. T V 1 . latepa Won. Arbid any addition. Extend 11m . territory you may, joa ri can hart oaty thoie yoo now bate and their natural increase. They may be diffused oitr jk .wider., surface, inter- bit not one additional slave can be aJ-i Nay, Mr. President, ihia an- Delation will produce the precise op posite result. It will prevent the iu crrasaof slaves. It is writ koown that it ha tasked the vigilance and power -mJiutCiiWiM:iuaet4u-sifM;c.the taws to which I have . just alluded. againt - tb Wini'tTji'twa' if tnc pnifir wTilcli would regard the intcaduction of slaves and it is also known that the Combined energies of (lie civili.d powers of the world luve not yet uc reeded. in putting an end to the slave trnle which continues lo supply the West Indies with African slaves Oar laws, sustained by oar public opinion and enforced by our powei,would no doubt prevent the possibility of -he further introduction of negroes:!. ut tinae of these checks will operate wi-th the eatae force upon Texas. Her ex tended coat, wa'rhed by a small na vy; her uninhabited territory, subject to a necessarily inefficient police, af ford -facilities for the introduction of negr.ies, while, on the other hand, the temptation to introduce them will be greater than! any other portion of this continent has ever been expoed--toj flor, sir, will the proposed 'siiheXition tie t entitle me conditio ol the slaves now held in bond-ie. . Such as would be Ira inferred to Texas would be plac ed in I more healthy climate, a more fertile soil; they would be less crowded together in large masses, and, from the enhanced value of their labor, enlist a more intense interest .on the part of their own ?r to attend to their wants and necessities. These remarks make, Mr. President, to show, how blind and mistaken is that humanity which has permitted itself t be enlist ed against this measure. How narrow it also is, let me briefly illustrate. It js obvious that, if our laws, institutions. spirit of cnt-Jrpriie, and Intuits of or der, were extended over that region, and sustained by the vigor of our gov ernment, it would rapidly become the seat of civilization and religion. The waste of useless fertility would be sub jected to a vigorous culture, towns would spring up, churches be built, .and, in tic jilace of the wild Caddoes and Camandtes, would appear a race of men rapidly fulfilling the high des tiny of civilized man It is against that spirit of aggrandize- nient aml recklessness, winch is, in the pretention of its mad career, blind to such obvious considerations as these. It i against that Self-righteous arro gf nee which acorns and would chastise in others every thing different from it self. It is against that prurient and drunken hilanthtnpy, more lo be dreaded as avmadness than to be pitied . & ... as a disease, wmcn menaces toe fle ' atruction of the Union, and a portion of it with massacre and burning, and all the nameless horrors of servile war, It- is against the' perpetual and irrita ting agitation of bitter and unprofitable lopic, wmcn cannot come 10 goou, mar thrs measure is intended to provide. I wish no power for the. South but e tiough to protect herself no boon but to be let alone; no influence here, but enough to check in this body the ujad caprices of unbridled power I expect a majority in neither branch of the gov. ernment. In the popular branch we are destined to a hopeless minority. Here we must be strong enough to be heard, to be felt, to be able to check, to be able to insist upon deliberation. We stand entirely on the defensive, we uWire safety, nnt power, and we , mast have it I know ul no mode so easy, so direct, and so efficacious, as tKil'whteIflTrffp"erCio"WMrety' and repose, by doing now what all your thoitirSiutfit and distinguished states men have been an long anxious to do. Give them to us, by restoring what ynu wantonly an unconstitutionally "de-i tirived ui tL.. Grant us this just and tiaraale boon, by repairing the violatei in'tfnrr in Toar territory, by augmrnt ins; your wealth and power, by extend ing the empire of law, liberty, and unrtsiianity. uive u to ui, ami yog wilt accomplish that "which is the greatest Interest of every trua Ameri can, the ennsntidatinn of our Union, it which is invoWed our prosperity, fell citv. safety neniaps our national ex istence. Mr. President, w'-lh these words of Washington, I conclude. nEt1AltUl OF Mil. CLAY ON THE TBEASL'RV NOTE BILLL. Mr. Clay of Kentucky, said that as .a. . r . tne gentleman iroin .