) 7 Viitehoro Academy W. C. Th Tnwtee of iliU lototioa tak rrt tm lt.rwuv.oout Ik. Stat., that they have th valuable set " " - i - Zl ebarge of tu.t Ad.my. Th. Tn.u "hive? SSiiU " erf 4eetiouud (hot-rer-d.hi. ..l.ttion. habit. .. pU..; !"- "eral 'r"f" atlirrBili.N. wbera, metu,eeBeeof tbe sicklier ot iU limte, Mr. Lotrioy tot bee, compelled to .bando. wy loombi.f i.bool. .oruberior about y boys which, n nddi ion o letter received Irani t.reenville, are rvi ten of lh hiteinntB ieh tin gen- l i I Uiinvbif. - hlr. 1-ovrtov tlemsn was acii - - .,. nuhuti, M id " t iuUM:uia- tician sai ii5"'. . , : ! tra pvrting knowledge ry C"t faedMy. 1 . - : it.-. s'litahArn Aaadei b. IUJT will embrace .11 lowr .ad highef branches ... i vi ,;- f : ft rrar 1 M allocation, ineiu nnB - . . . -r- ll it designed Hi"'" '. as it for will become, Br rate rn-; .. l nf tBirrtnr either ol I he classes of the University. The fir session . ...m .Hmm.u nn lha ilh MOitdsV r ol July int. Uoardcjn behai! in rr(rc..1ile lm i'ieaal flO par moniU. Tuilio. atlbe ordmaiy ralea. , It ia luineeemrjr to lpeak fcl Hie great avn- . i..,.i.ny -k nlT.-ii in iM.iiit ol limlih ami me kenmu "i v.-..-" , il.l iht are ui)i'iur to tboM St an low. in N' .nh Carolina. M. Q WAUUtUL, S:. 10 Tnuteea. J.iU II. I3. , 311 7" Tlie ilminiton Alertier. K.lmton .a .. t t . .. I.- u.. F.l.ithclll l.llt aein. i arnm-w ri Phoviia. iU pMiih the .bote till lt eplem- per, and tiirni mrtr pwHimi trr at Pimborouj'i lor pa) nient. BUFFALO SPUING for SALE. Tlii talnaMe prert ilie obKrilwr no ( lr lr aJe, anil .H on (5W.I lirrmi, t ap plic.iinn be ma 'c by the Silh of nfit Id-eem-ber. I"lii Spnug n mimeil in a benliby ami lenile aretiim ul country, in t lie county 'lk Irnburn, Va.. ten milrt I mm f:Uialei J Biiiri.li.n tillage on the Uoanokc Hi'er, 1 mile, from llonlmn, at wlikh place KaDilnlpb Hm Oaiega i locau J, auil 2J milca Irum Otlord, X. C. Th- meilwinal proHTlie nl Una aalei aie Kptam Salti, Iron, Sulphur, -Nitre and Magnesia. nieTiin7cuT;elflej:Wit1r ',ttT pr"' me in aaj mr lhal it it .ol inlcrmr 10 any mtne r.l w.irr 111 ih Stae. In eff. etiai. prompt an-l .certain hi einanenua (titrates, diaraaea ul Ilia ttomacb, boaelt, kwlne)!, bUdiler, aore tjct, and alerine ilitetra, and a prompt ratlor er A health and ttrenjih m .)nalete.ti from few. Iliindieiltof IrtlimoiiiaU miU be fur. nitlied of itt efficacy in the abue and many oth er diteaaea, il aeerttarr, ami among tbem.thote nt eminrut phyticnnt both in North Carolina to Virginia. 1 her. la aMaehed to tliit Spring ISO aeret of land: part of which ia fir it nt. bottom, land, ettramely veil luite: lor tncaila.f . 1 he build mgt arc nearly new, moil of which hair, been Luilt Ml. in the la three nr four J earl, and for comfort are not mrpiiaed by huililmgt at an) watering place in Virginia. One hundred and fifty people can be corolortabiy accommodated at thit place. A line of ttaget continue to run from Kclfjeld to Danville, by thit Spring, and tititert coming by Stage ill meet with coiivytnce troiu cithei of thote placet. JOHN SPF.F.O. Mecklenburg en. Va. July, Wit. SO tin N. II. II not ditnoted of by the S5ih nf De cember neat, tliit Spring will be for rent th. en tuing year or longer. Ueltert addrriteil to the tubferibrr at While lloute, Mecklenburg coun ty, Va.) or to Or. Edward Speed, Otford, (iran trille county, N. C. will receive prompt atten tion. J 9 Plcasnrit Hill Academy If ill open il$ fint tennowon iht XMh of .Ittgutl on 1he following terms: Tcitiow (rt StsaioaT, I aDTiact.) For Latin and Greek Language f 13 00 Alcrbra. tieometrr, SHrariingka. 