u Tnrtinre of the !.k are unquestiona ble. Alth m-'i Hi survey are miu isheJ. ihe report presents ' in strong term Ihe a (vantage to be derived tram the accomplishment of the woik. Carolina, and the Uiesareaite ,ur a length of two hundred and twenty ,..i,TUU anil thirty miles, is . r: r n -" r: nearly, unA, in a fewycars, will be 'it.. destitute of lliiei capauic ui-ati . i.!.. ..r -.1 nutans even tue smauci ni v vi The ciniing of those w!l,;" for merly existed, (n I there have been at I -ait as many a ten of them.; has been sea-lily rurfsive. In my opinion, (mi I it U l-rii long au l ileliburatel iforsied. and frequently expressed,) the .unhitf nance of a direct navigable com munication between either Alb-marle h- J'amlioi sound and the ocean is im practicable. .1 purjH.se. in . my final report, to attempt the demonstration of this propoit'ni; and I think I will be abie to show that Ocracoke, the only rilct n'nv capable of admitting the pas sage of coalers, will probably als.i .close jn a few years. This inlet, which f imerly had' thirteen feet at low water urxiii its b.ir, was, last summer, roduc e I to a depth of G feet at ordinary h'"S tides, notwithstanding the efforts -ol the Government to resist the en croachment of the sand u(nn it. By the atoms .f August. -September and 0:ti)b'.-r lat. ttk-sifrrts-were paral yzed. .and lite hope of improving the inlet v abandoned." .,. The Report recommends a connec tion of the trade of the Sound with It .mi furl Il.iihor. asti-rtin!? that It...,,, I.trr cinre flirt ttlLMiicnt of npvrr hail less than 13 or 16 feet on tlie bar of its iidet at hih tides. It has now, perhap, 13 feet at high tides. Certainly it has nearly that depth and there are few bars to the southward of it with more; .at low water it has 18 feet. Anaviga-bl- commu .n.icatiuii for coasting vessels would, thereiore, open for the trade of a large part of North Carolina, at least, one of the best,' and taking the depth f water at low tides, the character of tltc bar, and the lifety of the coast tieor.it, perhaps the best Atlantic har bor south of the Chesapeake liay. " The Report also recommends that a Canal be cut, uniting the waters of the Neuse and Cape Fear .'Rivers, which would suffice to open an inland com 4iiunication fur steamboats from the Dismal Swamp Canal to Wilmington, and to the Ocean. The line of Canal is estimated at 56 miles in length. We anxiously look forward to the iby wln these works may be accom plished. 1 1 has always been a source of grief and mortification o ou chi, zens, that our sea-coast possessed such limited advantages for commercial bu siness The produce of North Caro lina has heretofore found its way to the sea -pert of the neighboring States, to the great detriment and loss of our people. This scheme of improvement, if accomplished, must operate for the better. Concentrating as it will the whole trade of the Eastern shore, and leading il to the marts of Wilmington or Beaufort, a great disadvantage will be overcome, and the commercial in terest of the State he greatl j benefitted. And if the efforts of our citizens to establish a Rail Road line from East to West, should be consummated, and the fertile productions anil mineral wealth of Western Carolina find an easy ac cess to the ocean, our Slate will assume ji new position, a greater energy will be lent to the industry ot our people, anu me tine oi euugi annuo, off their resources., will find check. 7? ffwer. ilrftiinn a lasting Manirctto of the Administration. Narlv six columns of the Globe of Tuesday nisht are occupied by "an mJUicm Ao ilie . People o'.Jke Unilf d. Utalef adopted at jx meeting held at tha capitul, on the 6th of July, at which John M. Niles, of Connecticut, and Charles E. IUyn-cs, of Georgia presided. This document is in the na ture of a manifesto, and is, of course, to be received as an authoritative expo sition of the views ol tltc administration The address, by way of apologising for the inefficiency of the Legislation of Connress, avows that "too much lias been expected from the deliberations of that body." Tlus.it states, is a "la- tal delusion" to cutrd asainst the pro gress of which is one of the objects of the address, it men proceeds io snow that Congress is not invested with any tyjthority to relieve the commercial dis tresses or wants ot the count), and that the people, in times of difficulty Aild pressure, must rely upon their own .unaided ene,rgiet Tor reliel. 