:2 oam 1MW1 VOL: 2212 NO- 31 -ran J inn. . jrjr.fc-.. n ?' mt ' "' fill, CJ51 $ ' jft: -.i I v , ' -i. IB' dw aw - . v - frerriitwia ar esia;. f 1 .'. WM' a 4. '4 iij"' r---- as .-Mir to im.i.i'! w it .'iv ar i. mm w . .-T' . . aranaSb- af m. (- s m w a . saw "f m i rtwip N a k hr g w imwwiMi i mm tua ! tie fct.vi A i i tnu a ut it 4 j ii.u ik. m a X'". t .aa!(w a ' run r.m i Max Tr It lit ti4l. 1 -SKisatisijateLIS. , t-rttH. tMtrrrsu Ha, I irUait, Voteless sv tUMMi a-etaetsuttt Iltrv. attasseso. ttetaia. C ava-. ttw"rr. ,ttMrt, a,, TtHm mS , , nnifKM'Jt Mi u . w. aw im S . I -a ittii. ittn sotfv t I aa Wo im' t urn t x, aW . . M iK aMl . v . Matva m4 - ltf lu I aJ l'.tt a iwtM4 ahjin MM illn,, HJ.tuH4, l a raann mM Im tavisnt at W tela to a ad M4tM. m IV Af mtt f ih ttnwns at tlvmtnt, t.t U V. ViltflO-LAI. ia, Stf , lS - KflUlr A PKTEltKt;it II AIL ROAXJ. TU mm t.Lim t tU, i ..a Hwm if.- a P- OnWri t MacWi'M, at to knl ! mmAr iW t K. m. l,iliMit. tk Kiata mi ismi.im, " '- "I k tM .k iHiiw a Sm. mmm mt fc m-'m . tih iw Nw 4 awt Km4W mail r,-i h4 i !- kl, traw ir, royalii tUri b " a, H-.i aataa tW .nr iImK akL iu trmt i tta M U kvaaa 1- ka ha W.aw.. tra, ta" Via 1 aa M' . I ... . a a. as saiie sas aau ua a I s nnai i aamar. aa aaa aaLaaaa m . i rww I m,mfj mrnlj 44 aaOra i.a.rlU- aliar mtUvaa n.rit;;: ka.) Halicfil, fs k. wl mS. ie.. m. " U-a afi aaa Pakrra J ee-f S!4 fx' tVatnaa . IS, J--S. Sw, - ' ' - ' """ . . - - , mm w ymiji iii nr-r Jf kfl mmm kata( (U aij4 irr -tat, ara . taa- Tby sUatU-raJ bark by atoriug i. drifen Uaa. av swum( Mr , to wwm as) to TaiU a a braeo. liglu to Utm ' H-haaara mm mmmmmmmt aia mm aa to A rwJing alar, by menxw .'i,,n. aarairi Ift to b Va. k; k aa. Km ' aUann IbougUu to HetTan. W0iHaMblKaaa. .- LELA. V 4 t(-JS -.istf. t nMsia.., ss-w. ' V lw me Mnwt . f a wMa a u, faun .iw ifwwi -vJ8 :wiKi m &m IWM J . SS'-' BaJ j M l mmm. mm- a , t s w V w mm t S Hi it, c av re ibaav' aa ta fna J tnuimcinr, . mm ra i. if a? -,,'. ' tvfA"'" , . i- - if - jeww fc?e s-Jii!w nflHsM"' ISMaaiMflSMMSMaMi.1 r; 1. c . . ' ",e a w iwm awwe aw (. ,u as eight Wre, and vice ver- mm t iwai na iMs,ww - NM,;sa, swsvt was ai-ht here, it was dav !'te"-'?rW.s.eJiweHietM 7 MI li ii . tmm0 A anli n ti ,i Sum i aaa) a avM iNm a M iat. M a r mmm mf HW , t iMmmm m ymmr4 -n- t--rvta.,-4?i-s s ' rat W S- . . 4 at. a ttv mt a a m M.tk, talwia w, tf, im n.iM.i-ia-aarti-i3 iwmi, , w s4i i il r-a SmhI, fc V . OiM aw'arUrr. Ir lb kV Ike KMMll rt. 1 Im, Ot W I-'. -4 m Mwlm'J, u,'awi a -, wnia miu warsiix. rt i ha ev ANt. sr t-. Jaw U US i ii .. ra Tts iu'ua. -MY MOTilEIt." WfcS mJ I aaVr aLoaU uetl.rr T, dm M H tlx ktkt u, Ukii; At I ! J mi(i mt. my BKHhar! 'a u om bar narlL ;uu. Ami aataa it wtib air burumf urm, Tfca aW.t,tg besn't Bfwt iirariutw rain, Wkrlaaabwld(herlorvears. fa. itmX aad it. a alu! thaoght My cap at aulbtaa s'afiaughl; .N. Swic. to cbver, wbea aorraw' oowar AaMilaJ at in bar itarkaat knurr X Bp ta antiU, wUan bpa waa hriirhl: NaajatoitaJ mm with iu ftVjU to lift ay U,auehia aUa, fc Joe srimrio li wrra forced 10 atart; e! aa mollier'a oet Yt that bae known, in lib'. . l'ur from ahova; aa me a ienpiuou aea. "f ",r'J'"', An Irishman, . !T tonnemara, seclnir on Uui Arm i't .(.. . f I . . . . 0 m ... . . f viiirp .n uilfj leni, went in td asked the pawnbroker to lond him a aovB. clr;'f,,rmo,,ej witl,ou,, 'T , 1" "J?? cf vaatly diap. . ... .i.i"i uri yoa laana by wr op Mods wwesT t, -j- rft V ' WWM. 