12 50 Kimluli Grammar. Modern Ueogrtphy ant! Artthmetick 10 00 Dnarcl including bedding and washing can be ob tained in private lamiliet lor six dollars per month in advance. Tliit Academy, located til miles couth ol Pitta- borough, posse ties advantage from Hi healthy situation, cbeapneat of board, and the high moral character ot the surrounding neighborhood, which, In the opinion ol the aobseriber fully en title K to I he confidence nf Mich of hit fellow citizen detire to secure lor their ton the benefit of thorough Academical Education, or a preparation for any ol our Colleges. The school will b opened under the direc tion of Uaater Cfegg, late graduate of Ran dolph Macon College, on who, literary and moral qnalrfjcations, he think, from intimate ac quaintance, a confiding public may firmly rely fir such a liax nf conduct a Will merit l.r tb. tahool extensive patronge. VM. M. BAR -ES, C. H. Pleasant Hill, Chatham eo. N. C. 30 3w A CLEUK WANTED. , JTh subscriber wishes t employ clerk, who . it. tWowgbly - acquainted wH- ha Ury-fioodt business, and book-keeiiing. To one of suitable uualirioationt, and who can come well recom cuended, good wage 1 and a permanent tilua:ion will e given. A personal application, if prac ticable, ia desired. " R. TUCKEH. Raleigh. July 17, 1S.1S 30 if. EKTEUED, Oa th. Ranger '1 Hooks ot Richmond coonty, on th. tilth Jan. last, a dark ehetnut torrrl horae, 4 feat while, wius a bias, in hi face, ten or twelve year old, O'lern or sixteen hands high. - P. 3TANSILL, Hanger. Rockingham, Uichroond co, July 6, 1931- 30 FOU CASH, HO.O lb., prime ftacon. Barrel Shad. Koe and trimmed Herrings, Itaily espected a quantity of New Flour of the Den brand in i U arret a. Abo, for Rent 3 or 4 comfortable Bed Room. Caih paid for frooJ Beef at all time. Apply to CHKI8T0PHEUS h SMITH. Ralriyh. June 12, 1838 30 tf State f North Caroli.ua, Nath County. Coatrt ot Pleat and Quarter Sessions. 1 Onaioal attaehmeat le vied on four cowt k calves. Battle k Drake 3 leather seat, household and kitchen lumhare, one Jotiak C. Moaet Pir.tiKU nuMAN named SURRY, book, note and a-woonta. John C. Drak. Robert H. Hunt, John H. Ar- riaftoa and other toninsoneci a gtrnithect ll anivMirinr la lb. mtitfaacto of the court. that Jraaah U. Moae. th. defendant in Ibit tase, it not aratklent of thit State, it to therefore or der, (hat pnblieation be made la I ha Kalcigh Star far at. weeks, ootifrmr tbe aaid Joaak U Me t. appear at our eoort of plea and qaar- Mr tetHoaa to o. neia tor tnc cownTy Kasn, at lb. Mart boat, ia Nashville, on the aeaond Monday ia Aoguat next, the. and there to plead (aid replevy, or laal judgment will be entered against him, and th. property levied on eon doatacd te tna aatrsiaciioa 01 " pianmn t re ..rv. Wltneaa. Beniata!a H. Blount. Clerk of ear aaid Coart at Ofbee ia Nashville, lb tod MT ML Moadar of My. 1". Moaaay fl L BL0UNT( Ci c rj. Price df. 5 l fitcojnmenJtJ by thi Mtdtcal Family. Doctors Ilarreir Me4e"e. tau TUEIR JLXTt-IllLUOUS TOMUTO PILLS. , , , . Tkete pill eapply lb. place ef eadeatel aad arc . aerlaia aara lor all diteaaea af iba beer, k. iitbMt safwntt af tarer. di bi.at aowc- ioas. aad ewerr other malady mnaraw a eataar li. or brisk opcraue aad tk aid of aiurativ Sfrukin jurriDisPBrrw sup. PEHT ELM PILLS. Tkete pillt are a aore and aerunt retsedyfor indigettion. They geatly opea aad gra Mnegta to th. bo.ela, reator. the appetite by ten parting tone la lit. tonaaa aad by lb tinaeiy at. tc rimit aiweka ar. preventod. -They. Bravo ae. dinner pill ad are mvaloabl. ia diaeeae peea liar la female aad children. ' ' The above prepar at ion t are bow patranHaecI hy the profettioa and other of tb. higheal reapee. labilky, and are giving daily proofs of their aa uerior iolrmai. wirtac. Tbete aonstrleralloos, therefore, give them a claim to the aosifideaee k patronage of the public and pliyaicianageBerally. The respectable cerlificaics of Hi. lolloamg gentlemen are given a tettimouialt ia thetr favon Paaquotank eouuty, N. O. 1837. To all whom it may concern. Tbia i to cer tify, that I have witnessed the, most alutaryel lectt proiluced by A. k J. Harrell' Aati-D)-pepiic Slippery Elm Pillt, ctpeiially m dpspep tia, and that without pain or uneasmej and do not hesitate In recommend them to the public at an nncommunly pleasant and utel.l medicine. In te.tnnar.v of that confidence, gentlemen, I with ) ou to forward me a thousand lorthwith. Ketpertfully, THUS. MITCHFXW M. D. aaaaaaaaaawaatai - From ll irallo N. Williams, Justice, of th P. ace: ' Elixabelh Cilr, X. C. 133. Dicltr, A. ZJ J Harrell: -I have the past year made Ireqnent use of yonr Antl-Dytpepli Slipierv Elm Pills, and find them a moat valua ble medicine: ther nrodhce the most beneficial effrett on my system, whenever 1 