1 .The address of these "Republican me,mbers" got .on to denounce a Na tional Bap It as .unconstitutional and alsngerpas. But, as tjjeir opinioos up on ,tb'i P0"1 are tbe utmost impor tance, we qaote their own Unjutge. 'l'hse and .many other arguments of great force may be employed to prove the unconstitutionality of a,Bank if the United jBuUf. JJut whUver may have been, or a te.no w, our several conclusions upon that point, .wejinann imously cpneurin the upioion that the re-efcUblishmentof 3ank of ihe U nited States is unnecessary, inexpedi ent, and dangerous -1 Ihe public lib- 'Ske addwss proceed te a general argument against tha necessity of a National Bank using, howeitr, wt peree'ive. not that term, bul the words V Ba.hk f the UnitjtJ States.' It de pieiithat a JB xnk'isjiecessary to the cor- rection of die 'exchanges, and predicts that, as soon as specie psyment are re- TiHi.e.l til urgent ruinous TirteS (4 CX- change will be so modified as tamount only to the cost of transporttngpecie from dne part of the Union to tie th- iiiiiivt the sun- l reasurv svc"' . . T. . . . . .1 .r Grmit iat t int I to be me utw ' the the party that supports the present ad ministration. It manifests the most decided opposition to the Banks, a gainst whose honesty and good faith it makes very unequivocal insinuations. The superiority of the Sub-Treasury over all other "schemes is elaborately maintained, anil the address concludes with an essay on abolition. Altogeth er it is a very dull, inane paper, tolera tilv well nut tiiL'ether. but destined to plunge the party into still further trou bles. Unit. Chrnn. DrTbuncan of Ohio attempted on the Saturday night previous to the adjournment of Cor.gre.ss. to inflict up. on tlte House of Representatives a speech of thirteen columns, avowedly in answer to Mr. Bund', but the thing was unendurable, and the orator was cut short by the universal loathing of the members. It is now spread oyer tU GloU. The Party became'very resUes un der the effect of Mr. Bond's scordiing exposure of corruption, and they have made two efforts to paralyse its forte. First, Bynum fluttered, and puffed and swaggered, but the facts-were too. stub born and then Duncan undertook to force' out from his air pump, the windy mass that had been collected or com pounded for him. But all would not do. And how. reader, do you imagine this redoubtable Sangrado undertakes I.. ,i a il .. I i n ilia fftlwt liT f ltrti'.l'.i physic? Why by showing off jiiaty ii ue offences during the Administration ol Mr. Adams for winch that rentle.- man was in part displaced the party coming into power proclaiming all the while ".retrenchment and Keloi in."' The present and preceding adminis trations are convicted of violating eve ry p'edge, and of squandering the pub lic money in the most unblushing man ner; and when no other extenuation can be found, the abused and betrayed people are pointed to trtvial onences committed long since by others! One abuse is cited to justify another! Ihe annals of impudence turnish no parallel to this. Jlicli. f'u'g. r VV ntic.ri'a flint I 'mi ffraea 1i.tL appropriated twenty thousand dollars for continuing the improvements upon the Cape Fear River. The channel has already been deepened three feet, and is now much .wider and straiditer than it was before government com menced its operations. .Twelve feet may now be brought, aver the shnalest place in thu cliafKlvl, and w w . reason it three teet have been gain ed why tlie depth may not be increased ad infinitum. We are assured, too, by the Engineer who has the river in charge, that by blasting the rock w hich torms the Mew Inlet Bar any draught of water inMit be obtained. Wilmington Ade. Porl of If ilmington- The Harbour Master has kindly furnished us with the subjoined list of vessels which have arrived in the port of Wilmington dur ing the year commencing July 1st, 1837, and endmj July 1st, 1838. "5 Barques, 173 'Brigs, 200 Schooners, 8 Sloops. 