-suroi i-arouna fMr. Brown) had made an allusion to a matter of fact, he would trouble the Senate with a few word in reply to that part of his speech. It had refer eace to tha price of Treasury notes in the market. The price of these notes, lika that of other commodities, was constantly varying and, besides, they bora tHftcrent -rate of Interest: on tha. Intereat, ; wat merely nominal ea other three - or roar, and on boobs as high as ait per cent. soma days ago, in" relation their mar statement which Mr. C. had made Ileoee it might happen that ainece tha lcet price at that time, some small change might have taken place, and. on tha 1 Jth of tha mo&thaoat of the so notes had risen bat of which kind tha Senate had not been informed. There was another circumstance, besides the d'jfrrrate afBTcre damanda a. p'e laus later advice night show that it had risen. Bat he anil said that those Treasury, Botes., which bors only Bominal interest, war and always had . beaa. btlotD par, assuming- specie as tha standard of par raloe. " possibly. f price ot These securities in the market, and that wa their quan tity at any given moment. As the a mnunt issued had been gradually ab sorbed by the demand from those who hal vJuties lo pay, the price would naturally be enhanced but, his life, fur Hi if the Secretary would at once is sue the whole ten millions proposed in thilfbill, the notes would immediately depreciate, and fall below par. As I am up, fsaid Mr. Clay,) I may now offer one or two of the reasons why I slull vote against this bill in a ny shape it may assume. I do not propose to enter into anyjipecific reply t' the speech of tfietYoluirable Senator from North Carolina. I was sorry to perceive that lie was on tli'n occasion less amiable than usual. In general. he is very good tempered. However 1 am dipoed to make every allow ance; the aspect of the times may be against him; the elections, perhaps nave not exactly met bis expectations nr suited nis leelins, 1 advise him uowever, to oear tne los ol power, winch is inevitable, with grace and goou-iimper. it is coming, as sure y 4i tbe sunwill use to-morrow, no e liirts ot n i m or Ins li lends can avert it; we liavr'got the majority with the People, whatever we may have in ill senate, under these circumstances 1 snail endeavor, in my own case, to set the honorable gentleman an! exam- e III ltlf ltfit iiiinna. ni.ou.K1u I k vwb. k. in m ii j.i .1. i . i a rri 1 arc told bv the honorable chair nan ol t tie finance Committee that the Treasury m in a deplorable condi tion, and that there is the utmost dan ger tliat the Guvrrument will have to come to a dead stop. We are assured tliat so .calamitous is the state of things, tliat the ordinary legislation of Con gress is arrested that the usual an- propriation bill for the naval service haa been kept back for weeks, beeause. should the appropriation be made by congress, mere is no money in tbe I reasury to meet it. This is. indeed. a most deplorlable condition of our public alia i is j and it may justify me in pausing, for a moment, to inquire how it has been brought about. How does it happen that a country, whose revenue was so nbundanr. wluis Treasufyvtas so flush with treasure that tlTe very excess was our chief em. barrassment, ' has arrived at a state when the Government, if it were any thing but the Government, might be pronounced insolvent? I will tel! you, air, how it has come to pass. If you add the appropriations of the last two years to those already ordered, or which are contemplated during the present session, you will find that no less than one hundred and five millions ot tlollars have been expended, and are in the ptoce.s of expenditure, bv an Administration which came into pow rr on promises of retrenchment and reform within the space of three vears. Ves, sir one hundred and fire millions in three years! Less than two years ago, as .til must recollect, every class of person .