J- ttttt--v . . ' ' 1 ; , . : i r r ' . 1 : ' - :' . ' i 1 ' "'- - rwy'ij"' " --- 'Tt 7zz '- ; ; ''-K - f" k - v .. .. .if-- -r --r .. ... . - . . ..- . e-- hi 11 - - -'4.' ' I. . : -v -pw-- - - . ) w . - .' sialic Vf Jl lb ulJ lWeh et It. Coert House at (Im following Tract of Land or ea aaweh thereof as will satisfy the Una dwe a" adverti'in-. ate. vn we; . Adjoining aer' ' 70 braver creek. Ilearytsvlds S7i dts John .'obnitoo I in da - P P Smith It Clin OWk l"b ma, Lhvtley CulialaU do da do do da dq. do d IMUeepKivrr JolinMchiio ) da de jjuhn rouihee . 4VJ Palters'n rerk do j SO Purgatory erk j V Wffinmr' 60Uiikiiou UVra Toinlinson I 0 llocky over Jo Sanders : H ) t!ukivin ' riiomt UjwJjt , CUr -ek Unknown j IH3 UnkiHn 'Je Ju!inCn , TMe B'r erk H m K'tUn'l t do do do do do J1 errk Thnrnxi Oowdy 1 Sh..idm creik A Unit 1 j" GiITt e cck Unknown 5i!,rln4'i er'k Zftl Harclmnl 1 Slinking crrtk lchm"l Juhnian S IR Lwk ererk 1 lmrt linnii-r S1 ilo UVm B'ljln 8 H Unknown. Widow 'Womly IWI Virl'i irrrk i(i iUrrntri Jordan T Burnt Kichard Juhutou II Shaddock VI ilcl Mfh"0 lolin Kiukliee lo S'allingi l UCllHIIMn Kit it? ol . Etant l in ol l-nlisleil Two half wtr lolt in llic town of Hj wood, Jotuuton, lutd l 50; in.l- u 1 J. Riiiy-6rc loll in the town nl llai wood, nnljteil Ami nl ..l.i.l iru 1 dou'jle )fii May II. HV1 frirf . $11 4t MEW & BKAl'TlFl I. .OOI, ton juxej cLr.ivn.ii a rs'A 1 . w. Hceent arrWalt from the C.ty ol New Vin t,, It .re nlawrd in poiat-aupn of it" undertrwd, A iew and beautiful asortuit'iit , of ii hi in i-r jiool, lrai(ntil pricilly lor tlw moiiiba ol June, Jwly am) Aoa"; which, -"bwing lo tbe ruki tKMn iu ilia moiy market, wcrr brougtii rr enarkably aliwip. and will eo,,qncii(ly be di poaed wfhrre, ai pricea to orrrnpond. Ci,iJ,nirn and l.liea. detn- " ol npplvin; hnrlri with Nrwj U.cli an.l I ail) t.oodi, will do well to onll and raimiiii; ihe aitorlinenl, wniiMiug in yart, a lullowi: Fine JJroa.l Cloths, anJ Cassimeres, of fVtTV sttatte nil colour, Super French Borobaxinei, Crape Camlilets and Cassimerea, Plain, I'lai.l anil Stripeil Dfillin",, Kilk, Satill and Mersaille Vesting-, - Splendid Silk- ami .iatins, Stin Luxnri and CliaUies, French Muslim an l Calicoes, Printed l.iwnt and (iinolianw, French worked Cullari A Rrcat variety f beautiful Belts and Dress Handkerchiefs, Thread Lacea and Kdgings, Linens, Lawnaantl Thread Camb'k, Swiss, Jacknnct and Mull Muslins, B'wk, Brocaded & Checked Muslins, Stockings, half Hose and Gloves, Hats antl Shoes. fCT Also on hand, a gnod stock of rendr made Clothing, to wit: Linen Cos's and Pantaloons, -Cloaks and Over-Coats, Frock and Dress Broad Cloth Coats, Pantaloons of every description, Vest and Drawers, Shirts and Collars Stocks and Bosoms, ic. &c. B. B. SMITH. llalfgh, May 30. t838. 23 6w Ww and aoiiaWe Ooed. W haf juat reowived from Ihe North a Hrgje apply of KRW AHO FASHION ABLE GOODS Whwh e liwite oair Uuatoaaert lo ewll end ei nLn Our Stock eonaka in part at followa: Broad Cloths nd Cassimeres, of a very superior quality, Muslins, Catnbrick. Laces, &c. of every description, Lawns, Linens, Towelling, Sheeting -and Shirting, Domestic Goods of every kind and qtialitv, i ' ' Hardware and Cutlery, a fine assort ment, ' , Plain, Pressed and superior Cut Glass, Gentlemen's ftne Summer Hats, all Beaver, weighing only ik ounces, . AuH supply ofCiverpool China in! s large or small setts. White Gilt arTd Celtic China of. the first quality, " Shoes of .every description. Our StoA heina; parehaard prinaipallf thit eaton, enable! iia to esy, that e can aell at low any of oar neighbor, end perhapi ler. 1 . f, PHOWN k SNOW. Rateih, My I9M - MASONIC CELEnnATlOW. The 9lth ol Jnnw ixing the inniTeraary Ol S. John The Baptitl ( d the Sabbaih day ) the mm dert fCoUmbet LwIr. No. 10S, hate agreed in celebrate tbe 83rd, Saturday, aoaornm g v, ike AnwUwt ewifiwawl arwtemrtyi alto to y thw enrnet ato ol thai Hall- It it therefore ear. Mly reqactled that the wembert fa, or the oe eaaion h a puietil ettendaaee. 