466. lb. '"" From the New York American. S'cof and Ihe Cherokets. Erom a conversation with an intellij'ent gentle man directly from the Cherokee coun try, we learn that all apprehension of di'Bjculty.or disaster fromlhat qua rtecis now entirely removed that one fourth of the Cherokees, or about four thou sand in number, have already been for warded to their future residence in the West,- and that the residue of the na tion, almost to a man, are now quietty encamped under tbe protection of the United States troops, at convenient places fer removal, amply and com fortably provided for; and will be con veyed to their p'ace of destination as abon a the heat tF the seatmr-wtrt per mit. Thus a great and fearful object, though seemingly one of dire necessity, will soon be accomplished, ami proba bly without the loss of a single life. "if any thing can atone for the viola tion of national faith if any thing can palliate the injustice of removing, by force of arms, an unoffending, and. comparatively, a civilized people, from their native homes to a distant and bar barous region, it is to be found, partly in the compensation offered by tlie re moving power, but mostly in the watch ful solicitude, and guarding humanity. by which the act was accompanied.- No laursl which Scott has .acquired, will live so long, or bloom an Freshly round his brow, as that which he has gathered io the bloodless fields of the Cherokee country. He has, in the discharge of the. ungrateful duty im posed upon bim, gained by his vigi lance, humanity, and address, immor tal honac " v .The berolsn of the sword belongs to many to none more emphatically than lo.Scottj but,, a .courageous, enlighten ed, and self-denying humanity, is a higher attribute, and belong "te but few. Uappil.r for the Cherokees, and happily, too, fof the honor of bis coun try, ia the character of ScoU.they hare been found united. COMMUNICATIONS. rr the Star. THE CITIZENSHIP OF GOVERN OR BRANCH. We saw a few days ago another ex- tra JrQm"$heiiffice blJLheJsiandam ton-: taininc a letter or certificate of Gov. Branch trying to show that he is not a citizen of Florida. And how, gentle reader, do you think he proves it? He admits that he has removed his lamily and property to( Florida, where " he spends his winter and springs;" and that he is now a candidate for a if at in their Convention, but that he was born and raised in North Carolina, and on the same plan tation too where " a long line of native bom anceslort lived before ntm," and therefore he is stiil, anil of course must continue to the end of his life, a North Carolinian. How amusing! Why, Pat, the Irish bogirottcr, who comes over here in search of whiskey and freedom, knows better than that; and that a man, no matter where he is born, may be come the citizen of another country. This reminds us of an old story of a foreigner who came to this country and advertised for on American tervunt. A raw Paddy from Cork, just 'caught' anil brought overTn;d his appear ance, and in the rich brogUcOf-Ertn enquired, " Is it your honor that is in want of a sarving man?' "I am in wantol a servant, but I want an Amer ican; pray what countryman are your" 'Och,.l 'am an Amirikin," says Pat. " Indeed; why where were you born?" inquired the gentleman laughingly 'In ould Ireland, to be sure, your honor; but it a chicken be hatched i the stable, must he be a horse?" But to be serious. Does Gov. Bianch really insist that he still resides in Halifax.?,. How much of the last four years has 'he spent there? He spends his winters and springs in Florida." Docs lie spend his summers and falls in Halifax? Is his family not now spending the summer at his-summer house in Georgia? When he was a bona fide citizen ol that county, we re member his summer and fall residence was in Wake county for health. We have occasionally heard of him in N. Carolina, but it was when he was flying through the State on his way to Wash ington or some Northern City, or on his return home. But he still owns a plantation in Halifax. Now he may do this for a variety of reason. It may be. that it is endeared to him ai the de pository of the bones of his kindred, and therefore he will not sell it; or, it maybe that he and long line of notice born ancettort 7 ot which he speaks, have worked it so long and so hard that it i worn out, and that nobo duwtll buy it. But can any man not wholly demented by his hunger and 4A.