-..noected with the expen diture of the public moneys was goad ed to permit more and yet more of it to be, appropriated. The question was. not how tittle can you- get along upin that inquiry was not even thought of but all were importuned and goaded to say how much vou can expend, if we will appropriate the sum. The result is the fact I have stated, that in three year-you - have- expended one hundred and five mild lion. Now take, in the war of com- parison, the whole Administration of 31 rL Adanis,ai)d y im. wM4fidht.tlrt average expenditure during tfefss four jears was not over twel ve 'niiiKtins that is, forty-eight million in -lour vears. That AdministratioWf at tacked and put down, as too waseful and profuse to bo tolerated, -and it yielded up the reins of power lo our modern rrfoimers, to our economists, who have brought the country to its present condition by spending upwards of one hundred million. in three years. I recollect, when it was the policy of the Administration to reduce the train, and strip Iroin the inanufacto riaig industry! the country -the pro tection which the laws had extended to it, the gentleman at the head of the Treasury Depratment (Mr. McLane) proposed as an ultimatum of annual expenditure fifteen millions. Taking this as our standard, we ought, in those three vears, to have expended forty-five millions: we have spent one hundred and five millions, which leave a balance of sixty millions, which ought to have been at this day in the Treasury, and might have been, there but for the extravagance and e4 tha equanimity of tha honorable fendemaa from North Carolina.- lere is this Government coming to oar doors, white beside it stand a nost gainst it which- it ran not pay. Under uch circametances,- extravagant as this Anministration i I am willing to grant it the .requisite supplies I am willing to preserve the public faith in violate, but in that customary, safe, and approved -mud which - Jvsbee practised by former Administratons. to vote tliiupply, but to vote it in one specific mode prescribel by tlus Kxecutive; and, un ess I consent to that; am I to be placed, as tha gentle man has placed all the opponents of this bill, anions those who are inimi cal to-the Government of my country? The gentleman does not discriminate. The Government ofjhis country ' the People ol the United States are warm ly, inalienably attached to. It is their own Government; they set it up and inrw mil maintain it., i) i i waro ine gentleman that he ha fallen into an egregious error, if he rnnf.rands the Government with this Administration if he makes no distinction among the I'eopie ol the United State and Mr. Van Buren and his Iriends. The gen tleman wul discover, sooner or later. that il he identifies a sub-Treasur Kxecutive and the People of the Unl ted States, he lias fallen into a stilt greater mistake. A French monarch once said "I am the State." 'I he pre- suinpiuousness ot iapoleon prompted him once to say i "France wants me more than I want France" but I can assure the Senator from South Caroli na that that language will not be tol erated from hi in or his party. Mr, 1 reprat that I am willing to vote such supplies as may be needed. aitirmign tne exigency may have been broglit on bv the prnflieate extrava to exercise it. But I cannot conceive, if Government may do thia directly why it an ay not empower a corporation tO"do-tt forthetnv I cannot vote. . f Uus bill. I wilt wasteful profusion of this Administra tion anil its illustrious predecessor. This is the true cause of our present finan cial difficulties and not as has been alleged, the failure of, the deposits bank to pay in specie; for the whole amount of our now in those banks is not over four millions, while we are told by the Administration that they are in immediate need ot ten million of Treasury note, beside all the oth er resources at theirceminand. No, air, it i not the lailure of these de- posite banka ta par specie: it is that wasteful extravagance of t hi Adminis tration which has net auch a signal rebuke from Maine to Mississippi a rebuke tbe stiog of which haa disturb- gance of those entrusted with the pub lic anairs. uut I will not vote for this Treasury note bill. Let the truth ue conlessed. L.et us have "a loan. a was done under the"" Administration of Mr. Madison The past history of the Treasury note system has been referred to. But, sir, would the gentleman con luuiiii a coouuion oi proiounti peace with a state of calamitous war, when the Government wis surrounded with UifliculCies, the countrv was invaded. and resort must be had to every possi ble expvuieni mr present relietf And evenJi,en wlien were Treasury note resorieu wr noi uu at er everv r. fort to leftecta loan had tailed. Ap plication has been made in vain to cap italists in this country and tothos4 abroad; and then, and not till then, it was that the device of Trcasurv notes was resorted to as a last expedient. ' Hut now, to conceal, it nossible. frm the eyes of the People the rta tn4t tion ol ths i reasury, the gentleman is or reiusing me wise policy or Madi son, which was to take up short