1 he Ke. Patrick Oowd, aw eminently diitinguiihel broth er, hat ioetewted to dellwer a publie addreet ap plicable te the cwremoniet of Ihe day. Brethrea at a diatanea are rrtieeifuUy ihited to attead lnd aheerfuIlT participate with ut in the alchratlon. jMRS N. CROSBY, Secretary if Ctlvmhtit Lithe. The Editor of lh Fayetteeille Obierver, Car olina Patriot, and H'llibr,'S, R"0- " aewted lo taaert Ihe abote ootil the S3rd ol Jooe, and forward their aecoooU 10 the Seoretary at PiWabdroOfh,N. C. PKtibor.', May fT, 1S3J. 3 3 ITKATGDi m. tknohasi-nw. aearKinitnn. on San day the th of May, one BAY HORSE and one BAY MARE, the fcerae aboat 6 few! high, between Ire and acre, yeara old I keoere the laorae hat a vhite anot hit back. The mar haa bo white about ber that I reeolleet. but hai a deal as the haul partol her thigh. A reatonabla oeapeaeatioa will be (ire to ny pcrtoa that aaar wke a; the earn, ' - ! WILL. tOVTCK- . , Kia-NM. Uty t4, v ,9 3 , y. job-printing; ' jeatly and expeditiously sieutetl at . . . ja 'fief Ptsborevsh , ea liou7 & M (hr ftf Jul an Town Lots, ' ' tbcreoa lor the year 136, together vith the eot aupptswed tu liwsg -to we-kBl II) '1 or 6 iIl 4 "6o 6 li "Oil ' li "30 I SO i 40 so- 36 4 U tlOOdoublt Heirt of KM Mall 1 do i do jMcKrncie ft Co. .HririiH M'Lean fWallrr'a hfirt jMtragjfi1helfc Heir at J Minirr .Warden' heirt MsSlrydrt tieirt do 0S do ISO' do do do do do da do do do do do do so soo s 0 37i' i 3W CO HT 40 W .IS Ji Iwit't hrirt Duncan Mnrehiton J T Burnt K ic b ai'tT 3 oKn ton H Sbaildock Unknown J.lobn Fuo ire In Sullin(i 250 Singlr 80 75' do "SjSinglr Sid.SiiiKlt- US do do do do fir ill hucbaitan Kvan'i riale 34i 10 fto i I lull Jaj llfin ol llulljsi 2.W Unkoov.n 'lullblr litttil by A. U L'lley, luppoatd iu belong to Win. ul nunbers unknown; ralueil at $25 rath; JOIIV IIAUMAN', Sh'ff of Chatham Ttunlv. I Oltli Italcjtfh A t.amloii Kail ? 1 Itoail Co., .''lay 15, I :, S Ry Order of Hie Hoard nl Dnrclois, I lliall offer at I'ublic Sle, lor ca,li, ai tin; Court Ihmie inllie tiiy of ln!t'if;li on I he 2 1 MoioUy olMuly nrm, all ihe Mmrri ot Mmk in ihis t,oniimiynu Allien I lie liiifalinenM now due sh;lll not lo; paid, bulure Ibe first dv fil'.liilv ntxl. t.r.O. W. MOUIIKCAI, r7. Italeigh, May 2.1 , I S.iS '22 it li mi i: it rois s all. Till- Sub,nibfr Imi iifiw nn haiol, at Im M il!i, (lale lllakt'i) I " nub i Kail of KiiIi-ir!!, Iii i tret nl clioK-e tawed out ol I l.uinber, nl eiery drciii'iou, K 1.' Hi I me, lite prtul'ar en crneiice rn wincn is inn well Known lo need any iufl Person! ill sii ing lo porch ik w ill ph ase mki applicaiion to Mi . H dliam 1'eck, Ualcigli, nr to Henry Hoiio.i.m ilie Mill, Tin: price at ihe Mills will be f 1 per hundred; Inn, il a. large ifiini it be bought, even Ion than I lint will be tuken. VKTKIt FOSTER. Wake.ou,.AX.'t). 4U..IS.M 8-2 (I COAC1ILM, li AltOl f: II LS AI Bl GCilES. The Subscriber hut on hand an atsorlmenl of the abore Carriagei. Some very richly finithed, which witt, he ihinkt, bear a comparison with any manufactured elsewhcie. The wink it war ranted to be faithfully eiecuted, and will be told on at favorable terms at an be afforded. Tbute withing to supply thrmaeltea, will please call and judge for themselves. i hos. conns. Raleigh, May 31, 1838 2 tl rtate of iorlli Carolina, Wayne County. Court of Equity, Spring Tetnt, 1858. I'eUUon for mle and titvition erf real tetate. Mcedham Wortell and Celia bu wife, Arnold Borden and Jonathan I'ike, . .'. Jigatntt ...... The heir nf Frederick Bum, deceased. It anaearme ta the tatiilaation of the Court, that Fharoah llvirn, Stephen Worrell, I'haroeh Scott, Ely Scott, Jesse r'ulgum. Joseph Fulgum, Kreileriek Folgum, Sarah Arnold, Celia Arnold, Pataey Wiggi, Miry Corbit, Rebecca Parker, and Penina Horn,, delendantt in the above nam ed cause, are not inhabitants of tins State) it it therefore ordered by the Court that pebliiaiion be made frr fix soccesiive weeka, m the Star and North Carolina Gazette printed and pub lished in Ihe City of Raleigh, tor the said de fendant! to be and appear at tbe next term of thit Court, to he held ior the county nf Wayne, at the Court House in Waynesiiorough, on Ihe first Monday afterllie fourth .Monday in Srpiem ber next; then and there 10 plead, answer ur de mur, or aaid petition will be taken pro eonlesio anil heard ex parte a to them, and decree made acnordingly. Witness Jamrs Griiwold, Clerk and Master ol our said Cnuit of Equity for Wayne Couiitri at office m uid county, the first Monday after the fourth Monday In March, ixax. JAM ria tiKIWtL,U, U. M. Waynesboro' April 47. 