tilt Il ls Ml i lit s F km a i' Tfc a Nil situ iiilt W. kJ M tnk to Mi. A : tfl, li of nf bo - I wlu titer. ydr- to- Afc ty tlx n raor B situs U- rl 'n-' 'l.nd Ctnclnniti Rail Road, near Columbia lath Carolina, when the great chain be- 'lLllie north nJ Routhi wi" beco'nr,, to Augusia, and thence lo Kev s Hv w r. nna unacamunWd with the migratory .din ofoat people, It ruay.appear !" ihattfjenuniber Snicnger between th two eCtion,; by the ,.ou ioeii now travelled cannot full far lort $ three hundred thousand annually Yet fcmU.t broom 'iprlHelpir'ttioroBtt of a large portion of this travel. ; ;i'hi -"irwlte't WP?!il!?.l,,i.,!e; "nd 'whrii it i recollected that it pasc through the principal ettie of every Atlantic Slate, and will i (w be the route of lite great daily mail, we sen reason to douM that the stock bf any por ' ,.f it will pioc to the holders a safe and wfl ,1,1c iuvobtment. We need not ,J, that .' pmni.lf r the extension of this work to the .jtli Si-' West, as of vilsl inijiortanre lo ihc tiliicna of the State, and particularly, our friend i" the western pari of it. The proposed Iga'iira of the road from l!ji place is through piunlv of jUUa'.!...n; whenr it is designed u fxleiiJ it branch ((rowgi Oil Stute, panllti, and ' ''' effect HMuctitnviih fa chm le'ton uitti Cincinnati Huad, within llit hfttert '-'" SKe. iW learn lhal ' tto tVihiifngt!! Company, intend contrucling lliralidi ifom Wayin-boroug!i to this place, vliich will .h west accesa lo one of the best West India markets in the Southern country; tml also I '.i ft clioiiu Of market hi Virginia and. Hiulh Carolina. If these Imjirorcnieiit can bo t-!ixedi they- or destined to work a complete '(iiilutton in 'he condition and pry;n'ets of bur j,,pl.'i ttiii) t!i:it they ran h, ia certain, if those j-lw ire most deeply interested will put their iiuililers to the wheel. From the dioskhm (winced t tlie last aesiiuji, we nave no Uoubt tut the riiaw will be prompt in extending her liili li. we-aaftHHirrfe upon the west to, take mailer in hand; to be ready at lite noxt sn iirovto premt her elainiV&r.d w hi live ther I fitwaidi:! an object so obviously tendins to tut public good. , IViliASU OF REVEMTE. We l.iarn from the Comptroller, V.u. F. C'iius, Ei. that Hardy liryant, Eij. Clerk of Jones County Court, has made his Annual ronton jlic revenue of hi county, under tlie nw essmcnt law, paused st the last session rf tlie Cietieral Aiffii.'ji ftom which report it tjprr there ha liceu a general increase In the taluniion of taiable properiji, (when contrast h1 Willi the last yean' report.) more especially Id Unt of teal es!a:o and town projwrty: which iucrease is upwards of J 100,000 in lavor of ncnow law. Jones county is small in terri tory, but its finds are rich and valuable, . u3 are requested by ike Comptroller to tey 19 (he L'lerks of th stverjl counties of the Wile, Uial he would b grutiCed to receive their t?irUal a e.!y a day pr licalU. as liter Vrnaee manr; tnijuiii aJdrcs-ed loliiia p- lb tii!ijH-t of the rcTenuc under the uew s which he will not be able to answer until ,diir report are received. JO RK I (i X. Ul ver iiooTiJaiea "lo die "ffilt Jhi! &n rewivod at New Vork. An etideut ftjr.)vem4iit had taken pla. e in trade, and pri reief collnn had advaucid e J to 1-8 4,et lb. (itarral demand good The Legislature of Connecticut hasinstruct ril ilie two Seimtors in Congress from that Slate mi to vote for the Sub-Treatiury Uil), in such i wny that lliei can Ee no dodging the lustruc tiuiit, . - rwio.wHto cOtWExriox. . A V'his f lonveiilion was recently held In "Otiio. wnii:h itfas numerously" tutendwl, itd al liliieh tin finest spirit prevailed. Ifesoluiiona silnttiii fefontinetidtnjr 4Heiitl Hamson- ! the Presidency, subject to tlie (ieotsion of a tiiKial Convention,, between ihe. claims of imiselt'lMr. Clav and Mr.' Webster. There 'Vine H'e4erri Cartl nmrt. -Jo. W. IIxp , tuji, Esq. Sa retired from the cdUorlaTTIppnrt- 4hmeiil has passed into the hands of Doclor lisjMix AcsTrs and CHAnuls Fi FisHSH, Km under whose auspice the paper will he lrmf,cr conducted, without aiiychange of n iciple. " ' ,. : Syrit 'aTmenti.--We Joarn eays the Balti more American lha al a meeting of the olhcers "flhe Uauksuf Ballitnore, held on Monday, it J li rmiued to ask the Banks in (he eastern, ut!nTn and Western 'Slate., to- meet in cou-r-.uiiin eiiluT in Baitimote or Philadelphia, in Oiteoursn of the ensuing mouth, for tire pur paw of fixing1 on an early day for a general rei Wmp'.iori of spi t io payments. , , The Wh'ir OnHveniinn of Maryland have "iimstel Jjihn N. Steele for the office of Gov War of that Stale. Term, The resolution lo withdraw th rrp wili iri for the, animation of Texas, has wsn rejected by the Senate of that KrpuhU; r i niajiinty of'one. The country qmainne P"aerous. 