loans, as the money was needed. Make your loans at as abort periods as you please but do not mask the matter under the shape of Treasury notes, and thus adopt that most dangerous of all possible modes of effecting a supply the creation of a Government paper money. Sir, what is the real object of this bill? It is but one part of a system long since devised, to establish a Gov ernment Bank. The Sab-Treaaurv bill was to have been the consummation f tharplan. But that has gone to its long home, and, as I trust, to its eter nal repose, s- They cannot get up the acheme in that shape. The reliance j on a "hard money" currency has failed. But a Government currency must still be provided. To aid the general scheme, the -Treasury -note bill of the last session was passed. That was lo serve the purpose of fa miliarizing the People to the aight of Government paper, and thus prepare the way for a permanent establishment of that species jrxurrenry. Scarcely six months have passed till we are asked for more. The Treasury we are told, is empty. We offer to re lieve it in the old, safe, long-tried j mode, by open! borrowing as much money as is needful. But no: we must isaue paper that hall be uned aa a cir culating medium. There, lies before me a book which exhibits a fac simile of ths bills of our 6Td central nionev. ' Compare with these our modern Trea4 ury notes, emblazoned as they are witS iaeerjptious and marginal decora tions; liroaijht down, alrea.lr. as ln aa fifty wo'llaiv, and ready to be redne. ed to twenty, to ten, or to five, as the People will bear it, and as the purpo rts ui tiicAuininisiranon may require. Where is the essential difference be tween the two? Sir. I am not for ren. . .. j - not lend giny aid to bring among as the assignat of France, or the old con tinental money of the revolution. I will not try, again, an expedient which whenever tried, ba signally and ruin ously failed. shalf ytrte fbf thSIlttehdmettr of the honorable gentleman from Massa chusetts, on ths principle that J will modify a thing I deem wrong iii it self, so a to mitigate the evil it con tains; but I shall in the end vote against the bill, whatever shape it may assume. Before I resume my seat I will take this occasion to say that i disapprove of all thoHe merely physical contests, by which minoritie sometimes strive to delay the action of a majority when they have endeavored in vain to per suade it to a different course. Such contests are unworthyof eit er. When the force of reason has been fairly tri ed on both sides, and the argument is 'auted, let the tnajorilr decide, as it should ever do, lie . fate of the measure. COXUItCSiMOXAIi. Saturday, May to. The Joint resolution of Mr. Clay, prohibiting discrimination in the kinds of money received for the public, reve nue in its different bandies, und re quiring the receipt and disburs nient of sound specie paying bank notes, was taken , up, and on motion of Mr. V right, thelatter provision stricken out 28 to 19 Messrs. Brown and Strange voting in the affirmative The whole .resolution now consisted only of the substitute for the first clause adooted vesterdav on motion of i. vk. : .. i -i. .i u cusirr, orunioiiing ine issuing Monday in Jul, waalaid oV'tha ti- ble. . - ; r .n4 alo ti7irr theVal? Diwuasion on Indian affair occupied ha evil and misrule of ill theremataderf -th yTZzts. UJJJ U.State. hare. Uer. Uti iut . and low to ansert' t1,.? r,nM M frssing one thing, and meaning and loin another. Let pent emn lu. honest. Their object is to introduce o tha American Peoples Government paper, a circulating medium of irre deemable continental money. That ia their object, and am opposed to it. 1 am opposed to it in all forms it can be put into. I trust it will never suc ceed. i , But what most of all surnrises m in thia matter is, that those who stout- ly deny the power of this Government to create a national bank which shall issue a circulating medium by it note, should maintain the. right of taovernmentto issue such notes-slirect-ly in it own name. I shall not now enter intd the question power. It may ba that the Government baathe power, and it tnsj W very convenient and enforcing of anv order making din criiuioaiioii in i ne Kinus oi money re ceived in the different branches of the revenue; (that is, simHy an.nullingthe c(ri-ic iiuuiar, anil proiliuillllg all similar orders hereafter.; Mr. Morris then offered a Ions- a mendment requiring that the Secretary oi me s reasury, acting under the reso lution ol 1816, should receive