-I yi" 4flie, aaaa Dial the th - ands of North Carolinians who have re moved from this State within Ihe last four years, and who still own freeholds here, and who return now and then to look after their unsettled business, are, within the intrepretion of the constitu tion or common sense, citizeniand res idents of Xorth Carolina? A locomo tive citizenship, as the Newbern Spec tator says, will not do. He cannot be a citizen of both countries and of either at the same time, as his interest may sujrgest. We once saw a caricature that illus trates our idea. A clerk in one of the Departments at Washington City was, during his residence there, elected a member of Congress from one of the eastern States. A debute arose in the House of Representatives about his residence and eligibility; and the pic ture represented tire poor clerk as thrown "sky high" in the air, with his heels upward, and Ins hands most im plnringlr spread out, and the celebra ted John Randolph, then a member of ..the IIouget and . who hail joined in the debate, standing in one corner point ing that long fore finger at him, and exclaiming " If he is there, he can't be here." Where did the people of Leon (lis trict, in Florida, think Gov. Branch lived when they nominated him lor their Convention? Where did he him self then think he lived when he accept ed their nomination? But Honda, lie seems to think, is wo where. It can't furnish a local hab itation and a residence at ll. It is mere Territory, a Plantation of the United States." " A Plantation'''!!! Why really, Gov. Branch, you have been so lonz away Irom the plain speak ing people of North Carolina, and have ltitf.1. ili1inn at, tatiifl, i.T tlia lAtJi n t - mosphere of tlie palace at Washington of late, that you talk like an bnglish no bleman would about their British East India plantations, and their Canadian plantations. Such an argument does not deserve an answer. And this is what the Standard calls eomolele refu lotion, a nailing to the counter as false, a matter as dear as tlie sun in the heavens. M Florida a plantation belonging to tlie States"!!! and these workies of Un cle Sam entitled io "their infant strug gles to every aid" from this great con stitutional law-giver and profound statesman!!! Really,. Floridians, you must be in a bad fix and hard run for help!, In fine, we are pained and mortified that Johw Bbakch. who once stood so high in our estimation, should now, un der the most extraordinary cxreumstan ees, be coming out ia his own name in handbills and certificates, written by himself, as a candidate for the Chief Magistracy of North Carolina, and ad vOcatm his own pretensions by such quibbling. II u tl.inn. 1. .1..... the li,ic. of Gov. Branch. X look j upon this inurement of hi a downright impudence. " " ...... . ..... . ( fhiio White, the ormer Editor nl the Standard, once said w e we most gullible people on the face of the ! earth; but the people of North Caioli- na can't be caught with such chaff' as this. They will re-elect Gov. Dudley by au overwhelming majority, and teach Gov. Branch that she is no old shoe to be worn 'or kicked offat "wHt'by-any-politicaf gamester. STATE RIGHTS. Fob the 'Stab.' To the Editor of the Standard. Sir, in your paper of the 11th inst. appears a letter headed "Windsor. Bertie Co., N. C. June -2G, 1838." In that letter, among other intended to be smartj things, made known to you, and by you to the peo ple of Bertie, in order to dictate to them who they shall give leave to stay at home, and who they shall -choose to repiesent them in the next Legislature of N. C, it is said the "federal whis have brought . out Lewis Bond, En., for the Commons;" thus intending, bv a combination of offensive terms, with out the least regard to truth or honesty to give the said "Lewis Bond, Eq.," leave to stay at home also. If you, sir, had seen fit to let the name of your coxcomical correspondent accompany his presumptuous communication, you would have spared me the trouble of thus noticing iiis impertinent dictation; and lest any citizen of Bertie should be at a loss to know who this worthy correspondent ofjjie Standard is, it win De suiucieni iq remark m a me. may be met with, on every muster ground pending the election, yea, and at church too, on the Sabbath, assuming to be leader, and dictator to ir?Ti of sense and respectability. I will not lorbear, however, to notice a sign ol improvement in your correspondert. He seems to have discovered that Ber tie has at least one other talented son beside himself; and if he is in earnest in what he says, he thinks seriously a bout sendinz him to Congress; but I am afraid he is not in earnest, or if he . . . . a i is, that he will change his minu Dei ore the time arrives, especially if he dis covers that Lewis Bond, who was "brought out by the federal whig," would be much gratified to see this magnanimous project of the Standard's correspondent at Windsor carried into eft'eet. And now, Fellow Citizens of Bertie, rrmit mc to