'laWSI f., i i r-- Nl f w N . f w w j. . . .. ...... ... w- Vv .. , V aj -4 a aa..4, twatr pM.ple the mutt kind : " " hmmmm- I' Wasted al afrtMMat im tU world. , ' fM- t ,K 4 mt m f nmk 4;--4 tMff l W4- rrW M al -!-? I Vhrs4fJ ,,mms, , jswf t f tfc mmm d tm-m. J 7 i ti hi ITjlIi . . t.wigW. a4 W4 t - tSk w at ata4 lauiMAf, ij rtf! irkaf a, js tmrvmnkl 44 k'f tke sack r f ait iae aata rt. at m.i I aa(sdM- mm s. smW, saetWegHt s.Wt Hr mt tW a-fh, -ss y , Ue4. a4 that I was wl- .' J ml ,w taslMws wtta Vt-mUl7. d av,ay aaW of - i AatMMsaal kJ nmd a tittle . vvwwwsww.T mi jewmdtmp, i ft iHwvgftl t if f cerve now mere amusement could excite recoimncfiued onlj external oUnerv I u iK,si,e Uw ajtaegh load at them, as could the fore- w ww,m ittiriss per- cald ataad, ia a tU- .The superiority of genius displayed in t if to eat h sedde and vM-!fftfttit? was to me equally incom ,' lk4t .w preheneible-not that I pretend to ie I aa a4 Urn Wfare the was asade. that Wre. aad in J of the easpire. there prevail Vet coetiaaal light sriaale wind e variable ' Inm all awiete of the tin- aeaty-fiMir Wars. Nothing I'y Im atawe accommodating Maale is la the votaries of Ike weatWr is very frt k aa te interrept butineu, a.tcat pmltU dtfiionf bat it is eeve tsa Wt er taw cold, loo wet or I ttm 4ty for fatkiinaU I j observed that day and night cTvw;Marea places, that is, while it was tffiv kitk kit tk. ,.r ii.. hers. iCmicerninr the societv that dr..) in ( ' SMace. their rsilnnu ami nbni..,. III tUfriftl nan lli'in x.ll ..r prtalar atice. Of these, one was, tkattta the admission af miu.,. i.. V w, WVIIHT UI lksM..l.. . 41.' . i circles of fashion, no respect was had birth, education, or moral qualities. Praided I win could move in a cer tain style, or could support pretensions io a certain quantum of money. Wheth er g.tie byyer ira;j or by foul) he alway received a hearty welcome At the metrnmilia of Ilia n intra I im. rruii Hut .. r . hub waa a ironuvr, and very remote post, and as distance tli romishrd the influence of the court, things were conducted somewhat loose ly, and every man of wealth, and eve- r7 one who appeared to be a man or SSVaaaallK m - . I . . cordiality. As a proof of this, me thought I saw at a ball, given the ve 7 n.ght of my entrance, several noto rious .Ani-rr. and blackleg, dancing with the daughters of the first gentle men of the place. Moreover, I saw in my dream, that this productive of fi7 mortification and cha-nn. inasmuch as the .ml... i. dearly love assemblies and parties of p.c.u.c. aou who uocit in great num ber, to such place; not unfretiuently lose their partners, through tl.. 4iM influences of the gsmins tables, which I am told, are usually spread in j"s . jnu every one knows that on such accasions -it is not com lortsblc for woman to be alone." And here I discovered the ctt.se of the very sudden chance of treatment experienced by me when I fir. ., ed thii i place of fashion: It waa be cause I happened, in taking mall change of which I had use. to pull out a large roll of Ben Hatcher', note., tit was at once aupposed that I aa verrUich.snd the tUnn'... t. stantafTinsly metamorphosed into a iV V "mrk. which I made with 'urpnse, was, that the people, xirequently boasting of their .'vcruw any wirt tashioaa- I fa pais. Ami mt I r td tW at hated a stare a'eaaat every day Zee mss1 tm da. MLsvsJ , . tv4 jt w. I wa. a- ms4 4 wMaatB.tt 1 c!l do fvrt.