have bad occa sion to use thrrn. UrliMJttfully, htiUATIO N. WILLIAMS. Prom the Rev. Jamet A. Ri'Miek, Itinerant El der of the Mcliio.liit Epiteopal Church. Klisabetli City. N. C. 183. In teiifying to the tirtuet of Doctor A. k J. llarret' 1 Anti-Dytprp hj Slippery F.Ira Pill. 1 leel fiey to say, that I have used them in several instances aiili consMleiable benefit. They ope rate jilrasaittly witliput Bauaealing the stomach, and in my nan cat., they have been entirely tu eettltil in removing the symptoms of dyspepsia. I regard tbeie pills an excellent medicine, and should be kept in the house of every family. Respectfully, JAMES A. RIDD1CK. From Mr. Cliarle Harrell, a respectable Mer chant. Rliaabelh City.N. C. 183S. Gentlemen Thi ia to certify, that I believe your Anii-llillinut Tomato Pills to be a good and genuine mrdieine, and that they contain all the qualities far which they are recommended. I have used them in my family in several eases, and they have proved effectual in every inalanc. Your, Ste, CIIAS. HAiiRELU From a retpeetahl. citizen ol Pasquotank eo. Gentlemen -Thi is to certify to the efficacy of your Anti-Biliooa Tomato Pill. In a recent attack of liver affection connected with derange ment ol the lung their use wss attended with the most salutary leaulta. 'I bey operated prompt ly yet with peculiar mildness, reducing lever and elraring the stomach and bowell of their morbid Milled. Tlhiiik litem a ttuiertor medicine and recommend them without hesitation to public no tice and patronage. JOSIAH PRITCHAHD. From Mr. Cliarle Bright, larmer, Pasquotank county, N. C, 1SJ8 To all whom it may concern. This i to eer--" that I have taken lloctort A. k J. HarrelPt Anti-liilioiis Tomato Pill with great benefit. I have been always subject to sick headache and have found but little relief by the remedies 1 have resorted to. Hy the use of your pill, how. ever, I have reatixed much advantage, and 1 think by their further use that I thtll be perma nently cared. They merit universal confidence. Respcctlully, CHAS. RRIGHT. Prepared m Elizabeth City, N. C. by the pro- Iirietart and principally transported from Nor oik, Virginia. For aale at the Drag Store of W'm. 71. Naion fc Co. Uuleirk, JVtrth Carolina. July 15, 13. 3Q FIFTY DOLLARS ItEWAKDi R NA WAY from the Subceri ber't plantation, in Onslow coun ty, about the eighth of List month, two negro men, HERCULES and SOLOMON. Hercule w.a rait ed in Johnston county, by Ed round Johnson, dea'd. and anlrf hw th. Administrator in IW-. ik. latt in th town of Smithfield, tad purch.aed by me at said sale. He it of rather dark com plexion, though not black, aged about twenty year, and from five feet tix to eight inehct high, ataul and well ma.le W ttrenirth. He I bo doubt lurking about in the coaniy where he wa raited. Solomon wa raited ia Wke county, and purchstad by me at th. tale of Uennet T Blake, on the 21st December la;. H. ia af light complexion, though not mulatto, aged a bout twenty two year, and about five feet eight to ten inches high, of ordinary size. He ia no doubt lurking about in Wake county. I will jive the above reward of fiftv dollars for the ap prehension tnd confinement in the Jail at Smith field, lor the two ne(,ioea, n that I get then a gain, or twenty-five dollar for enuer one of them. An) person apprehending one or both of aaid negroet will please address John J. Faro, -PrWnell'I Mills, Onslow eounty, N. who ha charge .1 my business and will attend te the matter. DANIEL U RUSSELL. July In. I5, ftw . NOTICE. R ANA WAY Iron U sk. her on the 6th June, WILLIE lilt'ltFJTE a bound mulat to boy, about II )rar ot are, well art, daik complexion. He ha a aiuile on hit cheek when talking it he i in good bona or. Ha waa firaa ..!.. ..