih of juiy.uniier in uireetion oi ine tame approved Teacher! Dr. Film and Lady.) In Ibo Jil.le vr.n.rit, ml ur anaiKiics 01 all tliBTuul edu-.riln- Mll. -yk .1.. I . . . . Hn,l , me Mt,in, v.ret a anu French Languages, and young men prepared for admission to our collrgrs. In Ibe Female department, in addition to ih. branches usually taught in school, are added. Drawing, Painting and Botany. By the com mencement ol' ibesessioa a Music Teacher will be provided. The terms-sar tuitlni. ... ;.. ii.- aL.i- .r... . , . i "t - .i.iiiiirni are tor llie iti blast, embracing tint ruuimeuli i.H C.IIUUIIIOB. Sit Class, including Grammar, A metic, ivoodbrMiget Geography, 3d Class, Philosophy, lthetoric Chem istry, Surveying, lie. The Laneoatet. " r "mwv i-ii iineni, me termt are llie tame with the exec pliou of the following extra studies. Paimiag la Oil and Water Col ours. Drawing, Hoihov, Mntie, ..... ; Boaid may be obtained at from 4 in month. By order of tb board, CUAS. SHIELD, Sec Seottm--f(feltr-''-'---" ,8- 5 aaji'i ti-iaC The great popularity and citimliilHtdtetaH ww '.iwiHiB iHeuiciue, reaaera tbt east, ualiort of a fonglhy ailrertiirmeal ci,,wwtl Numerous tettituonials of their tslui o.i.iTj eeired) from gentlemen of the highest itsmh. bilily, in addition to those atMmitMkrtt box, may be teen on application ta aay at it aeeuls. The pills are put on in sunerawM.k ia tin boxes containing 40 pills, with full tWl tiont. I rice ti tents per box. To sgetn purehacera the terms of eommitsioa ted A m. arc liberal. All commubkalbmt UlbearaaJ I .ii-.ui.il .n I.. ' r THOMAS L. JUMP, Cetl Aid (TT Office, Morgan St. Raleigh, 1st dotr u ef the Prvsbyteikn Church - TURNER A HUGHES, Publishers, Booksellers, St. lionet") Kern a general assortment el Boate. IL carious di-tiartments ef Lueralnrr. r .w- Theology, also Stationary, ia til itttailKt,a ol whkb they will tell at wholesale or mail, ia the moat liberal lermt. - Ther hate aa exnaali. collection of the most approved edttiom of tM uooxs. Among them ar Wajlaail't falcitl uunoniyi oi anowa remitation, anr rttasiu - won in Nil uie pi'MicimliMWM. W.,l.nd't Political Economy7 .brd. uw ui scnooisia very valuable work. W'mW i Klemvnla Vl wi .I?. '" .V. ii - VZ wvicnce. I no aftCata a Ibe public iitfeiat retiecllully called to tf Moral Science abridged, and adsptrd Ult, use of common schools and aee.leroii s. WsW the abrnlgment as adihirably a.kpttd la sa"i the drn:ieAAv 1-ti,-k l.u. i. ' . .. . rr- e lor the - l , . : .ug oven icn. nana. II of an Eng. ?!eU,5', f d"8"""-" tlady of mnrd,. S.00 P'n- So 1" " ''" been able te cimk Ih- mm.U -. bal . MVu 10,00 13,50 14. SO 10 00 8,0(1. .1.11 15,00 V per May In, IS.i 81 Sw Slate of Nortli Ctimliua, County of Frwiklin. ourtof Plea ami Quarter Sessions.- V t t. ...... ' tfiarcit lerni, lboo, lsrbrouxh k Foster "J en uieaseil anu the sihIIm .. ..l .t. i the illustrations are tit and Uriking. Asertn. bie on Intellectual Powers. Why is inehsWJ not ta avery lamily and school ' Palej , Tl ?'