- j rct4 a ticket hI a lJjr e ., I h4t 4r,-'i)i! I p - kwt jr awr! f J'" "'I.m !!! w - rr" ptrtl f 4 t nl WLi slta.'l we fr t' nti a he Jfe -' "Mf dear! Kw ' . . " . ; t iw I Mrtt .re so sMtWMas 4 tlrt k lrauer m i4wt t ofw wt mtl make! e'e Itrlay Right." - ft a atwday, Mid . tW Was- nU-"mit$m tm get tlttfi . awwsp -I l .mtjff ff. V t flii W;f ft Am rattwaf rlffwal ftieud.hin. and tvt-nf Mitt.iLU ...u A ' rwa.i iticBUoiup, a itu ni.m.isjM f the it in- aiace.y. were as comoo as! alMkrvWa." Bst m sooner were ! t& sW frW g..oe. than they ! rv imJ, ar gty, eriiall.or vulgar, M a word all I Use t.eiher. A'rr- fct4 iMce4 0 jMcin that peopU rH kar R9 fcr.ru at all. But wwts,f Keartlr tliry may Ur. 1 aaw m Mj drvan that fhev all were, or! truv I m tU Ut m ft fii-rl iU rontin m imlicated; mS notwithMandin all Yeat I saw tliat if any would e mora 1 - w-w- ' w w wwrnveuwuf m iiiis ina tta in imcicu. t w&i cuiihiraiiieu iiiau uutc i wccik lu liic uiulc ui iu that I ctmtil k n..r il..!,iii1 .l-.nit,il in ,il .b.r.?! v n, v putat of rheif jukes, but this might Wcaese I was not of the Ion t be fcecaese I was not of the (on oi. Tkewitia vs,i,g frif nd.l.ip withene breath, and with a curl f the lip and t.. f tk, ,e,d, Myinr insipid ere. s tare! with tl neat, was beyond my cowiprehensiM-iinr could I perceive (ky the asost f.vvred child of dull- taevt, saight not w.'th as complete ef- fear v renai !! ot r.mLL .! most trretenders to fashionable wit we la things of this kindt veil must say that in my dream, I thought that the whole of fashionable life from end to end, was on continued and enor mous yuz. While in th band -box citadel, me thought I farther remar' ;d that the commander of the fort; fwho ' by the way wa. a woman was continually surrounded by her proper officers, such a. milliners, 'mantua-makert, men's mercer, and tailors, with their instru ments of trade, as insignia of office; and that frequently messengers, were dispatched to court for orders and in structions: upon whose return there wa always vast agitation in the ramp, j All the officers at once were busr in! giving orders; and suddenly, ss if by magic, a transformation was made iu the appearance of every man, woman and child in the fort. On one day, for instance, you might see all the la dies with long waists, short necks, and high head dresses, and the gentlemen with coats and indispensables hanging about them like bags. On the next, the ladit a irese die. ail neck.and their hair crisped, and curled a la btode At Africa, while" the trentlemen Vould aDnear as though bv 1 some mechanical power they had been j pressed into their tight clothing .and what was very remarkable, every change was the most elegant in the world. Fashion. I thought, was arbitrary. ' and inexorable ii the exercise of now- er, and sometimes extremely cruel in . her measures. I remember particual- ly, that I saw iu my dream, a machine called a lady's indispensable. What took this to be when I first hrird th name, I will not say; but I will con- fes. that, when I first saw the thin"-. I mistook it fso simple was I) for an in-' trumentof toiture, to subdue into complete submission any who might' be di.po.ed to rebel tgainst the edict, of the court. A dsecription of the chine i. unnecessary. The use of it is to compress (he body into the smal-1 lest possible dimension, of elegance, I and delicacy. The higher power. ' had no sooner enacted that every le-1 male votary of fashion, should reckon 1 this na indispensable, than the whole I tnbe of fashionable ladies were teen, screwed up, as I have read of poor heretic, in the dungeon, of the inquisi tion to compel them to believe that a brown loaf wa. a shoulder of mutton.' And