-.J ,tu an other boy the other came hom and t0li where he wa. I went m search of him and found hire at Tar River oa the ltaleigh tad Gaston Itail Road at work, but he run off in my pretence I think it likrly he has gone further toward Raleigh. II hat been going by the name Al fred Moore. I will give five dollar reward for the aaid boy delivered to me or deposited in jail 10 that I get him. All person sre forwarned hiring, harboring or having any thing to do with him whatever under the penalty of th. law J. H. SUMMEHKLL. Halifax eo. Jane 18, 13 - 9w STOP THE THIEF. Slolea from the .t.ble of A. S. Wynne, on the aighl of the Utb inst, oa aorrell horae, eight , ear old, aad about five let high. There arajpm. scats on hi rump, occasioned by bite f fKherorsca, The borae, when .nder the aaddle, bold , high head aad appear grand Any reformatio, will b thankfully received, aad a . liberal reward will b. paid lur ,ht kora. aad thief, or for tuber 1 mile, north of Baleigh.V' C00PER July 18, 1838. J 303, JOB PRINTING " ?ff atlj and rxpeditionilj eiecotcd at this Office. i'- 1 f Tka eraat nooalaHtT aad oatabliahed demand tor tbie wakaaMa sadietaer ssdere the eoetta-- uatioaora lengthy advcrtiaenaeot .aacaetsary. Numeroaa teetlaoaial ef their value (lately re ceived) froat geatleatea of the highest reaper ta- kilily, ha addaioa to taose aeeompaojnig - ko aw ka an on annliaatioa to any of Ihe treat. The pill rBipia a operior style, ia lia boxe eontaming 40 pills, with full direc tion. Price 50 eenl per hoc. Te agent or purchaser the terms of aom mission ad d teouat re liberal. All ooramuuicmiHjaa vain i""r" ly itteaded to, by THOMAS L. JUMP. GenH. Agent fX7 Office, Morgan St Raleigh, 1st door west at tne rresoyieraaa vnurxu To whom tt may concera. At May Torro ol Wake County Court, I wa ippoioled Guardian of Dittia II. Diu.vinaa, Ixlarxl hw a Jurv to be aunt ecmAc aaentif. I, tberelore, hereby give notiaa to the public, that I will be account tble lor no contracts entercu into by biro, nor will I pay any of his debts, but oa tbe contrary, will retiHBlJemn,', ,0 th extent justified hy 1. ' THOS. Y. WRIOHT, Gtisnlitu. Fiaoklia Co., July 4, 1838. S9 4 DRDOS 4c MEDICINES, Sig-t of tb Ooldtrn Tlortar. VTRL. BS. MASOXT & 00- Having purehaaed th. entire atock of Messrs T. 8. Ueckwith k Co. bare commented the APOTHECARY butiac at the aland formerly occupied by them on Ktyelteville Street, tetotd door north ol W. k A. Stith, where they bate just received a further supply af Drugs, Itlcdiclaea, Gin, Oil, Paints, Dje Stuffs and Per fumery, ton-ether with a general assortment of Fal.VCr ARTICLES. which they will ditpotr ol oa the most reasona ble term. ' Merchant and other can be furnished with patent and other medicine oa a ret to cable lermt they can be got touth of the Potcmat. Person would do well to call and exsmine lor themselves. Physicians at a distance, who may (avor us with their enter, will htv then promptly attended to No pnm will be pared ia (electing Chemical tnd Pharmaceutical pre parations, aa they are determined that no medi cines but such as are genuine, shall be sold by them. One of the Firm having been brought up to ihe business, to which he will give his undi vided (Mention, thereby (voiding (host fatal mittake that too often occur through incompe tency orearelettless, tkey hope, by strict atten tion to buiieeaa, to merit a share of the pablie patronage. February, 1888. 10 tf IDEIHDON ACADEMY. The Exereiee of Ibit instilutioa will clot for tbe firs: Session by a Public Examination, to be held an Thursday and Friday, the Itthind 15th ol June. Parent and friend are invited to at tend. The second Station will comaaenee on Monday, the 85th of June. The Subscriber' house will Mill be open lor Boarder, an Stu dents, at the usual price of 7 dollar a month far bosrd (Students furnishing their own lights,) Tuition, $7 50, $10 and f IS SO the Session, aeeordiug to the Medic pursued. Headonit limited tix mile North West of Louisburg, on nine from the Stage road. The Subscriber would pre ae nt the following advantage of Ihe institution, to wit: itshealthy and retired titaa tioo, a neighborhood ol moral and indutrioat people, and good wtter. JOHN Y. HICKS. Hemdon, Frank in eo May SI 21 eow3t State of North Carolina, Btrtie County. In Equinty, March Term, 1838. Petition to tell land. Samuel Powell aad other, Plantifls "' -- an() Carter aad wife Elixabelh, Defend acts. In thit case, it appearing to the aatisf action of Ihe Court that Carter and wile, oae of th Heir at Law of France Powell, late of thit county, are not residents ol thi State; .it it there for ordered