'J'he Pmiident haa vioeTth act Olivine and Jim ttiis issue of promiasory notes. Thu j)j mthrisd th re-issue of notes now s they came In. and "gav the-Preri-nt power Ui issue ?3a0,000 ot new noies, to af which he ia opposed. A Major Tinsley; ; bt at Bexar. sho, a Mr Navarro wilh a' f to. nj received, froro hi expiring antugo "t a mortal wound wilh a Bowie knife. i n . IJtrtant ami tlmt't ftfisrion. Judge "'Kialy, one of th Justice of the Supreme Crtofih United 8lteajha recently (Jecid J. ia two .e in Jjjobile, tffat a corporation . tunot make eeotrael beyohd th limits of the in whisih , it 'exists., "Frotrt thi decision' Ppealebave bean talun tolh sSu prerae Court f'l United State,, The !ofisiou from the tmpt'tion which, it hold out, i well adulated lo maW some aihonet. Since it f Btde, aevcrai refusals to pay debt roth 4?d Suuw" Batdt ta been made ia New ; rbe citiz-na of New Vprlc hcing deeply rv? I- ! iills rahin'.l.Bamskmf wnJoblsineil . 7 -; . 7 . JLO.NGRE3S. ( !. This tsJy appear lo U doing lut.hliM. Ut. .White, from th coiomitteon Indian affair, made report in the Wenate. on th 6th. in oo- rpositian to the reeommendation of the Prenai- itent and Secret ary-of War, to" itlowTH further delay in removing ihe ?nerAee Indians, fortWapprwpriWiim fo ia emr)ia?Io3'W-' leaving the management of the remorml, a fac as praeticabte.ta the Indians themselves. Jsid on. table.nnd iaJi.rd.4o. l rwinUid. . Mr. Morn luiJ oil the table a resolulion.ta adjourn 2nd July, to meet on the Snd Monday in Not vember next. "1'he Indian Hostility Appropria tion Bill, which constwaed so much time in de-' bate, finally passed J)oih Hatrsea.' ':.... - ijfcrt VWWf . A htti bar passed both Houses for dividing the Wiaconsin Territory, and creiitirig oul of it a new Territorial Gorem- incut, to he called tliw Territory of Iowa. ' . A'iu ,,'J Wu sury Cireniur.iU. Webster Bulm. i; tc J a reairlulion calling for a oopy of the new 'l'rc:inry Circular, in regard to rtceivipg !ank,4ules, which was adopted. Air. H".. remarked "as to some of the condi tion: or limitations, stated by the Secretary, it i line llwit they are imposed bv existing statute1), ami rut he regnrditd; such as that the bills of no bauk should he received, which bank, since June, 1 !? :iC , has issued, or paid out, bills le lis in live dollars. As all (lie bunks in some of the StuU's, and nearly all in others,' are in IIiIh pi-cdif:irn"nt it is pecessury, undouhlilfy, that mime aW ofjegtalatiori should be passed in order to make the. recent rrsolutionof any prac tied! ftfect in those Slates. There nre other parti uS the new- circulur, however, efwTiich I do not see tlie necessity, even as the case now stands. Ilia pripcr, Jioivevtr1, jIm jfco piper shonlil be-officially before us, as undoubtedly some further lei;i.l;ui;)rr will be neees.iarV; and I shall my self proiiose noma measuroou Ihc sub ject at an early day." . ' ACrv;;.!.Tli joint resolution- for surveys 1 on the Lakes and in the a:ers of A'orth-Caro, Inid, ha passed lite House of Reprmntativt. ' .Vu4-7'.f asm'!i. .Mr. ' :amhrrlen has given J notice that lie tvi'lwion call up tlie sub-treasury lull . The Richiaond Enquirer expresses some ajipreheiisions of its final passage; but the cor respondent 01 the A t'ourier and Enquirer conildeitlly ajiserts there is majority against it; and lhat if every man will stand at his post, and -iU-x.LuriyT-,4.mtt XM wlma.thtt JiiiqtilrtrJ Cioiiglu the public voice had ceneigncJ it, into Hie sleep ot ileatli. Jttjioule liMiika and .Uln Mr. Wright hs niH.lc toi.g 1 1 uit on the nul.j.'tl til' Mr. V'.'tli jiut i e nil nt in n ; from which u spumis llial the msj witvf ill.-omniiiii.'e conjidn- it nniifiriil inhe SeciteUiy id ilnj IVeainry boib In Use a ileposhiirio, soil lo ncfive ills; lintel of bank! Ibst bsil mi i rlv (iis,fnded specie ijmeiilii, but to i!o neillu r in repaid lo luch banks a, at-any linn; sniev, July 4, 1830, had ijiucd any noiei of h denomination Itm itiusi fite (llilisii In 10 inucli of the i cpni i ilie Ininoi ily. of the commit tee coiitiir. The mnjorlivofihecnmeiiilee were lurtUvi' i the opinion, in U icli the miiioriiy did. not cuiicur, ihsl miv new legislation on ilie ub jmt would b-'iuxi'e!ienl, at least till the latent he Sub-tceatiuy bill aliouli' be finally devideil: as any tuvh k( isltilinn ss (Imt projioscd would in lerfei e wilh ihe provitioni ol mat measure; and would, alto, be acting against Ihe already ex pressed will cf the Senate, in passiitg the Suit Ueiuu y bill. 1'hemniion to print van lnllowed by a most Hiiimulrd ami esint it dt bme, iu the course of which Mr. Wdiii ''gave notice tint, in eniittquenR ol hit dilfering from the majority of the rummiiU'e, be would s k leave In inlrn dure a bill In provide Imlher lor the enlliistinn oT the rer"nue,embiilyni(jjhiie" sof what tmbt to he ili mi) on ibis subject. The report vn laid' 00 Hie table, snd oif errd In be primed.