here I wa. amazed beyond meas ure, at the absolute and extensive power of fashion; inasmuch at her fe male votaries were brougt to believe and roost solemnly to declare, that, when the bone, of the thorax were to compressed ss to prevent the play - of the lungs', and endanger suffocation, then alone a lady wa. perfectly at ease, mat wnen ine Doay wa. com pressed until it felt like a hickory post, it then alone was .osceptiblc of elegant motiuni; thtt then when the iirc applied wbs tach. to prvtlace livid ipota, and brwe. on the ur- ucte. thece ju a pw9d ttit when a laJr tainted through the tightness of hr icrewt aha w the perfectly weX The araueementi of the people where I a, appeard as rr.irktle as .anv thin in reUtion to them. At the bid i5f fashiuu, thfj wtiltl rush toelh- 1 er intu a ru.im ia inaml pglnng, ; the pow'rrs of In pemlnl and the lw - d!,! vat crwwiU, elbow ami sweating until ucoraotiun were sus- prnilnl and the soaerie was. as I , wa!. ju.le, utterly iutolerable. T hey ; wuul.l il.eii separate, and 4iu a wt.ile ruih to-ether 2an, am Utile rn in A nil nor. harder tluii ever. I u aititeai d to me a temoorarr niadnesii. it the people called "it dtlighijul- Aain, they would ofhy inieet about ! tune o'clock at night, and dance until ous or two o'clock in the morning, anil ; then Ira ig (iom througl rain, mud, j sad dark ue.s. oft down wlth latigue, and eshausted for want of hlf ep, and In a s'tort time, however, this would ' site iiljce to I lie iniiiKinviil .f klmf i King, anil tnrowmg Uowti l Hltig. and throwins down i.ir.. uf ,ri, ,..!.....! n,t. i .i .. i . . W4S pretended, this was pursued night merry, and came back no more be- arterniiht, until the dawn of day, held also, that power of fashion was purely for the sake f passing a way busy ill this place, as well as in oti- time. I could .not, however, avoid ers; that however she to..k especial care suspecting that more was in This thin that none of her votaries should be. than met the ear." I could not Deirishteous over much: and that as she - ......... . . tn believe that in this purautt, there wai at much love ofdiihoneat gain, at of pleasure. It could not rape niv notice, that fashion itifrrinedillril with ,tr iliimr Votaries. I saw in inr dream that e- i wis 1 1 fa iu iv v e 1 1' I ven clulilren were not free from her to hud more convenience in an easy influence, and that there wei e parties dress than a tight one, more pleasure, of school boys, and school girls, as in ' domestic home born enjoyments, well as of. grown persons. JJut me than in tlie elbowing of a squeeze, or thought, in the midst of these things, the bustle of a ball room; more amuse nature would sometimes break out, ment in good books, than in cards; and the violent propensity which more happiness in frequent and fer schonl children have to tweet things, vent devotion, than in heartless and would show itself in a way infinitely unmeaning weekly prayers; and, liav vulgar and mortifying". But I not on- ing fortitude steadfastly to pursue his ly saw the squeezes of children,- and owii happiness in his own wav, with" pxrties where the oldest were too drew from (he circle, of fashion; he young to put off the back string and was made a subject cf incxtinuihablo bibb; but even among negroes and laughter, of perpetual, ami goading mulattoes, I beheld a marvellous mim- ridicule, and not uiilYequently an ob icry of fashionabU life. And I jet t of the biterest hatred. And I verily thought that .ftwi, and Rich- was grieved to the heart to