1 S3S. tfO w Valuable (Jily Properly, Taaa FOR SALE. Porsnanl to a decree of the Supreme Court of North Carolina, I ihsll expose lo publie sale at the premise, on rriday, the lSlti day ol Jnne next, that very deairable reaideoce In the City of Raleigh, situated on Ihe eorner of fldlsborn and McDowell Streets, formerly occupied by Mil E. Geddy, as-a Boarding Houae. I 1'he lot contains three-fourth of an acre; Ihe ' Uwelhng House is large ana eommonmui, with 12 moms; all neccitsry out-honses, and a fine garden, anil, though sufficiently retired for a private family, I vary convenient to the busi ness part of the City. To resident of the low er enuntiy, desirout of securing a keatihy and pleasant situation, Ihe present affords a very fa vorable opportunity. Person wishing to exifm ine the premises before the day of Sale, tsaa do so, by applying to the Subscriber, or Mr. 'I hot. Loiing. Poisesi i T will be given on the first day ot January next. v TERMS, which will be liberal, made known 00 day ol sale. ... t;. W. MOltnf.CAl, Ctmmhumer. Raleig1, April 27, 1SJ8 I J 7w NEW 8PKI.SG ATD SUM3I Kit ii GODS. XaTTCHrORD A OIIVB, M ER CJUA'T TAILORS, Fayetteville Street, Ualrigh, Norih Carolina. The Subscriber have just received, and are now opeoing at their Store, a brautilul assort ment nf oods in their line, consisting of Cloths, Caasimer aod vesrfngs of every colour and quality, in fact, every thing that can be found in any similar establishment in the Country which we reapeSlfully request our Iriends and the public to eaiU and examine before purchaiing elsewhere, aa we are determine) lo sell on such terms a cannot fail tn suit the purchaser. HTCHFORD (c OLIVKK, Raleigh, May 7, 1.838. 30 6w P. S. Order Iram a distance will, merj with prompt attention. . . L k 0. 7 Dlt. W. AV. MA It II A LL'r Ointment for the BUatd Tiles. Tbis invataable remedy hat been several year before the publiei ft virtue aod .efficacy darn been w til tested, and. In nnmerou imian- I. ik. MAtl awiavaled Inlmw.rf wtom -41. la not a aoliiary oaae ha k been, known ta tH ! m effertmg a cere. Many very respectable peri SOWS Bavvw VVT"v wriawi; " ' - siuvwcyi. amnnajf I whom si tne ttev. svm. a. sasis. m i . e. Chareh.aad Editor of the Coaferenee Journal, who. from hia owb experience, awmfldently re commend it to the pubis a ear, joiii. ,.a. aan imcuaT MSist." , It Bev We had ihe Store ef R. TCCKtH J Agent. Kaleurn, .v-- f 1 v CHEAT EXPEDITIOX. The Raleigh and Gaaton Rail Road Company k tha nleaaare la announce to the oablia that the Bridee OTrr the Koanoke and tweWe eailee .. for they ttoad of their Knad being finiahed and in daily see h irwnmArtatieit of Beraona aad orodnee, t now lorm. imee the eonplelloa of the Rati Road between Richmond and Peterabarg, a aowtinu oaa line ot railway eonirounieation from Littleton lo the Norih. lo the courae of a lew weeke, a- bout 30 milet more of their Hail Road will be ready, when a Locomotive will daily leae Chalk Leiel fllenderion Oepot for the North, inatead of Littleton at at pceat-nt. 1 hit it the Great mail route, and the different Rail Road Companies now run their dad, mail lj,nefiom Littleton to New York in 3' hour miming lime, or including all ttoppagra in lett ihan 43 liuurt, without the Ion ol a tingle niglil'i tleep. Traveller! from Grcrniborongh Salisbury and ilie Writ are .informed that, by taking tint route, ibry will reach Washington City 4 hour ahead nt any other line, avoiding ai the roe lime about iki milet of Staging aod the lots ol two iiighl't tleep. Tint it the pleataatrat and mo,t expeditioui route to i lie Virginia Spring. A nrat rate line nf (Jnnclira it kepi up Iroin Littleton through to Raleigh, where the main Weilera line inter aecti it anil where it unitea with the great Smilb- I ern mail line, to rayettevilte, Columbia, An ! gU'-ta and Chrlt-ron. I a J' I be Raleigh Uer;iic-r, SalKhiiry Watch : mao, ttreruiliorough I'atriot, Fayettevitle Oh- l wrvfl Knoiville lii-gnter, t heraw t.azetie;- Colomljia Trleicnpe, Auguita Courii-r, and M illi-dge, i!le .Iruinul will niiert once l ink until 1st ot .ugi,i, and forward their account l to the nlficr, olthe lUleigh Iti gitler. Railegh Ma; li, IS IS 2-2 II ItAIL KOAD HOTEL, .It Eitfirlil, llujfa r County, .Y. C. J. SOUTH ALL, Having tak. nfrom Mra. I. W. SOUTIIALL that Itcaiiidnt new building, aituated It the wvat end d ilie village, and conligHous to her grove, is now lilting it up lor the reception ol traveller. Too many promise! have been made Hi thia line of hiisines!, in which Ihe publie have been de ceived. I shill only aay, call and judge for yourselves. Mrs. Southall and d.ughter pro Wrse pe-rsmnd-atteotkm to ladies.