- A BOUT TO STRIKE. The National Intellignncer sayi: We per. eeive, through a psrn graph in' the Klihmond Enquiei that a Van Buren correepimddut of mat paper has suggested tho possible necessity of starting some other party candidate for the Presidency ,Tn lieu of Mr. Van Buren himself Inr the partyi-tneraphyBiriarts, the wltttion of . . . ; . .. , .V which will determine whether tho party jiban dons Mr. Van Buren because he is not strong enough lo sustain hi principles, or because his jirinciplcs are not strong erjough lo sustain him, The suggestion of such an alternative, however, is a significant one.'and reminds u ofa shrewd saying of our late esteemed and sincerely la mented frienl Dvid Cf-wkctt, (who uttered more original common-sense remarks then al most any other roan we ever knew,) that the People of Tennessee had quit General Jackson because lie had sensed to he aJacksou jnart.. ' Internal Improvement Ctuvtnlion.-r-The proposition "oTtjtlH a Stato liilernal Improve- f tn?nr CToTnwtwin''at-6 ree n shww'-w iha.Atli..ut July has receiveU tde approbation of. several of our editorial brethren in ditlerent sections of the ?toto. ' Bu there RftfJaTleMttn. ed 'generally which we expetfted from the edito rial corps who are set tip as public: monitor, and should always he foremost in spreading in formation and forwarding measures calculated to prornold the public gooil. " Wetlcsire to see the whole StatH represented in Jhe Conventioni as it is designed to promote her agricultural and commercial interests'. Let there be uo divisiou airiong ua in accomplishing this inostimporiant and desirable otiject nn pulling tint way, and that way .liy thit interrst and that interestbut "'liifig pull, a strong pull, & t pull.iLL iiiomi We thought, as it was e xpected every section of tlie ktato would be represented, the Capita) would !e the mot-wHb!e pla.ee for the meeting of the Convention; but as we are much more concerned as to vilittltei', than Wiere it ihail meet, we rhee fully yield to the wishes of our worthy friend of Ihe.Payetteville Observr who insists upon hohliug it jn Greciisburough The papers in Georgia, on both sides, are very sever on the Heoreljiry of War for his course on the Cherokee question. They talk of resist ing (he decision of the United States Govern ment, if it be not made in accordance ,,with th wishe of the people of Georgia. The trial of J. V'Sugl tan fair the murder of Mr. PlcanlJ last winter, in one of the hotels in'RicbmoniLhas weeripied f ir more llisn week past jhe wttenttoo of the Court wbtch is sitting in that city. Great dilPicuIly was found in m. panhelliug a Jury who fcarj not formed aomc opinion oh the case.' , Upward of one hundred person, beside' fb origial. venire', had been called, imd only five Jurors had been obtained, after more1 flian a week' session, when a motion wa mad by 4b Counsel of th kecused, for changttof venire. ' Thi motion era argued on Saturday! and on Monday' the Court gar it opinion, (ranted th motion and, directed the trial to tk place w Chesterfield County, th On iXts. Th crrpinlntof th CKar'iet t to Mercury write from Washington that hew organization, of the eahinet will take place. I thus distribute the office. " ' itfr:JrcaaiiT6f P Secretarr of State ' A'entla't, Peeretiry f th Treaanrt ?'Wmmt?Xt"' Minister 1 to ' bt. James,) secretary of War, , 4 . Mr Pomiett) Secretary of lb Navy. " " J r.luroa.ol Va. Attorney General. , Mr ftrtgtht to ba sent on a foreign mission. rVorei. During th four years of,Mij((I irai' Presidency, the expense of the Gsncral :Mm6iimoanIeAM.( jftitliaiMi o'f. dollars, or twelve million a yeat. This was considered too mBcb, and accordingly his suc cessors undertook U reduce it, and to their pro- . mis to do so were they, mainly indebted for their election. In- three year of Gen Jackson's adsainistmuon the expenses of the Government amounted to on hundred snd five million of dollari, or thirty-five millions 'a year nearly threo tunes a much as the expense under Mr. Adams' administration! This is reform. Halt. Chittu .Wininipjii. The full vote in all th coun ties in this State, show (he fullowing aggregates: For Prentiss, 15,722 Word, 12,077; Claiborne, 1 1,770; Davis. 