such notes, and none other, as are au thorized by law to be paid out to the public creditors; that such notes should be presented monthly at the respective banks for payment, which should be deposited in special denosites as direct ed by law, or as the Secretary of the Treasury houldlhint--proi)er, and should there remain, till withdrawn bv order of the Secretary; that the notes of no banks should bercceived uhicli issued notes of less denomination than 25, nor of any bank that should not be within i i miles of th place where nuiri puuuiu oe oiiereti in payment. Mr. M. expressing a wish to speak on this amendment, and pleading iudis- poiiuon i or not proceeding this even ing, in Being now ball-past 6 o'clock, asked an adjournment; and the Senal adjourned. 7 i 1 r. ... . , . ... me nvr-T.uriwrrn two anil three hundred bill tief of individu- ats, alter unu . onsideration in Committee of the Unle, wee order ed to a third reading, and were sever ally read a tbinl time, passed anil or dered to ba sent up to tha Senate for concurrence. AtanJuu- Mau 2.1 In the Senate, Mr. Murria withdrew Ins amendment to the resolution re pealinjr the Specie Circular, and iiff-r. ed one renealiiiff llw resolution of I81fi. uuiuriMiig me reception ol specie pay ina bank notes. 'Ihia rejected yeas, Messrs Allen, Benton. Br own, Calhoujuilort isr NUes, Smith, Stnngefc--ay-irS&""The'reolu-Imn repealing the Specie Circular and prohibiting the issuina- of anv surh hereafter, was then adopted by a vote of 30 to 10. Messrs. Hubbard and Lion with the gentlemen placed under the yeas above, being the 10 Senators who voted against if. Thus has the Senate marked aain with their disap probation that mad and ruinous poli cy which dictated the odious specie circular. The Senate then adiourned. In the House, Mr. Mercer offered a resolution, which, being objected to, lies over for future action, directing '! imc cuminiuees ui inquire into the expediency of vesting the pow ei ofsppointing marshals and attorneys of the U. S. Courts in the jutKs thereof; of appointing and iemov?nr officers of the customs in the Secretary of the Treasury with the restriction that he shall, in case of every removal, transmit to Congress his reasons there for; of causing the salary of the Post master General to be reduced to the um of?3,500 per annum, and of re quiring that officer, on his removal of any deputy from ofBceJaJwinsiDit to Congress his reasons therefor. Mr II syne of Geo. offered a reso lution, proposing to raise a select com mittee, with instructions to rennrl a I'll I' um making an apportionment of all uib puouc isnus or tne United States In the Senate, the resolution repeal ing the specie circular wa passed by a vote of 34 to 9. -Nay -Messrs. Al len, Benton, Brown, Calhoun, Hub bard, Morris, Nile, Smith, Strange. In the House, a bill to, extend thed. charter oi the existing banks of the District was passed. The orth East ern Boundary Qostion wasthen dten up and discusiivd; and on motion of Mr. Evans laid on the table. The Uuse went into Committee of the Whole on the Indian Appropriation bill, which was debated at great length. IVeiiaetday ATag 30. No business of much interest was transacted in the Senate to-day. A resolution was offered by Mr. Web ster, that the Committee on Finance be instruf tcwio take into consideration the act of June 3, 1836, and inquire wheth er, under the provisions of that act, it is competent for the Secretary of the Treasury to employ as. depositories, such banks as have suspended specie payments;, and also to inquire into the expendiency of repealing that part of (Im depute art which mnkes deposito ries of sucji banks only as do not issue notes under the denomination of five dollars. This resolution was amended and passed on Thursday. In tho House, Messrs. Prentiss and Word appeared, were qualified and took their seats. In takinir the oaths. they stated that they did not mean to .trouble the" House, at this advanced period of the session, with any question in regard to the validity of the Novem ber election. They must not be un derstood, however, as abandoning, in the least, the rights they had acquired under that election, but expressly claimed that, under it, they were the Representatives of the State of Misis sippi. The resolution of Mr. Clay.ai modi fied by Mr. Webster being a repeal or the fecie -circular,) was taken up on motion of Mr. Boon, and, uidgr the operation of the previous question, was passed by a vote of 151 to 29, Mr. M'- Kay being the only representative from INorth C arolina, who votd in the nega tive. I'hus have a Vai Buren Senate and a Van Buren House of Represen tatives both expressly and pointedly condemned this part of the financial policy of the late and present admin istrations. have dTscoverd that wk.. Jt m V provoke, a repetition of ill renewal of oppreasions. ce,:. 