--- A put, 1838. 17 II w WASTED, A initinn i Teacher, hy a young man who is qualified to teach the Latin, Greek, French and English Language. He has considerable experience in teaching, and can produce tatie lactory testimonial a la knowledge and moral conduct. Application to be made by let'er lo A. B. I). Oxford, N. C. Cianville comity. May 18, , 1 88a. 29 5wp IIE.IIOON' ACADEMY. The Exefcisn of llii institution will cloe for the firs: Seition by a I'ublic Examination, to be helilen Thunday and Friday, Ihe I4th and 15th ol June. Parents and friend are invited to at tend. The second Seaaion will commence on Monday, lha SSth o) June The Subscriber's bouse will ttill be Open tor Boarder, an Stu dents, at the usual price ol 7 dollar a month for board (Student furnishing; their own lights,) Tuition, $7'50, $10 and $19 JO the Session, according lo the stuilir pursued. Henulonis situated (ix mite North West nf Louiibur;, one mile from the Stage road. The Subscriber would present (lie following advantage of the institution, to wit: ii healthy and retired situa tion, a neighborhood ol moral and wdMrmsta people, aud good water. i . ,- . iwiy y. mcfcs. ' Herodon, Fiankin eo May 21 22 eo3t OCT II. W. MILLER haa remov ed his ofliee lo that of the SOenor Court Clerk, in Ihe Court House, where he may be lound, exeept when necessarily absent Raleigh, No 1, 1837 4l uaa The great popularity end established demand for this valuable niedieinr, render tha tootin uation uf a lengthy sdterliaemenf nneces:,ry. Nomeroui testimonials of tbeir Value (lately re ceived V from gentlemen of the highest respecta bility, in addition to those accompanying each box, may be teen -on application to any of Ihe agent. The pill are pot up in superior style), -injin. koxe eoirtaining 40. pil..i!l full direc tions. Price SO cents per box. , To agent or pill-chasers thr termi or commission and d (count are liberal. All commmiicationi will be prompt ly atteudvd to, br- THOMAS L. JUMP, Gen'l Agent. ORicr, Morgan St. Raleigh, lit door west of Ihe Pretbj tei ian Church DRUGS fit ITIEDICnCS, : Slffn of the Cioldcn Iflortar. WM. Iff. ItXASOU & CO-t Having purchased the entire stock of Messrs, T. S. Ilrckwith H Co. have eommenced Ihe APOTHECARY busioet at the Mind formerly occupied by thenr-on Fayetteville Street, second door north ol W. ic A. Slit h, where ib have just received a further aapply of Draffs, Medicines, Glass, Oil, Paints, Dye Mull, and Per- - fmnry, totr-tli-r with n general assort inentof .. F A. XCF ARTICLES. which lliey will diipow of on tbe'mott reatooay. hie term. - f- " v. -s. Merabants and other can be faraiihed with p.tent, and ether, med'tcHiea ;pn a reasonable terms as they eaa be got aouth of the Potomac. Persons would dp well to call and examine lor themselves. Physician at a distance? who may ftvorwu 'with Iheir orders, wi havanlhen nmmntlv attended to Ha naiwa I,- . -. id ele4ing Chemical and Pharmaceutical nrtJ imraiinns, ai they are rtetermioed that ha medi. I eine but such a are genuine, ahall he mid be he. - One of the Firm having been iron rhi on is m bottne. to whieh h till .. n. aL. . .... . . L. t L L . . . . , auewion, therebe avoidr. T) - fct.I miatsjl ihst too often eweor ihroorh iw,mn.1 jevvcy - resrelcnle, hey hope, by ttriet atten- Im In jiiimu ,m --i - . I ... . : , , patronage. .. i w auara us inc puDiaa ' r , February, ISIS. r if - fat:-'-,'.:;..-'' Haa eatahliaked bimtelfia Raleigh, aad wM afford Medical aid tothoea who may feet dirpo aed to patroaixe hint. Hi office i in the rear of the Auuthecmrv 8tnrrof Meter a. Vt" Mi ob k Co. where he anay be area when not ei:."H; abaeot. Atteadaoee ob the poor gratia. . Jaooary 90, 1S3S.' 7 " . Tno Tree of Legal KssowledK. nPivinvs op ITS MERIT AND UTiUTT. From the member of the Law Faculty of Yale OHIrge. ' n... c... I . ctamioedToar workealled the Trea of Legal Knawledge, pretentmg to the eyi an anal; ti.olthe Common and Statute La- of Itnghmd, nn a ehartfor map, and t a eoiiliaWy I j .t 1 .. ki.i.iw wwtul in ihe Mu- rwaoniiDcou iuc mum - h dent at law. The plan it judieiou, and the ex ecution happy, eondeniing, much matter in a email eomuaea. and well fitted to