11,345. Prentiss's 'majjoriiy over Claiborne 916; over Davis 138C; Word's majority over Claiborne, 301', over Davi 731. Whig gain in nine counties, 4,567. CHEROKEE3 IN GEORGIA. The MiltcdgPf ille Recorder of the 6th inai, slates tkflt, by the successful operation of Gen. Scott, "without Ihe shedding of a single drop of blood, there remain not a single Indian in Georgia, except those wh are in the keeping of tho army, and ready for instant removal to their home in the West. - Pcveral attempts, since .be great conflagra tion in Charleston, have been made to fire the city again, by some vile incendiary, and one or (wo buildings have been consumed "Surely - Dil'b'ng miur ilii'ilirl rnuliJa.'""""''"'"1 y demons in human shape. The Carolina Watchman, speaking of Ihe suggestion lo continue the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Koad from thi .city, through th West rn part, of the State, ays: "We aasure the parties concerned that very littleMwould torn all the energies ef the west lo this improvement. If they were once convinced that Ihe next effort, ftet reaching Raleigh, would lie to turn towards us, Ihe spirit would rise like a thermomdftr in boiling water. . W i therefore commend thi subject to all whom it concerns. ' ; . t " We say," let all thi b done. Then lot a rosjd be constructed from Raleigh to Beiiufort, and the' contemplated branch of the Wilming ton Road he extended to this placet and old Rip will then bo wina iwut. , , Amupg I tie liberal individual donatiafl tothe sulTcn'rsof Charleston, a list of which aprwar in the Charleston pipers, we observe that Judge CiMcaotr, of thia City, has given $ 100, and some oilier gentleman, whu has withheld hi name. $500 r , The New York, annual conference of the Methodist EpUcopwl Church, which closed its session in New ; lbs 30iV May- nended two ef their members for taking part in an alioliiloaciinycutiou at Utica; passed resulu tious reprobating the,4: Son' Watchman'' "tt account of its schismaticaj and; aholilion charae. ter; forbid Uieir members attending anti-slavery conventions; and recommended the American Colonisation Society to tbe"patrooage of thi church.- -,.-. ' ' r ;' ... Pour pei aona , who hate been bribe employ ol ibe Metsis Cliilda as Isbiirert oir the lialt iKh and (tsatnn Hail Itnad,. were cpininiitril tfi .lad in Oxford.. Granville en., on 'I hnriday last, ehurjrsd kh alt iiptiog to lsk il Me-of thie einphiyrri. Their ,inniel are Abbot!, MaGi!!, Csid,aud I'earnoii. ; , . j 1 AV CwtUSa Jaurn f , an adiHiiiletlon pa tier pi'iuieii at r'yeHvi!l,' bsi paswd ml the' hand nf P Gslisnar.a, V.t . hf wlimn tit JiiuTBit" Wftf lieiealter- li -londtttleH, w-itltout .change ol piiWue. ' . i" -''A ' ; 1'hiiffletittyetweeA M4Sn v BH d fl'u Bey. it it ssid, h ended. V"' " TbTiTrRrTTUarnoiis has l)en. sMKl Bishop ol the Protestant Kpitdnal Criureh, for llfeOiorenaol Marytaml, via Ike Ut. Kev. Bib op 'Stow deeeaseiti"'" w sBi:-..-,. - The" new School General Atimohly or the PietliMcciah Chweh, rveently in asinn si I'lirl adi.phia,doiid the. altle and Idle of 'lhe' Orib()itiMt (Vmstiltllionaf General Aerit'ly i'by then H-oeedefl to eleel 6 trusieai ol Ihe Theoloit'ieal Seminary, and remnved t -of th Board, who. however, ilaiming tlie right to aiin tintie in" s, refnsed to admit lliffn. nrmbers.; I Ir is aai.l llial lljlna lliil Will el 01 vafi)tt t will be ittned, by which the ft hols tegs) qiietimny. 1 Tt. I. ..... .1 .1 , L tl. ,.l llil. win or ueviunn, ruiiccrsiii( hit ms,im ' .v-- apeetive parties (oihe nuiuo, property he. of flie. lieneral AneniUly. , . , ' . . CANDIDATES. - - ' ' Mwre Malcolm KIibt, .whiff, and J A D McNViMv,V B are candidate for me -conimons. J J'fi'ioir Senate. John Burnett, whig, -and John Williams, V B.Oommons, Robert Jones, Moses Chamber and Isham Edward all ad miliiatnitinn men, but in favor of A United State llank. . : . ". . ; Peakiiig of these camlidates, the Rt'iiiter remntksi "What must be the change 10, lb public sentiment, ail this contested poult, tank eeiio Bank, when the eendidates in on of th alrengetl Van Buren holds, hi this or any other' Stalej. Cud llieinselvff cjimpelletl to aow a-pref- erence foe that imtiiution, .uncompromising opposition" to which constitute an easentiaJ ar ticle in the creed of their great idol,", '. . . If ale.-t-'mtig 'Picket --Dt. Thomas Hicks, Senate' Weston R. Gale am) John W. Mar ri, Common.. . -. 'Prirt Jiur-en 7Vcre. Samoel Whitaker, Senate. Nathaniel G. Rand common. 1 Caiuliilatrf far, Sheriffalty Meira. P '. D. 