see many ard, and Tom, PeggyVind Dolly, and ; under these influences, give up the. Ursula, squeezed, and elbowed, and convictions of their own undemlan puthed. at elegantly, and delightfully at ding, and fall again into the train of the very prime ministers of lady fash- fashion. ion herself. I While I was contemplating these While I was observing all these things, and observing the thoughtless things with that surprize which nov- ness of these mortals, me thought, sud elty creates, 1 noticed ott -lhe brow of-deniy the-Heaeua tew- -datkT - the the hill whereon the Citadel of Fash- solemn roar of a tempest was heard mu is erected, a very large building, louder and louder every momcn; the which I understood was the Towu ether glared with perpetual flashes. Hall. Upon entering, 1 observed a and between the ditiinriin clouds great company or men sitting as in public council. Ani here, 1 heard some very grave and leamedr'discoui's es, as well a. very much idle talk. While ever and anon, one who sat in a hi"h chair, arose, and said, "Gentle- men! You that are of such an opinion, votaries of thit fascinating power, had say .lye And you that aie of a con- .only time to utter an unavailing cry trary opinion, say iVo." ' And me of angu ish, and ware irera- no more! thought, I observed that the idle talk while the few who- had iitterly -rW -of vain and inexperienced men, had nouncc l her service and lived ronsia much greater effect than the wise die- tently with their nw professions, course, of the learn.ed.1 al.o took, loifkr, p w'th unetterahle joy. and notice that many of those who were hailed i the the coming of Him, who ap sent to the hall to deliberate about the p -ared in the cloud, ol Heaven. As I imnortant concerns of the coinmunitr, had very red eyes, and very sleepy Countenances, as though concern f.ir the interest committed to them had de- prived them of needful repose. .-.-Av'hile I waa muting ou these ihigti I looked and taw a person, in one of the ' lesser rooms of lac great building, very husily engaged in trimming and shape- J ing pieces of manuscript, which were i called bills, according to her own lik- " I took notice, that it mat tend not of what form these bill, wi re when brought in; they were cither shaped according to (he pleasure of the power at work; or (f made of too stubborn materials for this they were wholly rejected. The name which this person bore iu the Great Hatt.was popularity but me thought, I .aw that it was no other than the minister of fashion, disguised for her purpose, in a home spun republican garb, shaping laws, and regulating public measures with the tame arbitrary caprice, with which she prescribed the cut of a coat, or the dimension, of a lady', indispen- sable. When this company ol public counsellor, broke up, I observed whith er the men would go; and me thought tome entered into place, catted Lion. Dens; and aome into Templet of Vir tue, and some into Oyster Houses; at each man liked best, io lie" directed his course, and methought aome of them laughed at the law. which- themtelvt. had made, and at other, who were fool, enough to keep them. And my heart sunk within me,stid I .aid, what wonder if the learng, and the power and wealth of this community are go ing to decay! - As I went away pondering these things io my heart, ! saw another large building, into which numbers were en tering, and I went with them. Here I found a grave tnan atamlioa in hijli place; amf tayrnf words nf wj aolema import, bat I saw that while a few at