arreat attennon, and aid the memory to retain Ihe logical dm tiont aod many of the details of legal eeK-nee. Heipeetfully your ob't "". r SAMUEL J. HITCHCOOK Yale College, New Haren, May I'A 1838 I entirely eoneor in the aboe recommendation ( Ur llorhnnrk. MltK. 1 S.18. UAVIO DAfiGETT, ' Prol. ol Lw, Yale College. From the Hon. Daniel Wibsl'r. Dun Sib: I have had time r' ly to look very hastily at your legal work. It ingeniout, and the design a good one, aud, so tar as I could ob serve, the heads of the science run out intu their proper divisions and subdivisions. Much more weight, however, than isdueloiny opinion, is to be attached to those of Mr. Hitchcock and Chief Jutlice liaggett, ejihry are regular aod disun guisiird teacher of the law. , Wilb all good wishes lor tbe tueceis of your undertaking, 1 ant', with regard", yours, . UAXL. WEUSTF.lt. To tiix Attbob. From II. F, Butler, Esq., A'tomey General ot the Cnited Slates, and Prolesauiiid'.LawlJi ni ihe University of New Yoi k. I have esamined with some erne the Tree of Legal Knowledge, (an allrgorica'l representatioo ol the Lew and Conitrtntioii of Fngland as de lineated in the Commentaries ol Hlaokvtone,) re el ntly published by the Mesirs. Turner and Hughe. Thi perlormance exhibit with great ingenuity and accuracy the method, divitiuiii, and leading principles of the English U, and is well calculated to impress them on the mind of Ihe student. I think too that Ihe insti ucli-d lawyers wtlt find it a pleasant and utelul meant ol rcfretliinj; hia reonllections of I work, which moil ever fitild a high in hi! esteem, ami with the analysis ol which he eaonot be too familiar. ' U. F. IW 1'LEIt. New Yorki Mtsy 11, ttSS, , . From the Hon. li. Strange. ... Jlay. 1833, Dni Sin: I hive teetl and examined With much pleasure, your Tree ol Common Law. I had heard much of it before I saw it, and what is not very osual on such occasions, my expectations had fallen far shoit ol the reality. The ingenuity of the design is not surpassed by its happy execution, and, as a North Carali l.ian, I am proud of this beautiful effort f genius. No admirer ol the Common Law (and who it there having any kaowledge of it who doe not admire itj can fail to avail himself ot the oppor tunity you have furnished, ol contemplating il in thi new and engaging form. ' Alone ol the prolesiion, I sincerely thank you lor having Ihui beautified our ancient aud vener able Itruuore, and am, very reipecllully, . . "v.. . . Your ob't serv1,, , . ... .. RO. STRANGE. To ni AVTHoa. From the Hon. II. Clay. . Sin: I have been able only to give a slight ex amination to the copy of the Tree ol Legal Knowledge, with the opportunity of insiweimg whieh you have favored mnr It eVn add little to the high and satisfactory testimonials to it merit which you have already received, for me to aay that diaptaya iw lt.iif twbor,' and that 1 thiuk it will be ot snalaraal anaiatanee lo the diligent studeut. Wishing you great socceti, Your ob't erv t, II. CLAY. To TBS ACTOOB. The above rcaommendations from some of the most distinguished Jurist ia Ihe United States, have been (elected by the tuhteiiber from tbe many Vn their poiseiiion,.ii sufficient to establish the meritsof the "Tree of Legal Knowledge." Order for tbi work, directed lo the' North Carolina Book Store, Raleigh, or H. O. Turner, ISO Broadway,- New Voik, will meet prompt -atlenlioo. Price Map form eight Alia tlx dollars. , TURNER k HUGHES. Raleigh, June 6. 1838 24 If NOTICE ISHEKEWV GIVEIV, That so far a 1 am concerned, that the Co partnership between Nathan Willey and myself i dissolved; and that no eonli act hereatter made by (aid Willey will be acknowledged by myself. WM. U. WOOLEN. " Ian 6, 1838 - - 24 3t A TEACHEIt WANTED. A tiealleiuan of sober, moral habits, lo teach Ihe various branches of an English Edneation, to enmmenee about the first ol July next, in a very healthy situation. For further particulars apply to Ihe Post Matter, Cox' Store, Sampson county, N. C. June 5, 183S . 