'Burt, K. AwfitonancV Allen -Rosere, Jr -.W ar authorized to announce Maj E. P, Miller, Edavd J. Erwiu.aod William H.Car son. E(j, "a .candidate to' represent the county ofEfurk, ir) th f oue of Commons in our next Lsgisiature-uMeTerifterijtVii.: V- . We are authorised tosnnognc pol. Burgess 3, Gaither, a a candidate to represent lhe dis trict composed of tlteeeuntie of Uurke ud Vancy, in the Senate of our next Legislature , ''. v -Jbid. ' We ar requested to announce ihe lion. Wm. B. Shepard a a caudidate to represent the Senatorial district composed of the eounti of, Pasquotank and Perquimonsv in th next Leglshilurn. Phmnix. - We are authorized to announce Albert' u of Pqaetattk in th Commons at tht.ne&t Legislature aid. ; - . ' - . W -eri requested1 to announce" On. J. N. MePbemn a a ciindidai to refteufnl' th Benrt Dia termBed4l' iheeonBtie of J vcndcn ana uumiuck. Hid, "s&W?fVJonn C. Tailor, in the Senate, and B. V. Gilliam, II. L. Kobarda, and Henry W. Jone. in th :ommons All Whig. ..JEilijaiaiett,.V-ll. for rmrnri Cartertt nnd Jgaet. In this Senatorial Di Uicl Enh Poy ia th Whig eandidttc, ?rtVfti-Jonathan Reding, T. Lane, A Dr. Wm. B. Ijine, Senate; Zelwilee Rush, Je. a Walker and JJen Hawkins, Commons All Whig but tro-Messr1 i f. La and" WawHtni. , 1 er,r Elijah S. Bell i jha. Whig caa didal fot the Common. ' Oranre.-. Phe following Van Buren ticket for the Legislature has been nominated ia Or ange, via: Gen. Joseph Allison fur the Senate; Col. John Stockard, Col. Herbert Sims, Ool. Benjamin Trollingcr, and, Dr. Juliu Bracken, or Ihe House of Commons. Wilis Ticket, which ha been heretofore published. Mr Wad dell, senate; Messrs Wm A (5rabin, $ J King, John Boon and Willie P Manguiu. commons. C'Aieo 'l'hes G Hanghlon, for commons Meck-lenimrirY li Ttekvt $ Pox, sen; ate; J M Hutchison and G W Caldwell, i . 1 linking. , f.. n. i ' ... i i. v... R Hn"ll, W. JtruuncUk-r-Qtt P. J. Hill, W. com. .Ve ifmiover C Henry, senate; J T Mil' elr and J McAulan, com. all V B Onthra Dr Dishon'eh, W. for Commons Cumberttvul. -Jhn M Ian, Senate; John Winslow, romuions. Not complete. CnUimbiit. Augustus Smith, W . commons. JleiiHforh nmf Hvitt.iivn. J. O'VVilliams. W. is a candidate lo represent lliia Senatorial district. I'mi-tfbr:. Dr. Samuel B. Marsh, and P. P. Satterlhwai e. commons. ' Ciiiwe!!. Jainca Kerr, Senate; Lilib lnn A. Gwin, Nathaniel J. Palmer, and evi Walker, lutan Joi n Grady, jr. aiur H-fW' ton, for Ihe Commons both Whigs. Chatham. Wm. Albright, Senntr; Messrs. Wmldcll, Clegg and Hraden, ('ommons nil Whtg. Gen. Gotten, and Mr. Kecue, Com mons. V. U; ' Wm. P. Dohson 1 V. B.) are candidates for Ihe 1. . ir ti , ,i. Senate', an 1 N. Boydsn, Richard C. Puryear Dr. M. Og'eevie, ( Whigs) James Calloway and P. B. Roberta, V B for Ibe commons. Pitt Gen. Alfred Moye. Whig, without op position, for the Kenat. J. L. Foreman and J. C Gorham, whig. anii.Mncon D. Move uud I' Spier, V B for the common.. jion. Messrs. 'Williams, whig, and HoujJcr, V U in Ihe senate. In the commons Ransom Sunders and John Ellington, whit?, & James Tomlinson and Kedar Whitley, V B. Halifax Andrew Joyner, eenate; B. F. Moore, and Thomas Oushy common whig. iineow It. M. Edney, Whig; nd M. Bein bardt, V B in the Penate. Jichmontt U littfioii Senatorial Diilrict. Gen. Alfred Dockery, whig '.""";. Irtdell Gooiee T. Emmoraon, commons. !(: at J JHe-sAdm Roemn,aiid Jea-, se A ; Clement, commons. j r. ' . whig. , , . .. THE CIIK ROK P. KS. TTlie following- official paper is copied from the Globe or lucsdsyi . . MsJna Gciaaai. Scott of the Vnitqd Stale .Irmf tend t Cherokee petjle r-- maimntf in .Var-M Vm-tUna, Oiirffnt ... 1 ai2 ......"'"A','..."i i. ' - At'DISKSS'. ' mill! 'Hu! President otthe-Uliltetl Statvw has lent the, with a powerftitr aflfh to cause v u in obcilitr.co to (Jc .Treaty. of 1835, to jam that'part of yoiiri .rop' who re already eUi I slii d In priperfiy on tlie. otlr kle of the Missiaipp(. Unhappily tliV iwu-yejiw jsJiith. jwrtr. Ujijry!l:l:.U!2iJJ!it; post), yor-hat e siilli'ied to pass away Willi Out loilo.winj uud uilhniil' nskin wny pre. piu jlioii to tulluw, and now, or by thi (irti. thit etilf mit adnresa ahull rcseh your durum lelllcinentl. Ihc rmiraliou must be com menced in haste, hut; I hope, without disur. der. ( have no power by praiitin; a-fliitlier delay, to correct the error that yint hkve oommittrih Ihe full moon of .VI uy iaalreaily on the wane, and before another ahull have pasted awny, every Cherokee, man, tinniun, od ehl ri, in those State, must he in niotinii to join tlx-ir bwthrrn in the far Wests-" ..' .' My PrieinI jt 'Jhia is no siuhlen determina tion oil the part ol the President, whom ynn and! rnui obey, hy the tre.ity the emigra. tibn was 10 have been rumptvled oil orbe frtre ihe 2 2d of I In mnnthi and (Ire Pfisi rtcnrha coiistairtty kept ymi. warnul, luri' R tlie two years allowed, through; alt bis titii f '" cwiMli'jy'Uilftftab vj" wuiiui oc cuioieu. X ' , , . lam come lo carry nut tun .clrtermirifttinrt. My top fclrrsdy ncqopy many puMi'umsjn the Coimtiy thai yon are to' aliaiulin, llimi aamhiand thtmsauils are unpriiacliuijf, from every quarter, lo render resistance and es cape alike hpi lr. .