!fnew.elitioo,:"lrel. aithfoity pIsleKMl M.btuiiiii notes or Ur. Uaxter am! utben Tl Class Book of Nat. Tkeolngy, or lh Trslia liy Ol Nature lo the Bring, 1'e! (cetion. vud Ct ernment of God, by II, Fergiii. The Yasag Ladies Class Buoki selrrtion- of liioilw ratiliiis, in prflse tnd vf rse, by FJni-ir Ma', .V. M. Peter Parley's Common Schol llitr, CinUillitued wilh tngratings, a iicw woitjtlw, i great vartetyot'unalt Vklimhle worxr.liytsnT Pat ley, eowlidning Jiklories, U av,1s nitiV lirat. Si, for Jiivenil readers. Bli.ke'i Xnt ral Plidotniihy, nw edition. enluril.. Ulaka'i common scnoois, ututtrnled by sttel plstee. grarhits. Itotnan AntiiiuitiM and AnrirstMi- ' J 'hnlogy, by Chat, K, Uil)owarrA. M , illaei icu oy viegaui engratingtr .The Atutrirat Kt potitnr, or Intellectual U-fiBer, drt'Siied fw uteschmrts, hy KutUt aotgell.'Tbt trr menu are good tad the rfelioitioni clearer J n-f eite. Sai s Politkhl Kcononiv. . ilreval ri- NEW GOODS, Very cue a pi -The tobscriber embraces the nreaenl akmHiu ity ol informine hia euatomera and .ih n.J.iu eooerally, that he baa juat returned from New York, aod it now receiving tud pea in one of peai noca ot v.oons ever broogbt to Ihn ".r?- . u Prhaaid hit Goodt altogether with Cash, which will enable bin loaell uausa ally low. Oaiag to tb very great demand for f maw luH.nttai inai article baa auimtanr autaataret over hose who h.. u --T - ""J arw periecny tottent. aa raiiowmg tormt a part of bit Stocki 2 ieneral Assortment of Calico's cV inmlia. Brown Lin vn, uoinesucav Hosiery nil 4 llatst . alto, ,a8k excellent selection of SUOES. oma tor Udrat aad UeoUamea all l .LUk-:. ar j . . wucrew m very rwaucen prices. t oe MBtcrmer wucaia a tall, and pledget him self that for cheaoaeta aad tarieta ,J -V.i. v:. stock eanaol be larpaased by any hooae hs'tb V' - - W. C.TUCKFIL K a. " May 9, 1838. SO 4;. W are authorized to anAouna' XI -1 V Vi Miller, Edward J. Erwia.and William H r.r'. oo, Esq. at candidate lo represent the county of Burkr, ia tha House of Commoot in our . .. . . ... . . I lPIIIIln In. ohn Jamrs Jones tnd V ..i I .... William Willie Jones J It inoearinr to the uii.r-i;nn nf ... r. . Ihat lhc dufeuirania in this case retMe beyoail ibe limits of tins State, so that the ordibarr procesl ol the law cannot reach ihein; it is ordered by he Court that Duhliealion bn n...l- ;.. it., li .i..:i. Star lor six auecessire aerksj that .unless, tbe ..e.eniiauia appear at the iext term of Iha saul Court, to ba held at the Cms House in Louisburg, on the second Monthly id Jim next, then and the re lo answer or demur lo Ihc saul Petition the tame will be taken proconfesso and partition made accordingly. Attest S. PATTERSON. O. CJ. C. Louisburg, April 84, 1838 ' 19 Cw State or North Caroliuuf -. County of Fruklin. . Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, . March Term 1838. . ' Adolphus Kccd otophy,- abridged,, for nriaai v schools. .Sie aril's FhikMcphr of the Mind, Bott 14 hrli Library. Harper's Family Ijfar-y, woeielsci is mora valuable resiling iha can be ioand ia asr other 'works for the eost. Classical Likrsiv herwlhrre may be found nearly all other (: kal tramlatioB. Cluiaiku Librarv. MiuMt. oriht Kotelt compleie. .Mrs. Opks Warti complete.. Mi v Sherwood's eutupiele aciU A lew full sell of Ihe Araerktn AlmsMssvl Reiosilnry of Useful Knowledge, tnmulrtckl vols, well bound) alao, tome odd nuiiilni; wl for tli year 1838. eomplrte ten of tbt P"? Msgasine', ot the Society for llie il if mint of ful leuotedgei wilb a Crr large and nrixc4sl lection of It.iokt, eontisling of Ijiw, .Vedicil. Hiitoriral, Theological, and misetllanemn,1 els, voyage, welt, etc.. all kind of Sstcrl Books, too teilious to mention. Blank HoiixK'l all kinds, also Blauk Books made lo tirder at i shortest notice, also architectural aad tsrpf ter's guides. Old lt.mkl rebounii in all varktH All kimlaol Rooks and Ktatiouwy for dt-t he 'ortli Carolina Book Store at cry J"1" pikes. . Pctitioa lor dower ol Slaves Jess Pertoa -v JohnXittleton Reed Elitabcth Anu Sin k tnd Satan IH. Reed It tppcarmr to the sal itact ion of tliH f ? the detemtsnts John Littlctntflleed. Klizlh : I Ann Siaik and Soma M. Ke.l e..i.r. : .1... t.i.1. ot t iri-inui. and lliat the nrau tJ Ceurt cannot reach ttino) it is ordered that pub. licalio be mail in the Rateigh Star, lor tlx tuccessive weekctbat anless iha il.r.I.M. appear at the next term of the said Court lo be held at 1 he Court Tfouce in liii.l,ura. naili. second Monday ia Jane next, then aod there to answer or demur to Iha said IViiibm. it will h. takea'prcf aoafasao and n... AHlfrvJ imam. Uafcly. ; Attest 8.TATTF.RSOX,' C. C C. Lottisbiirg, ApriHl 18.18 ;1 w NOTICE. tolil, on Saturday the IJibdiv' DOCTOR IIIDLEV Hat ettablitbed himself in Ralei;b, and will affora Medical aid ta those whe way feel ditpo ted to patronix blot Hn offien in the rear of the Apothecary Store of Messrs. TVm M. Ma sob tc Co. where h may be tee whe aot oe. tettaruy absent. A rtea ujloc oa the Wilt be Mat hexl. nature Galea Ci.urt llMite dner (ialrtrille. the fo!on.g tracts rj LASH, ef much at will pay Iheanmiiiit of lases dueler yetr en liirj; 18JI3, irgclher with U so'sl B- terlisfng, hie. " - Jiihn V . Itonil, St arret." ' . . ' Jamre llaker, sen. 540 teres. - Tinson Y Kure, H0acrrtav William Kuif, U 13 aciet. : Daniel FieM, 8!i0 acres. ; Burwell tirifCilt, 9HT aei-et. ' Samuel Harrell, Vt arrca. . Krtan flaneil, 1U0 acre a. . , Thcmas J one t, 50 arret. -. - .John Jones, T.I acres. , ; .Tbomat.J. Miller, irSO arret.' Hen icon Pai ker. (otVa ) f00 acres. , Jtmra Skm'net't Heirs, 3(10 aetcs. UN US1EI LA NO IN 1 83fi. Hilliaui Bullock's fteirs, 125 acres, adjoltWI the landa of I'hoa, Ssumlel and albert ,- ". ' William Parker's 4eiri, Si aerea, tdjitf Ibe leudt of fcdjak HarrcU add olhcis. Richard. Parker'f hrirt,.JU -acres, tjniWI the bwilMf Itobf. Jl. Parker and olbet k J AS. It. RIUUICK. Sa'Sel wtw ftalav ,: . pane grail. .rtf. Aprd 16, ttS8. III - -aT . - . ..X ' - ' V 'jirpimiii- i 11 " tt,m,vjm Jastttry Ss 1(58.