24 3w CANDIDATES. - Senate. Weaton R,Glc and John W. Har ris, Commons. Fan Jiuren Ticket. Samuel WhitakeV, Senate. Nalbaniet G. Itand common." Candidate! for Sheriffalty Mesara. P. R. .liurt,' li. Asluort and Allen Uojjern, Jr. , We are authorized to announce Maj E. P. Miller, Edward J. Erwin, and William II. Car eon, Esq. at candidate to represent the county of Burke, in the Home of Commons iu our next legislature. Rutherfarilton Gar. We are authorized toannopuce Col. Burgees 8. Gaither, aa a candidate lo represent thesis, frict cotnpoeed of the counties of Uurke and Yancy, in the Senate of our next LegUdattue. JhiU. W are rejtieleJ to announce the Hon. Wm. B. Shpard a a candidate to represent the Senatorial district composed of the counti of Pae,BoUnk and Teiquimons, in the next Leoialalu re. Ph uix; We are aulhorized-to announce "Albert G. Proctor' aa a candidate to represent the County of Pasquotank in the Commons al the next Legislature. Ibid. - , ' ; We are requested, to announce Geij. -J. N McPherson aa a candidate to represent the SenilorUl Distrii-t composed of the counties of Camden and Cbrrftuck. Jbid. - - . GroWte. John C. Ttylor, in the Senate, and R. B. Gillintrj, JI, L. Robanla, and Henry W. Jones, in Ihe Com room All Whig. Eilijah Hester, V B for" commons Carteret and Jenei.In this Senatorial Dis trict Enoch Foy i the Whig randid.ate. " r-no'o.M.l.Jonathan Be. T. LanT Dr. Wm.a Lane. 8qate;? ice Rush, Je. se W,lk ,nj peoj. Uawkiiisv Common. All wbigTmt twoMessrs. T. Lane antl Hawkine. Corrg.-Elih 8. BeU U th Whig can did al for tbe Uouimorm; , ; - f 07.-;rh-' Wlowipg Vatt'lluren ticket for JJ.-J.egi.latvjT) b been nominated in Or, uV vi Jtn. Joseph AllUon tor the Senate; I I I I, aw Walt I 1 l - a ' I n . , - "ciwi oi(S v uaa n, ijffl. lltarhaavl K.. I ' -I i .7 .! wlUnger, and TJr. JoU( Or, Julitu H 0.t.n. onv w Commons. , Whin TirkeL 1 V " heen "erotofur puIihed, Mr Wad- .1 Ball, ajlnaftaj. 14am. tV a t . . . C r, u, n uraoam, A J "vine. vwuana "Utter Magum.vwmon. t C'Aewon TtiB O H.n. r'.T. a-j.T. nrwinni ' - Reaaway frcm ftie suUeriWr, on the 4th Jannarv. 1 138, a arere man named iFri, formerly epmyf VWee A.4iUUTO opened term, rHi!-ai deeeaaed. He is ao doabt m the nritl.boihnod where tbe sard IUI fotraerly lived. The above re ward n TwrBiv-Bve dollar will L.JUIIMrHi J will deliTer the mid a nitlea writ boy Alliea lome ai raj 7 ol Louiburg, or confine hjm in Louitbarg Jail ao Uhat I frthin, again , . . . rr-r I woiiki gie w ""' - - , bull hare ol had him a tofficieul length ol time lo obtene or recollect any particular meika. ' , -v--- ' - M. hLKILiv. Frankiin te .JJC. T1! ThTcelebrated English Iiaet one FL EX IDLE, (Bred bv the Fail of KgremonO by W haie bone, dam Themis by Smcerer, fpoix hasrd o ihe Earl of Egremont lor the King rusna) her dam llanu by (inhnnBa, Huui'.img Bird (liiter to:iliariiia, tlolibrie and sonng Camilla the dam id Mandviue ami Allegrni) by XV nod peiker, Camilla bv Ticniham, Coquette ny ihe Comptpn Haib; siiter lo llegulu by lb" Godol phin Arabuii. "... ' Whalebone, the tire of Flexible, is brother te Whilken Wnliil, and Web, by Vay dam Penelope by Trumseter, Prjinella bv llmlillyer. Promise by Sn:i., Spectator' dam by Partner. In Flexible it thus united the best blood ol Matcliem, llerod and Eclipse. FLEXIBLE wnn nine racci when threr yean aid (including rHp of 4 miles) nd ha beaten Longwaint, lr. Faustus, Araclif, General Mi. na, Signorina, Whilttngtnn, Oiweiiry, Luzbo roiigh, Mazame, iia, Flexible stood in Eng land at eleven sovereigt. (equal to S5 dollars.) lie is lull- 15 bauds 3 indies high, un great niuteuUr .weis;und lor nice proportions i e I .. 1.. .... ...i t.... .rl quailed hy' lew. lie is one oi me k 'bp Whalebone, descended from the tw h si Ara bians, without an unfashionable cross. Hi speed, bottom, anil temper is equal to any horse ol his day. He is now at hi slaules. The season will commence the litis day of February, or fin lier, il required. For ihe-psilhvular nf his running ond that nf his colls ni-.Englaud, si hand kills; alto his terms, wliieli thull be lihi-ml. I-.OW. II. CARTER, Wilton, Granville en N. C ? January -I0,. 1838, S tf PitOCLAJIATIOY 7?iy the Governor of Ao. Carolina. Vhcre-, y a tt. pasxe d St Jlrn at sessi .n of the General AsseUibly ol this idate, entitled "an an act prescribing the mode of surveying nd sellinis the Laud ol'lhil Slate, lately acquir ed by treaty with the Cherokee Indian," It is made the duly of the Gnvernwr, upon the re turn ol the Maps and Field Book of said sur vey, to the Several place a preaeribed by taid ant, lo iisue hi. Proclamation ot the time and place ot late, and whereat, Ihu said Maps and Field Book have been rttui tied aceeor dimrlv Now I. Edward B. Dudley. Governor of North Carolina, in obedience lo said act of As sembly, do hereby isne thi my Proclamation, giving notice that the sale of said Wad will commence at the Town of Franklin, in the county ot Maeon, on the first Monday in Splein ber next, and continue Irom day tow day tor three weeka aud off longer, by and under the Itiperbsterdimee aud dirrcttoe, of S. P.