- Alt ihos'e trunps, rejr tilar and militia, are your "triendsr, Iteceive them and co ihdu in llwrn as atttihV Ohry Ihem when they tell yen lat fit-ait,remirl ttmiifer inlhut-Couiitiy. ' Sohlier '-nfe - as Htilid leaelert a brave, anil the rteaife ill" eve ry one of 11s is to.exer.ute tmr pamlnl duty in iriercy W ur commahth-tl by'' the Presi dent to actlowurrU V'iu in that - s'piiit, ami such is also lli wish of the wTfole .people 01' Anienea. 1 --. f .. .,' Cltieft, htarf-men and mmi-riore'. Will you. 1 then, by reajstance, epmptl us to reaort : to. armsf Gotlloibid! . (Vr will you, by 'flight, aeekio hide yuurselvca liv mounluin, and fueta, and thu oblige 01 to hunt you down; ItemeiTibr that , jn pursuit, it may be'impdt tible te avoid 'conflict: Jl'Uc blood of tlie whit man, r the btuod oV l1ier?iJhT'i'"Htnuj be spill, -and if spilt however accidentally, it may bs impossible for the diacrret aj;d lm- ini.inc aipnnj; ytur, sir umonjr us, lo prevent a ; n...nerl war and citmarre.. Tlvink ohlif. my Cherokee brethren' 1 am an old uaiiiuiVi'hd have been present at many a. scene of slaughter, but spare me, 1 beseech y'eii, the horror of witueetiiia; the Sestrucliun of the Cherokee. , . -f . Do not, 1 invite yon, "even wait for 1 ly? clone apprhach'pf the troopa't but make stich preparation for em'njrulion tt you can, and hasten to tilt place,' to Roaa'l Landihg, or .to Omiter tjnnlintr, whefa you all will be re- ceived m kiiulueti by officer selected for the purpose. . Too will find food foe a", and clotlwng fof III destitute. l either of those places, and thence at your ease, and in com fort, be transported lo your new l6mes ac cording tothe "term of the treaty This ! ttle atldrets of a Warrior to warri or.' -1 May hi fUtrealie be kindly teeived. and may the? W! of both prOpeMlie,Amer icaus and Chrnikees, and preserve them long in peate and frientlahip with eaclithef! vMNFJELH SLQTt; ' CoxaoKta Aoxscf, lay irjr183o, ,.'.,, r. UAIL JIOAU IIIOT. ' Th subscriber oflVra 10 import Iran for Rale watt, delivered in any of Ihe Atlantic porn or in Near Orleans ok th most reamnablc terms. ' JOHN'WS PEUIT, X O T WILL BE SUCH, UtTront of th Ctmrl.tlaws W hi Ik tow it ol1 IMymnyifc, Wt'88ih 5 " day ol July at. so mui h of the follnwlMa Irsmti of Land anil Jl' own Lou a "ill be inmplrirf lB pay ihe Sise, Coeniy, Puriih ,THry, itrulfa and TTiwutax doe thereon for Ihe) car 1134, la Pei toni' Names, So' -Iiitob Urtfotd -" -Mr.ly N. SplMill's heirs J raw Evtrvli's heirs lttnj,iun KiaHlry's heirs " Josish Flower' estate James Piys;tHsu A tim1F,ffrHt --.5-7 '. I.. ii;' lisi'ili,m', helrl " " :.,Heluaini4 Junes' eststv '1 liuiusi Johnson's rsiato ilry Jonei J'diuJimii J olio At iiiiitesd'a hrlra Stark Ai'iiustenU'i hsit John I). Ante Ktchsi'lM.Ai prw ' V it sou Cwi pi w Sili Mutisy Ji.tm I'. tleriil Miirri) Moor S-.mucI eaberiy Jailtes Sesbcll' jr. John Puck l'J.kint I'owell Atjisiia Pi iicliflt Tliouisi Moiiilierlsnd I ai r S (hii - Steiht Nt Siixn Mry Siniill Kn'sh Turner Above ; V .il .Itiklifis tirte I'lliiiiiml 1 nilley .luiU Wilkuriou Asia V hite S 'loinon U. bile Ktliiiund Anilreas ltt'i,tcc Arisim Dsvnl Aiiilirots U ill. Itomii id Rejuilurt ecui.ly Miiet llsirman lor son James VtsirnijiniiH " Una the Viiili d.iy of May, IS.it. Ot tTi"' Wi SO 63! i -SJ ,il 7IH J1 6.V 386 . I It I Si 1, J, . i 7', lkh 114 10y h S HI 5 I9'.'i 5iii a,"0:l Hilt Mil isnr I1C S-Hl U-2k g 1 Oil ll 26 M AUK E T S . Jlaleijfh, June 13 Bacon, per ewt, Butter, lb. 1 '..... Ii.lil HI 00 a 11 00 110 00 a 00 20 00 70 u 00 t0 - uuU12ilJ0OJi B 60 a 7 00 80 (Id a 1 00 00 JO a II 00 7d 11 00 80 00 10 00 124 FiiyettuviVe, June 6 10 00 a II 00 CO 145 00 13 J . 00 Ott a TiO USi CO 7J a 00 HO 1 - . Flour, Fodder, l.ard.lh. Meal, bush. Tulluw, lb. Dacon, per cwt, Coll'ee, lb. t ?oiton, per lb. Corn per,.bushel; Candle, F. P. lb, Flour, Molasses, Sugar, brown, lb. (10 18 6 a 7 50 00 35 a 00 40 00 07 a 00 11 Pettr,bwg, May 29. I a -4 76 Flour, Corn, per barrel Dacon, (Hog Round,) Apple Brandy', Last crop, 3 76 11 to 1 If 66 a 70 10 a I2j 7 In 81-2 . 