say something about how was brought out as a candidate to represent this county. To many of you the whys and the wherefores are very well known; but what most be the wonder and amazement of the KJitor of the Standard, after the information given him by his Windsor correspon dent, thus to be told, without the fear of contradiction, that this most talent ed Son of Kertip, ao recently discover ed by his correspondent at Windsor, exerted more influence upon the hum ble individual who now addresses you, ringing hint out as candidate than any other citizen in the county of Ber- 1 1 v . num. ii ma, vc ai..u. are your qualifications, which thould induce one ot Bertie's must talented sons so lately discovered bv the Stan dard's correspondent at Windsor, to gether with many others equally res pectable, who have not as yet attract ed his notice, to bring you out as a can didate.'" I his, Icllow citizens, is quite a delicate question lor me to answer; but as I will not arrogate to myself qualifications which I am aware I do not possess, neither .will. I by a volun tary humility, withhold those which I rbelieve that my fellow citizen. ascribe to me. Then I answer, that there is no doubt it was their confidence in the integrity of my life, the faithfulness with which I "have, for a long time, dis charged the duties of some of the most responsible county offices, and an honest purpose to promote the welfare not only of my county, lut the State of N. C, and my whole country qualifications which are not likely soon (if I am not greatly deceived to bring the Standard's correspondent at Wind sor before the people, nor to sustain him, should he by other means bring himself before them. Fellow Citizens, you are truly in formed how I became a candidate, and the matter is submitted to you, wheth er you will give me leave to stay at home, or whether you will choose to send me to uaieign as one oi vour Representatives and in whatever may be your will in making the decision, I shad cheerfully acquiesce. LEWIS BOND, Windsor, July 21, 1838. GOVERNOR'S ELECTION. The Editor of the "Standard," in announcing his intention to support Got. IIhakch, declares that he "does not regret" the position which he Occu pieu a snore time ago, nor noes ne 're call a single sentence' that he has ut tered, in relation to Gut. Dudlkt. As the reader may be anxious to know what were the position snd sentiments which he then entertained, aod which. he would have us believe, he still cher ishes, we give his own words: It is thought, if the Governor's election Is to be contested on part grounds, at every new term, it would if really distract the repose of the State." "Gov. Dudley ha not ii led hi affice to praotote the growth or in fluence of his put jr. lie has sent no mes sage oor proposed any measure involving the principle of party nor assailed any proposal ,he Dtmoentio ltpubl'cam, so n to put MtUiriU UUTIIIVI1 miwr . l'of Nh BrKj in regard u national politics we venture ttJ predict llmt lie will not wip port an all of . . . .... j . ...1L.I k. Aiwiiiwimn, let him be called by what K.-,. k 'nu.ii "Time was (thouirli fwo fer-tt lot gw S?) when the orthodo 'mocr.c creed i.upiu that State Officer,, weahould I : in me seiecuuii look to their o- nihions-otl State matter; ill choosing A'uri. ot Officer, wlal'do they hold on .Yativnat The Editor note takes the ground thati? We du nptcojncejyelhat we have a l ight to object to any nomtnailo'C'oY'' to withhold our support, simply be cause we had no agency in making iLl The Editor certainly has a right to en tertain any opinion be thinks proper on that question; but we are greatly de ceived, if' the People of Xonh Caroli na are also so much wedded to pany attachments; and so blinded by parly prejudices, as to support "any nomina tion" which politician may attempt to cram down their tlnoats. 