-; Patter son and Charles L. Hthton, Esqrs., Commis sioners appointed for that purpose, agreeable 0 the provisions pi the said act. r2 IM testimony whereof, I, Edward sEiL. B. Htidlry, Governor, tie,, have caused lha Great Seal of the State to beiterewnto affixedj andr-signed therearaiv tlns 7th day ol May, in the year ol our Lurd, ,M' ' ' , EDWARD D. DUDLEY. . -1 . , 20 I7 . Star and. Stamlnnl, Rutherford Gazette, Columbia Telescope, Southern (G. ) Rreovder, Lynchburg V irgiiiMH, and Knoxvile Register, ill each insert the bote, weekly, until day of ale. ' IC1CILTIOND & FETEHSlIUm, , RAIL ROAD. The completion ot this Kail Road (from Pe tersburg to Manchester, opposite in Richmond) makes the chain ol UaiL liimil I through the Slate nl Virginia continuous, with Ihe exception nf on ly S mile!; and addi important advantage to the Inland Route fur Northcru aud Suuthera travel line. . There are established on it two daily trains, one of which i in connexion whh the North and South mail line; aud a tri-weekly train connect ing with Ihe "Ha'ilax, W ilmington ami Charlea ten Kail Road, Stage and Steam Hutu Im." Passengers from the South by the daily "Me tropolitan Mailjine'' vill arrive in Richmond an tl- evening niter that oh whiili they leave Ra leigh; and having the night for real, are yet ena bled,, by exMiiug arrangement; to proceed to Haltimore on the succeeding day, and thence to Philadelphia Ihe e tiigbl . in lime fur the morning Ifoat to New Yoik: lime, lea tiiau 3 dart hum Raleigh to New Yolk.. . Tbe route through Petersburg and Richmond will be found aim to he one of the beit rtmies Irom rtie South torhe, Virginia Springs. 1 he passenger can arrive in Charlottesville, having only, 44jnileSjtag .travelling alter reachiiig il.r Nail Koads Ut. Virginia, it) 3 day from Chai let Ion, and 2 itays-frooi Raleigh. All possible arrangemeot are made on this Rail Road for the comhirtablc and Sale transpor latum of passenger. Office of the H lehioemd anil Peters - burg Rail Roast Cumpauy , 1- 21 2 in May (6,1838. J TDESIMAI.LI3 i ItESIDEVcE . On Wednesday, the fit it day ol August iscxJ, will be told on the jo-i-nun ,, on a sji-eilu id one anil two year, tlse l.ott in Ihe Town id Warren tun, la'e the residence ot Kemp Ptummer, (lec'iL, with the Land adj ,imnj, containing a bout one hundred Acre. The tmprovvMneiils f oiiiisf rafa large and eon venient Dwelling House and Olflre, a KucIh-ii, 8inoke-Huue, Dairy, he of ihe Very heat kind, good Stable and excellent Garden. T he hi.. improved l-ots and cleared Ijml are under fence, and yield iieadily 40 or 60 barrel of Corn. L At the same time and place, upon Ihe -ne icrnia, win ue tniQ a Tract ol ViOD HM), containing ISO Acres, within Jialfs mile, ami ".Y""' "'" ' "tri-.T " , , . . . , m. vt . H, L, "PLU.MMKtt i Kemp Plunrmet. Warrenttm, May 9, U38. , v. 8T. -JNIVEt Jl T 1.. - The poblie Anniversary Examination of the f r l'r nl North Carolina. w.llbebeldatChapeLlUir ou .Monday, 1 8th day of June next, jinrl he continued from "day lo day, until 1 hurjdny 28lh. which a- uA H8? Commeoeemca, 1 he following Trnifera e'ninn.. trarii -mittee cf Vl.itatioS:- 4 1 -V ' ' Hi.ileiie, io,.E. B. DrM.v,,pre,1 f ff: "on- 4 L. Uwai, prudent of Col. j roiter ;' K.-5uober m.-Z i.t t. p. -fB. Skint,er ,, j-. w cid - v - n v;ti;ns? ;'H, jVaddeH, By orJer. ,,011 AS HAXi-Y. - o.t.: S'J Uord Trastee. rkamAtr,'.Xv. II. Ihftle ' J' lV Bryan; If 1$, Clarke," J. R. Donnelly -j; Gifcn,- , rAV.A. Graham; A. J.rW,er, II O C C o Tbe Subscriber asfovaas the l.iH.M, I f, 4 visiters, oa the first wav ml A Am-m.m it asa. s- regard. Ihe beslihrsdaelTat TaIT.!!LlUt w Sprmgs aa they has, lare. lrT " mean of rrMonng to h, LK P J valuable member of soclrt iXid'j proynuww oww wrrwso irrqwrwllv , 7" tletuen and Phyucan.i of f,rm tl.. country tatewt.. The Raleigh and Can, Rail BJ.. intra milesol lise Sprwas, aed rk. I . -T daily by the fourth of Julv arii mill" Z connaoalation el visitera, the larlv ran a hack troa the lrm nv w N. C. June J. ja u, . P. s, There will be a Ila4t aJ f" , Springs m the 6ih and 7ih of j 1. . ' " -wi live ol the passage nl ikr Trww, ea aWlrJl miles of I be Italrigh and (,awoa Itad a" ' J. State of orih ( aroltnu, firrfir f'w,,'y. In F.quinty, .Mart It IVra, Petition In aril !,:, Samuel Powell and oihri,, I'Uwtf, and farter aad wile Klnubch, IWw In i his case, N ip;aig lo liar il i-ajn Ihe Coin t that l atr mt .!. U Heirs al Ijiw of Fr I'owv.l, t cnunty, are not mid, rv ol ihn.iiat, , n jj hire urdervd thai mblKsiin be ..