10 a 11 3 50 a S $100 to 110 ; a 9 r0 3 75 a 5 75 5 50 a 13 00 .loo;. i;a'iu. Sugars, N. Orleans, Bt Cruix Halt, Liverpool, Iron, (tweeds, per ton. Cotton, . Tobacco, lii , leaf, EiuL Roc k. Wk co. June B. .Vr. .emiiy In looking over th lUhigh tftshdard a week oavJwo since, I Jiererived that V. a TT.!! , ' VBB"aB" "'" Mr, W. R. GALL"S,elididat in ttieiiousc of Oommons of the next Legislature, for certatfl remark made by hlin befm the Gland Jury ol VVake couuiy eaurt, iu announcing himself as a canJidiliP to represent the good people oT this UaaauiijCs. '-.. j 'S;' " ' ''.-'. ..-' , I was tn jhe'roiim myself, mT'i)l4 '.livl mim ally thing escape his lips hut What I conceived to be of a pure, patriot us nature. His remarks were low; bql I ihouglit I hem sulhciant to con vince uy rcasonuhle man of the folly iVhich' ia pursued by tlie prcaeni adminiairaiion. And tor an sayilig. he is called upon by 'A Hearer!', or rallier dared by him joiubKh' his remark. We dure sat, he, could not jinlilu-h them woxd f r word, bi'ing unaware when the candidates vrtD declariua. themwelvew, oiid having baen cut-f ir by some of his friends ill a hurry but will del-lure the whole truth, end nothing hut Ihe truth; on the tiumfi," before tlie anxious, enquiring pmt of ourconimuuity tliofarini rj . beinrsr the election. 'j - In-cnnchiaiAii. t ermit me to adilreisniVMiTf lo ."" JtaMgh," asoiur of l,is moat sincere friends. If he. wishes to maiiit:iin hi chara'otrr, and hold nit to tire good will of the citizen nf liiileiu.h, TiwrfiK;jTiicrrM-titTrTtl-4ittjLn as his siijnatlir of "RnVig'l" will be considered .'...'' T : - n specie ol foreery fmuimlleiij siprnt the good ritizcns uflliat city. We vstuidcr ij he shnwrd hia communication to Raleigh before sending: it to friend LnriiiL'l If not, he certainly must be considered a forger. 5- tAnd to P.i earer," I ..must oav. tiirk thy eirsi oh Hmu sort of Lrrieria ! and draw a little nearer; fiw you may he deceived in quite a" acri our manner by standing behind I lie crowd. - ' ' ' A FARMER. -.S pH(jrPECJ'U3 1 V . -V- ' . vol .. ' , "V- 4. 'THE MI CHOC OH in." f jii'liTra i-riirinss . tiMsr. - . ',The MCROGOSM is printed, weekly, in the City of IlaJoigh, 011 a half sheet ofmeilium, new cpe, end .fine while paper.' Alibo'uah w4ll. lt contains a world" of mailer. Jt i .levoted to I tie flowtre.ef Literature, original snd selected; lo notice of important improve ments in any of tit branches of Science, Com merce and Agriculture; to general News; and to the particular honor and interests of North Carolina. Il eschews party politics, and all the muddy streams of angry contro.eny upon ev ery uijeciOn great otiject of the publication ia to ronvey instruction to iheyoung.in an un exceptionable, chaste, and agreeable manner; to excito.in them. thi rat for- knowledge nnd fondoeasfor reading; to inculctte upon their minds correct principles, and ineit them Co th practice of virtu and morality. Anofhrr it, to furnish it much am ising matter, interesilkig new'a, and valuable information, to reader of every elass and age, -can possibly be if one, on the cheapest term. And w may venture 108 aaert, without subjecting tnrietf, (to use the fashionable editorial plural-tingu'.ar pronoun,) to the imputation of egotism, that it will not be found wanting in something hpih li pie the taste nd tickl the tjincy pf tit " t KJi Is intendoj; provided uflicient eneooragc meat be given, to enlarge the paper without al tering tfi lenmC which wilt make it decidedly" cheaper than any other published In Hi eJeuth- ern country V - (S-"! '.. -,Sg.' let. W bona adjoining ks." AivssHili'i LIma'-m4oi. snil tMlitra . ". IVmi.sef .MHIiill wii nrbtrl 19 6 40 llanty Kvi reit nd nihirt Win L. Chtsstm ci ruhrri, t 1-9? Inwu Iota nal knnwir J I town tot So mil know 1.1 --Htr ttHleon Mtxan'lpr and other! 49 e i 'SI . 4J it . ?"toan lots no. its - . - j.cili l.sirell hI Hitters ' 1 tuwn Inl n-it knoWH JoUh II ChestoN ami oihsra In hrv. ii Hilt - Not knnwn - . ' . T a Ion not known, 3 town lull n. It, 101 lu tirevn Hill t;rOi.e NkIhiIIs Unit 01 her II inly At is snd uibert I mwn 1 it n; not known ('.tester Alitor ami ollui'i Nntkii'ion tinle hi lexaiidrr ami 01 her Mai 1 in Spi'iiHI snd uihers I town tot no 148 biiiioni J 11 ikt r and olhrra - t in. Illicsd-, I, en s and nibtn , , Jsiuei A Ciivvaixi ami nibert lliid llui'iten's lieira and otberl Ptii'a I111 a and nlhi-rt .Isiin'i Nesbeirv Htid nlhsrt 'l'hotnsa L Lung's baira ami other tXTE. 73! 10 HI SJ ' S6 St IS . & 1 w - 87 'it" 00 it 1 . SI ' :4 It ' St . M 50 r Vit ; to t 7t 1 Sf II 81 8 ,2 Si s s.4 , 4 - . '-'13 ' V .Noi xiinwa v .... Ml I nriirew'a heirt and otherf 1 ,: I lowa Inl no. 4S tisMn(w-Hr1ii snil others Mai CsswmVw ami oiherl I las lot no. '23 I tounlni no, lu7. i. 