'We cannot believe that they will consent to stig matize Gov. Dudley, merely because the Van Buren leaders have thoog'it proper to attempt hi prostration, to advance ;iry interests. The Editor thinks that State Officers should not lie opposed solely on account oClhrir opinion on National affairs. Why then should Gov. Dudley be so strenuously opposed, by those who ac knowledge that there is no question of State policy on which he can be hos tile to the intereits of North Caroli na?" In the correspondence between the Committee and Gov. Branch, mention whatever it made of State matters; the simple question was whe ther he coincided with them in support of the Sub-Treasury project. The Standard, a short time since, declared its belief that a "very large majority of tlie Democratic Republican party were averse to an opposition to Gov. Dudley." Whether itfry wH-Wego that opinion, and now oppose him, be cause they -do-not conceive that they have a right to object to any nomina tion that "the party" may make, or to withhold from it their support,., is a question that can only be answered by themselves. We are told that "there is a time for all things," and the Standard seems to act up to the doctiihe. We remember that this same print , charged, two years ago, that Gov. Dudley's election was procured solely through the agency of the Nullificrs, asserting that his major ity throughout the State would not ex ceed that given him in the Salisbury Nullification District. The Editor, too, thought it his duty to say that the "Nullifying" portion of the Whig par ty always acted in disregard of politi cal honesty, and were fir more odious and, unprincipled than their 'allies.' vi. t flies nre the men wliimi 'I Ut? njirt V. now rely on to assist them in their ps litical designs! Uonstitcncy, thou art a jewel:" Uegis'cr. rilR LATEST YANKEE TRICK. Three French Ollirers and sn men captured by 111 roe American I ar. The town was all agog the whole of yesterday aflernon, in consequence of the arrival ot the schooner Lone, t.apt. Clark, of this port,, from Matamoias, having on board, in apparent captivity, three French naval, officers and six men. - Every body we met had such a droll chuckle and grin on his counten ance, that it was some time before wc could understand what it all meant. However, wc went aboard, saw the mate and received from him (he partic ulars of the affair as fol ows; The Lone left this city some time since with a valuable cargo -for Mati moras. She succeeded in getting into port despite of the blockade; but iu nt tempting to return was captured by the boats of a French brig ofwar the four sailors ami a passenger were placed on .board the U,. S sloop of war .Yanda I j ; and Capt. Clark, the mate and stewai t were allowed to remain on board. A prize crew took charge ot tier, consis ting of a lieutenant, quarter master, captain of the foretop six sailors, nine in all and thus ringed out, the prize was dispatched to the French admiral at Wra Cruz. Thie capture, &c. took place on tlie 25 ill or 28ih of June the mate does not remember which, as he had not the log convenient when we saw him. After getting every thin;, in readi ness they proceeded on their way to Vera Cruz. Ihe French were stran gers, not acquainted with the currents, the coast, the , Northers, ,&c, and the Yankee prisoners blarneyed them so, that they struck much larther to the eastward than was necessary and actu ally made a mistake ol three degrees in their reckoning. The Yankees, how ever, knew where they were and what iney were aoout, anu Kept d nK. At length on the mon.ing of the 4'h of July, about 4 o'clock, the three A mericau tars commenced t' cir celebia tion by a bold stroke for independence, when they were only SO miles from Sacrificious where the French squad ron lay. Capt. Clark, -the mate and steward were all on deck. Thev first took the precaution to lor k the door of the cabin, thus lastenetung in the lieu tenant commandant, and put the hatch over, the forecastle the captain then went up to the man at the wheel, and placing his finger in such a way as to reseotDie a pistol, swore he would blow his brains out if he did not instantly put the helm down. The fellow obeyed and was tied. Three others, who weie on deck, were also "lit on," tied down and secured. Tbe other four who were in tbe furccaitlf, were ordered up and as they came! up one by -crie, thvy ,T.V were tied.' The tricolored Jlag wn rt. ken down, the stars andstripes err again hoi-tedand Captain Claik, after thus so completely re-taking hi vessel without bloodshed, with a, force of three men against nine, resumed the com mand and shaped his course for tin port, with his prisoners strung together like io many dried app cs, where he ar rived yesterday at two o'clock. These three gallant lellows appear to have met with but little resistance. fhey were determined to have posses sion ofKie'vesselr-'-Thw-rwe-'prestnne,'' the Frenchmen perceived at the cuni- JiienceuuMit of hostilities, and conclu ded that it would be as well to submit with the best grace