that publication be made m th Raleigh'Star, for week, lhal they be aadappear before the judge of our said Court, to be held for Bertie county, at the court house ia Windsor, oa the Sid Monday ol September next, k plead, an swer or demur, or judgment pre eonfeo will be catered against them, and Ihe cause heard ex pr te, tnd a tale of land d'creed. And il it ordered accordingly. Tet U 8. WeBb, C. k M. E. Wind tor, May 88, 1838 H6v PROCLAMATION Iiy Ihe Governor ef No. Carolina. "treat, by an set passed at the last acter-m of th (U-neral Aatetnbly ol thit State, entitled "an in act pre scribing the mod. of turret in r and telling tbrtiandt ef thi Slate, lately acquir ed by treaty with the Cherokee Indian," it it made th duty or the Governor, upon Ihe re turn .1 th. Map and Field Hooka af saM ar vey.totbc Several placet a preaaribea hy "! art, to iatuc hi Proalamalion ot the ties, and place of sale, and whereat, tbe laid Map and Field Book bav beea returned acceor dinelv- . ,..! K,,r, B- Do'lley. Governor af North Carolina, ia obedience te said set of As sembly, do hereby isu tbit my Proclamation, giving eotate that the tale of aaid land will commence at the Towa af Franklin, ia the eooaty ol Macon, oa th. trat Monday in Bptea. ber next, aad aoatiaae tram day to day for lure weeks and ao longer, by and amler the u,rinlrd aad direction, of S. F. Pall so aad Charles L. Hiatoa, Esar Commit tkmert appomled for thai purpose, agreeable In ika uaihimu nl tk. I.l . 1 IN testimony whereef. I. E Ed were tiaL. ! a. uuoiey. Uuveraor, ate,, have oauseo mc Ureal Seal af tk. "M' lb Great Seal of the Bui. ta be hereanto affixed, aad signed th same Mr day or May , ia the yeaTof o-T uf EDWARD B. DCHLEr. . V ?t,-f"-8,,,J,rJ' Bworda'xeu,, Colaabat Telesaope, Soelbera G. ) kaeord LvBcbburg Vargiaa,., aad Kao.cil. Knitter! will cash uteri the above, weekly, said day of tale. " , ' (p-H. IF. JHILLEB haoretnoT. ed hit office lo that of the Superior Coart Clerk, m tb Coart House, where he may he loaad. R.lcigh, fie. 1, 1837 Af "i J- 1 , a If O-TU tear, haraVI io July oei; WILL BE SOU), by JoLa Mea.cse f'.li,I.Li fk. ai-.J. I Tract a of or eo muck thereof aa will teiiify the Taxea for IB aav at Jim, l3. Araattroor r'raoklia U 4 Atexaader Joehoe per vif. . .... 110 1 Aieiaanar oasey Alexander Hartaoa Aadersoa William Alexander Kichard Alexander Joha Cant lOUi Si6 3 8 100 8 & I 63 91 . Alasaatte' Cardaee htir mi Arcatlrong Uuatell Alltock btepbea v Alleoek Fredrick Alcxaauer Corneliut Antley John Alexander Zeabariah BodwUl WiHaam Batmoad Oaniel Jr B almond Joseph Sr. Bashighitt Joeph Barne Joseph Brkkhoute Simeon Cooper Niehodemus Craddock William Craddock Jolia Cahooa Joseph Cahooa John Short Cali'ioo Iter 100 3 35 S76 71 3l 81 1 1 1 1 lOtl SO 86 156 8! 4 8 8 10 3 8 7S0j .601 50 74 aVI8 150 SO 1 5 78 1501 850 1 Cahooa Turner (of Wa.) 8 3 3 Uahoo Kcubea Cahooa Burton Cahoon Kbeu Ccwel Terrcnee DaviiMarr , Davis Levin Dsvenpurt John Fash Lurana Hill Susan Haikint Jamea heir Itultoe Joseph U. 325 365 75 1 -SO 7t 101 1 95 80 5f "I 45 50 8 67 I I 1 55 44 lOOj 31 do tor Joshua Swan's heirs ;tf5 llttsel Bailey 3 The following tracts of land beinr unlisted I PertMss'Kaasca. laert! J "" tuut' Naetee. Lgtj iU, land will come forward and pay br July e.iurt, or the lands will be aold lor lav.ee: Jaint Itaakt, r. and jr. 15 acre, tax, f7 Htrdy Bank. 10 aeret, tx, fJ; Jamet Hanks, tr. 10 aeret, lax, JfN Jamet Riddiek, 10 acre, tx, nine dollar; M illiam Uauxhtry, 10 aeret, lax, I J dollai t Joshua Hobertson, I0aer.es, tax, ,13 dollar; Joeliha Uoberttou, 10 acres, lax, 3 dollar. Will be old by JOUV McCLEKSK. Sheri.T. 86 4w : flwricfi. ftaVe ol liivnda and Town lota lot Tar,8. WILL BE SOLD, in Irent of the Coort-House door in the town of Plvmonik ik. .k day of July next, so much of tbe following: tract pay the State, County, Parish, Jury, Bridge and Pertooa' Name. Ni acres Thomas Arnold Hardy N. Spruill' heir Jets. Everett' heir Benjamia Fiadley'a heir Jotiah Flower eitate Jamet Freeman Abram Harrill Lovick Harritoo't heir Benjamin Jonct' ealate Thomas Joliasoa't ealate Wiley Jooet Joha Jooe ..John Armiitcad't heir Stark Armittead't heirs ' John I). Ante 1 Richard Corprev W Haoa Cot prw Silas Murray Joha T. Merri Morris Moor Samuel Newberry Jamet Newberry y. Joha Peek Elikim Powell Abiaha Prhchctt Thomas Southerlaad Carr k Seygau Sleight k Sevan Mary Spruill Kexmh Turner Abner N. Vad Joshua White Edmund Wtndley Jacob Wilkerton Alia Wbit. Solomon B. White Kdmuod Andrew Rebecca Adam , David Ambrose Wa. Bowia of Beaufort eoaoty Mile Hateraan for toa Jame Migaeunor Thi th 86th day of May, 1U8. 