( -lt:ileigh Star, that th.y b. hd aptw Mwa,! judge of our aaid Cmtit, to be kM tar a, 7 wiiiiitv al lha, I 'rsMe II.uim m. St. m'a - ' - " -'wwsr. aaaw swer or ileintir, or ju.tgu.ci p nlrvta!tiha euirred agamw ihem, md ihe i.uw a,4 te, ami a tale id ld d trrrd. .. - And it is crdi-red ceiilin, .1 u w L-1. 1 Teat b. h. AVEMU. cur Windw-r, May 28, I8.1S .tIE. ACaEIIlE AM) IIUIIS (t'MI'ED.) Joe!t E. .11. Hoblsr, "ilauaigee. The piopi i, ton reljiertiM'l, smwn Lridn s and f.ea'lirsiea nl l!, nj th it they have uniicl ih. h- extensor Mswasw nd Kquratriaa Ciicst'"pwv, in, ika Waam and m oU'ernig them lis ihe pwl.lir .' r vtt.W, are delrrmiwd in give such a twins al rau. lainmriils a eaiiuni lad in irref il r pslskMa ol all closes !' lhesmVHrVF Tof-riis lliev nave gZ: a snnw l ibe t-wst i.l, SViewrai.i r.tpies.i 'aivwi l.ya,w.slw fHrsavaa ers, which, together with Ihisr 6a --C- nau-l using Aiiimaia, win annt a lira aaal tart aaax te the Naiiirsiti't and lover uf 't,-. tw-as am liyinnastie txrieisv 'I he Ihimu saatia arc both art angt d UMlrr a lar-e ssh! re. wunt. vdioB. I l.e MeMsni -.. ,.MWJr niu.te.i tfigtiher at Halngb 1 v,wn t.s nnd l-Vsi'as, liih, dais nf JM tt NIGH I S only. Aiwi rTsrt n VI rt. cliijilren and serrani hall h ate. , tO" t he .Hi mail wut te tjkit'utj rariX, ret I o 4 '. .. Admittam c lo Ihe oauasa," W O e-wi, Cnmmodlou arsis will Im rrretrd t-mnwau-dal visiters. Ladies ssxl cfaddnra alsnasaaaw Ihe preference. I bis ipl. adsal vhthiisM a. quireiine eervira ol vn ss.ee and fcrn vast. plete il oprratmn. 1 be M 'JVirwai,! publie patronage, would rrh.lll, aua. a there will be nobig mtrcslwervJJa lis santWaw anee luaiean nnrnsi inerarraj raw aseti Saahwct but the whole will be oadttetcd wuk aV most order and deeemnv . QTj .v iMiliei mdmAtM unaenmpamt4 tj 1 a Gentlwmun, - ... . A list ol lha Anlnmla l-U..d a. lis Mrts, j . FULL, CROWN MALE E h E P II A NT PI Z A It It 0. " The Afiican Lion. '1 he - ft ican Lionels. lloyal Ieiio;itl Tiijer. ItnTHl Rental Tigrese. : Female Camel and her yoanj. ... .Je,.... -Cn-a..- 'al'-j .1". arTW r i " Heal Black African OSTRICH, Tlie Quaggy, from the Cape uf fii.twl PAr nl Spotted Hye na. PYir nf Strrped Hyenas. The African Pelican.; Asiatic I.ftijmrtl. Sntitli American ('umlor. - Vulture, from Cry I on. Jackall, Mnnkrys". &r. For. p;trtirnlar of " )erfraiirrs fS the lai jre bills posted up at the lluirli and Sturm. . . ThfrV will be an Ftlnbilion d.tlie aCarc peri me it ), of Ibf ri.E AltTSt . I The rlrlieit. most cl.e...l and ex emit -altar. (ion ot Paintmgl er nfftrrrd, rewrrti aiiat t1"- ing inouirtaina, roi,Hgralk at, bailies ' buildings, shipwieiks, a.. i These laniii"g have been trlrclrd wok l eaie and aiirniinu by a very di'.ir o-l.il Ai list, and i. itlier pains nm ,i sseise b' ! tparrd in proeliring works nf the . rrlar ltd and interesting chain trr "I hey a dl lr hibited al Raleigh on 1 hisruUy il.e lih, Fridy..tli 1 3its day of June. AiIiwmm Jl eeat.., ' " Kniniivrejto ttiis iplrndid exhibition lr-a ik hitide of the MriiKge, ie. ' -The alios e can he Seen al Jnsisli llinrii"'sa Mnnday tliellth;.,i Sinithfirld on T urn's) "' l'ilhi al John 1i'lis 0 W edisriday lb das bl J,pne, lor nne day only at each plaa'. June 5, tX. 4 . . lite . . : " ..'., .j ?""". --r'.S T II A aWss -entered on the Stray Bock af Vt'alS eounsy on the Sih day ol .May' hy Wns lias, i - , . . - i A i -i-i. 'ao si.ea avoni is nuir -v. sr. pv ,tiea;a. - f. year tsld, with black mane and tail; "!. t Stray is lued at .my dollan, and takva Ilirlha SIS h ilsIj . Givea aader mVhm ihi .Wb day ol May, IS3t.. ALEX. CA M PBELL, ' T BIANKa fo r al! ,.b,ere. Cl j '", "7 w, iej. ' - j; ia ' ' ! , , . - ; av ",-'." - i "W r v . H " t a. . fx s .-S 4 I . .V : V-r A -i - 1. .' v - , I jl ' ar. - "r

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