'riioiiiai Clilinn sd mhert Alirsir. Dm en noil andolbtri Vnt kuns n " Jsiiiea r in lougn anil o'lierl 1 town lot no not known It. tt lVI. Sheriff ef Mnthmflnn Cmnhi. prosperlus. so thut all who receive it wilt h an opp irtunilr of judging nf its merit Ex amine it if you like il, send u your nam at oxer, ami "down with your dual." fO,"'IJluB' vy yeung, being only nine years nf age, the pubirTieTTii'I(1imi!tf'W-t Vtpe expertly, and after much importunity ha been indulged in his inclination lo print a pa per. The proceeds will lie exclusively hi own and as he hopes 10 lenrn the practice of econo my, na well ai industry, in the prosecution of his undertaking, be expects to provide a fund which will assist him In hi faroiite pursuit of knowledge. II confidently look lo the pen I of literary gentlemen and ladies in th Stat, l) aid him in hi labors, and lo the pstronag of the liberal aud the approbation of lb public ftt his reward. ' Tkans Jl 50 per annum. . dj Postmaaters ami oilier, wno receive thi prospeclus, are respectfully eijued to land their aid in procuring subscriber. Thsy Diay, if tbry chooae, retain and eirculat this among flieir friends, arid communicate by letter. Il tera to Ilia .Publisher on busiiie, except from those who procure subscriliers,' mutt bepoiU paid. ' - ' THE MICROCOSM.. . ; . ' Thi i ihe title of a Juvenile paper, which - ha just mide il appearance. In this citv, put I ted r.rrrtii&re.iing FtTa iTri TcTour fnct.4 llisn, ef tlie Star," wtio, thounh but nine " ysar of a'-e. ha a practical knowledge of th art ef Printiug and is the. chief operative in -preparing the mutter fof hi paper.' " lrls-ery neatly pmifed, and deserve fiatronag a well on eeouiiLf the rliasle style of ita articles ffJiaTngrirmhmqrot wiith usually nil Uoy"i p(irrj aaof the praise wortliy motives Wlilch gave birth lo the under tailing. 'We alinuld ttiiult' that in a family, ' whero there nre childieii a etipy or two wemJ he worth ten times ihesnbsioiiptiuti price, in encouraging lovti or rradipg. and tt imparts ifig lhat kind cjfknowlirilga wbiih it only to be o'udin 1 fiom the column of newspaper. vWn rvfe'r ilie iMjiU-r to lhPropebtu in- thi paper, . and hope thi "litil world" may long dourifh 10 tender to the world at larg, on each return ing IVew Year, the coinplirneii'a of the arnen, r"".'," .' . Jtahlfh Regleter. - CC3 Eq"iHi fi.vvmile tieticet hav been s Jaietmf 4J'ht Mdocctmt" l;y eAsr Jnlferi,' ' wAst'A ih b pubUeke 'd herenjter,, ; A Kit I CD, ; , In IVter'shiirtr. Va.'nn the Gtti int. hr th ev. niiDeini. BanTe'TJ lTrtetr Vv-ikclu .. 'il. ..s. ..- sit' 's a . ,v,', lattit thi City,l,o Mia Agin;, tlaiigU-- 1 ter uf Kdmniid Hiftiu,.P.'V- . ). . ,'.- iit i' mi una, t,iru. ' niu urau t niiss r.ua Brunch, daughter of tli Hmu John Branch.-- In Ei field, llalifiix cnunty, Mr.' J-oseph B,' Lane lo Viaa Marthv Collin, 1 . :' . "Also; Mr John WhitakeC vo klr. EH. jbrtli McLemore. . . ' ' - -.' t " ' In Dsidsiiii cfiiiitty Mrifoali Heplef in' -to Mus Maitha Pinch,' daughtt-r cf Petti Pinch, Eq of Randolph comity. ' " . - f ri I.iuciilii t-oiiniy, Mr.. Llwson Dailey '. in. liss Mibnln (iimdsoii, '(laughter of the fain Aiirtef GooUaorl' ' , ' , , , , " '-. .1 D1DD. t. r .'.'.'.'l In Msntjomerj' county, Tennv Wm CU Kits, en. . wlw femoved from : Granvilln I tac i.'i,iii!i. m. -1- io.u. ui m. iismivucn 1.. ilt . rv.. -1.1 1 una . ..r. .1. .!. . In A'ewbernMrsChilstlan Hancock, wif of Mr James Hancock. In -DavhJwon -county. Mr Jacob Hedrick, aged about 04 year.- In Ir- dell, Mr L'hxabelh Utrd ' wife of Maj Rufu ,. lded. In Rartilolph, 00 Saturday th lith ulr. -Mr William Roluns art aged man, known all -, oe the countr a the BI Maker.,. ' "-'i "' In Rk-hmomr, on tlie 18th nd Mr Ntwberrr u. t- Hn ihe 86th year of bis t,r, t, - ' '"I ! ! Jtssasaaaaaaaaxsasaaxaaa trAitE; '.'r-i ;-' ' JAUXES A. TAVX.OB, , JV. 78, nrugp Street, f formerly thi Arm efT.S. lla,rr,wUCt.J . . j 't Itpsl 'WSiwulfiills I 1.1 rLJ- msretisM generally , i Vh gint and North Car. j.lnis. that he la now rtwivfeg n mir new ti (XJK OF GOODS, H .be above line. a. iiresalv aWtanled lo Koulhera irsil. ' Kwr sla. ii,iilori m rkh China, in teits; L'nt GUas.tws ' grt her ' wbh compleie a.tiHtnient of common ', , and Qtiernawai aud Hioa Hsi, constantly o hand, and will be iitfertw im t, good .Vej inVa (tier i he pHiur4 In the foiled Sialra. Ubem, nil pwi w' wwiif HljHtrta ifstMie s will he earelully packed by experienced hsnrlsi 1 . .if, ..11 1. .... .... 1 iBlrf etrilld - , , a, l'h pauianare tyf 0, ftltmds, Bd lb ' ' mercandl coiuniminv e,er.einly In Yirgmiaaiid " - " .iitsufo wnu latin. 4 " pilirin lsyoii'i, i4r)wetleit.- - . lar Old Slip, New Xmkt June O. .. W St r'

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