80 875 185 SO 63 830 716 A. 586 1 1801 593 - i 70 100 114 164 O 15 831 85 36 7w It. IT - .".AY.t GREAT EXPEDITIOItT. The Raleirh and Gaaton Rail Road Cemnanr bawa the pleasure to announce lo the publie lhal Ihe Bridge over the Roanoke and twelve mile of their Hoed being Sniahed and ht ilailv use, lor the trauporttioB of person and produce, they now term, tiate the completion ol Ihe Kail Koad between Richmoad and Peiertburr, ontinu- ou line of rtilwty eommonieation from Littleton to the North. Ie (be coarse of a lew weeks, a- boot 30 mile more of their Kail Road will be ready, when a Locomotive will daily leave Chalk Level Hendertoa Depot J for Ihe North, instead of Lit I let on t at present. I lata I the Urest mail route, and ihe dinereoi Rail Koad Com panic now run their daily mail line from Unlet on to New York in 39 hour running time, or including all itoppage ht les than 48 hours, without the lost of a tingle aigbt'i tleep. 1 ravellert from Greentborooth. Salisbury and Ihe Wester informed that, try taking thi route, they will reach Washington City 84 hours ahead of any other line, avoiding at tbe aaoae time about 800 mile of Staging and tbe loss of two night' deep. I an i the plestaateet aad most expedition route to Ibe Vrgmie Sprtnj. A first rate line of Coaehet it kept up Irom Littleton through to Raleigh, where the main Western line Inter sect it and where it anite with Ihe great South era mail lia. to Fayetteville, Columbia, Au gusta and Charlestoa. liT e Kaleigh Register, Salisbury Watch man, Greentboroogh Patriot, Fayetteville Ob server. Kooxville Reeister. Cbenw Gazette. Columbia Telesaope, Aogast Courier, aad Milledgeville Journal will insert once a week ool il 1st of August, and forward their account t to in omee, ntlne Kaleigh UeesMer. Rjuiegh May 13, 1836 22 llw fniLaLSBOROUGII ACADEMY. 1 be mil aetiioa wdl aommeo. oa the 9th of August Classical Department ? W. J. Bingham, Tuitioa $81 per session. Joha A. Bingham. English Department ) W. C. Suttoe, Taitioa $18 per session, j Joha McAllctter. Frettab Department . , , Tuition $3 pcVmoaih. ,e" OdeadliU. The) etudeat ia Ihe elaeaieal departmeat re ceive regalar mrtreatioe its Spelling, Reding, Wriliaf, Arithmetic, Knglish Grammar, Geo graphy, Cemposilioa aad Deelamaliou, without eatra charge. ' Jatva 1 . 86 S Office Raleigh etc Gaston Rail Road Coh JIuy 13, 13S, 30U 1 50 J 199 I sou 1 8700 I 80 I 0 " ISO 116 I 304 A 890 I' awaanraaxaasaaaTjawjaacajT..! e By Order af the Board or Director, 1 al.all offer at Public Sale, for aash, at th Court House ia the) Cky of Raleigh oa the 8d Monday ef July next, all the Share of Stock hi thi Company oa which the Instalments now dae ihtll aot be paid, before th irst day of Jaly neat GEO. IV, MOKUECAI, ree'l. Raleigh, May 83, t3 88 if . the Ceait IUaa Tbiithe ear Zebuloa jfa" Patrick OrLitwsaoa Eaet Locua Hatvey - . " My rack W eon. MalCirry Joseph jr Mwuuor P for Bupr Nicholas John Owens William Owes Ammo. Owette Edward Oweat Charlci Owen A mo Overton Benjamin Otcrtoe Franc it Overton Piiscilla Payne Edinond jr Pay ne Etlward sr Khotie Simeon Spruill Samuel Urn Spruill Simeon Spruill Joshua Sawyer Pcledg Spencer Benjamia Smith- Enoch Smith Zebedee Sike Asbcl Speneer Mnlgett .Sawyer Mark Swam Jeremiah Swain Uriah Sample Edward Tarkintoa William - Tweedy Joshua T all r.eorge W . Vanliorn John u 80 '3 1071 171 It. 86, -! 189 i 48; 156 6fii 80i 55 Ji 750 Ui tv 40 8 9 40 40 68 4i H 68 7 au 7 T 5 o 5 45 3w 7 tt 8 85 i 5ii 64 0 OS 85 4 on 75 a at 60 4H 65 651 65 501 81 80 45 31 40 Sfi 65 05 IMS W. o, 1880 70 88 185 50 1 80 75 ' 54 10)1 38 81 80l 40 05 68 89 White liar ory 80 8 in the count nf Tt rrel. an henB i-wBiM tai.1 of Land and Town Lots aa will be tufncari.t la Town tax due thereon lor tbe year 1836, imv- Whom adjoiamg kc. ' iCia. l Alexander Daveupoit and othsra Demptey Spruill antiolbert Hardy Everett and others Wm. L. C lies son k other. 