1 a tfrtue Pet. . W -ir r nn-i-r - -V r -t - nan ! m an n ."vSaE,. raleigii, j iecHs-sT .- ... rivnmi.. Hake. mi? Ticket. Dr. Tw ' Henate. ,Ve.ton U. Gale, and JX na, Common, Van Dunn Tithn 8m.i Senate. Nathaniel U. R,nl iTd HulL'K er, oinmoni. "as, - dtndiJate$ fir AvX-Metl a Uurt, It. Anhton and Allen Itoyers, jI We are authorized to announce M.I s . Miller IWwarJ J Erwi. ,M .Wihi. of Borke, m tW, HouM f C8lhrtoB.f nrxi i.giiiuire ftutherfrdlm . Ws are lultoHized toaniiouuce Col Bn S. Oaither, a a eaodidale to?cpm,n Irict ruinnoied i,f ilm mimii.. .. Ta. ancy, in the Senate ofur next L,gij,( Me are renuetel lo innnntiM Ine IS. Viirolina Standard. The Etlitor of tlus print in an article writ ten, we suppose, with an eye to the an proechin"; elections in his State, chanres the cantritfates of the Whig Party with wantot candour in not dee'annr their nominanea for tha Pres'uleney, This charge, juunds well ruining, from the in oi a van liuren Editor. One Id suppose, from theair ofeonsrinus ectitude with which the makes tho charge, that the skirts of his party were entirely clear of any impu tation on the score of candour. That they had a'way been straight for ward, open and above b iard. That their history showed nomine- like nmit cal trick or manoeuvre. How-stands the fac? Let the "Standard" turn over the psges of his memory, and he soon will discover how the Tact does stand. D'lrini the late contest for the Piti. dentcy. was Mr. Van n brought before the jwnple as soon as he was taken up by th-.-Sacl.cni" of the party? Were his claims to that office, badly laid oaen and canv.ed the people? "f)id the" Editors" of the party or their candidates li.r II iinnt'oCB and the State Legislatures.on the "eiec tion grounds, declare v. ho was tohe ilwi.- candi.lafer No, (hey did 00 Such ikini When questioned on the subject, their answer invariably was. "we cnni.ln. ;. aaO '''Si'Utnra Win. II. Bhenard aa u ,..l,.i.,. " ". tha Semaoiial diatricl compontd 0f Mi, of Pa,uotank and Perquimoni, i u,, Irfgulatare. Phni.T. - . Wc are authorized to announe k a Procter" o. a candnlale to re,, ot 1 aqootank in the Common, at ih Legislature. " We ,are rcquegtedyto announce Gen. J McPher i.' a a candidate t rrpntnt 'ik. Sonstorial DutriiVcoii,iotd of lUe countia.!! Camden and Curilnrk tiii. and R. B. (jham. H. L. u,ard inJ W . Junet.Xn the Cotninoiu All Vlii 7 EilijaMlMlcr, V U for comment Carjbrtt and Janet. In thia ScnMorl-,) T:. tnct Kn.)ch Fo U the Whin andalph. Jonathan Eedinr.- T . I... l. U.' U I u i . . --- e Walkpr and Benj. Hawkins. Co,.. a. whim hul Iwo M.!r T. Una and H.i... )ter.-Elijnh K. Uell U the Whig eas didate for the Commons. Orange. The following Van Buren lick for the Leinolatura bas leen nominated laOi. snge, viz: Jm. Joseph Alliann for the Senate Col. John Sloikard. Col. Herbert 8imt, Cot! Benjamin Trollinger, and Dr. Joliua Brielea, or the House of Common. Whig Ticket, which hai been heretofore publi.hcd, Mr WJ. delf, unale; Meaara Wm A Urahom,NJ Kioj; John Boon and Willie P Mangnin. commas Chowan Tho U llaughton, for eeunaoM Mecklenburg V Ji Ticket 8 Foj ate; J M Hutchison and O VV CaldwilL . t laikin?. hidden, Columbia and finmtvicbW R Hall, W. XrunonkkVr. P. J. Hill, VV. torn. Vrw Hanover C Henry, senate; J TIM. ler and J McAuslan, coin. all V II Ontlo-w. Dr. Pinhoneh. W. for Cumu. Cumberland. John M Leajjenate; Julia r'intlow, coimnon. No! coninlcin Cotumbut. Augovlue Smith, VV. rmnm, Beaufort and Vtde.iicn, i. O'Villinsin, W, ia candidate lo represent this 6ouikuis district. , iMiiiirtDr, Pamutl D. Jkfar.fi, ;-Cast mon. . W among the3 citizens of the several States and Territories, according to the ratio hl-Sl'whdirect taxes are annointed among them. Lie over. " r Mr. S. William ofTered a resolu tion, condemning the issing of Tressu. ry notes as a currency in the place of specie and bank notes, and depreca ting a Government Bank, direct jy'or indirectly, in any shape. The House refused to uspend the rule for it consideration yea 81,'aaya 84. A resolution to adjourn on tha lit premature yet to agitate that subject." It will be time enou-rh six or ii lv. months to come. "Wait until the Jlal ttmore Convention meets