possible. The prizrf was worth about 1525,000 of which 815,000 was IB specie and the remain der in 'hitUs. This was too paltry a matter to fight for, and we think it was well enough that the b'.orkaders 1U- dained to shed blood for such a trifle. The Lieut. Commandant, we under stand, retained possession of the papers of the Lone, but whether he has jet iv. en them up to the Custom House offi cers, we have not icarncu. .r a i e vents, we cannot think that any 'inn. al difficulties, will crow out of the ,.p rair. Our French friends should forget it all, or only laugh at it as a cute trick' of a nature which the Yankees are always up to. It is indeed a most I unli able 'joke, to think f thre men caplur iug nine! iV. O. Picayune. r " K j (i iV T WENT YD A Y S LATER FROM . , EUROPE. Kroro the X. Y. Join Dal of Commerce, Jul; 35. The British Steam-ship UoTal Wil liam, Capt. SwaifKon, waTnrmiSunced by telegraph about 3 ocbick yesterday afternoon, and about G o'clock wc re ceived by her files of the Loudon Sun, Morning Herald, Times, and Shipping Gazetted to the 4th inst. inclusive, and Liverpool papers of the 5th. -Tivo Royat William. wc understand," had eleven day of head winds and gales, and accomplished half the pas sage in seven days. The Coronation took place June 28th, and of course occupiws a great space in the papers, as well before as after tho date ot the transaction. Of general news, there is not much, notwithstanding the advices are twen ty days later than belore received. The Government forces in Spain have gained several freiili successes, and there seems now to be some pros pect that this ruinous war may be at' length brought to clo?e. A declaration of independence was reported to have been made hy Mehe uiet Ali, the Pacha of Egypt, hereto fore tributary to Turkey. The latekt accounts go rather to discountenance the ruoyir. The cholera, or something similar to it, has re-apwated at Her in. It was reported in Naples that ilia King of Sardinia had been vUiied witb insanity. There was an attempt at revolution, in Portugal on the 1 4 .it of June, but without success. THE CORONATION. lAverpool. July 5. Before dawn mti Thursday ('June 28thJ the meliopolia rLoiiilotil was alive to tlie interesting and important transactions, f tWe day, w . . - - . which was Ushered in by the filing f a royal salute of twenty-one t;uns at w quarter before 4 (clock; hi reams of persons were soon after seen hastening to the point where was to be exhibited the gorgeous spectacle, nvd joynuies., happiness, mid loyalty, appeared VaCU every breast.- At 5 o'clock ihe door of the ALbcyweic opened, and many of those having the privilege entered shortly after that time, and carriages' continued to active in rapid oct-cHin, and set down their company, forsevii- aLhu.urSj ten, .anxious ... wete-partie secure seat, that the galleries erected in the open air, in ihe precincts i f tl.o Abbey, were partially occupied as ear ly us half past four. Troops Hud the police were brought out during the morning, to occupy tlie line of route. The proccioii started from the New Palate a few minute after ten. The varied cOiiiuic of the foreign ambassadors and the other indi viduals who formed the processiuii ex cited much admiration. The approach of Her Majesty's state carriage mss the signal for ihe kindliest and most affec tionate demonstrations, and a shout. deep, fervent, and enthusiastic, was sent up from the immense euiblKe; many were the fervent blessings utter tereu as Her Msiesiy gracefully bent forward, acknowledging these many and touching demonstrations of lovii- ty ami affection; and tdic was visibly aQected with these marks of ilevotimi and attachment. Throughout the whole line of route but one desire seemed ! actuate all present that of best ex hibiting loyalty towards their sover eign. ' ' In about an hoar niter leaving Burl ingham Palace, Her Majesty arrived at the West entrance of the Abbey, and was recrived by the great ollicets of State, the noblemen bearing the rega lia, and the bishops, when Her Majes ty repaired to her tobing chamber.- Her Majesty having been robed, ad vanced up the nave into the choir, the choristers in the orchestra tinging the anthem. 1 was glad when they said un to me, we will go into the house of the Lord." When Her Majesty- took her seat in a chair before and below the throne, the spectacle was truly magni ficent. Then followed the recognition. Her Majesty's first oblation, the Lita,