1 1-8 ? town lot not known. - j 1 lows lot No. not known (lideon Alexander and otber Stown lott no. 135 Josrph Garrett and others 1 towa lot no. not known John U. Cheeson and ether InUreenHill -Not known 7 town lot not known 8 lowu lot not. 100, 101 In Green Hill ''George Niehollt and other Hardy Ayr and other I towa lot nc. not knowa F.letter Moor aad otber Not known 6 8 l 40 M M 40 to IS ! f 7i 5. i II 38 81 41 58 in 88 86 86 84 13 30 69 87 88 o 41 il 4 . 18 88 80 67 6x4 10 0 74 86 8s ! 1 I 4; 41 8' l.f' ideotAJ.-.r-'ider aad ether 1st4 0",m "V aad ether sad W War -anu and others yilt ueirs ana oilier 04 and Mher Itfa'a heir aad etbere heir aad etbere 4 aad other il other d ether ad ether olher Uttot knowa 87 DR. W. M . ItIAItSUALI) Ointment for the ltliuct Piles. b This i'nvaliiahla) . -n..l I ' - tear before the public; it virtue aad eSracy ave been well lealeil, and, ie numerous inctaa- cwa, in in. raoai aggravated Immt or Ibe ditrsae. " wumnry case nat a aeea knowa la kail ia effecting a core. Many very reanc-ctahle per sons be borne testimony In it r fficaey i among whnm i, il.- tlm w a e:.i- ... .l v, - Church, and Editor of the Conference Journal, Who. IrOm h ia awn .t.-r-M-a .....l commend it to the public "i aura, aeaxxa- sn.. simuui axBtar.." - It mar be had at ih- Kim. ,.f 11 Tllrrm Agent, Raleigh, N. C ' 923 REWARD. Ranaway from the subscriber, n tbe 4ib January, 1138, a aegre man nameil JLFItEti. lormerl Use property of Charles A. Hill, deceased. He is no doubt in ibu neighborhood where i bo said lliil formerly lived. T he above re ward of Tweniy-five dollars will be given to any person who will deliver the laid boy Alfred to me at my rrtidi noe, its miles west of Louisburg, or enafiuc Lira hi Louts burg Jail to that I get him again. (j- 1 would give a description of the boy bull have not had him sufficient length time to observe or recollect nv particular marks, WM. M. 8LKIK.K. Frsnklin o., N. C. Feb. 8. 1838 8 ll The celebrated English Rate Hone FLEXIBLE, (Bred by Ibe Earl of Kgremotit) by tt halt bone, dam Themi by Sorcerer, f purchased of th Earl of Eg re roc t for lh King of Pruttial her dam Hanna by Gchar.na. Ilstastutng Bird (tiirerioCaiharina, Colibrie and young Camilla the dam of Mandaae and Allegretta) by Wood, pecker, Camilla by Treaiham, Coquetle by the Comptoa Barb; titter lo Regulu by the Godol phia Arabian. Whalebone, the eire of Flexible, Ie bralber te Whisker. Wnful, and Web, by Waay-dam Pcneloic by Trumpeter, Prunella by llinhflyer. Promise by Snap. Spectalor' dam by Partner. In Flexible i thu unhed the bed blood ol Matehrm, Herod and Eclipte. FLEXIBLE woa nine race when three years aid (including a .up nf 4 mile) and ha beaten Lontwairt, Dr. Fauatus, Artchra, Geucral Mi aa, Signorina. AVhhtington, Dtwertry, Lnabo roagh, Maaame, k. Flexible Mood m Kng bad at clevea sotereign (euual lo S3 dollar.) He it full 11 band 3 bicuc high, with great muscular pnwertraud lor nice proportions i . .nailed by few. He i one ol the beat ana of Whalebone, descended from tbe two brat Art- a-ilhoot ao onlatbioiiau! crot. n i ( pea, , aad tern per 1 equal lo any horae ol hit He i bow at hfa (Unlet, The eeesoa will sense lb 14.1 It day of February, or earlier, fiired. For the particular of hi running it of hi enlte m England, see hand biliit 'TsawUach shall he liberal. EI)V. 11. CARTER. Va-!. fkl if . I I ! .1 .1 ,t1 Hssscl yaaapa I ""I cat .h Hathaway Nathaniel I leoj f) Tf ""I traap ieooioa t ilia si t T k 1 1 mKmT a? r, V- f it n bed rinrnr. Tb tav.r bait W a U , a (taste Utah') 7 aaaWe Kjaeex m-m ef rtwai lanky, a awaary a.-..-., oawad eta e Use. Lnfaa, eve pmmml taMitdiaaiatamwalw Pi rata. tVcsraag aa yam! i 1 1 mm $T i u aahe aparfajamati Mr. attavat raw. tWa. erseUwacy Hcaaaw ta W M4e 4aaW-asW8a Oaat wdl he laaWw. . , PKTtVat rWTfl. "ake ee. May tl, IU8 tt l coiciiL?!, muoi ttii:i aid nt t;t.ira. The StHwcvhwr la aa hand aa , anaOJaJaa tsSftTaatf! WIMV 99f whtah wdl. he sbtsAa. bee a "T swtmhawaarwat ailMiwtaa e t. -.a raatrd I be etaiMajHy aawt sm a ea an st tsmrwbl larwas aaal so saWka f k m wiahine s, mffif BbawaasNea, wttt aaaaanoMl aatdja Jg tu Ikewiaasiaa. 