and whoever is recommt-tided to us by that body will be our. Candidate." With all General J lous influence to back him. with .11 it,- Government patrone exerted in his favor, the friends of Mr. A'an Buren were either afraid or aMmued . him out, until thev had huiolio.r.r,.,i ,i betrayed the people into what was cal- ieu a Convention.. ..The Convention, the illustrious and never-to be-for"ot-ton Baltimore Convention, iliil nifi! and alter solemn farce of pretended leliberation, Mr. Van Buren, was for the lirst time, openly brought before the Country as the avowed caudidate of the party for the Presidency. With these facts, too notorious to be denied, star ing him in the face, is it, not surprising that the Editor of the Standard, should charge any body or any party with want of candour? Could he not refject with how much truth this charge might be nunen naca upon bun and his party? Wo advise him in futore to recollect thetute but the true maxim. "People Ik K n li.. 1M 1 - I . . ' " nouses, siiould never throw atones." The Candidate for the Whig Party, whoever he may be, will, in proper time, be brought openly and fairly be fore the people, and will we believe, be as fairly and openly elected by them. lie will not be the dictated of any man in power. Unaided by Government paU ronage and influence, but opposed by both, he will have nothing . but a 'good cause and his own personal merit tore. If anon. They will t.ta him a inW of atrength, and will assured It cecure (0 Dins tha uffhlee of a free and en. lightened people. Th -people of the Carvel. James Kerr, Senate; Liltletos A. Gwin, Nathaniel J. Palmer, and Lei Walker .Ji;i. John Grady, jr. and J. H. Win ton , for l!ie Com mon both Whigs. . ' " ? Chatham. Wm. Alhriaht, Sorule; MMsraf Waddell. Clcgfe ano deaden, Commeue-ig Whig. Gen. Cotten, and Mr. Keens. Cub. nionn. V. B. . Slirrv. Mcshsek Pmntlm Wlu ..i Wm. P. U..tW0H tV. B.) arecandidstcfo, '"tMtlK. Boiden, Kichsnl V. Vui7n,,- n n I S ' 1 YYnlK;",,nl Calloway aJ P. B. Rulierla, V B for the commons. J'itt Gen. Alfred Moye. Whig, witbnalap. poenion. for the 8enale. J.'L. Foremsa Ci i. O (Jorham, whiga. and Alacoo D. Moja ttif v Bpiers, V B fjr the eommrmt. - Johntton.Meun. Williams, nhig. a4 Houlder. V B in the senate. In the common Kansom Sanders and John Ellini(lon, wbif, Jamos Tomhnson and Kedar Whilley, V 13, ' Halifax Amlr.w Joyner. senste; B. 7i moore, an.1 I nomas Ousby eominons bi. A...MI.K. M. Edney, whig; and M. Dei hardt. V B in the 8enale. Tlicninond IS Robrron JSenattrtal JUrtmt - Hen. Alfred Dockery, whig Whig. SPECIR ClltCCLAIt. ThU high-honded and roinona mratsrs it at length repealed. The joint resolution of fered at an amendment lo Mr. Cby'amoK.. tionaby Mr. Webster, not only renealinr li t : Treasury order of I8.J6, bot proliibitiivT ' X i-stnng of any socli order in future, has patied both Houses of Congress by overwhrhnirg majorilies Ouly nine voted ayslnSt it in the Sente, and 29 in the House of Represents-, lives-, among whom were the two Senators k ' Mr. M'Kay. fronTTforTK: Carolina. 1b fntTg- naiit voice of the people has at length reached the ears of Iheir represenliilri'e.i, and the ptt. tioacity with hich the President has attliertd to Ibis pernicious measure of liii 'illtistrions predecessor" must now yield, no thanks to him. Ilia vete. should be be so infatuated at to attempt it. wilt be unavailing: Mcra thaa : to-thirdof both house a will effectually pre ' vent the intervention of either bis breccht , pocket or Conttilutienal veto. The Richmnnd Enquirer new thinks lh -doing away with the specie circular" oils'.'" facilitate the return of tbe Western Banks lo specie pa)ments(" and the Madisonian says " Oi. of the consequences of the recissik ' of the specie circular will be, a general and ' early r snmpl'inn of specie payments by lh Ranks of the Middle and Western Stales.' ' Bot all tbe ruinous consequences f tW ' odioos measure still lie at the door of lbs -party in power. When it wss first presented lo the Senate by Mr. Benton, K wss instantly rejected by every Senator except tbe mnveri ' but in less than tea days after the sojourn ment of Congress Gen, Jackton, in dcfUe.ee of this decided opposition by the Repres'n's tiveaof the people. In the trye spirit of k des A pot, proclaimed itjtfie la,ofite bani; Tbe Whigs, foreseeing the disatron conseqa" ces which must follow, and lodigneiit at tb'S C abuse of executive power; everv he'y 1 demtedjAaa.Ve'fjmtlJe t- J

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