tended and seemed to- lay to heart the things that were aaid, the majuritjr of the people looked at each other, and at all who came in or went otitj and then yawned and looked at their watches, and now and then hawked and spat,' aa I had seen men du in the Town Hall, when a wise man was speaking; and in a word, did ever thing to show the man in thehig'i desk that they wer tired and wanted U. go home. I moreover saw, that when the teacher told them to be sober and temperate, they looked as if ther were tliinkinr of the dainty cheer, wfticb they had at home; anl wiieir he tola them not to love the world, nor ths things of the world, they eeiurd to be meditating n ways and means to make money; ami finally, when he" warned them . giiust worldljr pit me, U brought to mind their engagements for the next week's parties. I also beheld, that although the good man iiwited them to return and ruciMVi another leivm in the afternoon, tliat minv of lliein wnt ... ....... i . i..:.. i. I ... i.. . . . . struction, they were laugtied at as very aillj people, for taking aj much unne- ceaary trouble. And here 1 will oierve,that all the vutni-ipa nl' I'm'iiiiit tvru vurv nviir.li ,n,i ri.i;tl If anv one, male or female pretended b1 v-1 a ivp mutual c s a ,vvhi a s w a v te was aeen.an avvlul and majestic loiin, who in a tnutflouder than if seven thunders liailAittered their voire.," procUimoil "r7i fathioa of this world passelh away." Instantaneously, tho whole citadel of faUion vanished, the hail been for some time in the camn of fashion. I felt very .great doubt how I should be treated by Him who wa coming.- This doubt creat e .uch excessive distress as to drive aay sleep "So I awoke, and behold it and behold it was a dream." "But the interpretation thereof is surcf" Judge J who was along time on th. beneh in New Hampshire, never could forego the pleasure of inafcing Uia joke, no matter at hid appointed a new clerk, who during the term, bcine unacquainted with legal forms, had applied himself diligently to the task of committing ta memory the juror's oathawit nesses oaths, recognizances &c. &c. The last day of the term, thcu called sentence day, all the convict, of that session, were bron eh t to tan bar to hear the judgment ol the Court. The new clerk p ocecded to re peat their several sentences. The first one" called was a hardened fulon, to whom the clerk proceeded to ay, 4,Tue court having taken into consideration your offence, do award, that you receive thirty-nine lashes. oil laid on, upon the naked back, that you. be imprisoned ninety dav. in the eommoa jail and pay the coats of prosecution- and" Here the clerk, although he had re peated, substantially, die entire sentence of the Court, seemed . to hesitate as if he had not finished satisfactorily to himself aa if. for the sake of euphony, if for no other rea aonr there should be aome gracious expres sion appended to the drr morose - dictum of justice as if, for humanity, sake, the judi cial fuurUoitary, whose order he was prornul girting, should hare addelTTothTerucl whip ping and imprisonment aome such toft aai , mercifU expression aa, "Uod bless you, or "much good may It do you." . Judpa L. saw the erabarrasament of Ida new officer, and reaching his head over the bench, instantly said why dont you ask him ifhei. e tent, Mr. Clerkl" This Seemed to the clerk a fit and proper termination tithe .anteec? then .ticking in his throat, aai !$:2 raocat- f i V ..... I . r- "1-

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