1 tj. trm m Raleigh, May tl, I US Kew adl fteWMMaM CaaaeaaSea. Wc bavyjud reatvyd mm an Xortai usm supply wf rw ta,t rttmontata: Which sitoMmUwatniisnfltiiit, attune, t ktr at k saa.at p.iH . lirtnJ Cl-ds. tvr (Wavitt, aery seperiwe aalitj, Maalin. t'ambrul. Lacra, A. nf rvrrj drat riptiM. . Lawn. liaxra). TtiliO$, .. nil Slitrtiitx. Domeattc OuwJ fvrt ett assl qtalily, HartJwMw Mil Cotlrrr, Jg m lie'ffr ' PUlls, FfVavaenl aaJ Mfrr Cat file. (Jenlleiue, fiae "idataarr 1 1 ate. a BrtTer, ayrikilijr wajle S awe, A full (apply sf UeviMawi t'a so larw a- titvall -, While lit! I aa l'U. Vhtm ml t firtt neat it. SSoct ml rry 4rrriMt, (bar fctewh baaVg paaabaad s.wr tt, a any ef star acigbbata, at4 y-vj.t pavwa at aww, taletrh,Ma lJm f t CIII5IA. iL4 aa4 qi KC- WAIIE. jAmsa a&. tatxoh. 19. fesar Arnttv, ffmr , (k . . I . mm 'mm tf f a !. rcaa.wliwiay Sa tahavt tk eiwawt. aaaf trib.Jtaaaan4i. at nv.i tbaa.kt. I 'acif. or f.im. akTi b prrtely adepi.d sa Haawan .. tt. f.v a, r, isMllaaa rtib Mm. m , ta t.aw,B. ther a ah a ampti i. ee.vaaae t4 nmn aad qna Bad mmm Vkmm, taaaanaM cat baa at, aad h. adswaaw a ta . . thary eats he pewattrrat aa nW t tawd astt. rati t'tmt aad gm aaVa n will be taarasarly aaaaSjaal hy est'kraaww t a (bnhars. ay Inter, ajrwaaa ire ! 1 s swat aa k. Sallv etnt The p.aentt at hi aid hwads wad the maracaiiiU taaaaaaiy gcawntlv, as t .f. Nwrtb taralaaa, t ts tjaa' aaad. XcasrUMla. taew lawa, im mm RAIL ROAD IUff.. The awkaniW n ta tata-art Itms law wava, aVItctwd Sa ay at tkc Alt at New Oilr.m aa tbe aawa in m m. jmsi vt, i-stur Ptuladri,4,al. Java. I. U t aaaJI awa. .1CW ABCilTiri LGOwlrk, pom ju.ye. JVLr.i.o.n t.i nr. ia UmnA twvttwl areas the Cy at Java ., laava p baaed as iniiian d as. aAnMC, A iview anal keaMtlalaarieanM r aaa-r tVeaesela, Itraigned prwaaattrf Saw the SaaaiSa aat Jwata, July and Aagwati a hits, aw tag to ste plwaiar ia the attaty tkeaaWt, Van bwa-agw saw tasnrkaaVly thiiap. and wan) taaai yavaxly aa aW put.d ad h, at prtwre t. iniri.a I. Ga-aihraa and tataltra. dtatl m i tag theaaaclve abb New, tUta aad I Im.4, will da well la sail ead t.iainia kia riaiw, eyn siat'ng in rt. aa Mlwaai : . Fine llrod Clt'is. ! I'iti-rr, of rTi-rytjIvtrftf culs tir, S pr. . FftjsU.lv AtssiWjtvb. Crape Camlilrlsand I'eai.surtra. riain. Plaid anJ Striped II, ,!!;. Si!k, Satin anil Mrrtail'.re t li,g, Splenilid Silk and 9atitt, Satin Ldiatt ami Chaliie. . V Krrnch Maslin and Catit-wr. I'rititrd lawna and GinkM, French utked Collar. A Rrrat variety ol Uir.ful Rttu and iJreat Hantlkfrtliirfa, Thrratl lace and Kilpi-g, Linens, Lawntand Tkrrad t'aatk. Swift. Jaikunet and Mult Muln,s. UtHik, lliocaiieil ik Clirckrd Meha, . Stocking, lull" IIre and Clvtvra. Il.iti ami Shncft. JC7 AUo on liand, a fjjraml t(uk f reader made Cliitliinp;, lu ii: I.inrn Cai and ranfatiKiii, " Cltmki anA Over-Cuaia, Frwk and Drra Ilrwatl CloiU Cnata, PniitalrHMirof etrery drbtriptkm, Vrsta and Drawer, Sltirta and Collar, Stock and Boin, &c. !:r. ft. U. SMfTII. Ralegh, May 50, 1838. 3 Cw SIIOCCO 1 nv BwwvenuiT miurnn it ... n. m. m frirada, I list ber Kstabliabatn at basa. m-i c I i. l . . -. - wt.m . ul.l J S.. J was wpencvi hjtihc rwww.. ' i..---w id tit iters on the firat day el June, mat hbe deem it alntnvt unneeetaaiy to ay snt iLisaf ' rrgarda Ihe bralthfulaes el lb warn td II I SurtM:, a Ihry nave Been an inwany aw valaabl meinbrra td tocirty. and their tua diced properties have beea so irv.net.tiy lew ay gv. llemca aad Pliyticatna of bi st rta tnleali ia the "I"?- ... . ... .. ... . rr&k'.-- 1 ae Itaieign ann uasvaaijjIii,jwv'Bv 1 . . : 1 . Kr.i. E-.. -K.l ik- f Vt will salt in nr.. im. ui 1 . v . - - - - r daily by the fourth of July or U and.fc i iheasa somaionalion 01 v unci a, ine o.rw.' - r .-a UHy nut a back Irom the IVpot at 1 will) ' lo theBpri,.,.. ANW )OI1NOV. Wtrrea eo., V. C. June 9. 1 838 4 tl P. 8. There will be a Ball end Party at ibe Spring oa Iba ib and Jib of July, eemsnrmora tiva ot tbe pattage at Hi. Tram on tl nrtt any wiW ol tbe Kalcigh and Caaurn lUil HoaJ. BLANILR FOR SALE HERB.